It's What's Inside (2024) Movie Script

Hey, guys. I just wanted
to jump on here real quick.
Um, everyone really loved
the last dating video I did,
so I just wanted to come on
and talk about something
I hear from couples all the time,
which is getting in a rut.
Something that's really helped for me
to remove complacency from a relationship
is, honestly, trying something new.
Oh, hey, cutie.
It's okay
to have a little spontaneity.
It's okay to take some risks.
It's okay to try something different
if you're trying to re-find that spark.
And I know that's scary.
I know it feels really hard,
because you're like, "How do I do that?"
Oh, hey, cutie.
Don't be afraid
to spice things up.
I know sometimes it's scary to take risks,
but if you wanna get that spark back,
you can do something different.
You can be spontaneous.
You can trust yourself.
-You're hot and sexy.
You're so hot and sexy.
You might just need...
...risk. You can do something different.
You can be spontaneous.
You know, make a plan,
have an intention, and see it through.
And I know that my...
Oh my God!
Oh, I... uh,
I thought you were going on a run.
Were you just...
No, I was in the middle
of doing some work. What?
- Are you sure?
- I'm pretty sure.
-Yes. I wasn't doing anything. I was wor...
-It's okay. I...
I know it's okay.
-I'm allowed to masturbate.
-Totally fine.
I just thought that we talked about
saving our sexual energy for each other.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
-I wouldn't...
-I thought that we'd...
I wouldn't, like...
...try the wig thing.
Remember we talked about the wig thing?
Oh, you actually wanted to do that?
I mean... yeah.
It was your idea.
I know.
I didn't... I didn't realize... But...
I mean, yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah.
Oh, hey, cutie.
Okay, fine. You know what?
We will do this another time.
All right. Just for the record,
I wanted to do it.
If you don't wanna have sex,
that's totally fine.
Oh my God. You could've been a little bit
more enthusiastic, encouraging like "wow!"
-Me here in a wig and the whole getup.
-I really wanna have sex.
What do you want me to do?
You want me to make a whole production
about how badly I wanna have sex? Come on.
-I'm trying to get the mood going.
I thought that maybe...
We're fighting about
when we're gonna have sex.
Like, let's just let it happen
when the moment comes.
Okay, Cyrus.
I... I don't even know what I was thinking.
I told myself this wig thing was
a stupid idea, but here we are. I'm in it.
Well, if you didn't wanna do it...
If you didn't wanna do it,
you didn't have to put the thing on.
-I'm not trying to force you.
-Oh my God. Cyrus, you know what?
I... I don't think
we should go to the wedding.
Especially if our relationship
is like this.
We can't cancel.
-I feel weird about going.
-Send a cancel text now?
-I can't do that.
-I just don't wanna go.
I don't wanna go.
-Can we not do this last-minute bullshit?
-We don't ever do what I want.
The wig thing was your idea.
I didn't wanna do it in the first place,
but here I am in this wig for you.
If you didn't wanna do the wig thing,
why are you doing the wig thing?
Why are you doing it?
-Oh my fucking God...
-No one made you...
Can't wait to marry
this nerd tomorrow. #reuphia.
Finna watch my boy get hitched.
#reuphia. #Lambo. #Henny.
#big up. #f...
Oh my God, you guys.
-Look who I just met at the airport!
-What are you...
-Wow. Are you making a movie?
-I'm making a video. Come on, say hi.
-Say hi. Hello.
-Oh, I forgot my sage.
-Did you bring sage?
-Sage? No, I don't...
I didn't bring sage,
but I did bring some other goodies.
I don't really know what the drug laws are
in this state, so never mind. #reuphia.
-In love with...
-Coming soon.
-Sparkle emoji.
-Celebrating the...
-Love is in the air.
-These two.
-Amazing rehearsal...
-Reuben and Soph...
Bride emoji.
Shelbow, remember what you told me
that Instagram psychologist
you like said about getting out of
your comfort zone and trying new things?
Like wigs?
How it's good for us as a couple
to have new experiences,
even if, you know,
they're outside of work.
Reunion incoming. #tbt. #reuphia.
- Oh, hey, cutie.
- Fire emoji.
-Oh, hey, cutie.
-Fire emoji.
Oh, hey...
Fuck you.
Sorry. No, yeah, I hear you.
Like, you know when you see a spider
and you freak out,
then you take a breath, and you realize
it's not a big deal, it's just a spider.
- Oh, hey, cutie.
- I don't have to...
About last night...
Where to this time?
This on repeat. #hotel life.
-I wanna look like you.
-I'd pay anything for that.
-Hot as feck.
Average ready to have fun face.
Champagne emoji. #reuphia.
#road trip.
...that way people
won't take advantage of you, you know,
like your dental hygienist or whatever.
You don't think it's weird
that Sophia's not gonna be there?
Um... No.
I'm sure Reuben told her that tonight
is just, like, our thing, you know?
I mean, they had
their rehearsal dinner last night.
Sophia's family's here
to keep her company.
And... I don't know.
I keep thinking about how crazy
it must've been to be Reuben's mom,
living in this house, throwing parties,
turning the place into art installations,
like, vaginal art installations.
You know?
Here we are.
This fucking house.
Do you remember if it's supposed
to be Reuben's mom's actual vagina,
or just kind of, like,
vaginas in the abstract?
What? What? What?
- A bird just flew in my face.
- What?
-A fucking bird just flew in my face.
-You're gonna be fine, I think.
I think you're gonna be all right. Right?
Come on, honey.
It's gonna be fun.
See everybody, you know?
You know, it's cool.
It's good that we're here, you know?
It's... It's, like, good.
-Is that what you're always doing?
When I'm on a run?
Why are you talking about that now?
I don't know. Is it your designated time
for you to just relieve stress?
-Hey, man!
Oh shit!
Shelby Beautiful in the house.
- Come here, girl. What's up?
- Hi...
It's good to see you.
Damn, you smell good. Fuck, that's good.
Hey, man.
How's it going?
Yo, y'all believe it?
Reuben's getting fucking hitched! Oh shit!
Crazy. I can't believe it.
How's it going? What's going on?
Yeah, it's going really good for me.
I've been fucking running the charts.
Know what I'm talking about?
I'm talking, like, leveling up,
turn over a new leaf,
TED Talk kind of shit,
like, physically, mentally, emotionally...
- Shelby Jansen.
- ...spiritually.
- Hi. I missed you so much. Wow.
- What's up, bro? You good?
- Yeah, things are...
- Cool.
-I love your flower tattoo.
-Thank you.
-It's a lotus flower. I got it in Bali.
-I'm getting some tunes bombing.
It represents rebirth. Hi! Hi!
-I went on a Buddhist retreat.
-These are incredible.
-Wow, how are you guys?
-We're pretty good.
- Wow, you guys make a beautiful couple.
- Oh my God!
-Hi! Hi.
You look so cute.
Oh, thank you. I love your top.
It looks really...
- Nikki.
- Thank you.
- Hey.
- Hey. What's going on?
Oh my God. Congratulations.
Oh, thank... On what?
-You got married.
-Oh, I...
- What? When?
- Oh no. No, we didn't get married.
-Who am I thinking of?
-A different person.
Is that peanut butter?
You partner with a peanut butter brand.
No, cashew butter.
I'm allergic to peanut butter. You know.
Oh my God.
Are you partnering
with a cashew butter brand?
What? What?
-Oh my...
-Oh my God!
Holy fuck, Dennis!
Wait, did you guys get married?
-Did Nikki already ask you?
-They're not...
- Did you ask that?
- Brooke's had a head start.
Oh my God. I'm obsessed
with your Instagram. It's so good.
- How are you?
- Yeah, things...
-A bird flew in my face.
-Oh my God.
-Are you okay?
-Right now? Did it hurt?
- So are you jealous of Sophia?
- Ow!
- No. Why, are you?
- I mean, yeah, obviously.
- Uh, no.
- Oh. Oh, no, I...
Hey, man.
Hey, man!
Cyrus the Vyrus, baby. Come here.
Come here.
-I missed you, man.
-I missed you too.
-I missed you too.
-Yeah, man.
Man, it's crazy you still have this place.
Yeah, man,
I got a free wedding venue out of it, so...
What the heck is this?
I forgot about this thing. Look at this.
Man, yeah. I'm good, man. I'm...
It's happening, man. We're here. It's...
-You're getting married.
-Yeah, apparently.
-How are you feeling about it?
-I'm good, man.
-How you been, man?
-I'm good. I'm good, man.
Wait, did I hear you invited Forbes?
I did, yeah.
Is he coming?
Never heard back, man.
Wait, Forbes is coming?
All that stuff
that went down with Dennis and Forbes?
-She wasn't there.
-Wait, you weren't there?
Where, at the party?
-She wasn't there.
What do you remember about Forbes?
I loved Forbes.
He got the freshman grant.
He was a genius.
- Yeah, but he was weird.
- Because he put on game nights?
People called him Game Boy.
People called him Game Boy
because he'd get fucked up and crazy.
He was wild.
- Dennis was wild, too, though.
- Right, but Forbes had a temper.
So cut to the night
of Dennis's birthday party.
- Reuben's birthday party.
- At the Fletcher House.
the night Forbes got expelled?
- Yeah. Forbes's cousin was there.
- Sister. It was his sister.
Who was still in high school.
Yeah. Janice, right?
No. Beatrice.
She was literally obsessed with Dennis.
Telling everyone that her and him
were boyfriend and girlfriend.
Yeah, but it was extra dramatic
because that was
when Dennis and Nikki had started talking.
No, they were together.
- Were they?
- Yeah.
Beatrice sees them together
and starts freaking out.
Starts attacking Nikki.
It escalates to the point where
Forbes and Dennis got into a huge fight.
Yeah, like a fistfight.
So then, the cops showed up.
Dennis gets in trouble.
Gets escorted out by the police
for fighting.
Wait, what?
But then Forbes ended up getting expelled
because he brought
his high school-aged sister to the party,
gave her alcohol
and got her totally plastered.
Yeah. And she ends up
being sent away to a mental hospital.
- That's why Forbes got expelled?
- Yeah.
I thought it was
because he was drunk
and broke a bunch of stuff or something.
No, it was
because he got his sister super drunk
and started all this epic drama.
Then, Forbes went to California,
started working as a tech guy,
joined some tech company,
doing tech company shit.
No one's heard from him since.
Hasn't it been about eight years?
I'm sure that Dennis has probably...
Hey, quit talking shit.
It's too early for all that.
- When would be a good time?
- After we eat.
We have wine, bitches.
So if you look at it normally,
it's like this one thing, right?
But then if you look at it
through a colored lens,
you see something different inside.
- Oh shit.
- Yeah.
- Dude, that's...
- Wow.
Let me show you my favorite.
- Look.
- Oh, you drew this?
Wow, you can, like, feel the loneliness
radiating off the page.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, basically,
it's inspired by RGB printing,
or, like, every time that you look at
a screen, you see all these colors, right?
But really, every single color you see
is just a blend of red and green and blue.
So really, every color
is actually just three colors
hidden inside of it.
That's so cool.
Can we talk about how crazy it is
you're still single?
- Yeah.
- Me?
I mean, I...
- I don't know.
- Oh my God.
You're the perfect blend
of artsy and exotic. It's like catnip.
I mean...
Yo, Nikki, you should tag her
in one of your Instagram Stories
so she can cherry-pick
one of your 8 billion followers.
- How many followers do you have?
- I mean, I don't look at it.
Oh, bullshit. You know exactly
how many followers you have.
Why don't you tell me,
seeing as you look at my Stories.
- I don't fuck with Instagram.
- I know you have Instagram.
- You have two Instagrams.
- Well, I get on there to...
And my hurting is just about over
But baby, it's just starting for you...
- "Who wants to see my Inst..."
- No one wants to hear it.
All right, all right, all right.
Speaking of shit no one wants to hear,
I'd like to propose a toast.
- Let's do it.
- Man of the house!
All right.
Eight years ago...
Eight fucking years ago, my mom died.
And, um... I had to come here, her house,
and decide what to do
with all of her work and shit and...
Thought it was gonna be
the worst weekend of my life.
But then all of you...
mm, mm, mm and Forbes,
decided to come,
and it ended up being the best.
And I know you all agreed back then
to come here the night
before my wedding and...
But when I, um, said I wanted
to spend this evening with you guys,
I was, um, I was high as fuck
and I didn't really mean it.
So if you could all, you know?
Yeah, no, if you could all leave.
Get the fuck out of here, you lightweight.
Just do it, Reuben.
You were doing so good.
Finish your toast.
No, but, um, seriously...
I want this to be a special fucking night.
...being here with you...
is like being with my people, you know?
Sometimes, I feel like I can't...
- Oh my God.
- Oh my God, is that Forbes?
It's Forbes, baby!
Forb-alicious, baby!
Making paper...
Just making paper.
Oh! Game Boy in the house.
Remember from...
Uh, sorry, I was just...
How's it going, man?
Really good.
Are you and Shelby, um...?
Engaged? No, man, we're not.
I'm sorry. I just...
Everybody has been asking
the second I came in the door,
and she's kind of been on me,
and I'm just... I'm not ready.
Everybody's kind of still...
And she's always talking about,
like, having new experiences. Like...
I don't know, like, last week it was, uh,
dance lessons, like, ballroom dancing.
And, what, I'm gonna be,
like, some dance guy?
And it's not even...
It's, like, just everything.
It's, like, "Did you pick up the..."
And it's, like...
And there's some good part...
But I guess it's about, like,
you know, deciding.
You know?
But I'm not in a place, particularly,
where I feel like
I can totally do that at the moment.
And... But I can't say that. Anyway, yeah...
Things are going really great, man.
Things are...
Things are going really, really great.
They're... I mean, I feel really lucky.
That's great.
Yeah, thanks, man.
Hey, is there someone
with the name Forbes in there?
There is.
Well, I got a joint
with your name written on it.
It's not all about brands.
You know, there's a charity I work with
that brings relief to villages in Sudan.
Honestly, social media
is this amazing resource.
I don't think we really think of it
that way, but it's true.
You know, it connects people.
It can show people
what's going on in the world.
It's a vessel.
And that's so important, I think.
Saving the world one filter at a time.
Oh wow.
Not all of us have a trust fund.
Forb-alicious in the room, baby!
I'm good.
Oh, buddy.
- Oh, no, thank you.
- Really?
Thanks for making it out, man.
Of course. Wouldn't have missed it.
Oh, and I can't wait
to meet the missus, really.
Hey, she's gorgeous. I mean, wow.
Oh, buddy,
she's all right.
Come on, sit down.
Tell us everything.
What's the vibe tonight, Forbsies?
Yeah, buddy.
Are we getting buck wild again
and breaking some shit or what?
Yeah, um...
You know. Uh...
No, we don't.
Oh, uh...
I don't know. I've just been
traveling the world and, uh, making paper.
What, are you like an entrepreneur now
or something, bro?
Is that, uh...
Is that what's in the suitcase?
You had mentioned that we might be
playing some games tonight.
-Do you still wanna play games?
-Yeah, I wanna play games tonight, man.
Yeah, and if you guys aren't ready
right now, I can put it away, and we can...
- Dude, I'm down.
- I'm down to play a couple games.
- I'm perfectly faded right now.
- I wanna play. Yeah.
Okay, so just, uh,
before I open this suitcase,
this is just some
"needs to stay in this room" type shit.
So, uh, no phones out or anything, okay?
Bro, that's like
telling Nikki not to breathe and shit.
you're just so funny all the time.
So my team and I have been working
on this thing for five years.
You know, I could explain
to you all what it is,
but I think the best way
for you to understand
is if you just try it yourself.
- So, everyone gets one of these.
- Um...
- Reuben.
- What is this?
What is this?
Dennis. Nikki. Maya.
- I was expecting like a board game.
- Brooke. Cyrus.
And these are mine.
Okay, so here we are.
So you just wanna take these electrodes
and place them on your temples like so.
Bro, you serious?
Don't worry. I'm doing it too.
All right.
How does...
How does it, like...
It doesn't hurt at all, I swear.
Wait, Forbes. What is that?
It's just a 20-second experience.
That's it. I promise.
Okay, ready?
And those were
the last words any of them heard.
Dude, what if Forbes is
messing with the wires, but...
...nothing actually ended up happening.
Everybody, please keep your electrodes on.
-What the fuck?
-Take a deep breath. It's okay.
-Yo, bro!
-Cyrus, what's happening?
-Yo, what the fuck, bro?
-Oh fuck!
-I'm over there.
Yo, what the fuck?
What the fuck is going on?
-Oh fuck!
-Three, two, and...
Oh my God.
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
It's trippy, huh?
Oh fuck!
Nikki, I was in you.
That was like fucking...
That was incredible.
Damn, bro! Bro, fuck!
-Fuck, man!
-You're good. You're okay.
I was in Brooke!
-Oh my God!
-I was in you!
Way at the end of the hall
Yo, dude, what the fuck, Forbes?
...breathing your air.
-What the fuck?
-What the fuck?
You were in me?
All alone in my room
What the fuck just happened?
I was in you!
You were in me?
- I was in you!
- What the fuck?
I play a dangerous game
Look, guys. I get it. It's a lot.
But it's actually simpler
than you might think.
I mean, I don't even
really know what to think.
Well, if you think
of your brain as a hard drive,
then this just transfers the files.
How many people have, like, done this?
Oh, more than you might think.
Meaning what?
Uh, my team,
some friends.
Uh... you know.
What are you actually doing with it?
Oh, well,
I actually can't really get into that.
I mean, it's technically, like,
a top-secret thing.
No, I mean, what are you actually
doing with it here, tonight?
Yeah, if it's technically top-secret,
then why do you have it here at a party?
In my room...
Oh, uh...
Well, to be honest, I was, um...
really surprised to get the invitation.
Like, I was surprised
that you wanted me here.
Of course I wanted you here, man.
We all wanted you here.
Thank you.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, man. I mean...
- Okay, well, just...
I was just thinking
how the last time we were here,
we were playing games like, uh, Mafia
or Werewolf or whatever it was.
Yeah. Werewolf.
It was Mafia.
To be honest, my team and I,
we actually spend a lot of the time
using the machine
to play a game kind of like that.
What do you mean?
So we all get in a group
and we randomly swap bodies,
and then the game is that
we all have to guess who is in whose body.
But we haven't seen
each other in a long time,
and it's your night, so, you know,
don't let me derail it. We can just...
Let's do it.
Every time...
I'm fucking down, man.
I mean... It's not a coincidence
that we're all here together tonight.
- You seriously wanna do this?
- What do you mean?
I'm doing it.
I'm doing this, man.
- I wanna experience this.
- Fuck.
- I know, because...
- I think it'd be a lot of fun.
When else are we gonna get
a chance to do something like this?
A fun bonding experience.
- It's your night. You wanna do this shit...
- It's like reincarnation, right?
- Forbes, is this dangerous?
- Why not use it?
-How do you know that it's even safe?
Don't worry. It's totally safe.
There's no side effects.
Don't worry. It's totally safe.
There's no side eff...
All right, man. Ha-ha.
- Forbes?
- Forbes. Bro, quit playing.
- Okay. Hey.
- What's happening?
- Forbes?
- Oh my God!
Oh my God, something's happening!
Totally fine. I'm fine.
- Oh my God!
- Jesus Christ, bro!
- What the fuck, Forbes?
- What the fuck?
- You fucking asshole.
- Goddamn it, man.
Are we doing this?
- Freaked me out.
- You haven't changed one fucking bit.
-You fucking psycho.
-I fucking love you, man!
Oh my God. Dude.
This is gonna be
the best fucking night, man!
The best fucking night!
-Oh, you've been to Hawaii.
Yeah. I actually...
He just did it without telling
any of us what it was,
and that makes me really uncomfortable.
I don't understand how you're so calm.
Okay, look, if you don't
wanna do it, I won't do it either.
Okay, but don't make me feel guilty
about ruining your night.
No. But what, you're gonna sit off
while everyone does it without you?
...get down to Las Vegas.
Look, Shelbow, we're always
talking about shared experiences, right?
This could be something
we do together.
This could be a really fun thing, I think.
-Yeah? Let's do it.
-Okay. Yeah.
-Okay. Fine, fine, fine.
-Yeah. Yeah.
- That was really scary, but okay.
- I know. I know.
- I'll do it.
- Okay. Yeah?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Okay. So, here's how this works.
Each of us gets a lovely
little Polaroid photo taken.
While we're playing the game,
anyone can guess
who is in whose body at any point.
If someone correctly guesses who you are,
your photo is pinned to your body
and you lose the round.
If someone incorrectly guesses,
then they have to reveal who they are
and they are out of the round.
But what's to prevent someone from lying?
I'll know who everyone is
because I'm going to program the machine.
Okay, so you're like
the Dungeon Master, right?
Wait, but then you can just totally win.
No, because the Dungeon Master
cannot make guesses,
nor can she or he win.
Any other questions?
I have one.
If I wind up in Reuben's body,
does that mean I'm cool to use the N-word?
-Oh my God.
-As if you have to even ask.
I'll be in character and shit, bro.
For playing the game. Fuck. Shit.
How long does it last?
Just until we switch back
at the end of the round,
or being the Dungeon Master,
I can just call the round whenever.
Shelby, you don't have to do this
if you don't want.
We're not gonna force you to do it.
- Cyrus will.
- Dude.
Would it make you more comfortable
if I showed you how the machine worked?
No. No, I'm okay.
- Thanks.
- Okay.
-I'm ready. Yeah.
Well, then, the game starts in three...
Oh my God!
Oh my God! Oh my God!
All right. I'm gonna guess that Shelby
is in Brooke's body.
Uh, yeah.
You good?
Yeah, I feel really good, actually.
Wait. Is she now high as fuck
because Brooke was high as fuck?
That's amazing.
Don't you know
I bet I could figure out
which one of you guys is Reuben.
Are you gonna look
through his phone or something?
- Shit.
- Oh my God.
-Oh yes.
-All right.
There we go. Whip it out. Whip it out.
Yo, yo! What are you doing, man?
What the fuck you doing, man?
-That's not funny.
-It's just a game.
That's fucking racist, man.
Oh man, you should have seen your face!
I'm playing with you!
-I'm playing with you! We good, bro!
We good.
Come on, it's a game. It's a game.
Let the record show
Reuben is in Cyrus's body.
But seriously...
...keep my dick in your pants.
Yeah, dude.
Maya, final guess.
How the fuck?
Yeah. Maya's in Nikki's body.
No one says "dude"
except you, dude.
Perfunctory move, dude.
Maybe you shouldn't overdo it, Shelbow.
Oh! "Shelbow."
Cyrus is in Dennis's body.
Well, Forbes gets Forbes or...
Hey, man.
Wait, I thought you were Forbes.
Well, why'd you say you were me?
It's cool, man. It's just
now everyone thinks that I'm you.
Like, I...
I'm... ...I don't...
Yeah, it's, it's cool...
Well, you said something
about new opportunities...
This fucking house.
Hey. What are you, uh, doing?
Figuring out if blondes
really do have more fun.
Do they?
Do you have a girlfriend, Forbsies?
Oh, no. No. Not really. No.
I have a boyfriend.
Is he, um, coming to the... the wedding?
Did you know Reuben and I
used to be a thing?
Uh, yeah.
Now he's getting married.
But you're not Reuben.
Do you, uh, want... want me to be?
This game is kind of hot.
Do you still think about me?
Tell me.
I think about you all the time.
Do you think about me
when you're with her?
You have no idea.
Then leave her for me.
Say it.
I'll leave her for you.
I'll leave everything for you.
Oh fuck!
- Are you okay?
- Oh! Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.
There's some sharp glass there
or something.
Ow, fu... I'm good. I'm good.
Yeah, I'm fine. Yeah.
Are you all right?
Yeah, yeah. We're... We're...
We're... We're... We're fine.
That was really fucking crazy.
Like, this was just happening
and then I was just looking at myself.
My actual body walked in here
and it was, like, saying something.
Yeah, yeah. It was... It was trippy.
Who's in my body?
I don't... I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
Didn't you program everyone?
I... I wrote it down.
-Yeah, I'm gonna go.
-Yeah, okay. Yeah... Now?
You don't wanna hang out, like, more or...?
Dude, is this why you wanted
to play this game?
-Because that's actually really creepy.
-What? No.
You said this game was hot
like ten seconds ago.
You said this game was like hot and...
Out-of-body experiences are like true
objective judgment in the eyes of Buddha.
Yeah, I... I don't... Yeah.
Oh my...
I was being Reuben!
That was me being Reuben!
But I'm Forbes now, though. I'm...
I'm Forbes Blomquist.
Oh, of course I do.
- Wait, spin me again.
- Oh, here we go.
Hey, it's me!
-That's me, baby! Yeah!
- It's Forbes.
- Hey.
Hi, Forbes.
Shelby, what's, uh... What's going on?
Just... Just dancing?
You're legit a genius.
I was a little nervous
about this whole thing, but it's amazing.
It's incredible.
-Yeah, that...
-Do you like to dance?
My Cyrus doesn't ever dance with me.
I... Uh...
I'm sure he... He would. He probably would.
No, he can be
such a wet blanket sometimes.
"I don't wanna dance.
I wanna play video games."
It's porn. It's porn.
- No, no, no. It's on his laptop.
- Like this?
-Before or after sex?
-What sex?
-Hey! Hey, guys!
-No, that is not okay!
-Let's switch out. Let's switch back.
-No, come on!
No, I think we should.
It's not good to stay
in someone else's body for too long.
-No, your face has to be, like...
-Shelby, don't come in. I'm working.
-It's... It's...
-Can you please stop that?
Just fucking stop!
Is that what I hear?
Are you sure everyone's
in the right spot?
Everything's set.
It's fine. It's ready.
- Okay, guys.
- Fucking hot.
Get ready to jump back
into your boring asshole bodies.
Three, two, one.
Oh my God.
There goes my white privilege.
Fuck, bro. Whoo! Damn!
Whoo! Big up! Oh shit.
- Did you have fun?
- Yeah, crazy.
Round two! Round two!
Round two! Round two! Round two!
Round two! Round two!
Round two! Round two!
Guys, guys, guys. I was actually thinking
I'm feeling a little tired.
- No! Forbes, come on, no.
- What?
This is so fun. We wanna go again.
Seriously, when you see yourself,
like, literally see yourself
from the outside, it's like...
-More potential.
-Yeah, exactly.
When you look at someone and see
the potential they don't see.
- It's like addictive.
- Yeah.
It's like there's no drug
that can compare with the high
of being in someone else's body.
Each body you're going into
is giving you another piece
of the human condition.
Exactly. Yes!
After a while,
you want to constantly switch.
- Yeah.
- That's why you wanna constantly switch.
No, but, like, Forbes...
Like, this... Even this game is important.
Like, playing this,
becoming a different ethnicity,
could change people's world views.
Like, it's big stuff.
Playing the game for 30 minutes
isn't gonna turn you into Malcolm X.
Right, thank you so much,
Mr. Can I Say the N-word. Oh my God.
You don't know shit
about Malcolm anyway, baby.
I'm actually great. I had so much fun.
-Did you have fun?
What made it so fun for you?
Was there anything specific?
Was there anything in particular
that made it, like, extra fun for you or...
No. I... I just had fun.
-Oh wow.
Wow, it was just fun. That's so fun.
I'm glad you had such a fun time.
Yeah. You were right.
Well, that's great.
That's just really...
Hey, Forbes.
What's up, bro?
Hey, man. What's up?
Oh yeah. Good, bro. Good. Fuck.
Good. Dude, when I was just in your body,
I was looking in the mirror,
and I was like, "Damn, bro."
"I don't think Forbes
and I have, like, talked since college."
-Crazy, bro.
Yeah, bro. Um...
Look, uh, real shit, man. Um...
I feel bad.
Uh, I mean, we both feel bad, like...
Bro, we... We...
All that shit we said about that night,
we never would've said that
if we knew it was gonna get you expelled.
-And, like...
-What? What do you mean?
Who's "we?"
Oh, Reuben and I, bro.
I'm not trying to speak
on his behalf or anything...
Yeah. No, you're good, but...
Yeah, but Reuben too?
Nah, bro, nah.
I mean, just all that shit that he said...
That we said to the dean
or whatever and, um...
You know, man, all that shit.
All that drama with your sister and stuff.
- I just...
- Mm-hmm.
Bro, we were just, like,
such dumb fucking kids, you know?
Just stupid or whatever, and, um...
Yeah, man, I... I, um...
Bro, I just wanna make sure
that we're, like, cool.
I mean, you, me, Reuben, Beatrice.
All of us.
Yeah, man.
Yeah, no, we're cool.
Round two!
Round two! Round two! Round two!
Round two! Round two!
Yeah, I got another quick round in me.
Fuck yeah.
The machine's got one more round,
then it has to charge for 24 hours.
I'm upping my game this round.
Yes, bro. All in,
Christian Bale-level shit, man.
- Can you show me how it works?
- Sure.
Hey, I'm sorry. Not to be a buzzkill,
but I think I might sit out this round.
I got kind of a headache. Uh...
You know what they say, the best cure
for a headache is a new body.
But then one of us
has a headache and then...
Bro, I think we'll be able
to handle this little headache.
-Could you not do that right now?
-Do what, bro?
-Honey, are you okay?
-Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, it's...
Well, we can go on without him,
right, Forbes?
I feel like you
and I really got shafted last round.
We never even got
to get into character, you know?
It seemed obvious
you were in Forbes last round, so...
Oh really?
Yeah, you said "perfunctory."
Nobody says "perfunctory"
out loud in an actual sentence
unless they're overcompensating.
I guess I'm not as good as you
at pretending to be someone else.
- Really? Sure seems like you are.
- All right, guys.
Oh, really, bro?
What are you trying to say?
Why'd you talk like you're in a rap video?
-Did you just say "rap video?"
-All right.
-It's chill, bro...
-All the time.
Relax! Relax!
I'm not trying to defend anybody.
I think he's really annoying.
I'm just saying you get super mad
and you don't let anything go.
-And it's not healthy.
-It is healthy.
Letting shit go isn't healthy.
You never learn from it
and you let people take advantage of you
over and over, like the dental hygienist.
Oh my God!
-That's a perfect example...
-What should I have said to her?
I don't know.
Like, "Hey, what you did was wrong."
"It was fucking wrong
and you're a shitty person."
"You deserve to live
the rest of your miserable existence
with a rusty shovel crammed up your ass."
"So fuck on that, bitch."
Why don't you go and tell Dennis that
so you can feel better?
All right, I'm not gonna...
Forbes lied.
He said he was me.
In the last round, I was Reuben.
-But Forbes said he was me.
-Honey, it's a game.
I don't feel good about it, okay?
An hour ago, you were trying
to convince me to play,
and now I'm actually having a good time,
you're questioning it?
-Honey, that's not fair.
-Okay, all right, okay.
All right.
Okay, why don't we have a signal, okay?
Why don't we have a signal
so that we know whose body we are in?
If they're... We're dealing...
I mean, if the technology...
If you're...
-There's an emergency...
-Yeah, okay, fine, fine.
Okay. Maybe it's like... Wait, just...
-You... No, more...
-No, come on. You gotta do it subtle.
More subtle, though. You have to do...
-There you go. Exactly.
-Don't yell at me.
-I'm not yelling at you.
That one goes here.
Oh, I get it. That makes sense.
What do you think?
Think we're ready to go?
-It's this button, right?
-That's the one.
The switches stay off?
That's a bird shadow.
- Is everybody ready?
- Oh shit, yeah.
- All right.
- It's great luck.
Spiral emoji. Spiral emoji. Spir...
Spiral eyes. Spiral eyes. Spiral...
Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.
Oh, hey, cutie.
Oh, hey, cutie.
Oh, hey, cutie.
-Marry me.
-Suddenly, I'm thirs...
-So much heat.
We're doing drugs.
What the fuck is he doing?
Do you think you're a good person?
There's something... different.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, your smile is, like,
more pronounced.
Oh my God, totally. It's so crazy.
-Okay, my official guess is that...
-No, no, no.
-Don't guess. Don't guess.
Oh, cheater. Not allowed.
It's way more fun not knowing.
Like, I have no idea who you are,
but you could kill him,
and I'd still think that it was Brooke.
We're gonna eventually find out
who everyone is, so not really.
Yeah, okay, but what if we didn't?
- Wanna get some wine?
- Um. I've got to just...
So, what are, like, the current going-ons
with the Buddhist community?
Oh, you know, just, like,
Zen, Zen, Zen, baby.
No? Okay.
-Okay, I'm gonna get some water.
You, uh...
checked out the roof yet...
I have not... Dennis.
Shall we?
Lead the way, good sire.
I make my own shampoo
out of narcissism and oil of humblebrag.
I like this extremely self-aware Nikki.
Oh, look at her go.
How much did you guys do?
- Oh my God, a spider!
- Oh shit!
There's a huge spider!
- Okay.
- No, don't touch it! Oh my God!
It went into the forest.
Hey, Nikki, uh...
Yeah, just Brooke wanted, I think, to, um...
show you something
in the greenhouse or whatever.
- Why? What is it?
- I don't know.
She was just like, "Oh, hey, Forbes,
could you just go get Nikki?" You know?
I was like, "Okay, yeah, cool."
So I'm just... I don't know,
just coming to get you or whatever.
And other shady-sounding shit
available now on Audible.
That's hilarious.
Options, take drugs or abscond
with the little boy in body number three.
Oh yeah, "abscond with the boy."
It seemed a little urgent.
So I was just thinking
that maybe we should just go right now.
- Okay, Forbes.
- Okay.
Hold your horses.
-Hold your horses.
-Look how he walks!
Look how he walks!
Where's Brooke?
Are you serious?
I just heard your spider freak-out.
What do you mean?
Really, you're gonna do this
to my face right now?
Okay. Okay, fine.
God, you win. Are you happy?
What's the matter? Why are you mad at me?
I'm just playing the game like you wanted.
You wanted me to play. Now I'm playing.
Part of the game is not telling anyone
what you're doing or who you are.
It's freaking me out right now.
Just how into this you are.
I thought we had a deal or whatever.
-Now you're just like...
That's really crazy.
I can see your face in Forbes's face.
Like, I can...
Say something else.
Like what?
Wait. Um...
It'll be like I'm wearing a wig.
Oh, careful, careful.
-You okay?
-Yeah. Yeah.
Sorry, this, uh...
This whole place is falling apart.
Oh, it's, uh... It's nice up here.
Yeah, it is, huh?
Well, you know, I, uh...
...thought you'd like it
'cause of your, uh, your wings there.
Right. Yeah.
But you're also part deer.
Oh yeah. So I can't get too elevated.
- Oh, right.
- Yeah.
And you like mooning people apparently?
-Apparently hanging out next to teepees.
And you got some other ones
going on down there.
Yeah, that was a Dennis thing to say,
because, uh, well, I'm Dennis.
- Bro.
- Yeah.
Enjoying it, aren't you?
I mean, he, uh...
He does what he wants.
What do you want?
Call me Nikki.
Oh, you're high.
It's okay, honey.
Say it.
Yeah, say it again.
Sorry, sorry.
For what?
-Tell me you want me.
-I want you.
I want you, Nikki.
- Wait.
- It's okay. It's okay.
Tell me you want me.
-I can't do this.
- No, come here.
- No, stop.
Look at me. Look at me. Look at me.
You look just like her.
Keep talking to me. Keep talking to me.
-Do you know who I am?
I know who you are. I don't care.
-You sure?
Yeah. I wanna be with you.
I don't wanna do this anymore.
I wanna go inside,
tell everyone who we are,
or I'll guess you, you guess me,
everyone will find out, then we'll switch.
I can't do this anymore.
-Why are you gonna do that?
-You're freaking me out.
I'm freaked the fuck out right now.
-You're acting like a different person.
-Look at me.
I am a different person.
You see what I...
You can hear yourself, right?
Cyrus, it's a game,
and you're being a sore fucking loser.
You wanna fuck Forbes.
I saw you talking to him.
Asking him, "How do I use the machine?"
I don't wanna fuck Forbes,
I wanna fuck you.
Because I'm in Forbes's body!
Forbes's body, your body.
I can't get laid by you in any body
because all you do
is jerk off on your fucking laptop!
Wait, I'm sorry.
We're not supposed to talk about that.
Guess I have to just feel guilty
about masturbating in the shower
with my loofah brush!
I'm going inside and telling everyone
who we are, and we're done.
- No!
- I can't do this.
-I can't do this anymore
-Cyrus, come back. Cyrus!
-Say it again.
-I wanna be with you.
I wanna be with you.
-I love you.
-I love you. I love you.
Couldn't keep your eyes off the mirror!
Classic Nikki!
You're Dennis
because you're being an asshole.
You're not allowed to guess!
You're out of the game!
-Dennis. Final answer.
-Nah, fuck that shit!
That doesn't fucking count!
That shit doesn't fucking count.
You're acting crazy!
- I wanna marry you.
- I've always wanted you.
I wanna marry you.
Everyone, I'm making an official guess...
Reuben! Reuben!
...that Shelby is in Nikki's body!
What do I...
What do I...
What do I do? What do I do?
What does this mean?
What does this mean?
What the fuck? Is this real?
Is this real? What...
What do we do?
Where's Forbes?
Is this Forbes? Are you Forbes?
I'm Forbes.
I can go back, right?
I can go back in my body?
You can put me back in my body, right?
You took me out. You can put me back in.
I can't. I...
-I can't.
-What the fuck does that mean?
I can't put you in a dead body.
There's nothing to put you in.
Wait, wait, wait. Who is that?
Is that... Is that Shelby?
No, I'm... I'm Shelby.
That's Brooke!
And that's Reuben.
So then, Maya is...
Call someone on your team.
Call someone.
Figure out what we're gonna do.
-There is...
-No, get the fuck...
There's nothing that they can fucking do!
Tell me
what we're gonna do right now!
Maya's gone now.
-You can do this.
-I can't.
-Yes, you can.
-I can't.
-Yes, you can.
-I can't.
-Yes, you can.
-Okay? Okay?
-You can.
-I fucking can't.
Yeah, you can.
Yes, you can. You can do this.
There is nothing I can do.
Guys, I feel like maybe
we should go do something with the bodies.
We can't touch the bodies.
No, I know, but they're just
laying up there on that fucking thing.
It just feels weird.
-It's their bodies, so...
-Keep your voice down.
I didn't realize
Brooke was actually jealous of Sophia.
Can't believe Reuben was hooking up
with her the night before the wedding.
He wasn't. He was hooking up with Maya.
They were a thing, remember?
Okay, guys. We've been standing here
for an hour and a half.
We gotta figure out what to do.
We gotta call the cops.
-The longer we stand out here, it's just...
-We're not... No, no.
We're not calling the cops.
No way.
What are you talking about?
There's a highly valuable
piece of machinery in there,
and I'm not letting the cops
get their hands on that.
- How is that my problem?
- Guys, guys, guys. Come on.
Are you even supposed to have
that machine out here?
It's mine.
It's yours or it's your team's?
How would your team be okay with you
having this valuable machine
out here for a party game?
Whatever shit you're up to,
I'm not gonna go to jail because of it.
So we're gonna switch back,
and I'm gonna call the cops.
Absolutely not!
-Whoa. Hey, guys. Guys.
-What the fuck?
I think she's right.
Okay? You know what? I think maybe
we should all just go back inside
and just switch back, okay?
And no one has to know about the machine,
if it's a problem. Right?
Like, they fell off the fucking roof.
- It's not like we did anything. Right?
- Agreed.
The hell you talkin' about,
"switch back"?
We've already switched.
This is our rebirth.
Look, guys,
I know we could all use a beat.
Okay? Especially you guys.
I just think that maybe we should
just step inside...
-And what?
Come on, bro. Say it.
Look, man, I know that this is...
This is what?
There's no other option. I mean...
You obviously
have to go into Reuben's body.
Dude, look, it's...
So Maya and I are just shit out of luck?
I have to stay in Reuben's body
for the rest of my fucking life, bro?
You have to stay in someone else's body
for the rest of your life, no matter what.
Yeah, but you don't, do you?
- It's not really fair, is it?
- Guys.
Fair? What the fuck?
I didn't even wanna play the game.
You are such a little bitch.
You know that, bro?
You've always been a little bitch.
You didn't have to fucking play.
You could've sat out.
If I'm such a little bitch,
why'd you wanna stay in my body?
-It's the fucking principle!
What the fuck does that even mean?
I mean, honestly, being in Reuben's body
could be a good thing for you.
Yeah, it could be like a fresh start.
Oh, well,
Forbes could be your fresh start.
I'm in a relationship.
When's the wedding?
That's huge fucking talk
coming from you, man.
Coming from me?
-Guys, can we...
-This has been on your mind all night.
-We need to call the cops.
-No, I'll get it started.
I cheated on Nikki
with Forbes's crazy fucking sister
when she was still in high school.
Now everyone remembers.
I hooked up with Beatrice. Okay?
-Okay. Let it out.
-You told Nikki because you're a good guy.
That's why you told her.
You're a good guy?
- Okay, yeah.
- Or was it something else?
Oh, that's right.
- You wanted to fuck her.
- Dennis, shut the fuck up!
- Didn't you even ask her out after?
- He's losing it.
- Then she obviously said no.
- He's fucking losing it.
So you looked around...
- Can you please stop?
- ...and who did you see?
- Oh, Shelby.
- Stop.
"Hi. I'm Cyrus."
Stop! Jesus fucking Christ!
So that's why you've been
in a relationship for nine years, because...
You're such a fucking asshole.
...she said no.
- You're such a fucking dick.
- Guys.
You had so much going for you.
-You were so cool.
Big fucking cool guy on campus.
And then what happened to you?
-What happened after college?
-What happened?
-What the fuck happened? Nothing.
-What hap...?
You became nothing.
A fucking waste.
You don't even have the excuse
of having to get a fucking day job
or doing anything with your life,
because you're living off
your parents's fucking money.
You should be jumping at the opportunity
to take over Reuben's life,
because he has done more
in the past year of his life
than you have in the past fucking ten.
Guys, can we please just calm down?
What are you doing?
-Guys, can we...
-911, what's your emergency?
This is Cyrus Baum.
I pushed Dennis Markowitz
and Maya Wilson off the roof.
-Get off the phone.
-They're dead!
-Get off the phone!
-I killed them!
-I killed them! They're dead!
-Hey! Stop!
What the fuck are you doing?
-I'm at 1832 North Crescent Avenue!
Are you fucking crazy?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
-We can switch now!
Where's Forbes?
Fuck. Forbes!
Come on, man!
Hey! Forbes!
How much time
before the cops get here?
Twenty, thirty minutes tops?
We still wanna switch, right?
-Even after he called the cops?
I'm gonna need you to say I was forced,
or I was drunk or stoned,
or having a fucking mental health crisis
or something.
-Yeah? You can do that? Hello? Yes?
-Yes. We just...
How are we gonna get him
to switch us back?
Shelby knows
how to work the machine, remember?
Okay, does she actually?
He said there's only enough battery left
for one more round.
-Do you want this guy to do it?
-Is he dead?
Thanks for your help, by the way.
Want help jacking him off?
Only thing this body knows how to do.
Honey, I'm gonna need your help
to use the machine.
I don't trust this guy.
You feeling up for it?
-I don't wanna go back.
I'm not going back.
We don't have time for this.
You said it yourself
this could be a fresh start, a rebirth.
I was saying that
to get him out of my body.
Okay, hey. Look at me.
See that over there? That's your body.
-That's my body.
-Maya's body's out back.
So obviously, things are different now.
Okay, what do you want me to say? That's...
Why don't you wanna be in Brooke's body?
Why do you think I don't wanna...?
I mean,
you said you wanted a cultural experience.
Fuck you!
That has nothing to do with this.
Just because you don't like your own life
doesn't mean...
Oh, so now you know how I feel
about my life?
That is my fucking body.
And look what you've done with it.
You made an Instagram account.
- So you're jealous of my work.
- Her work!
You post selfies for a living.
Do you have any idea
the amount of charities
and non-profit organizations I work with?
- Like the Water Project.
- Yes. Like the Water Project.
The Water Project.
We provide clean water
to third-world countries.
That's why you do it?
For third-world countries?
-I don't have to...
"Hey, Nik.
Thoughts on the Water Project collab?"
"Oh, that thing in Africa?"
"IDK, isn't the world
over the whole white savior thing?"
This is where it gets really good.
"What should I do
about the whole wedding party thing?"
"TBH, your feed isn't displaying
a whole lot of diversity."
Thinking face emoji.
Jesus Christ!
You don't get to decide
if you can keep my fucking body.
I'm the only one
who knows how to work the machine,
so yeah, I kind of do.
What the fuck?
Get the fuck off me!
We outnumber her,
so we can just force her to do it.
I'm gonna talk to her.
I hope you got better shit to say
than you did up there.
So now you're anxious
to get out my body, huh?
I looked at your dick.
Turns out those rumors...
You realize this is your fault.
-You talking shit got into her head...
-Cyrus, go.
Shelby, honey,
what are you doing down here?
So I was the consolation prize.
No, you're obviously not.
And be careful.
I cut myself on that chair.
I just heard all of that.
Okay, yeah, you were...
I had a crush on Nikki back in the day,
but I'm in love with you now.
And I have been since college.
I swear.
Why don't you touch me?
We can talk about this as much as you want
when we get back into our bodies.
- But right now, we need...
- I wanna talk about it now.
I don't wanna talk about it later.
I want you to tell me.
I don't know.
Are you not attracted to me?
I am.
Then what is it?
I'm fucked up.
I'm fucked up, okay?
I watch fucked-up shit online,
and I... avoid you.
And... And... And I'm...
I'm just a fucking mess.
It's all just...
But... But we can talk about it now.
Moving forward.
And I'm gonna stop.
And I'm gonna pay more attention to you.
Okay, honey?
If I didn't have you in my life,
I wouldn't have anything at all.
Okay? I love you.
I love you so much.
See? I don't wanna be
looking at this Nikki face.
I wanna be looking
at your face right now. Okay?
See? This... This is the face that I want.
This is the first-prize face that I chose
and that I want in my life.
Okay? This whole night
has been so fucked up.
The thing is,
it's made me realize what I want
and who I need to be.
And I don't need to be...
or Reuben,
or any of those guys.
I need to be me.
Cyrus the Vyrus.
And I wanna be with you
for the rest of my life.
Honey, let's go back, and we'll spend
the rest of our lives together, okay?
Wait. Quick question.
When did you cut yourself on this chair?
Shelbow, come on.
Were you in Reuben's body round one?
Was that you?
Shelbow, please, we have to go. Come on.
It was you.
You were trying to hook up with me
when I was in Nikki's body.
Can you please stop talking?
You said you were Forbes.
I'm such an idiot.
Shelbow, honey?
Honey, the police are gonna be here
any second now.
So come on.
Go cry to them.
Dude, I know that you just saw
your own dead body
and you can't go back,
but seriously, fuck!
This is all karma.
The guy I was
in a relationship with was married,
and I feel like I've reincarnated
into Shelby's body,
into this new vessel,
to come here and correct all of our sins.
-To teach...
-Shut up!
Hey. Forbes?
Forbes? Hey. Hey, Forbes.
-Hi! Hey! It's okay. You're okay.
-Hey, what the fuck?
Shh. You're fine. You're fine.
Forbes. Hey, you're good.
Look, I need you to do something for me.
I need you to switch us back. Okay?
So I'm gonna untie you.
We're on a time crunch.
We need to switch everybody back.
No one's switching anyone back.
-I need you to leave.
-We're gonna go upstairs.
The cops are gonna be here
in 15, 20 minutes, so we gotta be fast.
Hey, guys.
Just wanted to jump on here real quick.
Real talk, fuck the Water Project
or any fucking charity.
Um, if you guys wanna donate,
I'm starting a Patreon for a boob job.
Um, P.S., non sequitur,
is anyone else like totally over
the whole Black Lives Matter shit,
or is that just me?
Let me know below. Love and light!
You're a fucking psycho.
You need to leave.
So the cops show up and then what?
You stay in Nikki's body forever?
I don't know.
You wouldn't get it.
Get what?
How liars get away with shit?
You wanna know
what I'd do if I were in your shoes?
- I need...
- We need to talk.
-Shelby. Shelby.
-What the fuck are they doing?
Okay, look.
I want you to tell me what you want.
I feel like I have told you.
I don't know what else to say.
If what you want is to go back,
I will switch us back right now.
We'll sort this thing with the cops out,
if you really want.
Okay. Great.
But if what you really want... is Nikki,
if that's what you've always wanted,
deep down...
I want you to tell me.
We can make it work.
Make what work?
I stay in Nikki's body.
You go into Reuben's body.
Reuben doesn't get married.
Instead, he runs off
with his college friend Nikki.
Dennis deals with the cops on his own.
We really start fresh.
Forbes! You need to tell me
what the fuck is going on right now.
If I'm being honest,
there's a 50/50 chance
that Shelby's gonna hijack your body.
Shelbow, I don't know
if you're joking right now, or... Or... Or...
-Are those the cops?
-We need to make a decision.
Okay, what?
Yeah. I'll go into Reuben's body.
What do we tell everyone?
I need to get into my body,
I need to get my machine
before the cops get here.
I will untie you,
you will switch us back into our bodies,
and I will help you get away
or whatever the fuck.
I have a plan.
-What is it?
Guys! The cops are down the driveway.
Are you sure this is what you want?
Okay, I have a plan.
You just have to trust me.
-I need you in on this.
-I'm pretty sure I'm still fucking high.
I don't know who's who or what's what.
I'm fucking confused, bro.
Okay, listen.
Shelby is telling us that
she's gonna switch back into her body.
Cyrus will switch back into his body.
Forbes and I back into our own bodies.
Maya in Brooke's body,
putting you in Reuben's body
to deal with the wedding
or Sophia or whatever the fuck.
Except that's not really
what they're gonna do.
Really what they're gonna do
is Shelby is going to stay in my body,
take my life.
Cyrus is gonna switch
into Reuben's body, take his life,
ditch Sophia for Nikki,
have a fuckfest or rob banks or whatever.
Maya goes into Shelby,
Forbes into his own body.
Meanwhile, I'm left in Brooke's body.
You're left in Cyrus's body,
i.e., you go to jail
and get fucking rammed.
-Do you get what I'm saying?
No. I don't know.
-What the fuck...
-You wanna go to jail?
So the three of us go up there,
incapacitate Shelby.
Forbes sets the wiring.
I'm back in my body,
Shelby's back in hers,
Cyrus in his, he goes to jail,
Maya's in Brooke, Forbes in Reuben,
he marries Sophia and you're in Forbes.
-Okay? So I just think...
-Wait, wait.
I get stuck in fucking Forbes?
Yes, you could take his fucking machine,
switch with somebody else
and live your life as an astronaut
or the Dalai Lama or Jared Leto,
whoever the fuck.
You just transfer all of your Dennis funds
into someone else's account,
then you start over
as whoever you want.
It is us against them.
Are you in or not?
Guys! The cops are here!
-We know!
-We know!
Forget him
Forget him
Forget him if he doesn't love you...
Get off the machine.
-No, it's okay. It's okay.
-No, she's not doing that.
We're all just going back
into our own bodies.
Yeah. Bullshit.
I want Forbes to look at the wiring.
- Why?
- Why do you not want him to?
Are you forgetting he tried to run off
with the machine 30 minutes ago?
Are you forgetting you were conspiring
to take mine and Reuben's bodies?
We're going back to our bodies.
That's what we've decided
and that's what I've wired here.
We can either do this now
or we can wait for the cops to come.
-What the fuck?
-Okay, then let Forbes look at the wiring.
How can I trust anything he says?
He's been doing shady shit all night.
Who the fuck was on my phone?
-Fucking show us!
Okay, so here's how it's laid out.
Cyrus is in port one.
Forbes is in port...
What are you doing?
-What are you doing?
-What the fuck?
I'm allergic to peanuts.
Like, really allergic.
My throat swells shut. I can't breathe.
I start to...
-All right. It's okay.
Like that. I make that face.
If not treated, I go unconscious.
After, like, five minutes, I could die.
-Hey, thanks for remembering.
What the hell is wrong with you?
What the fuck did you do?
I mean, you can stop the attack
with an EpiPen, which I have,
but I'm not telling anyone where it is
until Forbes looks at the fucking wiring!
Jesus fucking Christ, Nikki.
Give me the fucking EpiPen!
I'm getting my body back,
and when I do,
I'm gonna do everything I can
to make sure you stay in jail.
- Where's the fucking EpiPen?
- Forbes, look at the wiring.
Nikki, she's dying!
Did you use my phone
to transfer money out my trust fund?
All good.
What did he switch? What did you switch?
-Motherfucker. Where's my money?
-I don't know what you're talking about.
-Where's my money?
-What are you doing? You did something.
You were in my body!
Where's the fucking money?
That was all I fucking had!
Guys, we need to go now!
Why do you trust...
-Where is it?
This is the police!
-Where's the fucking EpiPen?
-You're set, right?
-Yes, we're good.
-Give us the pen!
The EpiPen is in my right boot.
As soon as we switch,
take it out of my boot.
- Get the pen!
- Get him!
- Hold him down!
- What the fuck? Give me the pen!
- I got him! I got him!
- Hurry! Hurry!
- Stop! Get the fuck off me!
- Get the pen!
- It's okay.
- We will force this door down.
- Stop! Get the fuck off me!
- Fucking do it.
Whose fucking body are you putting me in?
- Fucking do it!
- Wait! Wait!
And please come home to me
- Shut up! This isn't right!
- Calm down!
What the fuck is going on?
I saw the harbor lights...
What the fuck are you doing?
What the fuck is your problem?
- Fuck you, cunt-suck!
- What'd you say to me, you bitch?
I will fucking rip your spleen
out of your asshole!
- Pull over!
- You fucking kidding me?
You have no idea what
you're fucking dealing with, you dumb...
-You kidding me, fucking bitch?
-I will kick your teeth out.
- Wear them as a necklace...
- Dumb bitch!
How could I help
If tears were starting
Goodbye to tender nights
Beside the silvery sea
I long to hold you near
And kiss you just once more
It's a total shit-show. Absolute...
But you were on the ship and I...
That it?
The shore
Now I know lonely nights
For all the while
My heart is whispering
Some other harbor lights
Will steal your love from me
I long...
Bro, bro, bro, bro!
-What the...
-Where is it?
Where's my suitcase, you little bitch?
-What the fuck?
-Where the fuck is my suitcase?
Okay, look, the... Help!
-Fucking help! Somebody!
-Where is my suitcase? This is not a game!
I am not playing this game...
-Break it up!
-Fucking don't...
Jesus Christ!
Relax. Calm down.
You fucking let go of me.
Bro, what are you even doing here?
For all the while
My heart is whispering...
Oh, fuck.
Wait, what are you doing here?
-I'm not who you think I am.
-Bro, I know. You're fucking Beatrice.
-No, I'm not.
-Yeah, you're Forbes's sister.
I'm Forbes.
You're in my body.
What the... Fuck.
Wait, wait, wait, you're telling me
that Beatrice was in Forbes's body,
in this fucking body, the whole time?
Yes. Fuck. What have I been talking about?
You do realize
that all of this is your fault, right?
Bro, how the fuck is this my fault?
You do remember
Reuben's birthday party in college, right?
You mean my birthday.
Why does everyone think it was Reuben's?
- I apologized for all that last night.
- For what?
That drama with your sister.
- Drama?
- We hooked up that night.
You need me to say it out loud?
That night?
You hooked up ten times before that,
which I had no idea about at the time.
You promised her all kinds of shit,
like taking her to Hawaii
or Bermuda or Las Vegas.
I didn't promise her anything.
She was crazy,
having all these freak-outs.
They're called episodes.
Yes, she had a history of episodes.
But her worst episode ever
was after that night
when you and Reuben told everyone
she was acting delusional,
being very adamant that nothing
had happened between you guys.
You were the one
who got her all liquored up.
Me? Fuck you.
I gave her one drink and you kept going.
You gave the cops some bullshit story.
You got me expelled.
Then everyone saying
she was having an episode
actually made her have an episode,
a huge one,
which ultimately got her thrown into
a mental hospital under suicide watch.
- I didn't know.
- So I go to California,
and every time I come home,
it's: "Your sister's still struggling."
"She's aimless.
Can you help? Can you help?"
So... like, yeah.
I showed her the machine,
thinking it would reconnect us.
Bro, you thought this machine
was gonna reconnect you two?
Yeah. At the lab, my team and I
would mainly use it to play this game,
like Mafia or Werewolf or whatever.
I know all about the game, bro.
So guess what?
It turns out this whole time
she's just been stewing, festering,
waiting to get back.
At you, me...
And just so I'm clear,
what happened to everybody?
Bro, everything got crazy.
You don't recognize me?
I don't know who the fuck
ended up in whose body.
What the fuck is going on?
Who are you?
I'm Shelby.
Why are you being so weird, right...?
What's go...? Who are you? What's...
- Who are you, seriously?
- Cyrus.
What, are you disappointed or something?
All right.
I'm in serious fucking trouble here.
I know.
I need you to help me.
I need you to go talk to the cops.
I don't know if I can.
Uh, you have to.
What the fuck? What's the vibe?
What's going on?
Why are you being like this?
-This is not fucking Shelby. Who are you?
-This is Shelby.
You're acting totally fucking different.
Are you... You're mad at me.
I'm sorry. I was...
Do you... I mean, what if we... We could...
You wanna talk about getting married?
We could get out of here
and talk about getting married.
What? Are you just... Can we...
Maybe we can figure this out
somewhere else, you know, like...
Like... Like...
I can't get you out of this one.
Wha... What?
you were super high last night.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Everything got totally crazy.
What the fuck are you talking about?
I was supposed to go into Reuben's body,
but then I guess
your sister messed with some shit.
Yes. We're good. We're good.
And I guess not everyone got
what everyone wanted.
- Do it!
- Wait!
Oh my God, what the...
What the... What the f...
Wait! Wait, wait!
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
-No, no, no. What the...
Like, that's Maya over there.
I know that much.
She thinks
she got fucking reincarnated or some shit.
This isn't some fucking game, okay?
I need you to help get me out of here.
The cops are saying someone took money
out of Dennis's account before he died
and transferred it
to some random offshore account.
- And what do you want me to do?
- It was Forbes!
Forbes was in Dennis's body
during the first round.
He lied and said it was me.
-Cyrus is in Dennis's body.
But he was in Dennis.
But now there's no suitcase,
so I guess he's just fucking gone.
Wait. What?
Who has the machine now?
Every new body you go into gives you
a new piece of the human condition...
...and then after a while,
you just wanna constantly switch.
Cyrus, it was a game.
It wasn't real.
No, I'm not fucking cra...
Don't gaslight me or whatever the fuck...
Who are you?
I told you...
I'm Shelby.
Prove it.
Last night, you said you wanted to spend
the rest of your life with me.
But I didn't believe you because you've
been lying our entire relationship.
Then somebody came up with a good idea
of how to get the truth out of you.
Wanna know what I'd do
if I were in your shoes?
-We need to talk.
-If what you really want is Nikki...
-Okay, what do we tell everyone?
You said that was what you wanted!
- I never said that.
- You said we could make it work.
You telling me that you wanna marry me,
but you actually want me
to spend the rest of my life
in somebody else's body,
is the last lie
you are ever going to tell me.
Oh my God.
Is this 'cause of the fucking wig stuff?
Is this seriously
'cause of the fucking wig...
We don't ever have to do it again.
I'm sorry.
- Can you go talk to them, please?
- Cyrus?
What you did was wrong.
It was fucking wrong.
And you're a shitty person.
And you deserve to spend the rest
of your miserable existence
with a rusty shovel
crammed up your fucking ass.
So fuck on that, bitch!