In the Shadows (2010) Movie Script

Who is it?
Trojan. Open up.
Well, then...
Come on in.
Have a seat.
Want a drink?
So you're out again.
I won't forget
that you never mentioned my name.
How can I help you?
My share.
All right, you can have it.
I don't have anything here.
It's too risky.
I'll take care of it on Monday.
We'll take care of it now.
How about starting to work for me?
I can always use good people.
Think about it.
All right, Trojan...
I'll give you what I have lying around.
That's ten thousand.
You'll get the rest on Monday.
How can I reach you?
How's business?
Could be better.
Do you have anything good?
A jeweler... has an upcoming show with
luxury watches. It's about the watches.
High-quality stuff.
I know the electrician
who installed the security system.
But it's a three-man job.
I already have the other two.
In two weeks.
Who are the other two?
They'll be fine for the job.
How much is in it?
The stuff is hard to get rid of.
Prices keep falling.
Minus my commission...
50,000 a head isn't all that much.
When do you pay?
A day after I get the goods.
Think about it.
I want to meet the others first.
I'll set up a meeting,
then tell me if you're in.
Pull out your gun, nice and slow.
Put it on the ground.
Slide it over here.
Now the bag.
Trojan... we'll get you.
Not that great.
I hardly got rid of any.
Even the junkies
are holding on to their money.
Don't give me that bullshit.
When times are bad,
the drug business booms. So?
Are you fucking me over?
It's your share, 10 percent as agreed.
Business is bad, people aren't buying.
Then we'll change the rules.
From now on, it's 20 percent.
Maybe you'll try harder.
I hope you have something else for me.
Remember, you're free
because I let you be.
If you don't play, you go back to jail.
Do you have a tissue?
There might be something going down
at a jeweler's. Luxury watches.
A guy I sell junk to is involved.
What is it?
We have an appointment.
Says who?
The planner.
What about the other guy?
He'll be here shortly.
Damn hot today.
Want a beer too?
What do you think about this job?
Sounds easy enough.
A little too easy.
With the right team, it's a breeze. I've
done plenty of these with my partner.
The guy who's coming?
Yeah, him.
Best driver I know.
You're late.
I was held up.
You are the driver, right?
What do you do?
What if you're held up on the job?
Will we have to wait for you, too?
That's different, of course.
I'm a pro. Ask him.
He's good on the job!
Give him a chance.
Enjoying your meal, Trojan?
Beats the cafeteria grub
you're used to, I guess.
What do you want?
Oh, just a little chat.
I don't have office hours today.
Is that any way to talk with an old pal?
Just out
and your name's already coming up.
I hear you're interested in watches.
Oh yeah? Says who?
People who ought to know.
No idea what you're talking about.
I've been around,
and this time I even believe you.
Then we're done.
Not quite.
What are you going to do, Trojan?
Open a flower shop?
Good idea. I'll think about it.
Next time
you won't get off with five years.
Don't you think it's time
for you to be more cooperative?
The police can do a lot. But where
would we be without good informants?
Was that it?
For now, yes.
You're on my radar, Trojan.
How are you?
And yourself?
You're still looking good.
So, a job that will bring in
good money and go down soon?
I've asked around,
but I'm not sure I can help.
My contacts don't have much
of what you're looking for.
Caf au lait.
The only thing I know of
is something I heard about a while ago.
I represented a guy in court.
Went well, simple case.
He was grateful, at least.
After the trial we had a drink,
and he brought a friend.
My client got tired,
went home, his friend stayed.
The more he drank the more he talked.
He works as an armored car driver,
has debts, and so forth.
He went on about how easy it would be
to rob a money transport,
if only he had the right people
to do the job.
A drunk fool who talks too much.
Who knows
how often he's told that story?
How much money does he transport?
On some days,
supposedly over a million.
How many in the car?
Just checking it out. How many?
Two. A driver and a partner.
He's the partner.
60 percent
of such robberies are inside jobs.
The cops grill the team first.
And I'd guess
he wouldn't hold out for an hour.
He can't talk
if he only knows the bare minimum.
It's not a job you do alone.
If I bring someone in on this,
this guy gets no details on us.
No names, nothing.
He only sees us at the hold-up.
I'd be the contact.
Yeah, and that's the hitch.
He knows you.
Hardly a risk. I wouldn't be there.
I'd have a watertight alibi.
It would be his word against mine.
Who would they believe, a counsel
or a security guy out to save his ass?
What are your terms?
The same share as everyone else.
How fast can you find out
if the thing is legit?
Give me two days.
Here's to you getting out again.
A money transport...
Reminds me of the jobs we used to do.
not many people in the know.
And only cash.
Problem is, I'm out of the game.
I'm out of practice.
You have a business, Nico,
I won't talk you into it.
I just thought I'd tell you,
and see what you think.
Let's see how it develops
and then decide, okay?
He went for it.
What did you say?
Only what we talked about. No names.
I just said
I know someone who's interested.
Nothing about the other guy.
You know who it is?
Nico. But he's not sure yet.
Did it take much convincing?
Not at all. His name is
Krger, Martin Krger.
He's quite keen on it.
Did he accept our terms?
I'm working on it.
How is it possible
that you can't find Trojan?
I'm sure he's still in the city.
I'm doing what I can.
That's not enough, Dragan.
Not even close!
You already had him.
What happened?
You let him go again!
What am I paying you for?
Listen, Dragan. I don't want to see
Trojan again, especially here! Got it?
I do.
If he's still here, we'll find him.
You can count on it.
Yeah, sure.
I've been thinking about this thing.
First I hear about a fourth person,
then I get no names.
Now I can't even meet the two
in advance.
I like this thing less and less.
I'm not involved in the job.
Do you think one person
can take on the armored car?
They're pros. The less
you know about them, the better,
both for them and for you.
It's for your own protection.
I don't know them.
Who says they won't
pull a fast one on me?
That has to suffice.
What'll you do when it's all over?
I'll disappear for a while.
Where to?
Where no one can bug me.
I could join you later.
Not right away.
After the dust settles.
Yeah, maybe.
We'd have enough money for a while.
What will you do, breed sheep?
Why not?
Yeah, why not?
Krger is the guy with long hair.
When he comes out with the money
and the other guy opens the van,
that's when we hit.
I don't see another way.
It'll be hard to get close
without being conspicuous.
We have to surprise them somehow.
We can't let the driver pull his gun.
Sorry, I've got nothing good right now.
That's not why I'm here.
Then why?
I need two guns.
Are you being unfaithful?
I came up with something.
What is it?
Why did you just blow off the watch job?
You didn't even get back to me.
A junkie and an alcoholic.
You've had better men before.
So now you need me again.
Beretta 92.
Has a slight rightward spin.
You can't go wrong with it.
Are they clean?
They are clean.
How much?
A thousand a piece.
Between friends.
Take care, Trojan.
See you.
It's a company car.
The shop's closed over the weekend.
They won't miss it till Monday.
Working hard, boys?
Competition never sleeps.
Next week we have your job.
What? That's news to us.
Just joking.
We work the parking lot over there.
Just thought I'd say hi.
Don't move.
Get in!
Face on the floor,
hands on your back!
Stay calm, no heroics,
and nothing will happen.
600,000 and then some.
Half of what Krger promised.
That's still 150 grand for each of us.
Could've been worse.
It's got some mileage, but drives fine.
Registration's in the glove compartment.
What do you want for it?
Forget it.
What'll you do now?
I'll disappear for a while.
To your cabin?
Yeah. And you?
I'll lie low for a while,
keep running the garage.
Then I might buy a little house.
Spain or Turkey. Like a true pensioner.
I'll take care of the car
and the rest of the stuff.
All right.
Take care, Trojan.
You too, Nico.
And you don't know
anything about it?
Must be something bigger,
or he wouldn't need two guns.
No names?
And you have no idea
where he might be?
Trojan is very careful.
He always vanishes before a big job.
He used to work with a guy named Nico,
but he got out of the business.
Now he runs a little garage.
Do you have an address?
Krger exaggerated.
There's only 150,000 per person.
I'm putting it in a locker.
I don't want it here.
Then I'll give Krger his share.
I'll be back soon. Will you wait?
I wanted to get going.
What's the difference? At least
stay the night. You're safe here.
Martin Krger?
So what?
I told your colleagues all I know.
I still have some questions.
Make yourself at home.
Do they pay you to live here,
or do you pay rent?
Listen, I made my statement.
But you don't fool me, Krger.
I know all about you.
No idea what you're talking about.
I'll be a little clearer, then.
You're involved in the hold-up.
I can't admit to something I didn't do.
Ever heard of Dora Hillmann?
Never heard of her.
Then how do you explain the fact
that I've seen you together?
I was trailing you.
I was after a partner of yours.
He led me to her, who led me to you.
You were obviously up to something.
So when your name came up
in the dispatch,
it all made sense.
It's simple arithmetic.
I won't say a thing without my lawyer.
He won't be much of a help.
You're in too deep, Krger.
You might ask why I didn't
come with a team to arrest you.
I'll tell you why, my friend.
I'm here to give you a chance.
What's your point?
This is my proposal:
I don't care about harmless amateurs
like yourself. I'm after the big boys.
I've invested a lot of time in this.
As compensation, you give me 20,000
of your share, and I forget about it.
You're left with a pretty penny.
You stay out of jail.
In your position,
that's as good as it gets.
Don't think too long about it.
It's a one-time offer.
If you don't accept it,
I have no choice.
I'm calling my colleagues.
and I never see you again?
Yeah, that's right.
Do you have the money here?
Be right back.
Nice and slow, okay?
I want to see what you're doing.
Count it.
Don't move.
I'm aiming right at your stomach.
Hands behind your head.
What are you doing here, Meyer?
Call a doctor.
You don't need one anymore.
Are you going to let me die?
What are you doing here?
What does that matter now?
You were bound to pull something.
Just took me a while to figure it out.
Who tipped you off?
Wasn't necessary.
You weren't careful enough.
Are you going it alone?
It's possible.
So now you were coming for our shares.
Who've you been to already?
And what's with him now?
He's dead.
Now back off, Trojan.
I'm not one for talking.
And you're sure he was going it alone?
Or the cops would've
made a move by now.
With Krger dead,
no one can connect him, Meyer and us.
We have to get the body
out of my apartment.
Let's wait a bit.
I'll get rid of the body.
You find his car and re-park it.
Get going. I'll do the rest by myself.
What a stupid way to part.
Get in touch some time.
I think he's a goner.
Then get the car and get rid of him.