Jane Got a Gun (2015) Movie Script
Callie and Decca
were two sisters.
They were on a boat.
They're in the water,
and Callie said to Decca,
"Decca, will you tell me
the story
about the upside-down tree
again please?"
And Decca said,
"Once upon a time,
"there was an upside-down tree.
"And anyone who walked in
through the door of its trunk
"would be immediately
turned to good
if they were bad."
Callie said,
"I would really like
to see that tree sometime."
They went on and on
in the water.
Can you make water?
And then all of a sudden,
they hit land...
And all the animals
joined them,
'cause they wanted to see
the upside-down tree, too.
They had a bunny rabbit.
Can you make a bunny rabbit?
Yeah, the bunny rabbits went,
and there were...
And there was a cheetah.
And... No, don't eat my nose.
I'm trying to tell a story.
Are you a monster?
Are you a monster
eating my nose?
I'm so scared of monsters.
"I wish I could find
the upside-down tree,"
and they ran and they found
the upside-down tree,
but outside was a lion.
"Get away from my tree.
This is my tree."
And Callie said,
"Well, if it's your tree, Lion,
why don't you go inside it?"
Lion said,
"All right, I will."
And he went inside his tree.
And his claws went back
in his paws.
He started smiling.
He started relaxing.
He said, "You're my friends,
and all my friends
are welcome here."
And so Callie and Decca
went into the upside-down tree,
and they all lived
happily ever after.
Do good people ever turn bad
in the upside-down tree?
Good people never turn bad.
Sweet dreams, baby.
Daddy! Daddy!
I'm ready.
Son of a...!
Watch your language.
Last one.
This one's not coming out.
The Bishop boys.
They're coming.
They're coming?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
If them bullets don't kill you,
and this storm you somehow
brought upon us don't kill you,
goes without saying...
I will kill you.
But I reckon,
you might just be immortal.
Don't go jumping up the second
I leave, starting gunfights.
I can't feel my legs.
You get going.
Get Katie safe with you.
I'm not gonna have you
lose another child.
You don't have to come back.
I understand.
You know me better than that.
Mommy, when are we coming back?
Real soon, sweetheart.
Coming back real soon.
Remember where you came from.
What was there?
A cord.
And wherever you are,
I feel you.
Didn't I make it clear
last time?
You ain't welcome here, Jane.
Get out.
Bishop boys are coming for us.
I need help.
You roll over
in that bed of yours, Jane,
I think you'll find someone
who can help you.
He can't help.
-That's why I came.
-That's funny, isn't it?
Isn't that also the reason
why you left?
There is so much
you don't know, Dan.
What I know...
is I seen everything I need
to know with my own two eyes.
So whatever
you gotta say to me,
I figure you go back
to that little house of yours
and best tell it
to your husband.
'Cause me, I'm busy.
And I don't got time
to entertain
every girl I laid with
back in Missouri.
If my husband could help,
I wouldn't have come here.
He's in rough shape.
Well, that's too bad.
What did he do?
Bishop boys have been
hunting us down for years.
They finally found Ham, and
they shot him to hell and back.
Well, I ain't no doctor.
I don't need a doctor.
I need a gunslinger.
Them Bishop boys
are coming for you...
you don't need a gunslinger.
You need a goddamn regiment.
If I were you...
I would just go home,
and I would toss that big
sack of shit on a wagon
and I would ride him
into town yourself,
so they can hang him quick.
Bishops would be sated,
and you'll still have
your life.
Maybe even a little bag of gold
for your troubles.
Anything else
you choose to do...
is pure ignorance.
I thank you
for your hospitality.
You're welcome. -And judging
by the looks of things,
you wouldn't have been
much use to me anyway.
Probably not.
I'll hire me
somebody in Lullaby.
He's not worth your life, Jane.
My life's worth
isn't your concern.
Hasn't been for years.
I understand
that you were engaged
in the trading of fur
with my old...
friend, Bill Hammond.
Somehow he managed
to execute four of my men
and then ride off,
despite the fact
that he was peppered
with bullet wounds.
Now, how would
he have done that?
I-I seen it through
the window, Mr. Bishop.
H-Hammond walked to his horse.
A bunch of guys
came around the corner.
All hell broke loose.
Ham-Hammond got
the best of them.
You ever see him
in the company of a woman,
significantly more attractive
than he is?
Goes by the name
of Jane Ballard.
Would you happen to know
where Hammond resides, then?
You're a fur trader!
Here I am trying
to trade with you,
and you've nothing to offer!
Don't know where he lives.
But I see him...
always heading north.
I... I have a family.
How long you been there for?
Got enough firepower here
to start another war.
What you want
all this stuff for, anyways?
Just do.
Well, mama said
we can bring 'em with us
if we pack 'em up.
Excuse me.
Do you know where I could find
John Bishop?
Well, Mr. Bishop's
a very busy man.
Vic could help you.
He's his right hand.
Sometimes his left.
He's right back there.
All right.
Thank you very much.
Come on, Mary.
You Vic?
What'd you want?
I want to join the trek.
Well, that wagon's full.
What? You don't hear good?
Something I can help you with?
I'm hoping to ride west
with John Bishop's party.
Fella outside said
there's no room.
That's my brother, Vic.
He's an unyielding sort.
What's your name?
Jane Ballard.
Tell me something, Jane.
How many's in your party?
Just me and my little girl.
Had a fiance.
He's dead.
Died in the war.
You're only
a slight thing, Jane.
I think we can accommodate
your request.
We're assured protection?
Passage and protection,
most assuredly.
Thank you.
Seem to recall you putting up
more of a fight
last time, Jane.
The years do take it
out of a person, I guess.
How about you scoot
on back there?
Yeah. Get us a little privacy.
Now, let's you and me talk
about a certain...
fur trading son of a bitch
named Bill Hammond.
I haven't seen Bill Hammond
in years.
-That right?
-That's right.
Is that a Walker
you got there, Jane?
You know,
that's a very particular
model of firearm you got.
Believe I've seen that very one
right up close in the hand
of Bill Hammond.
You remember when he shot me,
don't you, Jane?
Want to touch it?
Let me get this straight.
Hammond shoots four of my boys
with a Walker that looks
just like that one there.
Then, a couple days later,
his prize whore
shows up right here in Lullaby.
I haven't seen Hammond
in years!
You know, Jane,
I could believe you.
I really could.
But I like to be sure.
So now you're gonna stand up
and take me to your house.
If he ain't there,
I'll give you my word,
I probably ain't
gonna kill you.
But I sure as hell gonna...
The hell are you?
You okay, Jane?
What's your stake
in this, cowboy?
Well, I'm not sure yet.
Why don't you holster
those Colts...
let that lady be,
and we can talk.
How about
you lower that rifle...
and I make it worth your while.
Really? How so?
Split a bounty with you?
Fixin' to get Bill Hammond.
Well, how much?
Shut up, Jane.
You help us out, we cut you in.
Maybe I even share
this one with you.
Course, I get to go first.
Me and Jane got some...
We gotta get out of here.
Give me a minute.
She's fine.
How are you feeling?
Turn me over. Turn me over.
I'm here.
Sorry I was gone so long.
I brought help.
Lie down. Relax.
That all seems so far away.
They already got plenty of men.
I gotta go, Jane.
No, you want to go.
You know, the war
isn't gonna last very long.
They say I'll be back
in a couple of months.
Jane, really.
I will be back...
in a couple of months,
and we'll go wherever you want.
Well, I want to go see
the Pacific.
I want to step my feet
where there's no further to go.
Well, that is
what we're gonna do.
I love you.
Then stay.
We best get moving.
Boys, we got another one dead.
Found Fitchum
all shot up in an alley.
Half his head on one side,
half his head on another.
A man and woman
seen leaving Lullaby
before the blood dried.
And the girl
fit the description
of our old friend Jane.
Now, Fitchum's demise
brings Hammond's tally
to five dead men,
disregarding his heroics
at the whorehouse
we all remember.
Now, we'll spread out
across this valley here.
Question every living soul.
We will turn over every rock
until that snake
slithers out into sight.
let's hope the Bishop boys
are all very big and fat.
Ham taught me how to hunt.
Rabbit stew doesn't taste
very good without rabbits.
Is that a way in?
There's only one way in,
one way out.
That's why we chose
to build here.
What about the ridge?
You can maybe get up there.
Good luck getting down.
Okay, so he says,
"They're coming."
Well, how many might "they" be?
I don't know.
Used to be more than
a dozen of them,
but that was a long time ago.
Could be any number
of them by now.
Minus the four
your husband shot.
And the one that you sent
to the bone orchard.
Pardon me, ma'am.
I was wondering if you could
take a look at this photograph.
I-I'm searching for my fiancee,
Jane Ballard.
Pardon me, sir.
Take a look at this photograph.
Last I knew, she was traveling
on a train of wagons.
From Missouri.
Been searching far and wide
for her.
Yeah, she is. She's beautiful.
Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you for your time.
Pardon me, friend.
seeking to find someone.
Believe she might have traveled
here to Raphael.
Name of Jane Ballard.
You wouldn't happen to be
the same Dan Frost
who gained such renown
during the late war,
now, would you?
I-I believe
you put a-a Reb general,
as well as a lot of other
high-profile grays,
under your belt early on in
the conflict. Is that correct?
Why, he don't look like
no hero to me.
He look more like Spoons.
Or kin to him.
He's a-a former associate
of ours
who had an unfortunate
proclivity for the pilfering
of silverware.
He's no longer under my employ.
He's dead.
Beauregard carried this
in Shiloh.
Now, that is the prize
of my collection.
Did you know that Shiloh means
"place of peace" in Hebrew?
Ain't nothing peaceful
about Shiloh.
No, indeed.
So, what is your...
interest here, Mr. Frost,
in that woman?
I know that she traveled west
with a train of wagons.
Wagons belonging to you.
And I've been
tracking her path.
Why would you do that?
She's my fiancee.
And I...
I hope to bring her home.
Then I suggest you find
Bill Hammond there, Sure Shot.
Who's Bill Hammond?
Who's Bill Hammond?
Bill Hammond...
is another former associate
of ours.
He fixated on Jane
along the journey.
He absconded with her
in the dead of night.
They haven't been seen
in roughly a year's time.
Now, we searched for them,
naturally, but...
well, it's a big country.
There's negatives
and positives here, Mr. Frost.
The negative is that...
Bill Hammond is a wretched
and remorseless individual.
The positive is
that I would presume
that he's kept Jane alive.
Now, I imagine
one could fight a case
for that also being a negative,
now I come to think on it.
He's worth 2,000.
Now, I would be happy
to double that
if you saw fit to bring Hammond
back here to Raphael
for a reckoning.
I'd like to offer you
two of my best men
to assist you in your quest.
Now, what befell Jane is
very troubling to all of us,
and we would like to help you
to set it right.
Shall I have the men saddle up?
Well, with respect...
I prefer to ride alone.
If you cannot hold your tongue,
I will cut it out of your head.
Goddamn it.
Where's my horse?
Best chance we got.
If they only see
the one horse...
you're home alone.
Listen, if it all falls down,
we're gonna need an escape.
Now, you say that you can
ride up that ridge
but not down.
Does that mean
y-you've ever ridden it?
Ham's not fit
to get on a horse, Dan.
Well, all right, then.
Well, I'm gonna need
your help, then.
I'm gonna need you to fetch
all the wooden planks
that are inside the shed,
and I need you to pile them up
on the porch,
and I'm gonna need to take
a look inside the house.
This is the help
I told you about.
I'll start a fire, all right?
No, no.
No fire.
Smoke is like waving a flag.
You know, if he's cold, he...
he can piss all on himself.
What's this? What's in here?
So how old's the child now?
She's five.
Took her to my friend's.
Kerosene that you got
in the shed...
You got any more of that?
Think I got a couple more tins
in the kitchen.
All right.
I'm gonna need you
to empty all of these.
Go around the ridge!
Take your men to the east!
Where are we going?
It's a surprise.
Just wait.
They're not gonna let you
in the army
if you run like that.
Come on!
Come on, cousin!
We only got an hour
before we pack up for Topeka!
Come on, get a move on!
How are you?
Come on board, Dan.
All right,
squeeze by there, partner.
There we go.
All right, little cousin,
hold on for the ride.
Wonder if we'll be able
to see the ocean from here.
What if we just stayed up here
and never came down?
Wouldn't that be something?
That would be something.
That's Dan Frost, ain't it?
You told me he was dead.
I thought he was.
He was the only one
I could go to.
This is a job for him.
Nothing more.
Jars are empty.
I need you to fill
about 20 of them with kerosene.
And leave two fingers
at the top.
And break some of
the bottles into shards, too.
And round up all the nails
you got left.
Why'd you change your mind
to help me?
I don't know.
Well, I'm grateful
that you did.
Well, that's okay.
I got all the gratitude I need
right here
rolled up in my pocket.
You are such a prick.
A prick that's come
to protect you
and your piece of shit husband.
You don't know
the first thing about Ham.
Well, I know
that he's a criminal.
You know, he could've taken
those five bullets
and laid down
by some pretty river somewhere
and let the Lord take him.
What kind of man brings
that shit home to his wife?
The kind of man
who doesn't quit.
The kind of man who always
comes home, no matter what.
Goddamn it!
I came home, Jane.
And you were gone.
And I rode halfway across
the damn country
looking for you.
Yeah, showing your picture
to everybody
from Missouri to New Mexico
like a beggar.
When? When was that?
'Cause I waited
for three years, Dan.
You might as well been dead.
If I were dead,
you would've seen my name
on the list at the post office;
that's how it works.
Well, if you'd been alive,
I would've seen my name
on a letter
at that same post office, Dan.
Hell, you got tired of waiting,
you just found yourself
an outlaw.
I guess a fickle woman's
grief moves very quickly.
What would you know
about grief?
You know what, Dan?
You might want to see a day
where the sun don't just shine
on your story.
'Cause there is
a whole world out there
of other people's tales,
you just care and listen.
Okay, well,
if we get through this,
you can tell me
all about it, Jane.
But right now,
I'm busy digging.
Probably our graves.
Dan. I'm getting the dynamite.
Howdy, friend.
You didn't happen to see
an Appaloosa
back there on the trail?
With no rider, no saddle?
Pea-brain wife gone
and left the gate open again.
Maybe you seen
what I'm looking for.
I don't know. What's that?
Fella by the name
of Bill Hammond.
Little on the big side.
A little shot up.
No, sir.
This here is my property,
You telling me to get
off your property, mister?
Well, no.
It's just,
I would've seen a man
bleeding on my property is all.
Well, this here is the last
place out here for miles.
Next house
is over yonder ridge.
Couple by the name of Johnson.
Everything else you probably
would've seen the way you came.
And that there ridge...
that's the end
of the line, mister.
I know you?
I damn sure know her.
Where are the rest of them?
Where are they?
I said, where are they?
All over this fucking valley,
you goddamn cocksucker.
How many?
Are you deaf?
I said, how many?!
Maybe ten.
Could be a hundred.
Minus one.
Getting his horse.
What'd you do with the body?
I buried him under some rocks.
I don't want that bastard
on my land.
We get through this, Jane,
I will be happy
to move him for you.
It pain you to take a life
like that?
Pain me a lot more
to let him do it to me.
Only point of a battle, Jane,
is to end it in your favor.
You kill the other guy.
Otherwise, he'll kill you.
You know, fear is good, Jane.
Fear will keep you alive.
We're gonna be outnumbered.
The hell with numbers.
We had the Johnnies outnumbered
well and truly.
You know, it took us four years
to do what we should've done
in a few months,
because they had
will and purpose.
If you got those two things,
numbers ain't shit.
Now, I didn't understand that
until I went through it myself.
Lived it.
The Rebels, they captured me
just outside of Seven Pines.
And they put me
in a prison camp
not a lot of men
made it out of.
It's the ones that had
something really strong
to hold on for.
If I didn't have
a picture of you...
in my mind's eye...
I never would've made it.
A man loses purpose,
that's when a man dies.
After the war
ended, they let us go.
I gotta get to work.
The first thing I did
was come looking for you.
When I finally found you...
seeing you holding
another man's child...
She's a good girl.
I knew
you weren't mine no more.
And that did something to me
that the war never could.
What's the matter, outlaw?
Don't tell me
you got a problem with a-a...
a man taking a thing
that don't belong to him.
Acting like he got a claim
to putting his hand
on something that he don't?
Here you go.
A man pays for everything
he takes, Hammond.
You're no different.
I've been wanting
to kill you all day.
You know,
I've seen a lot of men carry
that same look of death
that you got right now.
Yeah, you're fixin' to make
the very big jump, my friend.
Straight to perdition.
And while you're burning...
just know that Jane and I
will be right up above you.
And I want you to...
I want you
to think about that
with the shank of time
that you got left.
Don't know what it is
you ever see in that man, Jane.
You want to have
a word with us, Hammond?
Well, you know
what I been thinking, boys?
I'm starting to take a shine
to that Jane over there.
We did notice that.
Well, I was fixin'
to go and declare myself...
in Raphael.
You want to keep Jane?
-Like to.
-For yourself?
Yep. Settle down.
Were you fixin' on
marrying her?
Intend to ask her.
Girl like that
could set me straight.
Man gets tired
of running from the law.
Well, come on, now.
Think about it.
A woman like that... how much
money she'd make for me.
Wait, wait, wait. -Now,
Hammond, Hammond, Hammond.
-Easy now here, Hammond.
-Calm down.
Now I'm starting
to have a problem.
The problem is that
that is not your property.
You telling me
she's your property?
The money that she's worth...
-Are you fuckin' kidding me?
-This is just horseshit.
-Easy, Ham.
-We'll talk about it in the...
Fixed the wagon.
They don't show by dawn,
I say we load Ham up...
try the ridge.
What about your daughter?
She stays with Bekah
till we get settled.
You can let the sun shine
on your story...
if you s...
still have a mind to.
Not much sun in my story.
War was...
ceaseless, you know.
The smell of death...
Our road we used
to walk to town...
I saw...
I saw dead bodies hangin'.
Girls I knew, widows,
they said...
said they were
going out west,
town called...
Raphael, New Mexico.
And sunshine all day and silver
streaming from the hills.
You weren't there.
So I...
decided we should go.
And Bishops,
they offered protection, but...
they had other intentions.
Bishop was setting up
a new town.
What's a town
without a cathouse?
And then, of course,
you need girls.
Girls with no one
to protect 'em.
That man dying down there...
one you call a criminal...
he was the only one
who tried to stop 'em.
He was the only one.
He tried to help us.
Who's "us," Jane?
You keep saying "us."
Two months after you left,
I found out I was with child.
I named her Mary
after your mother.
Hey, Vic.
You seen where Jane's at?
In Lullaby with Bishop.
And what about Mary?
Bishop told me
to take care of her.
Wasn't sure what he meant by
that, so I just took a guess.
Did you know she couldn't swim?
We were just outside Raphael
when they took us.
Ham tried to go find Mary.
It was too late.
So, yeah...
I settled with another man.
Had another child.
That girl
you rode so far to see...
I ain't her anymore.
Life stopped being
something that you live
after that day.
Just something you endure.
Ham! Ham!
You piece of shit!
Easy, Ham.
Easy. I didn't do nothing.
Jane, get up.
That day I came to your house,
that first time, I...
I wanted to tell you.
You were so filled with hate.
Do you think that Bishop
is gonna come himself?
Or is he gonna send his men
to do his bidding?
He'll come.
He wants more than Ham.
I pray that he comes.
Well, this is not
how I pictured
life turning out, Jane.
How did you see it?
Mostly from up high.
I'd imagine...
we just never came down
that day.
Just chose to live in the sky.
It's hard to remember though...
how things seemed
when you know...
how they actually
turned out.
You have to go, Jane.
You gotta get your girl
and get clear of all this.
I've been running
my whole life.
Doesn't end.
They come to my house...
I'm gonna protect it.
Whatever happens,
I gotta put my face to it.
You got 30 seconds
to get your pretty self inside
and send us Bill Hammond.
If he comes out, you live.
If he don't, then we're just
getting started here.
Are you okay?
Jane! Tick-tock!
You're gonna be
all right, okay?
Time's up, Jane!
You leave with him.
You get out of here.
-You don't talk like that.
We're all leaving here
Come on.
Hold on tight.
You hold on.
Son of a bitch.
Jane! We have to get him
down below.
Hurry. We'll get you safe.
You hang on, Ham.
You'll make it through.
Get him up.
Can you hold that?
Anybody ain't us
opens that door,
you gotta start shooting.
Jane, get a lantern.
Get behind the bed. Cover me.
It's okay.
One, two...
You didn't think it was over,
did you, Jane?
I'm gonna burn the house down!
Jane, listen to me.
Look at me, look at me.
You and me,
we're gonna make the ridge.
All right? All right.
Just hang in there.
We are so close.
Now, listen,
we're gonna get your girl.
We're gonna light out
for California.
Does that sound good?
Doesn't that sound good?
Hands high.
Now, Hammond's dead.
You can take what you came for.
I will.
Drop the guns.
Dan Frost.
You still have a taste
for battle, I see.
Now, you say
our friend Ham has passed?
Love to hear
how the three of you
ended up
playing house here, but...
well, that's a tale
for another time.
Let's go see Jane.
That your handiwork or mine?
That's on you.
Where is she?
I don't know.
Putting a bullet
in your boyfriend!
You're gonna shoot me in the
back like the coward you are?
It appears she's left you
once again, Mr. Frost.
You so much as flinch
and I will blow your head off.
Drop 'em.
Turn around.
-Now, Jane...
-You don't even want to know
what a mother comes up with
when someone kills their child.
Shooting you
didn't even make my list.
It's too kind.
Your child's not dead, Jane.
-Mary is alive.
You're a fuckin' liar.
No, Vic told Bill Hammond
that your daughter was killed.
I don't know what to tell you
other than to offer that
my brother has always had
a troubled sense of humor.
Now, I may be an outlaw,
but I don't kill
little children, Jane.
It's a trick, Jane!
Shoot him or I will!
I swear! I swear
that she's alive and well!
I'll gladly take you to her.
Where is my daughter?!
Where is she?!
Now, but, Jane,
if I tell you that,
what am I left with?
Are you countin'?
'Cause I still got
a pair of bullets
and a question
that I ain't gonna ask again!
You know where she is, Jane.
Everyone misses you there.
We're gonna put him
in a wooden coffin
and stand him on the corner
over there.
I want every man,
woman and child
to see what
this son of a bitch looks like.
All right.
Girls, you want
to give your mom the flowers?
Thank you. Thank you.
All right. Shall we?
Let's go.
were two sisters.
They were on a boat.
They're in the water,
and Callie said to Decca,
"Decca, will you tell me
the story
about the upside-down tree
again please?"
And Decca said,
"Once upon a time,
"there was an upside-down tree.
"And anyone who walked in
through the door of its trunk
"would be immediately
turned to good
if they were bad."
Callie said,
"I would really like
to see that tree sometime."
They went on and on
in the water.
Can you make water?
And then all of a sudden,
they hit land...
And all the animals
joined them,
'cause they wanted to see
the upside-down tree, too.
They had a bunny rabbit.
Can you make a bunny rabbit?
Yeah, the bunny rabbits went,
and there were...
And there was a cheetah.
And... No, don't eat my nose.
I'm trying to tell a story.
Are you a monster?
Are you a monster
eating my nose?
I'm so scared of monsters.
"I wish I could find
the upside-down tree,"
and they ran and they found
the upside-down tree,
but outside was a lion.
"Get away from my tree.
This is my tree."
And Callie said,
"Well, if it's your tree, Lion,
why don't you go inside it?"
Lion said,
"All right, I will."
And he went inside his tree.
And his claws went back
in his paws.
He started smiling.
He started relaxing.
He said, "You're my friends,
and all my friends
are welcome here."
And so Callie and Decca
went into the upside-down tree,
and they all lived
happily ever after.
Do good people ever turn bad
in the upside-down tree?
Good people never turn bad.
Sweet dreams, baby.
Daddy! Daddy!
I'm ready.
Son of a...!
Watch your language.
Last one.
This one's not coming out.
The Bishop boys.
They're coming.
They're coming?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
If them bullets don't kill you,
and this storm you somehow
brought upon us don't kill you,
goes without saying...
I will kill you.
But I reckon,
you might just be immortal.
Don't go jumping up the second
I leave, starting gunfights.
I can't feel my legs.
You get going.
Get Katie safe with you.
I'm not gonna have you
lose another child.
You don't have to come back.
I understand.
You know me better than that.
Mommy, when are we coming back?
Real soon, sweetheart.
Coming back real soon.
Remember where you came from.
What was there?
A cord.
And wherever you are,
I feel you.
Didn't I make it clear
last time?
You ain't welcome here, Jane.
Get out.
Bishop boys are coming for us.
I need help.
You roll over
in that bed of yours, Jane,
I think you'll find someone
who can help you.
He can't help.
-That's why I came.
-That's funny, isn't it?
Isn't that also the reason
why you left?
There is so much
you don't know, Dan.
What I know...
is I seen everything I need
to know with my own two eyes.
So whatever
you gotta say to me,
I figure you go back
to that little house of yours
and best tell it
to your husband.
'Cause me, I'm busy.
And I don't got time
to entertain
every girl I laid with
back in Missouri.
If my husband could help,
I wouldn't have come here.
He's in rough shape.
Well, that's too bad.
What did he do?
Bishop boys have been
hunting us down for years.
They finally found Ham, and
they shot him to hell and back.
Well, I ain't no doctor.
I don't need a doctor.
I need a gunslinger.
Them Bishop boys
are coming for you...
you don't need a gunslinger.
You need a goddamn regiment.
If I were you...
I would just go home,
and I would toss that big
sack of shit on a wagon
and I would ride him
into town yourself,
so they can hang him quick.
Bishops would be sated,
and you'll still have
your life.
Maybe even a little bag of gold
for your troubles.
Anything else
you choose to do...
is pure ignorance.
I thank you
for your hospitality.
You're welcome. -And judging
by the looks of things,
you wouldn't have been
much use to me anyway.
Probably not.
I'll hire me
somebody in Lullaby.
He's not worth your life, Jane.
My life's worth
isn't your concern.
Hasn't been for years.
I understand
that you were engaged
in the trading of fur
with my old...
friend, Bill Hammond.
Somehow he managed
to execute four of my men
and then ride off,
despite the fact
that he was peppered
with bullet wounds.
Now, how would
he have done that?
I-I seen it through
the window, Mr. Bishop.
H-Hammond walked to his horse.
A bunch of guys
came around the corner.
All hell broke loose.
Ham-Hammond got
the best of them.
You ever see him
in the company of a woman,
significantly more attractive
than he is?
Goes by the name
of Jane Ballard.
Would you happen to know
where Hammond resides, then?
You're a fur trader!
Here I am trying
to trade with you,
and you've nothing to offer!
Don't know where he lives.
But I see him...
always heading north.
I... I have a family.
How long you been there for?
Got enough firepower here
to start another war.
What you want
all this stuff for, anyways?
Just do.
Well, mama said
we can bring 'em with us
if we pack 'em up.
Excuse me.
Do you know where I could find
John Bishop?
Well, Mr. Bishop's
a very busy man.
Vic could help you.
He's his right hand.
Sometimes his left.
He's right back there.
All right.
Thank you very much.
Come on, Mary.
You Vic?
What'd you want?
I want to join the trek.
Well, that wagon's full.
What? You don't hear good?
Something I can help you with?
I'm hoping to ride west
with John Bishop's party.
Fella outside said
there's no room.
That's my brother, Vic.
He's an unyielding sort.
What's your name?
Jane Ballard.
Tell me something, Jane.
How many's in your party?
Just me and my little girl.
Had a fiance.
He's dead.
Died in the war.
You're only
a slight thing, Jane.
I think we can accommodate
your request.
We're assured protection?
Passage and protection,
most assuredly.
Thank you.
Seem to recall you putting up
more of a fight
last time, Jane.
The years do take it
out of a person, I guess.
How about you scoot
on back there?
Yeah. Get us a little privacy.
Now, let's you and me talk
about a certain...
fur trading son of a bitch
named Bill Hammond.
I haven't seen Bill Hammond
in years.
-That right?
-That's right.
Is that a Walker
you got there, Jane?
You know,
that's a very particular
model of firearm you got.
Believe I've seen that very one
right up close in the hand
of Bill Hammond.
You remember when he shot me,
don't you, Jane?
Want to touch it?
Let me get this straight.
Hammond shoots four of my boys
with a Walker that looks
just like that one there.
Then, a couple days later,
his prize whore
shows up right here in Lullaby.
I haven't seen Hammond
in years!
You know, Jane,
I could believe you.
I really could.
But I like to be sure.
So now you're gonna stand up
and take me to your house.
If he ain't there,
I'll give you my word,
I probably ain't
gonna kill you.
But I sure as hell gonna...
The hell are you?
You okay, Jane?
What's your stake
in this, cowboy?
Well, I'm not sure yet.
Why don't you holster
those Colts...
let that lady be,
and we can talk.
How about
you lower that rifle...
and I make it worth your while.
Really? How so?
Split a bounty with you?
Fixin' to get Bill Hammond.
Well, how much?
Shut up, Jane.
You help us out, we cut you in.
Maybe I even share
this one with you.
Course, I get to go first.
Me and Jane got some...
We gotta get out of here.
Give me a minute.
She's fine.
How are you feeling?
Turn me over. Turn me over.
I'm here.
Sorry I was gone so long.
I brought help.
Lie down. Relax.
That all seems so far away.
They already got plenty of men.
I gotta go, Jane.
No, you want to go.
You know, the war
isn't gonna last very long.
They say I'll be back
in a couple of months.
Jane, really.
I will be back...
in a couple of months,
and we'll go wherever you want.
Well, I want to go see
the Pacific.
I want to step my feet
where there's no further to go.
Well, that is
what we're gonna do.
I love you.
Then stay.
We best get moving.
Boys, we got another one dead.
Found Fitchum
all shot up in an alley.
Half his head on one side,
half his head on another.
A man and woman
seen leaving Lullaby
before the blood dried.
And the girl
fit the description
of our old friend Jane.
Now, Fitchum's demise
brings Hammond's tally
to five dead men,
disregarding his heroics
at the whorehouse
we all remember.
Now, we'll spread out
across this valley here.
Question every living soul.
We will turn over every rock
until that snake
slithers out into sight.
let's hope the Bishop boys
are all very big and fat.
Ham taught me how to hunt.
Rabbit stew doesn't taste
very good without rabbits.
Is that a way in?
There's only one way in,
one way out.
That's why we chose
to build here.
What about the ridge?
You can maybe get up there.
Good luck getting down.
Okay, so he says,
"They're coming."
Well, how many might "they" be?
I don't know.
Used to be more than
a dozen of them,
but that was a long time ago.
Could be any number
of them by now.
Minus the four
your husband shot.
And the one that you sent
to the bone orchard.
Pardon me, ma'am.
I was wondering if you could
take a look at this photograph.
I-I'm searching for my fiancee,
Jane Ballard.
Pardon me, sir.
Take a look at this photograph.
Last I knew, she was traveling
on a train of wagons.
From Missouri.
Been searching far and wide
for her.
Yeah, she is. She's beautiful.
Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you for your time.
Pardon me, friend.
seeking to find someone.
Believe she might have traveled
here to Raphael.
Name of Jane Ballard.
You wouldn't happen to be
the same Dan Frost
who gained such renown
during the late war,
now, would you?
I-I believe
you put a-a Reb general,
as well as a lot of other
high-profile grays,
under your belt early on in
the conflict. Is that correct?
Why, he don't look like
no hero to me.
He look more like Spoons.
Or kin to him.
He's a-a former associate
of ours
who had an unfortunate
proclivity for the pilfering
of silverware.
He's no longer under my employ.
He's dead.
Beauregard carried this
in Shiloh.
Now, that is the prize
of my collection.
Did you know that Shiloh means
"place of peace" in Hebrew?
Ain't nothing peaceful
about Shiloh.
No, indeed.
So, what is your...
interest here, Mr. Frost,
in that woman?
I know that she traveled west
with a train of wagons.
Wagons belonging to you.
And I've been
tracking her path.
Why would you do that?
She's my fiancee.
And I...
I hope to bring her home.
Then I suggest you find
Bill Hammond there, Sure Shot.
Who's Bill Hammond?
Who's Bill Hammond?
Bill Hammond...
is another former associate
of ours.
He fixated on Jane
along the journey.
He absconded with her
in the dead of night.
They haven't been seen
in roughly a year's time.
Now, we searched for them,
naturally, but...
well, it's a big country.
There's negatives
and positives here, Mr. Frost.
The negative is that...
Bill Hammond is a wretched
and remorseless individual.
The positive is
that I would presume
that he's kept Jane alive.
Now, I imagine
one could fight a case
for that also being a negative,
now I come to think on it.
He's worth 2,000.
Now, I would be happy
to double that
if you saw fit to bring Hammond
back here to Raphael
for a reckoning.
I'd like to offer you
two of my best men
to assist you in your quest.
Now, what befell Jane is
very troubling to all of us,
and we would like to help you
to set it right.
Shall I have the men saddle up?
Well, with respect...
I prefer to ride alone.
If you cannot hold your tongue,
I will cut it out of your head.
Goddamn it.
Where's my horse?
Best chance we got.
If they only see
the one horse...
you're home alone.
Listen, if it all falls down,
we're gonna need an escape.
Now, you say that you can
ride up that ridge
but not down.
Does that mean
y-you've ever ridden it?
Ham's not fit
to get on a horse, Dan.
Well, all right, then.
Well, I'm gonna need
your help, then.
I'm gonna need you to fetch
all the wooden planks
that are inside the shed,
and I need you to pile them up
on the porch,
and I'm gonna need to take
a look inside the house.
This is the help
I told you about.
I'll start a fire, all right?
No, no.
No fire.
Smoke is like waving a flag.
You know, if he's cold, he...
he can piss all on himself.
What's this? What's in here?
So how old's the child now?
She's five.
Took her to my friend's.
Kerosene that you got
in the shed...
You got any more of that?
Think I got a couple more tins
in the kitchen.
All right.
I'm gonna need you
to empty all of these.
Go around the ridge!
Take your men to the east!
Where are we going?
It's a surprise.
Just wait.
They're not gonna let you
in the army
if you run like that.
Come on!
Come on, cousin!
We only got an hour
before we pack up for Topeka!
Come on, get a move on!
How are you?
Come on board, Dan.
All right,
squeeze by there, partner.
There we go.
All right, little cousin,
hold on for the ride.
Wonder if we'll be able
to see the ocean from here.
What if we just stayed up here
and never came down?
Wouldn't that be something?
That would be something.
That's Dan Frost, ain't it?
You told me he was dead.
I thought he was.
He was the only one
I could go to.
This is a job for him.
Nothing more.
Jars are empty.
I need you to fill
about 20 of them with kerosene.
And leave two fingers
at the top.
And break some of
the bottles into shards, too.
And round up all the nails
you got left.
Why'd you change your mind
to help me?
I don't know.
Well, I'm grateful
that you did.
Well, that's okay.
I got all the gratitude I need
right here
rolled up in my pocket.
You are such a prick.
A prick that's come
to protect you
and your piece of shit husband.
You don't know
the first thing about Ham.
Well, I know
that he's a criminal.
You know, he could've taken
those five bullets
and laid down
by some pretty river somewhere
and let the Lord take him.
What kind of man brings
that shit home to his wife?
The kind of man
who doesn't quit.
The kind of man who always
comes home, no matter what.
Goddamn it!
I came home, Jane.
And you were gone.
And I rode halfway across
the damn country
looking for you.
Yeah, showing your picture
to everybody
from Missouri to New Mexico
like a beggar.
When? When was that?
'Cause I waited
for three years, Dan.
You might as well been dead.
If I were dead,
you would've seen my name
on the list at the post office;
that's how it works.
Well, if you'd been alive,
I would've seen my name
on a letter
at that same post office, Dan.
Hell, you got tired of waiting,
you just found yourself
an outlaw.
I guess a fickle woman's
grief moves very quickly.
What would you know
about grief?
You know what, Dan?
You might want to see a day
where the sun don't just shine
on your story.
'Cause there is
a whole world out there
of other people's tales,
you just care and listen.
Okay, well,
if we get through this,
you can tell me
all about it, Jane.
But right now,
I'm busy digging.
Probably our graves.
Dan. I'm getting the dynamite.
Howdy, friend.
You didn't happen to see
an Appaloosa
back there on the trail?
With no rider, no saddle?
Pea-brain wife gone
and left the gate open again.
Maybe you seen
what I'm looking for.
I don't know. What's that?
Fella by the name
of Bill Hammond.
Little on the big side.
A little shot up.
No, sir.
This here is my property,
You telling me to get
off your property, mister?
Well, no.
It's just,
I would've seen a man
bleeding on my property is all.
Well, this here is the last
place out here for miles.
Next house
is over yonder ridge.
Couple by the name of Johnson.
Everything else you probably
would've seen the way you came.
And that there ridge...
that's the end
of the line, mister.
I know you?
I damn sure know her.
Where are the rest of them?
Where are they?
I said, where are they?
All over this fucking valley,
you goddamn cocksucker.
How many?
Are you deaf?
I said, how many?!
Maybe ten.
Could be a hundred.
Minus one.
Getting his horse.
What'd you do with the body?
I buried him under some rocks.
I don't want that bastard
on my land.
We get through this, Jane,
I will be happy
to move him for you.
It pain you to take a life
like that?
Pain me a lot more
to let him do it to me.
Only point of a battle, Jane,
is to end it in your favor.
You kill the other guy.
Otherwise, he'll kill you.
You know, fear is good, Jane.
Fear will keep you alive.
We're gonna be outnumbered.
The hell with numbers.
We had the Johnnies outnumbered
well and truly.
You know, it took us four years
to do what we should've done
in a few months,
because they had
will and purpose.
If you got those two things,
numbers ain't shit.
Now, I didn't understand that
until I went through it myself.
Lived it.
The Rebels, they captured me
just outside of Seven Pines.
And they put me
in a prison camp
not a lot of men
made it out of.
It's the ones that had
something really strong
to hold on for.
If I didn't have
a picture of you...
in my mind's eye...
I never would've made it.
A man loses purpose,
that's when a man dies.
After the war
ended, they let us go.
I gotta get to work.
The first thing I did
was come looking for you.
When I finally found you...
seeing you holding
another man's child...
She's a good girl.
I knew
you weren't mine no more.
And that did something to me
that the war never could.
What's the matter, outlaw?
Don't tell me
you got a problem with a-a...
a man taking a thing
that don't belong to him.
Acting like he got a claim
to putting his hand
on something that he don't?
Here you go.
A man pays for everything
he takes, Hammond.
You're no different.
I've been wanting
to kill you all day.
You know,
I've seen a lot of men carry
that same look of death
that you got right now.
Yeah, you're fixin' to make
the very big jump, my friend.
Straight to perdition.
And while you're burning...
just know that Jane and I
will be right up above you.
And I want you to...
I want you
to think about that
with the shank of time
that you got left.
Don't know what it is
you ever see in that man, Jane.
You want to have
a word with us, Hammond?
Well, you know
what I been thinking, boys?
I'm starting to take a shine
to that Jane over there.
We did notice that.
Well, I was fixin'
to go and declare myself...
in Raphael.
You want to keep Jane?
-Like to.
-For yourself?
Yep. Settle down.
Were you fixin' on
marrying her?
Intend to ask her.
Girl like that
could set me straight.
Man gets tired
of running from the law.
Well, come on, now.
Think about it.
A woman like that... how much
money she'd make for me.
Wait, wait, wait. -Now,
Hammond, Hammond, Hammond.
-Easy now here, Hammond.
-Calm down.
Now I'm starting
to have a problem.
The problem is that
that is not your property.
You telling me
she's your property?
The money that she's worth...
-Are you fuckin' kidding me?
-This is just horseshit.
-Easy, Ham.
-We'll talk about it in the...
Fixed the wagon.
They don't show by dawn,
I say we load Ham up...
try the ridge.
What about your daughter?
She stays with Bekah
till we get settled.
You can let the sun shine
on your story...
if you s...
still have a mind to.
Not much sun in my story.
War was...
ceaseless, you know.
The smell of death...
Our road we used
to walk to town...
I saw...
I saw dead bodies hangin'.
Girls I knew, widows,
they said...
said they were
going out west,
town called...
Raphael, New Mexico.
And sunshine all day and silver
streaming from the hills.
You weren't there.
So I...
decided we should go.
And Bishops,
they offered protection, but...
they had other intentions.
Bishop was setting up
a new town.
What's a town
without a cathouse?
And then, of course,
you need girls.
Girls with no one
to protect 'em.
That man dying down there...
one you call a criminal...
he was the only one
who tried to stop 'em.
He was the only one.
He tried to help us.
Who's "us," Jane?
You keep saying "us."
Two months after you left,
I found out I was with child.
I named her Mary
after your mother.
Hey, Vic.
You seen where Jane's at?
In Lullaby with Bishop.
And what about Mary?
Bishop told me
to take care of her.
Wasn't sure what he meant by
that, so I just took a guess.
Did you know she couldn't swim?
We were just outside Raphael
when they took us.
Ham tried to go find Mary.
It was too late.
So, yeah...
I settled with another man.
Had another child.
That girl
you rode so far to see...
I ain't her anymore.
Life stopped being
something that you live
after that day.
Just something you endure.
Ham! Ham!
You piece of shit!
Easy, Ham.
Easy. I didn't do nothing.
Jane, get up.
That day I came to your house,
that first time, I...
I wanted to tell you.
You were so filled with hate.
Do you think that Bishop
is gonna come himself?
Or is he gonna send his men
to do his bidding?
He'll come.
He wants more than Ham.
I pray that he comes.
Well, this is not
how I pictured
life turning out, Jane.
How did you see it?
Mostly from up high.
I'd imagine...
we just never came down
that day.
Just chose to live in the sky.
It's hard to remember though...
how things seemed
when you know...
how they actually
turned out.
You have to go, Jane.
You gotta get your girl
and get clear of all this.
I've been running
my whole life.
Doesn't end.
They come to my house...
I'm gonna protect it.
Whatever happens,
I gotta put my face to it.
You got 30 seconds
to get your pretty self inside
and send us Bill Hammond.
If he comes out, you live.
If he don't, then we're just
getting started here.
Are you okay?
Jane! Tick-tock!
You're gonna be
all right, okay?
Time's up, Jane!
You leave with him.
You get out of here.
-You don't talk like that.
We're all leaving here
Come on.
Hold on tight.
You hold on.
Son of a bitch.
Jane! We have to get him
down below.
Hurry. We'll get you safe.
You hang on, Ham.
You'll make it through.
Get him up.
Can you hold that?
Anybody ain't us
opens that door,
you gotta start shooting.
Jane, get a lantern.
Get behind the bed. Cover me.
It's okay.
One, two...
You didn't think it was over,
did you, Jane?
I'm gonna burn the house down!
Jane, listen to me.
Look at me, look at me.
You and me,
we're gonna make the ridge.
All right? All right.
Just hang in there.
We are so close.
Now, listen,
we're gonna get your girl.
We're gonna light out
for California.
Does that sound good?
Doesn't that sound good?
Hands high.
Now, Hammond's dead.
You can take what you came for.
I will.
Drop the guns.
Dan Frost.
You still have a taste
for battle, I see.
Now, you say
our friend Ham has passed?
Love to hear
how the three of you
ended up
playing house here, but...
well, that's a tale
for another time.
Let's go see Jane.
That your handiwork or mine?
That's on you.
Where is she?
I don't know.
Putting a bullet
in your boyfriend!
You're gonna shoot me in the
back like the coward you are?
It appears she's left you
once again, Mr. Frost.
You so much as flinch
and I will blow your head off.
Drop 'em.
Turn around.
-Now, Jane...
-You don't even want to know
what a mother comes up with
when someone kills their child.
Shooting you
didn't even make my list.
It's too kind.
Your child's not dead, Jane.
-Mary is alive.
You're a fuckin' liar.
No, Vic told Bill Hammond
that your daughter was killed.
I don't know what to tell you
other than to offer that
my brother has always had
a troubled sense of humor.
Now, I may be an outlaw,
but I don't kill
little children, Jane.
It's a trick, Jane!
Shoot him or I will!
I swear! I swear
that she's alive and well!
I'll gladly take you to her.
Where is my daughter?!
Where is she?!
Now, but, Jane,
if I tell you that,
what am I left with?
Are you countin'?
'Cause I still got
a pair of bullets
and a question
that I ain't gonna ask again!
You know where she is, Jane.
Everyone misses you there.
We're gonna put him
in a wooden coffin
and stand him on the corner
over there.
I want every man,
woman and child
to see what
this son of a bitch looks like.
All right.
Girls, you want
to give your mom the flowers?
Thank you. Thank you.
All right. Shall we?
Let's go.