J Loop (2024) Movie Script

it is the perception and representation
of the mode of succession of events,
in which they occur before,
after, or during other events.
a series of inevitable
events that occur according to a timeline
and lead to an inevitable
final consequence.
My name is Jonathan, J to my friends.
I'm 40 years old and
I have a master's degree in Sport Science..
.. until recently, I was a proud owner
of my beautiful boxing gym.
J Box .
Unfortunately, things
didn't exactly go to plan,
and I had to close it down.
Did you suffer a lot from
this professional loss?
Ive experienced worse losses.
after closing the gym, I started
working as a home personal trainer.
I mostly receive clients
at my own home gym
but occasionally,
like today,
I go to the client.
I also get paid very well.
Well, you must meet the needs
and expectations of your clients very well.
Its a shame, though, that I have
no real professional satisfaction.
No one wants to train seriously anymore.
Most of the time, this is what
Enough, coach.
Stop, stop. I'm tired.
How can you be tired?
No, I'm tired, enough.
But you're not even sweating.
What do you mean I'm not sweating?
Look here.
Damn it, look at this.
No, lets stop.
Selfie time?
Let's take a nice selfie? Yeah?
Come here, my girlfriends
are crazy about you.
Hey, look, I'll even add the hashtag
Ah, posted!
This ones gonna do great.
Don't worry, come on I won't tag you.
You're the only person in the world
who never shares photos, come on,
especially with me.
Do you know how much
attention you would get
if you used Instagram better
and even a little TikTok, huh?
I do just fine with women as it is.
Ooh, you do just fine.
Look here,
I just got two messages from two hotties.
Read this:
"If that's your coach,
I want to train with him too,
but in the bedroom".
And she even added a horse emoji!
.. she used a horse emoji.
And the other one says,
"If he trained me,
my hashtag wouldn't be #FightTime,
it would be #fucktime".
This one even knows English.
You're great, you're great!
You're a damn stud!
You know what I think it is?
It's your sad demeanor
this thing that youre melancholy..
.. but with muscles.
I cant think of any woman
who wouldn't want
to welcome you inside her.
Got it?
I agree.
With what?
With your client.
Uh, yes,
and sometimes, this:
Alright, we can start. Its
all already set up for you.
So, today we'll begin
with 15 regular squats,
simple ones, but go into a full squat
using the dumbbell as a counterweight.
Then you come over here.
I've already set up the mat for you.
You'll do 30 crunches.
Make sure you do them properly
just as I taught you.
Then we'll go on to
stimulate the biceps a bit.
Youll then go to the red elastic band
and do 30 curls per arm.
The circuit is straightforward,
we'll use it as activation.
Does this count as activation?
Actually, your father pays me
quite generously
to train you.
So, I don't think it's appropriate to
disrespect him.
How old did you say you are?
Legally an adult.
Definitely an adult.
Where have the performance goals gone?
The training programs
that are taken seriously,
the training periodization
where has it all gone?
When did I fall so low
as to compromise like this?
So, I wonder,
is this what I've become?
Have I turned into a pushover?
You're right, J.
J is for friends, as I had mentioned.
Such silly things you say
It rhymes, too.
Ok. You pay me to train you,
so let's train.
Enough with the talk,
let's start pumping.
Come on then, let's get started.
I'm a pushover.
Some more.
Whos this?
Hello, am I speaking to Jonathan Scalia?
Yes, sir.
Who am I speaking to?
My name is Nicolas Caneda,
I am calling as I would like to inquire
if it is possible to train with you.
I saw on your website
that you are a home personal trainer
and I would like to learn how to box.
I am looking for a personal training,
tailored specifically to my abilities,
I need a professional.
You see, I am not very
skilled when it comes to sports,
which is why I require
precise guidance.
How old are you?
You speak like an eloquent old man,
but your voice sounds like a baby.
I'm 14, sir.
Hmm, it can be done.
I must remind you, though,
that my fee is not cheap.
Can your parents afford it?
Is the price I read on
the website, correct?
Then there are no
obstacles to our transaction.
Fortunately, money is
not an issue in my family,
we are doing very well,
thank God.
Print out the liability waiver
for minors from the website,
have your parents sign it
and bring it to our first lesson.
remind your mom and dad
that I want to be paid on
the same day of the training.
Certainly. Perfectly understandable.
A self-employed worker needs
to capitalize as soon as possible.
What the...
I'll send you my address via text.
Thank you very much, coach.
Can I call you coach?
No! No.
First, you pay me,
then you can do that.
You can't just call a
girl you like, "girlfriend",
just because you want her
to be that for you.
You have to earn it first.
Fair enough.
The analogy is very fitting.
I apologize for my impertinence.
Not a problem Baby Shark.
See you soon.
I couldn't care less about your
God, whether it's Zeus, Odin,
or whoever.
So, please, go somewhere else.
No sir, there must be a misunderstanding.
I'm Nicolas.
Do I look that old to you?
I'm not even 41.
I apologize, sir. It's a habit.
Pardon me,
I'm Nicolas, Nicolas Caneda.
We have an appointment for a boxing lesson.
And why are you dressed
as if youre going to church?
No, coach, you're mistaken.
This is not an outfit for church.
My Sunday outfit is
completely different, it has...
Listen, I've already told you not
to call me coach until you pay me.
Very well.
Well, I was saying,
it flatters me that that you
thought this was my church outfit,
but I can assure you, coach,
that my Sunday church
outfit is completely different...
Yes, yes, listen, I dont give a
flying fuck about your Sunday outfit.
Just come in and change in that room.
Well, yes,
don't you have a change of clothes?
How do you expect to train?
You paid me for this.
I'm paying you to teach me the
art of self-defense through boxing.
And why do have a briefcase
instead of a backpack like
all the other kids your age?
What do you keep in there?
I thought you would at
least have a pair of shorts.
I keep a notebook for taking notes,
three colored pens,
a red one, a green one, and a blue one
because depending on
the information you give me,
I assign a color code
based on the importance.
and a small light in case
the lighting is inadequate..
Yes, but notes for what?
For the information you'll provide me.
Alright, well, let's start right away then.
Write this down.
Color code: vital.
So, red.
I'm ready to note down
coachs first wise advice.
I'm going home to change
"into a t-shirt and shorts"
"and to get a pair of gym shoes"
"and then I'll come back here"
full stop.
"And since I'm
wasting coach's time,
"I'll have to pay an extra fee"
full stop.
Oh, add this, always in red:
"Because I'm an idiot".
Read it.
I'm going home to change
into a t-shirt and shorts,
get a pair of sneakers
and come back here.
And since I'm wasting coach's time,
I'll have to pay an extra fee.
Because I'm an idiot.
Well?! Come on!!
Oh! I understand! You
mean the sentence I wrote!
Well, I have to say the sentence structure
isn't entirely impeccable,
there's a repeated "and" and...
..did it say that I should go?
Go! Come on!
He can't even run properly.
This is the first time you're
wearing these clothes, right?
I dont even want to imagine you
in gym class at school.
Did you bring the liability waiver
signed by your parents?
Yes, coach!
But only my mum signed it
because my dad passed away.
I'm sorry to hear that, kid.
Don't worry, coach,
I was so young I barely remember.
And besides,
my mother is a strong and resilient woman.
She has always filled the
father figure void just fine
...with occasional partners.
No, coach. She is a respectable lady.
She has always filled
the void of a father figure
by being both a mother and a father.
Now some things are starting to make sense.
Mummy's boy!
Come on, let's go.
Yes coach!
There's something about
you calling me "coach"...
..it irritates me.
Sorry coach.
Come on, follow me,
let's go to the gym.
Nicolas, the alarm has already gone off!
I'm disgusting.
Who cares!
so different
so fascinating.
You idiot, what the hell are you doing!?
Pick up my tobacco!
I'm sorry, but you bumped into me,
I was just standing here.
good civic education would
urge me to pick it up regardless,
out of solidarity and setting
a good example...
You're going to pick up
my tobacco right now,
then I'm going to beat
you up outside school,
because you're giving
me a bit too much attitude.
when would you like to do that?
- What?
- To beat me up.
Im not telling you,
it'll be a random day, so
you'll always be anxious.
You polite piece of shit.
Hi coach!
the previous training
was just a general prep.
I can't teach you how to box
if your body cant support you.
So today,
before I teach you how to throw...
Throw punches in boxing.
You know,
throw punches.
new rule.
No more notes, loser.
but my annuity decreases by 23%.
I want you to know that.
Screw the 23%!
I want that when I talk to you,
youre here, present, with me, listening.
I want you to absorb the information
I give you here,
here, here, and here,
but not here.
You see, that would have
been worth noting down!
It was like a line from a movie,
like from a Sensei.
But I won't do it.
I won't.
Listen, Nicolas,
you still haven't told me why
you want to learn how to box.
Coach, I want to be honest with you.
There's a guy at school who bothers me,
a guy named Botch.
What kind of name is that?
I'm always kind and polite with him,
no matter what I do,
I seems to bother him,
and he hates me.
He often slaps me too
and I can't figure out why.
Well, in a way, I can understand him.
Just kidding,
just kidding.
That's why I want to
learn how to defend myself,
if he crosses the line,
I want to know how to fight
back with the same strength.
So, he slaps you, right?
Okay, the first one is fine,
the second one is acceptable,
the third one is understandable,
but, after the tenth time,
I decided it was time to change the music.
And for the record,
we're at the eleventh slap.
And what's the first thing
to do in these situations?
I see!
It's time for another tough and rugged,
Eastwood-esque advice from coach, right?
I would say,
first of all...
A nice straight jab to the side.
Putting aside the
awkwardness of your "boom"
and the fact that a jab isn't
thrown straight to the side
No, Nicolas,
the first thing to do is
go to your school principal.
He will then talk to your mother,
and they will figure
out the best thing to do.
But that won't solve anything!
If anything, hell just look to
get his revenge after school.
The use of force for
self-defense is sacred.
But remember this:
the ring is one thing,
and the street is another.
The street can be very dangerous.
You can ruin someone's life,
and especially, your own.
Tell me you understand, Nicolas.
Yes, I understand.
But, if I do this, she...
She who?
Whos she?
There's a girl...
that I like.
She's so gracious...
but she'll never look at
me if I keep getting slapped.
How... how can she find
even a hint of interest in me
when I'm stuck at the
bottom of the food chain?
I smell trouble brewing here, Nicolas.
And I dont want to be involved.
If you think you can win over a girl
using force,
well, my friend, you'll
find yourself in deep shit.
And when they ask who
taught you how to use force,
my name will come up
and that will involve me, too.
I don't want any part in this.
I don't want to be responsible for this.
Here's your money back.
But how...
Our working relationship ends here.
- Coach..
- Go.
Hey, you four-eyed piece of
shit, what the fuck are you doing?
First, you make me drop my tobacco
and now you're in my territory?
I have to pass through here to get home.
I told you that I would beat the
hell out of you outside school, right?
You fucking polite little lord.
Pray that I won't beat you.
"Pray that you wont beat me" at what?
You meant to say, pray
that I wont beat you up.
You see?
That's why you'll always get
targeted and slapped around.
Man of Cro-Magnon!
A perfect interjection
with perfect timing, a cocky,
yet ironic tone.
A classic entrance
from a '90s action movie.
Man of Camelot?
You're so dumb its difficult to insult you
even just sarcastically.
He is probably wearing a white
tank top stained with blood and ash
Yes, that's it.
Coach is straight out of Die Hard.
Oh well, in his own way,
he still has a certain effect.
And what do you want?
These aren't things for a man of your age.
Excuse me, a man my age?
Whoa, what's this? Youre
feeling young and youthful today?
Ill beat you up.
Youd better not provoke
him. He's my boxing coach.
Youd better not provoke
him. He's my boxing coach.
Your what?
A boxing coach?
Is he like a sensei from The Karate Kid?
The fucker and his grocery bags?
Wait, wait.
Let me have a look at you.
you're quite something!
62 kilos of pure skeletal material,
stinky armpits,
and with a look on your face that
says youve just lost a Pokmon match.
I'm going to beat you up so hard.
Here's the deal.
If you can land one
of your deadly secret moves on me,
I promise not to sue you.
Maybe I'll even give you 20 euros
so you can buy a decent razor to shave off
that little Mexican mustache you have.
You talk too much.
You're a coward, you're
only good at running away.
I'm not running away,
I'm dodging.
It's different.
Come on, since you talk so much, hit me.
I could never lay a hand on a minor.
You're just a pup, it wouldnt be right.
I'm just belittling you without
even having to touch you.
Besides, I still have the
grocery bags in my hands.
Belittle- huh?
Never mind, forget it.
Just pretend I said:
"Hey, wimp!"
By the way, Im of legal age.
I've had to repeat the school year 3 times.
Come on, I don't believe it.
I swear.
Show me your ID.
Yeah, wait a second-sorry
I dont know where Ive put it-oh, here.
Here you go.
What are they doing?
It's true.
Hey, you little nerdy piece of shit,
go ahead and film a video of
me beating the shit out of your
master sensei or whatever
the fuck you call him.
Go on then.
Tell me when to start.
Alright, tiger, now it's my turn.
And now get lost
before I start getting serious.
And don't you dare touch Nicolas
again, not even with your big toe.
It's the first toe on your foot!
My God, youre dumb.
Get lost!
This isn't over!
Yeah, whatever.
You. My place, 6:00 p.m. tonight.
Grab the groceries.
I can't babysit you
for the rest of your life.
But if you meddle and fuck
around with what I teach you,
I guarantee you'll then
have to deal with me.
Yes, coach!
Oh, and don't get any funny ideas.
This is actually where I do my groceries.
Come on, hop in, I'll give you a ride.
Like a true badass.
And now get lost..
Thanks, coach.
I'm off then.
Oh yeah, Ill see you later.
thank you so much for earlier, coach.
I'll be forever grateful to you.
Thank you, kid.
For what?
Well, at least now I can start
training someone seriously again.
And is that good thing
or a bad thing for me?
I don't know,
but I can assure you that
your body will do things
it's never done before.
Bad yes, thats definitely a bad thing.
Let's get started.
So, the first rule is:
let him make the first move.
That's crucial.
Then you dodge,
and strike!
Okay, kid?
Hey!! Come on!
No, coach!
Move your ass, youre
weaker than my grandma!
What have I gotten myself into?
Why do I have to deal with kids?
Come on, kid, come on!
The most fundamental
rule to always bear in mind
is to keep your guard up.
So, get into position,
right arm forward,
elbows up.
Come on, push, nine!
Bring your punches back up
high, come on, come on, come on.
Come on, tiger, good job!
Jab, cross, jab, cross.
Are you with me, kid?
Yes, coach, I'm following you!
Come on! Come on!
You're almost there, just like that!
Yes, yes!
Jab, cross.
Duck, come on,
hit, hit.
Let's go!
Come on, kid, push, one more!
Come on, push!
One-two-one, go.
Come on, push, keep pushing!
Come on!
Niki, thats 20 kilos,
twice as much as before.
C'mon! Push, push!
Duck, Duck, Duck.
Shoot it up!
Good job, Nico!
Yes, like that!
One, two..
Push, come on!
What are you listening to, kid?
Bon Jovi.
I'm a huge fan too!
I even had a poster in my old house,
back when I lived in a different city.
Favourite song?
"I'll Be There For You",
no doubt.
I can't believe it,
that's my favourite too!
Damn, we could actually be best friends
if I were 25 years younger
or you 25 years older.
I was thinking
you're a good person.
Would you like to come over
for dinner on Saturday night?
No, I mean with me and my mom.
Ah, okay.
Because for a moment there, I thought...
Well, let me see a
picture of your mom first.
Absolutely not.
You have to trust me.
It's a blind date,
just like they did in your time.
Fine, but at least tell me her name.
Are you looking for this?
I had assumed you would do that
I anticipated your moves,
so now you wont be
able to find out her name.
No, no, no! Alright then!
Just know that if I don't like your mom,
you owe me eight kebabs
and eight triple bacon cheeseburgers.
My mom is radiant,
athletic, determined,
she has a great sense of humor,
and she owns a large share
of the agency she works in,
and she looks incredibly young!
She's just a few years
younger than you, but
but, youd give her at least
ten years less!
Basically, she looks like
she's in her mid-twenties.
And you're ok with another man
having dinner with you and your mum?
Yes, if I admire the man
and he has my respect.
Do you miss your dad?
He passed away when I was 3 years old
my memories of him
are basically non-existent.
I understand you
So, back to dinner with mum
Alright, I'll send you the time,
address, dress code,
some details about the dinner menu,
and a little something to
motivate you on WhatsApp.
Goodbye, Coach!
are you free on Saturday night?
I think so.
I don't have anything
planned with your aunts
or with Miriam and Rebecca.
It will just be you and me, little chick.
are you telling me that
the moment has come?
You want the house to yourself?
I invited coach to dinner at
our place on Saturday night.
Finally Ill get to know him...
He's basically your God.
He has a great spirit,
he's loyal,
brutally wise.
And he has a sharp sense of humor.
Do you want to marry him too?
I assure you; this sounds like
a perfect declaration of love!
Very funny.
You know that my heart
beats for only one person.
My punk angel.
Sharon the punk.
But hey, can you show
me a photo of the coach?
Oh, here we go again.
Why not?
Because I want it to be a surprise.
Blind date.
Old-fashioned style.
Trust me,
he's charming.
Fine. Ill look him up on Facebook.
I can't remember the name. Shit.
And I even signed that form.
It's destiny.
If you want some advice,
look beautiful.
Hey, your mother is beautiful.
Your mother is a real stunner!
Mind you.
A stunner.
Oh, I'm getting nervous now.
for your motivation
Is she hot, coach?
Hold on a minute, Anthony.
Drink some water and wipe off the sweat.
I need to reply to a
message of vital importance.
She's hot.
My mum
Nice ass,
nice tits.
Maybe her face isn't great, but...
hmm, no, this one is really hot all over.
Dont stare too much.
Damn you, kid.
- Hi.
- Hey, hi.
- No.
- Hi coach...
can we train together?
- No!
- You're looking good tonight.
You know, you're a stunner.
No, that's not right.
I'm that little loser's mother.
No, that makes me sound stupid.
What do we have here?
Let me remove that right away.
A little bit here,
a little bit of leg,
a little bit of arm
Whats that?
Come on, you can do it.
So elegant
Hello, I'm a canary bird.
it's not like it used to be, but..
Yep, I think we need to squat.
It burns.
Come on, Veronica,
you can do it, you can do it.
Oh, yes.
I heard you're a great trainer.
Ok, I'm not gonna laugh.
Enough already, fuck.
Coach, good evening!
You look dashing.
Thank you.
This one is for the adults,
and this one is for you, kiddo.
is mum here
or was it just a trap?
She's here, she's here.
Don't get too caught off
guard when you see her
she looks very beautiful.
I'm coming!
Did you find parking?
Right nearby,
where the abandoned warehouse is.
I know that place,
I almost slipped.
J, wait.
Wait, J!
No es possible,
it can't be true,
it's not possible.
Do not try to find an explanation
for what I'm about to tell you.
Even I don't have the answers.
is our story.
We met during a party at University.
I was in my fifth year of Sports Science,
and she was in her first year of Economics.
You were just talking to me about
your alien invasion theory
the one that we should expect
in ten years?
Right. Nine.
How silly of me, please forgive my mistake.
Anyway, we haven't
introduced ourselves yet.
Here we are, both talking to a stranger,
at a party where we are the
only two idiots dressed up like this.
Although, if Im honest,
I think it's the others who got it wrong.
What's your name, space boy?
My name is Jonathan,
I'm 25 years old,
I love science fiction.
for a select few close friends,
those dearest to me in life,
I go by J.
Hey J!
Hey, hi...
When you want to grab another coffee
just give me a call.
A select few close friends huh,
those dearest to me in life.
Let me guess.
You slept with her and you
don't even remember her name.
I invoke the right not
to answer, Your Honor!
Let's just say she ruined
your cool introduction.
She had impeccable timing,
almost like in a movie.
But, I'll give you a second chance.
Let's rewind.
Alright then.
You can call me J.
Just because we've been talking for, what,
eleven minutes now?,
doesn't mean we're automatically friends,
but I'd like us to become friends.
And I don't mean friends
in the friend zone sense,
I mean, look at you!
You're a knockout, even in this costume..
Oh come on!
By the way, my name is Veronica.
Vero, for friends.
Vero, but...
it's a bit long.
What if it's V?
V like J?
Yeah, I like it!
So, let's go with V.
I give you my permission, J.
Alright then!
I swear, you look too
funny in that costume!
Shall we talk about yours!?
Definitely your trusty steed.
Well, actually, my Bois,
I must say.
Hey handsome J!
Don't tire yourself out too much tonight.
Remember, we have to
do that thing together again,
Thanks for the ride, J.
No problem, V.
Given the fact that youre wearing
your trusty steed,
it didn't seem right to leave you.
I can already imagine the headlines:
"Equine tragedy,
unicorn swerves and horse dies.
Waiting for analysis on
the magical equine's body
"to ensure no traces of catnip."
Should I stop?
Ill stop.
I was expecting the
sentence to be a bit shorter.
Took you a while
I'm really glad I met you.
We have the same wristband.
That's true.
Pass me your phone.
If you want, call me.
I've got some hay to party with!
I'm crazy about hay.
Goodbye, J.
So, yes!
I invited her to dinner and she accepted.
Do you want me fat?
It was a perfect dinner.
...on the nose?
On the nose!
First kiss: perfect.
We became a couple and we had
a very strong connection.
J, come here!
Yes, yes, yes.
I'm coming.
Today, for the cooking segment with V...
J's nose in sweet and sour sauce.
I adore him.
You're such an idiot!
You scared me.
He can't take it anymore.
Jonny baby, are you okay?
You tricked me!
But you're still slow!!
Ahh, how cute.
Look at the little poop!
Thank you.
Ive been boxing ever since I was a kid.
And while I was with V,
I came close to turning professional.
Uoooo, go J!!!
So, these are the hands of a real boxer?
If I were a better boxer,
Id throw fewer but stronger punches.
Coach always tells me that
I need to be quicker
in finishing the match.
Give it a rest, Rocky.
And by the way, how long has it
been since you last lost a fight?
Four years.
Yeah, it's been four years
since I last lost a match.
You're right, V,
I'm a badass!
Yes, J, like that, lets go!
At the beginning, V was my number one fan.
But, little by little, she drifted further
and further away from the ring.
The more time went by,
the more she hated boxing.
But I really felt that I would make it.
I had the skills,
I had the abilities.
But just like in every combat sport,
no matter how good you are,
Hey, c' on.
As your level goes up,
so does the blow of you opponents punches.
And this is the case
whether you win, or you lose.
No, no, V, wait a moment.
Take a deep breath
because I see that
you're a little agitated.
let's rewind
and start from the beginning.
I need to make sure I understood
what you just said.
Even though I hadn't realized it yet,
Im coming to understand now
that it's really important to me, J.
And I need to be sure
it's the same for you.
How strange, I wonder what happened?
Maybe it's...
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
Can you move, please?
Are you sure you're
okay? You should go to the
hospital. You actually
looked like an alien.
I'm fine, V! Let's meet tomorrow at
the skyscraper park so we can continue
our conversation since I don't
remember anything before my blackout.
You could have told me you couldn't speak.
But I couldnt speak!
I really panicked.
I... Its like I was out of breath.
Ok, well, you could have
written it on a piece of paper, no?
No, seriously, I got scared.
I had like, yes like a sort crash.
Consider yourself lucky for being so sexy,
otherwise I would have
dumped you a long time ago.
Hahaha, sure.
So, you're basically telling
me that we're together
just because I'm a good-looking chap?
Well, in a way, yes.
You know, us girls can
do this kind of thing.
- Sure.
- Yes, yes.
let's get back to us.
I cant really remember the
beginning of our conversation,
but I remember that..
Hey, I'm serious.
We were talking in the room,
but I don't remember
what we were talking about.
I had some kind of amn..
Ouch!! That hurts!!
What happened?
I think something bit me.
It looks like an insect bite.
It's swelling, V, and quite fast.
- Hey?
- I'm not feeling well.
What's happening?
I don't know, my hearts pounding.
Let's run some water over it.
I cant breathe.
What? Hey.
I think I'm about to faint.
No, no, no V, V, V!
Hey! What's happening?
V! V!!
A wasp.
V died at the age of 21 from a wasp sting.
Anaphylactic shock.
This guys fucked.
28 days after the crash
Hey, you ok?
What do you care?
Are you dying or something?
Even if I were,
it can't get any worse than this...
Maybe it's...
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
Can you move, please?
What is it?
Are you sure you're
okay? You should go to the
hospital. You actually
looked like an alien.
I'm fine, V! Let's meet tomorrow at
the skyscraper park so we can continue
our conversation since I don't
remember anything before my blackout.
You could have told me you couldn't speak.
But I couldnt speak!
I really panicked.
I... Its like I was out of breath.
Ok, well, you could have
written it on a piece of paper?
No, seriously, I got scared.
I had like, yes like a sort crash.
Yes, I know, you're about to
say that I'm quite the sexy chap
and that you women do
this kind of thing and all that
I was actually just about to say that, yes!
Can you believe it?
J, are you ok?
You seem a bit off.
Is everything ok?
Ouch!! That hurts!!
Hey, what is it?
I don't know, something bit me, maybe.
No, no, it's happening again.
We need to go to the hospital right away!
I don't feel well,
my heart is pounding
so hard, I can't breathe.
No, no, no, V!
No, no, no! V, no, no!
Hey!! V!!
Anaphylactic shock.
This guys fucked.
28 days after the crash
Hey, you ok?
I can tell, brother. You lookrotten,
are you dying or something?
it seems Im not.
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
Can you move, please?
Exactly, the day after
tomorrow, not tomorrow.
Shall we meet at the skyscraper park?
Better at the railway
park, it's closer to the office.
Yep! Rest today and tomorrow
Jonny baby. I love you:-
Hey, hi.
Thanks for coming.
We absolutely need to talk
about what happened two days ago.
My goodness you scared me.
But while we're in the area, would you mind
coming with me to that CD store?
I need to get an old
Genesis album for my dad.
Sure, why not?
My cars just behind the soccer fields.
No, no, please. I want
to take a little walk.
Alright then!
How can I say no to those eyes?
As I told you in the text...
You could have told me
that you couldn't speak.
You scared me.
I couldn't speak!
I got scared,
panicked, and couldn't breathe.
You could have written
it on a piece of paper.
I got sca..
You're right, I'm sorry,
I didn't think about it.
I was overwhelmed and... Im sorry.
Be grateful youre damn sexy,
otherwise I would have
dumped you a long time ago.
She said it again.
Where are you?
Run over by a reckless driver.
The crash destroyed almost all
the vital organs on her right side.
She didn't make it to the hospital alive.
More with the alcohol.
More with the pills.
Fuck! Fuck, damn it!!
More with the fight club.
This guys fucked.
I don't know why this all happened,
but I swore to her that I would
go back to try and save her.
No matter how many times it would take.
28 days after the crash
Hey, you..
Is that what you were gonna say?
Am I dying?
You're acting strange, brother, its..
Its disturbing.
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
Can you move, please?
I'm back.
So let's meet at the bar, well find a spot
there, nice and comfortable. I love you, V.
You could have told me
that you couldn't speak.
I couldn't sp..
You're right.
Maybe it was because of
the injury in the last match.
You know, for us boxers,
having this kind of
amnesia is quite common.
A blackout like that is definitely
not good for your health.
Yeah, it's not good to devour those pizzas
as if they were pills either.
I did a super intense
training. I'm so hungry.
Anyway, it's not like
I'm gulping them down,
Ill leave you a few bites.
Jonny baby...
- Yes?
- Am I sexy?
No! You're disgusting!
Be grateful that you're
moderately attractive,
otherwise I would have
dumped you a long time ago.
Anyway, aside from the mush,
what I wanted to tell you yesterday was...
- V?
- I'm fine.
What I wa...
Hey V, are you okay?
Baby! Hey!!
Jonathan... I feel like I'm burning.
You're bleeding!
We need an ambulance...
An ambulance, call an ambulance!!
A six-millimeter glass splinter,
by accident,
in the pizza dough,
severed her oesophagus and
she choked on her own blood.
I robotically repeated everything
I did that first time again,
I followed a sad script,
not knowing if the loop
would continue working
if I changed even the slightest detail
after each death of V.
The pills, the alcohol,
and the cranial trauma from the fight club.
As far as I know,
the combination of these factors
allows me to go back in time, every time.
This guys fucked.
28 days after the crash
Hey, you ok?
No, I'm not ok.
Thank you for your concern,
and no, I won't die,
at least I dont think I will.
You're acting strange, brother, you're...
its disturbing.
You know?
You've almost become like a friend to me.
It would be cool if we
became friends, right?
Also because I don't have many.
when we're done beating each other up,
how about we go grab a bite?
There's a restaurant right behind
here that serves grass-fed hamburgers.
I love grass-fed.
Ah, really? I knew it!
There's a connection!
It's like,
it's like we've known
each other for a long time.
Buddy, you talk a lot.
Let's get started.
I'll spare you the other thousand attempts.
No matter how much I
postponed me and Vs meeting
within those damn 28 days
..in one way or another, V
would always end up dying.
The only certainty was
the duration of the loop,
and the entry and exit points.
it's as if I had a memory loss
around the entrance to the loop,
just before and just after.
A true blackout.
For some reason, I held in
memories from each loop,
so I started gathering information,
trying to find a pattern
behind all of this.
I updated my ideas each and every time.
and every
What is the constant that leads V to die?
What is it that attracts death towards her?
the keys.
This is journey number...
I don't even remember.
But surely it will be the last.
If, in three hours,
future Jonathan,
you'll be watching this footage,
then it means the loop has been broken
and perhaps V is still alive.
I will now try to persuade you to stay put,
assuming and hoping this will work,
I will now list the times she died and how.
This should be enough to discourage
you from wanting to see her again
perhaps to get back together.
Don't do it.
Remember all the times you killed her.
We cannot know if this
will end once the loop is broken.
But we cannot take the risk.
If you love her,
let her go.
it was an anaphylactic shock.
Loop one: again, anaphylactic shock.
Loop two: run over by a car.
Loop three: esophagus severed.
Loop four: slipped down the stairs.
Loop five: electrocuted in the bathroom.
Loop six: impaled by the scaffolding tube.
Loop seven: torn apart by a pack of dogs.
Loop eight...
63 days after the crash
And in this universe line,
15 years
have passed since then.
J, wait!
I didn't know,
it was Nicolas who organized
this dinner to introduce us.
I tried in every way to have
a photo of you sent to me...
he even hid the disclaimer
so I wouldnt see your name.
But the absurd thing
is that 15 years ago, I moved to this city,
and you did the same.
And now we're back to where we started.
I can't risk it, V.
What are you saying?
It's been 15 years since
we last saw each other.
You disappeared.
I'm sorry, I have to go.
Why don't we talk instead?
I have so many questions.
Excuse me, miss!
First thing: nice ass, sweetheart.
Second thing: you pumped up fucker,
get out of the car and give me the keys.
I don't drill holes in either of you.
Got it?
do you want me to drill
a hole in your boyfriend?
- Answer!!
- No.
Hey buddy,
the keys are already in the ignition.
Take the car and leave us alone.
Everything's okay.
No one will fight back.
It's all good.
See, buddy?
I'm not screwing you over.
Get in the car and go.
Give me your wallets.
Hey, you bitch, what
the fuck are you doing?
Don't make any sudden movements.
I'm just getting my wallet.
Stay calm.
You don't have a gun, do you?
What are you talking about?
my woman,
always had it in her little purse.
She was so elegant.
Come on, hurry up,
little miss blondie chic.
Don't be a hero.
Otherwise, I swear,
I swear on Nancy, I'll stab you.
Buddy, there's no need to stab anyone.
Fuck, damn it!!
Fuck, no!
Do you see what you made me do?
I told you not to make any sudden moves.
I'm sorry,
it wasn't supposed to end like this.
Please, J, don't leave me again.
Don't leave me again.
J, please stay with me!
It's not fair.
It's not fair that girls are
more beautiful when they cry.
Thank you.
You would have done
the same for me, I know it.
Maybe we should talk about
what happened 15 years ago.
I disappeared, that's true.
And since that day, I
started feeling unwell,
it got bad,
a pain I wouldn't wish upon anyone.
The closer I tried to get to you,
the more I risked
involving you in this misery.
J, you should have talked to me.
What was it?
I know this might sound strange to you,
but I only wanted to protect you.
that day at your house,
the last day we were together,
I barely have any memory
of that last moment.
Its like a I went through
a ten-minute amnesia.
You really don't remember anything?
The last thing I remember is
that we were about to talk
about something important,
I think.
Nothing else.
That's why you ran away.
You were scared, lost.
Too many blows to the head.
That day, I was showing
you a pregnancy test.
No, Nicolas is his father's son,
That test was negative.
But just the thought
of a possible pregnancy
got me thinking about
the family we would have.
I felt this strong maternal instinct
and started thinking about our future.
But you were entering the
professional boxing world,
and with each fight, you came
back more severely injured,
and the recoveries got longer and longer.
I realized I didn't want the
father of my child to be someone
with a potential brain or cognitive damage
maybe already at 30.
The question I had
asked you was very simple.
I asked you to choose
between professional boxing
and us.
Well, apparently, that
situation is sorted out now,
and hey,
my brain works perfectly fine,
and I don't sit around
drooling while staring at a wall.
You idiot.
I'd be lying if I said I
haven't thought about you
every single day for the past 15 years.
See? First, you make me
laugh, and then you make me cry.
You're an asshole.
But now that there are no more
amnesias, blackouts,
and fate has given us a second chance,
would you be able to answer
the question from 15 years ago?
I love you, V.
So, now, you should say,
"I have loved you
every single day of my life
for the past 15 years."
You have some snotty blood
dripping from your nose.
Damn it.
Do I have earwax coming out of my ear?
Did I shit my pants without even noticing?
What is it?
I love you.
We're in the hospital.
Let's go back, come on!
V told me that he met Pietro
in front of the CD store.
- Bye, Angelo!
- Thanks a lot, see you next time!
Thank you!
Oh my, I'm really sorry.
No worries.
I'm so sorry, please forgive me.
No, Im sorry.
And after a few weeks of dating,
her contraceptive pill,
which clearly didn't work very well,
gifted her a pregnancy.
Pietro was a good guy,
a young architect with a passion for music.
V's innate maternal instinct
led her to keep the baby,
and even though they
were not truly in love at first,
they grew to love each
other intensely over time.
However, when Nicolas
was just over 3 years old,
Pietro died in an accident
on a construction site.
I'll grant you redemption if
you apologize here, publicly.
Why are you granting me redemption?
What am I, a bull?
Botch the bull
actually sounds good for a nickname.
No, you didn't understand.
I said, indeed, you are the bu..
forget it.
He's on the ground...
You're amazing!!
Great job, Nico!
Now youll be the school
her for all of these girls here,
I don't think so but
thank you for the kind lie.
You're funny,
you make me laugh.
Would you like to go out with me?
I'm a lesbian.
I was pretty disappointed.
Poor little man,
his first heartbreak.
Youre such a teenager...
Promise me you won't raise a finger anymore
now that you've settled the score.
Of course, coach.
We said I would use these
deadly weapons of mine
only when necessary.
Tell mom what you did at school today.
The female reproductive system
and the menstrual cycle.
And Ive been reflecting all day
something really quite peculiar.
The menstrual cycle cyclically
occurs every 28 days,
month after month.
You see,
the human body is incredibly
precise in this regard.
Entirely autonomous, without
being controlled by computers.
Do you understand?
Are you sure you're only 14?
Did you adopt him
and have his birth certificates falsified?
Jonathan Scalia.
I was kidding.
Obviously, I was kidding.
I know, coach.
I know you very well by now.
Do you
Do you think there could be
other things in nature that last 28 days?
Can I Google it now even if we're
having a conversation at the table?
Permission granted, go ahead.
Okay, I found it.
the lunar cycle has a duration
of approximately 28 days,
and this has marked the passage
of time in the Chinese calendar.
28 days is,
according to a controversial
study by C.S.I.R.O.,
which is an Australian government agency,
the length of time that the covid-19
virus can persist on certain surfaces.
28 days was also
the interval between
the two major geomagnetic
anomalies 15 years ago.
Whats that?
Do you remember?
That's why the loop lasted 28 days.
My loop.
The two recent geomagnetic anomalies,
each lasting 9 minutes,
observed 28 days apart,
may be attributed to the so-called
South Atlantic Anomaly,
located above the southern Atlantic Ocean,
which some researchers
associate with a potential
start of a geomagnetic pole reversal.
The scientific community
seems to agree that
the "error" in the geomagnetic field
is not a threat or a
danger to human beings.
The scientists predict a constant
expansion of the phenomenon,
with unpredictable effects
that will affect the entire planet.