Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekam (2022) Movie Script

Hey, Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
Bring him.
Nothing will happen to you
Nothing will happen to you.
You will be fine.
Don't worry.
God will protect you.
Let's go... fast.
Move... Be careful
Move fast...
We were born and brought up here
in the forest This is not new to us.
Nothing will happen to us
Don't worry.
Let's go.. move
Move all of you.. move.
Come fast..
-Let's go.
What happened?
The water flow is heavy.
Let's go the other way.
He's struggling, elder.
This is not something new for us.
It's all God's grace.
Let's go
Let's go.
-Let's go. Let's go.
Come fast... come....
Appanna, nothing will happen to you
Be strong
-Come fast.
He slipped down
when he was trying to
extract honey from a
comb on the tree, Sir.
He got struck by a branch.
How long has it been
since he got injured?
It's been around 5-6 hours.
Why are you here so late
when he is losing so much blood?
I wonder what kind
of people you are.
What can we do, Sir?
We need to get down the hill.
We need to carry him with us.
To cross the stream we
don't even have a bridge.
We are here late because
we came here through the forest.
I would have saved him if you
brought him here two hours ago.
I'm sorry!
Take him back
What sin did we commit, Elder?
We'll die if we get any disease.
We'll die if we get
into an accident.
Oh God! The distance doesn't
seem to reduce no
matter how fast we
run carrying the person.
We requested several
times to construct a bridge.
But everyone ignored us.
Why do we have to go through
this punishment, Elder?
Even if it belongs
to the same body,
everyone looks
down on the left hand.
We are humans too.
But we belong to the hills.
So, everyone looks
down on our lives.
Oh no! Appanna!
With the death of Ramanaidu,
who won four times as
the undisputed leader in
Rampachodavaram Constituency,
the winning equations have changed.
This time both the main
parties are equally likely to win.
Mr. Peddireddi
Nagireddy has just arrived.
Let's hear what he
says in his own words.
Vote for me who has
been doing public service for
30 years, under the
guidance of MR. Ramanaidu.
I will fulfill all your needs.
I will built a ring
road around the town,
flyovers, and footbridges
all over the town.
I will make our town look
like Singapore in 5 years.
Tell me, do you want
to live in Singapore?
Yes. Yes.
Will you vote for me?
We will. We will.
Will you send me to the assembly?
We will. We will.
Will you make our party win?
We will. We will.
- Hello! Hi!
I am Srinivas Sripada
-Yeah, I know.
I'll come directly to the point.
My dad likes your alliance.
But I have a condition to
step forward with this wedding.
You have an offer
My first elder sister
is settled in the US
My second elder sister
is settled in the UK
My brother is settled in Australia
My cousins settled in Malaysia.
Our family has a name that
everyone settles in abroad.
There's a lot of demand for
Telugu teachers in the US.
If you come with me
there, I'm fine with it.
Tell them that you are doing a
software job if someone asks you.
If you tell them that you are a
Telugu teacher, it looks cheap.
It looks cheap?
I did MA Ph.D. in Telugu not because
I didn't get any good score or rank.
I did it because I
love Telugu so much.
I might've come to the US if you
called me to teach Telugu there.
But if you are embarrassed
to say it out, No.
Are you fine with a Telugu
teacher paying the bill?
"A new day is calling you with
the shine early in the morning."
"Wake up and embrace
it with your heart."
"There is no person
who's not your own."
"Help others like a friend."
"Here, you are not only yourself,
but the people around you."
"Every heart is yours." "Can't
you hear your name in the beat?"
"If one crow gets injured,
a hundred crows come to help."
"Don't be alone just by yourself."
"If you see a person who's alone,
go to them and befriend them."
"Gold never makes the
sound that brass makes."
"No one makes a
temple bell with gold."
"A light doesn't show
darkness in its presence."
"Don't ever deceive yourself."
"Education is said to
be the greatest gift."
"We are the people who
sell and survive on it..."
"Try to educate the people
around you as much as you can."
"And there will be no
teacher greater than you."
"You are the people.
And you are the world. "
"What more can even
Bhagavadgita tell you?"
Sir, one cup of tea and a
pack of biscuits for a person.
Do you know who I am?
I'm Bokka Paramesh.
I did a double MA in English.
Even if you do a
triple MA, you will only
get one cup of tea
and a pack of biscuits.
You guys will never develop.
That's why India
still a poor nation.
Look at the total number
of votes in the village.
If everyone votes, we will
achieve hundred percent.
Okay, sir. I'll take a look at them.
Don't mind me asking.
Why are you taking notes?
What will the DRO say?
Now, we will sit in
the polling booth.
We'll take a look at the list.
We'll ink their fingers
and send them away
Training for this and you are
noting down something on that?
And moreover you teaching him?
This is my third time training.
I already did duties in
the past two elections.
Won't you get bored studying the
same thing three different times?
What is your major, by the way?
- I'm Srinivas Sripada.
I'm a Telugu teacher.
Then that means you
are not yet married, right?
I'm not.
I know.
Do you know who I am?
I did a double MA.
A salary of one lakh rupees
I teach English
complicatedly in my class.
They'll come to my tuition
if they don't understand my classes.
If they don't come to me, I'll
make sure they fail in that subject.
The tuition fees they
pay me, I'll give the
same amount to their
parents on interest.
So finally, I get two salaries.
And along with that, after retiring
I get settlement benefits.
I earn in many ways.
But no girl until now
agreed to marry me
You are a Telugu teacher after all.
Why would they agree to marry you?
I rejected a girl yesterday.
We should say that, Sir. We
should never speak low of ourselves.
If they reject us, many doubts
will arise about our masculinity
No, it was me who...
By the way, Sir, I heard
that these political parties
will throw parties during
the election duties, it seems.
If a guy offers chicken biryani,
another will offer mutton biryani.
If a guy offers Pepsi, the other
guy will offer coke it seems.
If they know that you took them,
they'll suspend you.
Our duty is to conduct a fair
election. It's our responsibility.
You did a MA in English, right?
Can I ask you a question?
You can ask me two.
I did a double MA.
What is the meaning of Sir?
Sir means .Sir.
Hello, Sir Greetings, Sir.
Well it's Mister in Telugu
The abbreviation of
sir is "Slave I Remain".
Earlier, you were saying
that you are still my slave.
Why should you live like a slave?
Please write down your notes.
-Snacks are ready sir.
Snacks are ready,
it seems, I'm going.
All these are tribal villages.
Until the last election, the polling
booths were arranged down the hill.
But these people don't
have the habit of coming
to vote by spending
4-5 hours of their time.
Because they are illiterates who
do not know the value of their vote.
Most of these villagers have never
executed their vote in their life.
The voting percentage is
not more than three percent.
Our district collector,
Mr. Arjun Trivedi gave orders
to make sure that there
should be 100 percent voting.
So, every vote of
theirs is important to us.
That's why, this
time, we arranged the
polling booths in their
respective villages.
Our presiding officers reach the
villages four days in advance...
and create awareness
among them to make
sure that we get
100 percent voting.
Assistant presiding
officers will follow them.
The remaining people will join
at the time of election polling.
Telugu is a second
language in the school.
But here, Telugu people
are sitting in the front seats.
And English ones
are sitting at the back.
No wonder that this
country is going to dogs
What's this, Sir?
I mean, what's this Master?
Why should we beg these uneducated
fellows to cast their...
vote like how people
ask for donations
to organize public
fairs for festivals?
Is this what I did double MA for?
If I think about it I feel hungry.
Damn, I feel sad.
Of course I feel hungry too.
Is there anything to eat?
Oh my ghosh!
You said we'll go to some village.
What is this forest?
Jeeps can't enter the village.
What should we do now?
They told me that VRO's assistant
would come to pick you up.
He'll come and pick us up?
Why don't you take us?
-Why would I go to that village?
Hey, Lovaraju!
Send me half dozen
of these to my home.
They told me to come by 8.
I'm 20 minutes late.
I wonder how they'll react.
I'm sorry for being late.
Shall we go ahead, Sir?
It's okay.
Hi, Bro.
What's with the Bro?
I'm Bokka Paramesh double MA.
Then it's MAMA.
You did double MA, right?
Do you know who I am?
I'm the assistant to the VRO.
You are his assistant.
We both are the same.
I'm still don't know
where the country is going.
What's your name?
-Mister Babu.
What kind of name is that?
All the elders in my village used
to call my dad Hey and You.
With that anger, my dad named me
Mister Babu and my brother Mister.
Now, if someone
wants to call me, they
definitely should give
me respect. Right?
You are forcibly seeking respect.
-Yes Bro.
Where's the village?
It's over there, Sir.
Thank god!
Where is it?
- Over there, Bro.
There's a Bael tree.
It's right behind that.
There are trees everywhere over there.
Oh shit!
Don't you know about Bael tree,
when you studied double MA?
Of course, I know.
It's behind that tree.
Right? Come on.
Just a minute... hold this
I'll show you the village.
Get your luggage.
Wow! Beautiful English
I know.
Get that Electronic Voting Machine.
It's the government's property.
I'm getting this since you said
that it belongs to the government.
Thank you.
-No mention.
As I live here, I walk a little
fast. Please don't mind me.
Hey! It's been an
hour since we started.
Where's the village?
It's over there, Bro.
It's right behind the Bael tree.
Oh my goodness.
Who planted that there?
-It's definitely not me!
Please come, Sir.
How are you able to figure out the
way in this deep forest?
We come here regularly, so we know.
If someone new comes here.
They are done for.
They can never
know which side is the
village, or which
side is the forest.
How do people living here survive?
We are habituated here, Bro.
In the time you climb up
this hill once, they do it twice.
By the way, Sir, I heard that
you are very strict while teaching.
Mr.VRO told me that
you would hang a board
saying "Do not
disturb" while you teach.
What? You'll hang a board
saying "Do not disturb"?
That too for a Telugu class?
Are you familiar with the rhyme,
"Rain rain, go away."?
Of course. What kind
of question is this?
Rain rain, go away.
Come again another day.
Little Johnny wants to play.
Rain rain, go away.
I beg you, please
stop it there, Bro.
For the same rhyme, do
you know the Telugu version?
In Telugu? Do you mean dubbing it?
I can do that.
Rain rain, go away.
Come again some other time.
Little Johnny will play
Rain should fall, God of the ocean.
The crops should be grown well,
God of the ocean.
The pond in our village
should be full, God of the ocean.
We'll make sure to
hold a grand wedding
for the frogs, God of the ocean.
Please make sure that all
the crops in the fields are green.
I'm not against any language.
I'm not criticizing.
In the English rhyme,
I'm saying that the rain
should go away today
as I'm not comfortable.
Meanwhile, in Telugu, we are wishing
that the ponds should be full,
the crops should be
grown well, and we are
wishing for everyone's
welfare in society.
Society means it's not only me.
We all together make a society.
I don't like it if someone
disturbs me when I'm
planting the seeds of
goodness in the minds of kids.
That's the reason behind
me hanging that board.
I'm not sure if I can say
this after hearing that.
I guess you are not aware
but you used 6 English words.
I used them so that
you can get me well.
It's not like we have
no words in Telugu.
The Telugu writing
system has 56 letters.
But the English writing
system just has 26 letters,
so English is always a small
language when compared to Telugu.
That was really great, Sir.
What's great?
-Come on. We are getting late.
What Bro?
We need to walk fast. If the sun
sets, wild animals will come out.
I'm an inhabitant here.
So they won't come to me.
But if they smell you, they'll
definitely eat you up, Bro.
You did a double MA.
You are an idiot!
Who are they?
Well, Kanda.
We have elections on the 25th.
They are setting up a
booth here, it seems.
These officers will teach
you how to cast your vote
and will leave after the
election process is finished.
Mr.VRO sent me to
tell the Elder about them
so that they can make
their arrangements.
No one will cast their votes here.
You can go.
Kanda, well
Go... No Elections..
no arrangements
Obstructing the duty of a public
officer is an offense under the law.
If you guys have
any problem please
share it with us, and
we can discuss it.
We need a school in our village.
And there should be a teacher in it.
We need a hospital for our village.
And we need to have a doctor.
You saw a stream on your way, right?
We need a bridge to cross it.
We've been requesting
these for the past 20 years.
We visited your offices several
times regarding this matter.
Our legs don't have the strength
anymore to come and ask again.
Never once your officers
cared to look at us.
Now you dared to come
and ask us for votes?
Do you think we will vote?
If anyone tries to cast
their vote... We'll kill them.
Please forgive him, Sir.
What he did was a mistake.
But what he said is correct.
I'm saying the same as
the elder of this village.
No one will participate
in the election.
But, Sir. You don't have to go back.
You can go ahead and
make your preparations.
We won't help you.
Kanda! Inform
everyone in the village.
No one should
participate in the election.
Sure, Elder.
Ithiri! (Beware)
What's this, Master?
Do they think that we
enjoy carrying these
heavy weights and
climbing up the hills?
We are doing all this for them.
-Let's go, Master.
Let's go and inform our
higher officers about this.
Damn. These people
don't have to vote.
It's their wish to
cast their votes or not.
It's our duty to conduct the
election to get 100% votes.
100% voting? My goodness.
What about the five
star accommodation
that was allotted for us...
to stay until the election
finishes by the government?
This is the five-star hotel that
the government provided you.
This one?
Anyway, search if
someone can come with
a broom to clean all
this if we pay them.
They'll bring their knives.
We should do it ourselves.
-Come on.. do it.
I didn't even do this at home
-that's why, clean up here.
Does Spider-Man used to stay here?
(Song humming)
What Bro?
Do you want some jasmine
flowers to spread on your bed?
Stop your satirical talks
and take care of the dinner.
Excuse me, double MA.
I know a place, let's go there.
Don't tell me that we should
get down the hill to eat.
Then let's go and get the food
from down the hill and eat it here.
You are super!
Thank you.
Go and get it then.
No need for all those.
The food is ready.
"Master, Master
will serve us dinner."
This is what dinner is...
When I first got to know that
I'm going to a tribal village,
I expected chicken and
mutton and assumed
that it would be a
five-day food festival.
This is what we are
left with in the end.
There's no force, Master.
-My inners are screaming! Open it.
(Song humming)
You got freshened up already, Bro?
I'm freshening up now.
Are you using a deodorant?
I can't be here, Master.
Let's take care of those
248 votes and leave.
If there's any need
let's come back after
the elections. I can't
do this anymore.
Sir, you can't find those
248 voters in one place.
The village in which
we are currently
in has around 35 households.
That means, there
are around 70 voters.
What about the rest?
If we go ahead a little, we
can find some 30 voters.
If we climb up a little more
we can find another 20 voters.
I guess there are some
voters above the hill.
According to Mr. VRO's count
there are around 12 villages.
This is cheating, Master.
With just one TA and DA they
are making us work in 12 villages?
This is not fair
and not lovely also.
Come on, let's go.
Sir, even I myself don't
know the proper way.
Even if there's some notice
or if we want to call someone,
we just say or give it to
the Elder of the village.
They share the information
among themselves.
It's nice.
Okay, let's go and search for them.
That means we should beg everyone.
Goodness gracious.
Hey! Where are we going, man?
We are going to the village, bro.
How do you know that it's this way?
What do you mean?
What are you talking, bro?
We just have to follow the
path in which others paved.
The path which others paved?
People walked in this way to go
to the temple, not to the village.
How should we go from here?
Sir, the directions are here.
Which one leads us to which way?
I'm not sure, Sir.
We need to try out our luck.
I'll tell you.
I'll tell you which way
leads us to the village.
After hitting that parrot, we need
to go in the way that parrot falls.
Bro, No!
Don't touch that parrot!
Oh no!
I just missed it.
What's this, bro?
Why don't you listen?
Why did you hit it?
Why are you tense?
Some kids might've tied it
while playing in the trees.
I became a kid
after seeing that. I
played a lot in my
childhood, you know.
If they get to know that you
hit the parrot, they'll kill us.
Why do they kill
us if we hit a parrot?
Don't try to scare me Let's
throw it away and go from here.
Sir, she's Kanda's younger
sister Kanaka Lakshmi.
What's that?
It's my stomach.
It's been coming out lately.
Are you able to see it?
Why are you hiding it?
No... nothing...
Are these the ones who
opposed my elder brother?
Well, the elections are scheduled.
The officers
Will they hit the parrot if they
come here to conduct the elections?
You saw it already?
-Of course.
Well, some kids might've
tied it while playing in the trees.
Kids didn't tie them there.
The girls in our village tied them.
The girls?
Our village girls offerings
for a vow for the Goddess
after reaching puberty
for their future husbands.
An offering for a vow?
Do you know who should
make it fall from the tree?
The one who married the girl.
What if someone
make it fall in advance?
The guy who made it
will have to marry her.
No way.
No way?
I'll tell Kanda what you did.
Bro, bro.
Marriage is better than that.
Stop it.
Just a small hope in my poor life.
Excuse me, ma'am.
The girl who tied
this offering vow,
will she look cute
at least like you?
She won't.
She's my one and only
enemy in this village.
She looks like a good black-goat.
She's so strong.
Darn it!
But they say that Thalupulu
can cook better than me.
I don't like that.
Which doors, ma'am?
It's her name.
Her name is Door
and her color is black.
What's this, master?
I came for the election
duty for a TA, DA.
Will you get me
killed by a black goat?
Congrats, bro.
Your marriage is set!
Get lost!
Look! We are teachers in a school.
We came here for election duty.
Why would we hit them if we
knew that they were offering vows?
Why are you looking at us like that?
You are a school teacher?
I'm a teacher, too.
You are a teacher?
I'm a teacher, too.
Which subject do you teach?
I teach all subjects.
You teach all the subjects?
What's your qualification?
Was it BA, MA, BED or MED?
I passed my 7th grade.
You are a teacher and
just studied till 7 th grade.
How can we know about
the beliefs of this village?
If you don't want
any more mistakes to
happen from our side,
you should help us.
This village will get benefits
if the elections are held.
Teachers should help each other.
I'll show you the way.
What if Elder gets know ?
They'll just abandon me in
the dark room for a month.
A dark room?
They'll give me food once a day.
I need to stay in the
dark until the new moon.
What grave mistake did you make?
A village should stand on one word.
Everyone should follow
the elder's orders here.
Then don't.
You'll face problems.
It's completely fine.
We can stay in the
dark room even for a year
if something good
happens to this village.
But if the villagers
know that you
made that offering
fall from the tree
Why am I in this tension, sir?
Please let me go, I'll leave.
They'll drag you here
no matter where you go.
They'll drag me?
Do they have the guts?
I'm sure they are capable.
What should I do now,
7th passed teacher?
Tie up the offering and follow me.
Let's go.
I think you believe in god, right?
I believe.
Veerabadra in the
village and Goddess
Konalamma on the
outside of the village.
Who is Veerabadra?
The god's ox.
Who's he?
He's the God of our village.
Every full moon,
he will come to our
temple with the cattle
and bless all of us.
He's the one who guards the village.
What do you mean by that?
He's their saviour it seems, master.
Veerabadra! Sit down, sit down.
Veerabadra's cattle are going.
The superstitions
are at their peaks sir.
This is not a superstition.
It's like how we greet our
boss who pays us the salaries.
We greet the cow
which gives us milk
and the harvest
which fills our stomach.
Sit down, sit down.
Please sit down.
-Okay. Okay.
Look over there. The one
you see there is the village.
Then you can stop here.
It's fine if you take the
punishment after making a
mistake. But you shouldn't
face trouble after helping.
Everyone who has the right
to vote listen to me carefully.
Elections will be held
in your village in 4 days.
If you take the
booth-slips now, we'll
teach you how to
vote in the machine.
We won't execute our vote.
We only follow the elder's orders.
Okay, don't come to vote.
Take these booth-slips.
We don't know about them.
We will not take them.
Don't take these.
I'll read out the names from the
voter's list. Will you
raise your hands?
Lift up your hands.
It's not like you vote if
you just raise your hand.
Will they be able to leave the
village if they try
to pull anything?
Read out the names, sir.
-Yes I am sir.
-Yes I amLakshmi.
It's not Lakshmi
sir, it's Lachchimi.
They do not even understand
if we pronounce the names correctly.
Why do they need to vote?
sir, If we don't
know how to use our
tongue properly we'll
make our own enemies.
If you don't stop
running your itchy mouth,
she's saying that she'll
tell Kanda about you.
Did she say the same thing again?
Come on, sir.
To where?
Come on, sir.
He is Appanna.
He passed away.
He might have made it
alive if there was a bridge.
He was the only
breadwinner of the family.
He passed away.
I'm an old man.
I can't work.
She's pregnant.
She should not work.
If the kid has to
eat something at the
very least, we need
to beg in the village.
We requested for a bridge from many
officers but everyone ignored us!
If my baby asks me where
my father is after taking birth,
should I tell the
baby that his father
died because there
was no bridge?
Or should I tell him that the
officers in the town
have killed him?
If we vote for you, will
he come back alive, sir?
Please leave, sir!
Come this way, sir.
Come from this way sir..
-Which way?
I know exactly what
you feel in your heart.
You want to leave these
elections and leave, right?
I have the same feeling.
No, master.
Our lives are different
25 kilometers from here.
If we just have a mobile
with us, we can get everything
at our doorstep starting
from schools to the hospitals.
From super markets
to the medical stores.
We have 100 options
to choose in which
we want our kids
to get educated.
At least there is no
primary school here.
We have 100 super
specialty hospitals if we
get sick. But there are
no basic needs here.
Only after traveling
25kms inside this
forest did we realise
their state of life.
I don't know if I should feel
sorry for them or pity them.
Sir, come on, come on.
If it gets dark,
the tiger will come.
Please come, sir.
Come on, bro.
How to cross this?
What's this bro?
I only studied till 10th grade.
You did a double MA.
Can't you cross this?
How are this physical
harassment and
my educational
qualification related?
Carry me.
Carry you?
Hold my hand.
Please hold my hand sir.
Come on.
Crossing the stream
is very difficult, bro.
Where did they go?
Why that whistle?
That is their language, sir.
They stay far from each other.
They talk with these whistles.
They may not know about WhatsApp
What happened?
The elephants are
attacking it seems.
For what?
Recently some people
started to take tourists here
on forest tours and
were lurking here in jeeps.
Those idiots are
consuming alcohol and are
just dumping those
glass bottles in the forest.
The elephants are huge,
so as soon as they step on them...
the glass bottles are breaking
and hurting the elephants.
Since the elephants
don't know where to go,
they are coming on
to the villages in pain.
You might get angry if I ask you.
The people in the
town have education,
but they don't have a brain.
Anyway, my home is just beside here.
You can sleep there.
Tomorrow the people
of 5 villages get their
products and gather
in a market place.
You can do your duty there.
Come on.
-Let's go, sir.
Hey! I'll bring the fire, you
prepare the wood for the fireplace.
Where is it?
Oh, you have a torch?
Please show it here once.
Come on, let's get warm.
-Here, here.
We both should get warm?
Please show it here.
I got it.
If only I could get
some alcohol at this
time I would get rid
of my body pains.
Do you want to drink daddy?
What do you mean by Dad and Mom?
There will be a tall black tree.
They tie earthen pots at the tip.
That's not daddy, its toddy.
Do you care about the name or daddy?
I want to get intoxicated.
Let's go.
Let's go.
I will take you.
(Humming song)
Where are you going?
-We'll come back soon.
We have to go to the market early
in the morning. Don't forget that.
Sure, sure.
Come on, bro.
By the way, you are a clever girl.
Why did you only
study till 7th grade?
How will that be possible, sir?
It takes 10 hours to go down
the hill and come back home.
My father took me to the school
when he was alive in my childhood.
When my father took me,
everyone looked at us surprised.
I asked him why he was
taking me to the school.
Educated people
stay in the towns, dear.
The uneducated people stand
in a queue in front of them there.
We sell our products to Mr. Devudu,
he is an educated person too.
Some officers take our
products and give us money.
They are educated too.
They don't even
listen to us if we stand
in the queue there
for several hours.
If you get educated too, you
can become great like them.
You know the struggling of
people who stand in the line.
You will work hard, dear.
That's why I am making you study.
My father said that and passed away.
and my studies stopped there.
You have so much pain inside.
How can you be so cheerful
and smiling on the outside?
I will not forget the past.
And I don't recall it every day.
We have to go to the market early
in the morning, and sleep now.
"Are you a new alphabet
in my language Telugu?"
"Are you a new line on my palm?"
"Are you the moon
that's hidden in the soil?"
"Did you take my
little heart with you?"
"Hey, Lachchimi! I'll follow
you, Kanakalachchimi."
"It's because we are destined."
"Now, don't hesitate
and talk with your heart."
"Hey, Lachchimi! I'll follow
you, Kanakalachchimi."
"It's because we are destined."
"Now, don't hesitate
and talk with your heart."
Move aside, move aside.
Greetings, everyone.
Please listen to me carefully.
Everyone should come tomorrow
and execute your right to vote.
Why can't you understand
when we tell you once?
If we tell Kanda that you are coming
after us and forcing us to vote,
Oh Mister!
Please don't take any
violent decisions right now.
Let's sit and discuss
in a friendly manner.
The tamarind looks so fresh.
How much?
200 grams of Tamarind
costs 2.25 or 2.5 rupees.
A kilogram for 15 INR?
It's less than that.
They are buying
here at cheap rates...
and are selling at
very high rates down
the hill in the name
of organic products.
This is a scam, sir.
It's a bloody scam.
"The beauty of the River Godavari
lost its way and came to me."
"I feel elated
talking to this flower."
"Oh my, are those just
words or Mr.Ilayaraja's song?"
"Why do you make my heart beat
like a Tabla like Zakir Hussain?"
"Hey, Lachchimi!
I'll follow you, Kanakalachchimi."
"It's because we are destined."
"Now, don't hesitate
and talk with your heart."
"Hey, Lachchimi! I'll follow
you, Kanakalachchimi."
"It's because we are destined."
"Now, don't hesitate
and talk with your heart."
"The honeycomb made
a guitar play in my heart."
"If you are annoyed the anger
can even fire the crackers."
"Oh my, your expressions are
much cuter than Kuchipudi dance!"
"The way you walk just
resembles a peacock's dance."
"Hey, Lachchimi! I'll follow
you, Kanakalachchimi."
"It's because we are destined."
"Now, don't hesitate
and talk with your heart."
"Hey, Lachchimi! I'll follow
you, Kanakalachchimi."
"It's because we are destined."
"Now, don't hesitate
and talk with your heart."
We decided not to help them.
Why did you go with them?
They are the government officers;
I thought they
would help us, if they
know about the
problems in our village.
They won't!
They'll understand our
problems only if they are humans.
How can those officers understand?
We are asking them
for the past 30 years.
Who helped us?
If there's anyone that help us,
that's only Mr. God or Veerabadra.
Listen to me, Elder.
Follow my words or
stay in the dark room.
What are you saying?
You are going against the elder
who raised you since childhood?
My grandfather used to say
that British divided our country.
Now you guys are driving
wedges between our families.
My axe knows to cut trees.
It knows the taste of blood too.
Let's go.
It's enough, sir. It's enough.
Even if you want to stay, I can't.
We can search for
another job. But if
we lose our life
we can't get it back.
No, Master. Listen to me.
If we go after
our duty like that,
we end up dying.
Do you realize that?
He's right, sir. Let's go back.
Come on, let's take her quickly.
Please bear it, dear.
Please take her quick.
Move.. let's go...
Master... Master...
It's our karma.
Be careful.
Be careful.
Ma'am! Please come outside.
Please look at this woman.
-Move aside. Move aside.
You'll be fine, dear.
You'll be fine, dear.
Please bear it, dear.
You'll be fine.
Is she Okay?
It's hard, elder.
The amniotic fluid is leaking.
We can't save her
unless we go to a hospital.
I don't think she can make it
alive until we reach the hospital.
She's struggling.
Do something and save her.
What can we do?
What do we have
here to do something?
Your officers never cared
to look into our problems.
Now you are telling
us to do something.
Elder, please forget about the
anger you have on the officers.
Please listen to me, once.
The deliveries used to be hard back
then when there were no hospitals.
They used to deliver
the babies in the rivers.
The fast-flowing
river water will help
in pushing the baby
out of the womb.
The delivery will be done.
I told you not to be in our village.
Why are you interfering in
the matters of our village again?
-Get lost!Listen to me.
We'll take care of our
problems ourselves. You go.
I'll try.
Elder, please trust me.
Yes, Elder. What he said is right.
My mother told me that my
had done such deliveries.
Let's keep our trust in him, elder.
Let's try it.
Please agree to it, elder.
Please bear it, dear.
Don't worry.
We are all here for you.
Polamma, Listen to me carefully
Take a deep breath and push it hard.
Come on, push it.
Your husband Appanna will
take birth in your house again.
You will be fine
-Push it, come on. Push it.
I can't
Don't say.
Only a woman can give birth to life.
Push it. Come on...
Please push it,
Bear it.
Don't close your eyes. Look, look!
-Get up!
You have endured hunger.
You have endured when Appanna
passed away leaving you alone.
This pain is nothing
when compared to that.
Get up!
Please hold her legs.
Don't close your eyes.
Don't close your eyes.
JAI Veerabhadra!
Don't close your eyes.
-Open your eyes.
Veerabadra is here.
You will be fine.
See... see...
Hail Veerabadra!
Hail Veerabadra!
Hail Veerabadra!
(Slogans continue...)
Hail Veerabadra!
(Slogans continue...)
Push it a little more.
Just a little more.
Push it, dear!
Try it, dear!
Push it, dear!
Hail Veerabadra!
(Slogans continue...)
Like you said Appanna
took birth again.
We have seen officers who
ignored us when we were dying.
We have seen people
who didn't understand
us when there's a
corpse passing by.
But a person who's
not related to you is
suffering from pain. You
were worried seeing that.
It's been a long time since
we saw a person like you.
Please forgive us, sir.
We'll do what you say.
We'll vote in the elections.
We'll cast the vote.
Until now only I believed in you.
And now, the whole
village believes in you.
I'm glad, sir.
I'm Sripada Srinivas.
I'm a Telugu teacher.
I survive on my salary.
I don't tutor any kids.
I have a small house,
mother and father.
This is my family.
You might have a
small problem with me.
If someone in front of me is having
any problem I can't stay still.
There have been several
incidents where my
life was in danger
trying to help others.
But I don't have any
intention to change myself.
If I want to be myself, I
want a girl who's like me.
That's you, Lakshmi.
Even though the Elder ordered
not to help us, you still did.
I understood that then.
Will you marry me ?
My father passed away
when I was in 7th grade.
Even my mother passed
away after a few days.
Elder stood up as my father.
This village took care
of me like my mother.
If I have to marry you, I
will have to leave this village.
I can be happy.
But the problems in this
village won't go away.
When our people are
going through struggles,
how can I wish for
my own happiness, sir?
If you bring the booth slips our
people gave you, you
can come and vote.
To help you, more
officers and 2 policemen
will come here by
tomorrow evening.
Last time when we
went to vote along
with the Elder, they
gave us 20 bucks.
What are you going to give us?
A vote is a free right given
to you by the constitution.
What do you mean by free?
What will we gain
by voting for free?
We can earn some
money if we sell it.
If you all vote, you
will have an MLA.
If you tell him your
problems he will solve them.
If you tell us who the right
candidate is, we'll vote for them.
We can't take sides.
That's wrong.
If you want I can tell you about the
assurances the candidates gave.
You can decide on
whom you want to vote for
by sitting and
discussing with the Elder.
Sure sir.
We always agree with the Elder.
Take a leave, sir.
Ask Elder about the 20 bucks.
This country is not going...
It is gone.
What Master?
What are you thinking
about so deeply?
Poor them.
They believed us just because
we saved a life and are voting.
But we never know what
the MLA who wins will do.
They don't even know
that these people exist.
Why would they look
at them after they win?
Then what will these people
gain by voting for them, master?
Master, you are over thinking.
What do we have to
do here? We have to
make sure the
voting percent is 100.
If we make sure that happens, the
government will give us an award.
I'll take that award and display
it in my home and brag about it.
And I will increase
the fees of my tuition.
It's a screenplay
of our system, sir.
Sorry sir
Bro, why are you roaming like that?
Hasn't anyone come here yet?
Of course, they came.
Here, take these and let them vote.
Take these 2 along with you.
Who came?
There's not even an insect here.
Look, Lakshmi is coming.
Come madam come...
What is this?
We asked them so much,
but no one came to vote.
Did you blow the conch shell?
What do you mean by
blowing a conch shell?
Just like how school kids
need a bell, they need to
hear the sound when a conch
shell is blown to come here.
Generally, we blow a conch shell
when someone passes away.
I don't know.
You know nothing.
I don't know where
Indian police are going!
Where did you keep that conch shell?
Since it's the god's,
I placed it with the
god's photos and
lighted an incense stick.
Lit up, lit up the whole forest.
Bloody superstitions.
Go and get it.
Bro, look there.
Come on, come on. Come to vote.
Come on, you can do it, come on.
What is your name?
I think I heard it somewhere.
Your fianc.
You hit the parrot earlier.
You look like my own elder sister.
Please go.
Go and put your fingerprint there
and get your finger inked there.
We all are going to vote, Kanda.
Let's go.
Master, 99.5% voting is done.
Kanda won't come to
execute that one vote.
Let's go.
Our purpose is served.
We need to wait until the times up.
Let's wait.
Should we wait?
Will you go against the elder?
Why are we waiting
for just one vote?
A vote is not a simple
vote, it represents a person.
Why did you get so
emotional so suddenly?
Bro, Kanda is here.
-Welcome Kanda!
Voter card.
Go and put your fingerprint.
Go inside and you'll see a mission
go and cast your vote there.
Success! 100 % voting
-Super, bro!
Congratulations sir.
We did it.
-Thank you, sir!
Sir, it's all your hard work.
-Thank you.
Give it to him, Master
It's heavy.
I won't.
I should get the award.
For my sincerity, hard
work and dedication.
I'll not share it with anyone.
No, I cannot.
Okay, let's go.
-Let's go.
Please forgive us if something
happened because of us.
God bless you.
You know how it is here.
Please get started now.
It'll be hard for
you if it gets dark.
Please go ahead.
Take a leave, Elder.
-Good Sir.
Logging out from villagers
Be careful
Come sir.
Come this way.
Come sir.
Take care master.
It's ok sir.
What's wrong, sir?
It's nothing.
-Let's go.
Hey! Step back! Step back!
Are you Okay?
Nothing to worry about.
-Sir, who are they?
Please come.
Madam! Please give me that torch
Are you hearing me?
Sir, I am here.
Come to me, all of you.
-coming sir.
Are you listening to me
Come carefully
Here... here...
Wait, wait.
Everyone wait here.
Is everyone here?
-Sir, everyone is here, right?
Where is Mr. Srinivas?
Mr. Paramesh is also missing.
Where are you Sir?
Mr. Srinivas!
Mr. Srinivas!
Where are you?
This way, this way.
Who are you guys?
Kanda! Please listen to me.
I'll kill you if you talk.
Hey! Why are you doing this?
What do you want?
We need a school in our village.
A teacher should be in it.
A hospital should be in the village.
We need a doctor in it.
We need a bridge
to cross the stream.
And we need a well-lighted way
from down the hill.
Request all those to the
government officers down the hill.
We are requesting them
from the past 30 years.
No office came here.
These people came now.
They asked us to vote and we did.
If we leave them now, who's
going to come here again?
No one will come.
You all think lowly of
your Maredumilli villagers.
You can take them with you after
giving us what we want.
If anyone steps
forward ignoring us...
we'll not hesitate to kill.
What were you doing
when they were attacking?
Don't you guys have any
guns loaded with bullets?
Sir, we could not take any action
as our men would be in danger.
Do you know what'll
happen if this news gets out?
There will be political turmoil.
The whole state is looking forward
to the results of this election.
Sir, there have been no complaints
from the villagers until now.
All this is being done
by those 10 members.
If we get a hold of them,
the issue will be closed.
Let's carry out a secret operation.
Counting of votes
will start in 5 days
Before that, we need to get the
ballot box and officers here.
Do you understand?
I'll stay here until
the counting finishes.
What will you say?
Elder, please listen to me.
What will you tell me?
What will you tell me?
Please listen to me.
-What will you tell me?
Are you going to say that
you almost killed 300 people?
What will you tell me?
What will you tell me?
I'll tell you.
I'm the one who told them
to carry out this abduction.
What are you saying sir?
Yes, Elder.
I know that there's no use
because of these elections.
I know that you can
gain nothing from me.
But all of you voted for my sake.
The government officers
know that they need to
consider the votes of the
people living in the hills.
But why do they
know nothing about the
struggles everyone living
here is going through?
Do they think that we
won't question them?
Are they being careless that
we will not turn against them?
This one question
disturbed me a lot, Elder.
I asked Kanda if he could
do something for the village.
He said he's even
ready to give up his life.
I told him that we'll
fight against them.
This society should
give an answer for
the lives lost in these
three generations.
Each and every officer
who ignored your requests
for help several times,
has to give an answer now.
They'll answer now, Elder.
They will definitely answer.
The counting process will not go on,
if the ballot boxes are stuck here.
The officers who
were not here before
will now come to
collect this ballot box.
They'll come, Sir.
But the government officers won't
come. Police officers will come.
3000 police officers will come here
where a mere 300 people live.
They point their guns at
our chests and shoot us.
They'll take that box away, Sir.
Sir, until today, we only
had both life and death.
With this, we can't survive, Sir.
We'll definitely die.
Then give up your lives.
But don't die with your hopes,
don't die without questioning.
Don't die suffering.
As long as you
adjust your lives for
just surviving,
you'll have to suffer.
Only if you fight against them with
your lives, you can live peacefully,
Please trust me.
I'll take the blame if
anything goes wrong.
If everything falls in place,
the village will get benefitted.
Sir, it's him.
It's him, it's him.
It's him who held a
knife against the officers.
Sir, no sir.
Answer me!
Where are they?
Speak out!
Where did you hide the
ballot boxes and the officers?
They are not the ones behind it.
We'll not let you go until
you guys release them.
Please don't reveal
Speak out! Speak out!
Hit them... hit
Don't tell them, Elder.
Why are you stopping him?
Tell me! Tell me!
We all did this together.
All the 300 members
did this together.
Who cares if there are 300 people?
We'll beat the shit
out of you idiots.
You are 10 in number.
We are 300.
A person who cares
for his life will get scared.
If that same person doesn't care
about his life, he'll fight back.
This is our forest.
We know how to hunt here.
And how to kill as well.
Hey! Do you know
whom you are talking to?
He's a DSP.
Is he really a very
powerful officer?
Then ask him to sanction us a
school, hospital
and a bridge mainly.
We'll leave your officers.
We are from the police department.
Why would we sanction all those?
Then tell those respective
officers to come, Sir.
It's getting dark. Please head back.
Please head back.
Please head back.
Head back, head back.
Head back.
This is something we can
discuss sitting across the table.
Why are you taking
such violent decisions?
You and your stupid Telugu plans.
I did a double MA.
You should ask me.
Now, how do you think that
bridge will be sanctioned, sir?
Tell me.
In 1953 when a Telugu person
revolted, the state
Andhra was formed.
In 2014 when
another Telugu person
revolted a state
Telangana was formed.
When a Telugu person
revolted, states were formed.
Why won't a bridge get sanctioned?
They'll sanction it.
We'll get suspicion
orders and arrest warrants.
You guys could have
gone ahead with it.
Why did you involve me, sir?
When did I involve you, Master?
Try to recall once.
I'm not giving it, Master.
I should receive the award.
I need to get an award for my
sincerity, hardwork and dedication.
I can't share it with anyone.
- No I can't
Just because I worked sincerely
one day, I lost this much?
I hate my sincerity. Damn it!
They are here blue tick batch.
We always thought
that raising hands is
wrong and forgot
to lift up our heads.
Today we all had a
hope, It's all thanks to you.
All that was your hard work.
A person who fights
for justice is much
stronger than a person
who threatens with power.
Elder, you have that power.
To us?
They are not 10 people.
The whole village did it.
There are a total of 300 people.
At first, you told me that there is
no criminal record on any of them.
Now you are saying that
all the villagers are criminals.
If you would've told me
this information before the
election, the situation wouldn't
have gotten out of control.
Anyway, due to our
intelligence failure
they trapped us
using their intelligence.
90 km of forest, spread across
a circumference of 150km.
If we go for combing,
not only the officers
that were there, we
can't get back alive.
That means, the village
they live in is their strength.
If we want to take that over and
win upon them, what should we do?
Why did you bring us to this forest?
Where is the village?
You can see a bael tree
over there, it's behind that.
Behind that?
Where's the bael
tree in those trees?
People are becoming
MROs and DROs
without even knowing
about bael trees.
Let's go, sir.
Please give it to me.
Hold it.
Give me, sir.
Take these too.
Come on.
Coming sir.
You talked about a
bael tree and we were
walking in the forest
for the past 2 hours.
Where is the tree?
From the past 30
years the villagers
requested you to come
here several times.
Did you ever come, sir?
You guys were stuck in your city.
And this bael tree
is stuck in this hill.
We get into a car as soon as
we step out of the door. And
we get into the office as
soon as we get out of the car.
We completely forgot to
walk because of that, sir.
That's called cholesterol.
Hey! Where is the tree?
How long do we have to walk?
If we go ahead a little,
we can see the stream.
After crossing the stream
we'll see a bael tree.
The village is just after
we cross the bael tree.
A stream?
Will there be a boat to cross it?
If there's a boat, bridge
or any other way to cross
it, why would the villagers
abduct those officers?
Let's go, sir.
-Go ahead.
Such a bad fate!
What's this?
Hey! Veerayya
!They'll come.
They'll come, sir.
What's this?
Do we have to wait for them?
When they came to your
office, you made them wait.
I guess they are taking revenge.
Move aside.
Give me the way.
Get up, get up.
Elder is coming.
Hey! Do you know who we are?
Who cares?
He's our elder.
Why are these people like this?
Hey! What's this?
You are here on a task.
Please cooperate.
The collector sent
us to give what
you need and bring
back our officers.
Here are the orders.
Read them.
It's written here that all the
things we asked for are sanctioned.
It's all God's grace.
Please give the ballot
box to us and send our
officers. You can
take these orders later.
They sanctioned us so
soon than we thought.
You are the reason behind
the happiness of our villagers.
Move aside.
We will definitely get an
award from the government
Hey go...Actually, your award
also mine, I deserve it.
Hello, Fellow officers
Hi Mr Babu.
Sir, they kidnapped and
threatened us for this.
Let's give them and go back, sir.
How long are you
going to take a look
at it? Give it to
them and come back.
Come let's go...
Yes sir, let's get out of here
Let's head back before it gets dark.
You are right, sir.
Before they get to know
that there's no official
stamp or signature
on this, let's leave.
Don't leave them!
He's innocent, let him go.
Sir, please save me.
Sir, please save me.
Sir, please do something
and save the officer
They have not fed me
properly since 2 days -The
award is not mine, sir,
but yours... you deserve it
It doesn't matter
if you don't save
me, sir. At least
save Mr. Bokka, sir
I'll give my award to you..
Please stop acting sir.
Why don't you
prepare the documents
properly? Don't you
check the signature?
You bloody...
I think your collector
is planning to
cheat us forever
as we are innocent.
Go and tell him that it's
not possible anymore.
Who told you to give them
these fake documents?
We wanted to get the ballot
box by doing something.
You know that we won't
get an approval for a
bridge immediately just
because we ask for it.
Central road Transport
and National Highways,
Public Works Department,
Roads and bridges,
Forest department, you know
that we can't get an approval
for a bridge even if all these
departments come together.
You know it too, right?
you know it, right?
I know sir
-Then what's this, sir?
I sent you to explain and
educate them that it will take time.
What did you do, sir?
They are not afraid of the police.
Now for the thing you did,
they'll not trust the officers.
How to convince him?
Sir, please go out
Sir, please leave.
I've got an idea.
Would you like to listen?
What's that?
There's a person
named Koteswararao.
He's the secretary
of the market yard.
Let's send him for negotiation, sir.
What are you saying, sir?
They didn't release them when
the police and the officers went.
Will they release
them if some market
yard secretary
goes for negotiation?
They'll release them, sir.
That's because all this
time they didn't survive
believing in our
government or the officers.
They believed in Koteswararao.
They sold everything to him
which they found in the forest.
They don't believe
any of our truths.
But whatever Koteswararao
says, they think that it's true.
If I have to put it in a word,
he's like a god to them.
Call him.
Why did the collector call me?
As soon as I
received your call, I
came here running
leaving everything.
Don't worry, Mr. Koteswararao.
I'll take care.
Are you sure? Yes.
Come on.
This is the person about
whom I told you earlier.
Greetings, sir.
I'm Koteswararao.
For the past 15 years,
the villagers have been
electing me as the
secretary for the market yard.
In the Wednesday market yard,
I own the Ayyappa organics shop.
This is pure honey, sir.
Yes.Well, our elders
told us to not go with
empty hands when
visiting people like you.
Please have a seat.
-Thank you.
This can't be found anywhere.
I got this for you straight
from the Maredumilli hill.
By the way Mr. Koteswararao,
you know the villagers well, right?
What do you mean by
just knowing them? I'm
their only hope for
the past 3 generations.
Do you know that?
I'm Koteswararao only here.
I'm like a god to them there.
Along with the ballot
boxes, the Maredumilli
villagers abducted
the election officers.
My goodness.
They did such a big thing?
We have counting in just 2 days.
The process won't go
ahead without that box.
You are like a god to all of them.
You should convince them.
And bring the box back.
Is that all?
I'll do it.
By noon tomorrow the officers
and the ballot boxes will be here.
By the way, in the market
yard I tendered for 2
shops. Please make sure to
pass the government order.
You'll do it. I know.
Mr. Koteswararao!
You assigned me
a tough task, sir.
This is nothing when
compared to that.
The collector just has to sign it.
What do you say, sir?
Tell me.
First finish the assigned task.
Don't tell your family about this.
That's enough for me, sir.
But when you say my
name on the television,
please keep in mind that
you should also mention
my shop Ayyappa
Organics in the market yard.
You'll say it.
I'll come to this office
with those officers.
Bye, sir.
Greetings, boss!
What are you searching for?
I'm wondering if the
government officers came along.
I'm here since they are
unable to finish the task.
You are right, boss.
The villagers trust you so much.
Which way should
we go to the village?
There's a bael tree over
there, it's behind that.
By the way, remind
me on our way back.
Let's pluck all the bael leaves and
send them to our people in the US.
Those people will buy a pack
for a minimum of 100 dollars.
That means leaves can also be...?
-We can sell them.
They carry heavy bags and
travel this much distance?
Yes, boss.
If they have a bridge and a road...
Yes, yes.
They'll put all the materials in a
jeep and open a shop in the town
and sell their organic
products themselves.
You are right.
What should I do then?
Should I just sit and stare?
People who live on the
hills should stay there.
A farmer should stay in the field.
The products should be in my shop.
Money should be in my account.
Please listen to me, boss.
Do I not know where
I should keep them?
If a road or bridge
gets sanctioned for this
village, I'm the first
one to be at a loss.
Do you think I'll
let it come easily?
It's wrong, boss.
They see a god in you.
Earlier in the collector's
office, they said the same.
I wonder how lucky I am.
Even the officers love mediators
more than the public.
The planets should change their
directions and feed him some grass.
I'll give you a share in it.
I mean in the grass.
Greetings, Mr. God.
-Hey, stay away.
You are stinking of sweat.
Stand away from me.
What's this Mr. God?
Why did you come all
the way here by yourself?
We would've come
to you if you called us.
Did you guys do a small thing?
What happened, Mr. God?
Shut up!
If you guys need something,
you should be asking me.
I mean about the bridge.
-What's with the bridge?
Is that a mighty thing?
I would've got it constructed
by now if you asked me.
I had to go to the collector
and beg him to leave
you all and tell him
that you are my people.
I even touched his
feet. Do you know that?
Okay leave it.
Anyway, send
with me the officers
and the ballot box
which is with you.
Whatever favor you
want, I'll do it for you.
Sure, Mr. God.
We'll listen to you.
I guess you are tired
walking up the hill.
Eat something and take some rest.
Mr. God, Mr. God, Mr. God.
Salutations to you
Hey! Put me down.
You all stay here.
I'll go in.
Get inside, Mr. God.
Please go, Mr. God.
Greetings, officers.
Do you know who I am?
I'm the god!
From the past 3 generations...
I'm the one who's
filling their pockets and
I'm the one who's filling
their stomachs, too.
Please bless me.
-God bless you.
We saw everything sir.
From the past 3
generations we saw how
you are cheating
people in the market.
You buy it for one
buck and sell it for 100.
That's called business.
If you sell for profit
it's called business.
If you steal from them
it's called cheating.
Tell me one thing.
In the past 30 years 4 lakh
farmers killed themselves...
because they couldn't get an
affordable price for their harvest.
But did ever a person
who did business die?
What are you saying?
I came here to release
you from them out of pity.
How dare you call me a cheater?
I'm not going to take them.
Silly Koteswararao.
You are going overboard
without knowing about the matter.
What's the matter?
You are the one who
actually got abducted.
What? But you are a god!
So they didn't tie you
up and brought you here
respectfully with a
garland around your neck.
You are officially abducted.
Hey! What's wrong, Mr. God?
I don't like those officers.
Keep them with you.
If you give me the
ballot box, I'll leave.
Sure, Mr. God.
We are making a chair to carry you.
As soon as the bridge is
sanctioned, we'll send you.
As soon as the bridge is sanctioned?
Is that a pack of chips
that can be found in a shop?
How can they simply
sanction it as soon as you ask?
That's a bridge.
We are not in a hurry, Mr. God.
Until then you can stay inside.
Get inside.
Get inside.
Get inside.
-I got it.
Get inside.
-I got it. I got it.
What's with this garland?
Is this for me coming here
by myself to get trapped?
Do you still have that doubt?
They called me god
and put fire under me.
That's not fire, Mr. Koteswararao.
That's their frustration.
Please bless me.
-God bless you.
Are you still thinking
that you are a god?
Am I not?
What's the use if we
keep Mr. God with us?
We've got no time, Kanda.
Only if he is here, the people there
will start to feel the tension.
Come on, ma'am.
come... Have a seat
Please have a seat.
Tell me.
My husband went out in the morning
and didn't return, sir.
When I inquired in
the shop they said
that he came to
the collector's office.
Don't worry.
We sent him on a task.
He'll come back soon.
It's an official matter.
What's official?
Tell me here.
Mr. Koteswararao was abducted.
He's abducted?
Don't worry.
He'll come back.
Take her.
What are you saying?
They told me to convey
that they are not going to
send anyone back until
they get what they want.
I thought I would return soon.
So I didn't bring my hypertension
and diabetes medications.
I wonder how to escape from here.
If you try, you'll
be lost in this forest
and can never get
out in this lifetime.
They need to drop us, sir.
We can't avoid this.
What did you say?
Do you have forgetfulness as well?
They need to drop us, sir.
We can't avoid this.
They need to drop
us themselves, right?
Look at my performance now.
It's hurting!
Mr. God!
-Oh, Mr. God!
It's hurting!
Mr. God!
-Oh, Mr. God!
What happened to him?
-What happened?
Mr. God!
What happened?
Please tell..
I can't breathe.
Take me to the hospital.
Take me to the hospital.
Hey, Bring a cot!
-I can't breathe.
What happened to my god?
-What happened?
Go there... go
I can't breathe.
-Get him on the cot!
Bring him. Bring him.
It's hurting.
Move... move...
-It's hurting.
Take me to the hospital immediately.
I'm unable to bear this pain.
I'm in pain.
I'm in pain...It's hurting.
Why did you stop?
They caught him.
Why are you turning the cot when I'm
asking you to take me to a hospital?
Oh no!
If I die, what will
happen to my family?
It's hurting.
Sir, Mr. God is
suffering from heart pain.
He's asking us to take him to
the hospital. Shall we take him?
I'm dying here, what's with
you taking his permission?
Oh God!
If it's this serious,
he'll die on the way.
First we need to give him CPR.
What does CPR mean?
We'll place our
hands on your chest
cavity and press
your heart 20 times.
Oh gosh!
Someone will blow air
into your mouth very hard.
Oh no! If you blow the air
that hard I might die.
Sir, don't think that I'm
just a Telugu teacher.
I'm an NCC master, too.
I'll save you.
No... No... No.
It's enough.
You come and blow
air into his mouth.
What's with him?
My god, I'll save you.
What are you going to do?
-I'm here for you.
What? I'll save you.
It's much better to die!
My god! My god!
-Hey! No! No!
Sir, Nothing will happen to you
Blow the air again.
-Again? No!!
My god! No!!
I'm fine. All thanks to him.
You all can go back to your homes.
You should be safe and
sound always, Mr. God.
First you leave.
Please go.
You can also leave.
Please go.
Don't know what disease he have
First wash your mouth
with some antiseptic.
Otherwise you'll get infections.
Haven't I already told you that
they themselves should drop us?
-You won't listen?
You are right.
By the way, all these
people believed in my acting.
Why didn't you believe me?
-Your acting was great!
Thanks.But in that excitement you forgot
that the heart is on the left side.
I'll correct it next time.
You are again
touching your right side.
Oh sorry!
Don't try this next time.
-What if I do?
He'll not keep his mouth in yours
Catch him.
What's that? It
looks like a new bird.
That's a drone camera
belonging to the military.
Come on, everyone.
Make it fast.
Go, go, go. Spread out.
Spread out.
Look into all the houses.
Look into the house beside it.
Yes, go ahead. You go there.
There is no one here, sir.
-What are you doing? Go there.
Come on, go and
search that house also.
Is anybody there?
There is no one here, sir.
And there?
-The whole village is empty sir.
I know that you all are
hiding somewhere here.
Handover us the ballot box
and the officers you abducted.
Will you send the ballot
box and the officers
or will you see these
people getting killed?
I'm giving you 5 minutes of time.
We'll kill a person every minute.
The military is here to protect
the people of this country...
not to kill the people
who are innocent.
What we are doing
now is a war, Kanda?
If we get scared or
step back they'll win this.
You are actually not hitting me.
You are hitting
the negligence of
government officials
who ignored you so far.
Hit me, Kanda.
Hit me in front of everyone.
Hey! What are you doing?
You kill them and
we'll kill these people.
Ithiri! So that we can be equal.
Kill them, sir.
Kill them.
If you are unable to
focus on the target, tell us.
We'll come and stand
right in front of you.
Tell us if you can't
see our chests properly.
We'll stand there with bare chests.
But we'll not spare anyone
if justice is not served.
All this time we
thought that the
military is there for
protecting people.
Will you too kill people
for the sake of officers?
Kill them... Sir.
Guns down!
Mr. Dhamveer is on the line.
-Sir, It's Mr. Dhamveer.
I'm not saying that what
they are doing is right.
But what we are doing is wrong.
What are you saying?
The military is for the people.
Even the government too.
They are not any terrorists
or naxalites I can't shoot them
Please listen to me, Mr.Dhamveer.
Let's go.
Please forgive me sir.
I raised my hand on you who's
like a God! Please forgive me, sir.
Please forgive me, sir.
Until you forgive me
I'll not leave you feet!
Kanda! Get up!
Please forgive me sir.
It's not enough, Kanda.
We need more
support from the people.
People should know about
what's happening here.
Kanda! Look into this and speak.
What should I speak about, sir?
Speak about your struggles.
Speak about your lives.
Tell them about the hurdles
you are going through.
Tell them about the lives you lost.
What about you Lakshmi?
If you just do sacrifices will
the village simply get better?
Question them.
Question the government which has
been ignoring you all this time
Question the people
who didn't even care about
you when you were
taking Appanna's corpse.
This is the one and only chance
you have to make the village win.
Speak out.
Hello! You are watching TV9.
My name is Netra.
The people of the wild are
asking for their development.
At this moment when the
country is celebrating the
Diamond Jubilee of
independence day celebrations,
the viral video of Maredumilli
people is exclusively for you.
We are humans, too, sir.
But we are from the forest.
The animals here won't harm us.
That's because we live with them.
But when we come into people,
they are looking at us like animals.
When we asked for proper roads
we were ignored.
When we asked for a proper school
we were ignored.
When we asked for a
hospital we were ignored.
When we asked for a
bridge we were ignored.
That's why I'm speaking up!
We are humans too.
Even we want to lead a decent life.
We want our kids to get educated.
We want to save our
people who are dying.
Until now, we hid all
our anger and struggles.
We came out to fight back
because our people are dying.
Even if you send
the police or the
military we are not
going to step back.
If we have to die,
we'll die for our rights.
We'll not die with our hopes.
We'll die proudly with our heads up.
We'll never die begging.
Until we get what
we want, we'll not
give the ballot box
and the officers.
The one who helps is human...
the one who attacks is a beast.
We are humans as well, sir.
Help us if you too are human.
Yours, People of Maredumilli.
Tribals said they will
not send officers and
ballot boxes if their
demands are not met.
Will the government and
the collector step down
in this situation and
fulfil their demands?
Or will they take any
alternative measures?
What is the condition of the
officers who are kidnapped?
Mr. Trivedi!
Will the counting start tomorrow?
Sure, it will sir.
Sir, before we start counting,
if we have any repairs with an
EVM box, we'll put it aside
and we'll go on with the counting.
Sir, as per the records, if we
look into the last 10 elections
every candidate won with a
difference of 30-40 thousand votes.
So, these 248 votes will
not make much difference.
We can make these 248 votes
invalid and start with the counting.
Has this ever happened before?
No, but with this will
set an example, sir
We can count sir
Will the candidates agree to it?
Our party has sympathy
because our leader passed away.
Why do you care
about a mere 248 votes?
How can you stop
counting because of them?
Start the counting process.
I'm fine with it.
Did you not take a
look at the surveys, sir?
We'll win with a
majority of 30,000 votes.
We don't care about
those mere 248 votes.
Start the counting
process immediately.
Please go ahead.
You can proceed.
Thank you.
Everyone please be seated.
Ask the questions one by one
We heard that you
sent the military to
attack the villagers
of Maredumilli.
Will you attack your
people being a collector?
What's wrong in what
the villagers asked?
To do favors to the contractors,
you are giving permissions to
them for laying roads by deliberately
damaging the existing roads.
Why are you hesitating to give
permission to construct a bridge?
Can you all calm down please
may I speak...
I saw the video you all saw.
But you guys didn't see
the video I have seen.
Come on, take a look.
So, do you think
that they are innocent
just because a girl
talked while crying?
Today officers got
abducted like this
for the first time
in the country.
They are threatening us saying that
they won't return the ballot boxes.
If the government lower
its head to them today, it
happened here today and
it will happen everywhere.
Who'll value law and order? Tell me.
All these people are terrorists.
Tell me how should
we deal with them?
How are you going
to go forward with the
counting process
without that ballot box?
We care more about
the opinion of the 300k
people who voted
than those 248 votes.
That's why without that
EVM, according to the
schedule the counting
process will get started.
But the officers are abducted!
What about their lives?
They will be safe.
We'll not let go of them
if they harm our officers.
Abducting the public officers
on duty is a criminal offense.
They'll get punished.
- Thank you.
- Sir. Sir.
What are you going to do now, sir?
Breaking news.
The tyranny of Maredumilli
villagers with government officials.
Villagers of Maredumilli
misled the public with fake
videos. The collector
revealed the truth with proof.
Threatening the government with acts
of violence will not be tolerated.
Collector Arjun Trivedi has
warned the people of Maredumilli...
that the election
counting will be done at
the scheduled time
under any circumstances.
It's over, sir.
Everything is finished.
You worked hard for
the future of these people.
But everyone is
calling them criminals.
You achieved 100%
voting by working so hard.
But they are saying that they
don't need to count them now.
In Democracy, you said
that every vote is valuable.
Is that a lie?
Just like us, does our
vote don't have a value too?
It's finished.
You are finished and
your village is finished too.
You dared to resist
against the government
just because this
teacher told you.
They'll crush you.
You and your lives are nothing.
What about you, teacher?
You fooled all my people?
If there's any god that
can save you, it's only me.
At least listen to me now.
Let us put all the blame on him
and let's continue our businesses.
What do you say?
Oh no!
Since the moment we were born,
We were living, lowering our heads.
Just because we lifted our
heads up, you are getting worried.
Do you think our
lives are not worthy?
How can you live without us?
Why are you a god to us?
Even though he's
not related to us, even
though he doesn't have
any business with us,
he's risking his life
for us, he's our god.
He is our god.
Please treat humans with humanity.
They are okay with you
not giving them money.
Just give them the assurance
that you are with them.
They'll take care of
their lives themselves.
Breaking news! Counting
of the by-elections, which
everyone is eagerly
waiting for, has started.
The counting has started in the
Rampachodavaram constituency.
Will the ruling party win? Or is the
opposition party going to take over?
We'll know the
results in a few hours.
assembly constituency.
Counting of the
postal votes starts now.
By the time first round
counting is finished,
Chaitanyadeepam party's candidate
Mr. Peddireddy Nagireddy is leading
with a majority of 10,000 votes.
By the time the third
round counting is finished,
the ruling party's candidate
Mr. Peddireddy Nagireddy is leading
with a majority of 15,000 votes.
Oh, good.
As you expected, there are chances
that the candidate will win with
a majority of 30-40 thousand votes.
Very good.
Sir, your party is in leading...
how do you feel about it?
No one dares to
win against our party
By the time 11th round
counting is finished,
ruling party's candidate
Mr. Peddireddy Nagireddy
is leading with a
majority of 5000 votes.
The result of 12 th
round. Mr. Peddireddy
Nagireddy is leading with
a majority of 3000 votes.
In the 13 th round,
Mr. Peddireddy Nagireddy
is leading with a
majority of 1236 votes.
Last round counting start
The ruling party's candidate
Mr. Peddireddy Nagireddy
won with a majority of 25 votes.
Collector sir will declare
and give the declaration form.
How's that possible?
Something went
wrong in the counting
process. The ruling
party misused its power.
They planned this in
advance and said that we lost.
What are you waiting for?
Let's go and do a
fasting demonstration.
Nothing like that happened. The
whole process was done before you.
He won with a majority of 25 votes.
There are still 248 votes left.
What are you saying?
The collector already
told you that EVM
will not be included
in the counting.
You all agreed to it.
We'll give 100
assurances in politics.
Will we do them all after winning
or will we stand on our words?
You tell me. They won 5 times.
If they did something in favor
of Maredumilli villagers, why
would they bother in keeping
the ballot box to themselves?
And that village comes to our
province, all those are our people.
This is too much, sir.
We don't know what you'll do.
You should make
sure to bring the ballot
box from Maredumilli
and count it.
Otherwise our party will protest.
We'll drag you and the
government on to the streets!
Mind it.
Hey, let's go
Hail Mr. Madugula Suresh Naidu!
Hail Mr. Madugula Suresh Naidu!
Your effort won, sir.
The votes of these
people have a value now.
The 248 votes of the Maredumilli
ballot box should be counted.
The result should be
announced only after that.
Until the box arrives, we will
continue this fasting demonstration.
Maredumilli ballot box
should be counted
Collector sir...
No one will leave here until
those 248 votes are counted.
You should count it.
-Please tell us, sir.
Will the counting still go on?
You messed up the entire situation.
No, sir.
Enough of this nonsense
Put all your ego aside
and find a solution.
No more excuses
Make sure that you
go there personally
and bring the ballot box back.
Make sure that the
counting process is complete.
Got it?
-Sure, sir.
All okay sir?
"The people of the
village, the insects
and animals, the
soil and the sky"
"brought so many words
in the air with hope."
"Coo-ing cuckoo, the stem is a
swing to you. Start singing today."
"The shining moon and
the flowing stream should
start dancing to the
sound of the drums."
"In this hill, where
Lord Veerabadra
is backing us and
lighting our lives."
"In a path where there
is no death, he came
to us, held our hands
and showed us the way."
"Our blood burned like a furnace."
"Now everyone's
lives will be green."
"Thanks to you, our
village is now alright."
"The happiness came back."
"The suffering we
went through for years
is now gone, thanks
for your support. "
"We are back to
our lives and happy."
"We just stepped one step ahead.
And you got your value."
"Your village looks happy.
Please take care of your kids."
"You were unable
to see our sufferings."
"May your day be
filled with happiness.
We will never forget
your kindness."
"The festival is here "
"If you love a village like
this, I will give you my heart."
"If the villagers are
smiling like this,"
" I will hold your
hand and be with you."
Where's the village?
There's a bael tree over there, sir.
It's behind that.
- Show me the way.
- Okay.
Please come sir.
Sir... take this...
-Hey, what is this? wait
Give it to me.
Take it.
Greetings sir.
You all have shared your problems.
But it's really hard
to have them all here.
I'll do one thing.
I'll have a word
with the government.
We'll allot you land
down the hill in the town.
We'll help you financially
to build your houses.
There are schools, hospitals
and everything over there.
You all can stay happy there.
What, Sir?
We should leave the
forest and live in a town?
This forest is our mother.
Our traditions and our god is here.
Everything is here, Sir.
For several generations,
we have been living here.
We are living here.
Even if we are poor...
we have never slept
with empty stomach.
We'll get edible roots
if we dig out land.
We have fruits on the trees.
We have the stream water. And
we can find rice in the forest, Sir.
This forest is the future
given to us by God.
If a person leaves his
mother who fed him for
his own happiness, can
we call him human, Sir?
If such a person
lives here, we'll not
even bring his body
to the burial ground.
How can you ask us
to leave this village, Sir?
I know. I know that
you guys won't agree.
That's why; I'm going to sanction
everything in your presence.
I'm even signing the letter.
Will you now let our officers
and the ballot box free?
Come on, take it.
Very happy!
We are very happy sir.
When we prayed to Lord Veerabhadra
to solve our problems...
You came here like a god and brought
us out of our struggles, sir.
Yes sir.Hail Veerabadra!
-Hail Veerabadra!
Please stop it... stop..
Bring the officers.
Hi sir.
This is yours sir...
Yours obediently
Here, sir.
Mr. God.
Please don't mind all this.
You are our god!
I cheated all of you until now.
You all should forgive me for that.
From now on, I will only
do business with you.
And that too fairly.
You should, Mr. Koteswararao.
Until now, they thought
Maredumilli villagers
were just people
who live on the hills.
They only know now
that they are knives.
India is winning, I
can actually feel it.
I can....
Jai Hind sir.
Take them.
Sir, why did so many policemen come?
This is cheating, sir.
Please listen to me once, sir.
Sir.. sir.. sir..
Please don't hit us.
Please stop it.
Sir, sir... Please
listen to me once, sir.
They are innocent.
I'm the one who gave
the idea of kidnapping us.
They are innocent.
Please tell them to let go.
They are innocent.
I beg you, sir.
Sir! Sir!
"Trying to suppress our rights?"
"Is it a democracy where it doesn't
care about the people?"
"Is Authority the national anthem?"
"Is India a story of tears?"
"Then what about the
darkness in the village?"
"How will the public see the light?"
You are a Telugu teacher after all.
How dare you provoke the
public against the collector?
We celebrate a day for
the teachers in this country.
But there's no day for
collectors to celebrate.
Won't this be enough, sir?
To say the greatness
about the teachers?
I'm a collector who received
an award from the president.
I don't need a day.
You set up a polling booth on the
hill to live up to its reputation.
Not to do something to them.
You are selfish, sir.
If our nation should
be developed, the
change should start
to take place in 2 areas.
First, the politicians.
Second in the government officers.
Until the election
process is completed,
the politicians treat
the people as gods and
make them sit in the
temple and come to them.
As soon as they
win in the election...
the politicians will go
and sit in the temple and
the people will start to
wait for them in a queue.
These pitiful people.
For every 5 years they even try
by not changing the god.
But all the boons are just being
as assurances that are not done.
They are forever
living in those huts.
It should be changed, sir.
Every facility that
the government is
providing, it is being
called as a service.
Public health service.
Indian administrative service.
It is saying the names
of some services and
started a public
service commission, too.
The public is in it and
the commissions too.
But there is no service.
Even a peon who
works in a government
office looks down on people.
This should change, sir.
If we don't change, the people will.
They can't bear it.
Are you done?
Are you done lecturing
about these people?
The same government
which gave rights to the people
to protest gave us the
power to oppress the people.
Sir! sir!
Sir, he's very good man sir.
Sir, Lord Veerabadra's
cattle are going. Please sit.
He's the village's god.
Please be seated for a minute.
He will go.
What's this?
Are you staging a new play?
Should a collector
stop if the cattle come?
Shoot them.
Kill them if possible.
No sir.
Take positions.
Constables, shield!
'Sanskrit chant'
'Sanskrit chant'
Let's go...
'Sanskrit chant'
'Sanskrit chant'
'Sanskrit chant'
'Sanskrit chant'
'Sanskrit chant'
Give me your hand.
Hail Veerabadra!
-Hail Veerabadra!
Where is the collector sir?
Search for him!
Sir, sir. Please get up.
Sir, sir...
Kanda! Elder, come on.
Sir... Sir.
Hold him... let's take
him to the hospital.
Lift him up.
Life is same for all
Lift him up.
Come... Lift him up.
Lift him up.
-Lift him up.
Be careful.
Come.. come.. fast..
Bring him fast.
Kanda! Here.
The stream flow is heavy.
Let's go on the other side.
We never got to save a
person by going that way.
Let's go this way.
Listen to me.
Don't delay
Kanda! Give me the axe.
Hey, go and help him
Come on.
Be careful.
Bring him.
Take care about collector sir
Be careful.
Be out.
Get him down
Hold him.
Bring the aerial roots of the tree.
Take care
Please be careful sir.
Sir.. sir...
Come on...
Guys come on...
-Hold it...
Hold him tight
Pull it.
Pull it hard
Pull it.
Be careful.
It's very deep... Beware
Careful... Careful...
Lord Veerabhadra, please save him.
Here it is sir, the
thing you wanted.
Please make sure
that the politician wins.
But give it a second thought.
Every time there are
elections the government
asks the people to
vote for a change.
But that change is only occurring
in the life of a politician.
Why is it not changing the
lives of people who voted?
Even Veerabadra who can't talk
understood these people's pain.
Do you know why
you don't understand?
We all want to become great people.
But no one wants to
become a human first.
They are not asking
for a bridge, sir.
They are asking for their lives.
They are not asking schools.
They are asking the
future of their kids.
They are not asking hospitals.
They are asking for health.
Can't our government
provide them at least?
I'm not sure if a politician can
change the lives of the people.
But a government official's
signature definitely can.
You have the right
to do that signature.
You have the signature in your hands
which can bring the change.
Use the power not to gain
your status but for a change.
'After 2 months'
A Telugu master told me that...
if a change is bound to
happen in our country,
we don't know whether it will come
from politicians or not,
but it will definitely come from the
signature of a government official.
I know that the way
they asked is not correct.
But is it right for us to
ignore them for 30 long years?
Let's correct our mistakes.
Let's be the first to
sign for a change.
Drop all the charges
we filed on the villagers.
Okay, sir.
Greetings, sir.
Are you fine?
Like how we celebrate
teachers day annually.
Will a single signature be
enough to celebrate a day for us?
Or do we need more?
Do you still remember that?
I'm sorry, sir.
No. It was good advice.
The bridge got sanctioned.
They'll not believe my words.
You should tell them.
Elder. The bridge got sanctioned.
Greetings, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
-All the best.
Sir! Sir!
We got the bridge
sanctioned, all thanks to you!
It's all because of you!
It's all because of you!
We got the bridge
sanctioned, all thanks to you!
We are so happy, sir.
Sir. My name is lachchimi.
- I studied until 7th standard.
- I'm a teacher in this village! I
won't get a salary
and I'm an orphan.
You'll have a problem with me.
I love my village so much.
If any problem arises in the
village, I might
not be by your side.
If I want to be me, I want a guy
who's just the same as me.
That's you.
Will you marry me?
Coo-ing cuckoo, the stem is a
swing to you. Start singing today.
The shining moon and
the flowing stream should
start dancing to the
sound of the drums.
In this hill, where
Lord Veerabadra
is backing us and
lighting our lives.
In a path where there
is no death, he came
to us, held our hands
and showed us the way.