In This World (2002) Movie Script

53 thousand Afghan refugees
live in Shamshatoo camp...
at the city
of Peshawar in Pakistan.
They first arrived in 1979 fleeing
the Soviet invasion of theircountry.
The most recent came to escape
the US-led bombing campaign...
which began on October 7th, 2001.
Many of these children
were born here, like Jamal.
He is an orphan.
He works in a brick factory.
He gets paid
less than a dollar a day.
It is estimated that 7.9
billion dollars...
were spent on bombing
Afghanistan in 2001.
Spending on refugees
is far less generous.
The daily food ration is
25 grams of vegetable oil
and 60 grams of pulses.
Every family is given a tent,
a plastic sheet...
three blankets and one stove.
Who's moved my clothes?
I'm going, okay.
- Ask your uncle to help you.
- Okay.
Be careful.
Think carefully and don't...
Don't worry.
I'll tell him.
Wait for me!
Share the bread.
Eat like a human, slowly.
The meat is too tough!
I want to send my nephew
to London.
- Do you want to go to London?
- Yes.
I know a man that can help.
- He can arrange it?
- Yes.
We can talk to him.
- How are you?
- Good.
- How's Emal?
- He's not here now.
- Where is he?
- Kilburn High Road. He loves London.
This is my uncle, Wakeel.
This is my father.
I want to help him to a good future.
- Are you sending him to America?
- No, can't.
I've told him already, London.
Uncle, who will go with him?
Because he can't speak English.
It's a good price.
It's a very good price.
He'll have to go overland.
Death is everywhere,
we can't hide here or there.
Allah bless you.
Allah bless everyone.
Allah is great.
That's okay, leave it.
Wakeel from Peshawar?
You want Jamal?
Jamal, your uncle called. He
wants you to meet him in Peshawar.
- My uncle?
- Yes.
- Who's going to London?
- These two.
- Both of you?
- Yes.
You're better off
in your own country.
- Are you going by plane or by land?
- By land.
It's very dangerous
to go by land.
No, it's not dangerous.
- I'll give the money to you?
- Yes.
- It's in Dollars and Rupees.
- That's okay.
When you get to London,
you phone me from there.
Then I'll give the money to him.
Here's your receipt.
Don't lose it.
He won't give me the money
until they phone.
That's dad.
He's on a plane.
It looks nice.
Look at you!
So you don't forget us.
Okay, l'm going now.
Look after yourself
and phone us sometime.
Bye, Aman.
I'll phone you.
Go home...
Go home, Aman.
I told you to go home!
I'll give you a slap!
Go home!
There you are!
Where were you? You're late!
- The bus is about to leave.
- I'm sorry.
Here are your ID cards.
This is your ticket, and this is the
number you ca when you get to Quetta.
There are 14.5 million
refugees in the world.
More than five million live
in Asia.
Almost one million of
these live in Peshawar.
Many of them want to leave.
Every year, one million
people in the world...
put their lives in
the hands of people smugglers...
Some arrive safely at
their destination.
Many get caught
by the authorities.
Some die along the way.
Where can I phone from?
From the public call office,
down there.
Ayub, bring my phone!
I'm flying my kite.
Fine, how are you?
Who's this?
Enayat! How are you?
We are at the station,
the bus station.
I want to ask you something.
- What are you going to ask me?
- Just a question.
If I know the answer, I'll tell you.
If I don't, I can't.
Okay, you know the music?
Who made it, and where, and when?
I have no idea.
Okay, I'll tell you.
There was a husband and wife
who were always fighting.
Once they threw things
at each other in the kitchen...
and the music came from that.
They were fighting and throwing
spoons at each other...
and they sounded...
That's the answer?
That's all?
Yes, that simple!
Look at the view!
Look at the snow on the mountains.
- It's a nice place.
- Yes.
You're late.
We've been waiting for an hour.
Hurry up. Get on.
Enayat, in English
'ghro' is 'mountain'.
'Mountain' for 'ghro'.
Do you know the English
for 'wawra'? It's'snow'.
You'll get it in four days!
Why do you need it?
- Give me your money!
- I don't have it.
Why do you embarrass me
in front of all these people?
Are you Chaman Ali?
- I want to talk to you.
- Wait in the car.
Where are you going?
Show me your license.
- Where are you going?
- To Dalbandin.
- What for?
- Shopping.
We're buying clothes
to sell in our shop in Quetta.
Come with me.
It's just my clothes.
- What's this?
- It's a Walkman.
Let me hear.
It's a gift from us to you.
Good luck.
Why did you give him my Walkman?
- He would have kept us there for days.
- You have no right to take my things.
Do you want to stay with him?
You gave away my Walkman!
It's just a Walkman.
Want to change some money?
There it is!
- Hi. Is this the Jamal Sher Hotel?
- Yes.
- Hi. Do you know Farid?
- No, we don't.
- Do you know Farid?
- No, but sit down.
- What do you want with Farid?
- That's private.
Have your tea.
Farid will be here later, God willing.
- So you're going to Iran?
- No.
Don't lie to me. If you want to go,
I can guarantee your safety.
If you're going to Iran...
you must change your money
from Rupees to Rials.
Give me your money.
- Is this the right amount?
- Yes.
- Okay, I trust you.
- No, count it.
How do you know
l'm a good person?
If you have a visa to Iran...
you just go over there and queue.
If you don't, you come with me.
Behrooz, telephone!
Okay, l'm coming.
I speak Pashtu.
I need to contact Behrooz.
Can you speak English or Farsi?
I don't understand Pashtu.
We're waiting.
We don't know where you are.
Speak English.
Jamal, talk to this man in English.
So, is it your first
time leaving Pakistan, eh?
This is your first time?
Ah, you went to
Afghanistan once.
Jamal, don't tell him everything.
Be careful.
- What did he say?
- He doesn't say...
- Sorry?
- He doesn't say anything.
But he said something.
He was just saying
that...'What is he asking?'
Oh, right.
You know, I build a new pad.
I'll show you later.
This is just too fucking like
chicken. You know what I mean?
Why do we have
to change our clothes?
I don't know.
He says we should.
What d'you say?
He said, 'Why are we
changing clothes'?
Ah, because you have to be like,
I mean, you know, I mean...
you have to go to Tehran,
you have to be like Iranian.
With these clothes you
attention everybody, so...
you have to change
your clothes.
- Okay.
- Look like Iranian.
Hey, Jamal, this is a fucking
long time, man. You not coming?
Did you finish?
All right.
It's much better.
They're your trousers?
Here is your coat. Okay, well,
you give me your cap, okay?
This is much better, okay?
And, your cap...
And this is shit.
Why does he want our clothes?
What did he say?
What did he say?
He is saying that
'Why is he getting his...
But, I mean, this is bloody fucking
shit, you know what I mean?
We don't, we don't
need it anymore.
This, l'm gonna throw away,
and then we can go.
You put it in your bag, okay?
You put it in your bag.
Okay, it's about
ten thousand Rials per day, okay?
How much?
Ten thousand Rials.
You have to pay by yourself, okay?
You take care now.
Bye, bye, take care.
I don't trust him.
He's a fraud.
Why do we have to pay for the room?
We've already paid.
I don't know...
- One.
- One.
- Two.
- Two.
- Three.
- Three.
- Four.
- Four.
- Five.
- Five.
- Six.
- Six.
- Seven.
- Seven.
- Eight.
- Eight.
- Nine.
- Nine.
- Ten.
- Ten.
Right, Jamal, listen,
try not to talk...
with everybody on the bus, okay?
If they ask you...
what you do in Tehran,
you can say...
Can you repeat that
after me, okay?
What is he saying?
Don't be far from
me, Jamal.
Here they are.
Hey, he's my friend, okay?
He's gonna care about you.
And that's the telephone
of my colleague in Tehran. Okay?
You call him,
he's gonna take you.
Very comfortable seats.
Don't speak Pashtu, speak Farsi.
Where are you from?
Where are you from?
- Are you from Afghanistan?
- No.
- Afghans? Can I see your IDs?
- We're not Afghans.
You're not Afghans?
We're working in construction
in Tehran.
In Tehran? I think you're Afghans.
If not, you should have IDs.
- Do you have any IDs?
- No...
- Are you Iranians?
- Yes.
- Any ID?
- No.
- You?
- No.
- I think you're Afghans.
- No...
How do know that
you're not Afghans?
Come with me.
- Where did they get on the bus?
- In Zahedan.
- I think they're Afghans.
- No, we're not Afghans.
Are these your things?
- What are these?
- Just cassettes.
Okay, we're off. Bye!
What are you doing here?!
That money you paid
has been used up for the last trip.
Give me more money
and I'll take you again.
- How much more do you want?
- 3,000 Rupees.
- For two?
- No, for each of you.
- Do you take dollars?
- Dollars?
You don't have any dollars!
- Which dollars?
- They took all our money.
- Where did you get that?
- He hid those!
'Send me to America.'
'No, I'll send you to London
and then to America.'
'Okay, I'll send you to both.'
Enayat, let's have an ice-cream.
Why did you get such a big ice-cream?
You should have taken a smaller one.
He just gave me a big one.
You should have asked
for a smaller one.
I'm Jamal.
We're in Tehran now.
Say something, l'm bored.
Why are you sitting there silent?
- What's the matter?
- It's nothing.
Come on!
Hurry up!
Quickly! Run!
I'm not getting in.
I'm not going up there!
Leave me alone!
I'm not going up there!
How many hours will it take?
How, how long will it take?
Yes, your food is here, too.
Leave it here, don't drink it now.
We have a long journey ahead of us.
- But I'm thirsty!
- Wait, we have a long way to go.
What are you saying?
What are you saying?
I don't understand you.
Do you understand my song?
What are you talking about?
Where are we going?
Thank you!
I feel sorry for him.
God bless you.
They have come from afar.
It's Okay, we can help them.
Can you speak English?
I used your money
to buy you some shoes.
He bought us some shoes!
I needed new shoes, the other
were totally worn out. Thank you!
You're a good boy.
Give me your hand.
One day Mullah Nasrudin
was walking down the street.
He saw an Englishman
who had fallen down.
Poor Mullah went to help him and
the Englishman said, 'Thank you.'
Mullah got angry and said, 'Are you
going to send a 'tank you' after me?!'
And then he pushed him back down.
'You're going to send
a tank after me?!'
Then he just turned around
and walked off.
OK, that was a good story...
Take care.
Which way are we going?
That way.
Over there?
Yes, that's right.
I hope we get there soon.
Yes, may God be with us.
What's that?
What's that?
How do you do?
There's a patrol down there.
Be careful.
Stay down.
Let's go back.
Where are you going?
'Let's go, my friend.
Let's go to Turkey.'
Turkey... I'll go
to Turkey...
I'll go to Turkey...
This is delicious!
I can almost taste it!
Very delicious.
How do you do?
- What's your name, brother?
- Yakoub.
Well done!
He's a beautiful kid!
Very strong.
Where are you going?
- Denmark. Denmark.
- Denmark?
I going to London.
How are you?
You bought the family!
Hi, how are you?
My friend, how are you?
I play with you again.
- What is your name?
- My name is Erham.
I hope he doesn't cheat us.
I'm tired.
With the truck and big truck.
Look at... look at my
You are good.
Really you are good.
Your rooms is here.
This room is for a week,
thirty million, each. Okay?
Bring the new guys to
the workshop tomorrow.
- How much are these?
- They are 750 million.
Well done...
Mehti, my prince.
My Mehti...
Two kebab.
This one. I want this.
I am going to pay.
You are sit...
I am going to pay.
You are, eating, pay.
How are you, kid?
See you later.
- Are there some new men here?
- Yes, they arrived this week.
- What's your name?
- Ethem.
Where are you from?
- Harer.
- Harer.
Where are they from?
They don't have
documents or anything.
- What do we do now?
- We can let them work.
I have to take them with me.
We're going to London...
- Is this it?
- Yes, get up.
Can you move up?
- What's your name?
- Nasrullah.
I think we're nearly there.
Where are you from?
Open the door!
Jamal, I feel bad.
So do I.
I feel bad in here!
It's making Mehti ill, as well.
Let me out!
Enayat, speak to me!
Let me out!
Speak to me!
What has happened to you?
- Two for a euro.
- Take this.
Two for a euro.
- Two for a euro.
- No, thanks.
Two for a euro.
Still or sparkling?
One ticket for Paris.
- Today?
- Today.
Slowly, slowly.
I gave him already.
How many you want?
How many do you want?
This is Turkish.
It's no good.
- Euro. Turkish no good.
- No good. No good.
You want a cigarette?
You smoke cigarettes?
No, no.
- Come sit.
- Why?
- I want to talk to you.
- Why?
- How old are you?
- Me?
- Yes. How old are you?
- I am 16.
- You're 16?
- Yeah.
- You're by yourself?
- Me?
You know my name?
It's Yusif.
Your name?
Jamal, Jamal,
Look at the boat.
Forget the boats.
Play football.
Come on.
No goal!
No goal!
Once, a greedy man
found a watch.
You see, he saw that it
was not moving.
He saw in... in that watch,
there was a... a mosquito.
He said, 'Oh, his
driver is dead.'
He took that out, a live,
a live mosquito and said:
'Ay, to work now, the
driver is...'
It's a very silly joke.
A box of Benson & Hedges, please.
You must be punished!
Okay, get ready.
You know, I used to
work in London.
Oh. What is this?
This is from the restaurant.
I'll give you a job when we go.
- I was assistant manager.
- Okay.
Assistant manager, me.
Tomorrow I will be
back in my restaurant.
Where are the plank?
They put them here.
Put your jacket properly.
Shut up.
Come on!
Speed up, my friend.
Speed up.
Faster, faster.
This is Jamal, calling from London.
Yes, I got to London.
He's not here.
He's not in this world.
Can you hear me?