Jellyfish Eyes (2013) Movie Script

Expected levels reached,
but there's an anomaly!
The numbers are too high!
What about the singularity?
Don't stop!
Keep going-
We need more negative energy.
Powerful negative energy!
What's going on?
I wasn't notified of this.
It was my idea.
And now there's
a F.R.I.E.N.D. on the loose.
Was that your idea too?
It must feel great to leave
the Evacuation Center.
Thanks again, Mr. Sasaki.
Don't mention it.
I like driving.
I'd take
more long drives if I could,
but my wife
and daughter complain
that gasoline costs too much.
Right, you have a daughter.
Living with two women,
I hardly have any space to myself.
I'll bet it's tough raising a daughter.
Do you get along?
Mom, did you see that?
She's in ninth grade already?
I guess she's got
entrance exams, then.
The hardest part
is choosing a new school.
- Shall I set these here?
- Yes, please.
Ah, sorry.
Look at him go!
Where should I put these?
Masashi, take this in back.
- Careful.
- I've got it.
Wow, boys are tough.
My daughter
would be lying around.
We can handle the rest.
Mr. Sasaki's leaving!
Thank you for everything.
Your husband did so much more for me.
This is the least I could do.
Sorry there's not more for dinner.
It's okay. I love this stuff.
There' s Chee-Kama cheese too.
You like Chee-kama, right?
Tastes good, doesn't it?
Is someone there?
Look, they're growing rice.
Think they'll give us some?
I don't know about that.
It's a very nice campus.
In our school
we have strict rules,
and our motto is "safety first.
Head the rules before you come.
Yes, sir.
For phys ed...
and swimming.
Go to the Miyata Clothing Shop
to get measured for your uniform.
All right.
We'll be expecting you
tomorrow, then.
I'll bet you're excited, right?
Please take good care of him.
Seems like a pretty strict school.
I hope you make lots of friends.
I'll go get your uniform
and the other things you need.
You go inside.
What are you?
I'm back.
What happened in here?
The place is a mess!
Keep still.
What is all this?
Where are you going?
Hey! Take your shoes off inside!
You look like...
a Jellyfish!
Are you hungry?
You like Chee-kama.
Come on!
Over here!
Just try and catch me,
Follow me now, Kurage-bo!
Are you okay?
You like the Chee-kama I made?
Yeah, I love it.
I'm glad my work makes you smile.
- Hello?
- This is Soma Shoten.
Keep still in there.
And so...
Masashi is new here,
so I'm sure he's nervous.
Help him to fit in, everyone.
Thank you.
There's a desk over there.
We'll continue from yesterday.
Open your books.
A local train crosses a bridge
800 feet long.
Keep still.
An express train crosses
the same bridge in 16 seconds.
The express train is 65 feet longer
than the local train.
It travels twice as fast.
Find the length and speed
of the local train.
First we let X stand for...
the speed of the local train
in feet per second.
Since time equals distance
divided by velocity -
Who's this guy?
Yupi, get him!
Quiet down.
That's all for today.
Review your notes.
So you have a F.R.I.E.N.D. too?
Don't let it interrupt class, okay?
I don't have any more.
You ate it all, remember?
Uncle Naoto's here!
You don't want us here?
That's not what I meant!
I'm happy you're close by,
but this town is dangerous!
You're afraid we'll take time away
from your experiments.
You never change!
I didn't move here
to depend on you.
Masashi and I will be fine.
Don't bother worrying.
Tell Masashi -
Huge lab, right?
That's where I work.
We're researching how to eliminate
all the bad things in the world...
and make everyone happy.
Researching how?
One wrong word
and you disappear.
Just kidding.
If you have any trouble
or anything weird happens...
just talk to me.
Okay. I'll be fine.
You sure?
Here. Thanks.
Can I give you a ride home?
No, I'm okay.
I'll get back to work.
Okay. Bye.
See you around.
We now see the mechanism
of natural disasters
from a new perspective.
We know that convection stress
on the Earth's crust
is the cause of earthquakes.
We're now learning to control
the source of that convection.
Surmising that the universe began
from a single life form,
we've discovered the fife force
that is its prime mover.
By accumulating that force,
we can prevent natural disasters.
We've established that on Earth,
this force is strongest
in human children.
They generate this force
from negative energy...
anger or sorrow.
To collect this energy,
we've devised a formula
using eight ancient rites...
that draw on spiritual
and out-of-body techniques.
The magic circle" converts
their emotions into particles,
which are sublimated into energy.
To our surprise,
the energy from the circle
took on the form of creatures
that resonated with the children.
We have named these creatures
Life form"...
Inner energy...
'Negative emotion...
and Disaster prevention.
Why are you watching
such an old video?
No reason.
Is there a problem?
You look pale.
I'm home.
Hi, Masashi.
You sure are cute.
Go! Go!
Yeah! Yeah!
Juran, now!
Not yet!
I'm waiting for the right moment!
Get him, Yupi!
Wipe him out!
Go, Shimon!
What are you doing here?
Who are you?
You know this kid?
He's the new transfer student.
A new kid?
He's got a F.R.I.E.N.D. too.
It beat Yupi.
Shut your mouth!
So it's strong, huh?
Show it to us.
Show us your F.R.l.E.N.D now!
- Where's your device?
- Device?
What's with this kid'?
Show him.
You call your F.R.I.E.N.D.
Looks like it ran away!
What the heck is that?
Get in there and fight!
Kurage-bo, go!
What is that thing?
I hate fighting.
Uh... thanks.
Thank Luxor.
He takes his daily walk
through here.
He's weird.
Where's your device?
I don't have one.
I never met an owner without one.
You all have them?
I got mine last summer.
Today our nation finds itself
in an unprecedented state of crisis.
Corrupt authority
has laid waste to our very souls...
and our environment...
and left us with all but permanent
radioactive contamination.
We, the chosen people
of the Earth Salvation Society,
make it our mission
to cleanse this land!
Where are you going?
Just to the bathroom.
Hurry back.
Cleanse your hearts!
Rise up and save
all of God's children!
One bad thing after another, huh?
You may have potential.
Take this.
a friend who will never betray you.
The black-cloaked {our
gave a device
to every kid in town.
Everyone learned
to use them very quickly.
But the big F.R.I.E.N.D.s started
beating up the little ones.
The kids with powerful ones
fanned groups and started battles.
I hate fighting.
Hide him! They'll see!
There's trouble!
Saki! We've got to run!
Somethings wrong with that lab!
It's dangerous!
Hurry home, quick!
Let's go!
That's the lab.
It's like a festival.
What are you doing here, Saki?
our teacher Toshida told us
we must act now for the future
of our children.
That lab is emitting an evil power!
We can't let them destroy the Earth!
Saki, come pray with us.
For your mother's and father's sake!
For your family! Pray!
With all the purity in your heart!
In here!
Hey-you two!
I heard this door rattle!
Get out here!
Some kids have no respect!
Got you!
Where did you kids go?
Come out!
I have to tell you something:
My uncle works here.
Are you all right'?
I tell my mom not to,
but she spends
all her time at that church.
When she's with my dad,
all they do is fight.
I can't take it anymore.
I hate fighting too.
That's all the grownups
at the Evacuation Center ever did.
I really, really hated it.
I'm sorry. Let's go.
So ifs okay to use
the town's kids as guinea pigs,
but not your own family?
I could have confiscated it,
you know.
I just thought it was right
to talk to you first.
Of course. You call yourself
a scientist, after all.
Pure negative energy
is vital for this experiment,
and data from the kids
who have it.
With it we can restore
the myth of absolute safety...
that you in the government
want everyone to believe.
Keep quiet.
Don't worry.
What was that?
Masashi! What are you doing?
Uncle Naoto!
This place is dangerous.
You've got to get out of here!
The door's over there. Move!
Come on!
Amazing energy levels!
It clearly resonated with that boy.
The singularity chose him'?
What an incredible child!
Give the boy our regards.
I'm sure we'll see him
back here again.
Good morning.
The uniform suits you.
Yeah? Thanks.
Sorry about yesterday.
About my mom.
It's okay.
I won't tell anyone
your uncle works at that lab.
I heard you!
That's enough of the crawl!
Ten minutes of free activity!
Come on, ifs fun.
It's just -
Stand up.
Just stand up.
Huh? What?
You're supposed to be in class.
So are you.
This experiment is dangerous.
It'll be over soon.
Now that your boy's turned up,
the end is in sight.
Masashi is family!
Settle down.
Let go!
You know we can't just
ignore that energy.
You don't need a uniform.
You'll just move again anyway.
You have a relative
who works at the lab?
They're doing a lot
of really dangerous stuff there!
Lots of bad things are happening.
I hear cases of allergies
and food poisoning are way up.
My asthma's gotten worse.
I have headaches every day!
And nosebleeds.
It's all your fault.
It's radiation from you.
That's scary!
Oh, and your F.R.I.E.N.D.
it's gone.
No fighting back, now!
You don't belong here!
Go, Shimon!
Crush him!
You pest!
What are you doing?
Stop it!
Hurry up
or you'll be late for class.
What have you done?
I've told you before!
Hands out when you apologize!
Don't even bother coming home!
You brag about discipline,
but all you do is follow...
guidelines handed down
by a corrupt state!
My daughter is not safe here!
I'll be speaking to my lawyer.
Things aren't going well,
are they?
Take this.
Carry it with you.
It'll protect you.
See you.
don't you ever go to school?
You can make friends there.
This is the only friend I need.
Just leave me alone, will you?
Did you give him the device?
Then proceed.
Look! He's jumping!
It's Naoto.
Naoto's dead!
The universe can
no longer cleanse itself.
Our souls are too impure.
And who realizes this?
We do.
The state says we are safe,
but we cannot believe them.
Who will protect
the lives of our children?
We will.
Win a power-up to make
your F.R.I.E.N.D. the strongest of all!
The battle will be held here.
Why does everyone leave me?
Are you okay?
Your head.
Yeah, I'm fine.
Did you get a text'?
You're not going to the lab,
are you?
So what if I am?
Why does your F.R.I.E.N.D.
have to be any stronger?
Why all this fighting?
Shut up.
I hate bullies!
Shut up!
If you don't like it...
go be with Masashi!
The time has come!
With the power of our faith
we will cleanse this tainted land!
Our targets are a corrupt school
and an evil laboratory
that pollutes our world
with a supra-universal power!
Assemble and pray!
Go forth!
Foolish and arrogant humanity
will know the wrath of God!
Welcome to the battle to determine
the most powerful F.R.I.E.N.D.
You guys are the competition?
You think you can beat me?
Everyone's using
their F.R.I.E.N.D.s to fight.
You said you hated fighting,
didn't you?
Let's go stop them!
I can't!
Why not?
I can't use this device...
and Kurage-bo' s gone!
I'm no good to anyone!
after what they did,
why do you care?
I just want to stop
my friends from fighting.
I... I'm going!
As our text message said,
the winner of this battle royale
will win the ultimate power-up item.
Here goes!
Very glad to meet you!
Masashi, be strong.
I'm coming...
with you.
Get that data!
Take that!
Depth charge!
Rising Tiger Dragon!
Sky Dragon Lightning!
This is fantastic!
Behold! The wrath of God!
Getting closer!
I'll take care of things here.
You go inside.
Time for the finale.
Wind of Annihilation!
You've gotta try harder than that...
if you wanna win me over.
Hot Pursuit!
Look out!
Are you okay?
The guest of honor
is finally here!
Masashi, I was wrong.
I'm sorry.
That's okay.
We've gotta stop that kid.
Being by myself
doesn't make me lonely.
Let's do it!
Uncle Naoto! You're alive?
Stop me if you can!
Stop pretending we're friends!
That's it! Go!
We're almost there!
That was close!
Where were you?
Are they synched with the device?
Two Uncle Naotos?
go help Tatsuya and Juran!
What is that thing?
New Generation Attack!
It's not over yet!
We've never seen
a waveform like that.
Don't you ever quit?
Let go! If you do, you win!
We're friends!
No more fighting!
Game over, huh?
Masashi! What's wrong?
Hey! Masashi!
Hold it!
Wake up!
We were right!
You did this!
Now what are you going to do?
He's out of our control.
He's the energy form
that will change Japan.
The F.H.I.E.N.D.
we've been waiting for!
For rebirth we need destruction!
You're insane!
Hold it!
The supra-universal power
has descended!
He is God's light!
The hand of God,
summoned through our prayers!
Come to save the Earth
as it cries out for salvation...
from the evil of humanity!
O servant of God!
Save us!
Save the Earth!
What is that thing?
Did you synch your device
with a computer game?
It was easy.
Can you synch it
with the main computer?
- Why?
- Just do it!
Only you can find Oval's weakness.
That was close!
Plug in.
To customize the device,
you need a virtual F.R.I.E.N.D. program.
Oval will be running
the same one.
Sounds like fun.
All of you, outside!
Call me when you locate
his weak point.
Show us what you can do!
Hold on!
You can do it!
What are we gonna do?
It's huge!
I've got it!
Take out your cell phone!
Manato, look outside!
Tatsuya? How's your cold?
Is your fever down?
Just look outside!
What is that?
Everyone use
your F.R.I.E.N.D.s to stop it!
Manato, quiet!
Everyone, look outside!
What the heck is that?
Use your F.R.I.E.N.D.s
to stop it!
What's going on?
Let's do it!
Koh, did you get the data?
This is some system!
Don't worry. I'm almost there.
Manato, get everyone outside!
Everyone, come with me!
We're going to take that thing down!
We know his weak point!
It's that glowing orb on his head.
It comes from our negative energy
and the minus particles
in the atmosphere.
Smash the orb.
It's the source of his power.
Anywhere else, he just regenerates.
Aim for the orb!
You can stop Oval
by smashing that glowing orb.
One thing, though - - What?
Ovals like a big battery containing
the energy of all the F.R.I.E.N.D.s.
If he goes,
they'll probably go too.
Kurage-bo too'?
And Luxor?
Let's go, Kurage-bo!
Come on!
One, two!
One, two!
We'll be best friends forever!
Chee-kama! Masashi!
Is that Masashi?
Everyone, all together!
On my cue!
I won't let you go!
I let go of Kurage-bo's hand.
You held on as tight as you could.
He hung in there with you,
right to the end.
I have the feeling Kurage-bo's
somehow still here beside you.
it's too soon for a funeral.
As I watch
Your face in profile
Deep asleep
In your quiet dreams
Tears I shed unawares
Well, we got our data.
All's well that ends well.
Wet my cheeks as they fall
Come on!
Deep down, inside my head?
I was hiding
The ephemeral pangs of love
Last night, good night
Quiet down!
Tonight I will steep
With your hand in mine
With your hand in mine
Good night
If only I could spend
One more lovely morning
With you at my side
Such a small wish
Would be a miracle to me
I can't just say good-bye
Without telling you anything
Last night, good night
Last night, good night
Though my voice may break
This melody will never fade
Last night, good night
Last night, good night
I imagine the ending to come
I Wish upon the night sky
For your everlasting smile
Good night