It Lives Inside (2023) Movie Script

[distant indiscernible yelling]
[distant indiscernible yelling]
[indiscernible yelling]

It's in my hair...
in my sleep...
in my hands...
in my teeth...
It's in my chair...
it looks like me...
and when it stands
I take my seat...
It's in the air
that I breathe...
under stairs...
it's up my sleeve...
Well, in my head...
it's in my sleep...
with my hands...
in my teeth...
It's in the air
that I breathe...
under stairs...
it's up my sleeve...
In my head...
it's in my sleep...
with my hands...
in my teeth...

[sizzling sounds]
Morning, Mom.
Wait. I'm hanging
with Katie later.
Tomorrow, first thing.
Mom, just get it catered
like Deepa Aunty does.
So please, take
it seriously now.
I bet these things were way
more fun when you were a kid.
[phone buzzing]
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Thank you, Poorna.
Sit, sit.
How's the night shift?
I mean, I get to come home
to your mom's food, no?
So... not all bad.
But, tell me...
how is driver's ed?
How long 'til my baby's
a licensed driver?
Well, you know what they
say, they say that,
third time is the?
Uh, uh, uh...
-Gotta go.
Love you.
-Love you.
-Love you.
-Love you.
So, Winthrop's City on the Hill
is kind of a normative fantasy.
Like if you set up a society
based on the moral superiority
of its people,
it's gonna be super rigid
and a little homogenous.
Anyone wanna rebut?
Okay, well let's talk about
the economic
repercussions of this statement.
Winthrop's not saying this
in a vacuum
and he's also dealing with
the unrest on the Arbella
as the settlers are making
this long journey.
[Joyce] So, the piety of this
once rich...
Hey Russ.
There's a kickback by the old
golf course on Saturday.
It's BYOB.
I can't.
My mom would blow a fuse
if I missed Puja Day.
What's that?
Uh... So this one, like,
god named Durga
killed this demon, Mahishasura
and every year we celebrate
her victory.
[Joyce] ... an economic system,
a labour system that hasn't
quite found its...
[Joyce] You're half an hour
late, Tamira, again.
I don't suppose you have
a note for me this time?
Just... just go on, sit down,
[ominous music]
[school bell ringing]
Thank you.
Thank you.
-'Sup Joyce?
-Ah yes, thank you.
See you tomorrow.
Sam... wait.
What is the deal with Tamira?
Why are you asking me?
The other teachers said
you two used to be close.
I mean...
is she doing alright?
Uh... why wouldn't she be?
I hear the way the kids
talk about her
in the halls and...
she eats her lunch
under the bleachers.
Does she ever tell
you anything?
Well we gotta look after
our own, Sam.
Especially when one of them's
falling behind.
Joyce, I really gotta get
to bio.
If she or either of you
are struggling to fit in...
I'm not struggling to fit in.
But if you were...
you could always come to me
for help and...
I know you're good, Sam.
I just wanna make sure
we're looking out for Tamira.
Tamira's a big girl, Joyce.
If she needed help,
she'd probably ask.
Dude... thank you.
My parents would slaughter me
if I got a B in calc.
It's unfair how easy
it is for you.
[shaky breathing]
My stomach seriously drops
every time she, like,
appears out of thin air
like that.
Just so you know,
whatever she's doing,
I'm not against it if it's some
kind of, like, cultural thing.
It's not a cultural thing.
So, um, Russ was asking
about you in health.
He wanted to know if
you spoke another language.
I told him you do.
Say, uh... say Kitty's my
best friend in... in Hindi.
[speaking in Hindi]
That is so cool.
Hey, let's... let's, uh,
let's get outta here.
Oh, okay.
[ominous music]
[tense music]
[thunder crashing]
[tense music]
[shaky breathing]
[speaking Hindi]
[shaky breathing]
[panicked breathing]
[shaky breathing]
[speaking Hindi]
[dramatic music]
[shaky breathing]
[glass cracks]
[dramatic music heightens]
[creature vocalizing]
[indistinct conversations]
My mom's been acting
like such a bitch.
I think she's menopausal.
Did you know we're supposed
to end up like our moms
when we're older?
I'd hate to end up like my mom.
What? Your mom looks like
she's 25.
It's not how she looks,
it's how she is.
She's so afraid.
You know?
I'll see you later.
Hi Samidha.
You know you could just
call me Sam now.
Everyone else does.
I need your help.
What... what do you need?
I need to tell you something
and you just...
you have to believe me.
[voices whispering]
Tamira, you look really tired.
How long's it been
since you've slept?
Promise you'll believe me?
There's something in here.
I know you can't see it but...
it... it lives inside.
Don't you hear it?
Where...where'd you even
get this thing, Tamira?
I found it at his house.
It was saying my name,
calling out to me.
His house?
Who's house?
I thought I was strong enough
to keep it inside.
I thought... I thought if
I just fed it but it's...
so hungry all the time and...
all it wants is raw meat.
And it's getting stronger
and I'm not strong enough
to keep it inside
so I need your help.
-Okay, Tamira...
-I need your help!
Okay, okay, okay.
I wanna help you, I do.
So just... calm down. Okay?
And tell me the truth.
What's going on with you?
There's a monster in here.
[ominous music]
-[indiscernible whispers]
-[ominous music]
Oh, it's... it's all
the stories,
the ones we heard
growing up.
They're... they're true.
They're all true.
You're such a fucking psycho.
[dramatic music heightens]
Please. Samidha.
I can't do this alone.
[glass shattering]
[dramatic music heightens]
[panicked breathing]
Hey Tamira, I'm...
You shouldn't have done that.
You dropped...
you dropped this.
Tamira, Tamira, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, okay. I'm-
[shaky breathing]
What... what is it?
[Tamira breathing shakily]
Tamira? Tamira?
Hey. Hey.
-[growling sounds]
-[Tamira screaming]
[muttering in Hindi]
No... I... what?
Samidha! Please!
I'll get help.
I'll get help.
No, no, no.
Don't go!
Don't go!
Don't go!
Don't go!!!!!
[shaky breathing]
[growling sounds]
[chilling music]
[shaky breathing]
[police sirens]
[police radio chatter]
Tamira's mom is filing
a missing person's report.
Have you talked to her?
Does she know
where Tamira's been,
who she's been around?
Sam... you were the last person
to see her.
Did something happen
between you and Tamira?
[ominous music]
-[dramatic music]
-[panicked breathing]
[shaky breathing]
[Indian music playing]

[Poorna] Samidha?

Have you guys seen
Tamira's mom?
Welcome everybody.
[guest] Shh...
Remember when the Choudharys
used to come to these things?
What was their deal?
When we first met them
we knew there was something...
about that family.
It's like they were running
from something in India.
Then the boy, Karan...
we all thought he was
a good kid.
Smart. Good future.
And then something changed.
You should have seen that boy
the last time I saw him.
He was talking to something...
something that wasn't there.
Karan Choudhary...
I can't be here right now.
Guys, shh... come on.
The guests can hear you.
Go, go, go.
Sweetheart. Sweetheart, please.
[dramatic music]
[thunder crashing]
[thunder crashing outside]
[whispering voices]
[reading] Trap it in a vessel...
keep it inside.
[thunder crashing outside]
...Seven chakras.
[phone buzzing]
[thunder crashing outside]
[shaky breathing]

Easy runner...
feel the cold 'cause I'm
burning up the summer...
And you know...
I'm gonna live it...
'cause I'm feeling alive...

All I need is love...

All I need is love...


You alright?
You look a little...
you know.
Uh... just a lot of
new faces.
Do you like, uh,
you like dancing?
I don't dance.
Come on.
I feel lost...
but I'm trying...
I'm trying...

No... no way, I...
I'll watch you dance.
No, thank you.
Come on.
No. I don't even know
anyone here.
Who gives a shit?
Alright. Come on.
Russ, I... wait...

[pouring rain]
[thunder crashing]
Oh, my god, I am soaked
and I just got mud
all in your car.
I am so sorry.
No, no I'm fine.
I don't care at all.
Don't worry, it's just mud.
It washes out.
It's fine.
[thunder crashing]
You keep doing that.
What are you thinking about?
[sighs] Tamira.
[Russ] Oh shit.
The girl with the jar?
I mean...
Were you guys close or...
She ran away, didn't she?
That's what I heard at least.
I don't...
I don't think she ran away.
Do you remember that, uh...
that Indian kid
who died last year?
Yeah. Uh... he killed himself,
Okay, so...
Tamira had his journal.
I think she found it
at his house...
It looks like he was burned
or something?
[both] But it wasn't a fire.
Yeah, I heard that too.
No, shit.
Something about him and that
house just feels important.
You know?
[car engine starts]
[music on radio playing]

[thunder crashing]
[ominous music]
[Samidha] I'm sorry.
[Russ] No, you're okay.
[Samidha] Oh, I'm freezing.
[Russ] Here, I'll take
your coat. Yeah.
[Samidha] Thanks.
Oh my god.
[floorboards creaking]
[Russ] What the hell
happened here?
Neighbors heard screaming
so they called the cops.
Karan's parents were
found mutilated.
They found his body downstairs.
Definitely not going
downstairs then.
[floorboards creaking]
[ominous music]
[camera flashing]
He had drawings like this
in his journal but this is new.
Is that thing...
coming out of the kid
or going inside him?
[police sirens]
Shit! What do we do?
[Russ] Go, go, go!
Go, go, go!
[Russ] Let's go. let's go!
[ominous music]
-[heart thumping]
-[breathing shaky]
[indiscernible voices]
[breathing shaky]
[growling sounds]
[whispering voices]
[shaky breathing]
[dogs barking]
Morning, Mom.
I... I need your help.
I think something really bad
is happening to me.
I... I'm sorry for leaving, Mom.
Of course I do.
Why did you even come here,
If that's all you were
ever gonna be?
Just another desi housewife
who cooks and cleans.
[thunder crashing]
[Russ] Got it.
You dropped it in the attic.
You good?
I, uh... I lied about
[indiscernible voices]
Tamira was my best friend.
[Samidha] Back when
we were kids.
[Tamira] I found you!
But then we got to high school
and I wanted more friends.
And I told Tamira it was...
it was time for us to try
and fit in.
But she just didn't
wanna grow up.
And... and I could feel the way
people looked at me
when I was with her
and I just...
I just hated it.
I'm not crazy, right?
No. Not at all.
Like, I hate what I did to her.
But after Karan, it was like...
people started looking
at me different.
They didn't...
they didn't see me.
I don't know.
I just didn't wanna be
that girl.
What girl?
Come on, what girl?
You're nothing like Tamira.
I'm sorry.
Uh... I don't mean to keep
going on about my shit.
Was that okay?
Only if you're into it.
Can I, uh...
can I kiss you again?
[Samidha coughing]
[Russ laughs]
[whispering voice]
Samidha... Samidha...
Samidha... Samidha...
[whispering voice]
[whispering voice]
Where are you going?
[whispering voice]
Samidha... Samidha...
[whispering voice]
[whispering voice]
[chain-links rattling]
[ominous music]
[growling sounds]
[shaky breathing]
[shaky breathing]
[distant screams]
[Russ grunts]
[muffled voices]
[Inesh] Sam... Sam...
Hey, look at me.
Here. Come here.
[sirens wailing]
[shaky breathing]
[heart pounding]
[stairs creaking]
Look, Samidha... Sam...
We're not... we're not angry
with you.
We just want to understand.
Can I go to school, please?
No, Sam...
I don't...
You wouldn't understand.
Please, Sam.
The boy died.
This is serious.
[ominous music]
[rain pattering]
[distant sobbing]
[fly buzzing]
[fly buzzing]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music heightens]
[Poorna crying]
Hey... are you alright?
I heard about Russ.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't hurt him.
No, I know. I just...
Sam, you okay?
I'm gonna tell you something
and I need you to believe me.
Yeah, of course.
Cross my heart and all that.
What's going on?
The cops think an animal
killed Russ.
But I was there.
It wasn't an animal,
it was something else.
Whatever it is...
I think it took Tamira.
Why are you whispering?
It's listening.
Um... tell me again, what is...
what is this thing?
I don't know what it is.
Like sometimes it's there
but then it's not there at all.
And... and it shows me things in
my dreams but they feel so real.
Okay. Sam...
you look like you haven't slept
in days
and lack of sleep can
cause hallucinations...
Joyce... this is real.
It's infected my mind.
It's like everything I wanted
outside of me is inside of me
and I can't get it out.
What... what do you mean?
How can I help you?
That's... what's after me.
I... I looked all over and I...
I... I can't... but I can't
find anything.
There's nothing.
Okay. Text that to me
and I'll look into it.
I'm doing you this favor,
now you do me one.
Just take it easy tonight.
Lay low and tomorrow I'd like
to introduce you to someone...
I'm not crazy.
I know, but you're also not
alone and...
I know it might seem like
there's no one
on the whole planet that gets
you or... is trying to get you.
There are people that love you
that care about you...
[Joyce's voice begins to fade]
[Joyce] Sam? Sam?
Are you still with me?
[panicked breathing]
[ominous music]
[phone buzzing]
Hey. Are you alright?
You ran off and I didn't know
if I was...
[Samidha] Yeah, I'm fine.
Okay. Well... I heard back
about that painting.
What'd you find?
[Joyce] Look, I'm only telling
you this because you asked.
In East Indian mythology
there's a demonic entity
that feeds on negative energy.
It's called the Pishach.
[Joyce] It's a flesh eater.
A devourer of souls.
You have to trap it in a vessel,
a sort of container,
and then keep it there.
[Samidha] A vessel?
[Joyce] Swamis would
sometimes take on the burden
of becoming vessels.
But any container could be
a vessel.
Tamira found it trapped...
trapped inside a jar.
Sam, did you hear these
stories growing up?
From your parents maybe?
[Joyce] Do you think all the
stress from the last few days
has brought these stories back?
-[Samidha] I gotta go.
[Joyce] Hey, hold on. Sam...
Do you need me to come by?
Look... you came to me
for help.
So let me help you.
[Samidha] Yeah.
Okay. Send me your address.
I'll be right there.
[Joyce] Stay safe, Sam.
I... I wanna tell you
the truth.
You're not gonna believe me.
Talk to me.
Please, Sam.
When Tamira and I were kids...
you used to tell us those
stories that the ayahs told you.
What is the Pishach, Mom?
Please... tell me.
The ayah said...
never to sleep with a bad
feeling in our hearts.
Because there's a dark thing
that feeds on those feelings.
Anger... hatred... loneliness.
It needs to...
Tenderize the soul by attacking
your sanity.
By isolating you from those
who love you.
[growling sounds]
And if anyone tries
to help you...
It will hurt them.
I know I sound crazy.
But it's real.
All those stories that the ayahs
told you... they're real.
I think it started with Karan.
Dad said that family
was running.
What if they brought it back
to that house?
And that's where
Tamira found it...
trapped inside the jar.
Could she still be alive, Mom?
The Pishach doesn't kill you
right away.
It eats you slowly over time.
When it's ready...
it eats your soul.
No. Friday.
Seven. Seven days.
Tamira's gonna die tonight, Mom.
What do we... what do we do?
I have to do something.
Your soul will burn from within
until there's nothing left.
What do we do?
I have to do something, Mom.
What are you doing?
To summon a dark spirit
we must make an offering.
You can do this.
[growling sounds]
[whispering voices]
[shaky breathing]
[dramatic music]
[shaky breathing]
[growling sounds]
[dramatic music heightens]
[panicked breathing]
[whispering voices]
[growling sounds]
Karan must've died trapping it
in that jar but he did trap it.
He must've written down how.
I've seen this before.
It's a shanti prayer.
A call for peace
from the stars and seas.
Most importantly within you.
This has to be it.
Read it, Mom.
[chanting in Hindi]
[chanting in Hindi]
[struggling grunts]
[phone buzzing]
[dramatic music heightens]
[growling sounds]
[flies buzzing]
[growling sounds]
[chanting in Hindi]
[dramatic music heightens]
[chanting in Hindi]
For leaving our family behind.
[dramatic music heightens]
[Joyce on voicemail]
Sam, it's real! Run! Run!
[doorknob rattling]
Sammy Sam.
I took off work, thought I
should be with the two of you.
[dramatic music heightens]
No! Dad!
[growling sounds]
-[chanting in Hindi]
-[growling sounds]
-[growling sounds]
-[chanting in Hindi]
[frantic breathing]
[Samidha] Mom! He's alive!
Help please!
My parents are hurt!
Mom, Mom, we hurt it.
Where could it have taken her?
Oh, my god.
I know where Tamira is.
I'm not going to be alone.
[dramatic music]
[creature growling softly]
I'm not afraid of you.
[creature growling softly]
[chants in Hindi]
[growling sounds]
[speaks in Hindi]
[dramatic music heightens]
[shaky breathing]
-[growling sounds]
-[struggling grunts]
[growling sounds]
[fighting grunting]
Come on! Come on!
[screaming in agony]
[screaming in agony]
[chanting in Hindi]
[weakly] Water. Please.
Okay. Okay.
[creature growling]
Please! Tamira!
I can't do this alone, I'll die.
Please Tamira.
-[Samidha coughs]
[shaky breathing]
[growling sounds]
[dramatic music heightens]
[growling sounds]
[begins to chant]
-[growling sounds]
-[growling sounds]
[growling sounds]
[chanting in Hindi]
-[growling sounds]
-[panicked breathing]
[growling sounds]
[shaky breathing]
[peaceful music]
[chanting in Hindi]
[chanting in Hindi]
-[dramatic music heightens]
-[creature growls]
[chanting in Hindi]
A vessel.
-[chanting in Hindi]
-[creature growling]
-[chanting in Hindi]
-[creature growls]
[chanting in Hindi]
[weakly] Sam...
[tender music]
[chanting in Hindi]
Come, come...
[indistinct conversations]
It's kinda gross that you have
to eat that stuff all the time.
You get used to it.
It looks really good on you.
I'm getting better at it.
My mom's been teaching me.
Speaking of...
I gotta get back and help her
with the prasad for the puja.
I worry about you.
You don't have to.
What if it gets out again?
No matter what happens...
it'll never get out again.
We won't let it.
See you tomorrow.
[ominous music]

It's in my hair...
in my sleep...
in my hands...
in my teeth...
It's in my chair...
it looks like me...
and when it stands
I take my seat...
It's in the air
that I breathe...
under stairs...
it's up my sleeve...
Well, in my head...
It's in my sleep...
with my hands...
in my teeth...

In my prayer...
I don't speak...
with my hands on my knees...
When I ask...
I receive...
don't play fair...
don't be sweet...
It's in the air
that I breathe...
under stairs...
it's up my sleeve...
In my head...
It's in my sleep...
with my hands...
in my teeth...