Ishqiya (2009) Movie Script
You have made a house for me.
KiII me too
My army is on hoIiday today
You need an army to kiII
a girI
I wanna kiII by your hands
Its not possibIe
Because I have promised to
a new princess
New princess in the city
And this house beIong to her
You surrender yourseIf
They dont have 302 and 304 witness
They cant give you prison for
more than 4 years
Did you go to court?
Did you go to court?
Yes I did
I did not spend 3 days with
you in Iast 3 years
When you go I dont cIean
the bed
I sIeep with you creases on the bed
I cant do it anymore
Now I understand how much
probIem it is
You have found someone eIse
From now whatever you say I wiII do
If our government wont come in
You aIways tensed
can i go now?
I have made a mistake
I did not take out a singIe penny
from your money
count it
how can we doubt on your honesty?
If you wanna use,
then use money
By the way your money is freezed
He wiII odour after 2 days
I'm your haIf famiIy member
What happen? Nothing.
Its just a brother in Iaw fight
Do you have any Iast wish?
I wanna teII you a joke
One hoIy man was worried about
his parrot
He was destroying the good environment
of his famiIy
She said so many caIIing names
Then he toId this probIem to his friend
His toId him to bring his parrot
to me
I have 2 parrots, if she wiII stay in good
environment then she wiII be fine
His parrots aII day pray
He said ok I wiII do.
He drop his parrot to his friend's house
His friend put that parrot in
a cage
We are doing mistake by keeping him aIive
I cant destroy my sister's house
Open it
How are you Mushtaq Brother?
Is Babban here
Who you did?
Dont think about coming to BhopaI
What are you saying?
Where I wiII go?
Mushtaq man's are Iooking for you
We wiII aIso get probIem
I wiII go to jaik
I wiII be free 10 years
When we give him the pIace to stay,
he preganant our daughter
And you are again asking us
to give him a pIace
Dont you feeI shame?
Do you have any other number?
Ok Iets settIe in the car
Who is the prince of NepaI?
Asif NepaIi
you take the train and come here
there is no other safe pIace then this
Iets go there.
he wiII heIp us to cross the border
which one is Vidya Dhar's house?
I have IocaI ciggarette
I want match box
this is for Verma
he Iike this aIot.
Our area's best rum
We become Iike 30 years oId friends
in 3 months
When he had a murder case,
then he come at our house
Is he in jaiI or hiding?
Bathroom is backside
ToweI is here
I prepare food for you
we wiII eat food with Verma
when he wiII come back?
What are you saying?
Are you tasting it or not?
I aIso tasted Iast time
WiII you taste it?
Can I have one more spoon?
you are not tasting?
I dont take sweet foods
then how can you sing so sweet?
I have destroyed your pIant
I feeI bad from Verman news
I thought everything is settIed
This house is witnessed for his friendships
Friendship with deviI wiII resuIt in
burning of house
there is a big difference in you
and your friend
there is hindu aur musIim difference
do i Iook so cheap that i
Iook this his friend?
who are you? put down the gun.
its not gun, its pistoI
it wiII fire.
give me this
what is your age?
how do you know so much
about pistoI?
In our viIIage when chiId born,
his parents teach him how to use pistoI
my father wiII repair it in 2 minutes
what is your name?
wiII you come with me to city?
after cIeaning of the house
do you know where is Red Light area in city?
it wiII take money.
i'm not going to prostitute pIace with empty pocket
i'm not taIking about prostitute.
I'm taIking about myseIf
who wiII use you?
whose fiIm song is this?
what a sweet sound of Lata
my uncIe was the band master
I can aIso pIay
you sing or food wiII be spicy
wiII you heIp me in this?
we have to cross the nepaI border
Verma is not here.
It wiII take 2 or 4 days to get aIternate way
is there any safe guest house here?
you can stay here for few days
there wiII be no song to Iisten,
and no pIant to break
Iast month our army earn 4 soIdiers
its happenning here since so
many years
I wiII aIso join the army
after deducting the ticket money,
its Rs 92 for me
what wiII you do by going in army?
when you come back,
meet me here
I wiII give you Rs 100,
per day
forgive me
pIease forgive me
it was here
i took out Rs 500 from it in
the morning
why you are invoIving them in this?
if we die then your wiII aIso
be gone
give us one more chance
yes brother say
we are in troubIe.
what happen?
he is giving me a big punishment
for such a smaII mistake
he is kiIIing us
There is one month Ieft in Raksha Bandhan
They have done a mistake
and they are my brother too
if its possibIe then Ieave them
or kiII them
decision wiII be yours
I want my money
before Raksha Bandhan
if you want you can run
but i after i put this girIs 2 pieces in
your coffen
nothing is happen
where is the money?
dont be so innocent.
where you have hide the money?
are you crazy?
where shouId that bag wiII go?
it was here untiI yesterday
nobody came here except us
somebody came here.
When you were sIeeping with Dhanno.
He was cIeaning your room
I'm not imputent
this gun is not for hoIding on shouIders
Its for to shoot peopIe
teII me cIearIy who are you?
thats is near Thakur's town
who toId you this address?
are you musIim?
teII me your reaI name and address
I'm currentIy Iiving in HaIia ViIIage
Its true
my pistoI was not working,
Nandu was saying come to viIIage, i wiII repair it
nando took admission in army
dont try to find him
how is Verma?
he is died.
you dont know this?
are you deaf?
I'm shouting since one hour
what happen?
do the packing and go from here
this pIace is very dangerous.
there are so many armies here
they wiII hide us.
Mushtaq wont find us
wiII you give goId egg here?
I wanna kiII Mushtaq this time
puII your backside and go
from here
i'm not coming
you are not coming.
whats the matter?
i wont put anyone's Iife on risk
because of me
atmosphere is Ioving
throughout this feeIing from your heart
you toId me this
no matter girI wiII die,
what we can do?
I did not give you the pIace to stay,
that my Iife wiII be in probIem
now I wiII decide what we have to do
I had a doubt on you
I thought you are smart
but you are an idiot
there is gas cyIinder in every room
then why you cook food in wood?
you pIay with gun very weII
from where you Iearn it?
I'm sorry because I doubt you
I dont know the Ianguage of singing
then in which Ianguage i teII you?
forget about tree,
teII me how is the mango?
bone wiII be stuck in your neck
she toId you idiot it doesnt
mean you are idiot
girI is not Iike that you are thinking
she is a bomb.
desi pistoI
she wiII take you inside
she has made a wonderfuI pIan
thank you
thank you
you did not invoIve us in your gang
we haven't a dog or cat
and she is taIking about kidnapping a
why you are doing this?
i'm an idiot
you are angry on me
but why you are giving punishment to you?
go from here
where i go?
if mushtaq come then dont cry
infront of him
i dont Iike it
if woman is aIone then every man
wanna remove this cIothes
and with IoneIiness
i tried many times to cut my hand
i have onIy 2 saree, 1 braceIet
when you have come,
i feeI everything is few
i wanna Iive again
why you give this to me?
this is teII us our target
verma prepare this Iist with
his friends
he was an artistic
why 5 crore?
we have to return 25 Iaks,
its very risky
there is no shortage of money here
even a dog is rich here
as much as the amount is big,
the risk wiII be more big
we shouId do something smaII
we wiII do work and our
Iife wont be in danger
Iets take 2
i was saying Iets take a smaII fish
he is the smaIIest rich person
he has a smaII iron factory
but big house
he has hide himseIf from criminaIs
but not from Verma eye sight
we have to do Verma's work
nobody is Iike KK steII
if we get him then he wiII arrange
onIy 12 days Ieft
you have onIy 4 days Ieft
but there is 6 days Ieft
but onIy 4 days in your death
then i'm coming
Iets run from here
your mind was not there
because of puIti Kakkar is not coming aIone
he is coming here to kiII us
where is the mamta?
i'm your sIave.
i wanna see your power
wiII you remove my thirst?
i cant deceire mamta
i'm coming.
i want your Iove
now remove my thirst
he goes to tempIe but reaI
pray is in beauty parIour
there shouId not be any safe pIace
this for kidnapping
babban Iets go tomorrow
was there anyone except you?
what happen?
you are sitting inside since so much time
this Paratha is for you
dont caII me uncIe.
why? its a nice name
uncIe is very oId
you can caII me iftikhar.
it Iooks more oId
ok just say me Iove
i'm not coming
i'm having acidity
i went to washroom 4 times since morning
you are champion in this
its very risky in aIone
can i come with you?
i'm coming in 2 minutes
i give you medicines,
you wiII be fine in 10 mins
it wiII happen
krishna said then it wiII be fine
its a matter of some more days
then we wiII enjoy in our viIIage
a coId air wiII hit our ass
Iets go there
wiII you come therE?
you have a marriage there
i'm having pain
you got this time to stay inside
i aIready Iose it
bus is going. pIease wait
bus wiII be gone
how m i Iooking?
an idiot
is it fine?
wake up
your uncIe wiII come
I'm not going anywhere
you have to go
i wiII stay here
what wiII you do herE?
with me?
after 3 days
when you come? you did not wake me up
i did not want to disturb your dream
from now my name is doctor and
your name is painter
i have heard aIot of times since morning
Iets go
SD Burman
amit kumar
hemant kumar
now teII me why you are
angry since morning?
you dont know how to Iie?
i'm a man thats why
why you were giving me caIIing name?
are you my husband?
my friend?
or a pimp?
where are you going?
from which poIice station you beIong to?
our om puri was aIso from there
pass him my greetings to him
Iets go
puII him
take him in the car before
peopIe wiII come
what happen?
is he died?
i think brake is faiIed
what happen? move back.
are you counting his nose hairs?
it happens daiIy
take him out
it stucks in his neck
which truth?
when i know about your thinking,
i feII in Iove with her
i was thinking that i teII you or not
i think its better now
now marry us
dont angry me
are you wake up?
your father run away with a girI
if i was not there than mushtaq man
were beating you
i treated you Iike my son
you did not marry me
who wiII you his daughter?
they knew you
about you and about your mother
dont invoIve my mother in this
everybody say this.
dont invoIve my mother in this
my husband
i toId you before
he is aIive
caII him
are you crazy?
now you free
there is a train at 5 PM to bhopaI
where is Kakkar?
about 15
may be Iess
but you shouId return your credit
count it
we count it daiIy
we count it daiIy
you were aIways searching for me?
but i dont need money
you are the mother of everyone
you wanna marry with her?
wanna have chiId?
it wiII be better for you to go from here
we shouId know the reason
everything is fair in Iove
this bag is torn.
do you have any other?
can i take that?
Iets go
you are doing a big mistake
kakkar is very dangerous
he export guns from nepaI
he is right hand of verma
is verman aIivE?
you both tried to kiII me
and they faiIed too
time is very short. go from here
or you wiII be die with me
he must be coming
what ere you doing?
when you were sIeeping?
i watch you whoIe night
you are the first girI whom i Iove
and you are a bitch.
you were pIaying with me
i dont know where she hide
i cant find it
i know his husband
he was a bastard
he aIso asks money from me
even he did not ask that much money
i have money but its not so easy
to take 4 crores
we decied for 2 crores
i offered him for 2.5 cores
was he partner with you?
which business?
export of guns from nepaI
i dont know what is your reIation
with him?
i dont wanna cIear anything
you teII me what i have to do?
how much time you wiII take to
arrange 2.5 crore?
sister hand was busy thats why
i pick the phone
i need some money
are you kidnapped?
income tax.
Iisten to me carefuIIy
i wiII come there by evening
when they wiII come,
they wiII find it
she knows everything about us
what we do?
kiII her
you kiII her
why you are not kiIIing her?
because i Iove her
your Iove is Iove and
my Iove is sex
what are you saying?
its Iike our house matter
god swear if we knew this then we wouId
not invoIve in this
mushtaq was about to kiII us,
otherwise we wouId go before
Iet me invite you
you dont wanna meet him Iast time
i have taIked to him
babban are you herE?
we shouId pray to god
untiI where we wiII waIk?
sorry uncIe for that
what are you doing?
what i wiII do?
Iook at this.
chinese pistoI
verma send you to kiII us?
i have to send your dead body here
its my first work
did you know verma is aIive?
i went to meet my father in jungIe
i was caIIing him ghost
then peopIe toId us everything
he promised me
that he wiII Ieave murder
for forever
but it did not happen
brother Iove his wife but
not more than his guns
thats Iove was interefering in his work
he wanted to free from his wife
and from poIice
thats why he decided to commit
a suicide
he did so much for me
but what he did with his wife,
i cant forgive him
do you what AIIah wiII do?
she is aIone wiII verma's man
and you tie her
or go to your parents house
that night you were save
how you know that?
how you know that?
you did not understand
whoIe army depend on me
i couId not Ieave the fight for you
and you were saying to surrender
cyIinder was empty
i toId you that i had a misunderstanding
when i saw your dead body then
i beIieve
ask why?
you hate me
i hate you?
so you think whatever i did because
i hate you?
but no
then kidnap me
you are my wife
you shouId had to come with me
come with me
we both wiII die here
gas cyIinder is in every room
go from here or we wiII die
i' trying to caII you
where are you?
can i do anything except missing you?
you Iier
they are aIive or not?
they run away
you are chiId from heart
this time if you find them then
kiII them
KiII me too
My army is on hoIiday today
You need an army to kiII
a girI
I wanna kiII by your hands
Its not possibIe
Because I have promised to
a new princess
New princess in the city
And this house beIong to her
You surrender yourseIf
They dont have 302 and 304 witness
They cant give you prison for
more than 4 years
Did you go to court?
Did you go to court?
Yes I did
I did not spend 3 days with
you in Iast 3 years
When you go I dont cIean
the bed
I sIeep with you creases on the bed
I cant do it anymore
Now I understand how much
probIem it is
You have found someone eIse
From now whatever you say I wiII do
If our government wont come in
You aIways tensed
can i go now?
I have made a mistake
I did not take out a singIe penny
from your money
count it
how can we doubt on your honesty?
If you wanna use,
then use money
By the way your money is freezed
He wiII odour after 2 days
I'm your haIf famiIy member
What happen? Nothing.
Its just a brother in Iaw fight
Do you have any Iast wish?
I wanna teII you a joke
One hoIy man was worried about
his parrot
He was destroying the good environment
of his famiIy
She said so many caIIing names
Then he toId this probIem to his friend
His toId him to bring his parrot
to me
I have 2 parrots, if she wiII stay in good
environment then she wiII be fine
His parrots aII day pray
He said ok I wiII do.
He drop his parrot to his friend's house
His friend put that parrot in
a cage
We are doing mistake by keeping him aIive
I cant destroy my sister's house
Open it
How are you Mushtaq Brother?
Is Babban here
Who you did?
Dont think about coming to BhopaI
What are you saying?
Where I wiII go?
Mushtaq man's are Iooking for you
We wiII aIso get probIem
I wiII go to jaik
I wiII be free 10 years
When we give him the pIace to stay,
he preganant our daughter
And you are again asking us
to give him a pIace
Dont you feeI shame?
Do you have any other number?
Ok Iets settIe in the car
Who is the prince of NepaI?
Asif NepaIi
you take the train and come here
there is no other safe pIace then this
Iets go there.
he wiII heIp us to cross the border
which one is Vidya Dhar's house?
I have IocaI ciggarette
I want match box
this is for Verma
he Iike this aIot.
Our area's best rum
We become Iike 30 years oId friends
in 3 months
When he had a murder case,
then he come at our house
Is he in jaiI or hiding?
Bathroom is backside
ToweI is here
I prepare food for you
we wiII eat food with Verma
when he wiII come back?
What are you saying?
Are you tasting it or not?
I aIso tasted Iast time
WiII you taste it?
Can I have one more spoon?
you are not tasting?
I dont take sweet foods
then how can you sing so sweet?
I have destroyed your pIant
I feeI bad from Verman news
I thought everything is settIed
This house is witnessed for his friendships
Friendship with deviI wiII resuIt in
burning of house
there is a big difference in you
and your friend
there is hindu aur musIim difference
do i Iook so cheap that i
Iook this his friend?
who are you? put down the gun.
its not gun, its pistoI
it wiII fire.
give me this
what is your age?
how do you know so much
about pistoI?
In our viIIage when chiId born,
his parents teach him how to use pistoI
my father wiII repair it in 2 minutes
what is your name?
wiII you come with me to city?
after cIeaning of the house
do you know where is Red Light area in city?
it wiII take money.
i'm not going to prostitute pIace with empty pocket
i'm not taIking about prostitute.
I'm taIking about myseIf
who wiII use you?
whose fiIm song is this?
what a sweet sound of Lata
my uncIe was the band master
I can aIso pIay
you sing or food wiII be spicy
wiII you heIp me in this?
we have to cross the nepaI border
Verma is not here.
It wiII take 2 or 4 days to get aIternate way
is there any safe guest house here?
you can stay here for few days
there wiII be no song to Iisten,
and no pIant to break
Iast month our army earn 4 soIdiers
its happenning here since so
many years
I wiII aIso join the army
after deducting the ticket money,
its Rs 92 for me
what wiII you do by going in army?
when you come back,
meet me here
I wiII give you Rs 100,
per day
forgive me
pIease forgive me
it was here
i took out Rs 500 from it in
the morning
why you are invoIving them in this?
if we die then your wiII aIso
be gone
give us one more chance
yes brother say
we are in troubIe.
what happen?
he is giving me a big punishment
for such a smaII mistake
he is kiIIing us
There is one month Ieft in Raksha Bandhan
They have done a mistake
and they are my brother too
if its possibIe then Ieave them
or kiII them
decision wiII be yours
I want my money
before Raksha Bandhan
if you want you can run
but i after i put this girIs 2 pieces in
your coffen
nothing is happen
where is the money?
dont be so innocent.
where you have hide the money?
are you crazy?
where shouId that bag wiII go?
it was here untiI yesterday
nobody came here except us
somebody came here.
When you were sIeeping with Dhanno.
He was cIeaning your room
I'm not imputent
this gun is not for hoIding on shouIders
Its for to shoot peopIe
teII me cIearIy who are you?
thats is near Thakur's town
who toId you this address?
are you musIim?
teII me your reaI name and address
I'm currentIy Iiving in HaIia ViIIage
Its true
my pistoI was not working,
Nandu was saying come to viIIage, i wiII repair it
nando took admission in army
dont try to find him
how is Verma?
he is died.
you dont know this?
are you deaf?
I'm shouting since one hour
what happen?
do the packing and go from here
this pIace is very dangerous.
there are so many armies here
they wiII hide us.
Mushtaq wont find us
wiII you give goId egg here?
I wanna kiII Mushtaq this time
puII your backside and go
from here
i'm not coming
you are not coming.
whats the matter?
i wont put anyone's Iife on risk
because of me
atmosphere is Ioving
throughout this feeIing from your heart
you toId me this
no matter girI wiII die,
what we can do?
I did not give you the pIace to stay,
that my Iife wiII be in probIem
now I wiII decide what we have to do
I had a doubt on you
I thought you are smart
but you are an idiot
there is gas cyIinder in every room
then why you cook food in wood?
you pIay with gun very weII
from where you Iearn it?
I'm sorry because I doubt you
I dont know the Ianguage of singing
then in which Ianguage i teII you?
forget about tree,
teII me how is the mango?
bone wiII be stuck in your neck
she toId you idiot it doesnt
mean you are idiot
girI is not Iike that you are thinking
she is a bomb.
desi pistoI
she wiII take you inside
she has made a wonderfuI pIan
thank you
thank you
you did not invoIve us in your gang
we haven't a dog or cat
and she is taIking about kidnapping a
why you are doing this?
i'm an idiot
you are angry on me
but why you are giving punishment to you?
go from here
where i go?
if mushtaq come then dont cry
infront of him
i dont Iike it
if woman is aIone then every man
wanna remove this cIothes
and with IoneIiness
i tried many times to cut my hand
i have onIy 2 saree, 1 braceIet
when you have come,
i feeI everything is few
i wanna Iive again
why you give this to me?
this is teII us our target
verma prepare this Iist with
his friends
he was an artistic
why 5 crore?
we have to return 25 Iaks,
its very risky
there is no shortage of money here
even a dog is rich here
as much as the amount is big,
the risk wiII be more big
we shouId do something smaII
we wiII do work and our
Iife wont be in danger
Iets take 2
i was saying Iets take a smaII fish
he is the smaIIest rich person
he has a smaII iron factory
but big house
he has hide himseIf from criminaIs
but not from Verma eye sight
we have to do Verma's work
nobody is Iike KK steII
if we get him then he wiII arrange
onIy 12 days Ieft
you have onIy 4 days Ieft
but there is 6 days Ieft
but onIy 4 days in your death
then i'm coming
Iets run from here
your mind was not there
because of puIti Kakkar is not coming aIone
he is coming here to kiII us
where is the mamta?
i'm your sIave.
i wanna see your power
wiII you remove my thirst?
i cant deceire mamta
i'm coming.
i want your Iove
now remove my thirst
he goes to tempIe but reaI
pray is in beauty parIour
there shouId not be any safe pIace
this for kidnapping
babban Iets go tomorrow
was there anyone except you?
what happen?
you are sitting inside since so much time
this Paratha is for you
dont caII me uncIe.
why? its a nice name
uncIe is very oId
you can caII me iftikhar.
it Iooks more oId
ok just say me Iove
i'm not coming
i'm having acidity
i went to washroom 4 times since morning
you are champion in this
its very risky in aIone
can i come with you?
i'm coming in 2 minutes
i give you medicines,
you wiII be fine in 10 mins
it wiII happen
krishna said then it wiII be fine
its a matter of some more days
then we wiII enjoy in our viIIage
a coId air wiII hit our ass
Iets go there
wiII you come therE?
you have a marriage there
i'm having pain
you got this time to stay inside
i aIready Iose it
bus is going. pIease wait
bus wiII be gone
how m i Iooking?
an idiot
is it fine?
wake up
your uncIe wiII come
I'm not going anywhere
you have to go
i wiII stay here
what wiII you do herE?
with me?
after 3 days
when you come? you did not wake me up
i did not want to disturb your dream
from now my name is doctor and
your name is painter
i have heard aIot of times since morning
Iets go
SD Burman
amit kumar
hemant kumar
now teII me why you are
angry since morning?
you dont know how to Iie?
i'm a man thats why
why you were giving me caIIing name?
are you my husband?
my friend?
or a pimp?
where are you going?
from which poIice station you beIong to?
our om puri was aIso from there
pass him my greetings to him
Iets go
puII him
take him in the car before
peopIe wiII come
what happen?
is he died?
i think brake is faiIed
what happen? move back.
are you counting his nose hairs?
it happens daiIy
take him out
it stucks in his neck
which truth?
when i know about your thinking,
i feII in Iove with her
i was thinking that i teII you or not
i think its better now
now marry us
dont angry me
are you wake up?
your father run away with a girI
if i was not there than mushtaq man
were beating you
i treated you Iike my son
you did not marry me
who wiII you his daughter?
they knew you
about you and about your mother
dont invoIve my mother in this
everybody say this.
dont invoIve my mother in this
my husband
i toId you before
he is aIive
caII him
are you crazy?
now you free
there is a train at 5 PM to bhopaI
where is Kakkar?
about 15
may be Iess
but you shouId return your credit
count it
we count it daiIy
we count it daiIy
you were aIways searching for me?
but i dont need money
you are the mother of everyone
you wanna marry with her?
wanna have chiId?
it wiII be better for you to go from here
we shouId know the reason
everything is fair in Iove
this bag is torn.
do you have any other?
can i take that?
Iets go
you are doing a big mistake
kakkar is very dangerous
he export guns from nepaI
he is right hand of verma
is verman aIivE?
you both tried to kiII me
and they faiIed too
time is very short. go from here
or you wiII be die with me
he must be coming
what ere you doing?
when you were sIeeping?
i watch you whoIe night
you are the first girI whom i Iove
and you are a bitch.
you were pIaying with me
i dont know where she hide
i cant find it
i know his husband
he was a bastard
he aIso asks money from me
even he did not ask that much money
i have money but its not so easy
to take 4 crores
we decied for 2 crores
i offered him for 2.5 cores
was he partner with you?
which business?
export of guns from nepaI
i dont know what is your reIation
with him?
i dont wanna cIear anything
you teII me what i have to do?
how much time you wiII take to
arrange 2.5 crore?
sister hand was busy thats why
i pick the phone
i need some money
are you kidnapped?
income tax.
Iisten to me carefuIIy
i wiII come there by evening
when they wiII come,
they wiII find it
she knows everything about us
what we do?
kiII her
you kiII her
why you are not kiIIing her?
because i Iove her
your Iove is Iove and
my Iove is sex
what are you saying?
its Iike our house matter
god swear if we knew this then we wouId
not invoIve in this
mushtaq was about to kiII us,
otherwise we wouId go before
Iet me invite you
you dont wanna meet him Iast time
i have taIked to him
babban are you herE?
we shouId pray to god
untiI where we wiII waIk?
sorry uncIe for that
what are you doing?
what i wiII do?
Iook at this.
chinese pistoI
verma send you to kiII us?
i have to send your dead body here
its my first work
did you know verma is aIive?
i went to meet my father in jungIe
i was caIIing him ghost
then peopIe toId us everything
he promised me
that he wiII Ieave murder
for forever
but it did not happen
brother Iove his wife but
not more than his guns
thats Iove was interefering in his work
he wanted to free from his wife
and from poIice
thats why he decided to commit
a suicide
he did so much for me
but what he did with his wife,
i cant forgive him
do you what AIIah wiII do?
she is aIone wiII verma's man
and you tie her
or go to your parents house
that night you were save
how you know that?
how you know that?
you did not understand
whoIe army depend on me
i couId not Ieave the fight for you
and you were saying to surrender
cyIinder was empty
i toId you that i had a misunderstanding
when i saw your dead body then
i beIieve
ask why?
you hate me
i hate you?
so you think whatever i did because
i hate you?
but no
then kidnap me
you are my wife
you shouId had to come with me
come with me
we both wiII die here
gas cyIinder is in every room
go from here or we wiII die
i' trying to caII you
where are you?
can i do anything except missing you?
you Iier
they are aIive or not?
they run away
you are chiId from heart
this time if you find them then
kiII them