Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday (1993) Movie Script
Oh my.
Open fire!
Hit the dirt!
I don't think so.
Good work,
Agent Marcus.
Thank you, Sir.
Good shooting, Mahoney.
Now clean up all this shit.
- Is that him?
- Yeah, that's it.
I.D., please.
All right, sir.
Voorhees, Jason.
This case is eyes only.
This tape is strictly
for internal distribution.
Anyone listening must have
C4 clearance or higher.
If not, you're in
a heap of trouble.
We have a large male Caucasian
with massive tissue loss
due to extreme explosive trauma.
I'd say 230, maybe 240.
Third-degree burns over 65%
of the anterior torso.
First and second over...
posterior torso.
In addition to explosive trauma,
the subject is a victim of...
multiple bullet wounds.
At a glance, I'd say...
we're looking at well over
varying caliber.
This is going to be
a real joy to count.
In my professional opinion,
this guy's deader than shit.
Strike that last comment
from the record.
Evidence, upon examination,
indicates severe pulmonary edema.
I'd say the heart appears to be twice
the size of a normal heart,
Fatty deposits...
left, right atria.
The heart appears to be filled
with a black, viscous fluid.
I reckon I don't know
what in the hell it is.
It's not blood.
- You just saw me come out of there.
- I.D., please.
Oh, one second.
Phil, this is actually
kind of an amazing opportunity.
How many people
actually get a chance
to say whatever they want
to Jason fucking Voorhees?
Hey, fuck.
How're you doing, you fat-ass,
maggoty, blown-up fuck?
Suck this!
Suck it.
You know what
I'd like to do to you?
I'd like to take a crap
right on your fucking mask...
a big old,
mango-sized crap.
Yes, that's a probe.
So Doc, what's the verdict?
Jason going to be getting up
and walking around anytime soon?
We really nailed
that fucker.
He wasn't nothing but
a big old pussy, anyway.
Tonight on
"American Case File"
Jason Voorhees...
dead or deadly?
These dramatic photos were taken
in the aftermath of the autopsy
of Jason Voorhees.
The facts:
Two security men... dead.
A coroner... dead.
Another coroner... missing.
Are these men victims
of a serial killer
only believed
to be deceased?
Many say yes.
Hi, I'm Robert Campbell.
For over 20 years,
the mere mention of
the name Jason Voorhees
has been enough to send
a shudder of fear
through the hearts
of an entire nation.
Born in 1946
to Elias and Pamela Voorhees,
Jason was believed to have
drowned in Camp Crystal Lake
at the tender age of 11.
Sadly, he did not.
Since then, he has been responsible
for 83 confirmed murders,
and speculated scores of others.
Tonight, on a very special episode
of "American Case File,"
we'll show you an interview
conducted with Mr. Creighton Duke,
just one week after Jason's
alleged termination.
You'll remember Mr. Duke
as the bounty hunter
previously responsible
for the capture
of six of this country's
most reviled serial killers.
Let's go to the tape.
For the first time ever,
our cameras were allowed
a glimpse of the private
training compound
of bounty hunter
Creighton Duke.
Duke invited us with the promise
of a very unusual,
very expensive proposition.
And I think you'll agree,
in typical Creighton Duke fashion,
he gave us much more
than we bargained for.
Just watch.
I'm going to say two words
to you, Mr. Duke,
and I want you to say the first thing
that comes to your mind. Okay?
- Okay.
- You ready?
- Shoot.
- Jason Voorhees.
That makes me
think of...
a little girl
in a pink dress,
sticking a hot dog
through a donut.
I was actually referring
to your claim
that Jason Voorhees
is not truly dead.
What you think of
as Jason is...
not Jason.
That body he's wearing...
that's just meat.
That boy knows
how to dress...
he wears other people's bodies
like folks wear a suit.
Aw, he may get blown up, but that's
just a minor inconvenience for him...
he'll just get himself
another body.
Jason Voorhees,
the true Jason Voorhees,
is something you and I have never
seen before, Mr. Campbell.
There's only one way
to put an end to him for all time,
and I'm the only one
that knows the way.
So if you want him dead,
truly dead,
$500,000 is my fee,
and for that you get the mask,
the machete, the whole damn thing.
Quite a character.
In the week following our interview
with Creighton Duke,
there have been five more
Jason-style murders,
all... perhaps not surprisingly...
on a direct path
from the federal morgue
in Youngstown, Ohio,
where Jason's remains were flown
to Crystal Lake.
Tonight, in the interest
of public safety,
I am prepared to offer
Creighton Duke his sum of $500,000,
payable only after he provides
"American Case File"
and the American people
with incontrovertible proof
of Jason's existence,
and then puts
an end to him for all time.
We'll be back with
"American Case File" in a moment.
- This is truly sick.
- Tell me about it.
No, this is not sick, Diana,
this is business.
People are going to come see
Jason's home town,
and they're going
to come with appetites.
- Break a leg, food's up!
- Thanks, Shel.
Hey, Ma... you really want me
to cut these like this?
- Yes, I do.
- It looks stupid.
It's you own dumb-ass fault...
they're supposed to look
like hockey masks.
Now watch.
This makes a whole new patty...
hence, the two-for-one burger sale.
I love this woman.
Hold me back!
You guys make me sick.
What can I get you?
I'll take a Voorhees Burger
and a side of Jason Fingers.
- Okay, anything else?
- Yes.
- Creighton Duke.
- I know who you are.
I'm going to kill Jason Voorhees.
I need you to help me.
- Jason Voorhees is dead.
- You know he's not.
I know he's not,
and he's coming for you.
Your food will be right out.
Name your price.
Everyone has a price.
What's yours?
- What do you want?
- You know what I want,
and you know why I need you.
- I think you need to leave.
- I know everything about you, Diana.
I know who you really are!
- What's the problem here?
- Nothing.
I was just making
your girlfriend a proposition
and she's thinking it over.
Right, love?
Go on, get up.
Why don't you
blow me, Chief?
Right after your girlfriend
gets through.
That's my lady
you're talking about.
See, she is
only your lady
because she ain't had
a taste of the Duke yet.
- Goddamn it!
- Careful, careful, Chief!
I don't think
you really know who I am.
I know who you are.
The last thing
we need around here
is some freako
bounty hunter causing trouble.
I want you out of this town
and I want you out now.
- That is very colorful, Chief.
- Randy!
Take him out to my car.
I'll be out in a minute.
All right, let's go.
He's coming for you, Diana,
and your daughter.
- Lock your doors.
- Uh-huh.
I'm sorry if he upset you.
I don't need you
to fight my battles.
I don't need
any part-time protection.
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
He seems to think
Jason's coming for you.
Steven, I need
to talk to you.
There is something
you don't know about Jessica,
something that
you should know.
She was going
to tell you herself,
but there may not be
enough time.
If you still care about her,
if you still want to make things
right between the two of you,
then we should talk.
Okay, let's talk.
Yeah, but not here.
Come to my house
tonight at 11:00
and don't be late.
- All right.
- Great.
Thank you so much.
We had been there for an hour.
- Sure.
- Thanks a lot, man.
Where are we headed?
- Going to Camp Crystal Lake.
- Oh yeah?
Planning on smoking a little dope,
having a little premarital sex
and getting slaughtered?
It's a joke.
It's just a joke.
It's a little Crystal Lake
levity there.
So, why are you
going to the camp?
- Now that Jason's dead...
- We're think about smoking some dope,
having a little
premarital sex and...
not worry about
getting slaughtered.
To be young again!
Well, here's
where the camp was.
They tore the cabins down a few
years ago, but this is the place.
Hey, thanks a lot.
Come with us.
We're thinking
of going skinny-dipping later.
God, I'd love to,
but I got to meet someone later.
Oh, your girlfriend?
Go on, have fun.
You don't know
what you're missing.
Here she is.
Let's do it.
Oh my God,
that water.
I think it shrank my pod.
Your pod looks
pretty good from here.
Come here.
Do you mind if we use
the tent for a half an hour?
No, no, no. Actually, take it
for the whole night.
- I'm gonna sleep out here.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, it's a beautiful night.
- Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah, I'm sure.
Go, go.
Go, go, go, go!
Damn it.
Come on,
let's do it.
You think you're ready
for Tony the Wonder Llama?
You got a rubber?
In my bag outside.
I'll get it.
No, no, no, no.
Forget it.
Forget about it.
I got to pee anyway.
I got to go out there anyway.
I'll be right back.
- Hurry up.
- Okay.
- I found it.
- Yeah?
Oh God, Debby,
I hate these things.
Oh shit! Debby!
Tango? Tango?
Oh, there you are.
Well, come here.
There. Yeah.
Hello, sweetheart.
Yes, there you are.
Di, it's me... Josh!
I was just going to my car.
I didn't mean to scare you.
- Here.
- It's all right.
- Here.
- Oh, thanks.
Look, hon...
don't worry about Ed.
He'll come around.
He's too smart a guy
to let you get away.
I guess I'm a little too old
for going steady.
Well, so is he
and he knows it.
Trust me...
it'll work out.
Good night.
Good night, Josh.
Hello, baby.
Not here. Not here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
What's the big deal?
Did Roy's bowling league go late?
The league changed the time.
We've only got until 10:30.
Get in!
What the fuck are
you doing, you fuck?!
- Hi, Mom!
- Hi!
- Guess what?
- What?
I have a new boyfriend.
You'll never guess who.
- What's his name?
- I want it to be a surprise.
Someone I know?
No, but you'll
recognize him.
We're going to come
for a visit next weekend.
- Tell her I want to meet her.
- He really wants to meet you.
- Can you hold on just a second?
- Sure.
- How's the baby?
- Great.
Have you seen her father lately?
- Steven's coming over tonight.
- Mom.
- He's still asking about you.
- I don't want to talk to him.
And I don't want
to see him when I'm home.
He can see the baby
if he wants.
- Can you tell him?
- I'll tell him.
- I love you, Mom.
- I love you too, baby.
Josh, what are
you doing?! Josh?!
Oh, jesus!
You motherfucker!
Yes. Hi!
Is Sheriff Landis there?
This is Jessica Kimble.
Could you patch me through?
Oh, shit!
You saw him.
You know who he is.
You have to save Jessica.
Save Jessica.
- And the...
- The what?
Save Jessica...
It was Josh.
He fell out...
Where the hell is he?
Oh my dear God!
He was dead!
He had to be dead!
You can't think that l...
I don't believe
that you murdered Diana.
No, I don't know
what happened.
I know you couldn't
have done it.
You just sit tight, okay?
I'm gonna take care of this.
I'll straighten everything out.
What am I going to do?
What is Jessica going to do?
Jessica, I'm so sorry.
I wanted to have this cleaned up
before you got here.
It's all right.
I was just...
Oh God, Vick!
Oh my gosh!
Who's that?!
A girl?
She's beautiful!
- She yours?
- Her name's Stephanie.
She has Steven's eyes.
Why didn't you tell me?
I was going to.
I was going to tell everybody.
I just didn't...
I didn't expect
to be back here so soon.
Is Steven around?
There's something I need
to tell you about Steven.
Hopefully, we won't have to hold you
for more than a day.
I am going to bust my ass
to prove that you are innocent,
but you're going
to have to stay cool
because otherwise, Landis
is really going to kill you, okay?
Come on.
The sheriff is
right this way.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I'll be back later.
Don't do anything stupid.
What am I going to do?
I'm locked in a frickin' cell.
I'm going to get
you out of this,
but you just got
to hang tight.
Oh, wait, everything
you need is in this bag.
There you go.
There you go.
White bottle 12:00,
green bottle, 1:00, 1:30.
And work our way up
to hard liquor at dinnertime?
Don't worry.
What time would you like me
to pick her up?
By the diner
around 8:00.
Bye, sweetheart!
Don't you give Vicki
a hard time. Bye bye!
Thanks Vicki.
- You take good care of her.
- Of course.
Jessie, I got
a few papers here.
I got to get
your signature on them.
All right.
You're about the saddest looking
sack of shit I've ever seen.
Why don't
you just shut up?
Accused of murder,
and not just any murder,
but the murder of the mother
of the girl you love.
I didn't do it.
Oh, I know that.
Problem is, how are you going to get
anyone else to believe you?
It was Jason
that killed Diana.
What did you say?
There's only one way
to put an end to that devil.
And they don't know
the way.
And you do?
Tell me!
Information like that is
very expensive.
What's your price?
I think you're too much
of a coward to afford it.
Try me.
Give me your hand.
Your hand...
give it to me.
See, everything
and everyone...
has a price,
and the cost of this is
very, very high.
Are you ready
to pay?
What's the price?
Are you ready
to pay?
Oh, fuck!
The only way to kill Jason Voorhees
is to destroy his heart,
and there's only one person that can do
that now that Diana's dead...
her daughter.
And he will try to get to her
before she can get to him.
- What does he want?
- Same thing he wanted her mother for.
You want information?
You got to pay.
- Come on.
- Your hand.
- You ready to pay?
- Yes.
- Are you sure?
- Yes!
Ooh, jeez!
Those FBI idiots
destroyed Jason's body,
so now he needs
a new one.
The ones he's jumping in
and out of... they can't last.
They get diseased,
he gets weak.
Jason needs to be reborn again
and he needs Jessica to do it.
Why Jessica?
Now see, that is a very,
very expensive question, boy,
and I don't think
you've got what it takes
to pay the price.
Tell me.
This one's on the house.
In a Voorhees was he born,
through a Voorhees
may he be reborn,
and only by the hands
of a Voorhees will he die.
Jason had a sister...
your girlfriend's mother, Diana.
Now that she's dead,
he has only
two blood relatives left
in the world
with the power to kill him,
or make him reborn...
Jessica and her baby.
I've got to get out of here
and protect them.
The only way to do that
is to kill Jason,
and you can't,
but Jessica can.
Tell Jessica
about her birthright.
Make her believe you.
Go to the Voorhees house...
find proof,
because if you don't,
Jason will kill her...
and your baby.
Randy! Randy!
What the hell's
going on here?
That son of a bitch
broke my finger! Jesus!
Let me take
a look, okay?
Oh shit.
- Quiet!
- You asshole.
carefully open the cell.
You wouldn't kill me?
You might be right.
Okay, stand there.
listen to me, please.
Don't do this.
You escape, they're going
to shoot you on sight.
That's a chance
I'm going to have to take.
So I lose a bundle today,
so screw it.
I loved
that little lady.
Don't pretend
to be so noble.
You should have closed up
until after the funeral.
Oh sure, two days off
with pay, right?!
Hey, baby, not now.
Believe it or not, I'm hurt too,
and not just financially.
- What the fuck is that?
- It's Jessica's baby.
Get it out... this is
a restaurant, not a nursery.
Hey! I believe that's
the sweetest thing
God ever put on this earth.
You're a little cutie pie.
It'll be just as cute when it's
on the fucking street.
Get it out!
No shit?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, if I see him,
I'll call.
- What was that all about?
- The baby can stay.
Go to the storeroom and make
a crib out of a box.
- Go, go, go, go, go!
- Okay!
Steven Freeman escaped
and he's got a gun.
Oh, Jesus.
Do they know where he was headed?
Knowing Freeman, he turned ass
and he bolted to Canada,
but just in case
he didn't...
Hey, baby. Hey, hey, hold it.
Let me do it.
Jesus, Pookey!
Okay, we got your bear.
I know this isn't a palace,
but it'll have to do.
God, you look
so much like your dad.
put you in here.
I'll come back and check on you
and make sure you're okay.
I don't even
know your name.
That's my baby.
It's the first time I've ever been
able to touch my baby.
Take my car.
Get out.
- Ward, l...
- Get out.
Thank you.
Hey, Reggie,
what's happening?
Oh yeah, I'm there now.
It's great... it's disgusting.
I am going
to want to dress it.
Maybe we can put a few body parts
in the refrigerator.
Reg, I don't know...
talk to Harry in props.
You know what
we're going for here...
twisted secrets
of the Voorhees house revealed.
And also,
one more thing.
Guess what tomorrow's
headline is going to read?
"Body of slain Voorhees woman
stolen from morgue."
Well, last night,
I stole Diana's body
and I hid it here in the closet,
and then I went home
and fucked her daughter.
Reg... Reg, you want
to calm down?
Listen, I'll talk Jessica
into letting us shoot here.
I'll bring the police,
they'll discover
the body on camera,
and our ratings will go
right through the fucking roof!
How does that grab you?
You scared the hell out of me.
Where have you been?
Get away from her!
Where are you taking me?!
What is wrong with you?!
- Come on!
- Have you lo... oh my God, Steven!
Put me down!
I don't want your help!
I am going to kill you!
Put me down this second!
I am going
to kill you! Oh!
Get in the car!
Get in the car!
What is wrong?
What is going on?
- Will somebody tell me?
- Shut up!
Oh my...
Steven! God!
Oh my God!
stop the car!
Pull this car over!
Steven, I mean it,
stop this car now!
- Are you out of your mind?!
- Just calm down!
Shut the fuck up, please!
Just listen.
Now you think I killed
Robert back there, right?
There's no way he could have lived...
I just ran the fucker over!
- Steven...
- Did I kill him or not?!
- Yes, you killed him!
- Wrong.
He is not dead
and that is not Robert.
Jess, I did not
kill your mother...
yesterday, Josh, or someone that
looked like Josh killed her.
That was after she blew off
the back of his head.
I stabbed him with a poker right
through the heart and he still lived!
- Just let me go.
- You and the baby are in great danger.
I can help.
I won't leave you
this time, Jess.
- Yeah, you will, Steven.
- I promise, I won't.
Jess, let's go
get the baby.
Fucking psycho, you killed my mother!
You think I'd let you near my baby?!
- Ow! Ah!
- Out, out! Get away from me!
Come on!
- Jess! Please!
- Get away from me!
- Get away!
- Jess! Jess!
I just saw Steven out on Lake Road.
He killed Robert!
- Slow down! You all right?
- He ran him over!
- I was at my mother's house.
- Did he hurt you?
Not me, Robert!
You said Steven's out on Lake Road.
Where on Lake Road?
I don't know!
Out past the Myers' place.
Okay, we'll get him.
You're safe now. Don't worry.
Notify all the units
on Lake Road. I want this kid.
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot!
Oh, Randy!
Son of a bitch!
Ah! Shit!
Fuck this!
Hey, you okay?
Ow! Ow! God!
- Damn!
- Get in the fucking car.
You get in the car.
You want me
to cuff you?
What makes
you think you can?
I got a gun.
Fuck that...
I got a gun.
You totally
wrecked Jessica.
you've seen Jessica?
- Yes, I have seen Jessica.
- Where is she?
At the station.
Cuff me.
Cuff me!
Randy just picked Steven up.
He's bringing him in.
Jessie, follow officer Ryan...
she'll give you some clothes.
- All we have are cop uniforms.
- Anything's fine.
One second.
You all right, mister?
Wait a second.
What the...
You find her
and you find her quick!
I will hear from you.
Stop right there!
Steven, help me!
What the hell
was that?
He's breathing.
Let's check this guy
at the end of the hall.
- Fuck!
- Jesus Christ!
Get the ambulance.
Oh fuck!
- Vick, where's the baby?
- She's fine.
- Where's the baby?
- She's in the back.
- What's wrong?
- Whoa, hold it right there.
Don't move a fucking muscle,
either of you.
- Joey, I just want to...
- Shut up! You're with him.
Nobody's going to touch
that ray of sunshine!
call the station!
I'm doing it, baby.
I'm doing it.
Holy shit!
Line's dead.
- Son of a bitch! Ward?
- What?
- Go check out the station.
- Don't let him go over there.
- He'll get killed.
- Shut up! Go on.
- Ma, he just...
- Ward!
Little mister...
just in case.
- Honey, watch the willy.
- Ma!
- Ward, don't, please!
- Shut up! Keep your hands up high!
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Stop, I mean it!
Stop, I mean it!
Stop, I mean it!
Stop, I mean it!
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
- Come on!
- She's gone! Where is she?
- Come on!
- She's gone! Where is she?
- Come on!
- She's gone! Where is she?
- Come on!
- She's gone! Where is she?
Vicki must have
moved her!
Vicki must have
moved her!
Vicki must have
moved her!
Vicki must have
moved her!
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
She's got to be in here.
She's got to be in here.
She's got to be in here.
She's got to be in here.
She's got to be in here.
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Oh God, Vick!
Oh God, Vick!
Oh God, Vick!
Oh God, Vick!
Oh God, Vick!
I going to try
and get some help.
I going to try
and get some help.
I going to try
and get some help.
I going to try
and get some help.
Jessica, wait!
Fuck! Damn!
"I have your baby.
Come to the Voorhees
house... alone."
You're alone.
Good girl.
Jason could have jumped
into anyone by now but you.
We haven't been
formally introduced.
My name is Creighton Duke.
What the hell
do you think you're doing
grabbing my baby
and bringing her here?
Hold it.
Robert is dead.
I know about your bounty,
but you'll never see
any of that money now.
It's over.
Just give me the baby.
Just give me two minutes.
It's not about
the money anymore.
What do you want
from me?
Tonight we can get
that bastard!
Tonight we can send Jason Voorhees
straight to hell for all time.
You don't need me
for that.
Yes... I do!
Only through a Voorhees
can he be reborn
and only a Voorhees
can kill him... with that!
No, I won't put my baby
in any more danger.
You will always be in danger
until Jason is dead.
He won't stop
coming for you
until he gets you,
until he's reborn.
And then he will kill you...
and your baby.
If you want this
to be over,
if you want your baby
out of danger,
then you will
end it now,
before more people have to die like
your friends, like your mother.
until you kill him...
it will
never be over.
Oh, were we sleepy?
That could be
Jason will have jumped
into a new body by now.
You can't
trust anyone.
- It couldn't be Steven.
- Anyone. Do you understand?
- Jessica!
- Ed?
Oh shit!
Ahh! Kill him!
Do it!
Ed, is it really you?
- Of course.
- Stay there!
- Give me the knife.
- I thought you were dead.
- You were wrong.
- Don't come any closer.
- Kill him!
- I can't!
Freeze! Get the hell
away from her, Ed.
- Duke, what should I do?
- Kill the both of 'em!
- No!
- Do it or die!
give me the knife.
- Stay back!
- Jessica.
Get off her!
Get away from her!
- Steven!
- No-oo!
- Where is it?!
- I don't know!
I'm coming!
- I'll help you.
- Give me your hand!
I'm coming!
- Where's the dagger?
- It's under the dresser!
Go get it!
I don't think so.
Oh God.
- What's it doing?
- I don't know.
That part about being reborn
through a Voorhees woman...
- does it have to be a living woman?
- No.
That thing's in the basement
with Jessica's mother.
Holy mother of God.
Get the dagger!
Help her!
Get the damn dagger!
- Lift it up!
- Okay!
- I can't get it!
- Jessica!
Son of a bitch,
you remember me?
Get the dagger!
Tonight, my friend,
you will...
Get away from them,
Please don't cry!
Go... to...
Ohh! No!
Oh my.
Open fire!
Hit the dirt!
I don't think so.
Good work,
Agent Marcus.
Thank you, Sir.
Good shooting, Mahoney.
Now clean up all this shit.
- Is that him?
- Yeah, that's it.
I.D., please.
All right, sir.
Voorhees, Jason.
This case is eyes only.
This tape is strictly
for internal distribution.
Anyone listening must have
C4 clearance or higher.
If not, you're in
a heap of trouble.
We have a large male Caucasian
with massive tissue loss
due to extreme explosive trauma.
I'd say 230, maybe 240.
Third-degree burns over 65%
of the anterior torso.
First and second over...
posterior torso.
In addition to explosive trauma,
the subject is a victim of...
multiple bullet wounds.
At a glance, I'd say...
we're looking at well over
varying caliber.
This is going to be
a real joy to count.
In my professional opinion,
this guy's deader than shit.
Strike that last comment
from the record.
Evidence, upon examination,
indicates severe pulmonary edema.
I'd say the heart appears to be twice
the size of a normal heart,
Fatty deposits...
left, right atria.
The heart appears to be filled
with a black, viscous fluid.
I reckon I don't know
what in the hell it is.
It's not blood.
- You just saw me come out of there.
- I.D., please.
Oh, one second.
Phil, this is actually
kind of an amazing opportunity.
How many people
actually get a chance
to say whatever they want
to Jason fucking Voorhees?
Hey, fuck.
How're you doing, you fat-ass,
maggoty, blown-up fuck?
Suck this!
Suck it.
You know what
I'd like to do to you?
I'd like to take a crap
right on your fucking mask...
a big old,
mango-sized crap.
Yes, that's a probe.
So Doc, what's the verdict?
Jason going to be getting up
and walking around anytime soon?
We really nailed
that fucker.
He wasn't nothing but
a big old pussy, anyway.
Tonight on
"American Case File"
Jason Voorhees...
dead or deadly?
These dramatic photos were taken
in the aftermath of the autopsy
of Jason Voorhees.
The facts:
Two security men... dead.
A coroner... dead.
Another coroner... missing.
Are these men victims
of a serial killer
only believed
to be deceased?
Many say yes.
Hi, I'm Robert Campbell.
For over 20 years,
the mere mention of
the name Jason Voorhees
has been enough to send
a shudder of fear
through the hearts
of an entire nation.
Born in 1946
to Elias and Pamela Voorhees,
Jason was believed to have
drowned in Camp Crystal Lake
at the tender age of 11.
Sadly, he did not.
Since then, he has been responsible
for 83 confirmed murders,
and speculated scores of others.
Tonight, on a very special episode
of "American Case File,"
we'll show you an interview
conducted with Mr. Creighton Duke,
just one week after Jason's
alleged termination.
You'll remember Mr. Duke
as the bounty hunter
previously responsible
for the capture
of six of this country's
most reviled serial killers.
Let's go to the tape.
For the first time ever,
our cameras were allowed
a glimpse of the private
training compound
of bounty hunter
Creighton Duke.
Duke invited us with the promise
of a very unusual,
very expensive proposition.
And I think you'll agree,
in typical Creighton Duke fashion,
he gave us much more
than we bargained for.
Just watch.
I'm going to say two words
to you, Mr. Duke,
and I want you to say the first thing
that comes to your mind. Okay?
- Okay.
- You ready?
- Shoot.
- Jason Voorhees.
That makes me
think of...
a little girl
in a pink dress,
sticking a hot dog
through a donut.
I was actually referring
to your claim
that Jason Voorhees
is not truly dead.
What you think of
as Jason is...
not Jason.
That body he's wearing...
that's just meat.
That boy knows
how to dress...
he wears other people's bodies
like folks wear a suit.
Aw, he may get blown up, but that's
just a minor inconvenience for him...
he'll just get himself
another body.
Jason Voorhees,
the true Jason Voorhees,
is something you and I have never
seen before, Mr. Campbell.
There's only one way
to put an end to him for all time,
and I'm the only one
that knows the way.
So if you want him dead,
truly dead,
$500,000 is my fee,
and for that you get the mask,
the machete, the whole damn thing.
Quite a character.
In the week following our interview
with Creighton Duke,
there have been five more
Jason-style murders,
all... perhaps not surprisingly...
on a direct path
from the federal morgue
in Youngstown, Ohio,
where Jason's remains were flown
to Crystal Lake.
Tonight, in the interest
of public safety,
I am prepared to offer
Creighton Duke his sum of $500,000,
payable only after he provides
"American Case File"
and the American people
with incontrovertible proof
of Jason's existence,
and then puts
an end to him for all time.
We'll be back with
"American Case File" in a moment.
- This is truly sick.
- Tell me about it.
No, this is not sick, Diana,
this is business.
People are going to come see
Jason's home town,
and they're going
to come with appetites.
- Break a leg, food's up!
- Thanks, Shel.
Hey, Ma... you really want me
to cut these like this?
- Yes, I do.
- It looks stupid.
It's you own dumb-ass fault...
they're supposed to look
like hockey masks.
Now watch.
This makes a whole new patty...
hence, the two-for-one burger sale.
I love this woman.
Hold me back!
You guys make me sick.
What can I get you?
I'll take a Voorhees Burger
and a side of Jason Fingers.
- Okay, anything else?
- Yes.
- Creighton Duke.
- I know who you are.
I'm going to kill Jason Voorhees.
I need you to help me.
- Jason Voorhees is dead.
- You know he's not.
I know he's not,
and he's coming for you.
Your food will be right out.
Name your price.
Everyone has a price.
What's yours?
- What do you want?
- You know what I want,
and you know why I need you.
- I think you need to leave.
- I know everything about you, Diana.
I know who you really are!
- What's the problem here?
- Nothing.
I was just making
your girlfriend a proposition
and she's thinking it over.
Right, love?
Go on, get up.
Why don't you
blow me, Chief?
Right after your girlfriend
gets through.
That's my lady
you're talking about.
See, she is
only your lady
because she ain't had
a taste of the Duke yet.
- Goddamn it!
- Careful, careful, Chief!
I don't think
you really know who I am.
I know who you are.
The last thing
we need around here
is some freako
bounty hunter causing trouble.
I want you out of this town
and I want you out now.
- That is very colorful, Chief.
- Randy!
Take him out to my car.
I'll be out in a minute.
All right, let's go.
He's coming for you, Diana,
and your daughter.
- Lock your doors.
- Uh-huh.
I'm sorry if he upset you.
I don't need you
to fight my battles.
I don't need
any part-time protection.
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
He seems to think
Jason's coming for you.
Steven, I need
to talk to you.
There is something
you don't know about Jessica,
something that
you should know.
She was going
to tell you herself,
but there may not be
enough time.
If you still care about her,
if you still want to make things
right between the two of you,
then we should talk.
Okay, let's talk.
Yeah, but not here.
Come to my house
tonight at 11:00
and don't be late.
- All right.
- Great.
Thank you so much.
We had been there for an hour.
- Sure.
- Thanks a lot, man.
Where are we headed?
- Going to Camp Crystal Lake.
- Oh yeah?
Planning on smoking a little dope,
having a little premarital sex
and getting slaughtered?
It's a joke.
It's just a joke.
It's a little Crystal Lake
levity there.
So, why are you
going to the camp?
- Now that Jason's dead...
- We're think about smoking some dope,
having a little
premarital sex and...
not worry about
getting slaughtered.
To be young again!
Well, here's
where the camp was.
They tore the cabins down a few
years ago, but this is the place.
Hey, thanks a lot.
Come with us.
We're thinking
of going skinny-dipping later.
God, I'd love to,
but I got to meet someone later.
Oh, your girlfriend?
Go on, have fun.
You don't know
what you're missing.
Here she is.
Let's do it.
Oh my God,
that water.
I think it shrank my pod.
Your pod looks
pretty good from here.
Come here.
Do you mind if we use
the tent for a half an hour?
No, no, no. Actually, take it
for the whole night.
- I'm gonna sleep out here.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, it's a beautiful night.
- Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah, I'm sure.
Go, go.
Go, go, go, go!
Damn it.
Come on,
let's do it.
You think you're ready
for Tony the Wonder Llama?
You got a rubber?
In my bag outside.
I'll get it.
No, no, no, no.
Forget it.
Forget about it.
I got to pee anyway.
I got to go out there anyway.
I'll be right back.
- Hurry up.
- Okay.
- I found it.
- Yeah?
Oh God, Debby,
I hate these things.
Oh shit! Debby!
Tango? Tango?
Oh, there you are.
Well, come here.
There. Yeah.
Hello, sweetheart.
Yes, there you are.
Di, it's me... Josh!
I was just going to my car.
I didn't mean to scare you.
- Here.
- It's all right.
- Here.
- Oh, thanks.
Look, hon...
don't worry about Ed.
He'll come around.
He's too smart a guy
to let you get away.
I guess I'm a little too old
for going steady.
Well, so is he
and he knows it.
Trust me...
it'll work out.
Good night.
Good night, Josh.
Hello, baby.
Not here. Not here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
What's the big deal?
Did Roy's bowling league go late?
The league changed the time.
We've only got until 10:30.
Get in!
What the fuck are
you doing, you fuck?!
- Hi, Mom!
- Hi!
- Guess what?
- What?
I have a new boyfriend.
You'll never guess who.
- What's his name?
- I want it to be a surprise.
Someone I know?
No, but you'll
recognize him.
We're going to come
for a visit next weekend.
- Tell her I want to meet her.
- He really wants to meet you.
- Can you hold on just a second?
- Sure.
- How's the baby?
- Great.
Have you seen her father lately?
- Steven's coming over tonight.
- Mom.
- He's still asking about you.
- I don't want to talk to him.
And I don't want
to see him when I'm home.
He can see the baby
if he wants.
- Can you tell him?
- I'll tell him.
- I love you, Mom.
- I love you too, baby.
Josh, what are
you doing?! Josh?!
Oh, jesus!
You motherfucker!
Yes. Hi!
Is Sheriff Landis there?
This is Jessica Kimble.
Could you patch me through?
Oh, shit!
You saw him.
You know who he is.
You have to save Jessica.
Save Jessica.
- And the...
- The what?
Save Jessica...
It was Josh.
He fell out...
Where the hell is he?
Oh my dear God!
He was dead!
He had to be dead!
You can't think that l...
I don't believe
that you murdered Diana.
No, I don't know
what happened.
I know you couldn't
have done it.
You just sit tight, okay?
I'm gonna take care of this.
I'll straighten everything out.
What am I going to do?
What is Jessica going to do?
Jessica, I'm so sorry.
I wanted to have this cleaned up
before you got here.
It's all right.
I was just...
Oh God, Vick!
Oh my gosh!
Who's that?!
A girl?
She's beautiful!
- She yours?
- Her name's Stephanie.
She has Steven's eyes.
Why didn't you tell me?
I was going to.
I was going to tell everybody.
I just didn't...
I didn't expect
to be back here so soon.
Is Steven around?
There's something I need
to tell you about Steven.
Hopefully, we won't have to hold you
for more than a day.
I am going to bust my ass
to prove that you are innocent,
but you're going
to have to stay cool
because otherwise, Landis
is really going to kill you, okay?
Come on.
The sheriff is
right this way.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I'll be back later.
Don't do anything stupid.
What am I going to do?
I'm locked in a frickin' cell.
I'm going to get
you out of this,
but you just got
to hang tight.
Oh, wait, everything
you need is in this bag.
There you go.
There you go.
White bottle 12:00,
green bottle, 1:00, 1:30.
And work our way up
to hard liquor at dinnertime?
Don't worry.
What time would you like me
to pick her up?
By the diner
around 8:00.
Bye, sweetheart!
Don't you give Vicki
a hard time. Bye bye!
Thanks Vicki.
- You take good care of her.
- Of course.
Jessie, I got
a few papers here.
I got to get
your signature on them.
All right.
You're about the saddest looking
sack of shit I've ever seen.
Why don't
you just shut up?
Accused of murder,
and not just any murder,
but the murder of the mother
of the girl you love.
I didn't do it.
Oh, I know that.
Problem is, how are you going to get
anyone else to believe you?
It was Jason
that killed Diana.
What did you say?
There's only one way
to put an end to that devil.
And they don't know
the way.
And you do?
Tell me!
Information like that is
very expensive.
What's your price?
I think you're too much
of a coward to afford it.
Try me.
Give me your hand.
Your hand...
give it to me.
See, everything
and everyone...
has a price,
and the cost of this is
very, very high.
Are you ready
to pay?
What's the price?
Are you ready
to pay?
Oh, fuck!
The only way to kill Jason Voorhees
is to destroy his heart,
and there's only one person that can do
that now that Diana's dead...
her daughter.
And he will try to get to her
before she can get to him.
- What does he want?
- Same thing he wanted her mother for.
You want information?
You got to pay.
- Come on.
- Your hand.
- You ready to pay?
- Yes.
- Are you sure?
- Yes!
Ooh, jeez!
Those FBI idiots
destroyed Jason's body,
so now he needs
a new one.
The ones he's jumping in
and out of... they can't last.
They get diseased,
he gets weak.
Jason needs to be reborn again
and he needs Jessica to do it.
Why Jessica?
Now see, that is a very,
very expensive question, boy,
and I don't think
you've got what it takes
to pay the price.
Tell me.
This one's on the house.
In a Voorhees was he born,
through a Voorhees
may he be reborn,
and only by the hands
of a Voorhees will he die.
Jason had a sister...
your girlfriend's mother, Diana.
Now that she's dead,
he has only
two blood relatives left
in the world
with the power to kill him,
or make him reborn...
Jessica and her baby.
I've got to get out of here
and protect them.
The only way to do that
is to kill Jason,
and you can't,
but Jessica can.
Tell Jessica
about her birthright.
Make her believe you.
Go to the Voorhees house...
find proof,
because if you don't,
Jason will kill her...
and your baby.
Randy! Randy!
What the hell's
going on here?
That son of a bitch
broke my finger! Jesus!
Let me take
a look, okay?
Oh shit.
- Quiet!
- You asshole.
carefully open the cell.
You wouldn't kill me?
You might be right.
Okay, stand there.
listen to me, please.
Don't do this.
You escape, they're going
to shoot you on sight.
That's a chance
I'm going to have to take.
So I lose a bundle today,
so screw it.
I loved
that little lady.
Don't pretend
to be so noble.
You should have closed up
until after the funeral.
Oh sure, two days off
with pay, right?!
Hey, baby, not now.
Believe it or not, I'm hurt too,
and not just financially.
- What the fuck is that?
- It's Jessica's baby.
Get it out... this is
a restaurant, not a nursery.
Hey! I believe that's
the sweetest thing
God ever put on this earth.
You're a little cutie pie.
It'll be just as cute when it's
on the fucking street.
Get it out!
No shit?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, if I see him,
I'll call.
- What was that all about?
- The baby can stay.
Go to the storeroom and make
a crib out of a box.
- Go, go, go, go, go!
- Okay!
Steven Freeman escaped
and he's got a gun.
Oh, Jesus.
Do they know where he was headed?
Knowing Freeman, he turned ass
and he bolted to Canada,
but just in case
he didn't...
Hey, baby. Hey, hey, hold it.
Let me do it.
Jesus, Pookey!
Okay, we got your bear.
I know this isn't a palace,
but it'll have to do.
God, you look
so much like your dad.
put you in here.
I'll come back and check on you
and make sure you're okay.
I don't even
know your name.
That's my baby.
It's the first time I've ever been
able to touch my baby.
Take my car.
Get out.
- Ward, l...
- Get out.
Thank you.
Hey, Reggie,
what's happening?
Oh yeah, I'm there now.
It's great... it's disgusting.
I am going
to want to dress it.
Maybe we can put a few body parts
in the refrigerator.
Reg, I don't know...
talk to Harry in props.
You know what
we're going for here...
twisted secrets
of the Voorhees house revealed.
And also,
one more thing.
Guess what tomorrow's
headline is going to read?
"Body of slain Voorhees woman
stolen from morgue."
Well, last night,
I stole Diana's body
and I hid it here in the closet,
and then I went home
and fucked her daughter.
Reg... Reg, you want
to calm down?
Listen, I'll talk Jessica
into letting us shoot here.
I'll bring the police,
they'll discover
the body on camera,
and our ratings will go
right through the fucking roof!
How does that grab you?
You scared the hell out of me.
Where have you been?
Get away from her!
Where are you taking me?!
What is wrong with you?!
- Come on!
- Have you lo... oh my God, Steven!
Put me down!
I don't want your help!
I am going to kill you!
Put me down this second!
I am going
to kill you! Oh!
Get in the car!
Get in the car!
What is wrong?
What is going on?
- Will somebody tell me?
- Shut up!
Oh my...
Steven! God!
Oh my God!
stop the car!
Pull this car over!
Steven, I mean it,
stop this car now!
- Are you out of your mind?!
- Just calm down!
Shut the fuck up, please!
Just listen.
Now you think I killed
Robert back there, right?
There's no way he could have lived...
I just ran the fucker over!
- Steven...
- Did I kill him or not?!
- Yes, you killed him!
- Wrong.
He is not dead
and that is not Robert.
Jess, I did not
kill your mother...
yesterday, Josh, or someone that
looked like Josh killed her.
That was after she blew off
the back of his head.
I stabbed him with a poker right
through the heart and he still lived!
- Just let me go.
- You and the baby are in great danger.
I can help.
I won't leave you
this time, Jess.
- Yeah, you will, Steven.
- I promise, I won't.
Jess, let's go
get the baby.
Fucking psycho, you killed my mother!
You think I'd let you near my baby?!
- Ow! Ah!
- Out, out! Get away from me!
Come on!
- Jess! Please!
- Get away from me!
- Get away!
- Jess! Jess!
I just saw Steven out on Lake Road.
He killed Robert!
- Slow down! You all right?
- He ran him over!
- I was at my mother's house.
- Did he hurt you?
Not me, Robert!
You said Steven's out on Lake Road.
Where on Lake Road?
I don't know!
Out past the Myers' place.
Okay, we'll get him.
You're safe now. Don't worry.
Notify all the units
on Lake Road. I want this kid.
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot!
Oh, Randy!
Son of a bitch!
Ah! Shit!
Fuck this!
Hey, you okay?
Ow! Ow! God!
- Damn!
- Get in the fucking car.
You get in the car.
You want me
to cuff you?
What makes
you think you can?
I got a gun.
Fuck that...
I got a gun.
You totally
wrecked Jessica.
you've seen Jessica?
- Yes, I have seen Jessica.
- Where is she?
At the station.
Cuff me.
Cuff me!
Randy just picked Steven up.
He's bringing him in.
Jessie, follow officer Ryan...
she'll give you some clothes.
- All we have are cop uniforms.
- Anything's fine.
One second.
You all right, mister?
Wait a second.
What the...
You find her
and you find her quick!
I will hear from you.
Stop right there!
Steven, help me!
What the hell
was that?
He's breathing.
Let's check this guy
at the end of the hall.
- Fuck!
- Jesus Christ!
Get the ambulance.
Oh fuck!
- Vick, where's the baby?
- She's fine.
- Where's the baby?
- She's in the back.
- What's wrong?
- Whoa, hold it right there.
Don't move a fucking muscle,
either of you.
- Joey, I just want to...
- Shut up! You're with him.
Nobody's going to touch
that ray of sunshine!
call the station!
I'm doing it, baby.
I'm doing it.
Holy shit!
Line's dead.
- Son of a bitch! Ward?
- What?
- Go check out the station.
- Don't let him go over there.
- He'll get killed.
- Shut up! Go on.
- Ma, he just...
- Ward!
Little mister...
just in case.
- Honey, watch the willy.
- Ma!
- Ward, don't, please!
- Shut up! Keep your hands up high!
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Joey, please... just let me get
the baby and we'll go.
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
Shut the fuck up!
You're with a fuckin' felon!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Watch your language.
- Fuck you!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
- Now look what you've done!
- Give me the baby, Joey!
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Stop, I mean it!
Stop, I mean it!
Stop, I mean it!
Stop, I mean it!
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
- Come on!
- She's gone! Where is she?
- Come on!
- She's gone! Where is she?
- Come on!
- She's gone! Where is she?
- Come on!
- She's gone! Where is she?
Vicki must have
moved her!
Vicki must have
moved her!
Vicki must have
moved her!
Vicki must have
moved her!
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
Look in here. Come on.
She's got to be in here.
She's got to be in here.
She's got to be in here.
She's got to be in here.
She's got to be in here.
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
- Holy shit!
- Pookey!
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him.
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
Shoot him!
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Get away from him,
you piece-of-shit scarface
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Go to hell!
Oh God, Vick!
Oh God, Vick!
Oh God, Vick!
Oh God, Vick!
Oh God, Vick!
I going to try
and get some help.
I going to try
and get some help.
I going to try
and get some help.
I going to try
and get some help.
Jessica, wait!
Fuck! Damn!
"I have your baby.
Come to the Voorhees
house... alone."
You're alone.
Good girl.
Jason could have jumped
into anyone by now but you.
We haven't been
formally introduced.
My name is Creighton Duke.
What the hell
do you think you're doing
grabbing my baby
and bringing her here?
Hold it.
Robert is dead.
I know about your bounty,
but you'll never see
any of that money now.
It's over.
Just give me the baby.
Just give me two minutes.
It's not about
the money anymore.
What do you want
from me?
Tonight we can get
that bastard!
Tonight we can send Jason Voorhees
straight to hell for all time.
You don't need me
for that.
Yes... I do!
Only through a Voorhees
can he be reborn
and only a Voorhees
can kill him... with that!
No, I won't put my baby
in any more danger.
You will always be in danger
until Jason is dead.
He won't stop
coming for you
until he gets you,
until he's reborn.
And then he will kill you...
and your baby.
If you want this
to be over,
if you want your baby
out of danger,
then you will
end it now,
before more people have to die like
your friends, like your mother.
until you kill him...
it will
never be over.
Oh, were we sleepy?
That could be
Jason will have jumped
into a new body by now.
You can't
trust anyone.
- It couldn't be Steven.
- Anyone. Do you understand?
- Jessica!
- Ed?
Oh shit!
Ahh! Kill him!
Do it!
Ed, is it really you?
- Of course.
- Stay there!
- Give me the knife.
- I thought you were dead.
- You were wrong.
- Don't come any closer.
- Kill him!
- I can't!
Freeze! Get the hell
away from her, Ed.
- Duke, what should I do?
- Kill the both of 'em!
- No!
- Do it or die!
give me the knife.
- Stay back!
- Jessica.
Get off her!
Get away from her!
- Steven!
- No-oo!
- Where is it?!
- I don't know!
I'm coming!
- I'll help you.
- Give me your hand!
I'm coming!
- Where's the dagger?
- It's under the dresser!
Go get it!
I don't think so.
Oh God.
- What's it doing?
- I don't know.
That part about being reborn
through a Voorhees woman...
- does it have to be a living woman?
- No.
That thing's in the basement
with Jessica's mother.
Holy mother of God.
Get the dagger!
Help her!
Get the damn dagger!
- Lift it up!
- Okay!
- I can't get it!
- Jessica!
Son of a bitch,
you remember me?
Get the dagger!
Tonight, my friend,
you will...
Get away from them,
Please don't cry!
Go... to...
Ohh! No!