Iron Eagle (1986) Movie Script
Falcon 2, this is lead.
Unidentified aircraft
approaching from the northwest.
Keep in formation.
Stick in tight until I find out
what they're up to.
Got 'em spotted, colonel.
Bandits, 10:00 high. Looks
like MIG-23s
they're coming hard.
Climb to 23,000 feet.
I wanna keep an angle on them.
Attention, American invaders,
you are violating
our territorial airspace.
What the hell are
they talking about?
This is colonel Ted masters
of the U.S. air force.
We're on routine exercises
pitch out, lieutenant!
They're firing on us!
This is no drill!
Fire when you get a lock on 'em!
Roger, colonel.
Two mugs - 4:00. Watch your
tail, lieutenant!
I'm coming around.
I'll pick up the leader.
Got you covered, colonel.
Angle's looking good.
Watch that bandit at 2:00,
OK, palsy.
Bandit turning in tight.
Closing in on bandit, 10:00.
On your tail, lieutenant.
Pull it up.
Lieutenant, pull it up!
I've been hit.
I'm dropping fuel fast!
Get the hell out of here now,
But colonel...
move it, lieutenant!
Heading back to base.
Good luck, colonel.
Check in behind you, sucker.
That's it. Come on.
Come on. There you go.
Okay, thank you.
Four to one.
These guys
aren't taking any chances.
Come on, let's go.
Matt? Come on,
let's go.
Hey, will you get off
that phone?
We were supposed to meet Tony
and Reggie 20 minutes ago.
Quit bugging me, all right?
I'm talking to Sheila Teluchi.
She's a junior.
What do you think you're
doing messing with her?
Hold on.
She thinks I am, too!
Now get out of here,
will you? You're
blowing it for me.
I'll take the Honda and meet
you guys down there later.
I thought dad told you not
to ride that Honda off base.
How's he going to know
if he's not around?
Now disappear before
I have to pound you.
Yeah, it's my little brother.
You know how kids are.
I'm leaving, mom.
You're picking my tux up,
aren't you?
Uh-huh, at 12:00.
Oh, Doug,
could you tell your sister
how nice she looks?
Yeah, she does look nice.
I look gross.
Amy, you don't have to
wear this after tomorrow.
Now, come on. Your brother
only graduates once.
Yeah, it's a miracle
he's graduating at all.
Thanks a lot, runt.
I'll see you later, ma.
Oh, be home
by 6:00, okay?
Your dad's gonna call in.
He wants to say hi
to you and Katie
before you go to the prom.
All right. Bye.
Aren't you going to wait
for the mail?
Today could be the day.
Can't. I'm late.
Are you out of
your mind, masters?
10 Miles an hour!
How many times have | I...
hey, Doug, how you doing?
How do you like the moves?
I'm practicing for
the prom tonight.
You guys look great.
I'm sorry I'm late...
enjoy it, fool!
Pretty soon, if you
don't show up on time,
they're going to
shoot your behind.
At the academy, the word tardy
Is not in the vocabulary.
What were they doing to you?
I was just coming up over the
and they all came up behind me.
You bastards!
What is it with you, knotcher?
Can't you get through
one day without proving
what an asshole you are?
Hey, I was just having
a little fun
with your girlfriend, fly baby.
I figured maybe
she might realize
she deserves more from life
than some pussy air force man.
Chill, D. D, D.
Forget about this big, nasty,
moose-lipped grease ball.
He's just trying
to get you in trouble.
Now if sheriff Pingell finds out
you've been fighting again,
you're going to be put in jail
till your dad comes back.
D., just chill.
I'm losing my patience
with you, knotcher.
I'm losing my patience
with you, masters.
You know, like I always
tell you, it would be easy
to settle this thing
if you had any balls.
Just run the snake with me.
You know, you sound
like a broken record.
You got snake on the brain.
Didn't you learn nothin'
from the last time with Branson?
Really love your jackets, boys.
Have a nice day.
He's the biggest creep!
No kidding.
That guy's bullshit
hasn't changed in four years.
Neither has his breath.
He'd kill you with it.
Doug! It came
right after you left!
What is it?
Does the return address
us air force academy
in Colorado Springs
give you a clue?
T., drum roll!
The best new applicant for the
pilot training program is...
Not Doug masters.
What did it say?
It said all that
"we regret to inform you" crap.
It said I didn't qualify.
Wow. Guess you had to
kind of expect it.
Maybe I didn't.
Oh, let's face it, Doug.
The grade point average?
I mean, we're talking
subterranean range here.
Just because
of one lousy "ll."
I never would've gotten it
if I didn't have to cut
Frawley's class all the time
to sneak in the simulator.
Good morning, boys and girls.
I have an announcement,
one of special interest
to all you military personnel
out there.
Little Dougie masters
has regretfully been denied
to the air force academy.
Too bad.
He'd look so cute in his little
uniform and haircut,
marching around
with all the other fairies.
Hee hee hee.
What's the matter, fly baby?
You're dead, knotcher.
I'll wait till you come out,
and then you're mine.
Hey. If you fight me, you'll
have to deal with the sheriff.
If you race me,
all you've got to do
is deal with
the mountains and me.
You got it. Be at
Mclntyre's in an hour.
OK, hee hee.
Call Raymond. Tell him
to gas up my plane.
I'm flying the snake.
Doug, you'll get killed,
just like Jimmy Branson did!
Excuse me.
Excuse me!
Can you hand me
that Phillips head?
What are you doing,
working on my plane?
The Phillips head, boy.
The Phillips head.
What are you doing,
working on my plane?
Raymond was
supposed to gas it...
you're flying the snake,
ain't you?
How'd you know?
What are you doing,
making my mixture so rich?
How low do you have
to keep to the ground?
50 feet, why?
As lean as you were running,
if it went into a stall,
you'd have lost your engine
and never would've been
able to pull it out.
That must've been
what happened to Jimmy.
That happened to the
Branson kid, all right.
He didn't know that either.
Sure couldn't tell him after
they peeled him off that cliff.
What do I owe you?
We can talk about that later,
if you come back.
Now according to
the rules of the snake,
Doug can take any route
to the mountains he wants to,
as long as he sticks under
the 50-foot height limit
you guys agreed to.
Knotcher, you've got to
stick to the main road.
You guys are going to do
a loop through dragon canyon
and end up back here
at the air field.
You got that?
Who's going to make sure
masters doesn't pull up
if it gets a little
too scary for him?
If he pulls up,
he's disqualified.
Packer and Brillo can ride
monitor with me and Reggie.
Let's do it.
Good luck, buddy.
I'm climbing.
Oh, man, that music
Is Jamming, D.!
Head for those rocks!
How's he doing, reg?
Just put it this way:
My stomach hurts
from watching this guy fly.
What's on with knotchhead?
Well, he almost started a new
career as a hood ornament.
Why don't you just land on
the fool and get it over with?
What's the matter, reg?
Don't you like flying today?
Oh, flying, yes,
dying, no!
Hey, hey!
That's not the main road.
A road's a road, man.
Oh, that'll take 10 minutes
off his time.
Knotcher's cut through
on the fire road.
There's no way
you can't beat him now.
It ain't over yet.
Doug, he's coming up
on devil's face!
That's where Jimmy
Branson bought it.
You did it, buddy.
Oh, come on. Reg,
will you give me a break?
Ha ha!
Pull up, D.!
Man, you're toying with death.
You know that, right?
Keep jamming to the tunes
'cause you're zooming!
Doug, smoke's pouring
out of your manifold!
Losing oil pressure.
Set her down, man!
You'll seize your engine!
Wonder what a Cessna looks like
splattered all over those rocks.
What did you do
to his engine, you freak?
Knotcher made me do it.
He had me adjust his oil cap.
Doug, knotcher had packer
loosen your pressure cap.
Land the plane, man!
Land the plane!
Doug, stop acting crazy!
You could get killed!
I'm coming up on knotcher.
I can beat him.
Don't be a fool, Doug.
Just land!
Land the plane, man.
Don't stall on me now.
Go, go, go!
You got it. Now,
take it home now, Doug.
Rough landing, fly baby?
It was just a joke, man.
It's pretty funny.
You could have killed me.
I said you could have killed me.
Couldn't hear you.
Can you hear me now?
Doug, you've got to
come with me now.
It's your dad.
You got to get back to the base.
He's been shot down.
Jesus. Is he...
I don't know. They just
found out about it. Come on.
But we've got to...
I'll get Matt.
You just go.
Did they tell you
when they're going to
release him?
They don't know.
Didn't they even tell you
what they were doing,
flying so near to the coastline?
The general said
that he couldn't
go into it with me.
I'll be back in a minute.
Is colonel Blackburn in there?
You can't go in there!
Look, you can't go through here!
Hey, buddy! Who the hell
do you think you are?
Lighten up, man.
I just want to talk
to colonel Blackburn.
Davis, hey! It's okay.
I suppose you want some answers.
Nobody's telling us
what's going on.
I figured since you and dad
have been friends for so long,
you'd tell me the truth.
What did they tell you so far?
Just that dad and another plane
were flying over the med
when they got jumped.
And then something crazy
about a trial.
Well, it's kind of
a complicated situation.
Hell, it's a bunch
of nonsense, really!
Some countries
play the ball game
a little different than we do.
Come on, stick on my
heels for a minute.
Now I'm going to get
my tit in the wringer
if the general catches me
showing you this stuff,
so keep your mouth shut.
See, we fly what's known as
freedom of navigation exercises
to establish...
international airspace. I know.
My dad's told me about it,
but he wasn't even
in their territory,
so why'd they fire on him?
'Cause they claim
a 200-mile limit,
right about up to here.
We only recognize 12.
They usually don't mess with us,
but this time they caught us
with our pants down.
Your dad didn't have
much of a chance.
At least he waxed
three of the bastards
before he bailed.
So, what's all this
about a trial?
Excuse me a second, Doug.
They're full of shit!
We asked for a carrier.
They said they
couldn't cooperate
with us at this time, colonel.
It's nonsense.
You get old admiral what's-his-nuts
on the horn right now!
You tell him the general
wants to talk to him, pronto!
I'm sorry, Doug.
I tell you one thing...
I don't like the way
the state department's
playing this.
Christ, we're holding
all the aces,
and they act like
all we got's a pair of twos,
waiting on a face card.
The general felt
putting a carrier
off their coast
might put a fire up their butt,
but they denied our request.
They tell us the name
of the game's negotiation.
Colonel, will you please just
tell me what's going on?
Al right.
He's being put on trial
for violating their
territorial sovereignty.
Now, we know it's bullshit,
Washington knows it's bullshit,
state department
thinks it's a bluff.
They think they're using him
as a bargaining chip.
For what?
They're what's called
a prime nation
in that part of the world.
We've been embargoing
trade to them for years.
They're probably using this
to get us to lift it.
What's going to happen, colonel?
I don't know yet, Doug.
We're hoping to hear what they
really want from us in the morning.
Till then, there's not much
any of us can do,
especially since the suits
up at the white house
got our hands tied like this.
You're going to have
to be patient.
We don't even have diplomatic
relations with the bastards,
so it takes a whole heap of time
just to make a phone call.
Colonel, I got the
admiral on the horn.
Hang in there, son.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, it came.
Something I'd like to talk
to you about on that.
I think the general wants to
pursue this a little further.
I don't know how you
can stay so calm.
That's because I've
been through it before.
You don't remember.
You were only 4 years old
at the time your dad had to
bail out over the pacific.
The whole time he was missing,
I didn't even know
if he was alive.
I gotta call Katie and tell
her I'm not going tonight.
You'd better call the
win slows and tell them
not to drive all the way
down for graduation.
Doug, that is not
going to help him.
He's stuck over there,
but all he's thinking about
Is us. He's thinking
about you and Katie
getting all dressed up tonight.
He's thinking about you getting
your diploma tomorrow.
That's all he's got right now,
and somehow, if you don't go,
it takes it all away from him.
Look, I'm very scared.
I'll admit that to you.
But if you start thinking
the worst is going to happen,
somehow it always does.
What did you find out?
I'll tell you about it
in the car.
I want you to go with him
to pick up Amy, okay?
Dad's going to be
all right, isn't he?
Yeah, dad's going to be fine.
Go with mom. I'll be home
in a little while.
What did Blackburn tell you?
He said they think they're
holding him for ransom,
or something like that.
Think you can you nose
around your dad's office
and see what they're
asking to trade for him?
I just came from there.
Everybody in intelligence
Is scrambling.
My dad ordered everyone to keep a lid
on this thing. Nobody's talking.
Oh, Milo...
All right.
I'll hang around
and see what else
I can find out.
Thanks a lot.
Uh, is there anything
that we can do?
No, nothing, man.
Guess you won't feel
like going tonight, huh?
I didn't at first, but I guess
it's better than sitting home,
going crazy all over this.
Now, you listen, Doug,
everything is going to work out.
Now those dudes
won't mess with us.
The air force
will kick ass if they do.
Yeah, like in Iran, right?
Oh, no, that was different!
Mr. peanut was in charge
back then.
Now we got this guy
in the oval office
who don't take shit from
no gimpy little countries.
Why do you think
they call him Ronnie ray-gun?
I almost forgot, I got
some boutonnieres for us.
Oh, man. These smell so good.
Take a whiff. Go ahead.
You are allowed a
statement on your behalf.
This court is a fraud.
At no time did I violate
your territorial airspace.
At no time did we engage in any type
of intelligence gathering operation.
This trial is a blatant
violation of international law.
the American naivete
never ceases to amaze me.
We make the laws
in this country.
We are not subject
to your ridiculous
Western alliances.
I am a pilot myself,
and when in flight,
I am always aware
of my exact position.
I have no doubt
you were quite clear
about yours.
Your country has been warned
time and time again!
Yet your leaders choose to
make light of our demands.
Reparation is our due,
and we shall have our due.
What do you mean they
didn't ask for anything?
They just didn't. I was sitting
right outside my dad's office
when they had the briefing.
None of them could believe it.
But I don't understand.
Doug, they've already
held the trial,
and they found your dad guilty.
What does that mean?
Well, nobody knows for sure.
They haven't sentenced him yet.
It could mean prison or...
why are those bastards
playing so tough?
Well, the state department think
they're making a big issue of it
because they don't want other nations
thinking they're chicken of the us.
They're trying to set
an example.
So, when are they going in?
The marines, fool!
They ain't going to sit down
and take this crap, are they?
Nothing's being planned,
as far as I know,
but my dad thinks they can
work something out
'cause they might...
and what are they
going to work out?
How many years is he going
to stay in that shithole?
What are they doing about it?
Dad says they're
still negotiating.
That won't do shit,
and you know it.
Doug's here.
Doug, I'm sorry about not being able
to return your calls last night,
but since things heated up, the
general's kind of kept me hopping.
Colonel, don't lie to me.
Are you guys planning
something or not?
We're doing all we can.
Which is nothing, isn't it?
They're trying to talk
to them, Doug,
trying to make them
listen to reason.
Other than that,
we got nothing the boards.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, so am I.
Hi, buddy.
Listen, I heard what happened
to your dad, and I...
Yeah. Marty,
I was wondering
if you could slip me in?
Tell you what. There's
someone due in here in now,
but he's running late. So, why
don't I load her up for you,
and you can take it
till he gets here.
Thanks a lot.
Doug, just keep cool about this.
It isn't the same as sneaking
you in at night, okay?
Okay, buddy. I'm going to
set you up with some mugs.
Enemy squadrons sighted.
All right, you bastards.
Climbing to flight level 270.
I have radar.
Locking down to engage.
What else you got, Marty?
This is flight leader.
Do you read?
This is bluebird.
Enemy approaching at
flight level 220. Confirm.
Excellent move, bluebird.
That's four.
I don't believe it.
That's too extreme.
Pull it up!
Pull it up!
Check your radar!
Hold on.
Oh, man.
Marty, I don't believe
those guys could've...
all that fancy maneuvering
won't do you no good
if you don't watch
what those two guys
flying up your behind
are going to do to you.
I didn't see them.
I couldn't.
You just watch the HUD.
That's what it's there for.
And start cutting out
that music.
Sorry, colonel. Afraid we
used up all your time.
OK. We'll catch you
next week.
You got it.
You keep your chin up, buddy.
Thanks a lot.
Something you want to ask me?
I just didn't know you were
still in the air force.
I'm not.
So what are you,
in the reserves now?
That's right.
How come you're working
as a mechanic?
'Cause fixing airplanes
Is something I like to do.
Anything else
you want to ask me?
Look, I wasn't trying
to write a book.
I was just curious, that's all.
Your dad's a strong man.
He'll be okay.
You know him?
No, but let's say
I know the type.
That's the most
important thing to know.
Yeah? Well, if more
people were like him,
he wouldn't be stuck over there.
What do you mean by that?
Nobody's doing
anything, is what I mean.
I mean, they don't have
the balls to stand up
to those bastards and
force them to release him.
Oh, I see. Well, what do you
think we ought to do about it,
launch some missiles,
go to war over him?
No, of course not.
But how tough could it be?
They're a shitty little country.
It's not a matter
of being tough.
It's the way they do things.
Too many people get
to make the decisions.
I've seen them operate.
They just take too long.
You've seen them plan
one of these things?
A bunch of times,
but they usually
lose more lives than they save.
Your dad is a whole lot
better off
probably if they just negotiate.
Well, you think
with the right plan,
it would be simple
to go in and get him?
It's not that simple,
but it's possible.
Could you plan it?
'Cause I want to know.
What would it take?
It'll take a hell of a whole
lot more than you got, kid.
But wait a minute.
Dad's got a lot of people
on the base that love him.
Being friends with someone
is a lot different
than risking your life for him.
All right.
Let me ask you this.
Do you think an f-16,
fully armed,
with all the firepower
it can carry,
can fly in there
and pull it off?
Look, will you stop wasting
your time thinking about this?
The air force is not
going to do anything.
They'll do a hell of a lot
more than you think.
They just won't know
they're doing it.
Look, I'm telling you right now,
I'll bet you can get a plane,
all the firepower it can carry,
aerial recon, intelligence.
I got the whole
goddamn base wired.
Anything you need,
I can get you.
Are you wired enough to get
me a couple of pilots, too?
I can get you one.
Look, I know this is
probably the toughest thing
you've ever had to
go through in your life,
but hanging on
to these crazy ideas
Is not going to make it
any easier on you.
Take it easy, huh?
You don't think
I can fly, do you?
Aw, come on.
Don't talk stupid.
You think flying in an F16
in aerial combat
is the same as that snake
you flew yesterday?
Would you listen
to me for one minute?
I'm listening!
I've got 3 times as many
hours in that simulator
as most pilots flying falcons
on the base right now.
As for combat, you know
that's a bunch of bullshit.
I mean, how many guys around
here have been in dogfights?
Four, five tops?
The simulator's good enough
to train them,
and they're out there defending
the whole goddamn country.
What, you think because they're
3 or 4 years older than me,
it makes any difference?
Look, look, look. I've already
missed my simulator time.
I'm not going to miss
my flight time.
I gotta go.
Well, let me go with you.
I've been up a bunch
of times with dad.
Come on, at least let me
show you what I can do.
I'm tired of talking
about it. I'm going.
You know he ain't got a chance,
but you don't give a shit
enough to help him!
You're no different
than anyone else.
You really believe that
nonsense you're saying?
Look at me when I talk to you!
Look, let me clue you
into something right now.
I've given this country
22 damn fucking years
of my life, 22 years.
I've seen young boys blown out
of the air over the pacific.
I've seen their guts sprawled
all over the rice paddies
of Vietnam.
So, every time somebody
dies for this country,
believe me, boy, I give a shit.
Goddammit, nobody
talks to me like this.
I'm not going to start now.
You want to help
your father, hmm?
You be strong for your family.
You stay right here.
I'm pleased to present
this year's valedictorian,
Edward Thatcher.
Students, faculty, and parents.
Each year, we as students
have the luxury of our dreams
without the responsibilities
of our sustenance.
Therefore, our gratitude
must be with those
who give us that freedom,
without which we could not grow.
To our parents, then,
I dedicate this...
what were all those loops
and rolls, colonel?
I thought we were supposed to keep
strict formation during training.
I got a malfunction in
my throttle sensor, major.
I was trying to sort out
the problem.
For a moment there, I thought you
were going to do a little skywriting.
Oh, colonel, I have
a problem with my receiver.
I heard some music up there.
Guess I must have picked up
a radio station or something.
I'll have it checked out, major.
Yes, sir.
These are training
maneuvers, Doug,
not auditions
for the thunder-birds.
It's not a rock concert.
Get over there.
I don't know
what the hell you were
thinking out there.
Do you realize
what could happen to me
if you got caught in that plane, huh?
Do you?
Okay, I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
You bet your ass
it won't happen again.
That's the last time you go
up with me. I've had it!
Come on, dad.
Don't come on me.
I don't want to hear it.
Look... Doug,
you're graduating next month.
When are you going to show me
some responsibility?
You know, when I'm gone,
just once in a while
I'd like to have
a little confidence
that I know you can
handle things.
At some point,
you got to grow up, son.
Is that an order, sir?
Yeah, that's an order.
Understood, sir.
May I ask the colonel
a question, sir?
Go ahead.
Did he like the reverse spirals
I executed at 22,000 feet?
They've been rehearsed
all week long
in the simulator, sir.
Yeah, I did.
Get out of here, will you?
The colonel's wife
thinks you're at school.
Yes, sir.
Today is an important day
for all of us.
It's a turning point,
a time to realize that it's time
to stop being children,
a time to take charge of
our lives and our destinies.
This is the time to believe
in ourselves
or leave our dreams behind.
Thank you.
Mom, what's the matter?
I didn't want
to tell you before.
They heard
from Washington today.
Your dad's been sentenced.
Three days.
Three days?
What do you mean, three days?
They're going to hang him.
In three days,
they're going to hang him.
Hey, I need to talk to you.
About what?
About dad.
I think we can help him.
I think I know a way to
go go in and get him out.
God. When are we going?
Come on. I need you
to do something for me.
What do you want me to do?
Start calling all the eagles.
Tell them to meet me
at the clubhouse
tomorrow at 7:00
in the morning.
I've got a bunch
of things to work out.
Come on, go on.
You gonna call?
They're not really going
to kill him, are they?
I'm not waiting around
to find out.
Now go on.
Welcome, minister.
We will take you
to the prison at once.
I have been informed
you will not sign
the confession we require.
I came to ask you to reconsider.
You see, I am
a compassionate man.
I understand your courage
and your sense of duty,
but there are those
in power above me
who do not share my sentiment.
If you're referring
to your beloved leader,
why don't you have him come
down and see me personally?
I'll give him the confession.
I'll shove it up his ass!
Okay. First, I want to thank you
all for coming over so early.
I know you're all aware
of what's happened to my father.
I know you'd do anything
for him.
Most of us have been together
for a long time,
and together we've gotten
everything we've needed
for our classes
and for our air shows.
Now I need you to come up
with some stuff
that will help my dad.
If we don't come up with it,
I don't think he's got
much of a chance.
I got a list here
of everything we need to get,
starting off with...
Dad, I'll take these
to hazel myself.
I wanted to say hi anyway.
Okay, thanks.
Hey, haze. I've got some more
updates from my dad for you.
Oh, thanks, Milo.
Oh, my God. Look how
many of them there are.
So, it's getting pretty heavy
duty around here, huh?
Oh, I know.
Um, stop!
Hazel, I thought you said last
week you had this thing fixed.
I did!
Why don't you go input
on the mainframe,
and I'll call a guy
to get down here.
Yeah, then we won't get behind.
It is urgent that
we get this out
and not lose time.
It's wonderful.
You'll go get him then?
Oh, sure. I promise.
Great. Now, I'll work
on these.
Oh, you are an angel, Milo.
This is wonderful.
I'll be at the mainframe.
I should be back in an hour.
What are you guys
doing down here?
Sweeney, I just
brought my friend down
to see those new packer 32s
that they got in.
You know I can't sneak you guys
in here during the daytime.
Oh now, come on, Sweeney.
My sister said to ask you
to do it for her.
Was she really talking about me?
You know, I heard her tell mom
that she's pretty upset
that you don't call her
more often.
All right, all right.
Look, I can sneak you
in here for five minutes,
until Dover gets back,
but only one of you.
Go ahead.
I've seen them.
Hi, dad
What are you guys up to?
Oh, nothing.
We just came down here
to get that picture you
promised us for our room.
Remember the big satellite photo
of the earth with all
the weather on it and stuff?
The color one.
That was months ago.
What made you come for that now?
'Cause you forgot
to bring it home
the last four times
we asked you.
I guess you're right.
Okay, I'll go get it.
Oh, no, we can get it.
Oh, don't be silly.
I got time.
I didn't mean to.
I got to go to the latrine
and wash this out.
Go in the back
and get the picture.
Put it in one of these sleeves.
I'll leave you a clearance
with Connie to get it out.
I'm glad you brought these down.
Your mom's trying to starve
me to death on this new diet.
What do we got?
Delta 662.
OK, get the falcon
maintenance file.
F-16 is BR4.
Bingo. We're in!
Who is it?
It's Doug masters.
I know what you said before,
and I'm sorry about what I said,
but I came to ask you one
last time if you'd help me.
I got the aerial recon of everything
those bastards got over there:
Coastal defenses, surface to air
missile emplacements,
and troop locations.
I know their fighter base is
and their fighter capacity,
and I know where they're
holding my dad.
I've got a picture
of the building
and everything around it.
I've got intelligence,
tons of it right here.
I know every move they make
and when they make it,
when they fly their maneuvers,
every move they make
in and out of their airports,
and if you need to know,
I can tell you what time
somebody goes to the can.
I can get you an F-16
with anything you want on it.
Sidewinders, mark 82 snake eyes,
cluster bombs, durandals,
paveway smart bombs,
and all the 30-mm rounds
the g-pod can carry.
Jesus, chappy, he's only got...
three days. Three days.
If you keep on talking,
you're going to waste
one of them.
Bring that stuff
to me, will you?
When did you work this up?
Last night, when I heard
about that "trial. "
You think you can
figure something out?
Come up with a plan?
I'm a long way from
answering that question, son,
but I sure would like to try.
Something about maniacs
messing with good men
that always pisses me off.
I'm going to need to find
a place for aerial recon,
fighter bases, places
where they're keeping him,
scheduling info,
and you read me the intelligence
when I ask you, okay?
How can you think
with that music on?
Come on. Let's see
what you got.
Let's see what you got.
We don't have much time.
What's wrong?
You got your tennis shoes on?
Yeah, why?
Bring all the intelligence
read-outs and follow me.
Get me that coastal
defense info yet?
Uh, two trawlers...
50-millimeter guns...
But they're currently
in the Gulf.
This would be a lot easier
if I had my shorts on.
How many times
do I have to tell you
to stop interrupting me
when I'm thinking?
Will you read me that
fighter status again.
Find it?
Yeah. There's only five
choppers stationed there.
Give me the antiaircraft
Which ones?
All of them.
That's going to take some time.
They're listed
all over the place.
Like Italian?
Uh-huh. You can eat
while you read.
Hey, slappy, I'd like you
to meet Doug here.
Doug, this is slappy,
the owner of the place.
He's the one you got to sue
for the food poisoning.
Good to meet you, sir.
Good to see you
come around, brother,
and contribute to my retirement.
He brings the white folks
here, too. I like that.
You'd better leave me alone.
Hey, look, look. We've got some
high-level conference talk to do here.
Will you excuse us, please?
Excuse me!
Excuse you.
Okay, did you find it?
Yup, right here.
All right. Let's see.
You hold it like this.
Now, see, the plane
will come through here,
knocks out this pepperoni here.
You have to be careful
of this olive,
or the cheese here
IS going to nail your butt.
Now, now...
This lettuce here
tight around this carrot
Is the second plane
that's going to sneak in.
Second plane?
What do you mean?
Who's flying the second plane?
Who do you think? I'm going to
take out these pepperonis here.
I don't believe it.
What's the matter, you
prejudiced or something?
Come on, chappy.
Don't play with me.
Why are you flying?
Well, let's just say
that when I met your dad,
he earned my respect,
and I do a lot
for people I respect.
When did you first meet him?
About two years ago.
I had booked some
simulator module time,
and I was really late.
I still had my coveralls on,
my hands all covered
with grease.
I'd even forgotten
my I.D. Card,
and wouldn't you know it,
the guy on the module was new.
He looked at me and said, "you'd
better get your black butt out of here
before I call
base security. "
A couple of hotshot pilots
thought it was real funny.
Well, didn't you want
to kick their ass?
Yeah, as a matter
of fact, I did.
But at that time
your daddy walks out
of the simulator module.
I had never seen him before.
He asked what was happening.
When they told him the story,
he walks over to me.
He looks at me for about
a fast second.
He steps back
and snaps me a salute.
He says, "sorry about this, sir.
We'll get things set up
for you right away, colonel. "
Now, your dad understands a
lot about people's dignity.
That's the last kind
of person in the world
I want to see locked up in
some stinking cage somewhere.
He won't have to be anymore.
We're going to bust him
out out of there
like a bat out of hell.
Hey, hey. All we have got
so far is a plan.
The only thing you've
proven to me is that
you can steal some computer
printouts and some pictures.
Chappy, after tomorrow
he's only got one day left,
now are we going for it or not?
We are going
when I say we are going.
You've still got a lot
left to prove to me.
Now you keep your mouth
shut, and you listen
to what I have to ask you.
I still want to test you
on some things.
I want to make sure
that you can deliver
what you say you can deliver.
Name it.
Al right.
I want a couple of F-16s
with full, approved flight plans
armed with the stuff
that I'm going to give you,
under two phony names
that I'll let you have.
And I want a trainer
at the same time
on the tarmac tomorrow.
I want you to put your money
where your mouth is.
You still don't believe
I can fly, do you?
Maybe, and maybe not.
I'm going to test you out
on some live targets.
Great. You won't be
I hope not,
or else we ain't going
nowhere, boy.
Know what I'm saying?
Aah! Aah!
You are a very stubborn man,
It would be easier on you
if you would accommodate us
with a signed admission
of your guilt,
but no matter.
We can proceed without it.
I must say, I admire
the way you can handle pain.
I'm looking forward
to seeing you handle death.
Good thing Milo's on our side.
Good morning.
My name's colonel Sinclair.
I believe you have me down
for that trainer over there.
Your name's not on the list.
Let me check this
with flight control.
Oh, that's not necessary.
Just got orders
to take these two in.
Sorry about
the screw-up, sir.
Yours came in
on a special last night.
She's all ready to go.
What's this about taking us in?
Oh, not you, sir.
I mean these two falcons.
See, these are all set up
to go to Spain.
The crews worked all night
to load them up.
The computer just
canceled it out.
It's a pain in the ass.
She's all ready to go.
Thank you.
Better get off
the ground quick, colonel,
before this one gets canceled.
Computer's been acting
kind of strange today.
Falcon 6, you're clear
for takeoff.
Runway 3-0. Over.
Think you can get us
over the runway in 3-0?
Yeah, if you come up here
and show me where the throttle
Is in these things.
I'm starting not to like you.
Tower, this is falcon 6
ready for takeoff.
OK for takeoff.
Okay, where do you want to go?
You're driving.
Let's see what you got.
You're sure you're up to it?
You're not one
of those hot dogs, are you?
How's that?
I thought you were a pilot,
not an astronaut!
I guess you're right.
By the way, I forgot to ask
when you ate last.
You'd know it
if I had a big breakfast.
Wanna see me turn?
You know, now I'm really
starting not to like you.
Head over to the range.
Yes, sir, colonel, sir.
Coming up to it.
All right, now I want you
to circle around low.
Go north, take out those two
vertical pockets up ahead.
Remember what I told you.
The simulator's a little
You just gotta feel your way.
I want you to concentrate.
And cut that off that stuff!
It'll screw up my rhythm.
If you don't cut it off, I'll
screw up something else!
I told you it was different.
Next time, I want you to drop
one of those mark 82s
to that horizontal up ahead.
This ain't gonna cut it.
We can't go in there
with you shooting like this!
All right,
turn this thing around.
Let's head back to base.
Dammit, chappy.
I'm doing it my way!
Ha ha ha!
Nice piece of work!
So, are we going for it, chappy?
Oh, there are still
some things we...
all right! All right!
We're going!
Get those eagles
of your together.
There's still some details
we gotta work out.
Yes, sir, colonel, sir.
The way I figure it,
you can do your first
500 Miles at mach 6
and your last
Did you account for
the wind current?
Yeah. I got
the crosswinds.
Well, when we get back,
you and |
are going to have to go
into business together.
In a dogfight,
you must always remember
to keep the angle on them.
Attack them from the side,
the top or the back.
If they come at you
straight like this,
you better eject and start
doing some backstroke.
Ha ha ha!
And the most important thing
Is to watch your airspeed
as they talk you in. Now, be
careful to use a deep voice.
Otherwise, they're gonna get
wise that you're a kid.
Now let me hear you talk.
This is bluebird.
No, no, no.
It's got to be deeper.
Bass, put some bass
In your voice,
kinda like slappy.
Do it again. Come on.
Dis is DA bluebird.
I be ready to refuel.
Okay now, Doug, you can
move that control tower
about 10 degrees to the north.
This one?
No, that's the oil refinery.
This one?
No, that's the detention center
where they're holding him.
This one?
That's what's left of my lunch.
Get that out of here.
You must be a lug. The
control tower is over here.
Move it 10 degrees to the north.
Ha ha ha!
Stop laughing.
Say cheese!
All right, gentlemen and ladies.
Time for the final check-out
for tomorrow's operation.
I hope everybody is ready.
La timer?
Yes, sir.
Give me the status
on the falcons.
Two F-16 B is standing by
on the northern runway
as requested, sir.
Fully fueled, sir.
Interior tanks
and two exterior drop tanks.
As requested and
visually verified, sir.
Thank you.
Mr. basin.
Yes, sir.
Flight plans cleared?
Yes, sir. Both
fully authorized.
As requested, I have a list here
of times and coordinates,
all verified.
Place of detention?
As of 1500 hours today,
colonel masters
Is still being held at
Bilyad at the same location.
No change in the enemy plans
reported, sir.
Thank you.
I would like to congratulate
you all on some very fine work.
You have come a long way
in a short while.
I always said that a person
should not be judged
by their experience
but by their performance,
and yours has been exemplary.
I would like to shake
everybody's hand.
I've never had a finer
planning staff, ever. Ever!
You go home to mom.
Just tell her I'm out
with Reggie and Tony.
Now, after tomorrow,
you're in charge.
But only for a couple of days.
It's a promise.
Go on. Get lost.
Look, uh...
Without you guys,
there's no way...
We know that.
Show me the armorers
availability list.
I think I've come up
with an idea
that's going to give us
some added insurance.
I think I'm too loaded down,
SO you are going
to have to carry it.
Carry what?
The Hades bomb.
How fast can Milo work?
He can rearm in three hours.
What do you want me
to do with the Hades?
Okay, before you land,
I want you to
lay one in right here.
See that?
Now, it's got its good points
and its bad points.
Tell me.
The good point is that
they won't be able
to see you or touch you
for five minutes.
But the bad point is that you
won't be able to see them either.
Now, listen to me.
Once this fire goes out,
if you're not in the air,
you are a dead man.
Okay. Now, I want you to get
your butt in my trailer.
Get some sleep. I've got
some work to do here.
I need my privacy.
Uh, chappy, I've got
to see my mom,
and I have to call Katie.
What are you going to tell them?
I don't know.
I don't know either.
You sure can't
tell them the truth.
Look, I tell you what.
I'll have slappy talk
to the both of them,
after we have gone.
Okay? Now you get
in my trailer.
I said get your butt
in my trailer now!
Yes, sir.
Yes, minister.
We are standing by.
Give the American
his final meal.
After tomorrow, he will not
have much of an appetite.
I thought I told you
to get some sleep.
I'm just relaxing a bit,
watching a little TV.
I don't need much sleep
for this anyway.
Now, how the hell do you
know what you need for this?
I just meant I'm ready.
You're ready for this,
aren't you, chap?
You think it's going
to be so easy, don't you?
No, I don't think
it's going to be all easy.
I'm just ready for it,
that's all.
You ain't ready for shit, boy!
Open it.
Go ahead. Open it!
Who are these guys?
A bunch of kids who felt
that they were ready, too.
All of them.
They all look about 22 or 23.
That's right. All of them.
So I don't see what you're
getting so worried about, chap.
What makes them
any different than me?
Because they're dead!
All of them!
I lay awake at night
thinking about how fast
and how brutal they died,
parts of them
falling on the land,
parts of them falling
in the sea,
some parts of them
burning just into nothing
in the middle of the air.
And all of them thought
that they were ready for it.
When it was all over,
I promised myself
that I'd never be a part
of killing kids again.
That's why I took so long
to come around to helping you.
Now, looks like I've got us
both trapped into something...
that could kill us?
I know that, chappy.
And those kids...
I don't know
what you think anymore,
but they knew it, too.
Maybe they weren't ready for it,
but who in the hell
is ever ready for it?
You didn't get me into this.
I went to you, remember?
I know what we're risking,
and I'm proud to be able
to fly with you.
Maybe I'm not all that ready,
but I'm damn proud.
Enough of this nonsense.
I've got some work to do.
Where'd you put
that tape recorder?
It's in my bag,
next to the sink.
Hey, wait a minute.
Just where do you think
you're going?
I just wanted to see
what you were doing.
Why don't you see what my
pillow and bed is doing?
I want you asleep
in five minutes, okay?
Oh, wait a minute.
I almost forgot.
That's my first pair.
I want to loan them to you.
I'll bring them back.
You'd better.
Now you get to bed.
Yes, sir, colonel, sir.
It sure is strange
making you this tape.
I just got finished
talking to you.
You had that look on your face,
the look you had
the first time you asked me
to help you get your father.
I never told you
how [ felt about you.
I always had a problem
talking about my feelings.
But I want to tell you now
that you've got more courage
than anybody I ever met,
and you're going to have to use
every bit of it
to get through this thing.
Now I want you to know
I'm proud
to have been by your side,
and whatever happens,
just remember we tried,
and no one can take that
away from us.
OK for takeoff.
OK for takeoff.
Switch over to frequency 8.
I switched frequencies.
No fancy flying.
It will eat up your fuel.
Sorry, sir. I was just getting
used to the throttle.
It's a little touchy.
Yeah, well, you're lucky I'm not
in that cockpit with you.
I'd show you touchy!
And keep off the other channels
that you're communicating
with the checkpoints.
They can monitor everything we
say, unless we use this frequency.
Roger, colonel, sir.
Climb up to 35,000 feet and
relax till the first refuel.
Make sure you get
your air speed perfect.
Come in real steady.
Congratulations! Couldn't have
done better myself.
Do they pump this for you,
or is this self-service?
Smart-ass kids.
Chappy, you sleeping?
Everything OK?
Yeah, everything's fine.
I just felt all alone
all of a sudden.
Well, try not to think about it.
Just think about your dad and how alone
he must feel, sitting over there.
Does you think he knows
how much I really love him?
I mean, sometimes he can be
really tough with me,
like you are.
I know it's only
for my own good,
but I never really told him
I understood all that.
He knows.
Believe me, he's trying to make
a man out of you.
Is that why you're
treating me the same way?
You're trying to make a man
out of me, too?
No, your dad already
took care of that.
I'm just trying to get us
out of this alive.
Chap, what if I screw up?
What if everything goes wrong?
I'm going to get real mad!
You've never seen me
really mad, have you?
No. I wouldn't
want to, either.
Well, you'd better not screw up!
Just keep thinking
about the plan.
Go over it in your head,
every step of it in your head,
until you have got it automatic.
Yes, sir.
I'm still showing a 7-minute
delay from our first refuel.
We've got to make up some time.
We'll be breaking our flight
plans in about five minutes,
so do your last-minute
You're going to heat up
from here on out.
How do you feel?
My stomach's a little tight.
Must be that cereal
I ate this morning.
That's funny.
It tastes good going down.
About 13 hours later, it makes
you feel scared shit less.
It will pass. Do a checkout list
like I told you.
They're gonna know something's
up any time now.
If checkpoint contacts us,
just ignore it.
By the time they figure out
what's going on,
we'll be over the coast.
Now bring up the stores list.
I want you to watch that
Always keep it in your head.
It's all you got.
Look at your fuel gauge.
That's all you got, too.
Run out of either one of them,
you are dead meat.
I got that, chappy.
We're running
at about mach.6
drop down to 3,000 feet,
and hold your airspeed.
Watch out for naval vessels.
Falcon 1,
this is intercom center.
You have deviated
from your flight plan.
Please advise.
Okay. It's just you
and me, kid.
Drop down to 3,000 feet,
like I told you.
You got it.
When we're 100 Miles
off the coast,
drop down to 400 feet.
Keep under that,
or they'll pick you up
on the radar.
I know that, chappy.
I'll bet you thought
you knew that, didn't you?
Did you know that their surface
to air missiles got French radar?
That means you can fool them
with foil packs.
I didn't know that.
Bet you didn't know that,
did you?
Didn't think so.
When we hit the coast,
punch it up to mach.9,
but don't go supersonic.
It would be too easy
to know we're coming.
When we reach them mountains,
stay real low and come in tight.
If we snake 'em right, fighter
base will never know what hit 'em.
You go right for the runway,
and I'll take out the tower
and knock out communications,
then I'll give you cover.
Now, don't miss.
Remember, you only got
four clusters.
Make each one of them count.
Make sure you line them up right
in the spotter this time,
and play the right music!
These guys ain't no rookies.
They're the ones
that shot down your dad.
Now you ain't going to
freeze up on me, are you?
Anybody ever tell you,
you talk too much?
Yeah, my ex-wife.
Okay, there's the enemy coast.
Set up your jam,
and get down to business!
You're coming
to the Kadar mountains.
Radar hasn't caught us so far.
We're still 7 minutes behind
schedule from refuel delay.
Remember now, they run their
morning maneuvers at 0730.
We've got to pick up some time,
or it'll be like flying
into MIG soup.
Stay below 300 feet
to beat the radar.
Hey, chap, I got something that
will help us make up some time,
so keep the channel clear,
all right?
This ain't no game,
I'm telling you!
I can get used to that.
All right.
We made up 3 minutes.
Their radar hasn't
picked us up yet.
It's 7:30. I hope
they're running late.
I don't even want
to think about it.
Just get ready.
If Kharem is coming up.
Chappy, they picked us up
on radar!
Too late for them now.
Just cluster that runway.
I'll do the rest.
Chap, three mugs have taken off.
We'll handle them in the air.
Just take out that runway.
Chappy, I hit it!
I got the runway and the plane!
Pat yourself on the back later.
Now just worry about those
three mugs that got up.
Climb! Climb!
They're running away, chap!
They weren't running. They're
just getting out of the way.
Now move your butt! Get out of
the range of those guns!
Chappy, I got them!
I got all three of the guns!
Yeah, well, one of them got me.
How bad?
Didn't get me head on,
but it got me close enough.
What kind of damage?
All kinds of electrical
Two mugs, chappy,
coming up fast.
All right. Follow me.
Listen carefully.
I want you to grab that tape
I made you this morning
and load it in.
What? What's on it?
Don't argue with me!
Is it loaded yet?
It's loaded.
Now, don't interrupt me.
I'm only going to say this once.
Anything happens to me,
you climb as high as you can
out of the range of those
weapons, and you play that tape.
It may be the only thing
that's going to save your ass.
Chappy, nothing's going
to happen to you.
Listen to me.
When the mugs get in range,
I want you to split off from me
and proceed to the next target.
One will follow you,
and one will follow me.
I'm gonna head back
toward the Mediterranean.
Now don't let them
get the drop on you.
Chappy, I want to stay with you.
How can you handle them
the way you are?
Don't you worry about me.
Just do what I told you,
and concentrate!
Your dad is depending on you.
Split off from me now!
All right, you bastard.
Chappy, give me your position.
I just waxed the bandit,
and I'm coming to you.
Do what I told you, damn it.
Put in that tape,
and don't worry about me.
Damn it.
Just hold together
for two more seconds.
Chappy, where are you?
Just put in that tape.
That's an order!
Nothing you can do about me.
Chappy, I want to help you!
Where are you?
Climb high like I told you!
Doug, I ain't gonna make it.
A bunch of things
must have gone wrong
if you're listening to this.
Whatever happened, I know
you must be real scared.
I wouldn't blame you
if you wanted to head for home.
Maybe if I was you, I'd want
to make a flat-out run
for Helicon air force base
in Greece.
Right now,
you're probably filled
with all the doubts
in the world,
but I'm going to tell you
something, Doug, baby.
God doesn't give people things
he doesn't want them to use,
and he gave you the touch.
It's a power you have
inside of you,
down there where you keep
your guts, boy.
It's all you need
to blast your way in
and get back what they took
from you.
Your dad's just sitting there,
waiting for a miracle,
and if you fly your heart out,
you can give him one.
It's up to you.
Don't bother putting on this
tape if you're turning back.
You decided, didn't you?
All right!
First thing you got to do
is convince yourself
that nothing can stop you.
You gotta believe
that plane you're in
is like a suit of armor,
like an iron eagle
that nothing can penetrate.
Now listen close, kid.
I recorded some stuff
to help you through each part
of the mission.
Remember to talk into your
flight recorder,
so there's a record
of everything.
Don't waste your time
worrying about me.
You start thinking that way,
and you'll mess up.
Just pretend I'm in that
cockpit with you,
and we're still going in to knock
the shit out of them together.
How long to repair your runways?
It could be repaired
in less than an hour.
Put every man you have on it.
I want these pigs
blown out of the sky.
Yes, sir.
They're coming for the American.
Inform the prison
to be prepared to move him.
We may need him as a decoy.
I want all antiaircraft
and I want defense command
to find their planes.
All right, chap.
80 Miles to Bilyad.
Remember to keep a close eye
on that stores list.
By the way,
I thought of something.
If they didn't pick us up
on radar from the mountains,
then there's something
they may not know.
How many planes.
They won't know how many
fighters there are.
They're never going to think
it's just you.
So when you contact them
at the tower,
tell them there's more of you.
Now they ain't got
no mugs there,
but you'd better remember
those choppers.
Any of their rockets hit you,
you'll be living permanently
in them clouds.
Recon showed a couple of
surface-to-air units.
Watch out for them.
They'll probably expect you.
You know what to do
from here on in.
Good luck, man!
This one's for you, chappy.
This is iron eagle.
I am the flight leader
of an American assault force,
sent to recover
colonel Ted masters,
whom you are unlawfully
holding prisoner.
I want colonel masters
dressed in his flight suit
and removed from his present
location to the airport.
When he gets there, I want him
put in a jeep by himself
and sent to the end
of the northernmost runway.
I want to see an escort leave
the detention center
in 2 minutes
with colonel masters,
or I'll have my squadron destroy the
first of five strategic targets,
beginning with
your biggest oil refinery.
Do you understand?
I want an armed escort
at the detention center
standing by for my orders.
And prepare my car.
I am going to the airport.
I want these people destroyed.
You were right, chap.
They're not moving him.
Looks like they're trying
to stall.
Bilyad tower,
this is iron eagle.
Yes, we hear you.
He's not being moved.
What's the problem?
They are having trouble
finding a jeep suitable
for your purposes.
Bullshit! You got
a whole town full of them.
You just lost a refinery.
All right, chappy.
Let's see how they feel about
losing $100 million in oil.
I'm just about to the refinery.
I'm going for the tanks.
Chap, I wish you could see this.
Looks like they'll be
importing oil this year.
That pilot is a dead man.
How long longer to repair
the runway at this time?
They say at least
Tell them to move faster,
or they'll hang!
And tell them to move
the American now.
I want them to be
together when they die.
Chappy, they're moving him!
See you soon, dad.
How long now?
Any minute, sir.
Get the mobile units
into position,
but keep them out of sight.
No one fires
until I give permission.
I'm assuming they're moving him.
Now I can't tell you
what to do anymore.
Just remember what I told you
about the Hades bomb.
Land, pick up your dad,
and get your butt out of there.
Keep track of your ammo.
I'm right there with you,
don't forget that.
Get out.
Out, out, out, out!
You, come here.
Drive to the runway!
Drive to the runway!
Move! Move!
Can you confirm
any other planes?
Nothing, sir.
Let him land,
then cut him to pieces.
Tell him to get ready
on my command.
God damn it!
I'm coming down, dad.
Here I come.
Kill him now!
You son of a bitch!
Move your troops down
the runway immediately.
Finish off the American.
Holy shit!
Attack them through the flames!
The Americans must die,
or none of you will live
to regret your mistakes.
Dad! Dad!
Doug, is that you?
Dad! Are you
all right?
Yeah. Yeah,
I'm all right.
Can you walk?
We haven't got
much time. Come on.
We'll talk later.
Come on.
Come on, dad.
You can make it.
Climb those steps to home, dad.
Send me two brave men,
if there are any left among you.
Where's your air support?
I only came in
with chappy Sinclair,
but they took him out
at... Kharem.
Oh, Jesus. Dad?
Will the Maverick fire
if we're still on the ground?
I don't know.
I never tried it. Why?
'Cause something's about to
have us for breakfast.
They got up some mugs.
Doug, just take off.
We'll fight in the air.
Flight commander,
this is colonel Nakesh.
Respond immediately.
Yes, minister.
Which member of your squadron
is the most heavily armed?
Major Shirazi, sir.
Full loaded.
Have him land
on this field at once.
How much fuel?
2,100 pounds.
Okay. You'd better get
to the med quick.
Climb as high as you can.
Get down, and get out
of your flight suit, now!
Now call up your stores.
2 sidewinders and 244 rounds.
We'll never reach safety
at this speed.
We're burning fuel too fast.
Guess we'll have to take 'em on.
I guess so. Think you can
handle a loop?
Think you can handle the music?
Al right, dad.
One down, one to go.
Oh, yeah!
Al right.
You may deal directly
with me now,
colonel Akir Nakesh.
And you can deal with me,
Doug masters.
Watch it, son!
Hey, nice shot, colonel.
Anything else
you want to send over?
Way to fly, Doug.
You are a dead man,
do you know that?
Turn out, Doug.
Turn out!
Steady up, Doug.
This guy's an ace.
He knows what he's doing.
Don't let him stay behind you.
Move it, Doug!
Move it!
Pitch out!
Pitch away from him!
Time to die, iron eagle.
Roll out! Roll out!
Okay, dad. I'm taking
this guy out.
Stay with him.
Stay with him.
You own him.
You can take him, Doug.
You can do it.
That's it. That's it.
Take a steady straight, Doug.
So long, asshole!
Dad, more mugs!
I don't think she can take
much more of this.
What's our status, Doug?
Only 30 rounds,
800 pounds of fuel.
You can't face him
with 30 rounds.
Better try and outrun him, son.
I hope you're right.
I'm taking her to mach 1.
Dad, we can't keep up
this speed much longer.
We'll have to slow down
or dump it.
We'll have to face them.
Okay. I'm ready. Dad,
four more mugs jumping us!
Pull up hard!
This is blue leader,
do you read?
They're ours, dad!
They're Americans!
Roger, blue leader. I've got
two bandits on my ass.
Can you assist?
Roger. We are about
to contact the aggressor
and verify his intentions.
unidentified aircraft.
This is major Dwight smiley
of the U.S. air force.
You are following one of our
F-16s in international airspace.
Do you wish to engage?
I didn't think so.
Sir, the mugs do not wish
to engage at this time.
Were you able to retrieve
colonel masters?
He's right here with me, major.
Welcome home, colonel.
We were worried sick about you
ever since we got the mayday
from colonel Sinclair.
We thought you might have
gone down with him.
Did you find the wreckage,
Only parts of it, sir.
Scattered all over the med.
We have orders to escort you
to Ramstein Air Force Base
in west Germany.
We have a fuel problem, major.
Well, don't worry about that.
There's a fuel tanker
standing by.
Major, would it be okay
if we flew
the missing man formation
for colonel Sinclair?
We're already in position, sir,
and we'd be honored
if you'd just ease up
in front there
and take the lead.
Chappy wanted me to
play this for you, dad,
as soon as we were safe.
Good morning, colonel masters.
This is colonel chappy Sinclair.
Guess by now you're
over the Mediterranean.
Hope you feel good
you'll be home soon.
Guess I don't have to tell you
what kind of son you got
'cause I'm sure
you already know,
but I'm sure you'd like to know
how he got over to you.
That's kind of complicated.
See, this kid
comes up to me one day
and tells me he's got a little
problem, and could I help him.
He was a cocky little guy.
He kept telling me
how good he could fly.
It was nice of you to join us
for the occasion,
Mr. iron eagle, sir.
They told us you went down
in the med.
I did. I had to do a little
dog paddling for a while,
until I got picked up
by this Egyptian trawler,
but your dad said things didn't
go easy for you either, huh?
Is dad coming to this?
No, no, no. He's still
in the debriefing.
It's just you and me, kid.
They're going to put us in jail.
You know that, don't you, chap?
Well, whatever they do,
just keep your head up
and your shoulders back.
They kind of like it
when you stand tall.
Okay, let's go.
Stand at ease.
I've read the statements
of all the principals involved
in this highly irregular
Both stand accused of violating
virtually every section
of the national security act.
The penalty for such violations
could incarcerate the two of you
for the next 25 years.
Have you any idea of the
consequences of your actions?
If the details of this
ever came to light,
it would seriously undermine
the public's confidence
in this branch
of military service.
What in the hell were
we supposed to do, general?
I mean, no one would lift
a finger to help my dad.
Mr. masters, have you given
any thought to the penalties
that could be imposed on you?
Yes, sir, I have.
And were those thoughts
No, sir.
I'm glad.
Just keep them in mind
because if you talk
about this operation to anyone,
I will guarantee you
those penalties
will be imposed immediately.
Does this mean you're
letting us go, general?
This means your release is
conditional on your silence.
I'm begging
the general's pardon.
I urge you to reevaluate
that decision.
Letting this boy loose
would be a big mistake.
He's already demonstrated
his inability
to keep his big mouth shut.
I would suggest sending him
to an institution
that can order him to keep
that big mouth shut.
Are you saying
we should confine the boy
to some sort of penal facility?
Well, in a manner
of speaking, yes, sir.
You see, sir, Mr. masters has
applied to the air force academy,
an institution well-suited
for this kind of treatment.
Unfortunately, his application
has met with some resistance,
and I was wondering if there's
any way that you could...
This aircraft, by special order
of the president
of the United States,
has just arrived from Ramstein
Air Force Base in west Germany,
where colonel Ted masters
has been recovering
from the rescue operation
which freed him from his captors
just three days ago.
As we reported earlier,
the air force sent a squadron
of F-16s to mount a crippling
attack on hostile forces.
The operation resulted
in no American losses.
Enemy casualties
were termed as minor.
In fact, the details
of the entire mission
have been strictly classified
by the state department.
Colonel masters is followed
here by air force reserve
colonel Charles Sinclair.
Sources close to the air force
have uncovered a rumor
that colonel Sinclair
aided in the planning
of the rescue attempt,
however we've done some
investigating on our own locally
and find this to be
highly unlikely.
The young man
who has just come out
is colonel masters' son Doug,
who flew over
to accompany his father home,
and as you can see,
he seems to have
quite a following here.
Incidentally, we've been told
Doug has received an appointment
to the U.S. air force academy
in Colorado Springs this fall,
where he'll be following
in his father's footsteps
and taking orders
from the air force.
Apparently, he's quite
a capable young Cessna pilot.
I'm sure he can't wait
to experience the thrill
of flying some of the more
advanced air force jets.
Reporting live for channel 6,
this is Jeff Tandwin.
Back to you in the studio.
You did it, man!
Al right!
I forgot to give these
back to you.
Keep them.
You've earned them.
Oh, come on.
Falcon 2, this is lead.
Unidentified aircraft
approaching from the northwest.
Keep in formation.
Stick in tight until I find out
what they're up to.
Got 'em spotted, colonel.
Bandits, 10:00 high. Looks
like MIG-23s
they're coming hard.
Climb to 23,000 feet.
I wanna keep an angle on them.
Attention, American invaders,
you are violating
our territorial airspace.
What the hell are
they talking about?
This is colonel Ted masters
of the U.S. air force.
We're on routine exercises
pitch out, lieutenant!
They're firing on us!
This is no drill!
Fire when you get a lock on 'em!
Roger, colonel.
Two mugs - 4:00. Watch your
tail, lieutenant!
I'm coming around.
I'll pick up the leader.
Got you covered, colonel.
Angle's looking good.
Watch that bandit at 2:00,
OK, palsy.
Bandit turning in tight.
Closing in on bandit, 10:00.
On your tail, lieutenant.
Pull it up.
Lieutenant, pull it up!
I've been hit.
I'm dropping fuel fast!
Get the hell out of here now,
But colonel...
move it, lieutenant!
Heading back to base.
Good luck, colonel.
Check in behind you, sucker.
That's it. Come on.
Come on. There you go.
Okay, thank you.
Four to one.
These guys
aren't taking any chances.
Come on, let's go.
Matt? Come on,
let's go.
Hey, will you get off
that phone?
We were supposed to meet Tony
and Reggie 20 minutes ago.
Quit bugging me, all right?
I'm talking to Sheila Teluchi.
She's a junior.
What do you think you're
doing messing with her?
Hold on.
She thinks I am, too!
Now get out of here,
will you? You're
blowing it for me.
I'll take the Honda and meet
you guys down there later.
I thought dad told you not
to ride that Honda off base.
How's he going to know
if he's not around?
Now disappear before
I have to pound you.
Yeah, it's my little brother.
You know how kids are.
I'm leaving, mom.
You're picking my tux up,
aren't you?
Uh-huh, at 12:00.
Oh, Doug,
could you tell your sister
how nice she looks?
Yeah, she does look nice.
I look gross.
Amy, you don't have to
wear this after tomorrow.
Now, come on. Your brother
only graduates once.
Yeah, it's a miracle
he's graduating at all.
Thanks a lot, runt.
I'll see you later, ma.
Oh, be home
by 6:00, okay?
Your dad's gonna call in.
He wants to say hi
to you and Katie
before you go to the prom.
All right. Bye.
Aren't you going to wait
for the mail?
Today could be the day.
Can't. I'm late.
Are you out of
your mind, masters?
10 Miles an hour!
How many times have | I...
hey, Doug, how you doing?
How do you like the moves?
I'm practicing for
the prom tonight.
You guys look great.
I'm sorry I'm late...
enjoy it, fool!
Pretty soon, if you
don't show up on time,
they're going to
shoot your behind.
At the academy, the word tardy
Is not in the vocabulary.
What were they doing to you?
I was just coming up over the
and they all came up behind me.
You bastards!
What is it with you, knotcher?
Can't you get through
one day without proving
what an asshole you are?
Hey, I was just having
a little fun
with your girlfriend, fly baby.
I figured maybe
she might realize
she deserves more from life
than some pussy air force man.
Chill, D. D, D.
Forget about this big, nasty,
moose-lipped grease ball.
He's just trying
to get you in trouble.
Now if sheriff Pingell finds out
you've been fighting again,
you're going to be put in jail
till your dad comes back.
D., just chill.
I'm losing my patience
with you, knotcher.
I'm losing my patience
with you, masters.
You know, like I always
tell you, it would be easy
to settle this thing
if you had any balls.
Just run the snake with me.
You know, you sound
like a broken record.
You got snake on the brain.
Didn't you learn nothin'
from the last time with Branson?
Really love your jackets, boys.
Have a nice day.
He's the biggest creep!
No kidding.
That guy's bullshit
hasn't changed in four years.
Neither has his breath.
He'd kill you with it.
Doug! It came
right after you left!
What is it?
Does the return address
us air force academy
in Colorado Springs
give you a clue?
T., drum roll!
The best new applicant for the
pilot training program is...
Not Doug masters.
What did it say?
It said all that
"we regret to inform you" crap.
It said I didn't qualify.
Wow. Guess you had to
kind of expect it.
Maybe I didn't.
Oh, let's face it, Doug.
The grade point average?
I mean, we're talking
subterranean range here.
Just because
of one lousy "ll."
I never would've gotten it
if I didn't have to cut
Frawley's class all the time
to sneak in the simulator.
Good morning, boys and girls.
I have an announcement,
one of special interest
to all you military personnel
out there.
Little Dougie masters
has regretfully been denied
to the air force academy.
Too bad.
He'd look so cute in his little
uniform and haircut,
marching around
with all the other fairies.
Hee hee hee.
What's the matter, fly baby?
You're dead, knotcher.
I'll wait till you come out,
and then you're mine.
Hey. If you fight me, you'll
have to deal with the sheriff.
If you race me,
all you've got to do
is deal with
the mountains and me.
You got it. Be at
Mclntyre's in an hour.
OK, hee hee.
Call Raymond. Tell him
to gas up my plane.
I'm flying the snake.
Doug, you'll get killed,
just like Jimmy Branson did!
Excuse me.
Excuse me!
Can you hand me
that Phillips head?
What are you doing,
working on my plane?
The Phillips head, boy.
The Phillips head.
What are you doing,
working on my plane?
Raymond was
supposed to gas it...
you're flying the snake,
ain't you?
How'd you know?
What are you doing,
making my mixture so rich?
How low do you have
to keep to the ground?
50 feet, why?
As lean as you were running,
if it went into a stall,
you'd have lost your engine
and never would've been
able to pull it out.
That must've been
what happened to Jimmy.
That happened to the
Branson kid, all right.
He didn't know that either.
Sure couldn't tell him after
they peeled him off that cliff.
What do I owe you?
We can talk about that later,
if you come back.
Now according to
the rules of the snake,
Doug can take any route
to the mountains he wants to,
as long as he sticks under
the 50-foot height limit
you guys agreed to.
Knotcher, you've got to
stick to the main road.
You guys are going to do
a loop through dragon canyon
and end up back here
at the air field.
You got that?
Who's going to make sure
masters doesn't pull up
if it gets a little
too scary for him?
If he pulls up,
he's disqualified.
Packer and Brillo can ride
monitor with me and Reggie.
Let's do it.
Good luck, buddy.
I'm climbing.
Oh, man, that music
Is Jamming, D.!
Head for those rocks!
How's he doing, reg?
Just put it this way:
My stomach hurts
from watching this guy fly.
What's on with knotchhead?
Well, he almost started a new
career as a hood ornament.
Why don't you just land on
the fool and get it over with?
What's the matter, reg?
Don't you like flying today?
Oh, flying, yes,
dying, no!
Hey, hey!
That's not the main road.
A road's a road, man.
Oh, that'll take 10 minutes
off his time.
Knotcher's cut through
on the fire road.
There's no way
you can't beat him now.
It ain't over yet.
Doug, he's coming up
on devil's face!
That's where Jimmy
Branson bought it.
You did it, buddy.
Oh, come on. Reg,
will you give me a break?
Ha ha!
Pull up, D.!
Man, you're toying with death.
You know that, right?
Keep jamming to the tunes
'cause you're zooming!
Doug, smoke's pouring
out of your manifold!
Losing oil pressure.
Set her down, man!
You'll seize your engine!
Wonder what a Cessna looks like
splattered all over those rocks.
What did you do
to his engine, you freak?
Knotcher made me do it.
He had me adjust his oil cap.
Doug, knotcher had packer
loosen your pressure cap.
Land the plane, man!
Land the plane!
Doug, stop acting crazy!
You could get killed!
I'm coming up on knotcher.
I can beat him.
Don't be a fool, Doug.
Just land!
Land the plane, man.
Don't stall on me now.
Go, go, go!
You got it. Now,
take it home now, Doug.
Rough landing, fly baby?
It was just a joke, man.
It's pretty funny.
You could have killed me.
I said you could have killed me.
Couldn't hear you.
Can you hear me now?
Doug, you've got to
come with me now.
It's your dad.
You got to get back to the base.
He's been shot down.
Jesus. Is he...
I don't know. They just
found out about it. Come on.
But we've got to...
I'll get Matt.
You just go.
Did they tell you
when they're going to
release him?
They don't know.
Didn't they even tell you
what they were doing,
flying so near to the coastline?
The general said
that he couldn't
go into it with me.
I'll be back in a minute.
Is colonel Blackburn in there?
You can't go in there!
Look, you can't go through here!
Hey, buddy! Who the hell
do you think you are?
Lighten up, man.
I just want to talk
to colonel Blackburn.
Davis, hey! It's okay.
I suppose you want some answers.
Nobody's telling us
what's going on.
I figured since you and dad
have been friends for so long,
you'd tell me the truth.
What did they tell you so far?
Just that dad and another plane
were flying over the med
when they got jumped.
And then something crazy
about a trial.
Well, it's kind of
a complicated situation.
Hell, it's a bunch
of nonsense, really!
Some countries
play the ball game
a little different than we do.
Come on, stick on my
heels for a minute.
Now I'm going to get
my tit in the wringer
if the general catches me
showing you this stuff,
so keep your mouth shut.
See, we fly what's known as
freedom of navigation exercises
to establish...
international airspace. I know.
My dad's told me about it,
but he wasn't even
in their territory,
so why'd they fire on him?
'Cause they claim
a 200-mile limit,
right about up to here.
We only recognize 12.
They usually don't mess with us,
but this time they caught us
with our pants down.
Your dad didn't have
much of a chance.
At least he waxed
three of the bastards
before he bailed.
So, what's all this
about a trial?
Excuse me a second, Doug.
They're full of shit!
We asked for a carrier.
They said they
couldn't cooperate
with us at this time, colonel.
It's nonsense.
You get old admiral what's-his-nuts
on the horn right now!
You tell him the general
wants to talk to him, pronto!
I'm sorry, Doug.
I tell you one thing...
I don't like the way
the state department's
playing this.
Christ, we're holding
all the aces,
and they act like
all we got's a pair of twos,
waiting on a face card.
The general felt
putting a carrier
off their coast
might put a fire up their butt,
but they denied our request.
They tell us the name
of the game's negotiation.
Colonel, will you please just
tell me what's going on?
Al right.
He's being put on trial
for violating their
territorial sovereignty.
Now, we know it's bullshit,
Washington knows it's bullshit,
state department
thinks it's a bluff.
They think they're using him
as a bargaining chip.
For what?
They're what's called
a prime nation
in that part of the world.
We've been embargoing
trade to them for years.
They're probably using this
to get us to lift it.
What's going to happen, colonel?
I don't know yet, Doug.
We're hoping to hear what they
really want from us in the morning.
Till then, there's not much
any of us can do,
especially since the suits
up at the white house
got our hands tied like this.
You're going to have
to be patient.
We don't even have diplomatic
relations with the bastards,
so it takes a whole heap of time
just to make a phone call.
Colonel, I got the
admiral on the horn.
Hang in there, son.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, it came.
Something I'd like to talk
to you about on that.
I think the general wants to
pursue this a little further.
I don't know how you
can stay so calm.
That's because I've
been through it before.
You don't remember.
You were only 4 years old
at the time your dad had to
bail out over the pacific.
The whole time he was missing,
I didn't even know
if he was alive.
I gotta call Katie and tell
her I'm not going tonight.
You'd better call the
win slows and tell them
not to drive all the way
down for graduation.
Doug, that is not
going to help him.
He's stuck over there,
but all he's thinking about
Is us. He's thinking
about you and Katie
getting all dressed up tonight.
He's thinking about you getting
your diploma tomorrow.
That's all he's got right now,
and somehow, if you don't go,
it takes it all away from him.
Look, I'm very scared.
I'll admit that to you.
But if you start thinking
the worst is going to happen,
somehow it always does.
What did you find out?
I'll tell you about it
in the car.
I want you to go with him
to pick up Amy, okay?
Dad's going to be
all right, isn't he?
Yeah, dad's going to be fine.
Go with mom. I'll be home
in a little while.
What did Blackburn tell you?
He said they think they're
holding him for ransom,
or something like that.
Think you can you nose
around your dad's office
and see what they're
asking to trade for him?
I just came from there.
Everybody in intelligence
Is scrambling.
My dad ordered everyone to keep a lid
on this thing. Nobody's talking.
Oh, Milo...
All right.
I'll hang around
and see what else
I can find out.
Thanks a lot.
Uh, is there anything
that we can do?
No, nothing, man.
Guess you won't feel
like going tonight, huh?
I didn't at first, but I guess
it's better than sitting home,
going crazy all over this.
Now, you listen, Doug,
everything is going to work out.
Now those dudes
won't mess with us.
The air force
will kick ass if they do.
Yeah, like in Iran, right?
Oh, no, that was different!
Mr. peanut was in charge
back then.
Now we got this guy
in the oval office
who don't take shit from
no gimpy little countries.
Why do you think
they call him Ronnie ray-gun?
I almost forgot, I got
some boutonnieres for us.
Oh, man. These smell so good.
Take a whiff. Go ahead.
You are allowed a
statement on your behalf.
This court is a fraud.
At no time did I violate
your territorial airspace.
At no time did we engage in any type
of intelligence gathering operation.
This trial is a blatant
violation of international law.
the American naivete
never ceases to amaze me.
We make the laws
in this country.
We are not subject
to your ridiculous
Western alliances.
I am a pilot myself,
and when in flight,
I am always aware
of my exact position.
I have no doubt
you were quite clear
about yours.
Your country has been warned
time and time again!
Yet your leaders choose to
make light of our demands.
Reparation is our due,
and we shall have our due.
What do you mean they
didn't ask for anything?
They just didn't. I was sitting
right outside my dad's office
when they had the briefing.
None of them could believe it.
But I don't understand.
Doug, they've already
held the trial,
and they found your dad guilty.
What does that mean?
Well, nobody knows for sure.
They haven't sentenced him yet.
It could mean prison or...
why are those bastards
playing so tough?
Well, the state department think
they're making a big issue of it
because they don't want other nations
thinking they're chicken of the us.
They're trying to set
an example.
So, when are they going in?
The marines, fool!
They ain't going to sit down
and take this crap, are they?
Nothing's being planned,
as far as I know,
but my dad thinks they can
work something out
'cause they might...
and what are they
going to work out?
How many years is he going
to stay in that shithole?
What are they doing about it?
Dad says they're
still negotiating.
That won't do shit,
and you know it.
Doug's here.
Doug, I'm sorry about not being able
to return your calls last night,
but since things heated up, the
general's kind of kept me hopping.
Colonel, don't lie to me.
Are you guys planning
something or not?
We're doing all we can.
Which is nothing, isn't it?
They're trying to talk
to them, Doug,
trying to make them
listen to reason.
Other than that,
we got nothing the boards.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, so am I.
Hi, buddy.
Listen, I heard what happened
to your dad, and I...
Yeah. Marty,
I was wondering
if you could slip me in?
Tell you what. There's
someone due in here in now,
but he's running late. So, why
don't I load her up for you,
and you can take it
till he gets here.
Thanks a lot.
Doug, just keep cool about this.
It isn't the same as sneaking
you in at night, okay?
Okay, buddy. I'm going to
set you up with some mugs.
Enemy squadrons sighted.
All right, you bastards.
Climbing to flight level 270.
I have radar.
Locking down to engage.
What else you got, Marty?
This is flight leader.
Do you read?
This is bluebird.
Enemy approaching at
flight level 220. Confirm.
Excellent move, bluebird.
That's four.
I don't believe it.
That's too extreme.
Pull it up!
Pull it up!
Check your radar!
Hold on.
Oh, man.
Marty, I don't believe
those guys could've...
all that fancy maneuvering
won't do you no good
if you don't watch
what those two guys
flying up your behind
are going to do to you.
I didn't see them.
I couldn't.
You just watch the HUD.
That's what it's there for.
And start cutting out
that music.
Sorry, colonel. Afraid we
used up all your time.
OK. We'll catch you
next week.
You got it.
You keep your chin up, buddy.
Thanks a lot.
Something you want to ask me?
I just didn't know you were
still in the air force.
I'm not.
So what are you,
in the reserves now?
That's right.
How come you're working
as a mechanic?
'Cause fixing airplanes
Is something I like to do.
Anything else
you want to ask me?
Look, I wasn't trying
to write a book.
I was just curious, that's all.
Your dad's a strong man.
He'll be okay.
You know him?
No, but let's say
I know the type.
That's the most
important thing to know.
Yeah? Well, if more
people were like him,
he wouldn't be stuck over there.
What do you mean by that?
Nobody's doing
anything, is what I mean.
I mean, they don't have
the balls to stand up
to those bastards and
force them to release him.
Oh, I see. Well, what do you
think we ought to do about it,
launch some missiles,
go to war over him?
No, of course not.
But how tough could it be?
They're a shitty little country.
It's not a matter
of being tough.
It's the way they do things.
Too many people get
to make the decisions.
I've seen them operate.
They just take too long.
You've seen them plan
one of these things?
A bunch of times,
but they usually
lose more lives than they save.
Your dad is a whole lot
better off
probably if they just negotiate.
Well, you think
with the right plan,
it would be simple
to go in and get him?
It's not that simple,
but it's possible.
Could you plan it?
'Cause I want to know.
What would it take?
It'll take a hell of a whole
lot more than you got, kid.
But wait a minute.
Dad's got a lot of people
on the base that love him.
Being friends with someone
is a lot different
than risking your life for him.
All right.
Let me ask you this.
Do you think an f-16,
fully armed,
with all the firepower
it can carry,
can fly in there
and pull it off?
Look, will you stop wasting
your time thinking about this?
The air force is not
going to do anything.
They'll do a hell of a lot
more than you think.
They just won't know
they're doing it.
Look, I'm telling you right now,
I'll bet you can get a plane,
all the firepower it can carry,
aerial recon, intelligence.
I got the whole
goddamn base wired.
Anything you need,
I can get you.
Are you wired enough to get
me a couple of pilots, too?
I can get you one.
Look, I know this is
probably the toughest thing
you've ever had to
go through in your life,
but hanging on
to these crazy ideas
Is not going to make it
any easier on you.
Take it easy, huh?
You don't think
I can fly, do you?
Aw, come on.
Don't talk stupid.
You think flying in an F16
in aerial combat
is the same as that snake
you flew yesterday?
Would you listen
to me for one minute?
I'm listening!
I've got 3 times as many
hours in that simulator
as most pilots flying falcons
on the base right now.
As for combat, you know
that's a bunch of bullshit.
I mean, how many guys around
here have been in dogfights?
Four, five tops?
The simulator's good enough
to train them,
and they're out there defending
the whole goddamn country.
What, you think because they're
3 or 4 years older than me,
it makes any difference?
Look, look, look. I've already
missed my simulator time.
I'm not going to miss
my flight time.
I gotta go.
Well, let me go with you.
I've been up a bunch
of times with dad.
Come on, at least let me
show you what I can do.
I'm tired of talking
about it. I'm going.
You know he ain't got a chance,
but you don't give a shit
enough to help him!
You're no different
than anyone else.
You really believe that
nonsense you're saying?
Look at me when I talk to you!
Look, let me clue you
into something right now.
I've given this country
22 damn fucking years
of my life, 22 years.
I've seen young boys blown out
of the air over the pacific.
I've seen their guts sprawled
all over the rice paddies
of Vietnam.
So, every time somebody
dies for this country,
believe me, boy, I give a shit.
Goddammit, nobody
talks to me like this.
I'm not going to start now.
You want to help
your father, hmm?
You be strong for your family.
You stay right here.
I'm pleased to present
this year's valedictorian,
Edward Thatcher.
Students, faculty, and parents.
Each year, we as students
have the luxury of our dreams
without the responsibilities
of our sustenance.
Therefore, our gratitude
must be with those
who give us that freedom,
without which we could not grow.
To our parents, then,
I dedicate this...
what were all those loops
and rolls, colonel?
I thought we were supposed to keep
strict formation during training.
I got a malfunction in
my throttle sensor, major.
I was trying to sort out
the problem.
For a moment there, I thought you
were going to do a little skywriting.
Oh, colonel, I have
a problem with my receiver.
I heard some music up there.
Guess I must have picked up
a radio station or something.
I'll have it checked out, major.
Yes, sir.
These are training
maneuvers, Doug,
not auditions
for the thunder-birds.
It's not a rock concert.
Get over there.
I don't know
what the hell you were
thinking out there.
Do you realize
what could happen to me
if you got caught in that plane, huh?
Do you?
Okay, I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
You bet your ass
it won't happen again.
That's the last time you go
up with me. I've had it!
Come on, dad.
Don't come on me.
I don't want to hear it.
Look... Doug,
you're graduating next month.
When are you going to show me
some responsibility?
You know, when I'm gone,
just once in a while
I'd like to have
a little confidence
that I know you can
handle things.
At some point,
you got to grow up, son.
Is that an order, sir?
Yeah, that's an order.
Understood, sir.
May I ask the colonel
a question, sir?
Go ahead.
Did he like the reverse spirals
I executed at 22,000 feet?
They've been rehearsed
all week long
in the simulator, sir.
Yeah, I did.
Get out of here, will you?
The colonel's wife
thinks you're at school.
Yes, sir.
Today is an important day
for all of us.
It's a turning point,
a time to realize that it's time
to stop being children,
a time to take charge of
our lives and our destinies.
This is the time to believe
in ourselves
or leave our dreams behind.
Thank you.
Mom, what's the matter?
I didn't want
to tell you before.
They heard
from Washington today.
Your dad's been sentenced.
Three days.
Three days?
What do you mean, three days?
They're going to hang him.
In three days,
they're going to hang him.
Hey, I need to talk to you.
About what?
About dad.
I think we can help him.
I think I know a way to
go go in and get him out.
God. When are we going?
Come on. I need you
to do something for me.
What do you want me to do?
Start calling all the eagles.
Tell them to meet me
at the clubhouse
tomorrow at 7:00
in the morning.
I've got a bunch
of things to work out.
Come on, go on.
You gonna call?
They're not really going
to kill him, are they?
I'm not waiting around
to find out.
Now go on.
Welcome, minister.
We will take you
to the prison at once.
I have been informed
you will not sign
the confession we require.
I came to ask you to reconsider.
You see, I am
a compassionate man.
I understand your courage
and your sense of duty,
but there are those
in power above me
who do not share my sentiment.
If you're referring
to your beloved leader,
why don't you have him come
down and see me personally?
I'll give him the confession.
I'll shove it up his ass!
Okay. First, I want to thank you
all for coming over so early.
I know you're all aware
of what's happened to my father.
I know you'd do anything
for him.
Most of us have been together
for a long time,
and together we've gotten
everything we've needed
for our classes
and for our air shows.
Now I need you to come up
with some stuff
that will help my dad.
If we don't come up with it,
I don't think he's got
much of a chance.
I got a list here
of everything we need to get,
starting off with...
Dad, I'll take these
to hazel myself.
I wanted to say hi anyway.
Okay, thanks.
Hey, haze. I've got some more
updates from my dad for you.
Oh, thanks, Milo.
Oh, my God. Look how
many of them there are.
So, it's getting pretty heavy
duty around here, huh?
Oh, I know.
Um, stop!
Hazel, I thought you said last
week you had this thing fixed.
I did!
Why don't you go input
on the mainframe,
and I'll call a guy
to get down here.
Yeah, then we won't get behind.
It is urgent that
we get this out
and not lose time.
It's wonderful.
You'll go get him then?
Oh, sure. I promise.
Great. Now, I'll work
on these.
Oh, you are an angel, Milo.
This is wonderful.
I'll be at the mainframe.
I should be back in an hour.
What are you guys
doing down here?
Sweeney, I just
brought my friend down
to see those new packer 32s
that they got in.
You know I can't sneak you guys
in here during the daytime.
Oh now, come on, Sweeney.
My sister said to ask you
to do it for her.
Was she really talking about me?
You know, I heard her tell mom
that she's pretty upset
that you don't call her
more often.
All right, all right.
Look, I can sneak you
in here for five minutes,
until Dover gets back,
but only one of you.
Go ahead.
I've seen them.
Hi, dad
What are you guys up to?
Oh, nothing.
We just came down here
to get that picture you
promised us for our room.
Remember the big satellite photo
of the earth with all
the weather on it and stuff?
The color one.
That was months ago.
What made you come for that now?
'Cause you forgot
to bring it home
the last four times
we asked you.
I guess you're right.
Okay, I'll go get it.
Oh, no, we can get it.
Oh, don't be silly.
I got time.
I didn't mean to.
I got to go to the latrine
and wash this out.
Go in the back
and get the picture.
Put it in one of these sleeves.
I'll leave you a clearance
with Connie to get it out.
I'm glad you brought these down.
Your mom's trying to starve
me to death on this new diet.
What do we got?
Delta 662.
OK, get the falcon
maintenance file.
F-16 is BR4.
Bingo. We're in!
Who is it?
It's Doug masters.
I know what you said before,
and I'm sorry about what I said,
but I came to ask you one
last time if you'd help me.
I got the aerial recon of everything
those bastards got over there:
Coastal defenses, surface to air
missile emplacements,
and troop locations.
I know their fighter base is
and their fighter capacity,
and I know where they're
holding my dad.
I've got a picture
of the building
and everything around it.
I've got intelligence,
tons of it right here.
I know every move they make
and when they make it,
when they fly their maneuvers,
every move they make
in and out of their airports,
and if you need to know,
I can tell you what time
somebody goes to the can.
I can get you an F-16
with anything you want on it.
Sidewinders, mark 82 snake eyes,
cluster bombs, durandals,
paveway smart bombs,
and all the 30-mm rounds
the g-pod can carry.
Jesus, chappy, he's only got...
three days. Three days.
If you keep on talking,
you're going to waste
one of them.
Bring that stuff
to me, will you?
When did you work this up?
Last night, when I heard
about that "trial. "
You think you can
figure something out?
Come up with a plan?
I'm a long way from
answering that question, son,
but I sure would like to try.
Something about maniacs
messing with good men
that always pisses me off.
I'm going to need to find
a place for aerial recon,
fighter bases, places
where they're keeping him,
scheduling info,
and you read me the intelligence
when I ask you, okay?
How can you think
with that music on?
Come on. Let's see
what you got.
Let's see what you got.
We don't have much time.
What's wrong?
You got your tennis shoes on?
Yeah, why?
Bring all the intelligence
read-outs and follow me.
Get me that coastal
defense info yet?
Uh, two trawlers...
50-millimeter guns...
But they're currently
in the Gulf.
This would be a lot easier
if I had my shorts on.
How many times
do I have to tell you
to stop interrupting me
when I'm thinking?
Will you read me that
fighter status again.
Find it?
Yeah. There's only five
choppers stationed there.
Give me the antiaircraft
Which ones?
All of them.
That's going to take some time.
They're listed
all over the place.
Like Italian?
Uh-huh. You can eat
while you read.
Hey, slappy, I'd like you
to meet Doug here.
Doug, this is slappy,
the owner of the place.
He's the one you got to sue
for the food poisoning.
Good to meet you, sir.
Good to see you
come around, brother,
and contribute to my retirement.
He brings the white folks
here, too. I like that.
You'd better leave me alone.
Hey, look, look. We've got some
high-level conference talk to do here.
Will you excuse us, please?
Excuse me!
Excuse you.
Okay, did you find it?
Yup, right here.
All right. Let's see.
You hold it like this.
Now, see, the plane
will come through here,
knocks out this pepperoni here.
You have to be careful
of this olive,
or the cheese here
IS going to nail your butt.
Now, now...
This lettuce here
tight around this carrot
Is the second plane
that's going to sneak in.
Second plane?
What do you mean?
Who's flying the second plane?
Who do you think? I'm going to
take out these pepperonis here.
I don't believe it.
What's the matter, you
prejudiced or something?
Come on, chappy.
Don't play with me.
Why are you flying?
Well, let's just say
that when I met your dad,
he earned my respect,
and I do a lot
for people I respect.
When did you first meet him?
About two years ago.
I had booked some
simulator module time,
and I was really late.
I still had my coveralls on,
my hands all covered
with grease.
I'd even forgotten
my I.D. Card,
and wouldn't you know it,
the guy on the module was new.
He looked at me and said, "you'd
better get your black butt out of here
before I call
base security. "
A couple of hotshot pilots
thought it was real funny.
Well, didn't you want
to kick their ass?
Yeah, as a matter
of fact, I did.
But at that time
your daddy walks out
of the simulator module.
I had never seen him before.
He asked what was happening.
When they told him the story,
he walks over to me.
He looks at me for about
a fast second.
He steps back
and snaps me a salute.
He says, "sorry about this, sir.
We'll get things set up
for you right away, colonel. "
Now, your dad understands a
lot about people's dignity.
That's the last kind
of person in the world
I want to see locked up in
some stinking cage somewhere.
He won't have to be anymore.
We're going to bust him
out out of there
like a bat out of hell.
Hey, hey. All we have got
so far is a plan.
The only thing you've
proven to me is that
you can steal some computer
printouts and some pictures.
Chappy, after tomorrow
he's only got one day left,
now are we going for it or not?
We are going
when I say we are going.
You've still got a lot
left to prove to me.
Now you keep your mouth
shut, and you listen
to what I have to ask you.
I still want to test you
on some things.
I want to make sure
that you can deliver
what you say you can deliver.
Name it.
Al right.
I want a couple of F-16s
with full, approved flight plans
armed with the stuff
that I'm going to give you,
under two phony names
that I'll let you have.
And I want a trainer
at the same time
on the tarmac tomorrow.
I want you to put your money
where your mouth is.
You still don't believe
I can fly, do you?
Maybe, and maybe not.
I'm going to test you out
on some live targets.
Great. You won't be
I hope not,
or else we ain't going
nowhere, boy.
Know what I'm saying?
Aah! Aah!
You are a very stubborn man,
It would be easier on you
if you would accommodate us
with a signed admission
of your guilt,
but no matter.
We can proceed without it.
I must say, I admire
the way you can handle pain.
I'm looking forward
to seeing you handle death.
Good thing Milo's on our side.
Good morning.
My name's colonel Sinclair.
I believe you have me down
for that trainer over there.
Your name's not on the list.
Let me check this
with flight control.
Oh, that's not necessary.
Just got orders
to take these two in.
Sorry about
the screw-up, sir.
Yours came in
on a special last night.
She's all ready to go.
What's this about taking us in?
Oh, not you, sir.
I mean these two falcons.
See, these are all set up
to go to Spain.
The crews worked all night
to load them up.
The computer just
canceled it out.
It's a pain in the ass.
She's all ready to go.
Thank you.
Better get off
the ground quick, colonel,
before this one gets canceled.
Computer's been acting
kind of strange today.
Falcon 6, you're clear
for takeoff.
Runway 3-0. Over.
Think you can get us
over the runway in 3-0?
Yeah, if you come up here
and show me where the throttle
Is in these things.
I'm starting not to like you.
Tower, this is falcon 6
ready for takeoff.
OK for takeoff.
Okay, where do you want to go?
You're driving.
Let's see what you got.
You're sure you're up to it?
You're not one
of those hot dogs, are you?
How's that?
I thought you were a pilot,
not an astronaut!
I guess you're right.
By the way, I forgot to ask
when you ate last.
You'd know it
if I had a big breakfast.
Wanna see me turn?
You know, now I'm really
starting not to like you.
Head over to the range.
Yes, sir, colonel, sir.
Coming up to it.
All right, now I want you
to circle around low.
Go north, take out those two
vertical pockets up ahead.
Remember what I told you.
The simulator's a little
You just gotta feel your way.
I want you to concentrate.
And cut that off that stuff!
It'll screw up my rhythm.
If you don't cut it off, I'll
screw up something else!
I told you it was different.
Next time, I want you to drop
one of those mark 82s
to that horizontal up ahead.
This ain't gonna cut it.
We can't go in there
with you shooting like this!
All right,
turn this thing around.
Let's head back to base.
Dammit, chappy.
I'm doing it my way!
Ha ha ha!
Nice piece of work!
So, are we going for it, chappy?
Oh, there are still
some things we...
all right! All right!
We're going!
Get those eagles
of your together.
There's still some details
we gotta work out.
Yes, sir, colonel, sir.
The way I figure it,
you can do your first
500 Miles at mach 6
and your last
Did you account for
the wind current?
Yeah. I got
the crosswinds.
Well, when we get back,
you and |
are going to have to go
into business together.
In a dogfight,
you must always remember
to keep the angle on them.
Attack them from the side,
the top or the back.
If they come at you
straight like this,
you better eject and start
doing some backstroke.
Ha ha ha!
And the most important thing
Is to watch your airspeed
as they talk you in. Now, be
careful to use a deep voice.
Otherwise, they're gonna get
wise that you're a kid.
Now let me hear you talk.
This is bluebird.
No, no, no.
It's got to be deeper.
Bass, put some bass
In your voice,
kinda like slappy.
Do it again. Come on.
Dis is DA bluebird.
I be ready to refuel.
Okay now, Doug, you can
move that control tower
about 10 degrees to the north.
This one?
No, that's the oil refinery.
This one?
No, that's the detention center
where they're holding him.
This one?
That's what's left of my lunch.
Get that out of here.
You must be a lug. The
control tower is over here.
Move it 10 degrees to the north.
Ha ha ha!
Stop laughing.
Say cheese!
All right, gentlemen and ladies.
Time for the final check-out
for tomorrow's operation.
I hope everybody is ready.
La timer?
Yes, sir.
Give me the status
on the falcons.
Two F-16 B is standing by
on the northern runway
as requested, sir.
Fully fueled, sir.
Interior tanks
and two exterior drop tanks.
As requested and
visually verified, sir.
Thank you.
Mr. basin.
Yes, sir.
Flight plans cleared?
Yes, sir. Both
fully authorized.
As requested, I have a list here
of times and coordinates,
all verified.
Place of detention?
As of 1500 hours today,
colonel masters
Is still being held at
Bilyad at the same location.
No change in the enemy plans
reported, sir.
Thank you.
I would like to congratulate
you all on some very fine work.
You have come a long way
in a short while.
I always said that a person
should not be judged
by their experience
but by their performance,
and yours has been exemplary.
I would like to shake
everybody's hand.
I've never had a finer
planning staff, ever. Ever!
You go home to mom.
Just tell her I'm out
with Reggie and Tony.
Now, after tomorrow,
you're in charge.
But only for a couple of days.
It's a promise.
Go on. Get lost.
Look, uh...
Without you guys,
there's no way...
We know that.
Show me the armorers
availability list.
I think I've come up
with an idea
that's going to give us
some added insurance.
I think I'm too loaded down,
SO you are going
to have to carry it.
Carry what?
The Hades bomb.
How fast can Milo work?
He can rearm in three hours.
What do you want me
to do with the Hades?
Okay, before you land,
I want you to
lay one in right here.
See that?
Now, it's got its good points
and its bad points.
Tell me.
The good point is that
they won't be able
to see you or touch you
for five minutes.
But the bad point is that you
won't be able to see them either.
Now, listen to me.
Once this fire goes out,
if you're not in the air,
you are a dead man.
Okay. Now, I want you to get
your butt in my trailer.
Get some sleep. I've got
some work to do here.
I need my privacy.
Uh, chappy, I've got
to see my mom,
and I have to call Katie.
What are you going to tell them?
I don't know.
I don't know either.
You sure can't
tell them the truth.
Look, I tell you what.
I'll have slappy talk
to the both of them,
after we have gone.
Okay? Now you get
in my trailer.
I said get your butt
in my trailer now!
Yes, sir.
Yes, minister.
We are standing by.
Give the American
his final meal.
After tomorrow, he will not
have much of an appetite.
I thought I told you
to get some sleep.
I'm just relaxing a bit,
watching a little TV.
I don't need much sleep
for this anyway.
Now, how the hell do you
know what you need for this?
I just meant I'm ready.
You're ready for this,
aren't you, chap?
You think it's going
to be so easy, don't you?
No, I don't think
it's going to be all easy.
I'm just ready for it,
that's all.
You ain't ready for shit, boy!
Open it.
Go ahead. Open it!
Who are these guys?
A bunch of kids who felt
that they were ready, too.
All of them.
They all look about 22 or 23.
That's right. All of them.
So I don't see what you're
getting so worried about, chap.
What makes them
any different than me?
Because they're dead!
All of them!
I lay awake at night
thinking about how fast
and how brutal they died,
parts of them
falling on the land,
parts of them falling
in the sea,
some parts of them
burning just into nothing
in the middle of the air.
And all of them thought
that they were ready for it.
When it was all over,
I promised myself
that I'd never be a part
of killing kids again.
That's why I took so long
to come around to helping you.
Now, looks like I've got us
both trapped into something...
that could kill us?
I know that, chappy.
And those kids...
I don't know
what you think anymore,
but they knew it, too.
Maybe they weren't ready for it,
but who in the hell
is ever ready for it?
You didn't get me into this.
I went to you, remember?
I know what we're risking,
and I'm proud to be able
to fly with you.
Maybe I'm not all that ready,
but I'm damn proud.
Enough of this nonsense.
I've got some work to do.
Where'd you put
that tape recorder?
It's in my bag,
next to the sink.
Hey, wait a minute.
Just where do you think
you're going?
I just wanted to see
what you were doing.
Why don't you see what my
pillow and bed is doing?
I want you asleep
in five minutes, okay?
Oh, wait a minute.
I almost forgot.
That's my first pair.
I want to loan them to you.
I'll bring them back.
You'd better.
Now you get to bed.
Yes, sir, colonel, sir.
It sure is strange
making you this tape.
I just got finished
talking to you.
You had that look on your face,
the look you had
the first time you asked me
to help you get your father.
I never told you
how [ felt about you.
I always had a problem
talking about my feelings.
But I want to tell you now
that you've got more courage
than anybody I ever met,
and you're going to have to use
every bit of it
to get through this thing.
Now I want you to know
I'm proud
to have been by your side,
and whatever happens,
just remember we tried,
and no one can take that
away from us.
OK for takeoff.
OK for takeoff.
Switch over to frequency 8.
I switched frequencies.
No fancy flying.
It will eat up your fuel.
Sorry, sir. I was just getting
used to the throttle.
It's a little touchy.
Yeah, well, you're lucky I'm not
in that cockpit with you.
I'd show you touchy!
And keep off the other channels
that you're communicating
with the checkpoints.
They can monitor everything we
say, unless we use this frequency.
Roger, colonel, sir.
Climb up to 35,000 feet and
relax till the first refuel.
Make sure you get
your air speed perfect.
Come in real steady.
Congratulations! Couldn't have
done better myself.
Do they pump this for you,
or is this self-service?
Smart-ass kids.
Chappy, you sleeping?
Everything OK?
Yeah, everything's fine.
I just felt all alone
all of a sudden.
Well, try not to think about it.
Just think about your dad and how alone
he must feel, sitting over there.
Does you think he knows
how much I really love him?
I mean, sometimes he can be
really tough with me,
like you are.
I know it's only
for my own good,
but I never really told him
I understood all that.
He knows.
Believe me, he's trying to make
a man out of you.
Is that why you're
treating me the same way?
You're trying to make a man
out of me, too?
No, your dad already
took care of that.
I'm just trying to get us
out of this alive.
Chap, what if I screw up?
What if everything goes wrong?
I'm going to get real mad!
You've never seen me
really mad, have you?
No. I wouldn't
want to, either.
Well, you'd better not screw up!
Just keep thinking
about the plan.
Go over it in your head,
every step of it in your head,
until you have got it automatic.
Yes, sir.
I'm still showing a 7-minute
delay from our first refuel.
We've got to make up some time.
We'll be breaking our flight
plans in about five minutes,
so do your last-minute
You're going to heat up
from here on out.
How do you feel?
My stomach's a little tight.
Must be that cereal
I ate this morning.
That's funny.
It tastes good going down.
About 13 hours later, it makes
you feel scared shit less.
It will pass. Do a checkout list
like I told you.
They're gonna know something's
up any time now.
If checkpoint contacts us,
just ignore it.
By the time they figure out
what's going on,
we'll be over the coast.
Now bring up the stores list.
I want you to watch that
Always keep it in your head.
It's all you got.
Look at your fuel gauge.
That's all you got, too.
Run out of either one of them,
you are dead meat.
I got that, chappy.
We're running
at about mach.6
drop down to 3,000 feet,
and hold your airspeed.
Watch out for naval vessels.
Falcon 1,
this is intercom center.
You have deviated
from your flight plan.
Please advise.
Okay. It's just you
and me, kid.
Drop down to 3,000 feet,
like I told you.
You got it.
When we're 100 Miles
off the coast,
drop down to 400 feet.
Keep under that,
or they'll pick you up
on the radar.
I know that, chappy.
I'll bet you thought
you knew that, didn't you?
Did you know that their surface
to air missiles got French radar?
That means you can fool them
with foil packs.
I didn't know that.
Bet you didn't know that,
did you?
Didn't think so.
When we hit the coast,
punch it up to mach.9,
but don't go supersonic.
It would be too easy
to know we're coming.
When we reach them mountains,
stay real low and come in tight.
If we snake 'em right, fighter
base will never know what hit 'em.
You go right for the runway,
and I'll take out the tower
and knock out communications,
then I'll give you cover.
Now, don't miss.
Remember, you only got
four clusters.
Make each one of them count.
Make sure you line them up right
in the spotter this time,
and play the right music!
These guys ain't no rookies.
They're the ones
that shot down your dad.
Now you ain't going to
freeze up on me, are you?
Anybody ever tell you,
you talk too much?
Yeah, my ex-wife.
Okay, there's the enemy coast.
Set up your jam,
and get down to business!
You're coming
to the Kadar mountains.
Radar hasn't caught us so far.
We're still 7 minutes behind
schedule from refuel delay.
Remember now, they run their
morning maneuvers at 0730.
We've got to pick up some time,
or it'll be like flying
into MIG soup.
Stay below 300 feet
to beat the radar.
Hey, chap, I got something that
will help us make up some time,
so keep the channel clear,
all right?
This ain't no game,
I'm telling you!
I can get used to that.
All right.
We made up 3 minutes.
Their radar hasn't
picked us up yet.
It's 7:30. I hope
they're running late.
I don't even want
to think about it.
Just get ready.
If Kharem is coming up.
Chappy, they picked us up
on radar!
Too late for them now.
Just cluster that runway.
I'll do the rest.
Chap, three mugs have taken off.
We'll handle them in the air.
Just take out that runway.
Chappy, I hit it!
I got the runway and the plane!
Pat yourself on the back later.
Now just worry about those
three mugs that got up.
Climb! Climb!
They're running away, chap!
They weren't running. They're
just getting out of the way.
Now move your butt! Get out of
the range of those guns!
Chappy, I got them!
I got all three of the guns!
Yeah, well, one of them got me.
How bad?
Didn't get me head on,
but it got me close enough.
What kind of damage?
All kinds of electrical
Two mugs, chappy,
coming up fast.
All right. Follow me.
Listen carefully.
I want you to grab that tape
I made you this morning
and load it in.
What? What's on it?
Don't argue with me!
Is it loaded yet?
It's loaded.
Now, don't interrupt me.
I'm only going to say this once.
Anything happens to me,
you climb as high as you can
out of the range of those
weapons, and you play that tape.
It may be the only thing
that's going to save your ass.
Chappy, nothing's going
to happen to you.
Listen to me.
When the mugs get in range,
I want you to split off from me
and proceed to the next target.
One will follow you,
and one will follow me.
I'm gonna head back
toward the Mediterranean.
Now don't let them
get the drop on you.
Chappy, I want to stay with you.
How can you handle them
the way you are?
Don't you worry about me.
Just do what I told you,
and concentrate!
Your dad is depending on you.
Split off from me now!
All right, you bastard.
Chappy, give me your position.
I just waxed the bandit,
and I'm coming to you.
Do what I told you, damn it.
Put in that tape,
and don't worry about me.
Damn it.
Just hold together
for two more seconds.
Chappy, where are you?
Just put in that tape.
That's an order!
Nothing you can do about me.
Chappy, I want to help you!
Where are you?
Climb high like I told you!
Doug, I ain't gonna make it.
A bunch of things
must have gone wrong
if you're listening to this.
Whatever happened, I know
you must be real scared.
I wouldn't blame you
if you wanted to head for home.
Maybe if I was you, I'd want
to make a flat-out run
for Helicon air force base
in Greece.
Right now,
you're probably filled
with all the doubts
in the world,
but I'm going to tell you
something, Doug, baby.
God doesn't give people things
he doesn't want them to use,
and he gave you the touch.
It's a power you have
inside of you,
down there where you keep
your guts, boy.
It's all you need
to blast your way in
and get back what they took
from you.
Your dad's just sitting there,
waiting for a miracle,
and if you fly your heart out,
you can give him one.
It's up to you.
Don't bother putting on this
tape if you're turning back.
You decided, didn't you?
All right!
First thing you got to do
is convince yourself
that nothing can stop you.
You gotta believe
that plane you're in
is like a suit of armor,
like an iron eagle
that nothing can penetrate.
Now listen close, kid.
I recorded some stuff
to help you through each part
of the mission.
Remember to talk into your
flight recorder,
so there's a record
of everything.
Don't waste your time
worrying about me.
You start thinking that way,
and you'll mess up.
Just pretend I'm in that
cockpit with you,
and we're still going in to knock
the shit out of them together.
How long to repair your runways?
It could be repaired
in less than an hour.
Put every man you have on it.
I want these pigs
blown out of the sky.
Yes, sir.
They're coming for the American.
Inform the prison
to be prepared to move him.
We may need him as a decoy.
I want all antiaircraft
and I want defense command
to find their planes.
All right, chap.
80 Miles to Bilyad.
Remember to keep a close eye
on that stores list.
By the way,
I thought of something.
If they didn't pick us up
on radar from the mountains,
then there's something
they may not know.
How many planes.
They won't know how many
fighters there are.
They're never going to think
it's just you.
So when you contact them
at the tower,
tell them there's more of you.
Now they ain't got
no mugs there,
but you'd better remember
those choppers.
Any of their rockets hit you,
you'll be living permanently
in them clouds.
Recon showed a couple of
surface-to-air units.
Watch out for them.
They'll probably expect you.
You know what to do
from here on in.
Good luck, man!
This one's for you, chappy.
This is iron eagle.
I am the flight leader
of an American assault force,
sent to recover
colonel Ted masters,
whom you are unlawfully
holding prisoner.
I want colonel masters
dressed in his flight suit
and removed from his present
location to the airport.
When he gets there, I want him
put in a jeep by himself
and sent to the end
of the northernmost runway.
I want to see an escort leave
the detention center
in 2 minutes
with colonel masters,
or I'll have my squadron destroy the
first of five strategic targets,
beginning with
your biggest oil refinery.
Do you understand?
I want an armed escort
at the detention center
standing by for my orders.
And prepare my car.
I am going to the airport.
I want these people destroyed.
You were right, chap.
They're not moving him.
Looks like they're trying
to stall.
Bilyad tower,
this is iron eagle.
Yes, we hear you.
He's not being moved.
What's the problem?
They are having trouble
finding a jeep suitable
for your purposes.
Bullshit! You got
a whole town full of them.
You just lost a refinery.
All right, chappy.
Let's see how they feel about
losing $100 million in oil.
I'm just about to the refinery.
I'm going for the tanks.
Chap, I wish you could see this.
Looks like they'll be
importing oil this year.
That pilot is a dead man.
How long longer to repair
the runway at this time?
They say at least
Tell them to move faster,
or they'll hang!
And tell them to move
the American now.
I want them to be
together when they die.
Chappy, they're moving him!
See you soon, dad.
How long now?
Any minute, sir.
Get the mobile units
into position,
but keep them out of sight.
No one fires
until I give permission.
I'm assuming they're moving him.
Now I can't tell you
what to do anymore.
Just remember what I told you
about the Hades bomb.
Land, pick up your dad,
and get your butt out of there.
Keep track of your ammo.
I'm right there with you,
don't forget that.
Get out.
Out, out, out, out!
You, come here.
Drive to the runway!
Drive to the runway!
Move! Move!
Can you confirm
any other planes?
Nothing, sir.
Let him land,
then cut him to pieces.
Tell him to get ready
on my command.
God damn it!
I'm coming down, dad.
Here I come.
Kill him now!
You son of a bitch!
Move your troops down
the runway immediately.
Finish off the American.
Holy shit!
Attack them through the flames!
The Americans must die,
or none of you will live
to regret your mistakes.
Dad! Dad!
Doug, is that you?
Dad! Are you
all right?
Yeah. Yeah,
I'm all right.
Can you walk?
We haven't got
much time. Come on.
We'll talk later.
Come on.
Come on, dad.
You can make it.
Climb those steps to home, dad.
Send me two brave men,
if there are any left among you.
Where's your air support?
I only came in
with chappy Sinclair,
but they took him out
at... Kharem.
Oh, Jesus. Dad?
Will the Maverick fire
if we're still on the ground?
I don't know.
I never tried it. Why?
'Cause something's about to
have us for breakfast.
They got up some mugs.
Doug, just take off.
We'll fight in the air.
Flight commander,
this is colonel Nakesh.
Respond immediately.
Yes, minister.
Which member of your squadron
is the most heavily armed?
Major Shirazi, sir.
Full loaded.
Have him land
on this field at once.
How much fuel?
2,100 pounds.
Okay. You'd better get
to the med quick.
Climb as high as you can.
Get down, and get out
of your flight suit, now!
Now call up your stores.
2 sidewinders and 244 rounds.
We'll never reach safety
at this speed.
We're burning fuel too fast.
Guess we'll have to take 'em on.
I guess so. Think you can
handle a loop?
Think you can handle the music?
Al right, dad.
One down, one to go.
Oh, yeah!
Al right.
You may deal directly
with me now,
colonel Akir Nakesh.
And you can deal with me,
Doug masters.
Watch it, son!
Hey, nice shot, colonel.
Anything else
you want to send over?
Way to fly, Doug.
You are a dead man,
do you know that?
Turn out, Doug.
Turn out!
Steady up, Doug.
This guy's an ace.
He knows what he's doing.
Don't let him stay behind you.
Move it, Doug!
Move it!
Pitch out!
Pitch away from him!
Time to die, iron eagle.
Roll out! Roll out!
Okay, dad. I'm taking
this guy out.
Stay with him.
Stay with him.
You own him.
You can take him, Doug.
You can do it.
That's it. That's it.
Take a steady straight, Doug.
So long, asshole!
Dad, more mugs!
I don't think she can take
much more of this.
What's our status, Doug?
Only 30 rounds,
800 pounds of fuel.
You can't face him
with 30 rounds.
Better try and outrun him, son.
I hope you're right.
I'm taking her to mach 1.
Dad, we can't keep up
this speed much longer.
We'll have to slow down
or dump it.
We'll have to face them.
Okay. I'm ready. Dad,
four more mugs jumping us!
Pull up hard!
This is blue leader,
do you read?
They're ours, dad!
They're Americans!
Roger, blue leader. I've got
two bandits on my ass.
Can you assist?
Roger. We are about
to contact the aggressor
and verify his intentions.
unidentified aircraft.
This is major Dwight smiley
of the U.S. air force.
You are following one of our
F-16s in international airspace.
Do you wish to engage?
I didn't think so.
Sir, the mugs do not wish
to engage at this time.
Were you able to retrieve
colonel masters?
He's right here with me, major.
Welcome home, colonel.
We were worried sick about you
ever since we got the mayday
from colonel Sinclair.
We thought you might have
gone down with him.
Did you find the wreckage,
Only parts of it, sir.
Scattered all over the med.
We have orders to escort you
to Ramstein Air Force Base
in west Germany.
We have a fuel problem, major.
Well, don't worry about that.
There's a fuel tanker
standing by.
Major, would it be okay
if we flew
the missing man formation
for colonel Sinclair?
We're already in position, sir,
and we'd be honored
if you'd just ease up
in front there
and take the lead.
Chappy wanted me to
play this for you, dad,
as soon as we were safe.
Good morning, colonel masters.
This is colonel chappy Sinclair.
Guess by now you're
over the Mediterranean.
Hope you feel good
you'll be home soon.
Guess I don't have to tell you
what kind of son you got
'cause I'm sure
you already know,
but I'm sure you'd like to know
how he got over to you.
That's kind of complicated.
See, this kid
comes up to me one day
and tells me he's got a little
problem, and could I help him.
He was a cocky little guy.
He kept telling me
how good he could fly.
It was nice of you to join us
for the occasion,
Mr. iron eagle, sir.
They told us you went down
in the med.
I did. I had to do a little
dog paddling for a while,
until I got picked up
by this Egyptian trawler,
but your dad said things didn't
go easy for you either, huh?
Is dad coming to this?
No, no, no. He's still
in the debriefing.
It's just you and me, kid.
They're going to put us in jail.
You know that, don't you, chap?
Well, whatever they do,
just keep your head up
and your shoulders back.
They kind of like it
when you stand tall.
Okay, let's go.
Stand at ease.
I've read the statements
of all the principals involved
in this highly irregular
Both stand accused of violating
virtually every section
of the national security act.
The penalty for such violations
could incarcerate the two of you
for the next 25 years.
Have you any idea of the
consequences of your actions?
If the details of this
ever came to light,
it would seriously undermine
the public's confidence
in this branch
of military service.
What in the hell were
we supposed to do, general?
I mean, no one would lift
a finger to help my dad.
Mr. masters, have you given
any thought to the penalties
that could be imposed on you?
Yes, sir, I have.
And were those thoughts
No, sir.
I'm glad.
Just keep them in mind
because if you talk
about this operation to anyone,
I will guarantee you
those penalties
will be imposed immediately.
Does this mean you're
letting us go, general?
This means your release is
conditional on your silence.
I'm begging
the general's pardon.
I urge you to reevaluate
that decision.
Letting this boy loose
would be a big mistake.
He's already demonstrated
his inability
to keep his big mouth shut.
I would suggest sending him
to an institution
that can order him to keep
that big mouth shut.
Are you saying
we should confine the boy
to some sort of penal facility?
Well, in a manner
of speaking, yes, sir.
You see, sir, Mr. masters has
applied to the air force academy,
an institution well-suited
for this kind of treatment.
Unfortunately, his application
has met with some resistance,
and I was wondering if there's
any way that you could...
This aircraft, by special order
of the president
of the United States,
has just arrived from Ramstein
Air Force Base in west Germany,
where colonel Ted masters
has been recovering
from the rescue operation
which freed him from his captors
just three days ago.
As we reported earlier,
the air force sent a squadron
of F-16s to mount a crippling
attack on hostile forces.
The operation resulted
in no American losses.
Enemy casualties
were termed as minor.
In fact, the details
of the entire mission
have been strictly classified
by the state department.
Colonel masters is followed
here by air force reserve
colonel Charles Sinclair.
Sources close to the air force
have uncovered a rumor
that colonel Sinclair
aided in the planning
of the rescue attempt,
however we've done some
investigating on our own locally
and find this to be
highly unlikely.
The young man
who has just come out
is colonel masters' son Doug,
who flew over
to accompany his father home,
and as you can see,
he seems to have
quite a following here.
Incidentally, we've been told
Doug has received an appointment
to the U.S. air force academy
in Colorado Springs this fall,
where he'll be following
in his father's footsteps
and taking orders
from the air force.
Apparently, he's quite
a capable young Cessna pilot.
I'm sure he can't wait
to experience the thrill
of flying some of the more
advanced air force jets.
Reporting live for channel 6,
this is Jeff Tandwin.
Back to you in the studio.
You did it, man!
Al right!
I forgot to give these
back to you.
Keep them.
You've earned them.
Oh, come on.