Jassy (1947) Movie Script
Nothing is over since the complete happens,
it's just you and Helmar again.
Well next?
Five hundred.
Care to make a thousand?
There you are.
What you've got to say to that, ah?
Good boy you run a hand at last.
Oh he's won again, congratulations Nick.
Your deal, Sir William
I'm afraid gentlemen
I must ask you to be excused I find the
stakes getting much too high for me.
Why is it always the same
with you rich men?
Because we prefer to remain rich
Go and tell Mr Hatton the
last dance has begun.
- Our guests will be leaving in a moment.
- Very good, Madam.
Have you seen Master Barney anywhere?
He went into the garden,
Madam, with Miss Helmar.
If you see him tell him I want him
I will, Madam.
This is the loveliest ball
I have ever been to
I am glad.
You don't look it.
Why are you serious, darling?
Because there won't be any more
evenings like this at Moderlaine.
My father goes on gambling.
Oh that they all do it my
father is just as bad.
Maybe but Moderlaine doesn't belong to him
I wish it did. It's a wonderful
house I love it.
Then you can guess how I feel about it
I was born here so were all
the Hattons right back to 1394.
Were those other Hattons
as good looking too?
As it seems very foolish to you
to love a house so much.
Oh no
- I understand how you feel only.
- Only what?
I wish I were the house.
I had the sense for the money to be
coming in this direction.
Now what is it?
If you please, Sir, Mrs Hatton
wants you to know
that the dancing is over
and the guests are leaving.
Oh that's hardly concerns us, does it?
Oh, Jimmy, it concerns me, they tell me
some wives can be kept waiting
mine isn't one of them.
Nor is mine
Charles, first time I've known
you to break up a game.
This game brook me up an hour ago.
Heaven knows I haven't gotten
any of your money.
Somebody has.
It would be a lucky tenant who
gets his roof repaired this year.
Let their roofs rot.
Rain's healthy make them grow.
- Good Night, gentlemen.
- Good Bye.
Excuse me, Sir, Mrs Helmar
asked me to tell you
that she and Miss Helmar are
ready to go home, Sir.
Well, what's stopping them?
They can't expect me to leave while
he got some of my money.
Tell them to take themselves home
I'll follow and excuse me.
Very good, Sir.
Well, it's you and me and less now, Nick.
What shall it be?
Let's give the dice a turn.
Yes, by all means.
They can't behave worse than the cards.
If you please, Madam, Mr Helmar
sends his compliments
and asks if you and Miss Helmar
- will be good enough to.
- Go home by ourselves?
- Is that it?
- Yes, Madam.
Thank you
I lay the message he sent
wasn't as polite as that either
I'm so sorry, My Dear,
stay the night with us
I wouldn't dream of it.
As a matter off fact I'm only too
happy to miss my Lord and master
after an all-night sitting, Thank You.
Come along Dilys.
Come and see us soon Barney
I will. Good Night.
Good Night.
- Good Night.
- Good Night, Thank you.
Oh if Mr Helmar is ruined in the morning.
Don't bother to send him home.
Just give him a job in the stables
I will - Good Night-Good Night.
I wish he wouldn't do it,
he can't afford to lose
night after night like this.
You know father, you might as well
wish he was somebody else.
At times like this I
I will often do..
What is it matter? What's happened?
Mother he hasn't taken your jewellery?
He can't do that.
He's done it.
- Good Morning, Barney, what do you want?
- I want my mother's jewellery.
Oh, I'm afraid your mother
no longer possess any jewellery.
This belongs to Nick.
Was in a way my dear
wife is going to be glad
as since I am going to be.
Father you're drunk you don't
know what you are doing.
On the contrary I know perfectly well.
I am in the process of losing 18,000 pounds
my gold snuff box, my carriage
and four hunters
and your mother's jewellery to
my old friend, Nick Helmar
I don't think but I've one
thing left to stake
and I'm going to stake that too.
What's that?
This house - Moderlaine!
Sir Edward, can you please stop him.
It is no good, my boy, I've
been trying all night.
But father supposing you lose?
I should have lost in a
very sporting wager.
Yes but what..
My dear fellow, don't interrupt in a
friendly game between gentlemen.
Moderlaine against everything
you've won, agreed?
Why not? We can't possibly
afford to stay here now.
The whole place as it stands,
pictures, furniture, everything?
Leave me the clothes I stand up in
I don't want your clothes,
it wouldn't fit me.
Green farm is my wife's.
All right, we'll leave Green farm out of it
Chris, for heavens sake think
what you are doing!
Shall we begin? Yours first, Nick.
As you please.
Your witness son.
He is drunk, Mr Helmar
you got no right to..
Now may the devil help me.
Damnation take these, your dice.
All right Chris, you
can't help beating that.
You might as well, just take the.
Thank you, Nick, the
most entertaining game.
The house is yours.
Good Night.
I hope you come and visit us occasionally.
You're not going to hold my father to that.
Don't let it upset you, son
I'll give you a chance to win it back.
Join me a glass of wine.
Will you?
Pick up, Barney, there is no
groom coming to hold the horse.
Here we are. This is our new mansion.
Oh Chris, I never realized.
Can't be truer my dear.
So miserably small.
All the better if you have to
look after it single handed.
I am sure I do not know why you are crying.
Meggie, and I thought you'd run away.
You ought to have stayed at Moderlaine.
Dear, Mum, you know me better than that.
I don't belong to Moderlaine,
I belong to you.
You'd better get the rest of the stuff
out of the cart, Barney
and put the horse and cart away.
Oh, and feed the horse.
Oh, go on my dear boy,
it's great deal to be done.
How is Green Farm these days?
What's that got to do with you?
Nothing wrong with Green farm is there?
And a roof over your head
and food in your belly.
There's lots these days has neither
I know that.
Of course you only been
had it for six months.
Reckon it takes ten years to make a farmer.
How long does it take you to shoe a horse?
Depends whom I'm doing it for.
For a farmers boy I take my time.
What took you so long?
I'd wait to be served, Father.
- Then they just for me they make.
- Yes, Father
Go on and get me another.
This time don't make ordeal about it.
No, Father.
Well here he is, get on.
I will say he's not what you're used to.
He is not mine, he's my father's, come on.
Dear boy.
I don't do this for nothing.
All right, I forgot.
It's only gentry that can afford forget.
You remember that, Master Barney,
your Green farm.
Come on boy, come on.
No you don't Jim.
You know my role, Master Barney.
- Why?
- We want her.
- What has she done?
- Really in drab she should be.
She's got a spell on you like at night.
Her mother is a gypsy witch.
Come on, Master Barney, get away.
What are you trying to do?
Put her in the pond.
And see if she can get the
devil to hold her out.
Ten of you to duck one girl, get up behind.
Good heavens you ought to
be ashamed, hold tight.
Here use this - Oh, thank you
I don't know what would have
happened if you hadn't come along.
Why were they chasing you?
They think my mother is a witch.
Oh it's all right, she's not really.
She is just a gypsy.
Oh, would she be upset
when you tell her about this?
She's left us, she's gone back
to her own people.
But in that case I don't see why
they should torment you.
Well, it's my fault really.
I told Fanny Moy this morning
that her mother had fallen down in the
market place and broken her arm.
And had she?
Oh, yes.
And where you there?
But how did you know?
I saw it happen.
You often see things like that?
No, not often.
Just sometimes.
Yes but,..but how?
I don't know.
I just do.
What's your name?
Jassy Woodroofe.
Short for Jacinth, it's from
the Bible, father chose it.
Do I look better now?
Well, yes, you feel all right?
That is I don't think Fanny Moy's
mother will have me back after today.
You'd better come back
with me, young lady.
But why does the girl want
work, Mr Woodroofe
surely there is plenty of work at home.
There is
but I can't keep her, Mum.
Bread will be dear this winter a
carpenter can't always find work.
- Are you clean?
- Yes Mum.
Show me your hands.
Your nails?
You understand we rise early.
Yes, Mum.
Very well, I will give her a trial.
It's hard work in dairy
I'm a hard worker, Mum.
- You'd better start now.
- Thank you, Madam.
Be a good girl Jassy.
- Good Day, Mum, and thank you.
- Good Day.
This way.
Meggie, this is our new dairy maid.
After all I've said.
That's superstitious nonsense her
father is a God fearing man and a preacher.
Take her into the dairy and
set her to wash the crocks.
You needn't keep your fingers
crossed, I'm not a witch, really.
That's what you say but I'm taking
no chances of the likes of you.
This way.
That'll teach her.
I will smash you.
Poor child.
Does it hurt very much?
Lindy? What's the matter?
Lindy? Does it hurt very badly?
Speak to me?
I'm afraid there's nothing
more we can do for her now.
It was an unlucky blow.
How long will she be like this, Doctor?
It's impossible to tell, shock has
severely affected her vocal cords.
The loss of speech may be temporary.
Maybe permanent, I can't say.
You mean, my Lindy may never speak again
I'm sorry, Mum, I hold out
very little hope of it.
And I'll be of that view that loaf
deserved to be horse whipped.
Good day to you Mrs Wicks.
Bring her and we see her next week.
There's going to be nothing shoddy
about the place when I finish with it
I want an entrance exactly like
that picture I showed you.
Mr Helmar that gate where you showed
me looks very well in Florence
I've seen it in that setting it's perfect
but against the background you've got here.
Then I'll change the background.
Look here, Mr what's your name Sedley.
You know how much I paid
for that Italian marble? 1000 .
- Yes but.
- There's no but about it
I know what I want and
I'm going to get it.
Yes Mr Helmar.
You got this job because my
wife asked me to give it to you
if you don't want it you've
only got to say so
- is that clear?
- Yes, Mr Helmar.
And get on with it.
Quite Mr Helmar, Yes Mr Helmar
I'm sorry, Beatrice, but
I can't stand it any longer.
Can't you? Not even if I say.
Yes, Mr Sedley.
Mr Hatton - Thank you, Willy.
Good Evening Chris, we haven't started yet.
- There's a place for you, Chris.
- Thanks, I think I start with Nick.
- Going to win tonight?
- I hope so.
- Good evening Chris.
- Good Evening, Nick.
How much credit you allow him?
I trust enough to make him happy
Oh, good.
Call him.
Pair of kings?
Three sixes.
One moment.
Why? What's the matter?
How many sixes of diamonds
are there in this pack?
No wonder your luck turned.
Cheating like a clumsy pot boy
I apologize I've never done that before.
You whine and call until
I let you play on credit
I had to play.
You played your last game here, get out.
Just a minute you left some wine
Willy, show Mr Hatton out.
I think I know my own way
I'm sorry, gentlemen, I shouldn't
have let him play.
Sit down.
- Who is dealing?
- I've finished tonight.
We haven't yet started,
Fennell you are not going.
Thanks, I had enough
The cursed gentleman he got off lightly.
It's no good, I don't
like your manners Nick.
Thank you.
- Where is Mrs Helmar?
- I don't know, Sir
Where's your missus?
I haven't seen Mrs Helmar
since dinner, Sir.
Where is Mr Sedley?
I haven't seen Mr Sedley either, Sir.
Not since dinner
What are you doing up this hour?
I'm just going to bed.
Where's your mother?
I don't know.
Where is your mother?
She's gone into the garden.
Go to bed
Nick I..
- Don't you see you're killing him.
- Why not?
I love him.
That's no reason. How long
has this been going on?
Since June
I knew your mind, I didn't think you dare?
I hate you I've hated you for years.
I knew there was someone
I'm going away with him.
I shan't stop you.
Mrs Helmar is never to
enter this house again.
See that all the servants know that.
What do they care? What cart
wanting in a week they say.
We are all at her pity.
But it's all we can pay.
Tell him your children are starving,
and what do they say?
Your children, why aren't so many?
I tell you, Tom Woodroofe while we
sticks to talking they sticks to talking.
And talk don't fill no man's belly.
Does burning their ricks fill your belly?
Maybe we will not stop at ricks.
Burn down their houses, I think we can do.
If you start burning ricks and
houses they call out the soldiers.
How are you to fight against them?
I'll fight anyway and I won't
lie down like a dog.
Now listen to us.
I know that women and children
starving that's got to stop.
But rioting and rick burning
won't stop anything.
What will then?
Reason and justice.
Where is your reason and
justice coming from, Tom?
From the farmers and landowners.
Tell them how things stand
and they'll help us.
We've got to put up our
case to all of them.
We got to speak up there.
Do no evil and put our trust in the Lord
I'm for starting round the landlords now.
- Who's with me?
- All.
Where are you going first, Moderlaine?
Come on, man, we need you, say what
you like, another bad talker yourself.
- Are you all ready?
- Yes.
- What's all this?
- We'd like a few words with you, Mr Helmar
- I know you.
- I've worked for your house, Sir.
Go on with your work, I've
not got no time for you
I've got no time for any of you.
Get off my land in one minute,
I'll throw you off, all lot of you
Barney, you must take me to
Moderlaine please, Barney, please.
Jassy, what's the matter with you?
It's my father, I'll tell you on the way.
Jassy, be calm what's happening?
It's my father, Mum, he is
in danger, deadly danger.
- How do you know?
- I do know, I see him.
- See him?
- Don't do nothing, Barney, please.
- Jassy, stay here a moment.
- Where are you going?
I'm going to saddle the mare.
I said get off my land.
Drunken swine is not good talking to him.
You are right we'll come back
another day, Mr Helmar.
When your are not so drunk, come on.
Look at him, your Lord and Master,
the man you sweat your gut out for.
For ten shillings a week.
If you don't get off my steps
I'll set the dogs on him.
Oh, Negus.
- Jassy, what's the matter?
- What's happened?
I'm ready Jassy.
It's too late now.
He's dead.
What do you mean?
They killed him.
I shall always remember you
were willing to come.
He run up the steps and cried out,
I didn't hear what he said.
The dogs left at him and the gun went off.
Don't, Jassy, you dreamt it all
I'm going to stay with you
until he comes home.
He's coming home now.
- When did it happen?
- Eight, just clock was struck.
I'm sorry Jassy, but I've made up my mind.
It's not my work, Mum.
No, it's not your work.
Then what is it, Mum?
I'd really rather not discuss it but
it's only fair you should know.
It's Mr Barney.
Does he want me to go?
No, but he's at an impressionable age
and you are an attractive girl
it isn't good he should
see so much of you.
You think he might fall in love with me.
You like him already don't you?
No not like I love him.
I shall never love anyone else.
You must see what an
impossible situation it is.
That's why you must go.
Will that make any difference?
Maybe not, would you be willing
to go as far off as Beldon?
I must go anywhere I can find work.
There is a Mistress Bell there who keeps
a finishing school for young ladies
I'll give you a letter to her.
Mrs Hatton speaks very well of you.
I see your father is dead
and your mother is a..
Is your mother a gypsy?
Yes, Mum.
Honest, respectful, clean
show me your hand?
Well, I'll give you a trial.
Ring that bell.
I don't know how much you
had to do at Mrs Hattons
I expect my servants to work hard.
It seems the Hatton they
do six pounds a year.
- Six pounds?
- Yes, Mum.
Five will be enough.
Mrs Whiting, this is Jassy Woodroofe,
our new between maid.
- Very good, Madam.
- Mrs Whiting is our house keeper.
Follow her and do everything she tells you.
- Have you finished the stairs?
- Oh, yes. Mum.
- Brought in the coal?
- Yes, Mum.
- Chopped the kindlings? Swept up?
- Yes. Mum.
Then you can go to bed.
Thank you, Mum.
You'll get up at a quarter to six.
You'll sweep the floor,
you lay the fire, you light it.
You fill that big kettle with
water and put it on the fire.
Yes, Mum.
You fill the coal-scuttle
and then you collect all the shoes from
the outside the dormitory doors.
Anything else?
Yes you'll start cleaning the shoes.
I saw that Heather's locked out,
who bolted the window?
I did, Miss.
Don't it's never bolted.
Who are you?
I'm the new tweeny, Miss.
The last tweeny was a sport.
- Are you?
- Oh, yes, Miss.
Do you know who I am?
Yes, you're Miss Helmar of Moderlaine
I'm Dilys, say it.
You won't bolt that window again, will you?
No, Miss.
- You won't tell?
- No, Miss.
Good Night - Good Night.
- What's your name?
- Jassy.
Good Night, Jassy.
Good Night, Miss.
Come on.
This is Jassy, Edwina, Maude, Cecily.
She's not a real gypsy.
- Of course, she is, look at her eyes?
- Look at her hair?
Do you eat toads and hedgehogs, and things?
- Can you tell fortunes?
- Of course she can..
All gypsies can.
Do tell mine?
Don't be silly, Cecily,
when you go already.
Please come to our room tonight, Jassy.
Mrs Whiting says I mustn't
go upstairs at night.
Of course she won't know.
It's perfectly safe, Jassy do!
Well, I'll see, Miss
I'm doubting how many husbands I'll have.
No one will ever marry you.
They won't have to, Cecily never says no.
Oh that's a lie and I think I owe to men.
There's the bell.
Please, try and come, Jassy.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry, Mum.
I didn't mean it.
- I haven't dirtied it.
- I'm sure you haven't
I'll do the room now then.
No I'll be in here you can come back later.
Oh a moment you're Jassy aren't you?
Yes, Mum.
You know who I am?
Yes, Mum, you're Miss Twisdale's
partner, Miss Hamilton.
That's right.
Where did you learn to read, Jassy?
My father taught me, Mum.
What have you read?
Only from the Bible.
But this is poetry, it's lovely.
What are you reading, show me?
I can say it.
Can you?
Well, go on then.
If I could write the beauty of your eyes
and in fresh numbers number all your graces
the age to come would say
this poet lies
such heavenly touches
near touch earthly faces
I'll do the room when you ring, Mum.
My goodness.
And in the morning they found her
dead - How awful?
I shan't sleep a wink
tonight, tell us another, Jassy.
Tell our fortunes, tell mine.
No, I can't see into the future
and I won't pretend I can.
But you said you could see things.
Only sometimes and only things
that are happening now.
Even if they're miles away?
Hardly she can't.
You show me your hands.
Come and sit here.
You are sad
someone you love very
much has been ill.
Her mother's ill, we all know
that, she's heard us talking.
You needn't be sad anymore.
She's better.
I can see her walking by
the sea in the moonlight
with a short dark man
with a kind face.
Is your father like that Maude?
Yes, but he can't be
with my mother by the sea.
Why not?
Because we live in Northampton
miles from the sea
I told you she was a swindle.
Perhaps your mother run away
with another short dark man.
My mother wouldn't run away with anyone.
You made that up and it's cruel of you.
My mother is very ill
I have to go home tonight
because she is so ill.
She is going to die, I know she is.
Edwina has something to say to you
I'm sorry, Jassy, please forgive me.
It was true what you said.
Every word of it.
Maude heard from her mother
I had a letter this morning
she is much better and
she's gone to Brighton.
She says she goes for a walk with
my father along the front every night.
Before going to bed
I'm going to write to tell her about you.
All right you can go.
Don't you be rude to Jassy again
I'm so happy to know she's better.
So am I, but I was happy last night.
Who is that?
Where are you going?
Charles's regiment has been ordered
to York and I'm going with him.
But tonight!
I left a note, and she would
find it in the morning.
They'll fetch you back.
Of course they won't Charles
won't let them and I'm late.
Oh Dilys, don't go, you'll
be sorry, I know you will.
It's no use, Jassy, I can't
be without Charles I'm dying.
- Does he know you're going with him?
- Not yet.
Oh, Dilys, wait.
Think again.
If I loved him, pass me that.
Are you sure he'll marry you?
Of course he will, you should feel
my heart that's what love does to you.
Don't worry, Jassy, Good Bye.
Good Bye.
For heaven's sake be reasonable.
Why won't you take me with you?
Dilys I told you, I can't
it'll be an awful row.
Not if we got married.
It's impossible to marry
you, I can't afford it.
Didn't you mean anything you said?
Of course I did.
Look sweetheart I told you I
can only stay for five minutes.
You must go back
I can't.
Then I must.
I can't go back Charles, I left
a note saying we gone.
A note? Did you mention my name?
I said I was eloping with a man I love.
When I'm not.
Oh you're a very sweet little girl
and I'm very fond of you
but we're not eloping.
- Charles.
- Be sensible go back as fast as you can.
And get hold of that note.
Good bye.
No, Charles, no, wait
Charles, you needn't marry me.
Just take me with you.
Dumb little fool, Good Bye.
But tell me what do you want me to or not
I'll follow you.
Why don't you love me anymore?
Dilys, for heaven's sake go home.
- I'll die if you leave.
- Don't be melodramatic
- I'll kill myself.
- I've had enough of this.
Don't Charles.
And don't follow me
anymore, do you understand?
Dilys, Dilys.
Dilys, are you hurt?
What's the matter?
What happened, Dilys?
Go home, it's unbearable.
Come on, come with me.
No, leave me alone.
But, Dilys, you must
come, we got to get back.
Come along.
Nonsense you would start again tomorrow.
Come along - No.
Wait here, and don't move until I call you.
Whatever you do, don't move.
- Where have you been?
- To the village, Mum.
This hour of the night? What for?
I went to see my mother.
How did you know she was there?
I felt it I do sometimes.
- A likely story?
- It may be true, Elizabeth.
It is true, Mum.
It's a lie from beginning to end.
- What do you know about this?
- Nothing, Mum.
I haven't seen it I don't know what it is.
Where is Dilys Helmar?
Miss Helmar, Mum?
She must be in her bed.
You know she is not.
I don't think she does know.
Look at her face.
Jassy, can you tell me truthfully that you
don't know that Dilys Helmar has run away?
I haven't seen Miss Helmar, Mum.
Not since before breakfast in the corridor.
It's not Jassy's fault, Miss Twisdale.
I made her do it.
Be out of this house by ten tomorrow.
- Anyone here?
- No.
Are they going to punish her?
No, she's all right, she's been expelled.
So have I in a way.
I wish I could be.
We've sent for a coach for her, you
know the stables at Bebes' Knight Wood?
She wants you to meet you
there in half an hour.
Oh, Jassy, isn't it silly? Did
you see him last night?
Aren't men awful creatures?
She's as white as a sheet today.
Do you think he ruined her?
He certainly ruined me.
No, really?
Oh, Jassy, do tell me?
Good Bye.
You're coming home with me.
- But Dilys?
- Please come, Jassy
I need you.
But what do I coming as, a servant or what?
You're coming as my friend of course.
Oh Dilys, I can't do that.
Why not? Coachman - Madam?
Drive on and don't stop
until you get to Moderlaine.
Dilys, no one will believe you,
look at my clothes to start with.
That is easily remedied, now then.
I shouldn't have brought you
here by not asking, you'll see.
- Good Morning, Fred.
- I've seen we've got visitors.
Come on.
- Where is my father?
- Is he expecting you?-No.
He is in his study.
What are you going to say to him?
Oh nothing.
Lord, thank you it isn't finished.
What's all..
What are you doing here?
Father, I've come home.
Come home?
Who's your friend?
Shut up you and get back to the kitchen.
That's not the way he usually talks to me
I said get out.
Father, this is Jassy Woodroofe,
she's come to stay with me
I've seen you before, haven't I?
I've seen you before but
that doesn't matter.
Didn't expect your are on holidays, yet?
It isn't holidays, Father,
I left school for good.
What? You should have told me.
- How old are you?
- Nineteen.
Well it's high time you left.
We got a party tonight so
put on your best dresses.
Did you say Woodroofe?
Yes, Mr Helmar.
Well what do you think of my home?
Oh it's lovely.
Dilys, who is that girl downstairs?
She came as a parlour maid.
- Oh I see.
- Oh it's like that all the times.
Has been ever since my mother went.
What happened to her?
She's dead.
I'm sorry - It's all right.
Well, suppose this is
better that being in school.
For me is much better.
Then stay with me, Jassy
I'll stay as long as you want me to.
We have to find you another dress
I'm going to be very grand
tonight so you must be too.
Which will you have?
Oh, Dilys
I've never seen so many beautiful dresses.
This one.
May I?
They get their cottages for soil,
they get a share of the produce.
And now they want still higher wages
I tell you there's no end to it.
There might be if you gave them
what they wanted for a change.
Don't be a fool, Stephen.
If I didn't know you
were my own son in law..
What's this you've been
keeping up your sleeve?
Oh nothing, only my daughter.
Only your daughter.
It's unlikely of you to be so modest.
- And this is her friend, ah Miss.
- Woodroofe.
Your servant, Miss Woodroofe.
Dearest, my dear child,
what a delightful surprise.
And a very beautiful one.
Thank you.
Why, Stephen.
Don't pretend you've never seen me before.
Forgive me, it was the
surprise, you've grown up
I'm glad you've noticed it.
Dinner is served, Sir.
Thank you.
I still think I've met
you somewhere before.
No, I'm quite sure you haven't.
Only I can swear the name,
Woodroofe, that's familiar somehow.
As a matter of fact, you
did meet my father.
- Father?
- Yes, surely you remember.
You shot him dead just outside that door.
I enjoyed this evening
I think it was the dress.
Keep it.
You looked lovely in it.
But it was you who made the conquest
He's even duller than I remembered him.
This time last I still got Charles with me.
That will hurt for about a week.
I expect that's father.
He must be dreadfully drunk by now.
- Shall I go?
- No.
- Is that you father?
- Yes, I want Miss Woodroofe
I'll say you are asleep.
No, I'll talk to him.
Yes Mr Helmar?
Your father, on my mind all evening.
It was some unfortunate,
never will happen, if I'd been sober.
I hope you let bygones be bygones?
They are bygones.
Whether one lets them be it or not.
It was an accident, you know?
I know, Mr Helmar, Good Night.
Good Night, I..no thanks.
There is the pond where
Barney saved me for a ducking
Barney Hatton?
Let's go and see him.
Well you can't do that, you
can't go calling on a bachelor.
You sound like Miss Twisdale.
If father did hear it.
Not if he doesn't find out.
Come on, let's go.
By all the saints, it's Jassy Woodroofe.
Oh, Meggie, may we come in?
You got very fine.
- Who's is that?
- This is Miss Helmar.
Is Mr Barney at home?
No, he's not been home since early morning.
He went out to plough the 12 acres.
Well then we'll wait, sit down, Dilys.
Oh, no, fine ladies like you wait in
the parlour not in the hall.
Oh, there is Barney now,
I recognize his steps
Barney have you forgotten me?
No, no, of course not, only
you've changed, Jassy.
Have I changed too, Barney?
No you haven't changed, Dilys.
I'm glad - Well that's settled.
Let's all go into the parlour.
Oh it's just I remembered it.
Look, Dilys, there is a desk
my father made for Barney.
- This came from Moderlaine, didn't it?
- Yes it did.
Please sit down will you.
The clock still says 20 to three.
Barney - Yes.
Why don't you come and see us?
You know that's impossible.
Because of that silly old quarrel
I don't call it a silly quarrel.
Something that happened over the
card table when father was drunk.
He wasn't too drunk to
hold my father to his bet.
And cheat me out of my house
I didn't steal it from you, Barney.
So you won't come and see us?
I shall never set foot in
Moderlaine again until it's mine
I think you better change
the subject, Jassy
I'll wash the glasses.
Oh, ask Meggie to do it.
She won't find that very easy,
she still has her fingers crossed.
Close the door, close the door.
You still have that same look in your
eyes when you talk about Moderlaine.
And I still like it
I mean to get it back one day.
And I expect you will.
- I'm not joking.
- I can see that.
You know what I've been
remembering all the afternoon?
That last ball at Moderlaine.
When we slipped away into the garden.
I thought of that moment I saw you.
Happy? That's why I'm here.
Seems years ago.
We were very young.
My Barney.
You know what you're doing?
Yes I do.
Jassy will be back.
When can I see you again?
I don't know it's rather difficult.
Please, Barney.
Saint's Spinney, Wednesday at six.
Oh, Barney.
- Where is Dilys?
- She's gone to see the Fennells.
Didn't think she had that much sense.
Listen young lady, I'm bored and lonely.
- Do you play backgammon?
- No.
- Cards?
- No.
- Dice?
- No.
- Chess?
- Yes, I can play chess.
Very well we'll play chess oh..
If you'd be kind enough to
honour me with your company.
Where's? Where's Emelia?
In the kitchen where she belongs
I suppose chess isn't her game.
Did you have much difficulty getting away?
Oh no, I said I was going
over to the Fennells.
- What for?
- To see Stephen.
- Why Stephen?
- He wants me to marry him.
You tell Nick that you're going
to marry nobody but me.
No, Barney, he mustn't know yet.
I want it to be our secret.
- Oh, I want everybody to know.
- Not yet.
I like this to go on for ever.
So long as I live I'll love you
I've never loved anyone
as much as I love you.
- Who taught you to play chess?
- My father
I've never met a girl who
played chess before.
Perhaps you've never asked them.
I can handle my own men,
thank you Mr Helmar.
I see they taught you something at school.
They didn't teach me anything.
But I learned a lot.
Check - Mate.
Come in come in don't stand there.
Very nimble but I can't pay
you I haven't a a penny in the world.
Debts of honour must be paid
I know.
Chess was the only game we both
knew Mr Helmar would gamble.
You're late? Who brought you home?
Did you get him to propose to you?
Well, the sooner you do,
the better I'd be pleased.
Your last bet five shillings.
We call it even.
You've made the only drinkable cup
of coffee I've had in a long time.
Good Night - Good Night.
Good Night.
Well he went to bed sober anyway.
Can't one of you see that
there's something fit to eat.
Blasted parasites feeling
doing nothing all day long.
Don't stand there grinning like a cat.
Take this muck away.
Bring me fish and cheese.
No, I'll see what can be done.
Tell that fat pig in the
kitchen, she is sacked.
They are all sacked.
Fill my glass, blasted.
When is your precious friend leaving us?
She has no where to go.
She can stay then.
She's is worth dozen of you any day.
There's no need to be
mealy-mouthed about it.
That's your mother all over again.
Sweet, sweet and rotten.
Sweet as honey and full of poison.
Are you listening?
There Mr Helmar is that
more to your liking?
Well I'll be this looks good.
It is good, it is your servant's supper.
What? You told them they were sacked?
Listen young woman I've
got a proposal to make.
How much would you want to run this house?
Twenty pounds a year, paid quarterly.
In advance, I want a free
hand with the servants.
There is no argument about that.
And Emilia?
You can start on Emilia
I'll do it.
There's your first quarter.
And there's your five shillings.
Debts of honour must be paid.
- Is that all I get after five years serve.
- It's all your entitled to.
If you add it to what you've
stolen you won't starve.
I don't know why I'm going
I never done nothing.
That's why.
Well, you are very welcome to my leaving.
Now you.
I dare say I'm a fool not
to sack the lot of you.
But I can always change my mind.
Without them you won't have
so many distractions.
If your work is good you'll stay.
If not you'll follow them quickly.
That's all.
Jaynie - Yes, Miss
I was a kitchen maid once and I
don't believe I was any better than you.
You, Miss?
You're a parlour maid now
and your wages are doubled.
Oh, thank you Miss.
In future you do your fair share of
the work and no more, I'll see to that.
- I beg you pardon, Miss Jassy.
- Come in Mrs Wicks.
Now get about your business.
I brought the washing, Miss, Lindy.
Oh Mrs Wick that's too heavy for her.
She's very strong you should be surprised.
Strong in the arm weak in
the head as the saying is
Well, look at that now.
There's only one other I've
ever seen her do that before.
And that was you dear father, God Rest him.
- Yes he was very fond of her.
- And a fine man he was too.
I can remember him converting
Wicks as it was yesterday.
It's a pity he didn't do it before
Wicks struck my poor girl down.
How is she?
She won't never be ordered.
Don't work her too hard.
She has got to work.
She ought to be out in service
like I was at her age.
But who'd take her?
Mrs Wicks would you let her come here?
Oh Miss Jassy if she could do that?
I can't tell you what I waited
to be off my mind.
She's a good worker, she all
want to do, and she'll do it.
You can have her cheap.
All she wants is a corner to sleep in.
Any scraps of food that's left over.
And she is clean like a new pin.
- Show the lady your hands?
- No.
No, never mind
Lindy would you like to
come and work for me?
That's settled then, Mrs Wicks,
I'll look after her.
Oh Stephen.
Oh Stephen
I'll never love anyone as
much as I love you.
There is nobody to see us, come on.
Well, isn't this better, darling?
No, Barney, no.
But Dilys.
You were different in the Spinney.
It's Meggie, she might come in.
What if she does? Meggie.
No thanks.
I heard you the first time.
Tea, Meggie please, and
some of your biscuits.
- Who's that's hiding behind you?
- Miss Helmar.
I knew it was one or the other.
I told you I didn't want to be seen here.
But why not? It'll be
your home before long.
Darling, what's the matter?
Someone else may see us too.
But suppose they do?
Then father will get to hear of it.
But he had to know about it soon
- I don't see why.
- We can get married and keep it a secret.
Marriage? Who spoke of marriage.
Do you want to go on as we are,
sneaking out to meet in the woods?
Afraid all the time that
somebody is going to see us.
Dilys, either you love me or you don't.
- And if you love..
- I do love you, Barney, you know I do.
There's something else in
marriage besides being in love.
There's a question where
you want to live and how.
The biscuits are good I baked
them myself an hour ago.
There's no one can match my biscuits.
There now I've forgotten the cream.
We can do without cream.
I wonder who that'll be?
However it is, Meggie, I'm not at
home, you understand?
All right, all right I
wasn't born yesterday.
Good afternoon, Meggie,
I come to see Mr Barney.
Master Barney is not at home.
Oh where is he?
I don't know, I only know where he isn't.
And that's at home.
Don't shut the door on me I'll wait for him
I'm here on business
I'm housekeeper at Moderlaine now and
I want him to supply with eggs and chickens
I'll be in here when he comes.
I'm sorry Meggie told me you were out
I was going to wait
I told her to say that, Jassy.
I only wanted to be alone while
I persuaded Dilys to marry me
Barney I never.
Fortune, you're going to marry Stephen.
You know?
I don't know what gave you that idea.
As a matter of fact you did.
That was to keep Father from knowing.
And me too?
Are you going to marry Barney?
Yes, she is.
The I hope you both be very happy.
Then I can tell father..
You are a fool, letting me
out in front of a servant.
Jassy isn't a servant.
She is nothing but a kitchen maid.
Perhaps she is the one
you ought to marry.
You've been more in home with
her, she would be more in home here.
May I speak to you, Mr Helmar?
Dilys, Dilys, Dilys.
You've seen young Hatton behind my back
I want to see Miss Helmar.
She is out.
When will she be back?
Don't know, Sir.
She hasn't been here for quite a while.
- Oh and Miss Woodroofe?
- She is in all right, Sir.
Ask her if she can spare me a few moments.
Yes, Sir
Barney, what are you doing here
I thought you were never going
to enter this house again
I had to come, what happened to Dilys.
But I haven't seen her for three weeks.
- Is she ill?
- No.
She is at the Fennells, she is
staying there for the wedding.
Stephen Fennell's.
Who is he marrying?
You are joking.
Go and ask her
Barney, do you love her so very much?
Need you ask
I thought you perhaps
loved Moderlaine better.
Jassy, surely she doesn't think that too?
- Why not?
- But
I do - It's absurd.
You can't compare a house with a woman.
No, you may not know it but
the house will always win.
Don't worry Barney I'll
get it back for you some day.
I swear I will.
Good morning, Hatton,
what can I do for you?
The message I sent was to Dilys.
She's not well she can't see you.
Where are you going?
To find her.
Just one moment.
Perhaps you don't know that Miss
Helmar has promised to marry me.
And now Good Morning.
If that's true let her
come and tell me herself.
Dilys, is it true?
Then you are going to marry Fennell?
Yes, Barney but listen.
You had the same arrangement with me.
- Remember?
- I didn't
Stephen I never promised to marry him
I know all about this
happening, Dilys has told me.
You took advantage of
a boy and girl affair to
try and force her into marrying you.
Congratulations Dilys a
delightful way of putting it.
I hope you'll find her
as reluctant as I did.
If you do that again I shall have to go.
What's the matter with you?
Aren't you flesh and blood
the same as everyone else?
Suppose I am? Is that any
reason for you to paw me?
I can't help it Jessie.
- I want you.
- You made that very clear.
Well? What's wrong with me?
And why won't you marry me.
Marry you?
I didn't think marriage
was what you intended.
I don't remember you asking me that before
I'm asking you now will you marry me?
No - Why not?
Because I don't love you
I don't mind about that as
long as you marry me.
What would I get out of it?
What do you want?
You are mad.
On the contrary, I'm perfectly
sane and very reasonable.
Set old Moderlaine on me before
the wedding and I'll marry you.
Well you might ask for the
moon when we are about it.
There is no need to be insulting.
You asked me my price for
marrying you and I told you.
If you don't want to pay
it, that's your affair
I can wait.
Your move.
All as as much as Nikolas and Jassy
are consented together in holy wedlock
and the witness the same
before God and this company.
And there to have given
and pledge their trust.
Either to other.
And have declared the same by
giving and receiving of a ring
and by joining of hands I pronounce
that they be man and wife together.
Good Bye Nick.
- Where are you going?
- To my room.
Haven't you forgotten something?
I don't think so.
I thought we were married this morning.
What else?
Nick, we made a bargain, marriage
in exchange for Moderlaine.
Well I married you but I didn't say
I'd live with you as your wife and I won't.
You never intended to make me a wife.
You can't cheat me like that.
Nobody is cheating.
We played a game of whist and I won.
Good Night.
Good morning Nick isn't it a lovely day.
Good Morning
I don't want anything.
Listen, Jassy.
Those things you said to me
last night, you didn't mean them?
Tell me you didn't mean them
I meant every word I said.
- You are not going to live with me?
- No.
And you got this house by false pretences
I won from you in the same
way you won from Chris Hatton.
Listen, you can keep the house
I have every intention of doing so
I'll give you everything you ask for
besides position, money, dresses
everything you want
I've got all I want.
Why do you hate me so?
What did I ever to you?
In the whole of my life
I've only loved two men
you killed one and ruined the other,
I shall never forgive you for that.
So long as you behave yourself
you may stay on in this house.
And don't you dare lay a finger on me
because if you do I shall have
you turned out of here at once.
Is that understood?
Oh run away you.
I don't know why they
are not putting her away.
What's the matter, Lindy.
What are you trying to tell me?
Is it something to do with Mr Helmar?
Has something happen to him?
No, no wait a moment we must have help
Fred Fred, get one of the other men and
follow up, Mr Helmar had an accident.
It might be worse.
It's a good thing he was found
when he was otherwise.
- Oh under the feet.
- Not under the head? -No.
I want you to keep these
raised as much as possible.
How badly is he hurt?
Well, at his age and his state of health.
Of fall of any sort is always serious.
We'll know better tomorrow.
What can I do for him?
Well until he regains
consciousness, nothing.
Then complete rest and quiet.
No solid food, no wine no spirits.
If he's thirsty little milk and water.
If he is restless ten drops of this
but remember no alcohol of any sort.
- You understand?
- Yes, Doctor
Lindy it is all my fault.
It's as much my fault as if I'd
taken a gun and shot him.
If he dies now I shall have murdered him.
But he mustn't die Lindy, we won't let him.
We'll nurse him together,
nobody else shall touch him.
And it could never be said that I didn't do
everything I could to get him well again.
Well I suppose she thinks
I can't make bread and milk.
Anyone who likes to do my works is welcome.
- Puffy slobs.
- Nothing of the sort..
It's good wholesome gruel I made it myself.
Why can't I have a glass of wine?
- Because the doctor said.
- Curse the doctor.
Take that filthy muck away
I'll give him the lot, Miss.
Start him with the nap again.
This will be sufficient
I'll take it, Moult.
Maybe she don't want to build him up again.
- I said meat.
- The doctor said fish.
Filthy muck, you try to poison me?
Send that little horror out of the
room I wanted a mouthful.
You wouldn't be alive today
if it wasn't for Lindy who found you
and nursed you devotedly for two weeks
why can't you stop behaving
like a spoiled child?
Come here.
Mind your manner when you speak to me.
Don't cry Lindy.
Doesn't matter.
- All clear?
- Wait a minute.
- Who's that for?
- The Master.
He told us to bring him
something fit to eat.
Put it down.
Mr Helmar had his dinner.
Any servant found taking food or
drink to his room will be dismissed.
I hold you responsible, Moult.
There you are.
What did I tell you?
What do you think's
behind it all, Mr Moult.
You are acting like a child again
I do act as I please.
Of course you will, and go to any
lengths never to please anyone else.
What filth have you brought me this time.
It's an extremely delicate chicken hash.
Chicken hash? I need a chop or a steak
and a couple of bottles of burgundy.
You try to starve me?
Don't be ridiculous, eat it up.
I told you to mind your manners
when you spoke to me.
When you do things like this you
make me wish you were g..
Gone, go on and say it.
You wish I was dead.
I know you girl, why don't you say it?
You know it there's no need to.
I wish I was dead.
Might as well be.
Nobody cares for me.
Nobody thinks enough of
me to give me a drink.
Or drop in for a chat.
Can you blame them when
you behave like this?
You keep them away, that's why.
Nothing of the sort.
Where is Dilys? Why isn't Dilys here?
She refuses to come I've told you that.
You mean you keep her away
I've sent her messages a dozen times.
Messages are no good.
Go there now and tell her that I've
ordered you to bring her back with you
I'll go if you like.
But last time you saw her you talked to her
with a riding crop, or have you forgotten?
No, and I won't forget the way you
treated me while I've been helpless either.
No, Lindy go back.
He won't hurt you
I want you to stay with him.
When I ring come at the gallop.
Now have we got rid of the jailer?
Your mistress you idiot has
she gone to fetch Dilys?
Now I can be master in my
own house for a change.
Come here.
I won't hurt you if
you'll do as I tell you.
Come here.
Go down to the study and look
in the cupboard under the window.
Understand? You'll see a bottle there.
A bottle of brandy.
Bring it to me.
Must I fetch it myself.
Go you idiot fetch me the brandy.
About time what's you been
doing? Call on your hands on it?
That's better.
We won't even discuss it.
Please tell Mr Helmar that my
wife will not go to see him.
Even if he is really ill?
Miss Woodroofe, is Mr Helmar
in any immediate danger?
I told you exactly what the
doctor said in my letters.
Yesterday he said Mr
Helmar was much better.
Then why this sudden urgent
need for my wife to visit him?
Dilys he wants to see you.
That was the message he
asked me to give you.
Dear, there is something
Lindy, what have you done?
Miss Woodroofe, did my
father-in-law suggest
that he wished to have a business
discussion with my wife?
About the estate.
What's the matter? How is daddy?
He is dead.
Who is dead?
Nick is dead.
Dead? But a minute ago
you said he was better
I must go, you'd better come with me.
When did he die? About 20 minutes
ago, Sir, Fred found him
I was on my way near from the
kitchen, Sir, when I heard him crying out.
He was upstairs, Sir, but he died
when he reached his bed.
Was there nobody with him?
- The loony was there, Sir.
- The loony?
Oh some half-witted girl Jassy found.
Why was he left alone with her?
That's not for me to say, Madam.
Answer Mrs Fennells question.
We were told, Sir
that any servant who entered Mr
Helmar's room would be dismissed.
Who told you that?
Miss Woodroofe.
You can all go back to work
I've sent for the doctor I'm
sure you'd like to see him.
You sent for the doctor?
Does that surprise you?
There are many things here which
surprise us, Miss Woodroofe.
Many things.
You seem to have taken a great
deal of authority into your own hands.
I may as well tell you,
you'll know soon enough.
- Dilys your father married me.
- I don't believe it. When?
On the 17th of April.
You didn't waste much time.
Why the secrecy?
It was Mr Helmar's wish I think
he was ashamed of the marriage.
- I'm not surprised.
- You understand what this means?
She did it to take Moderlaine from you.
On the contrary Mr Helmar and I
were free to make our own bargain.
I was willing on one
condition to marry him.
He was willing to accept that condition.
Which was?
That he made Moderlaine over to
me before the marriage.
It was all done in lawyer Aldrich's office.
Perfectly legal and quite irrevocable.
We'll go into that question later.
By all means.
Meanwhile I'm intend to report
the whole matter to my father at once.
Your father? I don't understand.
You will, he is Lord Lieutenant
of the county.
And a justice of the peace.
Now gentlemen of the jury
I have outlined for you.
As it was my duty to do.
The evidence which I propose
to call for the Prosecution.
If you accept that evidence.
You have the following position.
You have the prisoner, Jacinth
Woodroofe, now Helmar.
Married to a man many
years older then herself.
A man for whom she has never
shown any great affection.
A man who was responsible
for the death of her father.
A man by whose death she
stood to gain a great fortune.
I leave it you to imagine whether
she wished him alive or dead.
However that may be and you would
form your own opinions from the evidence.
The fact remains that chance
delivered into her hand a weapon
in the person of the accused Wicks.
And I suggest that all the evidence shows
that the accused Helmar deliberately
used the girl Wicks.
Just as other murderers
have used the knife
or a firearm to bring about
the death of her husband.
One more thing
I have told you that the accused
Wicks is incapable of speech.
Nobody regret this more than
I if only she could speak.
What a tale she could tell.
Now gentlemen of the jury.
I shall place the evidence before you.
How often did you see your
master during his illness?
Not once, Sir.
You mean you didn't see him at all?
No, Sir - Why not?
Because I had my strict orders that no
servants was to enter Mr Helmar's room, Sir.
And what about the girl?
Oh the loony, she was in
and out all the time, Sir.
And who gave orders to the,
loony, as you call her?
None was allowed to tell her
anything except Miss Woodroofe.
Mrs Helmar that is
I see.
And did you care to understand the
order she got from the accused Helmar?
Oh yes, Sir and that was the queer part.
She seemed to understand every
word that Mrs Helmar said to her.
There was nothing Mrs Helmar
couldn't teach her to do.
There was nothing Mrs Helmar
couldn't teach her to do.
Thank you.
As footman it would naturally
be part of your duties
to carry the meals to Mr Helmar's room?
In any other house, yes, Sir.
But not in this house.
I see.
Now would you tell the court
how Mr Helmar's meals were
prepared and served?
Miss Woodroofe prepared
every meal herself, Sir.
It was taken up to him either
by her or by the loony.
What about drinks?
He had no drink, Sir, he had milk
I did not quite catch that, Sir Edward.
The witness said he had no drink My Lord.
He had milk
I see a nice distinction.
I think we're dealing with an
expert witness, My Lord.
Now Mr Barton I want you to carry
your mind back to the first occasion
when you listened at Mr Helmar's
bedroom door
I wasn't listening.
I beg you pardon.
The first occasion when you happen
to be in the passage
and happened to overhear some remarks.
You say you heard Mr Helmar say.
You're trying to poison me.
That's right.
Do you happen to remember what
Mr Helmar had for dinner that day?
I do, as it happens, fish.
A whole fish?
No part of the fish, a big one.
And what happened to the
rest of this big fish?
Was it eaten in the kitchen?
- No, throw away.
- Throw it away?
Why? She didn't fancy it.
There wasn't one of us who would care to
eat what Mrs Helmar cooked for Mr Helmar.
Did you see the accused Helmar
on the day Mr Helmar died?
Where - At my home.
She came to see my wife.
- How far is your house from Moderlaine?
- Two miles.
Two miles.
Now would you tell the
jury in your own words.
What happened at that interview?
We suddenly noticed that Mrs Helmar
was looking very strange.
She stared at me in a very odd manner,
and then she said, he's dead.
I think my wife said"who's dead"
and Mrs Helmar replied "Nick".
He's dead.
And immediately after this I
believe that you and Mrs Fennell
accompanied the accused
back to Moderlaine?-Yes.
On the way, did you ask the
accused for any explanation
of the extraordinary scene
you just described?
Yes I did I reminded her
that five minutes earlier, she had told us
that Mr Helmar was very much better.
And asked her why she was
now so certain that he was dead.
And what did she say?
She said I saw him die.
I saw him die.
Thank you Mr Fennell.
You've known the accused
Helmar for a long time?
Yes, she used to work for my mother.
Would you call yourself
a good friend of hers?
Well, friend, yes.
- And you wanted to help her all you can.
- Yes, naturally.
Is that what you came here, to tell
us she had these visions before?
I came because I know she had.
To my certain knowledge.
You're referring, I take it, to the time
she came to Green Farm and told you
that her father had been killed.
And you really believe that was a vision?
- Can you be certain it was?
- Absolutely certain.
How do you know that the
accused was not at Moderlaine
with the men when her father was killed?
And came on to Green farm afterwards?
- She couldn't have done.
- Why not?
Because of the time.
He was killed while the clock
was striking - Just a moment.
He was killed while the clock was striking.
- Which clock?
- The one at Moderlaine.
But supposing the clock at
Moderlaine had been 10 minute fast.
And the one at Green farm
had been 10 minutes slow
then she could have been in both places
while the clock was striking, couldn't she?
- I suppose so.
- Thank you, Mr Hatton, that would be all.
Members of the jury are
you agreed upon your verdict?
We are.
Do you find the prisoner Belinda
Wicks guilty or not guilty of murder?
Do you find the prisoner Jacinth
Helmar guilty or not guilty of murder?
You find both prisoners guilty of murder?
And that is the verdict of you all?
That is the verdict of us all.
Prisoners of the bar you
severally stand convicted of murder.
Have you or either of you anything to say
why the court should not give you
judgement of death according to the law?
Jacinth Helmar?
My Lord I am NOT guilty but
I ask no mercy for myself.
I only beg you to remember
that this girl Belinda Wicks
should not be held
responsible for her action.
Let the whole fault rest with me
because wrongly believing her
capable of looking after my husband.
I left him in her care.
Belinda Wicks knock your head
if you understand me?
Have you anything to why the court
should not give you judgement of
death according to the law?
Do you wish me to repeat my question?
Not her, please.
I believe something like a miracle has
averted a gross miscarriage of justice.
I beg that Your Lordship will allow
this prisoner to go into the witness box.
What have you to say Sir Edward?
My Lord, the trial is over.
Both prisoners have been found guilty.
We are here above all to
see that justice be done.
I agree with my learned friend
the accused must be heard
I direct that she go into the
box and be heard on oath.
Take the book in your right hand.
Repeat after me.
I swear by Almighty God.
I swear - Speak up
I swear by Almighty God.
I swear by Almighty God.
The evidence I give the court.
The evidence I give the court
shall be the truth
shall be the truth
the whole truth
the whole truth
and nothing but the truth
and nothing but the truth
so help me God
so help me God.
And when did the idea administering
this poison first occur to you?
When I got the brandy, very
strong, hide the taste of poison
and Mrs Helmar had already left the house?
Yes I couldn't do it if she was there
she'd find out, she'd be angry with me.
Can you account for Mrs Helmar's
knowing about Mr Helmar's death?
When she was 2 miles away?
She could see things, always see things
everybody knew.
My Lord.
Sentence has been pronounced.
These are the papers you
asked for, Sir John.
You sent for me?
Yes, Mrs Helmar gave me instructions
that this letter was to be handed to you.
Thank you.
Dear Barney, this letter comes
to you with a deed of gift
which makes Moderlaine yours,
and I'm glad to be able to give you
the thing you wanted so long
I only married Nick Helmar
to get it for you, so enjoy it
or you spoil the only
thing I ever had to give you
remember me sometimes when I'm gone
if there is anything left of me
anywhere I shall remember you
- So they gave you my letter?
- Yes.
Why did you do it?
Who else could I leave it too?
You must take it back, Jassy.
What would a gypsy do with a
great farm of a place like that?
Share it with me
I'd never thought I'd hear you say that.
I mean it - I believe you do.
But now you're going back to
Moderlaine my work is done
I'm moving on.
Don't say that, Jassy, please.
Though it's wonderful to know
that Moderlaine will be mine
again, and I love it but
but that just it Barney whenever you think
of Moderlaine a light comes in your eyes.
A light I've never seen there for me.
God Bye, darling.
I wish I was the house.
Nothing is over since the complete happens,
it's just you and Helmar again.
Well next?
Five hundred.
Care to make a thousand?
There you are.
What you've got to say to that, ah?
Good boy you run a hand at last.
Oh he's won again, congratulations Nick.
Your deal, Sir William
I'm afraid gentlemen
I must ask you to be excused I find the
stakes getting much too high for me.
Why is it always the same
with you rich men?
Because we prefer to remain rich
Go and tell Mr Hatton the
last dance has begun.
- Our guests will be leaving in a moment.
- Very good, Madam.
Have you seen Master Barney anywhere?
He went into the garden,
Madam, with Miss Helmar.
If you see him tell him I want him
I will, Madam.
This is the loveliest ball
I have ever been to
I am glad.
You don't look it.
Why are you serious, darling?
Because there won't be any more
evenings like this at Moderlaine.
My father goes on gambling.
Oh that they all do it my
father is just as bad.
Maybe but Moderlaine doesn't belong to him
I wish it did. It's a wonderful
house I love it.
Then you can guess how I feel about it
I was born here so were all
the Hattons right back to 1394.
Were those other Hattons
as good looking too?
As it seems very foolish to you
to love a house so much.
Oh no
- I understand how you feel only.
- Only what?
I wish I were the house.
I had the sense for the money to be
coming in this direction.
Now what is it?
If you please, Sir, Mrs Hatton
wants you to know
that the dancing is over
and the guests are leaving.
Oh that's hardly concerns us, does it?
Oh, Jimmy, it concerns me, they tell me
some wives can be kept waiting
mine isn't one of them.
Nor is mine
Charles, first time I've known
you to break up a game.
This game brook me up an hour ago.
Heaven knows I haven't gotten
any of your money.
Somebody has.
It would be a lucky tenant who
gets his roof repaired this year.
Let their roofs rot.
Rain's healthy make them grow.
- Good Night, gentlemen.
- Good Bye.
Excuse me, Sir, Mrs Helmar
asked me to tell you
that she and Miss Helmar are
ready to go home, Sir.
Well, what's stopping them?
They can't expect me to leave while
he got some of my money.
Tell them to take themselves home
I'll follow and excuse me.
Very good, Sir.
Well, it's you and me and less now, Nick.
What shall it be?
Let's give the dice a turn.
Yes, by all means.
They can't behave worse than the cards.
If you please, Madam, Mr Helmar
sends his compliments
and asks if you and Miss Helmar
- will be good enough to.
- Go home by ourselves?
- Is that it?
- Yes, Madam.
Thank you
I lay the message he sent
wasn't as polite as that either
I'm so sorry, My Dear,
stay the night with us
I wouldn't dream of it.
As a matter off fact I'm only too
happy to miss my Lord and master
after an all-night sitting, Thank You.
Come along Dilys.
Come and see us soon Barney
I will. Good Night.
Good Night.
- Good Night.
- Good Night, Thank you.
Oh if Mr Helmar is ruined in the morning.
Don't bother to send him home.
Just give him a job in the stables
I will - Good Night-Good Night.
I wish he wouldn't do it,
he can't afford to lose
night after night like this.
You know father, you might as well
wish he was somebody else.
At times like this I
I will often do..
What is it matter? What's happened?
Mother he hasn't taken your jewellery?
He can't do that.
He's done it.
- Good Morning, Barney, what do you want?
- I want my mother's jewellery.
Oh, I'm afraid your mother
no longer possess any jewellery.
This belongs to Nick.
Was in a way my dear
wife is going to be glad
as since I am going to be.
Father you're drunk you don't
know what you are doing.
On the contrary I know perfectly well.
I am in the process of losing 18,000 pounds
my gold snuff box, my carriage
and four hunters
and your mother's jewellery to
my old friend, Nick Helmar
I don't think but I've one
thing left to stake
and I'm going to stake that too.
What's that?
This house - Moderlaine!
Sir Edward, can you please stop him.
It is no good, my boy, I've
been trying all night.
But father supposing you lose?
I should have lost in a
very sporting wager.
Yes but what..
My dear fellow, don't interrupt in a
friendly game between gentlemen.
Moderlaine against everything
you've won, agreed?
Why not? We can't possibly
afford to stay here now.
The whole place as it stands,
pictures, furniture, everything?
Leave me the clothes I stand up in
I don't want your clothes,
it wouldn't fit me.
Green farm is my wife's.
All right, we'll leave Green farm out of it
Chris, for heavens sake think
what you are doing!
Shall we begin? Yours first, Nick.
As you please.
Your witness son.
He is drunk, Mr Helmar
you got no right to..
Now may the devil help me.
Damnation take these, your dice.
All right Chris, you
can't help beating that.
You might as well, just take the.
Thank you, Nick, the
most entertaining game.
The house is yours.
Good Night.
I hope you come and visit us occasionally.
You're not going to hold my father to that.
Don't let it upset you, son
I'll give you a chance to win it back.
Join me a glass of wine.
Will you?
Pick up, Barney, there is no
groom coming to hold the horse.
Here we are. This is our new mansion.
Oh Chris, I never realized.
Can't be truer my dear.
So miserably small.
All the better if you have to
look after it single handed.
I am sure I do not know why you are crying.
Meggie, and I thought you'd run away.
You ought to have stayed at Moderlaine.
Dear, Mum, you know me better than that.
I don't belong to Moderlaine,
I belong to you.
You'd better get the rest of the stuff
out of the cart, Barney
and put the horse and cart away.
Oh, and feed the horse.
Oh, go on my dear boy,
it's great deal to be done.
How is Green Farm these days?
What's that got to do with you?
Nothing wrong with Green farm is there?
And a roof over your head
and food in your belly.
There's lots these days has neither
I know that.
Of course you only been
had it for six months.
Reckon it takes ten years to make a farmer.
How long does it take you to shoe a horse?
Depends whom I'm doing it for.
For a farmers boy I take my time.
What took you so long?
I'd wait to be served, Father.
- Then they just for me they make.
- Yes, Father
Go on and get me another.
This time don't make ordeal about it.
No, Father.
Well here he is, get on.
I will say he's not what you're used to.
He is not mine, he's my father's, come on.
Dear boy.
I don't do this for nothing.
All right, I forgot.
It's only gentry that can afford forget.
You remember that, Master Barney,
your Green farm.
Come on boy, come on.
No you don't Jim.
You know my role, Master Barney.
- Why?
- We want her.
- What has she done?
- Really in drab she should be.
She's got a spell on you like at night.
Her mother is a gypsy witch.
Come on, Master Barney, get away.
What are you trying to do?
Put her in the pond.
And see if she can get the
devil to hold her out.
Ten of you to duck one girl, get up behind.
Good heavens you ought to
be ashamed, hold tight.
Here use this - Oh, thank you
I don't know what would have
happened if you hadn't come along.
Why were they chasing you?
They think my mother is a witch.
Oh it's all right, she's not really.
She is just a gypsy.
Oh, would she be upset
when you tell her about this?
She's left us, she's gone back
to her own people.
But in that case I don't see why
they should torment you.
Well, it's my fault really.
I told Fanny Moy this morning
that her mother had fallen down in the
market place and broken her arm.
And had she?
Oh, yes.
And where you there?
But how did you know?
I saw it happen.
You often see things like that?
No, not often.
Just sometimes.
Yes but,..but how?
I don't know.
I just do.
What's your name?
Jassy Woodroofe.
Short for Jacinth, it's from
the Bible, father chose it.
Do I look better now?
Well, yes, you feel all right?
That is I don't think Fanny Moy's
mother will have me back after today.
You'd better come back
with me, young lady.
But why does the girl want
work, Mr Woodroofe
surely there is plenty of work at home.
There is
but I can't keep her, Mum.
Bread will be dear this winter a
carpenter can't always find work.
- Are you clean?
- Yes Mum.
Show me your hands.
Your nails?
You understand we rise early.
Yes, Mum.
Very well, I will give her a trial.
It's hard work in dairy
I'm a hard worker, Mum.
- You'd better start now.
- Thank you, Madam.
Be a good girl Jassy.
- Good Day, Mum, and thank you.
- Good Day.
This way.
Meggie, this is our new dairy maid.
After all I've said.
That's superstitious nonsense her
father is a God fearing man and a preacher.
Take her into the dairy and
set her to wash the crocks.
You needn't keep your fingers
crossed, I'm not a witch, really.
That's what you say but I'm taking
no chances of the likes of you.
This way.
That'll teach her.
I will smash you.
Poor child.
Does it hurt very much?
Lindy? What's the matter?
Lindy? Does it hurt very badly?
Speak to me?
I'm afraid there's nothing
more we can do for her now.
It was an unlucky blow.
How long will she be like this, Doctor?
It's impossible to tell, shock has
severely affected her vocal cords.
The loss of speech may be temporary.
Maybe permanent, I can't say.
You mean, my Lindy may never speak again
I'm sorry, Mum, I hold out
very little hope of it.
And I'll be of that view that loaf
deserved to be horse whipped.
Good day to you Mrs Wicks.
Bring her and we see her next week.
There's going to be nothing shoddy
about the place when I finish with it
I want an entrance exactly like
that picture I showed you.
Mr Helmar that gate where you showed
me looks very well in Florence
I've seen it in that setting it's perfect
but against the background you've got here.
Then I'll change the background.
Look here, Mr what's your name Sedley.
You know how much I paid
for that Italian marble? 1000 .
- Yes but.
- There's no but about it
I know what I want and
I'm going to get it.
Yes Mr Helmar.
You got this job because my
wife asked me to give it to you
if you don't want it you've
only got to say so
- is that clear?
- Yes, Mr Helmar.
And get on with it.
Quite Mr Helmar, Yes Mr Helmar
I'm sorry, Beatrice, but
I can't stand it any longer.
Can't you? Not even if I say.
Yes, Mr Sedley.
Mr Hatton - Thank you, Willy.
Good Evening Chris, we haven't started yet.
- There's a place for you, Chris.
- Thanks, I think I start with Nick.
- Going to win tonight?
- I hope so.
- Good evening Chris.
- Good Evening, Nick.
How much credit you allow him?
I trust enough to make him happy
Oh, good.
Call him.
Pair of kings?
Three sixes.
One moment.
Why? What's the matter?
How many sixes of diamonds
are there in this pack?
No wonder your luck turned.
Cheating like a clumsy pot boy
I apologize I've never done that before.
You whine and call until
I let you play on credit
I had to play.
You played your last game here, get out.
Just a minute you left some wine
Willy, show Mr Hatton out.
I think I know my own way
I'm sorry, gentlemen, I shouldn't
have let him play.
Sit down.
- Who is dealing?
- I've finished tonight.
We haven't yet started,
Fennell you are not going.
Thanks, I had enough
The cursed gentleman he got off lightly.
It's no good, I don't
like your manners Nick.
Thank you.
- Where is Mrs Helmar?
- I don't know, Sir
Where's your missus?
I haven't seen Mrs Helmar
since dinner, Sir.
Where is Mr Sedley?
I haven't seen Mr Sedley either, Sir.
Not since dinner
What are you doing up this hour?
I'm just going to bed.
Where's your mother?
I don't know.
Where is your mother?
She's gone into the garden.
Go to bed
Nick I..
- Don't you see you're killing him.
- Why not?
I love him.
That's no reason. How long
has this been going on?
Since June
I knew your mind, I didn't think you dare?
I hate you I've hated you for years.
I knew there was someone
I'm going away with him.
I shan't stop you.
Mrs Helmar is never to
enter this house again.
See that all the servants know that.
What do they care? What cart
wanting in a week they say.
We are all at her pity.
But it's all we can pay.
Tell him your children are starving,
and what do they say?
Your children, why aren't so many?
I tell you, Tom Woodroofe while we
sticks to talking they sticks to talking.
And talk don't fill no man's belly.
Does burning their ricks fill your belly?
Maybe we will not stop at ricks.
Burn down their houses, I think we can do.
If you start burning ricks and
houses they call out the soldiers.
How are you to fight against them?
I'll fight anyway and I won't
lie down like a dog.
Now listen to us.
I know that women and children
starving that's got to stop.
But rioting and rick burning
won't stop anything.
What will then?
Reason and justice.
Where is your reason and
justice coming from, Tom?
From the farmers and landowners.
Tell them how things stand
and they'll help us.
We've got to put up our
case to all of them.
We got to speak up there.
Do no evil and put our trust in the Lord
I'm for starting round the landlords now.
- Who's with me?
- All.
Where are you going first, Moderlaine?
Come on, man, we need you, say what
you like, another bad talker yourself.
- Are you all ready?
- Yes.
- What's all this?
- We'd like a few words with you, Mr Helmar
- I know you.
- I've worked for your house, Sir.
Go on with your work, I've
not got no time for you
I've got no time for any of you.
Get off my land in one minute,
I'll throw you off, all lot of you
Barney, you must take me to
Moderlaine please, Barney, please.
Jassy, what's the matter with you?
It's my father, I'll tell you on the way.
Jassy, be calm what's happening?
It's my father, Mum, he is
in danger, deadly danger.
- How do you know?
- I do know, I see him.
- See him?
- Don't do nothing, Barney, please.
- Jassy, stay here a moment.
- Where are you going?
I'm going to saddle the mare.
I said get off my land.
Drunken swine is not good talking to him.
You are right we'll come back
another day, Mr Helmar.
When your are not so drunk, come on.
Look at him, your Lord and Master,
the man you sweat your gut out for.
For ten shillings a week.
If you don't get off my steps
I'll set the dogs on him.
Oh, Negus.
- Jassy, what's the matter?
- What's happened?
I'm ready Jassy.
It's too late now.
He's dead.
What do you mean?
They killed him.
I shall always remember you
were willing to come.
He run up the steps and cried out,
I didn't hear what he said.
The dogs left at him and the gun went off.
Don't, Jassy, you dreamt it all
I'm going to stay with you
until he comes home.
He's coming home now.
- When did it happen?
- Eight, just clock was struck.
I'm sorry Jassy, but I've made up my mind.
It's not my work, Mum.
No, it's not your work.
Then what is it, Mum?
I'd really rather not discuss it but
it's only fair you should know.
It's Mr Barney.
Does he want me to go?
No, but he's at an impressionable age
and you are an attractive girl
it isn't good he should
see so much of you.
You think he might fall in love with me.
You like him already don't you?
No not like I love him.
I shall never love anyone else.
You must see what an
impossible situation it is.
That's why you must go.
Will that make any difference?
Maybe not, would you be willing
to go as far off as Beldon?
I must go anywhere I can find work.
There is a Mistress Bell there who keeps
a finishing school for young ladies
I'll give you a letter to her.
Mrs Hatton speaks very well of you.
I see your father is dead
and your mother is a..
Is your mother a gypsy?
Yes, Mum.
Honest, respectful, clean
show me your hand?
Well, I'll give you a trial.
Ring that bell.
I don't know how much you
had to do at Mrs Hattons
I expect my servants to work hard.
It seems the Hatton they
do six pounds a year.
- Six pounds?
- Yes, Mum.
Five will be enough.
Mrs Whiting, this is Jassy Woodroofe,
our new between maid.
- Very good, Madam.
- Mrs Whiting is our house keeper.
Follow her and do everything she tells you.
- Have you finished the stairs?
- Oh, yes. Mum.
- Brought in the coal?
- Yes, Mum.
- Chopped the kindlings? Swept up?
- Yes. Mum.
Then you can go to bed.
Thank you, Mum.
You'll get up at a quarter to six.
You'll sweep the floor,
you lay the fire, you light it.
You fill that big kettle with
water and put it on the fire.
Yes, Mum.
You fill the coal-scuttle
and then you collect all the shoes from
the outside the dormitory doors.
Anything else?
Yes you'll start cleaning the shoes.
I saw that Heather's locked out,
who bolted the window?
I did, Miss.
Don't it's never bolted.
Who are you?
I'm the new tweeny, Miss.
The last tweeny was a sport.
- Are you?
- Oh, yes, Miss.
Do you know who I am?
Yes, you're Miss Helmar of Moderlaine
I'm Dilys, say it.
You won't bolt that window again, will you?
No, Miss.
- You won't tell?
- No, Miss.
Good Night - Good Night.
- What's your name?
- Jassy.
Good Night, Jassy.
Good Night, Miss.
Come on.
This is Jassy, Edwina, Maude, Cecily.
She's not a real gypsy.
- Of course, she is, look at her eyes?
- Look at her hair?
Do you eat toads and hedgehogs, and things?
- Can you tell fortunes?
- Of course she can..
All gypsies can.
Do tell mine?
Don't be silly, Cecily,
when you go already.
Please come to our room tonight, Jassy.
Mrs Whiting says I mustn't
go upstairs at night.
Of course she won't know.
It's perfectly safe, Jassy do!
Well, I'll see, Miss
I'm doubting how many husbands I'll have.
No one will ever marry you.
They won't have to, Cecily never says no.
Oh that's a lie and I think I owe to men.
There's the bell.
Please, try and come, Jassy.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry, Mum.
I didn't mean it.
- I haven't dirtied it.
- I'm sure you haven't
I'll do the room now then.
No I'll be in here you can come back later.
Oh a moment you're Jassy aren't you?
Yes, Mum.
You know who I am?
Yes, Mum, you're Miss Twisdale's
partner, Miss Hamilton.
That's right.
Where did you learn to read, Jassy?
My father taught me, Mum.
What have you read?
Only from the Bible.
But this is poetry, it's lovely.
What are you reading, show me?
I can say it.
Can you?
Well, go on then.
If I could write the beauty of your eyes
and in fresh numbers number all your graces
the age to come would say
this poet lies
such heavenly touches
near touch earthly faces
I'll do the room when you ring, Mum.
My goodness.
And in the morning they found her
dead - How awful?
I shan't sleep a wink
tonight, tell us another, Jassy.
Tell our fortunes, tell mine.
No, I can't see into the future
and I won't pretend I can.
But you said you could see things.
Only sometimes and only things
that are happening now.
Even if they're miles away?
Hardly she can't.
You show me your hands.
Come and sit here.
You are sad
someone you love very
much has been ill.
Her mother's ill, we all know
that, she's heard us talking.
You needn't be sad anymore.
She's better.
I can see her walking by
the sea in the moonlight
with a short dark man
with a kind face.
Is your father like that Maude?
Yes, but he can't be
with my mother by the sea.
Why not?
Because we live in Northampton
miles from the sea
I told you she was a swindle.
Perhaps your mother run away
with another short dark man.
My mother wouldn't run away with anyone.
You made that up and it's cruel of you.
My mother is very ill
I have to go home tonight
because she is so ill.
She is going to die, I know she is.
Edwina has something to say to you
I'm sorry, Jassy, please forgive me.
It was true what you said.
Every word of it.
Maude heard from her mother
I had a letter this morning
she is much better and
she's gone to Brighton.
She says she goes for a walk with
my father along the front every night.
Before going to bed
I'm going to write to tell her about you.
All right you can go.
Don't you be rude to Jassy again
I'm so happy to know she's better.
So am I, but I was happy last night.
Who is that?
Where are you going?
Charles's regiment has been ordered
to York and I'm going with him.
But tonight!
I left a note, and she would
find it in the morning.
They'll fetch you back.
Of course they won't Charles
won't let them and I'm late.
Oh Dilys, don't go, you'll
be sorry, I know you will.
It's no use, Jassy, I can't
be without Charles I'm dying.
- Does he know you're going with him?
- Not yet.
Oh, Dilys, wait.
Think again.
If I loved him, pass me that.
Are you sure he'll marry you?
Of course he will, you should feel
my heart that's what love does to you.
Don't worry, Jassy, Good Bye.
Good Bye.
For heaven's sake be reasonable.
Why won't you take me with you?
Dilys I told you, I can't
it'll be an awful row.
Not if we got married.
It's impossible to marry
you, I can't afford it.
Didn't you mean anything you said?
Of course I did.
Look sweetheart I told you I
can only stay for five minutes.
You must go back
I can't.
Then I must.
I can't go back Charles, I left
a note saying we gone.
A note? Did you mention my name?
I said I was eloping with a man I love.
When I'm not.
Oh you're a very sweet little girl
and I'm very fond of you
but we're not eloping.
- Charles.
- Be sensible go back as fast as you can.
And get hold of that note.
Good bye.
No, Charles, no, wait
Charles, you needn't marry me.
Just take me with you.
Dumb little fool, Good Bye.
But tell me what do you want me to or not
I'll follow you.
Why don't you love me anymore?
Dilys, for heaven's sake go home.
- I'll die if you leave.
- Don't be melodramatic
- I'll kill myself.
- I've had enough of this.
Don't Charles.
And don't follow me
anymore, do you understand?
Dilys, Dilys.
Dilys, are you hurt?
What's the matter?
What happened, Dilys?
Go home, it's unbearable.
Come on, come with me.
No, leave me alone.
But, Dilys, you must
come, we got to get back.
Come along.
Nonsense you would start again tomorrow.
Come along - No.
Wait here, and don't move until I call you.
Whatever you do, don't move.
- Where have you been?
- To the village, Mum.
This hour of the night? What for?
I went to see my mother.
How did you know she was there?
I felt it I do sometimes.
- A likely story?
- It may be true, Elizabeth.
It is true, Mum.
It's a lie from beginning to end.
- What do you know about this?
- Nothing, Mum.
I haven't seen it I don't know what it is.
Where is Dilys Helmar?
Miss Helmar, Mum?
She must be in her bed.
You know she is not.
I don't think she does know.
Look at her face.
Jassy, can you tell me truthfully that you
don't know that Dilys Helmar has run away?
I haven't seen Miss Helmar, Mum.
Not since before breakfast in the corridor.
It's not Jassy's fault, Miss Twisdale.
I made her do it.
Be out of this house by ten tomorrow.
- Anyone here?
- No.
Are they going to punish her?
No, she's all right, she's been expelled.
So have I in a way.
I wish I could be.
We've sent for a coach for her, you
know the stables at Bebes' Knight Wood?
She wants you to meet you
there in half an hour.
Oh, Jassy, isn't it silly? Did
you see him last night?
Aren't men awful creatures?
She's as white as a sheet today.
Do you think he ruined her?
He certainly ruined me.
No, really?
Oh, Jassy, do tell me?
Good Bye.
You're coming home with me.
- But Dilys?
- Please come, Jassy
I need you.
But what do I coming as, a servant or what?
You're coming as my friend of course.
Oh Dilys, I can't do that.
Why not? Coachman - Madam?
Drive on and don't stop
until you get to Moderlaine.
Dilys, no one will believe you,
look at my clothes to start with.
That is easily remedied, now then.
I shouldn't have brought you
here by not asking, you'll see.
- Good Morning, Fred.
- I've seen we've got visitors.
Come on.
- Where is my father?
- Is he expecting you?-No.
He is in his study.
What are you going to say to him?
Oh nothing.
Lord, thank you it isn't finished.
What's all..
What are you doing here?
Father, I've come home.
Come home?
Who's your friend?
Shut up you and get back to the kitchen.
That's not the way he usually talks to me
I said get out.
Father, this is Jassy Woodroofe,
she's come to stay with me
I've seen you before, haven't I?
I've seen you before but
that doesn't matter.
Didn't expect your are on holidays, yet?
It isn't holidays, Father,
I left school for good.
What? You should have told me.
- How old are you?
- Nineteen.
Well it's high time you left.
We got a party tonight so
put on your best dresses.
Did you say Woodroofe?
Yes, Mr Helmar.
Well what do you think of my home?
Oh it's lovely.
Dilys, who is that girl downstairs?
She came as a parlour maid.
- Oh I see.
- Oh it's like that all the times.
Has been ever since my mother went.
What happened to her?
She's dead.
I'm sorry - It's all right.
Well, suppose this is
better that being in school.
For me is much better.
Then stay with me, Jassy
I'll stay as long as you want me to.
We have to find you another dress
I'm going to be very grand
tonight so you must be too.
Which will you have?
Oh, Dilys
I've never seen so many beautiful dresses.
This one.
May I?
They get their cottages for soil,
they get a share of the produce.
And now they want still higher wages
I tell you there's no end to it.
There might be if you gave them
what they wanted for a change.
Don't be a fool, Stephen.
If I didn't know you
were my own son in law..
What's this you've been
keeping up your sleeve?
Oh nothing, only my daughter.
Only your daughter.
It's unlikely of you to be so modest.
- And this is her friend, ah Miss.
- Woodroofe.
Your servant, Miss Woodroofe.
Dearest, my dear child,
what a delightful surprise.
And a very beautiful one.
Thank you.
Why, Stephen.
Don't pretend you've never seen me before.
Forgive me, it was the
surprise, you've grown up
I'm glad you've noticed it.
Dinner is served, Sir.
Thank you.
I still think I've met
you somewhere before.
No, I'm quite sure you haven't.
Only I can swear the name,
Woodroofe, that's familiar somehow.
As a matter of fact, you
did meet my father.
- Father?
- Yes, surely you remember.
You shot him dead just outside that door.
I enjoyed this evening
I think it was the dress.
Keep it.
You looked lovely in it.
But it was you who made the conquest
He's even duller than I remembered him.
This time last I still got Charles with me.
That will hurt for about a week.
I expect that's father.
He must be dreadfully drunk by now.
- Shall I go?
- No.
- Is that you father?
- Yes, I want Miss Woodroofe
I'll say you are asleep.
No, I'll talk to him.
Yes Mr Helmar?
Your father, on my mind all evening.
It was some unfortunate,
never will happen, if I'd been sober.
I hope you let bygones be bygones?
They are bygones.
Whether one lets them be it or not.
It was an accident, you know?
I know, Mr Helmar, Good Night.
Good Night, I..no thanks.
There is the pond where
Barney saved me for a ducking
Barney Hatton?
Let's go and see him.
Well you can't do that, you
can't go calling on a bachelor.
You sound like Miss Twisdale.
If father did hear it.
Not if he doesn't find out.
Come on, let's go.
By all the saints, it's Jassy Woodroofe.
Oh, Meggie, may we come in?
You got very fine.
- Who's is that?
- This is Miss Helmar.
Is Mr Barney at home?
No, he's not been home since early morning.
He went out to plough the 12 acres.
Well then we'll wait, sit down, Dilys.
Oh, no, fine ladies like you wait in
the parlour not in the hall.
Oh, there is Barney now,
I recognize his steps
Barney have you forgotten me?
No, no, of course not, only
you've changed, Jassy.
Have I changed too, Barney?
No you haven't changed, Dilys.
I'm glad - Well that's settled.
Let's all go into the parlour.
Oh it's just I remembered it.
Look, Dilys, there is a desk
my father made for Barney.
- This came from Moderlaine, didn't it?
- Yes it did.
Please sit down will you.
The clock still says 20 to three.
Barney - Yes.
Why don't you come and see us?
You know that's impossible.
Because of that silly old quarrel
I don't call it a silly quarrel.
Something that happened over the
card table when father was drunk.
He wasn't too drunk to
hold my father to his bet.
And cheat me out of my house
I didn't steal it from you, Barney.
So you won't come and see us?
I shall never set foot in
Moderlaine again until it's mine
I think you better change
the subject, Jassy
I'll wash the glasses.
Oh, ask Meggie to do it.
She won't find that very easy,
she still has her fingers crossed.
Close the door, close the door.
You still have that same look in your
eyes when you talk about Moderlaine.
And I still like it
I mean to get it back one day.
And I expect you will.
- I'm not joking.
- I can see that.
You know what I've been
remembering all the afternoon?
That last ball at Moderlaine.
When we slipped away into the garden.
I thought of that moment I saw you.
Happy? That's why I'm here.
Seems years ago.
We were very young.
My Barney.
You know what you're doing?
Yes I do.
Jassy will be back.
When can I see you again?
I don't know it's rather difficult.
Please, Barney.
Saint's Spinney, Wednesday at six.
Oh, Barney.
- Where is Dilys?
- She's gone to see the Fennells.
Didn't think she had that much sense.
Listen young lady, I'm bored and lonely.
- Do you play backgammon?
- No.
- Cards?
- No.
- Dice?
- No.
- Chess?
- Yes, I can play chess.
Very well we'll play chess oh..
If you'd be kind enough to
honour me with your company.
Where's? Where's Emelia?
In the kitchen where she belongs
I suppose chess isn't her game.
Did you have much difficulty getting away?
Oh no, I said I was going
over to the Fennells.
- What for?
- To see Stephen.
- Why Stephen?
- He wants me to marry him.
You tell Nick that you're going
to marry nobody but me.
No, Barney, he mustn't know yet.
I want it to be our secret.
- Oh, I want everybody to know.
- Not yet.
I like this to go on for ever.
So long as I live I'll love you
I've never loved anyone
as much as I love you.
- Who taught you to play chess?
- My father
I've never met a girl who
played chess before.
Perhaps you've never asked them.
I can handle my own men,
thank you Mr Helmar.
I see they taught you something at school.
They didn't teach me anything.
But I learned a lot.
Check - Mate.
Come in come in don't stand there.
Very nimble but I can't pay
you I haven't a a penny in the world.
Debts of honour must be paid
I know.
Chess was the only game we both
knew Mr Helmar would gamble.
You're late? Who brought you home?
Did you get him to propose to you?
Well, the sooner you do,
the better I'd be pleased.
Your last bet five shillings.
We call it even.
You've made the only drinkable cup
of coffee I've had in a long time.
Good Night - Good Night.
Good Night.
Well he went to bed sober anyway.
Can't one of you see that
there's something fit to eat.
Blasted parasites feeling
doing nothing all day long.
Don't stand there grinning like a cat.
Take this muck away.
Bring me fish and cheese.
No, I'll see what can be done.
Tell that fat pig in the
kitchen, she is sacked.
They are all sacked.
Fill my glass, blasted.
When is your precious friend leaving us?
She has no where to go.
She can stay then.
She's is worth dozen of you any day.
There's no need to be
mealy-mouthed about it.
That's your mother all over again.
Sweet, sweet and rotten.
Sweet as honey and full of poison.
Are you listening?
There Mr Helmar is that
more to your liking?
Well I'll be this looks good.
It is good, it is your servant's supper.
What? You told them they were sacked?
Listen young woman I've
got a proposal to make.
How much would you want to run this house?
Twenty pounds a year, paid quarterly.
In advance, I want a free
hand with the servants.
There is no argument about that.
And Emilia?
You can start on Emilia
I'll do it.
There's your first quarter.
And there's your five shillings.
Debts of honour must be paid.
- Is that all I get after five years serve.
- It's all your entitled to.
If you add it to what you've
stolen you won't starve.
I don't know why I'm going
I never done nothing.
That's why.
Well, you are very welcome to my leaving.
Now you.
I dare say I'm a fool not
to sack the lot of you.
But I can always change my mind.
Without them you won't have
so many distractions.
If your work is good you'll stay.
If not you'll follow them quickly.
That's all.
Jaynie - Yes, Miss
I was a kitchen maid once and I
don't believe I was any better than you.
You, Miss?
You're a parlour maid now
and your wages are doubled.
Oh, thank you Miss.
In future you do your fair share of
the work and no more, I'll see to that.
- I beg you pardon, Miss Jassy.
- Come in Mrs Wicks.
Now get about your business.
I brought the washing, Miss, Lindy.
Oh Mrs Wick that's too heavy for her.
She's very strong you should be surprised.
Strong in the arm weak in
the head as the saying is
Well, look at that now.
There's only one other I've
ever seen her do that before.
And that was you dear father, God Rest him.
- Yes he was very fond of her.
- And a fine man he was too.
I can remember him converting
Wicks as it was yesterday.
It's a pity he didn't do it before
Wicks struck my poor girl down.
How is she?
She won't never be ordered.
Don't work her too hard.
She has got to work.
She ought to be out in service
like I was at her age.
But who'd take her?
Mrs Wicks would you let her come here?
Oh Miss Jassy if she could do that?
I can't tell you what I waited
to be off my mind.
She's a good worker, she all
want to do, and she'll do it.
You can have her cheap.
All she wants is a corner to sleep in.
Any scraps of food that's left over.
And she is clean like a new pin.
- Show the lady your hands?
- No.
No, never mind
Lindy would you like to
come and work for me?
That's settled then, Mrs Wicks,
I'll look after her.
Oh Stephen.
Oh Stephen
I'll never love anyone as
much as I love you.
There is nobody to see us, come on.
Well, isn't this better, darling?
No, Barney, no.
But Dilys.
You were different in the Spinney.
It's Meggie, she might come in.
What if she does? Meggie.
No thanks.
I heard you the first time.
Tea, Meggie please, and
some of your biscuits.
- Who's that's hiding behind you?
- Miss Helmar.
I knew it was one or the other.
I told you I didn't want to be seen here.
But why not? It'll be
your home before long.
Darling, what's the matter?
Someone else may see us too.
But suppose they do?
Then father will get to hear of it.
But he had to know about it soon
- I don't see why.
- We can get married and keep it a secret.
Marriage? Who spoke of marriage.
Do you want to go on as we are,
sneaking out to meet in the woods?
Afraid all the time that
somebody is going to see us.
Dilys, either you love me or you don't.
- And if you love..
- I do love you, Barney, you know I do.
There's something else in
marriage besides being in love.
There's a question where
you want to live and how.
The biscuits are good I baked
them myself an hour ago.
There's no one can match my biscuits.
There now I've forgotten the cream.
We can do without cream.
I wonder who that'll be?
However it is, Meggie, I'm not at
home, you understand?
All right, all right I
wasn't born yesterday.
Good afternoon, Meggie,
I come to see Mr Barney.
Master Barney is not at home.
Oh where is he?
I don't know, I only know where he isn't.
And that's at home.
Don't shut the door on me I'll wait for him
I'm here on business
I'm housekeeper at Moderlaine now and
I want him to supply with eggs and chickens
I'll be in here when he comes.
I'm sorry Meggie told me you were out
I was going to wait
I told her to say that, Jassy.
I only wanted to be alone while
I persuaded Dilys to marry me
Barney I never.
Fortune, you're going to marry Stephen.
You know?
I don't know what gave you that idea.
As a matter of fact you did.
That was to keep Father from knowing.
And me too?
Are you going to marry Barney?
Yes, she is.
The I hope you both be very happy.
Then I can tell father..
You are a fool, letting me
out in front of a servant.
Jassy isn't a servant.
She is nothing but a kitchen maid.
Perhaps she is the one
you ought to marry.
You've been more in home with
her, she would be more in home here.
May I speak to you, Mr Helmar?
Dilys, Dilys, Dilys.
You've seen young Hatton behind my back
I want to see Miss Helmar.
She is out.
When will she be back?
Don't know, Sir.
She hasn't been here for quite a while.
- Oh and Miss Woodroofe?
- She is in all right, Sir.
Ask her if she can spare me a few moments.
Yes, Sir
Barney, what are you doing here
I thought you were never going
to enter this house again
I had to come, what happened to Dilys.
But I haven't seen her for three weeks.
- Is she ill?
- No.
She is at the Fennells, she is
staying there for the wedding.
Stephen Fennell's.
Who is he marrying?
You are joking.
Go and ask her
Barney, do you love her so very much?
Need you ask
I thought you perhaps
loved Moderlaine better.
Jassy, surely she doesn't think that too?
- Why not?
- But
I do - It's absurd.
You can't compare a house with a woman.
No, you may not know it but
the house will always win.
Don't worry Barney I'll
get it back for you some day.
I swear I will.
Good morning, Hatton,
what can I do for you?
The message I sent was to Dilys.
She's not well she can't see you.
Where are you going?
To find her.
Just one moment.
Perhaps you don't know that Miss
Helmar has promised to marry me.
And now Good Morning.
If that's true let her
come and tell me herself.
Dilys, is it true?
Then you are going to marry Fennell?
Yes, Barney but listen.
You had the same arrangement with me.
- Remember?
- I didn't
Stephen I never promised to marry him
I know all about this
happening, Dilys has told me.
You took advantage of
a boy and girl affair to
try and force her into marrying you.
Congratulations Dilys a
delightful way of putting it.
I hope you'll find her
as reluctant as I did.
If you do that again I shall have to go.
What's the matter with you?
Aren't you flesh and blood
the same as everyone else?
Suppose I am? Is that any
reason for you to paw me?
I can't help it Jessie.
- I want you.
- You made that very clear.
Well? What's wrong with me?
And why won't you marry me.
Marry you?
I didn't think marriage
was what you intended.
I don't remember you asking me that before
I'm asking you now will you marry me?
No - Why not?
Because I don't love you
I don't mind about that as
long as you marry me.
What would I get out of it?
What do you want?
You are mad.
On the contrary, I'm perfectly
sane and very reasonable.
Set old Moderlaine on me before
the wedding and I'll marry you.
Well you might ask for the
moon when we are about it.
There is no need to be insulting.
You asked me my price for
marrying you and I told you.
If you don't want to pay
it, that's your affair
I can wait.
Your move.
All as as much as Nikolas and Jassy
are consented together in holy wedlock
and the witness the same
before God and this company.
And there to have given
and pledge their trust.
Either to other.
And have declared the same by
giving and receiving of a ring
and by joining of hands I pronounce
that they be man and wife together.
Good Bye Nick.
- Where are you going?
- To my room.
Haven't you forgotten something?
I don't think so.
I thought we were married this morning.
What else?
Nick, we made a bargain, marriage
in exchange for Moderlaine.
Well I married you but I didn't say
I'd live with you as your wife and I won't.
You never intended to make me a wife.
You can't cheat me like that.
Nobody is cheating.
We played a game of whist and I won.
Good Night.
Good morning Nick isn't it a lovely day.
Good Morning
I don't want anything.
Listen, Jassy.
Those things you said to me
last night, you didn't mean them?
Tell me you didn't mean them
I meant every word I said.
- You are not going to live with me?
- No.
And you got this house by false pretences
I won from you in the same
way you won from Chris Hatton.
Listen, you can keep the house
I have every intention of doing so
I'll give you everything you ask for
besides position, money, dresses
everything you want
I've got all I want.
Why do you hate me so?
What did I ever to you?
In the whole of my life
I've only loved two men
you killed one and ruined the other,
I shall never forgive you for that.
So long as you behave yourself
you may stay on in this house.
And don't you dare lay a finger on me
because if you do I shall have
you turned out of here at once.
Is that understood?
Oh run away you.
I don't know why they
are not putting her away.
What's the matter, Lindy.
What are you trying to tell me?
Is it something to do with Mr Helmar?
Has something happen to him?
No, no wait a moment we must have help
Fred Fred, get one of the other men and
follow up, Mr Helmar had an accident.
It might be worse.
It's a good thing he was found
when he was otherwise.
- Oh under the feet.
- Not under the head? -No.
I want you to keep these
raised as much as possible.
How badly is he hurt?
Well, at his age and his state of health.
Of fall of any sort is always serious.
We'll know better tomorrow.
What can I do for him?
Well until he regains
consciousness, nothing.
Then complete rest and quiet.
No solid food, no wine no spirits.
If he's thirsty little milk and water.
If he is restless ten drops of this
but remember no alcohol of any sort.
- You understand?
- Yes, Doctor
Lindy it is all my fault.
It's as much my fault as if I'd
taken a gun and shot him.
If he dies now I shall have murdered him.
But he mustn't die Lindy, we won't let him.
We'll nurse him together,
nobody else shall touch him.
And it could never be said that I didn't do
everything I could to get him well again.
Well I suppose she thinks
I can't make bread and milk.
Anyone who likes to do my works is welcome.
- Puffy slobs.
- Nothing of the sort..
It's good wholesome gruel I made it myself.
Why can't I have a glass of wine?
- Because the doctor said.
- Curse the doctor.
Take that filthy muck away
I'll give him the lot, Miss.
Start him with the nap again.
This will be sufficient
I'll take it, Moult.
Maybe she don't want to build him up again.
- I said meat.
- The doctor said fish.
Filthy muck, you try to poison me?
Send that little horror out of the
room I wanted a mouthful.
You wouldn't be alive today
if it wasn't for Lindy who found you
and nursed you devotedly for two weeks
why can't you stop behaving
like a spoiled child?
Come here.
Mind your manner when you speak to me.
Don't cry Lindy.
Doesn't matter.
- All clear?
- Wait a minute.
- Who's that for?
- The Master.
He told us to bring him
something fit to eat.
Put it down.
Mr Helmar had his dinner.
Any servant found taking food or
drink to his room will be dismissed.
I hold you responsible, Moult.
There you are.
What did I tell you?
What do you think's
behind it all, Mr Moult.
You are acting like a child again
I do act as I please.
Of course you will, and go to any
lengths never to please anyone else.
What filth have you brought me this time.
It's an extremely delicate chicken hash.
Chicken hash? I need a chop or a steak
and a couple of bottles of burgundy.
You try to starve me?
Don't be ridiculous, eat it up.
I told you to mind your manners
when you spoke to me.
When you do things like this you
make me wish you were g..
Gone, go on and say it.
You wish I was dead.
I know you girl, why don't you say it?
You know it there's no need to.
I wish I was dead.
Might as well be.
Nobody cares for me.
Nobody thinks enough of
me to give me a drink.
Or drop in for a chat.
Can you blame them when
you behave like this?
You keep them away, that's why.
Nothing of the sort.
Where is Dilys? Why isn't Dilys here?
She refuses to come I've told you that.
You mean you keep her away
I've sent her messages a dozen times.
Messages are no good.
Go there now and tell her that I've
ordered you to bring her back with you
I'll go if you like.
But last time you saw her you talked to her
with a riding crop, or have you forgotten?
No, and I won't forget the way you
treated me while I've been helpless either.
No, Lindy go back.
He won't hurt you
I want you to stay with him.
When I ring come at the gallop.
Now have we got rid of the jailer?
Your mistress you idiot has
she gone to fetch Dilys?
Now I can be master in my
own house for a change.
Come here.
I won't hurt you if
you'll do as I tell you.
Come here.
Go down to the study and look
in the cupboard under the window.
Understand? You'll see a bottle there.
A bottle of brandy.
Bring it to me.
Must I fetch it myself.
Go you idiot fetch me the brandy.
About time what's you been
doing? Call on your hands on it?
That's better.
We won't even discuss it.
Please tell Mr Helmar that my
wife will not go to see him.
Even if he is really ill?
Miss Woodroofe, is Mr Helmar
in any immediate danger?
I told you exactly what the
doctor said in my letters.
Yesterday he said Mr
Helmar was much better.
Then why this sudden urgent
need for my wife to visit him?
Dilys he wants to see you.
That was the message he
asked me to give you.
Dear, there is something
Lindy, what have you done?
Miss Woodroofe, did my
father-in-law suggest
that he wished to have a business
discussion with my wife?
About the estate.
What's the matter? How is daddy?
He is dead.
Who is dead?
Nick is dead.
Dead? But a minute ago
you said he was better
I must go, you'd better come with me.
When did he die? About 20 minutes
ago, Sir, Fred found him
I was on my way near from the
kitchen, Sir, when I heard him crying out.
He was upstairs, Sir, but he died
when he reached his bed.
Was there nobody with him?
- The loony was there, Sir.
- The loony?
Oh some half-witted girl Jassy found.
Why was he left alone with her?
That's not for me to say, Madam.
Answer Mrs Fennells question.
We were told, Sir
that any servant who entered Mr
Helmar's room would be dismissed.
Who told you that?
Miss Woodroofe.
You can all go back to work
I've sent for the doctor I'm
sure you'd like to see him.
You sent for the doctor?
Does that surprise you?
There are many things here which
surprise us, Miss Woodroofe.
Many things.
You seem to have taken a great
deal of authority into your own hands.
I may as well tell you,
you'll know soon enough.
- Dilys your father married me.
- I don't believe it. When?
On the 17th of April.
You didn't waste much time.
Why the secrecy?
It was Mr Helmar's wish I think
he was ashamed of the marriage.
- I'm not surprised.
- You understand what this means?
She did it to take Moderlaine from you.
On the contrary Mr Helmar and I
were free to make our own bargain.
I was willing on one
condition to marry him.
He was willing to accept that condition.
Which was?
That he made Moderlaine over to
me before the marriage.
It was all done in lawyer Aldrich's office.
Perfectly legal and quite irrevocable.
We'll go into that question later.
By all means.
Meanwhile I'm intend to report
the whole matter to my father at once.
Your father? I don't understand.
You will, he is Lord Lieutenant
of the county.
And a justice of the peace.
Now gentlemen of the jury
I have outlined for you.
As it was my duty to do.
The evidence which I propose
to call for the Prosecution.
If you accept that evidence.
You have the following position.
You have the prisoner, Jacinth
Woodroofe, now Helmar.
Married to a man many
years older then herself.
A man for whom she has never
shown any great affection.
A man who was responsible
for the death of her father.
A man by whose death she
stood to gain a great fortune.
I leave it you to imagine whether
she wished him alive or dead.
However that may be and you would
form your own opinions from the evidence.
The fact remains that chance
delivered into her hand a weapon
in the person of the accused Wicks.
And I suggest that all the evidence shows
that the accused Helmar deliberately
used the girl Wicks.
Just as other murderers
have used the knife
or a firearm to bring about
the death of her husband.
One more thing
I have told you that the accused
Wicks is incapable of speech.
Nobody regret this more than
I if only she could speak.
What a tale she could tell.
Now gentlemen of the jury.
I shall place the evidence before you.
How often did you see your
master during his illness?
Not once, Sir.
You mean you didn't see him at all?
No, Sir - Why not?
Because I had my strict orders that no
servants was to enter Mr Helmar's room, Sir.
And what about the girl?
Oh the loony, she was in
and out all the time, Sir.
And who gave orders to the,
loony, as you call her?
None was allowed to tell her
anything except Miss Woodroofe.
Mrs Helmar that is
I see.
And did you care to understand the
order she got from the accused Helmar?
Oh yes, Sir and that was the queer part.
She seemed to understand every
word that Mrs Helmar said to her.
There was nothing Mrs Helmar
couldn't teach her to do.
There was nothing Mrs Helmar
couldn't teach her to do.
Thank you.
As footman it would naturally
be part of your duties
to carry the meals to Mr Helmar's room?
In any other house, yes, Sir.
But not in this house.
I see.
Now would you tell the court
how Mr Helmar's meals were
prepared and served?
Miss Woodroofe prepared
every meal herself, Sir.
It was taken up to him either
by her or by the loony.
What about drinks?
He had no drink, Sir, he had milk
I did not quite catch that, Sir Edward.
The witness said he had no drink My Lord.
He had milk
I see a nice distinction.
I think we're dealing with an
expert witness, My Lord.
Now Mr Barton I want you to carry
your mind back to the first occasion
when you listened at Mr Helmar's
bedroom door
I wasn't listening.
I beg you pardon.
The first occasion when you happen
to be in the passage
and happened to overhear some remarks.
You say you heard Mr Helmar say.
You're trying to poison me.
That's right.
Do you happen to remember what
Mr Helmar had for dinner that day?
I do, as it happens, fish.
A whole fish?
No part of the fish, a big one.
And what happened to the
rest of this big fish?
Was it eaten in the kitchen?
- No, throw away.
- Throw it away?
Why? She didn't fancy it.
There wasn't one of us who would care to
eat what Mrs Helmar cooked for Mr Helmar.
Did you see the accused Helmar
on the day Mr Helmar died?
Where - At my home.
She came to see my wife.
- How far is your house from Moderlaine?
- Two miles.
Two miles.
Now would you tell the
jury in your own words.
What happened at that interview?
We suddenly noticed that Mrs Helmar
was looking very strange.
She stared at me in a very odd manner,
and then she said, he's dead.
I think my wife said"who's dead"
and Mrs Helmar replied "Nick".
He's dead.
And immediately after this I
believe that you and Mrs Fennell
accompanied the accused
back to Moderlaine?-Yes.
On the way, did you ask the
accused for any explanation
of the extraordinary scene
you just described?
Yes I did I reminded her
that five minutes earlier, she had told us
that Mr Helmar was very much better.
And asked her why she was
now so certain that he was dead.
And what did she say?
She said I saw him die.
I saw him die.
Thank you Mr Fennell.
You've known the accused
Helmar for a long time?
Yes, she used to work for my mother.
Would you call yourself
a good friend of hers?
Well, friend, yes.
- And you wanted to help her all you can.
- Yes, naturally.
Is that what you came here, to tell
us she had these visions before?
I came because I know she had.
To my certain knowledge.
You're referring, I take it, to the time
she came to Green Farm and told you
that her father had been killed.
And you really believe that was a vision?
- Can you be certain it was?
- Absolutely certain.
How do you know that the
accused was not at Moderlaine
with the men when her father was killed?
And came on to Green farm afterwards?
- She couldn't have done.
- Why not?
Because of the time.
He was killed while the clock
was striking - Just a moment.
He was killed while the clock was striking.
- Which clock?
- The one at Moderlaine.
But supposing the clock at
Moderlaine had been 10 minute fast.
And the one at Green farm
had been 10 minutes slow
then she could have been in both places
while the clock was striking, couldn't she?
- I suppose so.
- Thank you, Mr Hatton, that would be all.
Members of the jury are
you agreed upon your verdict?
We are.
Do you find the prisoner Belinda
Wicks guilty or not guilty of murder?
Do you find the prisoner Jacinth
Helmar guilty or not guilty of murder?
You find both prisoners guilty of murder?
And that is the verdict of you all?
That is the verdict of us all.
Prisoners of the bar you
severally stand convicted of murder.
Have you or either of you anything to say
why the court should not give you
judgement of death according to the law?
Jacinth Helmar?
My Lord I am NOT guilty but
I ask no mercy for myself.
I only beg you to remember
that this girl Belinda Wicks
should not be held
responsible for her action.
Let the whole fault rest with me
because wrongly believing her
capable of looking after my husband.
I left him in her care.
Belinda Wicks knock your head
if you understand me?
Have you anything to why the court
should not give you judgement of
death according to the law?
Do you wish me to repeat my question?
Not her, please.
I believe something like a miracle has
averted a gross miscarriage of justice.
I beg that Your Lordship will allow
this prisoner to go into the witness box.
What have you to say Sir Edward?
My Lord, the trial is over.
Both prisoners have been found guilty.
We are here above all to
see that justice be done.
I agree with my learned friend
the accused must be heard
I direct that she go into the
box and be heard on oath.
Take the book in your right hand.
Repeat after me.
I swear by Almighty God.
I swear - Speak up
I swear by Almighty God.
I swear by Almighty God.
The evidence I give the court.
The evidence I give the court
shall be the truth
shall be the truth
the whole truth
the whole truth
and nothing but the truth
and nothing but the truth
so help me God
so help me God.
And when did the idea administering
this poison first occur to you?
When I got the brandy, very
strong, hide the taste of poison
and Mrs Helmar had already left the house?
Yes I couldn't do it if she was there
she'd find out, she'd be angry with me.
Can you account for Mrs Helmar's
knowing about Mr Helmar's death?
When she was 2 miles away?
She could see things, always see things
everybody knew.
My Lord.
Sentence has been pronounced.
These are the papers you
asked for, Sir John.
You sent for me?
Yes, Mrs Helmar gave me instructions
that this letter was to be handed to you.
Thank you.
Dear Barney, this letter comes
to you with a deed of gift
which makes Moderlaine yours,
and I'm glad to be able to give you
the thing you wanted so long
I only married Nick Helmar
to get it for you, so enjoy it
or you spoil the only
thing I ever had to give you
remember me sometimes when I'm gone
if there is anything left of me
anywhere I shall remember you
- So they gave you my letter?
- Yes.
Why did you do it?
Who else could I leave it too?
You must take it back, Jassy.
What would a gypsy do with a
great farm of a place like that?
Share it with me
I'd never thought I'd hear you say that.
I mean it - I believe you do.
But now you're going back to
Moderlaine my work is done
I'm moving on.
Don't say that, Jassy, please.
Though it's wonderful to know
that Moderlaine will be mine
again, and I love it but
but that just it Barney whenever you think
of Moderlaine a light comes in your eyes.
A light I've never seen there for me.
God Bye, darling.
I wish I was the house.