Intruso (Intruder) (1993) Movie Script

Two for 100 pesetas.
You get twenty tissues
in every packet.
That's less than
three pesetas a tissue.
I'll have two.
- Come on, take these four.
- No, just two.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
Your last patients, Doctor.
Come on, kids, hurry up.
Thanks, Juana.
See you this afternoon.
Dad, general anesthesia.
Has it been hurting?
It's been hurting a lot.
Dad, it's time.
General anesthetic.
No general...
A local anesthetic.
Don't want to be a dentist.
Every day...
...moaners with their
mouths wide open.
I'd give them all a general anesthetic.
Shut up.
It won't last long,
but have to pull it out.
I'm out of here.
Scaredy cat.
It's a milk tooth
won't hurt you
know that.
We're coming down now, Mom!
Did it hurt?
Not a bit.
Can have the tooth?
Do you still believe... the Tooth Fairy?
The inseparables.
They never fought.
They'd decided that...
...when they grew up,
she'd marry them both.
And so she did.
But not at the same time.
That would've been something.
He looked like a beggar.
- Who did?
- Angel.
Angel's come back.
That's impossible.
Saw him an hour ago
at the Paseo Pereda.
He was dirty,
and badly dressed.
Went over but he ran off.
He's been in Venezuela for ten years.
He's in construction.
He made a fortune.
He looked old and sick.
We're still young and he's...
As if he'd used up
his entire life in a few years.
It wasn't him.
Here's your teddy.
Now, go to sleep.
I've told you not to sleep
with curlers in your hair.
You're real pretty.
- Aren't you happy today?
- Of course am.
Really? You promise?
Listen, every grown-up
has a child inside them.
The grown-up thinks
he's happy...
...but suddenly the
child inside is unhappy.
You understand?
No, but it doesn't matter.
believe you.
Want you to be happy forever.
Want you all to be happy...
...the world to be happy.
Good night.
It's my turn, Mom.
want to be happy too.
Thought you were asleep.
Tell me something.
Let me see.
I'll tell you
what haven't told anybody.
My past came back today...
...and it spat at my feet.
You understand?
You always do.
Good night.
Forgive me...
...but you look like
someone know.
Someone very close and dear,
who knew as a child.
later married her.
Give me a few coins, please.
For God's sake!
- Angel, don't do that!
- Ma'am...
...something to help me out,
A few coins.
Angel, get up.
Get up, come on.
And pick up your things.
My clothes smell awful.
I'm sorry.
It doesn't matter.
Didn't expect to see you again.
Neither did.
I'm not the same.
You are.
Still have this.
You remember it?
You gave it to me on our
first wedding anniversary.
The first and last...
...since by the next August
you'd left me for Ramiro.
There's a word engraved
on the inside.
Never remember it.
Never remember what it means.
During all my sleepless nights,
I'd try to remember.
They're initials of a phrase
To meet in another world.
I've one the same.
Just wanted to know
if you remembered.
There's no other world for us.
That's not what it means.
Still playing doctor?
You always wanted
to use the stethoscope.
She didn't know what it was.
You wanted her to open
her blouse...
...and, like an idiot,
asked why.
Is that you?
I'm a ghost.
What can one say
at a time like this?
Something stupid.
Wasn't expecting you.
You haven't changed.
The same convincing
Ramiro as always.
Presume needn't introduce you.
You have a lovely home.
Where will sleep?
In the maid's room?
- Yes, until clear out my room.
- What?
My office, mean.
Went to the surgery
to give you the news.
World shattering.
But you weren't there.
Went out at five.
To a demonstration
in the Atheneum.
Angel's staying here
a few days.
Think that's great, really.
This is a surprise.
You went so far away,
with your business.
Does he play doctor with you?
You must meet the children.
Luisa and Ramirin.
Bet those are their names.
Rami! Angela!
Come here a moment.
Come here.
Say hello to Uncle Angel.
You're Angela.
- Guests first.
- No, thank you.
- Just a little?
- No.
- Try it.
- can't digest sweet things.
Angel, you're not
in great shape.
Are you speaking as
a doctor or a friend?
That cake... exactly like
those cream slices... used to eat
by the dozen.
- Remember?
- don't know what you mean.
Why do we have the same name?
When you were born...
...Mom wanted us to remember
Uncle Angel.
Pray that never become king...
...because I'd forbid
all cakes...
...especially those
at Sunday midday.
Are you going to stay
and live with us?
He'll stay till he's better.
Are you sick?
Yes. Up here.
Are you going to die?
What can one say
at a time like this?
Something silly.
- Like everyone.
- You see?
You too.
Me too? Really?
No, not you.
We'll make sure some
people don't die.
You, Rami, Dad and Mom.
You'll be left as examples
for the future.
Don't listen to him, children.
Uncle Angel likes to joke.
Do we have to call him
Uncle Angel?
Guess you do.
Whose brother are you,
Mom's or Dad's?
Both of them.
What are you thinking?
And you?
Everything's all right.
It must be fate.
Fate or fucking chance.
Fucking fate or chance.
I'll put out the light.
Goddamn smart-ass...
What did you say?
Said 'goddamn smart-ass'
but was being too polite.
What meant was 'bastard'.
- Who was it directed at?
- Who do you think?
Someone haven't seen
in ten years...
...and wish I'd never
seen again.
That bastard was my husband...
He's seen better times, undoubtedly.
...And your best friend.
Forgive me.
Good night.
Is there any reason for this
to be a night of abstinence?
To meet in another world
To wallow in more shit.
Good morning.
Sit down.
I'll fix your breakfast.
Madam told me
to look after you.
What would you like?
Some coffee?
Don Ramiro's in surgery...
...and Madam's gone
to her breathing class.
Breathing class?
That's new.
Yes, with somebody from India.
She's learning to breathe better.
Forgive my curiosity.
Are you Don Ramiro's cousin?
I'm Dona Luisa's husband.
You must be tired
of mother-of-pearl.
What did you say?
I'd recommend a strong pink.
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine.
There's nothing wrong with me.
For a few seconds
felt I'd lived this before...
heard your words before
But those same words
had another meaning...
...that was more solemn.
It was a message.
Who are you Araceli?
Araceli, ma'am.
- Have you always been Araceli?
- Ever since was born.
And before?
Before what?
Before you were born,
in another life... may have been
something else.
A princess, maybe.
You think so?
No, don't.
Forgive me, Araceli.
What color did you recommend?
This blood red?
Could you get that?
Dr. Barreda's residence.
Who's calling?
I'm sorry,
had to go out early...
and didn't want to wake you.
- Did you sleep well?
- Yes
Did Juliana fix breakfast?
- Yes.
- I'll be back mid-afternoon.
- keep Wednesdays open.
- Is that all?
Angel, I'm really happy.
If you've appeared so suddenly,
there's a reason for it.
Know it's strange to say this
on the phone, but just now...
...felt it so strongly.
It was such an intense feeling.
Someone sent you.
Time is moving backwards.
It has stopped
and came back with you.
I'm an idiot! An idiot!
We'll never separate,
not in this world nor the other.
My dad says the other
world is a fake.
A green field full of flowers.
don't want to go there.
How about you, you named Angel?
Think it's a shit hole.
But if you go, I'll go too.
Last one's a monkey face!
- Let me be last this time.
- Why?
- She always likes to be last.
- Come on!
Your feet will get wet.
My friend Adela asked me
if you were poor and said...
...that you were.
Are you?
Don't care if you're poor...
...or you have to die,
but you can't die...
...until you tell me
all those stories.
What stories?
Mom says that you know
lots of stories.
Not as many as she does,
but mine are of this world.
Let's go home.
The wise fools say...
...the Chinese will come
some day...
...and they'll eat all our cakes
and drink our Coca-Cola.
Can you imagine that?
Will we have a China man
in our house?
As a servant.
But let's get back
to our story.
Up on the Great Wall
Angel thought...
...Why don't slip away
from these tourists?
When they miss me...
It's Mom!
When they miss me,
I'll be far away...
...cycling along
between rice fields.
- Where were you?
- went out for a walk.
Dressed like that?
He wanted to run away
but rescued him.
- Is that true?
- To be honest...
...was rescued by a dream.
What else happened to you
on the Great Wall?
When he was up on the Wall...
...Angel decided not to leave
the tourists.
He went to Peling,
and then to Hong Kong...
...where new adventures
awaited him.
Went shopping.
hope the size is right.
And the new adventure
is called...
...'Angel in the cave
of the wicked Chinese dragon'.
Forward without fear!
Is it worth rescuing
the princess...
...after she's slept
with the dragon?
Hear they had a wonderful time!
What are you doing?
There's foam in his mouth, Mom.
Help me! Children!
Grab his arms.
Rami, take his leg.
You take his arm.
Careful with his head.
You can eat breakfast now.
If you want, after breakfast,
I'll leave, disappear.
Can't stay on here
as your guest... close to your wife
and your children.
You remember Pete Anton?
He's a top analyst now.
We'll find out how you are.
Couldn't be better.
Taken in at the right time
by a family of good samaritans.
A real parasite.
Want to leave a blood sample
at Pete Anton's before go to work.
You'll walk the streets
of our childhood...
...carrying your best friend's blood.
You might get good news.
Maybe I've got two weeks to live.
That pot's too small
for a geranium.
Heard you'd done well.
At first was envious,
then wasn't.
When my teeth went bad,
thought of you.
They reckon you're the best.
I'd have seen you
with pleasure.
Couldn't have paid you.
I'd spent everything
on drink, cards and women.
And wouldn't have
accepted a discount.
Angel, don't know
what you mean.
Always thought
you were a bit slow...
...but won't believe
you don't understand me now.
I'll sum it up for you.
You don't know howl hated you.
Can imagine.
No, you can't imagine.
Invented the most awful,
exquisite tortures for you.
In my mind, burned you...
...tore you apart,
and your pain wasn't enough.
Thought you deserved worse
for taking Luisa from me.
Luisa was with you by accident.
She married you while was away.
Didn't take Luisa from you.
Luisa left you
to correct a mistake.
That's the painful truth.
A very convincing explanation...
...but one detail is missing.
There's no detail missing.
That's all there is.
You thought I'd eventually be
grateful you freed me from her.
She's wonderful, but
a real drag, too!
Right? Wasn't that your reason,
your justification?
Don't get worked up.
Don't want to witness
another fainting spell.
What did you want?
My gratitude?
You can have it now!
Still love her!
If you do that again...
...I'll beat your brains out.
Want him out of here!
Out of here!
Ramiro, please!
Don't care if Juliana hears!
want him out of here!
You must apologize.
Because say so.
One, two, three, four...
Now with the ball
Look, kids.
This is how Dad plays.
No matter how hard
he hits it... always ends up... a shitty little hole.
Dad's bell.
He's dizzy again.
Angel, what's wrong with you?
Is your head sore?
- Is he dead?
- Course not.
You want me to die?
Don't do that again!
Don't like him.
Like him all right
as a surprise.
He's not like an adult.
He's something different
in the house.
We've got lots of photos
of the three of them together.
Mom didn't know
which one to marry.
They were great friends
and loved each other lots.
Adults always remember
when they were children.
Yeah, know.
My office, my own corner, which
I'm delighted for you to have.
It's more comfortable here.
- Remember that day perfectly.
- thought you'd like it.
Was sure.
Loathe it.
There were lots
of people that day.
But I've forgotten them.
Just have the image
of the three of us...
...the inseparables.
Don't say that
you don't like it.
The inseparables
separated pretty quick.
It seems that fate
wants to unite us again.
With a bit of goodwill...
suppose that Ramiro
does what used to do.
He puts up with you despite
your emotional outbursts...
...and your metaphysical relapses.
Am right?
Does he love you as do?
Despite that mundane sentimentalism
which on a day like today...
...make you put a photo
like that in here!
Let's not start...
Your clothes are
in the wardrobe.
Need anything else?
Love you.
And love you.
- We're talking of different things.
- Who knows?
I've slept here.
- On this bench?
- Yes.
With Dad and Mom?
No. Alone.
When was grown up.
Just recently.
- Why?
- Because he was poor.
- That's right.
- And is it exciting?
Sleeping in the open
or being poor?
- The two things.
- It's horrible!
Yes, it's exciting.
Nobody waiting for you
or bossing you around.
And you're dirty and smelly
and covered with hair.
That's right.
If you can't die, it's best
to be poor, miserable...
...and smelly, so people
run away and forget you.
Mom didn't forget you.
Dad did,
Dad thought you'd died.
Come on, Angel, you promised.
- Never promised anything.
- Well, promise it now.
What about your brother?
Does he still want me to die?
Come on, please. Take us.
Don't know.
It's a wonderful day.
That's true.
We can eat somewhere.
We'll treat you.
We've got 5,000 pesetas we've saved.
No, don't want to be
the cause of your ruin.
You can treat us
some other Sunday.
Yeah, to a crust of bread.
Time to get up!
Time to get up!
- Dad, Mom, it's us.
- Mom, are you there?
Can we go on an
excursion with Angel?
- She said to come in.
- didn't hear anything.
Yes, you're to go in.
What have you got there?
A head resting
on your shoulder?
What are you doing here?
- Came to ask permission?
- Permission?
- You'll let us, won't you?
- Say yes and sleep on.
If you fall in, what do you do?
You swim to the picnic site!
And if you can't swim?
General anesthetic!
- Mustn't forget our manners.
- Of course not!
Was asleep, but did hear
you talking to somebody?
Yes, the kids have gone
on an excursion.
They know they're
not allowed in here.
Yes, but they were smart.
- They sent Angel in instead.
- What?
To ask permission, Angel has
taken them out for the day.
Some excuse.
Angel is a spoiled child
but he's harmless.
Can't you get over
your grudge against him?
He was your friend.
Let's not torture ourselves.
While he's here,
that's all he is.
A friend,
or an unfortunate relative...
...who's staying with us
until he gets better.
How also could it be?
Yes, yes, how are you?
No, he's awake.
I'll put him on.
Pete Anton.
Good morning, Pete.
And the sedimentation speed?
As high as that?
Yes, of course.
Wednesday, absolutely.
Bad news?
Very bad.
And you're glad.
Wait, Rami.
This is where we met.
We were about your age.
Dad, Mom and me.
The inseparables.
Luisa was sitting there.
I'd swear... was that very step.
She'd hurt her foot
and couldn't go on.
Do you remember, Luisa?
Both our families came here
one Sunday afternoon by chance.
You sat, with one foot bare,
looked at me and said...
...'Don't stand there
like an idiot'.
Don't stand there
like an idiot!
That's it, yes.
The left foot.
What did do?
- You?
- Dad.
Am Dad?
You arrived all of a sudden.
Coming down the steps,
just where you are.
You looked at us
for a moment...
...and then ran off shouting.
What did you shout?
What Dad shouts.
Last one's a monkey face!
It's me...
I'm Angel!
Can be your friend?
Wait for me!
He's pretending again.
Angel, you're playing
aren't you?
Now, listen.
This is a secret between us.
Promise me.
But there's some hope.
Luisa, darling, again?
- You're not being clear.
- What more can say?
Doctors always avoid the truth.
We still don't know the truth.
But you're talking
about something terminal.
Pete Anton says there are
symptoms, to be confirmed...
...of something serious,
but he must do more tests.
- This is awful.
- Luisa, darling, please...
We know everything.
The shoe, the pier
and the secret beach.
- You should say hello.
- Where have you been?
Last one's a monkey face.
And Uncle Angel?
- A bit queasy, but all right.
- Why is he queasy?
We were racing and he beat us.
He's gone to his room.
We're supposed to apologize for him.
He was a bit tired
when he came back.
Not in bed yet?
Do you love me?
Angel, it's just some tests,
to be on the safe side.
You came back yesterday.
The little girl who pursued me
so cruelly until today.
Please, I'm talking about
your health, your life.
What do you want?
To watch me die?
Is my lousy life
so important to you?
Your breasts...
Always taunting... out of reach.
Who are you now?
A saint sacrificing herself?
Do you think the doctors
can fix this?
You can do it, you can.
You can do it.
When you're ready. Doctor.
Take it easy, this won't hurt.
Are you cold?
Bastard, now she's mine again!
Very good.
- What is?
- The examination went well.
No need to repeat it.
Now we have to study
the scan in more detail.
If die, hope it's not from
anything serious.
We both know this
is all useless...
In medicine, no diagnosis
is infallible.
Thank you, doctor.
Have you no simple prescription
for this poor patient?
- Don't torment yourself.
- No, not any more.
My role is undoubtedly
the tougher one.
You think so?
Neither of you
is making it easy.
I'll play the part.
I'll console her
and put up with you.
But this situation
does have one advantage.
It makes extreme
measures unnecessary.
Just have to wait
a few days, or weeks
...until you die!
In these exceptional
...have some advantage too.
When caressed her again,
recognized her skin.
It was Luisa.
Her quick fingers,
her welcoming knees
...her sweet back,
beside me once again
Her tongue is
more experienced...
...her breasts fuller.
If may, I'd happily take...
...a piece of her ass
to the other world.
I'll wait for you two
in limbo...
...entertained with
my piece of ass...
...a little piece,
like a relic...
...a token of our horrible,
wretched life...
...happy. stupid...
...very original
and frighteningly mundane...
...all at the same time.
Do you understand?
Tell me if you do.
No, she doesn't understand.
His pancreas.
I'll skip the technical terms.
His pancreas is failing.
The pain will start.
Actually, it's started
but he's hidden it.
In any case...'ll become unbearable.
He's got three months.
Three months at best.
There's a mistake.
No, it's better
if you accept it.
He knows.
We don't have to pretend.
- No can just help him to die.
- don't want to.
It's the eternal game
of the unavailable.
Fate, destiny...
We're all subject to it.
Three months...
Not a year? Two, three?
Don't think the Wall of China
is the best place now.
This time, if go,
I'd prefer a shady place... and deep.
But wouldn't like to go alone.
- That worries me.
- don't want you to go...
...but if you do,
will you take me with you?
A week, a day,
I'd settle for a day...
...and a night too,
of course on an adventure.
If you go under the bridge...
...I'll bring you a bowl of soup
now and then.
Bridge? What bridge?
Don't you know that
poor people without houses... under bridges?
He said a deep place.
It must be a mine. Right, Angel?
A gold mine.
It could also be a cesspool.
This time, if go,
won't say good-bye.
Want everyone to forget me.
Like the poet, have a great
curiosity for journeys...
...including those from which there is
no return.
But, afterward, when you speak
of me, never say...
...'Poor Angel'...
...or anything.
Promise me.
Thank you, everyone...
...for everything.
One every four hours.
It's all we can do.
Don't get taken in.
He's dying, but he'll
still put on his show.
You know him as well as do.
I've come to be with you.
You're not alone.
Let me die.
If you have to die...
...let it be from my kisses.
He's going to die.
He's almost dead.
He's crazy.
They all are. Her too.
She's acting strange, like she'd
drunk a lot of wine.
Whatsit happen?
If they quarrel, we'll all
have to sleep on a bench.
Or under a bridge?
It'd be better
if he'd just die now.
I've got Angel's semen
in my vagina.
He's going to die.
That means don't
have to kill him.
Kill me.
Kill me if you can.
Kill me.
Love you both insanely.
I'm going to die!
Help me!
Mom! Dad!
He's in there.
I'm dying. I'm dying.
I'm done for.
Help me. I'm dying.
You're not dying,
we don't want you to die.
We don't want you to die.
Come on, take it easy.
We'll look after you.
You'll be all right.
Just take it easy.
It's not serious.
He didn't take nearly enough
to kill himself.
We'll put him back in bed.
How do you feel?
Am still in this world?
For a long time yet.
Don't want you to hurt any more.
Can bring you something?
Ice cream?
Thank you.
Remember the little house
that my parents left me?
It had big windows
looking over the bay...
...and lots of light.
Remember it being
dark and gloomy.
We could go there.
A few days of peace
in the country.
- You and?
- All of us.
You'll have a nice big
room all to yourself.
Would you prefer
downstairs by the orchard...
...or upstairs
where it's quieter?
I'd be better
under the cypress tree.
And you needn't
water me every day.
Come on, let him sleep.
You too, Luisa.
I'm staying here.
It's perfectly clear...
...Angel will die it's inevitable.
Don't you see?
What isn't clear?
Look, the children
are getting upset.
- We were married for two years.
- We won't throw him out.
We'll put him in the hospital.
It's the best.
Children go to your room.
That's enough.
The spirit of man is like
a dazzling sunny day.
The spirit of woman is like
a moonlit night.
But the darkest day
has more brightness...
...than the clearest night.
The day brings heat,
dryness and hate.
The night brings peace,
consolation and love.
Do you understand?
- Yes.
- don't.
The guy's talking
about all women...
...but what he wants
is to fuck one.
The changing of the guard.
I'm to sit with you till 9:00
That's when Mom comes.
Don't think 9:00 here...
...has anything to do with
- What's he on about?
- He's a bit odd.
Feel sorry for you.
Sometimes a lot.
Sometimes, not so much.
And when you act silly...
...hardly at all.
But still feel a bit sorry.
Tell your mom
she should hurry up.
She's not to wait
until 9:00...
...if she wants
to find me here...
...and not...
- In Heaven?
Don't be so silly.
Angel will go to Hell for lying
to Dad. Won't you, Angel?
- What's wrong with him?
- don't know.
Shall we tell Mom?
Angel's gone into a coma.
Get out!
Get out, both of you! Go on!
Angel, wake up!
It's me, I'm ordering you.
Wake up!
That's it! Live!
Live, live!
Work the miracle. Believe in me.
Believe in yourself! Get up!
Come with me.
Help me.
Say with me, don't want to die!
Don't want to die!
don't want to die!
Live for me!
Live so can tell you
love you, love you... you, a million times!
There she is,
more beautiful than ever.
She's reflecting
tomorrow's sun.
Don't you want to see
tomorrow's light?
Open your eyes!
Say your name out loud!
Order you to shout your name!
Hang on!
Help me! Fight with me
to save your life.
What's killing you is
inside you. Spit it out!
You have to live for me.
Want you to feel...
pain, pain, pain!
The pain of living.
Wait for me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for your life.
Come on.
Stand up and shout your name!
Shout it!
I'm Angel and want to live!
Wait for me!
I'm Angel.
And want to live!
Shout it out!
And want to live!
I'll watch over your sleep.
I'll be your guardian angel.
And a rubber doll for Ramiro.
I'll be right back.
Is there no voice... tell me
what should do?
A voice...
He's real sick.
Will he die?
None of us want that to happen
but his heart wants to rest.
He wants a general anesthetic.
What will Mom do?
Will she bring him back?
Come on.
Come on.
It's me.
I'm finally in his bed.
In my bed.
Where's Ramiro?
In the cesspool.
Wasn't going to leave you
alone with him.
Love you.
It's the last time.
I'll tell you.