Intruder (1989) Movie Script

[gusting wind]
[fluttering bats]
[ominous electronic music
punctuated by distant screams]
[pleasant muzak on PA system]
- There ya go.
Thanks a lot.
[shopping cart rattling]
[squealing feedback
on PA system]
- [Voiceover] Good evening,
Walnut Lake shoppers.
The store will be
closing in 15 minutes,
so please make your
final selection
and bring them to the
front of the store,
and our cashier will be
happy to check you out.
Thank you for shopping
at Walnut Lake Market.
[cash register rattling]
- Jen, how much is this?
- [Jennifer] Yeah?
- [Jennifer] Uh, it's $1.89.
- [Cashier On Right]Tthanks.
- [Jennifer] Sure, no problem.
- [Male Customer] Thank you.
- [Cashier On Right] Jen?
- Yeah?
- Has Dave asked you out yet?
- No, he's still seeing Carrie.
- Uh-uh, I heard they broke up.
[Jennifer laughs]
- Uh, am I
interrupting something?
Uh, you know,
- [Jennifer] No!
- [Male Customer] Oh,
well, I thought, you know.
I could hear everything.
- [Jennifer] No, no.
- [Male Customer]
You know, yeah.
- Here's your bag,
Mr. Abernathy.
You got this ready now?
- [Mr. Abernathy] Oh, yeah.
- [Jennifer] Wait,
I don't want you
to forget your plant here.
- Oh, of course,
thank you very much.
[groceries drop to the floor]
Good grief!
- Oh, Mr. Abernathy,
I am sorry about that!
- Yeah, well I'm sorrier,
discount the senior, nothing.
I don't know why,
[mumbles to himself].
I don't even, excuse me.
Hold hands, you love birds!
[girls giggling]
- Linda, I'm gonna go
round up some carts.
- Watch out for him
in the parking lot.
[trash can rattling]
[shopping carts
banging together]
[ominous electronic music]
[shopping cart rattling]
[insects chirping]
[shopping carts
banging together]
[door swinging open and shut]
[ominous electronic tones]
[pleasant muzak]
[light banks turning off]
- Thank you, have a good night.
- Thank you.
[menacing musical accent]
- Ha...
- Long time, no see.
- Craig.
- How come you haven't
returned my calls?
- I haven't checked my
answering machine in two days.
- [Scoffs] Like I
really can believe that.
You know, I got a gimp
hand from writing you
letter after letter, just hoping
you'd write one back to me.
- Craig, this is no time--
- Then when is a good time,
[violent slap against counter
Jennifer, huh, a year
from now, maybe two?
You don't know what
I've been going through
and what's worse is
you don't even care.
- Is there a problem, Jen?
- Look, fuck off!
[bell ringing]
- [Man With Glasses]
Where are you going?
- See what the trouble is.
- Never once should those
girls work that alarm properly.
Just finish looking
over the contracts
and check on the girls,
then close the store.
- Well, at least let me
check out the window.
- [Man With Glasses] Fine.
[Craig slaps counter violently]
- It's $1.35 for the cigarettes.
- Jennifer,
look, I've been thinking
about you for a long time now.
- Craig, I'm sorry about
what happened, I really am,
but as far as you
and I are concerned,
it's over and it's been
over for a year now.
- Shh, now listen to me.
I've kept it alive
for a long time.
- Well I haven't,
and if you can't see
why my telling you
is not gonna make
any difference--
- [Craig] Jennifer,
- [Jennifer] Please, Craig!
- [Jennifer] Now, I have
to get back to work.
You owe me $1.35
for the cigarettes--
- You owe me an explanation--
- Well, you're not
listening to me.
- Listen Jennifer,
[pounding percussion]
I've been waiting
too long for this.
- You're hurting me!
- Leave her alone!
- You look, get lost!
[menacing orchestral accent]
- You're crazy!
[slapping punch]
- Don't ever call me that!
- [Man In Striped Shirt] What
the hell's your problem, man?
[rack falling over]
[jagged, menacing orchestration]
- [Linda] Stop
it, make him stop!
- [Jennifer] Cut it out!
- [Linda] Guys, stop fighting!
- [Jennifer] Stop
it, cut it out!
- Stop it, you guys
just stop fighting!
- [Jennifer] Bill,
just leave him alone!
[pounding timpani and
menacing orchestration]
[thudding punches over
lurching orchestration]
[scuffling between the men]
[thudding punch]
[thwacking kick]
[pounding, unsettling piano]
- C'mon.
- [Man In Apron] What
the hell's goin' on?
[man moans over
more frantic music]
[cans toppling and
crashing to the floor]
- [Man With Tie]
Jennifer, call the police.
- [Man In Striped Shirt]
Did you hear that?
- All right, all right.
All right, c'mon, now listen up!
Listen up, everybody,
check out the store,
OK, but be careful.
If ya find him,
yell loud and clear,
but stay away from
him, you understand?
All right, let's go.
[phone buzzing]
[ominous orchestral crescendo]
[unsettling and menacing
orchestral music]
[box crackling]
[faucet creaking]
[floorboards rattling]
[uneasy, mysterious
electronic tones]
[door rattles open]
[dripping water]
[ominous strings and
uneasy electronic tones]
[distant rattling]
[door clangs shut]
[uneasy orchestration continues]
[crescendo of ominous
[tense flurry of
fluttering strings]
[toilet flushing]
[fluttering, uneasy strings]
- Hi.
- [Voiceover] We're sorry.
- [Voiceover] Please hold.
- Don't, don't put me on hold!
[uneasy, fluttering strings]
[squeaking sneakers and
thud of body down slide]
- Jesus Christ, you
scared the shit outta me!
What are you doin'
working tonight?
- Working.
- I thought you were Craig.
- [Man With Glasses] Craig?
- [Man On Right] Craig Peterson.
- Craig Peterson,
hey I remember him!
One time, we got
into this fight,
and I kicked his ass.
- Yeah, yeah, we just
got in a big fight
with him up front of the store.
He's in here somewhere,
so if you see 'im,
keep your eyes peeled.
- Now, tonight?
- Tonight, now.
- [Man With Glasses]
[Chuckles] Great.
[Linda screams over
jarring piano accent]
- You ass, you practically
scared me to death!
- What, I'm sorry,
I couldn't help it.
- [Bill] Hey, what, what
happened, did you see him?
Did you see him in here?
- No, it's just Tim scaring me.
- You are such a dick, Tim.
- [Bill] Jackass, come on!
- [Man On Right] This is
so typical of you, Tim.
- [Bill] Quit screwing
around, dammit,
this is serious business!
- You know, I, I
think, I think I know
where Craig might be hiding.
- Where?
- The attic, the attic!
- [Tim] The attic!
- [Bill] Hey, shut up!
Up there where I
caught you guys smokin'
that wacky tobaacky?
Aw, come on, Bub,
let's check it out.
- Me?
- [Bill] Yeah you.
- [Bill] C'mon dammit!
- You got me in trouble, what?
You wanna have a beer
with me back here?
- [Bill] Hey, I
heard that, no beer!
- Hey, help me find him!
- [Tim] What?
[menacing and
apprehensive strings]
- I can't see nothin' up here
but a whole buncha darkness.
Hey, gimme the flashlight.
[boards crack as Bill
falls to the ground]
[Bill grumbling and moaning]
- [Bub] Come on.
- Ah, ah oh, my heart!
- [Bub] Outstanding, Bill.
- Well, if he's up there,
he's gonna have a helluva
time gettin' down.
[phone buzzing]
[ominous piano accent]
- [Voiceover] Hello,
police emergency services.
May I help you?
- Thank God!
- [Voiceover] Sergeant
Andrews, may I help you?
- It's Jennifer Ross
and there's someone--
- [Voiceover] Your
name and location?
- I, I told you, 2100--
[doors swing open aggressively]
- [Voiceover] Are
you in danger ma'am?
[phone clangs and slams down]
- Now give me my change.
- Are you kidding?
- Does it look like I'm kidding?
[jingling coins]
[coins drop to the floor]
[men struggling over
frantic orchestral accent]
[menacing accented bass tones]
- Ha, you're done!
- Right, now you listen
and you listen good.
If I ever catch you
around here anymore,
you're gonna have more to
deal with than the police.
You're gonna deal with me.
You understand, you better hope
that the cops get
you before I do.
Bill, unlock the door.
Come on!
[Craig spits aggressively]
- [Man In Striped
Shirt] Be gone with ya!
[men struggling]
- [Man In Tie] Get goin'!
- [Bill] Goddammit!
[chattering between employees]
- [Bill] Don't be a punk.
- [Man In Striped Shirt]
Get the hell outta here!
- Roll the fuck off!
- [Tim] Beat it!
[menacing electronic
music accent]
- [Tim] Fuck.
Beat it.
- [Man With Tie] Go
back to work, c'mon.
[jangling, unsettling piano]
- The police said that
they'd send a squad car
as soon as possible.
- You gonna be all
right, Jennifer?
- Yeah, I'll be fine.
- Well, I think we have enough
excitement for one night.
[chuckles and
affirmation from crowd]
- Danny and I wanna
congratulate y'all
on the way you handled this
situation this evening.
You, ya'll did a fine job.
- Does this mean we get a raise?
- Unfortunately, no.
As a matter of fact, tonight
we start marking down
everything in the
store half price.
- Why?
- Bill and I are
selling the store.
- What?
[collective gasp and shrugs]
- Now, now calm down
everybody, calm down!
Just hear the man out.
- Well, Bill and I, we've
agreed to sell the store
to the city and
your jobs will end
about the first of next month.
However, however look,
Bill and I want you all
to know we appreciate the way
[grumbling from the employees]
that you've been loyal to us,
and you'll find a nice
bonus check from us
as a little token
of our appreciation.
- And if any of you
kids need any kind
of a recommendation, you
know we'll give you the best,
best one in the world.
[grumbling from the employees]
- I'll be in the back.
Oh you guys, clean
up this mess, OK?
- OK.
- And I just got a raise.
- [Man In Striped Shirt] Yeah.
- [Bub] Jesus, I
don't believe this.
- Oh man, three years of
seniority down the toilet.
- [Tim] What about
me, what about my job?
- I had two weeks paid
vacation comin' to me.
- It's not so bad, I can
get unemployment now.
- [Tim] You're never
working anyways.
- [Dave] Get that straight.
- You would say that.
[laughing and chatter]
- We shoulda joined the union.
- Look, look, I'm not the one
that wanted to sell
the store, believe me.
I've been here
for over 10 years.
I made this store my life.
Randy, I started out here
as a butcher, just like you,
and finally worked my way up
to co-owner of this place.
It's my home away from home.
- If that's so true, Bill,
then why'd you give in to Danny?
- I didn't.
Not voluntarily, mind you.
Aw hell, let me put it this way.
I own 49 percent of
this place, he owns 51.
That about says it all.
- Yeah, I'm gonna
miss this ol' place.
- Me too.
More than you'll ever know.
Now, does everybody know
what they're doin' tonight?
[downbeat affirmation
from employees]
Good, I gotta take a fastie.
[ominous electronic tones]
[clacking footsteps]
[rock music on Walkman]
- Lost your job, Joe!
- No wonder Danny's got the
whole crew working tonight.
It is going to be a bitch
changing all these prices!
Are you OK, Jen?
- I've been better.
- Aw, it's OK!
- Know anybody who
needs a new cashier?
[phone rings]
I'll get it.
- See, opportunity
calling right now.
- Ha ha.
[phone continues ringing]
Walnut Lake Market,
this is Jennifer, hello?
- [Craig] Hello Jennifer.
[ominous electronic music]
- What do you want?
- You'd think of anything
to shove me away.
- I called the police.
- Am I supposed to
be scared or what?
- Leave me alone!
[phone slams down]
[ominous electronic music]
[phone ringing]
Don't answer that.
- This guy is a total creep!
You really went out with him?
- For two months
about a year ago.
That was the last
time I saw him.
- Where's he been?
- Prison.
- [Linda] You're kidding!
- [Jennifer] I wish I was.
- [Linda] Why, what happened?
- Craig took me to
this bar, Dillon's,
you know Dillon's.
And I told him I didn't
want to see him anymore,
and the bouncer came over
and told Craig to settle down
because Craig was
starting a fight.
- That's not surprising.
- And when they pulled Craig
off of the guy, he was dead.
- [Linda] You mean he
actually killed someone?
- It was an accident,
I guess.
- That's just great,
and now he's out.
[jarring orchestral accent]
[Linda sighs]
- Felt like someone
was watching me.
[phone ringing]
Not again!
- You know, if Craig's
gonna keep calling you,
he's gonna have to
take some abuse.
Look here, shithead, if
you call here one more--
- [Voiceover] Linda?
- Oh, Teddy, sorry!
- [Voiceover] What's going on?
- [Voiceover] That's no
way to answer the phone.
- No, yes.
- [Voiceover] What's goin' on?
- [Voiceover] I want some beer.
- What kind of beer?
- [Voiceover] I dunno,
bring home some Coronas
- OK.
- [Voiceover] You're gonna
be all right, arent' ya?
- No, there's just this
creep keeps calling here.
He's driving us nuts.
Yeah, he came in and
he started a fight.
Yeah, OK, I'll tell ya
about it when I get home.
- [Voiceover] Do that.
- OK, I'll talk to you later.
- [Voiceover] Love you.
- [Linda] Bye.
[ominous electronic music]
[unsettling synthesizer accent]
[paper crumpling]
[broom rustling and sweeping]
[meat hook rattling
and clanking]
[machinery whirring]
[peppy rock music on Walkman]
[Joe sighs]
[price gun clattering]
[roller clanking and spinning]
- This thing is not
childproof, I'm sorry.
[Jennifer mumbles]
- Hey Jen, lemme see that.
[bottle rattles and pops open]
- Thanks, Dave.
- You need anything else?
- Mmm, yeah, a new job.
- You and me both.
Listen, Saturday night I'm
having a few people over.
Maybe you'd like to join us.
- Are you still seeing Carrie?
- Uh, well, no.
- I'm sorry, I shouldn't
have asked you that.
- Oh, no that's OK.
Listen, how 'bout if we
blow off everybody else
and just you and I
go out on Saturday?
- I'd like that.
- [Dave] Yeah?
- [Bill] Dave, you
better get back to work.
- Danny, ooh!
[Jennifer chuckles]
- Nice imitation there, Bill.
- Dave, I want you to
bring out all them cases
of baked beans and pineapple.
I'm gonna make a
display of that stuff.
- You wanna make
a display of both
baked beans and pineapple?
- Yep, and I think I'll call 'er
my fartblossom special.
- OK.
- How many times have I told you
not to ride on that damn thing?
- Hey Jen, I'll pick you up
around eight, it's a date.
- OK.
- You know, sometimes
I think half the people
in this damn store are half
backwards, except for you.
You know, Jenny, my
old buddy Jack Lehey's
opening up a new place over
at Nine Mile in Shiawassee.
I'll betcha he could
use a good cashier.
I'll give ya his
number if you'd like.
- Yeah, that would be great.
Do you have any idea how much
the starting pay would be?
- Well, you'd have to
take that up with Lehey,
but I'm sure it'd be close
to what you're gettin' now.
- Thanks.
- So you and Craig
used to be friends?
- [Bub] Yeah, he
got me this job.
I was his best
friend for awhile.
- That's nothing to brag about.
- Well, Craig used to be
really quite cool, you know.
I don't know why he went nuts.
I, I figure it's because
his old man died.
That musta really
freaked him out.
After that, he started
acting really weird.
- Weird?
- [Bub] Yeah.
- [Bub] He started
stealing money from me,
and then he needed more
money to buy drugs,
I mean like very serious drugs.
He was dealing them and
then he became addicted,
he started treating
Jennifer like shit.
He and I got into it one night
and I swear to God, if
my brother hadn't hit him
in the head repeatedly
with a blender,
he would've killed me.
- A blender?
- Yeah, a Hamilton
Beach blender.
[shrieking feedback
on PA system]
- [Bill] Break time,
sorry 'bout that, guys.
[sparse and haunting
electronic music]
- [Bill] What's wrong,
they're good for ya!
- [Dave] They're like, gross.
- Where I grew up
in Greasy back home,
those are considered
health food.
- [Randy] Well,
they never looked--
- [Bub] Where's Linda?
- [Jennifer] Shopping.
- [Bub] Yeah, that's right,
she's working the
early shift now.
- Hey, the Produce Joe?
- I told him it was lunch,
I don't know where
the hell he is.
- The police
haven't arrived yet.
- The only time they show
up is when you're speeding,
then they're on your
ass immediately.
- Yeah, they're almost as
slow as the fire department.
- Hey, watch it, Dave.
I used to be a
volunteer fireman.
- [Dave] Yeah?
- [Bill] Yep.
- [Bill] Gave 'er up though.
- [Dave] Why, too dangerous?
- Aw, not that it
was too dangerous.
Mind you, we didn't
always just put out fires.
A lot of times we get
called out on accidents,
and I'm here to tell ya,
that last accident I was at
was enough to make
anybody give 'er up.
- Why, what happened?
Not that I'm interested, but
he's gonna tell us anyways.
- Well, what happened
was, we was all sittin'
around the station one
evening having dinner
and we got this call that
there'd been an accident
out on Nine Mile in Middlevale.
So, we all dropped
what we was eatin'
and run out of the station.
Well, that is everybody
except for goddamn Parker.
Took his hamburger
right with 'im!
And the first thing we
get to the scene is,
the first thing we see
is this headless corpse
layin' right in the
middle of the road,
and they can't find
the guy's head!
- Oh, that's sick!
[scattered laughter]
- Guy lost his head.
- So, Parker goes walkin'
off down Nine Mile
lookin' for the head, still
eatin' his goddamn hamburger,
so everybody, everybody
just gets through.
They gets themselves
composed a little bit
so they can do
somethin' constructive.
They walk between the
engine and the squad
where the accident was and
the godawful putrescence
was layin' there and everything,
and here comes fuckin' Parker.
Walkin' down Nine Mile,
swinging the head by the hair
in one hand and his
hamburger in the other,
and he's still eatin' it!
[gasps and laughter
from employees]
Then of course, needless to say,
everybody just
lost their cookies.
[giggling from employees]
[distant knocking]
What the hell was that?
- Police, police!
[knocking on door]
- [Bill] Yeah, I'm
comin', I'm comin'!
Hold on.
[turnstile rattling]
Hello and good evening.
- Evening, I'm uh,
Officer Dalton.
This is Officer Matthews.
- [Bill] Good evening.
- [Matthews] How'd you do, sir.
- I'm Bill Roberts,
Jennifer here called you.
- Hi.
- How you doin', ma'am.
- Uh, had any more
trouble with that guy
since we've talked?
- Have we?
- Well, he called
a little while ago.
- Well, did he make any
threats or obscenities?
- Nope.
- Mm, we ran a check
on this guy, um--
- Craig Peterson.
- Craig Peterson, yes.
Well, all we know is that
he's out on parole now.
Well, if you see him
around here again,
why, don't hesitate to
call and here's my card.
No, that's not my card.
That's my card, yeah [chuckles].
Well, as I said, don't
hesitate to call.
- Ya'll have a nice night.
[keys jingling
over rattling door]
- [Dalton] Now you can't
get in, you can't get out.
- [Randy] Feel a
lot safer already.
[playful guitar drowns out
chatter from employees]
- Let's get to it, c'mon.
- Those guys couldn't
catch a cold.
[playful guitar over
blaring police siren]
[shopping cart rattling]
- Hey, were the cops just here?
- Yep.
- Did they pick up Craig?
- Nope, not yet.
- Teddy is waiting
for me at home
and he hates it when I'm late.
Jen, your nose.
Here, I think I have a tissue.
Are you OK?
- Oh.
[ominous electronic music]
[clacking footsteps]
[thumping rhythm and
ominous droning bass]
[rattling boxes]
- Who's there?
[thumping rhythm and
unsettling synthesizer]
[thumping rhythm
slowly accelerates]
[crescendo of menacing strings]
[punchy and jarring
orchestral accents]
[knife crunches through melon]
- [Joe] OK.
I cut that right outta there,
that's what I'm gonna do.
[peppy rock music on Walkman]
[Joe spits]
- I still can't believe
we've been losin' money
consistently now for
the past two years.
[spike ripping through paper]
- Sad but true.
- Well, Danny, what the
hell d'you expect me to do?
Just sit around here and
watch 'em bulldoze this place
to the ground come the
first of the month?
- As long as that clears,
they could turn this place
into a porno shop
for all I care.
[spike ripping through paper]
Now look, you're getting
some cash outta the deal,
you've looked over the
contract, now sign it.
- Danny, I can't--
- Sign it.
All right, I've got a
shitload of work to do.
Why don't you go
downstairs and make sure
those jokes aren't
rippin' us off blind, hmm?
[pen scrawling]
[pen thwacks off of contract]
[glass shatters as
door slams shut]
Close the door on your way out.
[pleasant and expressive piano]
[water running from faucet]
[loud mechanical
whine and whirr]
[door latch rattling]
[uneasy and apprehensive
electronic music]
[loud crack of object falling]
[Bill sighs]
[tinkling, apprehensive
electronic tones]
[echoing cracks from door latch]
[door latch rattles loudly]
[water flowing from faucet]
[menacing electronic drone]
[apprehensive electronic music]
[dog barks]
- You scared the hell
outta me, little feller.
Get outta here, scat!
[dog whimpers]
[dumpster lid slams down]
Son of a bitch.
[men struggling over frenzied
and frantic electronic music]
[water flowing from faucet]
[men continue struggling over
frenzied electronic music]
[hammer rattles
across the pavement]
[thudding punches]
[thudding crack of
hammer to skull]
[sack of potatoes
thuds to the ground]
[peppy rock music from Walkman]
[ominous ambient tones]
[whirring machinery]
[distant whistling]
[heavy breathing]
[price gun rattling]
[can pops as it opens]
[Tim burps and sighs
in satisfaction]
[liquid pouring]
[frenzied, menacing strings]
[Danny struggling for breath]
- [Danny] Help me!
[squealing feedback
on PA system]
- Oh, man!
- Brain hemorrhage!
[feedback continues over
menacing orchestral music]
[phone ringing]
- Walnut Lake Market.
- [Voiceover] Hi Jen.
- [Jennifer] Hi Teddy.
- [Voiceover] Is
Linda still there?
- No, she left a while ago.
[Danny struggling for
breath and moaning]
[muffled scream]
[spike crunching into
Danny's eye socket]
[Danny gasping for breath]
[adding machine rattling]
[menacing and unsettling
ambient music]
[heavy breathing over
unsettling ambient drone]
[pleasant but vaguely
ominous piano accent]
[approaching footsteps
over dripping water]
- [Dave] Hey Jen.
[Jennifer gasps loudly]
- [Jennifer] I'm sorry.
- [Dave] What's the matter?
- My nose won't stop bleeding.
Craig was staring
at me in the window
and Teddy called and
Linda's not back yet--
- Hey, hey, hey, just relax.
Look at yourself,
you're shaking.
The police are gonna get Craig.
You're safe here with all of us.
Don't worry.
[Tim chuckles]
- [Shrieks] Wait, wait.
[conveyor belt whirring]
[Jennifer laughing
and shrieking]
- Oh my God, we're gonna
get in so much trouble!
[Jennifer laughing
and shrieking]
[heavy breathing]
[menacing and ominous
electronic music]
[bottles rattling]
[heavy breathing]
[lips smacking]
[jarring synthesizer accent]
[metallic cling]
[menacing orchestral accent]
[peppy rock music from Walkman]
[thwacking knife strikes]
[crunching puncture
to Joe's head]
[Joe moans over menacing
orchestral crescendo]
[Joe grunts as he
slumps to the ground]
[box cutter slicing
through cardboard]
[flowing powder]
- Shit, I hate
when that happens.
[cash register rattling]
[Jennifer hums quietly]
[box slams to the ground]
[box slams to the ground]
What the hell.
Hey, asswipe, cut it out!
- [Bub] Oh, it hurts.
Hey Dave, throw me your cutter.
- [Dave] Get your own cutter.
- [Bub] Just let me
have it, mine broke.
- Fine.
Here it comes.
[cutter slaps off boxes]
- [Bub] Got it, thanks Dave.
[warbling music
coming from Walkman]
- Hey Danny!
[knocking on door]
[menacing orchestral music]
Where the hell did they go?
[Randy screams as ladder
falls to the ground]
What stupid idiot put this, oh.
I did.
Ah, get outta the way!
[price gun clattering]
- Shit.
[price gun rattling]
[price gun clicking rapidly]
[door creaking]
[ominous orchestral music]
Hey, shut the fuckin' door!
And what are you doin'?
Shut the door, man!
Can you guys quit
screwin' around here?
I'm tryin' to work.
Don't leave the beer cooler
door open either, please.
[jarring orchestral accent]
[crunching knife puncture]
[Tim gasping and moaning]
[blood and beer flowing]
[Tim gasping and coughing]
[menacing orchestral music]
[saw blade whirring
and rattling]
[Jennifer whistling quietly]
[machinery whining and whirring]
- Hey, who is that?
Tim, Tim I know it's you.
Very funny, Tim!
Tim, this isn't amusing, Tim.
Think you're gonna give
ol' Bub another wedgie?
Well, you know, I
really think not
'cause I had the foresight not
to wear any underwear, Tim.
Very funny, you dick.
[shattering glass]
What the fuck?
Tim, you're screwed Tim!
[menacing electronic tones]
Oh wow, it's Tim,
what a surprise.
Tim, you look horrible.
Anal itch got you down?
Can you actually speak, Tim?
What are you catatonic?
[menacing orchestral music]
[cans rattling over
muffled scream]
[can rattling along the ground]
[frenzied, menacing
[Bub screaming desperately]
[Bub screaming over
whirring machinery]
[splattering crunch
as Bub's screams stop]
[mechanical whirr over
ominous orchestral music]
[splattering crunch]
[whirring machinery over
ominous orchestral music]
[Randy singing to himself]
[thudding crunch]
[unsettling electronic tones]
[dripping water]
- This is one of those ribs.
Two rumps.
this is Moss's.
This is Marge's.
What the hell is this?
[screeching electronic accent]
Phew, you're goin' on special
tomorrow in a big way.
The hell is this?
[jarring orchestral accent]
[crunching and splattering
of hook puncturing Randy]
[Randy gasps sharply]
[ominous electronic music
punctuated by echoed screaming]
[Jennifer humming to herself]
[box ripping apart]
[clacking footsteps]
[Dave sighs as box
hits the ground]
- Tape these suckers up here.
[screeching and menacing
electronic accent]
Hey Bub, throw me
my cutter, will ya?
I'm over here in aisle seven.
[cutter clangs to the ground]
Hey asshole, why didn't
you close the cover
before you threw it over?
[meat slicer grinding
and whirring]
Left the slicer on.
[melodic but haunting
electronic music]
Never any of the big ones.
[unsettling electronic
music continues]
[music grows darker
and more ominous]
[gurgling water]
[ominous piano]
Who's in here?
Very funny, guys,
with the pig's feet.
[rhythmic and apprehensive
electronic music]
Aw, shit.
Randy, you got some blood
to clean up out here.
[metallic crack and hiss]
Hey Bub, I know you're
up there screwin' around.
[hatch creaks open]
[Dave gasps over jarring
electronic accent]
Very funny.
[wood creaking and swaying]
I know you're up here,
stop foolin' around, man.
Bub, I know you're up here!
[jarring and menacing
orchestral accent]
[Dave screams]
[unsettling and tense
orchestral music]
[ominous electronic music]
Ah, Jennifer, ahh!
[pounding thuds on window]
[muffled pounding over
ominous electronic tones]
Jennifer, behind you!
[muffled pounding over
ominous electronic tones]
[slapping thuds against window]
- Please help me please, help!
[Dave screams before
slamming to the ground]
[blood dripping over
menacing orchestration]
[creaking door]
[frenzied, menacing
orchestral accent]
[thudding kick over
metallic clanking]
[cleaver slicing through flesh]
[Dave moans in pain]
[cleaver clangs to the ground]
[Dave moaning over frantic
and tense orchestral music]
No, no!
[Dave screams over
tense orchestral music]
[Dave screams desperately]!
Oh no, no!
[Dave continues to
scream over whirring saw]
[blade whining, shuddering,
and rattling through flesh]
[ominous ambient music]
- Dave?
[clock ticking]
[door creaking]
[box slams to the ground]
[unsettling electronic tones]
[unsettling electronic
music continues]
Where is everybody?
[cooler whirring]
[dripping water]
[blood frying on light bulb]
[Jennifer gasps as box
slams to the floor]
[unsettling electronic
music with thumping rhythm]
[unsettling electronic
music with thumping rhythm]
[unsettling electronic
music continues]
I thought you were supposed
to clean up in here.
[eyeball squishing
into the floor]
[metallic clanking]
[metallic rattling]
[Jennifer gasps]
Ugh, that's not funny, Randy!
[Jennifer screams over
jarring orchestral accent]
[lurching, menacing
Oh my God!
[lurching, tense orchestration]
[pounding rhythm and
menacing strings]
[metallic creaking and
swaying meat hooks]
[pounding rhythm and
menacing strings]
[shuffling and rattling]
[Jennifer screams]
[frantic, menacing
[Jennifer grunting and
struggling with door]
[thudding puncture
of hook into flesh]
[tense orchestral flourish]
[metallic rattling]
[Jennifer screams as lurching
orchestration continues]
[frantic and tense
orchestral music]
[music gradually fades out]
[pounding on door]
Danny, Bill!
[pounding on door]
Oh shit.
[menacing ambient music]
[Jennifer screams over
tense orchestral music]
[muffled screams]
[jarring orchestral accent]
[sliders cracking and rattling]
[Jennifer sobbing]
[sobbing continues over
warbled music from Walkman]
[fluttering, unsettling piano
and punchy orchestration]
[pounding on door]
[discordant, clanging piano]
[heavy thudding footsteps]
[menacing orchestral music]
[hammering, unsettling
orchestral accent]
[Jennifer whimpers]
[coolers shuddering
as they power down]
[Jennifer breathing heavily]
[car driving up and stopping]
Oh my God!
[tense orchestral music]
- Shit!
It's closed.
[tense and frantic
orchestral music]
[tires screeching as
car accelerates away]
- Wait!
Let me go!
[crunching meat hook
puncture into flesh]
[shopping cart
crashes to the ground]
[Jennifer sobbing over
haunting electronic music]
[Sobs] God.
[Jennifer sobs over
haunting electronic music]
[haunting electronic
music continues]
Craig, oh God!
[Jennifer mumbling between sobs]
Saturday night,
it's a date.
[door creaking and slamming]
Who's there?
[ominous electronic tones]
[distant footsteps]
[menacing electronic music]
[Jennifer laughs tentatively]
- Aw, there, there, baby.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Everything's gonna be fine!
Everything's gonna be all right.
I tried to stop Craig in
the back of the store,
but the sonuvabitch knocked
me out with my own hammer!
- He killed everyone.
- Shh, just calm down.
Just calm down, you're
gonna be fine now.
You're gonna be safe.
Just wait here and I'll
go call the police.
[ominous and unsettling
ambient music]
[rotary phone dialing]
[uneasy orchestral music]
- No, no!
[Jennifer screaming over
tense orchestral music]
[blaring orchestral accent]
[hair ripping from
Jennifer's scalp]
[Bill breathing heavily]
You killed them, you
killed all of them.
But why?
- For the store.
Danny was always the big boss.
He always called the shots
on every business
deal until now.
I couldn't let
that son of a bitch
take this store away from me.
This store's my whole life!
I had to kill him!
- The night crew had
nothing to do with it!
- Oh, I couldn't let anybody
stop me [breathing heavily].
I guess I just got a little
carried away [chuckles].
- You're sick!
[Jennifer spits]
- Don't you see?
I'm just crazy 'bout this store!
And I'm sorry, darlin'.
I truly am sorry,
but there's gonna be one
more killin' here tonight.
[ominous orchestral music]
And Craig'll take all the blame.
[thudding smack of
bottle to Bill's head]
[shattering glass]
[frantic and tense
orchestral music]
[shattering glass]
[frantic and tense
orchestral music]
[punchy and menacing
orchestral accents]
[crescendo of
screeching strings]
[ominous droning tones]
[lurching strings
and droning ambiance]
[clacking footsteps]
[ominous droning tones with
rattling percussion accents]
[screeching strings]
[menacing orchestral music]
[Jennifer screaming as
cleaver hacks through display]
[Bill grunting and struggling
as screaming continues]
[lurching, menacing
orchestral music]
[metallic cling from knives]
[pounding heartbeat rhythm
and syrupy orchestration]
[music grows more ominous]
[Bill grunts as boxes
tumble to the floor]
[Jennifer screams as
knives fall to the floor]
[Jennifer screaming over
tense orchestral music]
[jar shatters on Bill's skull]
[tense and frantic
orchestral music]
[thudding slams against door]
[Jennifer hyperventilating]
[thudding slams against door]
[frantic and menacing
orchestral music]
- Help me, somebody--
[knocks on window]
[crunching puncture wound
over frantic orchestration]
[Jennifer screams]
[thudding smack]
[jingling keys]
[Jennifer breathing
heavily and whimpering]
[distant rattling]
Who's there?
Who's there, answer me!
[sparse, uneasy piano
and menacing strings]
- [Danny] Help me!
Somebody help me!
- Danny?
[Danny moans]
[menacing piano accent]
[Jennifer gasps]
- Help me!
Somebody help me!
[Bill chuckles]
[smacking kiss]
You're next.
[ripping knife wound over
jarring orchestral accent]
[Jennifer grunts]
[tense and menacing
orchestral music]
[knife clanks to the floor]
[tense and menacing
orchestral music]
Here comes fucking Parker,
walkin' down Nine Mile,
swingin' a goddamn head
by the hair in one hand,
and his sandwich in
the other [chuckles].
You're playin' hard to get.
Way off!
[jarring, menacing
orchestral accents]
[Jennifer whimpering
and screaming]
- Jen, we're, shh!
Shh, now listen to me.
That son of a bitch
Bill tried to set me up.
That's how come
he didn't kill me.
Now, we were fighting,
he knocked me out.
When I came to, I
saw him kill Linda.
I tried to run after him,
but he ran into the store
and locked the doors
before I could get him.
I even tried callin' the cops.
Now listen, I got in here
through the bathroom window,
and that's how we're
gonna get out of here.
[Bill shouts angrily]
[thudding strikes
with severed head]
[tense and frantic
orchestral music]
[thudding strikes with head]
[tense and frantic
orchestral music]
[thumping heartbeat rhythm
and ominous ambient tones]
[Jennifer gasping
and struggling]
[Jennifer screams]
[rattling and crashing boxes]
[crescendo of menacing
orchestral music]
[jarring orchestral music]
[Jennifer gasps]
[Jennifer screams]
[blaring, tense
orchestral accents]
[Jennifer screaming]
[blaring, tense
orchestral accents]
- Leave it to
cleaver [chuckles]!
- Suck on this!
[crunching knife puncture
over menacing orchestration]
- Where'd you get the knife?
[knife flips through the air
as body slumps to the ground]
[knife plunges into cardboard]
[insects chirping]
[telephone dialing]
[telephone buzzing]
- [Voiceover] Hello,
police emergency services,
may I help you?
- This is Jennifer Ross.
I'm at 2100 Walnut Lake Road.
This is an emergency,
I need help!
- [Voiceover] Are
you in danger, ma'am?
Do you need us to
send you a squad car?
[shattering glass]
[Jennifer screams]
[thudding strikes
with phone receiver]
[Bill roars aggressively]
[Bill laughing as
he pounds on booth]
[Jennifer screaming
as glass shatters]
- Yoo-hoo, where you goin'?
[Bill cackles maniacally]
[metallic cling from cleaver]
[frantic and tense
orchestral accents]
[thudding strikes with cleaver]
[cleaver crunches into flesh]
[Bill screaming as cleaver
is removed with a splatter]
[thudding cleaver strikes
over tense orchestration]
[Craig hyperventilating]
[insects chirping]
[approaching police siren]
[car screeches to a halt]
- All right, freeze!
- [Officer in driver's
Seat] Drop it!
- We didn't do it.
- [Officer On Left]
I said get down.
- [Officer On Right] Go,
go, get it over there.
Get thataway, pal.
- [Jennifer] Officer!
- What's this, what's this?
- [Craig] Hey!
- Hey nothin', pal.
- It's my box cutter!
- Shut up.
- [Craig] What're you doing?
- [Officer On Right]
Whatta ya think?
Gimme the hand there!
- I'm the one who called you!
- [Officer On Left] Shut up!
[Jennifer moaning in distress]
- They did it.
They killed everybody
in the store.
- He's lying.
- [Craig] He's the
murderer, goddammit!
- Hands down on
the car, get down!
[Jennifer whimpering]
[Bill chuckling over lurching,
uneasy orchestral music]
- [Voiceover] Unit four?
- This is Officer Adams, yeah.
- [Voiceover] What's your 20?
- 2100 Walnut Lake.
- We didn't do it!
- [Adams] Shut up!
- [Jennifer] Ow!
- Roll us another vehicle,
code three, pronto!
- [Craig] Leave here alone!
[struggling between men]
[thudding chops]
- Aw, Jesus Christ.
It's a bloodbath in there, man.
They got bodies
all over the place.
They're all mutilated.
- He did it!
- You're under arrest.
Let's go.
[Jennifer groaning]
- You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can be
used in a court of law.
[jarring orchestral accent]
- No!
[screeching orchestral accent]
[tense and menacing
rhythmic orchestral music]
[unsettling, droning
ambient tones]