It Takes a Man and a Woman (2013) Movie Script

Kindly straighten your seat Ma'am...
We are approaching
the end of our journey.
Welcome home, Ms. Magtalas!
Miggy Montenegro.
COO/driver at your beck and call.
How can I help you, ma'am?
I'm here...
What? You're early!
The plane was a little
too excited to arrive.
Admit it. You just missed me
and you can't wait to see me.
And didn't you miss me?
Of course I did! I'm almost there!
I'm waitin'!
Aha! I see you already!
You'll see me in 5...
What's taking you so long...
I don't see you yet!
I see you! Aaaaah!
Sister! I missed you!
Missed me?
You can't just leave me
hanging like that.
You're so mean!
I know, right?
That's why I don't understand
why you got back with me.
Hope, Miggy.
I'm still hoping to save you.
Hope? Me? I'm a hopeless case, Belle.
Send my regards to your Aunt Ch e.
MY baby. My baby.
Remember to be a good boy
while I'm in Canada, okay?
As long as I have you,
I know I'm a good person.
Com e h ere.
- Why? Are you going to make me stay?
- Come here.
Looks like you need a... power hug!
I'll miss you.
I'll miss you more.
We need to finish this before
the snow storm hits tonight.
I need the cover photo.
Laida! Where's the cover photo!
Oh yeah, yeah. You got it, sir. Yeah.
Miguel Montenegro,
youngest son of Don Luis Montenegro,
receives Top Young
Business Leader Award.
It appears that
An ton Ortega is competing...
with all your family's businesses.
Aren'! you afraid
of his emergence, Sir?
Afraid? Why should I?
The best man always wins.
- Laida!
- Yes'?!
Where are the last two issues?!
I need that ASAP!
Okay! I'm comin'!
Oh! Wait! Wait!
Tell your aunt
I'll stay there for a while.
Mom, don't leave.
Why? What's happening?
Your father and I are separating!
I knew this would happen!
Even at his age,
Tomas still managed to be unfaithful!
Stay here!
Don't bother going back home!
We'll process the papers of the children
and get them from Tomas!
My baby.
My baby.
- Stop crying!
. My baby.
It won't do you any good!
My baby.
Laida... My dad...
What happened?
He had a heart attack.
I need you here, Laida.
I need you here right now.
Babe, I'm sorry...
I'm sorry... Sorry...
I can't be with you right now.
I'm really sorry...
Miggy! -
Mom, I won't be gone for long.
Miggy just needs me right now.
I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry Mom. I'm sorry.
Laida! Wait!
Wait! It's not what you think!
Hey! It's not what you think.
I thought you were different.
Sister, check out the hunk!
- Where?
- There!
Bah! Sir Miggy is still more handsome
than him, right sister?
Stop that. Have more chocolates. Here.
That guy's still more handsome
than your idol Miggy!
What goes around comes around, huh?
They say his family is richer than
the Montenegro's! Talk about karma!
But ex/sirlbrother Miggy
is still more handsome, right sister?
Enough of that Lio.
Your sister is tired.
But sister, I'm curious.
If you see him again,
what's the first thing you will do?
Slap him!
Ignore him!
Really now?
I know what she'll really do!
You will still love him!
You'll still have your happy ending!
- Let me tell you something.
- What is it?
Remember this...
not everyone gets
a happy ending in real life.
Okay? Don't forget that!
- Really?
- Yes.
Just like that'?
Yes, just like that.
Oh, it's over.
Can I go now Art?
Miguel, stay.
We have to tell you something.
Anton Ortega wants to buy MonteComm.
Then don't sell it.
Is that all, Art?
It's not that easy.
He's more aggressive than usual.
And the Board is considering his offer.
Wait. Art, I don't see the problem.
We can vote and tell the guy
"Hey, Anton. It's a no." Right?
Miguel, that is the problem.
We may not have enough votes
to help prevent sell MonteComm.
I mean we have you,
Art, Alice, Anya and I.
The board wants you out.
Th ey're pressuring Art
to remove you from the equation.
They no longer trust you.
He needs to hear the truth.
Miguel, we don't want
to lose MonteComm.
We lost the airline already.
This is the only one we've got.
And if you can't get your act together,
we're gonna lose the company.
We need to convince them
to keep you in the Board.
Or else they can just easily sell
everything that Dad built.
So this is still about the huge
investment I lost two years ago.
Is it about that?
Miguel, you've always dreamed
of expanding Flippage...
...taking it abroad.
I guess this is
the perfect time to do it.
There's a way
to set things right again.
She just arrived
in Manila this morning.
And she'll be reporting
for work tomorrow.
And I hope you'll be here too.
Sir Ar! would like to remind you of
your meeting with Ms. Laida Magtalas,
9:30 AM a! Flippage. Thank you.
She's awake mom! Wide awake!
Are you really sure about this Laida?
You can still back out.
I heard he screwed up again.
That's why he was sent back here.
Why couldn't they just put him
in their laundry business in Laguna?
Because that will probably
be the first to close down!
Does she know?
Know what?
The current state of the company
and that I am demoted.
All she knows is that...
we want to expand...
and we want to get the license
of the magazine where she used to work.
If Sir Miggys over there,
who's over here?
I heard it's for the new consultant.
I guess his siblings don't trust him
with the way he spends their wealth...
so they gave him a consultant.
If he still screws up with that...
Who is that new consultant, anyway?
According to HR, her name is Laida.
Laida? Laida Magtalas?
The ex of Sir Miggy?
Sir Miggy who is now with Ms. Belle?
Do you want me to accompany you
in your new office?
Come on, brother,
I'm just going to my office.
I sure I won't mess that up.
I'll see you in a while.
I'm sure Laida is on her way.
I'll be waiting.
Hey! Look who's back!
- Zoyla? Zoyla, Zoyla, Zoyla!
- Sir.
Vincent! My favorite Art Director!
My man, John Rae!
You're the man.
Wow! I missed you guys!
Is this my office?
Sir, Ms. Magtalas is already coming up.
It looks like he's gonna
use us as his shield.
You should see the look
on all your faces.
Why so tensed?
This is a good morning.
Welcome back to Flippage, Migs.
So I heard there's big news today?
What's the surprise? Let's have it.
Good morning everyone.
Good morning.
As you can all see,
I have someone with me
who looks familiar to most of you guys.
Straight from New York,
Ms. Laida Magtalas.
Shell be working hand-in-hand
with all of us... overseeing the creation
of the new magazine.
Well, of course, you know my brother.
The publisher of Flippage Publishing.
Miggy Montenegro.
Of course.
So you're back.
Oh yes, I'm back.
Welcome back to Flippage, Ms. Magtalas.
You can call me Laida!
Why so formal?
It's not like we
never shared history before!
Miggy, why don't you
introduce our editors.
Of course.
- Yes?
- Let me introduce to you my editors.
This is Marie from our tech magazine.
- Hi, Marie.
- Hello.
That's Russel for our travel magafine.
- Hi, Russel.
- Hello.
And that's Andy...
Hello. Darling.
I love the clothes, the shoes,
the hair. I'm loving you already.
Thank you.
You're going to be my new best friend.
I know.
Can I continue?
Yeah, go on.
That's Tara from New Girl.
- Hi, Tara! Nice to meet you.
- Hi, Laida. How are you doing?
And over here is Carlo.
He handles Bachelor as EIC.
What happened to Sir Mon ?
Mon got married and migrated.
Who would've thought...
Good for him.
And of course, you know them already.
Hey guys!
John Rae. Vincent.
Zoyla, Zoyla, Zoyla!
I missed you guys so much!
Come on! Go for a group hug!
And this is Belle.
Of course you know Belle.
Of course I know Belle.
Hi, Belle.
Hi, Laida.
Nice to see you again.
So, who's excited to hear
about this expansion ?
I'm sure Laida would be happy
to give us a background.
Shall we start working?
Let's do it.
Seventy eight million!
Can anyone tell
what those numbers represent?
Your salary in pesos?
Wow! I didn't know I'm worth
that much for you, Mr. Montenegro.
Hah! I'm flattered.
But of course, Miggy's wrong.
If only that really was my salary!
That figure represents the number of
readers this magazine reaches worldwide.
MET - short for Metamorphosis.
This is the crown jewel of Empire.
Now, I'm sure we're all aware
that this magazine...
is the number one magazine
for women worldwide.
Any association with them
can get you to places.
So much to learn and so much to reach.
But of course, not everyone's
given the chance to get in.
Now imagine the possibilities
and opportunities...
that will be opened for Flippage
if we are able to get MET...
and we become its exclusive partner
here in the Philippines.
Yeah ?
That's why I brought in Laida.
She will help us broker a deal
with Empire Media Corporation...
...that's MET's Publisher.
What was your position there?
Editorial Coordinator.
Just one letter away from EA.
But basically it's the same job, right?
It's just a different title.
So, now, tel! me.
How can a glorified EA broker a deal
between our company...
and one of the leading media
corporations worldwide?
Connections, Mr. Montenegro.
Connections that you don't have.
How sure are you
that we don't have them?
Th en I wouldn't be here.
That s what I want to know!
If you're such a big shot in New York,
why settle for a company like ours?
Excuse me.
As far as I remember,
I was asked to come back.
So I assumed that you need me.
And you know me, Miggy.
I have a heart for the needy.
You know what,
I'm sure we can do a lot better than
entrust the future of our company to...
Wow! Big word!
Go on Mr. Montenegro!
I'm interested to hear
what you have to say!
Let's talk about trust!
I think everyone, uh...
With all due respect, Sir...
I don't think Mr. Montenegro values
what I can bring into this company.
I don't want to force myself
where I'm not needed.
Now, if you'll excuse me...
Thank you for the opportunity.
What was that?
I can't do it, Art. I just can't.
I'm sorry but we can't work together.
Personal matters will just
always get in the way.
And I don't wanna be reminded
of that everyday.
Okay. You're right.
You don't have to do this.
I might have pushed you too far.
Thank you for even trying.
Why are you so kind to me?
Laida, what do you want?
Come back to work.
You don't want to work
with me anymore, right?
Okay. Bye.
Laida, what do you want?!
Come back. Let's talk about this.
Talk about what?
Just come back.
Do you really want me back?
First, tell me that you need me.
Magic words: "I... need... you..."
"I can't make it without you, Laida."
Okay! No problem!
Laida! Laida!
Laida. Wait!
Wait! Wait! Alright! Okay!
I'll say it! I'll say it!
Labia. phase. Come back!
Phase come back!
I need you! I can't be with out you!
Okay?! Is that okay?
Is that okay?
Uh, excuse me. Where will my desk be?
Over here, Ma'am.
Welcome back to me.
Is this how you welcome an old friend?
Are you really Laida?
The one and only.
Prove it. Get u s coffee.
Don't boss her around.
She bosses us around now!
What show were you putting on there?
What? What a fake.
The Laida I used to know
won't talk like that.
Come on, guys. I've changed!
I've grown!
This is Laida Magtalas version 2.0.
Wiser. Braver. Stronger.
Bolder. Fiercer.
Future monster.
Sn ooty Laida.
Snooty Laida versus
The Montenegro Devil.
Team Red or Team White?
Go ahead and laugh...
This is all professional.
After this project,
I'm flying back right away to New York.
So the sooner we finish this,
the better!
You're out of your mind.
But you know what?
- Mmm?
- You're blooming.
Your hair and your clothes look great.
You're in love? Who's the new guy?
Just because I'm blooming, I'm in love?
More like... I was in love once...
hopeful once...
Got hurt... and now, blooming
because I've moved on!
I got that from Twitter!
How old did you start
being in love with Miggy?
And how long has it been
since the break-up?
Two years, I guess.
And you've really moved on, huh?
Without a doubt!
I'm so okay. Definitely okay!
I love being single!
Things are going to get interesting.
Where's Belle?
Yeah ?
Lunch? Sure. Let me just get my bag.
Let's go.
Being single is awesome.
Heard that? They'll have lunch outside!
Jealousy? More fun in the Philippines!
Hey! I'm not jealous, okay?
Oh, hey. Look what came this morning.
Is this serious?
It's been fifteen years.
I suddenly feel old.
Can you believe it?
Crazy years of my life.
Are we okay?
I mean, you know...
Now that she's back.
Any change of plans?
Change of plans? Why?
I don't know. You know what I mean...
Look. I'm sorry
I wasn't able to tell you.
Butjust like you,
I only found out yesterday.
It's no big deal. Okay? It's just work.
It shouldn't be personal.
You know that's not true, Miggy.
It will always be personal
between both of you.
Belle, Laida and I are over.
And besides, I like how we are.
It's practical.
It's realistic. It's the best.
Laida. Belle is just an old friend.
I know it's my fault.
Hey. Wait. Wait. Here.
Marry me. Let's... Let's get married.
I promise you I'll be faithful.
I won't hurt you ever again.
I promise you. Marry me.
Laida. I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
I'm sorry.
Laida. Laida. Laida. Laida.
No. No.
You're wrinkling my clothes.
Miguel, I was able to haggle
with the Board.
They agreed to give you one month
to get MET.
Please do everything
to make this happen.
Miggy, are you still there'?
Yes, brother.
Where's Laida?
- Oh, Miggy. There you are.
- I need to close that deal...
with Empire ASAP.
Oh. Perfect.
I was just about to tell you that...
I already scheduled
a presentation with them...
- so we have two months to work on it.
- No, no.
One month.
- What?
- You only have one month to get MET.
One month?
It's not easy to reschedule
a meeting with them. Hello?!
Oh, what happened to your connections?
Connections that we don't have.
Okay! I'll talk to them again!
That's my girl!
Can we really do it in one month?
Of course! We've done it before, right?
Right, guys?
All right!
Just leave it up to me, girl.
That is our target. To get a "YES".
Guys remember...
We are the ones courting them.
We want to hear them say...
Yes! We are giving you the exclusive
rights to publish MET in the Philippines.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
So what do we need to do
to get their sweet YES?
We buy it.
You mean, you buy the "Yes"
of the one you're courting?
I don't remember getting paid
from you before!
Was I the one who did the courting?
To get their YES,
you have to show them
that you're worthy.
How do we do that?
We have to show them
that we are capable!
I need financial reports of Flippage
and the whole Montenegro Corporation...
to prove that we can afford their ten
thousand dollars monthly license fee...
and we have the financial capacity
to produce the issue.
We have to show Empire
that we are credible!
Hey, Missy-
We need to solicit endorsements
from clients and advertisers...
to prove our credibility
to the bosses of MET.
- You know what? I'm thinking--
- Alright.
I'll tell Belle.
Why not?
She's the Marketing Head, Laida.
I know.
But let me talk to her...
so that you can use your
brain cells for other things...
like thinking of more ways
to prove that we are credible!
What a way to keep him from her.
Great wall of Laida.
We have to get their attention.
Appear irresistible.
Show them something
they've never seen before.
Maning, how are
the maintenance people doing?
It's hot in here!
Water please!
Yeah. It's really hot.
Not cool!
And last but not the least.
Since we are asking for their brand...
we have to prove that
Flippage is trustworthy.
Big word!
I mean, uh, big bird.
Big bird.
Empire is sponsoring
this seminar in New York.
I need your authorization so we can
start processing our budget and bookings.
You can't let an opportunity
like this pass!
Thank you. And may I remind you...
we only have two weeks left
to finish all the work.
Tick took! Tick took! Tick tock!
I need that theme soon!
In ti m ate. Sedu oti we.
Sexy. Imagine ladies in...
Ilike it.
This is MET. Not Bachelor.
Can't you give us something sweet?
Th ere. ls that sweet enough ?
Andy, no!
That's too sweet.
Guys, let's play...
hide and seek of feelings.
I'll count...
Hi Laida.
Yeah, hi.
No, I'm actually waiting for someone.
This mus! be him!
Hi, baby.
You want to eat elsewhere?
Okay, no problem.
H! be there. Wait for me.
Call waitin'!
These look pretty much the same!
Your pegs for the models are all wrong!
I don't feel anything in the eyes!
Next time, look to the eyes!
We need soul!
The eyes alone should speak to you...
In one look, they'll surely give a yes...
just like Miggy's!
And John Rae's... And Vincent's...
There! Let me see!
There! Work on that!
Let's work on that.
Yes sir?
I'm sorry. I thought your eyes
were calling us.
Just kidding!
Okay. All right, Belle.
I'll wait for you.
Close the door.
I said close the door.
Why did you close it?
I thought...
I said... close the door...
when you leave...
I'll just close it instead...
That's it.
That's all I can give you.
Power Women Issue?
Sounds pretentious.
Like we're so conceited.
So you don't like it?!
I'm not saying that I don't like it.
I'm just saying what I think.
Exactly! So you don't think it's okay?!
Fine! It's not!
- There! You finally said it!
- That's what I've been saying!
So do you still want
to have it changed?
We don't have time!
Well then, let's find time!
No! I'm taking a stand. I say no!
Andy! You choose! You decide!
Do we stick to this power issue?
Or are we going to come up
with something better?
This is your idea, right Andy?!
Look. Didn't I tell you
that you can do a lot better?
I just want to sleep!!!
Do you know how many hours
I've been awake?!
Freakin' sixty four hours!
My body is now swimming in coffee,
soda, and nicotine!
I just want to rest!
I just want to sleep!
I just want to have sex
with my boyfriend!
The two of you are confusing me!
If you have issues with each other,
please keep me out of it!
I am not going to take sides,
because I want nothing to do
with your drama!
I don't care anymore...
I quit! I resign!
I am going to sleep! Goodbye!
What happens now?
Who's going to be our editor-in-chief?
' NM
' Me!
Midnight snack?
Stress eating?
Yup. We need something scrumptious.
To make up for all our stress.
Food for the souI!
Let me have some, then.
Because you and Sir Miggy
have been causing all this stress!
- Right.
- So you and Miggy...
are not allowed here for now.
Us? Your stress?
Come on, guys.
Aren't you enjoying the challenge?
That's how you guys are!
Con stantly going against each other!
Even we get caught
in your unfinished business!
We get affected by your issues too!
We had a Laida who...
tamed the Montenegro Devil
when he would be pissed.
When the team would get tired,
there was a Laida who would tell us
that we can do it!
Before, there was someone who would
remind us to believe in goodness!
Enough! You guys are over reacting!
Before! Before! Before!
That was before!
Things are different now. Okay?
What's the difference?
Come on, guys.
People change.
Nothing stays the same forever.
Change is bound to happen.
Change is just, you know,
a part of life.
Okay. Let's hear it.
Sir, how close?
I have connections.
Connections that you don't have.
Drug addict...
That's it. That's the theme
we want for our issue.
We want to show
how meaningful metamorphosis is...
the entire process of it.
We will have to feature someone
who has undergone a big change.
But we only have less than a week
before we leave for New York.
Where can we find a person
who went through that?
- Lamas.
- Lama!
Why me?
Why not?
Wasn't this your idea?
Laida Magtalas version 2.0!
The cover can go:
"From Marikina to New York".
We can do a feature
ala "New York Diaries."
No, guys. I won't to do it.
Who says "yes"?
Me. Me too.
As editor-in-chief, I say no.
Wait! Are you the only editor here?
How about Sir Miggy?
Sir, if you want us to get MET,
is it a Yes or a No?
For MET, I say YES.
You 're outnumbered!
As managing editor, I say
let's start this shoot immediately!
Zoyla and friends win again!
Good day.
I missed you!
- Good day.
- You're still handsome!
Good morning.
Lio, help me.
Get that!
Sir, Zoyla helps Laida get dressed.
Today, we will shoot the before part...
Here she is!
Does she look okay?
- There you go!
- Old friend... Laida version 1.0.
This is the Laida we missed!
Welcome back, Laida!
Let's give her a group power hug!
Sir, coffee?
And you are?
Laida Magtal as, rem ember?
Wait. Wait. Just a moment.
Somethings missing.
I agree.
Is it the clothes?
- This was it.
- How about the hair?
No. This was her hair, too!
So what's missing?
It's her smile.
That Laida smile...
that reaches up to her eyes.
That's what's missing.
Is that it?
Zoyla and friends
can take care of that!
Th ere. Just stand on that spot.
Then look at your family.
They are your source of happiness!
Look at Daddy.
Or look at Mommy instead.
There! Look at Mommy!
Is that a smile I see'?
- How about a sundance? Come on!
- Come on, Laida!
She's gonna smile!
Just a little smile?
The sun is setting.
I have an idea! Sir Miggy!
Come on! Come here.
Do this for MET Sir.
Come on Sir.
Go on Sir. He's gonna do the sundance!
Will this do?
I'm sorry guys.
Blame it on global warming...
Sun dances won't work anymore.
Alright. Let's have a break first.
Laida must be tired.
Oh, pizza!
I'll eat them all!
Let me have some please.
Dig in!
Well, aren't you the lucky girl?
There. The only thing
that can melt a stoned heart...
is the power of love.
Hi guys!
L gotta go-
Guys, I'll go ahead.
You can finish this.
Bye. I'll go ahead.
Bye, Laida.
- You want coffee, my dear?
- No mom. I'm good.
Lio. Lio.
- One... two...
- Enough of that Lio.
- Come along.
- Let's go back in. Good night.
You want to call it a day?
If you want, we could just...
scrap the whole idea.
No. I'm okay.
Laida, we will not stop until
we make you genuinely smile.
Laida! Sing!
Go on, that's your song!
- She doesn't like.
- Sing it for us Zoyla!
Why do my knees get weak
Every time I see you ?
I can only hope to meet you
Every time I bump into you
You even helped me gather my books
But you stiff didn't give me your name
Day by day, I follow you
Bu! you don'! even look back
What am Ho do?
Why are you avoiding me'?
Do my legs tum you off'?
I just want you to notice me
You have a special place... my heart
Can I introduce myself to you?
That's enough.
Let's wrap this up.
I'm sure we managed
to get a few shots earlier.
There's still so much
work to be done, man.
Wh ere's Zoyla?
She's talking to one of our suppliers.
And Laida?
She hasn't arrived yet.
How was your edit, by the way?
We have so much to work on Sir.
We might get some good shots
from New York.
Let's just give it our best effort.
I have confirmed the meeting with MET.
We'll proceed as scheduled.
I'll turn over all the contacts to Zoyla
so you won't have to worry about anything.
Laida, what's this...
You have a commitment to this company.
You can't quit
in the middle of negotiations.
You can't walk away like this.
You can't just leave us
because you want to.
Laida, you can't do this.
I can, Miggy. I can.
And I say, I quit.
It's in my contract.
I can terminate the agreement anytime.
No, Laida. Why?
Tell me.
Why, Laida?
I can't take it anymore!
Being around you.
I thought I was okay.
But I was wrong.
It's still painful.
The pain is still here.
It's still about that?
It's still about the past?
That was two years ago, Laida.
And it was you
who never gave me a chance.
It was you who gave up so easily.
You threw away everything we had...
because of a single mistake I made.
Was I the one who threw it away?
Wasn't I that sixteen -year old girl
who was already in love with you?
Wasn't I the one who courted you?
Wasn't I the stupid girl
who put up with everything...
your pride, your ego...
and all your issues!
And because I failed to do one thing...
To come to you when you needed me...
beoau se I was in a different country.
I had a job. I had a boss to answer to.
I had my mother who also needed me
but I still chose you.
I was just late, Miggy. And yet,
you threw away everything we had.
That's why I said I'm sorry.
Couness mes.
Your apologies will never be enough.
What else should I do?
I don't know.
Won't you ever forgive me?
I don't know how.
Were you not hurt?
You know I did. You were the one
who took care of me then.
So you just chose to accept the pain ?
You have to understand that
nobody is perfect.
Sometimes, we do things
that can hurt other people.
how does a person forgive?
Are you ready for that?
Because Laida,
forgiveness is a decision.
When your father and I
got back together...
I kept a message on my cell phone...
"Choose to forgive. Choose to love."
That became my mantra everyday.
Becau se despite everyth in g
I've been through, it was never easy.
Mom, how did you get through it?
Through my love for him.
They saw--...
love is a choice.
It's the same with forgiveness.
It's also a choice you make, Laida...
every single day.
- Give me that!
- This is mine! Give it to me!
Hey! You might disturb your sister!
Have some eggs.
I'll just have coffee, Dad.
Sister, have you seen this?
What was this article I read?
So you know.
How embarrassing.
Since when?
A year ago?
Almost two.
Actually... actually, I don't know.
I lost track.
How did this happen Miggy?
It was my fault.
I screwed u p.
I became arrogant.
I had everything then.
I had you. I had Dad.
I had the world.
And I believed in myself too much.
Too much that I went head to head
against Anton Ortega.
And maybe that caused us the Airline.
We lost the airline, Laida.
And everyone never forgot about that.
It all went downhill from there.
I did nothing right.
Then... then I lost Dad.
And made another mistake.
And then I lost you.
Everything seemed to fall apart.
And then I made another mistake.
And another. And another. And another.
People thought that I stopped caring.
So I told myself to let things be.
Anyway, that's what I'm good at.
Being a failure.
I'm Miggy. I was really born to fail.
I messed up.
I messed up big time.
So if I can't take away your anger...
and if you can't forgive me,
I'll understand.
Because I know I deserve it.
If they no longer trust me
and they think I'm worthless...
then it's my fault.
It's not my family's fault.
That's why...
That's why I'm begging you.
I need your help.
Not for myself.
But for my family.
And I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for failing you.
I'm sorry for hurting you.
Laida, someone's looking for you.
Ma'am, Sir Miggy sent this to you.
I'll go ahead Ma'am. Thank you.
Alright. Thanks!
Give her fifteen minutes.
I'm sure there was a traffic jam.
Ten minutes. In ten minutes
she'll be by the checkpoint.
Five minutes. In five minutes,
she'll be running towards us.
Three minutes. In three minutes, she'll
arrive. She's just playing a joke on us.
Or she's probably inside!
Just waiting for someone to woo her.
In one minute, Laida will arrive.
No. No.
One more minute waiting here
and I will surely miss the flight.
That was a joke.
Here are all the files.
In case Laida doesn't show up.
We made an alternative presentation.
Our mock issue's not there...
but we compiled
our past issues together.
Sir, let's just wait
for a few more minutes for Laida.
You know she can be
a slowpoke sometimes.
Guys, it's okay.
We'll be fine.
Laida's done her part. So as for me...
I'll do my best to get MET.
For all of us.
Don't worry.
We can do this. We'll be fine.
We'll give it our best shot. Okay?
Okay, I'll go ahead.
Belle? I'm about to board now.
She didn't come.
Hey, hey. Everything will be okay.
You closed the deal
with all your sponsors.
Don't worry. Okay?
I gotta go now, okay?
The traffic was horrible!
Let's go?
Yeah, yeah. We should go.
Wait Sir.
Before you leave,
we'll give you something for good luck.
A group power hug!
Thank you, guys-
We have to go. Let's go. Bye.
BY the way Sir!
We sent the additional files
to your e-mail.
- Thank you, guys. Thank you.
- Bye.
Let's go.
Okay. Right here. Stop here.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Laida, let's go.
That's not possible.
I'm sorry, Sir.
I already checked your reservation.
It was canceled.
Can we double check?
Triple check?
Quadruple check?
Yes, please.
I already checked, Ma'am.
It was canceled.
Never mind.
We'll just get a new room then.
I'm sorry, sir. It's peak season!
So what now?
You know what,
we'll just try another hotel.
- No.
- I doubt it. It's holiday.
- It's peak season.
- Do you want us to frost outside?
Is that what you want?
We'll frost outside like her hair!
Marie, this is embarrassing.
It is so inefficient!
I don't care how you do it.
You better give me a room, or else.
Yes. Or else...
Psst... enough...
That's not helping.
So what do I do now?
You can stay in my apartment
in the meantime.
You can stay on the couch.
I know that look of yours
Miggy Montenegro!
Just come with me!
Where are we going?
Over h ere.
Which one?
I have a Persian housemate...
and she has
her American husband with her.
So there's lots of room
for you in the couch.
It's quiet here, too.
Laida! Welcome back.
I'm sorry it's so crowded,
my family's here on vacation!
They just arrived last night.
Mommy, this is Laida.
Daddy, this is Laida.
Hey, you're back!
Hi Ben!
Her boyfriend.
Miggy, my friend.
Let's go. Here's my room.
Guys, see you later.
Are we sharing the bed?
Where do I sleep?
On the floor. Hello?!
How cold.
What did you say?
I said, it's cold outside.
I missed this!
What are you doing?
Resting. I'm tired.
No. We have a mock-up to do right?
And Zoyla requested to work
on the "after" version...
so we can send it to them already
so they can start editing it...
Laida, you need to get up.
We have so much to do!
Okay! Don't touch me!
Let me get dressed.
There's no need to. We have to go.
Can't you see it's so cold outside?
Bundle up.
So what's on our itinerary?
Well, according to John Rae's list,
we need to sh ow your story
here in New York.
How you started and how you changed.
Okay. Let's go.
Welcome to Woodside Queens, New York.
One month before my contract
finished in Toronto,
Hound a job opening here.
I was hired as an assistant
in a small printing company.
It was a better opportunity
with a higher pay so I couldn't say no.
That's how I ended up here.
Come on! Let's go there!
Here. Take a shot of me here.
Posing in front of the Laundromat.
Just do what I tell you.
- Here.
- Thank you.
Please, let me. Let me.
You know what...
You were saying?
You see that woman ?
I was a lot like her back then.
After along day,
no matter how exhausted
you are from work...
you still have to do everything alone.
Let's go.
Thank goodness for coffee--
it kept me awake but
was also my instant heater!
Wait. Wait.
Do what you were doing.
- I'll take a picture of you.
- Okay.
Here we go.
This was my neighborhood before.
- Laida!
- Tere! Hello.
- It's so nice to see you again.
- It's so nice to see you too.
- How are you?
- I'm good.
You look fab!
You look fabber.
So what brings you guys here?
Are there any new tenants here?
Yeah. There is actually.
Is it okay if I take
a look at my old room?
We just need it for our project.
Oh, okay. Go ahead.
Chai! We have visitors.
Actually, I have to go too.
I'll see you guys later.
Thanks, Tere. Take care.
Excuse me...
ls Chai here?
Hello. I'm Laida.
I'm a former tenant here.
Is it okay if I peek into my old room?
Long time no see!
- Come! Have a seat!
- No, I'm okay.
Come here! What happened?
You left in such a rush back then!
And you never came back to visit us.
- I'm sorry.
- You're so beautiful!
Your face is blooming. Oh...
Is it because of this guy?
Of course not!
Wait... is this... Billy?
- Billy?
- Flight?
Remember? I texted you
winter of last year.
I said that an old friend of yours
was looking for you.
Of course I wasn't going to give him
your number and new address!
And you, young man, did not leave
your contact number with me.
But... this means that...
You are meant to be!
And he's so handsome.
You two look good together!
Zoila. Hi!
Can you still edit it?
I know, I know. Sorry. Sorry, sorry.
I don't mean to rush you.
The meeting with Empire is tomorrow
at 11 o'clock, New York time.
She's here. In front of me.
She said hi too.
Okay. All right. Thank you.
Thank you.
You 're welcome.
I have two questions.
Why didn't you tell me
that you came here?
When would I have gotten
the chance to tell you?
You were too mad.
And besides,
it's not like
it's gonna change anything.
You still won't forgive me anyway.
And the second question ?
Why did you come here?
Because I was crazy enough
to believe that...
you would forgive me if you saw me
and we could get back together.
But you already had Belle, right?
We only hooked up after I went here.
Hi Laida. We're home now.
- Hi.
- Hi guys!
Did you get all your work done...
- from earlier tonight?
- Yes, we did.
It was crazy all over the city today.
- Really?
- Yeah.
What are you making?
- You want some?
- Yes, please.
Comejoin us. I'll make one for you.
Thank you.
They are all exhausted.
So much touring and tomorrow we're
going to see the Empire State Building.
Have you been around the city and
on the tourist sites of New York City?
It's been a while.
You and Laida should join us tomorrow.
Yeah, yeah. Join us. Come on.
No, no. Thank you.
Why not?
Because of a promise
I made to a very special girl.
I promised her that the next time
I visit those places...
it's gonna be with her.
That's funny.
You know, I know for a fact that Laida
hasn't been to those tourist spots either.
Yeah ?
Well, she says it's because she only
wants to go there with her one true love.
Like you promised.
I think destiny has a hand on this.
Maybe those promises are meant
to be fulfilled to each other.
Ben I?
Just eat.
It's so cold.
- Can ljoin you there?
- Do you want here?
- Do you want here?
- Is it okay?
It's okay but...
- Do you want to put...
- Sure, it's okay.
And thank you.
Thank you for letting me
get to know the new Laida, too.
Okay. Goodnight.
We can just...
sleep facing the edge, right?
I'm going to shower
and then you will shower-
Before me- I mean, after me...
Hurry up we can't be late good morning!
Good morning.
Long time no see.
Missed me?
You better stay close to me.
How close?
Hello... Ma'am.
We're actually on our way, ma'am.
I see.
Why are you still here? I thought
you guys have an early meeting today?
It was postponed
until tomorrow morning.
The boss had an urgent meeting...
that's why.
That's too bad.
Remember what I said last night'?
Miggy! -
Look's like fate's working, huh ?
He has a point, right?
Let's do it!
Do what?
What I should've done
when I had the chance.
Take you out to see New York.
No. You don't have to.
Who's the boss here?
I'll just wear what I should've worn
when I had the chance.
Where do we go first?
Can you do it?
So easy!
So much fun!
Why isn't anyone noticing me?
- Do you understand the game?
- Sort of.
N'), no!
We're not a couple.
Let's wait for him
at the backstage exit!
My baby?
MY baby, how are you?!
- I'm good.
- We missed you.
- Where do you live now?
- Introduce your friend to us.
Gotta go.
We're trying to catch Ricky Martin.
Goodbye Aunt Angie.
Nice meeting you.
Let's go there.
Too bad!
We're too late...
We didn't see Ricky Martin.
Let's go home.
Hey! Let's go.
I think I'm being possessed!
And I can't stop it!
I'm livin' la vida Laida!
Who told you that
you need Ricky Martin?
Who told you that, huh?
Oh, my God! It's Miggy Martin!
Everyone! Come on! It's Miggy Martin!
Whoa! Come on!
Let's go?
I told you.
You don't need Ricky Martin!
Of course! I have Miggy Martin
over here, you know?!
. Bye, boys.
- Thanks, guys!
He really is Miggy Martin, you know!
Good morning, Mr. Montenegro.
Rise and shine! Big day today!
Get up! We're gonna be late!
You 're welcome.
Let's have breakfast.
Hmmm... That was perfect.
What's this?
Don't read that! It's nothing!
Let me just see it.
- They're my presentation notes!
- But it's a scrap of paper.
- It's just a note, right? Let me see it!
- Those are just my notes...
for the meeting later.
- Let me see!
- Give it to me. Stop it.
Good morning, handsome.
Good morning, handsome.
Yeah. Well you really are handsome.
- Yes? Hello.
- Hi.
Hi, Laida. I forgot my cell phone.
Your Filipino friend
is looking for you.
Come on. Please come in.
Your EA told me where
I can find you guys.
I'll just take a shower.
Good thing I found out from Zoyla
that the meeting was moved.
I still made it.
- Guys, I'll go ahead.
- Okay.
Mikky texted to remind us
about the reunion tomorrow.
Let's go home?
Dad, I'm sorry it took me
a while to forgive you.
I should be the one apologizing to you.
I'm sorry for the mistakes I made.
Please forgive me.
Let's start over.
Yes Dad.
- I love you Dad.
- I love you too.
My girl has turned into a woman.
Look at you!
I'm used to always
seeing you so pretty.
My hair's all messy.
I have a comb over there.
- I missed you Dad. And I'm sorry.
- Thank you, my child.
Belle, looks like your date
came a little too early.
Guess he didn't want
to be late this time.
Board meetin g's can celed?
You must have something important to say
that you just can't wait until tonight.
I went to your house
but you weren't there.
I kept calling you, but...
Change of plans?
It's still Laida, isn't it?
This is probably how you felt
when I broke up with you before.
Tough luck for me...
If I had just stayed in the States
instead of coming back for you...
then I would've been
the one that got away.
But it turns out...
you're my one who got away.
And I'm just the girl
you chose to let go.
I'm sorry.
One last favor.
Please tell Laida that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for assuming
I could take her place.
And consider this my two weeks' notice.
I'm sure it would be too hard
for you to work with two exes.
Excuse me.
I'm no! optimistic.
Their biggest question remains
to be about our financial capacity.
So you were not able to convince Empire
that you're worthy of their trust?
I trust Miguel enough to wait
for Empire's decision to...
And what will happen
if we don't get Empire?
I take full responsibility
for everything.
Should Empire reject my offer,
I will immediately liquidate all my assets
and all my shares in this corporation...
to pay for everything it can.
So I can pay
for the investments I lost.
That's unacceptable.
That will leave you with nothing.
I've been through worse.
I just can't let my family suffer.
Please put that on record.
Can I be excused?
After stu dyin g your reports,
we're very sorry but we can't
grant you the license to publish MET.
we are greatly impressed
by the presentation and your team.
We decided io oer
a partnership, instead.
But there is a condition.
There is one condition.
We want Laida back here.
We wan! her to come back here and
work here full time in New York at Empire.
Now, should you accept this offer...
we wit! proceed to finalizing
the other details of the contract.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Let's all welcome our new partners
from Empire Media Corporation.
Mr. Frank Taylor, Mr. Andy Miller,
and Mr. David Brown.
Good evening, everyone.
Tonight's such a great night
to be part of this company.
I should be saying a speech
to welcome our new partners.
But then I thought only one man
can tell us what this company is about.
What this family is about.
The heart and soul of the Montenegro
Group of Companies,
our late father, Luis Montenegro.
Thank you for that warm applause.
A few days ago...
A writer interviewed me...
and he asked me,
"Sir, what legacy
do you want to leave behind?"
That's a tough one.
Bu! ii got me thinking...
What is my legacy'?
Until one day,
I accompanied my youngest son.
He was awarded as one of the best
young businessmen in the country.
I was so proud of him.
He said that he wants to be the best.
And then at that moment...
I realized what I want
my son to become.
I just want him to be a good man.
Be good in the face of failure.
Sometimes being the best
means being the least.
Be good even after you made a mistake.
Sometimes being good just boils
down to being able to say "sorry".
Sometimes being good
is loving the people who hurt you.
And making the most difficult choices
that may hurt the people you love.
More often than not,
we aspire to be on top...
but we fail to be noble.
We lose sight of the fact that everyday
is a struggle to just be better.
Being good is what kept
my family together.
Being good is what built
and sustained this company.
Being good is what will
move it forward.
For the future of our children.
And for our children's children.
It's not the easiest...
but that is probably the best legacy
that a person can leave behind.
To always believe in goodness.
And just be a good man.
- Congratulations!
- Thank you!
I'll go ahead.
I need to drop by somewhere.
We'll go with you.
If it's okay with you.
Of course.
I never thought this would happen.
Well, not in this lifetime.
It took a while but we are here.
Thank you, guys,
for giving me a family.
So, what's next for you, young man ?
Well, it's funny how
in the past few days...
I've been thinking about
what dad said in his speech.
The kind of man he wants me to be.
I think I know what to do.
Lio, don't be too naughty, okay?
Rose, take care
of our young men here, okay?
Yes, sister.
Be a responsible
eldest brother to them.
Dad, please behave. Okay?
Of course.
Mom, if you ever visit me abroad again,
bring the whole family with you, okay?
We'll save up for that!
Take care, okay?
Yes mom.
Why do my knees get weak
Every time I see you ?
I can only hope to meet you
Every time I bump into you
You even helped me gather my books
But you stiff didn't give me your name
Day by day, I follow you
Bu! you don'! even look back
What am Ho do?
Why are you avoiding me'?
Do my legs tum you off'?
I just want you to notice me
You have a special place...
in my hear!
Can I introduce myself to you?
Day by day, I follow you
Bu! you don'! even look back
What am Ho do?
Until when?
When will you know
my secret love for you ?
No matter what t do
You never notice me
Until when?
When will you know that
my heart is beating for you?
No matter what my approaches are
You still don'! see me
You have a special place...
in my heart
Can I introduce myself to you?
Ma'am, Si r.
I want to apologize for everything
that happened before.
For hurting your daughter.
For all the pain I caused.
And now I want to set things right.
Mr. and Mrs. Magtalas.
I would like to apply for a job.
At the shoe factory?
As Laida's husband, Sir.
And I'm willing to do everything
just to qualify for the position.
Thank you for getting our permission.
But only Laida
can answer your question.
But I will be based
in New York for a while.
I just took an indefinite leave.
Ta-d a!
That's my signature.
I can stay with you and just be
your husband while you're in New York.
I'll support you.
I can run Flippage from there.
Laida, all my life my pursuit
has always been to be the best.
To be number one.
And now all I want
is for you to feel that...
you're number one for me.
And that you will
always be my only one.
I love you.
I love you, Laida Magtalas.
And this is the man I wanna be.
And for the first time in my life,
I wanna be last.
I wanna be the last man
you'll ever love, Laida.
Can I be that man?
First and last?
You 're hired.
Yes. Yes. Yes, my baby. Yes.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I'm on my way, my bib!!!
I will love you forever!!!
Back then...
I! was my dream to win
the heart of a Miggy Montenegro.
But today, I am grateful that
I need not to wait any longer...
for that dream of mine to come true.
Our fairy tale type of Jove story
wasn't as easy we thought.
I gave up many times.
It took a while
before I realized that...
!here's no such thing
as an instant happy ending.
And then I realized...
that I failed to understand the
true meaning of unconditional love.
Oftove that I always thought that
I perfect! y had for you.
Five years ago...
during one of the
worst days of my life...
when everyone was walking out on me...
a girl walked into my life.
And I never though!
that that day...
I never thought that at that time...
my future wife was
standing in front of me.
Forgive me for the times
I gave up on you.
We learned that in loving someone...
you have to accept the good...
the bad...
The sadness...
and the pain.
Today, standing in front of you...
is a Laida who knows
what she is getting herself into.
A Laid-a...
who doesn't just want
a happily ever after...
but a Laida who chooses to have
a reality-ever-after with you.
I love you so much, my baby.
I love you very much.
And I can imagine
doing anything else...
but love and serve you all my life.
Thank you for hiring me
once again to be your EA...
Your Eternal Assistant!
Or MA!
Maternal Assistant!
Of our soon-to-be children.
Lord, thank you.
I can't wait to open my eyes
tomorrow morning, because...
it is you, my dear husband who
will greet me a good morning... companion in life,
the one I will love forever!
Today I realized,
I won't be making any vows
for my wedding.
Because this is not
the day for promises.
Today, I stand here in front of you...
in complete surrender.
I have no worries...
I have no fear...
Because I know...
And I know because I am sure...
And I am sure because I am yours.
God bless our marriage!
God bless me...
for wanting twelve kids with you.
We'll get there.
Eventually we'll get there!
I love you.
I love you, too.
So much.
From our past and our present...
and even the in between s.
Laida and Miggy version 3.0.
You may now kiss the bride.
Just kidding.
We're married.
We'll make babies.
Come on, my baby! Let's make babies!
My baby?
Are you ready?
I've been ready for five years,
my baby!
Just a few minutes more!
You 'l! see me in three...
Here I am!
Hi, my baby.
Is this okay?
How about this? And this?
My baby!
Do you like this'?
Wait, my baby! Slow down!
Yes, my baby... Wait!
My baby, slow down!
Hold on!
What are we waiting for?
Just be gentle. Be gentle!
Five years? Gentle? No!
Pm gonna fa!!! Miggy!