Jazbaa (2015) Movie Script

"A story has begun spinning again.."
"The color of dawn can be seen in the eyes."
"Distances seem much closer."
"Love is only for the lucky few."
"There's a new color in the air."
"The crazy heart's set out again."
"In search of trouble."
"To immerse in the clutches of feelings."
"There it goes.. There it goes."
"There it goes again.."
Mama, I want to defeat Aditi.
And I want to win this race.
Only then can I sit with Nirvan.
Nirvan? Who's that?
He's really cute.
But he sits with Aditi.
No wonder you're so eager to defeat Aditi.
You know, Riya saw Aditi and her mom practicing.
And they run really fast.
No problem, you're a fast runner too.
And by the way, I was on my school's track team as well.
Yeah.. - Excuse me, mom, this is a race.
Not some case, which you always win.
Excuse me, young lady, better watch it.
Okay. - Watch it.
Ms. Sanaya Verma, are you forgetting something?
Oh yes..
Love you. - Love you too. See you later, okay.
Goodbye. - Bye. See you later.
Yes, Mr. Parmar.
Madam, today's the final hearing on Abbas' case at 11 o'clock.
Thanks. I will be there.
Good morning. - Good morning.
Ready? - Always.
I wish..those high-heels could help you win the case.
Were you playing some game today? - No.
It looks like you lost.
All rise.
Your honor, my client is a well known history-sheeter.
He's been accused for every type of crime..
..and he's also spent time in jail for it.
That was his past.
But today..he is paying a price for his past.
Your honor, this is clearly an open and shut case of extortion.
It would be, Mr. Public Prosecutor..
..if only you had firm evidence to prove it.
That so called 'Dictaphone' you mention repeatedly..
..where is it?
It's been cleverly stolen from the Police Station.
Watch where you're going with that, Mr. Public Prosecutor!
The Police are on your side, not mine.
And that's why we have the Police's written statement.
And unfortunately..this cannot be accepted, your honor.
They have no evidence, your honor.
This is pure harassment.
This case must be dismissed.
Defendant Abbas Abdul Razaq..
Not guilty.
We've permission, I'll complete his file.
Advocate Verma..congratulations.
We won.
Not we, you..
You won, Abbas. Congratulations.
Abbas may have many traits..
..but he always repays a favor.
Don't hesitate to call..if you ever need me.
I'll be there. - Never.
If you believe in prayers..
..then pray that we never meet again.
Life is very strange, Mrs. Verma.
What hasn't happened yet..happens sometime.
Here. - What is this?
Gift for you.
You could've been jailed for five years because of this.
How did you get your hands on this?
Everything has a price, Abbas.
You just need to know who..and how?
Inspector Yohaan, your Big B look and attitude won't work here.
Do you expect me to trot around like Singham?
There are serious charges of corruption against you.
Do I need to tell you what corruption is?
Money attracts money.
Money begets more money.
And so today it's yours, tomorrow it's his..
..and God knows whose.. the day after.
Who can understand the character of money..
..better than you, Rokre sir.
Your guy spilled everything.
You are in big trouble now.
Small troubles not my cup of tea anyway, Rokre sir.
And as far as that Udipi manager is concerned..
..then let me ask you a simple question.
How many times have I been decorated..
..and bestowed with Police medals?
3-4 times..but that doesn't make a difference.
It does, Rokre sir.
You choose to believe a lowly restaurant manager..
..instead of a decorated officer.
Even his lentil reeks of Kerosene.
He has admitted..
..to collecting bribe money on your behalf.
And if I say that I collect bribe money on behalf of the Commissioner?
What will you do? Arrest him?
Save your cheap arguments for the court.
You're suspended. With immediate effect.
You sc a really nice career.
It's all your fault.
You're gone for good, Yohaan.
This time we've a strong case against you.
I know..you will never play a losing game.
There will be a warrant issued against you in two days.
There is one way..to save you.
Go on, I am listening.
The others wouldn't budge under five..
..but I convinced them that Yohaan's one of us.
If we don't support him, who else will?
Stop twisting your words..name your price.
1.5 crores..only for you.
1.5 crores..? - Yes.
I'm fishing for alms myself, how will I arrange a feast for you?
Just like you know to take..you should learn to give.
You don't have a monopoly on taking bribes.
1.5 crores.
Everyone has the same agenda here.
They all salute Bapu on the 1000 rupees note.
This time you're gone for good, Yohaan.
Jai Hind!
Mr. Parmar, how have your nights been?
Did you get the original Shilajeet.
Tell me, I'll get it for you.
Look, Mr. Yohaan, you've been told before.. - Madam is busy.
Yes. - But I am free.
Mr. Yohaan, you're crossing your limit.
No I am not, I am coming in.
Mr. Parmar, it's okay.
We're almost done here.
Excuse us. - Yes, ma'am.
Thank you. - Yes, ma'am.
Shall I tell her about the Shilajeet?
Please.. - Go out!
How is Sanaya? - She's fine.
She misses you.
We've known each other since school days.
You used to be the class monitor..
..and we were the bloody backbenchers.
And you would still get into trouble..
We would fight, but we were friends. - We still are.
So..what is it?
Anu, this time I'm done for good.
The Anti-corruption people have tightened their grip on me..
..and I'll definitely be suspended.
Can you imagine.. inspector Yohaan, off-duty?
It's a good thing if you're off-duty.
People will feel safe.
Not the people, only criminals.
If I take a single day off, they celebrate like it's Eid.
Last time I was down with Dengue..
..and they were celebrating like it was Diwali.
Even though I'm your best friend..
..it's hard to say whether you're honest or corrupt.
I am not corrupt. Rokre's asking me to bribe him 1.5 crores.
If you review corruption in Police..
..I am still way below the poverty line.
1.5 crores. - So you're not corrupt.
The whole bloody system is corrupt. - Yeah.
100 rupees bribe is offering.
And 10 million is considered bribe.
That's how it is.
I went against my father to become a police officer.
Now if they fire me..
..he'll make me cook bread on the hot stove.
Will you like that?
Maybe that'll be good for your health.
You can take up cases of scoundrels like Abbas Razaq, but not me.
And what kind of firm are you running here..
..that takes up cases of those who are guilty.
The innocent cannot afford my fees.
Okay, I'll afford your fees.
What's your fee?
I know you won't charge me anything because we're friends..
..but I will..I will pay. - Shut up.
Shut up, okay..I'll think about it.
You'll think about it? - Yeah.
Where are you going now? The gym?
Sports Day in Sanaya's school.
I am taking part in the race along with her.
Remember..even back in school, I ran faster than you.
That's why I could never catch you.
All ready.
Look at the competition.
Don't worry..mama's here.
And we're the best. We're going to do our best.
Yes. - Yes.
Yes. - Okay, let's go.
Come on, come on.
Come on, Sanaya..come on.
Come on.
Mom, run faster.
Run, come on, mom!
Where's Sanaya?
Where's Sanaya?
Did you see Sanaya?
Did you see Sanaya? Sanaya.
Sanaya. Where are you?
Please don't do this.
Let my daughter go.
Mrs. Verma, you're educated..
..and one of the top lawyer's of this city..
..and yet you failed to understand.
Stay close, don't let her go.
Can't you follow a simple instruction to save your daughter's life?
Where do I have to go?
Just drive.
This is between you and me.
These cops have nothing to do with it.
Get rid of them.
What's she doing?
She wants to get rid of us.
And the wireless mike?
Take it off and throw it out.
She took off the mike.
She's receiving instructions from the kidnapper on her cell phone.
Very good..we'll get along just fine.
Now get rid of these cops. Quickly.
Madam..stop the car.
Radio those fools and tell them to stop following her.
Stay there.
Move. Move back.
Where are you?
Where is Sanaya?
Where is Sanaya?
Solanki, look at this. - Yeah.
Mama, breakfast.
Finish your breakfast, dear, or you'll be late for school.
Mama, today is Saturday.
And you promised to take me out.
Please, mom..let's go shopping.
Or the Mall..or the garden..
Please, mom, let's go.
No, mom, let's go to Essel World.
Everyone in my class has been there, mom..
..except me and Nitya.
And Nitya's going today.
That leaves only me.
Mom, please let's go. You promised..
Sorry, I have to go to the office today. - Please.
Important case.
We'll go next week, promise.
Pinky promise? - Pinky promise.
Bye. - Bye.
My daughter.
Hello. - Hello, Mrs. Verma.
I will give you one more chance.
Last chance. For good behavior.
Thank you.
I can see you..so please don't act smart.
Open your laptop.
This is your last chance.
Last chance.
Tell those cops that Sanaya is with her grandma.
And get out of there.
Right now.
What's wrong? All okay.
Mom just called. Sanaya's with her.
Someone just dropped her off.
I must go there.
Everything is okay.
You can all leave.
Thank you very much.
I've the money with me.
Don't worry about the money.
I don't understand.
Mrs. Verma, what's your opinion about death sentence?
How is this linked with Sanaya?
A man's been sentenced to death by the court.
He's innocent.
He's been framed.
He has appealed in the High Court.
I want you to defend his case and save him.
I want him to walk free, Mrs. Verma.
The appeal date is next Wednesday..
..so you have only four days.
You have only four days. - What?
If you can't get him acquitted..
..you will never see your daughter again.
Wait a minute.
I want proof..
Is my daughter safe and sound, or not?
Fine, give me five minutes.
Hello, Mr. Parmar. - Yes.
It's an emergency.
A new case.
23 year old Art student, Siya..
..was found missing from her home.
A milkman noticed blood oozing from under the door..
..and called the Police.
15 days later, Siya's dead body..
..was found in a puddle under the Vashi bridge.
This means the killer murdered Siya at her home..
..and dumped her body under the Vashi Bridge.
What's surprising is that the murderer was apprehended immediately.
Exactly two days after the body was found.
Let's go.. stop pretending.
According to these reports, Niyaz..
..has been convicted five times for rape and violence.
Come on..let's go..
The fingerprints and foot prints found at the crime scene..
..belonged to him.
Siya's wallet, which was recovered from Niyaz's room..
..had Siya's blood stains and Niyaz' fingerprints.
On the basis of all the evidence against him..
..he has been sentenced to death.
And he has appealed against this in the High Court.
His hearing is three days from now.
We've very little time..
..and I want the victim's complete history. - Yes.
Who performed the autopsy? - Dr. Satish.
And the officer in charge? - Inspector Yohaan.
Yeah..I apprehended him.
That case has been solved. - But ma'am just took up that case.
What? - Yes.
Anu is taking Niyaz's case. - Yes.
Listen..Parmar. - Yes.
I'll get you the best Shilajeet on the market. - Not again..
Convince Anu to take up my case.
Your old age and my career will both be secured.
Hold on.
Inspector Yohaan.
Inspector Yohaan.
Inspector Yohaan.
Yohaan, stop.
Inspector Yohaan.
Ashamed of calling me brother-in-law.
You can at least call me sir..I was your senior.
I've an arrest warrant for you.
I know..you wouldn't come here with your sister's proposal.
Yohaan..we've orders to arrest you.
Fools..if you arrest me, how will I arrange for 1.5 crore.
Don't you want your share?
Hello, Anu.
The Anti-corruption people are after me.
They've issued a warrant against me.
Where are you?
I am busy with Niyaz' case.
Anu, please don't make that mistake.
He's a murderer and a rapist.
All the evidence is against him. He'll be sentenced to death.
Just tell me what you know.
Her mother is a professor, father was in advertising.
They both separated. Later her father died.
Siya was their only child.
And as far as I know, they don't have any relatives.
Listen..are you seriously taking his case?
I know what I am doing?
Fine..then tell me what I should do.
She'll defend my case?
She's a very successful lawyer.
At least you won't be sentenced to death.
But you said you will save me.
And you asked me to trust you.
I did.
Next you asked me to change my lawyer.
Do you take me for a fool?
The who's who of the city..
..want Advocate Verma to defend their case.
These beautiful faces..don't win cases.
Stubborn lawyers like you do.
Get that, old man?
I will make sure you win?
Trust me!
Niyaz..what are you doing?
You'll save me from death sentence.
Have you seen yourself? - Niyaz.
You will save me.
Don't leave me, lawyer.
I didn't kill anyone.
What's she doing?
I already told you that my daughter's fine.
And she's with my mother. Stop following me.
According to the phone records, your mother never called you.
To hell with your records.
My daughter is fine, just get off my back please.
We must apprehend that kidnapper.
You will apprehend him?
He knows every move that you make.
Look, Mrs. Verma, we're trying.. - Just forget it.
The long arms of your law were too short for my daughter.
My daughter is back, that's all that matters.
What are you doing?
I don't care whether you apprehend the kidnapper or not. - Mrs. Verma!
Move it..come on.
Hello. - Boman speaking, ma'am. Niyaz wants to meet you.
Your old mother has diabetes.
And you needed money for her insulin injection.
When you snuck into Siya's home..
..you saw that she was already dead.
You were frightened and ran out.
And in the haste..you left your fingerprints..
..and footprints all over the place.
You're good! You're good!
Very good.
Sign that.
The newspapers are right about you.
By the way, who is the well-wisher..
..who so desperately wants to see you released?
There must be at least a dozen in this city.
I've supplied stuff to many people.
One of them must be repaying the debt.
Someone must be..missing me!
I am sc and you seem more concerned about Niyaz.
This is not fair.
Nothing's fair or unfair in friendship.
You said it yourself.
You're taking advantage of my weakness.
Yes, so?
I've been suspended, there's a warrant against me.
I've been evading them.
I've the key..to your freedom.
What is this? - Your bail.
Thank you very much.
Now name your fee.
Be serious, Yohaan..I need your help.
I want to meet Dr. Satish.
There can be only one reason to kill her so brutally.
Victim must have seen the killer.
And the killer couldn't tolerate that.
You mean..the killer and victim knew each other.
I spent all my life investigating crime scenes, doctor.
The killer was either cynical..
..or he was exacting some kind of revenge from the victim.
Normally such murders are either well planned..
..or they are impulsive when things get out of hand.
This case is a mixture of both.
The wounds are unplanned and random.
But work after that is the job of a professional.
And before disposing the body, he first cleaned it with alcohol..
..so that there's no evidence left.
But the murder weapon?
A sculpting knife was used as a saw.
Like a saw..
Imagine this is the sculpting knife, and this is Siya's body.
Something like.. - Enough, doctor, don't demonstrate it.
You were going to tell us something more?
Yes, we found traces of a drug in Siya's mouth.
Phencyclidine is.. - Angel Dust. It creates hallucinations.
Quite popular among the younger generation these days.
Known as the Angel drug.
How is Sanaya? - She's fine.
I want to talk to her. - In due time.
Listen.. - How is your investigation coming?
By the way, what are those two fools discussing?
You're here? - You're losing time.
Where are you?
Where are you?
You always have two opinions for everything.
Two options.
Organized..or impulsive.
Sour..or sweet.
A crime is a crime, it's not a cocktail of some sort.
So we've agreed to disagree, again.
Again with agree-disagree.
Either you agree or disagree.
Calm down..don't move.
Count the stones on the table.
Damn it.
Hello, Professor.
I am Inspector Yohaan, from Siya's case.
I apprehended Niyaz.
We wanted to talk to you.
I am sorry, I don't want to talk.
I already said what I had to.
I can understand your pain. - No, you don't!
So..let it be.
That rascal preyed on many more innocent kids.
You don't need to tell me that, Inspector Yohaan.
I know.
The sister of one of those victims wants to speak to you.
Just talk to her, please.
Anuradha Verma.
Garima Chaudhary.
She's a writer.
And wants to convey the pain of all those who have suffered..
..through her writings.
And what about those who have stopped feeling their wounds.
Wounds always open up to each other, Garima.
Thank you.
That's how Siya held her coffee mug.
She used to say..
Isn't this how papa held his coffee mug?
He used to say, if I catch it by the handle..
..it leaves a void.
I don't want a void in my life.
I want to feel it with my bare fingers.
Whether it's a coffee mug..or relationships.
Anyway, I have to leave, mom. - But I just got here.
But I told you to call before coming here.
Who knows whether I'm at home or not?
And even if I am, who knows in what condition.
I am sorry, dear.
I had no intentions of coming here.
I was just passing-by and thought of dropping in.
I can't stop worrying about you.
If you really worried about me, you would've never left papa.
Siya, I've told you a thousand times..
..that it wasn't my decision alone to part ways.
It was your papa's as well.
You forced him.
He had a choice.
He could've left me or his lifestyle.
Anyway..keep this money.
No thanks.
This house and the trust fund that papa left for me is more than enough.
He fulfilled all my demands as long as he was alive.
And he's doing so even after he's dead.
Anyway, I am getting late. Let's leave.
You didn't tell me..when did you get this?
It's nothing, mom.
Even the first step is important for the mother.
And you won a trophy.
Let's go.
Was Siya a girl with independent thinking?
Like her papa.
Did Siya take her creativity from him?
Creativity as well as lifestyle.
What do you mean lifestyle?
The same lifestyle that finally took Siya's papa's life.
All night parties..no control over food and drinking.
Work was his life..and life was a never-ending party.
And..what about relationships.
..never interfered in Siya's personal life.
Siya wanted to experience relationships closely as well..
..just like her coffee mugs.
That means..she must have many friends.
She had many friends.
If you don't mind me asking, boyfriend..
Of course she had boyfriends.
I would be surprised if she didn't.
My Siya was just so lovely.
Her world was very big.
There was place for everyone..
Except for me.
I am sorry.
No, I think we should be sorry.
Anuradha, did you get what you wanted?
I am sorry, and thank you, Mrs. Garima.
Inspector Yohaan.
I heard that Niyaz appointed a new lawyer..
..and he's really good.
Yes, I heard it too.
Do you think he can get acquitted? - No, I don't think so.
He'll get death sentence.
He's booked for hell. Don't worry.
I don't know..
I just want that he shouldn't be set free at any cost.
So sir, may we take your leave.
If you need anything, you can contact Yadav.
Yes, of course.
Goodbye. - Goodbye.
Mr. Ronit's been waiting for a long time.
Excuse me, sir.
Hi Ronit, how are you?
It's been really long since we last met.
All okay? - All good, sir.
Just busy with work.
You were discussed quite extensively..at the party office.
I heard that you're a shoe-in for the post of senior prosecutor.
With your support anything is possible.
Support's always there for you. - Thank you.
I was reading about Niyaz's case.
Niyaz case, sir?
I've heard that advocate Verma has taken up this case.
Is it true? - Yes, sir. It's true.
Ronit, our party has raised the issue of women safety and anti-rape.
If Anuradha manages to get Niyaz acquitted..
..then it can be a big embarrassment.
She can't, sir.
It's an open and shut case.
She just can't win. - Good.
Sunny boy..you must open it. Or else I'll break your head.
Sorry, I can't open it. - What do you mean?
You're the Newton of lock picking.
And you can't crack this?
Go and call your father, Einstein.
Sir, it's German made, the latest piece.
No one can open this.
You can break my head.
There must be some way.
Just try something.
There is one way.
Give me the hammer. - Here.
Move back. - Yes.
I am suspended, but I am still a police officer.
Breaking and entering, damaging property..
..and what other laws are you making me break.
The law isn't blind, like they show in films.
It's always watching.
I'm surely a dead man.
He must have caught hold of her there.
Then the hall.
Stop. Stop.
He raped Siya on this table.
And after getting raped..Siya tried to save herself.
She was alive until she got here.
After that her assailant came up behind her.
And killed her here.
The incident began in the bedroom..
..but there were no signs of forced entry.
That means..Siya knew her murderer.
But what can be the connection between Siya and Niyaz?
I mean..
Why would she let Niyaz in her bedroom?
Anu, this is our job.
We will never frame an innocent man.
Especially in such cases.
Niyaz is guilty.
No one can be 100% sure in such cases.
How can you be?
I don't get this.
There are fingerprints scattered all over the place..
..as well as his footprints. - Yeah.
The murderer was clever to clean Siya's body with alcohol..
..so there's no DNA for evidence.
Whether it's a race or case..you never give up.
You said something? - No..nothing.
How do you live in this mess? - I don't.
I only wait here.
That night, someone came with Siya to her studio.
Siya was drunk.
Something happened between the two..and he killed her.
Must have killed her then and there.
Niyaz came to the studio after Siya's murder. To steal.
And slipped on Siya's blood which was already there.
He was scared. He panicked.
Hence the footprints.
This means someone was there.
We must find out who that was.
It's surprising that you didn't find Siya's car.
We found her killer, why would we need her car?
Find it as soon as possible.
Anu, being a workaholic is one thing..
..but what you're doing is an obsession.
Give me one solid reason why Niyaz is not the murderer?
And you haven't called Sanaya once..
..to know whether she's returned from school..
..or whether she has eaten.
Sanaya's fine..
..she's with her grandma.
"I wonder what your city's intentions are?"
"I wonder what your city's intentions are?"
"There is less sky.."
"..and more birds."
"I wonder what your city's intentions are?"
"A share of joy, share of sorrow."
"A share of a gulp, and a share of the breath."
"And a share of the wound and relief."
"A tale of heart shattering."
"I wonder what charade is your love."
"I wonder what charade is your love."
"Seems like a culprit at night."
"And like God during the day."
Hello. - Where are you?
You're still awake.
I am going after Benny. - Where?
Last place where Siya was seen before she was murdered.
Stop trying to put Sherlock Homes out of job..
..Benny has a strong alibi that he wasn't there.
It doesn't take much to make a alibi, Yohaan.
Anyone can do it.
Do you know what the time is?
You've been awake all night. Get some sleep.
Sleep is..like a lover.
Don't give it ample time and it starts to deceive you..
..and it's not easy to cajole her.
You were awake too.
The night is like my companion.
It stays awake with me..
..and in the morning it hands me over to the dawn, safe and sound.
And the dawn makes me run.
Run Yohaan, run!
"Sweetheart.. Let's set the mood.."
"Sweetheart.. Let's set the mood.."
"Sweetheart.. Let's set the mood for tonight."
"I'm going to park my car in front of your gate."
"Be there at 11:15, baby..and don't be late."
"Don't waste my time, I've got other things to do."
"Entry's not a problem, your beloved's well known."
"Wear the dress I got you for your birthday."
"After the party, baby..we'll go back to my place."
"We're going to have fun and call your friends over too."
"Just get in the car baby, and we'll set the mood too."
"All we have is tonight."
"I'm busy this weekend something's come up."
"Baby, let's get excited, and tonight.."
"Just get me in the club."
"Just get me in the club."
"Let's set the mood for tonight."
"Sweetheart..let's set the mood."
Benny, stop.
Stop following me.
Benny, I just want some answers. - I won't tell you anything.
Get lost. - Benny..
Give some answers.
Get lost.
Where were you that night?
I just want some answers, Benny.
Where are you?
Benny..you're like a government job.
Hard to get.. only available to the lucky few.
You'll be behind bars for 20 years.
You're not a cop anymore.
I know my rights.
Rights.. In India?
You watch too many Hollywood films.
This is Bollywood.
Tell us what happened with Siya that night..
..you can go home in a taxi.
Or else..the hospital in a ambulance.
The murderer's been caught.
So why are you after me? - You can be the murderer as well.
Go to hell..
Speak up, or you'll miss this arm forever.
Siya was a nice girl..until she met that rascal.
They both met at a club.
He used to study in America.
He has his nose pierced.
He wore a nose ring.
How did he look?
Look into Siya's computer, it's filled with his pictures.
Mrs. Verma, Sanaya's condition is serious.
She's having problem breathing.
I think it's something she ate.
Take her to the hospital. Damn it.
What are you saying, Mrs. Verma?
How can I take a hostage to the hospital?
I'll tell you where to get her medications.
Get there as soon as you can.
I am on my way.
Now. - Do you see the dog?
Put the car keys and the medicines..
..in the dog's backpack.
Untie the dog.
The dosage is written on the bottles.
There's a box behind you.
A small gift to cheer you up.
My girl.
When there is no trust in relationships..
..and no network on a mobile, people start playing games.
What game are you playing, Anu?
What are you doing here?
I should be asking you the same question.
Who called you here?
Who called me here?
Ask your face..your eyes.
Your weariness and exhaustion.
Where's Sanaya? - With her grandma.
Where's Sanaya? - I said she's with her grandma.
Let me talk to her. I want to talk to her!
Where is Sanaya?
I heard you screaming, Anuradha.
Where's Sanaya?
Someone has kidnapped my Sanaya, Yohaan.
And the ransom's Niyaz's freedom.
Is that why you took up this case?
If I hadn't, they would've killed her..
..or maybe done something more terrible, Yohaan.
I don't know.
Fine, you did what you had to.
Now I'll do what I have to.
No, no, no..
Yohaan, no.
Listen.. No!
Listen, you won't do anything. - You think you can stop me?
Maybe not, but I can request you.
Why request? You're used to giving orders.
Order me!
I am begging you as a friend, Yohaan.
If I was a friend, you would've come to me first.
Why didn't you tell me?
I wanted to come to you, Yohaan, trust me.
But I was scared that you might react this way.
He should've been scared, not you.
He knows everything, Yohaan.
Places I go, people I meet.. Everything.
Yesterday at the restaurant..
..he overheard everything we spoke.
Maybe he was right there.
I am telling you, Yohaan.
There's nothing I could do.
Why didn't you tell me?
You should've told me.
Yohaan, please..
You should've told me.
I could not tell you.
My Sanaya's gone, Yohaan.
We haven't lost Sanaya yet. - My Sanaya's gone.
Anuradha, we haven't lost Sanaya. - I can't.
I almost lost Sanaya once before.
I got pregnant..
..and my husband found out it was a girl.
He said..
..we can have a daughter later.
First I want a son.
Even my in-laws wanted a boy.
I was so lonely.
I had loved him you know.
I even stopped practicing law for his sake.
Settled down in America.
It was our child..
..and he said "Abort it".
Kill my daughter.
My Sanaya!
A man becomes a father after the child is born.
But a woman becomes a mother..
..from the time the child starts developing in her womb.
A man can say "Abort the child"..
..but not a mother.
I fled from those murderers.
Away from the world, that had no place for my child.
I almost lost her once, I can't lose her again.
You will not lose her.
You know, sometimes Sanaya would call me.
She would say "Mama has no time".
"She's always busy."
I wonder how she looked up to me.
But I've always seen a daughter in her.
Sometimes when I'm alone, I wonder..
..if I die now, what am I going to miss?
My job, uniform, money, alcohol?
I wonder..and see two faces in front of me.
Sanaya and you.
The time to shed tears is over.
Get up.
The battle will now begin.
Only Niyaz's lawyer comes to meet him in jail. - Yes.
If anyone else pays him a visit..
..inform me immediately. - Sure, sir.
Hey, Joe. - What a surprise, sir.
Save it for later, first here's what I want you to do.
What, sir? - Do you know about Niyaz's case?
Not much.
Check the records.
I want a list of his old cell mates. - Okay.
Anu, I'm close to Niyaz's hutment.
I am sure the kidnapper's somewhere around.
Go to Siya's studio and check her computer.
Ms. Verma.
I am sorry..but did you have to break the lock of the door..
..to get into my daughter's life?
I am sorry, I..
Yohaan said that it's okay. I can stop this.
No, it's okay.
After Siya's demise..I felt a void around me.
And to fill that void..I kept everything in a way..
..so to feel that Siya's still here.
I saw that..most of Siya's artwork were incomplete.
Siya was very impatient.
She would start her next sculpture or painting..
..before finishing the previous one.
She would get bored easily.
Was she same with her relationships? - Maybe.
Like her papa..
Why did you two part ways?
That's the irony.
His habits, which attracted me towards him..
..later became the reason of our separation.
His creativity..his attitude and his..carelessness.
Any other reason?
Dhananjay's affairs.
I didn't tell Siya about her papa's affairs.
Because..it would shatter the image of an ideal man..
..that existed in her heart.
So I stayed quiet..
..and Siya drifted away.
Do you think the court will change Niyaz's death sentence..
..to life imprisonment?
Or..he'll get bail.
Nothing is impossible for his lawyer.
I am sorry I've to take this phone call.
Excuse me.. so sorry!
Ram. - Welcome, sir. Welcome.
Call your boss.
Sir, even without the uniform..
..you still mean the same for us as always.
A yellow Nano went missing on the 2nd.
Okay, sir. Just a minute.
Boss..Yohaan sir's here.
He's asking about a yellow Nano that went missing on the 2nd.
8118.. - 8118.
You've until tomorrow. - You've until tomorrow.
Sir, tomorrow?
How can I get it done by tomorrow, sir?
Even if I put all my boys to work..
If you don't find out until tomorrow..
..then after I'm through with you, you'll look like an old scrap.
The first hearing is tomorrow..at 11am.
Is Niyaz' new lawyer here too?
It's a female.
Mrs. Chaudhary, victim's mother.
Advocate Verma.. - Niyaz' new lawyer.
I had no intentions of lying to you.
I was about to tell you the truth.
Tell me what?
That you met me in order to save my daughter's murderer.
Won my trust..used me.
I didn't use anyone.
I was only doing my job.
Then why did you lie?
Maybe that pain in your eyes was fake too..
..which deceived me.
My pain doesn't need your certificate, Mrs. Garima.
Nor does your pain need my sympathy.
Everyone has their own hell..
..and everyone has to face it alone.
Just imagine, God forbid..
..if your daughter had been through what my daughter did..
..would you still defend that rapist? Fend for him?
Advocate Verma, your firm defends criminals like Abbas.
I can understand that.
But..this scum.
Any problem?
And the most decorated officer of the city..
..is helping you in this.
Mr. Yohaan, if you weren't suspended..
..then you would've received another medal for this good deed.
You arrested Niyaz, didn't you?
And now you're helping her to get him acquitted.
What about your honesty, inspector?
Did you sell it?
Garima, life doesn't give everyone the luxury of preserving their honesty.
Or the liberty to choose between right and wrong.
Life often brings you at crossroads..
..where it's difficult to choose whether to save our life or honor.
What difficulty has life thrown at you..
..which compelled you to save that monster.
I cannot answer this question now.
But I will..when the time is right.
Let's go.
Ms. Verma, I am not fighting for my daughter alone.
But for all the daughters..
..whose mother are still waiting for justice.
Did you find out anything?
Siya's friend's name is Sam.
He's 23 year old, he's a drug addict.
And currently he's in Rehab.
But Sam can't be the murderer. - Why?
He's been in the hospital since 26th July, 2013
A week before Siya's murder.
Typical case.
Spoilt brat of a rich father.
Went to America for kicks.
No education..only divulged into drugs.
He graduated from Marijuana to LSD.
And finally..Angel Dust.
So are you completely sure..
..that Sam was admitted on 26th July, 2013.
Is it on your record? - Let me just check.
Yes..I'm positive.
He was admitted here on 26th July, at 4pm.
This way. - Okay.
Thank you.
Did you know Siya?
Siya was an angel.
I loved being with her.
She wasn't demanding at all.
No pressure.. I felt really free around her.
Could you please stop that?
It's driving me crazy, please.
Stop what? - That recorder.
I can't bear it!
Hey.. what are you doing?
What's going on here?
Sam's an A-class patient.
Do you two know that only his guardian can meet him?
You two please go out from here! Now!
He's crazy.
The drugs have short-circuited his brain.
Turn the car around. - What?
Yohaan, turn the car around now.
You have only 5 minutes after the alarm starts.
A decent world doesn't exist anymore.
Stop, madam. Where are you going?
I want to see the warden? - I cannot allow you in.
Now I'm going to be..
..like the world is.
Get out..
Run.. get out.
Come on..
Where's Sam's room? - It's this one.
Run..hurry up.
Who killed Siya?
You said you know who killed Siya.
Tell me everything, Sam. Everything..
You cannot win.
He killed Siya, he'll kill you too. - Who is he?
Who killed Siya?
What happened, tell me everything.
Sam. - This is fun!
Talk to me. Sam.
Sam, stop this. Talk to me.
Sam, who killed Siya.
I told you don't call me.
Mr. Sunny Singh, what's your line of profession.
Well..we're in the business of lock and key.
We make keys..and open locks.
You must remember that two days ago..
..I asked you to pick the lock of apartment no. 306. - Yes.
Could you? - No.
Why not?
I told you then and there..that's the latest lock from Germany.
And your honor, even my father..
..who's in this business for 30 years cannot pick that lock.
You mean..when you couldn't pick that lock..
..then a clever thief would've failed too.
Right? - Right.
Dr. Satish, did you perform the autopsy on Siya's body? - Yes.
What did you find in the autopsy?
There were traces of a chemical in her blood.
Which chemical.
It's a kind of chemical which is called Phencyclidine.
Youngsters also call it Angel Dust.
Drugs to youngsters.
The one they use to get high?
Your daughter Siya lived with you?
No, she lived alone.
Strange, you were a single mother.
Yet your daughter lived alone.
Not always.
Since she turned 18. - Why?
Did you two have an argument?
Or was your family breakup the reason?
Objection, your honor.
What is advocate Verma trying to prove?
My motive was to draw the court's attention to the fact..
..that when girls in a broken family feel lonely..
..they tread down the wrong path in search of love and support.
Siya wasn't like that. - Then how was she, Ms. Garima.
My daughter was the most brilliant student of JJ School of Arts.
But all the artwork in her studio are mostly incomplete.
Was there a void in her life too?
There's a void in everyone's life.
No one gets a complete world, Advocate Verma?
Can you tell us how your daughter filled the void in her life?
Like most youngsters do these days.
With their friends.
Objection, your honor.
This case is about Siya's murder, not her personal life.
Your honor, the conditions under which Siya was murdered..
..her lifestyle had a big role to play in it.
Please continue. - Thank you, your honor.
Did your daughter have friends? - Who doesn't?
She had dozens of friends.
Boyfriends? - Yes.
She had male friends as well.
How was Siya's relation with her boyfriend?
Objection, your honor.
This is just an attempt to humiliate Siya.
I disagree, your honor.
To find the real murderer, it's important to find out..
..who Siya's friends were, what they did..
..who did she go around with?
And how did she party, if she did?
Will you hang up or not?
Joe. - Yes sir.
It's a kidnapping case. Send backup. - Right, sir.
Did Siya have relations with a lot of men?
I'll repeat my question.
Did Siya have relations with a lot of men?
Mrs. Garima, I hope you understand what I'm trying to get at.
I clearly understand what you're trying to say.
You want to prove that my daughter was shameless.
On what basis?
Because she had a few male friends?
Advocate Verma, my daughter was clever, beautiful, emotional.
Men would hover around her, so what?
Is that a crime?
Are you one of those..who always think that..
..it's always the women who're at fault.
People who blame the girl and not the rapist after she's been raped.
They blame her sense of dressing..
They blame her independent thinking.
They blame the very fact that she's a girl?
Ms. Garima, I am sorry to hurt your feelings?
No, Advocate Verma. You're not sorry.
At this time you are just a lawyer..
..who wants to win her case at any cost.
If you had any humanity, or sympathy..
..then you would've understood my pain.
I dream about my daughter every night..
..where she says..
"Mama, save me. I want to live."
"Help me Mama.."
Back when she was a kid, even a small hiccup would give me sleepless nights.
Imagine my condition when..
..her scream resonates in my ears every night.
Your honor, I seriously object to these kind of questioning.
My questions are relevant, your honor.
Did you know that your daughter took drugs?
Your honor, please note.
Siya was a young girl.
She lived alone.
She had lot of male friends and she also took drugs.
And that night, the lock of Siya's apartment..
..was impossible to pick from outside.
So obviously..Siya opened it herself from the inside.
And Siya's killer, who came into her apartment that night..
..must have been one of Siya's male friends..
..whom Siya must have invited over herself.
And not some petty thief..
..who went there to steal some money for his mother's medicine.
That will be all, your honor.
Recess. The trial will continue after an hour.
Ms. Verma..
..what Niyaz did with my daughter behind closed doors..
..you just did that to her character in the open.
What's the difference between you and Niyaz?
Ma'am, I'll find out.
Madam..you're very good.
And that Garima..she's such a good actor.
What a performance she gave in the court.
"You have no idea what a mother has to go through?"
Your case is being defended..by a mother.
Not a lawyer, understand.
Your name? - Nazia.
Nazia Qureshi.
You're Niyaz's wife.. Legally married? - Yes.
Thank you.
I'll come straight to the point.
Did Niyaz know Siya?
Please tell us more clearly..how.
How did Niyaz know Siya?
He supplied drugs to Siya.
What kind of drugs?
Every kind of drugs.
Ecstasy. Marijuana. MDMA.
What did he say that night before he left?
Like where he's going? Did he say anything?
He said..he's going to Siya's house for recovery.
To get the money.
Your honor, the witness' statement clearly indicates..
..that the accused knew Siya.
I mean..Niyaz knew Siya before she was murdered.
That's all, your honor.
Wait. Hold on.
Why didn't you tell me that you knew Siya?
Was it important?
I decide what's important and what's not. Understand.
I told you to tell me everything.
Didn't I?
Look..Siya promised that she will return my money.
I went there to get the money..
..but when I got there, she was already dead.
I swear.
Was she really dead?
I got in the mood.
I wanted to her right there..
..but then she started fighting back.
And then I raped her.
I had to kill her!
Because I knew Siya wouldn't keep quiet.
That's all.. Happy?
Seven million?
Yes. After the old woman dies, Niyaz will get seven million of the policy.
How can a drug-supplier..
..get a seven million policy for his mother?
It's a really old insurance bought in 1978.
Bought by some Sheikh Abdul Rehman of Dubai.
Oh, so this insurance is a gift from his mother's old love.
And what if Niyaz is dead?
The money goes to the wife..Nazia.
Nazia. - Yes.
Oh..that's a new twist in the story.
Advocate Verma fights to win and winning has become her habit.
She can do anything she wants, sir.
But Niyaz will be sentenced to death.
And anyway, I don't like losing after getting this far.
Here's the file, sir..the one you asked for yesterday.
Exactly the way you wanted.
Abbas..is a mid-level goon.
Neither big nor small.
Ms. Verma. - Yes.
Courier for you.
Thank you.
This is fake.
But tomorrow you can see original.
And after that remaining parts of your daughter.
Like this.
Hello. - Hello.
How are you? - I'm okay.
What did you find out about Nazia?
Look, the situation is that..
..if Niyaz dies in jail or if he's sentenced to death..
..then the Nazia will get seven million rupees from the insurance.
And that's why she testified against him in the court.
Yohaan, meet me at the Masina!
So you said Sam was at your hospital since 26th July, 2013.
Isn't that what you said? - Yes.
What is this?
Sam was at Siya's funeral on 19th August.
If he was in your hospital, then how can he be at the funeral?
Is this a bloody double role?
Well, as per our hospital records he was in the hospital on that day.
We want to meet Sam.
Only he can tell us where he was.
Not possible. He's been discharged.
How can you discharge him in the condition he is?
We have to if the guardian says so.
Who is his guardian?
I can't tell you, hospital policy.
Personal information is confidential.
Please be clear if this is about give and take.
I can give some too.
I am sorry, but that doesn't work here.
Then what does?
What kind of a powerful guardian was he..
..who discharged him before the treatment was complete?
I want to see the hospital records.
For that you will need a warrant.
If you weren't a female, I would've slapped you right now.
Come, Yohaan.
Only those without a password on their mobile are the honest ones.
This madam is involved, 100%.
Sir, we've found the yellow Nano car. - Very good.
Siya's car has been found. - Thank god.
I'll get a warrant, and find where's Sam..
..you head to the junkyard immediately.
That yellow one? - Yes. That one.
This..is definitely a nose-ring.
Then why did Sam tell me that he knew who killed Siya.
It's quite possible that he didn't know what he did.
The drugs that he's on..create hallucinations.
But he must remember once he's sober again.
He won't remember a thing.
Even if he had cut someone to pieces when he was high..
..he won't remember later.
Anyway, the DNA analysis is complete.
But we'll need a sample from Sam.
Blood, hair?
To cross-check the analysis.
I have one, at home.
I have Sam's blood sample on a piece of paper.
Will that do? - Of course.
Anu, I found something.
I was doing a background check on Sam.
Have you heard about Mahesh Maklai?
The MP. - He's his father.
He was hiding Sam to save his political career.
This case is becoming a big mess.
I wonder what else might come out.
Welcome, advocate Verma, how are you?
You said.. "Pray that we never meet again".
I did..
..but what to do, our prayers are never answered.
Did Mahesh Maklai send you?
Sorry, advocate Verma. I came uninvited.
It wasn't a decent thing, but it was necessary.
Yes, officer.
Sir. - Did anyone come to see Niyaz?
Someone did yesterday? - Yesterday.
Sir, his name is Vijay Madgaonkar.
Vijay Madgaonkar.
Absolutely right, sir.
Isn't he the same guy you apprehended in the Mandara kidnapping case?
Absolutely right, sir. That's him.
When was he released?
Six months ago.
You will find him in Versova village.
Where? - Versova Village.
Versova village.
Okay, thank you. - Yes sir.
My son has nothing to do with this case.
And that's why you forged the hospital records.
And when we started inquiring..
..you got him discharged immediately.
You don't understand..
He came home in the morning high.
In his girlfriend Siya's car..with her body.
Are you crazy?
What have you done?
What have you done?
It's really unfortunate and sad..
..that the murderer is someone else..
I mean Niyaz.
Right now..Sam seems more like the murderer.
This is the reason I came here at this late hour.
Drugs has put my son in a really bad condition..
..and the morning that Siya died, my son believed..
..that I had murdered Siya.
That's why that fool even went to Siya's funeral.
And when I found out..
..I put him in rehab with backdate papers.
What are you doing?
Stop it. Please don't do this.
What are you doing?
Maybe Sam is not the murderer, don't do this. Please..
What difference does it make?
Next year I'll be contesting the elections.
Whether Sam's the murderer or not, how does it matter?
What matters is that such scandals can ruin my career.
What are you doing?
Stop it, please.
I told you..remember?
What never happened before, happens sometime.
Abbas. - Yes.
Did you cut the gas pipe? - I did.
Are you okay? - Yes, I am fine.
Oh, God!
Is this your dog? - No.
Who are you?
I am your that father, your mother didn't tell you about.
If he isn't your dog, then why isn't he barking at you?
He only barks at cops.
Where's the girl?
Where's the girl?
Where's the girl?
Where's the girl?
Where's the girl?
You will never find the girl.
Anuradha Verma is alive.
I apologize, I guess my boys are out of shape.
It's alright.
Some get better with age, while some get worse.
This is my son Sam.
I want you to keep him safe for some time.
There can be no room..
..for any more mistakes this time.
Don't worry..
..your son is now my secret.
I'll be free!
Where do we meet?
Done! Done! Done!
I'm going to be a free bird.
The footprints and fingerprints from Siya's studio..
..and the fingerprints from her wallet.
These are all firm evidence that leave no room for any doubt..
..that Niyaz murdered Siya.
And his old records, which include rape..
..and exploitation of women for his own lust..
..these records are enough to prove his motive.
That's all, your honor.
Your honor, as the prosecution admits..
..Siya's murderer could be this Niyaz.
Defense, please continue.
Like I said, even according to my investigation..
..Niyaz can be Siya's killer.
For the court's information, Niyaz used to supply drugs to Siya.
But those drugs were for Siya's boyfriend Sam.
And that night Niyaz went to meet Sam.
Sam asked for some stuff, I want money.
Which means another person was present there during the murder.
What are you doing here?
Here you go. - Thank you.
Its new stuff, want to taste it? - No, thank you.
Leave. - It's good.
Sam. Sam. Sam. Wake up, Sam. Sam, please wake up.
Defense council is only making assumptions, your honor.
There's no evidence suggesting..
..that Sam was present on the night of the murder.
Absolutely right, your honor. There is no evidence.
And it's also true that whatever I just said are just assumptions.
And I have no firm evidence.
But does the prosecution have any firm evidence against my client?
I mean..the murder weapon.
That so called sculpting knife..which has my client's fingerprints..
..where is it?
It's the prosecution's responsibility to prove my client guilty.
The prosecution has already admitted..
..Niyaz's fingerprints and footprints found at the spot of the crime.
Footprints and fingerprints..
..cannot be accepted as firm evidence, your honor.
As long as the prosecution doesn't present..
..the murder weapon with the defendant's fingerprints on it.
Until then the defendant cannot be proven guilty.
And Sam was present there too that night.
Anyone can be the murderer.
Just because Niyaz is a drug-dealer..
..it's convenient for the law to suspect him.
But Sam..is the son of a rich father..
..who has connections well into the system.
That's why..the police didn't feel the need to investigate him.
Even if we believe for a while that Sam murdered Siya..
..then the question arises, that why Sam killed his girlfriend..
..whom he loved so dearly?
What was the motive?
Watching Siya and Niyaz in a compromising position..
..Sam got out of control.
And maybe..he killed Siya in a fit of rage.
Maybe he was already high..being a drug addict.
At least Niyaz's fingerprints were found at the murder spot.
Does the defense council have any evidence..
..suggesting that Sam was present there that night?
One..evidence, advocate Verma.
We've evidence, your honor.
I apologize..
..but I would like to request the court..
..to hear him out for delivering justice.
Your honor, please.
The night Siya was murdered, were you there?
Were you there?
Did you kill Siya?
No..when I got up, she was dead.
Someone killed her and left her there.
So what did you do?
I took her body home?
And then your father, Mahesh Maklai cleaned the body with alcohol..
..and threw it in the ocean to get rid of it
Answer me, Sam.
That's it, your honor.
This means the murderer can be Niyaz or Sam.
But the real murderer can be identified..
..only when the murder weapon is found..
..which has the murderer's fingerprints.
But Sam and his millionaire father Mahesh Maklai..
..are guilty of all the crimes committed after the murder.
Moving the body from the murder spot.
Cleaning it with alcohol..
..and then throwing it in the sea to get rid of it.
This clearly proves Sam and Mahesh Maklai's crimes.
I request the court to reopen the case.
And to release my client Niyaz on bail..
..until the real murderer is not found.
Niyaz has paid a big compensation for his poverty and past crimes.
I don't say that he should be acquitted..
..but bail is his legal right, and he should get it.
Thank you, your honor.
Court orders..
..Mahesh Maklai and Sam Maklai to be taken into police custody.
Defendant Niyaz is granted bail.
Mrs. Verma..I told you..
Abbas might have many traits..
..but he always repays his debts.
Sorry, Maklai sir.
Some people don't change with time, they get worse.
Niyaz, where are you?
I am out of jail.
I am a free bird! I am a free bird!
I am a free..
Where are you? - I'm right here.
In the car park. Black jeep.
Viju..I am a free bird.
Come on..come on..
Sanaya.. Sanaya..
Stop.. - She's my daughter.
She's my daughter.
No, no, no, no.
Sanaya! My baby.
My baby, please wake up.
Please wake up. Please wake up.
Water..get water, please.
Please wake up.
Wake up.
Mom. - Sanaya.
I was scared.
I missed you, mama.
My baby.
Joe..who can go to such limits..
..to get a murderer and rapist out of jail?
That Vijay..
He has the key to this lock.
Hey.. Stop!
Move.. Move.
Tell me who made you do it.
Tell me everything.
I will..I will tell you everything.
Can I come in?
I'll only take a few minutes, please.
I am really very sorry, Ms. Garima.
But they had my Sanaya.
And I had..
..no other option other than accepting their condition.
I know the pain of losing someone, Ms. Garima.
..I didn't have the liberty to express my pain.
Nor to cry.
I had to somehow..bring my Sanaya back, at any cost.
You're a mother yourself.
I hope you will understand my helplessness.
Is she fine now? - Yes.
I almost lost her once.
They gave her something to eat..which she was allergic to.
She could've even died if I hadn't..
..arrived on time with her medicine.
You should always keep a bottle of Lidum in Sanaya's bag.
How do you know..
..Sanaya's medication is Lidum?
Why did you do it?
Because I didn't have a choice.
You're a brilliant lawyer..and I knew..
..that you can get Niyaz out.
Why did you want Siya's murderer acquitted?
Your ticket..and money.
After today I don't ever want to see you again.
He's inside.
You've no clue..
..about the things I had to do to get you out.
I did things with an innocent girl..
..which a mother can never imagine.
Now..you will die.
A death..that you can't imagine.
Do you know why Ravan is burnt every year on Dussera?
To remind everyone of Ravan's crimes.
There's just one punishment..
..for physically abusing a girl against her wills.
He's burnt to death.
Can you imagine a death..
..compared to which even death sentence looks like mercy.
This is how my daughter screamed as well.
I can still hear her screams.
Doesn't let me sleep at nights.
Echoes in my ear.
Forgive me.
Sets my nerves on fire.
Pierces my soul.
My daughter's scream..
..can be subdued with only your screams, Niyaz.
I burned him alive.
This could be his only punishment to serve justice to my daughter.
You're a mother as well.
I hope you understand.
I don't understand.
Who gave you the right to kidnap my daughter..
..in order to get justice for your daughter?
Believe me..I took care of her like my Siya.
But still..I am guilty for the trauma she went through.
But even if I am sentenced to death..
..for getting Niyaz what he deserved..
..then I will have no regrets.
Are you okay?
Yohaan sir has been trying so long.
And why aren't you answering your call?
Mrs. Garima Chaudhary.
You're under arrest for kidnapping..
..advocate Anuradha Chaudhary's daughter and burning Niyaz to death.
You will come with me right now.
Hold on, officer.
Do you have an arrest warrant for her?
Why? Why do you ask?
Because she's my client.
And I am her lawyer.
If I can get a criminal acquitted..
..then I will definitely save a mother.
Sir. - Yes.
Customer's come every day, today its hope.
The apron suits you.
Keep it on. It's looking good.
You didn't give me a chance to wear my uniform.
You didn't give me a chance to thank either.
I didn't help you for your thanks.
Then for what?
Some things are not for saying.
Thank you.
By the way, I've appealed for your case.
Forget it.
No need.
I'm used to this now.
How's Sanaya? - She's good.
She's with her grandma.
Again with her grandma?
She's with her grandma.
Okay, let me speak to her.
She's with her grandma.
That's where I am headed.
Shall I?
There's a better expression in Marathi.
See you soon!
See you soon.
What, sir. You let her go?
I let her go because she's my love.
If she had been my obstinacy, she would've been in my arms.
"Sweetheart..don't turn your back and leave."
"Sweetheart..don't turn your back and leave."
"Sweetheart..don't threshold and leave."
"My poor eyes are tired of shedding tears."
"Who did you leave me for?"
"Please stay..don't go."
"Please stay..don't go."
"Sweetheart..don't turn your back and leave."
"I have grievances..against God."
"Since you said..you're leaving."
"The tears don't trickle down my eyes."
"How do I endure the fire in my heart."
"Please stay..don't go."
"Don't go."
"Sweetheart..don't turn your back and leave."
"Sweetheart..don't turn your back and leave."