Java Heat (2013) Movie Script

Sameera Karunaratne
Java, Indonesia
the fourth largest nation in the world...
... the most populous Muslim
Americans. Coca Cola. You like?
John Jason Wilde.
- Jake.
My friends call me Jake.
Mr Wilde. I'm Lieutenant Hashim.
Detachment 88
You have heard of us in America
We are not all terrorists.
I was there, maybe an hour
- Allahu akbar!
Wait. Begin with...
how you came to my country.
Look, I am a grad school TA
I'm on Anthology program from
Cornell University. Ivy League. In America?
here to do a pen on fucking
Southeast Asian art history
A teaching assistant?
- Yeah.
Do you lecture to your students
with that language?
You should hear what they call me.
Lanjutkan. (Indonesian lang.)
I flew in last week and they
invited me to this party.
They said formal, I didn't realize it was
like "Hawaiian Shirt" meeting.
Batik. It's called: Batik.
All right.
- Did you speak with anyone?
I don't know anyone here.
I hit on a pretty girl, so..?
Our Princess Diana.
You were the last,
who has spoken with the Sultana of Java,
before she died.
Now, You will tell me every detail
Those are beautiful.
- Excuse me?
- The Diamonds.
Khmer Royal Treasury.
Am I right?
- You know Jewelry.
And the beauty.
- Sultana? Your speech.
A pleasure to meet you Mister..?
- Wilde.
- Call me Jake.
- Mr Jake...
So, you just hit on her?
She's the prettiest girl at the party
That's where you start.
Then you work your way down...
Our Sultana is the...
Was the most revealed woman in my country
You may go. Just fill out this witness
This "Bule" (White Person)
wanted no contact with his embassy
I know.
There's no "Bule" will do such thing.
A "Bule"
who knows about Majapahit (Java Kingdom)
But doesn't wear "Batik" at formal occasions
He's lying.
I know.
The General is waiting for you, Sir.
Yes, I know
General! Sir
English! Where have you been?
I'm sorry, sir.
But every witness must be...
My man told me that there is no link
is between this bombing and the
Malaysian fanatic Faruq Al'Assan.
Faruq is far too politically sophisticated
for this.
I need someone to string up for the media
And the absence of Faruq,
you will do.
I'll be sure to mention your thoroughness
to my superiors.
For a secure Java
A strong new governor
Mas (Respected male in Javanese or brother) Jake!
- Hey! Nita?
Notes. For your sections.
- They killed her, you know?
- What?
She has been the first female Sultan
So much for "Muslim hospitality."
I am a Christian. "Bule".
Take the cuffs off him.
- Literally means: stupid white person.
But it can be a term of
Endearment. - Yeah, right!
The bomber stood here, yes?
- Uhm..
- Think Mr. Wilde
Yeah, he stood there.
And the Sultana? She was here?
Yes. But...
- You could not see.
- Because this screen.
- Yeah.
And you. Were you here?
No. I was here.
You had a clear view of the bomber.
How did you see?
He held his hands up and shouted.
Mr Wilde,
Allah gave you two eyes and one mouth,
so that you may see twice as much as you speak.
So please, what did you see?
- I've told you.
I heard him scream, and he blew the whole...
- No!
What did you see?
His hands were empty.
Someone else detonated the bomb.
How did I miss that? - No doubt, not part of your training in Southeast Asian studies.
- Art history.
- Yes.
Whose this?
The Sultana.
This is where you found the Sultana?
In deed.
Although that her body was blown toward the explosion
One more stop.
She was the prettiest girl at the party.
Do you want to become a permanent guess here?
Perhaps, it is less painful for you to wait outside (Pak)Mr. Vizier
Did you know
it is a great sin in Islam,
to deface his own flesh?
And what does the Koran say about woman pierce her clit?
Excuse me?
She also had a nose job
This is not the Sultana.
How can you know this?
- Trust me, I know women.
Yes, you know beauty.
I met the lady.
It's time for us to leave.
Peace be with you.
And with you.
- The Police...
- Yes, yes, all right.
Here, boy. Get out! Okay.
The detective returned to the site.
The "bule".
I think he's English...
Do you know him?
He's grown out his hear.
The blue of his eyes.
- This is not a game.
Of course it is.
now, my friend.
Another enemy of Islam
into your hands
Oh look at you,
I can take your name out.
Who is the dead girl?
How do you eat that shit?
Ever heard of trans fats?
This is nasi goreng.
Fried rice. Good for you.
And where are we going?
- There is no "we".
Come on Hash?
We can taser them.
You are like children.
You always think you're the "Rambo".
- you know "Rambo"?
"I always thought that
the mind would be the best defense."
- What?
"I always thought that
the mind would be the best weapon."
That's why we make a good team.
You know you can trust me.
- Yes, that's why you're sitting in the back...
Hashi? Hashi?
God is great.
(Allahu Akbar)
You saved my husband's life.
That's nothing, ma'am
. I'm Jake.
Mas Hashim.
Mas Jake will come to our house for breakfast.
Thanks Ma'am, but I.. I really should be getting back.
- yes, your students will miss you.
It's the least we can do.
- She is right.
- Do you take sugar?
- No, thanks.
It's very good, ma'am.
nasi goreng. Gluten free.
Tell us about your studies, Mas Jake.
"Mas" in Javanese means "brother."
Where did you learn such good English?
Kids, Get ready.
Vitria went to university. in Gradschool.
- You're a lucky man.
- In deed.
Budi, Ade, Are you ready?
- See you later.
- Yes.
Within family we don't shake hands
It shows deeper affections.
Strange country.
And man can kiss your wife in public?, but I can not.
Strange country. - Strange that you did not learn this in Southeast Asian studies.
Art history.
I want to thank you.
It was nothing.
I was something.
This shooting...
This you learned in art history?
Just Lucky, I guess.
Even here we have Internet, you know?. WiFi.
Vitria has found something
that you might like to see.
- Hi Everyone, I'm John J. Wild. And today...
We would be discussing
Ancient Javanese Art...
Your country lectures us about cooperation in the world from terror
Since 9/11th
We have caught twice as many terrorists as you
Mister "not-so-Wild".
Interpol shows your fingerprints at bomb sites in Baghdad
Kabul and Beirut.
I've been tracking this terrorist in the last 2 years
I'm close, Hashi. Real close.
And no one at your FBI inform their agent is here?
They don't trust you people.
Because we are Muslims?
- Because when we talk to you,
We're not sure who we are talking to
In deed.
Because we're not allowed to operate outside US soil.
That's why you can't tell the embassy.
It will ruin 2 years of work.
- Nor can I take your story.
- Look, Hashi.
This is my case.
And this is my country.
And what I should do now is elevate you.
From bad witness to good suspect.
Are you crazy?
The general is a nationalist
When he knows we're dealing
with an American, a spy...
Jesus God and Holy Mother Mary
will protect us.
God's will is great.
Hey, Travis.
Did it come through?
- Hold your horses, man.
What you got here, Jake? Tiger?
A tattoo.
From a victim.
I'm running it through the system.
But I cannot promise anything.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're even.
No, we are not. they are all
over me to find you, your ex, your folks
Would you,
check on them from me?
Yeah, I added it to the list.
One more thing. Don't tell the cops over there
a fucking thing
They're all dirty in their country.
"Semper Fi", brother.
Semper Fi.
We can not trust him, Brother
He has information that we do not have.
He did not save you,
because he liked you like.
He needs you
And that's good.
Trust me.
The General wants to see you.
My American. He lives.
He stay tuned.
I appreciate it. Superbe.
Two of my men were killed - remarks is to Allah.
Yes. we will remember their sacrifice.
But who will remember you?
The boy will.
You devour what you touch.
Like you, I pick someone out of the dirt
I cleanse them and bring them in to the light.
The Cendrawasih (Bird of Paradise). for
I found her in New Guinea.
He was sitting in a drain pipe
It's the worse place on earth
Me and My men will not take part of this anymore.
Do not play the innocent, Achmed.
You said we would be fighting
a holy war, not this
When you go to bed with a snake,
Do not be surprised if you get bitten
You got what you wanted.
Now you help me to get what I came for.
- Sir?
- Where is your partner?
Sergeant Anton following a lead.
- No, your American partner.
He is a valuable witness.
I think he... - No longer necessary.
We got our man - What? Who?
Faruq Al'Assan. We found him.
Faruq Al'Assan, you're surrounded
Here speaks the chief of police
This is your last chance!
CNN, BBC, Youtube.
Even Twitter.
You're going to kill him?
Lieutenant Hashim.
Come back here!
Go back! Get back!
Faruq Al'Assan! You are under arrest!
Shoot him!
Where is the Sultana, Faruq?
The Sultana?
Hands up or I'll shoot!
wait, you don't have to do this!
Allahu Akhbar!
- I got something, brother.
The tiger is not a tattoo.
It's a brand.
Used by The "Tong".
The Chinese?
So this particular Tiger brand
is for their working girls.
Hookers? - Yes. The "Tong" is like the
brand of their best performer, like price cattle.
They send them to Thailand.
for body sculpting.
Ass, tits or face.
Turn them in to like hooker royalty.
Thank you, Jimbo.
- Semper Fi, brother.
Hi, Mister. DVDs? Blueray?
No, Mister doesn't want it.
Twilight? Twilight
Twilight? No, he doesn't want twilight.
Hello, Mister! Let me introduce myself.
I'm Andy. - Andy.
- I know everything. I know everyone.
I'll show you. Come on.
- You want girls?
- Not right now.
Boys, You want boys?
No, no, no!
No boy for you.
I'm looking for something special.
Oh, special.
Waria (Transgenders)
You want Waria. Waria, of course.
- Does that mean Tiger?
- No!
Waria is very special.
A Ladyboy. Very pretty!
Oh..! I love you, so much.
- I know you love them, right?
Something of no.
Definitely not my type.
Then not, lovelies.
we'll be back.
Sir, What do you like? I'll find it.
Look, aah..
Check this out!
there we go..
I'm looking something like that.
Tiger Ladies!
- Yes, Tiger Ladies.
Tiger Ladies.
Andi! Ah, there you are. Here, for you.
I'm sorry sir.
I am Muslim. I cannot drink.
And where these tigers are ladies?
second floor. Andi can not go.
Foreigners only.
- There you go.
Thank you sir.
Leave me alone! Whore!
- The Djihadist.
- Did not it still?
I want the other half of my money
Masturbation fucking '
I bet
is on his way to Pakistan.
He's here.
Mr. Yoshiro is busy.
So am I.
- Yoshiro is busy.
- Oh.. So...
Relax. I'm here to see her.
You just blew a big deal for me
My money... - Come on!
- My Money... - Come on!
What a dog! always about women!
Come, come! Come here!
A shy boy!
What is this made out of?
It's like the softest material
I have ever felt.
Is that silk? Or Synthetic?
Synthetic, synthetic.
Sounds funny, doesn't it?
Feels great! The...
You got to bathe first, Mister.
You see this?
It means you have to pay big, yeah..!!
Where'd you get that, baby?
It's a gift - Do you have a
who has something on her thigh?
You do. who's she?
Do you want to fuck her? Or me?
Look. - Come here! - Calm down!
I need you to tell me about a girl with a tiger brand on her thigh.
What the fuck!
- How do you know her?
She is my sister.
What do you say? Your sister?
Just let me go!
I will kill you, come here!.
- Where the fuck is your sister now?
They send her to Thailand, OK?
she got really good gig.
A classy guy.
Is the guy Arab?
Europeans? Chinese? - No.
- French? Americans? Russian? - No!
Just Bule. they're all the same like you
Don't fuck with Ling, Achmed!
Not me!
Where is Ling's money, you raghead motherfucker?
Where's my motherfucking girl?
There is no God but Allah.
(la ilaha illallah)
The killed them, Ling
With a blast.
They killed her sister.
You killed my tiger ladies, Achmed?
You don't think Ling will come for you?
Police! Detachment 88!
Police? I own the police.
Who did you sell the girl to?
- Fuck you!
Who did you sell the girl to?
No, no, no. There's another guy.
And a white guy.
- What you gonna do, cop?
Read your rights?
Give me his name.
I'll kill this son of a bitch.
Malik. His name is Malik.
Where, Ling?
Where can I find him, Ling?
- Don't worry, cop...
He finds you.
Guns away! Police!
To find beauty in a place like this where
so much dirt and grime is.
You don't see anything
To bathe is more intimate than making love.
You don't touch anything
Very professional.
You're no body.
Ade? Budi?
Lieutenant Hashim. Assalamu alaikum.
Who is this? - they tell me,
you are a very reliable man.
The best In the Detachment 88.
Where is my family?
- Can I rely on you, Lieutenant?
- Bien.. (Good)
I have Important business.
When I finish, I will release
your family
In the meantime you take some time off to grieve for your friend.
Do you understand, Lieutenant?
Yes, I understand.
Then we are in agreement.
- Yes. Complete agreement.
Hashi! - Listen - You gotta...
- They took my family.
If you're FBI,
why are you in handcuffs?
Why are there U.S. Marines
outside this door?
I do not know. I'm not a super spy.
I was in the Marines.
As a cop. Like you.
In Baghdad I ran I MC detail in a Musemum opening.
Jewels, arts,
Go on.
There was bombing.
The CIA tapped Al Qaeda. But Bin Laden was already dead
It seemed pointless.
So the watch with the Intel.
More bombings,
VIP events.
Jewels and art.
- They're not terrorists, Hashi.
The Sultana had a seven million dollars necklace on when she was killed.
Yes. It is in evidance locker.
Did you check whether it's real?
They switch girls, Hash.
And necklaces.
Before the bombing.
You gotta get me out of here!
We are cops, man!
We gotta stick together.
You're gonna trust your boss to find Vitria?
The kids?
You are an officer in the Marines.
A lieutenant. Like you.
Richard Travers.
Look, I...
- Private First Class, USMC.
You do not understand.
- Yes, I do. You are a liar.
Mr. Not-Wilde.
Lieutenant Not-Jake
- Hashi.
They belong in prison.
Where they give you numbers. Not a name.
I got a name for you.
The guy that has your family.
I know his name.
- Tell me!
you need to get your family back?
Get me out of here!
We both get what we want.
You must be Lieutenant Hashim.
Thanks for helping for cover up our fugitives.
I have an arrest warrant for him.
I beg your pardon, sir.
I must speak with you.
And about politics.
Superb. For my buyers.
The Chinese are great lovers for royal things.
And who knows?
Maybe they even buy you.
Did they hurt you and your children?
Youth is of particular beauty.
Perhaps because it slips away so quickly.
The policeman's wife and his children.
This is not part of our deal
You will be rewarded.
No, not you pretty little thing.
This is not good for you.
She loves chocolate.
We care nothing for money - Yet,
you seems to need much of it for your jihad.
Jihad is not a license for desecration
of innocence.
No, no.
Just a murder.
You are warned Malik. You cannot
have the good wife or the children.
I can have anything I want.
Why do you think I'm here?
Captain, you gotta let me go!
You know why.
That's why I'm taking you home, Jake.
For Christ's sake!
Get out! Get out!
No! No!
This is your own choice.
You have decided.
He's all yours.
The name!
- You promised me a name.
Lie to me again...
And I swear, I will send you
back to America.
In the body bag.
His name is Malik. He's American.
Or Europeans.
Not even Muslim.
When he says "Assalamu alaikum",
it lacks respects.
So why all this street theater?
The general and I made a deal.
The Americans may not know.
Now, the truth.
All of it
The bomb is just a distraction.
What a distraction...
... it is very expensive.
- Fuck Hash.
We're talking big bucks.
The perfect crime.
Everything is playing fucking Abdul's terrorists.
How does he get people to blow them self up for him?
He uses a remote detonator, right?
He leaves nothing to change.
You think Malik switched Sultana with another woman?
- I know he did.
Why? And how?
How he did it, I know.
But why, haven't figured out yet.
I will.
- We will.
Yes. Right.
So where are we headed?
- It's time to speak with the Sultan.
Thank you
that you receive us, Your Majesty.
You said it involved my daughter?
We need to discuss about her necklace.
Her necklace?
I do not understand. Who are you?
- Travers. FBI. Kidnapping Squad.
Sorry, Your Highness. There are
some details about the bombing, that you...
The General told us,
The matter has been resolved.
The killers have been given justice.
But still, there are details that...
- You were right next to her when the bomb went off.
How dare you?
- I Thank you. Both of you.
For your concern.
Thank you, Sultan.
They were hiding something.
Has used up his life in lies.
- many people lies when they share their interest.
We had him by the balls.
that's when you squeeze partners...
Haven't you gotten enough people killed?
Always you are telling. Never listening.
Always fighting, never hearing.
Yes. That's us. A violent country.
This is not time for jokes.
My family is at stake.
From now on, we play by my rules.
Java rules.
What was that sneaky Javanese karate?
No karate. Pencak Silat.
An ancient martial art,
is more important than the cunning over strength.
Aw, shit.
This is how we must act.
Not like a bull in a chinese shop.
China shop.
Like dishes?
Why would a bull but dishes?
They told us jack shit in there.
- They told us everything.
You weren't need talking.
About Vizier. blah, blah, blah.
- I was trying to figure out what they know.
And did you? Think Jake.
Even the Sultana's body must be viewed by next of kin.
Then the Sultan already knew?
- That his daughter is alive? Yes.
So, Tell me...
Mister "FBI kidnapping expert".
Why does the father of a
kidnap victim refused to speak to the police?
Because the kidnapers told him not to talk to the cops. While they wait for the ransoms.
Aha. You see?
Speak less, learn more.
It was interesting, too, that
the Sultan refused to talk before the vizier.
How do you know the Sultan wants to talk to us at all?
Because when I kissed his hand
He gave me this.
At midnight? - At the aqueducts.
before that we need proof.
All that glitters is not gold.
- Glisters!
- Shakespeare.
"The Merchant of Venice".
- Time to go.
Are we followed?
How does man know.
You listen and trust your instinct.
Why do my instincs tell me to trust you?
Because of the man who has kidnapped your daughter,
has my family.
Sir. We brought the necklace.
Can you tell if it's a fake?
I know it is a fake.
Then why not say so?
- My cousin, the Vizier wants the throne.
He sticks with the kidnappers under a blanket.
This is about more than the necklace.
The jewelry is part of a collection.
The Crown Jewels of Java.
How's the exchange gonna take place?
There will not be one, Mr. Travers.
Get out, go!
We gotta move out.
Call the cops!
- Hashi!
- I can not leave him here!
Okay. The keys.
Can you trust this Bule?
Whay did you mean? there will be no exchange.
I have instructed the Central Bank,
To send the our treasures to the palace.
Before night.
When my cousin, He gets...
... Everything is lost.
Hashi! Come on!
... It was confirmed that the victim is
Sri Sultan X
His body was found 2 hours ago
The Sultan's heir, the Grand Vizier witnessed the crime.
Which he said was initiated by foreign agent
As a strike against Javanese Muslims
Among the suspects is
U.S. Navy Lieutenant Jake Travers...
... Also wanted in Sultan's murder
Lieutenant Hashim
from Detachment 88
Both men are armed and considered dangerous
It's Ok if you want to cry, Sultana
No, not as long as he is here
Are we gonna get this guys?
Who are you? Really.
Jake? Richard?
- We aren't doing this right now.
There's always time for truth.
No more lies, Jake.
He's followed me everywhere, you know?
He wanted all the time to be like me.
When I left school, he went off well.
I joined the Marines.
And he came all the way to Baghdad,
because he wanted to be like his big brother.
The Marine who was lost.
In the bombing?
They don't even put me on the case.
They offered counseling.
"Hey, man, we'll send you to the hospital
As you roll up your order total.."
As if I could have said to my mother:
"I know you don't want me to join up because you're affraid Richard may come"
Now Richie never coming home
You know, everything is good because I'm in counseling.
Fuck that! You go after the bastards.
I kill your motherfucking brother
Counsel that motherfucker.
That's what you do.
Thank you.
I needed to know
They stole the shit already.
These men are innocent. Like your brother.
We take what we need
and go.
You got it.
- Put on your seat belt!
Are you fucking serious?
- It's law. You pay 500.000 Rupiah fine.
You gotta be kidding.
- I am.
I have to reduce stresses.
Hold on.
Do not move! Weapons drop!
Alright boys! Faces down, hands up.
I said Hands up!
Police! Detachment 88!
I think they like different division.
They think we're stealing the crown jewels.
We are.
But we're not very good at it.
Open the door!
Get up!
Now open the god damn door!
Jake, don't!
I said
open the fucking door!
Get the hell out! Get down!
- Yes.
You were going to kill that man.
- Nah..! I had the safety ON.
Please, sir.
Are you serious?
- Don't even start.
Could you leave us for a minute, sister?
This is a great hide out.
Besides, you had the easy part.
The big part because I've hauled.
Your clothes. for Disguise!
Well, thank you.
Better to dress as an ex Marine
who is wanted for murder?
Hashi, don't know a thing as an ex Marine? Semper Fi.
Peace be with you.
Lieutenant Hashim.
Let's not pretend.
You know who I am.
Listen up, asshole!
Let his family go,
maybe we can make a deal with this whole...
Is not shit, Travers,
You have failed your brother, again.
Until then, my friend.
American technology.
very good for striking terrorists.
Are you ok?
Do not!
- No I can't. My family.
Not good if you're dead.
Go, get down!
Shut up! Shut up!
Take it easy.
Where did they go?
Quick! Say it!
Get out!
Anything can grow here.
You'll be home soon.
You want us all to be killed.
She's supposed to be dead?
Easy. Only through them that we are safe.
They will be dead.
as soon as your men,
Give my merchandise to my merchant.
I warned you. Over there!
Do as he says.
Come on! quick!
Peace be with you, pilgrim.
My family!
Come on!
There! Look.
You are working with an American soldier?
- They bomb on our children.
- Yes.
But he also lost someone in the war.
He helps me to find mine.
Your family is still alive.
Until tonight.
God willing.
God willing.
You'll be at the festival.
Malik may not get your boy.
You must declare your faith.
I testify
that there is no other God but Allah
and Mohammed is his prophet.
Get back to work!
I hope you have an explanation for this.
Where are they? Where are the jewels?
You are pathetic!
We sold them years ago to feed our people.
The only thing my father wouldn't sell...
That necklace. For year when I take the throne.
Your shotgun is showing.
- Shit!
Get out! I'll do it
Get out!
Check it out.
No Witnesses
Hey, there!
Hey, Jake!
My dear vizier...
The Chinese
They pay 2 million euros for a tiger.
And a million for a rhino.
What do you think they're paying for a princess?
Give me a reason!
How about two?
Your have a choice.
Thoersi, Sastha!
You know who I am.
He killed the Vizier.
Stay back!
Give me the knife
Protect her!
- Let them go
No, no.
Hashi! are you OK?
Sultana, she lives
Out of the way, you idiots!
No! Hold it!
No! Stop him! No.
No, no, no!
I belong here with you.
You are a police officer.
Jake! Police!
Out of the way, police!
Back there he is. After him!
Make the way! Police!
Apart! Apart!
Out of the way, police! Get back!
Move it, bitch!
Get down! Get down!
Look at that. His shotgun.
It's a poor choice, my friend.
Like you. It lacks precission.
The necklace is in my pocket
It can buy my way out of this crazy place.
I have everything.
And now...
... I have you.
What's wrong?
Did you run out of American tough guy insults?
You want to call me asshole?
Or motherfucker.
you see? this friend of mine told me to talk less...
And listen more.
Well cowboy,
A good advice then you listen to it.
That's how you use a shotgun, motherfucker!
Jake! Jake!
Sorry, I know you can't kiss on the mouth in public.
It againsts the law.
- It is not.
Who told you that?
Oh! Almost forgot.
A little gone away present.
You do not know what this means.
- Yes. I do.
Hey, Jake.
How did you...?
I figured your boss will have a price for spring this police jarhead.
We got politics in court too.
And with generals.
The fake we stole from the morgue...
... Then after we got Malik.
Well, you get the picture.
I gave the General a fake?
What's he gonna do? Call the cops?
This is the best weapon.
Your brother would have been proud of you.
I am proud.
Hopefully the court marshall sees it that way.
Good bye. Mas Jake.
See you, Hashi.