iNumber Number: Jozi Gold (2023) Movie Script

Spotter one in position.
Hillbrow spotter is good.
Van is set. Comms check.
Crossing Mandela Bridge.
On fire!
Van, spotter.
Armored truck is pulling up.
Chili, the gold has arrived.
Got it. There in five.
Let's do it!
Van, spotter, the gold has arrived.
Hands on the money. Hands on the money.
No man, Shoes. This is bullshit.
Total bullshit. Will never work.
Name the crooks we took to court.
Last two years.
Last six months.
Cocaine Brothers.
Case dismissed.
Then acquitted.
Quit playing.
That is why I am telling you.
Get his hands on the money,
or it will be the same.
No conviction.
This guy? This gangster?
This, this, this thug?!
He sends people
into the belly of the earth!
To dig with their bare hands,
every day,
rocks collapsing and children die.
I know, brother, I know.
Last time we took him to court,
he paid off the prosecutor. And walked.
Let's be honest, brother.
We didn't have the evidence.
Case was weak.
Listen to me.
This is what's going to happen.
I'm taking him out.
We are officers of the law.
Not murderers. I have small kids.
Two kids and the third on the way.
I won't go to jail
over something I don't agree with.
I'm asking one thing.
Hands on the money. Hands on the money.
Were going to need a better briefcase.
No man, Shoes,
what have you gotten me into?
What kind of place is this?
Relax, brother. You look awesome.
Like a peacock.
Get lost man, a peacock!?
It's from home, I'll get back to you.
What? Now? I'm here! What call?
My wife had cramps this morning.
I'll get back to you.
Hold on.
- It's happening.
- What? Now?
- Shoes, now.
- Now?
Now. Now!
- Right now?
- Right now! Where are you?
I'm in a hectic situation.
I'll be there as soon as I can, OK?
All right.
I'm back.
Everything OK?
I'm great and you?
So, boy or girl?
Hopefully a boy.
Chili junior.
You're mad. Make your own baby.
We'll be green peacocks.
Listen, brother.
I'm proud of you.
You're a great father.
That's true, that's true.
You know where we come from.
Let's get to work.
Finish this thing.
Let's do it.
There he is.
The man himself.
The thug of all thugs.
The Hyena Man.
The dog of all dogs.
Underground hunter of gold.
Gangster top dog.
Cool it Chili. Cool it.
In the village where I come from,
in the land of Rerhabu Quququ,
Uzithinga Zithathu,
I am the unstoppable train
of the Mpondo people.
A train that goes all day and night.
A dog who pisses on fire.
You dog!
You see,
when a hyena laughs,
the ancestors are unhappy.
Spirits have been angered.
You see this one?
This is Jonga.
protected me as a small boy,
from a young age.
He's watching you.
This hyena?
This scavenger?
I'm a lion.
I'll eat him alive.
Don't anger him, brother.
No one disrespects the hyena.
It will rip you apart.
Stop the bullshit.
Where is the gold?
Easy, brother. Easy.
We know that cops lie.
And crooks lie and deceive.
tells the truth.
There we go.
Great one.
Very well.
Get lost!
You thug.
Do you see this briefcase?
This skin
is the skin of a crocodile.
And over here, is the skin,
of a snake.
My gift to you.
Kill him!
Get him, Jonga. Get him.
Get him!
We have a runner!
Stop him!
Back off!
Main exit! Main exit!
- Are you good?
- Yes. Valet, fetch the car!
Hey, fuck off!
Hey, you asshole!
Hey, you asshole!!
He's headed into Hillbrow.
Runner is in Hillbrow.
On my way. On my way.
Out of the way! Out of the way!
Old man, hold this bag.
I'm a cop, okay?
Hold this bag. Don't open it.
I'm serious. Don't open this bag!
- Hey!
- Use your gun!
I can't shoot in the city.
Go! Go! Go!
Move! Move! Move!
Where did he go?
One, two. One, two.
Let's go! Let's go!
Fuck off! Fuck off!
Shoes, where are you?
He's on the Mandela Bridge!
Where are you?!
I'm there. I'm there now.
The baby is coming!
Just wait, just wait!
This isn't a queue at Checkers!
My goodness!
Where are you?!
Come! Come right now!
Where are you?!
Shoot! Shoes!
Shoot! Shoot!
Shoot! Shoes!
Shoot this dog! Shoot this dog!
Where are you going?
Got you!
I told you that I'll catch you.
I'm going to kill you, asshole.
Don't do this.
I'm serious, brother.
Where is the gold?
You didn't open the bag, right?
I wasn't always like this, my boy.
I used to be the best drill op.
There was an accident.
Dynamite explosion.
I lost my arm.
I lost my job also.
I know gold, my boy.
I worked with it,
for a very long time.
Forgive me.
is not gold.
It's an iron called pyrite.
You know what they say?
The peach that is delicious.
Tasty and sweet. Is the one,
that has worms.
Therefore, I am releasing
the Hyena Man.
- What?
- Why?
Don't ask me why.
Lack of evidence.
- Can't you see?
- We have footage of him taking the money.
All that footage shows,
is a cop trying
to shoot and kill the accused,
after this one was deceived by a big bag
of fake iron pyrite.
What-what, worthless rocks!
Do you know how I got into this position?
Youngest brigadier
in this building.
And... female.
I see you.
You think I dropped my panties.
Not me.
I have the General right here.
Me and only me
is taking care of his pockets.
I promised him that gold.
Now, I must pay from my own pocket,
or else I'm out on the streets.
Do you see how you're costing me?
Seriously, do you see?
It's been so long, my friends.
So long
I've been trying to get you an upgrade.
Sit down with me...
so we can eat together.
Hey woman!
I eat alone.
In that case,
I'm sending you to the basement.
- Exactly!
- With that Boer Van Zyl?
To learn your lesson,
with the "Black Danger".
I will never work with that Afrikaner.
- Understood?
- If you don't take your skinny legs
to the basement,
there's the door.
It's wide open.
I'm out.
Don't worry, Brigadier. I'll talk to him.
- Chili.
- What? What? What?
- What are you doing, brother?
- That woman is sick.
Brother, this lady is just doing her job.
- What's wrong with you?
- Wake up, man! Have you been hypnotized?
What's wrong with you?
I have kids. Please consider that, brother.
I have mouths to feed.
From now on,
I'm no longer a cop.
We achieve fuck all.
Yes, Ma'am?
Without him,
you are useless to me.
The Ten Commandments. Do you know them?
- Do you know them?
- Yes!
What's first?
Yes, boy.
You must not steal.
But what happens,
If they steal from you first?
Hey? The second one?
Yes, boy.
Don't sleep with your neighbor's wife.
But what about...
if her husband is deceased?
Third commandment.
Yes, boy.
Do not kill.
Do not kill.
That's bullshit!
God said to kill the Amalekites.
Man, woman, infant
and child. Kill them all!
Context, Chili. Context.
And the fourth commandment?
- Honor your mother and father?
- No!
Did they respect us?
- They abandoned me at the hospital!
- They left me on the streets!
I was born in a toilet. Why?
- Is that respect?
- No!
Order, order.
- Did they respect us?
- Never!
- Order!
- Never!
Leave us for moment.
I need to speak to Chili.
Be strong. You hear me?
This building is falling apart.
You have to get a new place.
Look, the roof is about to collapse.
You need a new building.
How will I pay for it?
There is no money here.
Even the little we used to
get from the council is gone.
Those people are corrupt.
And I owe the bank.
How much?
Fifteen grand a month for ten years.
I'm going to close this place.
Close it?
What about these kids?
I got a call from Shoes.
Here we go.
He says you resigned.
- Chili?
- Yes?
Maybe I could work here, with the children.
- You're a bad influence.
- How?
Come, I want to show you something.
- What now?
- Come.
Do you remember this picture?
You and Shoes, five years old.
You couldn't swim.
You almost drowned.
The little fool tried to save you,
but he couldn't swim either.
I came running when I heard his scream.
You never even thanked him.
You know what, big brother,
I'm done being a cop.
We make no impact.
You became a cop because
you wanted to make an impact?
- Yes, sure.
- Bullshit.
Sure, make a difference for these kids.
You became a cop Chili,
because you wanted these
kids to see you as the man.
Walk the streets like a big shot.
"There goes Big Cop Chili."
No, man.
Do you know who keeps you in line?
It's Shoes.
Without him,
you'd be in jail right now, or dead.
You want to make an impact?
Then show these kids the power
of love and friendship.
They know what you've been through.
When they see you two as cops together,
that is the impact.
Hey, man.
Why are you texting
me like I'm your girlfriend?
You want to work with this Boer?
How? I can't without you.
Actually, leave.
Thank you for saving my life.
I love you, boy.
The lady of twelve ambitions
and thirteen accidents.
Oh, please.
Obviously missed.
And if you have nothing for me,
It means I...
have nothing for the General.
Bugger off, Van Zyl.
You... You are building nothing.
Look at you.
Because you
light-skinned idiots sitting here,
will never, ever know anything
about a dark-skinned gang.
You will never talk a hole in my head.
The Gold Gang.
The Hyena Man.
On what night did you say
these targets were hit?
Tripe Monday.
Tripe Monday.
Can you see?
Just five minutes with us Blacks
and more progress than the last 40 years.
Because I'm adding apartheid.
Join them for inumber number.
- INumber number?
- A job, heist.
Tracker is active, Colonel.
Thank you, Gert.
Piet's police coffee.
Grandpa headache powders.
Yes, with a touch of brandy.
That's it.
We won't let you down, sir.
You're not better than me!
What's wrong with you?!
What will you do?
You see what I see?
That piece of shit.
Yes, in the right outfit, for sure.
Maybe he could work.
Let's test him.
What you're doing is dumb.
My dog, touch my blood.
Big man. Original gangster.
Who's this fool?
They call me Seeng.
Over there, my sister, Dimo.
My brother, Dikeledi.
And you? What's your name?
Chili Ngcobo.
Hey, hey, my dog.
I feel like the dog of all dogs.
A real baller.
Actually, better than everyone.
Here we have "Mr. Show-Off".
You're the ones throwing money
and I'm "Mr. Show-Off"?
My brother. My brother.
We're spreading love.
We're wasting our time with this guy.
You call it from the air?
Traffic cop?
You have a big mouth. My brother is deaf.
He might be deaf, but he sees.
I want to see you
give this money to the needy,
not these greedy crooks in the street.
Let me show you something.
You see these kids?
Kajama Home for abandoned children.
Next time you want to show off,
help these children.
You grew up there?
My mother abandoned me.
My old man didn't give a fuck.
I grew up on the streets.
Where do you get your money?
He wants to know
if you're a thug or a fat cat?
Let's drink. Have some.
We don't drink.
This is non-alcoholic, brother.
While fools drink,
the clever get rich.
Let it burn.
Burn them all!
We've got them.
Put the task team on standby.
On it, Colonel.
Men, hurry up.
Do your best!
Moshoeshoe, no, stop it!
Come on, sir.
Men, we must focus.
Come on, Colonel.
No, no, no. We must...
Come on, sir.
Get lost!
Hey, you broke bastard!
You touch a snake in its hole.
Who do you think you are?
Do you know who I am?
Chili, we have to go.
They're moving.
Dimo. Dimo!
- Let's go, let's go.
- Where are we going?
What's going on?
Who are you?
Are you some kind of gangster?
I'm a cop.
He's a cop.
Fucking hope so.
But not anymore. Not anymore.
Bullshit procedure and corruption.
But you. You... you, you gangsters.
You need me.
You need a guy like me.
Why? Why is that?
I know how cops think.
What do you think?
My brother trusts you.
We're not gangsters.
What we do makes a difference.
We've dedicated our lives to it.
You can't come here
and mess up our work.
Listen, man.
Put your shiny clothes in that bin.
you prove yourself.
Listen, guys. He's in.
Colonel, the tracker is also dead.
Where are they?
Oh, there. There!
Follow them! Go, go, go!
This crooked jeweler,
works our people like slaves.
They make his jewelry.
Then he sells it for a fortune
and they get fuck all.
Five minutes.
Take everything that is gold.
Don't leave anything behind. Let's go!
Shit, shit!
Cops, cops, cops!
- What?
- Let's go!
Let's go, let's go!
Go! Go!
Give him your clothes.
Goddamn it!
Back to the van.
Fanie, any leads?
Small hills give birth to mountains.
- That's the one.
- Let's go!
What is this place?
Come this side.
This is where we live.
Welcome to our crib.
Sotho people are too clever.
And this?
My children.
I ask from the fires of hell,
what the devil is this?
Please, before you get angry,
take a good look at him.
Do you see what I see?
Mom, we can finally do this.
Don't use a short stick
to scratch a big lions balls.
I know what you are doing.
What are we doing here?
This is where we melt the gold.
This old lady
presses it into sheets of gold.
And then, we cut it.
Feed it into this beauty.
1970 SA mint.
Then we make coins.
Can you believe it was sold for scrap?
Bloody idiots.
We mint Krugerrands.
100% genuine.
That coin is legal tender.
The money is legit.
You can walk into a gold exchange
with one of these bad boys
and they'll give you 20 grand, cash.
No questions asked.
But what I really want to know,
what's going on with my face?
No, sir.
Lerotholi Thoriso I, dictator of Lesotho,
our home country.
This is his son, Lerotholi Thoriso II.
We call him Thor.
Listen, I've met him.
You're the same height.
You even have the same swagger.
If we use some pillows
to give you a tummy, then add a cap
- and sunglasses. That's you...
- And then?
Thor took control,
of our country's only gold mine.
Promised to share
the wealth with the people.
Instead, he brings
the raw gold to South Africa,
for his own enrichment.
The thief comes to steal and destroy.
Our plan is perfect. We will succeed.
So how long have you guys been thieves?
We're not thieves, we're activists.
My father started
a resistance against the dictator.
We left Lesotho after they murdered him.
One day, I will avenge my dead husband.
Our mother is the
best gold coin forger in all of Africa.
She taught us
the three most important things in life.
Number one, take from the fat.
Number two.
Party like a rockstar.
- Yes, yes, yes.
- Oh yes!
- Number three.
- Yes.
- Give back.
- Give back.
You've seen our sacred space,
don't disappoint me.
My brothers give their share to
NGOs, orphanages.
this is my way of giving. Let's go.
This one is for you.
So tell me honestly.
You're stealing this dictator's gold?
Last year he brought in over a ton.
And you
can handle that?
I don't have to.
They bring it to the Joburg Gold Refinery.
They turn it
into gold bars worth 500 million.
That's what we want.
Jozi Gold.
You do know no one has ever
broken into that place.
We're going to take that gold.
Return it to the people of Lesotho.
So this is where you play now?
Not here!
Listen to me.
This gang,
steals gold, turns it into Krugerrands,
then gives them away.
They live in a scrapyard.
These people are thieves.
No, man. Bullshit!
They're making a difference.
When last did we make an impact?
The home we grew up in,
is in trouble,
it will be forced to close in six months.
I want to buy them a new home.
That's going to cost a lot.
Okay, sure. This gang,
is planning the job of all jobs.
The mother of all heists.
Dude, dude.
Help me,
so I can help them.
Help the home that raised us.
Just do one thing.
Keep the Boers away.
Let's go.
Let's go, let's go.
Give me this one.
What if he gets caught?
Won't he snitch on you?
He's my brother. We've come a long way.
He wouldn't do that to me.
I want you to promise me one thing.
When our kids get older,
I don't want Chili to be their role model.
I want that person to be you.
Come in.
There's someone I want you to meet.
He has inside contacts at the refinery.
They know when
the gold is coming from Lesotho.
Yeah, sure.
We need that man.
Hey man!
- What the hell?
- That bastard ripped me off 400 grand!
Sold me fake gold.
- He's a cop!
- I was a cop!
Was a cop!
You can't trust him.
- Let me finish him!
- Chili! Chili!
- Chili, listen for a second.
- Let me finish him!
Listen, there's no job without him.
He knows when the gold is coming.
Chili, Chili!
We need him, okay?
Where is my hyena?
- What?
- Chili.
I'm not going to tell you anything,
until Jonga
is brought back here.
Thank you, brother.
So what now?
You're working with the Hyena Man?
Fuck, no.
- It's not like that.
- Then what?
Jozi Gold Refinery.
Joburg gold?
Corrupt dictators take their gold,
launder it there, back door.
Conflict gold stolen from their own people.
The gang wants to give it back.
That's their impact.
And this?
Tranquillizer gun.
You're going to need it.
Well done, Lieutenant.
Shoes, you find out.
On the day
they refine the gold, he stays here,
Gold Reef City Hotel and Casino.
That's where we make the swap.
Then we return to the refinery.
Get "your" gold,
jump on their plane,
fly to Lesotho.
On the dictator's plane?
Do you have a better idea?
We must be invisible.
They won't see us coming.
I got you.
Listen here.
Don't you dare mess with me.
Do you hear me? I owe you nothing.
You would be rotting in jail,
but I helped you.
Get out of my face.
You disgust me.
You don't know me.
You don't know what I'm capable of.
Come, come, come! We have no time.
Let's go!
All right men, let's go!
It's time.
There we go.
The gold is on the move. Let's go.
Copy that, Captain.
- Gert and I are on the target's ass.
- Roger, Major.
The dictator is leaving the Refinery.
Must we follow?
Lieutenant, find out where they're going.
Major, follow in a single vehicle.
Get us inside so we can see.
Shit. Okay.
We hope your room meets your expectations.
I managed to hack cameras
in the high roller casino.
There. There.
Pull that up, pull that up.
And now?
Hey, my sister.
You're not allowed. What are you doing?
Van, Fanie. The dictator is on the move.
Major, follow them.
We're following.
Get that finger ready.
Colonel, the limo is back.
Gert, get me a close up of the dictator.
The Hyena Man is my informant.
As we speak
the plane has already been taken.
My men have pounced.
When that Chili, like a complacent fool,
gets on that plane,
I'll grab him.
Take him.
I want to travel with my gold.
Fuck that.
They're leaving the refinery.
We're right behind them.
If you behave yourselves,
I might give you guys a piece.
He's turning! He's turning!
My dog! My dog!
Go, go, go, go!
The van is changing direction.
It's not going to the airport, over.
Get off
that fucking plane and chase the gold!
Yes, Brigadier.
The refinery armored vehicle
has entered a warehouse.
CBD, Carr Street. Over.
Fanie, van. We're at the warehouse.
What do we do now?
The door is locked.
Let's go.
Stop, stop!
Stop, stop!
What the hell?
Colonel. Colonel, we're in shit.
We're being attacked. Sir, sir!
- No man!
- Shut up!
Shut up!
Don't do this, Van Zyl...
Don't! Moshoeshoe...
Are you siding with the Whites?
Do they have you on a leash?
Keys! Back pocket.
Go, go, go, go!
I'm hit! Fuck, I'm hit!
Damn it! Get the hell up!
Oh, shit! Damnit!
Start the car!
Follow them!
- Lourens!
- Let's get out of here.
Let's go! Move!
- Release us.
- Uncuff us!
The Jeep and the refinery armored vehicle
are exiting
the warehouse onto Carr street.
Come rain, come shine
or thunderstorms,
bring me that gold! Understood?
- Yes, Ma'am.
- It's time! Attack!
My children.
Don't forget why we're doing this.
Let's go.
The border.
The gold is not here.
Those dogs are gone.
You fucking assholes!
Balaclavas. Balaclavas.
- Show me the bloody gold.
- Relax, boy!
- Show me the gold.
- Relax.
Show me the bloody gold!
Show me the bloody gold.
This is not real gold.
What the hell is this?
It's iron pyrite.
Fool's gold!
The Hyena Man.
Where is he?
Where is he?
How should we know?
He could be anywhere right now.
He's not going anywhere without his hyena.
He's married to the damn thing. Let's go.
- Where?
- I know where he is.
Don't make me shoot!
Then shoot!
What happened to him?
It's the Brigadier.
Mother? Mother?
Are you okay, sir?
Hey, man.
What are you doing with that?
Let's finish this.
Let's finish this.
No. I'm not getting involved.
Do what you want to do.
I'm staying right here with the gold.
Jonga, it's feeding time.
You missed, asshole!
Come out!
Softly. Softly.
Wow, Donga.
Don't even think about it.
You see?
This is what real gold feels like.
Help me!
This is what it feels like. To be crushed.
Like those kids who died in your mines.
- Nandi. It's over.
- Fuck.
You're famous
for not shooting.
Help me!
Where is he?
Where is he?!
I killed him.
I killed him.
No, Shoes.
Go! Go!
Chili, you're not coming with us?
I owe this guy.
You're full of shit.
My dog.
My dog.
You owe me what?
When this goes to court,
you'll need backup.
Van Zyl knows what you did.
If you carry on like this,
you're going to end up in jail.
We made an impact today.
Today, we made an impact.
Shoes, Shoes!
Look at my new style.
Salute, soldiers!
Yes, my Chili.
Listen, man.
Me and my girls are planning,
to disappear. Breakout.
Look at me when I'm talking to you.
Are you in?
Or left behind?
We're out of here.
Right, girls?
Subtitle translation by: Antoinette Smit