Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015) Movie Script

Who is it?
Hi. My name is Quinn.
I was looking for Elise.
It's okay, Warren. Go upstairs.
I'm Elise.
Hi. Gosh, I'm sorry
to bother you like this.
I got your name
from Claire Ortisky's mom.
Mrs. Ortisky. Emily.
Sorry, Emily Ortisky.
Yeah, she told me
you worked as a psychic
and that you were really amazing
when she saw you.
I remember Emily.
Yeah. She's awesome.
She's like, she's really nice.
And she told me how great you were.
She gave me a phone number for you,
but it wasn't working.
So, you know, I... I'm really sorry
to have just shown up like this.
It's okay.
But if you're looking for a reading,
unfortunately, I don't do those anymore.
- I have money. I brought like $50.
- No, no, no, no. It's not that, honey.
- I just can't, and I'm pretty busy, so...
- Okay.
Where did you come from?
Whealan Park.
That's a long way.
Yeah, it's no big deal though.
I mean, I'm the one who just showed up.
I'm really sorry
that I've wasted your time.
Why don't you come in for a minute?
A good chat is never time wasted, right?
- I love the style of your house. It's so cool.
- Thank you. Have a seat.
You're a very smart girl, Quinn.
- Depends who you ask.
- No, you are. You read a lot.
You have a lot of books
in that bag of yours.
Yeah. Yeah. I love reading.
What made you come
all the way here today?
I wanna talk to someone
who's not around anymore.
My mom.
She died a year and a half ago.
She had cancer.
I mean, well, first she had breast cancer
and then she had a mastectomy,
but it decided to hang around
and travel to her lungs.
So, I guess you could say
it wanted to be with her
just as much as everyone else did.
Well, tell me about her.
I mean, she was great.
Like, I mean, she could always hang out
with all of my friends.
God, she loved old music,
like vinyl records and stuff,
and she always wanted to talk to me.
I'm sorry.
No, no. That's okay.
It's like...
It's like sometimes
I can feel her around me.
Like at night I'll be in my room,
or I'll be sleeping
and something will wake me up.
Or, you know,
I'll find things in weird places.
Like I'll find my diary
somewhere strange.
I don't know.
- I mean, I guess it's kind of crazy.
- Not to me, it isn't.
You've tried to contact your mother
on your own, haven't you?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I've...
I mean, I've asked her to talk to me
but, you know, she never does.
That's why I came here.
You know? I really need
to ask her some questions.
I know what that's like.
All right. You have to give me a moment,
and I can't promise anything.
Here, please take a little bit of money.
No. I got out of this business.
If I accept that from you, I'm back in it.
Normally, we do this downstairs
in my reading room.
What's your mom's name?
Lily. Lily Brenner.
Lily Brenner.
I'm calling out and trying
to make contact with Lily Brenner.
Lily, if you can hear me,
please talk to me.
Are you out there?
- I can hear someone.
- Is it my mom?
No, it isn't your mother.
Go away.
Go away. Go away.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. There's a reason
I had to stop doing this.
There's other people that do this.
You have to find one of them.
You're gonna be okay, Quinn.
But take my advice
and do not try to contact your mother
on your own anymore.
You have to be very careful.
If you call out to one of the dead,
all of them can hear you.
Are you there?
Are you there?
Today? No. Today?
No, I don't think so. No.
Hey, you know what?
What I mean is that I can't be
in two places at the same time.
Yeah, the whole building
needs to be rewired.
The original guys really screwed it.
You know, that's an entire extra day
of work for me.
You got that, right?
Hang on, Bill.
There's no food.
Didn't you go to the grocery?
- Yeah, I did.
- Well, what did you get?
- I mean, what's this, "quinoa"?
- Quinoa.
Bill? Yeah, of course,
I'm gonna call the guy.
I gotta get the part. Hang on, Bill.
- What are you doing?
- I'm taking a photo.
- Why?
- Dad, it's for my blog.
None of what you just said to me
makes any sense.
It's not supposed to.
Okay. Well, how about don't blog it?
Just eat it.
That's a great t-shirt.
You're weird.
You're such a weird person.
You know, nobody cares
what you're having for breakfast.
Will you just go get your brother
ready for school, please?
- Alex. Alex!
- What?
- Come on. Get up. Get ready for school.
- I am.
God, it stinks in here. Come on, get up.
Okay, fine. I'll tell Dad.
Jeez! Can you hold on a second?
I was getting...
- Just get out! Get out! Get out!
- Don't touch me!
"I'll never forget this.
"You'll go to the end of the world,
and you'll find me waiting there.
"Your servant.
"You'll always find me waiting there,
your servant."
Okay. "I'll never forget this."
All right, all right. I am.
I'm hurrying. Right. Bye.
Why is it quiet? Quiet's not good.
Alex, you see this face?
This is my "whoop-ass" face.
When you see this face,
it means I'm about to whoop ass.
Get ready. Come on.
"You gave me life when I was dying.
And when I was leaving this world..."
- Quinn!
- Jesus, you scared me!
I need to rely on you
to get him up and going.
- He's lying around like a corpse.
- No, I did.
No, I need you
to get him ready for school.
Dad, I have to learn my lines!
When am I gonna do that?
I need your help here.
I'm drowning. He's running late.
You could have done this anytime.
You're being selfish.
Yeah, I'm being really selfish
for worrying about my future?
Just help me out.
Come on.
Good timing, Hector.
Now, you get to see Quinn.
- Were you waiting there?
- Shut up.
I wasn't, like, waiting.
I just like... I just came out.
I know.
- So, what have you got first?
- I'm not going to school today.
I have an audition for
a theater school in New York.
Are you serious? That's awesome. Wow.
New York. It's far away.
Quinn. You gotta see these birds.
There's a flock of them at City Hall.
But these ones are nicer,
but you can't eat them.
Sorry, kids. Sometimes she's not sure
about what she's saying.
I know her.
I know her.
That's what you have
to look forward to when you get old.
- Yes. So do you.
- Yeah, but you'll get old first.
Okay, I can't wait for this thing.
We're taking the stairs.
- No!
- See you later, Hector.
See you! Later.
Mom, help me get through this.
- Hi there, Quinn.
- Yeah. Hi.
- Thank you for coming in.
- Thank you. I'm so excited.
I'm a huge fan of your school. I've...
You know, it's always been
a dream of mine to go there.
- I've always...
- Great.
- Have you prepared something for us?
- Yeah, I have.
Whenever you're ready.
"I won't ever forget this.
"You will go to the end of the world
and you will find me waiting there.
"Your servant."
It's okay. It's okay.
You can start the scene again.
Yeah, sorry. I'm sorry. I know it.
Do you wanna take a break
and come back in a little bit?
I hate him,
and I don't mean I pretend to hate him,
like, "Really, I love you.
I'm just mad at you,"
I actually literally hate him.
Save the word "literally"
for when you're being literal.
Shut up. God, don't ruin this.
Look, we have a few months
of parental guidance left,
and then this reality
we're currently living in is done.
That's what's so great about it.
You pick a college on the opposite coast.
He becomes a weekly phone call.
That turns into a monthly phone call
when you need money.
It's like he's not your dad anymore.
He's just a bank you visit on Thanksgiving.
Yeah, but I'm not going
anywhere, Maggie!
I botched the audition to the one school
I wanted to go to.
I don't have a backup plan. It's over.
Lord, you are so born
to be an actress, Brenner.
- "It's over!"
- No, I'm serious.
That school is all that I wanted.
And my dad wants me here
raising my brother.
You're gonna be gone.
You're gonna be okay.
Yeah, everybody always says that.
Hey. Come on.
Oh, no, you're right!
Where's the nearest Jesus Camp?
Have fun with your little boys.
- Goodbye. Goodbye.
- See you later, ladies.
Let's get out of here.
Come on, lesbo!
Quinn! No! No!
Someone help us, please!
On my count. One, two, three!
Get the crash cart here.
Okay, get a new line in her.
Monitor's showing V-tach.
Okay, we got multiple compound fractures
on the right leg.
- BP is 163, dropping. Rate's degrading.
- Okay, give me one amp of epi.
Paddles on 360.
Charge on 360! Do it! We got...
Okay, we got her. We got her back.
Let's keep her stable, folks.
Hey, it's Dad.
Honey, I'm here.
Do you remember anything?
I was with Maggie.
And there was this man waving at me.
He was at the theater, too.
And then everything went dark.
One second, hon.
- Mr. Sean. How are you doing?
- Hey, Harry.
You know, we're really sorry to hear
about what happened to your daughter.
Thanks, Harry.
She's here. That's what counts.
The man who can't breathe.
The man who lives in the vents.
I heard him saying your name last night.
I heard him in your room
while you were gone.
He's up there right now,
standing in your room.
You will see him.
- Surprise!
- Surprise!
Welcome home, bad ass.
- My gosh, Quinn.
- Yeah, I'm all busted.
Wheelchair's just until
the bones in her legs heal.
Yeah. Thank God. Thank God.
Listen, I'm just happy
that you're gonna get better.
Some people are crazy.
The way they drive around
this neighborhood, you know?
- I'm so sorry this happened to you.
- Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing.
- I sent some flowers.
- We got 'em.
Hey. Can I tag this thing or what?
Is that a clich?
No. Knock yourself out.
Wow, you have been saving that one.
You just had to wait
for Quinn to get hit by a car.
I think she's done being shown off now.
Listen, we just wanted
to see you, Quinn. Okay.
Listen, anything you need.
- Thanks, Ernesto.
- Well, I mean it.
See you later.
Home again home.
All right, ready?
One, two, three.
Great neighbors we have.
Crazy cat lady on one side
and a boy who's clearly
in love with you on the other.
He's not in love with me.
You know, everyone that looks at me
isn't in love with me, Dad.
Especially since I'm a cripple now.
Hey. No sarcasm.
Not since I got you
such an awesome gift basket.
Everything you like. Books.
Bell. In case you want me
to wait on you.
Some French food? French onion dip?
I'm vegetarian.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- When did that happen?
- It doesn't matter.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Did any letters come from any schools?
No, I don't want you
to worry about that right now.
The only thing I want you to think
about right now is getting better.
Think of it as a gift-wrapped excuse
to do your favorite thing in the world.
You need me? I thought I heard the bell.
No, I'm fine.
Good night, Warren.
Good night, Jack.
What the hell was that?
I'm not making this up, Mel.
It cracked my ceiling.
I'm not saying you are.
I'm just showing you that there's nobody
living above you right now.
Yeah. Well, I heard it.
And it came from that room.
Mel, come look at this.
- What do you say now? No one up here?
- I don't know what to tell you.
Tell me who's gonna pay
for the crack in my ceiling.
Why can't I ever...
Quinn, where's the frying pan, please?
- Third drawer in the far left.
- Yeah. I looked there already.
You know what? I can't take this
right now. I'm too busy.
Alex! No eggs this morning.
Just find what you can in the fridge
for breakfast, okay?
- Come on, Quinn. Eat your breakfast.
- I don't want to.
- You have to.
- I can't taste it.
I can't taste anything anymore.
- Alex, are you dressed?
- Yes!
I went to see a psychic.
I wanted to talk to Mom.
You what?
I went and saw a psychic woman
named Elise.
Claire's mom gave me her address.
- When was that?
- Like a month or so back.
Strange things have been happening.
Like that knocking I heard last night,
I think that was Mom trying to reach me.
I don't want you to get any funny ideas.
You know, these nutcases are...
They're paid to give you hope.
That's what they do. They make stuff up.
Why couldn't that have been her, though?
What if she's trying to tell me something?
Why don't you ever wanna talk about her
or acknowledge her?
- I do talk about her.
- No, you don't! You just fight with me!
You keep all this chaos so you can pretend
that she never existed.
No, Quinn.
I see her every single day
when I look at you.
Fine. I'll help her,
but you're staying here.
I'm reaching out to Lilith Brenner.
If you can hear me, please answer me.
Your daughter may be in danger.
She needs your help.
Please, Lily, answer me.
I need to speak with you.
Lily, please, show yourself.
What do you want from her?
I know you're not her mother.
She thinks you are, but you aren't.
And I'm not afraid of you.
I know you're there.
I've fought many like you
in my time, demon.
Show yourself.
I can't.
I can't do this anymore.
Kate Wittieris still a bitch.
Mr. Paul is still hot.
Hectoris still asking about you
in a really unsubtle way,
like he just needs to stop.
And everyone at school is pretending
that they care about prom
and that they're going
to wear ironic costumes.
- That sounds so fun.
- No, it's not. It's the worst. Believe me.
I wish someone would run over
my legs with a truck.
Wait. So, how's your college
application going?
No, we're gonna talk about you.
How's it going with your dad?
He's taking all this time off work.
He's out talking to his boss
about it right now.
- It's like this whole big situation.
- That sucks.
Well, I don't know, what do you do
when you need to go to the bathroom?
No! No. No way. You're kidding me!
- Hey, is that Alex?
- What?
Standing right next to you.
- What are you talking about?
- Alex. He's right...
What's happening? Quinn!
- Are you hurt? Are you okay? Are you hurt?
- My neck!
- Someone's in here.
- There's someone in here?
I'm here now. It's okay.
This will prevent her from moving in a way
that could injure her neck further.
Just hold still.
Thank you.
Quinn, what happened?
I was thrown out of bed.
But there was no one in your room.
I would've seen them.
It wasn't a person.
It was...
Before I thought that it was Mom
trying to contact me.
But it's not. It's something else.
- Are you sure it wasn't just a bad dream?
- No! I saw him.
He had on a mask.
He had on a breathing mask.
I believe you.
I do. You're gonna be okay now.
Get some rest out here.
I think we got everything we need.
Come on. Thank you very much.
She's gone.
She just wouldn't wake up.
Harry, I'm sorry.
People called her the "cat lady,"
"crazy lady," but she wasn't any of that.
She was somebody. She meant something.
She was my wife.
We were together 52 years.
She had a whole life
before she got sick.
She was beautiful.
So, so beautiful.
The most beautiful girl
in the whole town.
I knew she didn't have long,
and I tried my best to tell her
what she meant to me.
The sad part is
I don't think she understood a word
I was trying to say.
She knew what you said.
She knows how much you love her.
Harry, if you ever need anything,
anything, just tell me, okay?
Help. Help!
Help! Help!
Dad! Help!
Dad! Dad, help me!
- Dad!
- Quinn!
What are you doing up here?
Dad, I told you.
Jesus, he jumped.
- Quinn!
- Dad!
Dad, help! Help!
Quinn. Quinn.
- Who's there?
- It's Sean Brenner.
I'm Quinn's father.
I told her I don't really
give readings anymore.
Believe me, I wanna help,
but this ability I have
to contact the other side,
I promised myself
I wouldn't do it anymore.
Look, I don't know anything
about this stuff.
I don't know what's real, what's not.
I only know her, she's real.
She's my daughter,
and something's trying to kill her,
and I don't know what to do to stop it.
I can't let that happen again,
not after my wife.
She told me that you lost your wife.
I'm so sorry.
Loving someone
is just delayed pain, isn't it?
Eventually you're gonna lose them
one way or the other.
I lost my husband a year ago.
He took his own life.
So, I couldn't even blame fate.
He'd suffered depression before,
but I never thought that...
There are so many things
I needed to say to him.
Goodbye would've been nice.
So, I tried to contact him.
I just couldn't help it.
There are two worlds
that exist beyond ours, Mr. Brenner.
Think of them as light and dark.
I visited the dark, looking for him,
something I'd never done before.
Something we living people
are not supposed to do.
But someone followed me back.
A woman, an entity driven by evil.
Ever since then,
whenever I use my ability, this woman,
I could hear her in my head,
screaming over and over
that she's going to kill me.
I think...
No, I know if I continue with this work,
she's going to kill me.
Then just visit Quinn.
It's all I ask.
You don't have to do anything else.
Just talk to her.
Thank you.
We're gonna be okay.
You came.
Lucky you look good in white.
What's happening to me?
One night after you came to see me,
I had a vision of you.
You were standing in the dark.
A man was walking toward you.
A man who couldn't breathe.
I've been to that dark place, too.
It's not a place for pure souls.
It is very dangerous.
When you go there,
things come back with you.
I don't wanna die, Elise.
You have a long life ahead of you.
I cross my heart.
I'm here with Quinn Brenner.
I want to speak to the entity
that has attached itself to her.
Can you hear me?
Are you there?
- Where is the man who can't breathe?
- I wasn't trying to upset him.
Get away from me! Get away!
I'm not going any further.
I always wanted to know how I would go
Tell me, friend, how I meet my end
Elise. Elise.
Elise! Wake up! Elise!
Wake up! Elise!
The woman that wants to kill me
was waiting for me.
I'm sorry. I can't. I can't help you.
I'm sorry. I can't do it.
I'm telling you, Dad.
These guys can help.
Throughout this hospital over the years,
a lot of paranormal experts
have come in here and then the...
I don't know. They look like fools.
They found a house
that was being haunted,
and they cleaned it. Trust me.
I don't.
Dad, we have to do something.
- I'm Sean, Quinn's dad.
- Hey. Specs.
- Tucker.
- This is Alex.
Yeah, he's a big fan of your website.
- Web series.
- Web series.
I showed him that one where you guys
get the ghost out of that one hotel.
- The boiler room ghost?
- Yeah.
- That was a good one.
- Yeah. Thanks, little man.
- Some of my best editing on that one.
- Definitely some of our best editing.
So, do you guys do this kind of thing often?
This ghost hunting?
- All the time.
- Yeah. It's actually all we do.
We literally don't do anything else.
Just this.
So what happens now?
Probably five, maybe four.
Excuse me?
And I have to call you back.
I'm just with some peeps. Roger that.
Come on. She's in here.
- Thank you. Pass the trash.
- Here you go.
Excuse me.
Now, this custom-made camera of mine
is outfitted with a small lens.
- Basically a hidden camera.
- It's not basic and it's not hidden.
'Cause we're keeping it right out in the open
to capture whatever may occur tonight.
We do hide it though, sometimes.
This is our sound backup.
Any noises will be recorded right here.
- What do I do?
- Nothing.
You just go to sleep
like you normally would.
We are the ones who stay awake.
Hello, Elise.
It's been too long.
I save you for special occasions.
That's her.
She says one day, eventually,
I'm going to die by her hand,
and I believe her.
That's why I had to stop using my gift.
But now I'm realizing
my gift is all I have.
It's all I am.
First of all, okay,
you are more than one thing.
And, second, you've been helping people
get rid of these spirits for so long.
Well, eventually, one of them
was gonna come after you.
You can't be afraid of her.
All right, you're stronger than her.
- You're alive.
- Yes, I'm alive.
But I have spent more time on this earth
among the dead than the living.
- Do you really think we help people, Carl?
- We do what we can.
If someone gets attacked
by a person on the street,
they can go to the police.
If they're attacked
by something they can't see,
something they can't comprehend,
they only have people like us to go to.
Look at what you did for that family.
You saved them.
That boy is a grown man now
with a son of his own.
I don't want you to stop
helping families like them.
They need you too much.
- What's that?
- I don't know.
She's up.
What? No. No.
- She can't be doing that. That's impossible.
- Well, she's doing it.
Go. Go!
She's gone. Come on. Look.
I gotta go get her.
Yeah. Good idea. You should.
Where are you, honey?
- Here. Keep the flashlight on the closet.
- Yeah.
She took it off.
You're a useless fucking father.
- Your wife had to die to get away from you.
- No.
And now I'd rather be dead, too,
but I'm gonna keep you alive
to watch you suffer.
I'll be waiting in the dark
when the pain finally kills you.
- No! No!
- Don't!
No! No!
Hand me that wire!
Okay! Okay.
- What do we do now?
- I don't know. We are not qualified for this.
We sit in dark empty rooms.
This is way out of our league!
What do you mean?
Are you telling me you have
no idea how to help us?
Are you saying that you're a couple of
goddamn Internet pranksters?
- I let you in my house, you...
- Dad! Stop it, Dad! Stop it!
- This isn't going to help Quinn!
- Get out! Get out of my house!
Get out!
- Let them stay. We may need them.
- What? What for?
To help me get rid of the foul parasite
that's attached itself to your daughter.
I need you to stay
at Ernesto's tonight, buddy.
- But I wanna be here.
- I know.
I'm not leaving, Dad.
Alex, we know you love her.
But you do not wanna see the things
that tonight may show you.
She's gonna feel your love.
Good night, buddy.
Now what?
This entity is very powerful.
It's a spirit who used to live
in this building a long time ago.
It's been alone for a long time.
But she's making it stronger.
It's feeding on her life force.
And wants to possess her?
Usually, entities of this type,
living in the dark,
they want to possess
the bodies of the living
so that they can leave the dark
and return to life.
But there's another kind of a spirit.
It's an even worse kind.
One that does not wanna leave the dark,
that wants the souls of the living
to join it in the shadows.
She's only half a person right now.
After the accident,
it got half her soul.
It needs all of it.
And if we don't hurry,
it's going to get it.
Okay, what do we do now?
To bring all of your daughter back,
I'm going to have to go to where it lives.
You can record everything,
even in the dark?
Yeah, of course. Whatever you need.
I'm the technical part of the team.
Then you better get set up.
What's your contribution?
- Yeah, this should be good.
- It's not good, it's great. It's our blog.
I'm the writer of it.
Okay, then, you write down
everything I describe when I'm under.
If you can keep up, that is.
Now, I'm going into another plane.
"Into another plane."
Stay strong.
No matter what happens,
no matter what you see.
"No matter what..."
Okay, could you just maybe write it down
and try not to talk?
Yeah. Yeah.
Sorry. Does this other plane
have a name?
Let's call it "The Further."
- Cool name.
- Now, we're going to be quiet.
Into The Further, we go.
I'm here. It's dark.
I'm entering the hallway.
You lived in this building, too?
He made you kill yourself, didn't he?
Where is he?
Show me.
We're going upstairs.
His voice was always in my head.
I was his pet.
He's got a new pet. The girl.
- Quinn is his new pet.
- There's no undoing.
You can't even kill yourself
to get away from it.
It's okay. You're free now.
I can hear it breathing.
I hear it.
Turn around.
You're stronger than her. You're alive.
- This is how you die.
- Not today, it isn't.
Come on, bitch.
Let her go.
Do you hear me? Release the girl!
Hi, Ellie.
- Sit here with me.
- What are you doing here?
Well, I could feel you were here.
- I had to find you.
- I've missed you so much.
I know. I know.
How am I supposed to move on?
I never even got to say goodbye.
Well, maybe you can move on.
I can't exist anywhere without you.
So, I wanted to ask you to join me here.
You'd have to leave
your other world behind.
Stop breathing in it, like I did.
Stay with me here.
You'll have to do it yourself.
I can't help you.
Don't you want to be with me?
"Want" is not a strong enough word.
I know my turn to cross over will come.
But I know that my Jack
would never ask me to do this.
Give me the girl now
or I'll do a whole lot worse!
Give her back.
You may have half of her,
but I am whole,
and I am very strong.
Go! Go, go!
Elise, wake up! Elise!
This way. This way.
- Quinn?
- Honey?
- Quinn!
- Honey, please.
- What's happening to her?
- It's got her.
Wake up. Don't let it take you.
Grab her hands!
Quinn, don't leave! Don't leave!
Stay with us!
This world is your home! Not that one!
This one!
- What's happening? Is she dying?
- Just hold on to her.
- Is she?
- Yes.
No! No! Bring her back! Bring her back!
You said you could bring her back!
- You need to help me. Quinn!
- What?
- Quinn, Quinn, hear us!
- Quinn.
- Come back to us!
- Quinn!
What are you doing?
There's another woman here who died
in this building a few days ago.
Yeah. Grace. Grace, the neighbor's wife.
She's saying something to me.
I can't hear it exactly.
- What is she saying?
- Honey, please!
- What book? Grace, what book?
- Hurry!
Hurry! Elise, hurry!
Quinn's diary.
This is it. "Quinn, I wanted you to find this
on the day you graduated."
This is the letter
that Lily hid from Quinn.
She wanted her to find it
on her graduation day.
She tried to get her to read it early.
She was trying to reach Quinn.
- Quinn!
- Lily, I know you were trying to reach her.
We know that you wanted her
to read this letter.
Lily, we need you now!
Help us.
- Thank you.
- We had some help.
Someone else is here with us.
Someone who really wants to talk to you.
- I need to know that this is real.
- Okay.
She's saying something
about a stage, an audition.
She says that when you were on stage,
you wanted to know if she was there.
She was there.
And she was so proud of you.
She wants you, and you, Sean,
to know that you don't need
to look for her anymore.
Because she'll always be with you.
No matter what.
She's gonna be standing
right beside you.
And even though you can't see her,
she's there.
And anytime you're feeling
confused or alone,
she's gonna be whispering in your ear.
She's never coming back again, is she?
Not to this world.
I love you.
Good job, boys.
Is that the first time
you've seen a ghost?
- Well...
- Yes.
You never get used to it.
Spectral Sightings, I like that.
- That one's mine.
- Is it?
Stop. You boys fight too much.
It's unnecessary.
It's clear you both need each other.
Maybe we should go
into business together?
I thought you said this business
was too dangerous for you
and you said it could kill you.
Yeah. Well, everybody's
gonna die one day.
I think it is high time for me
to get out of my house while I'm still alive.
What do you think?
- Yeah.
- Sure.
Well then, take me to my car.
That's great.
I also think that you guys should think
about wearing something a little better,
if we're gonna be working together.
- I'll have you know this tee is extremely rare.
- Well, I'm sure it is.
- So, you should apologize.
- I apologize.
What would you have us wear instead?
Shirt and tie might be nice.
Ain't gonna happen.
Warren, you old dog.
Thank you for looking after me.
Where is the...
I love you too, Jack.