Interstate (2024) Movie Script

[notes on piano]
[piano music continues]
[hum of car engine]
[piano notes build up]
[eerie snarling]
[woman] [screaming] No! No!
[piano notes continue]
[piano notes end]
[background chatter]
[Csar] Bravo, my love.
It was the favorite piece
of her grandfather...
Aldo Falcone.
A friend, or the faithful
partner of many of you.
[man] Franck, don't do it.
We can work something out!
I'll tell Csar that--
[man] Please, Franck!
-[bullet ricochets]
-[man] Franck! Franck!
-[shots fired]
[Csar] He was a man of
infinite generosity...
who always reached out
to the weak and the needy
who crossed his path...
from his very first
grocery store in Antwerp
to Falcone Import-Export.
[man] The old Falcone
left it all to me.
There's no way
I'll hand it over to his son!
-[objects shatter]
-It's my business. You hear?
My business!
-[shot fired]
[Csar] His style
was not to everyone's liking.
I know that.
But the time of family
craftsmanship ends with him...
making way for modern methods.
This is what happens
when you send your son
to American management schools.
[objects shatter]
[man] I'm [indistinct], Franck.
I swear it, Franck!
-[objects shatter]
-[man] Franck! No!
No! Franck!
[shots fired]
[hum of car engine]
[Csar] Let's drink to
Aldo Falcone,
and to the modern era
of the Falcone Group.
To my father...
[dramatic music]
[SUV engine revving]
No need to bring him back.
[hum of SUV engine]
-[SUV door closes]
-[rumbling thunder]
[Delivery man]
Room 4, please.
[knocks on door]
Hello! Delivery!
[knocks on door]
Is someone in there?
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Delivery man]
Hey, you're welcome.
[Freddy] Shit! That jerk!
[engine revving]
Hey! Hey!
[dramatic music]
[door closes]
[suspenseful music]
[wind whooshing softly]
-[door opens]
-[punch thrown]
[Freddy groans]
-[kick thrown]
-[Freddy grunts]
[Freddy groans]
[gun fired]
[Freddy groans]
[suspenseful music]
-Do you know how many miles
I traveled to find you, asshole?
[Freddy panting]
[hum of SUV engine]
[suspenseful music]
[door opens]
-Franck... Franck. Stop.
[water splashes]
Dammit, Franck, it's me!
You know me!
[Freddy grunts]
Franck, don't do this.
For god's sake, it's me!
Stop it!
Stop! Stop it! [crying]
-[kick thrown]
-[Freddy grunts]
-[shot fired]
-[Freddy grunts]
[ears ringing]
[Freddy panting]
[gun clicks]
-What did you do with the cash?
It's Eva.
She's 13 now.
I'm here for her.
I'm all she's got, Franck.
-That's exactly
how you were outed, man.
That one's a damn rat.
-[gun clicks]
-Hold on!
Hold on.
Wait! Wait, wait.
Look at this key.
It opens a container
at the boat cemetery.
[indistinct] Where we
used to fish out the dope
when we were teenagers.
That's where I put
Csar's cash.
There's a boat for Morocco.
Go ahead. Take it all.
I don't give a shit.
Let me go. I beg you, man.
-[gun clicks]
Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
You took something
from Csar too.
I know it.
I know about you two.
But I never said a word.
I would never
do that to you, man.
What's Csar gonna do
when he finds out about this?
He's clearly driving us all
into a brick wall.
Today, it's me.
Tomorrow, it'll be Anna and you.
Please just let me
pick up my kid.
[cocks gun]
[suspenseful music]
[Freddy's sobbing breaths]
[Franck] Just fucking go.
Scram, I said!
-[Freddy grunts]
[owl hooting]
[crunching footsteps]
[water gushing]
[horn blares]
[loud clanking]
[welding torch hisses]
[chaotic chatter]
-Hey! Where you going?
[stool legs grating]
[lamp switch clicks]
[approaching footsteps]
[stool legs grating]
they taste like the sea.
Salty water from the ocean.
Over there, you will shine
like an angel.
The police
are working with them.
If you try that again,
they'll kill your family.
When you get over there,
just got to fake it
and you'll make it
up the ladder to the top.
Then you put money aside
for yourself.
And then...
you can disappear.
[owl hooting]
[water splashes]
-You looking to
get yourself hurt?
[owl hooting]
[eerie whispering]
[gun clicks]
[gun thuds]
[paper rustling]
[suspenseful music]
[suitcase lock clicks]
[door closes]
-[distant shouts]
-[SUV door opens]
[SUV door closes]
[suspenseful music]
[low hum of car engine]
[suspenseful music continues]
[twig snaps]
[loud rustling]
[eerie whispering]
[thunder rumbling]
[phone ringing]
[thunder rumbling]
-He left the hotel
before I got here.
-Did someone see him leave?
The night watchman.
I know that he's got contacts
in Berlin and Warsaw.
If you want, I can check.
-No! Come back.
And Franck...
make sure
you keep your phone on.
-[phone beeps]
-[suspenseful music]
[distant barking]
[phone clatters]
[SUV door opens]
[SUV door closes]
[rumble of SUV engine]
[tense music]
[engine revving]
[tense music continues]
[Franck] Hey?
[music intensifies]
You all right?
That mini down there
in the ditch, is that yours?
-It's his.
-What do you mean, his?
-I saw him. Down the road.
[Franck] Easy, easy.
I don't get what you're saying
-[Laure] We saw him. We saw him.
Down the road.
Are you with him?
They can't take me.
They can't take me.
-Please, calm down. Please.
-Don't take me back there.
-I'm telling you. Calm down.
-Calm down. Calm down.
-Please don't.
Please don't.
Please don't.
-Calm down.
No! [sobbing]
[Franck] Come back!
[running footsteps]
[clank of machinery]
[paper rustling]
[phone ringing]
[phone rings again]
[phone ringing]
[Franck] [over phone]
You were right.
I couldn't.
But we'll do it today.
Where can I find you?
[Franck] Marseille.
Where the old man
taught us to shoot.
-The [indistinct] Ridge?
-[Franck] Yeah.
A boat will be waiting for us.
Reserve a room at Marius's.
I'll join you tomorrow night.
-So, this is it?
-Mm-hmm. This is it.
[chuckles softly]
[distant shouting]
[suspenseful music]
[Csar] Where are you going?
[distant shouting]
[water trickling]
How's the load?
[Anna] All clean.
Wrapped up.
Ready to go.
The right line
goes to Barcelona.
The left one, to Brussels.
Fifteen thousand per head.
-You're not needed anymore
Come with me.
-The King is inviting
one of his courtesans
to his coronation?
All right. I'll go
and gather my things.
Stefano will go for them.
You stay here.
-[grunts] What the fuck
are you doing?
Don't touch me. Understand?
Stupid dickhead!
[Csar] Stefano...
[tense music]
-What's this?
What's happening?
Why'd that dickface
put his hands on me?
-You threatening me
like that too?
-I am not your father.
-Go on.
Don't make me wait.
-I'm not your wife, either.
At my place in one hour.
[horn blares]
[rumble of engine]
[reporter on radio]
For you, is it something
that you just felt?
Or did that come up
day after day
in your work as a programmer?
[man on radio] Yes, yes. There
was definitely that tendency.
[engine revving]
The music, dark and--
[woman on radio]
So, Seb, I could go on forever,
but we have a particularly rich
program scheduled for today.
[man on radio]
Yeah, for sure.
You should get fined
for that kind of stuff.
[tense music]
[eerie whisper]
[tense music continues]
[tires squealing]
[horn blares]
-[Franck gasps]
-[horn blares]
[engine idling]
[music blaring on radio]
[engine switched off]
[music blaring on radio]
[suspenseful music]
-I'm at the location right now.
I'm checking for
possible suspects.
Couldn't find
anything wrong so far.
I'll keep an eye here
for a few minutes.
[police radio beeping]
[Franck sighing]
[eerie whispering]
[newscaster] Storm warning.
The low-pressure system awaited
for all of Northern Europe
has arrived, and it's a lot more
intense than [indistinct].
The radar shows that
there will be heavy rainfall
throughout the morning
and afternoon,
and all-night wind gusts
and snow in the Ardennes.
Take serious precautions
if you're planning on driving.
Missing-person alert.
It's now been three days
since we've had any news
on Laure Mertens.
Police have stopped their search
due to the intense weather
now affecting the whole country.
The young student was last seen
near the university campus,
and since, there has been
no sign of her.
-[eerie whispering]
-[newscaster] According to...
[TV static]
[clink of cutlery]
[audio disturbance on TV]
[thunder crashing]
[distant crash]
[wind howling]
[loud clatter]
[rhythmic tapping]
[eggshell crackles]
[Virgil] Sir? Your headlights.
looks like you left
your headlights on.
You know if there's
a bus stop nearby?
[Franck] [muttering to self]
What's up with this shit?
I don't want to worry you,
but I doubt you'll find
a bus stop here.
the cook told me there was one
not too far from here,
but, I don't know where.
I'll go back inside
and wait there.
[Franck] Uhm.
[retreating footsteps]
[rumble of SUV engine]
I can drop you off in Bastogne.
After that, you're on your own.
-Sure, Bastogne is great.
My name is Virgil.
Do you have a name?
-Well, it's nice of you
to give me a ride.
-I owed you one
for the headlights.
-Probably more like
you felt sorry for me.
You know, I'm used to it.
People feel sorry for me
all the time.
-I'll stop you there.
Pity is not my thing.
What were you doing in
such a lost place at that hour?
-Uh, well, I started
engineering school.
As hazing, they picked out
the newbies
and took us into the middle
of the woods, blindfolded.
So, you know,
I was forced to figure it out.
[embarrassed chuckle]
-What's that?
-Uh, it's my notebook.
I am writing notes.
Like this.
-Notes about what?
-Uh, something inspired by you.
It's "Day of Anger."
It goes:
"Dies irae, dies illa
"Quantus tremor est futurus
"Quando judex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus."
It means,
"A day of ire, it'll be,
"Terror shall envelop you when
the judge comes to deliver..."
[both] "His ruthless sentence."
You know Verdi?
Handed down to me
from my old man.
-Well darn, he must be
a great role model for you.
-I'm starting to get why they
threw you out into the woods.
-[Virgil laughs]
Our only gods are our fathers,
and the devil is
what we make of them, right?
You don't believe in God, huh?
Yeah, you know, you're right.
And He doesn't
believe in us either.
[engine revving]
[music playing at gas station]
[Virgil muttering]
[Franck] You want something?
-Uh, no thanks. I'm all set.
And actually,
I have this for you.
-What's that for?
-Well, for the gas.
-Keep your money
for your studies.
-No, no. I insist.
And thanks.
It's crazy what you can learn
from being in contact
with people.
[music continues on radio]
[song playing on car radio]
[engine revving]
Are you worried?
-It seems like something's
worrying you.
-Don't do it, please.
-I think I saw that girl
earlier on the road.
-The one on the news?
-I don't even know
why I'm talking about her.
I don't fucking care.
-Oh, yeah. You do care.
-[Franck] What?
-[Virgil] Sounds like
you need to talk
to someone about it,
like to the cop
at the restaurant earlier.
Don't you think, Franck?
-Where did you get my name from?
[Virgil] You wanted to go
see him, talk to him about her,
show him the bracelet,
but you thought
he might break your balls.
And you were right
because I saw him
take down your plate number
when you walked in.
You were right
about the girl too.
It was her, Laure Mertens.
But it's all good.
'Cause she's resting now.
I'm the one who killed her.
I had to try harder than usual.
It was tough in the cold,
with the frozen ground
and everything.
And my bare hands. [chuckles]
What a shitshow!
You ever tried
opening a girl's chest
with your bare hands?
I mean, things were already
getting dicey.
And all of a sudden, she jumped
out of the running car!
The Mini, remember?
And that's why
you found her there.
Hey, she also made you
feel sorry for her,
but you didn't give her a ride.
Hey, I'm wondering,
were you not able to
or didn't want to save her?
Did you lose something?
[Franck cocks gun]
-Get out.
-But-but-- weren't you gonna
take me to Bastogne?
-Are you leaving or do you want
your brains blown out first?
-But this is a waste.
We have so much to talk about
and do together, don't we?
-[gun clicks]
Okay. Okay.
[SUV door opens]
I liked her face,
her pitiful face,
asking for help.
But now I prefer yours.
[edgy music]
You and I are gonna have fun.
[SUV door closes]
[edgy music continues]
-Son of a bitch.
[edgy music continues]
[engine idling]
[engine switched off]
[Franck sighs]
[truck horn blares]
[vehicle engines rumbling]
[tense music]
[Franck] Anna?
-[tap on door]
This is truck parking, sir!
Cars are over there.
Go on. Out of here.
Go on!
[engine revving]
-[Franck] Hello?
-[Anna] Who is this?
[Franck] It's me.
Where are you?
I'm almost at Marius's.
There's a guy who won't stop
calling me from your phone.
What does he want?
He tells me he's your friend.
[Franck] Wait, I don't get it.
I got rid of my phone.
[Anna] H e knows
everything about you.
About Csar.
[Franck] Okay.
As soon as you get there,
lock yourself in
and wait for me.
[phone beeps]
[suspenseful music]
[keypad beeping]
[phone ringing]
[arcane chanting]
[phone clicks]
Where the hell
did you get my cell phone?
Sleep well, Franck?
I missed you.
You know what I'm doing?
I'm watching the news.
You should do the same.
This should be
of interest to you.
[reporter] ...a macabre
discovery in the Ardennes.
This morning,
Belgian police found a body
that had been savagely mutilated
in a forest
near National Route 4.
It has been ID'd
as Laure Mertens,
a young student from Namur,
whose disappearance
had been reported
approximately one week ago.
About 50 kilometers from here,
another mutilated body
bearing very similar
found in a garbage dumpster
of The Glutton,
a well-known roadside restaurant
along the national route.
The second body is likely
that of Freddy Van Mol,
a well-known member of
Belgian organized crime.
In the restaurant's parking lot,
have found clothing
likely belonging
to Laure Mertens
in an abandoned car.
The car allegedly belongs to
Virgil Hilscher,
a student from Namur.
Hilscher appears to be
the main suspect in this case.
The suspect has most likely
already crossed the border.
French police are coordinating
with their Belgian counterparts
to launch an international
-You and I are gonna
become stars.
[reporter] Belgium and France
will be especially vulnerable
to this severe weather system.
Wind gusts of up to
120 kilometers per hour
have been measured.
[Virgil] You gotta get
a hold of yourself, Franck.
I don't know what's up with you,
I'm finding you a bit...
I saw you in the forest
last night.
I don't know what came over you.
You know, I must have
passed right after you.
It wasn't easy.
That guy was really heavy.
-Look, you don't know
who you're messing with.
-[Virgil chuckles]
I'm starting to
get to know you...
and Csar.
[chuckles] You should have
seen his face when I told him
that you took off with Anna.
-What do you want?
-My notebook.
-Your what?
-I want my notebook back.
I put it where you put
Freddy's cruise tickets.
The tickets you snatched
from his suitcase?
Where you put the key away.
You got it?
You following?
[Virgil laughs]
What does that key open, again?
-What'd you do with my key?
-Oh, don't worry.
It's perfectly safe with me.
I want my notebook back, please.
By the way, you can look
at my drawings if you want.
[pages rustling]
Page ten, for example.
Hey, those telephones
are real rats, aren't they?
All right, Franck,
you'll have to get back to work.
I can't always do things
in your place.
I've prepared a parcourse
for getting you back in shape.
It should bring back memories.
[continues chuckling]
[pages rustling]
[Franck] Where?
-Page 131.
[pages rustling]
You and I are gonna do
great things.
Talk soon, Franck.
[sinister chuckle]
[tense music]
[SUV door closes]
[approaching footsteps]
[distant barking]
[cocks gun]
[door hinges creak]
[floorboard creaks]
[music blares suddenly]
[loud operatic music]
[soft clatter]
[tense music]
[loud crash]
[tense music continues]
[eerie whispers]
[Virgil] [VO]
Malebolge cruise ticket.
Van Mol, Freddy,
Marseille, Trieste.
[Franck gasps]
[eerie whispers]
[Virgil muttering]
[tense music]
[gears clanking]
[chimes tinkling]
-[sirens blaring]
[Officer] Break down that door!
-[sirens blaring]
[officers shouting]
Do the area!
[edgy music]
Got something here!
[officers shouting]
We need to get inside, now.
[dog barking]
[officer] Police!
[officer 2]
Position yourselves.
[officer 1] Stop running!
-[officer 2] Don't move.
-[officer 1] Stop!
[officer 2]
Down there! Down there!
[officer 3] Suspect in sight.
Approaching him now.
-Don't move.
Give me your hands.
Where is he?
-[punches thrown]
-[grunting and groaning]
[Officer] Police!
Stop now! This is the police!
Stop now! Stop right now!
-[shot fired]
-[officer thuds]
[Officer] Man down!
Open fire!
[shots fired]
Do you have my notebook?
-[Franck] Drive! Drive!
-[brakes squealing]
What the hell is this?
-I just felt lonely, so...
I did the same as you.
A nice SUV
and a route companion.
[man moaning]
The Prodigue.
Did you recognize the place?
That was your first contract,
Must have felt special.
You slit Mouchkine Jr.'s throat
in the service elevator.
Is that what confirmed
your position with Falcone?
-What the fuck do you want?
-Hey! I'm not happy, Franck.
First, it's Freddy,
now it's this cop.
You're getting soft.
Why didn't you shoot him?
I can't be doing all your work
all the time.
You know,
you should be thanking me.
The cop's been tracking you
since the restaurant.
Luckily, he crossed my path.
Just like poor Stefano.
At first, he didn't get it.
But then, well,
it was too late!
[gun clicks]
[Franck] Stop this car now.
-What a career, Franck.
Anas the Egyptian,
five bullets into the thorax.
Florent, alias "The Belgian,"
a bottle opener
into his carotid.
Babacar Ouali, drowned
in the Scheldt River.
-Those were contracts.
-Carlos, "The Buffalo,"
his cranium
ground to pieces by a vise.
-Those were contracts.
-Oh, wait. I know.
My favorite...
Arthur Redon.
You massacred him
in front of his poor little son.
Remember, Franck?
[maniacal laughter]
-They were contracts!
-[Virgil] Yeah, right.
That's what you say
to make yourself feel better.
[Franck] Stop the fucking car.
-Are you serious?
Is your seatbelt fastened?
He's dead! [laughs]
Good thing he crossed my path.
I definitely wasn't going to
walk all the way home.
-Stop the fucking car.
Stop the car!
-We're gonna do
great things together.
[brakes squealing]
[car tumbling]
[VO] We're gonna do
great things together, Franck.
Come on. Wake up, Franck.
[wind whooshing]
[Franck groans]
[thunder rumbling]
[Franck sighs]
-I was told you were...
I'm as dead as Elvis, buddy.
-That means that I'm...
-[Freddy] No!
Not yet.
You still have lots to do,
Franck, buddy.
[eerie muttering]
[Virgil] We're gonna do
great things, you and I.
I'll see you soon.
[Freddy] The kid
told me to give you this.
[distant cawing]
[Franck sighs]
[bed springs creak]
[soft clatter of objects]
[Franck sighs]
[footsteps thump on stairs]
[man] You slut!
You're worthless.
[woman] Please leave me alone.
-[man shouting]
-[woman] No! Please!
Please! Stop! No!
[shot fired]
[melancholic music]
[young Franck screaming]
-Hey! Get over here.
Come here. Come here.
[melancholic music continues]
-Why are you here?
Why are we here?
-You called me. You called me
and asked me to come here.
Last night.
-I never called you.
-But Franck,
it was your voice!
-Did you do this to me?
You were like that
when I got here.
You were sleeping.
-We've got to get out of here.
-What? Where are we?
-Where I grew up.
[doorknob rattles]
[officer] PC, we're in.
[suspenseful music]
It's all clear here.
[officer 1]
Checking the location now.
We'll let you know
what we can find.
[floorboard creaks]
[tense music]
-Come on out!
Now! Out!
Come on, asshole. Out!
On your knees!
Get down!
Stop right there, asshole!
[grunting and groaning]
[officer thuds]
-[Anna grunts]
[keys jingle]
[loud bang]
[suspenseful music]
[young Franck grunts]
[gun clatters]
[grunting and groaning]
[somber music]
[somber music continues]
[Anna] What're you doing?
What're you doing?
Who is the guy calling me?
Did he send the cops?
-I-- I don't know.
The son of one of my contracts.
-We have no time.
-Talk to me.
Who is this sicko?
Look at this.
Look at what shit we're in!
-Let's go.
-Franck, talk to me.
-Please don't start...
-Talk to me, Franck.
-Don't touch me!
[Franck growls]
[Anna] Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me.
Look at me!
Stop. Calm down.
Hey, it's over.
Everything will be all right.
We're gonna be free.
We'll be free together.
We'll do this.
Everything's okay.
[somber music]
[eerie muttering]
[approaching footsteps]
[rumble of car engine]
[car doors close]
[rumble of bus engine]
[door opens]
-[keys jingle]
-[door opens]
[door closes]
-Come and see.
[door opens]
[phone ringing]
[Virgil] Welcome
to Malebolge Cruises,
little lovebirds.
This is getting unacceptable.
Now you have to
get Anna to rescue you?
You need me
to take care of her too?
Franck? Franck!
-[Virgil] Franck.
Franck, come on.
You'll regret this.
-[Anna moaning]
-Let go of her!
Let go!
-Hey, Franck.
How nice to see you.
-[Anna moaning]
[Csar] You thought you could
take everything away from me?
Huh, Frank?
-[objects clattering]
-[Franck groaning]
[Csar] Giuseppe works
with us in Chechnya.
When he saw those pictures
of his brother Stefano
attached to a cop
with barbed wire...
he really insisted
on meeting you.
Who butchered them like that?
Not you.
Nah, you're the efficient type.
Not an artist.
-[Franck groaning]
-Is it your friend?
He seemed a little
miffed with you.
He's the one who ratted out.
What's going on
between you and this guy?
[Franck groaning]
-Were you fucking him too?
-I don't know that guy.
[Franck groaning]
-And this?
What is this?
Is this where my money is?
-I want to see her first.
-[Anna groaning]
Franck! Franck!
[Anna crying]
[Franck groaning]
-Franck! Franck!
[Franck] No! No!
No! No! No! No!
[Anna crying]
[Franck groaning]
[Csar] I always
loved your eyes.
Such a pity.
-[Anna crying]
-[Franck groaning]
I'll take you there.
I'll take you there.
I'll take you there.
[tense music]
I was almost there.
A respectable life.
Legal businesses.
A prestigious marriage.
A child prodigy for a daughter.
Stuff that the old man
was never able to accomplish.
-So that's why you did it?
To be somebody respectable?
Everyone knows you're the one
who killed the old man.
-I had a good teacher.
-He raised us
like we were his own.
-And take a look
at yourself now.
All this, for what?
For Freddy?
For Anna?
-Freddy was family.
-Freddy chose his own path.
And you did too.
You chose yours.
All this time
you've known it.
This is the life that chose us.
And it's a one-way street.
[somber music]
[dramatic music]
[car door closes]
[thunder rumbles]
[Anna grunting]
[henchman] Watch her.
There's nothing there.
-Go in.
Go on.
[heavy footsteps]
[metal box clatters]
[bag thuds]
Were our moments together
really so horrible?
-That wasn't my life.
Stand up. On your feet!
[Anna groaning]
[wind howling]
-You wanted freedom?
[eerie chanting]
[wind howling]
[eerie chanting continues]
[henchman screaming] Shit!
[shot fired]
[henchman grunting]
[Csar] Stop there!
[Franck] Come on! Run!
Run! Hide!
[Csar] Get them.
[wind howling]
[voice] Csar...
[Csar] Where are they?
[shot fired]
-[Giuseppe grunts]
[Csar] Giuseppe?
-[shot fired]
-[man screams]
[Csar] Franck?
[running footsteps]
[Csar] Oh, shit!
Damn you, bitch.
Where are you? Come out.
Show yourself, Anna!
[bag thuds]
[eerie growling]
[tense music]
[Anna panting]
[eerie whisper]
Anna! Anna.
[fan creaking noisily]
[metallic creaking]
[Csar] Where are you, Franck?
[wind howling]
[eerie chanting]
[eerie musical beats]
[fan creaking noisily]
[intense rhythmic beats]
[gun fired]
[eerie growling]
[wind howling]
[Csar breathing heavily]
[body thuds]
[Franck] Anna!
[louder] Anna?
[mutters to self] Come on.
[dramatic music]
[Anna screaming]
[operatic music]
[operatic music continues]
[Virgil] Whoa!
[operatic music continues]
[Virgil] Welcome to
the Malebolge Cruises!
-[Anna] Help!
[Anna] Help! Help!
-[flames blazing]
-[Anna screaming]
[eerie whispering]
[Anna crying out]
[Virgil] Oh, shit.
She must be suffocating.
-[Anna] Help!
Maybe you should save her.
-[Anna] Help!
-[shot fired]
-[Franck grunts]
[Virgil] You see?
That's what your problem is,
-[Franck groaning]
[Virgil] You're in love!
-[Anna] Help!
[eerie chanting]
-Who are you?
What do you want?
-[hoarse voice]
I want to save you, Franck.
-Save me from what?
-From yourself.
A nice wife? A kid?
Do you want to end up
like your father?
You, you're made for killing.
Not for baby bottles.
-[Anna screaming]
-[shots fired]
-[Anna screaming] Help!
-[Franck groaning]
[punches thrown]
-[Virgil laughs sarcastically]
[sighing] Oh, is that
really all you've got?
-[punches thrown]
-[Virgil laughs]
You're almost there, Franck.
Go for it. [laughs]
Come on!
[Virgil laughing maniacally]
[Franck growling]
[Virgil] Come on!
[repeated stabbing]
[Virgil laughing maniacally]
[flames blazing]
[unearthly growling]
[dramatic music]
[flames roaring]
-[Anna screaming] Help! Help.
[Anna inhaling deeply]
[flames roaring]
[eerie mutterings]
[Virgil screaming] Franck!
[dramatic burst of music]
[shot fired]
[dramatic operatic singing]
[dramatic operatic singing]
[Anna breathing heavily]
[Anna screaming]
[rumble of vehicle engine]
[classical music]
[engine revving]
[classical music continues]
[waves lashing the shore]
[dramatic operatic singing]
[Franck grunting with effort]
[dramatic operatic singing]
[Virgil] [VO] So, Franck...
[Franck breathing heavily]
[dramatic operatic singing]
[Franck snarling]
[Virgil] [VO] Go on.
Go ahead.
Say it.
Say it.
-We're going to do
great things together, Franck.
[eerie chanting]
[music fades out]