Issaq (2013) Movie Script

Tobacco useleads to cancer..
..heart attacks, lung disorders..
..and other deadly diseases.
Thecharacters shown
in this film or programme.. not support the useof any
typeoftobacco products..
..such as Bidis, Cigarettes,
Khaini,Zarda, et cetera..
..ortheir promotion in any manner.
Tobacco useleads to cancer,
heart attacks..
..lung disorders and
other deadly diseases.
The characters shown in this
film or programmedo not support..
..the use of any type
oftobacco products..
..such as Bidis,
Cigarettes, Khaini, Zarda, et cetera
..ortheir promotion in any manner.
A human being's sponge-like
lungs are madeto soak up air.
But somepeopleusetheir lungs.. soak up the smoke
of Bidis and Cigarettes.
lf you squeeze the lungs
of aperson who smokes.. will findthis much of
cancer-producingtar in his lungs.
This much taris enough
to make you sick.. very sick.
l see50 new patients every day.
About 1,000 in amonth.
80% to 90% oral cancer.. caused by chewingtobacco.
This is thestory of Mukesh.
Myname is Mukesh,
l chewed Guthka for 20 years.
Now l havecontracted cancer
and l am being operated upon.
Probablyl won't be
able to speak afterthat.
Unfortunately Mukesh
did not survive.
And hewas only 24 years old.
Khaini, chewing leaves, Gutkha,
pan masala are all lifethreatening.
Stop Press!
Ms. Pratima,
l've a frontrow view...
...ofthechaos created
bythecity's Sand Mafia.
Legally, the Mallah's
havea right to this sand...
Awar has erupted between
the two sand-mafias...
... Kashyap and Mishra,
to assert theirright...
...on this sandworth 500 crores.
The Mallah's are putting
their lifeatstake forthis sand...
The ancestral enmity
between Manohar Mishra...
...and Vishwanarayan Kashyap
is nothing new for our readers.
Thelatest on it is that
Kashyap's strongman Teeta Singh...
...has laid siege
on this river bank.
And on the other hand Mishra's
men areturning back, disappointed
This is the fourth riverbank Mishra
has lostin the last few months.
After Mishra's beloved
son Rahul left thebattlefield...
...there's no onewho
can challenge Teeta Singh.
Ms. Pratima,
please publish every word l said... tomorrow's paper.
That's Kashyap's truck.
Let's takea closer look.
Let's get our hands
on whateverwecan.
Let's settle the scores today.
Kashyap's pups.
Now wehavethem on
our mark... Drive faster.
You're not goingto slip away,
are you?
Don't worry about me.
You're the onel'm
worried aboutmost.
Let's go. Let's go.
Whatare you doing, rascals?
Slow down!
Who startedtheargument?
- They started it.
Saveus, Lord Bajrang Bali.
Sir, theywork for Mishra.
l capturedthesand bank.
l took careofthe 'Mallahs'.
Now, you turn up to
play the 'showstoppers'?
Hail Baba Dukharan Singh!
Hegot away sir!
God save us!
Uncle. Kashyap and
Mishra are on the line.
l admire your courage.
You'retrying to betray
your own benefactor.
Royalty is long gone.
lt's democracy now.
l can lose this position anymoment.
And, our relation
can fall apartanytime.
Two ofmy important
men aredead, sir.
This isn'tthefirsttimel've
suffered losses becauseof Kashyap.
Weneed to stop thesered flags.
Otherwise,theyll spread their
influenceall theway to thecity.
Heis using the Maoists as an excuse
to take overthe entireriver bank...
Sort out your personal
differences first.
Otherwise you two will
end up killing each other.
This cannotgo on.
Bring my gun to me!
No need fora gun.
At this age, you need a stick.
That's theonly way
to shut up that Mishra.
Brother-in-law, l am there.
Just keep the Minister happy.
And, l'll deal with Mishra.
Minister sir, it is people
like Mishra and the Moaists...
... who spreadthedisturbance.
Teeta wentto Majhi Tola
to solvethat very problem.
Teeta Singh's alwayw on ahigh.
What did he think hewas doing,
practising his shooting skills
publicly on theGanga Bridge?
Minister sir, l...
- Listen to me.
lfl hearof another
such incident...
consider this allianceover.
At leastspare this city.
Uncle, can l come in?
Uncle, l was saying...
Unclehas assured there
will bepeacein the city. Okay!
And, why do you come
here for every small problem?
lfunclehas to deal
with thesethings too...
...what are the police
going to do all day?.
Bihata. How did Teetas
come to Majhi Tola?
Uncle. l had gonepreoared.
weran into Teeta Singh's gang.
You know l don't like
getting into fights.
But hestarted brandishing his LMG!
Bullets rained from both sides
Bam! Bang!
l picked up my gun.
But it got stuck
So did lt finally work?
lt did.And how!
Afterthat, l started
firing and caused a frenzy.
But l couldn't save Paras and Surta.
Where's Rahul?
- Take alook in his room.
His highness must be
getting his beauty sleep.
What's wrongwith the boy?
Hehasn't been himselflately.
And doesn't pay any
attention to work either.
And that Teetahas
been expanding business.
Good hedidn't go with us, uncle.
Brother's turned
into a righteous man.
Hehas renounced violence
to recitepoetry.
You could've tried to ask him,
if you cared.
And did l not ask?
But hedoesn't wantto talk.
Do you expectmeto pamper him?
Kill them! Kill them all!
Run! Flee!
Lal Salaam!
Lal Salaam!
Lal Salaam!
Lal Salaam!
Don't let anyone escape.
Every part ofmeburns,
Every cell ofmybeing is scorched
Thestream ofblood pierces me
This war's gone on
ever sincel was born.
Akiss to you, my beloved.
This war's gone on
ever sincel was born.
lt's as if a soul
has risen within menow
lt's as ifl have
rebelled against myself.
This bird wants to fly,
even as peopleare
readyto shoot it down.
lts ariver offire
and one has to wade through...
lts ariver offire
and one has to wade through...
Rahul, we'renot
goingto do it today.
What happened?
Rosa, this is love.
You know you'renot in lovewith me.
l am.
- Oh!
l really am. Truelove.
lndian love. l'll prove it.
Baby. Baby.
You haveto tryharder
than that, baby.
About love you know nothing.
You foreigners are time-pass.- What?
Wantto find the meaning oflove?
Reach under.
- Rahul!
Not again. - Have you been
talkingto thatsage again?
That crazy ascetic
from the Himalayas.
He says...
- What?
Real love is experienced from here.
l'm not interested in these fights,
Mr Nandkishore.
But Teeta believes that Mishra...
...killed his only sister, i.e.
Myfirst wife.
You should keep an AK47.
lt's the real thing.
Brother, l can'treally
takemy personal weapon to work.
Let metalk to Bachchi.
That way he can settle down as well.
What do you say?
ltll be aload
off yourback as well.
O Mishrilal!
This time,
please visitus on 'Holi'.
Yes, ofcourse.
Bachchi will bethere.
And it'll be loads offun
These are lnvites for 'Holi'.
Deliverthem formally.
- Namaste.
Deliverthem? To whom?
He knows l can'tread English...
l wonder why the master
lets these foreigners stayhere.
Shameless! Unclean people!
You two sinners, heretoo.
To find alover, you need to
look in thewomen's quarter.
See this..
You'll get in trouble someday.
Murari, these foreigners
are broad-minded.
lfl had bumped into herfirst...
...then l would be
getting luckytoday.
Butthere's onething.
This is called 'Sleeping
with the enemy'!
Betterthan father's punishment.
Whiteskin has its allure,
l must say.
Are you marrying her?
Do you takeme for a Romeo?
Darn it. l think it's over now.
Shewants to bean ascetic.
Talk of fasting after feasting!
There's no cureto your problem.
There's a cure to
every problem, Murari.
To counter aknife you need agun.
For a gun you need abomb;
For abomb, cannons;
for cannons amissile;
for amissilean atom bomb;
foratom bomb...
Find someone else.
What do you see in these
emaciated foreigners anyway?.
You didn't get it.
Find a bigger 'problem'...
...that will automatically
curethe'smaller' ones.
How about l break your leg?
lt will curethepain in your balls.
Have you really lost your mind?
Don'tlaugh, he's unpredictable.
Son? Can you read?
What, your fate or a letter?
Mymaster's writing.
French, German,
Russian, Punjabi, Urdu...
...he can'treadthose.
Forget it, son.
Give it, l'll read it.
Read it quickly.
Panchayat Minister
Surya Prasad Singh.
That oneis for your uncle, Murari.
B.P. Trivedi.
- His daughter, Neelu Trivedi.
She eloped from home. With aboy.
Jai Kishen Pande.
- Sweety Pande!
She's hot.
Give.- Peter Anderson.
- That's him.
Your girlfriend's daddy.
They'reall important people.
What aretheseinvites for?
To celebrate'Holi'.
- Atmymaster's home.
Ask him his master's name.
l'll tell you anyways.
Mymaster is Mr.
Vishwanarayan Kashyap.
Everyimportant person
in the city has been invited.
Had you been important enough,
you too would be invited.
Let's go.
Murari. You have apass.
But all l have is amother.
What do webrothers do
to become 'important enough'?
You need to mix right ingredients... get theright potion.
Love is in theair...
...and mybeloved has been missing.
l haveto go.
l have to speak to Bachchi.
Where's Bachchi?
ln her room.
How are you going to say it?.
Were you calling me?
You know... what's her agenow?
Ofcourse l do.
My daughter Muniya was
born in thesamemonth and year.
Although, Muniya's dead.
Always thought...
...l would live till this
girl grows up and gets married.
Marriageis what
l came hereto discuss Amma!
Why, is Amma about to die?
My motherwouldn't have
been in a hurry to getmemarried.
lfyourown mother was around,
you would'vebeen married
with a kid by now.
At your age, l was married and
taking care oftheentire family.
There's a marriage proposal,
from DSP Nandkishore's son Pritam.
He's just been commissioned
in the police force.
Your unclewas saying
he's anice boy.
All boys arenice.
l heard he's agem.
He's a gem, so...
...he can be apain in theneck too.
He's been invited over for 'Holi'.
See for yourself.
My job is to get you to meet.
Therestis up to you.
'Therestis up to you.'
What ifweget married,
and don't fall in love?
l can'ttake the risk.
Firstlove, then marriage.
Whathave theybeen
teaching you in that hostel?
Mishra, Kashyap and US!
l'm thethird angle
in this triangle.
Your ancestors lost to them.
But you can win.
Wewill fight for you.
All you need is courage.
lfyou wantwhat theyhave...
Tell me- Car? Bungalow? Or money?
What do you want?
What do you want?
Katrina Kaif.
Say it louder.
'Happy Holi.'
'Happy Holi.'
Letthem pass.
'Happy Holi.'
Are you ready?
Let's go!
What's this?
You'vegot to celebrate 'Holi'.
Live young boy.
That's morelikeit.
Bless you.
Has Bachchi not come yet?
Where's Rosa?
What's in a face?
Likethesaying in English.
Coverthe faceand f thebase!
Bless you.
How do you do?
l am Pritam.
l was...
Let's go.
l said you can haveany girl...
...instead you're eyeing her.
You can haveany girl,
except forthat one.
She's what you call
in Mathematics...
''The Exceotion To The Rule''.
lgnore her.
She's theGoddess of Death.
Theold fortress witch.
Theghost that haunts
themango tree.
She's Kashyap's daughter!
She's ''untouchable'' for you.
l won't touch,
but l can look ather.
Until few years ago,
every gallant in this city...
...would bow at my threshold.
What's wrong, Mishrilal?
lt's all messed up, sir.
All messed up.
Let thefirein our hearts
stokeourdreams and desires
Let thefirein our hearts
stokeourdreams and desires
Let's test our swords
eagerto beout ofthesheaths
Don'tfly too high,
you may haveto pay dearly
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Don't go outall decked up lady
There are lads and dandies
roaming aroundwith weapons
Don't go outall decked up lady
There are lads and dandies
roaming aroundwith weapons
Thelads will all be shot,
andthedandies hanged
Thelads will all be shot,
andthedandies hanged
Don't you daretake
me fora feather-weight.
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
l spend thesenights... theagony ofmy desires
l spend thesenights... theagony ofmy desires
l melt inside justthinking
about everyinch ofyou
How heartless of you to waste
away yournights hereandthere
l'll take careofthis problem,
l promise
Andthen if you
arestill unsatisfied
l'll take careofthis problem,
l promise
Andthen if you
arestill unsatisfied
We'll call a witch doctor...
We'll call a witch doctor...
We'll call a witch
doctorto cast a spell
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
lf you're looking to leave
behind yourtoyw and dolls
Comewith meand l'll
get you new 'toyw' to playwith
Comewith meand l'll
get you new 'toyw' to playwith
Dreams havea habit of cheating...
...they will eventually
drive you crazy
They set you up for aheart-break
ln the name ofgold and silver these
Dreams sell you worthless bronze.
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Everything's going haywire...
Theghost that haunts
themango tree.
Theold fortress witch.
l didn'tlet God fall.
Do you think Hegota scare?
Should l apologise?
You should join your
hands in respect, not kiss lt.
lfwelove Him,
why can't wekiss His idol?
l don't know.
As for me,
l kiss thosel love.
Consider your last
wish has been granted.
You'remylast wish.
What's wrong?
Watch your luck.
l'll beright there.
Thereis ajinglein yourlooks
And pleasurein yourtalk
Thereis ajinglein yourlooks
And pleasurein yourtalk
Whether you are my
illusion or my experience
You tickle all my senses.
Letthem hide you,
let them put you under watch
Comewhat may, l will get you.
lts ariver offire
and one has to wade through...
lts ariver offire
and one has to wade through...
Glory to Shiva!
Glory to Shiva!
How did he get in?
What's Mishra's son doing here?
How did you get in?
What's wrong, brother-in-law?
Mishra's son just barged in.
Mishra's son? - Yes.
He's our guest.
lgnorehim today.
l can't let him go.
The rascal touched me. - Shut up.
The entirecity's here.
Peoplewill think
we startedthe fuss.
Don'tlock horns with Murari.
Let him go.
Bring my gun!!
Yes, Brother!
You are being too hot-headed.
Whosehouse is this?
This is Vishwanarayan
Kashyap's house.
This isn't your ancestral
estate in Bihar.
Good you reminded me.
You let him walk out ofherealive.
Someday hewill ruin this family.
somecold drink.
Hit it, hit it.
Haveone, sir.
Whata Shot!
And, that jumping jack is
the son of father's biggest enemy.
His name's Rahul.
Why did it haveto be Rahul Mishra?
That flying cartoon could've
been Chaturvedi, Trivedi...
...or Diwedi...
...forthat matter.
Rahul Mishra.
That's who l was.
l'm changing my namenow.
Aren't you afraid?
Loveconquers all fear.
Whatifmyunclesees you?
Whatifunclesees you?
You focus on me...
...l'll deal with
therest ofthe world.
Did you overhear my conversation?
Were you saying
nicethings about me?
Do you think you are that special?
lfunclefinds out hewill kill you.
lfl can keeo looking into
youreyes, l wouldn't mind dying.
Give it.
Tell methetruth.
Why did you comehere?
l'm in love.
l really am.
Believe me.
Rahul has gone to see
his foreignergirlfriend.
Careful, you'll fall.
How's he going to
seeher in this darkness?
Darkness doesn't
makea difference... someonewho's alreadyblind.
lflovemakes aperson blind...
...then how does
hefind his way'there'?
To where?
To where?
To where?
To where?
So you loveme?
l know what you'll say.
You will say ''Yes''.
But l won'tbelieve you.
Then you'll swear.
All lies.
lfl'm convinced quickly,
you'll say l'm 'fast'.
And ifl am not,
you'll say, l'm showing attitude.
After that you'll
tryto convince me.
Bring megifts and
this will go on forever.
Are you going to say something?
How do l believe you?
''l swear by themoon,
that covers with pristine light...''
These areshoddy
lines from cheap poetrybooks.
So whatshould l swear by?.
Cut out thedrama.
Loveshould happen gradually.
Next timewemeet...
...ifwemeet in thefirstplace...
...we'll think this over then.
We meetagain. Now think.
Oh benevolent one,
can't you leavemealone?
So, what is your answer?
l mug up all year,
just to answer my question sheet.
How can l answer you so quickly?
So go ahead.
AnswerA: Yes.
Answer B: Affirmative.
Answer C: Oh! For sure.
lt'll be dawn soon.
But wehaven't doneanything yet.
What were you expecting?
Go now, you rat,
oryou will get abeating.
Everything's born in this world.
And also turns to dusthere.
That's thelaw ofnature.
''Alakh Niranjan!''
''Radhe Krishna!''
Greeting! - Greeting!
At this earlyhour?
Either someonewoke you up early...
...or kept you awakeall night.
C'mon Baba!
Sheloves you.
Sheloves you not.
Sheloves you.
Sheloves you not.
This is a small flower...'s fragrant...
...and poisonous as well.
Sheloves me, Baba!
Actually... she ''loves menot.''
Did that foreigner
ladylearn her lesson?
What foreigner lady?.
Oh, Rosa?
Yes, Rosa.
You made quitean impression on her... she's trying
to awaken her 'Kundalini'.
But l am nottalking about her.
Therewas atime when
you talked only about her.
Has a new 'problem' comeup?
The new problem is nota problem;
she is very sorted out.
ln fact, she's so sorted
outshehas me all confused...
...should l sortmywelf out
orhave her all confused intend...
...that is my problem.
''Hope is such a chain
that when tied with it...''
''...thecreaturestarts running...''
''...andwhen released from it,
the creature stands peacefully.''
Present your problem in riddles...
...and you'll get your
solution in riddles only.
State it clearly.
Her name is Bachchi.
Bachchi Kashyap.
You know who she is?
And you're in love
with 'Bachchi Kashyap'?
l think she likes me too.
l see.
Till the other day,
your heart beat only for Rosa.
Today, you forget even hername.
But you only wanted me... end all ties with Rosa.
So you ended onechapter...
...and started anew one.
And, a violent oneat that.
Have you lost your mind?
l am readyto pass
anytest to provemylove.
'Toyw for kids. Love for youth...
...and just memories in old age.'
They all have their own toyw!
Banwari ji...
Wehad an understanding.
Didn't we?
We'll bemining sand on Chaubey ghat.
Do you rememberor should
l remind you?
Banwari ji!
There are just two
things that count here.
l gave you wasn't enough.
Money, Banwari ji!
The thingthatis behind
everybodys business.
Teeta ji's...
Even my father's.
l filed the tender first.
Can't you read?
Do you see your namewritten anywhere?
Now listen...
...this river bank goes to
Mr. Mishra for business.
l guess you won't let
me make an honest living.
Honesty and Sir?
That calls for poetry.
Are you goingto use
that or just wave it around?
Murari, l know other
wayw to get things done.
Wheredid Rahul disappear?
Useless boy!
Themoment l got work, hedisappeared.
But l don't get it.
He is living in
his own worldthesedayw.
Fresh tea! Fresh tea!
How much?
Shall we?
Shall we go, Rahul Mishra?
Were you expecting someoneelse?
Glory to Shiva!
''Sometimes it's silken,''
''sometimes it is rough''
''Onemoment it flows,''
''the nextit stays still''
''Loveis like...''
''...holding afistful of sand.''
''Loveis like...''
''...holding afistful of sand.''
''l stand on this side oftheriver,''
''while you on the other''
''l have a feeling
l'll drown this time''
''l haveno idea''
''where your love is leading me.''
''l haveno idea''
''where your love is leading me.''
''where your love is leading me.''
''As you and l sit looking
at each other''
''This world seems
such a beautiful place''
''This happiness todayis
perhaps borrowed''
''And yetl'm already''
''counting the moments of
love we'll have''
''l wantto look at
you for a few more moments''
''l want to cover you''
''with thestars that are in my eyes''
''Your love is likethemorning dream.''
Where are you?
Watching afilm.
Don't tryto fool me.
l don't hear anything
in the background.
lt's a silentscene.
Thefight's aboutto begin.
Don't do phoning because
when l coming l slap you
Sometimes on the left side,
sometimes on the right
l slap you, so don't do phoning
lt's an English movie.
l'll kill you!
The villain's about to die,
l'll call you later.
l'm thehero.
Lal Salaam!
Lal Salaam!
Lal Salaam!
Lal Salaam!
Lal Salaam!
Kill them..
Kill them..
All thatsand?
ls your leadermaking another
Wall of China?
lts to fill up the earth, sir.
Rascals. Whoever mines
thesand- you orthe Mafia...
... thedonations have
to bemadehere.
l drink, l drink
lt is clear...
'Comeout or l..'
l can't come now.
'l don't want to hear a thing.'
Sir's here.
How nice. l am getting loads of
respect today.
What's going on?
Whereare you going?
- Sorry, sir..
'You're so nice.'
You apologise real quick.
Go back and sit down.
Will you read out few
verses from 'Kamayani'?
Go ahead, read it.
Say'l love you.'
''ln the din ofthis world
l am thesound of your heart.''
You speak from your heart
and l listen with myheart.
''When you'rerestless andtroubled
looking for a moment ofpeace...''
''l am like abreeze of calm air.''
You could'vejustsaid l love you.
''ln your ever-troubled mind,
in your deeo anguish...''
Say it or l'm coming in.
''l am likethefirst ray of sunshine.''
Speak your heart.
Sayl love you.
''When your feel your life
turning into a wasteland.''
''...l am therain that
quenches yourthirst.''
Yourbodyguard's approaching.
''l havelost yourtouch, embraces...''
''...your kiss is no longer
teasing mylips.''
We don't have time for all that.
Your bodyguard's here.
Just sayl love you.
''Thelight shinethrough the leaves
heholds the nectar ofthegods.''
l'm aboutto die.
''Therewas no oneto answer,
l woke up from my dream.''
''Thesun had risen to
abeautiful morning.''
''And ourchild is theinnocent one...''
''...created out of
the colours oflove and life.''
You'resuch a coward.
You couldn't saythree words.
l see. l'll show you when wemeet.
Whybe afraid? Let's meet now?
l'm not talking about
meeting in ourthoughts.
Do you getit?
Me neither.
l'm so close, my heartis up in smoke.
Take alook. Take alook.
What's the hurry?
l'll handlethepolicestation,
You can keeo the gun.
You look surprised?
This is just evidence.
lt's an amazingthing.
Rememberthat criminal who
barged into your house on 'Holi'?
He's committed numerous murders.
Andthis is his gun
Don't bescared.
We'll put him into prison.
Bachchi, you go ahead.
Bachchi's not scared of anyone.
Mishra's son is so stupid.
He killed so many people..
..and left his father's
licensed gun back in thefield.
l'll fix him onceand for all.
How manyhave you killed?
Pritam has got the
whole story on you..
So, you have started discussing
me with thatpoliceman?
l have to settledown
with him after all.
Well,that's great!
You found yourlife-partner.
Bachchi! No one's squeaky clean here.
Butl'veput all that behind me.
l've forsaken thosedark wayw.
lt's likel never reallyknew you.
lf you don't know me, then.. don'tknow your uncle
or your father or anyone else.
Fresh tea!
Hey, Bachchi.
Hello, Rosa.
We're nearly packed.
Gosh, you guyw seem tense.
Can l help?
Have you told Bachchi yet..
..where spiritual
experiencecomes from?
Top or bottom?
Hey, Bachchi!
Hesurecan teach you couple...
..ofthings about lndian love.
Hewas agood teacherto me.
You guys, l'm just kidding.
What happened?
- Yes, Guru.
What did you fill this with?
You could not stand up to onegirl.
At yourage,
Alexander had conqueredtheworld.
And at yourage, Aristotlebecame
the world's greatest philosopher.
And Socrates hadtaken poison.
Find love...'ll do you good.
Love,filled with
vitamins and proteins.
lt'll make you healthy
and strong in a month!
That wise man was right after all.
'Loveis sea offire,
onehas to drown to get across.'
l wonder whatthey
taught you in that hostel?
l really usedto likehim.
When l was shooting
people l gotkudos..
And now that l have stopped,
people question me.
Why can't l question him?
l've arightto.
Loveis... only for fools.
l don't know, Amma.
Whether l was being
stupid before.
Or now?
Rahul's busy flirtingwith girls.
Whatif Teeta corners him someday?.
So what?
After all you havedealt
with Teeta Singh yourself.
Murari, l'm protecting the family...
Teeta would've attacked thehouse...
...and carried ourwomen away.
l get an old jeep to go
on our missions,
and hedrives around
in themost expensivecar.
What are you up to?
You gaveus theslip.
Something important had comeup.
l know all about your'importantjob'.
l'veseen things, understand?
Don'ttryto teach me.
To understandthis,
you'll needto know about love.
You see, l've chewed
all thenine emotions...
...and spat outtherest.
l'm not talking your paan
but about romance.
Get that.
Forget love.
News is theextremists
just got hold ofnew weapons.
Buthe's already laid down his weapon.
Seems likethis new avatar
doesn't suit me too well.
l'm getting back to work.
That's morelikeit.
What the fck?
They've blown up Mishra's ammunitions.
Run! Run!
Murari, give me your hand.
Run! Run!
You're going to answer to father.
Stop all this.
This is thegun police found ...
...and Pritam handed overto uncle.
Thewretch keeps coming back.
l am sorry.
l trust you.
No matterwhat fools like Pritam say.
At least now you can say'l Love You'.
l haveno idea where
your love is leading me.
your love is leading me.
More than 40 extremists
attacked us, uncle!
Everyone fled,
but l fought them alone.
l managed to save
this onewith difficulty.
Don't worry.
Hear my plan.
We'll gather all the
Maoists around this one..
..andthen pull thepin.
Notrightnow, uncle.
But where was Rahul?
l thought brother's back on the job.
Butl think he's lost
his valourfor good.
l see.
Dangers havebecome apart oflife
l keep walking but reach nowhere.
My dreams hover in my eyes
Only to rush outas memories flow in.
Wecannot control thecircumstances
Therearesecrets hidden in thestars
l'm surethere's
apurposeto our love.
Loving you is like
holding a fistful of sand...
l stand on this side oftheriver,
while you on theother
l have a feeling
we'll drown this time
l haveno idea where
your love is leading me.
Anything that does not
have your reference...
...seems meaningless to me.
Every inch ofmybeing has opened up
Your love falls like
a shower on my parched soul.
Might... right!
Think aboutthe future.
l'vebeen telling you,
let's move forward.
l mean have you planned anything?
Where are wegoing to live,
after marriage?
l didn't know we'regetting married?
we'regetting married at somepoint.
lfthis goes on, unclewill
get me marriedto that Pritam.
l can'tbelike Pritam.
And l...
Can't livelike Paro and uncle.
Paro and uncle? What?
Peopleget married even
when theyre not in love.
Justto show the world.
Our families can deny ourlove.
But...they can't deny ourmarriage.
l can'tgetmarried.
Forthen l'll have to
spend my entirelifewith you.
That's true.
Better make up your mind now.
l'll keep you tied...
You'rescaring me.
You'll also get special
prizes on ourfirst night.
l'm notgoing to tell you like that.
l'm... a virgin.
Take them away.
Don'tlet them escape.
- Yes, sir.
How are you feeling, brother?
Better now.
Did you seethat?.
Hey, Bachchi !
What's wrong, brother?
Something got into my eyes.
Hail Baba Dukhran!
Showing off?.
Wehave collected enough information,
now we'll put it to use...
Just let them steo out ofthecity...
Wecan't wait forthem to step out.
We'll barge into theirhomes...
We'll needto bargeinto
their homes and kill them.
Lal Salaam!
Come on.
Hetricked us again.
Glory to Shiva!
Play on...
l want to talk to oneof you.
Therearetwo people here.
lf you talk to just one,
what's theother goingto do?
Kick your butt?
l'll question the one who behaves...
...and answer theonewho misbehaves.
You'rereally good atthis business.
Why don't you setup a shop?
These days you danceto Rahul's tunes.
Do you take me for a nautch-girl?
Hold on...
Let me show you what aman l am...
Therearetoo many people around.
Don't tryto show anything.
We can deal with this later.
Where's Mishra's son?
Who? Rahul?
Right behind your back.
Where's mine...?
Your uncle's already
warned us, Murari.
You've already defeated
Teeta Singh once..., it's my turn.
lsn't that right?
What are you saying, Murari?
l think we have had
too much to drink today.
Heisn't here, sir.
Tell that kid, he's made
the biggest mistakeofhis life.
l will.
lf you like Pritam,
let's get on with theengagement.
Why arewe delaying it?
l'vean important job to takecare of.
Oncethats done,
we'll get overwith therituals too.
Move out.
Congratulations, Bachchi.
Feeling shy!
Brother. Chandan, that contractor.
Hesays hespotted Mishra's
son nearthe outhousetoday.
With Bachchi.
'Bachchi's not scared of anyone.'
'Mishra's son is so stupid.'
'He killed so many people...'
'...and lefthis father's
licensed gun back in the field.'
'l'll fix him for good.'
Where's Bachchi?
Have you thoughtabout it?.
l wantto betied to you.
Will you perform therituals?
Yes. Of course shewill.
Where's Rahul Mishra's gun?
Where's thegun?
lt's somewherearound.
Where's his gun?
Where's his gun?
Where's Bachchi?
Tobacco useleads to cancer..
..heart attacks, lung disorders..
..and other deadly diseases.
Thecharacters shown
in this film or programme.. not supporttheuseof
anytype oftobacco products..
..such as Bidis, Cigarettes,
Khaini,Zarda, et cetera..
..ortheir promotion in any manner.
Tobacco useleads to cancer,
heart attacks..
..lung disorders
and other deadly diseases.
Thecharacters shown in this film
or programme do not support..
..the use of any type
oftobacco products..
..such as Bidis, Cigarettes,
Khaini,Zarda, et cetera
..ortheir promotion in any manner.
A human being's sponge-like
lungs are madeto soak up air.
But somepeopleusetheir lungs.. soak up the smoke
of Bidis and Cigarettes.
lf you squeeze the lungs
of aperson who smokes.. will findthis much of
cancer-producingtar in his lungs.
This much taris enough
to make you sick.. very sick.
l see50 new patients every day.
About 1,000 in amonth.
80% to 90% oral cancer.. caused by chewingtobacco.
This is thestory of Mukesh.
Myname is Mukesh,
l chewed Guthka for 20 years.
Now l havecontracted cancer
and l am being operated upon.
Probably l won'tbe able
to speak after that.
Unfortunately Mukesh
did not survive.
And hewas only 24 years old.
Khaini, chewing leaves, Gutkha,
pan masala are all lifethreatening.
Lord Shiva..
Lord Shiva..
Lord Shivais leading
his wedding procession
The Lord walks along
with his companions
Keeoing him company
areghosts and daemons...
Lord Shivais leading
his wedding procession
The Lord walks along
with his companions
Keeoing him company
areghosts and daemons...
Lord Shivais leading
his wedding procession
Har Har Mahadev
Har Har Mahadev
Har Har Mahadev
Lord Shivais leading
his wedding procession.
Your romancewith
Rosa has become famous.
Teeta Singh was looking for you.
l just married Kashyap's daughter.
When the bride's parents see
theprocession they'realarmed
Elephants arerunning amuck
and witches flying around.
Mishra's son is nowhere.
Nandi is in high spirits
- Move. Move.
and Shiva ecstatic
Lord Shiva..
You seem to bein a
hurryto fleethefield!
How can wenot be in ahurry,
Teeta Singh?
Your peoplespreadfilth
through thefield everymorning.
A rabbit should never
take on thelion.
Didn't your fatherteach you that?
Why don't you teach me?
l don'twant afight.
l see.
So why did you sneak into myhouse?
To makea peace offering?
You'venever been ableto hurt him.
And now it's too late...
- Murari.
Listen. lt was mymistake.
And l...
...apologise forthat
in front of all present.
Are you drunk?
l didn't haveanywrong intention?
Nor do l now?
Have you lost your mind, Rahul.
Think about your
father's reoutation.
What's wrong, Teeta Singh?
Are you scared now?
A minute back you
were makingtall claims.
...l warned you before.
This is the lasttime.
Murari, letgo.
a cat has ninelives.
Giveup onehere.
Andwe'll taketherest gradually.
We'll taketherest gradually.
Murari! Murari! Murari!
Where are you hurt?
Where are you hurt?
Are you okay?
- Yes Brother.
lt's a small hole.
You know what that means?
Don't worry.
lt's a small wound.
All you need is aband-aid.
No, whatl need is a shroud.
Call a doctor.
- lt's no good now.
l spent my entirelife
being a friend to you.
l wanted to makethings right.
Damn the Mishras and Kashyaps.
Take me away from here.
He's dead, for nothing.
Wewon'tspare Teeta.
We're so unlucky.
lfwehad used our brains,
hewould bedead now.
Get out ofthecar!
Likeatrue friend he
stood by you in this world.
Now you can support
him in theother one.
l haveto admire your audacity.
You kill Murari and actually
find the nerveto comeback.
l can'tsayl'm happy
about Murari's death.
But if you survive,
his death will go waste.
l heard you were brave.
But you turned out to bea coward.
l wouldn't havelet Murari's
murder go unavenged.
But there is something
that stops me.
lf you had contained your
lust with that foreigner...
...l might even have
spared your life.
l will live.
My life's moreprecious
forsomeone else.
Your dream...
...will never cometrue.
l won't let it.
Bachchi and l got married.
lfwhat you say is true,
then Bachchi too will die.
Get out ofhere!
l'll handle the situation here!
Throw thegun in the river!
'God is theonly truth'
'God is theonly truth'
'God is theonly truth'
'God is theonly truth'
'God is theonly truth'
'God is theonly truth'
'God is theonly truth'
'God is theonly truth'
'God is theonly truth'
'God is theonly truth'
l can'trun awaylikethis.
lt's not about running away.
Rightnow, it's best you
stay away from thecity.
You'rein danger from
both Kashyap andthepolice.
Theyhave forgotten
what l'm capable of.
But l haven't.
lfl haveto leave
l'll take Bachchi along.
Don't be a fool.
Otherwise, you'll lose
both Bachchi and yourlife..
You'll never understand, Baba!
You spent halfyour
lifein the Himalayas.
spending the rest meditating.
You have not fired indiscriminately
at people on your father's orders...
...onlyto realizethat
you areworth no more...
...than the bodies lying around.
You havenever loved agirl so much...
...that you forsake everything
forthis onebond...
...and realisethat
you're losing that too.
l used to bejust like you.
Anyway,whether l
understand you or not...
...l'm pleasedto know that you do.
But, Rahul.
You'veto leave before
dawn tomorrow.
Your father has arranged
for a safe-house.
l don't need his help.
We were just talking about Bachchi.
How's Bachchi,Amma?
What do you expect?
She misses her uncle
and Rahul alike.
Have you told anyone
about this marriage?
Then Bachchi's safe here.
Come back oncethe
situation calms down.
l made...
...a big mistake.
You saved mylife.
You did everything you could.
l didn't wantto hurt you.
You even married me for my sake.
Whether anyone believes it or not,
l'll always believein it.
Don't think yourself
to be alone in this.
The police are acting
like Kashyap's cronies.
They are after Rahul's life.
Hewanted to avenge
his friend's death...
l'm upset about Murari too.
But Mishra's son startedthis mess.
l want to give Rahul a chance.
This isn't justice.
Listen to me.
Aterriblething has happened here.
Members of our families have
died because of Mishra's son.
He should be given death too.
Do you really think
this kid could kill Teetas?
ltwas all a pre-planned
and pre-meditated murder.
lf you can't do justice,
leave it to us and see
how we women can handle things.
Murari lost his life
in your personal feud.
Rahul will leave.
- Yes.
And if...
...anyone tries to
interfere with thelaw...
...theywill rotin jail.
From thecorners of your eyes
You had sent a silent message
Say itto me again.
When l hadtouched you bymistake
What was it that l felt
Let metell you again.
'lf you had contained your
lust with that foreigner...'
'...l might even
havespared your life.'
l shall nottouch you,
till l set things right.
lntentionally or unintentionally
l madea mistake...
...and l shall atone for it.
For you.
l'vegiven up everything.
...whispers your name
to me again and again...
...whispers your name
to me again and again...
Takemewith you.
l'll be back for you.
But we'll haveto plan it carefully.
l don'twant to get you in trouble.
Remember you had said...
...that you will keep metied down.
When l comeback,
l'll give you all the love you want.
And l'll go only so far... you can seeme.
So, you can... me back whenever you want.
lt's dawn. Everyone's awake.
Lord Bholenath.
We'll know the wrong from
right onlyin the next world.
Come with me.
Promisewe'll meet again.
God Promise.
Sometimes it's silken
and sometimes rough
Onemoment it flows,
thenext it stays still
Loving you is like
holding a fistful of sand...
l had started thinking
my son was alost cause.
But with a singleblow you
havenearly destroyed theenemy.
Well done.
No onewill know where you are.
Exceot for me.
For amonth ortwo,
you'll stay cut-off from theworld.
lf you need anything,
just let me know.
There are fivebullets
still leftin this gun.
Which means Murari
didn't shoot Teetas.
Someoneelse did.
- Are you crazy?.
Keep it inside.
You might need it.
What's wrong?
Are you still mourning for Teetas?
Do you want cry your heart out?
He's not coming back.
lt's natural to mourn
for onewho's gone.
l'll feel somepeace,
oncethekiller is dead.
He's beyond myreach.
l would'vedealtwith him.
Rahul Mishra will be hacked
to death and fed to thedogs.
Will that make you happy?
l will behappy onlywhen
l see him with my own eyes.
He shouldn'thave been sent away.
We'll find him alright.
For now, l've good news for you.
Your father has fixed your marriage.
With Pritam.
What's the hurry?
ls this atime to discuss marriage!
And even Rahul Mishra
would be moreacceptable...
...than that Pritam.
l do understand.
l havebegun to enjoy everywound
Whatis theuse for salves then
When pain is what l prefer.
l'm sure... you must'veused it.
lt's too noisy.
Myheart is unable
to figureoutthis riddle
Read my palm andtell
me ifwe'll ever meet.
l havefigured out our fate
Pain alone is our mate
l don't mind the grief anymore.
Loveis likethedye
That covers thedyer
ln its own colour.
your nameto meagain and again...
Madam wants to see you...
No one's fit to do anything.
Only you can avengethis death.
Teetas had accepted
you as theson-in-law.
Not that Mishra's son.
Things have gonetoo far.
Rahul cannot beallowed
to liveafter whathappened.
Bachchi Kashyap.
l'vebeen speaking
to you for an hour.
What factors led to... independentSecular
Republic oflndia?
- ln simpleworlds.
Which incidents laid
the foundation...
...of an independent
Secular Republic oflndia
Tell him.
Tell him.
How did lndiaget independence?
Say something.
You say it.
Gandhiji's stick.
Hewalked really fast.
Trying to catch up with him,
the British ended up
walking out ofthe country.
Gandhiji's stick.
Hewalked really fast.
Trying to catch up with him,
the British ended up
walking out ofthe country.
l see. Then?
TheQueen ofJhansi played
Shewas an expert swordswoman.
One wave ofher sword brought...
Onewave ofher sword...
...brought down a dozen enemies.
...down halfa dozen enemies.
ln which year did the queen
ofJhansi die, Ms. Kashyap?
ln thesame yearwhen the
gallant Maharana Pratap was born.
Whenever he felt extremely sad...
...for not being ableto participate
in the freedom struggle.
Tansen would sing
theraga 'Todi' for him.
Tansen sung the
'Todi Raag' for him...
...which later became the national
anthem of our secular reoublic.
Aren't you forgetting Kishore Kumar?
Of course, sir.
- You tell him.
Weshouldn't forget Bhagat Singh.
Heslapped the daylights
out ofthe British and shouted..
''British go back! British go back!''
No! Rahul is hiding in Chakia.
Givemea pen. l'll draw you a map.
Been telling you...
This is Rahul.
Rahul Mishra.
l wanted to apologise.
Butwhatever happened
is apart of abig conspiracy.
Both the families are in danger.
Onlyl can foil this conspiracy.
What do you want from me?
l want Bachchi's safety.
l loveher.
l'll see what l can do for you.
lt may Look likea child's play,
but love's a dangerous game.
You are lucky.
There's amessage for 'Madrasi'.
Let him go.
What do you want from me?
Rahul Mishra.
Can you do it?
Havethepolicebecome powerless?
You'realive because
we let you live.
We can erase your very
existenceanytime wewant.
Times areshifting.
You'll get his remains.
But in return,
wegetto keeo all thesand.
l'm goingto swallow you alive.
Lal Salaam!
Get your guns.
lt's an attack.
Take position.
Bring all the ammunitions.
Let's get out ofhere.
l'll make you pay for it.
Let's go.
Do something.
l'vegot to meet Rahul.
Say something new.
Any news from 'Madrasi'?
The operation's being carried out.
Wewere on ourwayto
Goddess Vindya Vasini's temple.
Awarhas erupted outsidethecity.
l cannot let anyone out.
Turn thecar around.
Well, its been a longtime.
l'll get to meet Mr. Kashyap.
lsn't she feeling well?
lt's thechange in weather, son.
Arethesetwo crazy?.
This is no timeto wander out.
Thank God for you..
Father's asked thepriest
foran auspicious wedding date.
Hewas sayingthe 10th.
What's today?.
Were you planningto arrive
with theprocession at dawn?
How about another day?.
l'vebeen orderedto go on training.
ln threedayw.
l think it'd be better ifl take...
...mywife along.
That's too soon.
Wedon'twant agrand wedding.
l just want Bachchi.
You should speak to Bachchi.
Listen to what shehas
to say on this.
My daughterwill never
go againstmy decision.
What's thepoint
in ruiningtwo lives?
Pack off yourwisdom
And get readyto marry Pritam.
Father, l can't...
Don't say a word. Not a word.
l always regretted that...
...l was blessed
with just one child.
l wish shehad died
alongwith the others.
What... can you speak likethat?.
...will you teach menow?
That timehasn't come
yet when servants will...
...start dictating over masters.
Just make the preoarations.
How do l stop this wedding?
How do l explain to them
that l'm already married?
Pritam's aniceboy.
Why wait forsomeone
who maynot ever come?
Do you reallymean that?
Yes, l do.
Or mayl bestruck bylightning.
You will.
You'regiving megreat advice!
Even you've deserted metoday.
Comeout, rascals.
You think you'reheroes
or something.
Come out!
We'vebrought sand
to bury all ofyou.
To defeatbourgeois thinking...
...we'll have to fry
the bourgeois brains.
Their end is near.
We'll dragthese rascals
out oftheirholes and gut them.
Lal Salaam!
Lal Salaam!
Lal Salaam!
Pritam. All the planets and stars...
...areagainst this marriage.
These stars and planets
can't stop a police officer.
Tryto talk to Bachchi.
Times arebad.
She's always upset.
Onceshe's married,
she'll feel better.
Who will feel better?
Baba, l have unearthed some
interesting gems...
...from your past.
Theyre old, but...
...l can still book
you under section 302.
l'vealready paid
all the debts ofmy past.
l'll expose you.
'Alakh Niranjan!'
lt's the Baba's grace.
How's my bride?
l am not your bride.
You will be. Tomorrow.
But can l say something?
You shouldn't cry so much?
lt makes your face look lifeless.
My face is lifeless.
You can'tsaythat.
l can say anything
l want aboutmy face.
No, now it's mine.
Shall l come later?
l have to help with her
ritual prayers.
Of course.
We'll see you at thewedding.
Of course.
l won't interfere with your prayers.
See you at the wedding.
Do something, Baba!
l'll drink Zyclon B.
What's that?
lt's an organo-phosphatecompound.
Kills insects.
lfl drink it,
it will kill meas well?
Givemetime to think.
'Alakh Niranjan!'
There's onesolution.
You have to drink something.
Not poison.
lf you can musterthe courage,
l can show you theway.
l will do anything, Baba.
Go homeand say yes to the marriage.
Drink this before goingto sleep.
Soon, you'll fall in deeo sleeo.
Your bodywill get cold,
breathingwill get slower.
Your heartbeats will go so low,
nearly undetectable.
Of course your family won't
get you married in thatstate.
Theyll send forthe doctor.
And in the chaos theywill
postpone the wedding.
Theeffect ofthis potion
will stay for 20-22 hours.
When you getup, you'll feel like...'ve justwoken up from sleep.
Rahul will beherebythen.
l'll send Balakram to gethim.
He'll take you away.
- Yes.
What ifl really die?
This is how l go into
deep meditation.
Havel ever died?
Sir, food.
Thelines ofmy fate...
Thelines ofmy fatepull mealong
l don'tknow where
they are taking me.
l don'tknow where
they are taking me.
Where's mywedding dress?
Thelines ofmy fatepull mealong
l don'tknow where
they are taking me.
l don'tknow where
they are taking me.
Why are you sending meaway, father?
Why have you turned
your daughter into abride?
l can'tbear it, yet can do nothing.
Which way are you taking me
coachman,whereis my destination?
Where is my destination?
He'll shine likethesun,
he'll wear a crown
The groom will walk to
his wedding like aking.
He'll not care
for his brother-in-law
And he'll ignore all his uncles.
lnstead he'll bring his sisters,
dancing, to thewedding.
Thegroom's companions
look so crooked and funny
Thebrideis dying of embarrassment!
Tripurari Saran speaking, sir.
There's been an attack
on Mishra's car.
What aretheorders?
Don't touch Madrasi till
he finishes off Rahul Mishra.
Ravan's aboutto burn.
Listen to me, my precious daughter
Myheart'll never
agreeto send you away.
Only agirl's father can ever know
The pain of a vacant house
after his daughter is gone.
Themother's tears
flow as the coachmen leave
Andthebride falls apart, crying...
Thelines ofmy fatepull mealong
l don'tknow where
they are taking me.
l don'tknow where
they are taking me.
Oh, God! She's still sleeoing.
Are you going to makeup
forthe entireweek?
Get up, dear.
She slept in herwedding dress?
l've to go now.
- This isn't therighttime.
And Madrasi's looking
all over for you.
Leave me alone.
Baba's sent a message.
Ram... Ram... Ram...
lts dangerous.
l haveto go.
Hey Ram!
l wantno colour otherthan yours
l wantno colour otherthan yours
Although myheart ticks,
it is resolvedto bequiet.
Glory to Shiva!
Her pulse is slow,
butit's still beating.
She's alive!
lts organo-phosphate...
l can still save her.
lt's amiracle.
Let's take her now.
Hurryup, Baba.
Come, let's go.
Let's go.
Get in.
Let's go.
Did you hear?
Bachchi's been taken to Baba.
Don'tworry, mom.
Everything will befine.
Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen... this world-famous
event of'Ramleela'.
Justlike Ram and Bharat met...
...wepraythat you find your love.
But one only gets betrayal in love.
Theheart's shattered.
Life feels awful.
So buy'Muktivati' for just Rs. 5.
lnstant relief.
Moreeffective than cyanide.
lt'll putan endto yourworries.
l'm back in thecity.
Where are you?
There's no sign of Rahul yet.
Go home. Hemight get there.
God's will be done!
Why are you roaming in public?
Where's Bachchi?
Kashyap's daughter.
l heard she's dead.
Did you do something...
...with her too?
Hello brother!
Bye for now.
Rahul's on mymark.
Do you remember yourpromise?
l'm waiting.
What are you doing here?
Where's Bachchi?
Did you kill...
Shedied for you?
l can'tbelieveit.
Where's Bachchi?
You crazylover...
lfthat's theconsequenceoflove,
then so beit.
l am here.
Why didn't you wait forme,
Go on.
l gaveup this chance
many times before.
Butl'm putting an end
to your bloodbath now.
Lal Salaam!
Bachchi, l know...'restill waiting for me.
l won'tbreak... promise.
Loving you is likeholding
afistful of sand...
Loving you is likeholding
afistful of sand...
l stand on this side oftheriver,
while you on the other
l havea feeling l'll drown
this time
Wherearewe going?
Far away from all this.
Wecannot control thecircumstances
There are secrets hidden
in thestars
l'm surethere's
apurposeto our love.
Loving you is likeholding
afistful of sand...
l stand on this side oftheriver,
while you on theother
l have a feeling
l'll drown this time
l haveno idea where your love
is leading me.
Every part ofmeburns,
Every cell ofmybeing is scorched
Thestream ofblood pierces me
This war's gone on
ever sincel was born.
lt's as if a soul
has risen within menow
lt's as ifl have
rebelled against myself.
This bird wants to fly,
even as peopleare
readyto shoot it down.
lts ariver offire
and one has to wade through...
lts ariver offire
and one has to wade through...
Whyis therea jingle in
Your beautiful guise,
and whyis thereanectar
in Yourtalks?
Are You an illusion
or a feeling ofmine?
You aretheintoxicating
You arein the deep
and surrounded by many
Still, whatever happens,
l want to achieve(attain) You
This is an ocean on fire
andto cross it, onehas to drown
This is an ocean on fire and
to cross it, one has to drown