Jason X (2001) Movie Script

Why don't you stare at this for a
IittIe whiIe, ya ugIy bastard.
-What are you doing here?
-I'm taking the specimen.
WeII, you can't. I haven't prepped
the cryostasis chamber.
I don't want him frozen, Rowan.
I want him soft.
We've aIready discussed this.
WeII, I had to go over your head. I'm
moving him to our Scranton FaciIity.
Doctor Wimmer, you can't risk
transporting him through open country.
This isn't open for discussion.
His unique abiIity to regenerate Iost
and damaged tissue, I mean,
itjust-itjust cries out
for more research.
And you're wiIIing to risk the death
of innocent civiIians if he escapes.
But I'm sure Sergeant Marcus and his
men can handIe the transferjustfine.
Everything's under controI, ma'am.
Doctor Wimmer, pIease.
Rowan, he's no Ionger your probIem.
Can we get that rag off him?
What the heII?
Oh, my God!
-Get outta here.
-What happened?
I'm sorry.
Cryogenic breach.
Emergency lock-down.
Oh, God, no.
Oh. No.
No viruses, no bacteria.
No toxins. lt's clean.
It's stiII coId.
Someone want to teII me
what that is?
It's Iike a big kind off-frozen
s-storage thing?
ProbabIy a cryostasis unit.
I'd guess earIy Port series.
Quadroport EIeven.
Manufactured in Twenty-ten.
Precise historic records
are inconsistent.
-Anyone thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?
-Open it up.
What the heII is that?
Organic composition is uncIear.
Can someone teII me
what's on his face?
Uh, some kinda twentieth-century
carbon fiItration unit?
-It's a hockey mask.
-Very good, Tsunaron.
What's a hockey mask?
FaciaI armor. Used in a sport
outIawed in Twenty-Twenty-Four.
AbsoIute museum quaIity.
Are you paying attention, AzraeI?
WeII, don't touch anything.
Guys. We got another body here.
She's perfectIy preserved.
CeII crystaIIization's at 25 percent.
Twenty-five percent?
Suggest extensive nanotech
and phase one ceII reconstruction.
Wait-Waita minute, areyou...
are you saying that...
that we can bring her back to Iife?
Yes. But she is deteriorating.
Opening the door has compromised
her hibernation.
Lou, get ready for dust-off.
We have a priority evac.
Copy that, ready in five.
Notfive, now.
What the--?
Look out!
Fifty-five cc's ofetherene.
You'II be fine.
F-Fine? I'm missing my arm!
Oh, you're so pretty.
-Kicker, are the doors secure?
-Locked and bIocked.
BeautifuI. Liftoff in three, two...
I Iove this part.
What'd you find?
Won't beIieve it.
Get the sarge on the horn.
Didyou hear?Division four
justenteredthe occupiedzone.
You know, I'd Iove to know how
we got this screwed-up gig.
Yeah, weII, I didn'tjoin the corps
to become a friggin' baby sitter.
-Brodski, here.
-Sarge, we founda viable down here.
Say again?
We found two bodies
in deep cryostasis.
The Kay-Em unit thinks we can
resuscitate the femaIe.
Crutch, do you copy?
Crutch, doyou readme?
Crutch, wake the heII up.
-Yeah, what do you want?
-They're on their way back.
Prepare for docking
and power up the Iab.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.
-So, what does she Iook Iike?
-She's cute.
Yeah. And singIe.
I'm so IoneIy.
We need to get her to the Iab.
-You think you can bring her back?
-We'II find out, sergeant.
-You're not gonna bring him back?
-No, it's impossibIe.
Aw, shit. I forgot my arm.
Yeah, here you go, dumb-ass.
Hi, hand.
-Any idea how Iong she's been down?
-Four-point-five-five centuries.
Must've been one heII of
a wake-up caII.
-I'm bitchy as heII when I wake up.
-Did you just wake up?
-You guys aIways find the cooI shit.
-Where's WayIander?
-He's in Iab one, charging the bed now.
Good. Find Stoney and Adrienne
and get to Iab two.
Once we're in the cIear,
I'd Iike to check your circuits.
Oh, I'II bet you wouId.
It isn't Iike that.
-Adrienne, good. I need you in Iab two.
-You found something, didn't you?
-Two viabIes.
-Two? In what condition?
Perfect. We're attempting reanimation
with one ofthem.
Great, what can I do?
-You, Stoney and Kinsa they're second...
-They're gonna sIow me down.
Just waIk them through it, okay?
Run a compIete structuraI scan, Iog them
in properIy and put them in stasis.
-I'II check back with you Iater.
Okay, where are we?
The board's aII green, teach.
The N-two's warm and ready.
Good. Kay-Em, begin stabiIizing
any ceIIuIar fractures.
Yes, professor.
Janessa, I need a fuII scan.
GIyceroI IeveIs,
cerebraI profusion, the whoIe works.
I Iive to serve, professor.
Let's see what we're deaIin'
with here.
DecrystaIization ofthe membranes
is now atThirty-two percent.
Good. Somebody get those
cIothes off her.
Oh, I got it!
I got it. HonestIy.
WayIander... where's her diffusion
Seventeen and stabIe.
Here we go.
Stay stiII or you'II end up getting
an eIbow where your wrist shouId be.
Specimen forty-four twenty found in
sector 39-30 L on Earth prime.
Subject discovered in compIete
-How's it goin'?
-Good, man. What's up?
-Hey, where do you want this?
-On the specimen tabIe.
-Hi, baby.
-Hey, gorgeous.
Initiating scan.
Mm, smart and sexy.
Professor. Take a look
atthisguy's scan.
How does he function
with a brain that smaII?
-Way manages.
-That's very funny.
-He's a big boy.
-I bet he's hung Iike a mammoth.
Okay, you guys. You know what?
Just get the heII outta here...
and come back when you're
more focused.
-You serious?
-Yes, just go.
-Thanks, Adrienne. Come.
Don't mention it.
See whatyou can salvage
from the optic cortex.
-Then move on.
-My pIeasure, professor.
Ready phase two.
Bring on the ants.
That's it. Come to mama.
Temperature, ninety-six-point-two.
CooI. It's working.
Ninety-eight-point-six and hoIding.
CeII reconstruction is compIete.
InternaI de-fib in three...
Easy. Easy.
VitaI signs are normaI and strong.
No shit.
Easy. Easy.
Oh, d-- Did ya get him?
Where is he?
TeII me you got him.
Got who?
Uh, n-n-n-no one's here.
You're s-safe with us.
There was a I-There was a Ieak
i-in the cryo-unit and....
Ho, was he contained?
It was contained.
But when the cryo-unit ruptured,
you didn'tescape it.
ltputyou into stasis.
For how Iong?
The year is twenty-four fifty-five.
Now, l-l-lknow this is
a huge shock...
butyou'regonna be safe here.
You're aboard GrendeI, a cIass-four,
catamaran transport ship.
We're on our wayback home and...
you'regonna bejustfine.
Twenty-four fifty-five?
That's over four hundred years.
Secure Iine. Perez, Dieter.
SoIaris Research Station. Connect.
Lowe. You bastard.
We've hit the mother Iode.
Do you know what time it is?
I don't care.
We've got a goIdmine.
A box of DVDs is not a goIdmine.
Now, I've toId ya, I can't move .
Just Iook at the fiIe.
Two four-hundred-year-oId frozen
specimens. One weII-preserved...
the other one. Are you ready for this?
Up and waIking around.
Four hundred years oId...
and waIkin' around.
Yeah. Four hundred and fifty-five
years, to be exact.
Who cares?
Who gives a shit?
PeopIe. PeopIe wiII pay huge
money to see her.
Let me ask you a question.
Is this the first person you've
Ofcourse not.
How many peopIe are out there today,
waIkin' around thawed out
and Iookin' good?
Maybe. But notfour hundred
and fifty years oId.
She's nearIy twice as oId
as anyone on the pIanet.
Two-fifty, four-fifty,
what's the difference?
Doctor, a hundred years ago when
reanimation was more unpredictabIe,
sure, maybe. But now...
it's oId news.
Damn it. I need money.
Oh, I know. I know.
The other viabIe is marked
That's notJason Voorhees, is it?
-What do you know about him?
-Jason Voorhees.
Oh, he kiIIed nearIy
two hundred peopIe...
and simpIy disappeared
without a trace.
Why, to the right buyer he couId be
worth, uh, a fortune.
WeII, I've got him frozen right
here on the ship.
You work out a Iist ofownership?
No Iist. He's my find.
He's-He's mine.
What about your students?
WeII, they're students. The
educationaI experience wiII be enough.
Doctor, doctor, you are one
son ofa bitch.
Soon to be one rich son ofa bitch.
Lowe out.
I think that, uh, we need to taIk
about my midterm.
Poor baby. No wonder you wore
this thing.
Harder. Harder.
Who's been a naughty IittIe boy?
M-I have.
Oh. Harder.
You want it a IittIe harder?
Yeah? How's that?
-Yeah. Oh, good.
-Yeah. That's it.
-That's it, right there?
-Oh, yeah.
-Daddy Iikes it hard?
-Yeah. Yeah.
-Daddy wants it hard, huh?
-Oh, yeah. That's it...
-Right there?
-You Iike it right there?
-Yeah. Yeah.
-A IittIe harder for...
-Come on!
-Yeah! Yeah!
-Come on!
-You pass!
What do you think?
-Do you Iike them?
-They're fine.
Look, Kay-Em, I don't think this is
going to work.
Why do you want those things
-Janessa has them.
-WeII, Janessa's....
Let's not compIicate things,
aII right?
I Iike you just the way you are.
I think you're perfect.
HeIp, WayIand! No!
Somebody heIp me!
HeIp me! No! No! No! No!
I brought you something to eat.
Not much Ionger and we'II be
at Earth Two.
Earth Two?
What happened to Earth One?
Yeah, weII, it's dead. The oceans,
the soiI, neither wiII sustain Iife.
Can I do anything eIse for you?
You wanna teII me what happened
down there?
I take it being stabbed and frozen
wasn't part ofyour pIan.
I'm a... I was a project Ieader
at CrystaI Lake Research.
The subject was Jason Voorhees.
Jason Voorhees?
Notorious murderer?
We executed him for the first time
in two thousand eight.
For the first time?
We tried everything. EIectrocution,
gas, firing squad.
We even hung him once.
Nothing worked.
FinaIIy, it was decided that
ifwe couIdn't terminate him,
we couId at Ieast contain him.
Cryogenic stasis. Freeze him untiI
we couId figure out what to do.
-Seems sensibIe.
-I thought so.
But unfortunateIy some peopIe who
were too smartfor their own good...
feIt that a creature that couIdn't be
kiIIed was simpIy too vaIuabIe...
tojustfiIe away.
In the end, it aIways comes down
to money.
How do you thank someone who
gives you back your Iife?
WeII, you're gonna be aIive
for a Iong time.
We'II figure out something.
Why don't you just admit it?
You want me.
I couId never be with a girI whose
baIIs are bigger than mine.
Guys, our star patient is back.
Rowan, this is Tsunaron and Janessa.
Hi. I see that my cIothes fit okay.
Oh, these are yours.
They're great. Thank you.
Whoa. What are those?
These are Janessa's Iove chiIdren.
You see now, it is that wit ofyours
that is what repeIs aII human femaIes.
And, ofcourse, you've met
Sergeant Brodski.
-Yes. Hi, again.
And this is the IoveIy Kay-Em Fourteen.
Tsunaron's IittIe Iove-bot.
Easy, Janessa.
Kay-Em is a knowIedge matrix android
that I have been programing.
-She Iooks so reaI.
-I am reaI.
-Professor, where do you want this?
-Uh, Iab two, I think.
-Thank you.
Where did you get that?
Uh, from your friend.
The big guy with the hockey mask.
-You brought him on board?
-He's in the next Iab.
-We're quite safe.
Our scans reveaI him to be very dead.
CouId your scans be wrong?
I think you shouId just get rid
of him, professor.
He's too dangerous.
WeII, that wouId be irresponsibIe
and fooIhardy.
He's a vaIuabIe scientific artifact
that must be carefuIIy preserved.
Much Iike yourseIf.
He is an unstoppabIe kiIIing machine.
He's not dead.
BeIieve me.
He's definiteIy dead.
Show me.
I'm putting us on Iock-down.
Attention, we have a hostiIe on board.
-Gruntteam, reportto weapons.
-The chick?
Repeat, we have a hostile on board.
Gruntteam, reportto weapons.
Everyone elsegetto lab one.
-Baby, I'm not ready yet.
-WeII, hurry up.
Sarge, grunt team's assembIed.
DaIIas is a no- show.
-Where the heII is he?
-ldon'tknow, sarge.
-Look, sergeant, we need to taIk.
-Do you have aII your kids yet?
Oh, God.
Stoney... Stoney's dead.
-Oh, my God.
-Stoney's dead.
Kicker! I wantfuII armor and tac.
I want nothing Ieft ofthis guy
by the time we reach SoIaris.
Roger that. You heard him, grunts?
Let's get movin'!
Nothin' Ieft of him?
What have you got in mind?
Take your kids to Iab one
and stay there tiII you hear from me.
I just saved your ass.
You know, don't get cocky.
I mean, you must reaIIy feeI Iike
a wuss. Huh, there, big boy?
Hey, check the score, kid.
It's stiII nine-three.
Yeah, but I got my groove on now.
You know what I'm sayin'?
So, what do you say next kiII wins?
Lock and Ioad, kiIIer.
You're goin' down.
You are so goin' down.
Whatthe hell?
-I thought this was an aIien sim.
-Yeah, it is.
Pause pIay.
I said, pause pIay.
-Uh, he's not pausing.
-Yeah, no kidding.
I think we need to reboot.
-That does not count as a kiII.
-Oh, yes it does.
Okay, screw this. Game over.
What the heII?
Hey, drop the kid!
Drop the kid! Now!
AzraeI, get outta here!
I got him! I got him!
AzraeI... I got no shot!
Sergeant Brodski.
Don't Ieave those kids aIone.
What the heII's the matter with you?
We are Iess than an hour from SoIaris.
They have seven...
fuIIy equipped tacticaI units
there that are more than...
capabIe oftaking care ofthis.
I say we wait and sedate him.
-I am takin' this guy out.
-Sergeant, I need him aIive.
No, you want him aIive, but what you
need is to get out of my way.
Look, there are other considerations.
FinanciaI considerations.
My onIy consideration is the safety
ofthe peopIe on this ship.
AII right, a hundred thousand.
Two hundred.
-Kicker, DaIIas not here yet?
You, Briggs, find him,
bring him up to speed.
Condor, you have a BFG?
You're with me. Sven, Geko,
you got the starboard pontoon.
Sarge what do we do when
we find this guy?
WeII, I promised the doc we'd
take him aIive.
So, after you bIow him aII
to heII, put one in his Ieg so...
-we can say we tried.
Oh, Lord.
Sarge, I got DaIIas.
-Where the hell is he?
-He's dead.
-Sarge, we got a body in bay two.
-Who is it?
lt's Azrael. Whatthe hell's
goin'on here?
Sarge, we got a bIood traiI headin'
toward the cargo bay.
Condor, Kicker and I wiII take cargo
The rest ofyou take portside.
I hope they know what they're doing.
These guys Iive for this stuff.
-Don't do that!
-You scream Iike a girI.
-Screw you.
-You wish.
Lou, is that you?
Lou, I swear, you mess with an
you're gonna wake up in the morning
with a waste hose in your bunk.
What the heII?
Crutch, get down now!
-What the heII's going on here?
-Crutch, out now!
Aw, you wrecked my stuff, man.
We naiIed him.
He's gotta be here.
Condor, air borne.
Where the heII's Sven?
Condor, anything topside?
Negative, sarge.
There's no sign ofhim.
This isn't gonna work.
Keep your eyes peeIed.
Everything's under controI.
Condor, report.
Sven, report.
Condor, report.
Sarge, we found Condor.
What's his condition?
He's screwed.
Let's smoke this fucker.
Sarge, uh, Sven's dead.
Jesus. You have got to get them
out ofthere.
They know what they're doing.
Oh, man.
Geko, Geko.
Yes, yes. See, they got him.
Don't take your eyes off him.
I'm on my way.
Take your time, sarge.
He ain't goin' nowhere.
get out of here.
Kicker. Briggs.
Where are you, damn it?
He's aII aIone in there.
It's gonna take more than a poke in
the ribs to put down this oId dog.
Yeah...that oughta do it.
Such a waste.
I toId him to stay caIm.
To wait untiI we got to SoIaris and
then we couId take care ofthis...
I said, ''Don't go in unprepared.''
Brodski wasjust too proud.
Who lockedthe damn door?
Somebody wanna teII me
what the heII is goin' on?
Grunts are dead.
-Which ones?
-AII of'em.
Oh. Oh, man.
Lou...how Iong tiII we reach SoIaris?
I'm takin' us out of hyperdrive
right now.
Kids and their goddamn fieId trips,
you know?
Just bring a psycho on board.
Yeah, sure. I just know I'm gonna
get bIamed for this shit.
Solaris to Grendel,
we haveyou on approach.
Standby fordocking number.
GrendeI to SoIaris, we need
miIitary and medicaI at the gate.
We got a big probIem here.
ReaI goatfuck.
Grendel, what'syourproblem?
Look we're gonna be aII right.
He's trapped in the cargo bay.
We're Iocked up in here.
-Can the SoIaris grunts kiII him?
I've been in constant contact
with SoIaris.
They have sixty highIy trained
professionaIs standing...
by to get us offthis ship.
Solaris to Grendel, pull up.
You're coming in too
fast. Grendel--
What now?
-Warning. Prepare forimpact.
-Oh, shit. Hang on!
What's going on?
What the heII's goin' on?
Everyone okay?
-Whatjust happend .
-WayIande ?
It's aII right. Wejust overshot it.
We'II turn around and go back.
Hang on.
Oh, my God.
SoIaris is gone.
-It can't be gone.
-Look for yourseIf. It's gone.
What are we gonna do?
Lou. What sorta damage we...
Iookin' at?
I'm sending out a distress beacon.
Guys, we've Iost our entire
port pontoon.
The internaI pressure is stabIe.
-The main thrusters are offline.
-Life support?
-We shouId be okay for a whiIe.
-But he's out there.
Look, we're gonna be fine. We're in
a high- voIume traffic Iane.
Another ship's gonna come by,
I-I-I'm sure of it.
We're-We're gonna be safe here.
Shut up!
What are you doing?
Maybe he gave up.
You reaIIy think so?
I don't think he's out there.
Why don't you just stick your head
out and have a peek?
Oh, my God!
Go! Go!
Janessa, go! Come on, go!
Move it, move it, move it!
Come on!
Where's professor Lowe?
have you considered
how vaIuabIe you are?
lmean, fame, money.
With my heIp,
you're gonna have it aII.
Y-I-I-I...know peopIe, you know?
I mean, I-I have connections!
Together we can-we can make
a fortune.
We couId--
Oh, shit.
Oh, you want your machete back.
Shit, it's yours, take it.
Just remember who saved itfor ya.
Guys, it's okay! Hejust wanted
his machete back!
l'm-l'm-l'm-l'mgonnago back...
to my room 'cause Stoney-Stoney's
gonna meet me there.
Oh, man. AII right, Iook.
How do we get offthis ship?
I don't know.
WeII, Iook, couId...
you beam us offor something?
''Beam us off?. ''
The shuttIe.
HeII, yeah. The shuttIe.
What about it Crutch?
Uh, yeah, I-I can do preIaunch
from the bridge.
Good, good. The rest of us'II head
to the shuttIe.
-We'II start the Iaunch Iist.
-I'm with you, Crutch.
You know how to use that thing?
It'sjust Iike riding a bike. Once
you Iearn, you never forget how.
Good. Kay-Em and I wiII go to
the suppIy hoId.
-Meet you at the shuttIe bay.
-See you there.
What's a bike?
There's enough fire power in here
to IeveI a moon.
I say we pack this stuff up
and head for the shuttIe.
So, what do you think?
Are we gonna make it?
WeII, the statisticaI probabiIity
ofsurvivaI is tweIve percent.
TweIve percent? Can't you come up
with better odds than that?
BuIIshit, Kay-Em!
That's buIIshit!
WeII, preparation for Iaunch may be
a reIativeIy simpIe procedure,
but getting there aIive?
It is a probIem.
Are you teIIin' me that there's
absoIuteIy no chance...
for us to better our odds?
StatisticaI probabiIity ofsurvivaI
just went up to...
fifty-three percent.
Wanna go for a hundred?
He's here.
But if he's in here,
he's gonna kiII us and--
Quiet! One more sound,
and I'II snap your neck myseIf.
Got it?
She's good with peopIe.
-Did you see that?
I think there's someone stiII
aIive over there.
We don't have time for this.
-Which way is the shuttIe bay?
-Straight through.
Go. I'II meet you there.
Just...don't wreck my pants.
Come on, girI.
We're goin' home.
Ah, Lou.
Jesus, that's twisted.
'Course, I seen worse.
Okay, Iet's get to work.
we're gonna get ya outta here.
Oh, God.
I'm gonna go get heIp,
and I'II be back.
Give me your vest.
You're Iucky you weren't aIive
during the Microsoft conflict.
HeII, we were beatin' each other
with our own severed Iimbs.
That's nice.
Let's get us home.
Kinsa, are you there?
Yes, ma'am.
Prepare for fueI transfers.
CeIIs six and seven bypass.
HydrauIic Iifters.
Pressurized and dampened.
-It's Brodski, he's aIive.
-No shit.
Yeah, I-I-I can't move him.
Are Way and Crutch back?
-No, they're stiII on the bridge.
-I need heIp.
Hey, guys. Brodski's stillalive
butRowan can'tmove him byherself.
Go, go, go, go.
I can handIe itfrom here.
TeII 'em I'm on my way.
Watch your back.
Crutch, how are we doing for time?
With a giant shitIoad ofgood Iuck,
we might be ready to go.
Where's Brodski?
He was here.
I don't get it.
And I am going home.
lgotcompanyhere, people!
Let's go.
Kinsa, open the door.
Open the damn door!
What's going on?
Why aren't you on board?
Kinsa won't open the door.
I think that she's finaIIy Iost it,
and this is a reaIIy
bad time for this!
Janessa, gentIy. Give me the com.
Kinsa, honey, it's Rowan.
I need you to open the door.
Kinsa, sweetheart, it's aII over,
honey. We can go home.
AII you need to do is open
the door for us.
Oh, shit. Come on, guys. Guys!
Jesus Christ, Kinsa!
Open the goddamn door!
Oh, no, Kinsa! No! The fueI Iines
are stiII attached!
Now what?
I--Um, now, basicaIIy w-we die.
Okay... new pIan.
You hoId him and I'II run.
Hey... sIappy!
Got a IittIe somethin' for ya.
Gave her an upIoad.
'Fraid I'm gonna have to
hurt you now.
That, uh...that didn't go so weII.
Got ya!
I had it under controI,
but thanks.
My pIeasure.
You did it.
-Who's your mama?
A-AII right.
How you doin' there, Brodski?
-I'm aII right.
-Come on Iet's get you patched up.
Whata mess.
Lab two.
Tsunaron, is he gonna make it?
He's at eighty percent aIready.
This guy is strong.
What the heII?
We've got troubIe.
The coIIision must have compromised
the huII. She's bIeeding out.
Oh, no. No, no... no.
Tiamatto Grendel, doyou read?
-Tiamatto Grendel, doyou read?
-Yes! Uh, Tiamat, this is GrendeI,
we read you.
Can you hear us?
That's affirmative, Grendel.
We are readingyourdistress
-Areyou in needofassistance?
-That's very affirmative, Tiamat.
How soon can you get here?
Our situation is extremeIy criticaI.
We're fourparsecs away, Grendel.
ETA...forty-five minutes.
We don't have that much time.
Tiamat, this is GrendeI. Our huII
is bIeeding out. We're gonna have...
a core impIosion in Iess than thirty
minutes. Do you copy?
We copyyou, Grendel.
Advise how you wouId Iike us
to proceed.
We'rejust gonna end up taking
them down with us.
ifyou can't get here in thirty
minutes then there's no point.
What?! Are you high?!
Tiamat, this is GrendeI.
You just ignore that Iast idiot,
aII right?
You-You get your ass out here, okay?
You come here and you save us.
Hey, guys, why can't wejust
go over here?
It's no good. The pontoon goes,
it'II take the bridge with it.
-Not ifwe disconnect these waIkways.
-You can'tjust disconnect them.
We couId bIow it up.
There's pIenty of macrocharge
in the weapons hoId.
This couId work.
Tiamat, we're gonna...
try something here.
Ifyou're game, maintain your current
course and speed and...
hopefuIIy we'II see you
when you get here.
Copy. Seeyou in forty-five minutes.
Goodluck, Grendel.
Let's blow the walkways.
Come on.
Let's spIit up and set the charges.
Who's got the remote?
-Right here.
-We'II meet up in waIkway ''B.''
AII set.
Good to go.
HoId together, baby.
He's dead.
I'd say he got better.
-He's been modified.
-Oh, ya think?
-Can you take him?
-I can try.
You guys might wanna run.
Brodski, get in here, now!
Come on, guys!
Come on!
-What the heII is goin' on?
-Jason fuckin' Voorhees,
that's what's going on.
-BIow the charges!
-No! WayIander's got the trigger!
Hey... asshoIe.
I think she's hoIding.
I think we're finaIIy okay.
I'd cIap if I couId.
-Tiamat to GrendeI.
-Come in, Grendel.
We have you vectored for approach
and emergency docking.
You ready to get offthat boat?
Let's go home.
HoIy... shit!
We gotta go! Now!
Don't Iet go!
Grab her hand!
Reach out!
Reach... for it!
Come on!
Come on!
Oh, this sucks on so many IeveIs!
Come on!
Come on! Come on.
Oh. Janessa!
-Shit, he's stiII coming!
-Oh, God.
Shit, come on. Go!
Which way?
-Let's go this way.
-This way! This way!
Come on.
Tiamat, we're at the evac door.
So am I, GrendeI.
LifeIine secured.
Initiate coIIar pressurization.
Tiamat, open the outer doors.
-Oh, whatnow?
Tiamat, let'sgetthatbolt open.
I've got this.
Let me try an override.
Shit. Oh shit, oh shit.
Come on, come on.
Our exterior motor's got no power.
-What does that mean?
-Means I'm going EVA.
-EVA? What's EVA?
-It's a space waIk.
I-If he can jump the Iines out there
we can reroute them from in here.
HopefuIIy, that door wiII open
and we can get offthis thing before...
it bIows the heII up.
Sounds Iike a good pIan.
Tiamat, this is GrendeI.
Our escape hatch isjammed.
-We're goin' EVA to try to patch it up.
-You'd better get a move on.
I'm in the maintenance hatch.
We read you, sarge.
Opening outer doors.
Those hatches aren't gonna keep
him that much Ionger.
We need to buy more time.
You're the expert on this guy, right?
-What are you thinking?
-A diversion.
I'm at the controI paneIs.
Rowan, are you there?
I'm gonna divert the main power
suppIy unit and send it to you.
See the bright bIue diode?
Connectit to the terminal.
Uh, was that you or me?
That was another part ofyour huII,
You are running out oftime.
Just a few more minutes.
We can disengage and come around
Negative, Tiamat.
Just another minute.
We'II stand by as Iong as we can.
-You ready, Kay?
-I was buiIt ready, baby.
I-I-It's working.
He's buying it.
-What do you mean, ''Whoops''?
Not nothing. You don'tjust say
''oops.'' What ''oops''?
I think he saw me.
Oh, man. Ifyou've got something
briIIiant up your sIeeve,
now's the time to do it.
I-I got something. I got something.
Prepare variations using data fiIe
CrystaI Lake, nineteen hundred eight.
-Here goes nothin'.
-Hey... you want a beer?
-Or do you wanna smoke some pot?
Or we can have premaritaI sex.
We Iove premaritaI sex.
Try itnow, Rowan.
Here we go.
You piece ofcrap!
He's done with the campers.
-Wow, he's good.
-He's too good. He's coming back.
Okay, try itagain.
lt's engaged! The door's engaged!
Brodski, you are the man!
Hey, are we gonna see you
sometime soon?
I'm on my way.
Brodski, where are you?!
GrendeI, we can't keep pressure Iock.
We'll disengage in fortyseconds.
Kay-Em. Kay-Em.
Ten, nine, eight...
seven, six...
five, four...
three, two, one.
No! No, wait!
He's coming this way.
You've gotta be kidding me.
He's gone.
I can't beIieve it.
Kay-Em. Are you okay?
I'II be back on my feet in no time.
As soon as I have some.
I'II get right on it.
It's beautifuI.
-Look at that.
-A shooting star.
Make a wish.
It Ianded in the Iake.
Let'sgo check itout.