It Happened Here (1965) Movie Script
'The German invasion
of England took place in July 1940
'after the British retreat from Dunkirk.
'Strongly resisted at first, the German Army
took many months to restore order.
'But the resistance movement, lacking
outside support, was finally crushed.
'For three years, it lay dormant.
'Collaboration increased as the population
adjusted to the tedium of occupation.
'Then, in 1944, the resistance
movement reappeared,
'strongly reinforced and rearmed
by America.
'America, now in the war, had stationed
its Seventh Fleet off Ireland
'to harass the south-west coast
of England with carrier-based aircraft
'and to supply men and equipment
to the partisans.
'On the Eastern Front, a breakthrough
by the Red Army in the Urals
'meant the withdrawal
of every available soldier
'from the forces of occupation
throughout Europe.
'England was therefore garrisoned
only by British volunteer SS legions
'and a small number of German troops.'
Don't shoot!
Stop here!
On your feet, please.
On your feet, get moving.
'This evacuation
is a temporary measure
'caused by partisan atrocities
on civilians...'
Don't tell me that was
an important piece of liberation.
Burning down the barn just because
some Germans had camped there.
They're criminals, I tell you.
Mrs Jameson's boy only joined
because he was in trouble with the police.
Don't tell me they're not communists.
I knew some pretty bolshie people
round here before the war.
And where are they now?
In the resistance.
Oh, come and have a cup of tea.
- Honor!
- Up here!
I didn't think you'd forget to come today.
- No more room on this one.
- June! June!
- I'm sorry about this.
- What the hell's gone wrong?
We'll send some more
when we get to Salisbury.
Don't be a bloody fool.
They sent nothing to us in the blackout.
- And listen to that firing.
- Oh, it'll be all right.
Hurry up! We haven't got all night.
Come on. There's no point
in hanging out here in the rain.
Let's go back to my place.
I'll see if I can get anything to eat.
Bring your cases.
Wouldn't it be worth walking to Salisbury
while the firing's still in the hills?
Don't be ridiculous.
It'd take you four hours.
Better than staying here.
Wrong direction.
Come in. No use waiting out there.
We'll need all the food we've got
for the journey, if we ever make it.
I'll see what I've got left.
- Can I go to the lavatory please?
- Yes.
- Can she go to the lavatory, Pauline?
- Yes, you know where it is, upstairs.
Does anyone know the time?
Sorry, it's that small door on the right.
For pity's
sake. Let's get out of here, quickly.
Hide the light...
The lorries are coming back.
The right direction, too.
I never thought they'd manage it.
You frightened? We're leaving
in a moment, Libby. We're off to London.
Your mummy will be waiting
for you there.
She'll be much more frightened
than you are.
Nothing to worry about,
Libby. The lorries are here.
Here, have a sweet.
What the hell are you doing here?
We got left behind.
Thank God you've arrived.
We can't help you.
You've got to stay here.
But there aren't many of us.
We can squeeze in.
You don't understand. We stay here.
We aren't going to Salisbury.
Oh, for God's sake.
Here, over here! With me.
Could you tell me where
I could get a bus to Hendon, please?
Sorry, madam, there is no transport
today due to the evacuation.
I should hoof it. You'll have to walk
in that direction and ask again.
Oh, thank you very much.
- I'm sorry I'm so late.
- Can I see your papers, please?
There you are.
Well, it's good to see you,
but you might've let me know.
You can't imagine the trouble I've had
keeping this billet for you.
The landlady's been nearly frantic
trying to get other people in here.
You might've phoned or something,
the number's on the card.
- Shh.
- 'This is London.
'Here is the 12 o'clock news.
'A communique issued this morning
by the Eighth SS Police Division
'announces that the evacuation of civilians
from the Salisbury area has been completed.
- 'People were seriously injured...'
- Honor, have you got anything to drink?
- Are you feeling all right?
- '...derailed last night by partisans.'
Yes, I'm all right.
- But...
- 'More German troops are expected...'
Something awful happened.
After you'd left. After you'd got away.
We went back to the house
and there were partisans in it.
I think all the others are dead.
I think I'm the only one that got away.
It's just all rather frightful.
Why have they still got this stuff
on the window?
Surely the planes can't get through
as far as this?
Air raid precautions. Just in case.
Thanks, Honor.
This is real coffee. I haven't tasted
anything like this for ages.
I got it on my ration card this morning.
I got a job at the food office right away.
Of course they're crying out
for nurses, really.
I thought I might join this
'Immediate Action Organisation',
you remember I did those courses
at the WI.
But they really want
properly trained nurses, like you.
I'm not getting involved
with any organisation.
I'm just going to do district nursing again,
the same as I did at home.
Do they have districts down here,
or is it all controlled from hospital?
I don't really know.
But this organisation sounds the thing.
Yes, but it's probably political.
And I'm not going to become involved
in any political organisation.
Honor, when Dick was killed, I felt I wanted
to slaughter every German I saw on sight.
But now I feel all we've got to do
is try and get back to normal.
Well, I must go and get
my identity cards.
I'll take you over to the Labour Centre.
Sorry, Honor.
I've had it, I couldn't move.
Well, you could go tomorrow,
I suppose, but you'll be a day late.
Don't blame me if you get into hot water.
And that's my bed.
Now you're seeing the real London.
There certainly are
some extraordinary sights.
Somebody there with special
qualification papers, please?
I'm a district nurse.
You don't look much like
the fire brigade sergeant I asked for.
District nurse, sir.
Just what I could do with, nursing.
Left, right, left, right...
- What, exhausted already?
- I've just walked across half London.
I haven't been here since 1937.
It's all most extraordinary.
That's hardly the word I'd use.
Have you ever seen so many Germans?
- There can't be anybody left in Berlin.
- Why are so many based here?
I wish I knew. They set up these
big organisations, run by Englishmen,
and then they just sit around,
getting in our hair.
Lots are moving out to parts of France,
less peaceful than this one. Now where...?
Now, you are to continue nursing.
I take it that you have no objection
to joining this organisation?
- Well, I'd prefer ordinary nursing.
- No such thing in London.
You either nurse with us, or you sit
at home nursing an empty stomach.
There's no two ways about it.
You can't object.
Now let's see if we can...
No, you're clear.
You're not a Jew, communist,
anarchist, freemason...
You're definitely in.
Now, there is a refresher course.
You'll have to learn to look after yourself.
I'm sorry, I don't want to join any org...
Look! This isn't 1937!
Things have changed!
The point is this, the only way
to counter the underground movement
and all the other subversive elements
that make our life a misery
is to be better organised than they are.
We just can't have lots of splendid people
like you spread all over the country,
working under their own steam.
If we can get them all together
working towards one end,
we'll soon get the old country
back on its feet again.
But what if we don't agree
with that one end?
Look, let's get the country back on its feet
again, then we'll talk about that.
If you don't want to be overrun
by hordes of Bolsheviks,
we've got to present a united front,
be better organised than they are.
I learnt that in the old days.
Fool proof.
Anyhow, it's past lunchtime.
Let's talk about it over a drink.
You look as though
you could do with one.
Leave that there, we'll collect that later. of those rough types came out,
he must've been a Jew or something.
He thumped me on the back
and I really laid into him...
Watch what you're doing,
you blithering idiot!
- I should leave him alone.
- I know how to deal with these characters!
Hello? Hello?
Hello? Hello? Oh, damn.
- Do you think you could get the police?
- Quickly.
Get up!
Stand on the running board!
Right, next please.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Why haven't you joined before?
Well I was living in the country
as a district nurse.
- You're not a British national?
- No, I was born in Ireland.
I was hoping to continue with ordinary
nursing, but I've seen an IA officer.
And after what's happened,
I've made the decision to join.
I've decided I can't stand
on the sidelines any...
We don't accept your decisions.
You accept ours.
Now, it says here that
you will be a nurse with the IA,
and that is what you will be
providing you're physically fit.
If you will take this card to Room 280
tomorrow morning at 09:00,
that will be for your medical.
Thank you.
- May I have my cards, please?
- No, we retain these.
- Until you're accepted or rejected.
- Thank you.
Don't you remember what is was like
just after the invasion?
Short of water, black market food.
Families herded into one room.
And in a couple of months,
the authorities had the whole thing
running smoothly.
I do like things organised,
I hate a mess.
Mess? We're still in a mess.
There you are, then.
What are you worried about?
You'll be helping to get it
straightened out.
The thing I like about you Honor is that
you joined the Party just for the coffee.
But the other people that are in it,
I'm not so sure about them.
I know I've been nursing,
but it all seems to have
a faintly military flavour.
Ambulance crew number one, move!
Oh, don't be so bloody delicate.
You're meant to be driving the ambulance,
not casualties inside it.
Now come back and do it again
at three times the speed.
This time the ambulance is going
to drive off, and if any of you miss it,
you're all on a charge.
Now move!
Quickly! Get up, woman!
Get up! Go on!
Faster! Get on the ambulance!
Wait! Slow down!
- Come on! Come on!
- Slow down!
Now, to British people,
who are brought up
in an atmosphere of apathy
towards political ideas,
the National Socialist creed
may seem startling, even abhorrent.
But, when you meet such apathy,
what I want you to show these people
is that National Socialism
offers them a new philosophy.
A new way of life.
Now, is that all clear?
Further points?
Those without potential
are of no use to the state.
Yes, this is certainly true.
We can have no passengers in our state.
The true citizen of our state
has certain rights,
but also corresponding duties.
The rights include educational benefits,
cultural benefits, protection
and a standard of living
worthy of our people.
Yet, if there are people
who fail the state,
they will have to be removed
with other criminal, antisocial elements.
It cannot be expected that a virile nation
should support such human dross.
They are useless eaters.
To deny this is illogical.
The triumph of National Socialism
has lifted our great country
from the mire of corruption
of Jewish capitalist monopolies
and the evil slime of communism.
The way has been hard and grim.
But we have succeeded.
It is now our duty to hold fast
to our strength of purpose
and ensure that these evils
never draw blood again in our midst.
The duties to be allocated
to some of you may seem hard,
even unpleasant.
But you are not in conflict
with your conscience
as you obey the highest law
in doing your duty.
Well done and congratulations.
Good luck to you.
This has been
a long and arduous course.
It has been
a most successful course.
And my first task, therefore,
must be to congratulate
each and every one of you.
In your practical work,
you've shown great enthusiasm.
In your tests and oral work,
you've shown not only enthusiasm,
but the fact that your feet
are on the ground.
This is an age
of leadership and courage.
And I'm quite confident
that when you go from here,
you will set an example
that is hard to beat.
Many of you will be seeing the world
for the first time.
May I remind you that the world
will also be seeing you.
Oh, but there's my bus!
- I'll see you. Bye.
- Cheerio.
What are you doing? For heaven's sake,
why can't you watch where you're going?
It wasn't my fault.
What the hell's going on?
Here, wipe it down with this.
Oh, thank you very much,
but I'll have to change anyway.
- Who do you want?
- Dr Fletcher.
- You'll find him down there.
- Thank you.
Till Thursday then,
Mrs Henderson.
- I'm afraid surgery's over now.
- But I want to see the doctor.
I can't believe it!
What am I doing? Come on!
Dick won't believe his eyes
when he sees you.
Come on!
In here!
You've never even seen Sarah before,
it's been so long.
Sarah, this is Pauline.
Hello, Sarah.
Dick, come as quick as you can!
You'll never guess who's here!
We haven't even had a letter
from you for months.
How long is it now since you left
London? Almost eight years.
We must celebrate.
Look, take your coat off.
Quite incredible.
Oh, marvellous!
This is splendid. The one person
we most wanted to see.
And it's wonderful
seeing the two of you again.
We secretly hoped
you might be evacuated to London.
You'll eat with us tonight
and we'll see...
I'm awfully sorry.
I'd love to, but I can't.
I've got a vital appointment tonight
which I simply must keep.
This is just a first fleeting visit.
But you can think of me
when you're eating these.
Come tomorrow.
It's the one evening people don't
pester me for bottles and tablets
and if there are no calls, we might
put up with you for the whole evening.
- Right.
- Will you come to stay again?
- Thanks, I'd love to, but...
- We've nowhere to put you.
- But one has to be polite.
- Thanks so much for those packages.
- I should wait to see what's in them
- Until tomorrow, then.
- Oh, goodbye, Sarah.
- Goodbye!
Oh, there you are, dear.
- Goodbye.
- All right, my darling.
Oh, and Bear.
- Bye. I'll see you tomorrow.
- Mind the step.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Find him all right?
- Oh, yes, thank you.
'This is London.
'A political speech by the Leader
will follow at once.'
- 'Brother Blackshirts...'
- Please, not while I'm eating.
'Our fight is for the soul of Britain,
'and in that battle
we go forward together till...'
Oh, I'm going to cinema.
Anybody coming?
'...worrying about
the prospects of the next five minutes,
'jostling for place,
but not so forward in service,
'without loyalty, endurance
or staying power...'
Oh, come on,
let's go and see Hans Albers...
'This is London.
'And these are its people.
People with one great and common purpose.
'To pay tribute to the achievement
in their country of National Socialism.
'To this, the first big public display
since the army landed,
'come people from many miles
around the metropolis
'to be addressed by leading statesmen
from both Britain and the Reich.
'They will be told what National Socialism
is doing now for their country,
'reminded of the startling achievements
it has already made.
'Though they also come
to pay tribute to the soldiers
'of the British Volunteer Legions,
'now in the last stages
of inflicting an overwhelming defeat
'on the pitiful remnants
of the forces of world communism.
'In this historic meeting place,
'history is being made as the thousands
remember the day that changed their lives
'and the course of world history.
'For at last,
'the world's two great nations
'are united in more than race.
'From the crowd surges the cry,
"'Germany and England,
union for strength!"
'Anglo-German friendship built up over
the centuries has never been destroyed.
'The spirit that existed
when Englishmen and German
'fought side by side at Waterloo
has never been crushed.
'But the propagandists
of the First Great War nearly succeeded.
'Yet even in the mud and blood
of the savage Flanders battlefield,
'there were men who saw the truth.
'On Christmas Day 1914,
'officers and men, English and German,
declared an unofficial truce
'and met in no man's land.
'Only a handful from either side
was enough
'to rekindle the flame of comradeship.
'During the gaiety
of an impromptu football match,
'they experienced again
the true comradeship
'that had once been the birthright
of both Englishmen and German.
'They realised, too, the futility of
a death struggle between brother nations.'
'These are the only surviving pictures
of this historic event.
'After the war, those men
and men of like mind
'vowed to avenge the years
in which brother slaughtered brother
'by destroying the force
which began the war
'and uniting the two nations forever
in a united Europe.
'Those men who saw the truth
formed Blackshirt movements.
'But, again and again,
'Red Front reactionaries
tried to break up the meetings,
'tried to prevent the truth
reaching the people.
'The Bolsheviks grasped every opportunity
to deal an underhand blow
'at the gathering might of fascism.'
'No longer in the blood-sodden fields
of Flanders,
'but here, in his home,
in the very streets of London,
'brother again fights brother.
'The police, once allied
with the Blackshirt cause,
'now so confused by the widely sown
seeds of communist chaos,
'are forced to deal indiscriminately
with the ensuing violence.'
'One Bolshevik arrested.
'But thousands still free to hold
the forces of law and order in contempt.'
'The Blackshirts warned their fellow
countrymen of the true danger.
'Not the great German recovery,
'but the terrible, deadly grip
of the imperialist Jews,
'who, after one great conflict,
were forcing the world towards another.
'The struggled to destroy this grip,
but they fought alone.
'Their country, war-weary,
was apathetic.
'And the power of international
Jewish finance,
'menaced by Germany's
miraculous recovery,
'increased its poisonous stranglehold
on the rulers of Britain.
'Suddenly its sinews sprang into action.
'The Second World War began.
'Those men who saw the truth
were arrested.
'Many died because
their country ignored them.
'Germany was faced
with a bitter but inexorable duty.
'These are the fruits of Jewish control.
'Britain's heroic defence
was immeasurably costly.
'But with Europe threatened
from the East,
'Adolf Hitler saw that this internal fight
could bring extinction
'for the entire continent.
'But stubbornly, Britain's government
rejected peace treaties
'and closed its eyes to the truth.'
'The German Army's conquest was
not over the people of Great Britain,
'but over their corrupt rulers.
'The army's arrival enabled
those men who saw the truth
'to put their beliefs into action.
'Backed by the people of Britain,
they formed England's first government
'with full power to act.
'By outlawing Bolshevism,
by establishing the corporate state,
'by helping to solve the Jewish problem
'and by conquering unemployment
with the Labour Front,
'the government brought Britain
to her place of honour in the new Europe.
'And now, the uniform of the Wehrmacht
is worn not only by the German,
'the first winter of 1943 saw the formation
of the English Volunteer Legions.
'And now the Englishman again joins the
German in the spirit of true comradeship.'
'An echo of the past
from Flanders field.'
We had a very good method
of protecting ourselves.
We used to make a breastplate
of two pieces of cardboard.
Sandwiched between the two pieces
of cardboard, drawing pins.
We used to wear those under our shirts.
When these people came to attack us,
their hands used to get torn
on the drawing pins.
If they came to the meeting for trouble,
we gave them trouble.
Some people might have thought that
your methods were as bad as theirs were.
Oh, they... Er...
These people have published memoirs,
and one of them, erm, a known criminal,
has said that he went
to one of our public meetings
without knowing anything about the politics
of that meeting, and without caring,
for a bit of a lark, to break it up.
And he took with him a chair leg
into which had been poured
a pound and a half of lead,
and a six-inch nail.
And he hit no less than seven people
with this weapon.
Now, if I saw this man at the meeting,
I should have to risk
my life, what good looks I have,
to get him outside before he hurt somebody.
And he was there to just anybody.
Anybody at all.
You would be justified
to belt him with his weapon.
That's it.
Why did the film blame the Jews
for the Blitz?
It's a simple fact.
You can't get away from it.
Adolf Hitler started a political movement
which the Jews opposed.
They were repressed when the National
Socialist Party came to power in 1933
and they have been our enemies ever since.
Well, the National Socialists
are so racially minded,
why does the army
use people of other nations?
These people have volunteered from all parts
of Europe and other parts of the world.
In this fight, they've volunteered to fight
with the German Army against Bolshevism.
Well, then do you think that Bolshevism
and Jews are the same?
To a great extent, yes.
Bolshevism is Jewish.
But if I may quote a Jew to you,
Dr Oscar Levy said of his own people,
'When we sink, we become revolutionaries.
'When we rise, there rises
the terrible power of our purse.'
There is this point. Let's assume this
is before the National Socialist liberation,
and that this country is still controlled
by the capitalist Jews.
Now you've also said
that Bolshevism is Jewish.
How is it, then, that communism
and capitalism are constantly at war?
There is no true conflict between the Jews
of the Kremlin or London,
Madrid, New York or any other place.
What makes the Aryan
so superior to the Jew?
Well, you only have to look at
the different histories of the Aryan race
and the Jewish race to see
that ours is immeasurably superior
to the Jewish contribution
to the world culture.
Culture I grant you,
but quote me another field.
Well, name any other field, erm...
I still maintain that Aryans are superior to
Jews in whichever field you care to mention.
- Well, give us some fields.
- Well, you give me the fields.
It's not that the Aryans are so superior,
but every race is superior to the Jew.
The Jew has no home.
The Jew is a parasite race.
The Jew waits for a civilisation
to be established,
and then establishes himself on it.
A flea on a dog.
Yes. Fleas can live on a dog,
but fleas can't live on fleas.
Send 'em all to Madagascar,
that's the simplest way.
Let them cheat one another.
Instead of cheating the people
they've lived on for the past centuries.
But if all Jews are parasites,
why not deal with them now
instead of sending them to Madagascar?
That's exactly what I want to do. Deal with
them now by sending them to Madagascar.
Ideologically, of course,
this is a more correct view,
but I think we'll find
that there are one or two of them
who have skills, learnt at our expense...
But I don't want their skills.
- I want no part of them.
- They're not their skills,
they're our skills, they're skills
that they've learnt in our schools,
at our universities and our hospitals.
Well, look,
a lot of people have asked me,
what do you do if you suddenly find
that you've got, say,
one eighth part of Jewish in you?
I suppose I should say I'd out my throat
and let the Jewish blood out.
But in practice, like the rest
of National Socialist Europe,
we accept a person
of one quarter Jewish blood.
How are you going to trace
this ancestry back? It goes back miles.
One quarter Jewish blood
doesn't take very much tracing.
So far back does that go?
To your grandmother
or your grandfather.
Grandfather? Oh!
Well, I'd be very interested
to know your reaction to euthanasia.
It's a surgical operation getting rid
of useless matter, useless tissue.
Any doctor does it ten times a day,
if it's necessary.
Erm... if you had a small child
who contracted some disease that
left him paralysed, as well he might,
would he then be just waste tissue
to be got rid of?
- Exactly.
- Certainly.
No member is in the position
of privilege
to protect a useless person.
A person is useless
because he's useless,
not because he happens to be related
to somebody who is useful.
Without the existence
of such a law,
I would want to take that law
into my own hands, anyway.
Mind the doors, please!
We haven't got all day!
Mind the doors. Mind the doors, please.
You can't get that thing in there!
Oh, it's you. Just a minute.
Why the chain?
Come on in.
I'm afraid we're in a bit
of a state tonight.
But I'm glad you've come.
We've been dying to know
what's been happening to you.
And now we're in this mess.
Why have you been shoved down here?
No. They requisitioned the place.
Just because I wouldn't join their, er...
What's the name of that organisation?
The one that sounds like a laxative, er...
...Instant Action.
So they pinched the rest of the house
and shoved a Block Leader upstairs.
- Would you mind?
- Oh, I've seen him.
He's awfully nice, really.
Comes in every Thursday for little chats.
About everything except politics.
It's rather like having a favourite uncle
for a prison warder.
But I wish I'd stood a bit firmer.
- What do you mean?
- Well, you know.
Wish I'd, er...
I wish I'd done something positive.
I wouldn't have minded losing the house,
but just to say no to a bloody official...
Few years ago, Helen and I were
all set to go underground.
But Sarah stopped that.
Can't dare risk her.
Since then, we've done nothing.
Just a moment.
Helen. When you're ready,
Pauline's here.
- Until now, that is.
- Until now what?
- Sleep well.
- Pauline, am I glad to see you!
Goodnight, pet.
With all your experience,
you ought to be a lot of help.
- I suppose Dick's told you?
- No, not yet.
Let me take your coat
and we'll tell you all about it.
You look as if you're about to leave us.
Yes, what is all this mystery about?
You, of all people.
Oh, for heaven's sake, Dick,
stop calling me a fascist.
I know as much about politics
as a lamp post.
My point is, we've fought a war
and we've lost it.
There's been a terrible lot of suffering
on both sides,
so why prolong that suffering?
The only way to get back to normal
is to support law and order,
whatever little law and order we've got.
And that's what I'm doing.
And I'm not ashamed of it.
Get back to our five quid a week
and to hell with the war, is that it?
I didn't say that.
But you think this struggling for freedom
business is a waste of time.
I didn't, until I became involved in it.
But now I know from personal experience
it's a most terrible waste.
Funny... We used to agree
about these things.
I supposed we've just changed.
Not surprising, after all that's happened.
He won't allow them. No two people
are alike, he wants them all the same.
It's simpler.
So that he can pigeonhole them
into groups,
into organisations, or races,
or countries.
"I hate all Jews," he'll say,
and bang go about 80 million people.
The vast majority of them
he can't possibly have met,
but he likes it that way.
It's convenient and it soothes
any remnants of conscience.
Here are a lot of people.
All in nice straight lines,
all dressed the same,
all jumping up and down
to one person's orders.
We know what they are
and why they're doing it.
And there is a rabble, all dressed
differently, all behaving differently,
no order, no discipline.
Well... the mind can't keep up
with them all.
So all right, eliminate them...
- Haven't you any morphine?
- No, Dick's used up all his ration.
He's got to wait till Tuesday
for some more.
Do you realise the penalty
for harbouring partisans?
- Pauline, you won't...
- Do you realise the penalty?
Do you realise the mess you're in?
God, now I can see why
you were in such a state tonight.
No one'll know if you don't tell them.
For God's sake,
hand this man over to the police.
He's going to die in any case,
but why should he bleed you to death?
You're only doing it
because you feel guilty
that you haven't done anything
all these years.
And Dick, think of Sarah and Helen.
You astound me.
Do you really think that
I'd hand over a man in that state,
after all he's done for his beliefs?
Oh, don't whitewash
those murderers to me.
You call them murderers?
Look, I don't give a damn
what you say about the fascists.
But don't try and whitewash
those partisans.
They killed six of my closest friends and
very nearly killed me in a few seconds.
Yes, I do call them murderers.
And I ought to know.
I'm sorry. I suppose you're doing
what you think is right.
When you get two sides fighting a battle
and you don't agree with either,
life does get a bit complicated.
How do you mean?
I mean I don't agree with their methods.
Either of them.
But their aims are different.
That's what's important.
Well, the partisans hate the fascists,
just as the fascists hate the Jews.
There's nothing to choose
between them.
The appalling thing
about fascism is
that you've got to use fascist methods
to get rid of it.
We've all got a bit of it in us.
And it doesn't take much
to bring it to the surface.
It stays with us.
Probably always will.
Well, hadn't we better make the most
of it now that we're stuck with it?
Good God, no, you don't get the point.
We're stuck with disease.
We don't sit back and accept it,
we fight it.
We've got to fight fascism
because it's a disease of the mind.
And when you fight a disease,
you often use its own germ
for inoculation.
Do you see?
Well, I won't hang around.
I'll be here tomorrow
with some morphine.
- You haven't had a thing to eat.
- Don't worry.
There's a rally tomorrow
and we're all forced to attend.
I'll try and get here before it starts,
but it may be a bit tricky.
Well... all I can say is
I'm terribly grateful.
So long. Good luck.
Excuse me. ls the doctor ill?
Oh, erm, my visit was social
rather than professional.
I thought I heard...
Oh, well, never mind.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Hello. What are you doing
in this part of the world?
Look, er...
Look, Carol, I'm in a bit of a fix.
You have access
to the medical stores, don't you?
I'm just the medical officer's secretary.
Well, you're the only one I can ask.
I know it's difficult, but do you think
you could get me some morphine
without anyone knowing?
It's absolutely vital.
You're the only hope I have.
Come in.
Excuse me, sir.
There's someone outside...
Yes. Yes...
Well, what's my position?
What do you want?
There's someone outside, sir,
wanting morphine.
Who's coming here?
Well, where am I going? Where?
I see.
- How much do they want?
- She didn't exactly say, sir.
- Well what does she want it for?
- She didn't say, sir.
You're as inefficient at getting
information as you are at typing.
- Better do that again.
- Yes, sir.
He was our comrade.
A true National Socialist.
From the earliest days
of our first street battles,
he was an unrelenting foe
of all Jews, communists,
and other antisocial elements.
With unconquerable courage and faith,
he tore down every obstacle,
crushed all who opposed him.
This rebel,
this Jewish-backed scum,
has murdered our comrade.
They have bereaved his wife,
orphaned his sons.
But they cannot destroy
the example he has given us.
His life was an epic of the human will.
His martyrdom inspires
and strengthens us.
Now, we will temper our swords anew
in the blood of our enemies.
They too shall mourn
for we will avenge his death!
We will avenge it a thousand times!
'Nurse Murray to Room 523.'
Come in.
- Nurse Murray, ma'am.
- Right, stand at ease, Murray.
I've called you up here
because of the report we've received...
Certain standards
are required of you
when you join
the Immediate Action Organisation.
The most important of these
is loyalty.
Loyalty to the organisation.
Loyalty to the state.
Loyalty to the English people.
It is the English people
whose welfare you are responsible for.
It is in this respect
that you have failed.
You failed me, you failed
the organisation, you failed the state.
Merely because
of your misguided sentimentality.
These... political undesirables
were your friends,
and you put your friends
before the state.
The Fletchers are being dealt with,
but you, however, are a nurse.
That is now your only value to the state.
It is for this reason
and this reason alone
that we are transferring you
to Lidington rehabilitation centre
as a replacement staff nurse.
That's all.
Sit in with me.
- Would that be all right?
- All right.
I'm Skipworth,
caretaker up at the hospital.
And I'm Murray. Pauline Murray.
I suppose you're from London.
You probably don't think
that a small country hospital does
very much, even in these days.
Oh, not at all.
I realise just how valuable they are.
Oh, no, you wouldn't think so.
Neither did I, till I came here.
Thought I came here
to look after the roses.
Oh, you know...
Not a bit of it. Not a bit of it.
Doctor comes up to me one moment,
then Sister comes along
with another problem.
And I'm doing little favours for the nurses,
all at once of course.
You know, there's only one of me.
But I don't get anything extra, Oh, no.
Still, I don't complain.
Keep on movin', I say, keep movin'.
That way...
Well, you don't think about yourself.
We're quite near the station, you see.
Doctor, Nurse Murray!
Ah, we've been expecting you.
My name is Walton,
and I'm in charge here.
And this is the indispensable
Sister Howard.
Sister has been here almost 20 years.
This is my assistant, Dr Westerman.
Glad to have you with us.
These are Nurses Drayton, Thomas,
Fried, Trevelyan, and Haines.
Hello, how are you?
Oh, yes, those that oppose them
have been quietly removed
and the tension has relaxed a little bit,
not all that much.
I've got to go into the village.
And I'd like to see you
in my office when I get back.
Yes, sir.
Mr Skipworth said that
you've been very busy here.
Not more than usual.
But if Skipworth can't get
his game of darts in the evening,
the world's coming to an end in his view.
If you'd like to come now, I'll show you
your room. Good evening, Sister.
- This way.
- Thank you.
This place seems rather quiet.
Have all your patients made miraculous
recoveries or have they been transferred?
We have a batch of Polish workers in
from Cromer.
TB patients, some of them
have got pneumonia.
So our other patients had to go.
Here we are, then.
Well, I always think that
if your room's all right,
everything's going to be all right.
It can be pretty depressing
here sometimes.
Oh, most places can be.
People here seem unusually pleasant.
I could imagine Westerman
being a bit of an old woman.
But matron seems very sweet.
She keeps us going here.
She's wonderful with the patients.
Westerman has an awful effect on us.
He's neurotic.
He's got a tough job
and it gets him down, I suppose.
Now, we're on Ward 2A, so get
sorted out and I'll show you the ropes.
Oh, and don't forget
you've got to see Dr Walton.
Come in!
Ah, you've settled in all right, have you?
Yes, thank you, sir.
Now, there'll be no necessity for you
to wear that particular uniform.
Nurse Trevelyan will fit you out
with one of the ordinary white ones
that I prefer the nurses hereto wear.
Yes, I'd prefer that myself.
Now, you've probably been told about
the transportation of eastern workers.
They've been working on
the new harbour in Cromer, apparently.
When they were found
to have contracted TB,
they were sent to the centre
in Cambridge.
Unfortunately, they're incurables.
So don't mention this
around the village.
Well, no, sir.
I shan't be here tonight
and Dr Westerman will be in charge.
Well, that'll be all, nurse.
Thank you. Goodnight.
Goodnight, sir. Goodnight, matron.
- That suits you better.
- It certainly feels better.
I can't believe my luck.
After all these months of black serge.
This is a marvellous place.
Even the wards are wonderful.
Walton gave you the situation, did he?
Oh, he said something...
But where are the thermometers?
We'll need them for these admissions.
He didn't, obviously.
It's shocking, the way they treat
these workers. Worse than animals.
Matron? Could you find
a cup of tea for me and him?
Well, I'd better get back to the ward.
Er, take this off and put this on.
Ah, like that.
Oh, yes. Pyjama, yes.
You understand?
Oh, no. Put these on.
Oh, Nurse Murray. I'll handle this.
Could you get the box for their clothes
from the stockroom?
You'll be all right?
Does anyone here speak English?
Inoculation against infectious diseases.
All right. Let's start.
Doctor, what about the late shift?
Nurse Murray?
Carry on with these, will you, please?
10 ccs.
All over.
- Finished?
- Not quite.
Well, carry on after supper.
Let's go and eat.
Nurse Murray, you'll probably like
to turn in early tonight.
That'll mean you're on first round
- Is that all right?
- I'd love to.
- But is it fair with two off-duty?
- Oh, it's all right.
Nurse Drayton, you're on night duty.
We shall need two men from the village
tonight to assist Skipworth.
- So if you'll attend to that.
- Yes, Sister. You coming down?
No, I don't think I will.
I'm dead beat.
'They are bound to lose
vast quantities of men...
'...the partisan supply route
has been cut off.
'The Minister of the interior said today
that the landings of isolated groups
'of Americans and exiled Englishmen,
'trained in all forms
of violence and subversion
'and reminiscent of the gangster rule
in Chicago some years ago,
'should not be regarded as an invasion,
but more as an armed excursion,
'causing untold suffering and hardship
to the civilian population.
'They could not possibly have any effect
on the outcome of the war.
'That is the end of the news.'
Mr Skipworth!
Mr Skipworth? Mr Skipworth?
How do you think I feel?
Do you think I like it here?
What's the alternative? I can't leave.
I've no other job to go to.
And if you refuse to carry on,
they'd send us all to concentration camps.
Either way, they're going to die.
Isn't it kinder for them to die this way?
You see, we've always been
a nursing home.
We've always treated TB cases.
So the authorities find it convenient that
we should appear to carry on as before.
The patients, the incurable ones,
have to go.
So we just do our best to see them through
their last hours as humanely as possible.
Why did you join that organisation
in the first place?
When you joined that,
you accepted National Socialism.
And you accepted every method
it employs to achieve its aims.
You can't ignore the basic issue.
You're involved in a great cleansing
operation wiping out disease,
medical, political, racial.
We don't enjoy this charade
any more than you do.
But we find that kindliness
allays suspicion.
It makes disposal easier.
You see,
we're like soldiers at the front.
They can't betray their country
by deserting their post.
And nor can we.
Just been up the hospital, sir.
It was absolute hell.
All they've got is Jerry prisoners
carrying blokes in and putting them down.
No one knows the first thing
about wounds.
Have you got anyone
who knows about medicine?
We got anyone who can help?
- How 'bout that nurse we captured?
- You caught a nurse?
- Collaborator.
- Will she do it?
Well, let's ask her.
Greg, bring that nurse over here,
will you?
Oi, you! Here! You!
Oi, come on!
Yes, you. Come on, you're wanted.
- You're a qualified nurse, aren't you?
- Are you prepared to nurse our wounded?
Right. Will you go
with this officer, please?
- There's service for you.
- Thank you, sir.
Come on, Miss. Let's go.
- Brought you a nurse. Look after her.
- Thanks.
Right, we start over here.
Well, I'm afraid this is all we've got.
- Do you think you'll cope?
- Yes.
- Right. I'll leave you to it.
- All right.
'This is the broadcasting station
of the British Army of Liberation.
'Stay tuned in to this wavelength
for news of our victory offensive.
'Report from Gloucestershire.
Evesham, held by fanatical remnants
'of the English SS, is now
completely surrounded and cut off
'by units of the Army of Liberation.
'You're listening to the broadcasting
station of the British Army of Liberation.
'Stay tuned in to this wavelength
for news of our Victory Offensive.
'Report from Gloucestershire. The SS
at Evesham cannot face another fight.
'They have surrendered
without firing a shot.
'The road to Gloucester is clear!
'Yet another victory
in the Victory Offensive!'
You won't be needing these again,
you bastard.
Stand clear. Stand clear.
'Report from Gloucestershire.
'The Army of Liberation is being welcomed
in every town on the road to Gloucester.
'All opposition is being crushed.
'Volunteers are flocking
to the Union Jack.
'The spire of the cathedral
is now in sight,
'and with it,
another stage of the liberation.'
All right...
of England took place in July 1940
'after the British retreat from Dunkirk.
'Strongly resisted at first, the German Army
took many months to restore order.
'But the resistance movement, lacking
outside support, was finally crushed.
'For three years, it lay dormant.
'Collaboration increased as the population
adjusted to the tedium of occupation.
'Then, in 1944, the resistance
movement reappeared,
'strongly reinforced and rearmed
by America.
'America, now in the war, had stationed
its Seventh Fleet off Ireland
'to harass the south-west coast
of England with carrier-based aircraft
'and to supply men and equipment
to the partisans.
'On the Eastern Front, a breakthrough
by the Red Army in the Urals
'meant the withdrawal
of every available soldier
'from the forces of occupation
throughout Europe.
'England was therefore garrisoned
only by British volunteer SS legions
'and a small number of German troops.'
Don't shoot!
Stop here!
On your feet, please.
On your feet, get moving.
'This evacuation
is a temporary measure
'caused by partisan atrocities
on civilians...'
Don't tell me that was
an important piece of liberation.
Burning down the barn just because
some Germans had camped there.
They're criminals, I tell you.
Mrs Jameson's boy only joined
because he was in trouble with the police.
Don't tell me they're not communists.
I knew some pretty bolshie people
round here before the war.
And where are they now?
In the resistance.
Oh, come and have a cup of tea.
- Honor!
- Up here!
I didn't think you'd forget to come today.
- No more room on this one.
- June! June!
- I'm sorry about this.
- What the hell's gone wrong?
We'll send some more
when we get to Salisbury.
Don't be a bloody fool.
They sent nothing to us in the blackout.
- And listen to that firing.
- Oh, it'll be all right.
Hurry up! We haven't got all night.
Come on. There's no point
in hanging out here in the rain.
Let's go back to my place.
I'll see if I can get anything to eat.
Bring your cases.
Wouldn't it be worth walking to Salisbury
while the firing's still in the hills?
Don't be ridiculous.
It'd take you four hours.
Better than staying here.
Wrong direction.
Come in. No use waiting out there.
We'll need all the food we've got
for the journey, if we ever make it.
I'll see what I've got left.
- Can I go to the lavatory please?
- Yes.
- Can she go to the lavatory, Pauline?
- Yes, you know where it is, upstairs.
Does anyone know the time?
Sorry, it's that small door on the right.
For pity's
sake. Let's get out of here, quickly.
Hide the light...
The lorries are coming back.
The right direction, too.
I never thought they'd manage it.
You frightened? We're leaving
in a moment, Libby. We're off to London.
Your mummy will be waiting
for you there.
She'll be much more frightened
than you are.
Nothing to worry about,
Libby. The lorries are here.
Here, have a sweet.
What the hell are you doing here?
We got left behind.
Thank God you've arrived.
We can't help you.
You've got to stay here.
But there aren't many of us.
We can squeeze in.
You don't understand. We stay here.
We aren't going to Salisbury.
Oh, for God's sake.
Here, over here! With me.
Could you tell me where
I could get a bus to Hendon, please?
Sorry, madam, there is no transport
today due to the evacuation.
I should hoof it. You'll have to walk
in that direction and ask again.
Oh, thank you very much.
- I'm sorry I'm so late.
- Can I see your papers, please?
There you are.
Well, it's good to see you,
but you might've let me know.
You can't imagine the trouble I've had
keeping this billet for you.
The landlady's been nearly frantic
trying to get other people in here.
You might've phoned or something,
the number's on the card.
- Shh.
- 'This is London.
'Here is the 12 o'clock news.
'A communique issued this morning
by the Eighth SS Police Division
'announces that the evacuation of civilians
from the Salisbury area has been completed.
- 'People were seriously injured...'
- Honor, have you got anything to drink?
- Are you feeling all right?
- '...derailed last night by partisans.'
Yes, I'm all right.
- But...
- 'More German troops are expected...'
Something awful happened.
After you'd left. After you'd got away.
We went back to the house
and there were partisans in it.
I think all the others are dead.
I think I'm the only one that got away.
It's just all rather frightful.
Why have they still got this stuff
on the window?
Surely the planes can't get through
as far as this?
Air raid precautions. Just in case.
Thanks, Honor.
This is real coffee. I haven't tasted
anything like this for ages.
I got it on my ration card this morning.
I got a job at the food office right away.
Of course they're crying out
for nurses, really.
I thought I might join this
'Immediate Action Organisation',
you remember I did those courses
at the WI.
But they really want
properly trained nurses, like you.
I'm not getting involved
with any organisation.
I'm just going to do district nursing again,
the same as I did at home.
Do they have districts down here,
or is it all controlled from hospital?
I don't really know.
But this organisation sounds the thing.
Yes, but it's probably political.
And I'm not going to become involved
in any political organisation.
Honor, when Dick was killed, I felt I wanted
to slaughter every German I saw on sight.
But now I feel all we've got to do
is try and get back to normal.
Well, I must go and get
my identity cards.
I'll take you over to the Labour Centre.
Sorry, Honor.
I've had it, I couldn't move.
Well, you could go tomorrow,
I suppose, but you'll be a day late.
Don't blame me if you get into hot water.
And that's my bed.
Now you're seeing the real London.
There certainly are
some extraordinary sights.
Somebody there with special
qualification papers, please?
I'm a district nurse.
You don't look much like
the fire brigade sergeant I asked for.
District nurse, sir.
Just what I could do with, nursing.
Left, right, left, right...
- What, exhausted already?
- I've just walked across half London.
I haven't been here since 1937.
It's all most extraordinary.
That's hardly the word I'd use.
Have you ever seen so many Germans?
- There can't be anybody left in Berlin.
- Why are so many based here?
I wish I knew. They set up these
big organisations, run by Englishmen,
and then they just sit around,
getting in our hair.
Lots are moving out to parts of France,
less peaceful than this one. Now where...?
Now, you are to continue nursing.
I take it that you have no objection
to joining this organisation?
- Well, I'd prefer ordinary nursing.
- No such thing in London.
You either nurse with us, or you sit
at home nursing an empty stomach.
There's no two ways about it.
You can't object.
Now let's see if we can...
No, you're clear.
You're not a Jew, communist,
anarchist, freemason...
You're definitely in.
Now, there is a refresher course.
You'll have to learn to look after yourself.
I'm sorry, I don't want to join any org...
Look! This isn't 1937!
Things have changed!
The point is this, the only way
to counter the underground movement
and all the other subversive elements
that make our life a misery
is to be better organised than they are.
We just can't have lots of splendid people
like you spread all over the country,
working under their own steam.
If we can get them all together
working towards one end,
we'll soon get the old country
back on its feet again.
But what if we don't agree
with that one end?
Look, let's get the country back on its feet
again, then we'll talk about that.
If you don't want to be overrun
by hordes of Bolsheviks,
we've got to present a united front,
be better organised than they are.
I learnt that in the old days.
Fool proof.
Anyhow, it's past lunchtime.
Let's talk about it over a drink.
You look as though
you could do with one.
Leave that there, we'll collect that later. of those rough types came out,
he must've been a Jew or something.
He thumped me on the back
and I really laid into him...
Watch what you're doing,
you blithering idiot!
- I should leave him alone.
- I know how to deal with these characters!
Hello? Hello?
Hello? Hello? Oh, damn.
- Do you think you could get the police?
- Quickly.
Get up!
Stand on the running board!
Right, next please.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Why haven't you joined before?
Well I was living in the country
as a district nurse.
- You're not a British national?
- No, I was born in Ireland.
I was hoping to continue with ordinary
nursing, but I've seen an IA officer.
And after what's happened,
I've made the decision to join.
I've decided I can't stand
on the sidelines any...
We don't accept your decisions.
You accept ours.
Now, it says here that
you will be a nurse with the IA,
and that is what you will be
providing you're physically fit.
If you will take this card to Room 280
tomorrow morning at 09:00,
that will be for your medical.
Thank you.
- May I have my cards, please?
- No, we retain these.
- Until you're accepted or rejected.
- Thank you.
Don't you remember what is was like
just after the invasion?
Short of water, black market food.
Families herded into one room.
And in a couple of months,
the authorities had the whole thing
running smoothly.
I do like things organised,
I hate a mess.
Mess? We're still in a mess.
There you are, then.
What are you worried about?
You'll be helping to get it
straightened out.
The thing I like about you Honor is that
you joined the Party just for the coffee.
But the other people that are in it,
I'm not so sure about them.
I know I've been nursing,
but it all seems to have
a faintly military flavour.
Ambulance crew number one, move!
Oh, don't be so bloody delicate.
You're meant to be driving the ambulance,
not casualties inside it.
Now come back and do it again
at three times the speed.
This time the ambulance is going
to drive off, and if any of you miss it,
you're all on a charge.
Now move!
Quickly! Get up, woman!
Get up! Go on!
Faster! Get on the ambulance!
Wait! Slow down!
- Come on! Come on!
- Slow down!
Now, to British people,
who are brought up
in an atmosphere of apathy
towards political ideas,
the National Socialist creed
may seem startling, even abhorrent.
But, when you meet such apathy,
what I want you to show these people
is that National Socialism
offers them a new philosophy.
A new way of life.
Now, is that all clear?
Further points?
Those without potential
are of no use to the state.
Yes, this is certainly true.
We can have no passengers in our state.
The true citizen of our state
has certain rights,
but also corresponding duties.
The rights include educational benefits,
cultural benefits, protection
and a standard of living
worthy of our people.
Yet, if there are people
who fail the state,
they will have to be removed
with other criminal, antisocial elements.
It cannot be expected that a virile nation
should support such human dross.
They are useless eaters.
To deny this is illogical.
The triumph of National Socialism
has lifted our great country
from the mire of corruption
of Jewish capitalist monopolies
and the evil slime of communism.
The way has been hard and grim.
But we have succeeded.
It is now our duty to hold fast
to our strength of purpose
and ensure that these evils
never draw blood again in our midst.
The duties to be allocated
to some of you may seem hard,
even unpleasant.
But you are not in conflict
with your conscience
as you obey the highest law
in doing your duty.
Well done and congratulations.
Good luck to you.
This has been
a long and arduous course.
It has been
a most successful course.
And my first task, therefore,
must be to congratulate
each and every one of you.
In your practical work,
you've shown great enthusiasm.
In your tests and oral work,
you've shown not only enthusiasm,
but the fact that your feet
are on the ground.
This is an age
of leadership and courage.
And I'm quite confident
that when you go from here,
you will set an example
that is hard to beat.
Many of you will be seeing the world
for the first time.
May I remind you that the world
will also be seeing you.
Oh, but there's my bus!
- I'll see you. Bye.
- Cheerio.
What are you doing? For heaven's sake,
why can't you watch where you're going?
It wasn't my fault.
What the hell's going on?
Here, wipe it down with this.
Oh, thank you very much,
but I'll have to change anyway.
- Who do you want?
- Dr Fletcher.
- You'll find him down there.
- Thank you.
Till Thursday then,
Mrs Henderson.
- I'm afraid surgery's over now.
- But I want to see the doctor.
I can't believe it!
What am I doing? Come on!
Dick won't believe his eyes
when he sees you.
Come on!
In here!
You've never even seen Sarah before,
it's been so long.
Sarah, this is Pauline.
Hello, Sarah.
Dick, come as quick as you can!
You'll never guess who's here!
We haven't even had a letter
from you for months.
How long is it now since you left
London? Almost eight years.
We must celebrate.
Look, take your coat off.
Quite incredible.
Oh, marvellous!
This is splendid. The one person
we most wanted to see.
And it's wonderful
seeing the two of you again.
We secretly hoped
you might be evacuated to London.
You'll eat with us tonight
and we'll see...
I'm awfully sorry.
I'd love to, but I can't.
I've got a vital appointment tonight
which I simply must keep.
This is just a first fleeting visit.
But you can think of me
when you're eating these.
Come tomorrow.
It's the one evening people don't
pester me for bottles and tablets
and if there are no calls, we might
put up with you for the whole evening.
- Right.
- Will you come to stay again?
- Thanks, I'd love to, but...
- We've nowhere to put you.
- But one has to be polite.
- Thanks so much for those packages.
- I should wait to see what's in them
- Until tomorrow, then.
- Oh, goodbye, Sarah.
- Goodbye!
Oh, there you are, dear.
- Goodbye.
- All right, my darling.
Oh, and Bear.
- Bye. I'll see you tomorrow.
- Mind the step.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Find him all right?
- Oh, yes, thank you.
'This is London.
'A political speech by the Leader
will follow at once.'
- 'Brother Blackshirts...'
- Please, not while I'm eating.
'Our fight is for the soul of Britain,
'and in that battle
we go forward together till...'
Oh, I'm going to cinema.
Anybody coming?
'...worrying about
the prospects of the next five minutes,
'jostling for place,
but not so forward in service,
'without loyalty, endurance
or staying power...'
Oh, come on,
let's go and see Hans Albers...
'This is London.
'And these are its people.
People with one great and common purpose.
'To pay tribute to the achievement
in their country of National Socialism.
'To this, the first big public display
since the army landed,
'come people from many miles
around the metropolis
'to be addressed by leading statesmen
from both Britain and the Reich.
'They will be told what National Socialism
is doing now for their country,
'reminded of the startling achievements
it has already made.
'Though they also come
to pay tribute to the soldiers
'of the British Volunteer Legions,
'now in the last stages
of inflicting an overwhelming defeat
'on the pitiful remnants
of the forces of world communism.
'In this historic meeting place,
'history is being made as the thousands
remember the day that changed their lives
'and the course of world history.
'For at last,
'the world's two great nations
'are united in more than race.
'From the crowd surges the cry,
"'Germany and England,
union for strength!"
'Anglo-German friendship built up over
the centuries has never been destroyed.
'The spirit that existed
when Englishmen and German
'fought side by side at Waterloo
has never been crushed.
'But the propagandists
of the First Great War nearly succeeded.
'Yet even in the mud and blood
of the savage Flanders battlefield,
'there were men who saw the truth.
'On Christmas Day 1914,
'officers and men, English and German,
declared an unofficial truce
'and met in no man's land.
'Only a handful from either side
was enough
'to rekindle the flame of comradeship.
'During the gaiety
of an impromptu football match,
'they experienced again
the true comradeship
'that had once been the birthright
of both Englishmen and German.
'They realised, too, the futility of
a death struggle between brother nations.'
'These are the only surviving pictures
of this historic event.
'After the war, those men
and men of like mind
'vowed to avenge the years
in which brother slaughtered brother
'by destroying the force
which began the war
'and uniting the two nations forever
in a united Europe.
'Those men who saw the truth
formed Blackshirt movements.
'But, again and again,
'Red Front reactionaries
tried to break up the meetings,
'tried to prevent the truth
reaching the people.
'The Bolsheviks grasped every opportunity
to deal an underhand blow
'at the gathering might of fascism.'
'No longer in the blood-sodden fields
of Flanders,
'but here, in his home,
in the very streets of London,
'brother again fights brother.
'The police, once allied
with the Blackshirt cause,
'now so confused by the widely sown
seeds of communist chaos,
'are forced to deal indiscriminately
with the ensuing violence.'
'One Bolshevik arrested.
'But thousands still free to hold
the forces of law and order in contempt.'
'The Blackshirts warned their fellow
countrymen of the true danger.
'Not the great German recovery,
'but the terrible, deadly grip
of the imperialist Jews,
'who, after one great conflict,
were forcing the world towards another.
'The struggled to destroy this grip,
but they fought alone.
'Their country, war-weary,
was apathetic.
'And the power of international
Jewish finance,
'menaced by Germany's
miraculous recovery,
'increased its poisonous stranglehold
on the rulers of Britain.
'Suddenly its sinews sprang into action.
'The Second World War began.
'Those men who saw the truth
were arrested.
'Many died because
their country ignored them.
'Germany was faced
with a bitter but inexorable duty.
'These are the fruits of Jewish control.
'Britain's heroic defence
was immeasurably costly.
'But with Europe threatened
from the East,
'Adolf Hitler saw that this internal fight
could bring extinction
'for the entire continent.
'But stubbornly, Britain's government
rejected peace treaties
'and closed its eyes to the truth.'
'The German Army's conquest was
not over the people of Great Britain,
'but over their corrupt rulers.
'The army's arrival enabled
those men who saw the truth
'to put their beliefs into action.
'Backed by the people of Britain,
they formed England's first government
'with full power to act.
'By outlawing Bolshevism,
by establishing the corporate state,
'by helping to solve the Jewish problem
'and by conquering unemployment
with the Labour Front,
'the government brought Britain
to her place of honour in the new Europe.
'And now, the uniform of the Wehrmacht
is worn not only by the German,
'the first winter of 1943 saw the formation
of the English Volunteer Legions.
'And now the Englishman again joins the
German in the spirit of true comradeship.'
'An echo of the past
from Flanders field.'
We had a very good method
of protecting ourselves.
We used to make a breastplate
of two pieces of cardboard.
Sandwiched between the two pieces
of cardboard, drawing pins.
We used to wear those under our shirts.
When these people came to attack us,
their hands used to get torn
on the drawing pins.
If they came to the meeting for trouble,
we gave them trouble.
Some people might have thought that
your methods were as bad as theirs were.
Oh, they... Er...
These people have published memoirs,
and one of them, erm, a known criminal,
has said that he went
to one of our public meetings
without knowing anything about the politics
of that meeting, and without caring,
for a bit of a lark, to break it up.
And he took with him a chair leg
into which had been poured
a pound and a half of lead,
and a six-inch nail.
And he hit no less than seven people
with this weapon.
Now, if I saw this man at the meeting,
I should have to risk
my life, what good looks I have,
to get him outside before he hurt somebody.
And he was there to just anybody.
Anybody at all.
You would be justified
to belt him with his weapon.
That's it.
Why did the film blame the Jews
for the Blitz?
It's a simple fact.
You can't get away from it.
Adolf Hitler started a political movement
which the Jews opposed.
They were repressed when the National
Socialist Party came to power in 1933
and they have been our enemies ever since.
Well, the National Socialists
are so racially minded,
why does the army
use people of other nations?
These people have volunteered from all parts
of Europe and other parts of the world.
In this fight, they've volunteered to fight
with the German Army against Bolshevism.
Well, then do you think that Bolshevism
and Jews are the same?
To a great extent, yes.
Bolshevism is Jewish.
But if I may quote a Jew to you,
Dr Oscar Levy said of his own people,
'When we sink, we become revolutionaries.
'When we rise, there rises
the terrible power of our purse.'
There is this point. Let's assume this
is before the National Socialist liberation,
and that this country is still controlled
by the capitalist Jews.
Now you've also said
that Bolshevism is Jewish.
How is it, then, that communism
and capitalism are constantly at war?
There is no true conflict between the Jews
of the Kremlin or London,
Madrid, New York or any other place.
What makes the Aryan
so superior to the Jew?
Well, you only have to look at
the different histories of the Aryan race
and the Jewish race to see
that ours is immeasurably superior
to the Jewish contribution
to the world culture.
Culture I grant you,
but quote me another field.
Well, name any other field, erm...
I still maintain that Aryans are superior to
Jews in whichever field you care to mention.
- Well, give us some fields.
- Well, you give me the fields.
It's not that the Aryans are so superior,
but every race is superior to the Jew.
The Jew has no home.
The Jew is a parasite race.
The Jew waits for a civilisation
to be established,
and then establishes himself on it.
A flea on a dog.
Yes. Fleas can live on a dog,
but fleas can't live on fleas.
Send 'em all to Madagascar,
that's the simplest way.
Let them cheat one another.
Instead of cheating the people
they've lived on for the past centuries.
But if all Jews are parasites,
why not deal with them now
instead of sending them to Madagascar?
That's exactly what I want to do. Deal with
them now by sending them to Madagascar.
Ideologically, of course,
this is a more correct view,
but I think we'll find
that there are one or two of them
who have skills, learnt at our expense...
But I don't want their skills.
- I want no part of them.
- They're not their skills,
they're our skills, they're skills
that they've learnt in our schools,
at our universities and our hospitals.
Well, look,
a lot of people have asked me,
what do you do if you suddenly find
that you've got, say,
one eighth part of Jewish in you?
I suppose I should say I'd out my throat
and let the Jewish blood out.
But in practice, like the rest
of National Socialist Europe,
we accept a person
of one quarter Jewish blood.
How are you going to trace
this ancestry back? It goes back miles.
One quarter Jewish blood
doesn't take very much tracing.
So far back does that go?
To your grandmother
or your grandfather.
Grandfather? Oh!
Well, I'd be very interested
to know your reaction to euthanasia.
It's a surgical operation getting rid
of useless matter, useless tissue.
Any doctor does it ten times a day,
if it's necessary.
Erm... if you had a small child
who contracted some disease that
left him paralysed, as well he might,
would he then be just waste tissue
to be got rid of?
- Exactly.
- Certainly.
No member is in the position
of privilege
to protect a useless person.
A person is useless
because he's useless,
not because he happens to be related
to somebody who is useful.
Without the existence
of such a law,
I would want to take that law
into my own hands, anyway.
Mind the doors, please!
We haven't got all day!
Mind the doors. Mind the doors, please.
You can't get that thing in there!
Oh, it's you. Just a minute.
Why the chain?
Come on in.
I'm afraid we're in a bit
of a state tonight.
But I'm glad you've come.
We've been dying to know
what's been happening to you.
And now we're in this mess.
Why have you been shoved down here?
No. They requisitioned the place.
Just because I wouldn't join their, er...
What's the name of that organisation?
The one that sounds like a laxative, er...
...Instant Action.
So they pinched the rest of the house
and shoved a Block Leader upstairs.
- Would you mind?
- Oh, I've seen him.
He's awfully nice, really.
Comes in every Thursday for little chats.
About everything except politics.
It's rather like having a favourite uncle
for a prison warder.
But I wish I'd stood a bit firmer.
- What do you mean?
- Well, you know.
Wish I'd, er...
I wish I'd done something positive.
I wouldn't have minded losing the house,
but just to say no to a bloody official...
Few years ago, Helen and I were
all set to go underground.
But Sarah stopped that.
Can't dare risk her.
Since then, we've done nothing.
Just a moment.
Helen. When you're ready,
Pauline's here.
- Until now, that is.
- Until now what?
- Sleep well.
- Pauline, am I glad to see you!
Goodnight, pet.
With all your experience,
you ought to be a lot of help.
- I suppose Dick's told you?
- No, not yet.
Let me take your coat
and we'll tell you all about it.
You look as if you're about to leave us.
Yes, what is all this mystery about?
You, of all people.
Oh, for heaven's sake, Dick,
stop calling me a fascist.
I know as much about politics
as a lamp post.
My point is, we've fought a war
and we've lost it.
There's been a terrible lot of suffering
on both sides,
so why prolong that suffering?
The only way to get back to normal
is to support law and order,
whatever little law and order we've got.
And that's what I'm doing.
And I'm not ashamed of it.
Get back to our five quid a week
and to hell with the war, is that it?
I didn't say that.
But you think this struggling for freedom
business is a waste of time.
I didn't, until I became involved in it.
But now I know from personal experience
it's a most terrible waste.
Funny... We used to agree
about these things.
I supposed we've just changed.
Not surprising, after all that's happened.
He won't allow them. No two people
are alike, he wants them all the same.
It's simpler.
So that he can pigeonhole them
into groups,
into organisations, or races,
or countries.
"I hate all Jews," he'll say,
and bang go about 80 million people.
The vast majority of them
he can't possibly have met,
but he likes it that way.
It's convenient and it soothes
any remnants of conscience.
Here are a lot of people.
All in nice straight lines,
all dressed the same,
all jumping up and down
to one person's orders.
We know what they are
and why they're doing it.
And there is a rabble, all dressed
differently, all behaving differently,
no order, no discipline.
Well... the mind can't keep up
with them all.
So all right, eliminate them...
- Haven't you any morphine?
- No, Dick's used up all his ration.
He's got to wait till Tuesday
for some more.
Do you realise the penalty
for harbouring partisans?
- Pauline, you won't...
- Do you realise the penalty?
Do you realise the mess you're in?
God, now I can see why
you were in such a state tonight.
No one'll know if you don't tell them.
For God's sake,
hand this man over to the police.
He's going to die in any case,
but why should he bleed you to death?
You're only doing it
because you feel guilty
that you haven't done anything
all these years.
And Dick, think of Sarah and Helen.
You astound me.
Do you really think that
I'd hand over a man in that state,
after all he's done for his beliefs?
Oh, don't whitewash
those murderers to me.
You call them murderers?
Look, I don't give a damn
what you say about the fascists.
But don't try and whitewash
those partisans.
They killed six of my closest friends and
very nearly killed me in a few seconds.
Yes, I do call them murderers.
And I ought to know.
I'm sorry. I suppose you're doing
what you think is right.
When you get two sides fighting a battle
and you don't agree with either,
life does get a bit complicated.
How do you mean?
I mean I don't agree with their methods.
Either of them.
But their aims are different.
That's what's important.
Well, the partisans hate the fascists,
just as the fascists hate the Jews.
There's nothing to choose
between them.
The appalling thing
about fascism is
that you've got to use fascist methods
to get rid of it.
We've all got a bit of it in us.
And it doesn't take much
to bring it to the surface.
It stays with us.
Probably always will.
Well, hadn't we better make the most
of it now that we're stuck with it?
Good God, no, you don't get the point.
We're stuck with disease.
We don't sit back and accept it,
we fight it.
We've got to fight fascism
because it's a disease of the mind.
And when you fight a disease,
you often use its own germ
for inoculation.
Do you see?
Well, I won't hang around.
I'll be here tomorrow
with some morphine.
- You haven't had a thing to eat.
- Don't worry.
There's a rally tomorrow
and we're all forced to attend.
I'll try and get here before it starts,
but it may be a bit tricky.
Well... all I can say is
I'm terribly grateful.
So long. Good luck.
Excuse me. ls the doctor ill?
Oh, erm, my visit was social
rather than professional.
I thought I heard...
Oh, well, never mind.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Hello. What are you doing
in this part of the world?
Look, er...
Look, Carol, I'm in a bit of a fix.
You have access
to the medical stores, don't you?
I'm just the medical officer's secretary.
Well, you're the only one I can ask.
I know it's difficult, but do you think
you could get me some morphine
without anyone knowing?
It's absolutely vital.
You're the only hope I have.
Come in.
Excuse me, sir.
There's someone outside...
Yes. Yes...
Well, what's my position?
What do you want?
There's someone outside, sir,
wanting morphine.
Who's coming here?
Well, where am I going? Where?
I see.
- How much do they want?
- She didn't exactly say, sir.
- Well what does she want it for?
- She didn't say, sir.
You're as inefficient at getting
information as you are at typing.
- Better do that again.
- Yes, sir.
He was our comrade.
A true National Socialist.
From the earliest days
of our first street battles,
he was an unrelenting foe
of all Jews, communists,
and other antisocial elements.
With unconquerable courage and faith,
he tore down every obstacle,
crushed all who opposed him.
This rebel,
this Jewish-backed scum,
has murdered our comrade.
They have bereaved his wife,
orphaned his sons.
But they cannot destroy
the example he has given us.
His life was an epic of the human will.
His martyrdom inspires
and strengthens us.
Now, we will temper our swords anew
in the blood of our enemies.
They too shall mourn
for we will avenge his death!
We will avenge it a thousand times!
'Nurse Murray to Room 523.'
Come in.
- Nurse Murray, ma'am.
- Right, stand at ease, Murray.
I've called you up here
because of the report we've received...
Certain standards
are required of you
when you join
the Immediate Action Organisation.
The most important of these
is loyalty.
Loyalty to the organisation.
Loyalty to the state.
Loyalty to the English people.
It is the English people
whose welfare you are responsible for.
It is in this respect
that you have failed.
You failed me, you failed
the organisation, you failed the state.
Merely because
of your misguided sentimentality.
These... political undesirables
were your friends,
and you put your friends
before the state.
The Fletchers are being dealt with,
but you, however, are a nurse.
That is now your only value to the state.
It is for this reason
and this reason alone
that we are transferring you
to Lidington rehabilitation centre
as a replacement staff nurse.
That's all.
Sit in with me.
- Would that be all right?
- All right.
I'm Skipworth,
caretaker up at the hospital.
And I'm Murray. Pauline Murray.
I suppose you're from London.
You probably don't think
that a small country hospital does
very much, even in these days.
Oh, not at all.
I realise just how valuable they are.
Oh, no, you wouldn't think so.
Neither did I, till I came here.
Thought I came here
to look after the roses.
Oh, you know...
Not a bit of it. Not a bit of it.
Doctor comes up to me one moment,
then Sister comes along
with another problem.
And I'm doing little favours for the nurses,
all at once of course.
You know, there's only one of me.
But I don't get anything extra, Oh, no.
Still, I don't complain.
Keep on movin', I say, keep movin'.
That way...
Well, you don't think about yourself.
We're quite near the station, you see.
Doctor, Nurse Murray!
Ah, we've been expecting you.
My name is Walton,
and I'm in charge here.
And this is the indispensable
Sister Howard.
Sister has been here almost 20 years.
This is my assistant, Dr Westerman.
Glad to have you with us.
These are Nurses Drayton, Thomas,
Fried, Trevelyan, and Haines.
Hello, how are you?
Oh, yes, those that oppose them
have been quietly removed
and the tension has relaxed a little bit,
not all that much.
I've got to go into the village.
And I'd like to see you
in my office when I get back.
Yes, sir.
Mr Skipworth said that
you've been very busy here.
Not more than usual.
But if Skipworth can't get
his game of darts in the evening,
the world's coming to an end in his view.
If you'd like to come now, I'll show you
your room. Good evening, Sister.
- This way.
- Thank you.
This place seems rather quiet.
Have all your patients made miraculous
recoveries or have they been transferred?
We have a batch of Polish workers in
from Cromer.
TB patients, some of them
have got pneumonia.
So our other patients had to go.
Here we are, then.
Well, I always think that
if your room's all right,
everything's going to be all right.
It can be pretty depressing
here sometimes.
Oh, most places can be.
People here seem unusually pleasant.
I could imagine Westerman
being a bit of an old woman.
But matron seems very sweet.
She keeps us going here.
She's wonderful with the patients.
Westerman has an awful effect on us.
He's neurotic.
He's got a tough job
and it gets him down, I suppose.
Now, we're on Ward 2A, so get
sorted out and I'll show you the ropes.
Oh, and don't forget
you've got to see Dr Walton.
Come in!
Ah, you've settled in all right, have you?
Yes, thank you, sir.
Now, there'll be no necessity for you
to wear that particular uniform.
Nurse Trevelyan will fit you out
with one of the ordinary white ones
that I prefer the nurses hereto wear.
Yes, I'd prefer that myself.
Now, you've probably been told about
the transportation of eastern workers.
They've been working on
the new harbour in Cromer, apparently.
When they were found
to have contracted TB,
they were sent to the centre
in Cambridge.
Unfortunately, they're incurables.
So don't mention this
around the village.
Well, no, sir.
I shan't be here tonight
and Dr Westerman will be in charge.
Well, that'll be all, nurse.
Thank you. Goodnight.
Goodnight, sir. Goodnight, matron.
- That suits you better.
- It certainly feels better.
I can't believe my luck.
After all these months of black serge.
This is a marvellous place.
Even the wards are wonderful.
Walton gave you the situation, did he?
Oh, he said something...
But where are the thermometers?
We'll need them for these admissions.
He didn't, obviously.
It's shocking, the way they treat
these workers. Worse than animals.
Matron? Could you find
a cup of tea for me and him?
Well, I'd better get back to the ward.
Er, take this off and put this on.
Ah, like that.
Oh, yes. Pyjama, yes.
You understand?
Oh, no. Put these on.
Oh, Nurse Murray. I'll handle this.
Could you get the box for their clothes
from the stockroom?
You'll be all right?
Does anyone here speak English?
Inoculation against infectious diseases.
All right. Let's start.
Doctor, what about the late shift?
Nurse Murray?
Carry on with these, will you, please?
10 ccs.
All over.
- Finished?
- Not quite.
Well, carry on after supper.
Let's go and eat.
Nurse Murray, you'll probably like
to turn in early tonight.
That'll mean you're on first round
- Is that all right?
- I'd love to.
- But is it fair with two off-duty?
- Oh, it's all right.
Nurse Drayton, you're on night duty.
We shall need two men from the village
tonight to assist Skipworth.
- So if you'll attend to that.
- Yes, Sister. You coming down?
No, I don't think I will.
I'm dead beat.
'They are bound to lose
vast quantities of men...
'...the partisan supply route
has been cut off.
'The Minister of the interior said today
that the landings of isolated groups
'of Americans and exiled Englishmen,
'trained in all forms
of violence and subversion
'and reminiscent of the gangster rule
in Chicago some years ago,
'should not be regarded as an invasion,
but more as an armed excursion,
'causing untold suffering and hardship
to the civilian population.
'They could not possibly have any effect
on the outcome of the war.
'That is the end of the news.'
Mr Skipworth!
Mr Skipworth? Mr Skipworth?
How do you think I feel?
Do you think I like it here?
What's the alternative? I can't leave.
I've no other job to go to.
And if you refuse to carry on,
they'd send us all to concentration camps.
Either way, they're going to die.
Isn't it kinder for them to die this way?
You see, we've always been
a nursing home.
We've always treated TB cases.
So the authorities find it convenient that
we should appear to carry on as before.
The patients, the incurable ones,
have to go.
So we just do our best to see them through
their last hours as humanely as possible.
Why did you join that organisation
in the first place?
When you joined that,
you accepted National Socialism.
And you accepted every method
it employs to achieve its aims.
You can't ignore the basic issue.
You're involved in a great cleansing
operation wiping out disease,
medical, political, racial.
We don't enjoy this charade
any more than you do.
But we find that kindliness
allays suspicion.
It makes disposal easier.
You see,
we're like soldiers at the front.
They can't betray their country
by deserting their post.
And nor can we.
Just been up the hospital, sir.
It was absolute hell.
All they've got is Jerry prisoners
carrying blokes in and putting them down.
No one knows the first thing
about wounds.
Have you got anyone
who knows about medicine?
We got anyone who can help?
- How 'bout that nurse we captured?
- You caught a nurse?
- Collaborator.
- Will she do it?
Well, let's ask her.
Greg, bring that nurse over here,
will you?
Oi, you! Here! You!
Oi, come on!
Yes, you. Come on, you're wanted.
- You're a qualified nurse, aren't you?
- Are you prepared to nurse our wounded?
Right. Will you go
with this officer, please?
- There's service for you.
- Thank you, sir.
Come on, Miss. Let's go.
- Brought you a nurse. Look after her.
- Thanks.
Right, we start over here.
Well, I'm afraid this is all we've got.
- Do you think you'll cope?
- Yes.
- Right. I'll leave you to it.
- All right.
'This is the broadcasting station
of the British Army of Liberation.
'Stay tuned in to this wavelength
for news of our victory offensive.
'Report from Gloucestershire.
Evesham, held by fanatical remnants
'of the English SS, is now
completely surrounded and cut off
'by units of the Army of Liberation.
'You're listening to the broadcasting
station of the British Army of Liberation.
'Stay tuned in to this wavelength
for news of our Victory Offensive.
'Report from Gloucestershire. The SS
at Evesham cannot face another fight.
'They have surrendered
without firing a shot.
'The road to Gloucester is clear!
'Yet another victory
in the Victory Offensive!'
You won't be needing these again,
you bastard.
Stand clear. Stand clear.
'Report from Gloucestershire.
'The Army of Liberation is being welcomed
in every town on the road to Gloucester.
'All opposition is being crushed.
'Volunteers are flocking
to the Union Jack.
'The spire of the cathedral
is now in sight,
'and with it,
another stage of the liberation.'
All right...