In the Grayscale (2015) Movie Script

- Lube the chain.
- Right.
Dad, are you done yet?
Yes, let's go.
20 minutes.
20 minutes? OK.
- All right.
- Thank you.
Why did you want me to come?
To get you out of the
house for a bit.
It's not good for you
to stay in all day.
But it's not your worry anymore.
What? We're still married.
"We're... still... married."
This "still" sounds like...
a transitional adverb. "Still".
We've already talked about
this, Sole. I need to think.
I'm not moving out.
But you're leaving.
Little by little.
So it won't hurt,
so Daniel and I won't notice.
First, you take all your
things, your clothes.
Then, that bike you've never used.
You'll pick up everything
and leave, I know it.
I need to be alone.
You know that feeling, right?
- Daddy...
- What?
It's been a half hour.
Please, let's go for a ride.
Bike around some more,
then we'll go.
But it's time to go back!
- I'm talking to your mom.
- There's nothing to add.
Let's go get daddy's bike.
What do you think?
I don't know.
- Why did you call me?
- Because I like your designs.
Oh, really?
Or was it the awards I got for them?
I see you've worked ahead.
What do you mean?
I bet you rehearsed having
this conversation with me.
Analyzing, jumping to
conclusions, even telling
that fascist piece of shit
German Schulz to go to hell.
You came, you saw, you left,
the same way you came in.
- Am I wrong?
- No, that's right, more or less.
Bruno, give me some credit, please.
I'm seasoned enough to assess
a project on my awn criteria.
I like your designs because...
They are daring.
Conceptually original. Harmonious.
Let's see, German... Hold on.
Sorry I am so skeptical, but...
I can't imagine your company
building my designs.
My construction company
is about business.
But what I'm suggesting
is about something else.
About what?
Did you get it?
I did.
Who is he?
Fernando Contreras.
A young guy, 28 or 30 years.
Historian. Works as a tour guide,
that's how I met him.
He's young, but he knows
Santiago inside out.
He's street smart and world wise.
I told him you'd get in touch.
Let's go.
- What a nice tool, what is it for?
- To out the chain.
- Really?
- Yes.
Your mechanic is an ass,
adjusting gears is basic.
It was my fault, I rushed him.
- Who is he?
- The mechanic? Does it matter?
I'd like to introduce
him to a friend.
- But you said he was an ass.
- So is my friend.
You won't need that,
let me take it.
So? What do you want to know?
- Me?
- Yes.
Ask me whatever you want.
Where do you think we should start?
Do you always talk like this?
- Well... You're the tour guide.
- But this is a specific project.
Schulz didn't brief you?
He said he assigned you a project
and asked me to help you out.
But he didn't mention
what kind of project.
- And you didn't even ask?
- With him, the less the better.
- Is it much higher?
- No...
We are almost there.
- Nice time of clay, right?
- It is.
Let's cross.
The city?
And the hill... It's unique.
And this is what you
wanted to show me?
What, you didn't like it?
Why is it so special?
It's pretty.
- You like it?
- I do.
I love this place, few
people come here.
Well, it is a mausoleum, right?
Even better.
Dead people are good company.
They don't judge nor complain.
What about you?
Do you complain much?
- You mind?
- No, go for it.
I have a whole collection.
Watch out with that ball.
Here I come!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Danielito
Happy birthday to you!
Daddy, did they all leave?
Aren't you too hot with this?
I am. It's too hot.
I'd kick off the covers,
but then I get cold.
You would. You caught a cold.
Too much swimming, I guess.
I'm also leaving, OK?
You know where.
Toto's workshop. Granddads.
Yes, again.
Why don't you sleep
at home with morn?
I don't know.
I can't explain this
to you right now.
But if you're leaving
there must be a reason, right?
You're right, there
must be a reason.
But I don't know for sure.
sometimes you feel it's not working.
But I'm not sure yet what it is.
That's why I need some time.
Some distance.
That's why I sleep at Toto's house.
To be alone and think.
To clear things up a little.
You know I might come back home.
But maybe you won't...
Yes, it's possible.
But that doesn't mean
I don't love you and your mom.
You know I love you, right?
- Yes, but...
- Do you know?
Yes, but what's the point if you
don't feel good living with us?
Listen, Dani...
Let's talk tomorrow, OK?
You're half asleep.
It's past eleven.
- Do I switch off the light?
- I will.
- What?
- Research.
- Really?
- Yes.
- About what?
- It's for the university.
It's called...
"Differential Historical Diagnosis
of Factitious Disorder..."
"between Subjects
in a State of Perpetual Confusion."
Bruno, I would not be able
to repeat one word I just said.
What do you mean?
What's the research about then?
Bruno, what the hell? It's a joke!
I'm gay, this is a gay club.
That's it. Period.
And what are you doing here?
I was with some friends from work,
it was my going away party, so...
Well, they kicked us out
of the restaurant.
Buddy... Thanks.
Who did you come with?
Friends, coworkers. Girls, too.
Oh yeah? Good.
And where are they?
Well... They left, I guess.
Pancho was wasted,
he was nauseous. He must have left.
- So what, they dumped you here?
- I guess so.
You know what, I'm also leaving,
my friend must be looking for me.
- Of course, suit yourself.
- OK.
See you Monday at 9.
No, at noon.
Just kidding, 9 it is.
9 it is.
My bike is getting fixed, so...
Oh, good.
- See you.
- Of course, see you.
Toto! Toto!
- Good morning.
- Hello.
I used my key.
I thought I should ring the bell,
but I didn't want to wake you up.
It's OK, it's a weekday.
At this hour
I'm supposed to be working already.
I suppose so.
I thought
you didn't come around here anymore.
It's true, but your sister asked me
to make her a shelf.
My sister...
Can I ask you something?
Just wondering.
Since when does my sister
ask you to make her furniture?
- It's the first time.
- What a coincidence!
Nobody wants to control you, son.
Although this whole situation
did take us by surprise.
We don't know what to think.
Me neither.
Coming from you,
it's pretty strange.
Ever since you were a kid,
you had it figured out, didn't you?
Well, these were other times...
I thought you were happy.
So did I.
What happened?
I don't know.
Happiness gets old, I guess.
You mean like me?
You're all right.
can be deceiving, let me tell you.
You do need to quit smoking.
So many memories, remember?
But I don't have money to pay.
- Come on, come on...
- What are you doing...?
Ladies and gentlemen
aboard this bus,
Commissioned by a
worldwide importer,
let me introduce an
exclusive product,
brand-new on the local market.
As you can see, this is a high
quality pair of scissors
entirely made of stainless
galvanized steel.
Ideal to out all types of
cardboard, paper, craft paper.
It can be yours, only for today,
for the amazing price
of 500 pesos.
As the great Joe Picarte once said,
This is no sale, it's a gift!
So the first one of you who...
- How did this cross your mind?
- That's the new way to travel!
Who's Joe Picarte?
Joe Picarte, man,
don't you know him?
Me neither, man,
but it sounds good, right?
Where on earth did
you get all this...
I love seeing you laugh.
I mean, I like you better
this way
than when you talk
about architecture.
- Is this like... a compliment?
- Yes, I mean, I'm just being nice.
- I like your sense of humor.
- That's all?
- We'd better go get the bikes.
- OK.
Or let's go to my place.
I have lunch ready.
- Now?
- Yes.
All right.
I can go get desert if you'd like.
- Let's go?
- Let's go.
Come in.
Over there in the garden.
Right there.
Would you like a drink?
- What's that?
- Would you like a drink?
I don't know, wine, beer?
All right. Beer.
- Brand or type?
- Type.
Let's see... Stout, Amber,
Calafate, Pale Ale, Torobayo.
You don't have all
those beers, right?
- Tell me what you want anyway.
- Torobayo.
- Stella it is.
- All right.
Let me open it for you.
Do you want some?
No, thanks.
I didn't know you smoke.
Oh, that's right.
I quitted smoking a while ago.
Good, it's hard to find some.
No, thanks.
- Are you done?
- Yes.
- What were you watching?
- Your room, your bed.
I meant what film
were you watching when I called.
"Jerry Maguire"
It's crap.
Well, I liked it.
- I didn't see the end but...
- Don't, it's the worst part.
I don't know,
I hate happy endings.
How about now?
Why did you come?
Because you called me.
You stopped by early this morning,
my neighbor saw you.
It's been a while since
Schulz hired me
and I haven't been inspired yet.
Besides, you were supposed
to help me out.
I know...
Why don't you design
a monumental sculpture?
The actual theme or
design doesn't matter,
as long as it's the biggest
in Latin America, right?
Piece of cake.
Or better... Design an arch,
like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris?
No, wait. Sorry.
In this country
we like to celebrate defeats, right?
The same day Grau defeated Prat,
Condell sunk the Independencia.
But who do we celebrate?
Prat. The role of the victim
holds its own glory.
Are you done?
I was thinking about... a tower.
- I imagined...
- A tower! Awesome! That's it!
A futuristic tower! How original!
Ah, we're being ironic.
No, I just want to talk and be real.
Why did you come here?
- I already told you.
- It wasn't enough.
Are you bothered
because I came here?
I hate it, I love it,
I don't know.
It all depends.
I wanted to see you.
What for?
I'm not sure.
I wanted to clarify what happened.
- You kissed me.
- And you rejected me.
That doesn't fill half a page
in my love history book.
And neither does it affect
your straight identity.
You're undefeated, champ.
- What's up?
- Nothing.
What's up with you?
Nothing, let's not complicate
things, Bruno.
Look. I thought you were gay,
still in the closet,
when I kissed you, I felt...
some sort of physical rejection.
So what do you want me to do?
- You didn't insist, either.
- I would never do that.
- No?
- I'm not one of those.
I thought all gays fantasized
about seducing a straight man.
No. The thing is,
I'm a fag, not a politician.
Proselytism is not my thing.
Sorry, I was a bit... clumsy.
No, it's OK. If you want, we play
stereotypes and simplifications.
But you know what?
Love... is not a game for me.
Homosexuality is something
I carry deep inside,
not some stupid erotic game.
Look, Bruno, you barely know me.
Maybe your expectations are too
high. I would leave it at that.
What, now you're
the one rejecting me?
I'm not rejecting you.
- Look at me.
- What?
How long was it since
you last smoked?
Many years, actually.
I can tell.
If you want, lie down on the
sofa, sleep over.
Tomorrow we can leave early...
Grab our bikes and see if I can help
you out with your project.
And we'll see when you're sober
if you say that again.
- Say what?
- Nothing. Never mind.
Let me go get a blanket.
Take some rest.
What's the plan?
I don't know,
take over the world.
- A bit pretentious, don't you think?
- It's a joke.
Just like your project.
You're going to start again?
Why don't you give me
your usual tour?
It's for groups of 5 to 10 people.
Just imagine I am those 10 people.
- Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
- Aboard this bus.
That's for the bus.
OK. Chile.
- Chile.
- Chile.
What does it conjure up?
What is Chile?
A country.
Easy, I was asking the lady here,
who only came to stare at my ass.
So did I, anyway.
Oh, really?
- Sorry, sorry.
- What a shame... Oh well.
Anyway. A country.
And a country is...
- A state?
- Or a nation.
- A territory.
- A society.
- A culture.
- Good job, lady, a culture!
Easy, no need to fight.
If you're so excited,
tell me about Chilean culture.
But don't mention cueca,
ponchos or chicha. As if Spain
was all flamenco and bulls. Do tell.
- Cut it out.
- Easy, easy...
There were many people
It always happens
It always happens but
this is different
It always happens but
this is different
It's different
Yeah! I'm falling in love
Who's song is this?
I know it's for a lifetime
The city has grown...
segregating one from the other.
This is like the invisible divorce,
the city's inner struggle and ours,
because almost without exception,
we all are a mestiza soul...
that has never blended in.
Let's go there.
This time this really is
my own research.
I got public funding
to finish writing it.
It's actually more complex
than what I told you
but that's more or less
the central thesis.
A divorced father and mother,
and a daughter, our society,
who doesn't understand herself,
confused by this father
trying to oppress her
and this mother
trying to undermine his legitimacy.
The conclusion I'm trying to reach
is that we need to bridge the gap.
Or it will be impossible
to build a society
with its own identity,
one we can all relate to.
This whole father and mother thing
sounds a bit Freudian.
I don't know.
What would Freud say about me?
I don't know.
What would you like him to say?
Maybe that...
there's an opportunity for us.
I don't know, see,
when you're gay it's real easy.
Black or white.
If the person you like is gay,
well, there are good
chances. Obviously.
But if the person you
like isn't gay,
well, accept it won't happen,
and that's it. No stress.
The stressful part is
falling in love
with someone who is...
on an unknown spot
on the wide range of greys.
Like me.
Well, I don't know where I stand
on the wide range of greys.
But I feel that...
I like hanging out with you.
- What's that?
- Nothing.
All day on the tour,
with you talking about the city...
A sentence popped up in my mind
and wouldn't go away, actually.
- What sentence?
- It's a bit silly, let me warn you.
- Why? Was it something I said?
- No.
It's from that movie,
"Jerry Maguire".
Ah! My favorite movie.
See, Tom Cruise... At the end,
he is with his girl and tells her...
"You complete me."
Don't laugh!
It's so cheesy, so cheesy!
But it's true... Stop.
Good morning.
Shut up.
- Coffee?
- Not yet.
- In a bit.
- OK.
What's up, Fernando?
This is pretty.
Oh yes! I brought it from France.
- With sugar?
- Yes, just one spoon, please.
When I was a teenager, and I was
already having sex with women...
I was quite successful, actually.
My first time was with a girlfriend.
My second girlfriend.
I felt really good with her.
She taught me a lot.
I felt attractive.
Very masculine.
With her I learnt to be strong,
more confident.
But in high school,
you know how it is.
There's this typical "hump" joke,
a classmate humps you from behind,
and you're supposed
to get all mad...
But you loved it.
I really felt something.
But I'm not sure what...
I felt tremendously guilty...
because I liked it.
What an idiot.
What else?
Then I decided... to go to a gay club
for the first time in my life.
So I went in search of a gay club.
To see what was going on.
Nothing more.
And what happened?
Nothing... I never got there.
On the way there,
I ran into Javier,
a friend who was with
a group of people,
including Soledad... my future wife.
And bla bla bla,
the rest is a known story,
I started this life. Another life.
But you never questioned anything?
Just like that?
No, what could I question? For me,
being with women was also an option.
I got along great with them.
I got on well with feminine beauty.
So it wasn't weird at all for me.
It was very normal.
I was used to it.
Do you want to eat something?
Bread with avocado?
All right.
I can imagine that...
you are feeling a bit
weird now, maybe?
I don't know how I feel,
to be honest.
But I don't want to think too much.
I want things to happen, that's all.
Anyway, one's paradigms of beauty
can change, right?
Just like in architecture.
What about you?
- What?
- How did you know you were gay?
I don't know, actually,
I always knew.
I never felt attracted
to anyone but men.
You never had any problems?
- Or anything like it?
- Like with my family?
For instance.
No, actually, because...
I don't know... My family...
was more dysfunctional
than me, so...
Even more than you?
They couldn't say
anything to me.
I don't know, when I got into
college I started dating boys.
Until one day some kids
from high school
saw me going out
from Club Fausto.
- What happened?
- Nothing, I panicked.
I couldn't tell them the truth.
What did you tell them?
That I was doing research.
Wake up, it's late.
What are you doing here?
What am I doing here?
We settled I was picking
up Daniel, didn't we?
It's four o'clock.
Is he here?
Yes... ah... no.
Well, is he or isn't he here?
I mean, he came for
lunch and then...
he left.
He left, where did he leave?
He's eight, Sole.
He went to meet a friend, Bruno.
He asked me for permission.
Which friend?
Ramirez, I mean Gam...
Ramirez Gamboa,
the mother who called me,
was Gamboa.
For god's sake, Sole.
I told you, this is the only free
day I have to take Daniel out.
I'd be here at four to go for a
bike ride. For god's sake!
What's happening? How long have you
been away from work?
I asked permission
for a few days.
You asked for a few days?
You think you can ask for a few
days whenever you want to?
Marcia will fed up,
she could, I don't know...
- Marcia is my friend.
- But she's your boss too.
She'll end up firing you.
Fine, but I can find a USD 1000
kind of a job in any place.
With your kind of resume that
reads like a police dossier.
If they don't fire you, you quit.
I'd like to eat you!
What's wrong with you? Easy.
You have to be gentle, like this.
Come on, man!
I hate this fountain.
Of course, and I love it.
Can't you see its architecture?
How boring!
It's huge but I don't like it.
To tell you the truth
I always come here.
With whom?
- By myself.
- Yeah, right.
With... my boyfriends.
To smoke.
- Let's go?
- Let's go.
Oh man! You don't know
how tall you are!
I am a little being.
But you're very strong!
Sorry I had to reschedule here,
but things got complicated.
Anyway it's not bad
for you to feel the pressure.
The pressure?
- What happened?
- What does it look like to you?
- A still from National Geographic?
- No, journalists.
I wish! They're vultures
craving for the
blood of their dying press!
- They're suing you.
- Not me, the company.
You know what drives me mad?
We've built flats for years.
Then the earthquake comes,
a building collapses.
Instead of praising us,
rewarding us...
for our good work,
they sue us! Motherfuckers!
German, one of your buildings,
is a lot of people.
The same story again,
I don't want to hear it anymore.
I don't want your opinion.
All I care about is the project.
I want to see the sketches.
The sketches?
Look, I'm still doing research,
working on some ideas, but...
so far I haven't...
Are you kidding me?
I hired you three months ago,
and you're still working on ideas?
Look, German,
what you asked is not easy.
I can't have it ready overnight.
It's quite complex, I need time.
- You need time.
- I do, to...
- You need more time.
- OK...
- All good?
- No.
I need to find an idea, I've wasted
a lot of time... I have nothing.
Let's go eat.
Let's go?
I was looking, look.
Another limit
like the ones you mentioned.
Once these two riverbanks,
where the monoliths are,
were connected by an enormous
stone bridge.
It was the greatest, most ambitious
colonial engineering masterpiece.
- The Cal y Canto Bridge, right?
- Right.
It was a bit over 200 meters long,
11 arches, 10 meters high.
For an entire century,
it was the major city landmark.
Then what happened?
Its length started
to hinder the sewer project.
The first construction work,
in 1888, weakened its structure.
Then one winter the river rose
and destroyed three arches,
which finally lead
to its final demolition.
What a pity.
The only remains
are in the subway station.
- Really?
- Yes.
Let's go see them.
- Now?
- Yes.
Can we go later?
Let's go eat first,
my stomach is singing the Traviata.
- All right.
- Let's go.
- Who's calling you that much?
- Soledad.
And you are not answering her?
A lot of noise
outside, isn't it?
Wait a second...
Hey, Carlanga!
Turn down the volume!
Is workday tomorrow!
Right, so besides being
a faggot you work...
Drop it man,
turn the volume down!
Tell the curly guy to come up here!
Right, thanks!
OK, just a little bit of folklore.
I have to go now.
I'm going home, OK?
I need to think.
Hello, Sole, what's up?
All fight...
OK, I'll be right over! Bye.
Hi Dani.
How are you?
How is school going?
What's wrong, why those faces?
What is this, a funeral?
Dani wants to ask you something.
What's going on?
- Ask me.
- It's just that...
When I went to the bathroom
over at Ramirez's house...
I overheard his mum
talking to his dad...
And I heard what she was
telling him.
I didn't mean to, I swear.
- What was she saying?
- You're going to get mad?
Why would I?
Honey... Just ask it.
It's not your fault, don't worry.
- What's going on?
- Well...
His mum was telling... his dad...
that she saw you
kissing another man...
Is it true?
Dani! Dani, come here!
Is this why you left?
- Is this why...?
- I heard you the first time.
Now you know how it
feels to be abandoned!
What are you talking about?
I never abandoned you!
That's not true.
You stood me up at the church door.
Shut up!
But I came back to be your wife.
Easy for you, you wanted to
be with someone... who...
Enough! Enough.
You don't need to defend yourself.
I'm not attacking you.
I just need to understand
if it's true.
Or if you're confused. But I deserve
to know who the hell you are.
What are you doing here?
You're not inviting me in?
I've been trying to reach
you all week.
I emailed you, didn't I?
You did, but I don't get it.
How did your son find out?
His best friend's mum
is a Court Judge.
You can figure out the rest...
Damn, I'm sorry
he had to find out this way.
- Yeah...
- It's my fault being impulsive.
It doesn't matter.
I can only imagine
how you must be feeling...
You can't imagine
how I feel, Fer.
Or else you'd know I need to be
alone if I don't return your calls.
You wouldn't be making me
to reject you now,
which is the last
thing I want to do.
I just came to see how
you were doing,
because you haven't answered.
I'm doing great, thank you.
All right?
Waiter? Yes.
- Yes?
- A sangria, please.
- A pitcher?
- No, just one glass.
Doubts come in when the
relationship wears out.
With the wearing out
comes the emptiness.
Incredible, right?
You get up one day...
and you start wondering
if you're living the life you want.
And this simple question
can destroy it all.
Just like that. In a split second.
That's when you start digging
deep into your life, looking back.
Asking yourself when,
where exactly was the turning point.
- A different direction, a path.
- Right, I understand, but...
discovering a new place
doesn't mean you have to stay there.
The question is, do you
love... this man.
The same way you loved Soledad?
I don't know.
The only thing I know...
is that when I'm with Fer,
I feel so happy, so... calm.
I don't know, we all grow up buying
into this rigid romantic tale,
where the characters are always a
man and a woman, always.
I don't know
if I can escape that mindset.
Well, I don't know either.
But... without love...
it's meaningless.
I... I don't judge you.
You're my grandson,
and I love you more than anything.
If I can give you a
piece of advice...
If you... If you're going...
to break away from your past...
you'll need to be...
to give your life some meaning,
do you understand?
Because if you don't,
you'll be eternally split.
The Bruno who always was
will get in the way of the new you.
Do you understand?
It's OK...
- Pull harder, come on.
- No, wait.
If he pulls, I can't clip it here,
love, not yet.
- Your mum is right, hold on.
- There you go.
All right.
Your turn.
Come on, come on!
Do you need help?
Dad? Why didn't we
bring bigger tents?
- Sorry?
- Why didn't we bring bigger tents?
What do you mean?
We already had these small ones.
With your dad we used these
on a road trip when we were younger.
It's true, we went around
half of Chile.
So show some respect
to this tents!
But... they just look pretty old.
What's with all the
complaining, huh?
OK... This one is ready.
Look, come and try it out.
Dad, if there are two tents,
who is going to sleep alone?
- Would you like to sleep alone?
- No, I'm just wondering.
I can sleep alone if you want.
I would like
you and mum to sleep together.
- You would, or she told you that?
- Mum didn't say that.
Dani, did she tell you
about what happened?
Yes, she did...
- What did she say?
- That we all need to be happy.
- And what do you think?
- I do too, we all need to be happy.
But, you got involved with somebody?
Why not?
Because I'm more of
an idiot than you are.
- Sole, I wanted to ask you...
- No, no. Wait.
No, turn down that thing...
The question you'll ask has to be
with the flash light on you...
Otherwise I can't see your face and
I need to see your face Bruno.
All right...
I wanted to tell you I'm sorry.
For all the suffering
I've caused you.
To you and Dani. Truly.
I'm sorry that you don't
understand a thing.
How come?
I left you alone at the church.
I left for two months.
I came back...
and you forgave me.
- Well, that's what you wanted, right?
- Yes.
But I don't understand
why you did it.
Why do you say this now?
That's what you wanted...
- And now you have also forgiven me.
- No, no, no.
What do you mean?
I've never forgiven you.
I am not going to forgive you.
I'm just paying for my mistake
now and that's all.
All right, I suppose I deserve it.
You still don't understand
what I'm telling you.
You've always been good, right?
Avery good father, a great husband.
A good friend.
I've been with you for eleven years.
And the only thing I've tried
to do during all that time
was trying to be someone else.
So I wouldn't feel
so small by your side.
To feel that I can be your partner.
But I can't make it...
I didn't make it.
I failed.
When I found out...
I realized you weren't foolproof.
You were not perfect.
I felt so calmed.
I felt...
A deep... sensation of...
Can you explain, where
are you driving this?
Yes... That's where I'm going.
When you entrusted
me this project...
You asked me to design,
and here I quote your words:
"A solid construction"
"the beauty of which
one could easily appreciate"
"that could fit in
the collective unconscious"
"a very important work, so important
that not even we could destroy it."
And after having
walked all over the city,
I realized that the monument you
wanted to build already existed.
It's the Cal y Canto Bridge.
The Cal y Canto Bridge.
Built in the 18th century.
Its construction took
about 15 years.
While building it, many people died.
A real sacrifice of blood and money,
which gave birth...
to that amazing... beauty.
Which of course was the pride
of the citizens of that time.
Of course none of this stopped
the progressive government,
with the negligence
of the engineer in charge,
to erase from the city's map this
colonial engineering masterpiece.
It's really ironic that this
construction was a bridge...
A bridge that united the Native
spirit with the Spanish city.
The exact two extremes
in the foundation of our people.
I wonder, have you ever noticed...
the construction workers
taking a rest on the street?
- I have.
- Were they clean? Their clothes?
- No.
- Of course not. Why?
Because building
means getting dirty. You get that?
You have to get dirty.
The clean ones are the ones
who haven't built anything.
Just one thing...
Don't think I didn't notice
that all this...
has to do
with what's happening to you.
Sincerely, Bruno...
Good luck with that.
I need to talk to you
about something.
Sure, tell me.
Fer, can we talk a bit, please...
Fer! Hang on already!
Fer, please, stop!
What's going on?
I need a bit of time.
- No, Bruno.
- A bit of time
No, Bruno! You know how
I think. Black or white.
But how can you... make me
choose such a thing?
Well, some day you'll
have to choose.
Choose, Bruno...
You have the privilege to do so.
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry.