Inherit the Witch (2024) Movie Script

[peaceful music]
[ethereal music]
[dark music]
[dark music continues]
[dark music continues]
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday, Jessie and Cory
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday, Jessie and Cory
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday, Jessie and Cory
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday, Jessie and Cory
[guests cheering and clapping]
[cassette tape clacks]
[indistinct whispering]
[distant chatter]
[guest slurps]
[guests chattering]
[guests chattering]
- All right, everybody!
Look what I found!
Who wants to play? Come on!
Come on! [laughs]
Who wants to play?
You're only young once!
- Apparently not.
- [chuckles] Oh, okay.
Come on, everybody. Come on, let's play.
Come on. Okay, we'll start on this side.
We'll start on this side.
You guys go on that side.
All right, what do we got? What do we got?
Right hand, yellow! Right
hand, yellow. [chuckles]
What do we got?
Come on, spin it! Spin it!
Right hand, red!
Right hand, red.
Right hand, red!
Right foot, yellow!
Yeah, we got it.
We got it.
Right foot, blue.
Oh, God.
[chuckles] Yeah. You're doing the splits!
You're doing the splits! Right foot...
Left foot, yellow. [chuckles] Oh, my God.
Left foot. Get that foot
over here. [chuckles]
Off we go.
What've we got? Right...
- And so what we have to do.
[eerie music]
Give me a hand.
And then the other.
Close your eyes.
- What are you two up to?
- A very special spell for a birthday boy,
on his very special day.
- Cool.
A spell?
Are you a witch?
- What do you think, Cory?
I guess you have your answer.
- Can I have one?
- Do you believe in magic?
- I don't know.
- Come here.
[eerie music continues]
Give me your finger.
- What for?
- I'm going to make you a spell.
- Will it hurt?
- That depends on you.
- What are you going
to do? Drink my blood?
- Do you want me to?
[eerie music continues]
- I'm bleeding!
You're crazy.
- With a drop of blood bound
for good, we two are one.
- I can't believe you did that.
What's going to happen?
- Bound for good.
- Forever?
[Pamela chuckles]
- You have a very special destiny, Rex.
Tell the camera how old you are today.
- 14.
- [Pamela] And you, Jessie?
- 14.
- [Pamela] And how old am I?
- 100.
[Cory and Jessie chuckling]
- Only 100?
- [Cory] 500!
- That's more like it.
Think it's time you open my present.
[eerie music]
[paper rustles]
[eerie music continues]
[Lars gagging]
[Cory moaning]
[Lars moaning]
[Cory panting]
[Cory chuckles]
[both moaning]
[Lars chuckles]
[Cory sighs]
[phone vibrates]
[phone vibrates]
[phone clicks]
- Where are you?
- [Rex] Not too far from Dad's.
- When are you coming to get me?
- [Rex] You've got some time yet.
- What if I just go there by myself?
- [Rex] You'd get lost.
- I can find the place on my own.
- [Rex] Do you even know where you are?
- The devil's armpit.
- [Rex] It's good for
you. You know, natural?
- Since when are you so
cozy with the wilderness?
- [Rex] I love it. Fresh air, quiet.
- The last time I saw you,
you were drinking a martini at the Plaza.
- [Rex] That was a long time ago.
I'm a changed man.
- Have you seen my cologne?
- Um, no.
- [Rex] Besides, Pamela wants
us to go to the wake together.
- I guess she couldn't be
bothered to come to the funeral.
Why is she organizing things
if she's not even gonna show up?
- [Rex] Who else would?
- I don't trust her.
- [Rex] Why?
- There have been a lot of stories.
Apparently, she hired guard dogs
to keep the family away from Dad.
Using the house for strange parties.
- [Rex] Who told you this?
- Nieces, nephews, lawyers.
- [Rex] Geez.
- I don't wanna be involved in all this.
- [Rex] It's what you get,
for being the last of the family line.
- Well, what about you?
Why don't you get to experience this joy?
- [Rex] I'm just a half breed.
- Mm.
[Lars moans]
[sighs] Do you know she tried
to make Dad change his will?
Leave everything to her.
- They were married.
- No, they weren't.
- [Rex] They might as well have been.
Put yourself in her place.
- You like Pamela.
- [Rex] So what?
- How can you? She's a total imposter.
- [Rex] She took care
of Dad. Made him happy.
- Your problem is you like everyone.
- I don't like you.
- Oh, right.
He was a bastard.
- Don't talk like that.
- Why do you mind?
- [Rex] He was my dad, too.
- Just because he knocked
up your mom on one of his
global fertilizing sprees
doesn't mean you know him.
- [Rex] Okay, okay.
- While I got the pleasure
of his constant disapproval,
day in, day out.
I can't help feeling
you got the better deal.
Look, why don't I just
come out to meet you?
I'm not that far from
Dad's. I can join you there.
- [Rex] It's too far to walk.
You know we're in the woods, right?
- I haven't had a decent
cappuccino in two days.
Trust me. I know.
Another thing to blame Pamela for.
- [Rex] She wanted to be close to home.
- That is not her home.
- [Rex] She is living in Dad's cabin.
- Not for much longer, she isn't.
- [Rex] Plus, she's a witch.
[eerie music]
- Excuse me?
- [Rex] A Wicca, I think.
- Right. Spells and potions and-
- Mm-hm.
- [Cory] You've gotta be kidding me.
- [Rex] This forest is
famous for its witches.
Sybil Leek used to walk
through here in black cloaks,
with a jackdaw on her shoulder.
- She is crazy.
- [Rex] They thwarted a
Nazi invasion into Britain
in the Second World War.
- That's Churchill you're thinking of.
- [Rex] Who's to say he
didn't have a little help?
- You're crazy.
- [Rex] Probably.
- You are a complete mystery to me.
- [Rex] We'll have to talk
about the inheritance.
- I'm meeting the lawyer next week.
Drawing up a list of all
the handouts. You, me.
- [Rex] Don't forget Sam.
- God. Too many to keep track of.
- [Rex] And Fiona.
- Oh, God! No, no.
[cup shatters]
Sorry. Disaster in the kitchen.
Fiona doesn't count.
- [Rex] She seems to think she does.
- [Cory] What do you mean?
- [Rex] She's very interested
in the house. The business.
- You've spoken to her?
- She stopped by yesterday.
Picked up a bike.
- You know she emancipated
herself, right? When she was 16?
- She said she was gonna
cycle over to your place,
sometime today.
- She's had nothing to do with
the family for over 20 years.
No, the rich stink.
Vultures like her can
sniff money a mile off.
- [Rex] I'm sure she just
read about it in the papers.
- [Cory] There you go, being nice again.
- Hey, have you seen my coin?
- What coin?
- This one?
- No.
[Lars sighs]
[keys clinking]
Maybe there'll be enough left over
for me to finally buy that house.
White picket fence, and a wife.
2.5 kids.
[hand slaps]
- [Rex] The American dream.
- Uh... [chuckles]
[Lars moans]
I can't wait to get back to New York.
[alarm rings]
- Wait. What the hell is that?
- I don't know. I don't know.
[ominous music]
[Cory sighs]
What is it?
[Lars speaks foreign language]
- What's that?
- The, the smoke alarm.
- [sighs] Where?
- In the kitchen!
- God, that's loud.
[sighs] Crisis averted.
[phone bleeps]
[birds chirping]
[Rex breathes deeply]
[ominous music]
[wind whistles]
[ominous music continues]
[wind whistles]
- What day is it?
I don't know.
Where am I?
I have no idea.
Dear diary, I've already lied.
I know exactly where I am.
In the middle of nowhere.
A landscape like my brain. Wide open.
[Fiona sighs]
He's dead.
Maybe I'm dead.
Maybe this is purgatory.
[sighs] I love my feelings
when I don't seem to have any.
Screw it.
[phone rings]
[Cory sighs]
[phone vibrates]
- Rex?
- [Fiona] Try again.
- Fiona?
- [Fiona] The one and onla.
- I was talking to Rex. We got cut off.
- [Fiona] Maybe he got
tired of listening to you.
- I need to call him back.
- [Fiona] What's so fabulous about Rex?
- Nothing. I'm meeting him.
What do you want, Fiona?
- [Fiona] Can't I call for a chat?
- [Cory] Why would you do that?
- [Fiona] Someone's cranky!
- [scoffs] Are you kidding me?
- [Fiona] You wouldn't
talk at the funeral.
- I was busy.
- The prodigal son?
You were absolutely
beaming at the attention!
- Fuck you.
- [Fiona] Did I see you dab
your eyes with Aunt Jen's hanky?
- Should I hang up?
- [Fiona] Yep. Someone's
definitely not had their nap!
- Why were you even there?
- [Fiona] Had to watch
him go into the ground.
Make sure he was really dead.
My therapist said it would be good for me.
- Was it?
- I don't know yet.
[brakes squeaking]
[cattle bellowing]
Easy to get lost out here.
- [Cory] Uh-huh.
- [Fiona] How's Kieran?
- Kieran?
- [Fiona] Kieran.
- That's what you wanna talk about?
- [Fiona] Sure.
- [scoffs] I don't know. We
haven't spoken in over a year.
- Oh, sorry. I didn't know.
- He didn't die. We just broke up.
- [Fiona] Are you seeing someone new?
- Why are you interested?
- Why shouldn't I be?
- It would be the first time.
- [Fiona] That's not true.
- Who was I seeing before Kieran?
- [Fiona] The blonde guy!
- You'll have to be more specific.
- [Fiona] Accent. Dutch.
- Bzzt!
- German?
- Bzzt!
- Any clues?
- Pornography and suicide.
- Swedish Lars!
- Ding, ding, ding, ding.
[Fiona chuckles]
- A handsome numbskull.
- He's with you?
- For now. [sighs]
- He's waiting to see how
much I get in the will,
before he commits.
- A man has to look
after his own interests.
- [Fiona] [chuckles] Tell him
I approve of his pragmatism.
- Yeah. He gives good pragmatism.
[Lars chuckles]
[birds chirping]
- I was hoping to make a surprise visit,
but I think I'm lost.
Where are you?
- [Cory] Off Gardner, the white cabin.
[phone clicks]
- Just be a sec.
- [Cory] Fiona's on her way.
- Uh, you still owe me a blowjob.
- [Cory] A little busy.
- Quick handjob?
- [Cory] Is that all you ever think about?
- No, I also think about food.
When are we having lunch?
- [Cory] I'll make you a sandwich,
if you can jerk yourself off.
- Deal.
[door clicks open]
[muffled laughter]
[door thuds]
[eerie music]
- We're doing this?
- Do you love me?
- [Paul] I worship you.
- Yet, you still have doubts.
- Why don't I love them?
- You love them for
what they can offer you.
- Remind me.
- Perfect life.
All the riches you've dreamt off.
[eerie music continues]
- Why this way?
- To rise higher than normal mortals,
one must offer a gift
of equal consequence.
It's always been this way.
- Are you the devil?
[Pamela chuckles]
- Then that would make you
a devil worshiper.
Wouldn't it?
[door clicks open]
This is important.
Keep a record.
[ominous orchestral music]
A day of beginnings
and endings.
A cycle of life fulfilled and promised!
Incarnate, we live.
Flesh through flesh, we live our lives,
a thousand times over!
- Our savior immortalizes
all that she touches.
- [All] Genius of reincarnation.
- Transcendental mother.
- [All] Transcendental mother.
- Feed the mother.
- [All] Feed the mother!
- Live forever!
- [All] Live forever!
[ominous music continues]
[gentle piano music]
[birds chirping]
[gate squeaks]
- Nice wheels.
- It's Dad's. Found it at the cabin.
- Already appropriating the assets, I see.
- Do you want to split custody?
- You keep the bike.
I'll take the Mercedes.
- You really want that gas guzzler?
- You don't?
- God, no, I hate driving.
Ruins the planet.
- Says she who took a plane
halfway around the globe to be here.
- I'm a complicated lady!
[brakes squeaking]
- You've got something on your face.
- Oh, right. I always forget.
- What is it?
- Therapy.
A video diary.
- [Cory] How's it going?
- So far, lots of footage of ponies.
- They'll give you a
swift kick up the ass,
if you're not careful.
- [Fiona] Probably just
what I need, actually.
[birds chirping]
[Cory sighs]
- Are you okay?
- Do you care?
- I don't know yet.
How long are you staying?
- Not long.
They've really stuck you out
in the middle of nowhere.
- [Cory] It's a sore point.
- At least you've got company.
- There's only so much eating
and fucking I can handle.
- [Fiona] Isn't that
what honeymoons are for?
- Watch your mouth.
- What?
- [Cory] No one's even thinking
about marriage around here.
- [Fiona] It'll be good for you!
- [Cory] What's that supposed to mean?
- Funerals and weddings go together.
- Oh, you mean no need
to book a second priest?
- You can wear the same shirt.
- Oh, it's all about convenience, really.
- Fuck romance.
Can I charge my camera inside?
- Okay. Come in.
- It's not bad.
- Here's one.
- Oh.
- [Cory] Does it do any good?
- Think so. Have you tried it?
- Mm, too self-indulgent.
- I thought the same at first.
- Not anymore?
- Now I treat it like I'm seeing a hooker.
Pay by the hour, relieve my anxieties.
No kissing on the mouth.
[Fiona breathes deeply]
[dark music]
- You loved him.
- I'm afraid so.
- You've had so many loves.
Anyone would be envious.
- They fade away.
Become dreams of faces and bodies.
Even the names get lost, eventually.
I have no reason to believe
Paul will be any different.
[dark music continues]
[door creaks]
[door thuds]
[paper bag rustles]
- Have you been to Dad's?
- I only got as far as the garage.
Have you been there yet?
- [Fiona] I couldn't go in.
Do you know what I mean?
- Maybe.
[sinister music]
- I've been having
dreams since I came here.
About the house.
- I can barely remember it.
- Mom. Jessie.
- I don't wanna talk about it.
- Do you remember the basement?
- Oh, [sighs] I hated it.
You told me there were
monsters down there.
- You believed me.
- You were very convincing.
- [giggles] You were very gullible!
- Then I guess you were
only average convincing.
You were a real jerk about that, actually.
[eerie whispering tones]
- 10 milliliters of dust exactly.
- [Grand Witch] Fingers?
- [Rex] And toes, as you requested.
- With these extremities,
we graze the bottom of heaven,
and tickle the top of hell.
[Grand Witch sighs]
Are you ready?
Rex, you've been a good student.
Now it's time for you to
show us what you can do.
- I'm ready.
- You've always been my favorite.
Soon, we'll make a new family.
It's what you want?
- It's what I've always wanted.
- Cory must finish off the family blood,
for my rebirth to begin.
- [Rex] Fiona has returned.
- Good.
Cory must finish what he began.
- [Rex] I'll see to it.
- If you don't,
I will die.
You will have nothing!
Do you understand?
Cory's efforts gave your father
and me an enchanted life.
Now it's your turn.
With me.
A new life, now that
the old one is complete.
Don't let them stand in your way.
- The change begins.
[suspenseful music]
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[dark music]
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[dark music continues]
- Tell me what you remember.
- I don't know. It was a lifetime ago.
- It's important.
- For what?
- Humor me. What do you remember?
- Um...
Mom was always sick. Dad was always gone.
- What else?
- What do you want me to say?
- What do you remember about Jessie?
- Um, she was sensitive.
Sad. She cried a lot.
I remember Mom used to put
her on her lap at night.
Rub her cheeks, sing to her.
[eerie music]
[potion splashes]
- Ashes to ashes.
to dust.
[eerie music continues]
Broth of bone to multiply the soul.
The death of the old family
will make you whole.
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[eerie whispering tones]
[eerie music continues]
Take it to her. It will move quickly now.
[ominous music]
- And what happened?
Wasn't it strange how they were erased?
- The accident.
- [Fiona] I've had strange
feelings since Dad's funeral.
Memories from that time I've
never had before. Have you?
- I remember-
- What?
- I don't know.
I don't know!
Why are you going through all this?
- I think it's a lie.
- Enough!
Who the hell are you to me?
You left us a long time ago, Fiona,
and now you're sniffing
around Dad's inheritance?
Why should I listen to you about anything?
- That has nothing to do with it!
- Oh, bullshit!
Would we even be talking right
now, if Dad was still alive?
He was an asshole, but so were you.
- That's not fair.
- One day, you were there.
The next, you weren't.
No fair.
- I've apologized.
- I don't care. [chuckles]
I don't care anymore. It
doesn't change anything!
- Sure. Fine!
But I think there's something going on now
that affects us both!
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[dark music]
- I think you should go.
- [Fiona] I'm sorry.
- I don't care.
- You know what I'm
talking about, don't you?
Something's wrong.
Something's coming!
- Good thing you're in therapy.
You can have a nice chat with
your video diary about it.
[footsteps clacking]
[Cory sighs]
[footsteps clacking]
[Cory sighs]
- [Fiona] See you at the wake!
[door slams]
[Cory sighs]
[door slams]
[ominous music]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music continues]
- The blood of the mother.
Body of the mother.
[lips squelching]
[ominous music continues]
The blood of the mother.
The body of the mother.
The body of the mother.
[lips squelching]
[Pamela chuckles]
Bound for good.
[dark music]
- The final cast.
Your day at last.
The cycle repeats.
New blood.
The final blood.
Yours for good.
- Bound for good.
[Cory sighs]
[Cory sighs]
[knife clacks]
- Mm!
- Hm.
Guess I owe you a handjob.
- At least.
Get on that sofa.
[Cory groans]
[ominous music]
[Fiona sobs]
[phone vibrates]
Leave it!
[Cory sighs]
[phone vibrates]
You have barely seen her in 20 years.
Now you suddenly can't get enough of her.
[phone clicks]
- Oh, damn it!
[dramatic music continues]
[dramatic music continues]
[twig snaps]
[Fiona screams]
[Lars moans]
[Cory sighs]
- [Lars] [sighs] Fine.
- [sighs] That's good.
- What were you talking about?
[Cory sighs]
- Ancient history.
[bicycle wheel clicking]
[birds chirping]
- When are we going to your dad's?
- I don't know.
- Have you been there lately?
- Not since I was a kid.
- [Lars] How come?
- I don't know. We just stopped going.
I kind of forgot about it.
Gives me a bad feeling now.
- Pamela?
- Before that. Mom, Jessie.
I don't know. It's a blur.
I used to have nightmares about it.
- Some places have bad mojo.
- [Cory] Oh, yeah?
- Place across the road from
where I grew up is like that.
- Bad mojo?
- Yeah.
Yeah, the family who lived
there were murdered in it.
I could barely walk past it afterwards.
[chuckles] Even in the daytime.
Yeah, it got serious. I,
uh, refused to go to school.
Even leave the house.
Mama started to give me these
little objects to hold onto.
She'd call them talismans,
to stop me from being scared.
And sometimes, it was a little
stone or a crone, a coin.
She put it in my hand,
look into my eyes and say,
"Hold tight, hold safe."
I kept it in my pocket all week,
until she replaced it with the next one.
- I guess it worked.
- [chuckles] Yeah.
Every month after that, she
gave me a new one to replace it.
No matter where I was in the world,
she would find a way to mail it to me.
Every month, until she died.
- I didn't know you were so sentimental.
- Uh, you mean superstitious.
[eerie music]
- Why did you call me?
- When?
- You know.
- I don't know.
I missed you.
- Why did you wait until
I was seeing Kieran?
- [Lars] [chuckles] You want
me to say I was jealous?
- He hates me.
- You cared for him?
- Of course.
- And do you care for me?
- I'm still deciding.
[birds chirping]
[eerie music]
[phone camera clicks]
- [Lars] You are very naughty.
[Lars chuckles]
- It's a new feeling for me, guilt.
I don't like it.
- Well, glad I called, though?
- I just wish you'd have done it sooner.
[phone chimes]
[Lars sighs]
[eerie music]
[bell dings]
Oh, my God!
- What? What is it?
- Look.
- Oh, my God.
Wait. Is that Fiona?
- [Cory] What's the number for emergency?
- [Lars] What, are you phoning the police?
- I don't know. [chuckles]
- [Lars] Well, it's 999, I think.
- Okay.
- [Operator] Emergency. Which service?
- I don't know. Uh...
- [Operator] What is the
nature of the emergency?
- She, my sister, she's, uh,
she's bleeding from her head.
- Is she breathing?
- I don't know. [chuckles]
[phone bleeps]
- [Operator] What did you do?
- What? Nothing.
- [Operator] How did the blood get there?
- I, [chuckles] I don't know!
Someone sent, sent a picture. There was...
There's blood on her face.
- [Operator] You said your
sister is bleeding in the woods,
and you hit her?
- No.
- [Pamela] It's perfectly understandable.
What has she done to deserve a
penny of your father's money?
- [Cory] Who is this?
- She can disown her family,
and then come crawling
back when it suits her?
You did what you had to do.
No one blames you.
[phone bleeps]
- Where is she?
- Somewhere around here, I think.
- But where exactly?
- The trees don't exactly
have postcodes. [sighs]
God, I hate nature.
O, God. My phone's dead.
Where is your phone?
- Well, I left it at home.
Quality time together, remember?
- [Cory] Ah, brilliant.
Too much to ask for a landline, I guess?
- I don't think people
use landlines anymore.
- Do you have anything
helpful to contribute?
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[heartbeat thumps]
[bell dings]
[eerie music]
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[heartbeat thumps]
[eerie tones swell]
[knife clicks]
I'll go look myself.
She can't be far, right?
Where are the car keys?
Lars, hello?
The car keys? Where are they?
- Yeah?
- Have you seen them?
Will you help me look?
- Where are you going?
- For help.
- But it's getting dark.
- So?
- Well, you might get lost.
- I'm sure I can manage
a country road at night.
I'm not completely useless, you know.
[keys clinking]
- [sighs] For fuck sake!
[footsteps clacking]
[birds chirping]
[ominous music]
[bag zips]
[tense music]
[car door clicks open]
[engine struggles]
[car door slams]
What's wrong with your car?
[hood clicks open]
Do you know what you're looking for?
[tense music continues]
- Oh, I'm hopeless.
- Shit!
I should've just stayed
there at Dad's place.
- I'm not sure Pamela would've liked that.
- Fuck Pamela.
It's not hers.
- She certainly made herself at home.
That's what you said, isn't it?
[engine hums]
[birds chirping]
[car door clicks open]
[car door slams]
[gravel crunches under footsteps]
[eerie ethereal music]
[eerie whispering tones]
[eerie music continues]
- Cory?
[fingers click]
- What's happening?
- We need to talk about the inheritance.
[head thuds]
[car horn blares]
[tense music]
[Fiona pants]
[Fiona pants]
[tense music continues]
[Fiona pants]
[car door slams]
[horn honks]
[ominous music]
[garbled speech]
- [Pamela] Like your sister.
- Just like your sister.
- Ungrateful little shit.
- Ungrateful little shit.
- [Pamela] Who the hell
do you think you are?
- Who the hell do you think
you are, showing up here?
- You didn't love him.
- Where were you when his
shit needed cleaning up?
- When he pissed himself
to sleep, every night.
- When he couldn't lift
a fork to feed himself.
Wipe his own ass. Remember his own name.
- [Pamela] You can't just run away-
- You can't just run
away from your family.
[door thuds]
[Lars groans]
[Lars pants]
[ominous music]
[door clicks open]
[suspenseful music]
[suspenseful music continues]
[brooding music]
[Fiona pants]
[door clicks open]
[door creaks]
[door slams]
[Fiona gasps]
[dark music]
[Fiona pants]
[Fiona pants]
[water drips]
[muffled footsteps clacking]
[Fiona gasps]
[Fiona pants]
[eerie music]
[Fiona pants]
[eerie music continues]
[ominous music]
[Fiona pants]
[Fiona pants]
[intense screeching tones]
[Fiona pants and screams]
[dark music]
[Fiona sobs]
[Fiona sobs]
[Fiona sobs]
[dark music continues]
[Fiona sobs]
[Fiona sobs]
[dark music continues]
[Fiona sobs]
[Fiona screams]
[Fiona sobs]
[dark music continues]
[Fiona sobs]
[Fiona pants]
[Fiona sobs]
[dark music continues]
[flies buzzing]
[Fiona sobs]
[Fiona gasps]
[water drips]
[Cory pants]
[eerie music]
[Lars moans]
[suspenseful music]
[eerie music]
[Rex breathes heavily]
- [Rex] Cory.
[eerie music continues]
[fingers click]
[eerie music]
- You're ready for the real thing now.
[flames roaring]
[Cory gasps]
Time to wake up.
[eerie music continues]
[blood squelches]
Dear boy.
What a delicious monster you've become.
We are very, very proud.
[blood squelches]
[Paul screams]
[ominous music]
[Stephanie screams]
[ominous music continues]
[Jessie screams]
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[heartbeat thumps]
[thunder claps]
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[dark music]
[thunder claps]
[Lars pants]
[thunder claps]
[flashlight clicks]
[owl hoots]
[birds squawking]
[footsteps clacking]
[Fiona pants]
[Fiona gasps]
[ominous music]
- Fiona?
It's nothing personal.
I don't want to hurt you.
It's just how things are.
I thought you'd be dead already.
Frankly, all this physical effort?
It's not what I signed up for.
God, how I envied you and Cory.
Perfect family, money,
anything you wanted.
I used to read about you in the papers.
Who knew?
Who knew what monsters they'd become?
You felt it, didn't you?
A blackness, welling up.
Consuming what was left of their goodness.
And Pamela.
How scared you must have been,
living with those devils!
- How do you know?
- I'm part of this
family. Why shouldn't I?
- Pamela.
- You never believed in us.
Why do you think she let you leave?
You were a cancer.
The disease of the system.
We believe in a pure ideal.
It nourishes us. Gives us infinity.
- No.
- But blood is blood, I
guess. I have to wait my turn.
- You're killers.
- I just hope I've done enough.
What a shame it would be, all
of this time, this effort,
to be denied my place.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm finally getting
the family I deserve.
Just a few more sacrifices.
- Where is Pamela?
- She's nearly ready.
Nearly ready.
- [Fiona] Where?
- Everywhere.
[thunder claps]
[Fiona gasps]
- Pamela?
- The mother.
[thunder claps]
[Fiona pants]
It's so much better
to believe, Fiona.
[thunder claps]
[eerie music]
[thunder claps]
[eerie music continues]
[thunder claps]
[door slams]
[suspenseful music]
- Mom?
- Yes, honey.
- I'm scared.
- Mommy is very proud of you.
- You're doing a great thing, sweetie.
- [Jessie] I'm scared, Daddy.
- Remember what I told you about fear.
If you're not afraid, you're not alive.
We need you full of
life right now, sweetie.
[suspenseful music continues]
- No, no.
No! Let go!
Get off me!
Get off!
Stop it!
No! No!
Get off!
Let go!
- That's it! Scream and shout!
- God, no! Stop!
- It'll be done!
[knife thuds]
[flesh squelches]
[Jessie gasps and splutters]
- Oh, God. Oh, God, oh, God.
- [sobs] What have we done?
Make him stop!
- Good boy, Cory. Once more.
[knife thuds]
[flesh squelches]
[Jessie splutters]
[Jessie coughs and splutters]
[eerie music swells]
[eerie music]
[blood squelches]
[thunder rumbles]
[Fiona pants]
[eerie music continues]
[footsteps pattering]
[leaves rustling]
[Fiona pants]
- [Cory] Fiona!
- It's Rex!
He's gone mad!
[hurried footsteps clacking]
[Fiona pants]
[owl hoots]
[birds squawking]
[coins clinking]
[intense eerie music]
- Kneel before Mother.
[dark music]
Her body.
[ominous music]
- Mama.
- Don't
bring him
[distorted and garbled speech]
[dark music continues]
[owl hoots]
[dark music continues]
[Fiona sobs]
[birds squawking]
[Fiona sobs]
[birds squawking]
[air whooshes]
[Fiona pants]
[flashlight thuds]
[ominous music]
[Fiona sobs]
[flashlight clicks]
[ominous music continues]
[Fiona sobs]
[suspenseful music]
[Fiona sobs]
[ominous music]
[fist thuds]
[Lars groans]
[ominous music]
[Lars pants]
- Cory.
- You're out of your depth, Lars.
- [Lars] What have I done?
What is this?
- Are you sorry you called?
- Yeah.
I'm sorry.
- There was never any
real potential for us.
I can see that now.
[Lars groans]
[air whooshes]
[Pamela gasps and pants]
[Lars chokes]
[ominous music]
[Cory sighs]
[Pamela breathes heavily]
[ominous music continues]
- Oh, my God.
What have we done?
- What any good mother would have done.
You have a remarkable gift in Cory.
Can't you see that?
You must nurture his gift.
[Stephanie pants]
- [Stephanie] We are monsters.
- And Cory is the best of us.
- [Stephanie] You witch!
- [chuckles] You're kidding, right?
- [Stephanie] Paul.
Oh, my God. Paul, what have we done?
- Pamela and I have been talking.
It's just...
It's just what's best for the family.
[Paul chuckles]
You've been so good to me.
This life.
These kids.
So good.
But don't you think it
could be so much more?
You believe, don't you?
- Why did let you in?
What sort of spirit would allow this?
[ominous music]
What're you doing?
[knife thuds]
[Stephanie groans]
[knife thuds]
[flesh squelches]
[ominous music]
[birds squawking]
[brooding music]
- You knew?
- I thought it was a dream.
- Is that why you left us?
You were afraid?
- Yeah.
- Of me?
[Pamela breathes heavily]
- Mother?
[eerie music]
- Every day, they told me I was a devil.
They poured it in like
liquid heroin, every night,
before I went to sleep.
"You are the one", they said.
Mom, Dad, Pamela.
It felt like love.
For all I know, it was love.
- We have to leave.
- And go where?
Money in the bank.
House in the country.
Name in the papers. You think
these things just happen?
They take sacrifice.
That's what I offered Pamela.
That's what it takes!
A couple of lives for a lifetime
of wealth. Wouldn't you?
If you want a life, you have to make one.
- [sighs] That's evil.
- You're just angry
you didn't stick around
long enough to share our good fortune.
This is my life.
[eerie music intensifies]
[bones crunching]
[Fiona gasps]
[fingers click]
[bones snap]
[Fiona pants]
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
I'm sorry you left us, Fiona.
I could have used a big sister to talk to.
Being a devil is pretty lonely.
- You're sick.
- I was a kid.
- So was Jessie!
And Mama!
- It was for the best.
- How can you say that?
- That's what they told me.
- Is that what you believe?
- [scoffs] Does that matter?
You think I had a choice?
Maybe it was fate. [giggles]
- Do you know what you are?
- Not yet.
Do you wanna find out with me?
[Fiona pants]
Very well, then.
[flesh squelches]
[bones crunching]
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[eerie music]
[door clicks open]
[door thuds]
[metronome ticks rhythmically]
[eerie music continues]
How could I forget?
[metronome clicks]
[dark music]
[dark music continues]
- [Parishioners] The death,
the birth, the last, the first.
The death, the birth, the last, the first.
The death, the birth, the last, the first.
The death, the birth, the last, the first.
The death, the birth, the last, the first.
The death, the birth, the last, the first.
- Welcome home.
The death, the birth, the last, the first.
The death, the birth, the last, the first.
The death, the birth, the last, the first.
The death, the birth, the last, the first.
The death, the birth, the last.
- The first!
The last!
The death! The birth!
[ominous music]
Wake up!
We need you full of life!
[hand slaps]
[Fiona pants]
[ominous music continues]
[Fiona pants]
Pain is the key.
It proves our mortality!
Death of the last
confirms our totality!
- You came for the inheritance?
[Fiona pants]
[knife scrapes]
[Fiona chokes]
[eerie music]
[gentle music]
[triumphant music]
[bones crack]
- Oh, Cory fulfilled his destiny!
- The circle is complete!
- The circle is complete!
[fingers click]
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday, Jessie and Cory
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday, Jessie and Cory
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday, Jessie and Cory
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday
Happy, happy birthday, Jessie and Cory
[dark music]