Indian 2: Zero Tolerance (2024) Movie Script

It has a good name
They will say so, just wait and watch
Our Chennai's beautiful
The street is clean
Because of the garbage truck
Watch where you're going, you mongrel!
Go pee in the loo, you mongrel!
Are you collecting garbage
or distributing it?
Isn't this what you're paid for,
Mr. Sanitation Worker?
Would it kill you
to do your job properly?
This is enough for the amount
we are paid! Buzz off!
If you have any questions, the supervisor
is in the dump yard. Ask him!
Sir, about 6,500 tons of garbage
is collected in the city every day.
To clean one ton, 1,860 rupees
are allotted as government tender.
But 60 percent of that goes to Parisutham,
the sanitation minister!
After cuts to officers
and contractors...
how are we supposed to clear up
such a large city on a measly budget?
Only the roads near Raj Bhavan,
the airport,
and ministers residences are kept clean.
And we pretend like
the entire city is clean!
So many skeletons in the dumpster?
Dogs, today's content
is Thambesh's garbage.
First, let me clear out my content!
This is our channel!
"Barking Dogs"!
It is our job
to bark at thieves!
It is society's job
to catch those thieves!
It is society's job
to catch those thieves!
You took bribes and turned the city
into a gutter, right?
Respected elected representatives!
Honorable speaker of the assembly!
The MLA who jumps from party to party...
Jumping Japan!
Who's this now?
Are you
the minister of local administration?
For this week, sure I am!
You look like our city now!
Catch him!
This was a plot hatched by
- "Jumping Japan" Jambulingam...
- Hey!
You deserve this!
You took bribes and turned the city
into a gutter, didn't you?
Now, you've become a gutter
I've seen you somewhere before!
It's me.
The common man.
A vote-casting machine.
What is this, Pavan?
There's a raid at home!
What is this, sir?
Everything's registered in your name!
How did you acquire so much money?
We need the source of income!
We're talking to you!
Look at this!
What do you have to say about this?
Are they at the wrong address?
- You can't go inside!
- I work here, sir!
- Come back later!
- Leave for now!
- Dear!
- On my way, Kanagu!
What's going on over there?
They have raided
Krishna Mohan uncle's house, Mom.
What does that guy even have
to warrant a raid?
- Drive.
- Bye.
The income tax department spent all day
at the home of Mr. Krishna Mohan...
the chief secretary
of Tamil Nadu's Ministry of Health.
More than 1,000 crores worth
of unaccounted wealth has been seized.
Since this morning...
Yes, Aarthi?
Harish, did you see the flash news?
What's the matter?
The health secretary who lives next door...
His house was raided.
They've seized 1,000 crores!
What are you saying?
Have you seen that man?
He looks like a dunce!
His salary might barely be
one lakh rupees!
If that guy has swindled 1,000 crores...
I can't wrap my head around it.
We used to be shocked by people who
pocketed ten to twenty lakhs on the side!
Today, it is 1,000 crores!
- Sir, the opposition...
- Sir, please stop.
Move aside, sir!
Please move aside, sir!
They've arrested him.
Let's bark!
That post is quite low on the food chain,
Mr. Health Secretary!
How did you make so much money there?
How can you be so ignorant
about bribery, dear?
Starting with medicines and injections
at every public hospital in Tamil Nadu...
all the way to CT scans and MRIs...
A commission is made
on every piece of equipment purchased!
Thanks, sir!
But such equipment isn't available
in every hospital!
And even if it is,
it won't work!
But won't the citizens die?
Let them die!
New citizens will be born, right?
If you plunder in crores...
what would people like us who earn
a few thousand think?
We'd think it's a waste
to work hard with honesty!
Wouldn't we conclude
that stealing isn't wrong?
Let's check in with our correspondent
at Kotturpuram...
The agony of an impoverished student
over an education loan.
- Move aside!
- Let go, son!
Don't do this!
My goats, Mom!
- My goats!
- Let it go, son!
You wretch!
- My B.E. certificate, brother!
- Let go!
I need it to get a job, brother!
- Just a minute!
- Back off!
- Son of a shrew!
- Let go of my son!
Won't anyone question this?
Settle your student loan
and then take your certificate!
- It's only been a year since I graduated!
- Load them up!
- I haven't got a job yet!
- Do it!
How am I supposed to settle the loan?
- Sir! Sir...
- Who cares that you
took a loan to study?
We are daily wage laborers!
We have no wealth!
No other form of income!
- How can we settle it in a month?
- Then why the hell did you borrow?
We only borrowed
1,00,900 rupees.
The bank agreement says we have ten years
to pay it back in installments.
Who the hell are you to tell us
to pay it in a month?
Don't teach me the rules!
Since the bank couldn't collect
from folks like you,
they sold you to the Amit Groups!
If you don't pay up in a week...
I'll forge nude pictures
of your mother and sister,
put them up online,
and destroy your family!
Think you can do what you wish
to the poor, you oaf?
How dare you touch me?
Let go of my son!
Please don't hit my grandson!
Won't anyone question this?
- They'll pay only if you humiliate them!
- Let go!
Start the car!
Where are you, Chitra?
At the DPE Office to collect details
about the Right to Education.
Once the data is in, let's bark!
I'll call when it's done.
Catch her!
Catch that girl!
Oh, God! Come! Come on!
Oh, God!
She might die!
- Someone please call an ambulance.
- Move aside!
Oh, no...
- The 108 hotline?
- Move aside!
- Come to the DPE campus right away!
- What are you doing?
It's a police case! We got this!
Mind your business!
- Sister!
- Why is everyone standing here?
- Sister!
- Move it!
Hey, go away!
Put pressure on it!
- Look at me!
- What happened? How did she fall?
- Move aside!
- Give way!
At least you tell me!
Weren't you up there?
What happened here?
- Who are you?
- Don't gather around!
Chitra Aravindan.
Social Media.
Now, an eye-witness.
Tell me!
Her name is Sunitha.
She was busted for giving fake
certificates for the post of a teacher.
When we came to arrest her,
she jumped!
They're lying, sir!
Tell me what happened, brother.
They demanded a bribe of eight lakhs
for that posting.
Since we weren't left with a choice,
we filed a complaint.
Enraged by that, they took revenge
by claiming her certificates were fake!
Unable to bear the shame,
my sister jumped from up there!
- Sir! It's him, sir!
- Move aside!
He's the one who demanded
the bribe!
- Lift her!
- Sister...
- Careful!
- Move!
Move aside!
Do something to him, sir!
Do not spare him!
Tell them to arrest him, sir!
Tell them to arrest him!
Tell them to arrest him, sir!
- Do not spare him, sir!
- Get back!
Why are you doing this?
Please listen to me!
Arrest that man and load him up!
Just because someone points out
another for taking a bribe...
we should arrest him?
A girl didn't care about losing her life
and jumped off the roof.
And still, you won't arrest him?
Arrest him!
- Arrest him, sir!
- Stop it!
I can arrest him only after the girl wakes
up and gives a written statement.
Got it?
Clear out! Disperse!
Should anything happen to her...
We will not stay quiet!
Didn't I earn this job?
Why must I pay a bribe?
They are part of nature.
Do not mess with nature!
The consequences will be disastrous!
- Your certificates are fake!
- Sir...
I'm calling from the DPE Office!
You rascals!
For eight lakh rupees...
you destroyed a girl's life!
You guys should be...
You people aren't corrupt.
You are cockroaches!
Even nuclear weapons
can't destroy you.
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- Amazing, buddy!
- Oh, my!
How about that!
Put it there!
Barking Dogs!
We're going viral!
Oh, dear!
- Sunitha!
- My daughter has abandoned me!
She was the first girl in our family
to get a college degree!
We were so proud of her!
Our happiness is dead!
Oh, God! Sunitha!
My dearest Sunitha!
Sign here and take the body.
My daughter...
Don't sign that, sir!
This isn't suicide.
It's murder!
- Oh, God! They killed my daughter!
- Until an action is taken, the body
- will remain here!
- They killed my daughter.
- They've killed my daughter!
- They killed her!
Oh, God! They killed my daughter!
Why must I see my daughter in this state?
We demand justice!
We demand justice
for Sunitha's death!
We demand justice!
We demand justice
for Sunitha's death!
Arrest him!
- Arrest the bribe monster!
- Arrest the bribe monster!
Arrest him!
- Arrest him!
- Stop it!
Why are you protesting here?
Aren't her parents ready to collect
the body? What's the matter then?
Provoking innocents
and creating a ruckus?
Clear out!
Why must we clear out, sir?
You clear out!
Him and his questions!
Arrest him!
Arrest him!
Arrest the officer
who demanded the bribe!
Whatever it is,
take it up in court!
- Stop the nuisance and let the body go!
- No!
First, arrest that man!
Then, we'll take it up in court!
Arrest him first, sir!
- Sir!
- Why ignore the criminals?
They are "Barking Dogs."
A YouTube channel that incites riots.
Arrest the corrupt official!
- Arrest him!
- Arrest the corrupt official!
Who do you think you are?
- Hey!
- How dare you hit us?
- What are you doing?
- Come!
- Load them all up!
- Let him go!
Let go!
Get in!
Load them up!
Move aside!
Shut the door!
Thrash them and chase them away!
No FIR has been filed, sir.
Just a minor case of public disturbance.
Madam's here.
I'll talk to her.
At this age, you'd want to protest
against everything.
But if it leads to trouble...
Your life will be spoiled
from all the trips to court!
Please explain it to them, ma'am.
What is it this time?
Won't you ever change?
Did I ask you to bail me out?
What would you have done
if I didn't?
They'll pin every open case
of larceny and robbery on you...
and toss you behind bars!
It'll lead to problems
with the H1B visa!
We might as well kiss our hopes
of settling down in America goodbye!
I'm not coming to America!
Need to get more bruises here?
A girl is dead!
You expect me to stay quiet?
What else can you do?
We'll expose all of them
and bring them to justice!
I saw your video!
"The miracle man
who swindled 1,000 crores!"
On that same evening, he was released
and was off on a pilgrimage to Tirupati!
The local administration minister
you trolled...
Thambesh's uncle got a call
to delete that episode!
If the episode isn't wiped out,
his uncle will be!
Right, Thambesh?
That student?
See this video!
You said, "Stop all this
and go educate your children"!
But education didn't lead to employment.
Now they threaten our very lives!
They chase us!
They humiliate us!
Amit Groups is responsible
for this decision of mine!
You had a rally
to arrest that corrupt official, right?
Who ended up arrested?
You expect me to see all this
and stay quiet?
One lakh subscribers!
One million hits!
Likes, shares, forwards!
The petty cash that comes with it!
That is all.
Nothing you wish beyond that
will ever happen!
It will happen, Disha.
This is a democracy.
Everyone has a weapon
called a vote.
And what could you do with it
for all these years?
You could vote for one person
among the four in rotation, right?
In our country,
an election is not the change.
It's an exchange.
Someone new will come!
We will make them!
They can't come!
They won't let them come!
This is a vortex, Chitra!
We're all stuck in it!
We can't do anything about it!
This is the reality!
We just let this go?
Don't let it go!
Hold it tightly!
What is it, buddy?
Why are you so quiet?
Because your girl got angry
at you and left?
It's not that.
Then what?
I was furious when she said
we couldn't do anything.
But when I think about
all that happened today...
I think it is true.
Can't we... can't we do anything
about all these rogues?
We only have two options!
One is to stab them to death!
The second is to keep quiet
and move along!
We can do neither!
That's why we're barking!
We're just barking dogs!
No, buddy.
They need to be devoured
by a hunting dog!
They must be afraid of its wrath
if they ever commit any crime!
We need one such crusader!
Does such a person even exist?
There was one.
Indian. The old man.
Someone like him should come!
Not even someone "like" him!
He himself should!
He must come back!
What are you saying?
He was an oldie even then!
We don't even know if he's alive!
No, buddy.
I don't know why...
but my intuition says so.
He's out there somewhere.
Is this even feasible?
- How...
- At least let's try!
How do we find him?
We'll get "Come back, Indian"
to trend on social media.
We'll upload evidence as to why
he needs to come back!
Seeing this,
many will follow us!
This will spread worldwide!
If Indian is alive...
He'll definitely hear our heartbeats!
It has been verified
Trending number one in Chennai!
It has been authenticated
-Come back, Indian
-Number one on my laptop, too!
It has become mandatory
Come back, Indian
Injustice is the new normal
Come back, Indian
Nothing has changed
Come back, Indian
Nobody has changed
Come back, Indian
Bribe... bribe... bribe!
Come back, Indian
Once again, one more time
The world needs to see you
Come back, Indian
The generations that follow
Need to hear your name
Come back, Indian
Take heed and weed it out...
You need to guard our home
Come back, Indian
Can this country survive
The might of your knockout?
Come back
Come back
Yes, yes...
Come back, Indian.
Let's say, "Come back..."
Come back!
#COMEBACKINDIAN is now aggressively
trending all over the world.
Let's say, "Come Back...
Come back, Indian"
- What is it?
- Yes, Dad?
- Coming, Dad!
- Not you!
- Turn on the geyser!
- Yes, dear!
- You serve!
- Auntie!
I have been meaning to ask you
for a while.
Why does he have your name
up front in "Chitra Aravindan"?
He could not talk
until he was three.
There's no temple his mother
didn't pray to for him.
In the end, she prayed at Tirupati.
She sought to crawl up there
on her knees.
Three thousand five hundred
and fifty steps!
As she kept climbing,
the steps were stained by her blood.
Seeing that, he burst into tears!
- It struck him then!
- No need, mom!
To put his mother's name in front of his.
Even now,
both her knees are covered in scars.
Superb, auntie.
- The water is warm, dear.
- Yes.
Come on!
- I'll go to that end.
- Like you'll fare any better!
Give it, uncle.
Indian is in Taipei?
- Hey, Dogs!
- Coming!
We found the old man!
Really, buddy?
- Give me that!
- Awesome!
- Hey!
- Hi!
- Hi, guys!
- Bro!
Are you sure?
It is "the" Indian?
Sure, bro!
It is him!
I've seen him at an Indian grocery store
in Shifen!
- Yes!
- How is he?
He hasn't aged at all!
A little trendier!
Stylish, too!
Can you please help us contact him, bro?
Don't worry, dudes.
I'll get back to you in 24 hours!
- Thank you!
- Thank you!
- Wow!
- Hey!
Your intuition was right!
What's the old man doing in Taipei?
Through the Milky Way...
Let's glide like clouds
No need to step on the Earth...
In our lifetime
Sweat drops of the moon
Kisses of the stars
Smiles of the Gods
For us to see
When a tiny drop of me
Falls on you
Your heart's ego would be slain
When my fragrance
Begins to spread
Your nerves turn sweet as cane
The world is filled with an itch
I am but a sparkling match
Use me to set it ablaze
And relax your days
Ears that resound with an eagle's peal
Heart that leaps like a red dog
Feet that are snatched by a crocodile
Shove it all aside and step up
Your golden money
Can just conquer life
Only pleasure alone
Can even conquer death
Come on, you fool
You know
I am the speed of light
If you become one with me
Your time will change
Come on
Relishing great intoxication...
As you watch me dance...
Do not just stand afar...
And play basketball
Life needn't have the sky as the limit
It's to be found within a cup
Savor it without spilling a drop
When a tiny drop of me
Falls on you...
Your heart's ego would be slain
When my fragrance begins to spread...
Your nerves turn sweet as cane
The world is filled with an itch
I am but a sparkling match
Use me to set it ablaze
And relax your days
Ears that resound with an eagle's peal
Heart that leaps like a red dog
Feet that are snatched by a crocodile
Shove it all aside and step up
Come on.
You sexy...
It's going to be a big night!
What the hell?
- Hey! What's that?
- Let's go, sexy.
- Go and check the master power box.
- Yes, sir.
All to myself!
Are you ready?
How long?
I'll wrap it up
in just five minutes.
Just five more minutes.
Where are you going?
There's a problem in that room.
I've got to fix it.
Things are fine.
You may go.
This is a protected area.
Where is your ID?
Show me.
My ID.
Playful boy!
What the hell!
Who are you?
I am Indian.
You aren't dead?
When people like you
are still alive...
This man enjoyed watching you
feel shy when tickled, right?
Now it's your turn
to watch him feel shy.
This is...
Pativritha Varmam!
When the nerve near the navel...
is struck by the finger
in this manner...
one's breathing becomes heavy.
The very sight of another man
causes one to turn shy.
A martial art discovered by
Sage Agasthya thousands of years ago!
Don't get it, right?
Just watch! From now on,
his body language...
will be like that of a lady!
- I'm so scared!
- You creep!
Please don't go!
- Please don't leave me!
- Disgusting!
What do you want?
You all have plundered the nation...
and left it in ruins.
I need to fix it.
That's why,
I intend to start with you.
Shall we begin?
What did I do wrong?
I didn't take any bribes!
I'm a businessman!
What business do you do?
Plenty of them!
Whatever services that are funded
by the Indian government...
All those. Right?
Once you get the funds, you declare
those services are running at a loss...
abandon those factories,
leave your employees in ruins,
and move on
to the next line of business.
You throw huge feasts
for politicians and bank officials.
You seduce them with money
and women
and get a loan after loan.
- I'm broke!
- you declare that you are bankrupt
and fly away merrily!
Am I right?
You said, "Stop all this
and go educate your children"!
"But education didn't lead to employment.
Now, they threaten our very lives!"
Do you know who said that?
Do you know?
Do you bloody know?
Amit Groups is responsible!
Many such futures of our nation...
procured loans
and tragically took their own lives!
But from that very bank...
you took a loan of 12,000 crores,
didn't pay it back,
and then fled from the country.
And here...
you shove turtles
on the navels of girls?
Now, I'll shove something
up your navel!
Want to see?
Please don't!
It's an Indian language.
Do you see any match
in your national criminal records?
Who is this guy?
He gave an autograph
on the turtle's tummy!
"Should a man like you
who devours humanity...
deserve a place on earth?"
This Indian is a Tamilian.
His name is Senapathy.
Freedom fighter.
This guy fled away from India in 1996.
Still not out
after running out of here?
The most wanted criminal.
We have to catch him immediately!
I've seen this man here.
Do you know where he is?
Show him the CCTV monitor!
Not him.
Hey! He's the one!
- This guy? See there!
- Yeah, this guy!
Master Sen?
Idam Agam Varmam.
Idam Agam Varmam!
- Vallam Thatti.
- Vallam Thatti.
Urumi Kalam strike.
Urumi Kalam strike!
Attack with the Chudadiri Varmam...
Attack with the Chudadiri Varmam...
By striking the right underarm.
By striking the right underarm.
Tell me.
The whole of India is waiting for you.
The hashtag "Come back, Indian..."
I am watching.
I've been waiting for years
for a moment like this.
The medicine can only work effectively
when the disease has taken over
and the body demands it desperately.
I'll come.
- Hey!
- "The me in me..."
The old man replied.
"Coming soon"!
- Can't believe it, right?
- Dude, this is awesome!
- Corruption is done for!
- Is he really coming?
- This is huge!
- Yeah!
And the game is on!
Is he...
You pig!
I need your help.
For what?
I need to go
for another freedom fight.
That's why.
Wait, I will come.
He's flying from Taipei
to Chennai today.
IB alerts.
Like Devaram who vanquished
the naxalites.
Like Vijayakumar who finished off
I need to capture Senapathy
and go down in history.
I must get a medal
from the President.
Bless me, Dad.
I've been waiting for this
for so many years.
Personally, I like Senapathy.
But professionally?
He must be captured.
The only unfinished case
of my career
is Senapathy.
It makes me proud
knowing that you'll wrap it up.
- I'll be in the control room.
- I'll be in the passenger area.
Why are they shamelessly standing
near the ladies' restroom?
How are you?
I'm doing very well!
I've gained a teensy bit of weight!
What is the purpose
of your visit?
I mean... tourist!
Madurai Meenakshi Temple!
Tanjore! Chidambaram!
Zoom in.
I came to feast my eyes
upon such beauty!
Mamallapuram also...
That'll do!
Don't make ramen with Tamil!
What do you want?
Welcome back, Senapathy!
The site of Subhash Chandra Bose's
fatal plane crash.
Excellent, Krishnaswamy!
Not had enough yet?
Tom and Jerry's game never ends!
Let's continue!
Mr. Senapathy!
Raise your arms!
- Clear the place!
- No standing around!
Go back!
How did you find out?
Prosthetic makeup.
It doesn't hold up
for more than ten hours.
As the sweat couldn't come out,
it bulged up near the joints.
So simple!
Your son?
Like nepotism in politics
wasn't enough...
it trickled down
to the CBI, as well?
Long live India!
This is the 88th time
this has happened.
Thanks to the airport civil construction
- Don't move!
- That's my line!
Tell them not to follow me.
If they do...
The last rites mantra!
For your father...
you'll have to chant this!
They turned a CBI officer into a bellhop!
The Tom and Jerry game has begun!
Start the car!
The luggage has been loaded!
Taunt and tickle?
It's a nickel!
A Taiwanese coin
worth fifty rupees.
For your service,
this will suffice.
- Heard of the Urakkakala Varmam?
- No, I have not.
This is it.
In 48 hours...
you'll snap out of it.
Good night.
The old man is coming!
Y'all are so screwed!
Saw the "Indian" old man's announcement
on TV, didn't you?
- We took it because you gave it!
- We gave it because you asked for it!
- We took it because you gave it!
- We gave it because you asked for it!
We took it because you gave it!
- You'll take anything we give?
- Definitely!
- You'll take it?
- Yes!
The old man's on the way
He'll make you shiver
He'll make you quiver
He'll make you wither
The old man's on the way
He'll make you shiver
He'll make you squeal
He'll leave you babbling
Hey, granny
If you ask for bribes to sign
You'll sure see his design
He's a bomb at what he does
He's the don of inciting fear
'If you ask for a pile
He'll stab you with style
One single man...
The entire country is his fan
We'll have you trembling in fear
You'll feel terror like never before
We'll leave you petrified
You'll never know what hit you
We'll have you screaming in horror
We'll leave you rolling in agony
You'll be yelling like there's no tomorrow
Watch your head
Rile him up
And he'll gut you
Once the old man's here
Thug life will thrive
You may sell us out
But his name will make you take your life
Your legs will give away
As if you were on drugs
Steel glitters on his belt
He's Netaji's guy
The old man is quite the vibe
Your tongue will get ripped
Why make the wrong deal?
No, no, bribe
-We'll have you trembling in fear
We'll leave you petrified
We'll have you screaming in horror
We'll leave you rolling in agony
You'll be yelling
Like there's no tomorrow
The old man's on the way
He's coming on Facebook
He's coming at 07:00 p.m.
He's sure to mess up your stars
The old man's on the way
He'll twist his fingers
He'll paralyze your guts
He'll leave you in the dust
We'll have you trembling in fear
You'll feel terror like never before
Greetings, India.
Indian is back.
I do not wish to address
those of you over the age of forty...
who are watching this.
I would only like to address
the youngsters.
For it is only their conscience
that has not been compromised.
I once believed that eradicating bribery
would heal the nation.
But now
bribery isn't the only issue at hand.
"What else is there," yes?
Everything is an issue!
The corruption that was once prevalent
in tens and hundreds of rupees...
has escalated now to thousands,
lakhs, and even crores of rupees!
Politicians who monetize everything.
Officials who take kickbacks
for everything.
Greedy businessmen!
Swindling corporates!
Traders who couldn't give a damn
about their consumers!
Most importantly...
Self-centered citizens!
Do any of you respect the law?
Do you stop at a red light?
Do you wear a helmet?
How many of you go to work on time?
How many finish their work on time?
How many of you do a good job?
Unproductive employment far exceeds
unemployment in this country!
We can't pin down the IP address.
It switches every ten seconds
like a pirating site!
From those who swindle
in the billions...
to the ones who pee
on the streets...
Everyone commits crimes
as per their social status.
Looks like a museum.
Every citizen is up to their neck
in corruption!
This isn't good for the nation.
Only if it is corrected
from top to bottom...
will this country prosper.
This is the first national flag
that was raised in 1947.
Only the Fort St. George Museum
at the secretariat has it.
How dare he!
He's streaming from inside
the secretariat!
- Get the secretariat police force there!
- Yes, sir.
The corrupt ones aren't hard to find.
In our neighborhood...
At our neighbor's house...
At our own house, as well!
As someone's father...
or mother...
or elder brother
or younger brother
or elder sister or uncle
or friend, as well.
Much like planting a tree
at every home...
it is now time
to weed out every home.
The weed that sprouted at my feet...
My own son...
I ripped him out!
I'm not asking everyone
to pick up a knife like me.
See if those in your home
are doing wrong.
Question their wrongdoing.
Make it public.
Gather evidence
and ensure they are punished.
Go inside, dear.
Only if your house is clean...
will the country become clean.
I thought the old man
would stab this country clean...
but he's giving us the broom?
Do not eat the food
that was paid for by bribes.
Do not wear the clothes
purchased by illegal means.
Do not enjoy the wealth
amassed by corruption!
Never forgive anyone
for any crime!
This is called "Zero Tolerance"!
Dear old man!
Never mind us yanking out weeds!
What will you yank out?
I've begun yanking it out.
Weeds can easily be yanked out.
But entrenched criminals
like Amit Aggarwal...
cannot be uprooted.
They must be hacked out!
That is what I will do.
Avengers Mani.
Schmucks who were scribbling
on toilet walls
have begun scribbling
on Facebook walls, yes?
No matter the person or cause...
vermins like you who troll anything
you get your hands on...
will be dealt with in round two.
Shall we play a song?
- That's my neighbor!
- Health Secretary Krishna Mohan?
Wondering why he's singing
a devotional song?
He's about to go to God!
I will not stab him with my knife.
I've already...
immobilized him.
With this varmam marital art...
they won't stop singing.
This is the Kozhunaadi Narambu Varmam.
He'll stop breathing in twenty-seven days.
Until that happens,
he won't stop singing.
Drive faster!
To those of you
who plunder the country...
To those of you who swindle the money
allocated for public welfare...
And to those of you who earn in crores
through nefarious means...
This is my warning.
Confess your mistakes.
Surrender your illicit wealth
to the government treasury.
If not...
Whoever you are...
Wherever you are...
I will find you.
You can't run.
You can't hide.
This is the second war of Independence!
You take the Gandhian approach.
While I take Netaji's approach.
This is a two-track mission.
Next August 15th
is our new Independence Day.
Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
- Sir.
- Have you checked it?
- Get up!
- Check the backyard!
- Security!
- Sir!
He escaped, sir.
Looks like he'll make it
to the finals of Super Singer!
- Yes, sir.
- Sir!
Wake up!
Why are you sleeping on the job?
- Wake up!
- Hey!
No point in waking him up.
Put him next to my father's bed
at the hospital.
What rot is this, sir?
Not rot!
Art. Martial Art.
Urakkakala Varmam!
Read about it!
Did you take your tablets?
I never thought the old man
would opt for this angle.
But I think
this is the right solution.
How is it practical?
Is it possible?
What he said
sounds good in theory.
But I don't know.
I can't buy into it.
This feels like needless trouble to me.
Then why did we appeal so much
to get him here?
We keep yapping about the broken system
and how it must be fixed!
But if we have to start with our homes,
we'll back out!
You're saying our own family members
are in the wrong?
Definitely not.
But there's no harm in checking, right?
Quit talking like crazy!
Everyone would give up anything
for the sake of their families.
But no one would ever
give up their families!
Forget others!
Will you do it?
I definitely will.
If they are in the wrong.
- The two of you went?
- Yes.
Here. Give it to the man
who demanded the bribe.
- It's been laced with phenolphthalein.
- Sir...
Don't be scared.
We'll swoop in when you're about
to give it.
Go on.
This is all I have.
We'll pay the rest in three months.
- Please sign the contract, sir.
- Fine!
Unless the whole sum is paid up,
we can cancel the contract at any time.
- Got it, sir?
- Got it.
- Engineer K. Kathirvel!
- Sir!
We're with the Anti-Corruption Force!
Arrest him.
Gather the evidence properly.
- Check the records.
- Sir!
Please come in there for just two minutes!
I know what this is about.
Whatever you wish to say, say it here.
I swear that's not it.
Just for two minutes!
Please come in, sir!
Go on, sir.
Two minutes, right?
We'll wait.
- Come, sir.
- Okay.
I'll do whatever you want!
Let's wrap this up here, sir.
If a case is filed now, the fifteen years
of service I have left will be ruined!
Please, sir!
I'll pay five lakhs right now.
And I'll pay up another five this evening.
Please, sir!
Is your fifteen years of service
worth so little?
If you give me a month,
I'll pay another ten!
Take two months!
- It's a lot, sir!
- Then get going!
Not a huge difference.
We'll settle for thirty lakhs! Deal?
We'll do it, sir!
Bribing the Anti-Corruption Force, yes?
- We can settle it in two months!
- Get going!
- Come!
- Sir.
No matter how many "Indians" come,
they won't change!
Sorry, Dad.
For what?
After the old man's speech,
I got into an argument with my friends.
I know you are a gem, Dad.
But I had to check for sure
to clear my mind.
I followed you
without your knowledge.
The guilt over suspecting you
is eating me alive!
Forgive me.
Let it go.
It's all clear now, right?
Go on.
How come you brought him coffee?
Sorry, Mom.
- Sir?
- Who is it?
- Hello, sir.
- All good?
Hanging in there.
Dhanapal's here, Kanagu!
- Hello, ma'am.
- Come on in.
- Where's Aarthi?
- She's sleeping upstairs.
Here you go, ma'am.
Keep the basket inside
and make Dhanapal a cup of tea.
Yes, dear.
Eighteen registrations for tomorrow!
Ten for real estate.
Four for factories.
Three for private.
And one for charity.
For the inspector
at Guindy station!
Whoever it is,
make sure the formalities are in order.
If not, put the registrations
on hold!
Most of these are in the name of
the real estate king...
the "Master of all Trades"
Sarguna Pandian!
He wanted to speak to you.
Shall I get him on the phone?
- Krishna Mudra!
- Krishna Mudra!
- Garuda Mudra!
- Garuda Mudra!
- Sangu Mudra!
- Sangu Mudra!
- Simha Mudra!
- Simha Mudra!
The sub-registrar, sir.
Greetings, ma'am.
"Master of all Trades"
Sarguna Pandian speaking!
I took a good look!
It's all marshland!
It's because of such land
that there's groundwater in Chennai.
It's illegal to allow construction
on a marshland!
He's going to build a college, ma'am.
By all means!
Have him build it elsewhere!
Marshes are government property!
Don't you know?
I've been doing this in every area,
I'll make sure
all formalities are completed.
Please do this for me.
Due to floods in Chennai every year,
they're very strict about this!
Circumstances are murky, too!
I'll handle all that.
What I'm getting at is when it rains,
plenty of water is going to run about.
Does the marsh provide water?
Your experience speaks!
The marsh is just lying there
It stinks, too!
If apartments or colleges are built there,
won't the nation prosper?
This is what you call a
"concern for society"!
You need to come in person
for the registration.
That's out of my hands!
Very well!
Any idea where Senapathy
is operating from?
Perhaps he's on the move?
Like how he used a mortuary vehicle
back in the day.
Perhaps an ambulance or Ola or Uber
He's got a vintage mind!
He'll do the exact opposite
of what the CBI anticipates.
He wouldn't use such vehicles.
He'll need refuge, right?
Is he in the sky?
He'll need food, electricity,
cell phones, and Wi-Fi connections, right?
We need to monitor at 360 degrees
to find out how he acquires them!
There's an entire social media community
to help him!
Even if a different person
gives him sanctuary every day...
If you do the math,
he can survive for an entire light year!
The ones who created
the "Come back, Indian" hashtag?
Chitra Aravindan and Aarthi?
"Barking Dogs!"
- Shall we arrest and interrogate them?
- No.
Put personnel on their trail.
Physically and technically.
Here you go, brother.
I've made fritters.
Eat up!
Mr. Chili Fritter is here!
What's with the funny look?
Checked Facebook, bro?
I knew it!
- Why run like a rat in a trap?
- Let go!
Sit, brother-in-law.
Have a fritter!
Just have it, sir!
Keep two lakhs ready!
Two lakhs for a fritter?
Not for a fritter.
For a massage!
- I'm going to Bangkok!
- Bangkok?
Why not?
Didn't you go?
I went there on business!
You're a mosquito
working in a government service center!
And you have business
in Bangkok?
Work can be exhausting, right?
After a massage, I can resume working
at full capacity, yeah?
If I tell my sister,
she'll give you a full body massage!
She'll lay you down
and jump all over you!
- Sister! Your husband went to Bangkok...
- Hey!
- Why call her?
- What's wrong?
Nothing, dear.
He was choking!
I wanted to give his fritter to the dog.
But before I could, you got here!
I'll smack you!
Tell the truth.
Why did you go to Bangkok?
A cramp in the leg.
Was the cramp in the leg
or in the...
I went there for a leg massage!
And I got it from a man!
I have legs, too!
You want two lakhs for it?
Got two legs, right?
What if I don't give it?
From your share of bribe money...
I'll take half and you retain half.
Or else,
all of it goes to the old man!
You're extorting a professional extorter!
Hi, uncle!
All well?
Hey, Harish!
How are you? Are you doing good?
What brings you here?
You've wanted to shoot an ad
for the motel for a while, yes?
I just got some free time.
I thought I could plan something
for it...
Go ahead!
Planning to get an actor
involved here?
Getting actors for ads
is so old school!
Featuring the owner
in the ad is the trend right now!
Legend Muthappa's...
The very best...
The very best...
The very best...
- Make it well!
- Bring that sack to this line!
Wake up! The bus will stop here
for just ten minutes!
Next stop's in Vilupuram!
Those who wish to eat or drink,
go ahead!
- What do you want?
- A rice crepe and chicken gravy.
I just asked for the gravy!
You wanted chicken gravy, right?
I can't afford this!
- Hey!
- "Can't afford it?"
The first parotta you eat
will be on the house!
What is this?
It looks old!
- Make a fresh one!
- This is a fresh one!
Have you served the driver
and conductor?
- On it, brother!
- Take good care of them!
They're the ones who matter!
Which one is the omelet?
The groom is here!
It's celebration time
at Dharshan's palace!
Hello, Father-in-law.
The groom is here!
Let us gift gold equivalent to his weight!
I already told you.
No. No, you didn't.
Are you ready...
What's the problem?
Out of the blue,
she's demanding a diamond necklace, dear!
It's not out of the blue!
I asked for it much earlier!
- We've done everything you have asked!
- Jeez!
That's enough!
You call this a problem?
Hold on.
I'll get it.
Should a man like you
who devours humanity...
deserve a place on earth?
How are you, Golden Boy?
Doing well?
How did you get in here?
With just a one rupee coin!
No one can come here!
It's a biometric door, isn't it?
Even your wife can enter
only if you open it.
Mr. "Master of all Trades"
Sarguna Pandian!
Greetings, ma'am!
- Sign it, ma'am.
- Vegetables?
Why here?
This is the only place
with no CCTV cameras!
This is what you call
a "service to society"!
Greetings, sir!
You dirty street dog!
Won't you let me kill you in peace?
You old shithead!
Who are you?
Do you know
who you are messing with?
You come across as such a softie!
How do you swindle so much money?
My softie appearance
is my greatest strength!
- Would anyone find this face suspicious?
- True that!
Welcome, sir!
How could you make so much money
at a government service center?
On top of that, you travel
to Bangkok every six months!
Just signing off on one Aadhar card
earns me 300 rupees, buddy!
- Good morning, sir.
- Three hundred?
Why are you dealing in small amounts?
Three hundred rupees for one Aadhar card.
Even if I sign off on fifty cards a day,
- how much do I make in a month?
- Greetings.
And in a year?
On its own, it's just a glass of water.
But together, it forms a sea!
I feel strange!
I feel like running!
Mundurukki Varmam!
It is known as Ashvabindo
in your language.
You can't stay put anymore.
You'll keep running until you die!
Save me, kind old man!
Save me!
I'll transfer half my wealth to you!
According to Indian's calendar,
your lifeline has come to an end!
You're a scamster!
Granite scam!
Ten years ago, you were a
JCB backhoe operator in a quarry.
Today, you own forty granite quarries
in Gujarat alone!
After getting politicians in your pocket
and eliminating those who opposed you...
you acquire leases on granite hills
all over the nation!
You get a license
for one acre...
but you mine rocks
across a thousand acres!
The government gets ten rupees.
Politicians get a thousand rupees.
What do you get?
Ten thousand rupees!
Overall, you've cost the government
a loss of one trillion rupees!
The evidence footage, ma'am.
Fill up the complaint form.
Notices will be sent to the motel owner,
- bus driver, and the conductor.
- Okay.
There'll be a hearing
at the consumer court, soon.
- We'll keep you in the loop.
- Thanks, ma'am.
In a nation where lakhs of women
have no gold for their wedding pendants...
want a golden toilet to shit in?
Will you eat gold, too?
Your kidneys will go for a toss!
They have!
"They have," yes?
You must be bored of running
for wealth!
For a change...
run to your death!
Run along!
Run, Dharshan!
Uncle, where are you going?
What happened to him?
Uncle, where are you going?
What is Dharshan Bhai doing?
- Dad!
- Dharshan Bhai!
Stop, Dharshan Bhai!
- Stop!
- Stop, Dad!
What's wrong with him?
- Shanthi!
- Stop, Dad!
- Stop, Dad!
- Dharshan Bhai!
Stop, Dharshan Bhai!
- Stop, Dad!
- Hold on!
- Dad!
- Stop him!
- Catch him!
- Come on!
Dharshan Bhai!
- What the hell?
- Oh, God!
He fell!
What have you done?
The first murder was in Taipei.
The victim had fled from Maharashtra
and settled abroad.
The second murder was in Gujarat.
I thought he restricted himself
to Tamil Nadu.
This is going beyond the borders!
Give him your name
and phone number.
Greetings, sir.
This is Mr. Pramod.
The investigating officer
on the "Indian" case.
- Hello.
- Hello, sir.
He is Dharshan Bhai's
personal assistant. Ganshyam.
I don't know what it's like for others.
But Dharshan Bhai was like a God to us.
He had a heart of gold, sir.
I can see that.
- Something's been bugging me, sir.
- What is it?
How much would the labor
and wastage charges be on all this gold?
A crowd of ten thousand people.
All of whom were loyal to him.
Police and private security.
If Indian killed him
despite so many protective measures...
he couldn't have pulled it off
without local help.
Indian has eighty lakh followers
on social media in this state alone!
Anyone could have helped him.
Eighty lakh people?
It'll take us 160 years
to finish questioning all of them!
Lord Athivarathar would have made
four round trips!
The day of the murder
and the day before that...
I want the call records from Tamil Nadu
within a two-kilometer radius
from this spot.
Done, sir.
My name is Kalaiselvi.
My mother's name is Muthulakshmi.
She had complained of stomach pain
for several days.
Last month, when the pain got too much,
we admitted her to Zeus Hospital.
Dr. Gautham performed the operation.
They said it was an hour-long procedure,
- It's almost been two hours...
- Almost done. Please wait.
Hurry! It's been 30 minutes
since you cut open the spine!
An appendicitis surgery!
But the appendix is missing!
I have been searching
for it for 30 minutes!
- Searching?
- Yes!
I looked all over the body!
No luck!
Even looked it up on Wikipedia!
Oh, God! Why did you cut open
the back for the appendix?
It's in the front!
I know.
Be quiet.
They sewed up her back,
turned her around,
and conducted a procedure
on her stomach, as well.
Lower... lower right side of the abdomen.
Yes, that's what I've done.
I've torn open the skin layers.
Go to Google.
Look up "appendicitis operation."
There are plenty of videos
with step-by-step instructions.
Follow them carefully.
Got it?
Stop operating, doctor.
The patient is dead.
At least write the death report
You wretches!
You killed my mother!
Get her out of here!
They killed my mother!
They needlessly killed her, sister.
Mundurukki Varmam
for Dharshan Bhai, sir.
He ran to his death!
Who is the next sewer rat?
I don't know which varmam
is in store for them!
Rather than finding the next sewer rat...
it's more important
to find that old tiger!
From subways to lighthouses,
we've looked all over! Haven't found him!
What is the one place cops won't suspect,
Police stations,
the commissioner's office,
courts, the residences of judges...
Embassies, defense areas,
the residences of ministers...
Even the CM's residence.
Search the CM's office too!
Okay, sir.
Your son isn't a doctor, Mom.
He's a murderer!
In a way,
you're responsible for this, as well!
Don't get unnecessarily worked up!
Such medical errors are common!
Don't play the error card
and get away with it, Dad!
You took a man who's utterly unqualified
to be a doctor...
and made him a surgeon
at a major hospital!
He's conducting surgeries
by looking it up on Google!
Who knows how many more people
he'll kill!
Just shut the hell up, okay?
Quit talking like a know-it-all!
Even senior doctors take help
from online resources to clarify doubts!
Shut up!
Do you know the full form of MBBS?
Yes, I do!
Tell me what it is!
Medicine Bachelor...
Bachelor of Surgery!
If he couldn't study well, you should have
trained him in what he is good at!
Instead, for your prestige
and because you have wealth to flaunt...
you paid one and a half crores
and got him a medical seat!
Three more crores
got him a master's degree in surgery!
Is it wrong of me to wish
for my son to be a doctor?
Was it wrong of us
to give him a bright future?
You're so fixated on your son.
That poor girl has lost her mother
and is left destitute!
What do you intend to tell her?
What do you want me to do?
It's not like he did it on purpose!
We'll pay her a compensation.
Drop this issue right now.
You'll throw your money
at everything, right?
These sins will not spare you!
You'll join those idle mongrels
and shoot your mouth off?
Tell me.
Should you need surgery tomorrow...
would you let him operate on you?
Have you ever taken any pills
he has prescribed to you, Mom?
- Is the Mangal port ready?
- All set, sir!
Yes, sir?
I've come here to service
the Mangal port.
Yes, sir?
I'm on my way.
- What happened to Mr. Alan?
- Health issues.
Flying in zero gravity
is a hobby of his, yes?
An American company has announced...
a human space colony mission
to Mars set to occur in the year 2030.
He has purchased a seat for it.
He's practicing to live in zero gravity
in space.
- Once he's done, you can service it.
- Yeah.
A raid next door, sir?
Welcome! How are you?
Chitra didn't come?
I'm not here as Chitra's father
but as a vigilance officer!
- Give me the bag.
- These are just vegetables...
We'll check!
On which tree does this vegetable grow?
This isn't our money.
You planted it in there!
Are my fingerprints on it?
As we're well acquainted,
I wanted to do this quietly.
Please co-operate.
Hands off, shrew!
You've been in the service for ages!
Is this how you do your job?
Why the hell would you raid the home
of a gazette officer...
without proper evidence?
You raised your hand on a woman?
Didn't she raise her voice against me?
Will this evidence suffice?
- Arrest her!
- Oh, no!
How unfair!
They planted the money themselves
and accuse my wife
of taking it as a bribe?
Won't anyone demand justice?
Some husband, you are!
You back up your wife's wrongdoings
instead of calling her out on it?
Aren't you ashamed?
Unlike your daughter,
you have no sense of duty!
Your daughter shot your dirty mess
and gave it to us!
What the hell is all this?
What were you trying to accomplish?
Answer me!
Do you have no affection
for your mother?
I do, Mom.
That's why I wish for you
to reform.
I'll thrash you!
Despite so many ailments, everything
I have earned all these years is for you!
Have I ever bought
a nice sari for myself?
Have I ever asked you to steal for me?
No parent needs to rob a city
for their child's well-being!
Just educate them
so that they stand on their own feet!
Talking like a real big shot, aren't you?
Have you ever considered
your future?
What family would want a bride
who rats out her own mother?
Do you know what grand plans
we were making for your wedding?
We booked
the Mayor Ramanatha Chettiar Hall.
Mehendi on the first day.
Sangeet party on the second.
Wedding Ceremony on the third.
Fifty items of food on each plate!
Was it wrong of us to wish for
an A. R. Rahman concert at the reception?
Dad, I'll download A. R. Rahman songs
from iTunes.
I'll find a groom to my liking.
You idiot!
Going all lovey-dovey on her!
Listen! I'll be out of jail
in the snap of a finger!
But for this lowly act of yours,
you'll be ruined!
You're not my daughter!
What's up?
Practicing for a trip to heaven?
How did you get in here?
What are you all doing?
Why wait until 2030?
I'll send you today itself!
Beyond Mars!
Much much farther!
This is called Ottu Varmam.
You won't be able to open
your mouth.
Water will keep dripping
from it.
In three and a half hours...
every drop of water in you
will be sucked out.
Manickam said it's cheaper
in the Philippines.
You have visitors.
- Who?
- The police!
Whoever it is,
they need to pay up.
Sure, they will!
You like playing "Pickle Me. Tickle Me"?
Just wait!
It's the "endgame" for you!
We're arresting you
on charges of bribery.
Do not tarnish bribery by referring to
the pocket change I get as "bribes."
I am a small fish!
"By itself,
it is just a glass of water.
But altogether,
it is a sea!"
This is karma's shawarma!
Have some juice!
Damn it!
Look at what your brother's done!
Bloody oaf!
He's brought in guys
to put me behind bars!
And you serve them juice?
- I thought they were your clients...
- Shut up!
Being childless, you doted on your brother
so much, didn't you?
Look at this!
He ate my food
and shat on my head!
The bribes you took
turned you into a toilet!
- Sister!
- What the hell!
Sister, I am sorry.
Let me put it this way.
Overeating didn't make you fat.
Many people's curses did!
I'll whack you!
Arrest him first, sir!
He blackmailed me
and took half of the money I made!
I didn't touch a penny from that!
I handed it over to where it needed to go.
Get out!
You go in!
You thought it was my inner voice?
It was my own voice!
Sorry, brother-in-law.
You lost the respect I had for you.
Mend your ways in jail!
I'll be your son forever.
I promise.
- Little brother...
- Forgive me, sister.
For the crores of commoners
in this country...
the only thing they're pinning
their future hopes on, is education.
That is why sanitation workers...
and those who work in the muck
spend every last drop of their blood
to educate their children.
Hoping their next generation
can lead a good life
they try to land
insignificant government jobs.
That is what you have messed with!
Nanganeri Muthappa prepared and sold
unhygienic food in his motel.
For crimes under Section 56 of
the Food Safety and Quality Act of 2006...
What a verdict!
The judge delivered a knock-out!
- What's the verdict?
- The motel's been sealed!
One year in jail for the owner!
A fine of ten thousand rupees!
The health inspector and the driver
and conductor who stopped the bus...
and made the passengers eat,
have been sacked!
That's all!
They're finished!
Don't push!
You destroyed me!
I raised a real snake!
You took those videos
just to sting me, I see!
You'll never eat good food!
But you will!
The food in jail is much better
than at your motel!
In your recruitment board,
you conduct thirteen
different examinations
for government employment
every year.
Every year, thirty-two lakh people
take that exam with so much hope.
For a single post,
you take anywhere between four lakhs
and forty lakh rupees...
and select unqualified people
for government jobs.
You destroy the futures
of all who are qualified.
You've shut every door of employment
for the impoverished in this country!
Until now...
For 7,50,000 positions,
you've instigated corruption
worth one and a half trillion rupees!
To cover up that corruption...
there were hundreds of murders!
Buying a country wasn't good enough
for you!
Now, you've bought space on Mars?
On your way, check if you can see
the places you bought!
Bloody spittle!
Yes, sir.
We've reached.
He'll be in jail within an hour.
After taking commissions
in the "100 Days Work" scheme...
- you're putting on a show now?
- Who accused me of such an act?
Who complained?
- Who complained?
- His sister.
You call yourself my sister?
You'll be ruined!
- Load him up!
- She's lying!
Why did you do this?
- Let him go!
- My God!
What did I do wrong?
My father sells water from a dirty well
in the name of holy water
from the Ganges!
Look at this grave injustice!
- Let go of me, I say!
- Keep walking!
Who accused me of this?
Your son!
So, it was you?
The "smart" crow
finally ended up eating cow dung!
I am your father, damn it!
Move, Jithendar!
A scam related to scholarships
has come to light!
Not just using the names
of new and old students.
But also with the creation of
several fake student IDs!
Through it, lakhs of government funds
have been stolen!
Mr. Govind Krishnan,
the chief perpetrator of this scam
has been arrested.
- Hello, son.
- Hi, sir.
- Hi, Shyam.
- Hi, uncle.
Son, I'll give the meal to your father.
- I'll give it!
- I'll do it, uncle!
Oh, no! Son!
Kashmir apple!
Very good!
I'm innocent, sir!
I love Kashmir apples!
I thought that's all they brought.
How could I know it had money?
Your son knew! He told us!
You fat-ass!
You corrupt goose!
Let's go, sir!
Such a big shot!
Despite of so much security,
if that old fellow could swoop in and
squeeze every drop of water in that guy
as if he were a rasgulla...
Then he definitely has allies here too!
Give it, sir.
The suspect list, sir.
I asked for call records from Chennai
to Surat.
What happened?
On those two days,
three lakh calls were made, sir.
It'll take three years
to thoroughly investigate it, sir.
Shall I have them trace calls
originating from Punjab to Tamil Nadu?
Tower 23 calling, sir!
A convoy is passing, sir.
Not necessary.
Tracing him with calls is difficult.
But tracing him with his voice
is very easy.
This is a border area.
Plenty of terrorist activity
takes place here.
The Department of Defense will definitely
have recorded every call in India.
- Correct?
- Of course, sir!
Immediately get permission
from the ministry to access it!
Yes, sir.
Good morning, Dad.
What's up?
Going to apologize again?
Yes, Dad.
For what?
Come downstairs.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, sir.
Sorry, sir. We never expected
such a situation would arise.
We have a warrant for you.
We're here to arrest you.
What the hell is this?
Are you joking?
On what charge?
Misuse of position!
Do you have evidence?
Who filed the complaint?
Your son did!
He handed in the evidence, too.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Until yesterday,
you were a hero to me.
Think your father is a saint?
When it comes to small fishes like us,
he has us arrested
and completes his quota!
But for the sharks? He takes bribes
and lets them go!
What we did is wrong,
but everything he did is right?
Don't talk badly about my father!
He is a perfect officer!
Only you can say that!
To a dog, even shit is edible!
Go ask around!
How was that health secretary
out of jail in just a few hours?
Tell me!
On the day of the raid,
you ran by Aarthi's house with four bags!
I'll tell the cops about it!
Now talk!
You won't talk?
Want to see the CCTV footage?
Speak up!
I'll talk!
A white Innova.
- I see it.
- He's here, sir!
If a government officer
is arrested on the charge of corruption,
a charge sheet must be filed by
the vigilance officer who investigated it.
After taking a huge sum, do you know
who flipped the script by claiming...
the health secretary was scapegoated
for someone else's mistake?
Your father!
Remember Sunitha?
The one who jumped to her death?
You protested her suicide,
claiming it was murder, right?
Know who's responsible
for that murder?
Your damn father!
There's only
six and a half lakhs here, sir.
This money was raised for my father's
heart surgery next month...
by selling my mother's jewelry.
- Six and a half lakhs?
- Yes, sir.
That won't do!
Have the full amount ready!
Get going.
Beyond this, we have nothing more
to give, sir.
Once I get the job, I'll settle my debt
through my salary every month.
Am I running an appliance store here
to take bribes on an installment basis?
You get the posting only after you have
made the full payment at once.
Stop wasting my time!
With no other option left, we decided
to complain to the anti-corruption force.
Give this money to that officer.
- I'll handle the rest.
- Sir...
- Sir!
- Sir!
Sit down!
Bring that!
Get the stuff!
Give it, sir.
Sir, sir, sir...
- Arrest him!
- Sir!
Just one minute, sir!
Please come into my office
for one minute, sir!
- Talk to him.
- To whom?
Just talk to him.
- Hello?
- What the hell?
Why mess around there?
Messes have to be made
to rake in big bucks!
You may leave.
You'll get a letter.
Come next week and pick up the order.
- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you very much.
Let's go.
The order's on the way.
Please wait.
Thanks, sir.
- Hello, sir.
- Come, sir.
- Is there a Sunitha here?
- There she is.
- It's you?
- Yes, sir.
You seem like a nice girl.
Why submit fake mark sheets
and commit fraud?
Sir, I...
I did no such thing, sir!
- You've been lied to, sir!
- Let's go!
- Sister!
- I don't understand!
- Explain it to them!
- Come, I say!
Why are you arresting my sister?
- She wouldn't do this, sir!
- Get off!
Let go!
- Catch her!
- Catch her!
- Stop that girl!
- I did nothing wrong!
I didn't do anything wrong!
I didn't do anything wrong!
I did not do anything wrong!
You are responsible
for that girl's death, Dad!
Sorry, Dad.
I love you a lot.
The two of you
are everything to me.
It hurts me too, Dad.
I had no other options!
Mr. Sundaresan...
A minute with my son, please.
Had anyone else done this,
I'd have forgiven them.
I can't accept the fact
that you did it.
Why did you do it?
What haven't I done for you?
For pre-schooling,
I got you admitted to Harrington House!
I hired a private auto
to take you to school!
Because you asked, I had PlayStations
and video games flown in from Singapore!
I bought you a cell phone
in eighth grade itself!
I bought you an RX 100 bike
before you were old enough for a license!
Wasn't it your happiness
that made me happy?
At whose expense, Dad?
Had you bought it
with your monthly salary,
I'd have been so proud of you!
The thought of having enjoyed things
bought from money snatched from others...
makes me feel like
I have fallen into the gutter!
Are you out of your mind?
Who do you think you're talking to
like this?
Did he do something
that no one else has ever done?
Didn't he do it
so we could be happy?
Why don't you get that?
You're the one
who doesn't get it, Mom.
You think we're happy.
It doesn't entirely belong to us.
Of the 50 silk saris you have,
40 of them aren't yours!
Of the 150 sovereigns of gold you have,
100 of them aren't yours!
Half the gold in your wedding pendant was
paid for by another person's hard work!
Who taught you to talk like this?
You did, Dad.
Right from my childhood,
it was you who taught me
to not lie, cheat, and steal!
Now you're saying
that I need to do all this to survive?
Which one do I follow then?
- Don't cry, Mom.
- What am I supposed to do...
Please, Mom.
- Don't cry...
- Don't touch me!
Get out!
Get the hell out of here!
Greetings. Before diving into the details,
let's take a look at the headlines.
Varadharajan, an officer
of the Anti-Corruption Force,
has been arrested for taking a bribe
from Kirubakaran, an officer at the DPE.
Deputy Registrar Kanagalatha Thangavel
was arrested on charges of bribery
at the sub-registrar's office.
Bribery charges have come
to light against Moorthy
at the government service center.
Muthappa's shut down!
Muthappa's motel
on the outskirts of Chennai...
Well done, guys.
Chitra Aravindan.
When your father was arrested...
the tears that fell from your eyes
were the first drops of water
on the seeds of change!
Irrigation for tomorrow's India!
The single-minded commitment
you all have shown makes me very proud.
In the second war of independence
which we have started,
you have achieved
the first stage of victory!
To felicitate that...
and to be the balm
on your battle wounds...
I shall come to meet you in person.
Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
- Jai Hind!
It's so exciting!
When will the old man come?
Will he come here
or will he ask us to meet him somewhere?
Even the cops are on his tail.
Who's gifting what to the old man?
- Come on. Tell me!
- I'll give him the bouquet!
Are you sure you can carry it all the way?
- Give it!
- I'll do the shawl.
I got him this gift!
- Awesome!
- Very nice!
We'll all take a selfie with him!
Sure! You go on and pout like a fox
and the old man will jab you in the mouth!
- Quiet!
- What about you?
I'm going to get his autograph
on this book on Varma Kalai.
Original edition!
- Got him anything to eat?
- Badam halwa and pakoda!
You know he's got guts.
But are you sure he's got teeth?
Are you trying to be funny?
- We don't know if he'll like it!
- Hello?
I also got organic food!
Millet pancakes and moth bean fritters!
"Moth bean fritters?" Will there be
"butterfly" chutney on the side?
- Let's go, Chitra.
- Let's go!
Where did he ask us to come?
Take the second left up ahead.
Is it just the old man
or is Granny coming, as well?
What is this, Aarthi?
- Why here?
- He said he was coming to my house?
He doesn't know I left home, right?
- Disha's here?
- What brings you here?
What's with the crowd?
Tell me!
Your mother...
What about my mother?
Your mother...
He's here, Chokkalingam!
Why did you come?
Want to get your mother on camera
and gather likes on Facebook?
Step inside
and I'll beat you black and blue!
- Let me in!
- Get out!
- Get out!
- What happened to her?
Get out, I say!
What crime did your mother commit
besides birthing and raising you?
She was branded as the wife
of a corrupt, convicted husband.
Unable to bear that blame
on her by society...
she hanged herself out of shame!
Oh, no! Mom!
- Mom!
- Hey!
- Tell him to leave!
- Get out!
Get out!
- Tell him to leave!
- Mom!
I want to see my mother!
You put your father behind the bars!
You killed your mother, too!
- What else will you do? Leave!
- Mom!
- Mom...
- Why won't you let him see her?
- Chitra!
- Mom...
- Mom!
- Look, he's standing by the window!
Tell him to leave!
Who knows how many more people
- he'll kill if he stays!
- Mom!
- Leave!
- Let go of me!
- Mom!
- Chitra...
Why are you back here?
Leave! You can't see her!
- Get out!
- At least let me see my mother's face!
Leave quietly!
Get out of here!
- I'll beat you to death! Go!
- Uncle!
- Let me see my mother!
- Stop it!
What are you guys saying?
What are you saying, sir?
The one who is dead is his mother!
You have no right to ask him to leave!
He's the one who must conduct
her last rites!
- He cannot!
- That's not up to you!
- Leave!
- You can't see her!
- Get out!
- He's done enough for his parents.
We'll take care of the rest.
Please leave this place.
Grandpa, I...
Go see!
Look what this wretch has done!
The miserable wretch!
What a demon he is!
- Uncle!
- You killed her, you wretch!
You killed her!
Please stop, uncle!
Let go of me!
- Don't, uncle!
- Let go of me!
- Don't hit him, uncle! Please!
- What wrong did he do?
You're not worthy to have her name!
Get lost!
I'm closing her up.
Those who wish to see her face
for the last time, do so!
- Mom!
- Let go of him, sir!
Who will light her pyre?
Does she have a son?
Her son is dead!
Her husband will do it.
- Chitra...
- Give me that!
You have no right to light her pyre!
If you do so,
her soul will not rest in peace!
- Leave now!
- Hey, get lost!
- Why must I leave?
- Let him go!
- Leave now!
- Let go of me!
Oh, God!
Why are you tormenting me like this?
Please let me light my mother's pyre!
Tell that wastrel to leave.
He is no longer a part of this family.
I'm sorry.
Our first meeting should've occurred
under brighter circumstances.
For it to happen here, like this...
I did not expect that.
Your loss is irreplaceable.
My deepest condolen...
I understand your pain.
You won't understand.
Not just my pain.
You'll never understand
anyone's pain!
In just one day,
my life was ripped to shreds.
Everyone looks at me
as if I am some kind of terrorist!
In the end, I couldn't even see
my mother's face.
I couldn't even light my mother's pyre!
Whenever anyone calls me by my name,
I'll be reminded of my mother!
It'll torture me to no end!
What do I do?
Your words were inspiring!
But I never expected this to happen!
Aren't you older than me?
How could you not see this coming?
Those who commit crimes
need to face justice.
My father committed the crime.
What did my mother do?
- Your mother too...
- "My mother too?"
You have no wife or children.
In the name of weeding, you're a psycho
who killed his own son!
In the name of bringing forth change...
you brainwashed us all
and left us destitute!
What is the point of a prosperous nation
if our homes are graveyards?
You made me gouge out my own eyes!
I killed my own mother!
You turned me into a murderer!
You are a wrecker of lives!
This country doesn't need you!
I was the first
to passionately ask you to come back.
I'll say it now.
Go back.
Go back!
Go back, Indian!
Go back!
Arrest him.
My mission isn't over yet, Pramod.
Do not stop me.
Nor can you stop me.
You have nothing left to do here.
In just five minutes...
One and a half lakh tagged posts.
Can't see it properly...
"Varma" proof!
None of your tricks will work anymore.
Mind it!
Raise your arms.
You caught me
just like you said you would, Pramod.
Hats off!
Hey, old man! My unicycle!
The old man?
I am going to catch him, sir!
No! Don't shoot!
This clip of the police's pursuit of
Indian is going viral on social media.
And the hashtag "Go Back Indian"
is trending nationwide.
That old hag who ruined our lives
is being hunted like a dog by the police!
Our people are everywhere!
If anyone sees him, finish him!
Stone that mongrel to death!
About that kid Chitra Aravindan's mother?
Have our channel telecast that she died
because of that old man and blow it up!
Okay, sir!
Who caused her suicide?
Hate will spread faster
than a wildfire!
Is Indian responsible
for Chitra's death?
Let the same people who celebrated
that man...
crush him under their feet!
Hey! It's the old man!
Didn't he turn your father
into a singing sensation?
Because of a complaint filed by her son
who was instigated by Indian...
which led to her husband's arrest,
Chitra was driven to despair
and hanged herself in her house.
It has come to our attention that
Senapathy aka Indian is responsible...
for the untimely suicide
of Mrs. Chitra.
Because of Indian...
As long as that man is alive,
we are in danger.
Inform our guys in every area.
- Slaughter that old crone on sight!
- Yes, sir.
This man cost us our income!
Get him!
- Let's go!
- Don't spare him!
- Get him!
- Catch him!
Start the vehicle! Quick!
Come on!
- RP!
- Sir?
- Have the next station sealed up!
- Okay, sir.
Every station after that too!
Have our agents seal up every station
on this line! Fast!
Take positions!
Stop the train and hit reverse!
Oh, no!
It's dangerous to go in reverse!
It'll collide with the train behind us!
The next train isn't due
for another five minutes.
You can drop me off by then and get going.
Why isn't the train here yet?
- The train's going in reverse, sir!
- Control Room?
Look at him slink away on one wheel!
The old bugger's near Kothawalchavadi!
Get the goods and quickly come here!
We have learned that Chitra's death
- was instigated by Indian.
- Look! That's him!
This old man is responsible
for that poor woman's untimely death!
Come on, guys!
Come on, guys!
We've got
that antique piece surrounded!
We'll wrap it up in two minutes.
Wire the payment to me!
What kind of fight is this?
Seems new!
Karma kalai, buddy!
He seems to be putting
up a scene before us, Seenu!
Hey! Come on!
Did they take him out?
No! They took off!
Hit him!
Disperse, everyone!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
- Go back...
- Indian!
Oh, no!
Why did you take your jacket off?
This man did something to him!
Get him to a hospital!
Watch it!
Try any trick and we'll shoot!
Go back!
Go back!
Pramod... Pramod!
What did you do to him?
Fatigue will take hold.
Thirst will be persistent.
Within three hours it'll cause death.
Vinodha Varmamam!
In neuroscience, we call this
a heart vessel blockage.
"Within three hours...
it'll cause death?"
- Daddy!
- Mom!
I don't care how much it costs.
I want my son back!
Please do something, doctor.
As far as I know, no neurologist
can cure this within the time we have.
Those proficient in varmam
can cure it in a jiffy.
If you know such a person,
get them here right away!
Practitioners of Varma Kalai
are very rare.
And in the little time we have...
it is humanly impossible to find out
where they are and bring them here.
Then what is the solution?
For innumerable counts of murder,
I decree Senapathy alias "Indian"
be remanded to judicial custody
for fifteen days for interrogation.
Just a minute, ma'am!
Just a minute!
What happened, Mr. Krishnaswamy?
My son...
My son is dying!
In order to save him
in the little time we have left...
every doctor claims
that only this man can do it!
Please permit this man
to treat my son.
How long will it take to treat him?
Right now, his life is in your hands.
You know the pain
of losing a child.
Don't punish him!
Let it go.
Then you let me go, as well.
We can catch this man again.
But if my son dies,
I can never bring him back.
Please reconsider, ma'am.
What are you saying?
Is he a pickpocket
who can be caught again?
I won't take such a risk!
- Ma'am...
- No!
My son was the one
who caught this man.
He can definitely catch him again.
It is his life's ambition!
Save him.
Please, ma'am.
- Save my father, ma'am!
- Please, ma'am!
Please reconsider, ma'am!
We're running out of time, ma'am!
Thank you, ma'am.
No one should follow or track me.
Tread carefully.
For the next 24 hours, forget about me.
Or you can forget your son.
Apologies, ma'am.
We shall meet again.
Mr. Varma Proof!
Put the patient into the ambulance.
We've released the whale
back into the sea.
I'll be back!
What will happen next?
Spare me five minutes of your time.
What's happening now isn't a protest.
It's a war!
The ones you're familiar with
are the Kargil War...
and the Chinese occupation
that ended on the Indian border.
Wars that never reached your doorstep!
A war!
You have no idea
how much bloodshed war demands!
You don't know the suffering
that war can cause!
You have no idea
how much loss it can bring!
Since 1806...
the blood spilled over generations
has earned us this freedom.
- Forgotten by history.
- Here comes a one-man army
- A warrior...
- He created history.
Adorned by scars
A fighter
- A freedom fighter!
- With the might of a thousand swords
Listen to the tale of this tiger
There are shoulders of strength
And fire-emitting swords
This horse has wings too
The storm does find a form in him
I swear on my motherland...
- India has 29 states.
- We are the warriors of Tamil honor
Inciting fear in every state
to bring about significant change
in the country...
is his plan.
-Touch him, and you'll shiver with terror
-Jai Hind!
- He's not Indian, sir.
- Breath ceases at his sight
I swear upon my motherland
Terms and conditions apply.
This court is hereby awarding
capital punishment...
to Mr. Veerasekaran Senapathy.