Infernal Affairs (2002) Movie Script

"The worst of the Eight Hells
is called Continuous Hell.
It has the meaning
of Continuous Suffering. Thus the name."
Five years ago,
we started valet parking
at Palace Restaurant in Tai Hing Estate,
Tuen Mun.
We were full of ambition.
But barely two weeks had passed,
and the cops started busting us every day.
Within one year,
six of our brothers died.
Bless me, Buddha.
"What thousands must die
so that Caesar may become great."
But I don't believe in destiny.
This game is about
taking fate into our own hands.
You are the newest in my gang.
Your records are clean.
You can choose your own future.
I wish you guys
every success in the police force.
Bottoms up, officers.
27149, you were here ten minutes ago.
How many files were on my desk?
Six, sir. Four beige ones on the left,
one red and one white on the right.
What do you think of me?
Sorry, I'm not sure, sir.
But I know you're in a hurry today,
because your socks don't match.
27149, you can go now.
You owe me HKD 500.
Okay, but wait till payday next month.
I told you he'd make
the best undercover cop.
Now that you're in cadet school,
you will follow the rules.
Those who break the rules
will be like him.
They will be expelled.
Who wants to trade places with him?
I do.
27149, this is a long-term
undercover mission.
Your records from cadet school
will be erased.
Only Superintendent Wong and I
know your true identity.
This mission is highly dangerous,
is that clear?
Sir, I can't stand it any longer.
I'm either harassed by cops
or beaten up by gangsters.
4927, you're still a rookie.
Give me one good reason
why I should promote you.
Hang on in there? Why don't you go
hang yourself instead?
I won the Silver Whistle Award
and have received numerous commendations
as an officer.
I am confident I can lead
the police force, sir.
Move forward.
Hurry up.
Get your mug shot.
- Excuse me.
- May I help you?
Can I try this stereo?
What speakers are you using?
Nothing special. Any recommendations?
Try this tube amplifier,
made in Hong Kong, only ten grand.
Use this cable,
also locally made, about 1,000.
It's as good as European amps.
Sweet high notes,
crisp middle, strong bass.
In a word, transparent.
Come, let's listen.
Human voices are drifting towards you.
You hear that?
The voices
are really drifting towards you.
Try this one.
This is ideal for listening to oldies.
- What do you think?
- Much better.
Any discount if I buy the whole set?
Buy the tube amp here,
but not the speakers.
Go to Cheungwai, they're cheaper there.
- Whom should I ask for?
- Just tell them Yan sent you.
- Which one's mine?
- The one in the middle.
Okay, thanks.
You're welcome.
- Is Cheungwai open yet?
- Sure.
You bastard. I asked you to watch
the store, not to send my customers away.
Your speakers are overpriced.
If I don't charge this price,
how can I pay protection money?
You can try not paying it, for a change.
- Hey, the cable.
- I'll return it in a few days.
HKD 4,000 for a few days?
- Where are you rushing off to?
- A funeral.
Tell me,
how many times
have you been busted for assault?
I've tried to convince
the Department of Justice
that you have psychological problems
and need to see a shrink.
But you just keep beating people up.
Are you really going nuts?
Have you forgotten you're a cop?
You told me it was only for three years.
But after three years,
there's another three years, and another.
It's almost ten years already, boss.
Remember who you're talking to!
I'm the only person
who knows your real identity now.
Maybe I'll just erase your file
so you get stuck in the triad.
What am I supposed to do?
Remind myself I'm a cop every day?
Shouting, "Drop your gun, I'm a cop,"
even in my dreams?
- When will Sam place his order?
- No idea.
- Sometime this week.
- What?
Sometime this week.
The Thais are here.
If Sam doesn't want those goods,
they'll sell them to someone else.
- Where is the warehouse?
- How the hell would I know?
I only started working for him
three years ago.
Okay, I'll let you retire after this.
Bullshit. I've heard that
too many times already.
Crap. These mics again?
The Police are loaded,
tell them to buy more advanced models.
How about implanting it into your body?
Into which part of my body?
A pinhole camera?
Where's the lens?
Your birthday is on the 25th, right?
I never wear watches.
If we have nothing for Interpol
by 5:00 p.m.,
the counterfeit passport case is off.
3:15. Teatime.
What would you like, boss?
Tea with milk, please.
They won't talk without their attorney.
The attorneys have been paged
but they haven't called back.
I won't talk without my attorney.
I am Mr. Lau, your attorney.
Did you call home?
Why should I call home?
It's good then.
Last Friday, from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m.,
where were you?
Brother Mo told me to ask you
if your family needs any help.
No need to worry.
They can't record anything
while a lawyer is present.
It's inadmissible in court.
Brother Mo sent you?
Those two kids next door
have squealed on the workshop already.
Cops are heading there now.
Brother Mo told you not to say anything.
If your brother is there,
tell him to leave.
- What?
- Scram.
I told you to scram, do you hear?
Get out, right away.
All right! I'll leave you.
If you don't trust me, so be it.
Take care.
And don't talk without your attorney.
No need to remind me.
Take this.
- Check this number.
- Sure.
Send this message for me.
2nd Floor, Cheung Fai Industrial Building,
Ngau Tau Kok.
Got it.
2nd Floor, Cheung Fai Industrial Building,
Ngau Tau Kok.
- Boss.
- All set.
A triad member.
- Where's my tea?
- Here.
You're great.
How did you know it's Mo's hideout?
Hello? Yes.
No problem. Okay.
Sorry, guys, overtime tonight.
Our target tonight
is a drug trafficking cartel.
In one hour,
they'll be buying from a Thai seller.
Cash will be handed over
in the building across the street
in a unit on the third floor.
The delivery location is still unknown.
CIB will tag the target
and tap their phones.
Our unit won't move
until our mole has pinned down
the delivery location.
Take a look at our targets.
These are our targets tonight,
Sam Hon, Wing-yan Chan, and Del Piero.
We've been watching them for a long time.
We'd better nail them tonight.
No more questions? Get to work.
Sorry for paging you urgently.
- Our mission is confidential.
- No problem. Are you feeling confident?
- Yes, it should be okay.
- Hello, Dad?
Pass the phone to Dad.
I won't be home for dinner.
Too bad, dinner has been prepared already.
Call me when you leave. I'll reheat it.
You look so relaxed.
It's only work.
If we fail, there's always next time.
All cell phone signals in this area
are under surveillance.
SP Wong.
- SP Wong, which channel?
- Channel 454870.
Channel 454870.
Attention. Target in sight.
Hand over all your cell phones.
You two, go get the car.
Yan, bring the Thais here.
You two, follow me.
- Lau.
- Yes.
Did Sam and his gang make any calls?
No. They probably changed their phones.
Let's search for calls
made from this area.
Some 6,500 cell phones
are currently connected.
267 calls are being made through
the 12 receivers on this street alone.
Give me ten minutes.
They seem to be watching us.
Are those two over there watching us?
- Which two?
- Those two.
No one is watching you.
Those two making out over there.
They are just making out.
Watching you? Are you a movie star?
- The target is back.
- Yip, watch closely.
Boss. The Thai guys are here.
Hey, man.
- What's up?
- How are you?
Is it any good?
- Is it cold in Hong Kong?
- Very cold.
You can speak Cantonese!
How fantastic.
Marvelous, indeed.
HN397 is taking off. Repeat.
- HN397 is taking off.
- Attention. HN397 is leaving.
Repeat, Helen, Nelson, 397.
I can only deal with one side.
Should we send a car?
Kwai Chung Container Terminal.
Roger. The container terminal.
Del Piero. You're being tailed.
Lead them in circles.
They know our channel.
Switch to channel 456855.
Sam, where have those two gone?
Don't worry, take it easy.
Take care of the Thais.
Use the walkie-talkie.
- We've switched channels.
- Done yet?
- 456855.
- Shut up!
All right.
Del Piero, are you being tailed?
Keep driving around.
Tell Elephant the mission's aborted.
Elephant, no hunting tonight.
- Come back to the station.
- Roger.
What the hell is going on?
Our guys are freezing to death out there.
What's so funny?
I speak Thai. I know what they're saying.
Yes. They are complaining about the boss.
What are they complaining about?
Those Thais at Lung Kwu Tan
are freezing to death.
You know they can't stand the cold.
- That's right. You're sharp.
- Stop it.
See if there are dogs.
Tell Elephant
the delivery location is Lung Kwu Tan.
Boss, I've found it.
Tell Keung to check the goods.
And make sure no one is around.
Not a soul.
A boat is coming to check the goods.
The cocaine is all here.
Keung, are you an idiot or what?
- Boss.
- I heard it.
Tell Keung to shout loudly
that the cocaine is his.
Keung, the boss asked you to shout aloud
that the cocaine is yours.
The cocaine is yours.
Take delivery.
Get ready for action.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
Thank you.
Double Eight.
After the Thais leave, go.
- Hello?
- Throw all the goods into the sea!
Keung. Throw all the goods into the sea!
Police. Freeze!
- Freeze! Police. Freeze! Stop!
- Freeze!
- Freeze!
- Freeze! Stop!
We got the men but lost the goods.
Double Eight, hold it.
Everyone, follow me.
What are you looking at?
Boss. Let's...
Police! Don't move!
Your food looks good.
Not bad.
We've straightened it out.
Your boys were only taking a walk.
- So they can leave?
- Sure, any time.
Let's not waste any more of your time.
We've known each other for years.
Don't give me that.
I haven't been here recently.
You're always welcome here.
How about tomorrow?
I'll take a rain check.
I feel bad coming here empty-handed.
No need to stand on ceremony.
I should feel bad
for costing you a few grand tonight.
You think planting a mole will defeat us?
Same here.
I have a story for you.
Two fools are waiting
for kidney transplants
but there's only one kidney.
So they play a game.
They each put a playing card
into the other's pocket.
Whoever guesses the card
in their own pocket wins.
You know I can see your card.
I think so, too.
- I will beat you.
- Let's see.
We should be more careful.
I will.
By the way,
whoever loses the game will die.
Let's see when you're going to die.
Who shakes a dead man's hand?
Let's go.
- Put it next to the couch.
- Okay.
What's the decorator's number?
The decorator... 90255047.
How many boxes have I counted?
- Pass me the phone.
- Coming.
Hello? Hold on please.
- Who is it?
- I don't know.
It's me.
Yes, I'm moving in.
Don't eavesdrop. It's confidential.
I lost all of my goods.
Dig the mole out.
Hold on, too many people around here.
Hold on.
I have no access to those
undercover files. I can't dig him out.
I don't care how hard it is.
I only know he uses Morse code.
Give me all the information
on the people around you last night.
Their real names, ID card numbers,
account numbers, etc.
See you tonight, at the cinema. L13.
What's the matter?
I'm talking about my novel.
I know what I'm going to write about.
Come here.
I can write about a man
with 28 different personalities.
Be serious.
Think about it.
A man with 28 personalities.
That means, he starts role-playing
the minute he wakes up.
He is no longer certain
which personality is the real him.
- Isn't it scary?
- Very.
- Good?
- Yeah. A best-seller for sure.
- Wait.
- What is it?
- Why is the ottoman so big?
- Which one?
I must have gotten the measurements wrong.
Take it easy. You women.
Let me see. Get up.
Don't be mad.
Meet up? You want me dead?
There's a mole in the police station.
Track him down first.
So who is he?
I can't talk anymore.
Just now?
I was at a Chinese chiropractor.
I'm going to the shrink now.
I'm going psycho. That's it.
This chair is really... incredible.
Why don't you get one for yourself
so you don't need to come here every time.
It's more comfortable here.
Don't be so cranky.
During these four months,
if it weren't for me,
you wouldn't have time
to play computer games.
It's five months.
In one more month,
your mandatory therapy will be over.
Then you can sleep peacefully at home.
So soon?
I don't seem to have improved at all.
Why don't you just extend my treatment.
Besides, my head is splitting these days.
Could it be schizophrenia?
It's called "a headache."
I'll prescribe some Panadol for you.
Actually, there's something
I want to ask you.
It's kind of embarrassing.
What do you think of me?
Do you think I'm a good guy or a bad guy?
I hardly know you.
I have a secret, but don't tell anyone.
I'm actually a cop.
So am I.
Let's continue next week.
Try to remember your dreams.
Of course.
I will dream about you.
See you next week.
Just Panadol?
Your promotion is going ahead.
You will be transferred
to Internal Affairs
but you will work at OCTB.
I don't understand.
I suspect Sam has a mole
in the department.
I want you to investigate.
Why me?
We have scrutinized
all possible candidates.
You have an unblemished record
and solved many cases in CIB.
Working in IA,
you will engage with management.
That's a good opportunity.
I've arranged for you to appear on TV.
Remember to spruce yourself up a bit.
When will I meet the board?
You just did.
Come, have a go.
By the way, how's the wedding?
Everything's on schedule.
That's good.
You'll be more stable after marriage.
Your image will improve, too.
You'll have a chance of further promotion.
Yes, broaden your horizons.
Fill in your real name.
This is my real name.
Del Piero is my real name.
- Really?
- Yes.
That's not how you dance.
Let me show you.
What are you guys writing?
The boss told us to fill out these forms.
Must be setting up
mandatory provident funds for us.
You know, MPF.
Are you serious?
You can't even spell "bodyguard"?
- Don't you spell it like this?
- Of course not.
Should be B-O-D-Y-G-A-R-D.
That's it.
A shipment will come in soon.
They're watching closely.
Do what you need to do.
I'll handle the rest.
There's a file.
I'm afraid I can't access it.
So you're not worried about me.
You're worried about yourself,
Inspector Lau.
Those girls are so ugly.
I'll take care of it soon.
I'm on my way.
- How long have you worked for me?
- Three or four years already.
That long?
Doesn't seem that long to me.
I have another shipment next week.
But this time,
I'm using some new tough guys.
So you guys can rest.
Even Keung and the others?
Don't you know he's nuts?
We have a mole. You know that?
What do you think we should do?
I'll take care of it.
I'll find out who he is
in a couple of days. Get ready for action.
I trust you the most.
These folks.
You know most of them.
No need for introduction, right?
No, but...
- Why?
- They are so...
Everyone knows you're here
to find the mole.
What reaction did you expect?
Offer you some coffee?
Only an idiot
wouldn't feel something, right?
They all want to know who the mole is.
Just tell me whom you want to start with.
Any clues?
Two days ago, my undercover guy
nearly found out who the mole was.
Too bad he lost him.
But if Sam is getting a new shipment,
he has to contact the mole again.
Just follow Sam
and we'll get our answer.
- There's so much for me to learn from you.
- Don't say that.
Our seniors sent you here
because they think you can do it.
Not everyone can handle IA tasks.
It's stuffy in here.
Let's get out of here. The coffee here
is the best in the headquarters.
I'll pour you a cup.
My guy nearly found out
who the mole was.
But if Sam is getting a new shipment,
he has to contact the mole again.
- Yes?
- Hey.
Yes, the bed has arrived.
Is that so? Comfortable?
- You want to try it?
- Don't be silly. I have work to do.
Think about it.
- No, I can't.
- Come on.
Next Saturday. I'll be free then.
We can try it.
Okay, Saturday then.
- Awake already?
- Yes.
We just tested the bed,
and you're working again already?
I'm very hard-working.
- What are you writing now?
- Here.
The more I think about it, the more
pathetic the main character seems.
Pathetic indeed.
- Perhaps I should make him a happier guy.
- Good.
Should I turn him into a good guy?
Even though he is good,
he has done bad things.
How should it end?
That's a good question.
I'll leave that up to you.
- You're not going to sleep?
- Help me, please.
Help me, please?
I can't.
Go to sleep. You're tired.
From now on,
follow SP Wong around the clock.
Del Piero,
I know how to spot a plain-clothes cop.
If he seems to be doing something,
but is paying attention to us instead,
then he is a cop.
Is that so?
- Then the whole place is filled with cops.
- They're everywhere.
Get lost. We're always nagging them.
Go upstairs and have a look.
- Watching something?
- You're a cop.
We are guessing who is a cop.
Have fun.
- I'm going for a massage, want to come?
- I hate it.
Don't tell.
- Tell on him.
- I won't.
- What a coincidence.
- Yes, I was shopping in the neighborhood.
Haven't seen you for ages.
Six or seven years already.
- How are you?
- I'm married. How about you?
Are you... still in the same line of work?
- Your daughter?
- Yes.
- How old is she?
- Five years old.
I'm waiting for my husband's car, so...
I'm also in a hurry.
Mommy, I'm six already.
Sorry, I always get it wrong.
- Where are you now?
- On my way.
Boss, he is taking the subway.
Keep following him.
Boss, he has gone to the 24th floor.
Stay put. Don't do anything rash.
Boss, we've got him.
I don't know yet.
But I know where he is now.
Keep watch over here.
So? Any good news?
Goods will come in soon.
Details yet to be confirmed.
I still don't know who Sam's mole is,
but he seems confident
he can blow my cover.
In that case...
we'd better stop.
We're going to be found out for sure.
You are kidding, right?
What else can we do? It's deadly serious.
The boss said he's found the mole.
He told us to take care of him.
I'll be right there.
Watch SP Wong closely.
You two, take the stairs.
Keung, take the elevator.
- Does anyone know we're meeting today?
- No.
They are downstairs now.
What are you doing? Put it away.
- Take the window-washing scaffolding.
- How about you?
I'll take the elevator.
Be careful.
Darling, the apartment is superb.
A 180-degree window facing the golf course
plus club membership costs
less than a million.
Superintendent Wong?
Drive around to the main entrance.
What do you think of me?
Your birthday is on the 25th, right?
- Let's go!
- Police. Let's go!
Bad news, boss.
Something happened to SP Wong.
There was a gunfight in Sheung Wan
this afternoon.
Three suspects are dead, several suspects
and pedestrians were injured.
The police confirmed
that one of the victims
was a superintendent in OCTB,
Mr. Chi-shing Wong.
The motive is unknown.
A gang feud has not been ruled out.
Police now seek several triad members
active in the Southern Kowloon area.
The Police Commissioner
expressed deep condolences
and pledged to solve the case
as soon as possible.
It was a close shave.
Ten minutes after you went
for a massage,
the boss told us to get ready.
I was scared stiff.
You know,
I hide under the car in every fight.
And there were guns involved.
I wanted to just sneak out of there.
Two days ago,
the boss told me to go to his room.
He asked me how long I'd worked for him.
How the hell could I remember?
He then said,
"Keung, it's been five years already.
You've performed well all these years.
I have a question for you.
If one of your brothers were a mole,
would you be able to take him out?"
Of course I said yes to his face.
I'm not an idiot.
What's the outcome?
Of course they couldn't find the mole.
The cop was tough.
They dragged him upstairs
and beat him up for a good ten minutes.
Ten minutes.
Ten minutes.
He didn't say a word.
The boss said
the cop was hot on his trail.
Whoever didn't show up today is the mole.
I didn't tell him you went for a massage.
If the boss knew, you would be dead meat.
Yan, I want to ask you something.
How was the masseuse today?
if she was ugly, it wasn't worth it.
Leave right away.
There will be lots of cops
after a car crash.
Anyway, remember this.
If you see someone
doing something
without paying attention to it,
but at the same time watching you,
then he is a cop.
According to the closed-circuit TV,
SP Wong entered that building at 4:15 p.m.
The suspects entered 20 minutes later.
At 4:38 p.m.,
we received Inspector Lau's report.
Eight minutes before we arrived,
someone fell off the building.
That was SP Wong.
All the suspects killed or injured
belong to Sam's gang.
Many suspects escaped.
The actual numbers are unknown.
Why did SP Wong go to that building?
It was me. I told CIB to follow him.
Why was CIB following him?
That's IA's business.
Now that SP Wong is dead,
it is OCTB's business.
What kind of attitude is that?
SP Wong was dedicated to the police force,
and you investigated him?
What kind of attitude is that?
We seniors have to ask
for your approval?
Your people have made a mistake.
Or SP Wong wouldn't have died.
I am talking about business here.
I am talking about personal matters.
Nobody wanted this, okay?
It's my negligence.
I will give everybody an answer.
SP Wong has a file with information
on our undercover cop in Sam's gang.
It is locked by a password.
The computer department can't decrypt it.
- Inspector Lau.
- Yes.
Work with CIB to unlock it.
Find our man and get him out of there.
By the way,
SP Wong was a good cop.
We should give him a grand funeral.
- Hello?
- Boss. Why did you make such a scene?
He was getting so close.
One of us was bound to die.
I'm now in charge of everything here.
If you're making any transactions,
just let me know.
It's done.
We got the goods
while they were killing the cop today.
Okay, I won't bother you now.
Why did you call me?
So you're the one?
Who are you?
Inspector Lau of OCTB.
SP Wong is gone, we're all upset.
I still have unfinished business.
SP Wong wouldn't want you
to take the law into your own hands.
What do you want?
The police have discovered
the body of a fugitive suspect.
He was involved in
the Sheung Wan shooting earlier today.
The police have confirmed the body
to be an undercover cop Wai-keung Tsui.
The police have expressed
their condolences
- and promised a thorough investigation.
- Boss, Yan is back.
Three vehicles collided
in Yuen Long today.
The driver of the private car was trapped
until firefighters arrived to rescue him.
What is it, Yan?
I have taken care of Keung already.
Did you ever send him to the warehouse?
It'd be bad if he knew the location.
Boss. It's me.
You don't have to go yourself.
I don't want anyone to know the password.
I understand.
I've sent everyone away.
Inspector Cheung.
Stop following Sam's gang.
I got information that Sam
is heading towards the warehouse.
He won't go if he's being tailed.
Just call them off.
Let's do something for SP Wong.
Please help me, okay?
Say something.
This is not my case.
Officer Chan told me not to get involved.
If they're willing to go off duty,
then it's up to them.
I know I'm responsible
for SP Wong's death.
I am also a cop, just like you.
I want to solve the case, too.
I thought you only want promotion.
It was SP Wong's mole who tipped me off.
Do you believe it or not?
This is our last opportunity.
Are you willing to take a chance?
Attention. Target vehicle
is entering Route Three from Canton Road.
It's turning around at Pier Three,
on Lung Cheung Road towards Kwun Tong.
They've been on the fourth floor
of the car park for 20 minutes.
What is it?
Officer Chan won't let me touch this case.
If anything goes wrong,
you take the blame.
They are loading the goods at 4P.
Elephant, stand by at the exit at 3P.
Double Eight, watch the entrance at 2P.
Fishball and Cheung, stand by here.
All of you, wait for my signal.
Oh, I forgot. Boss told me to stay behind.
Drop me off here.
Police. Stop the car!
- Stop the car!
- Police. Stop the car!
- Stop!
- Freeze!
- Freeze!
- Stop!
Run him over.
My master always said that about my life,
"What thousands must die
so that Caesar may become great."
You can choose your own future.
That's what you chose.
Coffee for you.
He's been waiting a long time.
So, it's you?
Was the stereo okay?
Pretty good.
Those tube amps have to be warmed up.
Wait for ten minutes and they sound great.
- Should I salute you?
- No need.
How long have you been working undercover?
I was with Sam for three years.
I had several other bosses before.
Altogether it's been ten years.
Ten years? I should salute you instead.
I just want my identity back.
My identity as a normal man.
Getting tired?
You've never been undercover,
you won't understand.
I still can't find the mole.
I'll take him down if I find him.
Don't worry.
I'll give you back your identity.
I'd open your file,
but I don't have the password.
What's Morse code for "undercover"?
That's it?
Are you serious?
You can't even spell "bodyguard"?
- Don't you spell it like this?
- Of course not.
Dr. Lee.
I didn't think you'd come.
You're wanted by the police.
Can I sleep in your chair again?
Let's talk upstairs.
Last time you said you're a cop.
Is it true?
It was true,
but I'm not so sure now.
So what's your plan?
I don't know. I'm still thinking.
There's one thing
I've been trying to tell you.
But it's too embarrassing.
I told you
I dreamt about you all the time.
It's true.
Me too.
What's up? Is it broken?
This morning,
the guys from the stereo shop came by.
They tuned it up already.
They also left a sampler CD for you.
I've listened to it.
Have you had breakfast yet?
I'll get you some.
Iced tea?
Sweet buns?
I can't finish my novel.
I don't know whether he's good or bad.
I think only he knows.
A shipment will come in soon.
They're watching closely.
Do what you need to do.
I'll handle the rest.
There's a file.
I'm afraid I can't access it.
So you're not worried about me.
You're worried about yourself,
Inspector Lau.
Are the voices crisp enough?
The recording was taken
from Sam's office.
You're so unlucky.
Don't threaten me. What do you want?
I want my identity back.
3:00 p.m., Central Ferry Piers.
Keep your cell phone on.
The number you have dialed
cannot be connected.
Please leave a message after the beep.
I've chosen to be the good guy.
I'm going to meet Yan now.
No matter what,
I'll give him back his identity.
The file is on my computer
and the password is your birthday.
You're familiar with this.
I also went to the cadet school.
Do all undercover cops like rooftops?
Unlike you, I'm not afraid of the light.
Where's the stuff I want?
I don't think you brought
what I want either.
So what's the deal?
We came up here to sunbathe?
Give me a chance.
I had no choice back then.
But now I want to turn over a new leaf.
Try telling that to the judge.
See what he has to say.
- You want me dead?
- Sorry, I'm a cop.
Can anyone confirm that?
Don't move. Police.
Drop your weapon
and let Inspector Lau go.
Your boss is Sam's mole.
I have the evidence.
Let's talk at the station.
Drop your weapon now.
I've called the police.
Why should I trust you?
You don't have to.
You'd better watch out.
Look who's talking.
I wish you guys
every success in the police force.
Bottoms up, officers.
No sweat. We are brothers.
Sam is dead now.
You look after me.
I joined the cadet school in 1994.
But my career never really took off.
Sam looked down on me.
I've taken care of Sam's tape.
Don't worry. I'll follow you from now on.
More police will be here any minute.
Let's make it look good.
I'm actually quite smart.
Too bad Sam never knew that.
Call for support.
I'm a cop.
Six months later,
Dr. Sum-yee Lee was looking through
the personal effects of Officer Yip,
headmaster of the cadet school.
She found Wing-yan Chan's file,
proving his police identity.
Wing-yan Chan is now buried
next to SP Chi-shing Wong.
How are you, Mr. Policeman?
Those who break the rules
will be like him.
They will be expelled.
Who wants to trade places with him?
I do.
According to Buddha,
"He who is in Continuous Hell never dies.
Longevity is a great hardship
in Continuous Hell."