It Ends with Us (2024) Movie Script


(birds chirping)
(engine shuts off)
(keys jingle)
Hey. Come here.
I got you.
I'm so sorry.
Hey, you're
gonna be okay.
I'm so sorry you couldn't
be here, honey.
I don't know
what we're gonna do.
What are we gonna do?
Oh, God,
we have to pick flowers.
-We do, yeah.
-I can't believe
we're picking flowers
for your father's funeral.
I know. I know.
I don't know why you moved.
I don't understand it.
I mean, if I had that job
that you had--
Oh, boy, I would've killed
for that job.
I appreciate your support
and enthusiasm, Mom.
I really do. I love you.
I'm gonna go set my stuff down.
-JENNY: Okay.
-It's lilies.
-The flowers for a funeral.
-Oh, lilies.
I'm so--
I'm so glad you're home.
Me, too.

(music box playing
gentle music)
He really loved you.
Your father.
I know. I, um--
Yeah, I know. (sighs)
How's the eulogy coming, hon?
Mm, it is, um,
one of the most beautiful
things I've never written.
Just say five things
you loved about your father.
Mama, it's, uh--
it's not a grocery list.
Just fi-- five things.
From the heart.
You're gonna be great.
It's gonna be great.
SHERIFF (voice-over): We're
here to honor the prestigious,
generous Andrew Bloom.
Deeply beloved mayor
of this fair town.
Husband of the highly adored
Jenny Bloom.
And father to the wonderful
and sweet Lily.
Lily, come on up
to the stage, darling.
Uh, hello.
Thank you all for joining us.
Uh, in honor of
my father's life, I would, um,
like to share with you the--
the five things
that I love most about him.
(inhales shakily)
He, um... (chuckles)
(people murmuring quietly)
I'm sorry.
by Ethel Cain playing)
In your basement,
I grow cold
Thinking back to
what I was always told
"Don't talk to strangers
or you might fall in love"
Freezer bride,
your sweet divine
You devour
like smoked bovine hide
How funny,
I never considered myself
You're so handsome
Walking over to me now...
(door slams open)
-(breathing heavily)
-And I'll see you when you
Get here.
-(breathing heavily)
-(distant siren wailing)
(lighter flicks)
(exhales, sighs)
It's a strong chair.
Is it?
I'm s-- I'm sorry.
It's-it's been a day. (sighs)
Will you please
get down from there?
Um, I'm good. Thanks.
You're just making me nervous
sitting so close to the edge.
Cherry on top?
I'm okay.
You gotta be...
I once read that
maraschino cherries
stay in your stomach
for like seven years.
Or cause cancer.
I forget which.
I didn't know that
about maraschino cherries.
Yeah, I may have
made that up, but...
they are pretty gross.
Yeah, they're
definitely gross.
So, what happened?
What was that over--
I didn't mean to, but...
Was it a woman?
-Or man? I...
-(chuckles softly)
It was a chair, wasn't it?
-So, what floor you live on?
-(stubs out cigarette)
You first.
Top floor, right next to
my sister and her husband.
What do you do for a living?
Is that funny?
-Jesus. You're serious.
-(laughing): Oh, really?
Oh, my God. Wait.
I'm so sorry.
No, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You have spent way too--
(laughing) I'm sorry.
You've spent
way too much time in school
to have me laughing like this.
I'm terrible.
I'm sorry. I-I thought
you were a crypto bro.
You thought I was
a cr-- a crypto bro?
N-No, no, no.
Yeah, no, well, I don't know,
or like
a really expensive prostitute.
-Well, I am expensive.
-Um-- (chuckles)
You can forget about
kissing on the mouth.
Why haven't I seen you before?
Well, mostly because I've
never required brain surgery.
But also 'cause
I don't live here, so...
So, you just
broke into my building?
You have a really nice view.
I do.
What's your name?
-Ryle what?
You just made that up
just now.
Why would I make up
my last name?
I-- Well, I mean, fine.
-What's your last name?
It's fine. We don't need to--
We don't need to do this.
I'm just asking your last name.
No, it was really nice
meeting you.
-You asked...
-Thank you. Just be careful.
Okay. It would be courteous
to give me back
-your last name.
-Oh. (stammers)
-I'm not gonna stalk you.
No, it's just really--
It's sort of embarrassing.
What is it?
-Your name is Lily Bloom?
It, um-- it actually
gets worse. Yeah.
-No way. Not possible.
-Yeah, no. It d--
-It does.
-Than Lily Bloom?
I don't really want
to talk about it,
'cause it's really kind of
I'm obsessed with flowers. I--
Yeah. And I'm about
to open my first
-flower shop.
-Flower shop?
Yeah, it's a lifelong dream,
It's not-- Stop.
I told you.
No, Lily Bloom the florist.
(chuckles) No, it doesn't
sound made-up at all.
Hey, you could always
use your middle name
if it doesn't work out.
-No, Violet.
-Trust me.
-No, stop.
-Of the valley.
-Wor-- (laughing)
your parents hate you.
Well, I mean,
we may never know for sure,
'cause my dad died on Monday,
so, um...
Yeah, that's actually
why I came up here,
to, uh, have a good cry
and hopefully meet
a wealthy neurosurgeon.
So... (chuckles)
I'm sorry.
I could've made it back, um,
you know, to see him
before he died, but I...
I didn't.
Well, you know, naked truths
aren't always pretty.
(chuckles softly)
I watched a little boy
die tonight.
He was only six years old.
His brother found a gun
in his parents' bedroom,
and it went off by accident.
Tried everything.
No one should have to...
I can't imagine
what that's gonna do
to that little boy who lived.
Destroy him for life.
That's what it'll do.
All right,
give me another one.
Naked truth. I like that.
Go on.
Okay. I...
I don't know, uh...
(sighs heavily)
The first guy
I had sex with was homeless.
-Stop it.
-Yeah, no, really.
In high school, yeah.
-Tell me more.
-(stammers) I actually think
we're supposed to say
"temporarily un-homed,"
or-or, um, or "displaced."
I shouldn't have...
Now you're just
avoiding the question., said--
I'm not.
There's nothing to tell.
Tell me--
I want the good stuff.
I-- Okay, I was friends
with this boy named Atlas.
And he was kind
and incredibly capable and,
you know,
he just got a shit hand.
You're making me jealous
of a homeless man.
Oh, my.
Okay, that's enough.
Your turn.
Oh, no,
I think I'm done.
Can't top that. That was
both sexy and disturbing.
Okay, just shock me.
Say-- I mean,
you can say anything.
I want to have
sex with you.
What? What?
-Well, you said to shock you.
-I mean...
Uh, how many--
(chuckles) I'm sorry.
How many women
has this worked on?
I'm not
a relationship person.
-Yeah, I gathered that.
-Never been good at them.
Well, um, but how do you know
if you've never tried
having a relationship or carbs?
How do you--
How do you know
it doesn't work for you?
Carbs? I never said
I didn't eat carbs.
Come on, you don't look like
a reckless snacker.
-Well, thank you.
Love isn't for me.
Lust is nice, though.
I feel like
you're missing out.
Am I?
You haven't answered
my question.
I forgot what
the question was.
How many women
has this worked on?
All of them.
Well, I... (sighs)
I can't-- I'm...
I'm gonna have to break
your record.
I'm the kind of girl
you take home to mama.
How far would you go?
I'm not sure.
I'm an unreliable narrator.
You could try me.
("Hymn" by Rhye playing)
I'm in a wicked state
So come on fade
So come on
I'm all alone
Just call my name
Come on, love
Just call my name...
Too far?
I'm warm
I'm not a restless heart
I feel a part of you...
Depends what happens next.
I'm in a wicked state
-(phone ringing)
-Ah, shit.
So come on fade...
Yeah. (sighs)
No, I'm not supposed to--
Okay, prep the O.R.
Tell Tom he's cutting.
I'm gonna supervise.
All right,
I'll be there in ten.
-Holy shit.
-I know. I'm sorry.
No, I mean, holy shit.
I-I-I just now realized
you're actually... (chuckles)
a neurosurgeon.
I tried to warn you.
No, congratulations.
That's-that's amazing.
-(inhales deeply)
I-- This is--
You know, I--
(sighs) I'll see you around.
Will you?
It was nice meeting you,
Lily Blossom Bloom.
It was nice meeting you,
Ryle Siegfried Kincaid.
I like that.
(door opens)
(door closes)

(birds chirping)
(alarms ringing)
Oh, shit.
-(alarms stop)

(music box playing
gentle music)

-(bus door opens)
-(indistinct chatter)
(bus door closes)
Thank you.
("Girl in Calico" by Tow'rs

It's on your lips
Held like a fist
A concussive wish
to know you
You still laugh
To talk of the past
Now contrast,
we're strangers
I still recall
the day that we met
You were wearing
your calico dress
And out of all the things
that I regret
Honey, you are not
one of them
(bus brakes squeal)
Thank you.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
(indistinct chatter, laughter)
We are mirrors
The color clear...
So, why are you at that house?
My mom kicked me out.
'Cause... (inhales)
she likes dating guys
that beat the shit out of her.
What happened to your hand?
KATIE: God, I can
smell him from here.
(girls giggling)
It got in the way.
Look, um, my parents
don't get home from work
till around 5:00, so if you...
want a shower or...
I don't know, wash clothes or--
I don't mind.
Your enthusiasm's contagious.
(chuckles softly)

(television playing quietly)
Did you feel the earthquake
-this, uh, this weekend?
You did?
-ELLEN: Wow, a lot of...
Thanks for the clothes.
Yeah, of course.
My dad won't even know
they're gone.
He doesn't usually
wear jeans much, so...
Um, my parents aren't gonna
be home for an hour or so,
if you want to watch TV
or something.
ELLEN (on TV): You know, it's--
it was a 7.2 earthquake,
and it was located in Mexicali,
which is just south
of the U.S. border.
Uh, and when something
like that happens,
everyone thinks the same thing,
"Oh, my God.
-My Precious Moments."
-(audience laughter)

YOUNG LILY: So, uh, what do you
want to do after you graduate?
I'm, um...
signed up to go
to basic training in May.
Basic training? What is...
In the Marines.
(Atlas sighs)
(laughs softly)
I'm sorry.
I'm... I'm sorry.
It's just the-- the clothes,
my dad's clothes,
they make you kind of look like
Ned Flanders a little.
(Young Lily chuckles)
Your clothes kind of make you
look like a carrot.
-(laughing): Oh, my God.

LILY (voice-over):
JENNY (over phone):
If it doesn't work out...
Mom, you do know
a challenge only excites me.
JENNY (over phone):
I-I-I said "if."
"A flower sales statistic
-that shocks many new floral..."
Mom, what makes you think
it's not gonna work out?
-"...a whopping 45% of all..."
Mom, are you reading this
from Google?
Of course I am.
How would I know that?
I'm worried about you.
Google is worried about you.
Well, you're both too late.
I'm picking up the keys now.
Okay. Okay.
-Okay, I love you.
-Wait. Sir! Sir!
JENNY: You can do this.
Make it bold and brave.
Okay, Mom.
You sound crazy.
I'll talk to you later, bye.
Hi. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
-I, uh... I just moved here.
-Okay, sweetheart.
Good luck.
Thank you.

(distant siren wailing)

("Everybody Needs a Friend"
playing faintly over earbuds)
(knocking on door)
(music continues over earbuds)
-Hi. Sorry.
-Oh! I'm so sorry.
-No. Sorry. I can't...
-(music stops)
-(clears throat) I can't...
-Oh, wait.
I can't hear you. Hi.
-(chuckles): I'm so sorry.
-Hi. Can I help you?
-Can I help you?
-Excuse me?
The "help wanted" sign
out front?
You have
a "help wanted" sign out front.
Oh, God. I'm so sorry.
Yeah, I didn't,
I didn't put that out there.
-I just-- Yeah.
-I figured.
-I just got this place.
-It's pretty old.
And I walk by this place
every day,
and I'm just obsessed with it.
I've always wanted
to see inside,
and I was wondering, like,
"Who's gonna come along?"
-It's you, yeah?
-No, it's me. Yeah, hi.
-Are you the owner?
-Yeah. I'm, uh, I'm Lily.
-Nice to meet you.
Sorry, ooh, disgusting.
Hi. Nice to meet you.
yeah, are you looking
for any help?
Well, I'm not hiring just yet.
I just, um, I just got the keys
a few days ago,
-and I'm still sort of...
-Yeah. know, figuring out
what I'm doing.
-(chuckles) So...
-Um, may I just ask:
What is this place
going to be?
A flower shop.
I'm so sorry, um...
I have an issue with--
My face says it all.
I just hate flowers.
You hate flowers?
-I do.
-Oh. Okay.
Like, why don't you just
give me something that's living
rather than something
that's on its way to dying?
And then it's gonna create
more work for me
and I'm gonna have
to deal with that.
But again,
it's a solo perspective.
It's-- I find
flower shops depressing.
It's just me.
I do wish you luck.
-I'm so sorry.
-I agree.
I find them depressing.
Uh, because I feel like...
I don't know, it's like the
beauty of what a flower is--
This is ridiculous.
The beauty of what a flower is
has been lost. Right?
It's-it's, um...
It's like we order them like
takeout now. It's-it's...
You know? So it's what
you're talking about.
It's highlighting the pain
and the, the tension
and the... (exhales)
You know.
The fact that it's fleeting,
and it's storytelling and...
I don't know.
That's actually what I find
beautiful about it and--
I don't know, that's what
I'm trying to do here, so...
Uh, that's
absolutely beautiful. I'm...
-If that's what you're doing...
Yeah. Sign me up. Wonderful.
-Oh, thanks. Thanks.
Well, um...
Yeah, I really do
wish you the best, and...
-Thank you.
I'll just be lurking
-around in the neighborhood.
Well, hopefully
I made my first customer.
-Yeah. Yeah, great.
-Oh. It's so gorgeous.
-Hope to see you, um...
-Yeah. Bye.
-(chuckles) Okay.
Hey, I...
I don't know, this...
I do need help.
-Do you want a job?
-This is exactly
what I wanted to happen to me
when I walked in here.
Oh, God. Okay.
-(laughs) Wonderful.
-Great. Um, I have to be out
by 5:00 p.m. tonight.
I do have a dinner.
I just started working here.
-(chuckling): Okay, perfect.
Okay. -Great! Um...
I'm gonna just need to wipe off
-a surface for this girl.
-Here. Here, here.
There you go. Right?
-That's, um...
-Thank you so much.
It's a real "Ghostbusters"
situation in here, huh?
("Money (That's What I Want)"
by Barrett Strong playing)
Frame it.
Did you see that?
Oh, my God,
it's still attached.
-Got it.
-God, I can't watch. (screams)
-(Lily chuckles)
-Yeah. Yeah!
The best things
in life are free
But you can give them
to the birds and bees
I need money
That's what I want
-That's what I want
What I want
-That's what I want
What I want
-That's what I want
-That's what I want...
You're like Dr. Frankenstein
-but with flowers.
-Oh. Whoo!
-Okay. No, no.
We got it, we got it.
We got it.
-I-I don't have it.
-(Lily laughs)
-(ringtone playing)
-Hold on. Oh, hold on.
-My husband's calling.
-Okay. Here we go.
-Can I ask him to help us?
-Or is that weak?
-No, please. Genius.
-You got it? No?
-Nope. Not at all.
MARSHALL (on speaker): Babe.
Babe, the game's over.
-Where you at?
-Hi, honey.
-Where are you?
-Sweetheart, I'm at the shop
with my boss,
and we need some help
hanging something up.
I don't like
when you say "boss."
-You should be the boss.
MARSHALL: Let's just buy the
place and make you the boss.
Honey, you're on speaker.
-Oh. Hi.
-Yeah. Um...
-Just-- just, uh...
I want you to know
that they're gonna be
wearing onesies...
-Oh, I can see you.
-...because the bar gives
free beer to the people
who wear onesies
-to the Bruins game.
-LILY: Okay.
-I'm across the street. Hey.
-But they don't
always wear that.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Yeah. Oh, my God, babe,
you are stunning.
ALLYSA: Can you bring
my brother in, too?
I can't take responsibility
for either of the people
who are about to come in here,
-just so you know.
(entry bell jingles)
-Mwah. You look great.
-This is Lily.
-Hi. Lily. Hi.
-MARSHALL: Oh, hey.
-Nice to meet you.
-You guys are friends.
This is, uh,
my husband Marshall.
That's my brother Ryle.
(entry bell jingles)
-RYLE: Hi.
-Lily Bloom.
-Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes.
You guys know each other?
-RYLE: A little bit.
-No, we...
-We met a few months ago.
We shared each other's
naked truths.
-Ew. Oh, that's...
-LILY: Oh.
-Uh, no, that's... That was...
-ALLYSA: Okay. Got it.
-That was a bad choice of words.
-MARSHALL: We're adults.
-That's what that was.
-You said "naked truths" first.
No. I mean, it was just,
-we just talked.
-You're lying.
Oh, that's what we're
calling it these days,
"we talked"?
'Cause we talk. All the time.
-Great. Wonderful.
-We talk, like, we talk,
like, three to five times
a week.
ALLYSA: Can I show you
the work that I've done here?
-Oh, sh-- we should talk?
-LILY: No, no, no, you guys--
-We could hang this.
-We could talk tonight.
-No, let me take you over here.
-You guys don't need-- Okay.
ALLYSA: If you could try
to take me seriously. Okay.
(Lily clears throat)
We meet again.
It's good to see you.
So, this is the flower shop
that my sister works at
'cause she's bored, huh?
Oh, we like to say
"inspired" here, um,
but yeah, this is, um...
You know, I, uh... Yeah.
Looks like we will be seeing
a little more
of each other, then.
Is that so?
(Allysa and Marshall
conversing quietly)
Ah, you're even more terrifying
in the daytime.
-MARSHALL: Okay, guys?
Let's go have
some dumb fun today.
("Praise You" by Fatboy Slim
-(song continues over speakers)
-(indistinct chatter)
(scattered clapping)
(Ryle singing along):
We've come a long
Long way together...
I've gone up to the roof
a few times.
Hoping you might
be up there.
Hard times and the good
I want to see you again.
I have to celebrate you,
I have to praise you...
Well, now you see me.
You know what I mean.
Okay, let's go, let's go.
That's a bad idea, right?
Because of my sister,
because of your business...
Go, Lily!
Yeah, that's a bad idea.
-RYLE: Yep, it's yours.
This is you right here, babe.
No, hey.
She's off-limits. No.
-She's mine. I see you.
-It's true.
So we'll just be friends, then?
-LILY: Yeah.
-MARSHALL: I like it.
(laughs) Hey.
Yeah, friends.
(laughter, lively chatter)
-To friendship.
It's the weekend somewhere.
Let's go, let's go.
Oh, no, it--
Please don't leave, sir.
-Our Uber's about to leave.
-LILY: I love you.
-I'm gonna head home.
-No, no, no, no, no.
It's brunch in Singapore.
Come on.
-I have to sleep.
-RYLE: Let me walk you home.
No, it's fine. I--
I live right around the corner.
-I'm fine.
-It's on the way.
You live where we live.
-LILY: Okay, fine, but only
'cause you'd feel really bad
if I got murdered.
Okay, don't fish
where I swim, Ryle.
I love you.
See you tomorrow, Lil.
(song ends)
I appreciate you walking me,
but you really...
I can't stop
thinking about you.
I'm right here.
Well, that's the problem.
I thought we agreed
to be friends.
We did.
-But that was, like, hours ago.
Can I just kiss you?
-Oh, my God.
-Just once.
-You are pushy.
-Just once.
That's all I need
to get you out of my system.
-Oh, that's it. That'll do it?
-One kiss.
Okay, well,
good luck with that.
Is that a yes?
Just once?
Just once.
(Lily sighs)

Did that get me
out of your system?
I'm gonna walk myself home,
Bye, friend.
("Dawn Chorus" by Thom Yorke
ATLAS (voice-over):
Is this enough over here?
YOUNG LILY (voice-over):
Yeah. Maybe add, like,
-a little right there.
YOUNG LILY: You're just
protecting the roots, you know,
from the snow or in case
it freezes over or anything.
I mean, the roots are the most
important part of the plant.
I didn't know that
about roots.
That's cool.
-Here, you want some?
Thank you.
Yeah, I'll take that.
What made you want
to start growing things?
When I take really good care
of these plants,
they reward me
with flowers and vegetables.
And when I don't,
they just shrivel up and die.
Kind of like us.
Thousand tiny birds singing
If you must, you must...
What about that oak tree?
It doesn't need
anybody to grow
because it's capable
of taking care of itself.
No matter what,
it'll keep standing.
Strong and sturdy, and...
Yeah, it survives because
it's a goddamn oak tree.
Of the dawn chorus
If you could do it
all again
(sighs heavily)
You don't know how much
Pronto pronto, moshi mosh
Come on, chop chop
-ANDREW: It's embarrassing.
-JENNY: I-I wouldn't...
-I didn't...
-You embarrassed me.
-JENNY: Honey, please.
-You like the attention.
-JENNY: Lily's asleep upstairs.
-You better be quiet.
Honey, please.
-Please don't! (choking)
-(Andrew grunts)
I heard what happened
last night.
With your dad and your mom.
I don't... Okay, yeah.
Does that happen a lot?
If you could do it
all again
without a second thought
I don't like leaving
I'm sorry.
The door shut
I think I missed something.
(song fades)
Hey, Lily.
-Do you want to do the honors?
-No, you-you go ahead.
I want to take it in from here.
I was hoping you'd say that.
Hold on.
Oh, my God.
-This is insane.
Oh, I couldn't have done it
without you.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, I don't know what
I was thinking. Thank God.
Oh, it's incredible.
It's perfect. It's you.
-It's perfect. It's great.
What if we don't get
any customers?
No, don't do that.
-Your mom's coming.
-Oh, my mom.
She's flying in
to be a customer.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, but
how depressing would that be
if the only customer we have
is my mom?
Well, Marshall's coming
this afternoon.
So that's two,
so you're good.
Okay, here we go.
This doesn't even look like
the same shop.
How's it going so far?
I mean, we literally
just opened, but...
So that means your brother's
the first official customer?
Oh, you have to buy something
to be considered a customer.
Right now
you're just loitering.
-Good morning, Lily.
-Good morning.
All right.
I'll take these.
Do you, uh, deliver?
Is that for a girl?
It is.
She might send them back,
knowing her.
Right. Um, okay.
That little card, fill out
the message on the front
and then the back,
you put the person's name
and the address.
So, are you bringing
this mystery girl
to my birthday party on Friday?
'Cause I kind of, like, need
to plan for that sort of thing.
I don't know.
Are you going, Lily?
Yeah, of course.
She has to go.
She's my best friend.
(Ryle chuckles)
All right.
-Thank you.
-(claps hands)
What do I owe you?
Oh, um, $51 even.
-RYLE: Here you go.
Thank you.
-This is a big moment.
-(machine chimes)
Sure is. Thank you so much
for your service...
uh, business.
Um, thank you. Yeah.
Hey, congrats.
Get out. Thank you.
-Good to see you.
-RYLE: Bye.
Oh, my God.
He's such a dumbass.
He put the name of our shop
as the delivery address.
Weird first customer.
("White Iverson" by Post Malone
-(distant sirens wailing)
-Swish, ooh, ay
-(lively chatter, laughter)
-Watch out, watch out
Watch out, yeah
That's my shot,
that's my shot
That's my shot, yeah
Spendin', I'm spendin'
All my fuckin' pay...
-WOMAN: I know.
-Oh, my goodness.
-LILY: Hello. Happy birthday.
Lily, you came.
You look great.
I mean,
it's something important.
-What is this thing?
-Oh, uh, this is my...
It's a long story. (laughs)
Welcome to our casa. Hmm.
You guys, this...
I mean, your house...
This is... I can't believe
this is your house.
This is our humble abode.
I just wanted to do
something low-key
-for baby girl over here.
-Oh, my God.
And to think I did not even
marry him for the money.
You're not in it for the money.
-I'm not.
-You're my ride-or-die.
-When we first met,
I was dead broke, and I was
driving a Toyota Camry.
You still drive
a Toyota Camry, though, right?
-ALLYSA: Yes, he does.
-MARSHALL: The greatest
-automobile on earth.
Can't convince me otherwise.
He thinks it makes him
It really does.
I'm a man
of the people, okay?
Happy birthday.
I'm gonna go grab a drink.
-I'll be right back.
-Okay, thank you.
Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah,
you are a man of the people.
No one's saying
that you're not.
("Dark Rain" by Drama playing)
With every little
stupid thing you say
Mm-hmm, mm
And every time
you touch me...
You didn't like
the flowers?
Stop flirting with me.
Hi. May I have
a scotch, please?
Thank you.
I can't do that.
-I thought we were friends.
-We are friends.
Excuse me.
You're on my hand.
Thank you.
No, I'm your last one,
last one
No, I'm your
last one, last one
You love me like you never
had anyone leave you...
-Come on.
-What are you doing?
You gotta, you gotta stop.
You have to stop this.
The, just the, you know,
staring at me
like that and the...
-I'm just looking at you.
You're just looking at me.
Stop showing up
at my flower shop
-and-and sending me flowers.
-My sister works there.
Stop walking through this
party, following me around.
-You're making me feel like...
-Can you just shut up
for one second?
I like you.
What, are you five?
I'm trying here.
Go on.
You love me like
you never been left
(sets glass on table)
You love me like you never
had anyone leave you
No, I'm your last one...
Do you want to go somewhere
more private?
To talk?
To talk.
(muffled music continues
in distance)
(breathing heavily)
-(Lily sighs)
-(zipper opening)
No, no. No, no, no, stop.
You want me to stop?
No. No.
(moans) But yes.
I don't want to have sex,
not tonight.
I know, I know.
But, um, I don't do casual,
and I know that's how
you do it, but, um,
I-I won't change my mind,
and I'm sorry.
I can't do this.
You okay?
What are you doing?
Getting ready for bed.
We're going to sleep.
(scoffs) Sorry, we're...
We're what?
Going to sleep.
My God.
Do you mind?
Well, do you have something
I can wear?

I don't think
you've ever done this before.
-It was sexier in my head.

You've got it.
(Lily grunts softly)
Good night, Lily Bloom.

(door opens)
-(water pours)
-(door closes)
Ryle, I'm very nice,
so I brought you coffee--
(clicks tongue) Hi.
-No. Oh, no.
-I understand. It's not...
It's not as bad
as it looks.
-It looks pretty bad.
-It's, um...
-It kind of is.
None of my business.
Uh, okay.
What-- Um, I'm gonna go.
(inhales sharply)
Let me just say one thing.
This man runs through women
like candy.
This is different.
Oh, is it? Wonderful.
Well, just in case
it obviously is not,
let me say that
if you're looking for, meh,
nothing from him,
that's a great option.
-LILY: Okay.
-But if you're looking
for romance,
and y-you want a relationship,
this is not the person,
and it's not about you.
And I love you.
-LILY: Yeah.
-But let me just say...
Date me.
What? (sighs)
Date me.
-I've-- I don't...
-(sets glass on counter)
Uh, what--
What does that mean? I...
Okay, no.
I'm gonna leave.
And I'm so sorry,
but I was just bringing coffee,
and now I'm so embarrassed.
You can't have any of that.
That's for you.
I'm out of here.
A normal person would just
leave and go to therapy.
-(door opens)
(door closes)
What are you talking about?
RYLE (voice-over):
I want to try.
("Nothing's Gonna Hurt You
Baby" by Cigarettes After Sex)

I want to try.
Whispered something
in your ear
LILY (voice-over): Come on.
You think you can do this?
It was a perverted thing
to say
RYLE (voice-over):
I have no idea.
But I said it anyway
But I definitely
want to kiss you again.
LILY (voice-over):
Well, that I can do.
Made you smile
and look away
But don't make me regret this.
Nothing's gonna hurt you,
As long as you're with me
You'll be just fine
(breathing heavily)
Nothing's gonna hurt you,
Nothing's gonna take you
from my side
When we dance
in my living room
To the silly
'90s R&B
When we have a drink
or three
Always ends in
a hazy shower scene
Nothing's gonna hurt you,
(song fades)
Mmm. (sighs)
Mmm. Good morning.
Mmm, mm-mm. You've already
brushed your teeth.
-That's not fair.
-I'm so sorry.
I got to go in early.
Am I gonna see you tonight?
No. Not tonight.
My mom's in town.
She's obsessed with trying
this new restaurant, Root.
It's her dying wish
to take me there.
Your mom's in town?
Yeah, no, she's not
actually dying. (chuckles)
-It's... (laughs)
-I was just saying that.
-Oh, it's just, you didn't, uh,
you didn't tell me that.
Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.
(chuckles): I didn't think
you'd want to know.
Is there room for one more?
-(laughing) Wait.
Wait, you want to meet my mom?
Is that a problem?
I mean, I don't think
it's a good idea.
No, I mean... (clears throat)
-It's not because of you.
It is because of her.
This woman, this woman...
I just want to meet the mother
of the woman I love.

Hey! Hey.
Sorry, you forgot this.
Wait, wait, this isn't mine.
(sighs) I know.
I happen to love you, too.
(Lily moans softly)
(elevator bell dings)
You're gonna be late.
Get over me, my gosh!
(scoffs) I'm taken.

(exhales sharply)
Did you make this?
Carved it from a branch
from your old oak tree.
In case you forget.
Strong and sturdy.
Thank you.
(students murmuring)
KATIE: Gross. I bet
she has rabies now. (chuckles)
(others chuckling, murmuring)
Get up.
I mean, he is pretty smelly.
-LILY: Get up. Get up.
-Stop. No, no.
Get up. Come on.
(students gasping, whooping)
(laughter, cheering)
(chuckles) Do you like to cook?
Yeah. I love it.
Necessity is
the mother of invention.
Smells great. What is it?
Hot chocolate cookies.
Dark chocolate
with burnt marshmallows.
Ooh. Good.
My mom would splurge on
Swiss Miss for us at Christmas.
-That was her favorite.
So, did you, um,
did you kiss me earlier
because you really wanted to,
or was it mostly just
to get back at Katie?
I just...
(whispers): I really need
some clarity here.
(chuckles softly)
I-I wanted to.
(chuckles softly)
(breathing heavily)
-(sighs) That-That's my dad.
That is my dad. You have to go.
-What? -No, you--
you have to go right now.
Don't forget the cookies.
12 minutes.
Okay. Okay. I got it.
You got to go right now.
-12 minutes, okay?
-Out the back door. Please go.
-(door opens)
-Go. Go, go, go.
(door closes)
(Andrew groans)
-(clears throat)
-How are you doing, honey?
-You all right?
-How was your day? Good?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Yeah, great.
-Good. Good. Busy?
Yeah. Um...
(grunts) Busy's good.
(chain fence rattling)
Um, I made cookies.
-Yeah. Or I'm starting to.
-Pigs are flying.
-Yeah. (chuckles)
Wish I didn't love you so much.
Yeah, same.
Okay. You gonna save me some?
-Yeah, of course.
Yeah, I promise you.
("I Don't" by Brittany Howard
LILY: Whoa.
My God, look at this.
-Yeah, it's amazing.
Hi. Yeah,
we're just meeting her.
-Oh, yeah, sure. Go ahead.
I am sorry in advance.
-Yeah, no, no. Prepare yourself.
-Hi. Hi, Mama. (chuckles)
-I love this place.
-It's beautiful, right?
-Oh, my God.
It looks beautiful.
-Let's order cocktails.
-Yeah. Let's.
-Yeah. Yes. Um...
-Hi. (chuckles)
-Mom, this is--
this is my friend, Ryle,
yeah, who I, uh,
who I now sleep with.
So, ha ha.
Uh, Ryle Kincaid.
Nice to meet you, ma'am.
-It's so nice to meet you.
You know you said that
out loud?
I do know
I said that out loud.
Allysa, you know,
who I work with.
-JENNY: Uh-huh?
-This is her brother.
-Oh, yes.
-Now I see a resemblance, sure.
Oh, well, we both
favor our mother.
-Oh, here it goes.
That's what everybody says
about me and Lily.
Oh, you know, I see it.
Oh, yes. The apple does not
fall far from the tree.
-How lucky are you, Lily?
-LILY: The luckiest.
-How lucky am I?
-Oh, my God.
Would you excuse me?
I-I have a thing. I like to
wash my hands a lot and...
-Yeah, yeah. Get out of here.
-I will.
-Leave us be.
-All right. All right.
-O-Oh, my God.
-(clears throat)
Mom, uh, you know,
we don't need to do that.
You never told me
you were dating
-the most beautiful man.
-Well, he's--
He's got a good personality to
make up for it, though, so...
Oh, g-- okay, okay.
Uh, who is he?
Where's he work?
-What does he do? What?
-Don't do that. Don't.
Don't do what?
Hey, I am-- I'm your mother.
Boston Grace Hospital.
-Oh, no.
-No, please don't. Please.
-MAN: Welcome to Root.
Can I get you guys
something to drink?
God. Please. Thank you.
I need alcohol. Now.
Oh, I-I would like
to try a Negroni.
I hear they're delicious.
MAN: They are.
I'll get you a Negroni.
Thank you.
And what can I get you?

Oh, I'll-- Uh, surprise me.
So, what'd I miss? (sighs)
JENNY: Um, are you
by any chance a doctor?
RYLE: I am. I'm actually
gonna be performing
a once-in-a-lifetime
operation soon.
JENNY (muffled): Oh, my Lord.
Is it dangerous?
RYLE (muffled):
It's a risky surgery.
It's amazing, though. He's am--
He's amazing. (chuckles)
(voices fade)
So tell me about Boston.
They were the best years
of my life.
The food is
really amazing there.
-And the harbor.
My uncle would take me
fishing there sometimes.
Sounds like you miss it.
I'm gonna move there
after the Marines.
Everything's better in Boston.
Except the girls.
Boston doesn't have you.
I'm gonna miss you.
I don't know how you did it.
But somehow,
you became my favorite person.
("Skinny Love" by Birdy
Come on, skinny love
Just last the year
Pour a little salt
We were never here
My, my, my
My, my, my,
my, my, my, my...
Are you sure?
I tell my love
to wreck it all
Cut out all the ropes
and let me fall
I don't have a condom.
I have one.
You do?
It's health class.
This order's tall...
(inhales sharply) I've--
I've never done this before.
-It's okay.
-I'm no expert.
I've only done it once.
And I told you to be kind
And in the morning,
I'll be with you...
RYLE: I've been studying them
since they were born,
-since I've been a resident.
-Um, I-- You guys keep--
I'm gonna use the bathroom
real quick.
-JENNY: Okay, honey.
-Yeah. (chuckles)
-Okay. (chuckles)
-You get to know each other.
-All right.
-Okay, I'll be right back.
Who will fall far behind?
(song fades)

Lily Bloom.
Atlas. (sighs)
You look... (chuckles)
Yeah, you... (stammering)
You, uh...
Oh, God, thank you. I--
I mean, my mom didn't
recognize you, so...
-It's probably for the best.
-God, right? Yeah.
What have you been up to?
Just working. Living.
-Yeah, same.
Yeah. Did you go
to the military or-or what?
Yeah. Yeah.
No, I did, uh, I did eight--
-Yeah, eight years.
Yeah. I g-got out
and moved to Boston.
What are-- What-- Um...
What are-- What are you doing
in-in-in Boston?
What-- Are you--
Are you visiting here, or...?
Oh, I live here. (chuckles)
Where everything's better.
Is that your... your guy?
Uh, yeah,
that's, um, that's Ryle.
He's, yeah,
he's, uh, he's really special.
I think you'd really like him.
-I'm so happy for you.
-Yeah, thank you.
Do you have anyone,
or are you-- are you married?
Or do you have a girlfriend
or, you know, anything?
-Yeah. I got C-Cassie.
Yeah, she's great.
That's so good.
You look so well.
I, um, I don't want to
get you in trouble
or anything, so...
Hey, well, how do I find you?
-If I wanted to find you.
I-- I mean, I--
I opened my flower shop.
(chuckles) Lily Bloom's.
-Of course you did.
-(chuckles): Yeah.
Over in, um, in Back Bay.
So, you know, you can, uh,
look me up sometime, or...
Um... (sighs)
Yeah. Well, I-I got to--
Well, you know.
-I'm working, so...
Okay. Get out of here.
I'll-I'll-- Yeah.
-I'm gonna go. All right.
("Cherry" by Lana Del Rey
I said real
Is like feeling no fear
When you're standing
in the face of danger
'Cause you just want it
so much
A touch...
RYLE: ...once-in-a-lifetime
What are you drinking?
Oh, I'll have wine, please.
You are not getting wine.
You're in a onesie.
You don't get free wine
with a onesie.
Fair point. Whatever
you're having, I'll have it.
Bingo. Three beers
and a water for my ladylove.
Wait, did you just say "water"?
-(sportscast playing on TV)
-(whistling, clapping)
-ALLYSA: Okay.
Yeah. We didn't plan
on telling you here.
Stop it.
Um, you know.
I'm gonna be a dad!
(all cheering)
-Come here, mama.
-And I'm gonna be the mom.
-(bell clanging)
-I'm gonna be a dad!
-Oh, I knew it, I knew it.
-(excited chatter)
-No, no.
This is fucking crazy! I know!
I'm so happy for you.
I'm so happy.
MARSHALL: I'm a papa.
You are gonna be
the best mama.
-MARSHALL: Oh, my God.
To Allysa, who's 11 months
younger than me,
and you still teach me
every day
what being a grown-up
looks like.
-11 months?
You guys, I didn't know
you were so close in age.
Oh, yeah.
Three kids in three years.
Makes you feel bad
for our mom. (chuckles)
You guys have a sibling?
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, we had
an older brother, Emerson.
Um, and he died
when we were younger.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
-(man shouting excitedly)
-MAN: Goal!
-(all cheering)
I fall to pieces
I fall to pieces
when I'm with you.
(song ends)
Good morning.
-You like frittata?
-What is happening?
No, I feel like
I'm in a porno.
What-- What is this?
I did not know you could cook.
-I can't.
-Oh, well, good,
'cause I was starting to get
a little intimidated.
It was, you know,
a little too good to be true.
-That's for you. Yeah.
-Oh, that's mine. Thank you.
I like a little
hair of the dog.
Don't be shy. (chuckles)
It's actually, uh...
This is just to celebrate
my big surgery tomorrow.
(sets bottle down)
Oh, my God, I'm--
-I'm so sorry.
-No, no, no. It's fine.
-I don't-- I don't know
-what I was thinking.
-It's fine.
I... (scoffs)
It's not fine. I'm sorry.
Hey. I am sorry.
Hey, what's that mean?
The heart.
Oh, God, it's nothing.
I just... (groans)
You know, one of those
silly things you do.
No, it's not nothing.
Every tattoo means something.
Oh-- I know. No, no.
This is just like
one of those silly things
you do in high school, and I
don't know why I still have it.
(stammers, sighs)
It's one of
my favorite parts of you.
(Lily moans)
-I have to tell you something.
-Your frittata's burning.
It's gonna be perfect.
Well, what are some of your
other favorite parts about me?
(takes deep breath)
Your glabella.
Mmm. Mm-hmm?
Your flagina.
Oh, no. Stop.
-(both laughing)
-(smoke detector beeping)
(gasps) Oh!
-Oh, shit.
-I told you. I'm sorry.
-I did tell you.
No, no.
Baby, you need a potholder.
-Oh, my God. Shit! -Wait,
you were gonna stick your hand
-in there?
-(Ryle yells)
(grunts, breathing heavily)
Hey, baby.
(Lily breathing shakily)
Hey, hey.
-What was that?
-Are you okay?
What was that? No, no.
Can you give me
a second, please?
-Hey. Hey. Hey.
-Just give me a second.
-(glass crunches)
-Oh, shit!
-(Ryle groaning)
-Are you okay? I'm sorry.
-Oh, my God. Your hand.
-No, don't worry about my hand.
Baby, your surgery.
-(breathes heavily)
-You okay?
I think so. I don't know.
Let me see it.
-Oh, shit. I'm sorry.
-I know. I'm hurt.
I knew we'd make a mess.
-I'm so sorry.
-It was an accident.
-No. I didn't, I didn't...
-It was an...
-How did we--
-What did we do?
-It was an accident.
I'm okay. (sniffles)
-(vehicle door opens)
-LILY: God, I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
-Hey. Stop.
-Sorry I'm late.
I'm a disaster, by the way.
No, here.
I think I got everything.
-Yeah, no, no, thank you.
-How was the wedding? (sighs)
-(sighs) Also a disaster. Uh...
It's fine. It's fine.
-How's a wedding a disaster?
-It was a little, just--
Well, I mean, their marriage is
probably the disaster,
but they're fine,
they're lovely,
and they deserve each other.
But the flowers were beautiful?
Yes, the flowers were
off the char-- I'm so sorry.
-I'm so sorry.
How was your--
how was your surgery?
How did your sweet hand
hold up?
-It was awesome.
-Really? (chuckles)
There was this moment whe--
Um... (smacks lips)
Allysa and Marshall messed up.
-We're going to... to Root.
The place we went to
with your mom.
Um, there was this moment,
and I...
Well, hold-- Why?
-Why... (stammers)
-I don't know.
I know, but I was dying
to try the new place,
-and we've already been there.
-Yeah, but they-they heard
-how we talked about it and...
-Yeah, but we could just
-call them.
-No. They're already there.
They ordered, like,
14 appetizers.
No, I know. Oh, I really
wanted to try the new place.
-You know my sister.
-I know. I'm sorry.
I know. I'll-- Hey, I will
take you there next week.
You know I love food.
That's all. That's all it is.
And you know
I'm a creature of habit.
I'll get the same exact thing
that I got last time.
Okay. Yeah, I mean,
it's perfect. The food--
The food is so good, so...
Hey. Hey.
I'm sorry. It's been a--
it's been a week.
Um, I don't need to be
complaining to you.
You've been through it.
Um... yeah.
Tell me.
I want to hear everything.
-(lively chatter)
-(soft music playing)
-ALLYSA: Oh. -Hi.
-Hi. -What's up?
-I'm so sorry we're late.
ALLYSA: No, don't-- Just
sit down. Don't worry about it.
Can I have this?
Can I-- Is it okay?
-Oh. Yeah. Of course.
-Thank you.
-We've ordered so much food.
-We're so sorry.
-Um, yeah, it's, it's my fault.
-Oh, baby.
I didn't-- Ryle told me
something happened,
-but he didn't tell me...
-What's up?
-Oh, shit. was looking like this.
-Look at you, honey.
-(stammers) It's fine.
-Doesn't even--
it doesn't even hurt. -Yeah.
No, it was a mess.
You should have seen it.
Yeah. I mean, his hand.
I mean, he got hurt, too.
-So we're-- Yeah.
-No, it's--
-I'm-I'm fine.
-(Lily chuckles)
I feel bad. It was...
(inhales sharply)
-It was a beautiful mess.
Yeah. (chuckling)
MARSHALL: Wait, so, so, dude,
what happened with the surgery?
Probably the greatest day
of my life.
27 hours.
-27 hours?
Dude, the only thing
I've done for 27 hours
is day-trade
and play "Call of Duty."
-Do you guys have baby names?
Sorry, I didn't mean to
interrupt. I... (chuckles)
-And go on a DraftKings bender.
-ALLYSA: Baby names?
-LILY: Yeah, sorry.
-MARSHALL: Oh, yeah, um...
-I was, yeah, thinking.
We're thinking... we're
thinking something strong.
We're gonna do
big-time authors.
-This riff...
-R.L. Stine.
-Judy Blume.
ALLYSA: going to be
the demise of our marriage.
-ATLAS: How we doing, folks?
-MARSHALL: H.P. Lovecraft.
ALLYSA: Uh, hi.
How are you liking
your appetizers?
Oh, wonderful.
I've had one bite of one thing,
and this is already
my favorite restaurant.
-What'd you go for?
-The, um, brussels sprouts.
Ah, brussels sprouts.
What about you?
What do you like?
Oh, I'm-- I--
Impossible to choose.
-Give my regards to the chef.
Thank you. Appreciate it.
It's actually
my mother's recipe.
-ALLYSA: Oh. Oh, my...
-Hmm. That's very beautiful.
-It's my first restaurant.
-MARSHALL: Love that.
Yeah. And I love the
creativity, dude, seriously.
-So, um...
-I'm an entrepreneur as well,
so I get it.
What's-- what's your-- what's
your deal? What's your thing?
Right now, we're looking
(fading): to allocate capital
in local Boston businesses,
and a place like this
would just be amazing.
Not to be too forward,
but what are margins right now?
I mean, the place is jumping.
13, 14, 15%?
I love the story
about your mom.
You could do a Series A
and scale this thing up...
-ALLYSA: Honey.
-MARSHALL: Did I offend him?
No, just keep saying
"allocating capital."
I have been holding it
for so long.
I'm gonna go pee really quick.
I'll be right back.
-Do you want me to come with?
-Oh, no, I'm good. I'm good.
-Are you...?
-No, no. You guys keep talking.
I'll be right back.
Come on.
What happened?
Come on, tell me.
What happened?
Nothing. I-- We-- I...
We burned his hand, and I fell.
I know. I know. It's--
It was an accident, though.
It was...
-That was an accident?
-Yes. Y--
Leave him.
-(chuckles) God.
-You got to leave him.
-I am not your mother, Atlas.
-Leave him. Leave him.
Are you turning into yours?
-Let me out of here.
Let me out now.
(Lily sighs)
-Wait, what is this?
-LILY: Atlas! Stop.
-You touch her again,
I'll cut your hand off
and shove it down your throat,
-you piece of shit.
-Stop! Atlas, stop!
Stop. (breathing heavily)
-(softly): Stop.
-Oh, so this is Atlas.
Baby, hey.
The homeless boy
you wasted your virginity on?
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Stop. Stop.
-(both grunting)
-(patrons gasping)
Guys, stop it! Stop it!
-Stop it!
-Hey! Hey! Break it up!
-Stop! Stop! No!
-Come on.
-Please! Please, stop! No!
-Get out of my restaurant!
Stop! Let's get out of here.
Get out of my restaurant!
Stop, please, please.
Let's go.
-Get out!
-Stop it now!
-(patrons murmuring)
Ryle? Excuse me.
Uh, Ryle.
Ryle. Ryle, wait.
Ryle, please, wait.
What was he doing
in the bathroom, Lily?
What was he doing
in the bathroom with you?
He saw my eye,
and I think he saw your hand.
And-and he knows
it was an accident.
And I told him it was
an accident, and he know...
-(breathing heavily)
(breathing heavily)
I don't--
I don't know him.
I mean, we-we were,
we were kids.
-I don't know him now.
-Anyone but him.
Anyone but him.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I know you. Anyone but him.
(breathing shakily)
Promise me.
(breathing shakily)
I don't know. I don't...
Okay, okay, okay.
I've never been here before.
-You have me.
-You have all of me.
-I know. I know.
I know. I know.
So, if I'm not what you want,
you just...
No, no, no, no, you're fine.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.
Stop. Stop.
-I love you, Lily.
-I know. I know.
I know. I know. I know.
I love you, Lily.
I love you, too.
(both chuckle)
(laughs): No, please stop.
No, please, please.
-(banging on door)
-ANDREW: Lily! Open the door.
-You've got to go right now.
-I'm coming!
-Open the door!
You got to go right now.
Put your clothes on, Atlas.
-ANDREW: Who's in there?
He's coming.
Please, come on, Atlas.
Hey! Open...

(entry bells jingle)
-Thank you. Enjoy.
Thank you for coming by.
-We appreciate it.
-MAN: Of course.
-Oh, wow.
-Thank you.
-Thanks so much for stopping in.
-It's busy.
-ALLYSA: Yeah.
Whew. I think
that's the last of it.
-(breathes heavily)
-How you doing, mama?
-I'm doing.
I'm doing.
You in that little dress.
Do you mind if I...
if I see the baby for a moment?
Oh, yeah. Have a visit.
Hi, bubba. How you doing?
You getting big.
Hey, question.
If, um, we're not allowed to
go back to that restaurant...
-...why is he allowed to come
to this store?
-I don't-- Okay.
-(entry bells jingle)
-I'm getting coffee.
Would you like some? Hmm?
-No, I'm good. Thank you.
-ALLYSA: All right.
-Excuse me. Hi. Excuse me.
-ALLYSA: Thank you.
-ATLAS: You're welcome.
-Nice to see you.
-(chuckles): Yeah.
Hi. (sighs)
This is incredible.
Yeah, thanks.
Kind of exactly, uh,
how I imagined it.
Yeah, yours, too.
Look at us. (chuckles)
So, look, I, um...
(smacks lips)
I came by the next day
after the fight...
...but he was here, and I-I
just didn't think that was a...
a good idea.
I just-- I just wanted to say
I'm really sorry.
-I was...
...out of my mind and-and
acted like a jackass, and...
I just feel really bad
and I'm s-- I'm sorry.
Yeah, yeah. No, it's all good.
It's, um...
Yeah, it's-- It was
a misunderstanding. So...
Well, I don't--
I don't know.
I mean, no, it wasn't.
I don't think it was, but...
Why are you here now? I gave
you my address months ago.
What are you--
what are you doing?
I came the next day.

And I drive this street a lot.
-(chuckles softly)
(Atlas sighs)
(sighs) I'm sorry.
(chuckles softly)
Are you happy?
I couldn't be happier.
Are you?
(pen scribbling)
That your phone?
-What are you doing?
That's my number.
In case you need it.
Okay, well, I won't, so...
But thank you.
I hope you don't.
Hey, that, um... that thing
that he said about that--
you know, with us.
It wasn't...
It wasn't wasted.
I know.
I was there.
(entry bells jingle)
-(elevator bell dings)
-(doors open)
Mmm. That smells good.
Mmm. Thank you. (chuckles)
Are you happy?
are you okay?
Yeah. I'm just...
I'm just curious.
I wasn't.
But you... you make me happy.
Are you happy?
(chuckling): I mean,
I don't think anyone's happy
all the time, but, um...
I don't know if I like
the sound of that.
No, no. It's just, you know...
Of course, I deal with, um,
you know, my stuff and,
you know... (inhales deeply)
life and
-ticking clock and, you know...
...all those decisions
that-that women have to...
have to worry
about, but, um,
I think I'm
an innately happy person.
It's, um, probably just
a coping mechanism
I learned from my mom.
-(chuckles) So...
-Your mom?
My dad used to hit her.
(sighs) Shit, I'm so sorry.
You never told me that.
It's not something
people talk about.
Did he ever hurt you?
No. He nearly
killed Atlas, though.
Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.
Oh, God. I...
I'm so embarrassed. I...
That mess at the restaurant.
I didn't know. That must
have been so hard on you.
Baby, all I want to do
in my life is protect you.
You know that, right?
When you hurt yourself
by accident, when you...
stub your toe, I blame myself.
It's like it's my fault
that the wall was there.
(chuckles) Oh, stop.
I am the luckiest goddamn man
on this planet.
And I could clean up.
-Trust me.
Okay, I'm not trying
to hear about that.
You don't want to
hear about that?
-(laughing): No.
-Just a little bit?
You know,
I'm a ripped neurosurgeon,
-for Christ's sake.
When was the last time
you saw someone
who looked like me
that wasn't on a daytime soap?
I mean, come to think of it,
yeah, no, I haven't.
-(sniffles) Yeah.
-And I'm rich.
Oh, and humble.
We can work on that.
God, I love you.
I know. I love you, too.
That's the problem.
It's a big problem.
LILY (voice-over):
RYLE (voice-over):
It's a really big problem.
LILY (voice-over):

-(Ryle growls playfully)
-(laughing): Stop.
Look at her.
She's like a little alien.
Yeah, she's perfect.
(baby coos)
(Allysa sighs)
Do you want to hold her?
-Yeah. Yeah.
-ALLYSA (laughs): I knew it.
Here you go.
Look at you. Okay.
There we go. Right there.
-Oh, you're so beautiful. Hi.
-RYLE: Oh, wow.
ALLYSA (chuckling):
-You're a mama.
-ALLYSA: Yeah.
Oh, my sister's a mama.
And you're an uncle. Hmm.
You did it.
ALLYSA (crying):
This is just hormones.
-Don't look at me.
-(others laughing)
Do you guys want kids?
-Oh, well...
-MARSHALL: No pressure.
We're not... not putting you
on the spot right now.
I mean, it would be great for
childcare and stuff like that.
I'm not gonna make her
put on a white dress
and have my babies.
Unless she wants to.
Then I-I would marry her
-Oh, shit. He's serious.
-Oh, my gosh.
Ryle, you are...
you are drunk on baby smell.
No, no, no.
I am serious as an aneurysm.
Oh, God. Please don't do
neurosurgeon humor
when you're propos... if...
I mean, if you are.
-Is that... Is this...
-ALLYSA: He's going around.
-MARSHALL: Oh, my God.
-LILY: I mean, if that's...
-No, are you actually...
-Give me the baby.
He's actually... Please stop.
Please stop. Please stop.
-Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait.
-No, no. No, no, stop.
-Oh, he's doing it.
-Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Okay.
-Okay, what...
-Can we just-just...
-ALLYSA: Can you get the baby?
-Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We can
take that. -We have a baby.
You gorgeous girl.
Here you go, baby.
You get back down there.
You get back down there
right this second.
Will you marry me,
Lily Blossom Bloom?
-MARSHALL (laughing): Okay.
ALLYSA (laughing):
This is just...
-MARSHALL: Oh, he did it.
-ALLYSA: I'm just...
-MARSHALL: This is a miracle.
-(Allysa sighs)
Oh, thank God.
Oh, my God.
MARSHALL (laughing):
Oh, my...

LILY: But we'll do
a proper wedding one day...
JENNY (over speaker):
You got married without me.
And I continue to be
very sorry,
but at some point, you're gonna
have to forgive me.
-I-I will wear you down.
-My wife will wear you down.
Not possible.
I don't think you should
ever forgive her. Just saying.
Oh, okay.
That's enough of that.
Hold on,
can you charge my phone?
I haven't been dreaming
about your wedding day
your whole life.
I've been dreaming about it
my whole life.
And I'm sorry,
I just feel cheated.
I... Yeah, okay.
Got it. Thanks, Mom.
Okay, we're gonna
find a way to move on.
JENNY: If I don't get to
watch you walk down the aisle,
I will not be denied
watching you squirm.
You want to make it up to me?
-Yes, please.
-Make me a grandbaby.
No, three. Three.
Make it triplets.
All right, can you just...
can we move past
-this conversation, please?
You okay?
What happened?
Mom, I'll-I'll call you
right back, okay?
-Okay. Okay.
-Yeah, no, hang up.
(tablet chimes)
Hey, what happened?
Hey, you okay?
I dropped your phone...
and the case fell off.
(card rustling)
And I found this.
I called the number.
-It wasn't...
-You promised me.
-I know.
-I would never lie to you.
I know. It's-it's nothing.
-It's nothing?
-It's nothing?
Yes. Yes, I promise.
It's nothing.
Wait, baby, I promise
-I didn't mean to see him.
-No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
-No, no, no, no.
-Lily, stop!
-I promise. Please. No, it's...
Please just listen to me.
-You promised me, Lily.
-I didn't know he was coming.
-Just talk to me.
-Stop. Stop.
-Baby, please just stop...
-You stop.
Please don't... (gasps)
Shh. Hey.
Just try to be still.
Just try to be still.
It's all done. Shh. I'm here.
-I'm here.
-What... what happened?
You fell down the stairs.
-(groans, whimpers)
-No, no, no, d-d-don't-don't...
don't touch it.
Yeah, you tripped, and...
and I, um...
I-I tried to catch you.
-No, Ryle, no.
-Y-You're okay. You're okay.
-(gasps) It hurts.
I know it hurts. It hurts.
You're okay.
-You're okay.
Do you know who you are?
-Lily Bloom.
Where are you?
-Our apartment.
-Okay. Who am I?
My husband.
And what am I doing right now?
Helping me.
How many fingers
am I holding up?
(sighs) Five.
Five. And now?
Tell me it's nothing.
Oh, it's nothing.
Yeah, come.
-(Ryle sighs)
-Thank you.
("Horizon" by Aldous Harding
-Am I okay?
-You're okay. You're okay.
Let me put the water
in the bowl
For your wounds, babe
Let me fill you up
with the fingers of love
You can't lose, babe
When you watch me play,
does it feel bad, darlin'
When they choose me?
Say again, this place
Say again, this place
I broke my neck
Dancing to the edge
of the world, babe
My mouth is wet...
Lily! Oh, my God.
Did you see it?
Did you see the magazine?
You did it. Look at this.
Top ten. We're in the top ten.
-Wait, what happened?
-We're in the top...
-You did it.
-Wait, where is it?
With the genius. I did it.
Right there.
Look, look, look. Right there.
-Oh, oh, my God.
-There's you. Oh, my God.
I'm gonna call Ryle
and then tell him to get
-50 copies of this thing.
Here is your princess
And here is the horizon.
(sighs softly)

-(elevator bell dings)
-(doors open)
(song ends)
You saw? (chuckles)
-Yeah, thank you.
(laughing): I didn't know
it was a big deal.
"Best in Boston."
-"Best in Boston."
Oh. Hello.
I love this tattoo.
Hey, remind me
what that means again.
Uh, what?
I told you.
Really doesn't mean anything?
Did you read it yet?
-Yeah. Did you?
Hmm. Will you read it to me?
Oh, I don't like
that kind of stuff.
-No. Baby, I made dinner.
-It's gonna get cold.
-Read it.
And I don't love, uh,
this kind of stuff, okay?
"Number seven, Lily Bloom's."
-No, no, skip to...
-"An avant-garde floral shop."
-Skip to number one.
Our favorite restaurant.
Look, baby, I...
Read it.
(clears throat)
"The top pick should come
as no surprise..."
No, go to the...
go to the end.
"The owner, Atlas Corrigan,
spoke to the sweet origin story
"behind his farm-to-table
hot spot, Root.
'When I was a kid,
I carved a...'"
-Carved what?
-Baby, I don't want to read.
Keep reading.
"'...small hollow heart
from an oak tree for a girl.
"'So the name was meant
to represent something
"'she said to me, which
I'm gonna keep between us,
"'but there was
no other name for Root.
It was... always for her.'"
Just go to this last paragraph.
It gets better.
-I don't want to.
-Read it.
"When asked
if he had seen the..."
BOTH: "...girl since they
were kids, Corrigan replied..."
"'Yes. Next question.'"
(closes magazine)
Do you love him?
-I did.
-Do you love him now?
I love you.
That wasn't my question.
I don't know.
(inhales deeply)
Thank you.
Sorry, baby.
Come on. Let's have dinner.
Hey, no, no, no. Not now.
Please, just... Please. Hey.
Stop, please.
Baby, stop. Stop.
-You want me to stop?
-Not now.
-Hey, stop it.
Stop it.
-Hey. Hey.
Stop, please. Please stop.
Stop it.
Stop. Stop.
Hey. Don't.
Stop. Stop. Hey.
What are you doing?
-Stop. Stop.
-What are you doing?
-Shh, shh.
-What are you doing? Stop.
(Lily breathing heavily)
I love you.
I just haven't shown you
how much I love you.
You have. You have.
LILY (voice shaking):
You have.
You have, baby. You have.
Okay. Okay.
-I love you so much.
-I love you, baby.
-I love you.
-I love you so much.
Baby, please stop.
Please stop.
Please. Hey. Hey, stop.
Stop. Hey. Stop.
-Look at me. Look at me.
-I love you so much.
No, no, look at me.
Hey, look at me.
And I want you to know
-that I love you enough.
-I love you.
-No, you have. You have.
Hey, hey, look at me.
Look at me.
I love you.
Baby, look at me.
Please look at me.
Please look at me.
-Please look at me.
-That tattoo.
Please look at me.
Please look at me.
Please. Please. Please.
I love you. I love you.
I love you. Please.
Please don't do this.
Please. Please. Please.
No! (yells)
(both grunt)
(breathing heavily)
(engine starts)

I don't think I'm showing you
how much I love you.
LILY (voice-over):
Yes, you have.
RYLE (voice-over):
No. No, I haven't.
LILY (voice-over):
(breathing heavily)
-Yes, Chef.

I was never gonna
become her.
You're not becoming her.
Don't even think about that.
-(sighs) Yeah.
-You're not.
Is that what I think it is?
I want to tell you something.
I don't know if
it's the right time, but I...
Sorry for the delay.
Been really busy tonight.
So, we have
a certain examination
for these situations.
It's called the SANE exam.
It's completely optional,
of course.
Oh, I, um, uh...
I w-- He didn't...
-No, I wasn't-- It's...
-Did he try?
I don't need the exam.
Thank you. Yeah.
May I?
Oh, yeah. Of course.
-Does this hurt?
No, it's just the skin. Yeah.
So, usually...
I'd give you an X-ray
on this collarbone
to make sure that
-it isn't fractured.
But given your situation,
we're gonna clean it up,
and the nurse is gonna come in
and give you a tetanus shot.
Uh, I-- I don't understand.
We don't give X-rays
to pregnant women
unless it's vital.
-All right. I'll be right back.

(home alarm beeping steadily)
LILY (voice-over):
There's no Cassie, is there?
(beeping stops)
ATLAS (voice-over):
No, there isn't.
It's, uh, it's the place.
Um... kitchen, living room.
Um, hey, let me grab you
some clothes.
Thank you.
My dad won't even notice
they're gone.
Um, bedroom's all yours.
No, I'm not gonna
take your bedroom.
No. Please. I have to get up
early for work anyway, so...
I love that couch.
It's-it's a good couch.
So, stay as long
as you want.
Thank you.
Okay. Now, get some rest.
See you tomorrow.
(shower running)

(cell phone ringing)
(ringing continues)
(TV playing indistinctly)
(sighs, clicks tongue)
I wasn't sure
if you were hungry,
so I went with
a few fan favorites.
What song do you want
at your funeral?
If you had to pick one.
Have you not thought
about this?
What song you're gonna play
at my funeral?
Yeah. Oh, at my funeral,
I'm thinking
-Creed, "With Arms Wide Open."
-You know. With arms wide...
-As the casket's being lowered.
(both laughing)
You're gonna be okay.
It doesn't feel like it.
I know.
But you are.
I think it's a little different
this time.
If I can't even
take care of myself,
then how am I, um...
you know, supposed
to take care of a baby?
The night I went
to that old abandoned house,
I didn't go there because
I needed a place to stay.
I went there to kill myself.
And I was sitting
on the living room floor,
and I saw you
in your bedroom window.
The light came on,
and you poked your head
through that curtain,
and as soon as I saw your face,
I couldn't do it.
The next day,
you brought me food.
You fed me.
(breathing shakily)
I mean, you saved...
You saved my life
is what I'm trying to say.
That's who you are.
And if you decide to keep it,
you are going to be...
(sniffles) amazing mother.
And that baby is so lucky.
You've got this.
(engine shuts off)
Uh, Lily.

(breathing shakily)
If you ever find yourself
in the position
to love somebody again,
just fall in love with me.
Yeah. Okay.

(Allysa breathes shakily)
I'm so sorry.
I've been watching him
my entire life,
and I've seen... afraid he is
of opening his heart
to anyone...
...ever since he was a kid.
And I think I felt
that he was dying inside.
Just dying inside,
little by little...
...until he met you.
And I'm not making
any excuses, uh...
I never...
I never thought
he was capable of this.
Would it-- Would it be okay
if I asked
what happened to Emerson?
Of course.
(chuckles softly)
You deserve to know,
and it's our family.
My father had a gun.
Ryle and Emerson were playing
in the house,
you know,
pretending to be cowboys,
and they found it.
And Ryle was six years old.
He was a six-year-old boy.
He didn't even know
that it was a real gun.
He thought that
it was pretend... (sniffles)
...until it was t-- too late.
(Allysa crying)
-Emerson was our brother...
-I'm so sorry, Allysa.
-...h-his best friend.
-I'm sorry.
(Allysa sniffles)
He's never been
the same since.
To be at that funeral...
(breathing shakily)
I really did
used to love flowers.
Listen to me.
As his sister,
I wish more than anything
that you could find a way
to forgive him.
But as your best friend,
Lily, if you take him back,
I will never
speak to you again.
(softly): Come here.
Come here. Come here.
I'm so sorry.
LILY: You're the best friend
I ever had. (chuckles)
I'll be an even better auntie.
(Lily sniffles)
("My Tears Ricochet"
by Taylor Swift playing)
(phone vibrating)
We gather here
We line up
Weeping in a sunlit room
And if I'm on fire
You'll be
made of ashes, too
Even on my worst day,
did I deserve, babe...
Uh, that side.
Yeah, if I hold it like this,
I think it'll be
a little easier.
-Righty-tighty, I think.
-Yep. Come on.
-I'm sorry.
-No, no.
You got it. You got it.
Your dad always
did this stuff.
Oh, well, I'm sure you built
a thing or two in your life.
No, no. No, no.
-That was always his domain.
-Oh, come on.
(Jenny grunts)
It doesn't want to
go in there.
Flying around,
saving face...
Wh-Why did you stay with him?
(Jenny sighs)
Why are you at the wake?
Cursing my name...
It would've been harder
to leave.
Look how my tears ricochet
And I loved him. (sighs)
Yeah, me, too.
I think I got it.
Never knowing
what they'll mean...
And that's the heartbeat.
-LILY: Mm.
-JULIE: Look at that.
Do you want to know?
You can tell already?
I can.
You know
I didn't want to...
Yeah. Yeah.
You wear the same jewels
that I gave you...
-Can you see that?
That's her little head.
Hi, baby girl.
Her, huh? (chuckles)
You used to tell me
I was brave...
Hi, my baby girl.
Cursing my name
Wishing I stayed
Look at
how my tears ricochet
And I can go
anywhere I want
-(doorbell rings)
Anywhere I want,
just not home
And you can aim
for my heart, go for blood
But you would still miss me
in your bones
And I still talk to you
Hi. (chuckles)
When I'm screaming
at the sky
And when you can't sleep
at night
You hear
my stolen lullabies
(sighs) It's always...
Yeah. Oh, thank you.
I didn't have it in myself
To go with grace
(inhales deeply)
And so the battleships
will sink beneath...
Is she kicking?
Oh, yeah.
(sighs) Yeah.
You had to kill me,
but it killed you
Just the same,
cursing my name...
All right.
Here you go.
Grab this side.
Thank you.
Yeah, perfect.
I can clean all this up, so...
Okay. (sighs)
Cursing my name
Wishing I stayed
Look at how
my tears ricochet.
Do you want to feel...
before you go?
I-If you want.
-Is she kicking now?
-(chuckles) Always.
-Uh, yes.
-Yeah. Okay.
Yeah, go ahead. Yeah.
-Here. Right here.
(chuckles) There she is.
Big old noggin.
You feel that?
That's her little heel.
You feel that?
She's kind of stretching.
Yeah. (chuckles)
(Lily sighs)
Come home.
Look, I won't--
It will never happen again.
I promise.
I will-- I will get help.
Please come home.
(song fades)
-I'm s--
-You're gonna be late for work.
-(door opens)
-(breathing shakily)
(door closes)

You want to join us?
We got room for one more.
-I know. I got you.
-(Ryle sighs)
I got you.
(baby coos)
-Want to hold her?
-Here you go.
Mommy's got you.
(clicking tongue)
-Still here.
Mommy's got you.
I know, I know.
-(baby fusses)
-I know.
-Keep her cozy.
-Oh, hi.
-There we go.
Hi, beautiful.
There we go.
-I'm your daddy.
You sure are.
(sniffles) Yeah.
What should we call her?
I was thinking we could
name her after your brother.
Yeah. Emerson.
That way,
we can call her Emmy.
What do you think?
(voice breaking):
I think that's the nicest thing
anyone's ever done for me.
(kisses, sniffs)
Thank you. (crying)
-(Emmy crying)
-(shushes) It's okay.
It's okay. Daddy's got you.
Daddy's got you, Emmy.
(crying continues)
Hi, beautiful.
I'm your daddy.
(Ryle and Lily sighing)
I'm gonna
keep you safe, Emmy.
I'm gonna keep you safe.
-(Emmy fussing)
I want a divorce.
Hey. Let's not.
Hey, yes.
It's not for you or me.
It's for her.
Yeah, you know.
Look at her.
What if, one day, she, uh...
she came to you and said,
"My boyfriend hit me"?
What would you...
what would you say to her?
Or if she said,
"Daddy, my husband
"pushed me down the stairs,
but he--
he said it was an accident,
so it's fine"? (chuckles)
Or if she said
her husband held her down
and she begged him to stop,
but he swore
he'd never do it again?
What would you tell her?
If the person she loved...
was hurting her,
what would you say to her?
I would beg her
to leave him.
And I'd beg her
never to go back.
(breathing shakily)
Want to go to your mama?
You have such a good mama.
Here. (inhales deeply)
I got you, bug. I got you.
Yes, my love.
Okay. I'm gonna...
(chatter in hallway)
(door closes)
-(Emmy fusses)
There you go, bug.
Mama's got you.
Mama's got you.
Stops right here, bubba,
with you and me.
It ends with us.
(sniffles) Okay?
It ends with us.
(patting softly)
Yeah. Yeah.

-Love you.
-Thank you.
Oh, Mama, I love you.
I'm so proud of you.
-(inhales sharply)
-(sighs) Okay.
-Be right back.
(breathing shakily)
Let's go meet your grandpa.
Okay. (sighs)
Goodbye, Pops.
(exhales sharply)
-That's enough of that.
-(Jenny chuckles)
(Lily chuckles, sniffles)
Come on.

(Emmy coos)

(birds chirping)
(leaves rustling)
(entry bells jingle)
(indistinct chatter)
It's also a little scary.
(indistinct chatter)

(playful chatter, laughter)

-How've you...
-Was that your daughter?
Yeah, that's Emmy.
I saw you guys before.
I just...
-I didn't...
-She's beautiful.
-Oh. (chuckles)
Are you still with...
No, no, it's--
it's, uh, just us.
("Love the Hell Out of You"
by Lewis Capaldi playing)
You know that
I've been there, too...
-Are... you with anyone?
-How's the store?
Feels like
the world's gonna end
But I'll get you through
Not yet.
If it's the last thing I do
I'm gonna love
The hell out of you
Take all the pain
That you're going through
I'll bring you heaven
If that's what you need
'Cause you've always loved
The hell out of me
You brought resounding
techniques for my grounding
When I
Had lost it a little too far
from the middle to find
Some solace
from all this exhaustion
And monsters of mine
So you better know
That I'll bring you home
I'm gonna love
The hell out of you
Take all the pain
That you're going through
And I'll bring you heaven
If that's what you need
'Cause you've always loved
The hell out of me
In the moment
you feel half complete
Know the moments
are temporary
When the fear fuels
the fire underneath
I'm gonna love
The hell out of you
Take all the pain
That you're going through
And I'll bring you heaven
Yeah, if that's
what you need
'Cause you've always loved
The hell out of me
You've always loved
The hell out of me.
(song fades)
by Ethel Cain playing)
Notice me
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
My love is strong?
Why carry on without me?
And every time I try to fly,
I fall
Without my wings,
I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And every time I see you
in my dreams
I see your face,
it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
-I make believe
-I make believe
-That you are here
-That you are here
-It's the only way
-It's the only way
-I see clear
-I see clear
-What have I done?
-What have I done?
You seem to move on easy
And every time I try to fly,
I fall
Without my wings,
I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And every time I see you
in my dreams
I see your face,
you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
(singers vocalizing)
And every time I try to fly,
I fall
Without my wings,
I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And every time I see you
in my dreams
I see your face,
it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby
I guess I need you, baby
I guess I need you, baby.
(singers vocalizing)
(song ends)

(music fades)