India Lockdown (2022) Movie Script

Ballard Pier! Alight quickly, everyone.
Damn that oldie! Felt me up!
- Let's go get him!
- Ballard Pier passengers! Alight quickly!
- Come...where did he go?
- There he is!
- Alright, I'll talk to you later.
- Hey! Stop!
- Hey! Stop!
- Catch him!
- That's the sleazeball, right?
- Yes.
Stop, Oldie!
- Pervert! Stop!
- Hey...You! Stop!
Where do you think you're going, huh?
Why did you touch my back?
I... I didn't do anything!
You didn't?
Then, why don't you?
I have the hots for you since
the moment you touched me!
Come. I even have a room.
Five hundred rupees.
Oh... you're already dreaming!
Just eight hundred.
Come on!
Let go of me.
I'm not that kind of a man!
Then what kind of a man are you?
You want to imagine me
privately later?
Alright, I'll give you a discount.
Four hundred for me. Two-fifty for her.
Oh, come on now!
Please leave me. I'm not
that kind of a man!
Stupid wimp! Dirtbag!
Only wants to lust from afar.
Cunt! Let's go eat some wada-paav.
Sir, if it's a girl, buy pink.
If it's a boy, buy blue.
Sir, most people do that.
We shouldn't do what most people do.
We should do what is appropriate.
Listen... pack both of them.
Superb, Sir! Sure.
- A baby looks good in any colour, right?
- Yes Sir. Of course.
Be it a girl or a boy.
Yes Sir.
Keep it in the car.
Hey! Mr. Rao!
- Oh...Mr. Khosla.
- Wearing a mask, Mr. Rao? Wow!
Yes Mr. Khosla. I believe in
taking precautions.
I can see that!
I've heard that the virus
first enters the mouth.
Don't you know that masks
are compulsory in China?
Don't talk of China!
The whole world is suffering
because of them.
Dog... Cats... Bats...
Chinese people eat everything.
- Sit Bruno
- Bruno need not worry, Mr. Rao.
Nobody will eat him!
Mr. Rao, let's go
to the club this evening.
- Let's have a drink, play cards.
- No.
What say?
We should avoid social gatherings now.
Why take risks?
What risk, Mr. Rao?
Alcohol kills all the germs
in your stomach!
Corona doesn't stand a chance!
Still... Another time.
I'm travelling to Hyderabad next week.
My daughter is pregnant with her...
...first child after
ten years of marriage.
Wow! Heartiest Congratulations!
Oh yes... Precautions!
Doesn't matter. I'll have
your share of drinks too.
Alright, see you then.
Bye bye, Bruno!
Shit! We dropped the all the
soft-drinks and chips!
You want to eat chips?!
I want to eat you.
From top to bottom.
Wait a bit.
Then your uncle will enjoy in Shimla,
and we'll enjoy his apartment.
And what will we do there?
Lose our virginity, what else?
I'm already frustrated
with this virginity tag.
Once in the apartment,
I'll eat you alive!
You're talking as if
only you are desperate.
I'm a virgin too!
Madam, it's time to remove
the tag of virginity.
So, a decent boy like me deserves one
more smooch from a cute girl like you!
Palak, wait!
What? No!
It's already been repaired
so many times!
Throw it away and
buy a new one.
I don't want a new one.
Repair this one, please.
I bet you will need to get it
repaired again in ten days.
That'll be good for you!
You'll get paid again.
Take it.
Just one hundred rupees.
I assure you,
walking will be a pleasure.
Buy it. You've been using
the old one for two years.
We aren't buying the Taj Mahal.
Don't overthink. Buy it.
I'll buy it for eighty.
My purchase price is ninety.
How can I give to you for eighty?
Alright... since it's my
first sale of the day!
Baba, I want to eat Chow Mein.
No! Hadn't I said that
you'll only get one thing?
Baba just bought you
a chocolate, didn't he?
one shouldn't eat Chinese food.
Why not?
Didn't you read on WhatsApp?
China is spreading the virus in the
entire world through their food.
Now we'll definitely eat it.
WhatsApp has made people crazy.
Enjoying it?
Tell me, are you enjoying?
- Now turn around.
- Gabru.
- Not behind, Gabru. Please.
- Should I tell your mother?
No Gabru. Not behind. Gabru!
Just by growing nails,
a cat won't become a tiger!
Tipu bhai, when you laugh,
the dimples on your cheek look great!
Forget the pits on my cheeks.
Our entire business is in the pits!
Looks like a new customer
For how long will you
enjoy me for free, Gabru?
It's not for free, darling.
It's the tax for hiding things
from your mother, dear.
How you have been a prostitute
for the last two years... hoodwinking your mother...
...that 'I'm a nurse.
I serve people, mother'.
At least give me something!
You ate into my business hours.
You're right! This is wrong.
Never sleep with anybody for free.
Here...fifty. Happy?
Now keep your mouth shut.
Give me a hundred at least.
Be thankful I'm giving you money,
and not taking it from you.
How kind of you!
Oh! Mehrunnisa, my love!
That's the least I can do.
After all, we're from the same village.
See you!
- I'll call you, OK?
-Yeah, right! Dirtbag!
Butterfly, fly away! Pigeon, fly away!
Crow, fly away! Crocodile, fly away!
Hey Titli!
Is this the time to play?
Sleep while you still
get to sleep at night.
Scoot! All of you! Go!
- What's up?
- What's up with you Sundari?
Nothing. Waiting for a customer.
- Where's Kamli?
- Downstairs. With her trucker.
Are you going to take me
or just keep staring?
What kind of people do you like?
All kinds of people, my dear.
There's no morals when
it comes to getting laid.
Everybody comes here
for the same thing.
Quite filmy, aren't you?
Leave it. Get started.
Don't waste time.
How are you, Swati.
How are you, Appa?
I miss Mummy a lot!
Yes dear.
I wish she were still here.
My due date is just a month away.
How will everything be managed?
I already feeling very anxious and...
You are receiving this blessing
after so many years of marriage.
As it is, I'm coming over.
I'll be there next week.
- OK?
- Really?
To take care of you and the baby.
I'm so excited to be a grandfather!
- I wasn't this excited to be a father.
- Uncle...
One minute. Swati, I'll call again.
Yes Appa. Love you.
Uncle, the food is in the hot case.
The rest of the work is done.
I'll leave.
One minute... Phoolmati...
I forgot to tell you...
Due to Corona, the society has
forbidden maids from coming to work.
I'm really sorry.
Here's this month's salary.
And you too stay safe.
Don't let family members go out.
What will we eat if
we don't go out, Uncle?
The poor will die of starvation first.
- Take this...
- Uncle, you've already...
Consider it as next month's
salary in advance. OK?
Alright, Uncle!
How will you manage
all the work by yourself?
It's a matter of a few days.
Next week I'm going
to Hyderabad to meet Swati.
Take care.
I'm leaving.
Famous Bollywood singer
Rekha Kapoor has caught Corona!
She had been to a well-known
businessman's party.
It was attended by many
famous personalities.
Now everybody will be tested for Corona.
Since you've started your food stall,
customers have stopped coming.
Don't blame my stall.
Blame the media.
They've put fear in people's minds.
People are avoiding crowded places.
I left my farm and my village
to come to the city to earn more.
Corona has messed up the business!
- Vilas bhai!
- Well, Madhav! Your stall is shining.
I could buy it only thanks to
the loan you gave me.
Oh! You remember the loan?
He remembers!
- I thought you've forgotten.
- No, no, Vilas bhai...
What had you promised when
I lent you 12,000 rupees?
You will pay the loan instalment
on the first of every month, right?
I was going to meet you...
Money's a little tight...
Business is slow due to Corona...
Don't bore me with your sob stories.
I want the two missed
instalments together.
Give me a date.
I'll give you 6,000 by the first
of the next month. I promise.
- On the first of April, right?
- Yes, Vilas bhai.
Don't make an April Fool of me!
- I wouldn't dream of it!
- Clear your dues...
...And pay the rest on time!
Yes, Vilasbhai.
Come, Guddu.
Let's settle Javed's account too.
- Titli! Don't go too far in the water.
- I won't.
Don't worry too much.
She's too smart.
No! Poor thing's motherless.
Had Tipu not taken her in,
she'd have nowhere to go.
Tell me Mehru...
Why do these girls give away
for free, what we charge for?
Who told you it's for free?
Everything has a price.
They must be taking lipsticks, mobiles,
movies, popcorn,
before giving it away!
The pleasures of youth!
Sister, look what I found!
What is it?
Wow! What'll you do with it?
Give it to me.
What for? I found it!
Finders keepers!
Will you trade it for candy floss?
- Yes. Give me the money!
- Yes.
Didn't I tell you she's overly smart?
- Here...
- I'm going to eat two.
Alright Madam! two.
What a big appetite you have!
Looks fancy!
- What is it?
- It's looking like a knife.
Pass me the beer bottle...
Stop, man!
Hold this...
How're you, old lady?
What's up?
I'm waiting for my death.
But who cares!
So? Should I quit
my job as a nurse?
As it is, the number of patients
has increased lately.
Are you threatening me?
Got the 1,000 rupees I'd sent?
I'll hang up now.
Or else the bosses will scold me.
- Take care.
- Yes.
What if your mother finds out the truth?
She'll die of shame.
Don't you feel like
visiting her some time?
What will I do there?
And who will earn money?
We'll both starve to death.
Better to live in Mumbai and earn.
Got your candy floss?
Eat it up, then.
- Hey Palak...
- Hmm?
- Palak!
- Yes?
Do you have my Swiss knife?
No idea where I lost it.
It was my favourite.
Maybe I lost it at the beach.
Is there nothing else
you can think of?
My uncle must have
boarded the flight already.
- Come right now!
- Not now!
Dad's home nowadays.
If I'm late, he'll chew my ears off.
Can't you listen to one
lecture for me?
That's not it.
It's our first time.
I don't want to rush through it.
- Correct! We should savour it.
- Right!
I had sent you the location.
Did you check it?
Yes. It's very close by.
I'll reach there quickly.
Mr. Yadav! Mr. Yadav!
Mr. Yadav! Mr. Yadav!
- MR. YADAV! Gosh!
- Good evening, Madam!
I've been honking for so long!
Are you deaf?
Sorry Madam. I dozed off.
Yesterday I did night duty too.
Mr. Gupta of Flat no. 201 has
parked his car in my slot.
And you're dozing off!
Where am I supposed to park my car?
Shouldn't you ensure that
people park their cars properly?
Why is Dad sending these WhatsApp
messages on the family group?
Don't stare at me! Call him!
Tell him to park his car properly.
Dev Sir!
Madam it's his uncle's car...
Is Mr. Gupta your uncle?
- Yes.
- Where is he?
He's gone to Shimla for a week.
I'll be staying here till he returns.
Then, park his car properly!
How will I park my car?
I know nothing.
And I can't drive a car.
Christ! Are you serious?
You know what? I'll park the car.
It's OK. Give me the keys.
- You do have the keys, right?
- Upstairs...
Please go and get it!
Make it fast.
Here you go.
And I'm really sorry
about the way I behaved earlier.
It's just that if somebody
disturbs my personal space...
...I get very riled up.
So, I'm really sorry.
It's OK.
I understand, Madam.
What did you call me?
My name's Moon Alves.
- Say 'Moon'...
- Moon.
So, Dev, I've never seen you
in this building before.
Actually, I live in a boys' hostel
in South Mumbai.
- Oh.
- Uncle had to go out of town.
So, he called me to take care
of the plants and fish.
He's really possessive about them.
I had college vacations.
So, I thought, why not?
You really can't drive a car or
are you afraid of your uncle?
No. I love bikes.
Bikes! Even I love bikes!
Flying aircrafts has made
me forget how to ride a bike!
You fly planes?!
I'm a hit-woman.
I'm joking.
I'm a commercial pilot.
I can only imagine how
amazing your life must be!
Yes, it is.
I live the high life...
up in the air...
But if you need something on earth...
I mean in this society...
...don't hesitate.
Just reach out. OK?
It was nice to meet you, Dev.
Take care of yourself, yeah?
Bye Moon.
An unprecedented, historic decision!
The entire country in a 21-day lockdown!
The Central Government
has just made the declaration.
that everything will be
closed down for 21 days...
Tipu! Why are you
banging on the door?
I'm with a customer.
Finish with him quickly.
There's a line for you outside.
You think I'm a juicer?
Fruit in, juice out!
Entire India is in lockdown.
There's chaos everywhere.
Serve as many customers
as you can tonight.
- Lock...what?
- Lock...lockdown...
A disease called Corona is spreading.
All businesses to shut down for 21 days.
Like, the entire country
will down its shutters!
C'mon. Finish with him fast.
My pink t-shirt is not here...
- Mummy!
- Yes...
Where's my pink t-shirt?
Why do you need the pink t-shirt?
I told you yesterday!
I have to go to Michelle's birthday party!
Forget about birthday parties now.
The entire country is in lockdown.
For 21 days.
What do you mean?
It means nobody will be
going out for 21 days.
If you can pull yourself away from
birthday parties and insta stories...
...and listen to the news, you'll know
what's happening in the country.
Got it?
What's for dinner?
Cabbage curry.
Make Cabbage Manchurian instead.
- Haven't had them in a while.
- Alright.
I told you yesterday!
Sir. I've already told you!
All flights have been cancelled.
Your ticket will be refunded.
Look, I don't want a refund.
I want to go to Hyderabad.
Sir, I understand,
but I can't help you.
Thank you for speaking with
Stay home. Stay safe.
What do you mean 'Stay safe'?
The whole world is fighting Corona!
The whole country is in a lockdown!
I can't go to Hyderabad!
And you're saying, 'Stay safe'!
I'm sorry, Sir. Like I said before...
Oh Swati!
There's a long queue
outside the department store!
I stood for two hours
at the billing counter.
Appa, how will you manage
by yourself for so long!
Just a minute, Swati.
Let me just keep this in the car.
Why are you doing it yourself, Appa?
Why did you not call the driver?
All markets will close till
he comes from Dharavi.
Oh! Right!
I finished off the provisions since
I was going to come to Hyderabad.
OK, Appa, just relax now. Breathe.
I hope you've now bought everything?
Oh no!
What's wrong?
I forgot to buy salt!
The queue is so long!
I'll have to stand in line again!
- Appa...
- Swati, I'll talk to you later.
Rations are about to finish.
The rent isn't paid yet.
Vilas bhai's loan instalment is due.
And this lockdown!
How can we go out
to look for work?
The lockdown will be lifted
in just a few days.
Yes, and everything will go
back to what it was, right?
Why are you getting
mad at me?
I didn't bring this Corona!
Come here.
Just come here.
Don't worry about the rent.
I'll talk to Rafique bhai.
- As for rations...
- Shh!
- What is it?
- A rat
Oh no! That dog chewed up
the new packet of oil!
I'm cursing the rat!
There's a rat?
Five thousand cases have
been reported so far and
there's fear in the minds of people
which is why there's panic buying...
- Jaggu ran off!
- I knew he would!
He was a coward. He was bound to run.
Isn't that Madhav?
- Yes, it is him!
- Let's catch him.
He hasn't paid two months' rent.
He's had it today!
Hey! Stop!
You thought I wouldn't
recognise you behind the mask?
No, no, Rafique bhai...
I didn't see you at all!
You neither receive calls,
nor call me back.
The month is almost over.
You haven't paid the rent yet.
You think I'm doing charity?
I wanted to meet you.
I'm in a tight spot.
And then this lockdown...
Please waive the rent for this month.
There's no money to feed the kids.
No money? What are you doing
at the grocery shop then?
- Hey...check him for money...
- Rafique bhai...please...
Check properly everywhere.
Liar! The rascal has hidden
the money in his sleeve!
- Count it.
- Rafique bhai...
There's 3,800!
That's two months' rent.
Still 200 short.
At least return 500.
The kids need food...
- You think I'm a fool?
- Rafique bhai!
- Get lost!
- I need money for my kids!
If I think of his kids,
what will my kids eat?
Wish you'd have come here
last evening itself!
We'd have enjoyed so much!
You're too scared of your father.
What's the worst that would happen?
You'd get scolded?
How was I to know that a
lockdown would be announced!
Wouldn't I have come if I knew?
This is all your fault.
You took two years
for such a simple thing!
This is the limit!
You kept refusing!
'I don't want to do it here...
Not in the car... Not in a hotel...'
It's the first time!
The place should be
safe and clean, right?
I was so looking forward to it!
I visited the salon,
bought your favourite lingerie...
Now I'm wearing it and
I'm stuck at home. Alone!
Show me what you're wearing.
Damn! I can't control this!
I'm so hot for you now!
Perhaps we're destined
to remain virgins.
Make an excuse and come here.
The house is all ours.
And you stay so close by.
No excuse will work.
My parents are excessively
paranoid and panicky.
Leave it.
That pink strap is
twirling in my head!
I feel like crawling through the
laptop and pouncing on you!
Is that so?
Give me a kiss. Please.
One more, one more.
I love you!
I love you too!
See you.
Kabir bhai, only 800 Rupees?
Thank your stars I'm giving you
this much in this lockdown.
And if you're so short of money,
why don't you return to your village?
Buses, trains... everything is shut.
How will we go?
Some people from your village
are leaving on foot in a few days.
On foot?!
It's better than
starving to death here.
Don't overthink.
Kishan uncle, the tea-stall owner,
is leaving with his entire family.
Kabir bhai, please introduce me to him.
I'll be greatly obliged!
Alright, I will.
It's good that everybody
has gathered here today.
This is Madhav Prakash ji.
He wants to accompany us
with his family.
Those who want to come along...
...should assemble at Hanuman Chowk
on Wednesday night at 10.
One more thing.
All of us will have to be brave.
We'll have to walk about 30
to 40 kilometres each day.
Only then we'll be able to reach
home in about 20 to 25 days.
It's even more difficult for you.
How will you make it
with two children in tow?
Yes, it's difficult,
but what else can we do?
Damned if we stay.
Damned if we leave.
Dead, not damned, if we stay!
We have homes and farms in the village.
We won't starve to death.
Here, if we lose our jobs,
who will feed us?
Charandas is right.
We'll leave quietly in the night,
unseen by anybody.
After that, each one for himself.
The risk of catching Corona
is the highest over here.
I've heard that the dead person's
family isn't allowed to see their body.
At least if we die in our village,
our kin can light our pyre!
Kishan ji is absolutely right.
- Why have you gathered here?
- There's a lockdown in force!
- Scoot! Get lost!
- Run off!
This always happens...
When anything goes wrong
anywhere, we have to suffer!
So true, Aunty!
Aunty, you're the boss!
These cookery shows on TV
are making my mouth water!
- I'm sick of this bland food!
- Damn right!
If this goes on, we'll have to trade
our kidneys instead of our flesh!
- Even laughing comes at a price.
- Damn! What a pain!
What a dangerous disease!
If people can't touch each other!
How will we do business?
Mehru, in the lockdown we can
still do business without touching!
How is that?
With this!
- What?
- Phone sex!
What do you mean?
Phone sex means...
...saying sexy stuff on the phone
and arousing the customer...
...and 'relieving' him
on the phone itself!
You could even dance
if you wanted to!
Wow Tipu! So, we just speak on
the phone and get paid for it?
Wow! What an idea!
I've already snared a fish and
taken 250 rupees as advance!
250! Who's feeling so hot?
Jumman tailor...he's really desperate!
C'mon, call him.
Be quiet, everybody!
- Hello?
- Hello Jumman bhai...
- Where are you?
- In the loo! Where else?
In the loo? Listen, your favourite
Mehru is here.
The next voice
will be Mehru's!
Yes, oh yes!
Put her on!
Hello Jumman!
- My darling!
- How are you, my love?
I'm wonderful.
You're alone, right?
All alone!
I shooed Tipu away.
I'm in my room,
where you always got laid.
I heard your voice after so long...
My darling! I miss you!
Miss you too, dear!
Just 'miss you'? So unromantic!
Give me a kiss!
Why just one?
Take ten!
What's wrong?
Nothing. You gave me so many
kisses that I exclaimed 'Aah!!'
- What are you wearing?
- Me? A saree and a blouse.
Oh my!
Oh no! I've dropped my saree
off my shoulder, Jumman!
Oh! Keep talking.
Keep doing it!
- Are you in the mood, my darling?
- Ahh! Go on...speak!
Now I'm unbuttoning my blouse.
Oh...that's the first button...
Now off goes the second...
Keep speaking!
I can't speak! You are
crushing me in your arms!
Go on!
How can I?
You are holding me tight!
Give it in the mouth!
Jumman, have you come so soon?
I was bursting since lockdown began!
Your voice is magical, my love!
Next time I'll make it even
more magical.
Next time, we'll prolong it.
Keep calling me, OK?
- My darling, I miss you!
- Miss you too!
This is a fantastic idea!
This dirtbag turned out
to be a two-minute noodle!
What say buddy?
Humans should also
have readymade food like you!
No stress of cooking.
Bruno, stay!
Bruno, stay!
- Hello Mr. Rao!
- Mr. Khosla, how are you?
- Sitting idle in the lockdown!
- You aren't wearing a mask?
I'm not going out. No need
to wear a mask at home!
But it's necessary to take precautions.
I heard that there are
35,000 cases in the US!
It's growing all over the world!
Forget the world and the US.
Listen to this breaking news!
Yesterday dolphins were seen close
to the coast near Marine Drive!
I even have a video on WhatsApp.
Here... have a look...
Please! Maintain social distance!
Share the video on the society's
WhatsApp group. We'll watch it.
Please excuse me.
I have a lot of housework to do.
Is there really any housework
or are you taking precaution?
Mr. Rao, I'm observing.
You are overly afraid.
Yes. Being afraid is
better than being dead.
Mr. Rao, we're not dying
anytime soon!
Indians have great immunity.
Since childhood we eat turmeric,
and so many spices too!
Still, you better wear a mask.
Stay safe.
You must have cast
the evil eye on my food!
Bruno, get out of my sight!
Which is why I'm eating food like yours!
Why did it take you
so long downstairs?
I'm sure you were chatting
with Meenal from your office.
I'd gone to the medical store!
After being caught in the bathroom... pretend to go to the
medical store and chat with her!
Stop being childish!
- She's my colleague!
- Oh! Colleague!
What's wrong if I get a message
or two during work-from-home?
I know all about your work! I'm sure
you're having an affair with her!
Manoj bhai!
I'm sorry to interfere
in a family matter.
But times are already difficult.
The entire city has fallen silent.
And your voices are echoing
all over the society.
Sorry, Mr. Rao...this is just
a little misunderstanding.
Let's go. Get in.
You were saved by Mr. Rao today!
But I'm going to put an end
to your flirtations.
I warn you.
Hey! Mr. Biker!
What's up?
Sorry?'re standing up there!
Oh my God!
What a bad joke!
But a cute one.
I like it.
So, how's your lockdown going?
Getting bored sitting at home!
Come over if you're getting bored.
I've baked banana bread
from an online recipe.
I need a guinea pig. So, come.
I'll come next time. I have a
video call with college friends...
Oh! Plans! Of course.
No worries.
Come for dinner.
I'll cook something nice for you.
What say?
- Can't make it today.
- Why?
I've planned to binge-watch
a web series tonight.
I've borrowed my friend's subscription.
It expires tomorrow.
So, I'll have to watch it tonight.
Jesus! So many plans and yet...
- ...he says he's bored...
- What?
I said, you have so many plans.
Yet you're complaining of boredom!
Let me know when
you're actually bored.
Move it! Go!
Temperature 102 degrees.
Must be quarantined.
Municipality officials are forcefully
testing everybody in our locality.
If you have the disease, they
isolate you in a hospital for 15 days.
What if they take one of us away?
Then what about the kids?
That's why I'm urging you.
Let's set off on foot.
Such a long journey with the kids?
It takes two days by train.
You're talking of going on foot.
Do we have any other option?
Kishan ji, Charan ji...
Others are going with us.
We aren't going alone.
Then why worry?
We'll walk a little every day,
and reach home.
Let's leave.
Oh Almighty...!!!
Oh Almighty...!!!
Be careful!
This way. Come.
Come, come...
This way. Come.
Stay quiet.
Walk ahead!
We'll be keeping a watch all night.
Nobody will relieve us till morning.
Gharat and Mane, watch the market area.
What great fury, O brother,
what great fury!
What great fury, O brother,
what great fury!
Is it the cancer of sins,
or the aftermath of deeds?
What great fury, O brother,
what great fury!
O Almighty!
- The wheel of time has...
- Kishan Ji! Madhav! Come, come.
Come, come.
Today has shattered into pieces.
O Almighty!
Life has dealt a hard blow.
The police have
put up check-posts!
Damn it!
What now?
We'll have to go from
below the bridge.
It connects to the highway.
We won't have to face the police.
Excuse me...
You must be tired from
carrying the baby.
My wife can carry the baby.
Take some rest.
- Alright?
- No?
Life has been bruised by thorns.
All desires have been abruptly silenced.
One pays for the other's sins.
If something goes wrong, your
journey to Bihar will end right here!
- Madhav!
- Careful, brother!
what great fury!
Be careful.
Let's go.
I'm speaking from experience.
Bomb blasts, 26/11, entire Mumbai
was underwater in the rains...
But Kamathipura never
suffered like this!
I asked my tempo driver customer
to come, but he refused!
Said, "There's Corona"!
I said, "Don't you sleep
with your wife, you bastard?"
Tipu, can't we do it with masks on?
Do something.
What can he do?
Where will you wear a mask?
Up here? Down there?
People are shit scared of Corona.
Nobody's ready to take a risk.
Hey Tipu, call cobbler Babban.
Tell him I'll have phone sex.
He's crazy for me.
No use.
I'd called him. Asked him
about phone sex during lockdown.
Said, "Why waste money on phone sex?
When'll my wife be of use?"
Bloody swine!
Hang on, I'll call him.
After 70 nations of the world,
India threatened by Corona!
How will India fight Corona?
He rejected my call!
Bastard! Cut my call!
He'll have it the next time he comes!
I told you it would be of no use.
But I've got to try! If he had...
Hey...he's calling! Quiet! Hang on!
Hello Babban, my darling!
Why did you cut my call?
I'm stuck with my family day
and night due to this Corona!
I'm screwed!
I can understand.
So are we!
I called you just to catch up.
I just took a bath.
I was about to wear clothes.
But then I felt like calling you.
- Aren't you wearing anything?
- No...only a towel...
Just a towel?!
Hang on! I'll make a video call.
No, Babban, don't. I have
to make other calls too.
I need to earn some money
to feed myself.
Tell much?
Two hundred.
Alright. I'll transfer it
right away and call you.
Listen, you'll satisfy me, right?
It'll be so amazing
that you'll forget Corona!
Send the money and make
a video call. OK, my darling?
And listen...I want to see
you in the wet towel.
Yes, dear. I'm waiting for your
video call in the wet towel. Bye!
Damn it! All this for
a measly 200 rupees!
Earlier I only needed
to drop my saree!
Gone are the days when
customers would line up outside!
- Hey!
- Hey! What are you doing, Mehru?
Didn't I tell that swine
that I just bathed?
- Mehru you are a total nutcase!
- So I am!
Call Mr. Rao, please.
Yes, I'm Nageshwar Rao!
Corona has made a cleaner
out of me!
Sorry, Sir! You're looking...
No problem. What is it?
Sir, the Society's sent a notice...
Move back!
Your neighbour Mr. Khosla
has contracted Corona.
What are you saying...?
I saw him just 2 days ago!
They found out this morning.
He's been admitted to the hospital.
Municipal Corporation officials
have come to seal your floor.
Everybody will be tested.
This notice is about that.
- That's all.
- Alright.
- Please! Be gentle!
- Don't worry. Almost done.
When will I get the report?
In 3 or 4 days. Till then you'll
have to stay in quarantine.
Good afternoon,
dear passenger, Dev!
This is your Captain
Moon Alves speaking...
...on board Flight 302
from India to Dreamland.
Please be seated on the sofa.
Lunch will be served in 20 minutes.
Welcome on board!
- I was surprised to see you in uniform.
- Hmm?
- I thought flights have resumed.
- Oh God!
I wish they resume soon!
I miss flying so much that
I'm wearing the uniform at home!
I know you'll find it a bit weird,
but that's Moon Alves for you.
I've been up in the air for
so long in the last ten years...
...that I'm not used to being
at home for so long!
Do you like your job?
Darling, I don't do
anything I don't like.
That's why I haven't married yet.
What's wrong with marriage?
Nothing wrong.
I just find marriage overrated.
And most people marry because
people around them are getting married.
In today's busy life, marriage
is an outdated concept.
Enough about me.
Tell me, do you have a girlfriend?
Yeah. Palak.
We both are in college together.
So sweet!
How long have you been together?
It will be two years next month.
So, super strong?
Yeah. We like spending time together.
Only spending time together,
or something else too?
Bugger, look at your face!
Relax, I was just pulling your leg.
You're quite shy!
It's not that.
I just wasn't expecting that question.
Are you the kind of guy who thinks
women shouldn't speak like this?
It has nothing to do with gender.
Anyone can speak their mind.
That's a good thought.
I'm impressed.
Aare I had such beautiful
lunch at a wedding...
I'm feeling faint.
- What happened, Mummy?
- What's wrong?
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
Your entire foot has sores!
Cursed new slippers! They've been
biting my feet from day one!
- Can't walk a step more in them.
- Hang on, wear mine.
What's the matter, Madhav?
My wife's slippers broke.
Her entire foot has sores.
Wear my slippers...
Why are you giving her yours?
You too have to walk a lot.
I have an extra pair.
I'll give it to you.
Brother Charan, you'll never
reach home if you take breaks!
Have you lost your mind?
Can't you see I'm helping them?
Hey! Stop! STOP!
Give those slippers.
Be quick!
- Thank you!
- Thank you!
He didn't notice others
wearing slippers made
from plastic bottles?
And today he notices the young
woman's feet? Lecherous old man!
Smile at him like that woman.
Then he'll give you slippers too.
What's the matter Charandas?
Are you done now?
Coming. We're done.
There was a problem with the slippers.
Charandas is very fond of singing!
Hey...water! Run!
Move aside!
Look at the monkey with the melon!
The monkey must be enjoying the melon!
If I get my hands on her...
four times in a day, I swear!
Only four? I'll fall short
of fingers to count!
Casanova, are you?
Shut up, you result of a torn condom!
You dirtbags! You should be ashamed!
She's married. She has two kids.
So, stop talking shit
and finish eating quickly.
You idiot! Why eat dry bread when
there's a feast laid out for you?
Should I tell her husband?
Should I?
He'll kick your ass, and you
won't be able to bear it. Got it?
What if we silence
her husband forever?
Good idea! We'll share the feast.
Tipu play quick...
Be quiet, girls!
My mother's calling.
- Hello Mummy! How're you?
- I'm alright.
Why did you call? We
spoke just two days ago.
I got scared... thought you got Corona!
I got worried for you.
Corona has spread a lot in Mumbai.
And you work in a hospital!
Don't worry. I serve people.
It's a noble profession.
Yes. Make sure you have protection.
We don't do business without protection.
I our hospital.
Always wear a mask, OK?
And send some money, if possible.
Yes. You too take care.
I have to go.
Patients are waiting. Bye.
Beware! I'll loot you! I'll
flick my tresses and loot you!
I'll lick it! The sweet
sauce of love...I'll lick it!
Come into my arms.
Quench my thirst.
Come, hold me tight.
Shower me with your love.
Beware! I'll loot you! I'll
flick my tresses and loot you!
Bye darling!
I'll wait for your call.
Hey Prem, your time's up.
Go now!
What're you doing?
Show me more of your moves.
Bastard! Two people are
enjoying in the price of one...
...and you still want extra time!
Not done!
Even if we're two,
you danced only once!
Does a movie theatre admit two
people on one ticket? Get lost!
Manoj bhai, how're you?
What's the matter? It's quite late...
There's some bad news.
Mr. Khosla is no more.
Are you serious?
Due to Corona.
When did this happen?
A little while ago.
He was critical.
They had kept him on the ventilator.
The doctors tried their best.
We can't even get the body
home to pay our respects.
We're all meeting the family
to offer condolences.
Would you like to join us?
Manoj bhai, you proceed.
I'll meet them later.
Really? The number of cases in
our area has risen so much?
Hold on, I'll check right away.
Palak, put on the news.
Let's check the surge in Corona cases.
You always want check that!
It's as if it is cricket score!
I'll put it on once this series ends.
All day you're glued to
the TV or your mobile!
Pay attention to your studies too!
Oh God! That reminds me!
My books are at Neha's place.
I'll go and get them.
All of them?
All the important ones are there.
We were studying together, remember?
Who knew that a lockdown
would be imposed?
Why didn't you tell your father
when we went out to buy stuff?
I forgot! She stays close by.
I'll quickly go and get them.
Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!
Hello Dev! I'm coming right now.
Wow! Seriously?
Yes. No time to explain.
Just instruct your security guard.
Otherwise, he'll stop me
due to Corona restrictions.
Don't worry. I've already told him.
Come soon!
I'll see you then. Bye babe!
- Mom, I'm leaving.
- Alright. Come back soon.
Where are you off to?
Neha's place. To get some books.
There's a lockdown! The police are
beating up people who are loitering.
Just get back in.
- I'd asked Mom...
- I said, get back in!
Go on!
- Mala!
- Yes?
- Put the water heater on. I'll bathe now.
- Alright.
- Madhav, what's the matter?
- Take her...
(Singing boisterously)
My feet are killing me.
Can't walk any further.
Listen folks! Halt!
This restaurant looks empty.
Let's rest here tonight and
proceed in the morning.
Kishan ji is right.
Women and children should go inside.
Others will rest outside.
Pintu, help me set up this cot.
Calm down, child. Don't cry.
Let's spread the sheet here.
Don't be scared.
I'm guarding this place.
Go back to sleep.
Everything's alright.
Where's your guy, Tipu?
Have patience! Take a puff.
Take smaller puffs! Cigarettes cost
as much as gold these days!
You got a client after so long.
You've become smart, Tipu!
Even my neighbour used
to say the same thing.
Ambulance! Why?
Did somebody get Corona?
Who knows who's kicked the bucket!
There's somebody inside.
Kapasi bhai, it's you!
In an ambulance?
All OK?
Mumbai belongs to us.
The area belongs to us.
In Mumbai, who has
the guts to stop me?
What an idea! Fantastic!
- Everything's ready?
- Absolutely! This is Mehru...
She's the best in our clan.
You'll be very happy.
Where is her mask?
Sorry! Hey Titli!
Quickly get my mask.
Go child take the mask...
- She forgot it upstairs.
- Sorry...
She doesn't have fever, does she?
Kapasi bhai! Would I cheat you?
She's fit and fine.
Takes good care of herself...
Here's some sanitiser.
Apply it to your entire body.
Hey... Shinde...
See you, bhai!
(Sings a song in praise of Ganapati)
(Sings a song in praise of Ganapati)
(Sings a song in praise of Ganapati)
(Sings a song in praise of Ganapati)
(Sings a song in praise of Ganapati)
O Lord Ganapati, Thank you!
I'm so happy your test result
is negative! I was so worried!
I was sure it would be nothing.
Still, I was a little tense
after Khosla's death.
I guess I just panicked.
I want to tell everybody.
Fearing Corona? Not necessary.
Taking precautions? Compulsory!
Appa! Your sense of humour...
The baby also gets it.
I miss you so much! I wish
the flights resume soon... that you can come here.
I'm wishing for the same.
Anyway, tonight we'll celebrate
my negative report positively!
Oh yeah! I'll celebrate too.
Don't you think she's
too friendly with you?
I mean, first pasta, now dessert...
She's definitely hitting
on you big time.
Don't be stupid.
I'm just a guinea
pig for her cooking experiments.
And I benefit by getting
good food to eat!
You promise there's nothing
going on between you both?
Are you crazy?
She's much older than me!
So what if she's older?
She isn't married!
These aunty types can't be trusted.
Just stay away from her.
I'm already stressed due to the lockdown.
I can't handle jealousy additionally.
No need to be jealous.
You're the only one for me, dear.
Finally, this lockdown is about to end.
Then Dad will be in office,
and I'll be there. In your arms!
I'm so eager! Even hearing you
say that is giving me a hard-on.
Palak, Food's ready. What're you doing?
I'm changing, Mom. I'll be
right there. Just two minutes.
Come fast.
I've got to go.
Talk to you later.
- Bye.
- Bye.
What're you up to, biker?
Going to bed now And you...
I was thinking of you!
Very funny!
So, how was dessert?
Oh, it was yum!
More than
10,000 Corona cases!
the govt has announced the
Second lockdown announced.
It will last till 3rd May.
- Social distancing...
- Sinha, my friend,
you're at a senior level
in the Government.
Do something so...
that can travel to Hyderabad.
Sure. Just apply for an e-pass.
You do have a car and driver, right?
Yes, I do. But what do I do
after applying for the pass?
It will go for approval.
Just follow the procedure.
I'll take care of the rest.
That's great, Sinha. Thanks.
I really appreciate it.
Hey darling! Keep in touch.
I'll wait for you.
People aren't getting
ambulances in the andemic
and they're using it for this!
We prostitutes are better
than these party workers!
So true, Mehru!
Mehru... you're back
from Ambulance service?
Come. Tipu's treating us to
a Biryani party today.
What's the occasion?
Who cares? I want to eat Biryani!
Absolutely right!
I'm starving!
- Only Biryani, or liver too?
- No idea!
Did you send money to your mother?
That reminds me.
Gabru, that swine from my village..
- ...had called.
What did he say?
He's arranged for a truck.
He's taking people back to the village.
- Are you going?
- No.
Go if you wish.
As it is business is slow.
At least there's hope in the city.
Nothing in the village. Just poverty.
I think I'll send money
for my mother with Gabru.
You trust that dirtbag so much?
Trust? Not a chance!
But he won't kill the goose
that gives golden eggs.
Come, let's eat Biryani.
None of you is wearing a mask!
If one contracts Corona,
we'll all be screwed!
Be quiet, Aunty!
Don't be a doomsayer! Eat the Biryani.
Tipu, why the Biryani treat today?
Henceforth we'll eat
Biryani every day!
Titli is soon going to
join our business!
Wonderful! Who's going
to break her in?
Jan Ekta Manch party's Kapasi bhai.
The ambulance guy?
He's promised to pay a lot.
I'd expected it. He was
checking her out that day.
I set it up right away.
But her menses haven't
begun yet, Tipu.
So? My first time was
when I was barely twelve.
Yes. Nobody escapes it.
It's alright.
Kamli, we have to do this.
Or else we'll all starve to death.
And in our business, the younger
the girl, the greater her price!
Enjoy your Biryani!
Newer flesh on the market
means more meat on our plates!
Why did the lockdown extend?
What will we do now?
I've stopped thinking about it.
I'm tired of thinking that someday
you'll find an excuse to come here!
Right. Why would you think of me?
You're busy with your
dear Aunty Moon.
Are you nuts?
Why can't you see
how honest I am with you?
Had I not told you, how would
you come to know of her?
Alright. I can't bear
to see your sad face.
Now give me a nice kiss
and a big smile. Please!
Who's calling you at
one o'clock in the at night?
It's her, isn't it?
I knew it!
You're definitely having an affair.
I'm already stressed.
Don't bug me!
Of course, now you'll get
Stressed just talking to me.
- I don't want to come between
- Palak,
- You and your girlfriend!
- Please try to understand...
- Hi!
- Hi...
I'm so sorry to disturb
this late at night.
I tried calling you.
You didn't answer your phone.
My battery is very low and
my charger has conked off.
I'm expecting a very important
call from the US.
Is there any chance you
have an iPhone charger?
Yes, I do.
Can I borrow that?
Of course. Just one minute.
Please come in.
Thank you so much!
You have no idea what his means to me.
You're such a saviour.
Thank you! Good night.
Good night.
- Look, there's a car!
- Halt! Stop!
Halt! Stop!
Baba, I want to go to the toilet.
You went just a while ago...
- I need to go again.
- I think her stomach is upset.
- No problem. I'll take her.
- Come.
Go with Baba.
- I'll wait here.
- Wear your mask.
What happened?
Is everything alright?
What do you do in Mumbai?
Housework. I'm a maid.
Your arm is so soft
despite working so hard!
I heard you incurred
a huge debt in Mumbai.
You have no money now?
Don't worry.
I'll help you.
Why would you help?
You see, I fancy you.
Your fragrance is intoxicating!
Madhav won't find out.
At night, when all are asleep,
sneak over to me.
Just once.
I'll be waiting for you.
What's wrong?
What is it?
You rascal! You misbehaved
with my wife?!
- What happened?
- He misbehaved with my wife!
I didn't do anything!
His wife came to me and said
let's have a quickie.
I refused.
So, she's accusing me now!
You scoundrel!
How dare you!
Hey... Hey...
No! Stop! Please!
Leave him!
Birju stop, let go...
Kishan ji, him and his wife
are running this racket.
They tried to snare me.
I didn't fall prey to them.
So, they're accusing me.
Liar! You're lying!
You misbehaved with me.
- I misbehaved?
- Yes!
Listen up everybody! Those who
want to be with them, stay here.
The rest can come with us.
- Birju!
- Yes, brother?
Take that cart and
throw their baggage off!
- Yes, brother!
- No, no, no...please don't!
Kishan ji, I'm a decent man.
I've never even glanced
at another woman...
...and they're accusing me!
I helped them when
they were in trouble.
Shouldn't have taken them with us...
I won't wait here for a minute longer.
What are you looking at?
I didn't do anything.
Get up.
Get up.
Are you alright?
Come. Let's go.
Santosh, have you reached here?
Sorry Sir! I called to tell you
that I can't come.
Entire Dharavi is
in a terrible condition.
The police are vigilant.
We're not allowed to leave.
I can't come, Sir.
Buddy, Hyderabad isn't
very far from Mumbai.
I'll drive carefully, and
eventually reach there.
You know I'm a good driver.
What do you say Buddy?
Manoj bhai, take care of him.
Don't worry, Mr. Rao.
This isn't the first time.
I'll keep giving you regular
updates on WhatsApp.
Don't be concerned at all.
And give our love to Swati.
I will.
- And call us with good news soon!
- Sure.
Listen buddy, be a good boy!
Safe journey Mr. Rao...
- Take care.
- Thank you...
Halt! Stop!
Where are you going?
Hyderabad, Inspector.
Where's your pass?
Actually, it's quite risky.
It's very dangerous
for people your age.
I know. But there's
a family emergency.
Take care.
- Thank you, Inspector.
- Thank you.
Let the car pass!
Mehru, listen.
The money situation
is tight in our group.
So, we felt, let's pool our money.
We'll make food together.
- What do you think?
- It's a good idea. I'm in.
Each one's giving 200.
You too give your share then.
- Sure. I'll get it. Wait here.
- Alright.
What're you doing here, Sundari?
Collecting contribution for food for all.
Mehru is contributing too.
That's nice!
- O Lord!
- What's wrong, Mehru?
My purse was stolen!
It had all my money!
What will I do now?
Did you look everywhere?
I did!
I searched everywhere!
I lost everything I had!
Come, let's question all the girls.
Let's search their rooms one by one.
Question? Search? Who'll
admit they took my money?
I lost everything!
Screw this Corona!
What will I send my mother?
What will I tell her if she asks?
Mehru, don't worry.
Come, Sundari!
- Let's frisk everybody.
- Yes, let's find out.
Who the hell stole Mehru's purse?
Dev Sir, your parcel.
- Thank you!
- Dev, are you listening?
Uncle, a parcel has come for me.
I'll talk to you later.
- Listen to me...
- OK, tell me.
If online deliveries have resumed,
order fish food. It's very important.
- Are you listening?
- Yes, yes. I am listening.
The manure for plants
is under the kitchen sink.
Anything else?
One important thing...
Clean the leaves in
the balcony regularly.
- Are you listening or not?
- Yes, yes, I'm listening.
Pay the gas bill online...
And listen, if you fall short,
I'll transfer money online.
I have enough money!
I'll talk to you later. Bye!
- Hi!
- Hi...
What's that?
Our parcels got exchanged.
My headphones were delivered to you.
I know! Yadav ji
goofed up again.
Anyway. Come on in.
Here you go.
I'm really sorry!
I was on the phone. Didn't read
the name. Opened it excitedly. Sorry!
Did you like it?
It's just a question!
It's so much fun to see
your cute, hassled face!
Anyways, I have Chicken
Momos for lunch. Want some?
- Wow! Chicken Momos?
- Yes.
- With Szechuan?
- Yes! Szechuan sauce! And some wine.
Drinking wine in the day?
Day and night... during lockdown
it's all the same. Just a minute.
There! Now it's night!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
When I used to fly, I used
to forget about time zones.
You're carefree. I really
like your free spirit, Ma'am!
- Sorry... Moon...
- Better.
Can I ask you a question?
Go for it...
Do you have a boyfriend?
I have had four or five solid affairs.
But I didn't like any!
Actually, I like you.
Do you like music?
Let me play you something.
I feel like a lock...
...without a key.
Like a bird...
...that isn't free.
Darling, set me free,
set me free!
Honey, set me free,
set me free!
Unlock me.
I want to break the ceiling.
How full of fear...
is the darkness of the eve!
Ask the birds...
...without homes to return to!
Words from another day.
I want to fly away!
Oh Darling! Set me free,
set me free!
Oh Honey! Set me free,
set me free! Unlock me!
Set me free!
I can't take one more step.
I'm feeling faint.
- Just a little longer...
- No. Not possible, Madhav.
Please, just a little longer.
Come on.
Come on mother...
Brother! Brother!
We've not eaten since two days.
Could you help us?
So many people have passed
from here in this lockdown!
They took everything.
Only some bananas are left.
Take them if you want.
Let me sleep.
I don't think we'll ever reach.
I understand how you feel, Phoolmati.
But don't give up. I'll ensure
that we reach home. I promise.
Top it up.
OK, Sir.
- Hey... Listen...
- Yes Sir?
Is there a good hotel
or lodge nearby?
Everything's closed due to lockdown.
Everybody's screwed!
I asked because I have
a long journey tomorrow.
Sir, then park your car
on our premises.
And sleep peacefully.
- Here?
- Yes.
Are you sure?
Sir, there's a toilet too.
You can use it
and leave in the morning.
- Is it safe?
- Nobody will come here in the lockdown.
And we're here, on duty.
Thank you!
And when you leave tomorrow,
give a good tip.
Appa, have you had dinner?
A short while ago.
Why're you so close to the
camera? It's looking odd.
I can't extend my arm.
It's aching.
There's so much housework!
Dusting, washing, cleaning.
These Corona times have
taught us a lot of things!
Why is it so dark? I hope you're
taking enough care, Appa!
I was just about to sleep.
OK, you rest. I so wish
there wasn't a lockdown.
You'd be in Hyderabad with me.
I could go into labour any time.
I know, but why think of
things that aren't possible?
Let's say bye now. OK?
I need to get some rest.
Appa, please take care.
And sleep well.
Good night, good night.
Good night!
Swati! I'm going to give
you a big surprise!
Dev! Why are you looking
so lost? Are you alright?
I'm sorry! Babu...
I overreacted that day.
Actually, I'm sorry too.
It's alright. It's fine.
But Palak, whatever you were thinking...
Leave it, Dev. Just say 'I love you'
and everything will be fine.
Say 'I love you'!
I love you.
I love you, too.
I'll talk to you tomorrow, OK?
Good night!
- Bye.
- Bye.
No work in this damned lockdown.
And then my money gets stolen!
I just don't know what to do!
Let it go, Mehru.
Let's talk of something else.
Hey Mehru! Titli's going
to be sold tomorrow.
Yes. I heard. It's good.
Nobody escapes it.
That swine Tipu must have
received a hefty sum!
We'll ask him to give us some.
Even we have cared for and fed Titli.
Did you tell your mother that
you won't send money this time?
I couldn't tell her that I'm
not sending anything this time.
Gabru's leaving for the village
tomorrow, with his wife.
I'd planned to send
the money with him.
I wonder which dirty bastard
took my money.
Motherfucker must be
laughing at me now.
Go to sleep now, Mehru!
I can't fall asleep.
Give me a cigarette.
Come on!
Hey! Stop! Who's that?
Hey! Stop!
Where are you going at this hour?
What's this stuff you're carrying?
- Stop!
- Don't come near!
- Have you gone mad?
- I said, do not come near!
That's my knife!
How did
you get my knife?
You... You stole my money?!
Titli is running away! Stop!
Wake up, everybody! Titli's fleeing!
Where are you running off to?
Titli, stop! Stop!
Running off with my money?
Stop, Titli!
Titli! Stop!
Titli! Stop!
Stop, you!
Why did you steal my money?
I'll smack you! Why did you?
I'm sorry!
Sorry?! Why did you
steal my money? Tell me!
I know. Tipu wants to sell
me. I understand everything.
I don't want to be
a prostitute like you.
I don't want to live there.
I needed money to run away.
That's why I stole your money.
Where will you go?
Someone will mess with you so bad,
you'll return in four days like I did.
Sorry. Take back your money.
Take mine too. Just let me go!
Please let me go!
Tipu wants to sell me off.
- Tipu wants to sell me off.
- Come! Come on!
Yes, Tipu?
Where are you?
Did you find Titli?
No, I didn't! That scoundrel
ran off with all my money!
She must have gone
to the railway station.
Stupid! She doesn't
know that trains aren't running.
Keep looking for her.
I will too.
She'll have hell to pay!
Don't worry. Bye.
Come along.
Sir, stop!
What's the matter?
Sir, we haven't eaten for many days.
Please give us some food.
We have a baby with us.
Wait a minute. One minute.
Hey look a car has stopped...
Hey wait...
Sir, sir give us some food sir...
Give us something to eat...
Please sir...
Move aside! Go! Go!
Sir, we're hungry too.
Please give us something.
Sir, please wait.
Stop, Sir. Please!
We're collecting contributions
to go to our village, brother!
Who knows when
the lockdown will end!
What are you doing here?
Are you too coming to
the village with us?
No. I have my job at the hospital.
You know Raziya, right?
She's my wife.
This is Mehru.
She's from our village.
Listen. This girl is an orphan.
Will you take her to my mother?
She'll look after my mother.
Drop her at my home, OK?
That's quite a noble thing to do!
What's your name?
They're charging 2000 per person.
- Do you have the money?
- Hmm.
Hey Gabru!
I'm coming!
Don't worry about Tipu.
I'll handle him.
Give this money to my mother.
Take care of her and yourself too.
Sister, please take care of her.
Come, dear.
Just a minute.
Darling, you're quite brave!
You're outside without
a mask in Corona times!
Titli is from your brothel, isn't she?
In just two years she'll be ready
to go on the market!
Should you even look at her,
you'll have hell to pay.
Really? You're threatening me?
Should I tell your mother about
your true profession?
Go ahead. Tell her.
Tell my mother.
Tell everybody in the village.
But if you so much as look at Titli,
I'll chop off your dick. Got it?
You will drop her off on my doorstep
hale and hearty.
Got it? Now get lost!
Ahh... Come...
Come along child...
Sir! Could you give us some food?
This is a repair shop. There's
no food here. Move it!
What's the matter?
No... Madhav...
Come. Let's go.
Let's go from here. Come.
Lie down.
Sit here with the kids.
I'll look for food.
I'm really very hungry.
Don't worry. Baba will
quickly get food.
I'll be right back.
- Hi!
- Hi.
You forgot to take
your parcel yesterday.
Won't you invite me in?
I'm sorry.
Please come in.
Are you going to speak or
do you plan on being silent?
Actually, I really like you.
But I love Palak.
I shouldn't have kissed you.
I'm sorry.
What you did isn't important.
What's important is
what you didn't do.
I crossed a line too.
I'm sorry.
I think I just got carried away.
Effects of the lockdown, I guess.
Do you know Dev,
life is too short for regrets.
We both should take this as
an experience and move on.
Thank you for making me meet
myself after a very, very long time.
- Just a minute.
- Sure.
How did you manage to come here?
Mom and Dad went to the bank.
So, I rushed here.
We finally did it!
Eat, dear.
Baba, this one's finished.
There's more, dear.
Where did you get
this lunch box from?
where did you get this
lunch box and other things from?
Where did you get them from?!
Phoolmati, I'm not a bad person.
It all happened by mistake.
Sir... Sir...
Please forgive me!
It happened by mistake!
As you can see,
he's being taken to the hospital.
Congratulations Swati!
You're a mother!
Don't worry.
They're taking
me to the hospital.
I'm a grandfather!
I'm a grandfather!
Yusuf! Ask the Rampur passengers
to alight and collect the money.
Yes Boss!
Hey... check the air pressure.
Rampur passengers, get down now!
Brother, please take us with you.
Where to?
- Bihar.
- It'll be 5000 for the four of you.
Hop on if you have the money.
- Hey Yusuf! Help them on the truck.
- Yes Boss.
It is difficult to know
how this accident occurred.
The man who met with the accident
is L. Nageshwara Rao.
Thanks to the villagers' alertness,
he received timely help
and his life was saved.
The Police and the medical team
are at the scene of the accident.
He is being taken to the hospital.
With Cameraman Ajit Chacko,
this is Ashish Kumar Singh, ABP News.
Are we done here?
Yusuf, help everybody up.
Wait a little.
Here...hold him.
Be careful.
Come, dear.
Want to eat an apple?
Madhav, stop. Enough. Relax.
We will reach home.