Inside Out 2 (2024) Movie Script

Let's play some hockey!
This is Joy, coming to you
live in Riley's mind,
and we are expecting
a great championship today
with the Foghorns.
Riley fans,
get up on your feet,
and make some noise!
Go, go, go!
Let's go, Foghorns!
Bring it in!
Foghorns on three.
-One, two, three...
Now, it's time to greet
your Team Riley!
Playing in his 13th year,
and fresh from
the penalty box,
it's Riley's Anger!
Let me at 'em!
Helmet, pads, gloves,
safety checklist is complete.
It should be nothing
but smooth sailing from...
Look out!
And that's Fear,
keeping Riley on her toes.
We gotta get
our mouth guard, people.
No, no, no! That's not ours!
And that, folks,
is the infamous Disgust.
Glad to have her on our team.
Andersen, tripping.
Oh, no...
And bringing up the rear,
you know her, you love her,
the one, the only...
Oh... We got a penalty.
That's right,
Sadness is in the house!
Andersen goes to the box.
Two minutes for tripping.
Okay, looks like
we have a couple of minutes
while Riley takes a breather.
Let me catch you up.
Riley is still exceptional.
Oh. Yum.
And not just because
she's the top
-of her class...
-Riley Andersen.
...which, by the way, she is.
Riley, Riley, over here!
She's also really kind,
and she's nice to stray cats.
I mean, come on.
Oh, and she's officially
a teenager now.
She got very tall, very fast.
Did we grow overnight?
That was our favorite shirt.
We even got braces
with extra rubber bands!
-How does it feel?
Personality Islands
are still going strong.
Glad to see Boy Band Island
finally broke up.
But Goofball is still
monkeying around.
Wait, where's Family Island?
It's right there.
Oh, there it is.
What's that blocking it?
Oh, that's Friendship Island.
Isn't it amazing?
But we realized her islands
aren't the only things
made by memories.
Way down, at the root level,
these memories
were also creating beliefs.
Homework should be illegal.
Get Up and Glow
is the best band ever!
And my personal favorite...
I'm a really good friend.
Did you know
the change in your couch
could change the world?
Oh, no!
Oh, no,
we should do something.
That girl is a social Titanic.
-Do not get on that ship.
That is so pretty.
It's okay.
I drop things all the time.
I'm Riley.
I'm Grace.
I'm Bree.
Turns out, when you put
all of those
beliefs together,
they make the most wonderful
thing of all.
Her Sense of Self.
I'm a good person.
It's what helps Riley
make good choices.
Thirteen years of hard work,
all wrapped up in what some
might call our masterpiece.
You know, one of the hardest
challenges we found...
Oh, my gosh!
We're back in the game.
We're tied.
How are we gonna score
in time?
We use our slap shot!
No, no, no.
We charge the goalie!
But Grace hasn't scored yet.
Riley's got this.
Thread the needle!
Come on, Riley.
that's what I'm talking about!
Look at that! That's my girl!
And the Foghorns
win the championship!
-She shoots and she scores!
-Champions, baby!
Hey, girls.
Congratulations on your win.
That's the high school coach!
What a game!
That last play? Whoo!
The three of you
were impressive.
Thanks, Coach Roberts.
Look, it's last minute,
but every year,
I do a three-day skills camp.
I invite all the best players
in the area.
I'd love
for you girls to come.
Are we in a dream right now?
Please, can somebody pinch me?
Definitely awake.
If we impress Coach,
she'll put the three of us
on the team next year.
Ooh! The Fire Hawks!
a team I can get behind.
What do you say?
-Absolutely yes.
-We're there!
-Thank you,
-thank you, thank you!
We'll see you tomorrow.
Ah! This is amazing!
What a big day!
You are such an all-star!
You are gonna knock
the coach's skates off!
Hockey scholarship,
here we come!
Dad, stop.
It's just hockey camp.
I mean,
who knows what'll happen?
Twenty-eight. Andersen,
My penalty almost lost us
the game today.
What if I get to camp
and I screw it up?
Hey, don't talk like that.
you did great today, honey.
Exactly. Mom gets it.
Yeah, I guess.
We're so proud of you.
Night, monkey.
All right, all right.
Sleep tight, honey.
Oh, Riley's so hard
on herself.
But we can make
everything easier.
Behold, my super high-tech
Riley protection system.
Don't look, it's fine.
This is for all those memories
that belong
in the Back of the Mind,
like this penalty one.
It's weighing on her,
so let's lighten the load.
A one-way expressway to,
"We're not gonna think
about that right now." Whoo!
-Not bad.
-Oh, Joy.
-That's pretty impressive.
-You worked hard.
You take such good care
of Riley.
Thanks, I try.
Okay, let's do a sweep.
Oh, here's one
where she waved at a guy
who was actually waving
at a girl behind her.
Oh, that was so bad.
Good choice.
Oh, here's when she forgot
that girl's name.
Oh, yeah,
that was super awkward.
What was her name?
I don't know,
Janet or something?
Whatever. Let's just
get rid of it. Oh!
We keep the best
and toss the rest.
Nice work, everyone.
All right, Anger,
the rest of these babies
can go to long-term.
Oh, okay.
Let's get some shut-eye.
Big day tomorrow.
Joy, are you taking that
where I think
you're taking that?
-Wanna come this time?
I mean no. I...
Oh, no. I really shouldn't.
You know, you're the only one
who hasn't been
to the Belief System.
Yeah, it's just that it's new,
and I know
how important it is.
And I don't wanna mess it up
or break it,
or burn it to the ground
or anything.
Sadness, you won't hurt it,
I promise.
Have I ever
steered you wrong before?
Yeah, many times.
Come on.
Where I go, you go.
Oh, my goodness.
Mom and Dad
are proud of me.
Ah! An oldie but a goodie.
I'm kind.
Aw. That's nice.
I'm strong. I'm brave.
I'm a really good friend.
I'm a winner.
And all those beliefs
come together
to make our Riley.
I'm a good person.
What the heck is that?
Turn that off, Joy!
it's the apocalypse!
What are you doing?
Problem solved.
Okay, let's clear it all out.
It's demo day.
Wait, wait, what's happening?
What's going on?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Who are you people?
Hey, are you the one
in charge here?
Could you do me
a favor and stop
tearing Headquarters apart?
No can do. Didn't you hear?
Permits just came through.
Permits? For what?
For expanding the place.
You know, for the others.
What others?
They're not here yet?
Aye, yi, yi.
Hey, Margie,
you got that console?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Give me a sec!
Hey, hey! What are you doing?
-All right. She's all set.
-Set with what?
Come on, Riley. Get up.
Camp time.
Lunch break!
Wait, wait!
You can't leave it like this.
Don't worry, we'll be back.
Come on.
We're gonna be late.
-Oh, no, no, no!
-Let's go!
Riley, you aren't packed yet?
Ugh! You're always on me!
Can't you just lay off for,
like, one second?
Uh, overreact much?
I barely touched it.
Those morons
broke the console.
Riley, what's wrong?
Oh, Mom looks sad.
I'm the worst!
Oh, no. Honey.
I barely touched it.
That's what I said.
Let the professional
handle this.
I'm too gross to go to camp
or anywhere ever again!
Oh, yeah,
this is totally broken.
Well, we all knew
this day would come.
Remember, we agreed not to
make a big deal about this.
But she really does stink.
Oh, it's bad.
Remain calm.
Stick to the prepared script.
You are not gross, honey.
You're just changing.
Remember that
beautiful butterfly
we saw in the park last week?
Well, that butterfly
began as a caterpillar.
And just like
that caterpillar...
Easy...'re about to
get your wings.
-But if you have questions...
-Oh, my gosh, Mom!
Just go away! Ugh!
Well, that's a preview
of the next 10 years.
-Oh, my gosh!
-We're gonna have so much fun!
-All right.
Who's ready for hockey camp?
Oh, yeah!
Okay, until we can
figure this out,
nobody touch the console
unless you really need to.
So, big weekend for us.
What do you wanna do?
Well, we could finally
clean out the garage.
Or, actually,
we can get upstairs...
How great
is next year gonna be?
Coach Roberts' team has been
state champs like every year.
And Val Ortiz
is the captain now.
This Valentina Ortiz obsession
is outta control.
Uh, she made the Fire Hawks
when she was only a freshman.
That's really hard.
All we have to do
is be super awesome at camp,
Coach will put us on the team,
and we'll all be Fire Hawks!
-Wait, what was that?
-What was what?
We got a look.
I don't like this.
What? You're paranoid.
I never miss a look.
Enhance 224... 176.
Track right. Zoom in.
Right there!
-She's hiding something.
But what?
What is she doing?
She's looking at our look!
No, it's much more than that.
She looks the same to me.
Overlay and compare.
See? Riley then, Riley now.
Riley then, Riley now.
Oh, It's so obvious!
But what does it mean?
She knows
we're hiding something.
What is happening right now?
I don't know! I don't know!
-I can't take this anymore!
You spilled the tea!
Coach Roberts isn't gonna be
our coach next year.
We... We got assigned to
a different high school.
A-ha! Oh...
Oh, no.
Okay. Um...
Yeah. No big deal.
-This is a huge deal!
-Our life is over!
Is she serious right now?
How long have they known this?
-I can't breathe.
-We can't go to high school
-without Bree and Grace.
-We won't know anybody.
We'll still get to hang out.
And we'll have this weekend,
which means
we'll get one last time
playing on the same team.
Friends are forever, right?
Yeah. Of course.
I can't wait
to get to the rink.
When do we get our schedules?
I heard our room has a view...
Oh, this is so sad.
No, wait, Sadness!
-No, no, no! Don't!
-I don't have a good grip!
Just keep it together
until we're out of the car.
Here we are.
This looks really cool.
Are you sure you don't need
an assistant coach?
'Cause I am available.
-No? All right.
-We'll see you in a few days.
-Have fun!
-Thanks so much. Bye!
-Don't miss us too much.
-Okay, bye!
-Wait. Riley,
are you sure
you have everything?
-You have your phone?
-Yes, of course.
-Fully charged?
-Yeah, it's like 50.
-Dad, it's fine.
Okay, call us if you need us.
I love you. Go get 'em.
Okay. Love you guys.
-Don't forget the deodorant!
Bye, monkey.
Okay, now.
It's okay. We need this.
these are high-schoolers.
-We do not wanna be
red and puffy, do we?
Don't worry,
we'll have plenty of time
to think about this
after camp.
Now, where did
Bree and Grace go?
-Oh! There they are.
Aren't those traitors
dead to us?
-Our best friends?
Whoa! Hey!
Are you okay?
Everybody act regular.
It's Valentina Ortiz.
-We gotta say something.
-Hi. I'm Val...
-I know.
You're the varsity captain,
you set the all-time
goal record as a junior,
your favorite color's red,
and your skates...
What are we saying?
We are so uncool.
Why are we
still holding her hand?
Just like me.
Oh, you're the one
Coach told us about.
Riley, from Michigan, right?
-It's Minnesota, sweetie.
-No, no, no.
We cannot correct Val Ortiz.
Yeah, that's me.
Riley from good old Michigan.
Who made the console orange?
-Do I look orange?
-I didn't touch it.
-Orange is not my color.
-Not me.
Hello, everybody.
Oh, my gosh. I am just
such a huge fan of yours.
And now, here I am,
meeting you, face to face.
Okay. How can I help?
-I can take notes,
get coffee, manage your
calendar, walk your dog,
carry your things,
watch you sleep.
Wow! You have a lot of energy.
Maybe you could just
stay in one place.
Just call my name,
and I am here for you.
Okay, love that.
-And what was your name again?
I'm sorry.
I can get ahead of myself.
I'm Anxiety.
I'm one of
Riley's new emotions.
And we are just
super-jazzed to be here.
Where can I put my stuff?
What do you mean "we"?
I wish I was as
tall as all of you.
Who the heck are you?
I'm Envy.
Oh! Look at your hair.
Oh, yeah, not happening.
Look at her hair!
We need hair like that.
Oh, my gosh.
I love the red in your hair.
What are you doing?
maybe when I make the team,
I can join Team Redhead, too!
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, who's this guy?
What's your name, big fella?
That's Embarrassment.
He's not really big
on eye contact,
or uh, like, good talking,
but he's a really sweet guy.
Well, welcome to Headquarters,
Oh, we're doing a... No.
No, going high. Oh.
You got a real sweaty palm
there, buddy.
Hey, do you wanna
come with me, actually?
You can meet some of
the other Fire Hawks.
this is exciting.
But we can't let her know
we're excited.
Yeah, sounds good.
What emotion was that?
That's Ennui.
It's what you would call
the boredom.
Well, come on up here, An-wer.
Am I saying it right?
An-wah. No.
Oh, nicknames!
I'm gonna call you Wee-Wee.
How are you driving?
Console app.
Hey! Stop it! That's enough.
Now, now,
I know new emotions
can sometimes feel
unhelpful at first,
and you just wanna...
say to them,
"Why are you so annoying?"
But I've learned that every
emotion is good for Riley.
Even this turkey.
Okay, fine.
Cool. Lead the way.
All right. Grab your stuff
and follow me.
Oh, but what about
our friends?
Val is our future.
Yes, I agree completely.
We need new friends or else
we'll be totally alone
in high school.
-Right, Joy?
-I mean, maybe, um...
-Here we go!
Wait up.
Thanks for showing me around.
Wait, why did you do that?
Sorry. What did I do?
We just left
our best friends behind.
But what about the new ones
that we're about to meet?
No. Okay.
These next three days need
to be about Bree and Grace.
Joy, the next three days
could determine
the next four years
of our lives.
Now, I think that's
overstating things a bit.
Ooh, la, la.
Joy is so old school.
Look, we all have a job to do.
You make Riley happy,
Sadness makes her sad,
Fear protects her from
the scary stuff she can see,
and my job is to protect her
from the scary stuff
she can't see.
I plan for the future.
Oh, I can show you.
You're gonna love this.
I was using that
as a cup holder.
Okay, so my team
has run all the data,
and we're looking
at the following
likely scenarios.
First, we don't take
this camp seriously,
and we goof off
with Bree and Grace.
Riley looks really uncool
in front of Val.
She fails to
impress the coach,
does not become a Fire Hawk,
and finally arrives
at high school.
She has no one.
She eats alone,
and only the teachers
-know her name.
Okay, you and I
are gonna be friends.
Oh, this is a sad story.
It's a ridiculous story.
Look, again, love the energy,
but you're being silly.
None of this
will actually happen.
Right. Whatever you say.
-You're the boss.
Remember when we all finally
came up to Headquarters?
That was like 30 seconds ago,
Yeah, those were the days.
Nostalgia, you aren't supposed
to be here yet.
You still have about 10 years,
two graduations,
and a best friend's wedding
before you're invited,
but I will keep you
in the loop, I promise.
-All right...
-Hey, hey...
-you ready, Riley?
-everybody focus!
Val is leading us
into their holy inner sanctum!
And here we are!
These girls are so cool!
And older.
We are not changing
in front of them.
It's fine!
Locker rooms are places
of mutual respect.
Hey, come on! I want you to
meet the other Fire Hawks.
-Hey, girl!
-What's up?
Riley is from Michigan.
Okay, we're stuck with that.
Oh, Cool. Where in Michigan
are you from?
-Oh, no. What now?
Okay, looks like
we're committing to this.
Cities in Michigan...
We need to make something up.
I'm from all over.
Nice. See you out there.
Hey, you wanna sit with us?
Oh, she wants to sit with us.
Everything is beautiful!
There's not enough room
for Bree and Grace.
Oh! Let's go sit over there.
I was gonna go save seats
for my friends.
But thanks anyway.
Oh. Uh... Yeah. Okay.
No worries.
See? Was that so hard?
No. You're totally right.
That decision's
not gonna haunt us
for the rest
of our lives at all.
-No way!
-Bree and Grace!
-There you are.
Time to celebrate!
-Say, "awooga"!
Okay, ladies.
Let's all settle in.
-Uh, Joy?
-Wait, wait, wait.
Settle in means settle down.
I need your focus.
Which means now I'm going
to need your cell phones.
All of 'em.
Wait, what?
Are you serious?
You're here
to work, not goof around.
Got that, Andersen?
Yes, Coach.
Please put all your phones
in the basket.
You get them back
at the end of camp.
Wow. Coach is so serious.
Joy, I'm just curious.
Maybe, um, I could help...
Thank you. Not now.
I know, right?
You think this is funny?
Uh-huh. Well, you know
what else is funny?
Skating lines.
Now hit the ice, ladies.
-Great job, Michigan.
-Thanks a lot, new girl.
Just make her do it.
Bravo, Joy.
She's totally fitting in now.
Oh, thanks so much, Wee-Wee.
You're lagging behind,
-Skate harder!
-This is the worst.
All right, ladies,
take a breather.
Then we'll divide into teams.
Oh, that Michigan girl
-is off to a rough start.
-Oh, no.
Are they talking about us?
Yeah, there's no way
Coach is putting her
on the team if she can't
get it together.
Uh, okay, Dani,
like you had it all together
when you were a freshman?
I wasn't that immature.
Dani, you stuck straws
up your nose. Like last night.
Aw. I got you, big guy.
I always wanted people to talk
about us, but not like this.
Oh, Joy, what do we do now?
We can just, um...
I have an idea.
If we can get Val on our side,
everything will be great.
Uh, Val?
Oh, hey, Riley. What's up?
Uh, I-I...
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to get
the whole team skating lines.
I feel terrible.
I respect you so much.
I would never do anything
to mess you up.
Uh, that's laying it on
a bit thick, don't you think?
-You're a great hockey player,
and you lead the team
so amazingly,
and I really
look up to you and...
Okay, okay. Thanks.
Listen, Coach was pretty hard
on you today,
but that's not a bad thing.
It means you're on her radar.
Listen, I'm glad you came
to talk with me.
Hey, let's try to be on
the same team later, okay?
Oh, yeah. Cool.
-Good job. Wow.
-I wish I could do that.
You guys, I mean,
it really wasn't anything.
I'm just trying to help.
I agree.
Great job, Anxiety.
I stepped back,
you stepped in,
you got Riley back on track,
now I'm ready to step back in.
But that was just
part one of my plan.
There's a part two?
A good plan
has many parts, Joy.
Okay, ladies,
we're gonna form your teams
for the rest of camp.
Now, split yourselves
down the middle.
Team one on the right,
team two on the left.
Let's do this!
One more time
on the same team, right?
Val wants us.
But we promised
Bree and Grace.
Joy, we have to
plan for the future.
Come on, Riley, move.
Move those feet!
Val's on team one,
you wanna be on team one.
Let's go.
She made a promise
to her friends.
She's not gonna break it.
Oh, you're so right, Joy.
-What are you doing?
No! You can't have that.
Put that back.
Joy, I don't mean
to overstep...
-...but it has to be done.
What are you... No!
I know change is scary,
but watch.
I'm so excited.
All right.
Welcome to our team, Michigan.
That is not Riley.
I know. It's a better Riley.
A Riley who won't be alone
next year.
We build her
a new Sense of Self.
A brand-new her.
No, no, no!
You can't go down there
with that.
Over my dead flaming body!
I am truly sorry.
I was so looking forward
to working with you guys.
Hey, hey! What do you think
you're doing?
Get off me!
Riley's life
is more complex now.
It requires more sophisticated
emotions than all of you.
You just aren't what
she needs anymore, Joy.
How dare you, madam!
You can't just bottle us up!
Oh! That's a great idea.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe!
It's not forever.
It's just
until Riley makes varsity,
or until she turns 18,
or maybe forever.
I don't know.
We'll have to see.
Riley needs us!
Don't worry, Riley.
You're in good hands.
Now let's change
everything about you.
Quick question. How do we
build a new Riley,
which I'm loving, by the way,
amazing concept,
if it took them 13 years
to build the old one?
Well, good news is we're not
starting from scratch.
I wanna plant one.
Next time.
If I'm
a Fire Hawk,
I won't be alone.
No, no, no!
Let us out now!
No, stop!
Stop! Let us out!
Uh, Joy...
We're gonna
be in here forever.
Where are you putting us?
The same place we keep
all of Riley's secrets.
We're not secrets.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
"We're not secrets.
"We're making a big mistake."
Never heard
that before.
We are suppressed emotions!
Let us out! Right now!
No, no, no.
Riley's gonna be fine.
Totally fine.
Hey, there.
You know what we call that?
Can you say denial?
Hi, friends.
Welcome. It's so good to have
you here with us today.
It's Bloofy!
From that preschool show
Riley used to like?
That's right!
And here's a little secret.
Riley still likes the show.
Stomp like an elephant
Scurry like a mouse
Make your way down
To Bloofy's house!
Please kill me.
we're in a real pickle.
Could you help us
get out of here?
We're gonna need your help.
Can you find a way out?
-Who are you talking to?
-My friends.
Do you see a key?
I don't either.
Okay, we're doomed.
Welcome to your eternal fate.
Lance Slashblade?
But he's
a video game character.
Why is he here?
Yeah, I always thought Riley
had a secret crush on him.
I never saw the appeal.
I long to be a hero,
but darkness haunts my past.
I get it.
I'm in a hundred percent.
-Uh... Who's that?
That's Riley's
Deep Dark Secret.
What... What is the secret?
You don't wanna know.
Riley's secrets,
a rogue emotion
has taken over Headquarters.
Now, if you could just
open the jar...
Hey, kids,
let's learn some Latin.
Do you know quid pro quo?
We get you out of that jar,
then you get us
out of this safe.
No, Bloofy.
Their destiny
is not ours to change.
We were all banished here,
deemed unfit, worthless.
Don't you dare say that.
You do not deserve
to be thrown away.
Uh, one second, Lance.
Don't you remember
his power move?
I'm coming for you, Riley!
Oh, yeah? Watch this!
Come on!
You listen to me,
Lance Slashblade.
No one is totally worthless.
But I am a warrior cursed
with a feeble attack.
Then you must make your curse
your gift.
Shield yourself, my friends,
for I shall set you all free!
Hey, little help?
Great job, Dark Secret.
Now it's your turn to help us.
My pouch has just the thing
to get us out of here.
Everybody say, "Oh, Pouchy!"
Oh, Pouchy!
Hi, everybody. I'm Pouchy.
Pouchy, we need to escape.
Do you have anything
that can help us?
I have lots of items.
Which one do you think
will work the best?
A tomato,
a frog,
or exploding dynamite?
Oh, for crying out loud.
Yay! We did it, everyone!
Let's all sing
the "We did it" song.
No time!
Thank you, friends. I must...
I must be leaving you.
What about Dark Secret?
Not yet.
Yeah, that's probably best
for everybody.
Hey! Who let you out?
Get back in there!
-Oh, boy.
-What are we gonna do?
Oh, disgusted one,
as you once believed in me,
I will now believe in myself.
Wait. What?
Whoa! What's happening? Whoa!
Dave, help! Help!
Hold on!
Goodbye, friends.
Hello, destiny!
Well, there's a lid
for every pot.
Come on!
What do we do?
What do we do?
Whoa, Anger, stop.
Where are you going?
Um, back to Headquarters,
to help Riley!
Riley's not up there.
She's out there.
We can't go back
without her Sense of Self.
You want us to go all the way
to the Back of the Mind?
Are you out of your mind?
But, Joy, how will we...
-Come on!
Hold it right there!
How do we get there?
Do you even have a plan, Joy?
I bet Anxiety would have
a really good plan...
Of course I have a plan.
Who doesn't have a plan?
Look, she's not the only one
who can project the future.
First, all we have to do is,
Give me a second.
Ooh! Follow the stream
of consciousness,
and then we take
a nice, easy float
all the way
to the Back of the Mind.
Where all
the bad memories are.
Exactly. And there,
we'll find the Riley
we know and love.
We'll put her
Sense of Self back,
and then Riley
will be Riley again.
I'm gonna give it to you.
That could actually work.
Yeah, it could!
And then I tell Anxiety, "Hey,
don't worry so much anymore."
And she'll say,
"Wow, Joy, I never thought
"of that before. Thank you."
And then we hug
and become best friends...
And then I punt her
into the dump.
What? No, Anger.
Okay, fine. No punting.
Don't worry, I know
right where the stream is.
Sadness and I
have been here before. Oh.
Joy, this is a dead end.
Those are the worst kinds
of ends!
Everything's changing so fast!
So, we're lost.
No. You're never lost
if you're having fun.
No one is having fun, Joy.
Oh, come on! Look at Sadness.
She's having a great time.
I thought you knew
where you were going.
I do. I did.
-I just need a moment.
-She doesn't know.
We're stuck here!
Oh, Riley's awake.
Wait, she's up too early.
What are they doing to her?
Come on,
we'll find another way.
Don't worry, Riley.
We're coming.
Why are we up so early?
Because, mon ami,
we need to speed things up,
and that means
we hit the ice early,
and practice like
we've never practiced before.
Aren't we already good
at hockey?
We're good.
-But the Fire Hawks are great.
-That's right!
Every time we miss,
we skate a lap
around the rink.
Hockey is not a game,
it is a sport.
That was amazing.
We need to be that good
every time.
Let's run it again.
Hey, I see I'm not the only
one who likes to start early.
You guys, it's Val!
We had the same idea.
We're basically
the same person.
We're gonna be best friends.
How long have you been here?
I don't know. Maybe an hour.
I just wanted to get in
some extra ice time.
I'm the same way.
Oh, my gosh. She gets us.
See? I told the other girls
you'd figure it out.
You get what it takes
to be the best.
Look at us.
This is going great!
Yeah! But we need Val
to really like us.
Oh, we should ask Val
lots of questions.
People love
talking about themselves.
So, what was
your freshman year
on the Fire Hawks like?
I mean,
it was a lot of work,
like, a lot...
but it's also
how I met my best friends.
Val is sharing things with us!
Hey, a few of us are just
gonna hang out tonight,
order some food.
You should come.
Oh! An exclusive invitation.
We're going!
It'll be fun.
All right, ladies,
let's warm up.
Hey, Riley.
We are not sharing Val
with them.
Early mornings
make me so hungry.
I know, right?
I'd give anything for a piece
of pizza right now.
See? I told you I'd find it.
The Stream of Consciousness.
-But, Joy...
-Wow! Our girl is hungry.
Hop on something delicious!
-Ooh, deep dish.
And it's still warm.
Extra cheese, baby!
Sadness, come on.
But I've been trying
to tell you.
We can't take the tube back,
Someone has to be
at the console to recall us.
She's right. We'd be stranded.
Yeah. Anxiety would have
thought about that.
Well, I doubt it. Fine.
Okay. Uh...
So, someone's gonna have to
crawl up that tube,
and go back to Headquarters,
and at the right moment,
bring us back.
Oh, I'll do it.
I'll pound that...
I don't think so, punty.
-Okay, here's the thing.
-You were never an option.
Thank you.
You want me to crawl through
a tube in this?
Yeah, not happening.
Oh, no, not me.
Yes! Sadness, you could do it.
You know the console
better than anybody.
You've read the manuals
cover to cover.
I mean, you say that,
but I know a lot less about
Manual 28, Chapter Seven,
"How to Recall
Non-Memory Objects"
than most folks realize.
You've proven my point
for me, Sadness.
That sounds like a yes.
Where is everybody?
You on break again?
Ooh! Walkie-talkies. Here.
Can you hear me?
I gotta press a button.
Go for Joy. Copy that. Over.
Oh, I love 'em!
We'll signal you
when we get there,
-and then you bring us back.
Sadness, it's the fastest
way back to Headquarters.
Joy, I can't do it.
I'm not strong like you are.
I know you, Sadness.
You are strong.
I can't give you
specific examples right now,
but you got this.
Just don't look down
and keep moving.
Yeah, I can do it.
She'll be okay. Right?
Uh, fifty-fifty.
Mmm! You want one?
But we hate those things.
They taste like cardboard.
We can't say no to Val.
Okay, no, you're so right.
We eat whatever Val eats.
-That's the spirit!
Envy, I think you're really
in the zone.
Take the wheel,
I'll be right back.
She picked me! She picked me.
Did you see that, Ennui?
She picked me.
You care too much
about things.
Mmm. Mmm-hmm.
It's got
a very interesting texture.
It tastes like... Mmm...
What does it remind me of?
Cardboard? Asparagus?
What are they doing to her
up there?
I don't know,
but we have to go.
No! No way am I step...
We have to. Riley needs us.
Okay, fine!
Ugh. Ew! Ew!
I think I'm gonna be sick.
If I'm good at hockey,
I'll have friends.
-Okay, Miss Riley.
-Way to go, Michigan.
-Nice one, Michigan.
All right, ladies.
Great day today.
Take it easy tonight.
Yes! This is the moment
we've been waiting for.
Party time with Val
and our future besties!
Why are we stopping?
What's going on?
There it is.
The red notebook.
Don't say it like that.
You'll freak her out.
Why would it freak me out?
Mmm, only because everything
Coach thinks about you
is in there.
The good and the bad.
Whether she wants you
on the team...
-Or not.
-You guys, too much.
-What? It's the truth.
-She's not wrong.
What do you think
she's written about us?
I don't know.
Do you think it's bad?
Well, I didn't until now!
What if she's made
a list of
all her favorite players,
and we're not on it?
Or a list of
all the worst players,
and we're at the top?
Or worse,
we're not on either list,
and we fade into obscurity!
Uh, sorry to interrupt you,
but they're walking away.
We're losing them,
we're losing them.
First big hang with the group.
We just gotta act casual.
Uh, why do our arms swing
like that when we walk?
Try to keep them still.
-That looks crazy.
Well, walk like Dani.
Her arms have rhythm.
No, you're making it worse!
that wasn't my intention.
I'm sorry
for trying something!
Uh, what do you think
pockets are for?
Oh, that's good.
I am very proud of you.
What are they
laughing about?
Does anybody know
what cool people laugh about?
I don't know. We were too
focused on the arms thing.
Just pretend we get the joke.
Joy, Anger is
taking up the floret.
Fear, what is the matter
with you?
I don't like this vessel.
Well, that's all we have.
How much longer
till we get there?
We'll get there
when we get there.
I bet Anxiety would know
how long, down to the minute.
Well, she just knows
everything, doesn't she?
I don't like her words,
and I do not like her actions.
I just think I can change her.
You know what?
Who likes banana bread?
Show of hands.
So, Michigan,
who's your favorite band?
Everyone's staring at us.
There's only one right answer
to this question.
Oh! Get Up and Glow!
They're so awesome.
Get Up and Glow!
I was all over them
in middle school.
-Are you serious?
I was a Glow Girly. Relax.
No! We need a band
they think is cool,
not one we actually like.
Quick, recall everything
we know about music.
We have to know
one cool song, right?
-TripleDent gum
Will make you smile
get that out of there!
Come on, there's gotta be
something in here.
I'm looking,
I'm looking.
Something better,
something cool. Come on.
No, not that. No.
This is the best we have!
It's mostly jingles
and Dad's yacht rock.
But, I mean,
you don't still like
Get Up and Glow, do you?
Okay, don't panic.
What do we do?
If we don't like their music,
we have nothing
to offer these girls.
We'll be outed as the imposter
-that we obviously are.
-Pardon. Excusez moi.
I've been waiting my whole
life for this very moment.
Oh, yeah.
I love Get Up and Glow.
Love Get Up and Glow.
Abandon broccoli!
-Give us your hand! Come on.
What is that?
That's a Sar-chasm.
It can open for miles!
Run for your lives!
Sar-chasm? Really?
Get Up and Glow
is my favorite band.
But she loves Get Up and Glow.
They choreograph
their own dances.
Okay, Joy,
if we can't follow the stream,
we don't know
where we're going.
And if we don't know
where we're going,
we can't follow the stream!
It is an endless loop
of tragedy and consequence!
Or we could just
ask those guys.
Oh, yeah. Or that.
Boy, are we so lucky
we ran into you guys!
Boy, are we so lucky
-we ran into you guys!
we really need your help!
We really need your help.
What's their problem?
Guys, you just gotta
turn on the charm.
I bet you're the best
crane crew in the world!
Wow, those guys are jerks.
Wow, those guys are jerks.
Oh, yeah.
Get Up and Glow is so awesome.
Riley, what are you
talking about?
-You love Get Up and Glow.
-Oh. Uh...
Hey, guys.
Why are our best friends
always trying to
hang out with us?
Come on, Riley,
we just went to their concert.
Well, yeah.
-I mean, sure, but like...
-But what?
We had a great time.
Grace, you are not helping.
Oh, yeah,
we had a great time.
Great time.
Why can't they just
leave her alone?
What are we gonna do now, Joy?
We go the long way,
which is the best way.
Stretch those hammies, Anger.
Let's go.
Best night of my life.
this has been really fun.
But we're gonna go now.
Okay, bye.
Oh, this is
the best band ever!
-Okay, Riley!
-Michigan knows what's up!
See? As long as
we like what they like,
we have all the friends
we need.
Night, guys.
Well, I think
I'm calling it a night.
-Oh, really?
-Yeah, it's late.
Plus, I think
you'll want to get some sleep
before tomorrow's scrimmage.
What scrimmage?
Uh. It's just something Coach
always does on the last day.
It's how Val made the team
as a freshman.
Don't tell her that.
Val scored two goals.
No freshman
has ever done that.
Dani, stop.
Technically, it's not your
tryout for the next year,
but it basically is.
You'll do great.
Just be yourself.
Did you hear that?
We could become a Fire Hawk,
like, tomorrow.
But how do we be ourself if
our new self isn't ready yet?
Excellent point.
Let's get
these memories downstairs.
Is that broccoli?
We're getting
deeper and deeper in, Joy.
Great observation.
The long way did turn out
to be a little longer
than I thought.
who wants to sing a song?
Oh, I know a song.
It's called, "I give up."
Or let's play the quiet game!
One, two, three, hush.
I'll tell you
what we do,
we go back up there
and we kick those...
now is not the time.
Joy, this is useless.
Real Riley is out there
and we're never
going to find her.
You know what?
Yeah, these can go.
-Forget 'em!
-No, no, no, I can find her.
I just need to get
a better view.
Okay, well, this isn't
working, and that's fine.
-Everything's fine.
-This is hopeless.
I say we cut our losses
and walk back.
This whole trip
is just a series
of deader and deader ends.
Ever since that
puberty alarm went off
nothing around here works
the way it's supposed to!
I don't even recognize
this place anymore.
It's light out at 1:00
in the morning!
I have never been inside
so many jars in my life.
And the Riley we knew is gone!
And if Joy can't see that,
well, then, she's delusional!
Of course I'm delusional!
Do you know how hard it is to
stay positive all the time,
when all you folks do is
complain, complain, complain?
Jiminy mother-loving
toaster strudel!
Do you think
I have all the answers?
Of course I don't!
We can't even find
the back of our own mind.
Anxiety is right!
Riley doesn't need us as much
as she needs them.
And that hurts.
It really hurts.
Joy, you've made
a lot of mistakes.
A lot.
And you'll make a whole lot
more in the future.
But if you let that stop you,
we might as well lie down
and give up now.
Well, actually,
that does sound kinda nice.
Come on.
-Excuse us.
-Hey! You can't use that.
-Riley emergency.
-Thank you!
Hop on!
Let's just forget
that ever happened.
You don't have to
ask me twice.
We're right behind you.
-This is great.
The Fire Hawks
have accepted us.
But if Coach doesn't put us
on the team,
none of that matters.
Tomorrow is everything.
Which is why
we're gonna need more help.
are you paying attention?
-Ugh. Embarrassment?
this has been really fun.
-Never mind.
-But we're gonna go.
-Okay, bye.
Now, let's see.
What am I looking for?
Don't you just hate it
when you go to do something,
and then
you get there to do it,
and you forget
what you were gonna do?
We'll need all the help
we can get.
That is exactly
what I was thinking.
Most important game
of our lives.
All right, guys,
it's gonna be a long night.
So let's get the team ready.
Come on. We just need to
cut through...
Imagination Land!
Oh, you guys
are gonna love it.
There's French Fry forest
and Cloud Town and...
This place has changed.
Mount Crushmore?
Those are her top four?
The only one that matters
is Lance.
Well, at least
they got his good side.
Every side is his good side.
-The Rumor Mill?
Where all of our good gossip
comes from.
Extra, extra!
Pipin' hot rumors
right off the mill!
"The teacher's lounge
has a hot tub"?
"Lucy from math class
is legit psychic"?
"Abbie R's been
texting Mike T,
"but Mike T's been obsessing
over Sarah M"?
Where's the journalistic
Fort Pillowton's still here!
And it even got bigger.
And orange?
All right, 22,
Riley breaks her leg
in practice,
disappointing everyone.
Nice job.
Now, 18.
Val and Dani whispering
after Riley misses a goal.
Great! We need to help
Riley prepare.
Now's the time to send up
every possible thing
that could go wrong.
We are looking to the future.
Every possible mistake
she could make.
Come on, 17. I'm not seeing
anything from you.
Riley misses an open goal,
Coach writes about it
in her notebook.
More like that.
Oh, no!
They're using Riley's
imagination against her.
Val and her friends
like us now,
but if we
don't make the team,
will they like us tomorrow?
let's go to number three.
Bree and Grace's team win,
and we look stupid.
Number 22. Val passes to us,
and we miss it.
We can't let her
do this to Riley.
We have to shut this down.
Love it, 37.
Riley hits the puck
into her own net.
-Why are you drawing a hippo?
-I'm not.
I'm drawing Riley!
Joy, you forgot her ponytail.
Oh, I love her pony tail. Yes!
Riley scores
and everyone hugs her?
81, that is not helping.
Riley paints her nails
to match her jersey.
Everybody copies her.
And she is so cool.
Riley wears knee pads.
We buy flowers
for the losing team!
What? I can't always be
the rage guy.
No, no. I liked it.
Nail polish? Knee pads?
I'm starting to think you guys
don't understand
the assignment.
What? Who sent that
projection to Riley?
-Why would I know that?
-Don't look at me.
What is going on?
Who is sending
all this positive...
I know you're in there.
-Is that really her?
-Is she really here?
Joy from Headquarters?
The mind police
are on their way.
Well, I think we gave it
our best shot.
Don't listen to Anxiety.
She's using these horrible
projections to change Riley.
Joy, I'm doing this for you!
This is all
so Riley can be happier.
If you wanted her to be happy,
then you'd stop hurting her.
Who's with me?
Really? Nothing?
Sorry, Joy.
Yeah! I see you, 87.
A cat.
A little off-topic,
but I'll take it.
Who else? Come on!
What if Riley
is better than Val
and then Val hates her?
Or what if Riley is better
than Val and Val respects her?
Yeah! There we go!
What if Riley is so bad
she has to give up
hockey forever?
What if Riley does so well
that the coach cries,
and the Olympics call,
and she rallies
a weary nation to victory?
Uh, Joy,
reality is also a thing.
Anxiety has got you all
chained to desks,
drawing nightmares!
But you don't have to
take it anymore!
Pencils down! Projections off!
Enough is enough!
My projections!
Pillow fight!
For Riley!
We need to be prepared.
Oh! No!
Okay, it's time to go!
Yeah, I think so.
-Bring it on, coppers!
-Oh, no, no, no.
Hey, get back here!
Quick! To the Parade
of Future Careers!
Grab a balloon!
-Oh, a pastry chef!
-Art teacher!
-Oh, ethnomusicologist!
-I don't understand
what that is. Oh!
Supreme Court justice!
-That's the one!
-I trust her judgment.
Get back here!
-They're getting away!
Yes! Now Riley can
get some sleep.
I miss the jar!
Joy doesn't get it.
Without our projections,
we won't be prepared.
Tomorrow's game is everything.
Coach will either
make us a Fire Hawk
or doom us
to a friendless future.
I wish we knew what
Coach thought about us.
-Her notebook!
-Yes! That's a great idea!
Everything Coach thinks
about you is in there.
All we got to do is sneak
into her office
and read it.
Come on, Riley.
Move those feet.
She doesn't want to?
Uh, are we pushing her
too hard?
We got to see
what's in the notebook!
It's the only way for us
to know how we can do better.
Oh, Riley, no.
Oh. Hmm.
Joy? Come in, Joy.
Sadness, what's wrong?
Why is Riley awake again?
Anxiety is making Riley
break into the coach's office.
-She knows better than that.
She will once we get her
Sense of Self back.
you have to stop her.
Just don't get caught.
No, Riley, no.
Why did she stop?
Ennui! Where's your phone?
Ooh, la, la, my phone?
Where is my phone?
This is not happening!
No, no, no!
Okay, she's got to be here
somewhere. Find her.
Uh... No.
I know Riley
sneaking around feels wrong.
This isn't who Riley is.
It's not about who Riley is.
It's about
who she needs to be.
"Not ready yet"?
Wait. Coach already decided?
We're not making the team?
No. We have one day left.
What do we do? What can we do?
-Okay, okay, okay.
-What would Val do?
Uh, well, we're just gonna
have to change Coach's mind.
Which means
we're gonna need ideas.
Lots of them.
Oh, no. It's a Brainstorm!
Too close!
Hog the puck?
Trash talk the other team?
We can't let these bad ideas
get to Riley.
-Smash as many as you can!
I'll start sorting these into
ideas I wish I'd thought of.
Oh, no, no, no.
None of these are good enough.
We need more. Get more!
Get on the balloon!
This is worse
than the broccoli!
Quick! Grab an idea.
-These ideas are too small.
These ideas are too small!
We need something bigger.
That's our way out!
Joy! We need this idea!
If Riley takes
one of these ideas,
it could be a disaster!
Joy, the only way out is up.
That's a big idea!
Whoa! I like it.
Oh, no.
Hold me!
Seriously. Hold me!
you have a parachute?
Uh, yes.
The real question is,
why don't any of you?
-Land! Yes!
-Stuck the landing!
-We did it!
We made it!
Come on,
to the Back of the Mind!
You're finished, Anxiety!
Coach is right.
Riley isn't ready.
But we're so close
to a new Riley who is.
This is what we're missing.
We show them we're a Fire Hawk
who will do whatever it takes.
Finally, we're one of them!
What do you think, Sadness?
-Well, I...
Red is really our color.
Yeah, no,
I mean, it's so much fun.
Okay, it's giving jealousy.
I'm sorry.
They wouldn't know cool
if it hit them in the face.
Hey, Michigan.
Oh! Rocking the red, huh?
-We are in.
I hope it's okay.
I know I'm not officially
a Fire Hawk yet,
but I figured since we're
on the same team
we should match, right?
Yeah, yeah, that's fine.
Did you, um, sleep last night?
No, how could I?
Big game today!
You mean the camp scrimmage?
See? I told you
not to freak her out.
You're all good, okay?
I see you're in your zone.
Get ready to score some goals.
Yeah! I will!
Val scored two goals
in the scrimmage
to become a Fire Hawk.
And you know
what's better than two?
I was just about to say that.
We were about to say that
at the same time.
But how are we gonna score
three goals?
The new Riley
will handle anything.
And I think this
is the finishing touch.
I'll be right back.
Come on!
We're so close.
The Sense of Self is just
on top of that mount...
That is a lot.
This is more than I remember
sending back here.
Oh, when she walked into
that glass door at that party.
Yeah, and breaking
Grandma's favorite plate.
Thank goodness
these aren't part of her.
-Oh, yeah.
There it is.
I'm a good person.
Oh, no.
Yes. Come on, come on.
Here we go!
I'm not good enough.
I'm not good enough.
I'm not good enough.
Are you sure...
Don't worry.
It's just that she knows that
there's always room
for self-improvement.
She'll be fine.
we have the Sense of Self.
Bring us back!
Sadness, do you copy?
Psst. Psst!
I'm not good enough.
Okay, I can work with this.
I just need to recalibrate
the console and make sure
it's ready.
Just no more surprises.
Okay, this one goes here.
That one goes there.
Not exactly there.
Come on.
Turn it up a little bit.
It's got to be
absolutely perfect.
That one is definitely wrong.
What is happening?
Sadness, now!
-Oh, no!
I'm a good person.
I'm not good enough.
That was our only way back.
-What do we do?
-We were so close.
Joy. Joy!
Where are you going?
Andersen, tripping!
Andersen, tripping!
Andersen, tripping!
I expected better, Riley.
That's not...
Come on, please.
What am I missing?
I'm a good person.
so what do we do now?
I don't know.
I don't know
how to stop Anxiety.
Maybe we can't.
Maybe this is what happens
when you grow up.
You feel less joy.
But I do know this.
Riley will never be herself
if we don't get this
back to Headquarters.
Have a good game, Riley.
You too.
I'm not good enough.
Yes! Go, go, go!
Riley, I'm open.
Pass it, pass it!
I'm not good enough.
Yeah, Michigan!
Leave some
for the rest of us, huh?
Yes! One down, two to go.
Okay, so how do we
get our Sense of Self
from here to there?
I have an idea,
but I really don't like it.
Anger, Riley needs us.
Oh, Pouchy!
Well, what are you
waiting for? Say the words!
Oh, Pouchy!
Hi, everybody. I'm Pouchy!
We know.
Pouchy, we need to
get back to Headquarters.
Do you have anything
that can help us?
I have lots of items.
Which one do you think
will work the best?
A roll of tape,
-a rubber ducky...
-No time!
Seriously, Pouchy? Dynamite?
Don't you have, like,
a jetpack or a plane
or something
that's going to help us?
What do you think,
I have everything in here?
I offered you
the rubber ducky,
I offered you the tape.
I know what to do.
But we're gonna need
a lot more dynamite.
You know what? Good luck...
Come on, Riley.
Get the puck!
Take it, take it!
I'm not good enough.
Michigan, what are you doing?
We're on the same team!
Well, Dani might be
a little mad at us,
but they'll all forgive us
when we make the team.
Come on, Riley. One more goal.
Uh... Hold on, Joy.
We're gonna
-blow up this cliff?
And then
we'll ride an avalanche
of bad memories
back to Headquarters?
And how do we
keep the bad memories
from forming bad beliefs?
I don't know.
Um, yeah! What could go wrong?
I'm in!
-For Riley.
-Let's do it.
Here we come, Riley.
Jump on!
Come on!
Aw, man!
I'm not good enough.
You have to score!
penalty box, two minutes.
Grace, are you okay?
We hurt Grace.
It all happened so fast.
I didn't even see her.
I'm not good enough.
Oh, no. What did I do?
No, no.
I can fix it, I can fix it.
I expected better, Riley.
Wait... No!
Come on.
I'm not good enough.
Come on, Riley.
Get it together.
Come on, Riley,
get it together.
I'm not good enough.
You have to score, Riley!
Or this will all
have been for nothing!
Anxiety, you're putting
too much pressure on her.
let's take a breather!
-Joy! Help!
Come on! We can do this!
It's not working!
It's Anxiety.
Anxiety, stop!
You don't get to choose
who Riley is.
you need to let her go.
I'm a good person.
I'm sorry.
I was just
trying to protect her.
But you're right.
We don't get to choose
who Riley is.
We keep the best
and toss the rest.
Andersen, tripping!
I'm a good person.
Joy! What are you doing?
I'm selfish.
I'm kind.
I'm not good enough.
I'm a good person.
I need to fit in...
...but I want to be myself.
I'm brave, but I get scared.
Success is everything.
I make mistakes.
I'm nice.
I'm mean.
I'm a good friend.
I'm a terrible friend.
I am strong.
I'm weak.
I need help sometimes.
Riley, you okay?
I mean... no.
I was such a jerk to you guys.
When you guys told me you were
going to a different school,
I freaked out.
I'm so sorry.
If you don't want to
be friends anymore...
I get it.
I really hope that
you can forgive me.
-Let's go, ladies!
-Come on.
We've got a game to finish.
Riley wants you.
Hey, Minnesota,
how long are you gonna
stare at your phone?
It's almost 2:00.
Coach is gonna post
the list any minute.
-Okay. 2:00 p.m. That's in...
-Six minutes.
And what happens if we don't
become a Fire Hawk?
Well, thanks for asking, Joy.
I'll tell you.
First, Mom and Dad
are very disappointed.
We don't go pro,
and we find work
as an ethnomusicologist...
even though we don't
really know what that is.
We have no friends,
and we die alone.
Okay, okay.
None of that
is happening right now.
-Is it?
Great! So why don't we take
a seat in our special chair.
Yeah, that's a great idea.
See? Isn't that better?
Oh, yeah,
that's the stuff.
We can't control whether Riley
makes the team.
But what can we control?
Well, um... Oh!
Riley has a Spanish test
tomorrow. We need to study.
Oh! You're right.
-We totally...
-What's that mean?
Someone paid attention
in class.
I never would've
thought of that.
-You're clearly an expert.
-Muchas gracias.
Oh, thanks, guys.
Plus, we followed our new
varsity caliber
training program.
Oh, I wish I thought of that.
Newsflash, you did!
Wait, you're right, I did.
I'm jealous of myself.
Thanks for the reminder.
You're welcome!
-Who said that?
-It's my new buddy, Pouchy.
Hi, everybody. I'm Pouchy!
Confetti if we make the team!
Good idea. Ah!
That's great, but either way,
we love our girl.
Confetti if we don't!
Oh, is it Coach's email?
No. It's Bree and Grace.
Aw. I miss those girls.
Oh. Remember when
Bree and Grace,
-and us used to...
-You're still early.
-No, no, no. Too early.
-Go downstairs.
I'll just be downstairs
if you need me.
It's 3 minutes to 2:00.
-She's got this.
-'Cause she's got us.
Ooh, yeah! Right? 'Cause
she's... Maybe?
All right, Embarrassment.
look at Embarrassment!
Hey, look, if you don't
make it this year,
there's always next year.
I know.
-I love our girl.
-How could you not?
She's super smart.
And great at hockey.
She's really creative.
She can be bored,
but never boring.
But she can be a little
sarcastic from time to time.
She can have
really bad ideas.
Occasionally, she can
do the wrong thing.
And sometimes, she can be
too hard on herself.
But every bit of Riley
makes her who she is.
And we love all of our girl.
Every messy,
beautiful piece of her.
So, Riley, how was camp?
Okay, we talked about this.
We tell them everything.
But what about sneaking
-into Coach's office?
-What about hitting Grace?
-Remember the lying?
-Are we gonna
tell her about the Fire Hawks?
-She doesn't need to know.
Pardon. Excusez moi.
It was good.
She goes away for three days
and all we get is, "good"?
And what about
the red in her hair?
Did she join a gang?
Welcome back, Anxiety.
She goes away for three days
and all we get is, "good"?
Yeah. Sounds right.
Back to the game.
With a nice pass
over to Reeves,
comes across center ice.
Down to the line.
Oh, what a move!
Okay, Deep Dark Secret.
It's time.
It's okay. Come on.
Okay. Let it go, buddy.
What's the secret?
We burn hole in rug.
Really? That's it? Whew!
I thought you were gonna say
the time we peed in the pool.
Oh, no, wait.
And he's gone.