Iron Eagle IV (1995) Movie Script
specs say to break
one of these babies
at 10 1/2 gs.
What do you say
we check it out?
Let's do it.
Radio: Falcon,
do you read?
You're in Soviet air space.
Please respond.
Copy, control.
Just have my foot stuck
on the accelerator.
This is not a joke, falcon.
Mig 29s!
Control: Their fighters
are instructed
to escort you back
to American air space.
they're burnin' my ass.
Request permission
to break formation.
Negative. Do not
break formation.
Keep it together, Doug.
They're just messing with us.
Control, they're moving in.
Control, I have to break it.
They have missile lock.
Request permission
to break formation.
Control: Denied.
Got to break it now!
Control: Do not
break formation.
Eject, Doug!
Eject! Eject!
You ok, bucky?
What time is it?
Well, it's late.
Ok. I'll be out
in a second.
You look like dog vomit, bucky.
Well, that's the price
of sobriety, I guess.
Sure. Just get
your wings on straight.
[Music playing on walkman]
Excuse me.
[Turns music off]
Well, I keep telling you,
this mixture's too lean...
Just like you are.
How'd you find me?
Santoni. Told me
where you were.
Your friends care about you
even if you don't.
Got a proposition for you.
I'm not interested.
I done retired
from the air force.
I got a little flight school
over at silver creek.
Hey. And a handful
of t-6s.
T-6s? Those things
are relics.
Hey, you're a pilot.
I figured I'd give you
a chance to get back
behind the stick.
Amanda lets me fly her baby
once in a while.
I can get my fix
without your charity.
Look, the school's
got some problems.
I could use a flight instructor
who knows what to do.
I got a job.
Being bitter
is not a job, Doug.
Good-bye, general.
So, he wouldn't go for it, huh?
Nah. Says he's
already got a job.
Well, wait here a minute.
I'll go fire him.
What'd I do?
I mean...
Damn it!
No. They're gonna kill
themselves up there.
Just what kind of problems
you talking about, chappy?
Snyder! Hey, snyder, how
many times I tell you
to keep those kids
away from those planes?
They offered to take me
for a spin, sinclair,
by tying me to a propeller.
They're high-spirited,
that's all.
They're mutants.
I'm gonna do something
less stressful
like become an
air traffic controller.
Snyder. Snyder...
you the new dupe here?
Let me give you some advice.
Run away...
far, far away.
Wha... Doug,
I need your help.
Hey. They couldn't do that
the other day.
See how they taxied over there?
That's perfect.
Remember how hard it was
for you to do that?
Look at that.
Hey, that's pretty good.
I'm impressed.
Yeah, I know you're impressed.
But look, they could not
do that the other day.
That's perfect.
You guys are dead!
Stay outta my way.
Come on, Wheeler,
take it easy, ok?
Stay outta my way!
What the hell's your problem?
Girl: What are
you doing?
Next time you guys bounce me,
I'll break your necks!
Let's go have a beer.
All right, everybody,
listen up.
Listen up there, kitty.
This is Doug masters.
Mr. Doug masters,
the first freshman class
of the iron eagles
flight school.
This is one here,
this is Dana Osborne.
She's a little pissed.
Convicted 5 times
of assault and battery.
Last time, she took
a baseball bat
to the high school coach.
After he dragged me
into the locker room
and made a slide for home.
Kitty: Good girl.
This here's Malcolm Porter.
24 counts of telephone fraud.
Tried to sell shares
of a bogus phone sex operation
to the city council.
Peter Kane.
24 counts...
grand theft auto.
This one,
that's Katherine Shaw.
Keep trying to dream up laws
against what you can
do on a computer.
Isn't that right, kitty?
Hoarding information
is a crime against us all.
But selling it
will get you 2 to 10
in the state pen.
Shut up.
This little guy here...
Rudy marlowe.
Tried to proposition a hooker.
The only thing is,
she was a lady vice cop.
When he couldn't
steal her heart,
he stole her gun.
What a stud, man!
Last, but not least,
Ms. Wheeler here
was a courier for the
infamous Luther penrose.
Drugs, counterfeit bills,
Hey, what the hell?
It's there to sell.
My conscience is clear.
It ain't never been used, baby.
Watch your mouth, man. You
don't be calling me baby.
Oh, you don't like that?
Don't like being a girl?
So, there you have it...
the freshman class.
Mr. masters here is gonna
be your flight instructor
for the first combat trials.
Combat trials?
Chappy: Combat trials.
Against some air force kids
from the cardwell base
next month.
Next month? Huh!
Like to talk to the class?
Here we go.
Talk to us, Dougie.
When I was 9,
I wanted to be 15.
When I was 15,
I wanted to be 21.
'Cause I hate kids.
Hey, hey.
Hey, Doug.
Hey, wait a minute.
Come back here.
You should've told me
this was a flight school
for delinquents.
It's a motivational program.
We use flying
to hopefully teach them
a little responsibility,
a little discipline...
A little self-worth.
Still the patron Saint
of lost causes,
huh, chappy?
You know, you got
a kid in there
who's a severe asthmatic?
Eh, he's medically sound.
It's just a security blanket.
He aced his solo flight.
Mm, that wasn't flying today.
That was hot-dogging.
It kinda reminds me
of somebody I used to know.
will get them killed.
Then help me pull it together.
Forget it.
At least stay until
I can get a replacement.
How long?
A few days...
Couple of weeks.
Couple of weeks?
Look, I'll give you a week,
but that's it.
I'm honored.
Hey, Doug.
You really don't
think this program
is gonna work, do you?
I really don't care.
Russian man:
What is your name?
Captain Doug masters,
United States air force.
How long...
Can a man live without water?
You know?
8 days, hmm?
[rap rap rap]
daylight come,
and me wanna go home
daylight come,
and me wanna go home
hey, cut it out.
Cut it out.
Everybody down
to the flight deck now.
Ok, Doug.
Doug, I'm kinda new
at this, man, ok?
You gotta tell me
what to do here.
Ok, ok. Take it easy.
Take it easy.
What's the matter,
can't take it, pops?
You go up,
and you're gonna go...
And you're dead!
[Imitating missile attack]
Ok, how am I doing, man?
I don't think that last one
was too good.
Is that all right?
That's great.
What the hell do you mean
you can't find a replacement?
Look, I promised Doug masters
that I'll get him
a replacement.
Now you do the best you can
and hurry up, all right?
[Rhythm and blues plays]
You're not supposed to smoke
around the planes, you know.
We'll just, uh, keep it
our little secret, ok?
I thought you'd be gone by now.
Yeah? Where?
I don't know.
What's South?
What's in Mexico?
It's a good place to live
if you're a pilot.
And if you're not too
choosy who you work for.
That's pretty slick.
Good business sense.
Got some good contacts.
You look like you know
how to handle yourself.
Maybe you need a new start.
New starts are where
you find them.
You believe that?
You're one hell
of an inspiration, fly boy.
Don't nothin' turn your crank?
You drinking to success?
How are the kids coming?
They ready for the competition?
If the air force brats
are flying kites.
Look, Doug...
chappy, the kids
they're going up against
live on an air force base.
Their fathers are pilots.
They've probably
been in training
since they were in diapers.
Doug, you gotta
give them some time.
Rudy: Yeah, like you're
an expert yourself.
Wheeler: Don't get wise
with me, ok?
Peter: What's gonna happen,
you gonna beat us up again?
[Kids all arguing]
Well, what do you know.
Here's my little
would-be angels.
Get off our case, ok, wilcox?
Why don't you save
that kind of talk
for your drug dealer?
I'm just about one breath away
from sending you all the
way back to polsonville.
Is that so?
These little gangsters
belong in jail,
not in some bleeding-heart
bullshit reform program.
Say that to the governor, huh?
And watch your language.
The governor.
You're a friend of
the governor, I suppose.
That's right.
Well, I tell you what I am.
I'm here to check
your security.
You got 6 children here
from the state youth authority.
You so much as screw up once,
I'll shut you down
quicker than a moonshiner
at a police picnic.
Good-bye, sheriff.
You understand that? Give
my regards to your governor.
See ya later.
Come on, kids.
Make your move now.
Make your move.
[Machine gun fire]
Get behind him!
Get on his tail!
I can't. He's too fast.
Come on!
Give it to him!
Go! Go! Go!
He's behind us!
Shake him! Shake him!
I can't!
Come on!
Kitty, do something.
Oh, no!
P.A. Announcer:
Outstanding marksmanship...
general kettle's team.
Your kids have improved
a lot, chappy.
Does that mean we can forget
about that case of scotch?
No. No one ever
improves that much.
Hey, chappy.
That kid of yours
is in trouble.
[Engine droning in and out]
Pull up, kitty!
Pull up!
Kitty, get us outta here!
Come on! What
are we doing?
Oh, my God!
P.A. Announcer: Just a little
bit of stunt flying, folks.
Nothing to worry about.
Next we have the team
of Wheeler and marlowe
for the iron eagles
versus Chuck sendak
of the junior guns.
We should be back at the
competition, Wheeler.
We're gonna let
the eagles down.
We got lots of time.
I'll be in and out in 2 shakes.
Keep the meter running.
Hey, Luther.
How's business?
It grows painfully,
like hemorrhoids.
You have been scarce, Wheeler.
I've been busy.
4 months in polsonville.
Another 8 at that silly
little flying school.
Teaching drug couriers
to be pilots.
I got a deal for you.
How much?
2 grand.
Oh, you are very generous.
I'm taking that plane
to Mexico.
I'm starting fresh,
and I need a new stake.
Should I have it tested?
I like you, Wheeler.
I will miss you.
Sugar. White death.
Kill the little snot rag.
Get her!
Back up. Let's go!
Let's go!
Come on! Come on!
Slow down!
Slow down!
Come on, Wheeler!
What are you waiting for?
Go! Go!
How do you like that, Luther?
You rat fink
slime-sucking pig dog!
Yes! We did it, Rudy.
You and me, kid.
You ever been to Mexico?
What are you
talking about, Mexico?
We gotta go back.
We got a competition
to go to, Wheeler.
Let's go.
Well, nice of you
and Mr. marlowe
to put in an appearance, slick.
It's duster Doug
and his music to grow old
and die by.
I'm taking you back
to the school, Wheeler.
I want you glued to
my ass the whole way.
I got better things to do
than being glued to your ass.
You don't wanna try this
with me, kid.
Come on, duster,
let's dance.
Come on, Wheeler, you're
gonna get us killed!
Wheeler, you're gonna
get us killed!
Don't get any nearer the plane.
You're gonna
hit the other plane.
Wheeler: Hey, duster,
choke on my smoke.
[Rudy moaning]
That was easy.
What's next?
Ok, hot dog.
Let's see how good
you think you are.
How'd you like that, duster?
It's not bad.
Not bad?!
Not bad enough.
Not bad.
But not enough.
Come on, Wheeler,
just take us down.
I'm losing it.
Pull up, Wheeler!
Pull up!
Feel it out.
Punch it. Now!
You ok?
Yeah. I'm ok.
There's an abandoned
air force base
3 Miles west of here.
Set the plane down there
and wait for me. Got it?
Yeah, I got ya.
That was some good flying.
I think we've got it, sergeant.
Major Pierce.
We've uncovered it, sir!
Sergeant osgood,
get your men back.
Captain, you have the codes.
We're clean, sergeant.
No evidence of venting.
Get them loaded.
On 2! On 2!
Let's move it!
Let's move it!
Incoming, sir.
See to our security, captain.
Yes, sir!
I don't like this, Rudy.
Yes, sir.
What the hell?
Hey, guys, we thought
this place was...
2 kids, sir.
Shoot them.
Do it.
Yes, sir.
[Airplane approaching]
[Gun fires]
Hang on!
Hit the deck!
Come on, make a run for it.
Wheeler: We made it.
We're up.
Wheeler: They were
going to kill us.
Sarge, do we have
an incident here?
Clean, sarge.
No breach.
Major, should we inform
prometheus of the attack, sir?
Maintain radio silence.
We're almost finished
here, osgood.
All right, let's move.
Let's get these things loaded!
Major Pierce,
this canister's
been activated, major.
It's counting down
from the 48-hour mark.
Then I suggest
we get a move on.
We'll hand the canister
over to Dr. gully
as soon as you reach
That's 2 days...
2 days, major.
Don't you think you're
cutting it a little close?
God transformed the face
of creation in 6 days, sergeant.
Now, surely the air force
can improve on his record.
You heard the major.
Get this canister loaded!
Where'd you find them?
On the way to acapulco
How close are you and that
air force general guy kettle?
Just call him.
I'll explain later. Come on.
Look at all this.
It's all fresh sod.
They came prepared.
Paint, sir, from Doug's guns.
Someone tried to hide it
by raking up the grass.
What's going on here, Brad?
I don't know.
Damn bureaucrats
closed this place down
a couple years ago.
I need a secure line.
I gotta make a call.
Who are they?
Air force intelligence.
General kettle.
Ken, spying on your
own side again I see.
Perhaps you could explain
the presence of civilians
on a restricted base.
This is brigadier general
Charles sinclair.
operation dark star.
You're retired.
I know.
And captain Douglas masters.
Also retired.
Captain masters and
these young people
flew over the base
today and, uh,
well, they saw
something peculiar.
There's a couple
of your flyboys outside
uncovering some kind
of storage bunker?
They're probably just recycling
some old equipment.
That's s.O.P.
Is it also standard procedure
to open up
on civilian aircrafts
with a 50-caliber
machine gun?
My team will investigate
your claim.
Sir, we should also secure
the eyewitnesses
for questioning.
You mean detain them, huh?
Wait a minute.
Well, I hardly think
that's necessary.
General kettle,
thank you for your help.
Air force intelligence
will take the investigation
from here. Lieutenant mara?
Escort Mr. sinclair
and his party off the base.
A canister?
The bottom had these
little flags on the bottom.
And it had these, uh,
letters stenciled on the side.
It was t-x-c.
Let me see that.
I think I might know somebody
who can tell me
what these letters mean.
Chappy: It's got
these letters... t x c
and it's got something,
something, something,
then it's got an "a."
You sure? Wait.
Thanks, Ronny.
I'll talk to you later.
What is it?
T-x-c, it's prefixes for
toxic biological agent.
Oh, that's great.
Chappy: Somebody's
driving around
with a truck full
of chemical weapons?
Sinclair and his people have
just become a liability.
You really are leaving,
aren't you?
In the morning.
First I've ever heard of you
running away from a fight.
Hey, it's not my fight.
Some fantasy of yours.
Stealing 2 jets
to rescue your father
in the middle east,
now that was a fantasy,
but you made that happen.
Not the Doug masters
I remember.
Hey, that Doug masters is dead!
He died in a Soviet prison.
He died while everyone
else he knew
got on with their lives.
His parents retired,
his girl got married.
Oh, now all the reports said
you were blown out of the air.
All the reports were wrong!
I waited, chappy.
I waited for you to get me out.
Then, finally, it
was the politicians
who stumbled across me.
Did you press the Soviets?
Did you try to verify
those reports?
Or were you too busy
being promoted to general?
Now, look, son...
hey, I'm not your son.
Look, I'm sorry
if this Doug masters
disappoints you.
That's too bad.
'Cause you sure as hell
had a hand in making him.
Just give up on me, chappy.
You've done it before.
I'm getting out of here, kid.
I'm taking one of these planes
and heading South.
Wanna come with me?
You can't just take off.
I'm relocating in Mexico.
It's the American way.
They'll send everyone
back to polsonville.
Not my problem.
Yes, it is. We discussed
this last night.
Grow up, Rudy!
The only person you can
trust in this world is you.
If I can't trust you,
then I can't go with you.
Do you have some time for
some coffee before you go?
We don't have any sugar.
We always seem
to be out of sugar.
Come out here to stop me?
Who me?
Can't stop masters
from hating me.
Can't stop this school
from falling apart.
Can't stop a single truck.
What the hell makes you
think I can stop you?
Well, here they come.
Captain wilcox.
That's right.
No time for coffee now, huh?
Good luck, kid.
All right, boys, go rouse
those sleeping angels.
Wilcox: All right,
rise and shine, boys and girls.
Got something here for you.
Chappy: What's up?
Sinclair, I was talking to
your old friend the governor
about that Wheeler business
and he wasn't too happy.
As a matter of fact,
there's nothing
he can do for you.
And I got myself an order here
that's going to shut you down
tighter than a drum.
It stinks, but it's legal.
Where is Wheeler?
Well, I guess your guys
let her get away, huh?
I'll tell you
this much, sinclair.
If we don't find Wheeler,
you're gonna end up working
in one of my
state-run programs.
You got that?
Let's move out.
They're going to give
your friend Wheeler
a real hard time
after she's caught.
She ain't our friend.
You haven't caught her yet.
Now don't you worry,
little man.
Sooner or later, she's
gonna run right into us.
There she is!
Whoo! Whoo!
All right. Yes!
Wheeler: Whoo!
I'm coming for you, wilcox!
[Machine gun fires]
[Tires squeal]
Hey! Hey!
What are you doing?
Take it!
Now, you'll go to jail.
One move, and you'll
be Mr. no-cock.
Dana, yeah!
Guess I'll go and try
and get those kids back.
You, uh, wanna ride?
All right.
Let's go.
Let's hit it.
Let's do it.
Wilcox: Boy,
your friend chappy,
he must be real,
real proud of you.
This is a whole 'nother
ball game, you know.
Holding a police officer
with his own gun.
This is not a misdemeanor.
This is a felony.
I tell you, you
might be laughing now,
but in the end of this,
you're going to have
more charges against you
than a sears credit card.
All right, captain wilcox,
you have a nice day now.
Yeah, have a very nice day.
Wilcox: Yeah,
I'll have a nice day.
I'll come to your
college graduation.
I know where it's gonna be...
at a state prison.
Yeah, ok, whatever.
Ok, Rudy, what are
we going to do now?
Why don't we take
the other planes?
Ok, let's go.
Let's turn it around
and go back, ok?
[Bus engine starts]
We got roadblocks down there.
[Chappy laughs]
This is going to turn out
to be a long, long day.
Rudy: Wheeler!
Wheeler, you came back!
Chappy: You kids are
fugitives now, huh?
We're taking
the planes, chappy.
Yeah, where?
Time is something
we don't have.
Yeah, we.
Rudy: You're
coming with us?
I sure the hell ain't
gonna stay here.
Look, you guys got...
gimme those guns.
You guys got 3 minutes
to get the squadron up
in the air. Hurry up.
Come on, guys!
Have you completely lost it?
Yeah, I have. Now's the time
for me to get it back.
You, too.
Chappy: Coming?
I can't do this.
Hey, you know, Doug,
I know how you feel about me.
That's not it.
No, wait a minute.
Hear me out.
I know how you feel about me,
but these kids need some help
to get through this.
Now, please, please,
please don't abandon them
the way I abandoned you.
Don't punish
these kids like this.
I'm not trying to punish them.
I'm trying to keep them alive.
Do you know why
I was shot down?
I tried so hard
to convince myself
that you were responsible.
But that was just another way
of ducking what I am.
What are you, Doug?
I know what I am.
I'm a coward.
A coward?
I'm sorry.
Hey, look, um...
I made this tape
for you last night.
I was going to give it
to you this morning...
but I ran.
Now, you can listen
to this tape or not.
It's up to you.
How many planes
in your squadron?
I am p-4.
What the hell is going on?
They've escaped, sir,
in their planes.
I want them found, lieutenant.
Right away, colonel.
It's not like they
can hide in a haystack.
Chappy: We gotta camouflage
these things really good
so they can't see them
from the sky, all right?
All the planes.
Mrs. kirke, you know,
I really want to thank you.
Well, my pleasure, general.
Gets kind of boring around here
after locust season anyway.
You know, they look good.
Yeah, they do.
You and bucky really
pulled them together.
Listen, I'm sorry that
he stalled out on you.
[Airplane approaching]
Oh, hold it. I think
it's a t-6 engine.
It must be Doug.
I thought you'd come here.
You forgot this.
You know, you never
cease to amaze me.
Ok, so wait a minute.
This air force colonel...
Yeah, birkett.
You figure he pulled
a bunch of strings
and got captain wilcox
to come down to the school
and close it down?
That's right.
Well, I mean it makes sense.
They distract us with
domestic authorities
and then we don't know
about the canisters.
Question is what do we do now?
We go after that
convoy, miss Wheeler.
How do you plan
we do that, sir?
By using the resources
that we have at hand.
What resources?
All right, everybody
at the table. Quick!
Now, I'm going
to divide ourselves
into 3 teams...
supply, and recon.
Now, myself, miss Shaw,
and Mr. Kane
will be the intelligence.
It will be our job
to infiltrate
that air force base
and find out all we can
about those missing canisters.
Miss Shaw?
You're going to have
an opportunity to play
with some of those
military computers.
Yes, sir.
Mr. marlowe, Mr. Porter,
miss Osborne,
you'll be our recon team.
It'll be your job
to locate that rogue convoy.
Dana: How?
Miss kirke, am I
correct in assuming
that there are a lot
of crop dusters
in this area?
You are.
Then locating that
shouldn't be
all that difficult.
Mr. Porter,
as I remember,
you have many, many
counts of telephone fraud.
Just give me an open line, sir,
and I'll have every
pilot in this state
paying to help us.
Which brings us
to supply. Miss Wheeler.
Sure, what do you need...
potatoes, army boots?
Guns... Bullets...
Ammunition for our planes.
As I recall,
you worked for a man
who trafficked
in such material.
And he's overstocked now
because the Colombians
all want helicopters.
All right.
We have to get to that
convoy before the police
and sheriff birkett get to us.
Now, this isn't school
anymore, people.
This is real life.
We can't go around
protecting our own backs.
We have to look after
each other's back.
Alone, we're dead.
Now, as a team,
we can't be stopped.
Yes, sir, it's my dad
on the convoy
and he doesn't know
my mom's sick.
That's right, red splashes.
He ran out on me and the baby.
And the military won't tell me
where they sent him.
No, I don't think it's fair
that the army keeps a boy
from talking to his father
on his birthday, either.
Drive safely, guys.
Of course we will.
All right...
We'll meet tomorrow
at 1700 hours.
We'll communicate with these
satellite telephones here.
Now, you take that one there.
And if anything goes wrong,
I will pull the plug,
I promise.
[Sighs] 1700 hours?
1700 hours, man.
Let's do it.
Good luck.
All right.
[Car engine starts]
We'll be fine, bucky.
You just take care of you.
Come on, bucky.
See ya.
Be careful, Wheeler.
Come on!
Jesus, if the general
could only see me now.
Get going.
[Telephone beeps]
Yeah, we're in.
Good. Remember,
no heroics.
Be careful.
I gotta go.
Chappy: Hold it!
Roll your window down, soldier.
General, yes, sir!
What are you carrying?
Uh, bathroom supplies, sir.
Bathroom supplies, huh?
Let me see your manifest.
Yes, sir.
Those are bathroom supplies...
toilet paper...
Chlorine bleach?
toilet cleaner?
Soldier, you know
if you mix this together
you get mustard gas?
You trying to endanger
this entire complex?
No, sir.
All right, be quiet.
Yes, sir.
You take this.
I'm gonna keep my eye
on you. You follow me.
Yes, sir!
Guard: What are you
escorting today, general?
Bathroom supplies.
Toilet paper.
It's a dirty job, but
somebody's gotta do it.
Screw you, Luther.
All right, step back.
Ooh! Ooh!
Come on, I've been
waiting for you!
I don't exactly have
a map to this place.
Good day, colonel.
It could take hours
to break this system.
Operation dark star
double 3-1-5-6.
Operation dark star...
classified, joint
u.S./soviet assault force.
Commanding officer...
it's brigadier general
Charles sinclair.
One and the same.
Now what?
Now, we cross-reference
our way
into the heart of the system.
Ok, we can try
c-o-v-e-a-4-5-e-double a.
It's alternative scenarios.
Wait, wait, wait a minute.
What's that soft combat?
Soft combat...
feasibility study
by doctor Francis gully
and major Neville birkett.
Open it and see.
Colonel birkett?
Better take a look
at this, sir.
Colonel, this is being accessed
from a terminal
inside the building.
Put a tracer on it now.
Master control,
put a trace on gc-4.
Doug thought the letters
started with t-x-c
and ended with an "a."
7 and and "a."
Come on.
Wheeler, you little skid mark.
The plan's coming together.
Yeah. Just sit there
and buckle up.
We're home free.
I don't think so.
You gotta be kidding.
We're dead, duster, we're dead!
Get us out of here, will you?
Doug: I'm trying!
Eat this.
Stop going in circles!
Do something!
Oh, my God.
[Telephone beeps]
Hey, Doug, it's called
operation pandora.
of hostile regimes
through the use
of eliminator diseases.
That's really
interesting, chappy,
but I'm a little busy
right now.
You make your enemy
too sick to fight,
you can win the battle
without firing a damn shot.
My money!
Good-bye, Luther!
[Alarm beeping]
They're onto us.
All right. Print it out.
Let's get out of here.
Here's the printout.
They know about pandora, sir.
Get them.
Chappy, they sealed the door.
Be quiet, listen to me.
Listen to me.
You look around carefully.
Find something to
get this door open.
Shaw: A chain.
Hurry, Peter. Anything.
You'll find something.
Hurry up, now come on!
Lower it to me.
Link that to the jeep.
You get it?
Back off, back off.
Come on.
Let's go.
Good job, Doug.
Arm yourself.
Get back with the others.
What about you?
We're gonna make
a little side trip,
and we're gonna need
some help on this one.
Good luck.
See you.
Chappy, who's gonna believe us?
I think I know someone.
Come on. Let's go.
Got it. Thanks.
Kids, I just heard
from smudgy Jeff
in mills landing.
He just spotted your convoy
heading southeast
on rural route 19.
Let's go, Dana.
Shouldn't we wait
for bucky and the general?
You heard chappy.
We're recon.
You guys are nuts!
They're gonna be radioing
ahead. I know that.
You show-off, you.
Heh heh.
What's goin' on?!
Woman: Hold it!
Brad, we need your help.
Put those weapons down!
Birkett's right behind us.
If colonel birkett
or any of his men
try to enter this building,
I want you to shoot 'em.
All right.
Entertain me.
We're gonna get rid
of these paint bullets
and load the planes
with the real McCoy, ok?
Dana and Rudy went after them.
What? Dana and Rudy
took a plane.
Ok, guys.
Change of plans.
I want you to load
up your planes,
and we're gonna go now, ok?
So hurry up.
Let's go.
I'm sorry, sir.
I can't let you
beyond this point.
Do you know who I am?
Yes, sir, and I'm sorry,
I can't let you through.
Get the hell out of my way.
Now, that's an order.
Love to see birkett's face.
Where we going?
Talk to the doctor
who helped write
the report on soft combat.
Francis gully?
Current posting is
Craig air force base.
Rudy: We're over
rural route 19.
It's over there!
Hang on.
Rudy: Watch this, Dana.
We'll force 'em off the road
just like Wheeler.
Give me the gun.
Dana: Rudy,
they've got guns!
We have to stop them!
Take him out, major!
Take him down!
You take down that bird!
We're hit. We're hit.
I can't hold it!
I can't hold it!
Don't panic. Don't worry
about it. Hold on. Hold on.
All right, men.
Let's move out.
I want that plane.
[Engine sputtering]
Hold on. Hold on.
We're gonna go down, ok?
Did you guys catch that?
Let's get down there.
Rudy: Get out!
Rudy: Come on, Dana!
[Sobbing] Are you ok?
Rudy! Rudy!
They shot him!
They shot him!
I'm... I'm sorry.
Ok, he's going into shock.
Get him into my plane.
No, no. No way.
Just put him in mine.
'Cause you're gonna be busy.
Stop, or I'll shoot!
You know, I was
in the air force,
flew jets.
Then I got shot down
and... ahem...
spent some time in
a, uh, Soviet prison...
As their guest.
Are you familiar with the term
"psychological torture"?
Bite me.
Nice wasps.
Is this a working air base?
It's running
on a skeleton crew.
You know, this was
my first command.
Now it's just another victim
of federal cutbacks.
I don't know how
the bureaucrats
expect us to defend them
if they keep cutting us
off at the knees.
All right, Brad.
Let's get out of here.
Sorry, chappy.
Brigadier general sinclair,
may I present major peirce
and captain mcquade.
[Wasps buzzing]
Let's see.
You stand back.
I don't have much time.
See, now, the wasps,
they're not like bees.
They can sting
maybe 4 or 5 times
before they die.
That much venom could...
Burst a man's eyes,
swell up his tongue
so he chokes to death.
Well, here goes nothin'.
You haven't asked me anything!
Ask me something!
Come on, Doug.
You know, man...
Yeah, ease up, man.
Come on, anything! Come on!
Ask him where
the convoy's going.
Craig air force base!
Who's in command?
Major Miles peirce!
Ok, men, let's
get this job done.
Let's move!
Let's go then!
Get those crates
loaded into that bird!
You handle those crates
like they're your
little baby girls!
You understand me?
Let's move, gentlemen!
General kettle:
All right, chappy. Let's go.
You, too.
Come on. Let's go.
Chappy, this is
Dr. Francis gully.
Major, one of the canisters
you brought in is faulty.
You took a great risk...
my orders were
to deliver 6 canisters...
why don't you
and captain mcquade
see to the last stage
of preparation.
What about the prisoners, sir?
Airman fincher and I'll
handle them.
Chappy's not gonna try anything
with these children around.
I had to shoot one
of these children, general.
I wouldn't underestimate 'em.
Chappy: Killing babies
now, Brad?
All right, let's go, chappy.
We've talked about it.
We're goin' after him.
You guys don't
seem to understand.
This is not mock combat
with paint guns and rules.
These men will kill you.
Don't you think we know that?
Dana: We don't need
your permission.
You're just kids.
We're gonna do it.
I'm not lettin' you.
What is with you?
We are goin' after
the guy who shot Rudy.
You wanna be a hero?
Trust me...
It's not worth it.
[Cell phone rings]
Fincher: Hold it.
Get your hands off!
Stop it!
It's just a phone call.
General kettle: Easy, easy.
Hold it. Hold it!
Give me the phone.
Chappy, it's Doug.
Listen, Rudy's been shot.
This is getting out of hand.
It's time to pull the plug.
I couldn't agree more,
captain masters.
Interfering will
only get you killed.
General kettle?
Where's chappy?
He and your friends
are my guests,
and my continued hospitality
depends very much on you
not doing anything rash, son.
Of course,
it's been a long time
since you've done
anything rash, hasn't it?
Time in a Soviet prison can
take the iron out of a man.
We all know about the
depression, the shaking.
I survived.
Cowards always do, Doug.
Know why they survive?
They survive
because they run away
from their dignity.
You keep on running, son.
You run.
Trying anything else'll get
you and your friends dead.
Ok, load up.
We're goin' after them.
Colonel, a crop duster
just brought a wounded boy
into beckvay county hospital.
She told the police
he's been shot by a soldier.
Get over there now.
General kettle:
Is that safe?
Dr. gully: It is now.
That idiot major of yours
could have infected
the whole southeast coast...
banging it around on a truck.
A truck is less
conspicuous, that's all.
Air force intelligence
has been sniffing around
since we diverted
the f-16s.
That's why birkett
knew we were on that base.
They were chasing after you.
I presented a report
to high command
on the feasibility
of soft combat.
Birkett opposed every scenario.
Where are they taking
the canisters?
Only one target
makes sense from this area,
and that would be... Cuba.
Isn't that right, Brad?
No more communists,
no more refugees
fouling our beaches
and contaminating our cities,
and no more Castro to remind us
of how emasculated
our country has become.
And once we've demonstrated
the effectiveness of pandora,
we can repeat the
operation anywhere...
South America,
north Korea...
anywhere we need
to destabilize a regime.
You forgot that Doug's
gonna go to the authorities,
you know, the government.
The government will
deny, deny, deny, deny,
and secretly,
men of real power
will be pleased.
This should all be
familiar to you, chappy.
It was your rescue
of Doug masters' father
that inspired me.
What? You saw injustice,
dreamed up a plan, and
went ahead and did it...
to forget the bureaucrats
with their impotent
backstabbing ways.
Gosh, I... I admired that,
I really did.
You're gonna have
to forgive me now,
because I would hate
to miss the end game.
What happens to us?
Dr. gully has always
enjoyed bad health.
Sorry, chappy.
[Door hisses]
What's your little darling
here gonna do to us?
Pandora is an advanced
smallpox derivative
typified by fever
and pustular eruptions.
In the interest of mercy,
it has been improved
to the point
where it can kill in hours,
minutes if the dose
is concentrated enough.
How very compassionate of you.
It spreads like wildfire,
but it can be killed
with any smallpox vaccine.
That's the key
to making it manageable.
Well, that's the thing
about wildfire.
There's always somebody
around to fight the spread.
Isn't that right, Ms. Shaw?
Kitty: Let's go!
Dr. gully: No!
Stop! Aah!
Get up!
No! Stop!
Not until these turn green.
These are sensors.
[Alarm buzzing]
[Tone sounds]
Let's go!
Something's gone wrong.
I want those birds
in the air now.
Let's go.
All right, men,
let's saddle up.
This is an all-service
There's a hostile aircraft
from Craig air force base
bound for Cuba.
This is an all-service
There's a hostile aircraft
from Craig air force base...
Mara, get this man to call
for some backup right now.
And tell them we want choppers.
Where's the closest
chopper base?
You can't do this.
The boy needs to stay
in the hospital.
Bring the boy.
Officer, listen to me,
this boy...
get out of my way.
I'm on an official
government high security case.
Hey! Hey!
Come back here.
Hey! Hey!
Jeez, he's got my car.
Chappy on radio: This is
an all-service emergency.
There's a hostile aircraft
from Craig air force base...
Did you guys catch that?
They're gonna drop
those canisters on Cuba.
Let's continue on.
I'm heading over to the base.
I repeat, attention.
This is an all-service...
excuse me, sir.
I'm afraid you'll
have to stop now.
I'm gonna have to kill you
myself, chappy.
Nothing can stop pandora now.
Nice set of wheels.
Minotaur, you got 2 bogies
moving in from the west.
That's confirmed.
Minotaur leader
to minotaur 2 and minotaur 3.
I will escort
cyclops to target.
You take out the bogies.
Roger, minotaur leader.
[Police sirens]
We got company.
Oh, no.
They're a couple Miles back.
Coming around.
Did you see those antiques?
T-6 trainers.
We're sitting ducks
for the rockets.
Follow my lead.
I'm going to stall.
I'm going to stall.
Just a little longer.
Missiles behind us.
Pull out now. Dive!
They maneuvered too sharply
for our missiles.
Time to get up close
and personal.
Here they come.
Damn it, I overshot.
They're so damn slow,
you're past them before
you can hit the trigger.
Come in from above
at an easy glide.
You can pot them
like Clay pigeons.
I can't see them.
I can't see them.
Dana, I'm hit.
Take over. Take over.
Like shooting birds in a cage.
Missile lock?
Someone's got
missile lock on me.
These old planes
don't have missiles.
No, asshole, but I do.
Holy God.
Minotaur 2 and minotaur 3,
take evasive action.
I flew right into his guns.
My systems are shot.
I've gotta bring it down.
Nice shooting, slick.
Duster, glad you could make it.
Look, I'll take the last jet.
You guys go after
the c-130.
What about Malcolm?
Let's go. I wouldn't
miss this for the world.
All right, let's do it.
Good hunting, eagles.
Time just caught up
with you, masters.
Major Pierce is gonna burn you
all the way down to the ocean
just the way it should have
happened years ago.
The tape, Doug.
Listen to the tape.
Chappy on tape:
Hey, Doug.
Hope you're not too angry
or too busy to listen now.
If I had known you were alive
nothing in the world
could have stopped me
from getting you out.
All reports said you were dead.
If I didn't look farther,
it was because it hurt
so much to look at all.
You know, I remember
when you first came to me
with your hare-brained
scheme to rescue your father.
You were a boy with a boy's
contempt for the impossible.
But you believed.
Before long, you got me
to believe, too.
Well, I still believe.
I believe the Doug masters
I knew then
is alive and well.
He just lost his contempt
for the impossible.
Nothing is impossible, Doug,
if you believe in who you are.
In who you've always been.
Major Pierce...
Identify yourself.
Your jets are gone, major.
I'm asking you to return
to the U.S. mainland.
And who the hell are you?
I'm a crop duster.
And I'm death.
For a crop duster, you're
a hell of a jet pilot, son.
I'm used to killing pests.
Eject, major, eject.
Death, thou shalt die.
They're all over us.
Corporal Scott, would
you be good enough
to put out a welcome
for these people, please?
What are they doing?
They're setting up machine guns
and they're gonna
open up the back door.
They can't.
They're gonna
de-pressurize the plane.
We're gonna be sucked out.
Not if they wait till the plane
gets low enough first.
Wait a second, wait
a second, wait a second,
I got an idea.
Stay here.
Hang on, ok? Hang on
for your life.
Who opened the door?
We are not low enough.
Corporal Scott, report.
I think somebody goofed.
Get back there.
Check it out, now.
Peter! Peter!
Kitty, hang on!
Don't let go!
Kitty, it's ok, just hang on!
Come on, come on.
Get off me!
Let me go!
Whoever's flying that thing
must have taken
lessons from kitty.
I heard that, Wheeler.
Kitty! You're ok?
Guys, listen,
I'm having enough problems
flying this plane, ok?
I dumped the canisters.
They're at the bottom
of the ocean.
Where's the pilot?
He stepped out.
Sergeant osgood,
it's time for a strategic
Please, get me my helicopter.
you're infected.
Infected with something
more virulent than pandora.
And it's killing my country.
Well, loyalty is earned, Brad.
It's nurtured.
It's not the anesthetic
you people think it is.
You know, I'm gonna miss
our little competitions, chappy.
Any words for posterity?
I hope your aim is
as bad as your judgment.
Not at this range.
Not much chance of that.
Well, nothing's impossible.
[Shots fired]
Doug, what the hell
are you doing?
Something rash.
Sergeant, give me the gun.
Lift up.
[Police sirens]
Are you ok?
Ha ha ha. Hey.
You came back.
Of course.
And I know you would have done
the same thing if you could.
What's that sound?
Kitty's gonna
land the c-130.
Uh-oh, we better
get out of here.
Rudy's right, you know.
We do want you to stay.
I got a hankering
to see Mexico.
You know, new start.
Well, at least stay until
we find a replacement.
How long?
I don't know.
It'd be, uh,
few days,
a couple weeks,
Mexico will still be there.
Guess a new start
is where you make it.
Guess so.
Come on.
Ah, it's not so bad here.
Not if chappy's here.
Welcome, second freshman class
of the iron eagle
flight school.
If you pay attention,
this could be the first day
for a pretty good life for you.
I'm chappy sinclair.
This is Doug masters.
He's gonna be your primary
flight instructor.
You gonna teach us to do that?
That depends.
On what?
On you.
specs say to break
one of these babies
at 10 1/2 gs.
What do you say
we check it out?
Let's do it.
Radio: Falcon,
do you read?
You're in Soviet air space.
Please respond.
Copy, control.
Just have my foot stuck
on the accelerator.
This is not a joke, falcon.
Mig 29s!
Control: Their fighters
are instructed
to escort you back
to American air space.
they're burnin' my ass.
Request permission
to break formation.
Negative. Do not
break formation.
Keep it together, Doug.
They're just messing with us.
Control, they're moving in.
Control, I have to break it.
They have missile lock.
Request permission
to break formation.
Control: Denied.
Got to break it now!
Control: Do not
break formation.
Eject, Doug!
Eject! Eject!
You ok, bucky?
What time is it?
Well, it's late.
Ok. I'll be out
in a second.
You look like dog vomit, bucky.
Well, that's the price
of sobriety, I guess.
Sure. Just get
your wings on straight.
[Music playing on walkman]
Excuse me.
[Turns music off]
Well, I keep telling you,
this mixture's too lean...
Just like you are.
How'd you find me?
Santoni. Told me
where you were.
Your friends care about you
even if you don't.
Got a proposition for you.
I'm not interested.
I done retired
from the air force.
I got a little flight school
over at silver creek.
Hey. And a handful
of t-6s.
T-6s? Those things
are relics.
Hey, you're a pilot.
I figured I'd give you
a chance to get back
behind the stick.
Amanda lets me fly her baby
once in a while.
I can get my fix
without your charity.
Look, the school's
got some problems.
I could use a flight instructor
who knows what to do.
I got a job.
Being bitter
is not a job, Doug.
Good-bye, general.
So, he wouldn't go for it, huh?
Nah. Says he's
already got a job.
Well, wait here a minute.
I'll go fire him.
What'd I do?
I mean...
Damn it!
No. They're gonna kill
themselves up there.
Just what kind of problems
you talking about, chappy?
Snyder! Hey, snyder, how
many times I tell you
to keep those kids
away from those planes?
They offered to take me
for a spin, sinclair,
by tying me to a propeller.
They're high-spirited,
that's all.
They're mutants.
I'm gonna do something
less stressful
like become an
air traffic controller.
Snyder. Snyder...
you the new dupe here?
Let me give you some advice.
Run away...
far, far away.
Wha... Doug,
I need your help.
Hey. They couldn't do that
the other day.
See how they taxied over there?
That's perfect.
Remember how hard it was
for you to do that?
Look at that.
Hey, that's pretty good.
I'm impressed.
Yeah, I know you're impressed.
But look, they could not
do that the other day.
That's perfect.
You guys are dead!
Stay outta my way.
Come on, Wheeler,
take it easy, ok?
Stay outta my way!
What the hell's your problem?
Girl: What are
you doing?
Next time you guys bounce me,
I'll break your necks!
Let's go have a beer.
All right, everybody,
listen up.
Listen up there, kitty.
This is Doug masters.
Mr. Doug masters,
the first freshman class
of the iron eagles
flight school.
This is one here,
this is Dana Osborne.
She's a little pissed.
Convicted 5 times
of assault and battery.
Last time, she took
a baseball bat
to the high school coach.
After he dragged me
into the locker room
and made a slide for home.
Kitty: Good girl.
This here's Malcolm Porter.
24 counts of telephone fraud.
Tried to sell shares
of a bogus phone sex operation
to the city council.
Peter Kane.
24 counts...
grand theft auto.
This one,
that's Katherine Shaw.
Keep trying to dream up laws
against what you can
do on a computer.
Isn't that right, kitty?
Hoarding information
is a crime against us all.
But selling it
will get you 2 to 10
in the state pen.
Shut up.
This little guy here...
Rudy marlowe.
Tried to proposition a hooker.
The only thing is,
she was a lady vice cop.
When he couldn't
steal her heart,
he stole her gun.
What a stud, man!
Last, but not least,
Ms. Wheeler here
was a courier for the
infamous Luther penrose.
Drugs, counterfeit bills,
Hey, what the hell?
It's there to sell.
My conscience is clear.
It ain't never been used, baby.
Watch your mouth, man. You
don't be calling me baby.
Oh, you don't like that?
Don't like being a girl?
So, there you have it...
the freshman class.
Mr. masters here is gonna
be your flight instructor
for the first combat trials.
Combat trials?
Chappy: Combat trials.
Against some air force kids
from the cardwell base
next month.
Next month? Huh!
Like to talk to the class?
Here we go.
Talk to us, Dougie.
When I was 9,
I wanted to be 15.
When I was 15,
I wanted to be 21.
'Cause I hate kids.
Hey, hey.
Hey, Doug.
Hey, wait a minute.
Come back here.
You should've told me
this was a flight school
for delinquents.
It's a motivational program.
We use flying
to hopefully teach them
a little responsibility,
a little discipline...
A little self-worth.
Still the patron Saint
of lost causes,
huh, chappy?
You know, you got
a kid in there
who's a severe asthmatic?
Eh, he's medically sound.
It's just a security blanket.
He aced his solo flight.
Mm, that wasn't flying today.
That was hot-dogging.
It kinda reminds me
of somebody I used to know.
will get them killed.
Then help me pull it together.
Forget it.
At least stay until
I can get a replacement.
How long?
A few days...
Couple of weeks.
Couple of weeks?
Look, I'll give you a week,
but that's it.
I'm honored.
Hey, Doug.
You really don't
think this program
is gonna work, do you?
I really don't care.
Russian man:
What is your name?
Captain Doug masters,
United States air force.
How long...
Can a man live without water?
You know?
8 days, hmm?
[rap rap rap]
daylight come,
and me wanna go home
daylight come,
and me wanna go home
hey, cut it out.
Cut it out.
Everybody down
to the flight deck now.
Ok, Doug.
Doug, I'm kinda new
at this, man, ok?
You gotta tell me
what to do here.
Ok, ok. Take it easy.
Take it easy.
What's the matter,
can't take it, pops?
You go up,
and you're gonna go...
And you're dead!
[Imitating missile attack]
Ok, how am I doing, man?
I don't think that last one
was too good.
Is that all right?
That's great.
What the hell do you mean
you can't find a replacement?
Look, I promised Doug masters
that I'll get him
a replacement.
Now you do the best you can
and hurry up, all right?
[Rhythm and blues plays]
You're not supposed to smoke
around the planes, you know.
We'll just, uh, keep it
our little secret, ok?
I thought you'd be gone by now.
Yeah? Where?
I don't know.
What's South?
What's in Mexico?
It's a good place to live
if you're a pilot.
And if you're not too
choosy who you work for.
That's pretty slick.
Good business sense.
Got some good contacts.
You look like you know
how to handle yourself.
Maybe you need a new start.
New starts are where
you find them.
You believe that?
You're one hell
of an inspiration, fly boy.
Don't nothin' turn your crank?
You drinking to success?
How are the kids coming?
They ready for the competition?
If the air force brats
are flying kites.
Look, Doug...
chappy, the kids
they're going up against
live on an air force base.
Their fathers are pilots.
They've probably
been in training
since they were in diapers.
Doug, you gotta
give them some time.
Rudy: Yeah, like you're
an expert yourself.
Wheeler: Don't get wise
with me, ok?
Peter: What's gonna happen,
you gonna beat us up again?
[Kids all arguing]
Well, what do you know.
Here's my little
would-be angels.
Get off our case, ok, wilcox?
Why don't you save
that kind of talk
for your drug dealer?
I'm just about one breath away
from sending you all the
way back to polsonville.
Is that so?
These little gangsters
belong in jail,
not in some bleeding-heart
bullshit reform program.
Say that to the governor, huh?
And watch your language.
The governor.
You're a friend of
the governor, I suppose.
That's right.
Well, I tell you what I am.
I'm here to check
your security.
You got 6 children here
from the state youth authority.
You so much as screw up once,
I'll shut you down
quicker than a moonshiner
at a police picnic.
Good-bye, sheriff.
You understand that? Give
my regards to your governor.
See ya later.
Come on, kids.
Make your move now.
Make your move.
[Machine gun fire]
Get behind him!
Get on his tail!
I can't. He's too fast.
Come on!
Give it to him!
Go! Go! Go!
He's behind us!
Shake him! Shake him!
I can't!
Come on!
Kitty, do something.
Oh, no!
P.A. Announcer:
Outstanding marksmanship...
general kettle's team.
Your kids have improved
a lot, chappy.
Does that mean we can forget
about that case of scotch?
No. No one ever
improves that much.
Hey, chappy.
That kid of yours
is in trouble.
[Engine droning in and out]
Pull up, kitty!
Pull up!
Kitty, get us outta here!
Come on! What
are we doing?
Oh, my God!
P.A. Announcer: Just a little
bit of stunt flying, folks.
Nothing to worry about.
Next we have the team
of Wheeler and marlowe
for the iron eagles
versus Chuck sendak
of the junior guns.
We should be back at the
competition, Wheeler.
We're gonna let
the eagles down.
We got lots of time.
I'll be in and out in 2 shakes.
Keep the meter running.
Hey, Luther.
How's business?
It grows painfully,
like hemorrhoids.
You have been scarce, Wheeler.
I've been busy.
4 months in polsonville.
Another 8 at that silly
little flying school.
Teaching drug couriers
to be pilots.
I got a deal for you.
How much?
2 grand.
Oh, you are very generous.
I'm taking that plane
to Mexico.
I'm starting fresh,
and I need a new stake.
Should I have it tested?
I like you, Wheeler.
I will miss you.
Sugar. White death.
Kill the little snot rag.
Get her!
Back up. Let's go!
Let's go!
Come on! Come on!
Slow down!
Slow down!
Come on, Wheeler!
What are you waiting for?
Go! Go!
How do you like that, Luther?
You rat fink
slime-sucking pig dog!
Yes! We did it, Rudy.
You and me, kid.
You ever been to Mexico?
What are you
talking about, Mexico?
We gotta go back.
We got a competition
to go to, Wheeler.
Let's go.
Well, nice of you
and Mr. marlowe
to put in an appearance, slick.
It's duster Doug
and his music to grow old
and die by.
I'm taking you back
to the school, Wheeler.
I want you glued to
my ass the whole way.
I got better things to do
than being glued to your ass.
You don't wanna try this
with me, kid.
Come on, duster,
let's dance.
Come on, Wheeler, you're
gonna get us killed!
Wheeler, you're gonna
get us killed!
Don't get any nearer the plane.
You're gonna
hit the other plane.
Wheeler: Hey, duster,
choke on my smoke.
[Rudy moaning]
That was easy.
What's next?
Ok, hot dog.
Let's see how good
you think you are.
How'd you like that, duster?
It's not bad.
Not bad?!
Not bad enough.
Not bad.
But not enough.
Come on, Wheeler,
just take us down.
I'm losing it.
Pull up, Wheeler!
Pull up!
Feel it out.
Punch it. Now!
You ok?
Yeah. I'm ok.
There's an abandoned
air force base
3 Miles west of here.
Set the plane down there
and wait for me. Got it?
Yeah, I got ya.
That was some good flying.
I think we've got it, sergeant.
Major Pierce.
We've uncovered it, sir!
Sergeant osgood,
get your men back.
Captain, you have the codes.
We're clean, sergeant.
No evidence of venting.
Get them loaded.
On 2! On 2!
Let's move it!
Let's move it!
Incoming, sir.
See to our security, captain.
Yes, sir!
I don't like this, Rudy.
Yes, sir.
What the hell?
Hey, guys, we thought
this place was...
2 kids, sir.
Shoot them.
Do it.
Yes, sir.
[Airplane approaching]
[Gun fires]
Hang on!
Hit the deck!
Come on, make a run for it.
Wheeler: We made it.
We're up.
Wheeler: They were
going to kill us.
Sarge, do we have
an incident here?
Clean, sarge.
No breach.
Major, should we inform
prometheus of the attack, sir?
Maintain radio silence.
We're almost finished
here, osgood.
All right, let's move.
Let's get these things loaded!
Major Pierce,
this canister's
been activated, major.
It's counting down
from the 48-hour mark.
Then I suggest
we get a move on.
We'll hand the canister
over to Dr. gully
as soon as you reach
That's 2 days...
2 days, major.
Don't you think you're
cutting it a little close?
God transformed the face
of creation in 6 days, sergeant.
Now, surely the air force
can improve on his record.
You heard the major.
Get this canister loaded!
Where'd you find them?
On the way to acapulco
How close are you and that
air force general guy kettle?
Just call him.
I'll explain later. Come on.
Look at all this.
It's all fresh sod.
They came prepared.
Paint, sir, from Doug's guns.
Someone tried to hide it
by raking up the grass.
What's going on here, Brad?
I don't know.
Damn bureaucrats
closed this place down
a couple years ago.
I need a secure line.
I gotta make a call.
Who are they?
Air force intelligence.
General kettle.
Ken, spying on your
own side again I see.
Perhaps you could explain
the presence of civilians
on a restricted base.
This is brigadier general
Charles sinclair.
operation dark star.
You're retired.
I know.
And captain Douglas masters.
Also retired.
Captain masters and
these young people
flew over the base
today and, uh,
well, they saw
something peculiar.
There's a couple
of your flyboys outside
uncovering some kind
of storage bunker?
They're probably just recycling
some old equipment.
That's s.O.P.
Is it also standard procedure
to open up
on civilian aircrafts
with a 50-caliber
machine gun?
My team will investigate
your claim.
Sir, we should also secure
the eyewitnesses
for questioning.
You mean detain them, huh?
Wait a minute.
Well, I hardly think
that's necessary.
General kettle,
thank you for your help.
Air force intelligence
will take the investigation
from here. Lieutenant mara?
Escort Mr. sinclair
and his party off the base.
A canister?
The bottom had these
little flags on the bottom.
And it had these, uh,
letters stenciled on the side.
It was t-x-c.
Let me see that.
I think I might know somebody
who can tell me
what these letters mean.
Chappy: It's got
these letters... t x c
and it's got something,
something, something,
then it's got an "a."
You sure? Wait.
Thanks, Ronny.
I'll talk to you later.
What is it?
T-x-c, it's prefixes for
toxic biological agent.
Oh, that's great.
Chappy: Somebody's
driving around
with a truck full
of chemical weapons?
Sinclair and his people have
just become a liability.
You really are leaving,
aren't you?
In the morning.
First I've ever heard of you
running away from a fight.
Hey, it's not my fight.
Some fantasy of yours.
Stealing 2 jets
to rescue your father
in the middle east,
now that was a fantasy,
but you made that happen.
Not the Doug masters
I remember.
Hey, that Doug masters is dead!
He died in a Soviet prison.
He died while everyone
else he knew
got on with their lives.
His parents retired,
his girl got married.
Oh, now all the reports said
you were blown out of the air.
All the reports were wrong!
I waited, chappy.
I waited for you to get me out.
Then, finally, it
was the politicians
who stumbled across me.
Did you press the Soviets?
Did you try to verify
those reports?
Or were you too busy
being promoted to general?
Now, look, son...
hey, I'm not your son.
Look, I'm sorry
if this Doug masters
disappoints you.
That's too bad.
'Cause you sure as hell
had a hand in making him.
Just give up on me, chappy.
You've done it before.
I'm getting out of here, kid.
I'm taking one of these planes
and heading South.
Wanna come with me?
You can't just take off.
I'm relocating in Mexico.
It's the American way.
They'll send everyone
back to polsonville.
Not my problem.
Yes, it is. We discussed
this last night.
Grow up, Rudy!
The only person you can
trust in this world is you.
If I can't trust you,
then I can't go with you.
Do you have some time for
some coffee before you go?
We don't have any sugar.
We always seem
to be out of sugar.
Come out here to stop me?
Who me?
Can't stop masters
from hating me.
Can't stop this school
from falling apart.
Can't stop a single truck.
What the hell makes you
think I can stop you?
Well, here they come.
Captain wilcox.
That's right.
No time for coffee now, huh?
Good luck, kid.
All right, boys, go rouse
those sleeping angels.
Wilcox: All right,
rise and shine, boys and girls.
Got something here for you.
Chappy: What's up?
Sinclair, I was talking to
your old friend the governor
about that Wheeler business
and he wasn't too happy.
As a matter of fact,
there's nothing
he can do for you.
And I got myself an order here
that's going to shut you down
tighter than a drum.
It stinks, but it's legal.
Where is Wheeler?
Well, I guess your guys
let her get away, huh?
I'll tell you
this much, sinclair.
If we don't find Wheeler,
you're gonna end up working
in one of my
state-run programs.
You got that?
Let's move out.
They're going to give
your friend Wheeler
a real hard time
after she's caught.
She ain't our friend.
You haven't caught her yet.
Now don't you worry,
little man.
Sooner or later, she's
gonna run right into us.
There she is!
Whoo! Whoo!
All right. Yes!
Wheeler: Whoo!
I'm coming for you, wilcox!
[Machine gun fires]
[Tires squeal]
Hey! Hey!
What are you doing?
Take it!
Now, you'll go to jail.
One move, and you'll
be Mr. no-cock.
Dana, yeah!
Guess I'll go and try
and get those kids back.
You, uh, wanna ride?
All right.
Let's go.
Let's hit it.
Let's do it.
Wilcox: Boy,
your friend chappy,
he must be real,
real proud of you.
This is a whole 'nother
ball game, you know.
Holding a police officer
with his own gun.
This is not a misdemeanor.
This is a felony.
I tell you, you
might be laughing now,
but in the end of this,
you're going to have
more charges against you
than a sears credit card.
All right, captain wilcox,
you have a nice day now.
Yeah, have a very nice day.
Wilcox: Yeah,
I'll have a nice day.
I'll come to your
college graduation.
I know where it's gonna be...
at a state prison.
Yeah, ok, whatever.
Ok, Rudy, what are
we going to do now?
Why don't we take
the other planes?
Ok, let's go.
Let's turn it around
and go back, ok?
[Bus engine starts]
We got roadblocks down there.
[Chappy laughs]
This is going to turn out
to be a long, long day.
Rudy: Wheeler!
Wheeler, you came back!
Chappy: You kids are
fugitives now, huh?
We're taking
the planes, chappy.
Yeah, where?
Time is something
we don't have.
Yeah, we.
Rudy: You're
coming with us?
I sure the hell ain't
gonna stay here.
Look, you guys got...
gimme those guns.
You guys got 3 minutes
to get the squadron up
in the air. Hurry up.
Come on, guys!
Have you completely lost it?
Yeah, I have. Now's the time
for me to get it back.
You, too.
Chappy: Coming?
I can't do this.
Hey, you know, Doug,
I know how you feel about me.
That's not it.
No, wait a minute.
Hear me out.
I know how you feel about me,
but these kids need some help
to get through this.
Now, please, please,
please don't abandon them
the way I abandoned you.
Don't punish
these kids like this.
I'm not trying to punish them.
I'm trying to keep them alive.
Do you know why
I was shot down?
I tried so hard
to convince myself
that you were responsible.
But that was just another way
of ducking what I am.
What are you, Doug?
I know what I am.
I'm a coward.
A coward?
I'm sorry.
Hey, look, um...
I made this tape
for you last night.
I was going to give it
to you this morning...
but I ran.
Now, you can listen
to this tape or not.
It's up to you.
How many planes
in your squadron?
I am p-4.
What the hell is going on?
They've escaped, sir,
in their planes.
I want them found, lieutenant.
Right away, colonel.
It's not like they
can hide in a haystack.
Chappy: We gotta camouflage
these things really good
so they can't see them
from the sky, all right?
All the planes.
Mrs. kirke, you know,
I really want to thank you.
Well, my pleasure, general.
Gets kind of boring around here
after locust season anyway.
You know, they look good.
Yeah, they do.
You and bucky really
pulled them together.
Listen, I'm sorry that
he stalled out on you.
[Airplane approaching]
Oh, hold it. I think
it's a t-6 engine.
It must be Doug.
I thought you'd come here.
You forgot this.
You know, you never
cease to amaze me.
Ok, so wait a minute.
This air force colonel...
Yeah, birkett.
You figure he pulled
a bunch of strings
and got captain wilcox
to come down to the school
and close it down?
That's right.
Well, I mean it makes sense.
They distract us with
domestic authorities
and then we don't know
about the canisters.
Question is what do we do now?
We go after that
convoy, miss Wheeler.
How do you plan
we do that, sir?
By using the resources
that we have at hand.
What resources?
All right, everybody
at the table. Quick!
Now, I'm going
to divide ourselves
into 3 teams...
supply, and recon.
Now, myself, miss Shaw,
and Mr. Kane
will be the intelligence.
It will be our job
to infiltrate
that air force base
and find out all we can
about those missing canisters.
Miss Shaw?
You're going to have
an opportunity to play
with some of those
military computers.
Yes, sir.
Mr. marlowe, Mr. Porter,
miss Osborne,
you'll be our recon team.
It'll be your job
to locate that rogue convoy.
Dana: How?
Miss kirke, am I
correct in assuming
that there are a lot
of crop dusters
in this area?
You are.
Then locating that
shouldn't be
all that difficult.
Mr. Porter,
as I remember,
you have many, many
counts of telephone fraud.
Just give me an open line, sir,
and I'll have every
pilot in this state
paying to help us.
Which brings us
to supply. Miss Wheeler.
Sure, what do you need...
potatoes, army boots?
Guns... Bullets...
Ammunition for our planes.
As I recall,
you worked for a man
who trafficked
in such material.
And he's overstocked now
because the Colombians
all want helicopters.
All right.
We have to get to that
convoy before the police
and sheriff birkett get to us.
Now, this isn't school
anymore, people.
This is real life.
We can't go around
protecting our own backs.
We have to look after
each other's back.
Alone, we're dead.
Now, as a team,
we can't be stopped.
Yes, sir, it's my dad
on the convoy
and he doesn't know
my mom's sick.
That's right, red splashes.
He ran out on me and the baby.
And the military won't tell me
where they sent him.
No, I don't think it's fair
that the army keeps a boy
from talking to his father
on his birthday, either.
Drive safely, guys.
Of course we will.
All right...
We'll meet tomorrow
at 1700 hours.
We'll communicate with these
satellite telephones here.
Now, you take that one there.
And if anything goes wrong,
I will pull the plug,
I promise.
[Sighs] 1700 hours?
1700 hours, man.
Let's do it.
Good luck.
All right.
[Car engine starts]
We'll be fine, bucky.
You just take care of you.
Come on, bucky.
See ya.
Be careful, Wheeler.
Come on!
Jesus, if the general
could only see me now.
Get going.
[Telephone beeps]
Yeah, we're in.
Good. Remember,
no heroics.
Be careful.
I gotta go.
Chappy: Hold it!
Roll your window down, soldier.
General, yes, sir!
What are you carrying?
Uh, bathroom supplies, sir.
Bathroom supplies, huh?
Let me see your manifest.
Yes, sir.
Those are bathroom supplies...
toilet paper...
Chlorine bleach?
toilet cleaner?
Soldier, you know
if you mix this together
you get mustard gas?
You trying to endanger
this entire complex?
No, sir.
All right, be quiet.
Yes, sir.
You take this.
I'm gonna keep my eye
on you. You follow me.
Yes, sir!
Guard: What are you
escorting today, general?
Bathroom supplies.
Toilet paper.
It's a dirty job, but
somebody's gotta do it.
Screw you, Luther.
All right, step back.
Ooh! Ooh!
Come on, I've been
waiting for you!
I don't exactly have
a map to this place.
Good day, colonel.
It could take hours
to break this system.
Operation dark star
double 3-1-5-6.
Operation dark star...
classified, joint
u.S./soviet assault force.
Commanding officer...
it's brigadier general
Charles sinclair.
One and the same.
Now what?
Now, we cross-reference
our way
into the heart of the system.
Ok, we can try
c-o-v-e-a-4-5-e-double a.
It's alternative scenarios.
Wait, wait, wait a minute.
What's that soft combat?
Soft combat...
feasibility study
by doctor Francis gully
and major Neville birkett.
Open it and see.
Colonel birkett?
Better take a look
at this, sir.
Colonel, this is being accessed
from a terminal
inside the building.
Put a tracer on it now.
Master control,
put a trace on gc-4.
Doug thought the letters
started with t-x-c
and ended with an "a."
7 and and "a."
Come on.
Wheeler, you little skid mark.
The plan's coming together.
Yeah. Just sit there
and buckle up.
We're home free.
I don't think so.
You gotta be kidding.
We're dead, duster, we're dead!
Get us out of here, will you?
Doug: I'm trying!
Eat this.
Stop going in circles!
Do something!
Oh, my God.
[Telephone beeps]
Hey, Doug, it's called
operation pandora.
of hostile regimes
through the use
of eliminator diseases.
That's really
interesting, chappy,
but I'm a little busy
right now.
You make your enemy
too sick to fight,
you can win the battle
without firing a damn shot.
My money!
Good-bye, Luther!
[Alarm beeping]
They're onto us.
All right. Print it out.
Let's get out of here.
Here's the printout.
They know about pandora, sir.
Get them.
Chappy, they sealed the door.
Be quiet, listen to me.
Listen to me.
You look around carefully.
Find something to
get this door open.
Shaw: A chain.
Hurry, Peter. Anything.
You'll find something.
Hurry up, now come on!
Lower it to me.
Link that to the jeep.
You get it?
Back off, back off.
Come on.
Let's go.
Good job, Doug.
Arm yourself.
Get back with the others.
What about you?
We're gonna make
a little side trip,
and we're gonna need
some help on this one.
Good luck.
See you.
Chappy, who's gonna believe us?
I think I know someone.
Come on. Let's go.
Got it. Thanks.
Kids, I just heard
from smudgy Jeff
in mills landing.
He just spotted your convoy
heading southeast
on rural route 19.
Let's go, Dana.
Shouldn't we wait
for bucky and the general?
You heard chappy.
We're recon.
You guys are nuts!
They're gonna be radioing
ahead. I know that.
You show-off, you.
Heh heh.
What's goin' on?!
Woman: Hold it!
Brad, we need your help.
Put those weapons down!
Birkett's right behind us.
If colonel birkett
or any of his men
try to enter this building,
I want you to shoot 'em.
All right.
Entertain me.
We're gonna get rid
of these paint bullets
and load the planes
with the real McCoy, ok?
Dana and Rudy went after them.
What? Dana and Rudy
took a plane.
Ok, guys.
Change of plans.
I want you to load
up your planes,
and we're gonna go now, ok?
So hurry up.
Let's go.
I'm sorry, sir.
I can't let you
beyond this point.
Do you know who I am?
Yes, sir, and I'm sorry,
I can't let you through.
Get the hell out of my way.
Now, that's an order.
Love to see birkett's face.
Where we going?
Talk to the doctor
who helped write
the report on soft combat.
Francis gully?
Current posting is
Craig air force base.
Rudy: We're over
rural route 19.
It's over there!
Hang on.
Rudy: Watch this, Dana.
We'll force 'em off the road
just like Wheeler.
Give me the gun.
Dana: Rudy,
they've got guns!
We have to stop them!
Take him out, major!
Take him down!
You take down that bird!
We're hit. We're hit.
I can't hold it!
I can't hold it!
Don't panic. Don't worry
about it. Hold on. Hold on.
All right, men.
Let's move out.
I want that plane.
[Engine sputtering]
Hold on. Hold on.
We're gonna go down, ok?
Did you guys catch that?
Let's get down there.
Rudy: Get out!
Rudy: Come on, Dana!
[Sobbing] Are you ok?
Rudy! Rudy!
They shot him!
They shot him!
I'm... I'm sorry.
Ok, he's going into shock.
Get him into my plane.
No, no. No way.
Just put him in mine.
'Cause you're gonna be busy.
Stop, or I'll shoot!
You know, I was
in the air force,
flew jets.
Then I got shot down
and... ahem...
spent some time in
a, uh, Soviet prison...
As their guest.
Are you familiar with the term
"psychological torture"?
Bite me.
Nice wasps.
Is this a working air base?
It's running
on a skeleton crew.
You know, this was
my first command.
Now it's just another victim
of federal cutbacks.
I don't know how
the bureaucrats
expect us to defend them
if they keep cutting us
off at the knees.
All right, Brad.
Let's get out of here.
Sorry, chappy.
Brigadier general sinclair,
may I present major peirce
and captain mcquade.
[Wasps buzzing]
Let's see.
You stand back.
I don't have much time.
See, now, the wasps,
they're not like bees.
They can sting
maybe 4 or 5 times
before they die.
That much venom could...
Burst a man's eyes,
swell up his tongue
so he chokes to death.
Well, here goes nothin'.
You haven't asked me anything!
Ask me something!
Come on, Doug.
You know, man...
Yeah, ease up, man.
Come on, anything! Come on!
Ask him where
the convoy's going.
Craig air force base!
Who's in command?
Major Miles peirce!
Ok, men, let's
get this job done.
Let's move!
Let's go then!
Get those crates
loaded into that bird!
You handle those crates
like they're your
little baby girls!
You understand me?
Let's move, gentlemen!
General kettle:
All right, chappy. Let's go.
You, too.
Come on. Let's go.
Chappy, this is
Dr. Francis gully.
Major, one of the canisters
you brought in is faulty.
You took a great risk...
my orders were
to deliver 6 canisters...
why don't you
and captain mcquade
see to the last stage
of preparation.
What about the prisoners, sir?
Airman fincher and I'll
handle them.
Chappy's not gonna try anything
with these children around.
I had to shoot one
of these children, general.
I wouldn't underestimate 'em.
Chappy: Killing babies
now, Brad?
All right, let's go, chappy.
We've talked about it.
We're goin' after him.
You guys don't
seem to understand.
This is not mock combat
with paint guns and rules.
These men will kill you.
Don't you think we know that?
Dana: We don't need
your permission.
You're just kids.
We're gonna do it.
I'm not lettin' you.
What is with you?
We are goin' after
the guy who shot Rudy.
You wanna be a hero?
Trust me...
It's not worth it.
[Cell phone rings]
Fincher: Hold it.
Get your hands off!
Stop it!
It's just a phone call.
General kettle: Easy, easy.
Hold it. Hold it!
Give me the phone.
Chappy, it's Doug.
Listen, Rudy's been shot.
This is getting out of hand.
It's time to pull the plug.
I couldn't agree more,
captain masters.
Interfering will
only get you killed.
General kettle?
Where's chappy?
He and your friends
are my guests,
and my continued hospitality
depends very much on you
not doing anything rash, son.
Of course,
it's been a long time
since you've done
anything rash, hasn't it?
Time in a Soviet prison can
take the iron out of a man.
We all know about the
depression, the shaking.
I survived.
Cowards always do, Doug.
Know why they survive?
They survive
because they run away
from their dignity.
You keep on running, son.
You run.
Trying anything else'll get
you and your friends dead.
Ok, load up.
We're goin' after them.
Colonel, a crop duster
just brought a wounded boy
into beckvay county hospital.
She told the police
he's been shot by a soldier.
Get over there now.
General kettle:
Is that safe?
Dr. gully: It is now.
That idiot major of yours
could have infected
the whole southeast coast...
banging it around on a truck.
A truck is less
conspicuous, that's all.
Air force intelligence
has been sniffing around
since we diverted
the f-16s.
That's why birkett
knew we were on that base.
They were chasing after you.
I presented a report
to high command
on the feasibility
of soft combat.
Birkett opposed every scenario.
Where are they taking
the canisters?
Only one target
makes sense from this area,
and that would be... Cuba.
Isn't that right, Brad?
No more communists,
no more refugees
fouling our beaches
and contaminating our cities,
and no more Castro to remind us
of how emasculated
our country has become.
And once we've demonstrated
the effectiveness of pandora,
we can repeat the
operation anywhere...
South America,
north Korea...
anywhere we need
to destabilize a regime.
You forgot that Doug's
gonna go to the authorities,
you know, the government.
The government will
deny, deny, deny, deny,
and secretly,
men of real power
will be pleased.
This should all be
familiar to you, chappy.
It was your rescue
of Doug masters' father
that inspired me.
What? You saw injustice,
dreamed up a plan, and
went ahead and did it...
to forget the bureaucrats
with their impotent
backstabbing ways.
Gosh, I... I admired that,
I really did.
You're gonna have
to forgive me now,
because I would hate
to miss the end game.
What happens to us?
Dr. gully has always
enjoyed bad health.
Sorry, chappy.
[Door hisses]
What's your little darling
here gonna do to us?
Pandora is an advanced
smallpox derivative
typified by fever
and pustular eruptions.
In the interest of mercy,
it has been improved
to the point
where it can kill in hours,
minutes if the dose
is concentrated enough.
How very compassionate of you.
It spreads like wildfire,
but it can be killed
with any smallpox vaccine.
That's the key
to making it manageable.
Well, that's the thing
about wildfire.
There's always somebody
around to fight the spread.
Isn't that right, Ms. Shaw?
Kitty: Let's go!
Dr. gully: No!
Stop! Aah!
Get up!
No! Stop!
Not until these turn green.
These are sensors.
[Alarm buzzing]
[Tone sounds]
Let's go!
Something's gone wrong.
I want those birds
in the air now.
Let's go.
All right, men,
let's saddle up.
This is an all-service
There's a hostile aircraft
from Craig air force base
bound for Cuba.
This is an all-service
There's a hostile aircraft
from Craig air force base...
Mara, get this man to call
for some backup right now.
And tell them we want choppers.
Where's the closest
chopper base?
You can't do this.
The boy needs to stay
in the hospital.
Bring the boy.
Officer, listen to me,
this boy...
get out of my way.
I'm on an official
government high security case.
Hey! Hey!
Come back here.
Hey! Hey!
Jeez, he's got my car.
Chappy on radio: This is
an all-service emergency.
There's a hostile aircraft
from Craig air force base...
Did you guys catch that?
They're gonna drop
those canisters on Cuba.
Let's continue on.
I'm heading over to the base.
I repeat, attention.
This is an all-service...
excuse me, sir.
I'm afraid you'll
have to stop now.
I'm gonna have to kill you
myself, chappy.
Nothing can stop pandora now.
Nice set of wheels.
Minotaur, you got 2 bogies
moving in from the west.
That's confirmed.
Minotaur leader
to minotaur 2 and minotaur 3.
I will escort
cyclops to target.
You take out the bogies.
Roger, minotaur leader.
[Police sirens]
We got company.
Oh, no.
They're a couple Miles back.
Coming around.
Did you see those antiques?
T-6 trainers.
We're sitting ducks
for the rockets.
Follow my lead.
I'm going to stall.
I'm going to stall.
Just a little longer.
Missiles behind us.
Pull out now. Dive!
They maneuvered too sharply
for our missiles.
Time to get up close
and personal.
Here they come.
Damn it, I overshot.
They're so damn slow,
you're past them before
you can hit the trigger.
Come in from above
at an easy glide.
You can pot them
like Clay pigeons.
I can't see them.
I can't see them.
Dana, I'm hit.
Take over. Take over.
Like shooting birds in a cage.
Missile lock?
Someone's got
missile lock on me.
These old planes
don't have missiles.
No, asshole, but I do.
Holy God.
Minotaur 2 and minotaur 3,
take evasive action.
I flew right into his guns.
My systems are shot.
I've gotta bring it down.
Nice shooting, slick.
Duster, glad you could make it.
Look, I'll take the last jet.
You guys go after
the c-130.
What about Malcolm?
Let's go. I wouldn't
miss this for the world.
All right, let's do it.
Good hunting, eagles.
Time just caught up
with you, masters.
Major Pierce is gonna burn you
all the way down to the ocean
just the way it should have
happened years ago.
The tape, Doug.
Listen to the tape.
Chappy on tape:
Hey, Doug.
Hope you're not too angry
or too busy to listen now.
If I had known you were alive
nothing in the world
could have stopped me
from getting you out.
All reports said you were dead.
If I didn't look farther,
it was because it hurt
so much to look at all.
You know, I remember
when you first came to me
with your hare-brained
scheme to rescue your father.
You were a boy with a boy's
contempt for the impossible.
But you believed.
Before long, you got me
to believe, too.
Well, I still believe.
I believe the Doug masters
I knew then
is alive and well.
He just lost his contempt
for the impossible.
Nothing is impossible, Doug,
if you believe in who you are.
In who you've always been.
Major Pierce...
Identify yourself.
Your jets are gone, major.
I'm asking you to return
to the U.S. mainland.
And who the hell are you?
I'm a crop duster.
And I'm death.
For a crop duster, you're
a hell of a jet pilot, son.
I'm used to killing pests.
Eject, major, eject.
Death, thou shalt die.
They're all over us.
Corporal Scott, would
you be good enough
to put out a welcome
for these people, please?
What are they doing?
They're setting up machine guns
and they're gonna
open up the back door.
They can't.
They're gonna
de-pressurize the plane.
We're gonna be sucked out.
Not if they wait till the plane
gets low enough first.
Wait a second, wait
a second, wait a second,
I got an idea.
Stay here.
Hang on, ok? Hang on
for your life.
Who opened the door?
We are not low enough.
Corporal Scott, report.
I think somebody goofed.
Get back there.
Check it out, now.
Peter! Peter!
Kitty, hang on!
Don't let go!
Kitty, it's ok, just hang on!
Come on, come on.
Get off me!
Let me go!
Whoever's flying that thing
must have taken
lessons from kitty.
I heard that, Wheeler.
Kitty! You're ok?
Guys, listen,
I'm having enough problems
flying this plane, ok?
I dumped the canisters.
They're at the bottom
of the ocean.
Where's the pilot?
He stepped out.
Sergeant osgood,
it's time for a strategic
Please, get me my helicopter.
you're infected.
Infected with something
more virulent than pandora.
And it's killing my country.
Well, loyalty is earned, Brad.
It's nurtured.
It's not the anesthetic
you people think it is.
You know, I'm gonna miss
our little competitions, chappy.
Any words for posterity?
I hope your aim is
as bad as your judgment.
Not at this range.
Not much chance of that.
Well, nothing's impossible.
[Shots fired]
Doug, what the hell
are you doing?
Something rash.
Sergeant, give me the gun.
Lift up.
[Police sirens]
Are you ok?
Ha ha ha. Hey.
You came back.
Of course.
And I know you would have done
the same thing if you could.
What's that sound?
Kitty's gonna
land the c-130.
Uh-oh, we better
get out of here.
Rudy's right, you know.
We do want you to stay.
I got a hankering
to see Mexico.
You know, new start.
Well, at least stay until
we find a replacement.
How long?
I don't know.
It'd be, uh,
few days,
a couple weeks,
Mexico will still be there.
Guess a new start
is where you make it.
Guess so.
Come on.
Ah, it's not so bad here.
Not if chappy's here.
Welcome, second freshman class
of the iron eagle
flight school.
If you pay attention,
this could be the first day
for a pretty good life for you.
I'm chappy sinclair.
This is Doug masters.
He's gonna be your primary
flight instructor.
You gonna teach us to do that?
That depends.
On what?
On you.