Italianetz (The Italian) (2005) Movie Script

LENFILM studios
In association with
and with the support of the Culture and
Film Federal Agency of the Russian Federation
a film by Andrei Kravchuk
Andrei Zertsalov
Executive Producer
Olga Agrafenina
It's cold here. They still
heat their houses with wood.
Yes, much, much colder
than in Italy.
Written by
Andrei Romanov
Director of Photography
Alexander Burov
- Everything okay?
- Absolutely.
Is it far?
It will be "tempo."
Very fast.
Production designer
Vladimir Svetozarov
Alexander Kneiffel
Aliakper Gassan Zade
I said the fuel indicator was wrong.
Are we having problems?
I'm a mechanic.
No problem, Roberto.
Semyon Alekseevich,
Zhanna Arkadyevna here.
We are stuck at the turn.
Send us some help.
Tamara Lipartiya
- Care for some tea?
- Careful, it's hot.
- No, thank you.
- Hope she doesn't freeze.
- You care for hot tea?
- No, thank you.
I'll take a quick drag.
Come out of the car.
I want to show you something.
Look. This is the real Russia.
Yep, a cold place.
Andrei Kravchuk
Help's coming.
Claudia, look, children!
Are they gonna help us?
- What took you so long?
- It's a long walk.
Roberto, don't get your
feet wet! You're not in Italy.
God, it's cold!
Thank God we finally made it.
Vanya, drop everything!
The guys have found us a car!
Wow, Madam!
Step aside!
Don't crowd around here!
Semyon Alekseevich,
we need gas.
I said scram!
- Cool car.
- She had a Volga before.
You know how much
she makes on us?
When they took Mukhin away,
the director drank for a week.
Vanya Solntsev!
Madam's here.
We need to show you
to the Italians.
- Who, me?
- That's right, you.
Anton, finish cleaning the floors.
Vanya, don't keep them waiting.
Wait a second.
There, that's better.
Don't be nervous.
Everything's gonna be perfect.
Can you make a simple face?
- May we come in?
- By all means.
Here he is.
- Sviridova, you can go now.
- Look at this photo.
He's perfectly healthy.
Well, hello, Vanya.
This is our Vanya.
A charming boy. Very good.
Vanya, this married couple
is from Italy.
If they like you...
they will adopt you.
You understand?
Go say hello to them.
Don't be afraid.
Be nice to them.
- What is your name?
- Vanya Solntsev.
And I am Roberto.
Claudia, this is Vanya.
Ciao! My name's Claudia.
The lady says her name is Claudia.
And the man is Roberto.
- And you didn't want to come.
- Who didn't?
- Charming boy.
- They like you.
Let's give them a chance
to get to know each other.
- Let's go.
- Where?
We've got work to do.
- With your permission.
- Of course.
It's going fine. At last!
What have you gathered
here for? Scram!
I think they're connecting.
- Everything's fine.
- Right.
With me, it's always fine,
thank God!
I think I deserve a small...
- I got an "A"!
- ...a little...
- Hello, Zhanna Arkadyevna.
- ...advance payment.
All right.
But first we'll go see the other kids.
What's with the fuel?
I sent Nikolaev to get some.
Taste good, dude?
Wait, Kolyan!
- Bring any tobacco?
- Right.
Lay off!
- The clutch okay?
- Okay.
Careful, the tires are bald.
Give me a smoke.
Beat it.
You bring the gas?
- 96?
- Like you said.
We'll see.
Look at that!
- Shit.
- Can you tell by the taste?
Come on.
- Who are they showcasing?
- Solntsev.
- How's it going?
- They've been there an hour.
- Where from?
- Italy.
Lucky dog!
Was it you who "borrowed"
the Volga side windows?
- What Volga?
- Stop playing the fool.
Where did you see a fool?
In the mirror?
You shouldn't look
in the mirror that often.
Next time I'll stick
your feet up your ass.
Watch your language.
You're expendable too.
I'll teach you.
My bag!
- Gotta take my bag.
- Hello.
- My name is Roberto.
- It's good to meet you.
- I'll help you.
- Come on.
- Nikolaev, you brought gas?
- Right.
I want everything to be perfect.
Hurry up! Hurry up!
Get the rags and wipe it clean!
Beat it! Scram!
Very good. Next.
Go quick.
Come here. Stand here.
And you can go.
Here. Good girl.
Look here and don't blink.
That's right.
I told you not to blink.
- Are we having lunch?
- No. Once more.
Say your good-byes.
Semyon Alekseevich,
the court is in two months.
See to it that everything's okay.
Signori, tempo.
Get in the car, please.
You'll come with us to Italy, Vanya.
See you soon.
- You happy?
- Yes.
In two months, we'll get the papers
ready and they'll take you away.
How is Alesha Mukhin doing?
Alesha Mukhin?
I know he's fine. Here.
- Thank you.
- All right, let's go.
Good-bye, Vanya!
- Did you smoke today?
- No.
Don't lie to me. You're not
going outside tomorrow.
Tea's ready.
Is everyone having tea?
- Sure.
- Get the glasses.
The TV set broke.
Today's football.
Well, fix it.
Hey there, Sery.
Here, trophies.
- They visited the little boy?
- Not you, for sure.
- You're impossible to feed.
- Right, I'm starving.
See if the potatoes are ready.
Potatoes are on the stove.
A first aid kit.
Could be useful.
Sery, Grisha wants reimbursement...
for the Volga mirrors.
- It's raw.
- A tape recorder. That's cool.
- Timokha, tea?
- Make it extra sweet.
- Stop clicking! Beat it!
- You tired?
- Moron.
- Lay off.
Hey there, Irka!
Hello, beautiful!
Where's Katya?
Went off with the truckers.
- You cold?
- Freezing.
Let's buy a new TV set.
The tube died.
- We'll see.
- Must be warm in the cab.
- Shut up.
- No offense.
- Don't touch that!
- I bet they're sweet.
It's damn hot!
In Italy it's warm,
and hookers make good money.
You forget about
the almighty Mafia.
Cosa Nostra.
- Look who's here!
- Hi, Vanya.
- The "Italian"!
- Hooker, you in for potatoes?
Nothing like hot potatoes!
They gave me toys, too,
but I left them in the bedroom.
Forget it.
Here, buy the little boys shoes
at the flea market.
Take that to your friends.
It's your day.
I'll go see that they
don't overeat.
- Tea?
- No, I have to go.
Bye. You're one lucky boy.
If you only knew
How my hands miss the helm
Got stoned again.
I'm so happy for you. Honest.
Let's race for it.
- I'm telling the truth.
- Oh, get away.
Vanya, Sery told me...
that there are good foreigners
and bad foreigners.
The bad ones take the kids
for spare parts.
- What spare parts?
- Organ transplants.
Eyes, kidneys.
You saw off your hand,
you need a new one.
My foreigners are not like that.
I like them.
Maybe they're normal.
Send me something...
to let me know you're okay.
Like what, for instance?
- Like today's chocolates.
- You got it.
Now you get the message?
- Get him up.
- Get up!
Never steal from your friends.
- Why'd he get that?
- For stealing.
Kolyan can kill for that.
Guys, Mukhin's mother has come!
- What mother?
- The one who abandoned him.
Get out!
I said get out of here!
And you have the guts!
I could kill the bitch.
Come on, move it.
Hey! You lost a shoe!
Come here, boy.
- Hey, Italian!
- I'll be right back.
Look at him!
Are you from
this children's home, boy?
Did you know Alesha Mukhin?
I know you despise me.
Don't. Please talk to me.
Did you know him well?
Tell me about him.
We were friends.
Did you see the couple
that adopted him?
What are they like?
The man is old, around 30.
The woman, beautiful.
- Beautiful?
- Yep.
That's good.
- You're not cold?
- No.
And I feel shivery.
It will be spring soon.
He was born in spring.
It's his birthday in two weeks.
Don't take me for a drunk.
It's just that I feel very bad.
It appears that...
I have no one except him.
As soon as I realized that,
I rushed to look for him.
I didn't spare time or money.
And I found him.
Only it was too late.
- They're good people, you say?
- Yes.
I pray to God they are.
- Here, take this.
- Thank you.
Are you going?
- Will the bus go to the station?
- It's the last stop.
The last stop.
Thank you for talking to me.
She should have come earlier.
I'd like my mother to find me.
Natasha's coming!
Go to sleep.
Anyone who's not asleep in five minutes
has to clean the toilet!
Stop talking and go to sleep.
Did you hear me?
I'm switching off the light.
How will she find him now?
What do I care?
Where was she all these years?
Now he has new parents.
I'll read you a book.
Heads on your pillows.
"One day Winnie the Pooh
took a stroll..."
- Lucky Mukhin.
- No, he's not.
He had no one, and now
he's got the whole package.
If they hadn't taken him away,
his mom would've found him.
And now he's got a mom
and a dad.
- Quiet!
- Quiet, Anton!
And that woman was more beautiful.
But this one's his real mom!
"'If I know anything
about anything...
"'a hole is a burrow...
"'and a burrow means a rabbit.
"'And a rabbit is good company,
"'a company where I will
get a treat, and where...
"they'd listen to my new verses.
"He stuck his head
in the hole and cried out:
"'Is anyone home?'
"There was no answer,
but he heard noises...
then everything
became quiet again."
- Natasha!
- What the hell's going on?
- Vanya, what is it?
- I just wanted to ask.
If they take me away to Italy...
and my mom comes for me,
how will she find me?
Like hell
she'll come looking for you!
Things like that never happen.
That was one case in a million.
Go away to Italy.
They are good folks.
- You're lucky.
- Still, what if she comes?
- I'll give you a good lashing.
- Don't intimidate him.
All right, wipe his ass,
Mother Teresa.
- Feel better now?
- I wasn't nervous.
That's the way.
Very good, Solntsev.
You're making progress.
Makarov, what are you sawing?
It's a plane, not a tractor.
I know it's not a tractor.
Mukhin's mother
jumped under a train!
Out, everyone!
The cops scraped her body
off the rails in pieces.
There was a pool of blood.
What do you want?
She didn't jump. She took in
too much vodka and slipped.
No shit. She jumped.
People saw that.
Couldn't see anything.
The platform wasn't lit.
It was an accident.
Whatever. The point is,
she's dead.
She missed her chance.
Kolosov, leave the classroom.
Why me? What did I do?
- She was drunk.
- Were you there to see?
People saw.
Vanya, it doesn't matter
if she was drunk or not...
and if she jumped
under that train on purpose.
If she didn't go looking
for her son, she'd still be alive.
What if they're looking for me?
If you keep your real last name,
they have a chance.
If you change it, that's that.
- I was lost at a railway station.
- How do you know?
How do I know?
- Someone told me.
- How can we find out?
Natasha said it's all
in the personal files.
The files are in a safe in the office.
The director has the key.
Shit! No way!
The director keeps the key.
- How's life, Italian?
- Fine.
The boy asks a favor--
to crack a lock.
- Want to read your file?
- How do you know?
With this suicide,
everyone went crazy.
Don't worry. Timokha checked
it out. There's nothing.
Parents' death certificates
and birth certificates.
And a load of police reports
on Sery.
Did they abandon or lose me?
You should forget that crap
and be happy.
Did you see my personal file?
I didn't. Read it yourself.
- I can't read.
- That's your problem.
All right.
- Want a fill-up?
- 95, full tank.
- Want the headlights wiped?
- Don't bother.
You'd better wipe the windshield.
No, I can't reach up that high.
Too bad.
What about the money?
Screw off!
Scum! I hope he hits
the nearest pole.
You get off here.
Hey there, Irka!
We bought ice cream. Want some?
See you, beautiful!
- Thanks for the ice cream.
- How was the trip?
That's none of your business.
- Irka.
- What?
- What do you want?
- We'll catch up with you.
- Secrets?
- What is it?
Teach me to read.
Natasha told me.
Only you're making a mistake.
Kolyan will kill you.
I just want to learn to read
for no reason.
Nothing happens for no reason.
Everybody wants their gain.
So what do I gain?
- You tell me.
- It's love or money.
You're too young for love yet,
so save money.
Hey, don't stand there, Italian!
- Now you, Italian.
- Move it, Italian.
- What's this?
- Ukrainian Grivnas.
Got those from the Ukrainians.
- What do I do with that?
- How do I know?
- Put the teapot on.
- It's currency, anyway.
All right, I'm off.
Hey, Italian,
haven't you forgotten something?
- What?
- That guy in the Audi gave you 10.
- Is that right?
- That's right.
You forgot?
- Want me to help you?
- No.
You asked for it.
I could kill you for that.
Why did you rob your pals, Italian?
- It's all my fault.
- What?
I told him he must pay me.
- For what?
- For reading lessons.
Stubborn little bastard.
So what do we do with you now?
- Did you see Vanya Solntsev?
- Ask her.
- Did you see Vanya Solntsev?
- Vanya is history.
Kolyan's giving him a serious beating.
- He really blew it.
- Crazy ideas.
What about the Italians?
Ask him why he wants to dump them.
Where are you going?
- Lay off.
- Well, look at her!
Anton, will you help me
hang the linen?
Makarov, why aren't you
wearing a cap?
- The state has no money for treatment.
- I know.
Go to your quarters.
- Hello.
- We already said hello.
She spent all the money on booze.
Made me beg the neighbors
for food.
She beat me up if I refused.
Broke my arm once.
The neighbors called the cops,
and the shit hit the fan.
All sorts of commissions
started coming.
She was stripped
of parental rights. I was sent...
to an orphanage. When they took
off the cast, I ran away.
I walked all night, got soaked
in the rain. She opened up...
grabbed me by the collar
and threw me out, yelling,
"Go away! You ruined my life!"
Do you need that, Italian?
I don't know.
I see her in my dreams.
It's not every day
you get invited to Italy.
You realize you can ruin it
for the others?
No one will come here afterwards.
What would that make you?
Don't just sit there!
Take off your coat.
Move it.
Lie down.
You're not asleep, Italian?
Sorry. It seemed like I set you up.
Come on, Vanya.
I'll teach you to read.
We won't tell anyone.
Irka! I learned it!
- What is this letter?
- "B."
And this?
- "T."
- And this?
You learn that, then you come.
We're here.
- See ya.
- Good luck.
Close the door.
What are you doing here?
Irka, I've learned the alphabet.
Test me.
"Met... ro."
Go on.
"'Come back soon,
my bare-skinned son...'
"said Mother Wolf.
"Mother Wolf.
"'For you should know...
"'son of man...
"'that I love you more...
than my own cubs."'
"when Mowgli...
"came down the hill...
"to the valley...
"to meet...
"the mysterious...
they call 'Men'."
"Personal files."
Look at this kid!
"One day me and Rabinovich
went to do business."
Juvenile delinquent.
- He'll wet his pants.
- I won't.
Stubborn guy!
I gather you can read now?
Here, read this.
"Folder for paper."
- Correct.
- Close the door.
They can see the light from outside.
You wanted to break it.
Do it.
Timokha, what does the guy need?
Why fumble with the locks?
Maybe that's what he wants
to do in life.
That sounds more like
your profession.
- You're gonna read all of it?
- Not all.
Find his file.
What are you looking at?
Can't say your life
was thrilling, Italian.
It's all on four pages.
Cover letter...
medical history
from your first children's home...
and resolution.
Ivan Solntsev.
Parents: none.
So you won't find your mother.
Go to Italy, and let your
conscience rest in peace.
Are you satisfied now?
- Where was that home?
- Far away, in another city.
The address?
Zarechensk. 18 Frunze Street.
What are you gonna look for?
The guy's got brains.
They have an archive there.
Only they won't give you access.
- Timokha, clean up the place.
- I'll do it.
Go ahead.
- You nuts to smoke in here?
- Come off it.
I said you can't smoke in here.
He did fine.
Denis, bring the matches!
- I ran out of them.
- Ask Sery.
Where is he?
- Hello.
- Where is he?
I locked him away
in the isolation ward
soon as they phoned me.
My God!
What are you doing here?
Go back to your quarters!
What are you doing, you fool?
Everyone here envies you.
- Hello.
- Scram!
You get a chance
to start a decent life!
You think you can do it here?
No way!
- Hi.
- Move on.
You'll beaver away for peanuts,
or else go to jail.
Don't be stupid, son.
You get that?
Listen to me.
That's a once-in-a-lifetime chance.
I wasted mine.
I could've become a pilot...
flown a fighter jet.
- You heard about Gagarin?
- No.
I thought so.
No use wasting time with you.
And all because there was
no one there to give me good advice.
I won't let you
throw your life down the drain.
Don't touch it!
Get away from the car!
Look who's here!
Long time, no see!
- What's up?
- Hey there, Kolyan.
I've been meaning to ask you...
why are you so gloomy?
You never smile, never say hello.
You don't treat people like that.
I don't see any people.
I see only scum.
You realize they had already paid us?
I've gone through
all the formalities.
I bear the responsibility.
answer when being asked.
The bastard won't speak up!
You mean you seriously
don't understand?
Maybe you're a moron.
He's an imbecile.
They can't adopt him.
The doctors made a mistake.
You should be sent
to a clinic for imbeciles.
Of course! And from there,
straight to a penitentiary...
for juvenile delinquents.
And all this time,
you'll have to work
and repay me
down to the last kopeck.
What did you expect?
You have to reimburse me
for the damages.
Am I right, Semyon Alekseevich?
How's that prospect for you, Vanya?
Right. Tomorrow we take
Solntsev to the imbeciles.
Please don't take me
to the imbeciles.
Then throw these idiotic ideas
out of your head!
- Where's his dossier?
- Here it is.
Let's see if it's all here.
- The resolution...
- Well, of course.
- It's all there.
- Keep an eye on him.
The date of the hearing is set.
Lock him up until tomorrow.
Yes, ma'am.
- See you tomorrow, Vanya.
- Good-bye.
- What?
- You okay?
- I'm fine.
- I brought you some bread.
- Only how do I get it to you?
- No way.
How did the Madam find out?
Did you rat on me?
I only asked her if I could go...
to Italy instead of you
if you changed your mind.
It would be wrong to dump
such nice people.
- You fool.
- Vanya, I didn't want to.
- What's with the bread?
- Nothing.
You want to be locked in too?
Go to your quarters, fast!
Vanya, wake up.
Get dressed.
Come on.
Come on.
He's nowhere to be found.
I don't understand.
I was keeping an eye on him,
and the door was locked.
You will answer for this.
You'll pay back the client.
I'll give you the exact amount later,
but it's somewhere around
He should be
somewhere around here.
I'll get the older kids
to help me find him.
You find him
and you bring him here.
Not a word
to Madam and Semyon.
Timokha, go to the gas station.
Sergei, to the pier!
The tank is almost empty.
Give me some cash!
Who took the money?
Two tickets to Zarechensk.
One child, one adult.
Come on.
- Gavrilovna, soup?
- You crazy? In the morning?
- How much for the potatoes?
- 12.
Don't touch.
Let's go.
We'll be a brother and sister
from a normal family.
Hold the book. Less chance
the cops will bother us.
How about a new jacket for you?
Maybe this one?
This one all right?
- You buying or not?
- We're buying.
- Oh, come on!
- I'll give you a discount.
I'm in a good mood today.
- You look good.
- We'll take it.
- How much?
- 70.
- Enjoy it.
- Throw away the old rags!
How about that! I told you.
You keep our tickets.
Here's some money for good luck.
Where did you get that much?
Why are you staring at me?
It was everyone's money.
That means it's yours too.
- What about Kolyan?
- What about Kolyan?
He was too hard on me.
I'm a free bird.
I don't like to be ordered about.
Let's take our chances.
At least we'll find out the truth.
To be honest, I was going
to go south, to the seashore.
If we can find your mother,
we can live together.
We'll see how it goes.
Hurry or we'll miss the train.
The cover letter from
the children's home is missing.
I should have known!
I don't understand.
All files are in the safe.
- I never entrust the keys to anyone.
- You can't trust anyone.
Including you.
Why would anyone want that letter?
There's nothing there.
The address! The address
of the children's home!
I remember that address.
They brought Mukhin and him
from that home together.
- You think?
- I'm positive.
Now he thinks he'll find
his mother too. To the station!
Doggy. Good boy!
Let's get on.
Get in and sit down.
- What about you?
- I'll be right back.
How do you open it?
- What filling?
- Potatoes, cabbage.
- Don't you recognize me?
- There must be some mistake.
- Get your hands off me!
- My watch!
Lay off! What do you want?
She's a thief!
She stole my watch!
Stop! What are you staring at?
- Get off me!
- I'll take you to the police station!
Uncle Sasha!
Don't you compromise me!
Let's go to the police.
- Anywhere with you!
- Hey, what about my money?
You go without me.
You're strong. You'll be
fine on your own. Get off me!
You've grown so big.
Look at you!
- Why the police?
- Go!
Go to your old woman!
Go all the way!
No ice cream today.
They almost ran someone over!
Grisha, we'll give out
the description.
Semyon Alekseevich,
move your feet!
What do you want?
We have some business here.
Ermolova, what are you doing here?
I'm here to see you! Sit!
And they won't let me go.
I was on the platform...
and I saw a wristwatch.
I picked it up.
She's lying! She stole it!
And this moron raised a stink.
You'll answer for this.
That's enough!
It's not funny.
You shut up too!
Quiet! Shut up, everyone!
- You jerk.
- Did you see Solntsev?
- Did he run away?
- As if you didn't know.
- The little dimwit.
- Hey, watch it!
What's the racket?
- There's a row.
- Everything's in order.
We have a runaway.
Vanya Solntsev, six years old.
Anyone who finds him
gets a bonus.
- Why a bonus?
- Are you a relative?
The director of
the children's home. It's his boy.
- Well, tell me.
- Tell you what?
- Tell them.
- Tell them what?
- How was he dressed?
- He had pants on.
That's a relief.
Anything else?
Gray pants. And a shirt.
- What kind?
- Blue.
A patch on the left elbow.
Natasha fixed it.
And a gray jacket.
- Exactly.
- All right.
We'll send out the information.
Go to the station and copy
the train schedule.
- Will they let me out?
- Later!
- Is she yours too?
- Yes.
- You're staying here.
- Here's his photo.
I expect good news.
I can be generous.
- What about me?
- Later!
I'm off!
- Well, Ermolova...
- What about me?
Why is it that all you kids
are like that?
- Mother, take off your luggage!
- I'm not your mother!
Drunk in the morning!
I met a pal. We served
in the army together.
Were we supposed to drink tea?
Is he your dad?
That's right.
I think he left on that train.
Of course.
And that whore
must have been seeing him off.
- Some pasta?
- What pasta?
Cabbage or potato filling.
We can catch him at the next station.
- You deal with the traffic police?
- It's a deal. Let's go.
Step aside. This is no tractor!
Grisha, the time!
- Good luck to you, boy.
- Good-bye.
We live happily and joyfully
And the voice, so young and clear
- Shit!
- This way we won't catch him.
We'll meet him at the last station.
We'll get the cops.
The rascal won't get away.
Sanya, we get off here!
What station is this?
Shit, I almost missed it.
- Hey, pal!
- Hello.
Sit down.
I'll sit here.
- Going to take a drag?
- I don't smoke.
- Good for you.
- Don't pick on the kid.
Lady, when's the last station?
After four stops.
Are you all by yourself?
No, I'm with my dad.
- He's asleep.
- Drunk?
He met his army pal.
They had a little drink.
You can't miss the last station.
When you see everyone
getting out, you wake him up.
- Where are you going?
- To visit my grandma.
Not too close.
Today's Saturday.
Not many buses.
Not many buses.
No smoking here.
- I'm sorry.
- You'll have to pay a fine.
I work on the railroad too.
I can show you my I.D.
The rules are the same for everyone.
She won't do it again.
- I promise!
- It's the last time.
- Thank you.
- Don't mention it.
Want a sandwich? It'll be a while
before you get to your granny.
Nadezhda Andreevna,
where have you been?
Saving myself from
your mad love, Mandrykin.
It's only for that love
that I came to work on a weekend.
- Have pity on me.
- I pity you already.
Then let's play a game of cards.
The bet is a kiss.
If you lose to Petrovich,
who's gonna kiss who?
- I can play cards!
- Live and learn, Mandrykin.
A real gentleman!
Saves me for the second time.
Let's play for flicks.
You're not chicken?
- No.
- And you?
Brand new.
Just bought them today.
- Who starts?
- Me.
Don't peep.
Vanya, we're almost there.
Go wake your father.
Aren't you gonna give me
the flicks?
- No, you lost on purpose.
- Give me five!
Good luck to you!
A fine lad.
Come here, boy.
How old are you?
What do you want
from my grandson?
Can't you see it's not him?
You got the description.
He's six, and he looks just like him.
Look at them chasing terrorists!
Maybe he didn't board this train.
- I'm off.
- Go on.
Or maybe we missed him.
You gave everyone the description?
Yes. The local police have it too.
Please call me right away.
We'll get you on your cellphone.
How do I get to...
And who is that?
How do I get to Frunze Street?
We'll tell you, don't worry.
Where did you come from,
I just asked how to get
to Frunze Street.
Consider yourself there already.
Come in.
I'd better ask someone else.
You think I'm joking, you loser?
I'm not a loser,
and get your hands off me.
Now get this!
Look, he's got a cool jacket.
- Worth a couple of beers.
- Take it off.
- I won't.
- No one's asking you.
Take it off. Your mom
will buy you a new one.
Search the pockets, dimwit.
He's got money!
Take off your pants!
- All right, I'll do it.
- Move it.
Victim of an abortion.
Give me that book.
Your mom will buy you a new one.
What, now you want to play
in the sandbox?
What do you need the book for?
It's got instructions on
how to take his pants off.
Shit! I'll kill the SOB!
Look at that!
- What's wrong, pal?
- Nothing.
Suit yourself.
They'll bring lunch to the room.
There was no lean meat.
I ordered broth and a salad.
- Without salt and mayonnaise.
- Right.
And a bottle of water,
Right, have to lose weight.
- What?
- What's that 120?
What 120?
Let me give you a massage.
My back is splitting.
That's good.
No health left
with all the nervous strain.
Oh, that feels good!
You need to relax,
have some rest.
- When, Grisha?
- Whenever you want.
- That feel good?
- Softer, or there will be bruises.
That better?
Grisha, your hands
are unbelievable!
- We don't have enough time.
- We do.
- They'll bring lunch.
- They can wait.
I'll be right there.
Wait. The police detained three boys.
That's the power
of financial incentive for you.
- We still have time.
- Don't be silly.
They won't get away
from the police station.
You don't get it!
Get down there, quick!
What about lunch,
Zhanna Arkadyevna?
Screw off!
Old bitch!
- How do I get to...
- What?
- What do you want?
- Frunze Street.
- Give him some small change.
- Right.
How do I get to Frunze Street?
- Is this the Number 1 bus?
- That's right.
Step aside.
- They're never on schedule!
- Hey, madam!
Oh, my God.
Which bus do I take
to get to Frunze Street?
You lost your way?
What's that on your hands?
- You're bleeding.
- I fell off a bike.
- Is that your address?
- Yes.
- You live there?
- Where's your bike?
- Some boys stole it.
- Madness!
You have to go to the police.
Come on.
No, not the police.
- Calm down.
- He doesn't need the police.
You need bus number 7.
It makes a U-turn on Frunze Street.
The boy will be home in 30 minutes.
- How will he get there?
- He's small, and he's hurt.
You take him there.
Let's go. I enjoyed
riding a bike myself.
Had bruises all over my body.
There! Number 7! You're lucky.
Be careful when crossing the street.
- Does the boy need a ticket?
- No.
Let me through.
- Take him to Frunze Street.
- Don't worry.
How did you ride a bike
with a book in your hand?
Isn't this Number 7?
They're digging up the street,
so we have to make a detour.
Frunze Street
- Is he asleep or something?
- The old fart.
You again?
Don't you ever get tired?
Anyone show up?
I said I'll let you know.
The children are sleeping.
Can we wait inside?
No visitors allowed.
Twenty dollars,
and a bonus afterwards.
Hands off.
Don't bullshit, old boor!
He wouldn't come here.
Let's go back to the hotel.
- The watchman will call us.
- I'll go alone.
And you stay here.
I don't like this.
I have to stick around here all night?
Yes. If the boy shows up,
take him to the hotel.
And tie him up
so that he stays put.
And no sleeping, Grigory.
- Let me take you there.
- You stay here!
Taxi service? I need a cab.
The address?
Corner of Frunze and Krasnaya.
I'll be here. Make it fast, please.
I got you, little skunk!
I said stop!
Misha, your jingling's
getting on my nerves!
Help! He wants to kill me!
- Are you nuts?
- He wants to kill me!
- Don't make me force you.
- What's going on here?
Lay off! It's none of your business.
- What was that?
- Stop pushing me.
He ran away from an orphanage.
You catch him, you get a bonus.
- He's lying!
- Must be a rich orphanage.
- You'll get your money.
- You're not a fag, by chance?
You're a fag!
- Hey, maybe he's right.
- Get off me!
Hey, don't go wild on us!
We don't sell children.
What are you looking at?
Son of a bitch!
Now you're a dead man!
Watch it!
Go on, scram!
- What are you doing?
- That's enough!
That's what they invented
the telephone for.
A boy, six years old.
Looks like it's him.
So they're looking for you?
- I don't know.
- Get down.
They offered me big money for you.
Sit down.
Now tell me about yourself.
Only I want the truth.
I can tell a liar right away.
I lived here.
- Ivan Solntsev.
- That's me.
You're one of our kids.
So that's how it is!
They're selling kids for money.
The country's heading downhill.
You know how many newborns
we got now?
Almost 20.
Twenty mothers
refused to be mothers.
What's gonna happen next?
Eat, son.
A woman came here this winter.
Went down on her knees.
Begged for help finding her son.
Where was she before?
The police took her away,
but each time she came back.
Then she disappeared.
The police will take you away too.
Because you're a runaway
and your mother abandoned you.
Abandoned such a fine lad! Bitch.
You know why
I didn't become a colonel?
- Why?
- I didn't kiss ass.
And I always took responsibility.
Stay put, I'll be back soon.
Ivan Solntsev.
There was this director here,
San Sanych.
He loved to give
his wards big names.
Pavel Korchagin,
Lesna Meresyev.
Thought a big name would help them
make their way in life.
He was a good man.
May his soul rest in peace.
You know who Vanya Solntsev was?
And you said you could read.
He was adopted by a regiment
and was a scout
with an artillery battery.
I served in the artillery myself.
Don't look at me like that.
I found it.
Vera Gennadyevna Solntseva.
Apartment 3.
Apartment 3.
So Solntsev is
your real name after all.
Yes, thank you.
All right, artillery man, it's night.
And we don't know
if she still lives there.
I'll go check that out
in the morning.
If she moved,
you can stay here.
Now go to sleep.
Excuse me, where is Apartment 3?
Over there, up the stairs.
- Over there?
- That's right.
Who's there?
I need to speak to
Vera Gennadyevna Solntseva.
Just a moment.
Who are you?
Are you Vera Solntseva?
No, I'm her neighbor.
You need Vera?
She is on the night shift.
- She's still at work.
- Where does she work?
I'd say you were lucky
to stay alive.
But you will have to stay
in bed for two weeks.
Vera, put a splint on his ankle.
I already did.
How do we register it?
In my name.
Yes, Semyon Alekseevich.
They saw him at the pier?
Is that a fact?
Right, I'm on my way.
Notify the police.
Looks like they saw the boy
at the pier.
Get the jeep there
as soon as you can.
I'll be waiting there.
Take this.
I hope this is enough.
And drop by Frunze Street.
- Next.
- Hey, she was here first!
Little creep!
Game's over.
Don't get any closer!
I'll kill you!
I got you, you little louse.
I found her!
I'm not afraid of you!
- Come on!
- You won't stop me!
- What are you--?!
- You'll see!
- I'm not afraid of you!
- Stop it!
- Get away from me!
- Throw that thing away!
- I'll go to her anyway!
- Gimme that, you idiot!
Are you mad? Retard!
Go chase yourselves!
Holy shit!
What did you do that for?
Come here.
Let go of me!
It's all right.
Where did you learn
these thieves' tricks?
- Cut your hand like that?
- I saw them do it.
Never ever do that again.
If you hit the artery, that's it.
Are you taking me to Madam?
Do you have a place to go?
- Will you find your way?
- Yes.
Go on, then.
- Thank you.
- Go on.
Hey, it's you again!
I'll go get her.
It's that boy again,
the one who came this morning.
Did you want to see me, boy?
"Hello, Anton.
Thank you for your letter.
"I didn't know oranges grow
where you live.
"Here it rains all the time,
but it's warm inside.
"Mom and me are sending
our best regards to you...
"Roberto, and Claudia.
Come visit us sometime,
Vanya Solntsev."
Vanya Solntsev -- Kolya SPIRODONOV
Madam -- Maria KUZNETSOVA
Grisha -- Nikolai REUTOV
Director -- Yriy ITSKOV
Kolyan -- Denis MOISEENKO
Sery -- Andrei ELIZAROV
Natasha -- Polina VOROBIEVA
Irka -- Olga SHUVALOVA
Anton -- Dima ZEMLYANKO
Mukhin's mother -- Daria LESNIKOVA
Guard -- Rudolf KULD