Je te mangerais (You Will Be Mine) (2009) Movie Script

Didn't forget anything this time?
It's on the fifth floor?
The key's above the mirror. There.
Can you reach it, Chloe? Yes.
I got it.
We got it, Dad.
This way.
Come see.
Easy does it.
As much as a grand piano.
Too bad we'll have to move it.
You're beautiful!
I thought it'd be nicer
in the living room.
Is that OK with you? That's fine.
I play in my room at home,
but the living room's OK.
Let me show you around.
Please thank your mother.
I must call her. It's been months.
I always said I'd buy a painting.
Are sales still going well? Yes.
I can't detach the check...
Will this do? Yes.
We can't afford more.
It's fine. We'll eat at home
and I'll go to the market.
Goodbye, Emma. Goodbye.
Come on, girls.
Call us, OK?
She'll be fine.
Bye, honey.
We're counting on you. It's the big time.
Let's go.
How about chocolate to cheer you up?
Do you like it? It was my room.
Yeah, it's great.
Where will you sleep now?
In my parents' room.
It's bigger.
Sure you don't mind?
No. Besides, there's a big bed.
I remember this painting.
Should I put them here? If you like.
What a nice top.
I love the fabric.
It's "Les Petites".
The brand.
Funny how you've changed.
It's your hair, I don't know...
There's something different about you.
We haven't seen each other in ages.
Yeah, but still...
I was shy when I was little.
Maybe that's it.
You're much more... More what?
I don't know...
More like: "l can handle it".
Is that why you didn't call me?
#The Lyons National Conservatory#
#is ranked second in France #
#for training concert pianists.#
#You have been selected #
#for your great potential.#
#At the end of the year,#
#you'll play for a jury.#
#You must prepare a one-hour recital.#
#One piece is mandatory.#
This year it's Schumann's "Carnival".
Plus two elective pieces.
Needless to say it requires
rigorous discipline and sacrifice.
I give you Alice Lainee whose
fine reputation you all know.
You are privileged
to have her as a teacher.
Hello everyone.
Let me introduce
the music theory teacher,
the sight-reading teacher
and the harmony teacher.
I wish you a wonderful year.
Please come to my music room
for your evaluation.
Sorry. My fault.
Is that your piece? Yeah.
"Carnival"... by Schumann. Is it hard?
It's super hard.
Did your classes go well?
Yeah, great, I suppose...
She said I had to go back to square one.
You'll have to work.
Let's have dinner.
I get up early tomorrow.
You bought jeans?
Yeah, I didn't have any.
Where'd you buy them?
At "Les Petites".
It's on the way to school. Oh yeah.
Careful, you'll spend all your allowance.
It's a bit irritating.
You surprise me and then you get sloppy.
The octave passage, for instance.
Your sound is hard, aggressive.
What's written there?
It's a love song.
Move over.
You see, you must practice slowly.
Even with your small hands.
I was singing "la".
I was the only one singing.
It was ridiculous.
Everyone was staring in complete silence.
Are the students nice?
Are you making friends? I guess.
But they're musicians...
you know, pretty nerdy.
in medical school they're all pigs.
At least we have each other.
By the way,
let's not have anyone over.
If one doesn't like the other,
it gets complicated.
We both have work to do.
Good night. Night.
It's the lazy way to clean up.
You don't know Radiohead?
I don't know any bands.
I've only heard classical music.
I have to memorize my formulas.
Can I come in for a few minutes?
Come in.
I love your mother's work.
I wish she'd painted me.
You're lucky your mother's an artist.
It's cool.
Ever go to New York?
I have to learn these formulas.
Why are you in the dark?
Want to go out?
We haven't been out
once this entire month.
Sure. We've both had so much work.
I'm up for it.
What would you like to do?
Have drinks with friends?
Want to go out to a restaurant?
It's my treat.
Let's go Friday.
It'll be the weekend.
You can invite your friends.
Just us would be nicer.
Do you miss your sisters?
Not too much.
Chloe got detention. Really?
I can taste ginger on my palate.
The aroma rises to my nose.
Acidic tastes are
on the tip of the tongue.
Sweetness is at the back.
Now the cinnamon is kicking in.
You like your food.
Look who's talking.
Who's that? Friends from school.
Pauline and Sami.
We wanted to try this place.
It's senior city.
Want to go to a bar with us?
Sure, why not?
Want to come?
We agreed to have dinner together.
Another time.
Meet us later if you want.
Good idea.
I'll join you.
Sure you don't want to?
It's a shame. Yeah, a shame.
Take it easy. What?
Don't make any noise.
I'm not making noise.
This place is huge.
It's nothing.
Stop, please. I don't want to anymore.
OK. Have a good night.
Yeah, Maud told me.
It sounds majorly bad.
That doesn't matter.
OK. I'm sending a kiss.
Let me speak to Chloe.
#Want to talk to Mom??#
No, I spoke to her.
What is it?
But Dad, you just picked up...
What a pain.
He hung up in the middle
of my sentence. Cheepo.
What did you do last night?
What? Who were you with?
No one. Why are you lying?
I slept alone.
We said we weren't having people here.
I know.
You couldn't control yourself?
I can't trust you, it's disappointing.
That's not how you'll improve your piano.
I know, I'll talk to her. Gotta hang up!
My laundry ticket...
Have a nice day.
I'm sorry, I was a bit violent.
I lost it. Forgive me.
You can do what you want.
No, it's my fault, too.
It was dumb, I'm not in love. I just...
Don't be too hard on yourself.
It's good to talk.
Hi, Marie.
You look sexy. Is it too much?
Is it ugly? Vulgar? No, it's lovely.
You're beautiful. Not vulgar at all.
You'll turn heads.
Tonight, at the party.
Isn't that what you want?
Let me help you.
Give me your foot.
Did you call him? Call who?
The guy you brought home?
No, I told you I'm not in love.
Did you tell him? Yes.
What did you say?
Well, I told him that...
I wasn't in love...
that I didn't want to...
You liked it, didn't you?
We didn't do anything!
You like making love with guys?
What's with you?
Does it bug you?
Yeah, I like it. It's OK.
What about you?
No big deal.
Give it up for all you medical students!
Stop it!
Lay off me!
Come here hot stuff!
Let go! Get off me, stop it!
Stop it!
Get your hands off her, asshole!
Get lost!
Come this way!
Thank you.
You want a chocolate? Thanks.
You have to watch yourself.
I didn't do anything...
It's the way you act. Come on.
You smile, it's sweet,
but they get the wrong idea.
You're really sexy,
and it's great, but...
they think you want it.
Not at all.
Cut it out. Don't be naive!
If I hadn't stopped him, that pig
would've raped you! You do realize that.
Calm down.
It's all over.
It's OK now. Calm down.
Stop it.
What's this game?
Why didn't you call me back?
I'm late.
How can you run through
both pieces without a pause!
Didn't you realize it?
Is everything OK?
You can't just rest on your laurels.
It takes will power to become a pianist.
I don't want to lose you.
I forgot to turn it off.
Go ahead and answer it.
No, I'm in class now.
Don't wait up.
I might be home late tonight.
I have to hang up.
Excuse me.
We might as well stop for today.
Let's go to the Red Ant,
we haven't been in ages.
OK for a drink? Cool.
Why are you here?
I was at the dentist
I thought I'd meet you.
You smoke? I didn't know you smoked.
Yes, I do.
I thought about you all day.
I didn't even go to class.
I'll be right in, I have to call my mom.
What are you doing?
I bought a new dress.
Super expensive.
Why are you avoiding me? I'm not.
You ditched me with your guy. Don't lie!
Look it ripped.
Want me to sew it?
There it is.
What's wrong?
Tell me.
I don't know.
I feel weird since the other day.
I don't want to do it again.
To do what again?
Kissing and stuff. I don't want to.
OK, if you don't want to, we won't.
You think I want to?
Maybe I don't want to either.
Talk to me, we're friends, right?
Why don't you want to kiss? Do you know?
Are you scared?
I'm having my period. I don't care.
I want you.
Where have you been?
We've been waiting an hour.
Sorry! I took the wrong bus.
I don't know what happened.
Take a seat.
Mr. Lavaud came to hear you play.
Yes, please. I'm listening.
I can't play.
My goodness.
Will she be ready for the radio contest?
She seems troubled at the moment.
You are here to study piano.
That should be your sole focus.
Save the rest for later.
I can't do it!
Don't play just before the recital.
You'll ruin everything.
Stop, Marie.
You'll make it worse.
Do you mind letting me
work alone a little while?
Go ahead.
Shit! I'm not going.
Let go of me!
Leave me alone!
This is what you wanted, isn't it?
You're mine. Say you're mine.
#Next candidate... Marie Dandin,#
Schumann's "Carnival".
Attention please.
Attention please.
After a long deliberation,
the jury's chosen
four of you to perform
on the radio program.
And the winners are: Valerie Valentin,
Justine Gaillard, Sami Decker,
and Nicolas Gard.
Thank you for participating.
Happy holidays and merry Christmas.
Excuse me...
Why wasn't Marie chosen?
She played flawlessly.
She played the second movement best,
with great tenderness.
The minor was magnificent.
Listen, Miss,
it's... the jury's decision.
She's my roommate and I know
what she put into this recital.
She worked for hours,
through the night...
It's completely unfair.
Emma, be quiet!
She didn't start piano at four.
She lived and studied in a rural area.
That's what's so touching.
She's not a circus freak.
No, but Marie has to learn to
manage her stage fright,
to be disciplined and to concentrate.
One setback won't discourage her.
You're wrong!
Failure doesn't build character,
it wears you down.
You old fool!
Listen, Miss,
no one talks to me that way!
Leave this building immediately,
or go express your rage on the air.
I'm sorry.
I thought you played well, too.
Someone might be pulling strings,
in those circles.
I'd have protested, too.
Really, Emma,
I'm very proud of you.
It took courage.
We got it, Dad.
Marie doesn't agree.
You wanted to kill me.
Don't exaggerate.
You played beautifully, it's unfair.
It's all so conservative.
You can't be creative.
I admire you Emma, you're a true friend.
What's with her?
Calm down.
Marie. Get some air.
Do you understand?
It's her recital.
Are you OK?
She has affection for you.
She said she was bored last year
and now she's not.
She thinks you're funny.
I don't want to live with her anymore.
I can't take it, OK?
You invited her without asking me.
A studio! Can't you afford a studio?
No, we can't.
We bought Chloe's violin,
Maud's ballet shoes.
Make an effort. She's not a witch.
Was your mother happy you called?
Darn, I didn't let you speak to her.
I haven't given you my gift yet!
You shouldn't have.
You're crazy.
My mother did it when I was ten.
She told me to give it to you...
if you like it.
What a wonderful gift.
It's magnificent.
Why are you back so late?
You could've called.
Emma, I won't be able
to keep living here, actually.
My parents called,
they've money problems.
They can't pay the rent.
Why didn't they say anything to me?
It just happened today.
They've been audited.
Is there a big fine?
Mom said Dad's going to jail.
My mother always exaggerates.
I guess they'll figure something out.
What'll you do? Where'll you live?
At home. I'll have to commute.
You'll spend hours commuting. Yeah.
What if I don't charge rent?
You don't have to do that. I'll manage.
If I don't charge,
it's better here, right?
You're better here, aren't you?
Yes, but...
I can't sleep.
You seem distant.
I want to sleep alone, Emma.
I won't touch you.
You can sleep.
It's much better,
but you're still much too tense.
Your wrist is stiff.
Loosen everything up.
That was more relaxed.
I think Ravel really suits you.
I'd like you to play this
at Brigitte Engerer's Master Class.
She's coming to the conservatory?
Haven't you seen the posters?
They're everywhere.
She just recorded the "Pavane",
it's marvelous.
I saw her when I was little.
I'll never forget it.
Her strength is amazing.
It's rare in a woman pianist...
almost masculine.
I can't believe it.
I'm so happy I'll meet her!
Here's to you, bastard.
To the Master Class.
Look in the eyes! Let's do it again.
Look in the eyes!
Is your roommate coming tomorrow?
Oh shit. Is she coming?
Is she going to yell
at Brigitte Engerer?
I'm not sure I'll be coming tomorrow.
My playing stinks.
That's crap. No way!
It's true. I mean it!
I've waited for this all my life
and now I'm not ready. It's no big deal.
I'll check out the scene.
I'll be back.
Grandma, can I have a guest,
just tonight?
No Sami, I said no overnight guests.
Come on, she's waiting on the stairs.
I've had it, Sami.
You could've waited for me. Come on.
I'm sorry, I lost my keys again.
Stop, you're scaring me.
Why are you still here?
Because it's convenient?
I'm like your mommy,
I shop, I clean,
I cook so you can play piano!
I even cleaned your room.
I'm tired of washing your shit!
Hope you had a blast at least.
Where were you?
Where were you? With Sami.
You slept with him?
Answer me.
Did you fuck?
Stop. I swear, I've had it!
What am I to you?
I'm leaving, Emma.
Don't touch me. You disgust me.
Oh shit.
Hello, Emma, it's Marie.
You locked me in this morning by mistake.
I still can't find my keys.
I have my Master Class.
Can you call me back?
Talk to you soon.
Oh shit.
Hello Sami, it's Marie.
I think I left my keys at the hotel.
Damn it, where is that bitch?
It's unreal!
Please open.
You haven't found your keys?
Sorry. I locked it without thinking.
Have you looked all over? It's weird.
They're nowhere. Isn't it weird?
You lose them all the time.
How can you find anything in this mess?
I missed the best time of my life!
And what's this, a ham sandwich maybe?
Always when you look, you never find.
Think I'm stupid? I looked in my jacket!
You took them this morning.
You locked me in.
Calm down. You airhead!
You've the head problem. Sicko!
Did you ask before coming into my room?
Get out.
Get out.
I don't ever want to see you! Stop!
Go to your parents!
Shut up! You're crazy!
You're sick!
You're the sick one! I hate you.
Marie, forgive me.
Marie, stay!
Here, she gave me this.
Was the piano scratched?
There's a huge scratch.
It cost 1 50 euros. Not bad, huh?
That's 50 euros less than last time.
Did you see her?
Yeah, I saw her. She's there.
She seemed really sad.
I don't get you.
Acting like a spoiled brat.
What are they doing?
Your teacher called.
They're worried at the conservatory.
Monday you're going back.
Two hours on the train will cost us...
How will you find time to play?
What a mess.
All clear.
OK? Yeah.
Too many vegetables.
Want some bread? Yes, please.
I'd like some potatoes.
It's hot.
Oh no, I made pork.
You don't eat pork, Sami?
Mom, you're ridiculous.
No problem, my grandmother
keeps kosher, but I don't.
Sorry, I could thaw a steak.
No, it's fine.
Hey, it's time.
It's already started.
#The first student chosen #
#for the Radio-France contest#
#is Sami Decker, #
#with Chopin's "Revolutionary Study".#
It's terrific, Sami.
Is this OK?
Comfortable enough? Perfect.
Good night. Thanks. You, too.
Marie, you sleep upstairs.
Oh shit.
Damn it.
Marie! What did I tell you?
You sleep in your room.
The girls would be shocked. I told you!
Marie... OK?
Marie is late.
Don't make a habit of it!
That girl's something.
She came to apologize.
Come here.
I love it.
I miss you.
I'd like you to come back.
I know I behaved badly. I was very harsh.
I have issues since my father died.
Mom left right after that.
She's not in New York.
She's disappeared. I don't know where.
I was very lonely
and I got attached to you.
I want to be friends,
for you to be happy...
You know I have a boyfriend now.
So bring him along.
Back up a bit.
Take a break!
It's stuck.
How's it going?
It's a pain in the ass.
Easy does it.
Not in the living room, in my bedroom.
I'll put it in my room. Sure.
Shit, we scratched it.
It was already.
Have a nice day.
I'll be right back.
Sorry. You're not asleep?
Sorry to exhibit my anatomy.
I've been around.
Your friend got an eyeful.
Didn't you wonder
about Marie and me at school?
No, why?
I don't know...
Two girls living alone together
makes good gossip.
In front of her friends,
Marie is ashamed of me.
When we're alone,
it's different, right Marie?
No, she isn't...
I don't know.
Convenience isn't really
why you're here.
There's something strong between us.
I didn't say I came
back for convenience...
It's convenient! And it's free.
Your friend's really possessive.
That's disgusting.
Why did you do that?
Talk to each other instead of doing that.
That's my tea!
Sundays stink.
Let's take a walk.
Did your mother call back?
She called and said she'd call back.
Did she?
What did she say?
I lied. She never called.
Are you OK?
More time for piano here, right?
You're making progress.
Doesn't it bother you?
The situation, now that there's him.
Do I bother you? I don't exist.
You asked us to come here. You knew.
You enjoy hurting me!
Not at all.
You could be happy I'm back.
Stop your game. It's driving me crazy!
You pretend not to understand.
Kiss me, I miss you.
Kiss me. Stop it.
I don't want to. Don't start.
Please, just once.
What are you doing?
What are you getting into?
Sure, you're all red.
I'm not all red.
Don't think I'm a fool.
Since we got here, it's been crap.
Tell me what's going on.
Nothing's going on.
Three's a crowd. I've had it.
Don't go.
You don't talk to me,
you do stuff behind my back.
It's disappointing.
We don't have to be together.
It's her. What?
It's her.
She's in love with me.
She wants to have sex with me.
But we didn't do it because
l... didn't want to.
So that's why she...
How long has it been?
A long time. Since the beginning.
Since the beginning?
Why didn't you tell me?
It's totally cruel.
What the hell are we doing here?
Why didn't you tell me before?
You must be getting off, or else what?
You're a sadist? Stop it.
I'm not a sadist. I don't like it.
So come with me.
To my Grandma's or Guillaume's...
Pack your bags and let's go.
Why are you standing there?
I don't know. I can't just go...
and leave her all alone.
Do you want to be with me or not?
What makes you happy? What do you want?
I don't know.
I mean I like you, but...
Something's missing. I'm not in love.
You're a pain in the ass.
Go ahead and ruin your life.
Want some?
I found it in my Mom's stuff.
It must be ten years old.
Do you miss him?
Stop it.
I know why he left.
He was sick of your big boobs.
Or maybe because he couldn't fuck me.
I think I'll get drunk for the recital.
I'll let it all hang out, like Sami!
Sami's such a ham, it's ridiculous.
He plays like this...
Stop it.
You should see yourself laughing.
I have to put up with your face.
I look at you for hours,
but I don't mind. I love it!
Too bad you want me,
but I don't want you.
You don't want to fuck me?
Not at all.
Emma-the-leech, you won't have me!
You can't accept loving a girl, right?
You prefer your square little life?
To be a piano teacher
with little students!
Your nice little life??700.
You're ashamed of me?
Good evening.
You like the piano? Nice, isn't it?
He's tone deaf.
Do you play?
I'm a classical pianist.
That's great!
Want to play a little number?
Enough of his crap.
How about some Mozart or Chopin?
What do you play?
Ravel? Holy shit,
"Bolero" is my favorite.
He'll let you play,
the old guy's cramping up.
You want us to kiss your feet?
I didn't say yes.
Come on.
Should l?
I saw the statue of Virgin Mary there.
What have you done?
Are you insane?
I'm calling the rescue squad.
Come on.
Breathe deeply.
We'll take you to the hospital.
Can you hear me? Sir?
We've called your wife.
It doesn't look too bad.
Could have been worse. Did you hit him?
She did.
She was protecting me.
How did you hit him? Hard?
It wasn't too hard, I think.
Miss, how many fingers are there?
She's out of it. Is she your friend?
Yes, she's a friend.
Take care of her. She'll need rest.
Tell me exactly what happened.
We were here, the two of us,
listening to music and having a drink.
Then suddenly,
the doorbell rang.
Emma went to get it, and...
it was her mother's friend.
He came to borrow CDs.
So we let him in.
He stayed a little while,
then he started coming on to me.
He tried to rape me,
so Emma hit him
with the wooden statuette.
That's it.
He said you can take up to three.
It's for all those crocodile tears.
Don't you want to know?
The guy was too freaked out
to file a complaint.
We're saved. Cool, right?
Stop it, Emma.
You never stop crying.
You're too depressed.
Go to class or something.
I don't know what to do.
I'm going to practice.
Miss Lainee complimented me yesterday.
Only one more week!
It's about time.
Eat up.
Not hungry? Not good?
Don't talk to me like a child.
When do you play tomorrow?
I don't want you there. I told you.
I can if I want. It's public.
Stop whining. I don't want you there!
It's my recital. I want to feel free.
When you're there, I want to die.
we have to get organized.
What will you do?
If you pass, will you move?
Give me a break!
What do you want me to say?
I might go to Paris.
I'm not sure I'll even pass.
I definitely don't want to
live with you like an old maid.
Hey there.
I thought you'd never get here.
Shall we? Yes, hurry.
Emma, how are you?
I'm ready.
Break a leg. Call me? OK.
It was great. Break a leg.
Marie Dandin.
Bach, "Concerto in D after Marcello",
"Carnival" by Schumann,
"Pavane for a Dead lnfanta" by Ravel.
Hush for heaven sakes!
Is she the last one?
Is it over? It's over, it's...
Sweetheart, it was marvelous!
Magnificent! You've come a long way!
I blanked out! No!
Objectively, it was... perfect!
Come on!
Adaptation: Pamela Grant