Isolated (2022) Movie Script

What am I doing here?
What am I doing here?
Is anyone there?
I'm somewhere safe they say.
This is in the ocean.
It's warm.
The sun touches my face.
You're here.
I can see you.
Everything will be fine.
Dawn, where did you go?
Where the hell am I?
I know this is stupid, but I
don't have any better ideas.
I don't know.
Maybe I can get
someone's attention.
It's no different than
talking to you in person.
You left.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm facing the ocean.
I swear.
This one touches my face.
You're here.
I could see you.
Everything will be fine.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Is anyone over there?
Is anyone over there?
Is anyone over there?
Is it clear?
Can you tell me
what I'm doing here.
I would tell you
but I didn't do it.
You didn't do what?
Did they give you a chair?
No, they didn't give me.
Who are they?
They put us here.
Do you know who they are?
I don't know their names.
OK but... but you know
what they look like?
I... I asked you a question, do
you know what they look like?
I don't know what you look like.
This is going to...
Look, I'm... listen, let's
start with the name.
Yeah, as in... as in your name.
It's not very comfortable
sitting on the floor, is it?
How do you know that I'm
sitting on the floor?
When you responded to my
question about the chair.
I don't have a chair.
Look, my name is Nell.
Hello, fish.
Welcome to the barrel.
It's... it's... it's
short for Inelle.
That's a strange name
I like it.
Me too.
OK, Travis, why
don't you tell me
about that room
you're in over there?
I guess I'll go first.
It's empty.
And it's cold.
There's no chair.
Three of the walls are concrete
maybe and one of the walls
is drywall I guess.
And there's something
painted on the wall.
It's a...
A number.
No, it's a nine.
The wall I'm at has a
big industrial door.
Knock, knock.
And above it there's a speaker...
Knock, knock.
Please cut it out.
The sound comes from the horn
when the green lights come on.
Yeah, and the wall across from
me has an LED clock installed.
They're both too high to reach.
What does your clock read?
Right now it's 41
minutes in change.
It's counting.
It's counting down now.
Yeah, the only other
things that I have...
Are you comfortable?
Why would you ask me that?
Why would you ask me
if I'm comfortable?
It's a polite thing to ask.
I'm not very comfortable.
The only other thing
that I have is this...
The rope.
It's enough to hang myself with.
I can't do that anymore.
Not now.
There's a latch up
there on the skylight.
They was calling out to me.
It's broken now... the latch.
Did you even try to get out
of here before you gave up
and you decided...
There are a lot of
moving parts to this.
What does that mean, parts?
The room.
What is wrong with you?
Let's put a pin in that.
What happens if I try
to climb out of here?
The latch won't hold.
How hard can it be?
You're not
understanding me, fish.
Yeah, that's an understatement.
The latch will not hold.
Do you know how to tie the
knot that's tamper proof, one
that no one can break for you?
You shouldn't do this.
That's not the way out.
I fell.
Come closer.
Nell, you're still here.
Still here?
That was right.
Yeah, Travis.
I think I've done
something to my shoulder.
Does it hurt?
You fix it.
Find a hard surface,
pressure your arm against...
Travis, I'm not listening
to another word you say.
Travis, I'm not listening
to another word you say.
Probably best to fix it before
the adrenaline wears off.
You're welcome.
Who are you really?
I'm Travis.
Did you put me here?
No, they did.
Are you watching me?
I'm listening.
Nell, Nell.
Travis, you know this song?
It's a favorite.
Who's it by?
Travis, who sings this...
Hello, stranger.
Hello to you too.
Someone special played
that song for me
when I was younger I think.
Strange it's... it's comforting.
There's something off about
it though, something dark.
Are you hearing that?
Hearing what?
Never mind.
Nell, what are you worrying?
Travis, I need to
ask you something,
and I need you to
be honest with me.
I only ever tell the truth.
Did you put me
here in this room?
I did not put you in your room.
What happens when
this clock reaches 0?
The lights will turn off.
What does that mean?
Have you been
through this before?
Travis, how could that
unless you put me here
or you've been
through this before?
Answer me.
The lights were shut off when
the clock reaches 15 minutes
and then the door opens.
Yeah, that's what
happened before.
How do I get out of here now?
I don't have the answers
now, but together you and I
can find them.
How do you feel
about being here?
I don't... I feel...
I feel angry.
I feel frustrated.
I feel abandoned and...
And terrified.
I just... I just feel...
Do you feel like somehow
you deserve to be here?
I don't know how to answer that.
It's a difficult
thing to consider,
but I feel like
I should be here,
like I don't deserve
to be anywhere else.
Why would you say that?
I haven't done well.
What do you meet?
I failed to meet expectations.
Let those closest to me down.
No one deserves to be put in
a place like this, Travis,
especially for
something as harmless
as... as letting someone down is
just it's part of being human.
That's funny.
There are other points
of being human that
are not so easily forgivable.
Like evil.
Yeah, it had to take some kind
of evil to put me in this room.
And that's assuming a
human being put us here.
Could it mean something else?
Divine intervention maybe.
You think God put us here?
Is His wrath not well cataloged?
Punishing those who
deserve it with situations
fitting their trespasses.
God created man and
man put us here.
So I guess that
makes some sense.
We're here by God's
will and man's hand
if you believe and
that kind of thing.
What are you doing here?
Travis, Travis, what's
happening over there?
What do you want with me?
Travis, Travis, Travis.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
What's happening to you?
Travis, please say something.
Get away from me.
Who's over there with you?
Don't please.
I'm begging you.
Travis, answer me please.
I'm sweating.
I'm somewhere safe.
I'm facing the ocean.
It's warm.
The sun touches my face.
I could see you.
Everything will be fine.
Everything will be fine.
Everything is fine,
it's fine, it's fine.
Travis, what happened to you?
I did it.
No, you didn't.
You talk to me please.
Maybe... Maybe I can...
Maybe we can help each other.
There are signs in the sky.
Do you see them now?
You're hurt.
They hurt you.
He was here to fix me.
Who was he, Travis?
Did you recognize him?
How did he get in here?
Yes, Travis, talk to me.
Tell me what happened to you.
My head hurts.
OK, so he... so he hits you.
He hits you in the head with
something, but with what?
Travis, Travis, I need
you to tell me everything
you can about this man, OK?
I'm going to help you get out.
He said he just wanted to help.
By torturing you?
Hope for you too.
What did he tell you?
Travis, what did he say?
I'm going to get
us out of here, OK?
Will you help me with that?
But after I get some rest.
After you... no, no, no, no, no.
Travis, do not go to sleep.
Travis, answer me.
I'm here.
I'm awake.
No way.
I think I just...
I just need you to gather your
strength and stay awake, OK?
I'm going to come
up with a plan.
I'm going to figure
out a way out of here.
Stay awake?
Yes, stay awake, OK?
I need you to promise
me you'll stay awake.
If you feel like you're
falling asleep just...
Just talk to me.
Talk to you?
Yeah, yeah, talk to me.
I'm an open book.
Open book?
Yeah, ask me anything.
Do you really think
I put you here?
I did, but now I think
we need to work together.
For what?
For caring, for trusting me.
I don't really have
much of a choice.
Why's that?
You're all I've got.
In here.
I'm all you have in here.
You have someone out
there who cares about you.
I do.
I did.
Travis, have you ever...
Have you ever lost someone,
someone close to you?
More than close, irreplaceable.
She was the one that...
What happened to her?
Did she leave?
I'm sorry, I have no
business asking you if...
She abandoned me.
I was a failure.
I lost someone recently.
She was there 1 minute
and gone the next.
It happened that quick.
Travis, have you
noticed anything strange
about yourself, something
that guy might have
done to us when he put us here?
I've got this thing
under my skin.
Does yours itch?
Mine itches.
Where did you find yours?
My upper arm.
Mine's in my leg.
Different places.
I don't make it easy for him.
You remember being put in?
I can't remember any of it.
Consider yourself lucky.
I don't believe in luck, Travis.
We're running out of time.
I will always have an vent.
Travis, Travis, you're
not talking to me.
You have to stay
awake, you promised.
Oh, yeah.
I think I'm ready
for that joke now.
Nell, Nell.
Construction helps.
So are we still working on it?
Well, worth the wait.
It is your own work.
Everything will work.
I'll go without sleep forever.
Travis, Travis, I
think I figured out
a way to get out of here.
Travis, Travis, you're
not talking to me.
Answer me.
I'm here.
I'm awake.
Get your broken latch.
How's it coming?
It's difficult.
I know.
You're hurt and...
And you're tired.
I just... I need you
to focus for me, OK?
For both of us.
It's much more effective to
keep me awake than talking.
Travis, Travis,
look what I found.
It was in the wall.
That's true for the bolt.
Let me see if I can get a
better look from my side.
Travis, Travis, answer me.
I'm here.
Nell, he's going
to come back now.
You should have left
the camera on the wall.
Travis, we don't know that.
You should have stayed
out of the
I just need you
to stay calm, OK?
I just need you to
focus on the bolts.
I got it.
Two more bolts
left, halfway there.
My latch broke before
I could finish.
We need to hurry.
We're running out of time.
Stop what you're doing.
Grab hold of your vent and
pull as hard as you can.
It's bolted up to the concrete.
The light's going to come over.
He's going to come back.
Travis, stay focused.
We're almost there.
I'm somewhere safe.
I'm facing the ocean.
It's warm.
The sun touches my face.
You're in here?
Travis, I'm here.
Listen to my voice.
I'm here.
I know this sounds
crazy, but grab the vent
and pull as hard as you can.
I'll grab the vent and pool.
What are you waiting for?
Just do it.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Travis, Travis, not again, no.
I'm somewhere safe.
I'm facing the ocean.
It's warm.
The sun touches my face.
You are here.
I can see you, everything.
I'm not safe.
I don't even know what safe is.
There's no sign here.
You're not here.
Nothing is fine.
What do you want from me?
I'll do it.
I'll do it.
This is what you want?
Green's low.
Yellow's... Yellow is medium.
It's a sound pressure meter.
It's a sound level.
Green, yellow, red.
No, no, this is real.
No, no, just shoot the wall.
Travis, don't shoot yourself.
Travis, please don't
shoot yourself.
Just take your gun shoot
something else, something else.
If we've done what
we're setting out to do,
then we've done a difference.
So when the world's
borders get too difficult,
Chrysalis will be
there to lend a hand
and guide you to a new one.
Come on in and allow
me to introduce you
to the excitement
of the here and now.
Here at Chrysalis
Robotics, we represent
more than bridging the
gap between human beings
and technology.
We're working with world leaders
to revolutionize the future
for you and your family.
Our modules once
fully functional
will be able to
carry out the day
to day tasks of myriad of
professions, some of which
you see here.
Two out of three
individuals shown here
were made right here
at Chrysalis Robotics.
And if we've done what
we're setting out to do,
you'll never know
the difference.
So when the world's
burdens get too difficult,
Chrysalis will be
there to lend a hand
and guide you to a new one.
Come on in and allow
me to introduce you
to the excitement
of the here and now.
Here at Chrysalis
Robotics, we represent
more than bridging the
gap between human beings
and technology.
We're working with world leaders
to revolutionize the future
for you and your family.
Our modules once
fully functional
will be able to
carry out the day
to day tasks of myriad of
professions, some of which
you see.
Two out of three
individuals shown here
were made right here
at Chrysalis Robotics.
And if we've done what
we're setting out to do,
you'll never know
the difference.
So when the world's
burdens get too difficult,
Chrysalis will be
there to lend a hand
and guide you to a new one.
Come on in and allow
me to introduce you
to the excitement
of the here and now.
Here at Chrysalis
Robotics we represent
more than bridging the
gap between human beings
and technology.
We're working with world leaders
to revolutionize the future
for you and your family.
Our modules once
fully functional
will be able to
carry out the day
to day tasks of myriads of
professions, some of which
you see here.
Two out of three
individuals shown here
were made right here
at Chrysalis Robotics.
And if we've done what
we're setting out to do,
you'll never know
the difference.
So when the world's
burdens get too difficult,
Chrysalis will be
there to lend a hand
and guide you to a new one.
Come on and allow me to
introduce you to the...
And this, ladies and gentlemen,
is the founder of Chrysalis,
Director Dawn Summers.
Director Summers is
currently overseeing
the day to day operations from
our new campus which we're
currently in transition to.
How exciting?
Excuse us.
Are we going to get to see
any of the active trials?
today trials are...
I apologize for that.
I want to be sure
you were mobilized.
Can't be too careful.
Ah man
It sure is pretty out here.
It's designed for the trials.
It's designed for you.
But every once in a while we get
to come out here and enjoy it
for ourselves.
Perks of the job.
At any rate, I'm going to start
by asking you a series of yes
or no questions regarding
your experience in the barrel.
Who are you?
Why are you keeping me here?
I'm Edgar and you'll be able
to walk again when we're done.
So let's... OK.
Question number one,
any point in time,
did you find the
trial to be stressful?
Where's Travis?
What did you do with him?
Just answer the
question, please.
Question number two,
any point in time
did you come to care about
the well-being of mod 6 a.k.a.
What kind of question is that?
What was the first thing you did
when you got out of the room?
You didn't run,
you doubled back.
To help him.
Because he would
do the same for me.
Would he?
Look, you were supposed to learn
to care about him, you did.
That's yes.
We're moving on.
Next question.
Any point in time
did you come to...
Where's Dawn?
Director Summers?
Director Summers
is all around us.
It's the reason
why we're all here.
It's actually a
giant pain in my ass.
Please don't repeat that.
What am I saying?
You're not going to remember
any of this after today anyway.
OK, where was I?
Any point in time did you come
to question your humanity?
Oh, that's a new one.
My humanity?
Yeah, you know,
like, I don't know,
like if you're a
person or a human being
or something like that.
I don't... I don't understand
what you're asking me.
You just let him die.
You just watched as he...
Residue probably
from a fall earlier.
No, we'll get in there
and clean that up.
OK, like I was
saying, at any point
in time did you come
to question your...
Who am I?
Humanity, right?
That's a yes, OK.
Next question.
Have I been here before?
Yeah, day after day, week
after week until they
work out all the bugs
and move on to mod 10.
I'll decide when
the time is right.
Piece of shit.
Come on now.
All right, we're
back up and running.
This isn't fair.
Have I ever been
able to save him?
No, it's not fair.
He's having two mortgages
and paying child support
on a kid you're not even sure
as yours, that's not fair.
I wish somebody would save me.
You're somewhere safe.
I want to be saved.
I can see the ocean.
Look, you have to answer
all of these questions
or they're going to repurpose
you like they did to him.
It's warm.
The sun touches my face.
I'm somewhere safe.
I'm facing the ocean.
I got my kids this
weekend, I can't be late.
I'm just going to docker and
we'll pick it up on Monday.
It's warm.
The sun touches my face.
I'm somewhere safe.
I'm facing the ocean.
It's warm.
The sun touches my face.
I'm somewhere safe.
I'm facing the ocean.
It's warm.
The sun touches my face.
I'm somewhere safe.
I'm facing the ocean.
It's warm.
The sun touches my face.