Incarnation (2022) Movie Script

We live in LA.
- Wow.
- Oh, my God.
Well, it's The Valley,
technically, but...
Oh, semantics.
Oh, my God. I love it.
You did so good.
Yeah, we are lucky, wow.
The ceilings.
Well, look at the kitchen.
I'm gonna cook you
some good dinner right here.
All right, fancy.
- Oh my...
- Jeez.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Uh, can I help you?
You must be Brad, huh?
Oh, uh, Peter.
That's... that's me.
All right.
Hey, man.
- Scared me for a bit.
- No.
You came to meet...
you didn't need to do that.
You came to meet us. Thanks.
Well, you know what?
My father built this place
and so I absolutely
have to come and meet you.
Well, thank you.
Thank you so much.
Well, you know uh, uh...
It's great.
It's beautiful.
Yeah, no, you... you... you uh...
Beautiful, beautiful spot.
It ain't none of my business,
but uh, you look like
you could afford something
a little better.
We actually sold everything
that didn't fit into our car,
Well, I won't to ask you
how come that all happened,
but uh...
Yeah, we just were...
we were appreciative.
Oh, one of them things, right?
Yeah. Let me introduce you
to my uh...
Baby, get that sexy ass in here.
My wife.
This is my wife, Jess.
This is one of those things.
What an entrance.
This is... this is Jess.
Yeah, Jess, this is...
this is Peter.
Hi, Peter.
That's quite
an opening statement there.
I'm sorry, I... I didn't know
you were out here.
Well, I am.
It's so nice to meet you.
Very nice to meet you, too.
Yeah, I was... I was just telling
uh, Peter how lucky we are
that it... spot's
fully furnished and...
It's amazing, it's beautiful.
I love it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Listen, uh, you don't have
more... more things, do you,
to bring up, and...
We're okay, luckily.
Well, that's... that's...
that's cool.
Because I can't help you
with it.
I... it sounds funny, but I...
I... I got a busted shoulder.
- Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
- Yeah, man.
My uh, my rotator cuff,
it's just ripped in half, man.
Those are tough,
tough to heal from.
- Yeah, oh, yeah.
- Well...
It was um, it was really nice
to meet you, Peter.
- I'm right behind you.
- Okay.
She is...
Uh, uh...
She's good looking.
I got it, I got it.
I'm a lucky guy.
I'm a lucky... I'm a lucky guy.
You did well, sir.
Thank you, thank you.
Um, so uh, cool.
I guess...
I guess we're all right.
Thank you once again for...
for coming to meet us
and uh, you know,
kind of a welcome wagon.
- Hey listen, my pleasure.
- Yeah.
My pleasure
and you have a good time.
Will I see you around, or...
I'll be all over the place.
- Okay, cool.
- Excellent.
- Hey.
- My man, Peter.
- Take care.
- All right, thank you, man.
All right.
Um, so um, did you have uh...
do you have any questions for?
- No?
- No.
All right.
Yeah, if we have any questions,
we'll find you.
Bye now.
Peter is a character, huh?
Yeah, well,
that was embarrassing.
- Did he leave?
- Uh, yeah.
Just wanted to make sure
we got in okay.
Mm, cute.
What are we looking at?
Our garden.
You want a garden?
I want to grow something,
Well, all right.
You will have your garden.
Yeah, but that stump
is annoying.
Stupid stump.
Maybe we should name it Brad.
You're uh... you're not talking
about a real garden, are you?
I don't know, am I?
Such a dick, Brad.
Did you pay off the Visa?
Paid off the
Mastercard with the Visa.
God, this color
looks like ass.
the Visa has a higher interest rate.
I still have to buy
the fermenters
for the brewmaster.
And what the hell is his name?
- Derek?
- Derek.
What's a fermenter?
Uh, to make the beer.
Didn't we already buy those?
No, we bought the church
and for a bargain
I'd buy that.
The pastor running off
with the secretary
and all the congregation's money
was probably a factor.
Focus, babe. Fermenters.
What about
that investor's money?
No, the investor's money
is for taking into a church
and turning it into a brew pub,
not for the equipment.
No, brew pub's cooler, right?
Brew pub.
Is it cool?
Look, we're calling it
a "brew pub".
Oh, okay, brew pub.
Yeah, we got to buy
the brewing equipment,
so which card should I use?
I just told you.
Use the Mastercard.
- Oh, that Mastercard.
- Yes.
It's in your wallet.
Thank you, baby.
Baby, when you get back,
will you give me a foot massage?
I love you.
Love you, too.
can I put my jewelry on your side?
I don't have any room on mine.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, baby.
It's fine.
So what do you want to
do with that spare bedroom?
Yeah, I tried the
door, but it was locked.
It's locked?
that could be a home office, maybe.
Well, that's shitty.
Did you tell Peter?
No, no, it's not a big deal.
I was thinking that
maybe we could
turn it into a nursery?
Jess, we cannot afford a baby
when we're trying
to start a new business.
I keep telling you that.
Can you just
give me a second?
I got to respond
to this bullshit email.
What email?
These pricks from
the historical society.
They want me
to restore the steeple.
- Can you believe that?
- Are you serious?
Yes, it's gonna cut
into half of our entire budget.
- No. Oh, my God.
- Yeah.
The bitch who runs the committee
is a real Hitler.
If Hitler was a cat lady.
Did the air kick on
or something?
Yeah... probably.
Yeah, it was either
the air-conditioning
or... or a ghost.
Don't fucking do that.
You cool?
Come here.
A man takes
responsibility for his actions.
You brought this bitch home.
Now do it.
Pick that shit up. Now!
I said do it, Brad.
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
Jess... did you hear that?
What the hell.
Oh no. Mmm-mmm, mmm-mmm.
- Brad.
- Oh, my gosh.
Hey, you're so on edge.
Uh, protecting
the Swedish home dcor?
That is lame.
Uh... I think uh,
I think there are mice in there
or something.
What? I thought it was locked.
Yeah, I did too.
It's not.
- I'll call Peter in the morning.
- Okay.
Meanwhile, try not to stab me
with those little wrenches.
It's hilarious.
Could really go for
some Swedish meatballs
right about now.
I got your meatballs right here.
I like they're meatballs.
Don't have to tell me twice.
Come here, you.
- Hey.
- Hey Peter.
Hi, yeah, this is Jess.
Uh, me and my husband
are running...
You know, I think we have
a mouse problem upstairs.
Well, yeah.
Wait, you already knew
about that?
- Sure enough.
- Oh.
- I can help you.
- Okay, that would be amazing.
Yes, okay.
Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
- All right.
Yeah, bye.
Ow, shit.
Damn it.
Jess, baby girl.
Baby girl.
Jess, wake... wake.
- I mean, they're gold, right?
- Mmhmm.
They have to be worth something.
Wait, is this it?
You know,
see the markings are different.
Hang on.
What's the matter?
I just don't understand
how it all happened.
Well, it was
in the locked state, right?
Babe, I'm telling you,
the door opened
and slammed shut multiple times.
Multiple times?
I didn't hallucinate shit.
- All right.
- What about this?
- Wait, go back.
- Where?
That's like real.
Why is it worth so much?
I don't know.
I mean, it's just old.
Really old.
But it's... it's not a currency.
It's a religious thing.
Do you think we could sell 'em?
If we don't
restore that steeple,
they're gonna
halt construction, so...
Let's do some more research.
I mean,
if they're worth this much...
If they're worth this much,
then it's all going
to the brew pub.
Okay, we'll figure it out
Oh, okay.
Get in here.
"Prayer of invocation."
Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
Nope, nope, nope,
nope, nope.
Yeah, I'm sorry I busted it.
I just uh... I just panicked,
so thanks.
Oh, listen, man.
Uh, I uh... I understand.
I mean, if the fucking house
is on fire and...
You're just looking after
your woman.
I appreciate it.
These things are 5 bucks.
So you owe me 5 bucks.
Got it.
Oh... there you go.
What's wrong, man?
Oh, nothing, nothing.
Something on your mind.
Uh, it's my lady.
- Good luck.
- Yeah.
As soon as we started
getting serious,
the first question she asked me,
the very first question,
how many kids do I want?
First question.
And uh, I mean,
I want kids, I do.
I just, you know,
just not right now.
It's a bit much.
Yeah, it's not something
you just jump into.
You know, you have no idea
what you're gonna
pass on to your kid.
You know what I mean?
I had a wife once upon a time.
And she died.
We were together a long time.
Sorry to hear that.
I was in for the long run.
And uh,
we both wanted to have kids.
But we figured, you know,
if we waited for a while,
then uh,
it would make more sense.
But we waited a little bit
too long,
and then she went and died on me
so it never happened.
You know, I would have
liked to have been a father,
but it wasn't meant to be,
I suppose.
I'm sorry.
Well, I mean I get it,
you know what I'm saying,
it's a... it's a tough thing.
I'll give you some advice
if you want.
Man, if she wants to have one,
I'd have it,
regardless of what...
what it's gonna inherit,
your bad side
or your bad things,
it will probably get
your good stuff, too.
You see that?
You know what that is?
I do not.
All right, it's this guy
named Dismas.
Yeah, he was...
the patron saint of someone
- who's not worth saving.
- Oh.
- Something like that.
- Okay.
Anyway, I guess he was,
because he...
They nailed him up
next to Jesus.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Are you about to ask me
if I want to accept Jesus
into my heart?
- No.
- Okay.
- No.
- Phew.
No, uh, you know what,
I had some bad experiences
as a kid
with the church thing, you know.
Like your wife, my... my father,
in a way, my dad was like
- a lot of money.
- Mmhmm.
- More than he needed.
- Hmm.
But he was pretty hard on me,
you know.
He was not a nice guy.
I get that.
Stays with you.
It does.
That stuff uh, it does
tend to stay with you.
How do you know that?
I just, you know...
me and my dad, we didn't...
- we didn't get along either.
- Mmm-mmm.
- Sorry to hear that.
- Mmhmm.
All good.
May he rest in peace.
Both of 'em.
Mine and yours.
Hey. Peter, real quick.
What... what happened?
We uh... we found this book
in the... in the second bedroom.
And I didn't know if uh...
if it meant anything to you.
It looks...
You know, that looks
like something
that belonged to my father.
He had a bunch
of that stuff, man.
I don't know what it was.
I uh...
I got all the money
and everything else.
But he was into
some strange things, and...
Wait, like... like freaky stuff?
Well, I don't know, like he did
have a bunch of stuff like that.
It was like a secret society
or uh...
Like the occult?
Uh, I guess
you could call it that.
I mean, I didn't really
give a shit
- honestly.
- Right.
But I definitely recognize that,
but I don't know what's in it.
- Okay.
- I didn't want to know.
All right, so you can have it.
For real?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
If you find anything else for
me, let me know.
- Yes, I will.
- Okay.
Secret society, cool.
All right, thanks, man.
I don't know
what the hell it is, man, I...
- Hey, babe.
- Hmm.
Where's the Mastercard?
I thought we said
we wouldn't charge anything
unless it was for the business.
Just hungry. Want pizza.
you don't even like pizza.
What are you talking about?
People change and I want pizza.
Okay, well,
find the credit card,
order yourself up some pizza.
Will you help me?
Yeah, just a minute, babe,
my inbox just blew up.
All right, fine.
I'm gonna get some wine.
Do you want some?
Yeah, uh, not red though.
Did you decide what
you want to do with these?
Damn. She died.
What? Who?
Cat lady Hitler, from the
historical preservation society.
She's dead.
What? How?
Mmm. Uh, I don't know.
I just got an email
from the city administrator.
So does that mean
we don't have to restore
the steeple?
Uh no, we still do.
But they said they would
pay for it.
They're gonna give us a grant.
- Wait, what the hell.
- Yeah.
A tourism grant
to finish restoring
the rest of the church
for $900,000.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
$900,000. $900,000.
That's a little bit wide,
but that's good.
- Come here.
- Yeah!
I mean,
do we even need all of that?
You know, if we don't use it,
we lose it.
But it is plenty to get
this business off the ground,
that's for damn sure.
Then we can sell the coins.
I don't know.
I mean, part of me thinks
maybe we shouldn't.
I mean,
we don't have to now, right?
No, but not for the business.
For us.
So we can start a family.
- Oh, baby.
- Come on.
It's not the right time,
it's not, baby.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Look, I told you this.
When we moved out here,
I told you,
I need to focus
on this business.
I just need a couple more years.
Look, this is a good thing.
All right? You'll see,
time will fly by.
- Promise me?
- I promise you.
You believe me?
Mmhmm, a little bit,
I need some more.
You believe me?
Getting there.
You can't destroy them.
That's absurd.
I'm working on the money.
I already tol...
How long do I have?
You don't understand.
I have a medical condition,
there is no other option.
Hello? Hello?
So they didn't have the vodka
I was looking for.
But I think this will do.
Oh, and babe,
I saw that stump,
you almost got that thing out.
Good job.
What's wrong?
Uh hey, I got a uh, I got a text
from Mastercard
that said that they flagged
a suspicious charge.
- Brad.
- For...
I can explain.
It's for 30,000... $30,000.
I can explain.
Why didn't you...
Okay, why didn't
you come to me?
I've been coming to you
for over a year.
You know how important
having this baby is to me.
- Okay.
- Every time I bring it up,
you push it aside
like it's nothing.
This is everything to me, Brad.
Do you not...
do you not trust me?
Because I've been...
I've been telling you.
- Of course, I trust you.
- Well... obviously you don't.
'Cause you just spent $30,000
on a... on fertility.
Baby, I'm... I'm sorry.
What... what even is it?
What is it? What is it?
- IVF therapy.
- What? Okay, sorry, I'm sorry.
IVF therapy.
Okay, what is that?
I'm sorry.
They are holding my eggs
until I'm ready.
Or until we're ready.
They're holding your eggs?
- Yes!
- What, who...
I had to pay for
the next storage period
or they were gonna
throw them out.
Jess, I'm freaking
the fuck out here right now.
Don't freak out, baby.
Don't tell me not to freak out.
Because we don't have $30,000.
That was our...
You lied to me!
It's a child. It's a baby.
Why did you lie to me?
You're fucking with our money.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Brad.
Okay, all right, okay.
Because you don't listen to me.
Okay, all right.
- You don't...
- All right.
I've come to you
so many times...
Just so you know, because...
Listen to me. Listen to me.
Don't touch me. Don't touch me.
Don't tell me
not to touch you.
Just so you know,
that was our last line
of credit. All right?
And now we can't buy groceries,
So that's what happens
when you don't discuss
fucking fertility
with your husband!
- Brad, I'm sorry.
- Oh, my God.
- I'm so sorry, Brad.
- Fuck!
No, I'm sorry.
Come on, it's just horrible.
I can't.
Shut up.
You shut it.
Got ya.
Is that the door banging again?
Don't freak out. Don't...
Jesus Christ, Brad.
Don't freak out.
Don't freak out.
Don't freak out.
Don't freak out.
What are you doing?
Baby, I told you
not to freak out.
Don't freak out.
Okay, I will respect
your boundaries.
I wanted to say
that I am very sorry
for how I treated you before.
Um, you were well
within your rights
to all that you did.
And I gave you no choice.
Oh my God, you're drunk.
I am not dr... I'm...
I'm a little bit drunk.
But listen, hear me out.
Jess, seriously.
I'm so sorry that you felt like
you had to go
behind my back to...
You know me,
I just get so focused on
the business.
And I neglect to... to...
to pay attention
to things that are so...
to what we need
to be together.
I need to focus on that.
I promise...
we will have a family.
- Okay.
- Come on.
- I forgive you.
- Okay.
Now can you stop this
Ouija bullshit
and come back to bed?
Oh yes, I almost forgot.
Now, just stay with me here.
A couple of days ago,
um, I might have accidentally
on purpose
said a lot of the shit
that was in that book, right?
Look, I said that shit out loud.
Jessica... whatever is in here
could really, really
help us out.
Peter's father was very, very,
very much into this.
And Peter's father was very,
very, very rich.
I think the reason
they're so rich
is still in this house now.
You're welcome.
I'm sorry.
Hey, sweetie.
Come to mommy.
Oh no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.
Damn it, Jess.
I guess we're really
doing this, huh.
So is that it?
There's not like the smell
of brimstone or something?
The last step.
I mean,
he can't just pull out, can he?
What are we gonna do?
Yeah, he can.
And... and... and he did.
And I don't know.
I was uh,
I was gonna pay myself
after the investment came in.
The grant will be good
for business expenses...
but not our bills.
I'm scared, Brad.
Yeah, me too.
Let's try to get some sleep.
I'll wake up in the morning,
I'll make some calls.
And hopefully,
I can find somebody...
to replace Vincent's money.
Oh, boy.
No, no.
It's... it's no problem.
I appreciate it.
Okay, thank you.
- And?
- Oh, nope.
Oh shit.
Is there anyone
you haven't thought of?
Uh, I thought he said
he was gonna fix
that goddamn door!
Who the hell do we know
that has that much money?
I know who.
Babe, no, there's no way.
Yeah, I'll... I'll call him.
I'll invite him over for dinner.
He's our Hail Mary.
Okay, all right fine.
Trust me on this.
Go for it.
Okay, yeah.
This is so weird.
Baby, what's wrong?
What's going on?
What happened?
What's going on?
What the fuck.
Sorry, baby, I can't.
What happened?
Come, come, come on here.
Come on here.
Oh, my God.
Sit, hang in there.
Keep breathing.
Let me see.
It was him.
Okay, apply pressure.
Damn it.
Okay. Okay, all right.
I got this.
It's gonna be okay.
Let me just handle this meal
and I'll be right up.
Are you... are you okay
to be here by yourself?
Yeah, I'm okay.
Okay, stay here.
I'ma deal with this.
I love you.
I love you, too.
We're gonna... we're gonna
figure this out, okay?
- Hurry though.
- Okay.
I got this, sweetie. All right?
Apply pressure.
There he is. Come on in.
Thanks for the invite.
All right, man.
Right this way.
I like that jacket.
Well, Brad, I got to tell you
that was pretty good.
Oh yeah.
Jess is no slouch
in the kitchen.
No, she sure isn't.
Yeah, she apologizes.
Just for not being able
to make it.
- She's not feeling well, so...
- Oh, well.
You know, we can just have
a little man chat.
Yeah, yeah. So, so...
Listen, thanks again for...
for just making
this place available.
It really came
at a perfect time.
It's awful lonely around here
with ain't nobody in it.
Oh, I can...
I had mentioned before.
Jess and I, we're...
we're starting this business.
It's called a "brew pub".
And it's a combination
of brewery and restaurant.
And we found a beautiful place,
a beautiful space.
It's this church.
I think it's on 5th.
First Presbyterian.
Yeah, I know exactly
where that is.
And we thought that,
you know, given its location...
The plan is to... to-
to rent out
the rest of the space
uh, to shops,
because it's downtown,
people can come and go, and uh...
I don't understand
why you're telling me all this.
Here's the thing.
You seem like
you would be a perfect partner.
I want to give you
this opportunity.
Hear me out.
I got plenty of money, Brad.
20%, all right?
We... we... we need the kind of
person, not just anyone,
someone that is connected
to the community. Someone who...
So you invited me to dinner
to give me a business pitch.
- Is that it?
- I just...
No, I... because of...
For the good company, but...
- but this is an opportunity.
- Yeah.
Do you know what I'm saying?
Wait, what's going on?
It might be an opportunity
for you.
But it ain't
my kind of opportunity.
I like having you around here.
I like being around here.
I thought you were
a different kind of guy, man.
All right, all right, listen.
You ain't nothing,
but a fucking, lousy,
stinking salesman.
- Man, fuck you.
- Oh.
And you and your woman
pack your shit.
- This...
- Get out!
- You're not...
- Get the fuck out of my house.
You're not serious.
Wait, wait. Peter.
Hey, Peter.
Peter, you can't be serious.
Fuck you, Brad.
Come on, now.
You can't kick us out.
You want to bet?
Peter, please.
My goddamn house,
I'll do what I please.
Peter, please don't kick us out.
What the fuck is wrong
with this door?
Peter, you're not
gonna kick us out.
- It's my goddamn house.
- Peter.
I can't even
get my goddamn door...
Peter, you can't kick us...
Yes, I can.
You can't kick us out.
Goddamn it.
Brad, what's going on?
What the fuck did you do?
He was going to evict us.
I had no choice,
so go get me something
to tie him up.
No, we're not doing this.
What have you done?
Go get me something
to tie him up.
I'm not playing.
Go get me something
to tie him up.
Stop moving.
Stop moving.
I said stop.
I need that money
and you're going
to give it to me.
I need you to sign in
to the bank,
so that they can make
the transfer.
And once it goes through,
you can go home.
You'll own 20%
and you'll be a happy investor.
It will take a couple of days
for the money to go through,
but then we'll all be good.
Good man.
I knew you had it in you.
Babe, a transfer like that...
I have an idea.
There isn't a way out of it,
Well, then, what do you
want me to do?
He's trying to kill Peter.
How does that help him?
I don't know.
We have to do something.
I feel sick to my stomach.
Yeah, me too.
It's exhaustion.
Come here.
Holy shit.
Ba... uh...
Oh easy, easy.
Don't move, don't move.
What's happening?
Everything's gonna be okay.
Wait, wait right there, baby.
- Wait a minute.
- Oh, my God.
- It's okay.
- Oh, my God.
Okay, take your time.
Take your time.
- Oh, my God.
- Let's get to the bathroom.
- Oh, my God.
- Everything's gonna be fine.
- That's okay, come on.
- What's going on?
Everything's gonna be fine.
Let's go this way.
- Ow.
- Okay, easy, go slow.
Everything's gonna be fine,
It's okay.
Okay, I'm gonna
pull it up now, okay?
I'm gonna pull it up
nice and slow.
Nice and slow.
Just keep breathing, okay?
- Oh.
- What is it?
Okay, right, just let me
lift up the shirt.
Keep breathing.
Keep breathing.
Okay, here we go.
There we go.
There we go.
There we go.
Okay, we're gonna
get you in the shower.
You're gonna be fine, baby.
You're gonna be fine.
Yeah, get in the shower.
All right, now, back up,
nice and slow.
You all right?
All right, nice and slow.
Now you just let the water on.
There you go, nice and slow.
- Help me.
- Okay.
I'll be right back.
I'm gonna go get some towels.
You don't have to do this,
you know.
Like too much.
I ain't gonna say nothin'
to nobody.
you don't have to do this.
I tried to talk to him.
I have to do it.
I do have to do this.
I'll tell you one thing.
You're gonna need
a lot bigger knife.
I shouldn't have to do that.
That little goddamn
thing ain't gonna do nothing.
You better go for the throat.
Because if I survive,
you're gonna be...
have to look over your shoulder.
Do it. Attaboy.
I said, do it.
What the hell
were you thinking, huh?
You know we can't afford
a goddamn dog.
Hell, we can barely afford
to keep your little punk ass.
A man takes responsibility
for his actions.
You hear me?
You brought this bitch home.
So do it.
Pick it up.
Hurry the fuck up.
Stupid little boy.
What... what you waiting for,
Do it, Brad!
Hell is wrong with you?
Give me that damn thing.
I'll do it my goddamn self, boy.
Fucking dog.
This is all
your fucking fault, Brad.
Brad, Brad, open the door.
Brad, right now.
Open the door.
You can't do this.
Open the door, Brad.
You saw the book, Jess.
It's you or him.
I have to do this.
- Open the fucking door.
- Get me...
Come on, Brad, open the door,
Shut up!
Open the door, now!
Come on, let me in!
Open the door, Brad.
You have to stop now.
Stop now.
Brad, no, Brad.
Don't do it. Come on.
Please, Brad.
You don't have to fucking
do this.
What is that?
It's still fucking...
What more do you want?
- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
- What? What?
I don't think that's Peter.
- Grab his feet.
- What?
Grab his feet.
We could destroy the body.
Cut off his head, burn it.
Brad, no.
Well, then what are we
supposed to do, Jess?
I can't...
I can't do this anymore.
Uh, I don't know, I'm sorry.
Son of a bitch.
Hey handsome.
You can't get out of this house.
Fuck you.
You don't know me.
You know what?
The clock is ticking.
Time for you to worship me.
Get down there, goddamn it.
Get on your goddamn knees
and worship me.
There you go, Brad.
Good man.
Whatever you want,
it's yours now.
- Baby.
- Hey.
What's that?
This is our future.
Here, here.
Oh, my God.
How much is that?
It's uh, $50,000.
$10,000 each.
Where the hell
did you get that from?
Um, him. Yeah.
It uh... it was gold.
A lot of it.
And I had to go
to a few different pawn shops
just to get rid of it, but...
He just gave that to you?
There was a price.
What's the price?
He um...
Jess, he guaranteed us success.
He said the business
would flourish and...
he said we could...
we could have a family.
What is the goddamn price?
- He said... he said...
- Brad.
We could have a family.
What's the price?
- Oh, my God.
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm fine. I'm gonna be fine.
This is... look...
he... he wants us to
open up this business.
He wants us to, so...
I mean, I don't know why,
but he said,
once we get it up
and running...
you know, then he'd take...
leave us alone, so.
And you trust him?
This is $50,000.
I don't like this.
Yeah, I'm sorry, Mr. Vincent.
But unfortunately,
after you dropped out,
I had to move forward
with another investor
who immediately jumped in.
So I hope you...
No, no, no.
That's fine.
Uh, I tell you what,
I'll give you a call
if uh...
if I'm in need of anything else.
All right, man, appreciate it.
All right, so uh,
with the grant
and the uh... you know,
the other money uh,
we should be able to open up
a lot earlier than... than...
than we expected,
so that's good, huh?
He hasn't said or done anything
since he took Peter's body.
I know, he's waiting.
This just all doesn't
seem worth it to me, Brad.
I'm trying to fix this.
I'm trying to fix this
the best way I can.
I know.
I'm sorry, Jessica.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I had to...
I'm sorry
I dragged you into this.
You didn't have a choice.
I know that now.
Everything you've done,
you did for us.
We are past regrets
at this point, okay?
I love you so much.
I love you, too.
Come on.
You can do it.
Oh, oh, thank you.
And there we go.
That ain't so bad.
That was a good one.
We're gettin' better.
Jess, come on, now.
It just all doesn't seem real.
So many doctors told me
I would never be able to,
but here we are.
And I never thought
I'd be ready.
Where do you think he went?
Who knows?
Will the new house
be ready next week?
I certainly hope so.
I paid those contractors extra,
just to make sure
they'd be fast.
Keep your fingers crossed.
I can't wait to get out
of this fucking house.
So, I've been thinking
about names.
What do you think of Anna?
I love it.
Oh babe, you do?
Her name's Anna.
- Brad.
- Yeah, baby?
- Brad.
- What?
What's going on?
What is that?
What is it?
He uh, didn't mark you.
He marked the baby.
Don't say that.
You have to get out.
All right?
You have to get out
with Anna.
Say it.
Say it.
I have to get out.
Now, I'm gonna do what I can.
Don't leave me.
Please, don't.
Don't leave me.
You have to get out.
Call the police and get out.
Okay, I love you.
I love you, too.
Come on.
Come on.
That's my knife, Brad.
An, forget it.
Fuck you.
You'll never find her.
Jess called the police, too.
She did, huh?
Well, I guess that kind of
wraps things up, doesn't it?
You want to know
something really funny?
For the first time in my life
I got nothing else to say.
Hey, Jess.
You can't do this.
Oh yes, I can.
Please, no.
I love you.
I love you, too.
No. No. Where's my baby?
Where's my baby?
Where's my baby?
My baby.
No, where's my baby?
Get off of me.
My baby.
No, no!
My baby.
My... my baby.