Intregalde (2021) Movie Script

with the support of
a film by
Dont play with the food!
I really dont like this joke.
Do we put the tomato sauce as well?
We usually do.
You dont have eyes for me.
Tomato sauce, cheese,
two salmon cans...
Good morning!
- Did you sleep well?
- Like a baby.
Mommy! Mommy!
Can we take him home?
How often have I said
we cant adopt strays?
But he has feelings too.
But he has a mommy too and
shes waiting for him to come back.
- I havent seen her.
- Of course he has a mama.
Ina! Were not bringing puppies home.
Please put him back right now.
Ina! Take this and feed him outside.
Hold him so he doesnt fall.
I swear, Ill pull out and
block the whole road ahead.
I need a Nissan ready for Valea Uzii!
Three ordinary sacks and one for a child.
- Hello. Any news?
- One moment.
Dan, can you take these reporters with you?
Weve got Maria with us.
- So wheres Maria now?
- Over there with Cristina.
Maria, can you go with Radu and Cristina?
Of course.
- Why?
- Weve got room in the back.
- But I came with Dan and Ilinca.
- Its settled, youre coming with us.
- Have you loaded the car?
- We were first!
Ill wait for them to load and
then Ill go get my backpack.
Good day!
Back up, so Mustea can get out!
- You big-shots.
- Of course.
You give it to her, sweetie!
You spend all day on that phone!
Behave, get good grades and
youll make it to the high school in town.
Its a tablet. Itll help you learn
and it has some games on it.
Lets take a picture!
Pick up the little fellow if you like.
- Ill take the picture for you.
- Yeah?
Look at the camera!
- There!
- Ready?
Do you know how to use a tablet?
God, the look on her little face
when she got the tablet.
Did you see?
She remembered about five years ago.
Because you showed her the recording
on your phone.
Anyway, it makes a difference
to these people.
I dont know.
You create certain expectations.
Anybody want some?
What is it?
A bar.
- What kind?
- Muesli and cranberry.
What kind of berries?
I dont know, Cristina.
Open it, please.
So, whoever invented Santa Claus
is to blame, right?
- Yeah, but you are too...
- Coca Cola.
Off with their heads.
But arent you complicit too?
Now Im a monster.
I was Santa Claus for a moment,
I made the little girl happy
when she was three or five,
and Im a monster. Sorry, Cristina!
You made her happy one time...
Then let her down five years in a row,
by not showing up.
Get it?
I get it, forgive me!
So lets turn around
and take the presents back.
Give me back that tablet!
And a couple of kicks in the ass,
to teach her what lifes all about.
Hows that?
Whats that disorder called,
when you cant stand being contradicted?
Its called youre talking crap.
Hey, hes headed for Ivni.
Saw him two or three curves back.
Probably his radio isnt working.
Wait there!
Take a look!
Lovely, isnt it?
Still angry?
- Come on, that dog would eat your hamster.
- Thats not true.
Radu, your radios off.
Forget the radio.
Where are the journalists?
Managed to lose them along the way.
Were going to get a sheep.
- How are you, Maria?
- Fine. Enjoying the view.
- Any sacks left?
- Four.
Radu, can you help me
with these dogs please?
- Why dont you come with us?
- Where?
Towards Ivni.
First you want me, then you dont...
I beg you, dont leave me alone
with this drunkard.
Whats your problem?
Im great company.
Since you put it that way...
Guys, Im going with Dan and Ilinca.
- See, you scared her off.
- No, they cant do without me.
No, its the call of the mutton,
we cant compete!
Well, we have to eat.
- Bye, Ina!
- Bye!
Want us to take some sacks
so you have room for the sheep?
No worries, we have room.
- Whats up?
- Spending time with the kid.
Found yourself some dogs, Radu?
Daniel is taking care of the sheep,
its in safe hands.
God bless you, my children!
And peace to all! Amen!
- Radu pissed you off, right?
- Thank God you rescued me.
They have a kind of harmonious
tension between themselves.
But their company...
- It wears you out.
- Hard going.
Theyve been together for so long.
Cant stand each other now, clearly.
And over little things. Like
the Grumpy Old Men from 'The Muppets'.
Werent they talking about getting a house
in Austria, near a ski-slope?
Well, an apartment.
So the kid wouldnt have
to lug skis around.
Well, truth is,
he started off with nothing.
- Old mans wisdom...
- Ridiculous.
Whats your problem?
Got anything for a headache?
- I dont think so.
- My heads splitting from Miezus wine.
- Ive got some Eumastos.
- Give me two.
- Its for sore breasts.
- If its for pain, Ill take it.
Too much booze?
I have a shitty taste in my mouth.
- If you puke in the car, Im not buying it.
- Fuck that.
So youre done with the car?
No more mountain adventures.
My wife sees me as a family man.
Whens it due?
Expected on January 26.
Yeah, Ceauescus birthday.
Well, Paul Newmans too.
- Are you sure its a girl?
- Daddys little girl!
- Awww! How mushy!
- Completely.
Leave it here.
Theres somebody there.
Good day!
Whats wrong with her?
Sorry. I didnt mean to scare you.
Im delivering aid.
Whats that?
Food and other things you need.
Were just leaving this for Christmas
and going, thats all.
But it isnt Christmas now.
- Well, youll have it for Christmas.
- What happened? Did you hurt yourself?
The pig bit me.
- And did you see a doctor?
- Yes.
- Were going now. Bye!
- All the best!
God bless you!
Poor thing!
- With her hand like that...
- Hellboy!
Is this Wide Valley or Long Valley?
Wide, Id say.
And Rme is that way?
I dont think so. We came from the right.
ntregaldes over there.
Come on, the road curves about.
Seriously. Olteni, Floreti...
Have you got a signal?
None on Orange since Valea Fgetului.
Doubt Ill get anyone on the radio either.
- He hasnt got a sheep under 70 kilos.
- So?
Big deal, go for it.
Yeah, but its a bit over the budget
and Id like to OK it with the guys.
Whats that? Give me a bit.
- Yum, thats good!
- I knew youd like it.
- Cmon dollface, its getting cold.
- Wait, Ive got a bit of a signal.
Hold still!
Wait! Wait!
Youll butcher it for us, right?
- By four.
- Ready at four!
Dont look, Ilinca!
Four adults and one child, over!
Lads, weve got 70 kilos of mutton.
Repeat that please. Hold on there!
I said, the sheep weighs 70 kilos.
Who has a sack for a child?
How many kilos?
You dont get it.
Can you hear me, Biciu? Hello!
Ive got one for a child,
but a bit older, 10-15...
Well, take it handy.
Take it handy!
Take it handy. Thats Moncea.
Bad reception.
No chance here. Were in a dip.
How about some music?
No, I want to hear the engine.
Sounds like somethings rattling about.
Screw you! We made a deal,
youre taking it!
Not so fast. We said
wed take a test-drive, right?
If Id known that...
Well talk about it after...
What a bitch.
Look how narrow it gets here!
We can drop off the last of the sacks
at Negreti and maybe come back this way.
The road is no good further on.
But didnt the mayor say...
Fuck the mayor,
hes sending us to his cousins again...
Did I upset you?
Please, mind the road.
And last night,
who stayed on with you two?
The guy with the wine, Nicuor.
It was... very nice.
Telling us about his sister,
how they were reunited
at the airport after eleven years.
He started crying. Believe me, it was...
When Queen of Sadness
played for the fourth time,
I went straight to bed.
Tears, tears, tears of life.
Amazing, pull over and let me out.
I have become the Queen of Sadness.
- We didnt come this far last time, did we?
- No.
There were two metres of snow here.
No, Andu got stuck ahead
and blocked the whole road.
We didnt give out half of the sacks.
- Look at this one!
- Hes walking like a penguin.
Move it, Forrest Gump!
Mind you dont hit him!
- Good day.
- Good day.
- Are you doing the delivery?
- Yes.
Which delivery?
Im going to the sawmill
to help you load up.
- Weve nothing to do with the sawmill.
- What sawmill?
Whats that, Madam?
She says were not loading anything,
were bringing sacks of aid. Were unloading.
Here at the mill.
The trailers are coming, we have to....
What trailers?
Them big machines.
They cant go off empty.
Were from Bucharest, Humanitarian Aid,
nothing to do with the sawmill.
Miss, my feet hurt.
And its getting late.
Ask him where hes going.
Maybe we can drop him off on the way.
Pops, were headed for Necrileti.
Where are you going?
That way too, down the hill.
To the milestone.
What should we do?
I can pay you,
they gave me some money.
Wheres this mill? Where is it?
- Up ahead.
- Alright, is it on the way to Necrileti?
- Yes, yes.
- What time is it?
- Half past two.
- Ill give you money.
Give it a rest about the money.
- Dunno, will we?
- Lets give him a lift.
Come on. Forget the money,
well drop you off somewhere.
God bless you!
Dont go blaming me,
but hes covered in mud!
Not easy being old.
Arent you cold with only that jacket on?
Arent you cold?
Not now.
Now its December or January.
Nows the time to get busy.
When I was nine, my father
sent me into the woods on my own.
He said, Get moving!
Ive worked with a chainsaw
my whole life, thinning the forest.
- What? Thinning?
- Yes.
Everything in my home I transported myself
and made with my own hands.
Lets tidy this up to make room.
Aha, hes got the scarf.
- You can wipe your ass with it now.
- Shut up!
Its soft.
- Its soft, seriously?
- Its soft, yes.
- Its soft, yes.
- Do you like it?
I like it.
Whats your name, Miss?
- Maria.
- Maria!
And yours?
Kente Aron.
Maria, youll leave here engaged.
- Kente Aron.
- Got it.
Hey, shall we leave a sack for him,
at the mill?
How will he carry it if hes hardly able
to drag himself along?
Well, he can share it with the lads.
Who else is with you at the mill?
Leave the girls scarf alone.
Gruia, Piglet, Vasile. A gang of fellows.
We can leave all the sacks there.
Lady had a scarf like this.
She was from our village.
And she went over the mountains,
to Baia, to the market.
She lived with a man there.
The old fellow had been around,
knew a few tricks.
They started to fool around,
in the bushes, tricks and jobs.
And then, he started to work on her.
Then, she stole his money,
picked his back pocket and scooted off.
And she ran away.
The old fellow pulled up his pants
and ran off after her through the market,
and he was shouting.
Good people!
Have you seen a big swarthy girl,
named The Lady,
skirt hitched up and half-fucked?
And money in her fist.
Tricks and jobs!
Good one! Who needs a radio?
The road to the mill.
- This one?
- Yes.
- Its a forestry road, for logging vehicles.
- For cutting and pulling.
Lets see.
Look, you can see with your compass
to the bottom of the valley.
It shows a kind of road.
Narrow, but there is one.
I see it, but whats it going to be like?
If youre nervous I can drive.
Are you sure this is the way?
After that big stone.
- It should bring us out at the main road.
- At the end, down there.
Maybe well come across Miez or Biciu.
If its bad, we turn around.
Nobodys going to turn around.
I said wed take a test drive,
so how about it?!
Really? Step on it then! Come on!
Ilinca, wed better not.
The road is a mess.
Wait, Ill get out and see.
Let me drive. Its bad ahead.
Like hell you will!
Its that sticky clay.
No way. We said its a test drive,
so lets do it for real.
Dont be stubborn! Take a look at least.
- Drop it.
- Seriously. Come take a look.
- How bad can it be? I saw it already.
- You havent seen shit.
Its fine.
Have it your way.
- Easy, easy.
- See how Shakira shakes it.
Careful here, on the right.
Easy, youre just getting more stuck.
Bravo Ilinca. Ive done it now.
You had to be stubborn!
I told you it was clay.
I couldnt see with the fog,
I though it was ok.
We had a tractor driver
we called Stalin, a bit of a boozer.
One Christmas...
Pass me my jacket.
...we tumbled into a gully, like this one,
and he was shouting, Get off me!
- We should get out.
- Indeed yes, so we can sort this out.
- Will we get digging?
- Well have to push.
We need a tractor.
Mr Balzs has one at the mill.
Hell come and haul us onto the ramp,
he cant get past with us in the way...
Please stand back a bit,
so my colleagues can work.
Careful there at the slope.
Can you stand there please?
While we get the car out.
Cmon girls, push!
Lets go!
Listen, you need a tractor
to pull it out...
Stand over there in case it jolts forward.
Maria, you got him good
and stuck here, up front.
Stand back, so I dont hit you.
Mr. Balzs needs to come
with the tractor, haul us out,
hell winch us out if he cant get past.
Is it working?
Step on it!
Stop! Stop!
- What shall we do?
- Now, gather wood.
A stroll in the woods, Madam.
In the woods you break a branch...
How does it go?
What care has the wood? Shit.
- Careful!
- Sure.
Ill take this and you get that one.
God, and I thought Id be bored.
You were drowning in depression
with Radus family.
Jam it in there!
Imagine getting stuck in the mud
with them, with their fancy clothes.
Maybe therell be some houses ahead,
so we can get rid of these sacks.
Lets just get back on the main road.
Well be late to the barbecue.
Youre hungry, fatso!
My head is better
and now my belly is moaning.
Let me smoke, Im dying for one.
- Sure, as soon as its your car...
- Two puffs, I swear.
Look at him.
You screwed us, grandad.
Are you delivering to the mill?
Ill come help.
Hes in a bit of a rush.
I was just about to say
the road is better now.
Lets see if the guy with the sheep
has called. Its 3:15.
I was complaining about you,
and now I get us in a worse mess.
Can we push it out?
No way, its bad.
Lets try at least.
Fucking old fart!
Let me help you.
No, leave it! Fucking shit!
Whats that for?
For under the wheel.
The whole things on the chassis.
Back wheels in the air.
Gimme another branch, a thick one.
- Like this?
- Yeah.
Ah, fucking hell!
- What will we do?
- Lets see!
Jump on the rim,
maybe itll even out. The rim!
Two, three, and go!
How far to the main road?
Heres the blue dot
and the rest is just white.
You cant even see that thin line.
Im going after the old man,
to the mill.
What for?
Any cash on you?
- 140.
- Itll do.
Ive about 50 left.
Maybell therell be a couple of guys
there with a tractor who can help.
- Want us to come with you?
- No, whats the point?
I didnt see any stone or marker,
or whatever the hell he meant.
I saw a road through the woods,
to the right.
There was a rock too.
Stay here.
Maybe well be able to get it out.
Itll be dark in an hour.
At worst Ill meet gramps on the way
and hell take me there.
Bravo! My hero!
Shush, yeah?!
Get in the car, its freezing out here.
Take care!
Now I understand what you meant earlier.
You get a different perspective on things
when youre single.
Still, I always secretly envied you,
how you always hooked up with someone.
Truth is, I liked being a slut.
I reckon between high-school and
when I met Paul I was never single.
Ive mourned my own exes.
Lit candles for them
on their anniversaries.
Neednt have bothered!
Oh, by the way,
I called him when I heard
he was going to be a father.
- I went crazy when I heard.
- A baby, with that one?
- I was furious.
- But didnt you say he wasnt able?
Seems he was able after all.
Im pretty ok with it, but...
I panic each time I hear
someones having a baby.
Michi in the spring,
now Mia and Dan.
And Paul...
Is Dans wife really stopping him
going on road trips with us?
No, hes selling the car because
theyve put a payment down on a home.
I was wondering.
Paul and I really did try.
I know you did.
We even did tests
and his results were rubbish.
He didnt expect Id know.
Guess what they did?
Hormonal treatment,
artificial insemination.
One more try.
He got someone to fuck his wife.
They went to Minsk
and hired a surrogate mother.
Seriously, Minsk?
Apparently theres one of those
communist hotels
and you go into an office,
its like a job interview,
they try to convince you,
Take me, take me!
Please, mister!
You stay there like a tourist
until they extract the egg,
fertilize it, then...
So how do you get the kid
out of the country?
No idea.
Here comes the cavalry.
Maybe they have a tow-cable.
Whats up? Nervous?
Just open the window.
Be nice to the gentleman.
Can you get past?
- Hello.
- Good day!
Is the sawmill far from here?
What sawmill?
I thought there was a sawmill here.
- The one in the woods?
- Yes.
It closed down long ago.
- Are you sure?
- Sure.
Balzs owned it, and hes dead ten years.
Now were screwed.
Nelu, with the tractor.
Earlier we gave someone a lift,
an old man who had business there.
He took the road to the sawmill.
With a horse. The tractors broken.
Our colleague went there
looking for help.
To get the car out.
Nothing there, Miss,
except some scrap metal.
So where was that man going?
Kente, or whatever his name is?
Hes not right in the head.
Kente, the guy from the hill,
next to Voicu!
Cool. We were waiting here like fools.
He never really worked there, Miss.
Hes one of those,
how do you say he sucks cock.
Thats why he went there.
At the bar everyone knew
not to touch his glass.
Is it far to the next village?
Are you with the aid?
Yes, I was here two years ago, too.
You didnt reach us.
Its not up to us, the mayor sends us.
We can give you a sack if you want.
We have three left.
Its a long way to the village.
Do you think we could pull it out
with a cable or something?
Do we still have those straps?
Under that thing.
Bring them here!
Hold on! Its a mess back here!
Can I help?
How does this work?
- I drive the car.
- Really?
I thought your colleague did.
Lets go.
Itll freeze and well be stuck here!
Wait, were going to help these girls.
Forget it, if its complicated.
(speaking in romani language)
Hes drunk, wed better not.
He stinks of booze.
Theyre all drunk around here.
You didnt notice?
So, what shall we do?
Do you have any money left to give them?
No, I gave it to Dan.
Where the fuck is Dan?
(speaking in romani language)
Are you deaf?
Get over here!
You little shit! Wait and see,
Ill whip your ass!
Shall I get in the car?
In a moment.
(speaking in romani language)
Now! Steer that way.
Its fine, now I know how to steer.
Go, go!
Is that rope strong enough?
Of course.
Oi! He said to come now,
hes waiting for us.
She said to come now.
Were coming. Stand there!
(speaking in romani language)
Hey? Whats your name?
Brebu, come here, its risky there.
(speaking in romani language)
Is there a signal there?
Further down.
Rev it! Rev!
He says to rev.
Its ok Ili, Tarzan will save us.
You wanted to see the woods...
We were looking for eligible men,
like you.
Shut the window
or youll be covered in mud.
Easy, easy!
Out of the way!
Easy, easy!
Its slipping!
Fucks sake.
Are you alright?
- God, you scared me.
- The motor died.
I thought you were done for.
- Oh, hell kill us for that.
- Are you alright?
You just stopped there.
You should have kept going.
- The crappy engine died.
- Course it did.
- Is it damaged?
- Yes.
Of course.
She straightened up and didnt accelerate.
What could I do?
The kid was in the way,
it lurched towards him.
Sorry. Is he alright?
Hes fine.
Wed need a crane to get us out now.
- Lets see if it starts.
- See if it starts.
Its fine there, cant slip any further.
Its starting.
We can give you a lift to the road.
I told you, we have to wait here
for our colleague.
As you wish... Its going to freeze
and we dont want to get stuck here.
(speaking in romani language)
Any chance you could drive there
and see if you can find him?
To the old mill
or whatever the hell it is.
Theres a forestry road
on the other side.
It would be a big help.
It would be easier with the car.
The young lady should come with us.
- Why?
- Me?
The kid cant drive.
So I can push, if we get stuck.
Its your call.
Is is far?
Not so far.
I dont know.
What will we do?
I should stay, in case Dan comes back.
If youve got meat, take it,
there are wolves and bears here.
Whats in the sacks?
Get in the back,
let the young lady go in front.
(speaking in romani language)
Take some cake, for the kid.
You drive like that, with no plates?
- The car has no registration plates.
- Oh, its no problem here.
- I took his picture.
- Very well.
If need be, scream.
Yeah, right.
Hello? Radu, can you hear?
So, listen carefully. Were stuck in mud.
For fucks sake!
Pay attention, the network is really weak.
Im standing still,
what do you want me to do?
Listen. We got stuck in mud,
and the car slid into a stream.
Were near the abandoned mill,
tell the mayor.
If hes still there.
I cant.
Yes, good evening.
Were near the abandoned mill.
ntregalde, I think.
Yes, a narrow road.
Were not there exactly,
were on a road a little further down.
Alright, thank you.
Yes, thats right.
Tell me.
Ive no signal,
I have no way to send it to you.
Hey, put the mayor on again.
Then tell him...
theres an old man out here...
we brought him to the old mill.
It seems hes sick and maybe
the mayor could let somebody know.
Hes lost, yes.
Kente Aron is his name.
Kente, Kente as it sounds.
Fine. Well wait for you.
Anybody there?
Roger! Anybody there?
Can anybody hear me?
Roger! Anybody out there?
- Thanks.
- God bless.
Jesus, I thought theyd chopped you up
and thrown you in the back with the pig.
Thought wed end up stuck there.
The road up was very bad.
He wasnt there.
The place is completely abandoned.
Were you able to get him on the phone?
No. I got a bit of signal
further up, but his phone is off.
Got hold of Radu, though.
Says theyre on their way.
Lets try Dan again.
Did you send them our pin?
I have no pin signal.
But the mayor was with them,
he knows where we are.
So when are they coming?
Said theyre on their way.
So, then its expression changed
and it kept staring.
And if you took a step or shifted
in your seat, it would growl.
Guarding you like a sheep.
And this was after
Id played with it for an hour.
I had to be conscious how I moved,
so it didnt lunge at me.
Its instincts, I suppose.
Never went back to their place.
I was shitting myself
and they thought it was funny.
Like they enjoyed it,
having their animal intimidate you.
Especially him.
He was chuckling.
Go fuck yourself,
you and your fucking dog.
Made him feel like a man.
If he couldnt fuck you,
at least he could scare you.
Anyway, I dont really get animals.
I mean, I think its messed up
to be too close to a creature
that would eat you for sure
if it was starving.
So get yourself a bichon.
Then you could eat it.
Seriously, isnt it a bit odd?
For example,
I wouldnt be able to eat you.
Wait until the corn puffs are finished.
The thing is,
how do you know if he loves you?
No idea.
He licks you.
Maybe it could be a simple relationship,
if you have low expectations.
Like any relationship, right?
He knows hell get his doggy treats
and does his job.
Guards the house or whatever...
It works.
At least he wont contradict you.
Thats something.
Weve messed with wolves brains,
created a stupid dog.
The corn puffs are finished,
move over there.
They say theyre good
to have around for kids,
teaches them responsibility...
- God, you scared me!
- Whatve you done?
- Where were you?
- How did the car end up here?
Somebody came by,
and they tried to get us out.
Where have you been?
We tried to call you.
What the hell have you done?
They pulled us...
- Ilinca!
- They pulled us and it...
Tell me!
For fucks sake! It slid back.
And how did it end up like this?
How the hell
am I going to get it out now?
- You were supposed to take care of it!
- The engine cut out!
How did it cut out, are you retarded?
Yes, the engine stopped. Ask Maria.
Fuck you! Im the fool for trusting you.
Leaving you in charge.
Fine, take it out on me. Its dark,
we didnt know where you were.
Why did it take so long?
You shouldnt have moved it
without me!
I found that old fart in a gully.
Pull him out, help him,
get him to the fucking mill...
Nothing there.
A few bits of old wood and metal.
The tyres come off the hub!
What the fuck?
- And wheres the old man?
- Seriously, Ilinca?
I dont give a fuck
if I never see him again!
I wanted to get him out of there
and he hit me with a stick.
Said hes waiting for his fucking delivery.
Hes a nutcase.
And you left him there?
What was I supposed to do?
Beat him up and carry him on my back?
Close that door, Im freezing.
Thanks a lot.
I talked to Radu earlier,
he said hes on his way with Biciu.
Yeah, I know.
I called him too, from up there,
had a bit of signal.
Then my phone died. Ive been wandering
like an idiot for the past hour.
Charge this for me.
Who were those guys?
Dont know. Some guy and his son.
His son?
You are lucky they didnt sodomize you.
We should get the old man
from the sawmill.
Biciu can fetch him.
Im not getting in the same car
with that stiff again.
Whats the time?
Fuck me... I would have said
its at least 7:00.
I spoke to Andu, too.
Theres no way.
What? I told him.
The roads icy and he wont go up,
we cant get them moving.
Ill try talking to the mayor,
see what he can come up with.
This cant be happening.
Right. With the mayor...
He says hell send someone with a cart,
but probably in the morning,
because the roads are icy and dangerous.
Are they out of their minds?
In the morning?
Im calling Andu. Hed better
come and get us out of here!
Listen, Ill keep my phone on.
If you need anything,
if anything happens...
Fuck you, you pisshead
as though you actually left your phone on.
They waited to finish their drinks,
of course the roads froze over.
- Dan?
- Motherfucker!
We have to go find the old man,
at the mill. Hell freeze there.
Are you out of your mind?
I cant sit in the car
knowing hes freezing to death.
It would be as if I were killing him.
Without us hed still have ended up there.
- Theres no way to know that.
- No, for real?
All we know is we can go now and
save him if were not too cold or afraid.
Woman, Ive just come from there!
The guys cuckoo, crazy.
He wants to die there.
What do you want me to do?
You want us all to die?
Is that what you want?
I have a kid at home.
I dont wanna die here!
Alright, Dan. Ill go.
Give me the flashlight.
Its ok, I get it.
Give me the flashlight.
Im not giving you any torch.
Really, I cant stay here
knowing that hes dying there alone.
Thats crazy. I dont even know
how to get back there.
Sure. If you dont get it,
I dont know how to put it more simply
and were wasting time.
Were freezing for nothing.
Give me the flashlight!
I wouldnt ask you, but
Im afraid my phones battery will die.
- Im not kidding!
- Ilinca!
- Whats it got to do with Ilinca?
- Arent we all stuck here together?
The three of us?
Alright, Dan.
- Ilinca!
- What?
- Come here a moment!
- Leave me alone!
Maria, wait for me!
Ilinca, stay here!
Im going after Maria.
- I dont care!
- Get in the car if youre cold.
Maria, wait!
Fucking shit!
Go jam your pisshead philosophy
up your ass!
Maria, wait!
We came here together
and now you start acting up.
Im cold, you asshole!
And its dark.
- Are you sure thats the rock?
- Yes, this is the way up.
It doesnt look like a track.
Its where I went up.
We can turn back if you like.
Any news?
Wed like to inform you
of some fucking bill.
You think we couldve noticed
from the start that he was senile
and taken him straight home?
Youre talking crap.
Really, I didnt realise he was senile.
Hes completely nuts, dont you see?
He would have thrown himself
around the car.
I still dont know how were going
to bring him down from there.
Did you know hes gay?
The old man.
Really, thats what the local guy told us.
You dont say.
Seems hed go to the mill
looking for men.
Maybe he wanted to rape me,
thats why he hit me.
I got off easy.
I think weve gone too far to the right.
Come on, pretty please.
This is the road down, isnt it?
Looks like it.
Because we came this way.
The mill should be
in this blank area,
where we are now.
I think this is the bigger road
where we met the old man,
not where we got stuck.
See, that way.
Here the woods dont begin
right beside the road.
- And this area here doesnt load.
- Weve gone too far to the right.
Then theres this blank spot, which
looks a bit like the one were in now.
Maybe its there.
We need to turn around.
Maybe it would have been better
to go the road those people took by car.
What road?
Theres a road
on the other side of the hill.
Maybe we can return that way.
Now you tell me.
Anyway, its probably longer.
No network.
We have to cross this.
OK, lets go.
Maria, are you OK?
- Are you hurt?
- A bit, my knee.
- Just a sec.
- Sure.
We must be close.
I recognize this valley.
Cant even get my gloves on.
- OK, lets go!
- Lets!
We left Ilinca on her own...
Didnt you tell her we were going?
Yeah, but still...
- Careful here!
- My kneecap!
Give me your hand!
There. Thanks.
Now where?
That way.
Maybe Ill find my hat.
It was around here he whacked me.
Hey, grandpa!
Where are you?
Hes probably run off, the nutcase.
Here he is!
And now hes got a bigger stick.
Hold on, dont make me run after you.
- Whos that?
- Mr. Kente.
Mr. Kente!
I want to talk to you.
Do you remember me?
We gave you a lift earlier.
Dont you remember?
- Maria.
- Think he understands anything?
We came to take you home.
- Im waiting here for Balzs.
- Oh God!
- He said he was coming.
- Listen to me!
Balzs isnt coming.
Nobody comes here anymore,
this place was abandoned years ago.
Weve come to take you home...
Im not leaving here, I dont want to.
Fuck you, you old fag.
I dont want to die here
because of you.
Dan, shut up!
Please, let me do the talking.
Just a minute, please.
Ive found out
that Balzs died.
Hes dead and
hes not coming any more.
And Im very sorry,
but theres no reason for you
to wait here for him.
Thats the truth.
Hes in hospital and
I have to wait for him here.
You dont have to wait for anybody.
Come see.
Theres nobody to wait for.
This place is abandoned!
This one shouldnt be here.
I told Gruia to tidy up a bit
but he hasnt done a thing.
Im begging you! We came
all the way up here to get you.
You cant depend on him.
Its cold and were all very tired.
Come on, leave him be.
Hes a lost cause.
Please, Mr Kente.
I still see them, but less often.
I came from up from the valley
and waited here...
I cant leave you here, youll freeze
by morning. Do you understand?
I was on my own, miss,
and I was very fond of him.
Please. I cant take much more.
He had a short cable.
When he pulled it out,
it flew up roots and all
and bust his ribs, cut him wide open.
Maria! Theres no point.
He hurt his hips
and they took skin from elsewhere
to patch him up.
Never even came back for his clothes.
They stayed here, in the woods.
I cant take it anymore.
In fact, I shouldnt be here now.
Thats right.
Thats why we came, you know.
We came to bring you home.
Yes, but hell scold me.
Wholl scold you? Nobody will,
because well take you with us.
- Maria, isnt this the road?
- What?
- Look!
- Oh, Lord help me.
Yes, look, tyre-tracks...
Maria, lets go.
Ilincas waiting for us.
Please, lets get moving.
I have a bed at home.
I also have one, too.
He quarrelled with me one time
and chased me away.
But then he came with that horse
to get me.
Please, make him shut up,
I cant take much more.
He should get here soon.
Its not so far, not so near.
This way! Steady.
This is the way down.
Hes gonna be upset.
Were not going to go by foot,
because its far away.
What happened here?
What are you doing?
Open the door!
Stop it Dan, youll break it.
Open up now!
Ilinca, please open up.
Open up!
Were freezing out here.
Please, Ili!
Whats up with you? Are you crazy?
Please, dont fight.
Are you nuts?
You leave me here
for the wolves to eat?
What about me? Pissing off
and leaving me on my own at night.
I shouted that we were going
to the mill, for the old guy.
You shouted?
I was on the phone with Andu and
when I turned around there was nobody
We called out. Dan did. I heard him.
You didnt hear because
you were yelling at the phone.
Right, whatever you say.
Absolutely, I trust you.
Forgive me, my fault. In the end,
its a matter of priorities, right?
Ilinca, that man...
He would have died there.
Look at him, hes like a wind-up toy.
Youre pushing it, you son of a bitch.
Get back here!
What are you doing?
Leave me alone, I have to get home.
Im fed up.
Ilinca, where are you running off to?
Hes out of his mind.
Hes a bit stressed.
Hes a moron.
No, well go to the car now
and tomorrow morning well go home.
Well rest now.
- I know you have a home.
- I have a home, I have a bed there.
Tomorrow morning,
thats where were going.
I want to go home.
Therell be trouble if I dont.
No, come with me for a moment.
Come with me.
Easy now.
Careful, dont fall.
Lets get in the back now.
Do you have any brandy?
We dont.
- If he tries to run off again...
- What am I supposed to do?
Give him some pills, anything...
Safe journey and God bless!
Lets go. Move it!
What does he want?
Please, do something!
- Get to work, young fellow!
- Wait a moment.
We cant go yet, because
theres a problem with the car.
- So well wait.
- Thats right.
But I have to get home.
Well get there.
Call her back inside!
Leave her there.
Shell freeze.
Her business.
Do you have something sharp?
You might not believe it, but nobody
could match me with a crosscut saw.
I believe you.
One time we were far from where
we worked, heading to our lodgings.
And we saw three men from that village
cutting wood with a crosscut.
Hard at it.
They had already prepared everything
and started to work.
We went on to our lodgings,
had a good feed,
drank some wine, so wed be
in good shape, full of energy.
Wed chosen wood from a meadow,
hard to cut.
Youd get sawdust like flour.
- Eat something.
- I will.
And maybe you could shut up for a bit.
So wed finished by evening,
ahead of them.
After that, they never came back.
There were three of them.
I sawed downwards and
my workmate pulled the other way.
They had two sawing downwards
and one on the other side.
I was sawing alone.
I couldnt saw down with anyone,
always did it alone.
And after that I worked at IFET.
For twenty years.
With a chainsaw.
Didnt you say you worked at the mill?
At the mill. Doing the thinning.
Im going to give you a Xanax
and youll feel calmer.
Give him two.
Its bitter? Some water?
A swig.
- Move it! I have to get home!
- Thats enough!
- We cant go now.
- I have to get home.
- I told you, we have to wait a bit.
- Then Ill be going.
No, its not possible right now.
- We have to push, to get going.
- Hold on, please.
Leave him be, please,
maybe hell tire himself out.
I cant take much more.
- This is no good, we have to push!
- Look at him!
Move it!
Move it, you good-for-nothing!
Move it!
Fuck me! Youre spilling your guts!
You gave him fizzy drinks and crisps.
You can clean it up.
- Alright. I will.
- Let me help you.
The sedative knocked him out.
Can you get out for a moment?
Can you wake up?
You need to get out for a moment.
Lets go!
Easy, so we dont get shit everywhere.
- Gently does it.
- Dont beat me, Voicu!
- Go on Voicu, let him have it.
- Easy. There you go.
Stop laughing. Give us a hand.
Over this way!
Cmon, you old scarecrow!
Old Scarecrow...
Eating all corn,
Its going to storm...
Devil take you...
Sit him on the rock.
Jesus, he stinks!
Do we have anything else
to wipe with?
Ive some wet-wipes in the...
Wait, Ill get them.
- What happened to him?
- He fell. Help him!
I left him alone for one moment.
- Did he fall?
- Yes.
Are you hurt?
He hurt his head.
No, its OK, its just mud.
Easy, easy.
Youre fine.
Hes really shivering.
Hes shivering hard.
Lets get him back in the car.
God help me!
Thats it! Easy.
Come on, Maria,
Im not the bad guy here!
What do you want from me?
Im shivering too.
- At least put something under him,
- Ill put that sack under him.
Right, a sack.
Lets put him up here.
Here. Stand here.
Put me down. What are you doing?
My dear, you should have seen
that Gypsy dancing.
With a wool coat down to here.
Got splashed with petrol
and he caught fire.
Up you go!
Give me your hand, pops.
His trousers caught fire.
Roasted his legs real good.
- Did you find it?
- One second.
What time is it?
My hands are frozen.
Its 1:30.
Take this.
I dont need it. Really.
Oh, hurry up with that fire.
Im freezing!
I wont last until morning.
For fucks sake.
Voicu! Where are you?
Wake up!
They went off in the truck
and left me here, damn it to hell!
Oh shut up!
Who brought you here?
Oh, you stink!
Have you shit yourself again?
They were waiting for me.
You wander off because
youre not right in the head.
If you were right in the head
you wouldnt be here.
Giddy-up, Gina!
Im freezing, Voicu.
Will you take me home?
Im freezing.
- Good morning.
- God bless!
What happened to you? Youll need
a tractor to get that car out of there.
Your relative, or whoever he is,
led us here.
You listened to him?
Hes not right in his head.
He couldnt have made it this far
on his own.
Right, we should have left him there.
- Good day.
- Hello.
How did you find us?
The mayor called
and asked me to come get you.
He needs to send a tractor
to get us out.
Only in the afternoon.
Its too icy right now.
Hey, Voicu, lets go!
Im freezing here!
Just shut your mouth!
Are you taking us to the town hall?
No, theres too much snow up there.
But I can take you to my place
and they can pick you up there later.
No. The guys will be here by then.
I spoke to Biciu.
Thanks anyway, well manage.
- Are you sure?
- No, no. Wait a moment.
Dan, he just said hed get us out
with a tractor later.
Seriously. Can you rely on these people?
So what will we do?
Im cold and hungry and itchy all over.
You two go. Ill stay here,
I want to see the car pulled out.
Come with us.
Im not leaving the car here.
What do you think will happen
to the car if you leave it here?
Go on, seriously. Go.
Thats ridiculous. Its icy,
they cant get up here now.
Theyll put on chains and come.
Really, its fine, Ill manage.
Ill go get my backpack.
Get mine too.
Have you got water,
everything you need?
Look, Im all set up!
And that fake cola, on ice.
Come here, Dan. It wont open.
How are you? Cold?
I am indeed. Winter has arrived.
It has, overnight.
Yes. Youre not from around here?
- Not really.
- Where are you from then?
From the city, delivering aid.
Very good...
that you give the old people
And it pleases God
when you help the poor.
The old, people in hardship,
with nothing to eat...
- Whats your name?
- Maria.
- And yours?
- Kente Aron.
- Can you give us a lift?
-Yes, dear, of course.
Come on, Ili!
- Can you give me a hand?
- Sure.
If theres more of us,
we can get warm here.
Giddy-up, Ginua.
I hope my brother brought the cows in,
theyll freeze out there.
Maybe he did, in the afterlife.
There are many cows.
He brings them all up from the valley.
Maybe my brothers made a fire,
with logs.
Ho! ho, Voicu!
Stop the cart, Ill walk.
Get off. You smell like a shithole.
Wheres he going?
Leave him.
Hes going to his own place.
What is it?
Go wash the neighbour,
hes shit himself again.
The mayor said there were three of you.
Our colleague stayed with the car.
- Im afraid were a bit muddy.
- Dont worry, come inside.
Thank you.
Can I charge by phone here?
Over there, by the dresser.
Thank you.
Would you like
something to eat and to drink?
- Dont trouble yourself.
- I wouldnt say no to a coffee.
- And yourself?
- Yes, thank you.
- Have you got any signal?
- Wait for it to restart.
Are there two sockets?
When the mayor phoned last night
to say the neighbour was at the mill,
I told my husband, he can freeze this time,
were not going after him again.
Do you want coffee
or instant coffee from the aid package?
He called you last night?
- Who?
- The mayor.
I thought he called this morning.
What can we do,
if hes set on going there?
We take care of him, feed him.
Hes in Gods hands.
Stand up!
Youre just spreading crap everywhere.
Get your clothes off.
Wasting time with you,
when I have cows to milk.
Hurry up, get your clothes off!
Hurry up!
What are you looking
at the young lady for?
Take them off already!
I should have left you out to freeze.
Get your trousers and long-johns off.
Standing about, like a dim-wit.
Get off that!
Easy, easy.
You loafer.
Good Lord!
Kick those underwear out of the way,
Im not touching them.
Has a doctor had a look
at those varicose veins?
They could become infected,
he could lose his legs.
What can I do?
At least he wouldnt run off.
See if the waters hot.
Look at him. What a moron!
You can go get frostbite next time,
teach you a lesson.
Lift the other one!
Lift your arm!
Turn around!
Lift your arm!
Turn around!
All the way.
Youll get it from me
if you run off again.
Wash your arse yourself,
Ill pour the water.
Come on, turn your arse towards me.
You shit yourself
and now I have to wash you!
Scrub yourself.
Now dry yourself.
Leave it in that basin.
Dry yourself, youre well able.
Stay there until I come and let you out.
Youve made enough
of a fool of me already.
Who lives in that big house?
Kente lived there
with his two brothers and his father,
but they passed on.
Why, do you want to buy it?
No. What for?
Sometimes people want to buy
these old houses.
- No.
- No.
Just as well. Its such a ruin,
its no good for anything.
Open up!
Open up!
Director of Photography
Set designer
Editor and colourist
Sound engineer and dialogue editing
Re-recording mixer
1st Assistant Director
Script Supervisor
Location manager
Production manager
Producer and Executive producer
Adapted by Ligia Soare