Jar: A Tale From The East, The (2001) Movie Script

Good to see you Al.
Welcome! Welcome!
I'm so happy you're here.
C'mon right through.
Feel free to go wherever you like
and make yourselves at home
Thanks a lot Al.
Whaddya think, Muriel?
Isn't this beautiful land?
I think the place has a lot of potential.
I can't believe it. It's just perfect,
exactly how you described it.
What a neat place. Is this the one
we're gonna buy, dad?
I sure hope so. Do you like it, Hamal?
I love it this much.
How about you Hasan?
Hmmm, well the soil is rich.
It's located near a nice river...
...but it's gonna be a ton of work huh?
We've got work to do. Move, Cleo.
I said move you stubborn beast!
C'mon, let's go! Don't be such a pain
in the neck! Ehhh, ah, ahhh!
What a strange man!
Do you know him, Mr. Saleh?
Of course I know him,
It's just Enad
Over here, Enad! You should take a break.
Come in! Come in!
Thanks for the invite pal,
but I've got a lot of work to do.
What is your problem mule!? Quiet!
He's one of the neighbours.
By the way, all the neighbours are
great and helpful to each other
But this Enad is definitely
a bit of a character.
Does he live nearby?
He lives next door.
Uh, let's have a look at the house now.
Good idea.
Uhh, the house looks like it needs
a lot of work.
You're right, Hasan. Actually, it hasn't
been lived in for many years.
Uhh oh hee hee hee. Let's go inside now.
Come in.
Oh, I don't know, Amine, look at the walls.
They're in terrible shape.
I know, but we can fix them up quickly.
Well, what did'ya think of the inside?
Uh, it's not bad.
Uh, now we just need to discuss the price.
I thought we already had an agreement.
Isn't that right, Amine?
Uh, yes we did but the house it's,
well, ah, it's...
In need of a lot of repair, right mom?
Oh... yes, but, uh you tell him, Amine.
Is there a problem?
Uh, well, we really can't afford the
price we agreed to.
Not a problem, Amine.
How much can you afford?
About three quarters, and...
And all my jewelry.
No! Keep your jewelry.
Why don't I wait 'till after the harvest.
You're a good man, Al. Thanks a lot.
I'll never forget this.
Hooray! The place is ours!
What a beautiful morning it is today.
Good morning, mommy.
Good morning, sweetheart.
Oh no, what happened to my egg?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, look at the precious.
Oh, no...
Oh no, this just isn't fair.
Somebody come quick. Help!
Look, look at my egg.
What did you have another nightmare about
a chicken crossing the road? Haaah...
La, la, la, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la, la, la.
Hey, hey.
La, la, la, la, la, la.
Hey, hey.
Rise and shine the day is fine...
...the morning's underway.
Come with me come and see...
...the beauty of this day.
Come along my friends.
we have a lot of work to do.
Let's go.
The sun is rising.
It shines for you and me.
It makes us smile...
...at everyone we see.
This poor old house needs a lot of work...
...we better start right away
This old farm had better days.
It's been forgotten.
I'll plant some flower seeds today.
We'll watch them grow up to the sky.
As each passing day and night goes by...
We'll work to fix our home...
...with bricks and wood and stone.
We're happy and we're proud of this
home that we have found.
With our hands we'll do it all.
Fix the roof and build the walls.
Work hard, don't stop,
let's go on.
We'll keep working till we're done.
Let's keep working till we're done.
We won't rest untill we're done.
We'll work together it will be fun.
Let's pitch in, we're almost finished.
The pride will show, the pain will go.
Let's build our future on these hopes.
Let's build our future in this home.
Let's pitch in, we're almost finished.
The pride will show, the pain will go.
Let's build our future on these hopes.
Let's build our future in this home.
We'll fill this home with love and care.
Our lives will be a fairy tale.
Our lives will be a fairy tale.
What! Wha...
Oh, now I got him.
What're ya doing in here?
Ya little freeloader.
I told ya before to stay out of
the chicken coop.
What a nut job.
Hmm? What's this?
A jar?
Why is it here?
Huh, is it!
Oh, my!
This has to be a dream.
It's gold!
Mom! Dad! Come here!
Look what I found!
Real jewelry and gold, gold,
gold, gold.
Ha, what did he say he's found?
Come, you've got to see this.
Hurry up it's unbelievable.
All our problems are over.
It's our Lucky day!
I think he means my lucky day.
Amine, look, here's a ruby and this
one's an emerald. What a treasure!
Hamal! Hamal! Come and see!
Wow! Can I see one?
I found it inside the wall as I was
knocking it down.
Whaddya think you're doing, Enad?
Shhhhh, keep your voice down.
Listen, look...
...they found an amazing treasure!
I don't care what's going on.
It's none of your business.
Whaddya think they're going to
do if they see you?
Obviously you couldn't have heard me.
They found a huge treasure!
Now they'll have to keep a close
eye on it.
I just can't believe our luck.
Oh Amine, Amine.
Now we can pay off the land,
build a new house and renew our lives.
Living debt free in total happiness
and contentment.
It's the answer to all of our problems...
We'll never have another worry again
as long as we live.
Oh, it's a dream come true.
What a great day this is...
Goodbye to poverty and hunger,
hello new life of wealth and luxury.
Hasan will be able to drape his wife
in rubies and emeralds.
Hasan, maybe you wanna marry
a nice girl?
Haa? Me?
That's a good one.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
...and our ten kids will call me daddy,
daddy, daddy.
They'll all wanna play something
different at the same time...
...and then I'll call you to come
and babysit.
And as for me,
I'd like to have my very own zoo.
With all kinds of animals like elephants
and tigers and zebras,
and my zoo would also have birds
like a peacock.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
That's enough.
Enough dreaming and planning.
This money isn't even ours.
It belongs to Al
Now, Al sold us this place...
...not his belongings.
Mmm, uh, but dad.
I found it inside a wall.
If I hadn't used my own two hands
to dig it out...
...the jar would still be there.
I don't understand. Uhhh,
It's a once in a lifetime chance.
You're not gonna throw this
opportunity away?
Throw away?
Something that isn't mine?
The treasure obviously belongs to someone,
but it certainly doesn't belong to us.
Well, just, just a minute, Amine.
We own the house and it includes the land,
ceiling and walls.
The jar was inside a wall that we own.
I think it is ours.
Please think about this carefully.
Why should I think about it?
There's no need to think when I know
the right answer already.
The jar is Al's... and only Al's.
We'll return it to him right away.
Ya, but wouldn't he take it with him?
How could he forget a treasure like this.
Insane, the man's insane.
Hasan's right.
Now just listen for a second, okay?
What if we discovered oil on our land...
...would it, would it belong to Al?
...the situation's totally different.
One's a natural resource...
...and the other was placed there by someone.
But what about all of our debts.
I'm gonna have to start selling
my keepsakes soon.
This money will really help.
Our situation has nothing to do with it.
We should do what's right.
Besides, found money is not the same...
...as money you've worked for.
Everything we have should be earned.
Hasan, put the gold back into the jar
right now, please.
But, dad, all of our dreams...
what if we gave half the jar to Al
and took the other half for ourselves?
But it's all his...
...and you want us to give him just
half of his own money?
No no.
I wouldn't feel right about asking
him to do that.
Well then, let's go give the treasure
back to Al.
Hmmm, no!
There's no time like the present, Hasan.
But mommy, what about my zoo...
...and all of the birds and animals?
Just a minute.
Uh maybe we should wait till tomorrow.
You never know.
Maybe we'll find something else.
It's possible okay,
finish your work on the wall...
...and we'll take it back to Al first
thing in the morning.
What a numskull!
I can't believe it! I can't believe it!
I can't believe he's gonna give all
that amazing treasure to Al!
He doesn't even know if it's his!
He's totally a crazy man,
he's gone loopy loopy loopy.
But that's okay for me,
because it'll all soon be mine, all mine.
Gold, jewels,
it's all giving me
a terrible headache.
The moon, the moon and the stars
used to amaze me as a kid.
I thought they were jewels
of the sky.
They were there
for everyone's enjoyment.
But these,
they belong to someone.
I suppose that jar
could've been burried...
...there hundreds of years ago...
Is that possible?
Sure it's possible.
In that case it belongs to
whoever finds it.
Which means it's ours!
The treasure belongs to me!
The fools can debate about right
or wrong all they want.
Amine is a fool, he just doesn't get it.
He has the jar, and he wants to forget it.
Well I have a plan, It'll work just fine.
I'm gonna steal the jar,
and make it mine.
I'm gonna steal the jar,
cause I have a plan.
I'm gonna steal the jar,
from that silly old man.
I'm gonna steal the jar,
that's what I'm gonna do.
Today better be quiet.
How will I fool them? Yes. Mmmm, mum.
I need a smart idea,
but what!
I won't allow myself to think that
it's ours yet.
If we found it in a deserted valley...
...or in an empty well in the desert,
or at the top of a mighty mountain,
would it be ours then?
Someone still had to put it there.
No! It can't be ours.
I have to return it to the rightful
owner and that's final.
I wish I knew where this gold came from.
How something so beautiful on one hand...
...could cause such ugliness on the other.
But just a minute, Amine.
We own the house
and it includes the land,
ceiling and walls.
The jar was inside a wall that we own.
I think it is ours.
Please think about
this carefully, okay?
Ohhhh! There's gotta be a solution
to this. A right one.
The first step is to take the jar to Al.
I wonder, I wonder.
How am I gonna get that blasted jar
away from them?
I can just imagine how it would feel to run
some luxurious pearls through my fingers.
Oh, and gold pieces too.
Oh, it's just you.
Your hands are cold.
What were you talking about, ha?
Nothing. Not a thing.
Sleep. I was just thinking how beautiful
you are when you're asleep.
I look at you and I think of jewels.
I could stare at you all day.
Did I hear right?
Could all this sweet talk be coming
from you?
I was having a sweet and beautiful
dream about food.
I was drinking some lemonade.
Then I was swimming in it...
swimming like a fish.
Then I ate dessert
that was bigger than me...
...and I plunged right
into the middle of it.
Then I became a magician on stage.
I don't think
I was very good though...
...because I got my words mixed up...
...and said mule instead of stool.
Then I said rocking horse when
I wanted to say talking horse.
Then I fell flat on my face.
Somehow that doesn't surprise me.
Memm. Even in your dreams, you're crazy.
C'mon. Hurry.
Stay down.
Now here's the plan, see.
Okay, pay attention.
You get it, it's a good plan, see.
It's gonna work.
Sure, yeah right.
Now we meet here, see...
I can just taste those suckers now.
Give me that thing.
Now here's what I think.
See, what do you think of that.
Why you useless embasil.
Gimme that stick.
Now, stop your whining
and hold out your hand.
Okay, you ready?
Here it comes.
You see me? You there?
I'm dropping it.
Catch it.
Yeah, lemme have it.
Yep, bring it down.
Yeup, yep, yep give it to me.
Uha ho... now that's
just great you simpleton.
Now I have to risk my
life to get another one.
Can't you do anything right?
Oh sure, everything is a game or a joke
to you, while I'm doing all the work.
How're you doing?
Oh, rats and frats it would've been
easier to do it myself.
Some cookies.
Oh thanks a lot, Hun.
We shouldn't be too late tonight.
We're just going to Al's place and
hopefully we'll be back before sunset.
Oh, I wish I could go with you today.
oh, well, maybe next time.
Say "hi" to Al's daughter, Samantha.
She's such a nice girl and
she's Hasan's age.
Hmmm, you're right.
Looks like our wagon needs some repair.
We're going right by the village market,
dear on the way back...
...do you need anything from there?
Hmmm, oh now I remember.
We need some eggs.
There weren't enough in the chicken coop
this morning for some reason.
Hmmm, that's strange.
I thought so.
Oh well, is there anything else you need?
I don't think so. Have a nice trip.
Thanks. Okay.
Bye mom.
Hasan, let's ride.
Be careful!
Haaa, let's go!
Daddy! Daddy!
Can I come with you?
Ah, of course you can, son.
Hop in the back.
Doo dee doo doo doo. Hmmm?
Where are they?
Where'd they go?
They're on their way.
We have to follow them closely...
...so don't let them out of our sight.
Then we will take the jar.
Hurry, hurry, c'mon, let's go!
Chop chop chop...
Let's see where they are. Mmmm,
we'd better hurry.
There they are. Oh, no, they're almost
there. I need an idea right now.
You're supposed to be helpful.
Don't you have any ideas?
Oh, rain!
Looks like it could be a storm.
Oh Oh.
we'd better get going quickly
before it starts to really pour.
Be careful now. I hear something.
Hey! Easy! Calm down! Hey, Ahhh!
Be careful Hasan.
Hold on tight.
He's totally out of control.
I can't hold him.
Help me dad, help me.
Don't worry, son! Give me the rein!
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! What's going on?
I'm gonna fall.
Hold on tight, Hamal!
Waha ha ha ha ha!
Bingo! Aha ha ha ha!
It's in the water!
Let's go get it.
It's our only chance.
Help me!
Be brave, Hamal! Give me your hand.
Daddy! Daddy! Ahhh!
I can't hold on any longer.
Reach further! A little more!
Help me, help me.
Be brave! Hasan is coming.
Hurry Hasan!
I'm comming, I'm coming.
Hasan hurry...
I'm just about there.
Oh no!
Give me your hand.
Wu... help.
Uhha ha, hurry Cleo, hurry!
Quit stalling and get it in gear!
Look, it's right there.
If you could just go a little faster.
Huagh! Come back Cleo, come back!
Grab onto the rope!
You see Cleo, ha ha ha ha!
This is an example of the superior human
brain at work. Ahhh! Ouuff!
What an idiot.
There it goes.
Hold on, Cleo!
Don't let go! Hold on tight!
I see it, I see it. It's coming closer.
Don't let go!
Here it comes.
Hold on! Hold on!
Aaahhh! Gotcha Ya!
Aah, you're all mine, blrrr...
Pull! Blrrrr...
Pull me up! Blrrr...
Daaha ha! Aha ha ha ha ha...
Oh, dad, I think he's gonna be alright.
Ah, yes.
Where am I?
You're safe, son.
Everything's gonna be alright now.
Daddy, I was really scared.
You're safe now, son, don't worry.
No need to be afraid.
Ahh, yes, my strong son the brave hero.
We've ended up a long way
from the wagon, dad.
Huh! The jar! The jar!
Aha ha ha ha haaa...
I can't believe it.
How could they forget it?
Well, it's in good hands now.
I'll take some with me and
leave the rest hidden in here.
Ya see, good things come
to those who wait.
Now, I shall take my leave knowing
you're safe here.
I'm on top of the world!
I am the richest man in the world!
Aha ha ha ha ha, Aha ha ha ha ha!
Huh, wah, wah... Uh, uh, uh.
Who's there?
Waaahhh! Aaaahhh!
No! No!
You musn't show yourselves yet.
Come back here.
Where are you?
Enad, what are you doing here?
Nothing. Hee, hee, hee nothing at all.
Haa, haa, haa you look lovely.
Poor Cleo bumped her head.
You could give her something for it.
What's under your hand, Enad?
Eh, did you feed the food and cook
the donkey?
What? What are you hiding?
Let go of my hand.
How would you like to go
on a shopping spree?
Um, uh, in the village.
And ahh, you can buy whatever you like.
A jewel?
Where did you get it from?
What difference does it make where
I got it from?
The point is it'll transform our
dreary life into a happy one.
Stop it! Whaddaya mean a happy life?
You're old enough to know...
...that happiness doesn't come
from dirty money...
...but from honest hard work.
Honest work. Ya right, that's a good one.
It's all a bunch of hooey.
This hut is what honest work'll getcha.
It can buy us one, two,
three, ten castles.
Money money just one...
Money money money... we'll buy the
finest hats, perfumes,
silk clothing and we'll dine on gourmet
meals prepared by the best chefs.
We'll have a hundred servants.
This money will keep us warm and rich.
This stolen money's going to burn us,
and I don't want any part of it.
You can keep it!
Eye of Heaven, I'm downhearted...
...and confused and sad.
I've lost the jar.
I'm full of sorrow.
Please help me my Lord.
Be my guidance oh my Lord.
Lord of Heavens save my soul.
Holy Promise The Holy Promise.
Proves the virtue of the man.
Gives him strength,
the strength to stand.
Despite the setting sun...
...I keep on searching.
I ask myself if it's all worth while.
But I know the answer will come to me.
For my life is based on honesty.
Holy Promise The Holy Promise.
Proves the virtue of the man.
Gives him strength,
the strength to stand.
No, no more despair.
This lost treasure
overwhelmed my soul.
Everyday I go on searching.
By the valleys and the streams.
I do my best to serve my neighbor.
I do my best to please my God.
Everyday I go on searching.
By the valleys and the streams.
I do my best to serve my neighbor.
I do my best to please my God.
Everyday I go on searching.
By the valleys and the streams.
I do my best to serve my neighbor.
I do my best to please my God.
Holy Promise The Holy Promise.
Proves the virtue of the man.
Gives him strength, the strength to stand.
Gives him strength, the strength to stand.
Gives him strength,
the strength to staaaand...
Ehhh, you've caught enough
for dinner, Hasan!
Come and help me look now.
Dad, we've been looking for a week.
I know.
Isn't that enough?
I really don't think
we're gonna find it, dad. O.K.
Oh, c'mon?
This isn't just an old shoe
we're looking for.
Greetings my good neighbours.
Hurgggh. Oh, Right in the eye!
Oh, I'm sorry, Enad.
I didn't see you there.
It's just an eye.
Tell me my good man.
How are things going?
The family good?
So how goes the fishing today?
How about giving some to me?
I prefer it fried.
If ya wanna sell'em,
there's a guy in the village
named Jimmy Scales,
he's good and he'll give ya a fair price.
Just mention my name,
and he'll treat ya fine.
...but we're really busy looking for
something we lost here.
I certainly haven't seen it whatever it is...
...and I most certainly wouldn't
keep it for myself.
That wouldn't be nice.
Ah, let's check with the cards...
...and see what they say,
they always tell the truth.
Ah, here's the ace of diamonds...
...which means you've lost
something valuable.
Will you find it or not?
Oh, oh, the cards are saying:
"what has been lost will never be found"
Gosh, thanks Enad.
But I think we'll find what we
lost with hard work,
not by listening to ugly losing cards.
My cards never fail.
I know this for sure.
Uhhh, you'll see they're right.
Let's go, Cleo.
They're up the creek.
Good luck finding it.
Have a nice day.
Alright, Cleo, it's time
to go to my happy place.
La, la, la, la, la...
What a strange and annoying little man.
He really makes my skin crawl.
Ooh, I'd better watch my back.
I don't want anyone seeing me
going into this cave.
Hmm, I smell a rat.
Oh boy, this looks great.
I'm starving!
Here's Hasan's fish!
I'm quite hungry too.
All right!
Ha, ha, ha aw all right, wooohooo.
Blahh! Mom, please don't feed me
hot peppers anymore. I can't eat them.
Awe, c'mon. You're a big boy. You should
be able to eat a couple of peppers.
Mmm, I love hot peppers.
Well, if you like 'em so much,
try this, ha ha ha ha.
Ahh, all this good food's making me tired.
I know you're still worried,
but if you don't find the jar...
...then it just wasn't meant to be.
Haah, I wish I could swim like a fish
then I could've followed the jar.
Here ya go, Nutty,
I'm all finished with it.
Waahoo! All right, dinner
for one coming up.
Aaah! What!
Hey aren't you supposed to be
up a tree somewhere?
You could get into a lot of trouble
down here.
I sure told that big squirrel off.
Yikes! Big? Squirrel?
What's the big idea?
Stop pushing me around you moron.
I said stop pushing me around if you know
what's good for ya, see.
Now, how many times have I told you
to stay away from this chicken coop?
Aww, he doesn't know anything.
Now lets get the other one, quick.
Bye bye.
Nutty! Nutty!
Come on, let's get outta here.
Are you trying to tell me it wasn't you?
Give it to me now you've done
enough for one night.
I gotta prove it wasn't me, but how?
Hah, that must be the hard work
you love so much.
My name is Enad,
I'm a real cool dude.
Some say I'm mean,
some say I'm rude.
Yes, I'm Enad and I have the jar.
I've found all the riches and
I'm gonna go far.
I found the jar filled with jewels.
The man who lost it is a silly fool.
He'll never know who took the stash.
I'm gonna sell it all and get some cash.
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
I am Enad I'm a real cool dude.
Some say I'm mean,
some say I'm rude.
Yes, I am Enad
and I have the jar.
I've got all the riches
and I'm gonna go far.
I tricked the family who lives next door.
Now I'm rich and they're still poor.
They might suspect me
but they'll never know.
It's a perfect crime,
this jar that I stole.
Have you ever seen such a clever guy.
I am Enad a real cool dude.
Some say I'm mean,
some say I'm rude.
Yes, I'm Enad and I have the jar.
I've got all the riches and I'm gonna go far.
Ever wonder what I'm gonna do with
all that beautiful money.
Listen up.
I'm gonna sell it all,
I'm gonna buy a bank.
I'll have my own chauffeur,
and Amine to thank.
I'll have the biggest palace you ever seen.
I'll have lots of servants to cook and clean.
You'll be right by my side right Cleo,
right, right, of course you will.
I am Enad I'm a real cool dude.
Some say I'm mean,
some say I'm rude.
Yes, I am Enad I have the jar.
I've got all the riches and I'm gonna go far.
I'll be so famous wherever I go.
Like a big pop star with money to blow.
The whole wide world will know my face.
I'll be mobed by fans all
over the place, yahooooo...
It's me Enad don't you recognize me?
I am Enad a real cool dude.
Some say I'm mean,
some say I'm rude.
I am Enad, I have the jar.
I've got all the riches and I'm gonna go far.
Enad! Are you going some
place special?
I need your help in the yard, okay?
Ehh, ehh, I'm going out.
Listen to me, give back the loot.
Eh, are you crazy?
Oh, I can't do it.
But I have to do it. Oh.
Knock! Knock!
I'll be right there.
Oh, that's strange, I thought
I heard someone knocking.
Amine, Hasan, I know where the jar is!
Ah yes, ah yes my pretties.
Let's go for a little ride.
Off to the market we go to sell you for lots
of money to some other idiot ha ha ha ha...
who gets you one day and loses you the next.
Aha ha ha ha...
Loser, loser ha, ha, ha. Ahhh! Snakes!
Go away! Stay where you are!
Don't come near me!
Get away from me you ugly beasts.
Don't you dare come any closer! Aaaahhh!
Wait a minute. Just let me take the
jar and I'll leave you alone.
Please, I'll leave and never come back.
Dad, come look!
Leee, What am I going to do? I got to
hide somewhere. Where can I go?
I've got to hide somewhere.
Where can I go?
Over here... no over here is better.
This is a damp and creepy place!
I hope we find it quickly.
Ya, it's really spooky here.
You know dad, if the letter is true,
then whoever hid it here must be
from the village,
Someone who knows the place well.
Hah, so where should we start?
Let's split up.
You look over there eahh,
and I'll look over here.
Dad, did you hear anything?
I don't, huh?
Strange, where is that noise coming from?
Over here, Hasan!
I found the jar!
Really, dad!? Aahh!
Where did these snakes come from?
I'm not afraid of them. I'll fix'em.
No Hasan! They're dangerous, let's go now.
It's not worth it. We'll be hurt
if we don't act wisely. C'mon!
Mmmm? Why you crummy old hat.
I almost got caught because of you.
Come'ere you jinx, back to where you belong.
Oh great, that's all I need now.
Well, I'm not going to let another ugly
creature stand in my way.
Take that, and that, and that.
C'mon snakes, they're no match for you.
Get rid of them!
Oh no, I can't bear to look.
C'mon snakes do your job
and get these jokers atta here.
Look out behind you, Hasan!
Eaahh! Over here, Hasan! Ah, ahhh! Ehhh...
Quickly, Hasan,
I can't breathe anymore.
Dad, Hold on dad,
I've almost got'em!
Aha ha ha ha! Better you than me.
Ha ha ha ha haaa...
That will teach you for trying
to take my treasure.
Aha ha ha ha ha!
Oh, help me!
Oh, no, the fire's getting out of control.
C'mon, dad, let's go home.
No, I'm not leaving here without the jar.
But, dad, you're exhausted.
I told you, Hasan,
I won't leave without the jar.
Oh wait right here.
Okay, I've got the jar, let's go.
Now what am I gonna do?
This stolen money's going to burn us,
and I don't want any part of it.
You can keep it.
Oh, I can't stand it when she's right. Well,
I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction.
First I'm gonna get atta here.
And then, and then I'm gonna get
that jar back. Now which way do I go?
OK. Let's rest here for a while.
If it weren't for your bravery,
we never would've gotten out.
I'd always risk my life for you.
Ahh, you're quite a young man.
And thank goodness for that.
Oh, I've gotta get outta this foul
wretched cave. It's not fair.
I came in here as the king of the world...
...now I have to leave like a scared rat.
Ahh! Ahh! Water! Water! Water!
That was close!
Uh, are you okay now, dad?
Do you think it would be alright
if we went home?
Sorry, son, but I won't rest until
I get this jar back to Al.
Actually I'll be quite happy to get rid of it
sooner than later.
Let's go.
Haah! Did I hear correctly?
He's going to Al's?
You're a stubborn man, Amine,
but you're no match for me.
I guarantee that jar will be mine.
Just you wait, just you wait!
Ahh, this is truly valuable!
Where did you say you found it, Hasan?
In the East wall in the courtyard
of the house.
Oh, ya right, that ancient wall.
How lucky for us all. The contents of this
jar must be worth a fortune.
Lucky for us all? But it only belongs to you.
No, no. I was just joking.
It only belongs to you, Amine. Don't
you remember the deed?
Hello everyone.
Hello Samantha.
How are you Samantha?
Very well thank you.
Oh, c'mon, Amine, it's not an issue.
Have some coffee now.
Here you are.
Thank you, Samantha.
That was great by the way,
Muriel said to say "hi".
Oh, thank you.
Anyway, Al,
I feel like the jewels are a heavy
burden around my neck choking me.
Please take them away.
No, Amine, I refuse to take them.
They don't belong to me, OK?
What if one of your relatives hid it
in the wall a long time ago.
Uh ah! Now I won't hear anymore about it,
Amine the jar is yours and that's final.
Oh, c'mon, Al,
I really don't want the jar.
Please take it and put it to
good use some how.
Excuse me, would you like to hear my idea?
By all means, dear.
Why don't you let Uncle Fadel decide?
He's wise and fair...
and would make the right decision.
That's a great idea! What do you think,
Perfect, let's go. Hopefully it'll work.
Let's go then.
And that's the whole story.
So, what do you think?
It belongs to Al, right?
Well... it's not that simple.
I'll need to do more thinking. You mind
if I take more time to decide?
Take whatever time you need.
Why do you need to think?
The answer is clear.
No, no. Just give me until the morning,
okay, Amine?
No, please keep it here with you.
I've had it long enough and I just
don't want the responsibility anymore...
Alright, alright,
I'll keep it here.
It should be safe in here, I hope.
Bye, Uncle Fadel.
See you tomorrow, goodbye.
Goodbye come back tomorrow.
This glue aught to catch them red
handed and sticky fingered.
Owww! Ah hey watch where your going.
Sorry, oh hey, I turned around.
I don't know why I bring him along
on these capers.
Aw, could it be, aww daa...
No I don't think so.
Aw oh yeah, how about aww...
No, no, no... Wait a minute!
Yea bingo that's it.
Hey boss, come here,
you gotta see this.
Look! A big bull must've laid it. Moooo!
What? A bull laid the egg.
Why bulls don't lay eggs.
Well yea, but I just thought since it
Hey, last one there is a rotten egg.
Come on, come on that away, that away.
Yeah, okay no problem doyyyy!
Alright, alright come on get over here.
Aww, okay what is it boss, aww you know
ha, ha, ha, OOO, ha, ha, ha...
Aw, good work Claud.
Aw, thanks boss.
Ha, ha you're the best.
What've you got there, Nutty?
So these guys are the thieves.
Way to go, Nutty.
You're so clever.
You deserve a special reward for this.
Hamal? Where are you?
I'm right here, mommy!
How are you today?
I'm homeless and hungry and
I was told to come and see you.
Welcome to my home.
Make yourself comfortable.
Thank you.
You must be thirsty.
Thank you. I was expecting something
a little sweeter than that.
But I'm sure it will be okay with the food...
...a nice chicken dinner would be perfect.
With all the fixin's too...
...and a delicious rich dessert
with chocolate sauce.
You don't ask for much do you?
He, he, ha, ha, ha!
He'll be busy for an hour. Ha ha ha!
Doe bee doo, doo doo doo
Where are you?
La, la, la, la, la.
Not under here, maybe over here.
It must be in here.
Aha, ha, ha mine all mine,
mine heh heh heh. I'm right.
I'm rich, I am king... Oh no humph!
What am I gonna do? I'm gonna get caught.
Uncle Fadel! Uncle Fadel! Are you there?
Ah, good morning everyone.
Please come in, come in.
So you're interested in upside down
animals are you?
Yes, yes actually I know a lot about animals
and I read everything I can find on them.
Oh, good for you. We never stop learning,
do we?
Hmmm, have you
ever gone to a pond...
...to watch the sharks and
whales eat all the little fish?
Uh, uh, yes, yes.
It's quite a sight...
He doesn't know
what he's talking about.
Is this book yours?
Oh, yes. Strange, I don't remember
leaving it there.
Okay, uncle, did you find a solution
to our problem?
Yes I have, and I think you'll be
pleased with my decision.
Ehh, ehh, I can see you're busy now.
so I'll just go out for a little walk
and I'll be back in an hour or so.
Where did it go?
I know I put it in here.
I need some fresh air.
This is awful! It's gone.
Maybe you put it somewhere else,
uncle Fadel.
No, no, I put it in the box.
I haven't lost my mind yet.
Why are you looking at me?
Search me if you like, you won't
find a single piece of gold.
Excuse me? How did you know
it had gold in it, huh?
Uh, I just assumed it would be
something valuable.
Excuse me, but I have to make sure.
Stop it Hasan!
What are you doing?
Uh, I'm sorry, dad. Uh,
I was just trying to help.
You see? I didn't steal anything.
Is this anyway to treat a pa, poor man?
But, but sir, please, please don't go.
Very strange. It's a real mystery.
Ahhhh, hah ha ha ha...
I caught you red handed! Huh?
You scared me! Please be merciful,
Please, I'll do anything you want.
How could you possibly do this?
Give it to me, you pathetic dog.
What kind of neighbor are you?
Bye for now!
Bye, bye.
Congratulations on your wedding.
Oh, thank you very much.
You've brought great happiness to the hearts
of the people of this village.
Eh heh, thanks to your judgement
and wise decision.
Oh, that reminds me, we've donated the
money to the poor...
...gave the bride and groom their share...
...and this remains for you.
Well, Hamel, what should we do with it?
I know, I would like a new pet to start
my zoo!
Okay, son, tomorrow
we'll go to the village...
...and pick out a pet of your choice.
Yahaay! I finally get to buy
a beautiful peacock.
Hmm, I got it! The bridge! The bridge needs
repair to be safe again.
Ah, great idea.
Hasan and there's plenty here.
What's this for?
Well, It's your share of the jar.
But I can't accept this.
Have you forgotten what Enad did?
What'll I do, Cleo?
Can you believe what they did to me?
I don't deserve to be in prison.
I'm a good man.
This is no place for me.
They marry off Hasan with my money, and
I'm left to live in here like a rat.
At least rats can live free.
All my dreams of being rich have turned
to living nightmares.
I really wish we could trade places, Cleo.
Don't leave me, Cleo!
You're my only friend in the wooorld!