In the Shadow of Women (2015) Movie Script

In the shadow of women
You are supposed to keep this place
Bourgeois. It's in the contract.
- You are not allowed to come in here!
- But look at this mess!
- Do you think it's a campsite?
- The law forbids it.
But you cannot use a stove here. You may
set fire to the place. It's dangerous.
- You cannot come in here.
I'll call the police -Don't you know it?
Can't you keep a place in order?
Who raised you, madam?
I'm gonna throw you out! And quick!
If your rent is not paid in 48 hours
I'll sue you in a court.
This place looks like a caravan.
Don't cry.
Pierre was a documentary filmmaker.
Manon, his wife, worked with hum.
She was her script and her editor.
Manon seemed to live in her husband's
shadow so as to drive him to the light.
At that time, Pierre used to stick his
phone number on gutters to find a job.
Manon was a canteen
supervisor in a school.
I was 18 when the war began.
I dragged a friend of mine along.
Her mother was mad at me because...
We got arrested.
We were going to basements...
First we draw Lorraine Crosses
using chalks.
Then, V for Victory, in the streets.
We thought...
We can do better.
Let's be resistors.
That's what we did
with 10 of our comrades.
We hand-wrote some little leaflets.
We were amateur.
I remember...
It didn't last long.
We have been denounced.
And arrested.
But... The police did not find
a single clue in my house.
Here, children.
They could not detain my friend
Jacques and I for long.
It was...
in 42.
In 42 I rallied real Resistance.
I cooked it myself.
In a group...
of Communist obedience.
I ignored it.
It has anise flavour.
I had a meeting around
the shops near the Louvre.
There, for 2 hours and a half...
I had to undergo a very
thorough interrogation.
I met them 2 or 3 times.
Until they told me...
Here you are.
You are one of us!
It is very fastidious to
talk about it because...
I have two sons, and...
They are totally unaware of
my activities as a resistor.
You never told them?
There is a lot of...
modesty, within old resistors.
You know, we still meet. But we
never talk about the Occupation.
Do you know why...
Pierre want to do a movie
about the resistance?
- Can I tell him?
- Yes.
His father took part in D-Day.
He was with the American.
I barely know his story
and he just died.
Have you done some research?
Did you find something?
He killed two guys. Two Nazis.
That's what he told me
before he died.
Someone had to do it.
I feel confident, Mom. Really.
Still, you could have carried on
studying languages.
Being a translator would
have been more secure.
I didn't want to be a translator.
I have a part-time job.
I earn money...
and I still have time to work
on Pierre's films.
We have ti be patient.
It will be fruitful in the end.
- Do you think?
- No doubt.
When you met Pierre,
you were on your way.
Too bad you drift away from it.
You tell me so?
You've been a great lover!
Yes, I was a lover.
Of whom?
No man is worth
the sacrifice of our life.
It's not a sacrifice. It's my choice.
- Really?
- Yes.
What is better than working
with the man I love?
We share the same projects.
This is our love.
- Are you sure he as talent?
- Yes I am.
He'll have to show it one day.
The time will come.
I promise.
What he does, anyone can do.
Interview people, film their answers...
- Anyone can do it.
- How can you think that?
He know how to... listen.
He asks the right questions.
Sometimes he just waits.
Without saying a word.
Some people can't stand the silence.
So they say things they would
not admit if they were asked.
Yes. Not anyone can do that.
I'm telling you...
We'll get by.
Someday his talent will be renowned.
Yes, but...
I have to go.
Hold it for me please.
Just a bit higher.
How do I look?
You're very beautiful Mom.
See you soon, darling.
See you soon.
Can I help you?
Thank you.
I'm going to the parking.
There is more.
- What are you doing here?
- An internship in the archive.
I know where I can find you now.
Here. All of it.
- 21.
- What is your name?
- Elisabeth.
- I'm Pierre.
- Hurry up or we'll be late.
- I'm staying here.
What do you mean?
Are you kidding me?
We were supposed to go together.
I don't feel like it anymore.
I disagree. I'm bored to go out alone.
Come on, let's go.
What will I do there
if you are not with me?
I won't go. I don't want to.
I've thought about it. If you go alone,
Sylvain will pay for the meal.
Or someone else.
You can't see it but I hate you.
Her room is just beneath.
She will hear us if we both go.
Because of the floor.
So what do we do?
I'll go first.
Then you'll rejoin me.
Take off your shoes.
Come in. Slowly.
I feel like I'm 14.
Me too.
- I have to tell you...
- What?
I'm married.
I knew it.
You have four sisters?!
I have only 3 real sisters.
And one brother.
But I have two more sisters.
So I have 5 sisters.
And one brother.
You're the eldest?
No. I'm the third.
All of us are different.
Are the youngest going to school?
I'm the only one studying.
I'm the only one following my father's
wish since his change of social class.
My parents...
come from the lower class.
They became Bourgeois.
My father became a Bourgeois.
He always dreamt...
that his children...
receive an elitist education.
The others messed up their studies.
He didn't care much about me,
but I'm the only one succeeding.
What did you study?
I went to a preparatory class.
Then I went to university.
To study history.
Now I'm doing my PhD.
What do you think is worse?
Pee where you shower or
shower where you pee?
Shower where you pee.
Thank you!
It's very kind of you.
You didn't like flowers before.
Now you do.
Because flowers are
a classic gift to cuckold women.
The husband goes to his mistress
then brings flowers on his way home.
Every time I saw you with flowers
I thought something was wrong.
Now I trust you.
Don't you know all the girls
are wary when a man brings flowers?
It's a classic.
You didn't know?
I wasn't well aware of
the Jewish issues under the Occupation.
You didn't know?
I had no Jewish acquaintance.
We did not know.
We learned later.
After the liberation, the camps...
had been arrested and sent to jail.
I never heard of
the Vl' d'Hiv' raid.
I had never endured
such a difficult shooting.
When Paris was liberated,
the streets were desert.
People were hiding home.
We were alone in the street.
I can never forget...
A mass, hidden in a black neck.
Saint-Martin's gate
was monitoring the detour.
With a black and white beard...
And small eyes.
An empty look.
The vision of an ill brain.
A big dead baby.
Back from hell.
It was a man.
It was a man... God!
The kind of...
the dominant race.
Why are you laughing?
I don't know.
You are so beautiful.
You live together, work together...
You do everything together.
How come you never fight?
- Sometimes we do.
- Really?
- Hold it please.
- It's not mine.
I never saw Pierre angry.
I never heard him talk loud.
Me? Never!
I'm yelling for the two of us,
now you know it.
- Come up.
- No.
Because... I have something to do.
Something to do? What?
Stop it! Mind your own business.
Next time you come up.
- Okay, good evening.
- You too.
- Bye Pierre!
- Bye.
What do I cook for diner?
Whatever you want.
When was the last time we left Paris?
A long time ago.
Lisa is lending us
her parents' house in Brittany.
It will be unoccupied in July.
Wouldn't it be nice?
There are bikes and
it's close to the see.
We need it.
What do you think?
I'm going to buy a salad.
- Do you need something?
- No, I'm fine.
Pierre was seeing Elisabeth
for the pleasure of flesh.
He used to go to her place,
do her and left right away.
But he couldn't help
coming back to her regularly.
He loved her body.
When he was thinking of Manon...
her way to live between
him and her mother...
he was afraid of losing her.
But he had to see Elisabeth.
He found excuses with the double
moral men use. He thought...
This is the way it is. I am a man.
I didn't choose to be a man.
- You okay?
- Yes.
Never mind, it's not bothering me!
But it bothers me.
This way you'll have space to...
put your stuff and work.
I'm late. Again.
You look good.
Not that much.
My ex still tyrannizes me.
- How are you?
- Fine. Your ammo.
Here we are. Well...
Don't forget to put the keys
in the mailbox when you leave.
You didn't give me your keys.
- Didn't I?
- No.
- Here.
- Thank you.
- Okay. Good bye, good work.
- Yes.
- Call me if there's a problem.
- Okay.
Won't you tell me where you were?
It's been three days.
You didn't call me.
You didn't see me.
It's quite difficult.
I knew it. I'm not betraying you.
You know from the start
that I'm married. I have things to do.
Do you want us to stop our relationship?
That is not what I said.
Someday you will meet a young
and single man. He'll love only you.
That will be the end of us.
- Why do you say that?
- Because it's life.
Why do you say such things?
Stop it. I...
You are the one I want.
You are the one I love.
The day came when Elisabeth
discovered Manon had a lover too.
- Hello.
- Hello.
A revenue stamp.
The one at 25, for an ID card, please.
Here you are.
Thank you.
Manon's betrayal toward Pierre hurt her.
Inexplicably, she felt like her and
her love for Pierre had been soiled.
Still, she decided to kept silent.
I'd like to see your film.
You will see it.
Yes... after it's released on DVD.
Why don't you ask me to come tonight?
You know why.
Do you think I can't behave properly?
You are afraid... I talk to your wife.
What would I say to her?
"I heard a lot about you."
"Very good things."
"I'm very happy to meet you.
Do you know why?"
"Because your husband has been
addicted to my body for six months."
You are afraid I say so.
If you say that I'll have to choose.
Who would you choose?
I'll call you tomorrow.
This is a public screening.
Where were you? I've been
waiting for you for two hours!
I was with my Mom's friend.
She had a problem with her computer.
We were supposed to work.
I waited for you.
I'm sorry.
- Your hairstyle is weird.
- What?
What... did you say?
It was Manon's first lie.
It was really hot at my Mom's friend.
It bothered me.
I entered an unknown territory.
I'm lost.
I don't know where to go.
I'm concerned about Mom.
You're making me crazy.
I'm afraid.
When she saw Manon with her lover again,
Elisabeth thought it was a sign.
She decided to let Pierre know.
Does your wife say she loves you?
Not that much.
But she doesn't need to say it.
- Are you happy together?
- Yes.
Do you trust her?
Of course. Why are you asking?
No reason.
What would you do if...
She was cheating on you?
What are you trying to discover?
You want to know
if I'd break up with her.
Would you?
I can't imagine.
Manon is that like that.
I saw her with a men.
I saw them twice.
What are you saying?
I sweat not to tell but...
Go ahead, tell me.
It was something like ten days ago.
I get of the subway at Grand Boulevard.
I went to a cafe and they were there.
He was holding her hand.
Yes, yesterday...
They were in the same cafe.
On the terrace.
They were kissing.
You see, it's funny.
I thought it was...
not a coincidence to meet them again.
It was not meaningless.
I swear on my life.
How did you know it was her?
- I recognized her.
- Are you sure it was her?
How come you know her?
Well, I...
I needed to know.
I needed to know your place,
see what she looks like, so...
I went several time where you live.
One evening...
I was watching the window...
to see you.
The two of you came out.
It hurt to see you two as a couple.
I thought she was beautiful.
How long have you been spying on us?
Since the very first day.
Do you want something to drink?
- Shall we go right now?
- Yes.
Let's go.
It's strange.
To be here, with another man.
I'm used to it.
Pierre could not believe
what Elisabeth told him.
He thought she was rambling
and everything could be explained.
He could not be cheated on.
Still, in the evening...
You know what? I feel like you are
someone else. Someone I don't know.
No, Pierre, it's me.
It's really me.
- I'm like everybody, I'm not perfect.
- I thought you were different.
Won't you call me a whore?
It was not against you.
I never wanted to hurt you.
What is for your pleasure?
He's a good person.
Are you kidding me?
He makes me feel good.
He stares me.
I felt like he loved me.
But you are the one I want.
I want to felt loved by one.
Nobody loves you like I do.
So where is your love?
Why can't I feel it?
If it exists I don't know
where you put it.
It's been so long you see me cry
and suffer. But you're staying still.
- Are you leaving me for him?
- No.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
He was just...
Just a moment.
I needed to meet you again, quickly.
To see you were still here for me.
To see you were not left.
- You want to keep both of us.
- No! I want you!
I'm telling you he was just...
- If I...
- I needed to feel alive.
- If I ask you not to see him again?
- I'm not seeing him anymore.
- Do you want a coffee?
- No.
It's over.
Pierre knows about us.
Don't try to contact me again.
It's over.
Manon had broken up with her lover.
But every time she went out, Pierre
couldn't help looking at her differently.
In the end, he could not forgive her.
It was above his will.
Even though he kept seeing Elisabeth...
it was not helping him. He ended up
being as bad with one than the other.
What are you playing?
I'm not playing.
I'm looking for my necklace.
Have you seen it?
Let's go for a walk. It's sunny.
I'm bored of being shut up.
Look, it's here.
Aren't we good here?
- Stop it.
- Kiss me.
Stop! I can't breath here.
Don't you want me?
You can only think of that.
You're vampirizing me.
What is in your head?
Life is more than that.
How come you say that?
You're disgusting.
Excuse me.
I'm a fool. I did not mean it.
- Please forgive me.
- Leave me alone.
- Don't be dumb. It's over.
- Yes, it's over.
Elisabeth didn't understand
what was happening.
Pierre was neglecting her.
He talked to her like he despised her.
She wondered: "Is it my fault?"
"Is it because of me?
Because of what I said about Manon?"
She cheats on him and I'm the one hurt.
Come here.
Come here.
Is that how you fuck with him?
Answer me.
Is that how you fuck with him?
You are hurting me.
Sometimes, Pierre was looking at Manon
like a disgusting, unknown animal.
He could not help it.
He could not stop terrorizing Manon,
who felt guilty.
First, she accepted to be tortured.
She thought it was the only way.
He thought only men
could be unfaithful.
That is was more serious,
forbidden and dangerous for women.
He could see his idea
was too simple, untrue.
It was a man's thought,
but he could not forget it.
So much that he could
only think about it.
There is no comparison
between you and him.
Their couple could not return
to peace and tranquility.
There was something between them
that they could not tell.
It was a feeling so banal
that they could not name it.
It was not jealousy nor anger.
- Where do you come from?
- Longues eaux.
What do you need this for?
My pleasure.
You changed your fragrance.
Not at all.
What does this look mean?
I'm discovering you.
- Discovering what?
- The way you talk and behave with men.
The way you smile, the way you say
"Goodbye, see you soon".
- I always was like this.
- Yes, but I couldn't see.
Yes, it happened to me once.
I was very, jealous of my boyfriend.
One day, I broke
everything in his house.
We were engaged but
did not live together yet.
One time, I waited for him a whole
night, sleeping on his landing.
At 5am, still no Daniel.
Then I...
I had an idea and went downstairs.
There was a public phone. I called
a friend so that she called his house.
I went back upstairs
as fast as possible.
Arrived before his door,
I could heard the phone ringing.
From the inside.
Then I heard him pick up the phone.
I was... It was...
It destroyed me.
I hit his door so that he opened,
I yelled and woke up the whole building.
I thought he was with a girl.
That's the reason.
And... Of course! He did not answer me.
After some time, that bastard arrived.
He opened the door and I...
But... It's Pierre over there.
- What is he doing here?
- Wait, I'll be right back.
I broke everything in his house.
Are you following me?
- Not at all. It was a surprise.
- Sure.
- You don't see him anymore?
- No! I told you.
You asked me to leave him.
- You regret it.
- No I don't.
But if you don't change I'll.
I can't stand it, Pierre.
You follow me, you read my mail.
I can't stand it.
You cheated on me, Manon!
- As much as you did!
- What?
- I know you have someone.
- Me?
- Don't you dare saying you don't.
- Who told you that?
You told me?
The way you...
talk to me.
The way you lay down next to me.
The way you look at me.
- You stalked me?
- What for? I'm not like you!
I won't hurt me anymore.
You should have told me you knew!
What would be different?
Would you leave that woman?
I didn't say "maybe".
You asked me to and
I never saw him again.
Were you hurt?
- You are hurting me.
- You should have stayed with him then.
How can you be so dishonest?
I was honest. I talked to you
as soon as I was aware.
You were honest?
We are even now, come on!
How did we end up like this?
I can't stand this life anymore.
I can't stand you anymore.
Don't stay here then.
Get out!
Get out now!
The sooner the better.
If you want to leave me, go now.
He did not want it.
She did not want it.
They broke up.
The life is so long without you.
I can't believe how long it is.
I want you so bad, my wife.
I want to hold you in my arms.
My heart is with you.
Both of you
I'm with you
I'm sorry but...
I have to go now, I must work.
Don't do something stupid.
No, it will be fine. I'll work.
Without her, she doesn't
want to hear about it.
- I have another projects.
- That's good.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry.
I liked you, despite this.
One year later, the old resistant died.
Pierre and Manon met
at Henri's funerals.
You came.
Yes, I came.
I broke up.
- I know.
- Who told you?
Who cares? Everybody knows.
Are you single?
I mean... It was not worth it.
We both end up single. It's too bad.
I agree.
It reminds me of
the old prick telling his stories.
- Who?
- Henri.
He never was a resistant.
Haven't you heard?
His life, his medals. It was a lie.
He was a traitor.
He denounced his friends
and they were executed.
He pretended to be a hero.
He was a bastard.
A real bastard.
- My film is worthless then.
- Don't say that.
We can exploit it.
Make a movie. Another movie.
About the fact he was a false resistant.
Will you work with me?
You are the woman of my life.
Let's go outside.
I have two other projects.
I want to finish the first one quickly,
so as not to lose the spirit.
The second one, on the contrary...
I'll need time to write it.
You seem to be fine.
And you?
I am fine. Well..
I don't want to pretend to...
be an independent and blossomed woman.
I never dreamt of solitude.
But it's okay.
I can bear it.
I'm sad, a little sad,
sad for a long time.
But it's okay, I can bear it.
You should have stayed.
- You told me to go.
- No, you left.
- It was the only thing to do.
- Maybe.
You and your "maybe".
Sorry. I'm completely lost without you.
- So why do you act this way?
- Because I'm a fool.
I can't live without you.
Hold me in your arms.
Don't cry.
Sorry my love!
I just bit you.