Isleen Pines (2024) Movie Script

[Radio signal]: Transmission trans-
Broadcasting to anyone
out there listening...
two one two one
signals, can you hear?
I saw it...
to anyone that can hear me-
I think it's over there.
God help us- And hell is coming with it.
It's here.
a very happy Halloween to you evening
listeners out there, on the spooky
devil's night. If I didn't know better
I'd think I was a dream or perhaps a
The power down here at the station
has been really funky to say the
least, so I'm a little spooked...
Our nex-
[lighter spark]
Now who who exactly is Mark Meyers?
Former mayor of ShadowMarsh?
Corrupt to the core?
Does he know more about the murder
in his Town's Woods than he's let on?
His own daughter?
What kind of Senator
does this state even want?
It needs a Senator who cares.
Paid for by the People in the Anti Meyers.
For State Senator Campaign.
[Music/Feedback Sounds]
So is anyone else here yet or no no.
- You're the first one.
- Um mind if we head in
while we wait for everybody?
- Yeah, of course. Well, come on in..
- Thanks.
- It's been awhile.
- Uh, yeah. Last Halloween I'm pretty sure.
Good times.
So your place still looks great.
- Thanks.
- Was it really last Halloween
that we all got together?
- Yep. Hmm.
And the year before that.
- With good reason too, I mean,
You're out there saving lives, and...
I think the rest of us just need saving.
- Yeah [Chuckles]
Work has been insane this past year.
So.. for all we know
after I move next month.
This may be our last
group pregame for the Halloween costume.
Bash party thing we do together..
You um think you'll win wearing that?
- You don't seriously think this is
the last of our Halloween shindigs do you?
I seem to recall a certain...
What was that? Oh yeah, a
Blood Oath that we all did? [Laughs]
And besides, you know like,
I vill vin!
- [Laughs] I will miss your shitty costumes
year after year though.
- Okay... um I'll have you know I put some
work into it this year, obviously.
When's everybody getting here by the way?
- I thought you were all coming
together so we could
get out sooner this time.
Last year we were late.
- I'm sure they're just moments away then.
- You know I was joking, right?
- You know, I had no idea you were joking.
You know kids dress up for Halloween,
I like that part of it.
- To the Halloween traditions of our youth.
- And to our friends aren't quite
here yet, But still, to all of us and to
another amazing Halloween together.
- Yeah.
We'll see if they show.
- What else would they do?
[Music] I'm a PineCone.
- But what are you supposed to be?
- I'm a Robot, Bleep Blorp Bleep.
- That's cool.
[Knocking on door]
- What?! holy shit.
Dude, you look so cool.
Come on in!
- Brains...
Or drinks, please...
Dude, this shit took so long to get right.
- Well I think you could be a top.
Contender for the costume contest.
- Yeah, I know. I worked really hard on it,
but my little sister's friend did most of
the work though.
Made it easier on me.
I got off of work, got this done, and came
here on time.
- Yeah no one is surprised
that you're late.
- Oh really what time is it?
I'm late?
- Brownie time?
- Oh, you know!
- Get that outta the way.
[Knocking on door]
[Knocking on door]
- Trick or Treat!
Happy Halloween, neighbor!
- Yeah, that's uh...
Aren't you a little old for this?
- Definitely, but age is just a number.
[clicks tongue] Hook a brother up?
- [Laughs] do a lot of
people give you candy?
- Well yeah, why wouldn't they?
I mean, it's the devil's
night and I think we
can all get together dress
up totally enjoy this holiday.
Cause Christmas sucks...
and this is the best freaking holiday
ever! right?
Yeah, ooo yes yes.
- Here you go.
- Can I get some, some yellows there?
- You know what?
- 2 maybe? Between 2 and 12.
- There you go.
- Thanks man. Oh. I'm Keith by
the way. But yeah, my
friends call me Keith...
- Yeah.
- Anyway uh the wife and I we
just moved in down the street.
Our little girl's sick
tonight, so I'm out here
hooking up the candy.
But we got a babysitter for
later, cause me and the Misses,
We're going to head
out to that killer costume
party that everyone will not shut up
about from the day we moved in.
- You talk a lot.
- Yeah I know my wife's always like.
- Keith you think you
could shut the fuck up?
She says I talk like a mile a minute.
Alright, well uh catch you later, neighbor.
- Yeah...
- Hey...
Are you going to come
to the costume party?
- No but um good luck
with a costume like that [Laughs]
- Wha? Okay, thanks... I think.
Alright, are you sure you're not
going to come to the party?
- Yeah.
- Come on, I feel like we bonded.
- No.
- Come on we're friends now right?
- Not coming.
- All right
I'll get you a costume!
- No no have a good night.
- All right.
- Happy Halloween!
- You too.
- Yeah yeah.
- Dude are you okay?
- I don't even know what that is..
- Hey you guys doing good? I said are you
doing all right?
Hey this is my party
welcome um if you need a drink or if I
can get you-
- Hey, you know who I am?
- uh-
- Philip Elton.
- Philip Elton!
The veteran QB from
from isleen High's Gray.
Horned Owls!
Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo!
You're like a legend around here!
- keep it down keep it down.
- You're a legend around here.
- We're in costume, we're doing an act.
We're trying to win this contest.
- You mean like how you
won State, Mr. Varsity Captain,
two years-prob more? more than two years?
- Pretty good arm back in the day.
It's ancient history, man.
- Mark.. Mark Mitchell?! buddy oh my.
Buddy oh my God!
It's been too long buddy.
It has been too long.
- Yeah.
- I am so happy you made it out.
But in actuality like how long has it
really been?
How long has it actually
been since I saw you?
- We saw you last year
at your Halloween party.
-Oh right right. - Yeah look it's good.
Look, it's good to see
you, but Philip isn't kidding;
We're trying this whole
uh method acting thing.
We think if we stay in character, it
might help us win tonight.
- That's the plan.
- You could win the lottery.
- We're trying. yeah.
- that might work sure
sounds like a good strategy.
Yeah. Go for it.
- Something is up around here.
I mean something strange is
going on. - Yeah.
- We have a theory-[BANG]
- jeez...
- This is weird.
- See?
- Strange indeed.
- See? - yeah I know what you mean.
- I'm telling' you.
- It's no good, man.
- What was that about random power outage?
So... can I get you guys a drink?
- Sure. - Yeah I'll take you up one one.
- any request?
I'll surprise you!
I'll surprise you even harder!
Wait don't read into that.
- Could use that drink.
- Okay, I'll be back!
Before I go, give me a high five!
- Sure...
- Right here right here.
- That was pretty lame.
- Ow going to put some ice on that.
- Good.
- I'll be back with those drinks.
I'll be back.
- Take your time.
- Yes, sir. [Horn honks]
- This guy's not changed.
- What an odd man.
- He has not changed a bit. - I agree.
- All right, back in the character, man.
- Well I mean we'll see when we get there.
Did I tell you hes going
as a clown this year?
- Oh a clown?
He dresses like that everyday.
[Laughs] So yeah, I
brought the special brownies.
You're welcome. They look like
cookies but still just as good.
- Special brownies?
- yeah, yeah!
- Uh yeah so that um thing out front
should we bring it to the party see what
everyone there thinks I mean it seems
like some weird Halloween prank, right?
- I dont know bringing
some tar spitting creature to a
Halloween party
like, that's crazy right?
But until then guys
cheers, to you all.
For keeping at least one thing
consistent in my life.
- Our second Toast
of the evening...
- Yeah, okay we appreciate this
time of year more than most, so...
- I'm with you on that. Guys, thank you so
much for coming here beforehand as well.
Yeah. It means a lot to me that we're
able to keep this one tradition alive.
I don't know what I would do for
Halloween otherwise. I just hope that
next year we're able to do this again...
After the move.
- It's cool, I get it.
You guys don't have any friends.
[Laughter] But I am happy to do my part and
we'll make accommodations for next year.
- I don't feel very good.
- one thing I wanted to mention - um you're
going to be okay for what's
ahead, pal?
- Ooh yeah cuz you know what happens to
the worst dressed loser of the costume
pregame contest?
- The Moldy Shot...
Didn't you actually to drink
that last year, too?
- And the year before that.
Ugh, well we love you for it always always
taking one for the team!
- I'm not drinking
that shit again.
- Okay well get your
costume sorted and you won't have to.
- I can't even drink that... stuff.
- Is that your final answer?
- Hey, dude you got some you got
some there... - I'll go get some water.
- So... - what really happened, man?
- I get it if you don't want to drink.
Maybe somebody did prank you?
- Actually can I use some of that black
stuff around your mouth? I think it'll
really help finish up this touch of the.
Undead. I think I can win the contest
with some of that!
So, you all good then ready for the
moly shot? - I think we can wave it for him
tonight. I mean we didn't even see the
full costume.
- Do not show your enemy in
this brief instance
any pity.
I'm just following traditional rules
all right? I quote, the friend who has the
worst dress least complete costume has
to drink the moldy shot before we head to
the annual costume contest...
End quote.
- He's not wrong.
Sorry, pal. - Besides I'm kind of curious
curious to see how your stomach is going
to react to all kinds of stuff in here...
Yeah, it's going to be a
fun science experiment.
- Okay, well maybe some
traditions are meant to be broken. I mean
I wanted to tell you guys earlier-No no no!
This is how you make memories.
Wait, hold on, How could I forget?
I made them myself.
Special brownie, anyone?
- I fucking hate you guys.
And I will never lose this shit again.
- Just slam it down, Chase it with
some brownies, hit the bathroom and be
you know we'll be on our way. - Yeah,
there's only one type of mustard in...
- Third time's a charm, right?
- Third year!
[Gurgles] [Gasps] - Fuck...
- High tolerance! - Okay that might be the
last time we do that. Or this...
- I have to use the bathroom.
- Well I have to... too... so don't mess
it up too bad. Alright?
- You need help in there you just
let us know!
- Yeah, that was probably a bad idea.
- walking down the street
everyone that I lose my mind.
Coming up to me talking up me I
know I'm one of a kind
they are staring, look at me, staring
look at me look at me look the other if
you think I'm.
cross the street just to show I'm sweet
they are staring.
When I walk and I stop to
talk that's just who I
am I mean I just want to be seen that's
just who I am
who I am is all that I can be won't you
please love me wo
wo wo-ah.
Prancing down the way every single day is
just what I do.
How you look at me approach me well
that's all on you!
They are staring yeah yeah yeah yeah
staring. Look at me,
look at me, look at me.
When I walk and I'll stop to talk that's
just who I am.
Looking kind of mean I just want to be
seen that's just who I
am who I am is all that I
can be won't you please, love me! Wo-ah.
Won't you please? Won't
you please? Won't you please?
[Music-Guitar Solo]
[Music from Record Player]
- I hope you're not trying
to be funny or something.
Can you let us in, please?
I was trying to tell you guys
this tradition is fucking stupid!
Last time we're doing this for
several reasons.
Dude we got to get to the party!
Okay I'm opening the door...
[Music deepens]
[Ominous Drone]
- We have to call somebody.
- What happened to him?
- I don't know just fucking call somebody.
- Okay well where was
he before coming here?
Like what was he doing?
- I thought he was
just skating here.
- Okay well that that
thing that he came with that he was
showing us should we check it out, maybe?
- I said we have to call someone at
the party, tell them what's
going on... what happened!
- Yeah I will! I'm just...
I'm trying to sort out...
What happened to him?
- I made him drink that...
and eat that...
- I'm gonna try to call for help.
- Hey... We'll get it sorted.
There's always there's always some crazy.
Shit that puts kink in our plan just
every year last year
it's - He's fucking dead.
- There'll be someone here to help us soon.
- There's no signal or.
I couldn't get a hold of
- Yeah, right.
- Where are you going? - That thing.
That thing... whatever it
is had something to do-
- Something to do with killing our friend?!
- Can I help you?!
[Dark Music Impact]
- Oh come on man, I know it's Halloween but
can move on and mess with the next house.
[Dark Music Impact]
- There...
[Polaroid Camera Flash]
- What do you think it is?
- Not sure.
I don't know if I want to find out either.
- You're not curious?
This is something that's obviously.
I mean we can't
get a hold of anyone right now.
This is our only lead.
- You're right, We still don't know
what really happened in there.
- We can theorize.
- Alright.
Just have to take our time with this.
- Let me do it.
- Do what?
- Let me see what's inside.
- You should really cover your face though,
we don't know what it's capable of.
- We should probably go outside for this.
- you think that's going to be enough?
- Yeah, we don't even know what that is.
- Help me with this?
Come on put it over my shoulder.
Turn-turn this way.
- I am.
- This cape sucks.
[Hypnotic Drone]
what the fuck is that?
- Where do you think it's from?
[Alien Screaming]
- So is it alive then?!
- I think it's dead. I think.
- Leave it here. Let's go inside.
- One of us forgot to close it I'm sure.
- Pretty sure it was closed.
- [Mumbles] I know.
- I'm sure someone just forgot
to lock the door or something?
- You guys want a weapon or...
I'll try calling for help again.
- I feel like this-
- Shh shh shh. you hear that?
- Bedrooms are clear.
Did hear something outside though.
- Okay. House is probably clear then.
- you guys should really get a weapon.
- That'll work. - Yeah that'll work.
- What the fuck, dude!? I'm moving soon!
- so you don't get your deposit back?
- Okay, come on let's just do this.
- okay so there's no one else here...
now what?
- I say we head to the party and-
- No no, we can't go
to the party, we need to
figure this shit out first! We still don't
know what happened.
- Maybe if you'd let me
finish you'd hear my point.
We get help
at the party. It's not like we can do
anything here.
- It's our best.
- You know, he's right I mean we know
people are there. I don't really know my
neighbors or who's actually home right now.
- You don't know any of your neighbors?
- Not really, so...
- I say the three of us head to the door.
Bolt out of there to my
car and get fuck out of here.
- We should probably try to get there.
- okay. I'll drive.
You'll drive? yeah, your car's not
all that reliable, so...
- Trust me I saw it in a movie.
A little late for trick or treating...
- someone thinks they're funny, huh?
- Y'know maybe we shouldn't - yeah we we
should just leave this-
Happy Halloween! let's get out of here.
- Should we go now? Yeah I think
- this is our chance. Let's get to the car.
This is our out!
- You clearly already scared him off now
is our time to leave!
- Oh my God! There's
three of us! What? We can't take it? Some
thing kills our
And what?
- what the-Shit, shit, shit!
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!
- Alright Honey, Start spinning this way.
And the Piata is straight ahead, okay?
- Can you imagine we win the costume
contest and the piata challenge?
I think I'd cry! My
first Halloween party in.
Isleen, and I'm the champ.
- We're the champs!
Maybe even the bobbing for pumpkins too!
I bet we could win that, hon.
- That would be amazing... I think you can
hold your breath longer than me though.
- All right, straight ahead.
- Hey! Would you watch where you're
swinging that thing, Cowboy?
- I'm the one with a blindfold on!
- Okay okay let's all
take a breath here!
See my concern is
getting both of you signed up for my
costume contest! Because you both look
fabulous, let's to be honest... but we got
rules on when you can sign up
because especially pertaining to couples
let's just say last year we had some
pretty significant problems with
everyone showing up all entitled
thinking they could just come in late
and sign up moments before they expected
to strut upon the spotlight!
- Does it look
like we don't care about this contest
or something? Why else would we be here?
We have been prepping for this ever
since we moved here he and heard about
the contest!
- Oh you guys, that makes me
really touched.. got to say but
unfortunately it's not
all fun and games here-
- This your party then Gacy?
- Yes, it most certainly is.
Can I get your names here uh-
- Callie & Ruben the Six Shooters.
- Callie and Ruben.
- It's our first year entering and we
should be signed in
already. If you don't
mind, I want to get some
punch after you hit this.
- Yeah.
- Got it! Callie and Ruben the six
shooters, I don't know
how I missed that! My bad.
So all I want you to do is get up on stage
as your genuine badass
cowboy and cowgirl selves
and just have fun...
Six Shooters.
- Hey Rodeo Clown, do you have any
drink specials?
- That depends - Yeah I'd like a
couple wacky drinks for the lady and
myself, crusty.
- So would I wacky drinks
well first of all that's Bozo to you...
crust your drinks, coming right up wacky
drinks that is whatever kind of drinks
you want special
drinks... coming right up...
Oh and in case I forgot to mention one
other thing...
- He's so weird.
- So weird.
- We have to get out of here.
- But how? We couldn't
get past it in the front yard!
We have to come up with a plan to
leave or
- You think it's just
waiting somewhere out there?
- It has to be.
It just lingered before!
It's it's hurt now.
[Muffled] It's not there now.
I can go to my neighbor's, see if
someone has a working phone.
Do you want to come with?
Clean yourself up.
Just just be calm.
I'll be right back.
- what the fuck?
- and walking, thinking
trick-or-treating sure was a lot more
fun back in my day. You know, when we
actually went out and got the candy.
[Audience Laughs]
Still, I'm happy to see my daughter
and her friends celebrating
the best [Glitch]day
of the year. I would't let her go to any
those neighboring towns though [Glitch]
- And that's the third body
found in Bedlam's Bluff this month
officials are still not sure who it is
that they found.
But one thing is for certain.
Don't wander around in the forest at night.
Just [Glitch]
[Noise from Kitchen]
[Hushed] - What the fuck?!
[Knock on Door]
- Hey uh Happy Halloween!
- Hi uh do you have
a working phone? My friends-my friend and
I could really use some help.
- Shit.
My phone really hasn't been working and
my power has been just as funky. But I
mean if you guys want to stay here, you c-
Are you okay?
- No, probably I probably just going
to head to the the costume party.
We know people there.
You should you should seriously
consider leaving here
too. It's it's not safe.
- What exactly happened?
- I should get back.
Thank you.
- Yeah um you just you be
careful out there, yeah? I wish there was
somebody I could uh like I could call.
For you guys...
- so what happened?
- My neighbor's going
through the same sort of thing.
- People dying?
There were a lot of weird noises
while you were gone.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- At this point though I think we
should just stay here and-
And - what? No no no we
we can't hang around here.
I can tell you this, I have no idea
what the fuck is going on, but that thing
out there?
That's fucking real.
Okay, we stay, we die.
Look you know what's in there.
And what's out there.
I don't want to die too.
- We have it outnumbered.
- We had it outnumbered before!
We we need a real plan!
Your neighbors can't even help us!
- I had a plan!
I am trying!
You're the one who yanked the light out of
my fucking ceiling!
- Son of a bitch!
- still nothing.
I don't understand-
- Yeah, that
that thing out there I don't know if
it's still out in the front.
It's too hard to tell.
- Good maybe it grabbed that
baby thing and just left maybe
that's what it wanted this whole time.
- Best case scenario.
Oh, look.
- oh we need to get out the back!
Shouldn't have gone out the fucking front!
- What are we supposed to
do? I can't fight that.
I can't do this.
This this was our last Halloween.
- The backyard is still our best bet.
But we have to move.
- Skeletons orgasming in the wind,
rustling leaves, rustling
bones. Boo... Booo...
H-Hey, sup?
- Hey um is this
your party?
- Yes it is.
Pretty cool, isn't it?
- Uh yeah it is, it's Unique
sorta like your costume.
- Awh, it's all about sleeves. See I got
a lot more at my sleeve than you realize.
- Oh uh, is my name on
that clip board of yours?
- Your costume
I'm taking this in don't tell me don't
tell me
you're you're an angel.
- Um almost, not quite I'm actually -
- Hey man are you doing okay?
- This punch is sour, dude.
Otherwise I'd say,
Good party.
- This is my secret recipe.
- No dude there's there's like vinegar
or something in there, man.
- That's disgusting.
- Gimme that, oh God yeah
that's he's right that is not
what I spiked the punch with. That is..
I don't know what happened there.
Look at that. Look at
this guy's costume pretty
good huh? I can see
he hails from a land of a
distant place of magic and intrigue and
he's come from far across the ocean to
participate in a contest
in this Earthly realm.
- [Chuckles] yeah so so I'm kind of like a
wood elf, you know?
It's kind of cool, right?
You know? so then um... but no but no that
now that, that's a neat costume.
- Thanks, I'm a Greek Goddess.
Why wouldn't a goddess
be capable of winning a little contest
like this?
- I don't know, why wouldn't she?
Why can't any of her dreams come true
on night like tonight? um I don't think I
ever got your name. Both of your names,
I'll look on the list.
- Uh yeah my name's
- Bathroom's up the stairs
- I think I'm gonna be sick.
- Bathroom! Make it to the bathroom! Don't
puke on the floor! P-p-please make to the
bathroom! I don't want you to puke on the
floor like last year!
- What'd you put in
this stuff man?! [Coughs]
- Last year uh we had a bit of a situation,
it was a slippery nightmare you might
say. But let's not talk about that.
- You're going to make
sure I'm signed in, right?
- Darling, of course!
I would do anything for you. Hey, have
you ever heard
a 'clown mating call' in the wild?
[Horn Honks] [Laughs]
- Just make sure I'm signed in. Thank you.
- You're signed in, you're signed out,
you're signed all around. Your signature is
etched into your soul...
- You sure we don't have like any better
weapons, like a knife?
- You have a light fixture, we don't
have time for this!
- Okay okay we have the
we have your staff, I have my light thingy
let's not engage unless we have to.
- Yeah. The sooner we get off this property
the better, yeah? - Agreed - Let's go.
- What if one if one of us trips?
What if it gets you? - Well then you
keep running!
- I don't I don't want anyone else
to die tonight. - We have to fight back if
it comes to it.
We have to do this for for them.
What if this is happening all over town?
We have to sound the siren and warn
everyone else at the party.
- You um you ready for this?
- [Exhales] Probably not.
- I'll lead the way.
- No no no no I'll
go first.
- No no no I'll I'll - I'm leading the way.
- That's fine.
- Okay so... We just go to the fence we we
jump the fence.
Jump the fence. - Uhhuh we hop the fence we
end up on the main road
we wave someone down.
- Okay
okay I can't believe
that this is happening.
- No no no no this is the one time that we
need to focus.
Okay we just go to the end of the
fence, we'll end up on one of the busiest
roads in the Pines.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- We need to do this, okay?
On my mark.
Get ready to fight!
- Hey hey move move get out of my way!
[Horn Honks]
Hey! Silver Tongue, Captain
of the Greedy Grail?! Yeah?
- Thank you, um I'm
actually the Pirate Ophelia,
I should be on the sign in sheet...
signed in already! Um Captain
of the Uncultured Ghost?
- Hah! That's a great
Costume Title, I mean.
Argh! Scrub the deck, Matey! Argh!
- [Chuckle Uncomfortably] Yes
thank you, so I always wondered
um since this is your party...
- That it is!
- Are you ineligible to
enter the costume contest?
- Let me ask you a question:
What exactly is up with
you and the Magic Man
I saw you talking to earlier?
- uh I don't think I follow...
You think we're here together?
- Um.
He made you laugh. And I know you know
exactly who I'm talking about.
White pretty hair, cape...!
- Oh the Co-Host.
He should be be around here somewhere.
-W-Wo-oah, I'm sorry
what did you just call him?
- Co-Host!
- Excuse me! I am your
host, welcome to my party as
it has always been my party every year!
There's never been any
such position as Co-Host!
Did he actually call himself that?
- Yeah, I actually gave
him a tip for magic tricks
the magic tricks he was
doing for the group. Pretty good!
- Hey! Listen. I have eyes everywhere.
We'll talk again. [Crack]
- That sounds... great...
- Yeah? Yeah yeah yeah how great?
- It's wonderful.
- Okay. Hold that thought.
- Later.
[Strained Breathing]
- Just fuckin' kill me...
[Ringing, Alien Buzzing]
- What I have here in my hands
is just an ordinary set of cards.
- Woah.
- Choose one.
Not that one!
- Okay...
- Not that one either.
-Try the one in the middle. - Excuse me!
- Yo! I said.
- Hi?
- Hi.
Listen, I'm kind in the
middle of a trick right now.
- Yeah. So if you could [Fart Noise]
that'd be great.
- You're in the middle of a trick? - Mhm.
- Do you know who I am?
- Hey! - Oh, are you still here?
- Do you know who I am?
- Should I?
- Yeah you should, this is my party
at which you are a guest as are
these people for whom you're performing
tricks. And you owe all these people
their money back as my guests at my party
for the tricks you pulled on them.
- I have been entertaining
your guests all night.
- Oh have you? - Yes.
- That's wonderful. I'm so grateful.
- Yeah, right?
Thank you so much.
- You're welcome. Your punch bowl...
What is that, vinegar?
Yeah, what flavor is that? Gross.
Your projector fucking sucks.
- Yeah it does.
And, you're lucky I got a
little something up my sleeve.
- I've been keeping your party...
- What would I do without you?
- No money required. Ta-da!
- You're a magician, you can't do that!
- I just did.
- Okay! Because you're
a magician, that's exactly
exactly what you do, which is bullshit!
And this is bullshit!
- Uh no, I'm Keith Michael, The Magic Man!
- Wait wait wait! What
time does the contest start?
- Midnight, like every fucking year!
- Damn, man!
-Fucking clowns.
- Right?
- I guess he wasn't clowning around?
- [Laughs]
- Exactly.
Which one of you guys wants to see a trick?
- Oh, me, man!
- Yeah, you got five bucks?
- Oh man.
- You got five bucks?
- I think I left some in my bra.
- God dammit. [Sighs]
- Oh what's happening?
Something's happen oh I think he's
melting oh, shit...
- Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.
Freaks and Weirdos!
Geniuses and Heartbreakers...
It's that time we've all been waiting for!
It comes around once a year at the
stroke of midnight! That's right, it is
now time for Isleen Pines
Annual Costume Contest!
So everybody who is participating
in the costume contest please line up.
Over here-[Power goes out] oh
everyone get down take cover it's.
No but really, if you want
to participate in the contest,
We got to get this show rolling here so
make sure to sign up please
don't forget to sign up! The clock is,
tick tick tick tick tick tick... ticking!
- Hey.
Come on now, stay stay with me stay
with me...
- It's dead.
I'll win the costume
contest this time, right?
- For a moment, I
envisioned us together again.
- Maybe that was next year.
- Maybe.
[Blood Oozes]
- Maybe.
- Yeah.
you can take the sun
and the moon and the stars.
You can take the beach
and the waves and the shores.
But don't take tonight Don't take tonight.
You can take the angels away from the gods.
You can take the needles
away from the nods.
But don't take tonight.
Don't take tonight.
It means that much to me.
Means that much to me.
You can take the planes
and the trains and the cars.
You can take it way
back, back to the start.
But don't take tonight. Don't take tonight.
You can take the breaks
like the one now a scar.
You can take the words
straight out of my mouth.
But don't take tonight.
Don't take tonight.
It means that much to me.
Listen to some tunes watch a movie too,
tell a couple jokes and eat a bit of food.
Then we'd get the drinks we would
steal or we buy, and Mike
would smoke his grass
in the middle of the sky.
Wed stand oer the
goods And suit up each man
with a dozen in his coat
and a bottle for each hand.
Wed roam through the
streets march across the land
dart over streams To assemble our band.
The boys of the hill
are fighting and drinking.
And laughing and singing a song.
The boys of destruction
disorder and ruction.
Are here now but wont be for long.
Wed start in on the whiskey
and guzzle down some brews
start dreaming all the dreams
only possible with booze.
Wed disregard our
present Laugh about our past.
Romanticize the future
when wed get out of class.
Then wed start a singing
a punk or Irish song.
Come all ye on the chorus we
knew there was nothing wrong.
With dancing above the
citys boring string of lights.
Wed drink some more warm
beer then spar into the night.
The boys of the hill
are fighting and drinking.
And laughing and singing a song.
The boys of destruction
disorder and ruction.
Are here now but wont be for long.
The boys of the hill
are fighting and drinking.
And laughing and singing a song.
The boys of destruction
disorder and ruction.
Are here now but wont be for long.
Wed roll down the grade
when wed had our fill
and sang every song
that we knew upon the hill.
Back to a house crash on any couch or bed
til the ceiling started spinning
and you run for the head.
Snore through the morning
wake in the afternoon.
To the smell of piss and
vomit that clung to the room.
Open up your eyes
and rise like you're dead.
Take a coffee and a cigarette
then go on back to bed.
The boys of the hill
are fighting and drinking.
And laughing and singing a song.
The boys of destruction
disorder and ruction.
Are here now but wont be for long.
The boys of the hill
are fighting and drinking.
And laughing and singing a song.
The boys of destruction
disorder and ruction.
Are here now but wont be for long.
Do you see the kids down there?
They're running into themselves.
They've got no future now,
they've been put on the shelf.
Did you see your Mom and
Dad they're rolling on the floor
they've been watching
some news reel from 1964
do you do you feel so frustrated?
And do you do you feel so outdated?
When you're sitting all alone in your room.
Cause you ain't part of some baby boom.
Did you see that Hippy dad from 1965?
He's just happy to be wearing a suit
he's just happy to be alive.
Did you see that punker there?
His head is mohawk green.
He's not listening to us now,
he is part of his own scene.
Did you see the kids down there?
They're running into themselves.
They look so misdirected.
They've been put on a shelf.
Did you see your mom and
dad they're rolling on the floor
they'll be collecting S-Security
for many years more
do you do you feel so frustrated?
And do you do you feel so outdated?
When you're sitting all alone in your room.
Cause you ain't part of some baby boom.