Infinitely Polar Bear (2014) Movie Script
My father was diagnosed
manic depressive in 1967.
He'd been going around Cambridge
in a fake beard
calling himself
Jesus John Harvard.
When he got better,
he started working in
public television in Boston.
He met my mother there.
He walked up
and took her picture.
On their first date,
he took her on a driving tour
of New England
and told her all about
his nervous breakdowns.
She didn't care.
She said it was a crazy time.
Half the people they knew
were going bananas.
So they got married and they
had me... and then my sister.
We were happy.
I know there is more to it than that.
There always is.
We have to go to school.
Not today.
We're celebrating!
- Celebrating what?
- I got fired!
What do you mean?
You just got that job!
Darlings, look around you!
We walk out of our house
into this beautiful world!
But what happened with your job?
Typical workplace politics.
Who knows who pushed who first?
Either way, I got into a scuffle
with my boss. Forget that.
Let's find some mushrooms
and make an omelette for Mommy.
Does Mommy know you got fired?
It's magical.
Mommy's gonna be so happy
I kept you out of school.
Get in the car, girls.
Maggie! Where are you going?
What are you doing?
- What's with the suitcases?
- Get in the car.
Maggie! I'm not manic. I'm fine.
I just pulled out the canoe.
I thought we could
paddle up to Lincoln Park
and forage for a picnic.
Isn't it too cold for a picnic?
I am a man!
Men like to live free!
That's what we do, Maggie.
To hunt and mate!
That's what we do!
That's why we have balls!
It's OK. It's OK.
It's gonna be OK.
I'm sorry.
He's sitting on the ground
and all he's wearing
is a bathing suit.
Your father's very sick right now.
He's not himself.
He looks freezing.
Girls, look at me.
I don't want you
telling your friends
or your teachers
about any of this.
We know Daddy's a good person,
and we know
that he would never hurt us,
but it's hard
for people to understand that.
And it's very sad.
"Dear Daddy, I took a walk through
the woods today and said goodbye."
"Mommy had to sell
the car, but we got to go to Dairy Queen."
"I hate that we have to
move to an apartment in the city."
"I got a vanilla saucer
dipped in chocolate. It was so good."
"Mommy says Bohemia is
over, which I don't understand,
"but I think it has something
to do with making money."
"Lots of love,
Faith Feather Stuart. "
"Amelia Lavender Stuart."
- Hi.
- Want to go see Daddy?
Go on. Go see Daddy.
Big Little.
- And I'm feeling much better.
- You are?
- Yeah.
- Your stomach is really big.
Oh... That's the medication
they put me on.
It doesn't hurt. Hit it.
Go on. Pound on it.
You gotta be careful.
You never want to do that when
Harry Houdini's not looking,
'cause that's how
they killed him.
- Hi, handsome.
- I got you flowers.
You're so beautiful.
You look like your mommy.
You need help?
How are you feeling?
- I feel great.
- You looked better last week.
Are they adjusting
the medication?
Yeah, they tried
something new on me. It's...
- I want to sit down.
- OK.
I want to be home
with my family.
You will, Daddy.
I love you.
- We love you.
- I love you too, Daddy.
- Love you too.
- Thank you.
The lights on the roof
come in our window at night
and it's too bright.
I can't sleep.
It's bright as day.
- I'll make a curtain.
- They're huge security lights.
- Like you would see at a prison.
- Amelia!
I also wish we could have stayed
out in the country,
but there are
no good jobs in Sudbury.
Your job here isn't good.
I'm gonna find a better one.
Why can't Daddy
live here with us?
I hate visiting him
at the halfway house.
It's almost as bad
as the hospital.
Daddy's still recovering
from his breakdown.
He's a way better cook than you.
What is that?
It's a flower. It's pretty.
Police officer,
how can it be?
You can arrest everybody
but cruel Stack O'Lee
That bad man
Oh, cruel Stack O'Lee...
My father lives here.
How did you know
how to get here?
Came all the way from school?
- So, what's your plan?
- What's my plan?
My Plan is... get out of
this halfway house.
- That's... that's number one.
- I like it.
Then I'll get a job
and an apartment.
And then you girls can come visit me
and have sleepovers
and I'll make crepes
for breakfast and dinner.
And then...
...I'll move back in with you
and Faithie... and Mommy.
That is, if Mommy will have me.
I feel like Lucy
visiting Mr Tumnus.
Oh! That's the nicest thing
anyone's ever said to me.
Mommy says you have
a drinking problem.
I think if you could stop drinking
and take your lithium,
then Mommy
would let you come home.
Do you actually think
Mommy should be
confiding in you this way?
Could we please go back to
being Lucy and Mr Tumnus?
- These too.
- OK.
Keller Brothers.
Hey. It's for you.
No personal calls.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- This is a job!
OK. OK. I'm sorry about that.
Sorry. Sorry.
- Hello?
- It's me.
Amelia came to see me
at the halfway house today.
Everything's fine.
I'm taking her home to your apartment.
- How did she get there?
- Walked.
All the way from school?
I know - I think
we should try and find
a therapist for her to talk to.
She's gotten so good.
- That's fantastic!
- That's great, sweetpea.
How's the job?
Oh, the job.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
- Oh.
- Oh!
- Forgot the laundry.
- We'll get it!
And creamy spinach.
I just love spinach.
Creamy little things are good.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You guys go to Lincoln?
No. We go to Peabody.
Peabody's the best public school
in our city.
We are not
in the Peabody School district.
If you live here,
you're supposed to go to Lincoln,
a school that is totally, 100% terrible.
Unless you like getting
your 'A' kicked by Irish kids.
I don't want to
get my 'A' kicked.
- Honey, nobody does.
- Well, we go to Peabody.
You don't get it.
What you're doing is illegal.
And it's not fair.
It's not at all fair.
- You guys are gonna go to jail.
- 'Bye!
What if somebody asks me
where I live? I don't want to lie.
Amelia, Peabody's the best
public school in the city.
I don't care.
I don't want to lie.
You're not lying, sweetheart.
Mommy's lying.
I don't want to go to Lincoln!
They said we'll get beat up.
Don't worry about that.
I'm gonna teach you how to fight.
What if my teacher finds out
I'm lying?
Miss Hendricks loves you.
You're her best student.
They said we're gonna get
our 'A' kicked by Irish kids!
- You're not gonna get...
- Who said that?
You'll be kicking 'A'!
If you wanted us to go to
the Peabody School so bad,
why didn't we move into
the Peabody School district?
Amelia, because
we cannot afford it.
We are lucky we got
a rent-controlled apartment.
- But Daddy's family is so rich!
- Yes, but we have no money!
I send my rsum out every day
and I get nothing.
I've just spent my last $12.
You girls want to be poor
and have a bad education?
Seconds, anyone?
Thank you, Cam,
for this delicious dinner.
It could be like this
every night.
Yes, that would be nice,
but I need a husband, not a wife.
I would like to be a husband,
but my wife won't let me.
Your wife would let you
be a husband
if you made it possible for her
to just be your wife.
He wants her to be a wife,
but she insists
on being a husband
who makes me be his wife.
What did he say?
He said that we don't live
in the Peabody School district
and that you and Faith
have to go to Lincoln.
- I'm so sorry, Mommy.
- Honey, don't.
Please don't cry, Amelia.
Don't apologise to me.
He asked where we lived
and I didn't know what to say.
I know. I know.
You did the right thing.
I never wanted you to lie.
He said it was illegal
what we were doing.
I know. I just...
I guess I...
I wasn't thinking, honey.
I wanted you and Faith
to go to the best school.
What if Faithie gets beat up
and it's all because of me?
Faith is not gonna get beat up.
She bites.
Sleeping bags, pyjamas,
stuffed animals, books,
changes of clothes -
what am I forgetting?
- Toothbrushes.
- I bought toothbrushes.
They can keep 'em
at my apartment.
And I found
these two cardboard boxes.
I set 'em up like beds.
They're gonna flip.
They're so excited.
- Do you want some tea?
- Yes, please. Oh.
During the day, they can
turn them on their sides
and they become puppet theatres.
You're going to have
so much fun.
- Do you want some toast?
- Please.
Now that I got my own place,
Maggie, I mean,
I'm happy to stop by
and pick up the kids any time,
have 'em stay over.
- Thank you.
- There's room for you too.
Just kidding.
Not until you're ready.
- Oh, it's good tea. Cam?
- Mmm?
I got into business school.
Maggie Stuart,
you are some punkins!
I wish I had some of that
bourgeois Midwestern can-do.
A scholarship... to Columbia.
Wait. You can't take the girls
to New York.
No, of course not-
I can't even afford
my own studio apartment
in New York.
So, what about the girls?
OK. Here's my proposal.
I can get my degree in 18 months
if I do a summer session.
And Jenny's mom can rent me
a very small room
in her apartment.
So I go to New York.
You move in here with the girls
and you take care of them.
- Me?
- Yes, you.
You miss them.
And they miss you so much, Cam.
I can get my MBA in 18 months,
and then I come back to Boston,
I get a job and I move back in.
But... but... but... I mean, yes.
- I know it is a lot.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- But... but...
- Uh... uh... uh...
You know, the doctor even said
that I would be...
I suppose it'd be good for me
to have... to have some purpose.
A routine.
That's what the doctor said.
- That's exactly what you need.
- Yes, yes, a routine.
- Putting food on the table.
- Yes.
Taking them to school
every... morning.
Putting them to bed every night.
Making sure they brush
their teeth and their hair
twice a day.
The laundry.
My God, that sounds like a lot.
Cam, it is a lot.
But we are sinking
deeper and deeper into a hole.
Cam, I have to do something.
- Do you understand?
- Oh, Maggie, you're right.
I mean,
that new school of theirs
certainly feels like
a bit of a reformatory.
It's grim. And you and I
went to good schools.
- We had piano lessons.
- I never had any lessons.
But you learned to fence
and you learned to ski and play chess...
But I never had lessons.
My family taught me those things.
The point is, Cameron,
you and I,
we had the best education,
and I want that for our children.
I do too, but 18 months,
that's a lot of routine.
You can do it. And I'll come
every weekend to help you.
- Every weekend?
- Every weekend.
- And you'll stay here with us?
- Of course. Yes.
So we'll be like a family again?
I'm afraid we need to intervene
on our son's behalf and say no.
- He's not up to the task.
- I know he can do it.
The doctor says I need
more responsibilities, not less.
You're a man. Even if you could,
why would you want to?
We just don't want you
to tax yourself, darling boy.
We met with Dr Wendell.
He says Cam made an excellent
recovery from his breakdown,
and he thinks that he can do it.
Is this something to do
with feminism?
We're living
at the poverty level.
The girls are going
to a terrible school.
Our children went
to the best schools.
It didn't add up to much.
Our children are delightful!
Absolutely, but not one of them
is self-supporting.
Well, Murray, lest you forget,
neither are we.
I think it's admirable
what Maggie's doing.
I agree.
Very commendable.
Don't we have some silver
or some crystal we could sell?
That wouldn't even pay
for this meal.
No. No, no, Maggie Stuart.
- You cannot leave your family.
- Pauline, I'm desperate.
We have no money.
Here, like... like...
What... what is this?
We've been doing this
for 45 minutes.
If you put this here, you have
more room for everything else.
Why does he keep rearranging
everything? It was fine before.
We have to go.
We're heading into wretched traffic.
I know we have to leave.
I'm saying goodbye to the girls.
Sorry, Peter.
Me-me. Don't be upset.
Who is this wimp?
He's Carol Webber's cousin.
He's moving back to New York
with his mom.
- He's making you drive?
- It's probably better if I do.
Cam, take a picture of us.
- Hey!
- Come on. Cam!
Mommy loves you.
So we have something to remember
your mother by when she's gone.
Faithie, listen to your mother.
Everyone smile.
You're saying goodbye
to your daughters.
What kind of a cold-hearted SOB
honks the horn?
I know. Thank you.
- This is big. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
I just wish I hadn't dressed
like a big green bug.
Go. Seriously.
Before I kick the living shit
out of this guy. Here.
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- Girls.
- I'll miss you.
- I know. I know.
- Say goodbye.
Say goodbye to your mother.
Come on, darling.
That's my wife. We love you.
- I love you.
- We love you.
My brother had sex
in this van last night.
Oh, God!
We'll have to make
a lot of stops.
I have a very small bladder.
Maggie! Maggie!
Take the Wilbur Cross Parkway!
- When we went to Tom and...
- Cam!
- ...Linda's wedding.
- What?
Remember, when we were going
to Tom and Linda's wedding
and we were afraid we were gonna
be late and took the back roads,
we got there
in the nick of time?
- I don't know if I remember.
- The Wilbur Cross Parkway!
At New Haven! Hey!
I'll kill you! At New Haven.
Shoot across the 34 West
to the Wilbur Cross!
That turns into Merritt Parkway!
- OK.
- You can avoid Bridgeport.
- OK!
- The trees are twice as green!
- Fine!
- I love you!
Who was that?
We can go catch a movie.
We could drive out to Plum Island
and look for sea glass.
We could go to
the Museum of Fine Arts
and look at
Great-Grandpapa's portrait.
Why is his portrait
hanging in a museum?
Because a very important artist
named John Singer Sergeant
painted it.
- Why?
- Why?
Don't you know who we are?
That is where your
Great-Grandmother Gaga grew up.
- In that whole house?
- The whole thing.
It's the grandest house
on Beacon Hill.
Designed by Bulfinch,
a very famous architect.
- How did they get so rich?
- Mmm.
Your great-great-grandfather
was once the richest man in Boston.
So how come we're so poor?
Well, all of that money
was put into a trust.
Nobody could touch it,
except for your great-grandmother.
She controls it all, and she decides
when to give who what.
It's hard to explain.
Would you like
to see the inside?
Are we allowed?
We can't just walk up
and knock on people's doors.
Sweetheart. It's Boston.
They're practically expecting us.
Your great-great-grandmother
and grandfather
the King and Queen of England.
At this table,
the Queen of England
choked on a chicken bone
while she was here.
- Mr Fabrini will be right out.
- Thank you.
Now, upstairs here,
there's a ballroom.
And had these
huge fancy-dress...
- Can I help you?
- Hi. Cam Stuart.
My great-grandmother
grew up in this house, and...
I wanted to show it to my girls.
I'm sorry, Mr Stuart. This is my home.
I don't give tours.
Mr Fabrini,
this house has been in my family
for more than five generations.
My great-great-grandfather
was born in this house
on Boxing Day 1832.
And would your
give tours
to anyone who came along?
Certainly, especially if
they had a personal connection
that went back
over five generations, yes.
- Then he's a better man than me.
- Better man than I.
Obviously, you're not in control
of your emotions today,
so I will return on another day
to show my daughters
what is rightfully
their birthright to see.
- Right.
- Sure, Mr Fabrini.
- That was so embarrassing!
- Don't be embarrassed.
- He should be embarrassed!
- No!
You're the one
that should be embarrassed!
Me? I'm not embarrassed!
- That man is an asshole!
- You are an asshole!
We want you to come home.
I'll be home in 12 days.
We want you
to come home right now.
Honey. I know it is
a big adjustment. I know.
Why aren't you coming home
this Friday?
You said you'd come home
every single weekend.
- That's what you said.
- I know that.
But I have registration
and orientation.
Next weekend
is really not that far away.
- I love you.
- We love you too.
'Bye, girls. 'Bye.
Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy, wake up! Wake up!
Wake up! Daddy! Wake up!
We slept too long
and we're gonna be late for school!
Quickly! Amelia,
don't forget your backpack!
We're gonna miss the elevator!
Hold on! Hold on! OK.
Oh. Good morning.
Thank you. Wait.
- You're Maggie's friend.
- Yeah.
- Hi. Cam.
- Hi. Becca. Kyle's mother.
Pleasure. Nice to meet you.
Amelia, let's go!
- I hate being late for school.
- Don't worry, punkins.
You won't be late.
Have some breakfast.
The most important meal
of the day.
Amelia! Let's go!
- You know, I just have to say...
- Yes?
My ex-husband would never do
what you're doing.
- I think it's so evolved.
- You do?
Absolutely - I mean, most men
would be completely emasculated
by having their wife go off
to be the breadwinner.
Oh. Thank you.
OK. Go, go, go!
You're gonna be late!
I love you! Do you want me
to pick you up after school?
- No!
- I'll be here at 3:00!
What the hell...?
- What?
- Where were you?
You said you were gonna
pick us up at 3:00!
The car wouldn't start.
You girls want to learn how to
adjust a 4-jet carburettor?
It takes two screwdrivers.
You could do it together.
- No.
- Not really.
Just don't be helpless.
When I get that engine fixed,
we're driving that thing
to Mexico.
- Who's that?
- Ruth-Ann.
Please don't introduce yourself.
- Why not?
- 'Cause you talk too much and...
I'm just being friendly.
Don't you want to know
your neighbours?
We live in a world
with other people. Hi!
Cam Stuart.
Yes, Maggie told me.
Welcome to Wieland Manor.
Ruth-Ann McKay.
- Hello, girls.
- Hi.
Can we help you with your bags?
Are you kidding?
- Well, stand aside, Ruth-Ann.
- Oh, thank you.
See, girls?
People appreciate
a little kindness.
That's all I'm talking about.
I got that.
Hi. Cam Stuart.
Hi. Cam Stuart. I'm new here.
Who was that?
Hi. Cam Stuart.
I'm new in the building.
Apartment 32.
Here we are.
Do you need any help
putting them away?
No, this is fine.
We'll just put the bags down.
Are you sure?
We're happy to help.
No. This has been so helpful.
Thank you.
Do you need anything moved?
A desk or something like that?
No, I'm... I'm...
I'm happy with where my desk is.
I find mixing an arrangement
freshens a space.
No, thank you.
I have to start dinner.
- So... if you'll excuse me.
- Sure.
Do you want an onion chopped
or something?
I'm not using onions tonight.
- What's wrong with you?
- Why?
You made her
slam the door in your face.
- She had to cook dinner.
- She had to get rid of you!
What are you talking about?
I was being a good neighbour!
You're an annoying neighbour!
People will see you
and run in the other direction!
No, people are gonna see me
and run towards me!
Because I'm gonna show them
that I am the kind of man
that is willing
to move heavy furniture
or clear out a storage locker
or give them a ride to the airport!
Because I'm a good neighbour!
This is bullshit!
You don't know anything.
I learned how to cook this
on a Norwegian steamer
heading down the Amazon.
When did you do that?
Summer after I got
kicked out of Harvard.
Thought you got
kicked out of Exeter.
I got kicked out of both,
for very different reasons...
So I'm on my way
to my Ec 10 exam,
and I hear this bagpipe music,
so I follow it into the Square,
and there's this street musician
playing Scottish ballads.
He's got his hat out
and people are walking by
and they're putting money in it,
and I think,
"That's a good idea."
So I sit down next to him,
I put my hat out
and I start singing
in my best Scottish brogue.
And I know all the words.
And he tells me to scram.
Because he didn't ask you
to sing
and he wanted
to make all the money.
Exactly, so we exchange a few words
and the bastard jumps me!
This scrawny little bastard,
he jumps me!
And we get into this major brawl
right there
on top of his bagpipes,
and I got so excited,
I shit my pants.
Well, needless to say,
I didn't make it to my exam.
And they kicked you out
for missing one exam?
No. The semester after that,
I registered for 75 courses.
And that's when they determined
that I wasn't exactly
Harvard material.
Jesus Christ!
Girls? Girls?
I'm gonna head out
for a couple of hours.
You get some good rest.
Should be back before midnight
or after midnight.
Sleep tight.
There's something on my mind
Won't somebody please
Please tell me what's wrong?
You just a fool
You know you're in love
You've got to face it
to live in this world
You take the good
along with the bad
Sometimes you're happy
and sometimes you're sad
- One more time
- J' You know you love him
You can't understand
why he treats you like he do
- When he's such a good man
- J' Listen
He's got me smiling
when I should be ashamed
Got me laughing
when my heart is in pain
Oh, now,
I must be a fool
But I'll do anything
he wants me to...
- Unchain the door, please.
- Where did you go?
- Unchain the fucking door.
- We woke up and you were gone.
- Faith was really scared.
- Don't use the chain.
If someone
really wants to come in,
they're not gonna be stopped
by that dinky chain.
It stopped you.
I didn't really want to come in.
Mommy's on the phone.
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Everything's fine, Maggie.
Nobody's hurt.
I told them I was going out,
but they were sleeping.
What am I to do? Wake them
every time I decide to go out?
She's going to know
he's doing a bad job.
He's drunk.
Do you think it's good
for Mommy to know that?
She's coming home a week early.
Yes, Maggie.
- Help me open the door!
- Now, remember, girls.
Mommy's coming on Friday,
so let's make the apartment
nice and clean.
You have to unpack the boxes.
I'm just saying,
we should all pitch in.
They're your boxes.
We don't know
what to do with them.
We don't ask you
to clean up our room.
Fine. Fuck it. Forget it.
Have a nice fucking day!
Oh, for shit's sake!
Now what the hell's wrong?
God... damn!
Hello, old friend.
Yeah, it's pretty good, huh?
- It's beautiful.
- We love it!
Just don't look in there.
Is that a machete?
Big deal if it is.
Hitler has only got one ball
Goering has two but very small
Himmler has something similar
But Joseph Goebbels
has no balls at all...
..a... all!
Oogum, oogum,
boogum, boogum, boogum
Now, baby, you're
casting your spell on me...
I say oogum, oogum,
boogum, boogum, boogum
Now, baby,
you're casting your spell on me
You got me doing funny things
like a clown
Just look at me
When you wear
your high-heeled boots
With your hip-hugger suit
Huh, it's alright
You're outta sight
And you wear
that cute mini-skirt
With your brother's
sloppy shirt, huh
I admit it, girl,
that I can dig it
And I says oogum, oogum,
boogum, boogum, boogum
Now, baby,
you're casting your spell on me
I say oogum, oogum,
boogum, boogum, boogum...
- What are these shelves?
- Daddy built them.
- They're just shelves.
- But everything is on them.
- And not on the floor!
- Yes.
When you knew Daddy
at WGBH, was he the way he is now?
He was funny, compassionate.
He knew everything
about the outdoors.
He had a job,
which was really good for him.
He was a terrific
lighting designer.
But in the end,
it was too much pressure.
And I didn't know...
I didn't know
about manic depression.
Besides, it was the '60s.
Everybody was having
nervous breakdowns.
So I didn't understand
what a big deal it was.
You're probably sorry
you married him.
It was so hard
to come this weekend.
I'm so glad I did.
I think this is
just what you needed, Cam.
I think this is gonna be
a great thing for us.
I'm gonna lay down
my heavy load
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
I'm gonna lay down
my heavy load
Down by the riverside
I ain't gonna study war
no more
I ain't gonna study
I ain't gonna study
I ain't gonna study war
no more
I ain't gonna study
I ain't
gonna study
I ain't gonna study war
no more.
Ow! Daddy!
This is what happens
when you don't
brush your hair for two weeks!
- Ow!
- Daddy.
If you're not going
to do the dishes,
then I'm doing them.
- You're hurting me!
- I'm sorry.
- I'll do it!
- Oh, fine. You do it.
Where are the sponges?
- What is wrong with that sponge?
- It smells!
That's because someone left it
soaking in the dishwater.
I keep telling you girls,
it needs to be rinsed and squeezed
when you're through with it.
It's probably five years old!
It's disgusting!
We are not the kind of people
that throw perfectly useful things away.
You won't throw anything away!
That is a perfectly good sponge.
It's got plenty of life
left in it!
Fine! Then you do the dishes!
Fine! I will!
With this sponge!
I don't want
to talk about it anymore.
Why are we yelling
and being so grumpy?
So we... we lost some momentum,
but we'll get it back.
I bought a new sponge.
Faith and I thought of the perfect job
for Daddy.
A crepe cart in Harvard Square.
Just like they have in Paris.
- Mmm.
- You do make the best crepes.
Yes, and I love
standing outside in January
freezing my ass off for pennies.
- I like chocolate and coconut.
- We have that.
That's on our menu!
And the building is packed
with single mothers,
and they're always
checking in on each other
or going out
and getting together for coffee,
but do they ever ask me
how I'm doing?
Do they ever
invite me to coffee?
I'm pretty sure
they all got together
for wine and cheese
two nights ago.
- I'm sorry, honey.
- No.
- I shouldn't laugh at this.
- What? It is. It's...
- No. It's funny.
- It is funny. It's hilarious.
I'm pathetic.
I'm a pathetic whiner.
No, you're not.
Which is probably why
they don't invite me. Literally.
- They run away from me.
- No. Listen to me.
They're leery of men.
That's all.
Especially married men
with children.
Oh. I'm not exactly married.
Am I?
We're a family, aren't we?
- Maggie...
- What?
Is this really
how we're gonna do it?
You're gonna
come home every weekend
and then take up residence
on the sofa?
For now.
- Maggie...
- What?
We haven't slept together
since before my breakdown.
I'm dying!
You're dying too.
You just don't realise it.
- Cam, I just...
- Maggie...
Oh... Can we... Can we please
just get through this phase?
Just let's just get through
this phase,
and then we'll see how it goes.
- And then what happens?
- I don't know.
What's the end?
You move back in here...
- I don't know.
- And then what happens to us?
- I don't know!
- Where do I go?
No. I don't know.
All I know
is that it's gonna take
steady, sustained effort.
Yes. Sexy, sexy answer.
It's an honest, honest answer.
So, what's this?
Some big test? I mean...
No. Don't look at it that way.
You hate tests.
Not if this is
what's on the test.
Coolant's a little low.
Uneven wear on the tyres.
Lock sticks.
- There's no floor!
- But it's got a great engine.
There's, uh...
there's no floor here.
And... and the roof
is rotted out.
I have two small children.
It's dangerous.
What do you say
we close at 300 cash?
You deal with the wagon.
Daddy, Amelia's crying.
- You always cry.
- Not anymore.
- I vowed never to cry again.
- What's wrong, darling?
What's gonna happen to the wagon?
Nobody's gonna want it.
I thought you were crying
because this car sucks.
That car sucked too.
Remember to speak up, girls.
Your great-grandmother
was born in 1888.
I propose a game of Crazy Eights
after lunch.
- Yeah!
- We don't say 'yeah', dear.
- We say 'yes'.
- Thank you, Gaga.
That's a battle
their mother keeps fighting.
- And how is their mother?
- She's very well.
She comes every weekend,
but this weekend,
she stayed in the city
to study for her exams.
But we're muddling through.
Aren't we, girls? Hm.
A.J., will you please tell Betty
that the roast is divine?
Yes, sir.
Do you girls find it unusual
that your mother is in New York?
She wants to have
more career opportunities.
Mommy says
women can do anything.
She's quite a striver,
isn't she?
We prefer the word 'fighter'.
I'm going to go work on the car.
The girls tell me
it has no floor.
It had no floor.
I scavenged these
from your kitchen vault.
Betty said I could have them.
- Cookie sheets?
- You still can't step on them.
But they'll certainly keep out
the cold and detritus.
Cam, I'm so proud of you
for taking care of these
darling girls all by yourself.
Thank you, Gaga.
I'm mostly using the Lincoln
these days.
I want you to have the Bentley.
- The Bentley?
- Mmm.
There are trays
where we could eat.
Could we eat dinner in the car?
All the windows work.
There's a floor!
It smells so good.
Gaga, we live in
a rent-controlled apartment.
I know that.
I pay your rent.
- And we're very grateful for it.
- It's dirt-cheap.
But the point is I can't even
afford to maintain the Bentley.
I can't even afford
to fill its gas tank.
If you're asking me
for gas money...
No, Gaga,
I'm not asking for gas money.
The girls are both
phenomenal students.
And they're not being challenged
where they are right now.
And if you really
wanted to help,
they would flourish
in a private school.
I don't think that's teaching
the girls a very good lesson.
Do you?
No, I suppose not.
Look, I'm sorry
I didn't take the Bentley.
It didn't make any sense.
I know you're disappointed.
You should have taken it
and sold it
and then bought a crepe cart
and made lots of money
and then we wouldn't be so poor.
although crepes are delicious,
they're not exactly the goldmine
that you think they are,
especially during a recession.
Well, then, we could have
sold the Bentley
and just had some money.
Gaga would have never let me
sell that car.
- She was giving it to you.
- It doesn't work like that.
It's hard to explain.
It was our one chance
to have something
that other people might want.
Nobody wants what we have.
Daddy did something so amazing.
He did?
Guess what I paid
for this parking spot.
- Oh, God!
- Absolutely nothing.
You get what you pay for.
We have a surprise for you.
- OK.
- That's Jock! That's our dog!
- Daddy got him for us!
- Amelia named him!
OK. Why... why
is he acting this way?
He was abused by his last owner.
So any time Daddy leaves him,
he gets really upset.
Because he loves Daddy.
'Cause Daddy saved him.
We're working on it.
And this is the new car?
It was abused by its last owner.
But Daddy saved it.
- Who's a good boy?
- Jock!
- Jock, no!
- Wait!
- Wait! Girls!
- Jock! Jock!
- Jock! Come back!
- No!
Don't eat that!
- That's it, Little! Whoa!
- Whoa!
Get up!
Get in there!
Get in there like you mean it!
Don't those two little girls
live in our building?
Yeah, but they're really mean.
Mean? They're wearing
matching pink pompom hats.
How mean can they be?
Hey! Little girls!
Little boy!
Come play basketball with us.
- Are they mean?
- Mm-hm.
That's it, Amelia.
Put pressure on him.
Get your hands in there!
Hands up, Amelia! Hands up!
Alright, good job.
Oh, yes!
Those kids seem nice.
We should invite them over sometime.
No way!
I'd rather die than have people
into our shithole.
They crush my soul.
Here we come
Here we come
We're the pirates, and we're
gonna make you swab the decks
Here we come
Here we come
We're the pirates,
and we're gonna make you...
Faithie-bear, could you please
clear your stuff off the table?
- I'm busy.
- We'll be having dinner soon.
It'd be awfully nice
to have a place to sit and eat!
- Later!
..walk the plank
Plank, plank, plank, plank,
plank, plank, plank...
- Now.
- J' Here we come
- Here we come...
- Now! Now!
You are so mean!
- I am not your servant!
- No!
I'm the servant!
All I do is cook for you
and clean,
and I drive you around and take care of
your every goddamn need!
You treat me
like a goddamn maid!
I got to get out of here!
Jock, go back. Go back!
- We don't have a babysitter.
- You don't need a babysitter.
But it's night-time.
We get scared. Faithie gets scared.
Then you need to toughen up.
What is there to be scared of?
- Wolves? Vampires?
- Rapists!
Rapists? If a rapist knocks,
don't let him in!
But what if they force their way in?
That's what rapists do!
You kick them in the balls! Oh!
I need to get out of here!
I can't take it anymore!
I need to go be with adults!
Not a bunch
of bratty, bossy brats!
Unhand my foot!
Oh. Hi, Cam. Going up?
I guess so.
- You need help folding those?
- You know...
Actually, I forgot something
in the laundry room.
See, girls?
The chain's worthless.
All it does is provide
a false sense of security.
And that's the last thing you girls need.
Sorry I scared you.
We'll be braver, Daddy.
Next time, I promise we'll be braver.
Put yourselves to bed.
I've got a mess to clean up.
That lock was bullshit.
- What happened to the Valiant?
- I didn't I tell you?
- It caught on fire.
- Oh.
- I'm depressed.
- Of course you are.
Your dog ran away,
your family gives you
just barely enough money to live off,
and you annoy people.
You're leaving out
my haemorrhoids.
Where are you going?
I'm meeting
Kim, Ali and Thurgood.
- Can I come?
- I guess.
Can I come?
- No!
- God!
We are hanging out
with our friends!
Why don't you ever
bring your friends here?
- To this shithole?
- Stop saying that!
Daddy, you can't hang out with kids.
It's weird.
We need to have our own life,
and you need to have yours.
How am I supposed to
have my own life
when you won't let me
do anything?
Fine! We're hanging out
at the picnic tables.
- The death card.
- Does that mean I'm gonna die?
Well, we all die sometime.
Let's start over.
Oh. Any of you kids
have a light?
Can we finish this
at your apartment?
Our parents
just got a new sectional.
- Never mind. Here's one.
- How about you?
My brother
is studying for law school.
You're all welcome
to come to our apartment.
Cam, can we speak to you
for a minute?
What? What?
I am about to lose my shit.
We told you you could
come hang out with us.
We did not say you could
invite people to the apartment.
- But it could be fun.
- Not fun. Humiliating.
- Do we need to spell it out?
- I can make tea.
We can have cinnamon toast.
There's lots of board games.
We don't want people
to see how we live!
Big deal how you live!
It's not your fault!
Tell them - your father's
manic depressive or bipolar!
Or whatever
they're calling it these days!
Don't not have friends
because of me!
Fuck it. Forget it.
Never mind.
I'm warning you.
You've never seen anything like this.
- I've seen messy houses before.
- Not like this.
I'll run and close Daddy's door.
We brought some friends over.
Why do you have so much stuff?
- Our dad is totally polar bear.
- Bipolar. He's manic depressive.
I have an uncle
with that. He also lives like a pig.
Hey! That's cool.
No more bets.
- Cinnamon toast and tea?
- Yes, please!
Mmm. Mmm, mmm.
- Mmm.
- 32.
Would anyone like to learn
how to make chocolate truffles
from scratch?
You know, you and Daddy
could go out sometime.
We don't need a babysitter.
We used to get scared.
But we're not scared anymore.
You've gotten so old.
I don't think I'm black.
- Of course you're black.
- But I look white.
You're black, sweetie.
Faith looks black.
I look like Daddy.
That's because
you're a mix of both of us.
Nobody thinks I'm black
when I tell them.
Amelia, you're black.
Your mother is black.
So you're black.
If it makes you feel better,
I'll tell people I'm black.
Even if they think
I'm delusional.
That's ridiculous.
Of course she's black.
Her mother's black.
She's being feisty.
- The girls seem good, right?
- No kidding.
Last week, Amelia kicked
the crap out of the school bully.
She kicked him so hard in the knee,
she put him on crutches.
- Wow!
- I was quite proud.
You seem good.
So do you, Maggie.
Well, what do you know?
I'll be better when I get a job
and I come back here.
Thank you. Thank you so much
for making this possible.
Stop sleeping on the sofa
and spend the night
with me in a bed.
No. I can't
go in your room, Cam.
- Why not?
- Oh! It's beyond belief. You...
Cam, you have three bicycles
in there.
- That's your reason?
- Yes!
You have cans of paint thinner.
Last time I went in there,
I came out and I had motor oil
all over my pants.
- Cam, it's ridiculous.
- Then I'll clean it!
That would be really nice.
It might make it more inviting.
You never said anything
about this to me before.
I'm done nagging you about your room.
You're a grown man.
And you don't find my room
Not me or anyone else.
- I'm pretty sure not even you.
- Oh, definitely not me.
That's it. I'll clean it.
Two days tops.
You'll see.
It'll be a thing of beauty.
- OK. We'll see.
- And till then?
a semi-private stairwell.
What do you say?
Oh. My stairwell days are over.
You had stairwell days?
Maggie Stuart?
I'm about to finish my MBA
at Columbia Business School,
so I come to you
with wonderful references
from Professor Wilson,
and I've been offered a futures job
at E.F. Hutton, in New York,
but Howard and Company
is where I want to be.
- E.F. Hutton?
- Yes.
Well, that's terrific.
Why come back to Boston?
My children are here.
Children. Boys?
- Girls?
- Uh, two girls. Two girls.
But they're very independent,
which... me the ability
to work late
and arrive very, very early...
Well, thanks so much.
We'll be in touch.
Yes. Yes.
Thank you so much
for your time. Thank you.
Daddy, do I add more butter
for each omelette?
Half a tablespoon
for each omelette.
Don't be afraid
to let it turn nut-brown.
Got it!
Did you start my costume?
What costume?
My flamenco dancer costume
for the talent show.
- You're making me a skirt.
- Right.
- Daddy, it's tomorrow.
- Right, right. I know.
I knew it!
You're not making it!
OK, OK! I said I'd make it,
and I will!
I want it to be
all sparkly and ruffly.
You got it, buggins.
No big deal.
I just need to make this skirt
200 times bigger.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
No, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no! Goddamnit!
Goddamnit! Ah, shit!
No! God...
Fuck it! Fuck!
Fuck you!
I remember your sweet face
Till doomsday
Man, I went wild last night
Oh, I went feeling alright
I don't let doomsday bother me
Do you let it bother you?
Yes. That's it. That's it.
That's it! It's sewing itself,
for Christ's sake!
When doomsday
rears her ugly head again...
- Hello?
- Guess what I just did.
Cam. Honey,
it's 5:00 in the morning.
I just made your daughter
the most incredible skirt.
- Sparkles, ruffles. Beautiful.
- That's terrific.
But you probably
should get some sleep.
But I'm not tired, darling.
Maggie, name one other father
in America who's up right now
sewing a flamenco skirt
for their daughter.
Are you taking your lithium?
Actually, I haven't
taken my lithium since you left.
I find that if I take small,
steady sips of beer all day,
I stay on an even keel.
Well? Well?
What do you think?
It's the most glorious skirt
I've ever known.
Ah! There you go. You look like
a... a flamenco mermaid.
I love you, Daddy.
- Listen to me.
- What?
It's just not healthy.
You promised you would
take your lithium, Cam.
Yes, and you promised
that you'd love me forever.
- Better or for worse.
- Excuse me, sir.
But our dress code requires
that you wear a tie.
I'd like to say one thing about lithium,
if you don't mind.
Nobody even knows if it works
or what the long-term effects
are on one's body.
The same goes for Haldol,
Thorazine and valproic acid
and all the rest
of their so-called treatments.
I am nothing more
than a guinea pig.
And you would have never known
I'd stopped taking it
if I hadn't...
if I hadn't told you.
I'm an idiot. A fucking
self-destructive fuckhead.
- You're not.
- Thank you.
This is the reason why you have to
take responsibility for your condition.
The way you've taken responsibility
for your children?
That is not fair.
I know. I know. I know.
I know how hard it is for you
to come home every weekend.
- I know. I know.
- It's not hard to come.
It's hard to leave.
It's hard to leave
and have everybody look at me
like I'm the worst mother
in the world just because
I'm looking for a better life
for my children.
Cam, you come from
a blue-blood family.
When white people
live in squalor, they're...
You're eccentric.
When black people live in squalor,
no-one's charmed.
Believe me.
Well, if it's any consolation,
no-one seems to be charmed by
my squalor either.
I haven't made any headway
on my bedroom.
I've decided I'm gonna take
the E.F. Hutton job.
In New York.
Maggie, I can't keep doing this
on my own!
- They need you. I need you.
- I'm not asking... I know.
I'm not asking you to.
It's time for me to take the girls.
You're taking the girls
to New York?
- Yes.
- What about you and me?
What about us?
What? No.
I knew it! I knew it!
There's so many things about you
that I still love.
Can I have a Scotch and soda,
Listen to me.
I still believe in you.
And I don't want to give up.
I don't.
- But I can't.
- What?
Did you even... did you even...
I mean, did you even try finding a job
when you were here?
Or was that all
just part of your plan?
My plan was I would... I would
come back right after school,
get a job, and maybe we'd stay together
and maybe we wouldn't,
but we would still be a family
and raise the girls together.
But I can't get a job here.
I can't.
These Boston firms
don't want me.
- Why? Why don't they want you?
- It's Boston.
They want people like you.
You want a job in Boston?
I'll get you a job in Boston.
You look well, Cam.
Everything good down your way?
- No. Not really, Dickie. No.
- Sorry to hear that.
You know that Maggie's
just gotten her MBA?
I heard. Good for her.
I was just wondering why there
isn't a position here for her.
It is a family firm, after all.
Cam, I wish there were
a place here.
But we just don't have
that position at the moment.
So you're telling me that when
Dickie Jr and the other one...
...graduate from college...
- Sumner. That's my other son.
They're not gonna land here?
Goddamnit, Dickie!
I know how this works.
You create the position!
I have to say, Cam, this is why
we never invite you
to the Christmas party.
I don't give a shit
about the Christmas party!
I want you to hire my wife!
She works 50,000 times harder
than any of you!
I'm sorry. I'm going
to have to ask you to leave.
No! Do you have any idea
how hard it is?
Do you have any idea
the sacrifice she makes?
She needs a job here in Boston!
- Goddamnit!
- Control yourself!
Stop it! Snap out of it!
Why are you wet?
The girls asleep?
Yes, they are.
Did Faith show you her skirt?
She did.
It's beautiful.
I couldn't get you a job
in Boston.
It's alright.
I jumped in the Charles River.
I'm just gonna miss them.
I know.
New York is really dangerous!
Where are we going to live?
I'll find us
a very safe neighbourhood.
- Where will we go to school?
- I'm gonna work on that.
We can't ride bikes in New York.
You'll be able to ride your bike
when you come up here and visit.
What about Daddy?
Who's going to take care of him?
Honey, your daddy
can take care of himself.
Yeah - I'll go to movies and...
...dinner parties.
I'll have escapades.
I think escapades
are an extremely bad idea.
If we're not here,
he'll drink too much
and stop taking care of himself.
That's not true.
He'll be lonely without us.
- Well, that is true.
- Girls.
Taking care of you alone
put a lot of pressure
on your father.
- How? We get to school.
- He drives us anywhere we want.
I have seen more R-rated movies
than any of my friends.
He got me the original cast soundtrack
of 'Anything Goes'.
He needs a break.
Your father needs a break.
When I had the flu, he cut up
strawberries and kiwis for me.
And he arranged them on a plate
like little flowers.
I did do that. I did that.
Girls, you'll be able
to come and visit Daddy,
and Daddy
will come and visit you.
New York is an incredible city.
You're gonna like it.
I promise.
Can't visit you in New York.
Too much speed and noise and...
All the people in the streets
all night. Uh...
Knocks me off track.
I was thinking about that.
I really do understand why...
...why you don't want to
live with me anymore.
I'm a much better father
than I was a husband.
You know what
Faithie told me last night?
"The thing about Daddy
"is that he's always around.
"He's always there."
I thought that irritated them.
I have a plan.
I take the job and I earn money.
The girls stay here with you,
and they can ride their bikes
and play with their friends.
But we have to put them
in a good private school,
where they can be challenged.
I insist on it.
Are you sure, Maggie?
Just, if I take them to New York,
they're gonna be
locked up like house pets
in some dark apartment,
and I won't be home until 8:00 at night,
every night.
And I... I don't want that
for them.
They're my babies.
I know. Our babies.
Alright, Amelia.
Go to goal. Go to goal.
Nice shot, Amelia!
OK, go for goal.
OK, now shoot!
Nice shot, Amelia's friend!
How come your dad
always comes to practice?
- He's got nothing else to do.
- Hmm.
Daddy, Annie invited me for a sleepover.
Can I go? Please?
And Fifi asked me
to go with her to the movies.
But I finally convinced Eliot Perkins
to let us use his boat.
I thought we could have
a picnic on the river.
It's too late
to go out on a boat.
- It's 4:00.
- I really want to go to Annie's.
Maybe Annie wants to
take a ride down the river.
- Daddy.
- Serious. She lives in Boston.
How many times has she
gotten a ride home on a boat?
- She takes the T.
- What about Fifi?
Think she'd like to have
a nice picnic on a boat?
Her mom's picking her up in 20 minutes.
Please can I go?
You'll never find
a more beautiful boat
on a more perfect day
to be out on the river!
Well, I guess I'll just tell
the Charles River to go fuck itself.
Well, I have heard
the Charles River's a real asshole.
- 'Bye, Daddy.
- 'Bye, Daddy.
- We love you.
- OK.
My darlings,
I'm so proud of you.
- So is Mommy.
- Why?
- We just are.
- 'Bye!
I love you!
- Don't do that.
- Do what?
- Watch us walk away.
- I was just watching you walk.
- Please don't.
- Why?
- You make us feel bad.
- I don't want you to feel bad.
Yes, you do! That's why you
stand there looking pathetic!
I was watching you walk across
the field, for Christ's sake!
- It's allowed!
- Daddy.
We are walking away now.
And we are not turning around.
We are not looking back.
- I'm not asking you to.
- Love you, Daddy.
- Goodbye.
- We love you. Goodbye.
- Don't cry. Don't cry.
- I can't help it.
Everyone has choice
When to and not to
raise their voices
It's you that decides
Which way you will turn
While feeling that our love's
not your concern
It's you that decides
No-one around you
will carry the blame for you
No-one around you
will love you today
And throw it all away
Tomorrow when you rise
Another day
for you to realise me
Or send me down again
As the days stand up on end
You've got me wondering
how I lost your friendship
But I see it in your eyes
Though I'm beside you
I can't carry the lame for you
I may decide to
get out with your blessing
Where I'll carry on guessing
How high will you leap?
Will you make enough
for you to reap it?
Only you'll arrive
At your own made end
With no-one but yourself
to be offended
It's you that decides.
We're going up
on the Northern Line
Write every verse
of 'Darling, Clementine'
We make the most
of our waiting time
'Cause we know to go round,
round, round, round, round
We're coming down
on the Valley Line
Never know
where we'll fall off this time
Everybody worries
But they don't know
You and I will be fine
'Cause we're going home
Home, home, home, home, home
I'll tell you a story
to pass the time
About a man
who rode the Northern Line
He went so fast,
he lost control
Of his family and his mind
But minds are hard to define
Whether you lose it
or you find
Nobody ever seems to mind
when you are drowning
Then you claw out of
your misery
Unstoppable, the cavalry
Ideas rage like buzzing bees
And no-one
wants to hear them
So you strip off
all your heavy clothes
And feel the earth
between your toes
And makes some friends
who no-one knows
And start from the beginning
And you're fine
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine
We're going up
on the northbound train
Gonna be a family again
We're gonna ride
just like we did then
Going home, home, home, home
- Home, home, home, home
- J' Yeah, we're going
- Home, home, home, home, home
- J' Home, home, home
We're going
home, home, home, home
Home, home, home
We're going
home, home, home, home
Home, home, home...
Here we come
Here we come We're the pirates
And we're gonna make you
swab the decks
Here we come
Here we come
We're the pirates
And we're gonna make you
rot your teeth
Here we come
Here we come
We're the pirates
And we're gonna make you
walk the plank
The plank, the plank,
the plank, the plank
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho,
ho, ho, ho
Ho, ho, ho,
ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
Here we come
Here we come.
My father was diagnosed
manic depressive in 1967.
He'd been going around Cambridge
in a fake beard
calling himself
Jesus John Harvard.
When he got better,
he started working in
public television in Boston.
He met my mother there.
He walked up
and took her picture.
On their first date,
he took her on a driving tour
of New England
and told her all about
his nervous breakdowns.
She didn't care.
She said it was a crazy time.
Half the people they knew
were going bananas.
So they got married and they
had me... and then my sister.
We were happy.
I know there is more to it than that.
There always is.
We have to go to school.
Not today.
We're celebrating!
- Celebrating what?
- I got fired!
What do you mean?
You just got that job!
Darlings, look around you!
We walk out of our house
into this beautiful world!
But what happened with your job?
Typical workplace politics.
Who knows who pushed who first?
Either way, I got into a scuffle
with my boss. Forget that.
Let's find some mushrooms
and make an omelette for Mommy.
Does Mommy know you got fired?
It's magical.
Mommy's gonna be so happy
I kept you out of school.
Get in the car, girls.
Maggie! Where are you going?
What are you doing?
- What's with the suitcases?
- Get in the car.
Maggie! I'm not manic. I'm fine.
I just pulled out the canoe.
I thought we could
paddle up to Lincoln Park
and forage for a picnic.
Isn't it too cold for a picnic?
I am a man!
Men like to live free!
That's what we do, Maggie.
To hunt and mate!
That's what we do!
That's why we have balls!
It's OK. It's OK.
It's gonna be OK.
I'm sorry.
He's sitting on the ground
and all he's wearing
is a bathing suit.
Your father's very sick right now.
He's not himself.
He looks freezing.
Girls, look at me.
I don't want you
telling your friends
or your teachers
about any of this.
We know Daddy's a good person,
and we know
that he would never hurt us,
but it's hard
for people to understand that.
And it's very sad.
"Dear Daddy, I took a walk through
the woods today and said goodbye."
"Mommy had to sell
the car, but we got to go to Dairy Queen."
"I hate that we have to
move to an apartment in the city."
"I got a vanilla saucer
dipped in chocolate. It was so good."
"Mommy says Bohemia is
over, which I don't understand,
"but I think it has something
to do with making money."
"Lots of love,
Faith Feather Stuart. "
"Amelia Lavender Stuart."
- Hi.
- Want to go see Daddy?
Go on. Go see Daddy.
Big Little.
- And I'm feeling much better.
- You are?
- Yeah.
- Your stomach is really big.
Oh... That's the medication
they put me on.
It doesn't hurt. Hit it.
Go on. Pound on it.
You gotta be careful.
You never want to do that when
Harry Houdini's not looking,
'cause that's how
they killed him.
- Hi, handsome.
- I got you flowers.
You're so beautiful.
You look like your mommy.
You need help?
How are you feeling?
- I feel great.
- You looked better last week.
Are they adjusting
the medication?
Yeah, they tried
something new on me. It's...
- I want to sit down.
- OK.
I want to be home
with my family.
You will, Daddy.
I love you.
- We love you.
- I love you too, Daddy.
- Love you too.
- Thank you.
The lights on the roof
come in our window at night
and it's too bright.
I can't sleep.
It's bright as day.
- I'll make a curtain.
- They're huge security lights.
- Like you would see at a prison.
- Amelia!
I also wish we could have stayed
out in the country,
but there are
no good jobs in Sudbury.
Your job here isn't good.
I'm gonna find a better one.
Why can't Daddy
live here with us?
I hate visiting him
at the halfway house.
It's almost as bad
as the hospital.
Daddy's still recovering
from his breakdown.
He's a way better cook than you.
What is that?
It's a flower. It's pretty.
Police officer,
how can it be?
You can arrest everybody
but cruel Stack O'Lee
That bad man
Oh, cruel Stack O'Lee...
My father lives here.
How did you know
how to get here?
Came all the way from school?
- So, what's your plan?
- What's my plan?
My Plan is... get out of
this halfway house.
- That's... that's number one.
- I like it.
Then I'll get a job
and an apartment.
And then you girls can come visit me
and have sleepovers
and I'll make crepes
for breakfast and dinner.
And then...
...I'll move back in with you
and Faithie... and Mommy.
That is, if Mommy will have me.
I feel like Lucy
visiting Mr Tumnus.
Oh! That's the nicest thing
anyone's ever said to me.
Mommy says you have
a drinking problem.
I think if you could stop drinking
and take your lithium,
then Mommy
would let you come home.
Do you actually think
Mommy should be
confiding in you this way?
Could we please go back to
being Lucy and Mr Tumnus?
- These too.
- OK.
Keller Brothers.
Hey. It's for you.
No personal calls.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- This is a job!
OK. OK. I'm sorry about that.
Sorry. Sorry.
- Hello?
- It's me.
Amelia came to see me
at the halfway house today.
Everything's fine.
I'm taking her home to your apartment.
- How did she get there?
- Walked.
All the way from school?
I know - I think
we should try and find
a therapist for her to talk to.
She's gotten so good.
- That's fantastic!
- That's great, sweetpea.
How's the job?
Oh, the job.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
- Oh.
- Oh!
- Forgot the laundry.
- We'll get it!
And creamy spinach.
I just love spinach.
Creamy little things are good.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You guys go to Lincoln?
No. We go to Peabody.
Peabody's the best public school
in our city.
We are not
in the Peabody School district.
If you live here,
you're supposed to go to Lincoln,
a school that is totally, 100% terrible.
Unless you like getting
your 'A' kicked by Irish kids.
I don't want to
get my 'A' kicked.
- Honey, nobody does.
- Well, we go to Peabody.
You don't get it.
What you're doing is illegal.
And it's not fair.
It's not at all fair.
- You guys are gonna go to jail.
- 'Bye!
What if somebody asks me
where I live? I don't want to lie.
Amelia, Peabody's the best
public school in the city.
I don't care.
I don't want to lie.
You're not lying, sweetheart.
Mommy's lying.
I don't want to go to Lincoln!
They said we'll get beat up.
Don't worry about that.
I'm gonna teach you how to fight.
What if my teacher finds out
I'm lying?
Miss Hendricks loves you.
You're her best student.
They said we're gonna get
our 'A' kicked by Irish kids!
- You're not gonna get...
- Who said that?
You'll be kicking 'A'!
If you wanted us to go to
the Peabody School so bad,
why didn't we move into
the Peabody School district?
Amelia, because
we cannot afford it.
We are lucky we got
a rent-controlled apartment.
- But Daddy's family is so rich!
- Yes, but we have no money!
I send my rsum out every day
and I get nothing.
I've just spent my last $12.
You girls want to be poor
and have a bad education?
Seconds, anyone?
Thank you, Cam,
for this delicious dinner.
It could be like this
every night.
Yes, that would be nice,
but I need a husband, not a wife.
I would like to be a husband,
but my wife won't let me.
Your wife would let you
be a husband
if you made it possible for her
to just be your wife.
He wants her to be a wife,
but she insists
on being a husband
who makes me be his wife.
What did he say?
He said that we don't live
in the Peabody School district
and that you and Faith
have to go to Lincoln.
- I'm so sorry, Mommy.
- Honey, don't.
Please don't cry, Amelia.
Don't apologise to me.
He asked where we lived
and I didn't know what to say.
I know. I know.
You did the right thing.
I never wanted you to lie.
He said it was illegal
what we were doing.
I know. I just...
I guess I...
I wasn't thinking, honey.
I wanted you and Faith
to go to the best school.
What if Faithie gets beat up
and it's all because of me?
Faith is not gonna get beat up.
She bites.
Sleeping bags, pyjamas,
stuffed animals, books,
changes of clothes -
what am I forgetting?
- Toothbrushes.
- I bought toothbrushes.
They can keep 'em
at my apartment.
And I found
these two cardboard boxes.
I set 'em up like beds.
They're gonna flip.
They're so excited.
- Do you want some tea?
- Yes, please. Oh.
During the day, they can
turn them on their sides
and they become puppet theatres.
You're going to have
so much fun.
- Do you want some toast?
- Please.
Now that I got my own place,
Maggie, I mean,
I'm happy to stop by
and pick up the kids any time,
have 'em stay over.
- Thank you.
- There's room for you too.
Just kidding.
Not until you're ready.
- Oh, it's good tea. Cam?
- Mmm?
I got into business school.
Maggie Stuart,
you are some punkins!
I wish I had some of that
bourgeois Midwestern can-do.
A scholarship... to Columbia.
Wait. You can't take the girls
to New York.
No, of course not-
I can't even afford
my own studio apartment
in New York.
So, what about the girls?
OK. Here's my proposal.
I can get my degree in 18 months
if I do a summer session.
And Jenny's mom can rent me
a very small room
in her apartment.
So I go to New York.
You move in here with the girls
and you take care of them.
- Me?
- Yes, you.
You miss them.
And they miss you so much, Cam.
I can get my MBA in 18 months,
and then I come back to Boston,
I get a job and I move back in.
But... but... but... I mean, yes.
- I know it is a lot.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- But... but...
- Uh... uh... uh...
You know, the doctor even said
that I would be...
I suppose it'd be good for me
to have... to have some purpose.
A routine.
That's what the doctor said.
- That's exactly what you need.
- Yes, yes, a routine.
- Putting food on the table.
- Yes.
Taking them to school
every... morning.
Putting them to bed every night.
Making sure they brush
their teeth and their hair
twice a day.
The laundry.
My God, that sounds like a lot.
Cam, it is a lot.
But we are sinking
deeper and deeper into a hole.
Cam, I have to do something.
- Do you understand?
- Oh, Maggie, you're right.
I mean,
that new school of theirs
certainly feels like
a bit of a reformatory.
It's grim. And you and I
went to good schools.
- We had piano lessons.
- I never had any lessons.
But you learned to fence
and you learned to ski and play chess...
But I never had lessons.
My family taught me those things.
The point is, Cameron,
you and I,
we had the best education,
and I want that for our children.
I do too, but 18 months,
that's a lot of routine.
You can do it. And I'll come
every weekend to help you.
- Every weekend?
- Every weekend.
- And you'll stay here with us?
- Of course. Yes.
So we'll be like a family again?
I'm afraid we need to intervene
on our son's behalf and say no.
- He's not up to the task.
- I know he can do it.
The doctor says I need
more responsibilities, not less.
You're a man. Even if you could,
why would you want to?
We just don't want you
to tax yourself, darling boy.
We met with Dr Wendell.
He says Cam made an excellent
recovery from his breakdown,
and he thinks that he can do it.
Is this something to do
with feminism?
We're living
at the poverty level.
The girls are going
to a terrible school.
Our children went
to the best schools.
It didn't add up to much.
Our children are delightful!
Absolutely, but not one of them
is self-supporting.
Well, Murray, lest you forget,
neither are we.
I think it's admirable
what Maggie's doing.
I agree.
Very commendable.
Don't we have some silver
or some crystal we could sell?
That wouldn't even pay
for this meal.
No. No, no, Maggie Stuart.
- You cannot leave your family.
- Pauline, I'm desperate.
We have no money.
Here, like... like...
What... what is this?
We've been doing this
for 45 minutes.
If you put this here, you have
more room for everything else.
Why does he keep rearranging
everything? It was fine before.
We have to go.
We're heading into wretched traffic.
I know we have to leave.
I'm saying goodbye to the girls.
Sorry, Peter.
Me-me. Don't be upset.
Who is this wimp?
He's Carol Webber's cousin.
He's moving back to New York
with his mom.
- He's making you drive?
- It's probably better if I do.
Cam, take a picture of us.
- Hey!
- Come on. Cam!
Mommy loves you.
So we have something to remember
your mother by when she's gone.
Faithie, listen to your mother.
Everyone smile.
You're saying goodbye
to your daughters.
What kind of a cold-hearted SOB
honks the horn?
I know. Thank you.
- This is big. Thank you.
- You're welcome.
I just wish I hadn't dressed
like a big green bug.
Go. Seriously.
Before I kick the living shit
out of this guy. Here.
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- Girls.
- I'll miss you.
- I know. I know.
- Say goodbye.
Say goodbye to your mother.
Come on, darling.
That's my wife. We love you.
- I love you.
- We love you.
My brother had sex
in this van last night.
Oh, God!
We'll have to make
a lot of stops.
I have a very small bladder.
Maggie! Maggie!
Take the Wilbur Cross Parkway!
- When we went to Tom and...
- Cam!
- ...Linda's wedding.
- What?
Remember, when we were going
to Tom and Linda's wedding
and we were afraid we were gonna
be late and took the back roads,
we got there
in the nick of time?
- I don't know if I remember.
- The Wilbur Cross Parkway!
At New Haven! Hey!
I'll kill you! At New Haven.
Shoot across the 34 West
to the Wilbur Cross!
That turns into Merritt Parkway!
- OK.
- You can avoid Bridgeport.
- OK!
- The trees are twice as green!
- Fine!
- I love you!
Who was that?
We can go catch a movie.
We could drive out to Plum Island
and look for sea glass.
We could go to
the Museum of Fine Arts
and look at
Great-Grandpapa's portrait.
Why is his portrait
hanging in a museum?
Because a very important artist
named John Singer Sergeant
painted it.
- Why?
- Why?
Don't you know who we are?
That is where your
Great-Grandmother Gaga grew up.
- In that whole house?
- The whole thing.
It's the grandest house
on Beacon Hill.
Designed by Bulfinch,
a very famous architect.
- How did they get so rich?
- Mmm.
Your great-great-grandfather
was once the richest man in Boston.
So how come we're so poor?
Well, all of that money
was put into a trust.
Nobody could touch it,
except for your great-grandmother.
She controls it all, and she decides
when to give who what.
It's hard to explain.
Would you like
to see the inside?
Are we allowed?
We can't just walk up
and knock on people's doors.
Sweetheart. It's Boston.
They're practically expecting us.
Your great-great-grandmother
and grandfather
the King and Queen of England.
At this table,
the Queen of England
choked on a chicken bone
while she was here.
- Mr Fabrini will be right out.
- Thank you.
Now, upstairs here,
there's a ballroom.
And had these
huge fancy-dress...
- Can I help you?
- Hi. Cam Stuart.
My great-grandmother
grew up in this house, and...
I wanted to show it to my girls.
I'm sorry, Mr Stuart. This is my home.
I don't give tours.
Mr Fabrini,
this house has been in my family
for more than five generations.
My great-great-grandfather
was born in this house
on Boxing Day 1832.
And would your
give tours
to anyone who came along?
Certainly, especially if
they had a personal connection
that went back
over five generations, yes.
- Then he's a better man than me.
- Better man than I.
Obviously, you're not in control
of your emotions today,
so I will return on another day
to show my daughters
what is rightfully
their birthright to see.
- Right.
- Sure, Mr Fabrini.
- That was so embarrassing!
- Don't be embarrassed.
- He should be embarrassed!
- No!
You're the one
that should be embarrassed!
Me? I'm not embarrassed!
- That man is an asshole!
- You are an asshole!
We want you to come home.
I'll be home in 12 days.
We want you
to come home right now.
Honey. I know it is
a big adjustment. I know.
Why aren't you coming home
this Friday?
You said you'd come home
every single weekend.
- That's what you said.
- I know that.
But I have registration
and orientation.
Next weekend
is really not that far away.
- I love you.
- We love you too.
'Bye, girls. 'Bye.
Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy, wake up! Wake up!
Wake up! Daddy! Wake up!
We slept too long
and we're gonna be late for school!
Quickly! Amelia,
don't forget your backpack!
We're gonna miss the elevator!
Hold on! Hold on! OK.
Oh. Good morning.
Thank you. Wait.
- You're Maggie's friend.
- Yeah.
- Hi. Cam.
- Hi. Becca. Kyle's mother.
Pleasure. Nice to meet you.
Amelia, let's go!
- I hate being late for school.
- Don't worry, punkins.
You won't be late.
Have some breakfast.
The most important meal
of the day.
Amelia! Let's go!
- You know, I just have to say...
- Yes?
My ex-husband would never do
what you're doing.
- I think it's so evolved.
- You do?
Absolutely - I mean, most men
would be completely emasculated
by having their wife go off
to be the breadwinner.
Oh. Thank you.
OK. Go, go, go!
You're gonna be late!
I love you! Do you want me
to pick you up after school?
- No!
- I'll be here at 3:00!
What the hell...?
- What?
- Where were you?
You said you were gonna
pick us up at 3:00!
The car wouldn't start.
You girls want to learn how to
adjust a 4-jet carburettor?
It takes two screwdrivers.
You could do it together.
- No.
- Not really.
Just don't be helpless.
When I get that engine fixed,
we're driving that thing
to Mexico.
- Who's that?
- Ruth-Ann.
Please don't introduce yourself.
- Why not?
- 'Cause you talk too much and...
I'm just being friendly.
Don't you want to know
your neighbours?
We live in a world
with other people. Hi!
Cam Stuart.
Yes, Maggie told me.
Welcome to Wieland Manor.
Ruth-Ann McKay.
- Hello, girls.
- Hi.
Can we help you with your bags?
Are you kidding?
- Well, stand aside, Ruth-Ann.
- Oh, thank you.
See, girls?
People appreciate
a little kindness.
That's all I'm talking about.
I got that.
Hi. Cam Stuart.
Hi. Cam Stuart. I'm new here.
Who was that?
Hi. Cam Stuart.
I'm new in the building.
Apartment 32.
Here we are.
Do you need any help
putting them away?
No, this is fine.
We'll just put the bags down.
Are you sure?
We're happy to help.
No. This has been so helpful.
Thank you.
Do you need anything moved?
A desk or something like that?
No, I'm... I'm...
I'm happy with where my desk is.
I find mixing an arrangement
freshens a space.
No, thank you.
I have to start dinner.
- So... if you'll excuse me.
- Sure.
Do you want an onion chopped
or something?
I'm not using onions tonight.
- What's wrong with you?
- Why?
You made her
slam the door in your face.
- She had to cook dinner.
- She had to get rid of you!
What are you talking about?
I was being a good neighbour!
You're an annoying neighbour!
People will see you
and run in the other direction!
No, people are gonna see me
and run towards me!
Because I'm gonna show them
that I am the kind of man
that is willing
to move heavy furniture
or clear out a storage locker
or give them a ride to the airport!
Because I'm a good neighbour!
This is bullshit!
You don't know anything.
I learned how to cook this
on a Norwegian steamer
heading down the Amazon.
When did you do that?
Summer after I got
kicked out of Harvard.
Thought you got
kicked out of Exeter.
I got kicked out of both,
for very different reasons...
So I'm on my way
to my Ec 10 exam,
and I hear this bagpipe music,
so I follow it into the Square,
and there's this street musician
playing Scottish ballads.
He's got his hat out
and people are walking by
and they're putting money in it,
and I think,
"That's a good idea."
So I sit down next to him,
I put my hat out
and I start singing
in my best Scottish brogue.
And I know all the words.
And he tells me to scram.
Because he didn't ask you
to sing
and he wanted
to make all the money.
Exactly, so we exchange a few words
and the bastard jumps me!
This scrawny little bastard,
he jumps me!
And we get into this major brawl
right there
on top of his bagpipes,
and I got so excited,
I shit my pants.
Well, needless to say,
I didn't make it to my exam.
And they kicked you out
for missing one exam?
No. The semester after that,
I registered for 75 courses.
And that's when they determined
that I wasn't exactly
Harvard material.
Jesus Christ!
Girls? Girls?
I'm gonna head out
for a couple of hours.
You get some good rest.
Should be back before midnight
or after midnight.
Sleep tight.
There's something on my mind
Won't somebody please
Please tell me what's wrong?
You just a fool
You know you're in love
You've got to face it
to live in this world
You take the good
along with the bad
Sometimes you're happy
and sometimes you're sad
- One more time
- J' You know you love him
You can't understand
why he treats you like he do
- When he's such a good man
- J' Listen
He's got me smiling
when I should be ashamed
Got me laughing
when my heart is in pain
Oh, now,
I must be a fool
But I'll do anything
he wants me to...
- Unchain the door, please.
- Where did you go?
- Unchain the fucking door.
- We woke up and you were gone.
- Faith was really scared.
- Don't use the chain.
If someone
really wants to come in,
they're not gonna be stopped
by that dinky chain.
It stopped you.
I didn't really want to come in.
Mommy's on the phone.
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Everything's fine, Maggie.
Nobody's hurt.
I told them I was going out,
but they were sleeping.
What am I to do? Wake them
every time I decide to go out?
She's going to know
he's doing a bad job.
He's drunk.
Do you think it's good
for Mommy to know that?
She's coming home a week early.
Yes, Maggie.
- Help me open the door!
- Now, remember, girls.
Mommy's coming on Friday,
so let's make the apartment
nice and clean.
You have to unpack the boxes.
I'm just saying,
we should all pitch in.
They're your boxes.
We don't know
what to do with them.
We don't ask you
to clean up our room.
Fine. Fuck it. Forget it.
Have a nice fucking day!
Oh, for shit's sake!
Now what the hell's wrong?
God... damn!
Hello, old friend.
Yeah, it's pretty good, huh?
- It's beautiful.
- We love it!
Just don't look in there.
Is that a machete?
Big deal if it is.
Hitler has only got one ball
Goering has two but very small
Himmler has something similar
But Joseph Goebbels
has no balls at all...
..a... all!
Oogum, oogum,
boogum, boogum, boogum
Now, baby, you're
casting your spell on me...
I say oogum, oogum,
boogum, boogum, boogum
Now, baby,
you're casting your spell on me
You got me doing funny things
like a clown
Just look at me
When you wear
your high-heeled boots
With your hip-hugger suit
Huh, it's alright
You're outta sight
And you wear
that cute mini-skirt
With your brother's
sloppy shirt, huh
I admit it, girl,
that I can dig it
And I says oogum, oogum,
boogum, boogum, boogum
Now, baby,
you're casting your spell on me
I say oogum, oogum,
boogum, boogum, boogum...
- What are these shelves?
- Daddy built them.
- They're just shelves.
- But everything is on them.
- And not on the floor!
- Yes.
When you knew Daddy
at WGBH, was he the way he is now?
He was funny, compassionate.
He knew everything
about the outdoors.
He had a job,
which was really good for him.
He was a terrific
lighting designer.
But in the end,
it was too much pressure.
And I didn't know...
I didn't know
about manic depression.
Besides, it was the '60s.
Everybody was having
nervous breakdowns.
So I didn't understand
what a big deal it was.
You're probably sorry
you married him.
It was so hard
to come this weekend.
I'm so glad I did.
I think this is
just what you needed, Cam.
I think this is gonna be
a great thing for us.
I'm gonna lay down
my heavy load
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
Down by the riverside
I'm gonna lay down
my heavy load
Down by the riverside
I ain't gonna study war
no more
I ain't gonna study
I ain't gonna study
I ain't gonna study war
no more
I ain't gonna study
I ain't
gonna study
I ain't gonna study war
no more.
Ow! Daddy!
This is what happens
when you don't
brush your hair for two weeks!
- Ow!
- Daddy.
If you're not going
to do the dishes,
then I'm doing them.
- You're hurting me!
- I'm sorry.
- I'll do it!
- Oh, fine. You do it.
Where are the sponges?
- What is wrong with that sponge?
- It smells!
That's because someone left it
soaking in the dishwater.
I keep telling you girls,
it needs to be rinsed and squeezed
when you're through with it.
It's probably five years old!
It's disgusting!
We are not the kind of people
that throw perfectly useful things away.
You won't throw anything away!
That is a perfectly good sponge.
It's got plenty of life
left in it!
Fine! Then you do the dishes!
Fine! I will!
With this sponge!
I don't want
to talk about it anymore.
Why are we yelling
and being so grumpy?
So we... we lost some momentum,
but we'll get it back.
I bought a new sponge.
Faith and I thought of the perfect job
for Daddy.
A crepe cart in Harvard Square.
Just like they have in Paris.
- Mmm.
- You do make the best crepes.
Yes, and I love
standing outside in January
freezing my ass off for pennies.
- I like chocolate and coconut.
- We have that.
That's on our menu!
And the building is packed
with single mothers,
and they're always
checking in on each other
or going out
and getting together for coffee,
but do they ever ask me
how I'm doing?
Do they ever
invite me to coffee?
I'm pretty sure
they all got together
for wine and cheese
two nights ago.
- I'm sorry, honey.
- No.
- I shouldn't laugh at this.
- What? It is. It's...
- No. It's funny.
- It is funny. It's hilarious.
I'm pathetic.
I'm a pathetic whiner.
No, you're not.
Which is probably why
they don't invite me. Literally.
- They run away from me.
- No. Listen to me.
They're leery of men.
That's all.
Especially married men
with children.
Oh. I'm not exactly married.
Am I?
We're a family, aren't we?
- Maggie...
- What?
Is this really
how we're gonna do it?
You're gonna
come home every weekend
and then take up residence
on the sofa?
For now.
- Maggie...
- What?
We haven't slept together
since before my breakdown.
I'm dying!
You're dying too.
You just don't realise it.
- Cam, I just...
- Maggie...
Oh... Can we... Can we please
just get through this phase?
Just let's just get through
this phase,
and then we'll see how it goes.
- And then what happens?
- I don't know.
What's the end?
You move back in here...
- I don't know.
- And then what happens to us?
- I don't know!
- Where do I go?
No. I don't know.
All I know
is that it's gonna take
steady, sustained effort.
Yes. Sexy, sexy answer.
It's an honest, honest answer.
So, what's this?
Some big test? I mean...
No. Don't look at it that way.
You hate tests.
Not if this is
what's on the test.
Coolant's a little low.
Uneven wear on the tyres.
Lock sticks.
- There's no floor!
- But it's got a great engine.
There's, uh...
there's no floor here.
And... and the roof
is rotted out.
I have two small children.
It's dangerous.
What do you say
we close at 300 cash?
You deal with the wagon.
Daddy, Amelia's crying.
- You always cry.
- Not anymore.
- I vowed never to cry again.
- What's wrong, darling?
What's gonna happen to the wagon?
Nobody's gonna want it.
I thought you were crying
because this car sucks.
That car sucked too.
Remember to speak up, girls.
Your great-grandmother
was born in 1888.
I propose a game of Crazy Eights
after lunch.
- Yeah!
- We don't say 'yeah', dear.
- We say 'yes'.
- Thank you, Gaga.
That's a battle
their mother keeps fighting.
- And how is their mother?
- She's very well.
She comes every weekend,
but this weekend,
she stayed in the city
to study for her exams.
But we're muddling through.
Aren't we, girls? Hm.
A.J., will you please tell Betty
that the roast is divine?
Yes, sir.
Do you girls find it unusual
that your mother is in New York?
She wants to have
more career opportunities.
Mommy says
women can do anything.
She's quite a striver,
isn't she?
We prefer the word 'fighter'.
I'm going to go work on the car.
The girls tell me
it has no floor.
It had no floor.
I scavenged these
from your kitchen vault.
Betty said I could have them.
- Cookie sheets?
- You still can't step on them.
But they'll certainly keep out
the cold and detritus.
Cam, I'm so proud of you
for taking care of these
darling girls all by yourself.
Thank you, Gaga.
I'm mostly using the Lincoln
these days.
I want you to have the Bentley.
- The Bentley?
- Mmm.
There are trays
where we could eat.
Could we eat dinner in the car?
All the windows work.
There's a floor!
It smells so good.
Gaga, we live in
a rent-controlled apartment.
I know that.
I pay your rent.
- And we're very grateful for it.
- It's dirt-cheap.
But the point is I can't even
afford to maintain the Bentley.
I can't even afford
to fill its gas tank.
If you're asking me
for gas money...
No, Gaga,
I'm not asking for gas money.
The girls are both
phenomenal students.
And they're not being challenged
where they are right now.
And if you really
wanted to help,
they would flourish
in a private school.
I don't think that's teaching
the girls a very good lesson.
Do you?
No, I suppose not.
Look, I'm sorry
I didn't take the Bentley.
It didn't make any sense.
I know you're disappointed.
You should have taken it
and sold it
and then bought a crepe cart
and made lots of money
and then we wouldn't be so poor.
although crepes are delicious,
they're not exactly the goldmine
that you think they are,
especially during a recession.
Well, then, we could have
sold the Bentley
and just had some money.
Gaga would have never let me
sell that car.
- She was giving it to you.
- It doesn't work like that.
It's hard to explain.
It was our one chance
to have something
that other people might want.
Nobody wants what we have.
Daddy did something so amazing.
He did?
Guess what I paid
for this parking spot.
- Oh, God!
- Absolutely nothing.
You get what you pay for.
We have a surprise for you.
- OK.
- That's Jock! That's our dog!
- Daddy got him for us!
- Amelia named him!
OK. Why... why
is he acting this way?
He was abused by his last owner.
So any time Daddy leaves him,
he gets really upset.
Because he loves Daddy.
'Cause Daddy saved him.
We're working on it.
And this is the new car?
It was abused by its last owner.
But Daddy saved it.
- Who's a good boy?
- Jock!
- Jock, no!
- Wait!
- Wait! Girls!
- Jock! Jock!
- Jock! Come back!
- No!
Don't eat that!
- That's it, Little! Whoa!
- Whoa!
Get up!
Get in there!
Get in there like you mean it!
Don't those two little girls
live in our building?
Yeah, but they're really mean.
Mean? They're wearing
matching pink pompom hats.
How mean can they be?
Hey! Little girls!
Little boy!
Come play basketball with us.
- Are they mean?
- Mm-hm.
That's it, Amelia.
Put pressure on him.
Get your hands in there!
Hands up, Amelia! Hands up!
Alright, good job.
Oh, yes!
Those kids seem nice.
We should invite them over sometime.
No way!
I'd rather die than have people
into our shithole.
They crush my soul.
Here we come
Here we come
We're the pirates, and we're
gonna make you swab the decks
Here we come
Here we come
We're the pirates,
and we're gonna make you...
Faithie-bear, could you please
clear your stuff off the table?
- I'm busy.
- We'll be having dinner soon.
It'd be awfully nice
to have a place to sit and eat!
- Later!
..walk the plank
Plank, plank, plank, plank,
plank, plank, plank...
- Now.
- J' Here we come
- Here we come...
- Now! Now!
You are so mean!
- I am not your servant!
- No!
I'm the servant!
All I do is cook for you
and clean,
and I drive you around and take care of
your every goddamn need!
You treat me
like a goddamn maid!
I got to get out of here!
Jock, go back. Go back!
- We don't have a babysitter.
- You don't need a babysitter.
But it's night-time.
We get scared. Faithie gets scared.
Then you need to toughen up.
What is there to be scared of?
- Wolves? Vampires?
- Rapists!
Rapists? If a rapist knocks,
don't let him in!
But what if they force their way in?
That's what rapists do!
You kick them in the balls! Oh!
I need to get out of here!
I can't take it anymore!
I need to go be with adults!
Not a bunch
of bratty, bossy brats!
Unhand my foot!
Oh. Hi, Cam. Going up?
I guess so.
- You need help folding those?
- You know...
Actually, I forgot something
in the laundry room.
See, girls?
The chain's worthless.
All it does is provide
a false sense of security.
And that's the last thing you girls need.
Sorry I scared you.
We'll be braver, Daddy.
Next time, I promise we'll be braver.
Put yourselves to bed.
I've got a mess to clean up.
That lock was bullshit.
- What happened to the Valiant?
- I didn't I tell you?
- It caught on fire.
- Oh.
- I'm depressed.
- Of course you are.
Your dog ran away,
your family gives you
just barely enough money to live off,
and you annoy people.
You're leaving out
my haemorrhoids.
Where are you going?
I'm meeting
Kim, Ali and Thurgood.
- Can I come?
- I guess.
Can I come?
- No!
- God!
We are hanging out
with our friends!
Why don't you ever
bring your friends here?
- To this shithole?
- Stop saying that!
Daddy, you can't hang out with kids.
It's weird.
We need to have our own life,
and you need to have yours.
How am I supposed to
have my own life
when you won't let me
do anything?
Fine! We're hanging out
at the picnic tables.
- The death card.
- Does that mean I'm gonna die?
Well, we all die sometime.
Let's start over.
Oh. Any of you kids
have a light?
Can we finish this
at your apartment?
Our parents
just got a new sectional.
- Never mind. Here's one.
- How about you?
My brother
is studying for law school.
You're all welcome
to come to our apartment.
Cam, can we speak to you
for a minute?
What? What?
I am about to lose my shit.
We told you you could
come hang out with us.
We did not say you could
invite people to the apartment.
- But it could be fun.
- Not fun. Humiliating.
- Do we need to spell it out?
- I can make tea.
We can have cinnamon toast.
There's lots of board games.
We don't want people
to see how we live!
Big deal how you live!
It's not your fault!
Tell them - your father's
manic depressive or bipolar!
Or whatever
they're calling it these days!
Don't not have friends
because of me!
Fuck it. Forget it.
Never mind.
I'm warning you.
You've never seen anything like this.
- I've seen messy houses before.
- Not like this.
I'll run and close Daddy's door.
We brought some friends over.
Why do you have so much stuff?
- Our dad is totally polar bear.
- Bipolar. He's manic depressive.
I have an uncle
with that. He also lives like a pig.
Hey! That's cool.
No more bets.
- Cinnamon toast and tea?
- Yes, please!
Mmm. Mmm, mmm.
- Mmm.
- 32.
Would anyone like to learn
how to make chocolate truffles
from scratch?
You know, you and Daddy
could go out sometime.
We don't need a babysitter.
We used to get scared.
But we're not scared anymore.
You've gotten so old.
I don't think I'm black.
- Of course you're black.
- But I look white.
You're black, sweetie.
Faith looks black.
I look like Daddy.
That's because
you're a mix of both of us.
Nobody thinks I'm black
when I tell them.
Amelia, you're black.
Your mother is black.
So you're black.
If it makes you feel better,
I'll tell people I'm black.
Even if they think
I'm delusional.
That's ridiculous.
Of course she's black.
Her mother's black.
She's being feisty.
- The girls seem good, right?
- No kidding.
Last week, Amelia kicked
the crap out of the school bully.
She kicked him so hard in the knee,
she put him on crutches.
- Wow!
- I was quite proud.
You seem good.
So do you, Maggie.
Well, what do you know?
I'll be better when I get a job
and I come back here.
Thank you. Thank you so much
for making this possible.
Stop sleeping on the sofa
and spend the night
with me in a bed.
No. I can't
go in your room, Cam.
- Why not?
- Oh! It's beyond belief. You...
Cam, you have three bicycles
in there.
- That's your reason?
- Yes!
You have cans of paint thinner.
Last time I went in there,
I came out and I had motor oil
all over my pants.
- Cam, it's ridiculous.
- Then I'll clean it!
That would be really nice.
It might make it more inviting.
You never said anything
about this to me before.
I'm done nagging you about your room.
You're a grown man.
And you don't find my room
Not me or anyone else.
- I'm pretty sure not even you.
- Oh, definitely not me.
That's it. I'll clean it.
Two days tops.
You'll see.
It'll be a thing of beauty.
- OK. We'll see.
- And till then?
a semi-private stairwell.
What do you say?
Oh. My stairwell days are over.
You had stairwell days?
Maggie Stuart?
I'm about to finish my MBA
at Columbia Business School,
so I come to you
with wonderful references
from Professor Wilson,
and I've been offered a futures job
at E.F. Hutton, in New York,
but Howard and Company
is where I want to be.
- E.F. Hutton?
- Yes.
Well, that's terrific.
Why come back to Boston?
My children are here.
Children. Boys?
- Girls?
- Uh, two girls. Two girls.
But they're very independent,
which... me the ability
to work late
and arrive very, very early...
Well, thanks so much.
We'll be in touch.
Yes. Yes.
Thank you so much
for your time. Thank you.
Daddy, do I add more butter
for each omelette?
Half a tablespoon
for each omelette.
Don't be afraid
to let it turn nut-brown.
Got it!
Did you start my costume?
What costume?
My flamenco dancer costume
for the talent show.
- You're making me a skirt.
- Right.
- Daddy, it's tomorrow.
- Right, right. I know.
I knew it!
You're not making it!
OK, OK! I said I'd make it,
and I will!
I want it to be
all sparkly and ruffly.
You got it, buggins.
No big deal.
I just need to make this skirt
200 times bigger.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
No, no, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no! Goddamnit!
Goddamnit! Ah, shit!
No! God...
Fuck it! Fuck!
Fuck you!
I remember your sweet face
Till doomsday
Man, I went wild last night
Oh, I went feeling alright
I don't let doomsday bother me
Do you let it bother you?
Yes. That's it. That's it.
That's it! It's sewing itself,
for Christ's sake!
When doomsday
rears her ugly head again...
- Hello?
- Guess what I just did.
Cam. Honey,
it's 5:00 in the morning.
I just made your daughter
the most incredible skirt.
- Sparkles, ruffles. Beautiful.
- That's terrific.
But you probably
should get some sleep.
But I'm not tired, darling.
Maggie, name one other father
in America who's up right now
sewing a flamenco skirt
for their daughter.
Are you taking your lithium?
Actually, I haven't
taken my lithium since you left.
I find that if I take small,
steady sips of beer all day,
I stay on an even keel.
Well? Well?
What do you think?
It's the most glorious skirt
I've ever known.
Ah! There you go. You look like
a... a flamenco mermaid.
I love you, Daddy.
- Listen to me.
- What?
It's just not healthy.
You promised you would
take your lithium, Cam.
Yes, and you promised
that you'd love me forever.
- Better or for worse.
- Excuse me, sir.
But our dress code requires
that you wear a tie.
I'd like to say one thing about lithium,
if you don't mind.
Nobody even knows if it works
or what the long-term effects
are on one's body.
The same goes for Haldol,
Thorazine and valproic acid
and all the rest
of their so-called treatments.
I am nothing more
than a guinea pig.
And you would have never known
I'd stopped taking it
if I hadn't...
if I hadn't told you.
I'm an idiot. A fucking
self-destructive fuckhead.
- You're not.
- Thank you.
This is the reason why you have to
take responsibility for your condition.
The way you've taken responsibility
for your children?
That is not fair.
I know. I know. I know.
I know how hard it is for you
to come home every weekend.
- I know. I know.
- It's not hard to come.
It's hard to leave.
It's hard to leave
and have everybody look at me
like I'm the worst mother
in the world just because
I'm looking for a better life
for my children.
Cam, you come from
a blue-blood family.
When white people
live in squalor, they're...
You're eccentric.
When black people live in squalor,
no-one's charmed.
Believe me.
Well, if it's any consolation,
no-one seems to be charmed by
my squalor either.
I haven't made any headway
on my bedroom.
I've decided I'm gonna take
the E.F. Hutton job.
In New York.
Maggie, I can't keep doing this
on my own!
- They need you. I need you.
- I'm not asking... I know.
I'm not asking you to.
It's time for me to take the girls.
You're taking the girls
to New York?
- Yes.
- What about you and me?
What about us?
What? No.
I knew it! I knew it!
There's so many things about you
that I still love.
Can I have a Scotch and soda,
Listen to me.
I still believe in you.
And I don't want to give up.
I don't.
- But I can't.
- What?
Did you even... did you even...
I mean, did you even try finding a job
when you were here?
Or was that all
just part of your plan?
My plan was I would... I would
come back right after school,
get a job, and maybe we'd stay together
and maybe we wouldn't,
but we would still be a family
and raise the girls together.
But I can't get a job here.
I can't.
These Boston firms
don't want me.
- Why? Why don't they want you?
- It's Boston.
They want people like you.
You want a job in Boston?
I'll get you a job in Boston.
You look well, Cam.
Everything good down your way?
- No. Not really, Dickie. No.
- Sorry to hear that.
You know that Maggie's
just gotten her MBA?
I heard. Good for her.
I was just wondering why there
isn't a position here for her.
It is a family firm, after all.
Cam, I wish there were
a place here.
But we just don't have
that position at the moment.
So you're telling me that when
Dickie Jr and the other one...
...graduate from college...
- Sumner. That's my other son.
They're not gonna land here?
Goddamnit, Dickie!
I know how this works.
You create the position!
I have to say, Cam, this is why
we never invite you
to the Christmas party.
I don't give a shit
about the Christmas party!
I want you to hire my wife!
She works 50,000 times harder
than any of you!
I'm sorry. I'm going
to have to ask you to leave.
No! Do you have any idea
how hard it is?
Do you have any idea
the sacrifice she makes?
She needs a job here in Boston!
- Goddamnit!
- Control yourself!
Stop it! Snap out of it!
Why are you wet?
The girls asleep?
Yes, they are.
Did Faith show you her skirt?
She did.
It's beautiful.
I couldn't get you a job
in Boston.
It's alright.
I jumped in the Charles River.
I'm just gonna miss them.
I know.
New York is really dangerous!
Where are we going to live?
I'll find us
a very safe neighbourhood.
- Where will we go to school?
- I'm gonna work on that.
We can't ride bikes in New York.
You'll be able to ride your bike
when you come up here and visit.
What about Daddy?
Who's going to take care of him?
Honey, your daddy
can take care of himself.
Yeah - I'll go to movies and...
...dinner parties.
I'll have escapades.
I think escapades
are an extremely bad idea.
If we're not here,
he'll drink too much
and stop taking care of himself.
That's not true.
He'll be lonely without us.
- Well, that is true.
- Girls.
Taking care of you alone
put a lot of pressure
on your father.
- How? We get to school.
- He drives us anywhere we want.
I have seen more R-rated movies
than any of my friends.
He got me the original cast soundtrack
of 'Anything Goes'.
He needs a break.
Your father needs a break.
When I had the flu, he cut up
strawberries and kiwis for me.
And he arranged them on a plate
like little flowers.
I did do that. I did that.
Girls, you'll be able
to come and visit Daddy,
and Daddy
will come and visit you.
New York is an incredible city.
You're gonna like it.
I promise.
Can't visit you in New York.
Too much speed and noise and...
All the people in the streets
all night. Uh...
Knocks me off track.
I was thinking about that.
I really do understand why...
...why you don't want to
live with me anymore.
I'm a much better father
than I was a husband.
You know what
Faithie told me last night?
"The thing about Daddy
"is that he's always around.
"He's always there."
I thought that irritated them.
I have a plan.
I take the job and I earn money.
The girls stay here with you,
and they can ride their bikes
and play with their friends.
But we have to put them
in a good private school,
where they can be challenged.
I insist on it.
Are you sure, Maggie?
Just, if I take them to New York,
they're gonna be
locked up like house pets
in some dark apartment,
and I won't be home until 8:00 at night,
every night.
And I... I don't want that
for them.
They're my babies.
I know. Our babies.
Alright, Amelia.
Go to goal. Go to goal.
Nice shot, Amelia!
OK, go for goal.
OK, now shoot!
Nice shot, Amelia's friend!
How come your dad
always comes to practice?
- He's got nothing else to do.
- Hmm.
Daddy, Annie invited me for a sleepover.
Can I go? Please?
And Fifi asked me
to go with her to the movies.
But I finally convinced Eliot Perkins
to let us use his boat.
I thought we could have
a picnic on the river.
It's too late
to go out on a boat.
- It's 4:00.
- I really want to go to Annie's.
Maybe Annie wants to
take a ride down the river.
- Daddy.
- Serious. She lives in Boston.
How many times has she
gotten a ride home on a boat?
- She takes the T.
- What about Fifi?
Think she'd like to have
a nice picnic on a boat?
Her mom's picking her up in 20 minutes.
Please can I go?
You'll never find
a more beautiful boat
on a more perfect day
to be out on the river!
Well, I guess I'll just tell
the Charles River to go fuck itself.
Well, I have heard
the Charles River's a real asshole.
- 'Bye, Daddy.
- 'Bye, Daddy.
- We love you.
- OK.
My darlings,
I'm so proud of you.
- So is Mommy.
- Why?
- We just are.
- 'Bye!
I love you!
- Don't do that.
- Do what?
- Watch us walk away.
- I was just watching you walk.
- Please don't.
- Why?
- You make us feel bad.
- I don't want you to feel bad.
Yes, you do! That's why you
stand there looking pathetic!
I was watching you walk across
the field, for Christ's sake!
- It's allowed!
- Daddy.
We are walking away now.
And we are not turning around.
We are not looking back.
- I'm not asking you to.
- Love you, Daddy.
- Goodbye.
- We love you. Goodbye.
- Don't cry. Don't cry.
- I can't help it.
Everyone has choice
When to and not to
raise their voices
It's you that decides
Which way you will turn
While feeling that our love's
not your concern
It's you that decides
No-one around you
will carry the blame for you
No-one around you
will love you today
And throw it all away
Tomorrow when you rise
Another day
for you to realise me
Or send me down again
As the days stand up on end
You've got me wondering
how I lost your friendship
But I see it in your eyes
Though I'm beside you
I can't carry the lame for you
I may decide to
get out with your blessing
Where I'll carry on guessing
How high will you leap?
Will you make enough
for you to reap it?
Only you'll arrive
At your own made end
With no-one but yourself
to be offended
It's you that decides.
We're going up
on the Northern Line
Write every verse
of 'Darling, Clementine'
We make the most
of our waiting time
'Cause we know to go round,
round, round, round, round
We're coming down
on the Valley Line
Never know
where we'll fall off this time
Everybody worries
But they don't know
You and I will be fine
'Cause we're going home
Home, home, home, home, home
I'll tell you a story
to pass the time
About a man
who rode the Northern Line
He went so fast,
he lost control
Of his family and his mind
But minds are hard to define
Whether you lose it
or you find
Nobody ever seems to mind
when you are drowning
Then you claw out of
your misery
Unstoppable, the cavalry
Ideas rage like buzzing bees
And no-one
wants to hear them
So you strip off
all your heavy clothes
And feel the earth
between your toes
And makes some friends
who no-one knows
And start from the beginning
And you're fine
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine
We're going up
on the northbound train
Gonna be a family again
We're gonna ride
just like we did then
Going home, home, home, home
- Home, home, home, home
- J' Yeah, we're going
- Home, home, home, home, home
- J' Home, home, home
We're going
home, home, home, home
Home, home, home
We're going
home, home, home, home
Home, home, home...
Here we come
Here we come We're the pirates
And we're gonna make you
swab the decks
Here we come
Here we come
We're the pirates
And we're gonna make you
rot your teeth
Here we come
Here we come
We're the pirates
And we're gonna make you
walk the plank
The plank, the plank,
the plank, the plank
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho,
ho, ho, ho
Ho, ho, ho,
ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
Here we come
Here we come.