Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey (2022) Movie Script

Hey! Come over. Make it
fast. We are late already.
We will have to take
his wrath if we arrive late.
That's nothing unusual.
Let's go fast.
[Indistinct chatter]
Don't push me.
[Indistinct chatter]
[Indistinct chatter]
Stop right there.
Show me what's
inside your bag.
[Why didn't you
come yesterday?]
What is it?
What is this? Do you have to keep
a check when we enter and exit?
Yes, I have to.
Is it ready now?
Vijayan bro...
Heard you are the
father of a baby girl now.
Yes, 2 days now.
Did you name her?
Why should he name her?
He has enough
pronouns to call her.
Cheers Entertainments Present
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey!
Hey you calm, polite,
demure and delicate woman...
Well-being of this
home rests in you...
Hey you helpmate,
minister, wife and sister...
How gracefully you
guard the dignity of a man!
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey!
You are a blooming flower
Please do not wither
Stay beautiful, as always...
You are a treasure trove
You need no knick-knack
Stay bashful, as always...
Hey you calm, polite,
demure and delicate woman...
Well-being of this
home rests in you...
Hey you helpmate,
minister, wife and sister...
How gracefully you
guard the dignity of a man!
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya
Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey!
You just watch me.
I am going to bring her up like
how Nehru did to Indira Gandhi.
Good for you.
Let Kollam get its
own Indira Gandhi.
Oh! Don't cry...
You look so
beautiful. Don't cry.
You get down, dear.
You will fall down.
Go, play inside. Go.
Give it to me.
-My car!
Let her play with
this from now.
Take it.
Let me check.
This fits you well now.
How dare you tear up your
books? Exams are far reaching.
Her books are also torn.
Why are you beating
me up, and not her?
Are you both the same?
This happens everywhere, Jaya.
Don't make it a big deal.
You are taken care of well.
That's a big deal.
I used to feel so too.
But when I grew up,
this doesn't seem...
You just watch me.
I am going to bring her up like
how Nehru did to Indira Gandhi.
Good for you.
Let Kollam get its
own Indira Gandhi.
But she needs
to grow her hair.
Else, she won't get a groom.
Is it?
Don't cry.
Let me see.
Now, you look beautiful.
It was like boys without
their ears pierced.
Don't cry.
Get down.
You will fall down.
Go, play inside.
Won't people will
call her a maverick!
As if there is no other
place for her to play!
Dad, I want a teddy bear.
What bear?
That's a doll.
Give it to me.
-My car!
Let her play with
this from now.
Take it.
Let me check.
This fits you well now.
You can use your
brother's clothes from now.
Why waste money
buying new ones!
How dare you tear up your
books? Exams are far reaching.
Her books are also torn.
Why are you beating
me up, and not her?
Are you both the same?
No one is going to use
her books from now.
But she can use your books.
Dad has no money to
buy new books for her.
Why say more?
They chose this name for me so
that it rhymes with my brother's.
Is it?
What is your brother's name?
Don't whistle.
I need to go for tuition class.
Shall I go?
Can you tell dad?
Yeah! That's the only thing pending!
We already spent a lot on
your brother's college admission.
You go wash the vessels.
Didn't you tell me that I can
go for tuition when I am in 12th?
You did let him go.
For now, you adjust
with his books.
How can I use these?
I have never gone before.
This is my last year.
Everyone is going.
It's not like everyone
should go for the tour.
Not all girls in my class came
for the tour when I was studying.
What is there in Ooty to see?
It's just cold climate.
I have been there.
We could have let her if it
was something like a museum.
Dad, everyone in my
class is going. Please.
Just shut up.
As if Ooty tour
is so important!
[Give me some curry, mom]
-[Here you go]
Did you all enjoy in Ooty?
[Indistinct chatter]
Then do one thing...
Write an essay on your experience
in Ooty in not more than 4 pages.
Let me check.
'The Ooty through my eyes.'
'Ooty is a beautiful place.'
'Ooty is very foggy and cold.'
'The toy train journey
in Ooty is very pretty.'
'In a nutshell,
Ooty is a fab place!'
It's a big deal that
she studied till 12th.
Why should she study further?
She struggled hard
and got good marks.
So, what?
Why should we
send her so far?
Doesn't Trivandrum take an
hour and a half from here, dad?
She is not like you.
She secured a merit seat.
It's very difficult to
get admission there.
Isn't it unfair if
we don't send her?
The Kudumbashree loan will be
closed after two payment schedules.
[Shall we lend
some more money?]
[Won't it take more time?]
[I will try asking]
God! Mani uncle!
Oh! No.
Hey! Brother in
law. Come over.
Why is it in such
a high volume?
Here is some Scramberry.
Why do you bother, brother?
[I don't like coming
here empty-handed]
I heard you have some
freshly cut plantains.
Yes, it's there. Shall I get you?
No, I will take it
when I am leaving.
How are your studies going?
Looks like you are discussing
something confidential!
No, we were talking about sending
her to Trivandrum for her studies.
Yeah! I got to know.
That's a good thing.
[Let our kids go
out and study]
[It's not unusual that girls
go far to do their studies]
And, you don't have
to worry so much.
It is not that far.
It's our Trivandrum.
She got good marks.
We have to consider that.
It's going to be quite expensive
with hostel fees and all that.
That's what we are thinking of.
That is true.
Then, don't think about it.
[Why do we send her out when
we don't have the money for it?]
[Doesn't look practical]
We have to get
her married anyway.
[Also, you send her that far...
you will be left with
no peace of mind]
How can we not send her after
she secured such good marks?
How can we let her keep traveling
back and forth just for her studies?
Just think about it.
And you don't even consult with
me when such important decisions...
need to be taken,
and you mess it up.
As you have God's blessings,
I could reach here in time.
The problem is no other
college has this course.
Then, why choose that course?
You just need a
degree for namesake.
This is not IAS.
We have good colleges here.
If I put in a word, she will
get a seat in MSS College.
She can study there.
If she goes there, she
will be home by 4:30.
Good students
always find their ways.
[Look at my son]
Dad, I want to join
Ivanios college.
Did we ask for your opinion?
Men take decisions here.
Got it?
I want to do B.Sc Anthropology.
Who decides that? You?
Go inside.
This course that
she just mentioned...
I think it's there
in MSS college.
But, we need to tell them in
advance if we need a seat.
It's not easy to get
admission there.
[Their Principal is that guy...]
I will study only in
Mar Ivanios college.
I will study only
B.Sc Anthropology.
[MSS Parallel College, Perumbuzha]
[Rain at night]
Night rain...
Weeping, laughing, whimpering...
Muttering without a stop...
Tossing her long hair...
Sitting huddled up...
Like some young madwoman.
Are you listening to me?
Are you here to study?
Don't you want to get a
job and be independent?
Or do you want to marry
someone and settle down?
Listen in the class.
Night rain, gliding
slowly into this hospital...
like a long wail...
Extending her cold fingers
Through the window...
And touching me...
The pensive
daughter of darkness...'
Night rain...
the groans and shudders...
the sharp voices...
And the sudden
anguished cry of a mother...'
Women are considered
slaves of men...
It's not just
inside the houses.
It is so in workspaces too.
Why don't women get proper wages?
-Come, let's go.
Even migrant workers who joined
recently get more money than our women.
He is going to increase
women's wages now!
[Also, the disrespectful ways
in which women are treated...]
[That should change]
[What I mean to say is...]
[Your clothes, your freedom]
No one has the right to
question your choices.
Do you know this?
Kollam has the history of women
taking the initiative to go out, fetch a job
and stay independent,
for the first time ever.
You should be no
different from them.
You should be independent.
Should you confine yourself
inside someone's kitchen forever?
Do you like me?
Deepu Sir is a very nice person.
I would love to marry
someone like that.
I would have said
yes long back.
Shall I tell him?
-Yes, tell him.
[Indistinct chatter]
When I called you at
11:34, your phone was busy.
Who were you talking to?
Must be Sangeetha.
I thought so.
Eat the cake.
It's nice if you dip it in
the tea and take a bite.
I have told you many
times not to talk to men.
Limit your friendship.
You go now.
I logged into your profile
and blocked few people.
Don't entertain such people.
Who gave you the permission
to change your profile pic?
Tell me. Who?
Am I not giving you
enough freedom?
Then what?
Her waywardness!
Who do you want
to show this to?
If I ever see you...
My nose ring is missing.
You are responsible for this!
Look at her!
Her and her studies!
Dad, leave it!
-Leave me!
Don't be a man for namesake!
Any idea where your
sister was loitering around?
He is gone now.
That's a big deal.
Get her married before
the news spreads.
Or are you waiting for
everyone to know about this?
I spoke to at least 6 people
about this on my way here.
They also said the same thing.
Get her married soon.
I will do that.
She is half-way with her studies.
How can I get her married so fast?
She can study post marriage too.
Good students
always find their ways.
Then what?
I don't want to get married now.
Who decides that? You?
As a man, why am I here then?
[I am not going to allow
your nonsense here.]
[What is happening here?]
Dad, I want to study.
Whatever you have
studied is enough.
Don't make me talk more.
Why do you pressurise
her? Come, sit here.
Don't think I will let you
do whatever you want.
Listen when elders talk...
We can only tell her.
Brother, you search
for a groom for her.
all this while, you lived
the way you wanted.
At least now, you listen to us.
[How many times have
I got her scramberries...]
I need some more time, mom.
[She is not thankful for that.]
I want to complete my graduation,
do higher studies. I need to get a job.
Don't you understand, mom?
-[I got her admission at MSS]
You can go for a job
even after your marriage.
We will look for someone
who agrees to that.
[But that's not my worry]
-Do whatever you want.
I feel bad that she
doesn't understand you.
She would have agreed
to marry otherwise.
She won't understand all that.
She is selfish.
Do you know how many
days it's been since I went out?
Shall we change this house?
Why should you do that?
This is a rented place anyway.
We have to leave one day.
We can do that now.
No way!
[If she is faithful to our family,
she will agree to get married.]
[I will bring her a nice guy too.]
[Song playing]
This song reminds
me of my wedding CD.
It has the same song.
Now all that is left is the CD!
That's because I am divorced now.
Can't you keep quiet at least
when we are going for a good thing?
Ani is always like this.
Never say a good thing!
I was trying to be positive.
Leave it!
Will she be as fair as she
looks on the photograph?
Must be.
It is better if the girl doesn't
look as good as the boy.
He is my uncle's son. Rajesh.
Oh Okay.
She is my aunt.
She is Rajesh's sister.
Her husband is abroad.
I see.
Yeah! Else, he would have come.
There is no other problem.
Looks like we have met before...
Do you go to Decent
Corner by any chance?
There is a tea shop
that sells tea for Rs.3.
I frequent that place.
Do you go there too?
Of course!
One of our relatives
runs that shop.
That's Sujith's
shop. Rajan's son.
I go there often.
We would have met there then.
Looks like we are
already relatives then!
No, Ani?
Yes! True.
Our girl is a graduate.
Him too...
Actually, she hasn't
completed it yet.
Even he hasn't.
He started the poultry
business while he was studying.
So what! He is
running the family well.
He is a nice person even
though he is not that educated.
Where is your poultry shop?
Not a shop. It's a farm.
You are familiar with Kollam,
Attingal and Kottarakkara...
Where in Kottarakkara?
-He is supplying there. Wholesale.
We have one of our
relative's hotel in Kottarakkara.
There...it's near...
-Come on, bro!
Shouldn't we ask them about it?
What is it? Tell us.
No, nothing.
Nothing... Jaya would like to
continue her studies post wedding.
That's it!
If that's what she wants, let
her go for PSC coaching then.
Isn't that good?
Bring them tea.
Don't be shy, dear.
Uncle, tea
Have your tea.
Take it...
I have put very little sugar as
I wasn't not sure of your liking.
This is fine for me.
Rajesh is not
particular of anything.
He is very adjustable.
He grew up in
such a situation.
Poor boy!
-Yes, he is.
What's the chicken
rate in this area?
No...price of chicken...
I am not sure.
Must be around 150.
It costs 145 in Mayyanad.
But I sell it for 115.
No, it's their own house.
It's been just 3 years
since he bought this house.
I see.
He is quite smart.
-Is this your own house?
No, we are on rent here.
How do you sleep
well in a rented place?
I can't.
How about dowry?
What do we say?
Our Rajesh should
get a good girl.
We didn't bother
about anything else.
That's all.
We gave importance to that.
[Then, Ani...]
Other than chicken...anything...
Other than
chicken...we have ducks.
Also quail.
Quail doesn't give us much profit.
Broiler is fine.
But it's not the
favorable season now.
It's not like what
I say all the time.
By next year,
India will be on top.
I am sure of that.
I trust you, Ani.
That's enough.
What else!
-Where is my slipper?
[Okay then. We will get going.]
Are you going to take
her along now itself?
You can keep some
conversations for later.
A lifetime awaits.
[Where did you say that
hotel in Kottarakkara was?]
Let me go then.
[Actually, I was wrong.]
[The one I meant
was a veg restaurant.]
[It was a mistake.]
-[I understood that.]
[That's okay.]
[See you, uncle.]
[Shall we?]
[See you.]
[See you, dear.]
[Song playing.]
Okay then.
[Song playing.]
[Crowd chattering.]
Where is Mani Annan?
I didn't see him.
-Where is Mani Annan?
See if he is in the kitchen.
Dear, tell uncle goodbye.
He must be very sad.
Did you see him?
-No, mom.
Where did he go?
He must be....
Where is Mani Annan?
Oh! Dear...
You may leave...
Do you know one thing?
I lived all this while
only for this day.
This is quite quick.
I have been controlling
myself till now.
Now, if we keep talking...uncle...
I might cry. O! Dear...
[Crowd crying.]
[Crowd crying.]
O! Dear...
What's all this?
Where's this taking me to?
Who is this person?
Who are those people?
What's all this?
Where's this taking me to?
Who is this person?
Who are those people?
Tied up for life...
Whipping along to
an unknown world
Leaving my home
Tied up for life...
Whipping along to
an unknown world
Leaving my home.
To a land far, far away
You could have parked
in the courtyard. Why here?
It won't go inside.
Didn't get to see him well
Didn't get to know him well
Didn't get to see him well
Didn't get to know him well
Listened to my elders right
Agreed to their words alright
Listened to my elders right.
Agreed to their words alright
Where have I reached, right now?
Where have I reached, right now?
Will you let me know?
What's all this? Where's
this taking me to?
Who is this person?
Who are those people?
You can keep it there.
What's all this?
Did you like our house?
Even when I am with a crowd
Oh! I feel so much alone...
Every time, they throw a loo.
I need to smile away to glory
Every time, they throw a look
I need to smile away to glory
Is the tea for
Rajesh? I will do it.
He has some
specifications for everything.
Is it idiyappam today?
It's idiyappam and
chickpeas curry everyday.
He is a bit stubborn,
but he is such a nice guy.
Still he wants this everyday.
[Don't worry.]
That's how it works.
Don't ruin it, dear.
Now, Rajesh has one more
person to take a loan on.
[Get that box. Get going]
Did you load the
consignment to Anchal?
Yes, brother.
Do you use shampoo?
That's the reason for hairfall.
There were
strands on the pillow.
Shampoo has a lot of chemicals.
Do one thing.
Get the home made
hair oil from mom.
That's the secret behind
my thick hair and moustache.
It's awesome.
Cook the chickpeas well.
How many times have I told
you not to put this here for drying?
Why don't you use
the terrace for this?
Why can't you do it yourself?
I will just be back.
Hello Venu Anna.
All good?
How is your business going?
-[Going on]
How are you, sister?
Rajesh, if you sell your
chicken for such low rates...
how do people like
us run our business?
My sales got better
when I cut down the price.
You do the same thing.
I can't afford such low rates.
Then, you do as you like.
Don't you clean this place?
This is not our kitchen, sister.
We have better
things to do, sis!
[She has come to advise us!]
Actually, I am here
for another purpose.
Tell me.
My business is in a bad state.
If you can take over my
business for a fair amount...
I am willing it give it off.
I am not in a
position to run it well.
Let me see.
Yeah, tell me.
Eat and see.
She learns new recipes on her
phone and comes up with these items.
This is a nice snack.
What are you laughing at?
I am also like
your mom in law.
We are that close.
Right, Vilasini?
Get lost!
I am quite done
with your tantrums.
You and your
husband plotted all this.
Leave my hand...
Brother, your son in law is here
for the first time after wedding.
Why didn't you buy
him Porotta and beef?
Who eats this
crappy idiyappam!
Tell me.
You eat.
Give him more chicken.
She is scared of me.
You pay only if I
come in person?
Not when I send
someone to collect it?
I will drive.
God! Help us...
Are you not well, dear?
Not that. I eat early at home.
Then I start my studies.
You are hungry, right?
Let's eat when Rajesh is back.
Else, he will get angry.
He will be here by 2:30.
You don't feel dizzy, right?
In the modern world
Things are going wrong.
At a very slow pace
It all becomes a part of your life
What is this?
I learned it from YouTube.
An Avial dosa!
You just eat it without
messing with her.
Look around and
just learn to live
Do things as you
are expected to do
[If your wife wants
to go for a job...]
Are you always watching this?
It's so noisy!
[why didn't they tell
us before the wedding?]
It's part of the ad.
It's so loud one can hear
this from Kottiyam junction.
I watch TV only at night.
You have a
problem with that too.
[If she needs money, she
should ask her husband.]
Rajesh etta, how do I
go about PSC coaching?
Shall I join?
[Even otherwise, independent
women are too proud of themselves.]
[You are right, madam.]
Can you please
lower the volume?
I can't hear a thing.
I can go somewhere nearby.
There is an exam coming up.
Let me see.
[Men who send their wives
for work are real idiots.]
[You are so right, madam.]
[I have a clear cut plan.]
[I make decisions here.]
Why is he like this!
He doesn't like serials.
That's why he is angry.
He is a poor guy.
Why is my hand hurting so much...
He likes chickpeas curry.
Not sure if he will eat this!
What is the new item you
are preparing for Rajesh?
He will definitely like this.
How many times have I told
you not to give me this rubbish?
What have you done?
She got up so early in the
morning to prepare this for you.
You prepared this?
Leave it! I didn't know.
Doesn't matter who prepared,
what you did now was not right.
You are no one to teach me.
You should talk to me properly.
I apologized for what I did.
Rajesh, what is all this?
You get lost!
We got you married, right?
Go, show your attitude
there. Don't take it on me.
I slapped you out of anger.
I apologized, right?
It happened.
What should I do to settle this?
Come, let's go out.
Get ready soon.
What do you want to eat?
Anything is fine.
No, you order what you want.
Paratha and beef.
Their chicken is
better than beef. Right?
They buy chicken from us.
2 plates string hoppers
and chilli chicken.
Anything to drink?
Tea for both of us.
Aren't you alright now?
I did it out of sudden anger.
I won't do it again.
Do you know how
costly this watch is?
I didn't see it.
Didn't see, it seems!
Don't you look at
me, O! dear eyes...
There is nothing to see here anyway
Aren't you happy now?
I have told you a thousand times.
Ain't this our land...
a land with its own rules...
Ain't this our home...
A home with its own conditions...
Ain't it a tender pat on your back?
Shouldn't you learn to take it all...
and bear it all by your own?
Get going.
2 plates string hoppers
with chilly chicken. Tea for 2.
Can you drop me home?
What's the urgency
to go home now?
I wanted to see my mom.
You met her recently.
I am very busy.
We'll go later.
If you want, you can cook
something else for you.
We are quite
used to this now.
We women should
adjust all this.
He is fine otherwise, right?
He slapped you only once.
That too, not in public.
Don't make it a big deal.
It's not necessary
To complain all the time...
In this life that we have...
[I can't be here, brother. He is short
tempered. He beats me up always]
[I will tell dad to talk
to him. Don't worry]
Just like a candle...
melting down slowly...
You still are the light
That is glowing bright...
Don't you look at me, O! dear eyes...
There is nothing to see here anyway
Don't walk towards
me, O! dear legs...
No one cares about me anyway...
Where are my jeans?
Where are my jeans?
I have put it for wash.
All of them?
Never put it for wash
without asking me.
Heard me?
I am not able to
adjust here, dad.
He keeps beating me up.
That's how life is, dear.
Everything will be alright.
It's so uncertain when he
will come dashing at me.
I will call you back.
Faizal, get me a glass of tea.
I am outside now.
I will call you back, okay?
He is not that
short tempered now.
He takes care of our
family all by himself, right?
That's why he is a bit stressed.
When compared to his
dad, he is so much better.
I came out of my
husband's home.
Now look at me!
He never came to get me back.
I am stuck now.
Now, if you leave, people
will say that it's all your fault.
Come, let's eat.
True, hasn't it always been this way?
Isn't this happening for good anyway?
When pots and pans collide,
won't they make some noise?
Isn't he the lord of these
pots and pans anyway?
How long do you take bath?
About what I told
you that day...
Brother, I am not interested
in buying your farm.
So, don't roam around for that.
If you don't want it, don't.
You take over.
And you pay me something
out of your profit every month.
I don't want to take over
another business now.
So, stop jabbering like women
and run your business well.
Okay then.
It's time for lunch.
Let me get going.
Hey, what are you guys up to?
Go, collect the pending money now.
You need to cover the entire
route. Else, I am not sending you off.
Heard me?
Yes, brother.
If you want to sell your
vehicle, let me know.
I am not here to sell my vehicle.
Should I carry the chicken on
my head after I sell this off to you?
Then do whatever you want.
If he doesn't know how to do
business, that's not my problem!
He should be given
a tight slap! Idiot.
Keep fiddling with
that phone all the time.
I didn't see you coming.
You won't.
You were so involved in it.
I will get you lunch.
Where is mom?
I don't know.
You don't know?
Where is the fatso?
I don't know.
Aren't you staying in this house?
I am asking you. Are you mute?
Her and her phone!
Leave it!
Leave it free.
I am not hungry.
Do you have any
medicine for stomach pain?
How do you want it? Loose?
Not loose.
Is it loose motion?
I got kicked on my belly.
Lower belly?
Then, you may
have to take a scan.
We wouldn't know if there
is any internal bleeding.
Do one thing. You get it checked
in a hospital. That would be better.
Go to Medical college. That's better.
Medical college?
We get a customer
once in a while only.
You send them over to
buy allopathic medicine.
Do we have anything
for internal bleeding?
Don't blabber.
Here you go.
Pull it hard and tie it up.
What happened to you, brother?
Are you unwell?
I'm okay.
Then why are you not
going home? It's late already.
You beat her up today also?
Hey, leave it. This
is not the first time.
Buy her string hoppers and chilly
chicken and she will be fine. Simple.
Did you beat her up badly?
Then, did something
happen to her?
Where did you kick her?
Oh! No.
This is quite
complicated, brother.
You can't do that.
This might lead to serious
implications in the future.
[Load is ready to go, brother]
[Yeah, coming]
Where are you off to?
You don't drive now. We
don't want to die so soon.
True that.
Here, only I have
the license to drive.
Do you know that?
Give me the key.
I will take that route today.
You go home, brother.
We will take care of this.
Come on!
She got kicked in her belly.
We won't know if there is
anything wrong internally.
You take her to
some hospital now.
This is life threatening.
He is right.
There can be a blood clot too.
Someone I know died this way.
You go to her now.
We told you what we think.
It's up to you now.
What happened?
Can't you convince him?
Don't you know better?
It's a woman.
What if something
happens to her?
What do I tell him?
It's his family problem.
I don't want to intrude.
What if something happens...
-What do we do?
He will be in jail then.
Brother, call us if
you need anything.
He feels guilty
about what he did.
I don't think so.
It's his wife after all.
You don't know him well.
I have known him
for a while now.
He will do it again.
Anyway, I have
given him my advise.
I think he is going to
take her to the hospital.
Good for him then.
I will drive now.
He is here.
What is he upto!
Rajesh, wait.
I am telling you to wait.
What are you upto?
My keys.
Not about the keys.
What are you trying to do?
This isn't alright. Okay?
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Why are you troubling her?
Why are you beating her up?
That...I did it out of impulse.
What if it falls on her body
and something happens to her?
Will you answer her family?
It happened by mistake.
Aren't you eating?
He is blind when he gets angry.
Have you learned Karate?
Hey! Jhalak Rani...
Naughty naughty, local beauty
Hey! rock it, Rani...
Hey! Jhalak Rani...
Get some control
over your anger, Rani
O! Baby
O! Baby
O! Baby
O! Baby
His fury burst into flames of fire
He's a sweetheart,
Oh! who said that?
All for vain...
All for vain...
His fury burst into flames of fire
He's a sweetheart,
Oh! who said that?
All for vain...
All for vain...
All for vain...
All for vain...
All for vain...
I don't think it's karate as
you said it was a sudden kick.
Must be something
to do with Kalari.
You don't know Kalari.
That's why you
couldn't combat.
But, how did she learn all that?
You don't have to go
anywhere to learn this.
It's available on your phone.
So, that's what it is.
She learns cooking and
stitching on her phone.
Now, she takes PSC
coaching also online.
Can we learn this so easily?
It's up to the person
who is learning.
You can learn a step or two.
You can't learn completely.
How do we know
if she learnt it all?
You mess with her once again.
You'll know then.
Come on, now!
Don't get stressed if
I tell you something.
Don't make me stressed now.
If things go this way,
she might do this again.
Leave that.
Let her try to do that again.
I will pick her up
and throw her away.
Tell me something
that makes sense.
Do you want me
to talk to her nicely?
No, that won't be appropriate.
It's a shame.
Let her not get to know
that I told you about this.
It's me, dear!
I will handle it right.
Then do one thing.
If she does that again...
record it live.
We can blackmail
her using that.
What are you planning to do?
I got kicked on my belly once.
But let her try
that one more time.
I also have learned
Karate in school.
You did that to escape
from your Math class, right?
And you stopped taking
classes when your teacher fell ill.
Dear, this is not
how you think it is.
I have attended only 6-7
classes. But Karate is Karate.
I will get you that video.
She doesn't know me well.
This judgement has no reasoning
Roll your eyes in rage
I look at you at
times.Yeah, mark this day
What a move
I meant, the bump on your face
The moves I learnt by heart
Will shun the burning flames
I'll show you, just watch it!
I'll show you, just watch it!
We should kill these street dogs!
Once I change my tactics
I'll kick you down, you'll vanish
Then we will be just you and I.
Don't talk, don't talk!
You be that, be that!
Once I change my tactics
I'll kick you down, you'll vanish
Then we will be just you and I.
Don't talk, don't talk!
You be that, be that!
Don't talk, don't talk!
You be that, be that!
Don't talk, don't talk!
Is there a sack around here?
Why do you need a sack now?
[Just like the Shepherd boy, Santiago
who traveled to Egyptian pyramids...
searching for the hidden treasures...
here he is, reminding us again...
that there is nothing
that is impossible...
if you just put your
relentless effort into it]
So, she will focus on this hand.
Then, take your feet
backwards and charge.
Once I change my tactics
I'll kick you down, you'll vanish
Then we will be just you and I.
Don't talk, don't talk!
You be that, be that!
Once I change my tactics
I'll kick you down, you'll vanish
Then we will be just you and I.
Don't talk, don't talk!
You be that, be that!
Don't talk, don't talk!
I think they have
sorted things out.
How did you get to know?
I did.
[Raj Poultry Farm]
Where is mom?
She went for
Kudumbasree meeting.
I'll get you lunch.
Hey, come here.
Come here!
Move this side.
What's up with you?
Why are you so serious?
Been a few days now.
I am not serious.
You think so high of yourself
because you kicked me down once?
Do you want to beat me now?
I am leaving you alone
only because you are a girl.
Else, I would have
kicked you upside down.
My hands are not occupied.
What was that?
I will break your head, got it?
I will do that too.
Let's see then.
You will roll on this floor in pain.
Let's see who rolls.
You are capable to beat me up?
Let's see then.
Beat me.
You go first.
Beat me.
You beat me.
Come on, beat me.
Why don't you do it?
I will beat you.
The wrestle begins.
Rajesh makes a cobra
move and Jaya is on her feet
Such breathtaking moments
of courage and persistence.
Both the sides strike
in lightning speed.
Othiram, Kadakam, Marukadakam
The palacial stage in Raj
Bhavan is all set for the tussle.
The fire has begun.
Look at this.
Mark this day forever.
The time is at a
standstill at Raj Bhavan.
Jaya- 1
Rajesh- Nil
What is more important
is to rise from the fall.
Come on, boy!
Get up, boy!
Does Rajesh have a come back?
The audience is eagerly waiting...
Yes, he is back. Moving his fingers.
What the hell was that!
Believe this.
Watch it.
Can you believe this?
Rajesh is back.
It's the goal that
matters, not the way!
He strikes a tricky goal.
Like that!
Did you see that impact?
The cobra is down.
Here is the Nagayakshi
with its hood raised.
I swear...
You'll never see anything
like this ever again.
You will never witness anything
like this in your life again.
It's 2-1.
Up for a fight again?
Are you up for a fight again?
I am not dead.
Now, we can see Rajesh
in a horrified body language.
A terrified person in all sense.
Scared stiff!
But, he can't leave it at that.
Because here, failure
is synonymous to death.
At the same time,
look at the opponent.
She is beaming in all sense
roaring towards Rajesh
We can hear the sound of
success resonating around...
Now, Rajesh is rolling
around on the floor...
Such an exciting wrestle
The brawl between the
husband and the wife.
is still going on...
Just like a dewdrop
that fell asleep...
on the night's bosom where
the blessed turmeric swayed...
here is Rajesh...
Jaya v/s Rajesh
Rajesh is now taking on Jaya
holding his grip tightly on her hair.
Jaya combats...
That's the real rock bottom
Real rock bottom
Oh! My God! He is gone.
This is electrifying.
Such a ferocious fighter...
The victorious Jaya!
It's 3-1
The countdown begins.
Last chance for Rajesh.
The husband-wife struggle
is reaching its fag end.
The dying moments
of this great encounter.
We have an audience waiting with
their hearts pounding, eyes not blinking...
and the heads on fire...
You are playing
with Rajesh, huh?
It's a real tombstone.
It's in her blood
She is a born fighter.
Instinctive trait derived
from previous birth.
The game is over.
Are you alright otherwise?
Ani, sit down.
No, it's okay.
That's strong enough. Sit down.
No, aunty. I will stand here.
Ani, do you see all this?
Did you get him married for this?
Was it to lead a peaceful life
or get beaten up by this woman?
We didn't know Rajesh was this short
tempered when we got her married.
Oh! Now the blame is on him?
He was such a sweetheart
until he got married to her.
Isn't it because Rajesh
beat him up that...
Yeah! Husbands do
beat up their wives.
Don't you beat your wife up?
Does she slap you back?
Just imagine Latha
kicking you down.
Men are known to
get angry at times.
If women start reacting,
what will happen to the family?
Did we get her married
to get beaten up?
So, what did my son encounter?
You keep quiet.
Are you planning to get
beaten up by her your entire life?
Ani, listen to this.
Tell me, aunty.
It wasn't an ordinary kick.
A real blooter.
You can't imagine, it
was such a forceful kick...
that he was thrown away
to the neighboring compound
I got him back from there.
Mom, please.
She is doing this
because he is a dumbhead.
Does this happen anywhere else?
You tell me, Ani.
What did you do?
Tell me.
When you live as a family...
you need to adjust a bit.
What will happen if you
keep reacting like this?
What if others get to know?
Why didn't you feel this way
when I was getting beaten up?
No one got to know about that.
So, let this also be kept as a secret.
I didn't mean that, Jaya.
He slapped you
out of anger then.
I agree.
You could have forgiven him.
Why did you overreact?
One slap?
It's been 6 months
since we got married.
He beat me 21 times
in the last 6 months.
So, how many will it be
by the time it's 10 years?
You tell me.
420 slaps.
Yes, 420.
So, for 40 years?
For 40 years...
Are you telling me
to take 1680 slaps?
This is what happens
when women are educated.
Did you hear her whataboutery?
No, aunty.
Give me 30 seconds.
Let me talk to him.
Can you wait?
You come.
What is this?
He is good for nothing now.
[He is totally destroyed]
Stand there.
What is all this?
We can't solve this.
We have to stop
her arrogance today.
We can't live together.
Now, if we make it an
issue and send her off...
what will others talk about you?
They will say that Rajesh of Raj Bhavan
got beaten up by his wife and she left.
What a shame that would be!
What are you asking me to do?
Should I hug and kiss her?
-Yes, I mean it.
What's wrong with you?
Get her pregnant.
Then she will be occupied for
the next 3-4 years with all that.
Then, get her pregnant again
when she recovers from the first.
Then she won't talk
like the way she did now.
She will not need more
education or a job therafter.
To hell with her karate and kung-fu!
She will not ask for anything more.
You need to have total
control over such feminists.
Lock them up at home
and teach them a lesson.
Only then she will take care
of you, your kids and the family.
And that will make you a real man!
Now, you dance
according to her tune.
Then, get control over her.
And apologize for namesake.
I will take care of the rest.
It's my word.
Come. Hold me.
Where is the video you recorded?
When she threw me over, I
fell head on top of my phone.
The display is broken now.
Oh! That's also gone?
I am telling you this out
of my own experience.
What's over is over.
Now, there should not be
an issue here over this matter.
Rajesh is ready to apologize
if he did anything wrong.
If you also apologize,
this problem ends here.
Rajesh, come on.
I am sorry for what I
did and I won't repeat it.
I won't do that again.
Jaya...tell him sorry.
Just one sorry.
See. This is it.
There won't be any
problem anymore.
It's my word.
Don't be so worried.
Get me a black tea.
Oh! I totally
forgot about that.
I didn't even serve you water.
I'll get you tea now.
[Keep some water to boil]
Don't worry.
They are kids... it's okay.
Come, Latha.
[This is not a big issue]
[Sit here]
[You sit here]
A couple will have to face
many hurdles in their marriage.
Only when we solve it peacefully,
does the relationship succeed.
Let's forget the
past and live happily.
Good night.
Can I get a cup of tea?
4 cups of tea please.
Didn't you make some snacks
that day checking Youtube?
Can you prepare
that again tomorrow?
Keep drinking more tea.
You are good for nothing.
You send her a
message now. Let me see.
Message what?
-Send her something.
Give it to me.
What do we send?
Did you have your tea?'
Is there anything else
other than drinking tea?
I will send.
There are too many
messages here.
Chicken masala,
coconut oil, oil, chips...
What is this? A grocery store?
This is full of that.
What else do I send her?
Now that she sent you this
message, what do you do?
You should send
her a heart smiley.
Then she will feel a bit happy.
She will think about you.
Who am I talking to!
Do whatever you want.
As if you are some
Kunchako Boban!
No wonder why she left you!
So what?
I did give her a baby too.
[You are questioning me!]
[No point talking!]
Do you know how to sing?
Yes, I learned music
for almost 12 years.
Not that.
Music helps to win someone over.
Haven't you watched
the movie, 'Chithram?'
Remember what Mohanlal did?
That's cinema.
Can we do that in real life?
People will think we are mad.
Did I tell you sing in public?
No, right?
When you both are
together, hum a tune for her...
You are younger to me.
Else, I would have
taken a class for you.
She won't fall for all that.
I am not talking about
an ordinary song.
A song that has her
name in the lyrics.
You should sing
something like that.
She will definitely fall for it.
Didn't I do the
same with my wife?
Which song has her name?
Yes, think in those lines.
You will get a song.
There are lakhs of
songs in Malayalam.
Think about it.
Will you?
-Will you?
[Singing a song]
Will you think about it?
-Okay. Do it.
Let me get going.
[Singing a song]
Jaya hai...
Jaya hai...
Jaya hai...
Jaya hai...
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hai...
Hey, are you there?
I think they are back fighting.
Is he here to drop her?
How are you?
I'm well.
Why didn't you make
a visit to our house?
You both didn't
fight after that...
I keep thinking
of visiting you.
I don't get enough time.
It's business season now.
Jaya, keep this inside.
This is good quality
broiler chicken.
Curry will be very tasty.
Give it to me, dear.
Come on in.
How are you doing?
-All well.
When did you come?
We came in the evening.
The cuts on your
face are healed?
Come, let's have a peg.
No, I will just take
bath and come.
Why did you give him my jersey?
It was not even washed
after I used it once.
He took it by himself.
It's big for him.
I don't understand him.
Are you alright?
Are you really asking me?
Is this Kerala Blasters?
No. Chennai Super Kings. IPL.
Which one am I wearing?
New Challengers. Our club.
No, that's cricket.
[Oh! Cricket!]
What is this, mom? Gooseberry?
That's scramberry.
Her Mani uncle brought them.
She loves it.
Have this chicken leg piece.
What's up with him?
No idea.
Did he ask you for your gold?
He might ask for
some favors soon.
Just be careful.
Don't ask us to give
this house in your name.
We are on rent.
Hey! Rajesh
Just eating food. Not in bed yet.
It will happen today.
We should go
tomorrow morning itself.
I have some work in the farm.
It's urgent.
What's it, brother?
If she got her
periods yesterday...
if I go by what Ani said...
5 days after the next
6 days are important.
That would be...
One minute.
One minute please.
Yeah, tell me.
Wednesday, Friday, Thursday...
You need 250 chickens, right?
250 each.
For 4 days.
Will do the calculation later.
So, do you need them on
Tuesday through Friday?
Oh, you don't?
But you said...
Oh! Okay.
So, I will get it
ready for the 28th.
We will talk about it in person.
Didn't you get any
other place to do this?
I always use this calendar.
If you touch this calendar again,
I will break your hand. Got it?
Get lost!
As if we have a computer
to do the calculation!
Even otherwise, people here
have no clue about anything.
Where is my blue jeans?
I put it for wash.
That's okay.
You are taking a
lot of trouble, right?
But, I haven't done
anything for you yet.
I feel bad about it.
You are washing my clothes...
drying them, ironing them...
You are even preparing
stringhoppers for me.
You are taking care
of everything for me.
But, I...
I really want to help you out.
I don't know how.
But, you tell me.
I will do whatever
you want me to do.
I am serious.
Whatever you tell me.
I won't be happy otherwise.
Tell me, Jaya.
Tell me what I
should do for you.
Do ask me.
Come on.
Yes, ask.
What's this? Pencil?
Can you put kajal for me?
One kick, and you fall face down.
So electric, such horse-power!
Horse-power, horse-power!
Horse-power, horse-power!
Just like a horse...
Where do I draw this?
Inside your eyes or under?
Or outside? on your eyelids?
Under my eyes.
You loca loca
Now you loose controlla
A ticky ticky grenade
Borna finna Gangsta
Pull out your white flag
or you be floating Ganga
Wanna get some more?
Have the Kiss of Mama Karma
You pulled the trigger
Now you think there's any escape
Enough with your wickedness
Im gonna wear my red cape
Pray to Gods for pity
You'll be paying
for me your mistakes
Mark it in your brain
This life's Gonna
be tough rough game
Check out I've given
you all of my heart
But you take all my hope
And you treat me slave
Level up level up
You better level up
Suck on my revenge
And learn to Behave.
Near to you are your days, Brace
Going to dig you a Grave, Pray
You want some Grace ?
Lemme rephrase
Not gonna stop till
your debts are repaid
You can't, right?
O! Baby
O! Baby
O! Baby, why!
O! Baby, why!
O! Baby, why!
there's a surprise for you.
Take it.
Don't eat it all alone.
Where is scramberry?
You wanted to eat
them all alone, right?
I don't like it.
I don't like
scramberry. That's why.
I just said sorry.
No reason.
Can I have a hug?
Shall I kiss you?
Mommy...help me!
Don't beat him up, please.
He is a poor guy.
There's a snake.
It's outside the window.
If it's outside, why
are you shouting?
I got scared when I saw it.
Yeah! Right.
I almost skipped a
beat hearing you shout.
Don't sleep there now.
Come, you sleep with me dear.
No, it's okay.
Snake is gone now.
I am alright now.
No, you sleep in my
room today. Come.
Don't go.
What is it?
Are you scared to sleep alone?
Then come with
me. Sleep there.
You come with me.
Is he sleepless?!
What is it, bro?
You keep the consignment
to Chengota ready by 3 AM.
Get the boxes ready.
3 AM?
It will take 2 hours
to pack them all.
Shouldn't we sleep?
Am I sleeping now?
So, you also stay awake.
Start the work now.
I will be there by 3.
Get up!
I heard the alarm ringing.
I couldn't sleep after that.
Is he not picking it up?
Then why did he wake us up?
Were you dreaming about this?
Get lost!
Dream, it seems!
Hey hey!
Are you all mad to sleep
here in this cold weather?
Ani bro, we are in the
hospital. I'll call you back.
Now, our plan is a success!
She has no doubts, right?
What was that?
[Folk song playing]
The doctor is calling
What was her weight?
When was your LMP?
15th of last month.
From 15th to 21st.
So, it's been 6 weeks.
So, I am prescribing some
iron and folic acid medicines.
Take it for a month
and we will do a scan.
[Folk song playing]
[Folk song playing]
[Folk song playing]
Get down, I have
to go to the farm.
Come, eat something.
No, I have to give this
vehicle back to Ani bro.
[Folk song playing]
What did the doc say?
[Everything is fine]
[Mom, I have bought
some raw mangoes.]
[Who told you to buy those?]
[She doesn't eat mangoes]
-[She doesn't?]
[Don't women take it
when they are pregnant?]
[Not necessarily]
[It's not the same
craving for everyone]
[You know nothing]
[I see]
Don't you like mangoes?
[I'll make pickles out of these]
What did you plan
with Ani brother?
What plan?
The message said
something about a plan.
I didn't send him any message.
I heard that.
That won't come
out of nowhere.
I swear. I didn't send
him any message.
Where is the towel?
First you tell me
what that was.
Tell me about the plan.
What plan?
Jaya, stop playing around.
Take your hands off.
Take it off!
Who the hell are
you to stop me?
I should also know
about your plan.
Yes, you are right.
Yes. Ani bro and I
planned this pregnancy.
What did you think of me?
That I got scared?
You thought I would be scared
still watching your arrogance?
You are done.
Now, you will live here obeying my
orders and looking after my children.
You are stuck here
forever. No job, nothing.
Now, you got to
know who I am!
I'll get some tea.
How much is it?
He deserved a really good girl.
My son is just not fortunate.
What's stressing you so
much that your BP just shot up?
[What's stressing her?]
My son is stressed out
ever since he got married.
This is her arrogance.
She should have thought about it
when she was doing the wrestle.
I didn't do anything.
I also passed your age.
Girls should be a bit
obedient and docile.
When you were busy
knocking your husband down...
you should have thought
God was watching you!
You don't get my support here.
It's all your fault.
What's wrong with Rajesh?
Wasn't he taking
care of you well?
You spoiled your own life.
Look at your dad.
He is living only for you.
Is there anything
we didn't do for you?
We gave you the
education you wanted.
Still, you didn't
complete your graduation.
We got you a groom
according to your liking.
And you are fighting
with him everyday.
Is there anything you lacked?
And see what you
are doing to us!
We took care of you so well
because we had just one girl.
I have never taken care of
my son the way I cared for you.
Dear, you tell me what
more should we do for you?
You tell us.
I am old. But you tell me.
Past is past.
Don't make her feel bad now.
Look at the way she is staring.
I won't allow all this.
Please forgive
her one more time.
There won't be
any more problems.
You can say all that.
If she gets angry, she will just
kill me and tie me up in a sack.
Don't you see what's
happening around us?
It's been so many
days since I slept well.
I am worried about his life.
I don't want anyone to stay
sleepless because of me.
I am not coming back home.
Then, where else will you go?
We didn't get you married for you
to come out of it whenever you want.
I won't let you
in if you do that.
I didn't say that I was
going to come with you.
Where else will you go?
Let her go.
Let her.
Then, will you
live all by yourself?
Do you have money for that?
Do you have a job?
Girls of your age are
in good positions now.
What are you good at?
Other than fiddling with
your phone all the time?
Let her go.
Let's see what happens.
Why do you care anyway?
How dare you answer me back?
Don't try to beat her up.
She will take your case.
Anger makes her totally blind.
Don't worry about me.
I will take care of myself.
If you go out now, I will disown you.
This is a private hospital.
We have to pay the bills.
You do talk about equal rights.
Pay half the amount and leave.
I will take care of the rest.
The baby was mine too.
You sell it or pledge
it and take my share.
I don't want this.
I don't want to be accused
of taking any dowry.
Not that I was offered any.
Why are you talking
like that, Rajesh?
You told me that
you don't need it.
Look at that!
We said that out of our courtesy. And you
should have given it out of your courtesy.
We never said no to it anyway.
[Why do you talk like that?]
[You told us not to]
-[Still, you should have]
[No girl is married for free]
-[We did ask you]
Now, don't fight over that.
Pay the bill if you can.
I will repay you.
Hey girl, you baby girl
How you blush like a flower...
Why are your eyes so full?
When you sing along and fly away
Oh! girl, for you to rest...
Who is building that golden nest?
Jaya, don't sit here crying.
Come, let's go home.
I won't come.
Where else will you go?
I don't know.
You listen to me.
You get up and
and come with me.
Brother, please...
This is the first time I
am making a decision.
Don't ask me to change.
I won't come.
Oh! World...
Oh! World...
The bundle of sorrow...
Where are my wings?
Where are my dreams?
Hey girl, you baby girl
How you blush like a flower...
Why are your eyes so full?
When you sing
along and fly away
Oh! girl, for you to rest
Who is building that golden nest?
I had asked in my office.
The problem is you haven't
completed your graduation.
Else, we might have had options.
That's okay.
You stitch so well.
Can't you think of
starting a stitching unit?
Usually, we sanction loans for those
who have prior business experience.
Or you may have to
pledge some valuables.
If there is an existing
business that you can take over...
we can try sanctioning
a loan based on that.
See if there is anyone
you can help you with this.
I will also check.
The whole land despises you
Totally dislikes you
Where a woman reigns
Plant a lemon tree...
Why the saying sways.
I told dad not to come.
It's not because
he doesn't want to.
If we don't support you
now, then who else will?
You go and get your luggage.
Go now.
Get ready fast.
I need to drop you
and then get home.
Dad has spoken to Rajesh.
I am not coming.
You get going.
How can you say that?
I told them that I
will drop you there.
I am not coming
anywhere. You leave now.
Get home early.
Dad told me that you won't listen.
What will others think!
You will never get better.
It's burning up
It's flaring up
Just like a pyre...
It's drying up
It's falling down
Just like a leaf...
To rise above
From this soil
My heart pounds again...
Once again
To be born anew
My soul tries for vain....
Reji, you owe
me a lot of money.
I have been telling
you for a while now.
I never told you
that I won't pay you.
Try telling me that.
If I sold you things, I know
how to make you pay for it too
Heard me?
Yes, I did.
Siyad bro, I don't
think he knows me well.
Try telling him.
Why are you laughing?
I didn't tell you anything funny.
Ani bro?
Where are you?
I am outside. You tell me.
[There is a small problem.]
What is it?
[I have sent you a
video on Whatsapp.]
[I saw it in one of my groups.]
[Check that out.]
[Mark this day, my people!]
[The time stands still.]
Is this already viral?
What do we do?
Let me see the mobile shop people.
They would have leaked the video.
[Try to make sure not
many get to watch this.]
Don't stress so much.
Not many has seen this now.
I have messaged in all the groups
asking everyone not to share it.
Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
[Mark this day, my people!]
Vilasini sister, your
daughter-in-law is one hell of a girl.
[Check this out]
[Oh! Man]
Look at this.
Good they got him back alive!
[Indistinct chatter]
[Audience is keenly waiting]
[Just watch this. Can you believe it?]
[What the hell was that!]
[Believe this]
He is flying!
How did this happen to him!
Oh! Man
Girls should be like this.
I am thinking why she
didn't do this before.
There is no confusion at all. Women
should be responding this way!
The woman who broke
out of the captive chain.
No girl will do this without a reason.
[Crowd opine]
This issue is not
restricted to Kollam alone.
Both of them are equally wrong.
This is all a scam!
What's she doing!
[Crowd opine]
[Crowd opine]
[Crowd opine]
I recently saw a video.
Modern girls are
so full of themselves.
She is knocking
her husband down.
That woman!
You should check her churidar top.
The slit is cut so long.
In case she comes near me...
I will tear that up fully.
You should too...
Women shouldn't lift their legs.
If they do, it's the end of the world.
Got it?
Do you have the full
video of that fight?
I just wanted to watch it.
I haven't seen it fully.
We didn't know what
she was capable of.
You should have
practised a bit more.
Compared to her,
my wife was a gem.
You tell me the truth now.
Your wife had beaten
you up well, right?
Tell me.
[Where are you, bro?]
I am at home.
[Why are you not coming here?]
We all are quite
somber without you.
[Crowd playing]
Yeah, I get that.
Bro, Krishna farm owner is
selling his chicken for less now.
He is using this gap right.
[We are going to give it to him]
[You can't get involved
in a fight now, right?]
[You take rest.]
Hey, no. Leave it.
I will come.
We'll go for divorce.
I don't want to
leave her alone.
I am humiliated, alright.
Don't take it as a humiliation.
Don't be impulsive.
Think about it well. Ok?
Hey Rajesh, what have you done?
Can't you give little freedom
to women in your house?
Learn from my man.
Who is that?
I have no idea.
She didn't show her face.
You file the divorce papers.
She should fall on your feet.
But, who was that?
No one is sparing you.
Have we met before?
Such a familiar face.
I am not sure where we met.
Ok, leave that.
Why are you here?
We need to file
his divorce papers.
Is it mutual?
Then, what's the
reason for the divorce?
Does your wife have
any extra marital affair?
Any health issues?
Any financial problem?
We can't file for a divorce if
we don't have a solid reason.
There is a reason.
Ani bro...no.
He is our advocate.
You keep quiet.
Is this enough?
I knew...
I told you, you
looked very familiar.
This video was viral.
This had come in
our lawyers' group.
I shared to many others.
Thank you, Sir.
Nisha, did you see this video?
Yes, I recognised him
the moment I saw him.
You are a star now!
Everyone got to know...
Is this original?
It is. Look at the cut on his face.
It is original.
Okay. This is a strong reason.
This falls under cruelty.
We will file divorce under
the grounds of cruelty.
Okay, Sir.
-I will take care of the rest.
[He is not able to get up]
Rajesh, we are
here to check on you...
as you are not doing well
after your wife beat you up.
Should I help you get up?
I am totally fine.
He is fine actually.
He is under slight depression.
Must be because his
kidney is damaged.
Don't you look at me, O! dear eyes...
There is nothing to see here anyway
True, hasn't it always been this way?
Isn't this happening for good anyway?
You filed your divorce papers, right?
[You are used to
beating people up...]
[Now you know how it
feels when you get it back?]
Why do you confine
yourself here all the time?
Go to your farm for a change.
Shall I get you milk and eggs?
I don't want anything.
String hoppers?
Can you please leave me alone?
This is so stressful.
Look at his fury!
Don't walk towards me, O! dear legs...
No one cares about me anyway...
When pots and pans collide...
won't they make some noise?
Isn't she the lord...
of these pots and pans anyway?
You listen to me, brother...
Don't we usually...
We supply chicken to you regularly...
[We haven't
increased the price too]
Will sis give you the divorce?
Is she related to you?
[Then disconnect and get lost]
Bro, this won't be fine.
Now the Chengotta people said
they don't need our consignment.
Krishna Farm is selling
chicken for Rs.115 per KG.
Shouldn't we show
him who we are?
It's not that.
It's all because of that
video that went viral.
Whatever. We
need to give it to him.
I'll destroy his farm forever.
Now, this will also be on me.
[No way]
Hey, go sleep now.
We are going to take his
case tomorrow morning.
Rajesh, you concentrate
on getting your divorce.
[We'll take care of that old man]
You don't get divorce that easily!
She has to agree
for a mutual divorce.
[I see]
Else, I will have to be
behind this for years.
You'll be fine once this is settled.
No, brother?
Who said that?
Have you ever seen a happy
husband after he gets divorced?
Wives will be happy.
You know why?
Women can live alone.
But, men can't.
We can't live without
women. Period.
If you like her so much, then
why are you asking for a divorce?
Did I say I like her?
I said I can't live alone happily.
It's just that we appear
angry and egoistic.
Men are actually nice people.
We can't do anything on our own.
[Indistinct chatter]
Yes, I have packed fish.
I have wrapped it inside.
Why do I lie to you?
Call me once you are done
with your classes. I have reached.
Ok, bye!
Hold this.
Sorry. I'm a bit late.
Sit down.
Rajesh and Jayabharathi.
Are you here?
He looks like a decent guy.
You got beaten up?
These days, women
aren't very reasonable.
Do you have anything to say?
Do one thing.
You both discuss and
solve this problem together.
I will suggest counselling.
Then, if you both are okay
with it, let's proceed further.
It's better we proceed further.
What say, Rajesh?
I won't go with him.
You won't go with him?
Oh! Why?
You won't go with him.
You won't give him divorce.
And you beat him up too.
What's happening here?
What a world!
Shouldn't he have a life?
Just because women
get enough support...
you can't misuse it.
Look at how poor a guy he is!
He is such a decent guy.
He decided to get
divorced all by himself.
I didn't decide so.
Why didn't you decide then?
I didn't know about it.
Didn't you inform
Jayabharathi about it?
I sent a notice...
He has never asked
me for my opinion ever.
There is no value for my words.
Why is that, Rajesh?
Objection, your honor.
Don't you see them talking?
-Then, sit down.
That's all, your honor!
Let's see
Tell me, Rajesh.
Why don't you ask Jayabharathi?
Shouldn't you consider her opinion too?
I have given her the
freedom to opine, Ma'am.
You give her freedom, is it?
How liberal are you with freedom?
Just enough.
Does she require your
permission to enjoy freedom?
Not that, Madam. She
usually doesn't opine.
Is that true, Jayabharathi?
He doesn't ask
me for my opinion.
That's because I
have a busy schedule...
and I don't get
time to talk to you.
I am also working now.
I have enough time
to talk to people.
My job is not like yours.
I am extremely busy.
So, it's natural that I
lose my temper at times.
Even I am very busy.
But, I don't lose
my temper so easily.
Yeah! Right!
My job is not like how you
fiddle with your sewing machine.
I work in a filthy chicken farm.
How do the homemakers
know our struggle?
You just have to cook
something at leisure.
Do you have any idea about how
men struggle to make both ends meet?
Don't talk too much.
Mind your words.
You keep talking, dear.
It's not just the
anger and thrashing.
He doesn't know how to talk.
Have you talked to me
properly even for 5 minutes?
Oh! Yes, you have.
Just once.
When you came
home with the proposal.
We don't have time to
chit-chat with women all the time.
We have better things to do.
Men who are born in
good families are like that.
Born in good families?
What does that mean?
How is it diffierent
for the rest of us?
Is he like this even at home?
Yes, the same.
He thinks her sister is gaining
weight because she eats too much.
He hasn't understood that it
happens because of hormonal issues.
Hey! Rajesh...
In a family, do you know what a
woman needs to lead a good life?
Cooking skills.
[What else?]
Gifted hands.
The man born in a good family...
Haven't you got enough already?
No wonder she beats you up.
[I told you to say, 'culture.']
Are you helping him?
Who is that?
My brother.
Please get up. Let me see you.
Weren't you the one who was begging your
wife not to leave you during the divorce?
How are you doing?
Yes, all well.
Now, you tell me.
What are the three important
things a woman needs in a family life?
Culture, god-fearing, children.
Okay. Good.
Thank you.
It's not all that.
Compassion, humility,
and then what?
Justice, equality, freedom.
[These are the most
important things for a woman]
[Got it?]
Do this.
Write this a 1000
times as imposition.
Not you.
The brother.
Go, write it.
What kind of court is this!
[Giving a task for nothing.
We'll see in God's court.]
[Please move]
Jaya, tell us what you want to.
I want to talk to
him for 5 minutes.
Okay. Do this.
First go out and decide if we
should proceed with divorce.
Then, come back here.
How's your business running?
Going okay.
Is this a good season?
What does the
chicken price look like?
How much are you
selling the chicken for?
125 each.
I am selling it for 115.
If you can take over
any existing business...
we might be able to
sanction a loan in its name.
Rajesh, if you are interested
in taking over my business...
I'll sell it over to you.
I am not the owner of this farm.
Who else then?
O! darling, my sona, my baby
Why do you do!
Punch single, punch
double, punch triple Punch!
Fighter that she is, just not a Gandhi
What you see here is Vijayashanthi
Dashing down with superpower
Rap, slap, smack that
With a head that strong
Surfing high tide
Burning fury that you are
Raging steps that you take
Of the smack and the kick
In between all the thrashing
Shivering with fear deeply in pain
Throbbing hard every other part
The noise goes
up, that's unabating
Splashing up
above, high in the air
Punch single, punch
double, punch triple Punch!
What is this, sister?
O! darling, my sona, my baby
Why do you do!
[She takes just one punch]
[Gives 10 back]
[Resist it, take one more]
Are you done?
It's done.
We are closing this now.
Let's not start another
fight because of this.
Punch single, punch
double, punch triple Punch!
Can't you take at
least one strike?
Get her.
Hold her legs.
Punch single, punch
double, punch triple Punch!
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey!
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey!
Hey you calm, polite, demure
and delicate woman...
In your hands rests
our happiness and joy...
Hey you helpmate,
minister, wife and sister...
How gracefully you
guard the dignity of a man!
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey!
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya