Jason Lives: Friday The 13th Part VI (1986) Movie Script

I don't know how
you talked me into this, Tommy.
Hell, I must be crazy!
You know, if the institution
ever found out about this,
they'd haul our butts
back in in straitjackets, permanent!
You didn't have to come, Hawes.
This is between me and Jason.
I know.
I still don't get the therapy here.
All you need to know
is Jason's dead, right?
Seeing his corpse
won't stop the hallucinations.
Seeing it won't,
but destroying it will.
Jason belongs in hell,
and I'm gonna see he gets there.
OK, there it is.
There's his grave.
- OK, let's go.
- Wait a second.
- What?
- I got to be sure.
There's your proof.
There's his coffin. Let's go.
- Hand me the crowbar.
- You're not gonna open that.
Hand me the crowbar.
I got it.
I really don't like this.
- Die!
- Tommy!
Tommy, get the hell out of here!
Where are you going?
What's that for?
Tommy, what are you doing?
Die, die! Bastard! Die!
Oh, boy. He must have
really messed you over.
Yeah, fuck you, Jason.
What are you doing?
Tommy! Would you just
leave that thing alone?
Tommy, please, let's get out of here.
My heart can't take any more!
- Don't shoot! Please!
- Are you in show business?
- You know how to make an entrance.
- You got to do something.
- Jason's alive. He's coming for me.
- You almost got your head blown off.
- Listen, damn it!
- Don't piss me off, junior.
Jason is alive. We dug up his body.
I was going to cremate it.
Hold it. What's your name, son?
Tommy Jarvis.
He's even more powerful now...
Didn't that maniac
kill your mother and friends?
- Jason murdered them.
- You were in a psychiatric clinic.
What's going on with the weather?!
Sorry. I didn't know...
No problem, Rick. This is Tommy, a
former resident. He's got some prank.
There's no time for this bullshit!
Jason's got to be stopped!
That's known as "screwing the pooch".
Iron this punk.
You got to listen to me!
Jason's coming. He's after me!
I tried to destroy him
but I fucked up!
- You got that right.
- Listen to me.
I'm sorry about your folks,
but no one in Forest Green
wants to remember that maniac.
That's why we changed the name. They
wanna forget this was Crystal Lake.
They don't need you
stirrin' up Jason shit.
Now just lie down and get some rest.
Tomorrow I'll call that clinic.
Go to the cemetery.
You'll see I'm not lying.
Get some sleep,
or I'll come in and put you out.
You'll be sorry you didn't listen.
You'll be sorry if you don't shut up.
Take a nap, junior!
Easy! It's hard enough
to read this thing.
Who said to take this cow path?
You admit the sign did say
"Camp Forest Green"
with an arrow pointing this way?
I admit nothing without my lawyer.
We should have left a trail.
Don't start.
So much for the head counselors
getting back to camp on their own.
Let's get out and start
screaming for help.
- I was just kidding, Lizbeth.
- Darren, we better turn around.
- Why?
- I've seen enough horror movies
to know any weirdo in a mask
is never friendly.
There's no way. If the car drops in
that gully, we'll never get it out.
Do you have a better suggestion?
Yeah. We're gonna scare him.
- We're going to scare him?
- Drive towards him. He'll move.
- Nobody wants to die.
- Least of all us!
Will you just drive?
He'll get out of our way.
Yeah, that really scared the shit
out of him!
Oh, no.
- We're driving back in reverse.
- The hell we are.
- Where did you get that?
- Don't worry about it. Stay cool.
Stay cool? You ain't Dirty Harry!
Stop it.
All right, scumbag.
Get out of the road.
Get back in now. He'll kill you.
Not if I get him first.
Please! Give me a second!
Please! You can have the...
Dad, you could at least drive out
to Cunningham Road and look for them.
Megan, we don't have time to look for
camp counselors with car trouble.
Can't you put out
an all points bulletin?
- Can your mother sew, kid?
- Excuse me?
- Off.
- Sorry.
Darren and my sister Lizbeth
are organizing the new campgrounds.
- We don't know what to do.
- And the kiddies arrive today.
I sympathize with you kids.
I'll tell the station in Carpenter
to look out for them.
I've got a bad feeling about it.
Hopefully they're fine,
but with Jason out there...
- Shut up.
- Jason who?
Megan, stay away. He's dangerous!
I'm not dangerous.
Jason is out there.
He's looking for me.
He's probably gone to the camp.
- I said shut up!
- You mean the Jason of Camp Blood?
- Yes!
- No! You kids better leave.
This boy is not well.
I need to talk to him in private.
- Come on, Dad!
- Megan! Go back to camp.
- I'll call you if I hear anything.
- Don't beat him up too bad.
- He's kinda cute.
- Megan, leave!
He's cute!
I was gonna call that clinic
to collect you,
but I don't want you around poisoning
people with your warped humor.
They have to be warned, Sheriff.
Jason will return to what's familiar.
It's still camp Crystal Lake to him.
We'll escort you
to the edge of my jurisdiction.
Then we'll say goodbye and never see
you around here again. Understand?
Shit! Shit, damn!
I know I'll get blamed for this.
They'll say old Martin
ain't a good caretaker.
I'm a damn high school graduate.
I deserve this job. I earned it.
Nobody's gonna find out.
Shitheads couldn't
even stick him back in right.
I ain't gonna touch the slimy sucker.
Why did they have
to go and dig up Jason?
Some folks have a strange idea
of entertainment.
- Anything else?
- You guys, I'm getting worried.
- About Jason?
- No. About Darren and Lizbeth.
They should've at least called,
don't you think? Megan?
- What?
- Hello?
This girl's back in the jail cell
with her prisoner of love.
Don't mess with no jailbird, girl.
Those dudes are bad news.
- And how do you know?
- I seen plenty on TV.
- TV?
- Yeah!
I don't know about that guy, Megan.
He seemed weird
with all that Jason stuff.
Megan, like I told you,
you need a guy like me.
- Guy who's not twisted.
- Maybe he was telling the truth.
Just because our parents
say Jason was only a legend,
doesn't mean it wasn't true.
What if he did come back here,
looking for the camp counselor
that caused him to drown as a boy?
Searching for the one
that decapitated his vengeful mother.
And you know what
today's date is, don't you?
I can think of only one thing
even more terrifying.
The kids are here.
You'll trip.
Be careful. You may fall.
There they are and they're all yours.
Think I'd rather deal with old Jason.
Once we nail Roy, that's it.
Victory is ours.
It's taking forever. I'm starving.
Larry, that's why your sales
are always behind quota.
Your instinct to eat is
stronger than your instinct to win.
- You're a real ass!
- Better than being all ass!
That is so unfair!
Here we go with unfair again.
War is not fair.
Give me a break.
This is not war, this is a game.
- I want a sandwich.
- Wait till we've killed something.
- Easy! You're an insurance salesman.
- Death is my business.
You become another person
when we're out here, Stan.
- I don't like it.
- This is a man's game.
It requires a man's cunning
and intelligence...
With a woman's touch.
Wait a minute!
I thought Burt shot you!
See any paint?
Sorry, guys, I did in Mr. Commando,
weapons and all.
Survival's the name of the game
and that flag is mine.
I can't believe this.
Burt never gets shot.
- Never should have let her play.
- She's a damn company exec!
Now, boys. Don't be spoilsports.
Put on your headbands.
Dumb broad! She tricked me!
They're gonna laugh for months!
She should have stayed
in the kitchen!
A woman shouldn't be allowed
in these games!
It's not a game, it's life!
Jason really screwed up
that poor son of a bitch's mind.
He really believes that
Jason's still alive, doesn't he?
What worries me is how far he'll go
to try and prove it.
Oh, no.
Oh, my God! No!
Where... Come on!
Where? Oh, no!
Oh, no! Oh, God!
Come on out, you guys.
The game's over.
What about Roy? Nobody's seen him.
Unless he's accidentally pelleted
himself, I'm sure he's lost.
- It's not over till it's over.
- Right.
Wait a second. What was that?
- What?
- Nothing.
I could swear I heard something.
- I'm hungry.
- Be quiet.
Oh, my God! My God!
Help, guys! Help me!
Help! Oh, no!
Help me, guys! Help! Oh, God!
Help me! Somebody help me!
He's gonna kill me!
What did I tell you?
Hit the noise and the cherries.
- Sheriff, wait! You gotta listen!
- I'm tired of listening to you.
- I gotta show you Jason's grave!
- Come on! Get up! Get up!
Please. You'll see we dug it up.
He must have got chilly
and pulled the dirt back over.
That's not right.
Somebody covered it over.
- I gotta see it!
- Freeze it, psycho.
Now see, you made my deputy
draw his revolver.
He's been dying to try
his new laser scope.
Wherever the red dot goes...
- What's the problem, Sheriff?
- No problem. It's under control.
- Did you cover up Jason's grave?
- What?!
Don't concern yourself, Martin.
Jason's not in his grave, Hawes is!
You've gotta dig it up!
You've gotta dig it up!
Dig him up?
Does he think I'm a farthead?
OK! Is this gonna be
the best weekend ever?
Are we gonna go fishing?
Are we going to scare all the boys?
Are we going to...
Are we going to
not eat Brussels sprouts?
What happened to Cort?
Are you ready? He's teaching
the young men my favorite sport.
- Which is?
- Boy scouting, honey.
Cort? You've got to be kidding?
You've got to be kidding.
You obviously don't know anything
about Indians. None of you do.
These are called Indian markers.
You have a chief, right,
and he dumps his squaw or whatever.
He decides to pick another woman
and take off.
So he leaves his son with the mother.
Later, the son wants to find his dad
to learn how to kill buffalo,
or whatever.
So he comes along, sees the rocks.
Sees his dad went that way.
So he knocks them all down
so his mother won't know where to go.
So that's the basic story.
Tells you where they go.
If this is as exciting as it gets,
we're in big trouble.
Let's go.
Like the sign says,
you are now leaving Forest Green.
You are damn lucky, kid!
With the grief you've given me,
you should be wearing your balls
as earrings.
If I see you again,
you can guarantee it.
Let's get the hell out of here, Rick.
Steven, it's beautiful.
God, I love it. I really do.
I don't know.
I mean, I'm sort of hurt.
You thought I brought you
up here just to... Never mind.
Yeah. Well, I guess I do owe you.
Yeah. No, look. I have a headache.
I've been working out. I'm sore.
- And...
- Forget about it.
It's a messy act and...
What the heck?
Where did the road go?
I can't find the road.
Where is the road?
Kathleen, you led me astray.
What's that? What's that?
Darling, you're gonna be
the death of me.
Yeah, but what a way to go.
- Stay here.
- No, Steven. Please.
- Stay here!
- Steven, don't!
- Steven, what's going on?
- Annette, let's go! Never mind!
- What are we gonna do?
- Get the sheriff!
- Pick a card.
- I don't wanna play any more, Sissy.
- Come on, pick a card!
- I really don't.
OK. I've got a great game.
It's called Camp Blood.
First you take this jack of spades,
which is Jason.
Then you have face cards
which represent counselors.
The queen of hearts is me.
Who do you want to be?
- Come on, Sissy.
- OK. You be the queen of diamonds.
Now, you shuffle Jason up
in these cards here,
and you put them in piles.
The piles represent cabins.
The object of the game is to find out
which cabin Jason is in.
Did Megan say when she's coming back?
Of course not. I bet she took him
a loaf of bread with a saw in it.
I'll call her.
Her dad may know something
about Darren and Lizbeth.
I say if they're not here tomorrow,
we send the kids home. We're not...
- She saw a monster!
- Who did?
- It's OK. We're here.
- Yeah, we're here.
What happened?
There was this monster and he was
after me. He wanted to kill me.
- Where?
- He was everywhere.
- You mean you had a bad dream?
- No! It was real, just like on TV.
Listen, sweetie. What's your name?
- Nancy.
- Well, Nancy. I'm Paula, remember?
And this is Sissy.
We'll be right out there all night
so nothing can hurt you, OK?
So no more bad dreams
can come around here.
Good. OK, lay down.
There. OK?
Wait a minute. Where's Cort?
I haven't seen him for hours.
I don't know.
He called somebody and just took off.
Mentioned checking out things
that go bump in the night.
You're the best! The best!
Keep it up till the end of this song.
- How much longer?
- It's only ten more minutes.
Fuck! Wait a second.
- Cort, you didn't already?
- Wasn't that the end of the song?
Great. Just great!
If this is burned out,
Horace will have my butt.
Who's Horace?
My stepfather and asshole
in residence.
- How did that happen?
- What?
- Plug the cord back in.
- Who unplugged it?
- I don't know. Just do it!
- It's cold out there!
I don't give a shit! Go do it.
You're a real pain in the ass.
A major pain in the ass.
Hurry. I have to get this back
before Horace finds out I took it.
Hurry up!
- Will you come on?
- All right!
I'm going! I'm going, OK?
Shut the hell up.
What are you doing?
- Look at this.
- What happened to it?
I don't know, but unless you
wanna look like it, we go right now!
Nikki, somebody's out there.
- What if it's that Jason?
- I don't want to know.
- No way. This isn't happening.
- You're right. It isn't.
- Are you gonna drive or not?
- Outta here!
Shit! Damn it, Cort!
Shit! Cort!
This baby jams!
For a big truck, it's not bad at all.
- Pull over! I'm driving!
- No way. I wanna rock!
This is great!
I've never driven a house before.
I like this. This is great.
Sounds like you're having fun.
Need some company?
That sounds great.
Do you need some company or what?
This is great.
I'm having such a good time.
This is great.
Nikki, what are you doing,
taking a dump?
Can I come back and snatch a peek?
Or vice versa?
Nikki, listen to this.
What makes you so high and mighty?
- Remember, I'm the parent...
- "And you're the child."
- Right.
- Stop treating me like one.
Stop acting like one.
Tommy Jarvis is a very sick boy.
How do you know?
Did you take his temperature?
Watch that smart-mouthing, lady.
"If your mother were still alive..."
That's it. Out. I don't need this
tonight. Out, Megan.
Sheriff's office.
He can't come to the phone now.
He's in the can draining his lizard.
May I take a message?
Here he comes. Please hold.
- It's Rick.
- What? What kind of problem?
You better get down here. I found
what's left of those counselors.
Looks like someone did them in
using Jason's old MO.
I knew I should have done something
about that son of...
Where are you?
- All right, I'm on my way.
- What is it?
Seems your boyfriend wants people
to believe Jason's back.
- I thought Jason was just a legend.
- Tommy wants to prove it's true.
You stay put and I'm not kidding.
Sheriff's office. Sorry, he's not in.
Can I take a message?
Hi! This is his daughter Megan.
I met you this morning.
Yeah, hi. Let me talk
to your dad about Jason.
I've got a plan.
First, I need some supplies...
My father's looking for you.
Something happened
and he's sure you're responsible.
- If he finds you, he'll...
- Yeah. He made that clear.
Jason is out there. He's headed
back to the camp. He's gonna...
- Where are you? I'll pick you up.
- What?
If my father sees you in your car,
he'll nail you. Where are you?
Karloff's General something...
I know just where it is.
I'll see you in a half-hour.
OK, lift it.
Alert all officers and stations in a
- Yes, sir.
- I want roadblocks.
- Sheriff, get over here!
- Shit! Now what?
Come on.
Mike! Over here.
- That all you found?
- I wish it was.
I'll order up some body bags.
Our boy sure wants us
to believe his story.
He picked the right day
to pull this shit.
- What do you mean?
- Happy Friday the 13th.
- All right, who's out there?
- What's going on?
I think I hear somebody
fooling around out there.
It's got to be Cort.
You know how he loves to try
and scare us. Teach him a lesson.
You guys, try not to wake the kids.
I need your car.
You can't come, it's too dangerous.
Leaving that truck in plain sight
is dangerous! Hide it and let's go.
This isn't a game. You're not coming.
I'm already responsible for...
- You said you needed some supplies.
- Yes, but...
Then let's get going. Tell me what
you need, I'll see that you get it.
And nobody drives this puppy but me.
Hide the heap and let's book.
- Can't this tub go any faster?
- You got it.
- Just watch for roadblocks.
- OK. There's one.
Get down!
Officer Pappas to Sheriff Garris,
do you copy?
I'm here.
We got a different vehicle
that took off when they saw us.
- Got a description?
- The whole enchilada.
It's a '77 orange Camaro.
License number Mary, William 8510.
That's my daughter's car.
- How do you want us to proceed, sir?
- With extreme care, asshole.
If that kid is with her,
he might do something crazy.
Don't do anything crazy.
I know what I'm doing.
I got you your supplies.
If I reach Cunningham Road,
I can lose them. Stay down!
Whatever you say.
That's what I want.
It's gonna be a hairy turn. Hang on.
Megan, step out of the car.
End of the line.
Oh, shit.
Paula, I can't sleep. I'm scared.
I saw someone at my window.
- Where did you get this?
- I found it outside.
You know what?
Sissy and Cort are playing jokes.
- You know, scaring each other?
- Why?
Grown-ups think it's funny
to be scared.
- What?
- Never mind.
I can't believe it's that late.
- No one called. I better...
- Who are you calling?
Why don't we go find Sissy and Cort
first? Then you can go to bed.
- Wait. What if they try to scare us?
- We'll scare them right back!
Let's find 'em.
- I said shut up!
- He's only asking you to look!
You got me where you want me...
If I did, they'd pump your ass
full of formaldehyde.
- At least call the camp.
- We have. The phone's disconnected.
- That means something!
- They should pay the bill.
Just sit tight, Jason.
When the authorities...
Sheriff, you better take this.
Sheriff Garris.
What time?
I'll be right there.
- What's happened?
- Rick.
Keep an eye on this wacko.
Be back as soon as I can.
- What's going on?
- Make sure my daughter stays put.
- Tell me!
- They just found Cort and some girl.
Her head was crushed. Cort had
a knife rammed through his skull.
Tommy Jarvis
is a psychopathic killer.
- He wants you to believe...
- It was Jason!
- Sheriff, when did it happen?
- For God's sake, Meggie.
Stay away from him, please.
- When did this happen?
- Why?
- What time?
- Eight thirty, nine. Why?
Tommy was with me all that time, Dad.
Rick, I'll call you from there.
Lock him up.
OK, Flash, into the cage!
I'm sure Sissy and Cort are back
in their cabins by now,
so go back to sleep and don't worry.
But what if I get scared again?
You know what I used to do
when I was little and got scared?
I would close my eyes
and say a little prayer.
And you know what? Pretty soon,
everything scary went away.
It worked for me.
I bet it'll work for you, too.
- Good night.
- Good night.
See you in the morning.
- So what are you drawing?
- So what's it to you?
- Pipe down, Jarvis.
- I was curious about her drawing.
There. You happy?
- Why?
- Because it stinks.
- OK, give it back.
- Come and get it.
I'll get it for you, babe.
- Come and get it.
- Give it back, punk!
Get your hands off her, animal.
You little turd.
I ought to punch you silly.
Let him out of there, Rick.
Megan! Don't clown around.
I'm not the one with the funny red
nose. Open the cell and let him out.
- Meggie.
- I'm not kidding.
You better do as she says,
because wherever the red dot goes...
You son of a bitch!
You're really screwing up here,
missy. Don't do this, Megan!
- I thought he took your key.
- He did. But I've got my hide-a-key.
Not this time.
I appreciate your help,
but I have to finish what I started.
Come on, hot lips, let's go.
You drive, I'll navigate.
Let me know before we blast into
hyperspace. I'll fasten my seat belt.
I got a bad feeling
we're already too late.
Is this gonna work? Why don't
we bring the gun and blow him away?
We can only stop Jason by returning
him to his original resting place,
- where he drowned in 1957.
- Lake Forest Green.
Crystal Lake,
where this nightmare began.
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.
- What's the story here?
- Why don't you nose around?
I'll tell Megan's friends
what happened.
- Holler if you see anything.
- Like what?
Anything that don't belong.
Don't wake the kids.
Come on, handsome.
It's Sheriff Garris.
Oh, my God.
All right, come on out of there.
I'm gonna ask you one more time.
Come on out of there.
What are you doing out here?
- Go on back to bed.
- No! No! There's a scary man!
What scary man?
No, no. It's OK. It's OK.
Everything's all right.
Everything's OK, honey. It's OK.
Come on, boys, let's go.
Come on, kids. Come on.
Listen to me very carefully.
I want you all to lie under the beds.
Do not get up until I come back, OK?
Now, move! Hurry! Come on.
Come on.
- See? They did show up.
- Yeah.
We'll have to take... Megan, wait!
Oh, God! Dad! Daddy!
It's OK. It's Megan. Don't be afraid.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Don't be afraid.
- Is everyone OK?
- Fine.
It's OK. Everything's
going to be just fine, OK?
I'll find my daddy, the sheriff,
then we can all go home, OK?
Now, lie down where you were before
and stay there.
Go ahead.
We'll come back and get you.
I promise. Lie down. Stay there.
- What do you think?
- I think we're dead meat.
Dad, answer me! Dad, where are you?
Megan, use your dad's radio
to call for help and an ambulance.
Daddy, where are you?
Daddy, please come help us!
Real dead meat.
So, what were you gonna be
when you grew up?
Daddy, where are you?
Daddy, please help us. Please!
No! Not her!
Dad! Dad, answer me!
You've got to help me find my dad.
We need his help.
Hand me the padlock.
- Aren't you listening?
- Yes! Hand me the padlock!
- Here! You're going to be sorry.
- I hope not.
Megan! Get back to the cabin
with the kids.
- Megan, please!
- Wait! You can't do this!
Go before it's too late!
Jason! Jason, come on!
Come and get me!
It's me you want, remember?
That's it! Come on, maggot head!
Come on, maggot head!
That's it. Come on!
Tommy! Get out of there! Hurry!
Asshole! It's me you want,
remember! Come on!
Come on, chicken shit!
I'm standing here waiting!
Come on, you pussy!
Is he killed?
Stay here.
It's over.
It's finally over.
Jason's home.