Jensen Project, The (2010) Movie Script

Screaming like a little girl
won't help me fly this baby!
Captain to co-captain...
"Captain" implies
that you actually know...
how to fly this thing.
Relax! It's just
like Nitromaniacs.
That's a video game!
This is an airplane!
And when my mom
finds out we stole it...
We didn't steal it.
It's Jensen property.
I'm a Jensen employee,
and we're on a Jensen mission.
She'll buy that!
Oh, I'm so dead!
Not if we get back
the molecular assembler...
and save the world!
Trust me, you'll go from
juvie to hero in one night.
Assuming I survive this...
- Hang on!
- Ahh!
Brody, how many times
do I have to tell you...
to use a glass?
Ah! Oh!
Keys! Keys!
Has anybody seen my keys?
Entryway table.
Not there.
The pants you were
wearing last night.
You're a genius!
Ow! Ow!
So I've been told.
Hey, Mom, I don't
feel that great.
Can I stay home?
- You don't seem feverish.
- Well...
It... it's more in my chest.
You stay up late,
texting your friends,
leave your homework
to the last possible second,
and now all of a sudden
you're sick?
I don't think so!
But what if I infect
the whole school?
Luckily, your father's
specialty is immunology!
Listen, I know you
find school boring.
Just try to make
the most of it, okay?.
- Is everything okay?
- Fine.
Are you sure?
We'll talk about it
another time.
Suit yourself.
Oh, I gotta go. I booked satellite time
for my students. I can't be late.
Whoa! I already am late!
This is Claire Thompson.
We're not home.
But you can leave a message
after the beep.
You stay up late...
last possible second.
You don't seem feverish.
Infect the whole school...
Marshall Heights High School.
This is Mrs. Johnson.
How may I help you?
This is Claire Thompson.
Brody stayed up late.
He seems feverish.
We don't want him
to infect the whole school.
- We're gonna keep him home.
- Thanks for calling.
If com sat
is at current position,
and travelling
at a constant speed,
who can tell me how long
we'll maintain contact...
at maximum-signal performance?
Quiz on chapters
Please be prepared!
Nice work, Josh.
Can't believe
we got satellite time!
I called in a favor.
I just thought the class
would be more into it, though.
Can I ask you
a question?
- Sure.
- You went to MIT...
and graduated
with 2 advanced degrees.
Instead of telling us
about the latest tech,
why aren't you
designing it?
I have to take this.
I'll see you Monday.
Claire Thompson.
Hi, Mrs. Thompson!
It's Mrs. Banks
I wanted to let you know, I emailed Brody
his homework assignment.
- The office said you called.
- I called?
About his being sick today.
I hope he feels better.
Not likely!
Not after
I get done with him.
It's like he can't
get a full breath.
Does he have
a history of asthma?
- No.
- Huh. Bronchitis?
- Laryngitis?
- No.
- No.
- Rhinitis?
- Pneumothoraxis?
- No.
- Aspergillosis?
- Mm-mmm.
You a smoker?
No, sir.
That's good.
Keep it up.
Open wide.
Okay, I found
the problem, I think.
Your son...
has a very bad case
of rhinosis...
Is that serious?
Not very...
I am so sorry to have
wasted your time, Doctor!
It could've been worse.
It could've been
a real worm.
Rough day?
Nothing worth
talking about.
What are you doing here?
- It's Brody.
- What now?
- He cut school, again!
- What do you mean, again?
The school said that
he used your letterhead...
to write notes 3 times
in the last 2 months...
and that the next absence would
require a call from one of us.
So he faked my voice.
Okay, how'd he do that?
I have no idea,
but he was convincing enough
to fool his teachers.
Ha-ha! Clever kid!
Too clever for
his own good!
Maybe that's the problem!
Maybe he's in
the wrong environment...
- to...
- Matt, don't start.
Not talking about it
won't solve the problem, Claire.
What is it?
Claire, what a surprise
to see you here.
So, uh...
to what do we owe the honor
after all these years?
The Jensen Project
is in trouble.
I came to ask Claire
to help us.
You want me to help you?
Okay, why don't we, uh...
all sit down and we'll talk about this...
You two can talk all you want.
I'm outta here!
Honey, wait.
- Claire... Claire! Hey!
- No! No! No!
When I needed her,
she was not there for me!
There is no way
I'm gonna...
When Edwin humiliated you...
we've just witnessed
utter failure.
You were understandably
hurt by what he said.
As her mentor, I...
I should've recognized
the limitations...
of her talent
and intellect.
- I was devastated.
- I know, what he said was cruel.
Your work...
isn't good enough.
aren't good enough.
I admired Edwin more than
you could possibly imagine.
I think what hurt more
than his words...
was knowing how badly
I disappointed him.
Nobody understands better
than me how it's haunted you.
And I know you don't
wanna hear this,
but I still think
we should talk to Ingrid.
Because maybe it's
an opportunity!
What are you talking about?
An opportunity for what?
I don't know!
I don't know.
To revisit the past!
To somehow repair the damage
that was done to you.
I have no idea.
But it...
It can't hurt to hear
what Ingrid has to say!
Please, Claire.
Do this for me.
Edwin left
the Jensen Project.
Took his whole team...
and several
experimental projects,
including yours.
So what?
It didn't work. Remember?
It works now.
After you left,
Edwin continued your research
on electro nanobots.
He what?
And over the years,
he perfected
the work that you created.
This technology can save
millions of lives.
It can just as easily
destroy millions.
I don't follow you. What...
Nanobots are computers
the size of molecules.
They can be implanted
in human tissue.
In a battle,
for example,
a soldier is wounded.
If he's implanted
with a nanobot,
it could tell the medics
his exact location.
It could even stabilize
his bodily functions.
That's good, isn't it?
Unless the enemy
gets control...
of the computer that
manages the nanobots.
They could wipe out
an entire army...
by giving every soldier
in the field a massive coronary.
By simply
pressing a button.
This technology
could be a blessing,
or it could be
a nightmare,
depending on
who's controlling it.
And right now
that's Edwin?
That's why
I've come to you.
When Edwin left,
he wiped the drives clean.
I have no idea how he got
from my model to...
You have more of an idea
than anyone else!
Certainly anyone else
in the Jensen family!
I haven't been in the Jensen family
in a long time.
- Why not go to the authorities?
- If the media got wind of this...
the negative spin could
destroy the Jensen Project...
and all of the good
work we've done!
We need you!
We need both of you,
and we need you now.
Hey, Jimmy, I thought 20 bucks
bought me another...
What were you thinking?
I was thinking
you'd never find out.
How'd you know
where I was, anyway?
Your mom used a satellite
to track your cell phone.
- What?
- You pretended to be me...
so you could skip school.
Not cool, buddy. Oh, and by the way,
you are totally grounded.
Look, I can explain.
I was testing the rates of noise
reduction in isolated audio signals.
- I wrote an app, that can...
- It doesn't matter what you were doing.
What matters is
that you lied to the school...
and you lied to us.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Where are we going?
We're sending you
to military school.
Look, Mom, I'll change!
- Can't we talk about this?
- You're not going to military school!
- Then where're we going?
- We're going back.
Back where?
To save the day, I hope!
And while we're at it,
maybe the world!
Why did Edwin choose now
to leave the Jensen project?
My fault. He wanted to skip
the usual protocols...
and advance the nanobot
to its next phase.
Just wanted him
to go slowly.
Unfortunately, Edwin and I
don't communicate very well.
Hey, Mom, what's this Jensen Project,
you guys keep talking about?
It's a group of
really smart people...
who work together to make
the world a better place.
How come I've never
heard of it?
Let's just say that anonymity
is important to us.
- So how do you join?
- You don't.
You have to be invited.
You guys, like, members?
We were...
Ms. Jensen,
we have security clearance...
to land in the compound.
Your onco-gene research,
the glucose-monitoring device...
and your servomechanisms
for robotics...
Truly transformative
work, Edwin.
- Thank you.
- But, sir...
as we discussed, sir,
it's your nanobot technology...
that most interests
my associates and me.
Well, I can see why.
We're this close
to a breakthrough...
that could change
medicine forever.
Will change.
What about
proprietary rights?
Ours and ours alone.
We fund it.
We own it.
We do with it
as we please.
The credit, however...
it's all yours,
along with a great deal
of money.
I'll need full autonomy,
over my staff, the lab,
our process...
Not a problem.
You're the horse
we're backing, Edwin.
And we're willing
to bet big.
As soon as we process you
through security,
we'll meet with Dr. James,
get a progress report
on the search for Edwin.
- How you feeling?
- Afraid.
Afraid that coming back here
was a bad idea.
Don't take that off.
That'll give you access
to most of the compound.
Things have definitely changed
around here.
I remember when security used to be
your dad's hunting dogs.
we're learning the hard way...
even all this isn't enough.
So, Brody...
since your folks haven't told you
about the Jensen Project,
I'll bring you up to speed
on our way to meet Dr. James.
Okay. Cool.
The Jensen Project is one of the premier
research facilities in the world.
It was founded by my father,
the late William Jensen.
The Project is a collective
of great minds...
who not only theorize
about ways to improve the world...
but actually do it.
These are just a few of our
more successful projects.
Yeah, but, you didn't get credit,
other people did.
If the group develops,
say a... say new vaccines,
it's given to
an organization like the CDC...
or the World
Health Organization.
They get
the magazine covers.
At Jensen,
the work is the reward.
Ingrid, status report.
Kendrick James.
This is Brody, Matt
and Claire Thompson.
Kendrick is the head
of the Photonic...
and Acoustical
Engineering Department.
He's also our project
chief of security.
Glad you're here.
Ingrid, so far we've got
And counting!
It is worse than we thought.
Biomedical Neuro-cog
and Robotics were tapped.
Ginny, these are
the Thompsons.
And bye.
I gotta go see
if they also hit A-I.
Welcome back to Jensen.
Ginny heads up our
Computer Sciences division.
Alright, let's get to it before things
get worse than they are.
There is no telling
how far Edwin's gone.
Oh, what about me?
You my dear,
are free to roam the premises.
Stay out of trouble.
No worries.
Hurry up
And wait
So close
But so far away
Everything that
you always dreamed of
Close enough
for you to taste
But you just can't touch
You wanna show the world
but no one knows your name
Wonder when and where
and how you're gonna make it
You know you can
if you get the chance...
We know that more than
a billion people worldwide...
are without access
to clean drinking water.
As a result, more than 4,000 children
in developing countries...
die every single day.
So, we created this
helpful little invention...
and gave it to
the good people at Pur.
It usually takes
half an hour in a strainer,
but we'll speed things
up here.
And there you have it!
Potentially deadly water
is now clean...
and ready to drink.
The uses are infinite.
Non-toxic, water soluble.
It can be used to heal
a bloody wound during battle...
or seal a leak
on the space shuttle.
You believe
and you doubt
If you're confused
and got to figured it all out
Everything that you
always wished for
Could be yours, should be
yours, would be yours
If they only knew
You wanna show the world
but no one knows your name
Wonder when and where
and how you're gonna make it
You know you can
if you get the chance
In your face
as the door keeps slamming
You're feeling more
and more frustrated
And you're getting
all kind of impatient waiting
We live and we learn
To take
one step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen
When it's supposed to happen
And we find
a reason why
One step at a time
Brody Thompson...
you are not authorized
to be in this security zone.
Uh, sorry! Sorry!
My bad!
And we find
the reasons why
One step at a time
Has anyone gone through
Edwin's stuff?
What little
he left behind...
was in his
incomprehensible shorthand.
It's based on an algorithm.
I helped him create it.
I was so hoping
you'd say that!
Sounds like he took
a lot of tech.
Are you sure he's
focusing on nanobots?
No, but based on our last
conversation, I'm guessing he is.
Certainly the most
And unfortunately,
the most dangerous.
If there's any good news
in all of this,
he wasn't able to take
our molecular assembler.
Your what?
He can't produce
nanobots without it.
And besides ours,
there's only a couple of others
in the entire world.
Well, I guess we should
roll up our sleeves.
I'm going to need
all of Edwin's old files.
I'll have them send up
right away.
You can work over here
at this desk.
Who's running
Immunology these days?
You are.
At least for now.
Our department head
took off with Edwin.
Can I access
lab records too?
Absolutely. Come on.
I'll walk with you.
Open files.
Next file.
I can't tell you
how much it means to me...
to have both of you
back here again.
This wasn't easy,
you know,
for Claire, I mean, not after
Edwin forced her to leave.
I can imagine.
You two ever talk about
the time you spent here?
That's a subject that's been
pretty much off limits...
for a long time.
Matt, I tried, actually,
to stand up to Edwin...
on Claire's behalf,
but he was
absolutely adamant.
His behavior
that day was...
In retrospect,
it marked a change in him...
that continued
until the day he left.
This is something you should
talk to Claire about,
not me.
Based on the list
you gave me,
we've provided all the
lab equipment and installs.
There's just...
one piece of equipment...
we weren't
able to find.
The molecular assembler.
But my people
are working on that.
Well, the sooner we
get our hands on one,
the sooner I can start
producing nanobots.
So... what do you think?
I think...
it's perfect!
Then I'll leave you
so you can get started.
Oh, now, this...
is beyond cool!
You are in violation
of statute 387564,
- breaking and entering!
- No...
no, I... I was just
looking around!
- You hacked my security!
- You call that security?
Uh... yeah!
I built it myself!
And I cracked it myself,
like, in 2 seconds!
Well, you're the one
hanging upside down!
- You're the one who ambushed me!
- Who are you anyway?
- Who are you?
- I asked you first!
Look, just let me down,
and I promise... I... I...
- Save it for the authorities!
- No! No! No!
No, please! Come on!
Just don't call the cops!
No! My mom would freak!
- Your parents know you're here?
- Yeah.
They're here, too.
My mom used to work here
and so did my dad.
- No way!
- Oh yeah, for real!
Matthew and Claire Thompson.
You're Matt and
Claire Thompson's kid?
Well, then...
you must be smarter
than you look!
Next file.
Transfer file to tablet.
Yes, Claire?
I found a notation
in one of Edwin's files.
It's signed "NP".
Any idea who that might be?
The most obnoxious,
egocentric individual...
I've ever encountered.
I'm not at all surprised
that Edwin's up and left.
Good riddance!
I take it you two
butted heads.
Ah! Endlessly!
Edwin made it
his personal goal...
to belittle my contributions
to the team.
I certainly know
what that feels like.
So I've heard.
Let's sit, shall we?
Tablet on.
I found this diagram
of a prosthesis.
It has your initials on it.
No Jensen project...
can move from a theoretical stage
to a practical application...
without a thorough
investigation from my team.
The Ethics department,
which I head,
weighs the implications
of all new technology:
ethical, moral, philosophical.
What about the prosthesis?
He wanted to
use nanotechnology...
to remotely control
the prosthetic...
through an interface with
nerve remnants in the stump.
But it caused too much
pain for the subject.
Edwin thought the ends
justified the means.
So control the prosthetic,
he would control everything:
the subject's body functions,
brain functions...
- Precisely.
- Tablet off.
That's why Ingrid
tabled his research.
He appealed to me, but...
once Ingrid makes up her mind...
Hard to get her
to change it.
Been there, done that.
Despite the
bioethical concerns,
Edwin was onto something
quite remarkable.
From what I understand,
his work was a continuation
of the tech you invented.
- Who told you that?
- Edwin.
He said if you
hadn't mishandled it,
your work would have
been foundational.
I perfected
the nanobot ciliary mechanism.
Hey, it's remarkable,
and you are amazing!
If only you had worked...
Good news!
We found our assembler!
- Where?
- Laboratoire Tech-Gen.
In Montreal? I'm surprised
they'd actually sell theirs.
Well, they won't.
You'll help Ken retrieve it.
You're wheels up
in 2 hours.
I... I...
I don't understand.
It's simple, Edwin.
Ken and his team will
break into the laboratory,
and you'll identify
the assembler.
And steal it?
You're crazy!
I'm not gonna do that.
You'll do it, Edwin.
Trust me.
The people who've paid
for all this...
won't take no
for an answer.
Look, I didn't know
who you were.
Some random stranger
cracking my space.
For all I knew,
Edwin could've sent you.
I mean, we are operating
at DEFCON 5.
You hung me from the rafters,
like a smoked ham.
And I'd do it again.
What's that?
- My orb.
- Your what?
It's what they give you
when you become an apprentice.
So what's an apprentice do?
Every 6 months I rotate
to a new department...
until I pick a specialty.
Right now, I'm with Dr. James
in Acoustical Engineering.
Wow! I usually
have to ditch class...
in order to do
something that cool.
where your parents?
Why did Edwin leave?
You sure ask
a lotta question, dude.
- It's Brody.
- Whatever, dude.
what did he take?
Out of the loop
on that one.
When I asked Ingrid,
she said there are things
I don't need to know.
That was a first.
She never pulled a
"cause I said so" card.
Lucky you! That's pretty much
the only card in my mom's deck!
It's not cool!
Them keeping stuff from me,
it's like, hello?
If you're not gonna be straight,
what's the point?
How we supposed to
help each other?
Well, don't spaz over it.
I mean,
in my family, we never
share anything important.
Follow me.
This way.
Over here.
Let's sit!
- Alarm went off on other side.
- Now who's pulling this shit...
Come on!
Let's go! Let's go!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Crones disease, Hodgkin's lymphoma,
sickle-cell anemia.
Edwin's been doing backdoor studies,
on all of these for months.
That fits with Ingrid's theory...
that he's focusing
on nano-med technology.
Module up.
Research facilities
all over the world...
put it at least
Honey, have you forgotten
where we are?
This the place
where nanotech...
Funny how all conversation ceases
when we walk into a room.
And you are?
Samantha Cortez, the youngest
apprentice in Jensen history.
Pleasure's all mine.
Did you know
your dad, like,
invented the treatment
for macular degeneration?
You never told me.
Ah, old news.
- Where'd you find Ms. Cortez?
- Hotwiring a car.
I caught her red-handed.
But... when I warned her
that it was impossible...
because of its
- she bet me.
- And I won.
You have a knack
for finding sharp ones.
Is everything
a holograph around here?
Looks like an early design
for a mobility module,
from, like,
the '50s or something.
Try mid '90s!
- This is the neural network.
- The brains.
Yeah, you can communicate with the
nanobot remotely via computer.
This is the mobility module...
and this is the delivery device.
For hormones,
vaccines, fluids.
This has to be the greatest
medical invention ever!
Or the worst weapon.
This why everyone's
freaked out?
Because Edwin boosted
one of these?
- Yes.
- What's he gonna do with it?
Well, he hasn't
got funding,
so I guess he's looking
for an investor.
You mean he's selling it
to the highest bidder.
Let's not get ahead of our selves,
Edwin can't do anything without...
A molecular assembler.
Three men stole one
in Montreal...
Look, I don't get why we can't
help find Edwin, Dr. James.
I know! We can bring a fresh
perspective to the search!
Yeah. And "fresh" being the
operative word in your case. Hm?
I know you guys
wanna help,
but this has become
serious business.
And, Brody, the last thing
your parents need right now...
is to be worrying
about you.
Now, I've gotta
get back to HQ.
Sam, why don't you take Brody
down to my lab.
Show him what we've
been working on.
Come on, dude.
It's Brody!
Welcome, Dr. Kendrick.
Here we go.
Found footage of the break-in
at the Tech-Gen lab.
Look at that image.
That's Edwin, all right!
So that's it?
Yup, the infamous
molecular assembler.
It's too bad a computer image,
is as close as we're ever gonna get...
to one of those babies.
So... why does
Dr. James wear both...
a science hat
and a security hat?
He's got the creds.
Worked for the NSA
for 10 years...
before Ingrid invited him
to join the Jensen Project.
What's that?
Just an experiment.
I'm tinkering with
sound-frequency isolation.
This is what Dr. James
wanted me to show you:
a voice-tracking device.
You mean, like a bug?
Except it matches voice patterns
to digital signals over satellite feeds.
- That's awesome!
- The way it is now,
you need to know where a signal
originates or where it's going.
With this you can push the search button
until you find a match.
So, in theory, if we were to track the
sound wave of someone's voice,
we can figure out
their location.
The best part is, as long there is a phone
in the same room...
with the person we're tracking,
we can hear them through
the phone on both speakers.
Even if the phone's
turned off?
Off, on, in a pocket.
It doesn't matter. Watch.
I'll upload voice patters
of your parents...
from some old files.
And the software will search
the ozone to find a match...
and identify
the sight of origin.
That's so cool!
I'll tap into
security feeds...
at airports and the major
border crossings.
- Perfect.
- Or, we can use the bio passport.
To track Edwin?
Yes. Everything... cars,
people, machinery... leaves a...
- Chemical signature.
- Excatly. Like a trail.
I can mod the
bio-passport tech...
I developed
on the Nicaragua dig...
using that, to trace the
molecular assembler.
And we can use the Montreal
transit system...
- Exacto-mundo!
- Taking that out of shorthand.
After 9/11, every major city
installed chemical detectors...
in their
public-transit systems...
to... pick up trace elements
of hazardous materials,
like anthrax.
And you combine that,
with a bio passport,
and you can follow
a chemical trail...
to the assembler
that Edwin stole.
So drum roll.
What am I looking for?
- Silicon.
- I need something else...
- to mix into the cocktail.
- Solvents.
Molecular assemblers
use solvents to etch gold...
- Ah! You said gold!
- Gold is used as a conductor.
Well, that's all I need.
We're looking for a breadcrumb trail
of gold and silicon.
There's a California joke
in there somewhere.
Edwin! How was
your field trip?
- Terrifying.
- Well, but... successful.
Well, we won't know...
until I get the assembler into
a clean room and run some tests.
Then we'll see
if it was damaged...
while I was being chased down
an alley like a... common thief!
As soon as we pinpoint
his location,
we need to have this team
ready to go.
Sounds like the computer
found my parents.
They're trying
to find Edwin.
So... the computer
found my folks.
Can it find Edwin, too?
Mmm... unlikely.
How about if we hook up
my gear to yours?
Worth a try.
Let me pull a voice sample.
No, uh...
on second thought...
- Maybe we should just chill.
- What do you mean, chill?
My parents would freak,
if the knew I was doing it.
- We're trying to help.
- I know...
but they already
told us not to...
- and...
- And what?
They just busted me
for ditching school...
for, like,
the fourth time.
You don't like school?
Not so much, no.
Too easy?
I had the same problem.
But... instead of ditching,
I kept getting tossed out.
You talk
to them about it?
They wouldn't understand.
How could they if you
don't explain it to them?
Thank you.
Calm your nerves.
I keep thinking none of this
would have happened...
if I'd listened to you
in the first place.
No one could have predicted
Edwin would go this far.
Got something here.
A private jet,
left a Montreal airstrip...
at 9:30 last night.
At that altitude,
the chemical trail
will be Gonzo by now.
But if we can figure out
where it landed,
chances are
it'll lead us to Edwin.
Just got a text from
my guy at Homeland Security.
He said that that plane from Montreal
landed in New Jersey.
On it. I'll target New York,
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware.
I think
I've got something.
Trace elements
of gold and silicon.
That's our cocktail!
Okay, backtracking
them to...
Isolate that right there.
- You see it?
- Mm-hmm. That's... New York.
- The Bronx, actually.
- Where in the Bronx?
Van Cortlandt Park.
Okay, connect this
to Dr. James' receiver.
- Check.
- And...
That should do it.
I need all department heads,
to report to HQ immediately.
- What's happening?
- Only one way to find out!
You think it's a good idea,
calling in department heads?
It's Jensen protocol.
Half of the department heads
have mutinied!
You can't know who's still
in touch with Edwin.
You're right.
We'll keep this need-to-know.
Most of our security
is electronic.
As you know, we haven't needed much
in the way of boots on the ground.
And the few we have
were handpicked.
- And well-trained.
- Except in nanotechnology.
I may need to go along
to secure the data...
just in case Edwin decides,
if he can't have it, nobody can.
Yeah, well,
if you go, I go.
I'm concerned about
how Edwin is gonna react...
when he finds out
I brought you in on this.
Are you worried about,
what he'll do to me or I'll do to him?
Good point.
I wonder if we
should've told Brody.
No, for now I think
the less, the better.
I guess you're right.
If he knew, he'd be...
- As freaked out as I am?
- Hey...
we don't have to
do this, you know.
I think we do.
I wish I would've known
you were such an action hero.
I wish you'd asked.
Mom! Dad!
Where you going?
Who are those guys?
Did you find Edwin?
Are you goin' to get him?
Uh... yeah.
Would you really do something
that crazy without telling me about?
- Sweety, we didn't want you to worry.
- That worked out well, didn't it?
The best way to keep him
from sweating it...
is to take us along.
- This isn't a pleasure trip, guys!
- But we can help!
You can help
by staying here.
Folks, we gotta get going.
I love you.
Back before you know it.
I promise.
Tell me you're smiling
for good reason, Edwin.
Well, the assembler's working.
We still have to
lay out the protocols,
go through
sterilization techniques.
But... rest assured,
it's nearly time...
to make history.
You got the spec yet?
It looks like
an abandoned water tower.
There's an...
entrance on the south side.
Security system?
No... it doesn't look like it.
- That's weird.
- Yeah.
I'll keep you posted.
You seem so...
I don't know.
Into this!
Beats pulling worms
out of noses.
I feel bad about leaving Brody
out of the loop.
Me too.
We should have talked
to him before we, you know...
Well, not talking has
become a bit of a habit.
I can't believe them!
They go all crazy when I don't
tell them my every move,
and they go do
something like this!
Yeah, it's pretty
messed up, all right.
I mean, what am I
even doing here?
Whining. Stop it.
Yeah, well,
what do you know?
I know that if something
happens to them,
your life will
change instantly!
And, dude, you have
no idea what that's like!
You speaking
from experience?
I never met my dad,
and my mom died
when I was, like, 5.
Who raised you?
Come on.
Foster care, group homes.
It wasn't
so bad, actually.
It taught me to think
and do for myself.
So you can pout and mope,
or you can off the bench
and make something happen!
- Like?
- Like figuring out...
where your parents are.
We'll track their chopper.
What's that?
We left Dr. James'
program up.
It's been searching for voice
matches to Edwin's samples...
With the assembler we should have
a full chain in 48 hours.
- It's Edwin!
- Are you sure?
Shh! Listen!
- What're we supposed to be looking at?
- Nanobots.
You can't actually see them
without a microscope,
but trust me,
that machine is producing
working nanobots, even as we speak.
Show me.
Show you.
Show you what?
You said you were
producing nanobots.
Prove it.
Let's see one work.
And... and how...
how do you propose I do that?
By moving into human testing.
- Is he kidding?
- I don't think so.
I will not do that.
I don't think
my investors would agree.
But... if you wanna try
to convince them,
go ahead.
Are you hearing this?
Can you track the guys cell signal
and get his location?
- I can try.
- Do it.
I thought I heard
something over there.
I'll go check.
I found your mom and dad.
They're just north of New York City,
Van Cortlandt Park.
- Doesn't make any sense.
- What?
Edwins' signal's coming from the
south end of Manhattan island, maybe...
my parents are going.
- Double-check it.
- I did.
What's that?
- System lockdown.
- We're in lockdown!
All communications
- are blocked.
- Does this mean...
we lost Matt and Claire?
No signals in or out!
- Where are they?
- They'd just reached the site...
when we lost them.
They're on their own.
Everyone can I have your attention?
There's been
a security breach.
Our network
has been compromised.
We are in self-protect mode,
meaning there's no outgoing
or incoming communication.
This is serious.
If our system
has been corrupted,
we could lose everything.
I guess they're not
fooling around.
A lot of our
save-the-world stuff...
is a few quick tweaks
from kill-everybody stuff.
So, yeah, we take this
pretty seriously.
Ingrid, this is Sam!
Can you hear me?
I can't get through. Someone's
blocked our com to headquarters.
We go to get to Ingrid!
What about the vents?
Can't we climb through them?
This isn't a rerun
of "Mission Impossible", dude!
Grab a flashlight
and help me!
How'd you know about this?
Spilled a bag of malted
milk balls a few weeks ago.
Couple rolled under
the machine.
Where does it go?
You'll see.
Talk to me, Edwin.
Well, right now,
I'm regulating the patient's
blood pressure and sugar levels.
Apparently, your man
has diabetes.
With just a few strokes,
I can adjust his
blood-sugar level.
In case of emergency,
I could raise
his insulin...
to prevent him from
going into diabetic shock.
Give him a shot
of serotonin.
Slow his heart rate.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
There, you've seen it work.
You satisfied?
Once we blast the lock,
we'll clear the room.
Then go in the door
and secure the tech.
Now, if there's
any trouble,
I want you to
get back to the chopper.
Hurry, dude.
Let's do it.
- Go! Go! Go! Go!
- Go!
- Clear!
- Clear!
Bring 'em in!
I don't understand how the chemical
trail led my parents one way...
but the voice tracker says that
Edwin's somewhere completly different!
The point is, we know where
Edwin is and they don't!
Give him a shot
of adrenaline.
Stop! Stop! His heart
can't take any more!
You're gonna send him
into cardiac arrest!
Don't ever say
no to me again...
This should lead to a vent
outside the building.
Wait a minute.
I thought we were trying to get to Ingrid.
Why are we going outside.
We can't get to Ingrid
'cause of the lockdown.
We have to switch
to plan B.
Come on!
The server's secure.
Do an all-systems
roll call,
and try to raise
Claire and Matt.
What is plan B?
We don't know how long,
Edwin will be at his current location.
If we don't go now,
we might lose him.
Plan B is going after the guy
who was just...
testing his nano-gizmo on
a human subject by ourselves?
You don't have to come
if you don't want to.
What's that?
Five propellers
and a fuselage.
What do you think it is?
An airplane.
I knew you were
a bright kid.
Help me push!
do you even know how
to fly an airplane?
Yeah, kind of.
Kind of?
No, this is not a good idea!
My mom would definitely
flog me for this!
Your call, but I'm going
with or without you.
Follow the pretty girl?
Obey Mom?
Follow the pretty girl?
Obey Mom?
Follow the pretty girl?
Obey Mom? Pretty girl? Mom?
Dude! Are you coming or what?
Your parents need us!
- Definitely.
- Okay!
Jump in!
Screaming like a little girl
won't help me fly this baby!
Captain to co-captain...
"Captain" implies that you actually
know how to fly this thing.
Chill out!
It's just like Nitromaniacs.
Nitromaniacs, is just a video game!
This is an airplane!
And when my mom
finds out we stole it...
We didn't steal it.
It's Jensen property.
I'm a Jensen employee,
and we're on a Jensen mission.
She'll buy that!
Oh, I'm so dead!
Not if we get back
the molecular assembler...
and save the world!
Trust me, you'll go from
juvie to hero in one night.
Assuming I survive this...
- Hang on!
- Ahh!
It doesn't
make any sense.
The trail ends just
outside the door.
Matt, I'm so glad you're okay.
We're fine,
but no one's here.
- You were too late?
- By about 10 years.
There's 2 inches of dust
on the floor.
The assembler's trail
leads right up to the door,
but no equipment,
no people, no Edwin.
No, that's impossible.
The trail
from the airport...
led to that
exact location.
We've looked everywhere, Jenny.
It's abandoned.
Don't waste any more
time there then.
Get back here
as soon as you can.
When we go back,
I'm taking the train.
Suit yourself,
but so you know,
I have an instrument rating...
and a couple hundred hours
logged in that bird.
And that's the best
you could do?
Come on, dude.
Let's not keep
the bad guys waiting.
Okay, it looks like
we're all done here.
Let's get to the chopper.
What's wrong?
I know this is
gonna sound crazy.
I just... I feel so...
deflated, somehow.
I was so ready to
confront Edwin, and now...
Most people never
face their ghosts.
At least you tried.
I know what kind
of influence...
the doubts Edwin
instilled in me have had.
Not just... on my work,
but... on all of us...
on the choices we made...
for Brody and for you
and for me.
I just wish...
I had been as ready to stand up
to him back then as I am now.
Yeah, me too.
Come on.
This one should be it.
That's the assembler.
people all around it,
including some that look
like they eat nails.
Let's go.
Come here.
I re-checked
the data again.
There were significant traces
of both gold and silicon.
The chem. trace
was correct.
This is weird.
The levels are double the amount,
used in the assembler.
What are you doing?
Stop being such a dork!
- Did you find Brody?
- Still looking.
- You check Sam's boathouse?
- On my way to do that now.
Well, you're busy.
We'll do it.
Ingrid, the lockdown was
triggered from the inside.
Then it wasn't Edwin.
Not unless he left
a mole behind.
Well, whoever it was,
we need to find them now!
So what now?
Now we figure out how
to get to the assembler.
Uh... dude?
One second.
- Ugh! That smells like...
- A smart, uh...
way to clear a room.
Hand me the bottle.
What's happening?
We have a contaminant breach!
Clear the room.
- We gotta clear the room!
- Let's go!
Let's go, come on!
Get out! Get out!
Hey, put it down!
Go! Get out!
- Let's go!
- Leave! Leave!
Let's get going!
Come, on.
Move! Move!
Shut it down!
Let's go!
And out!
Come on, everyone!
Let's go! Let's go!
Come on, let's go.
Looks more like a toaster
than a deadly weapon.
It's not the machine that's deadly,
it's the people who stole it.
Grab it
and let's get outta here.
Let's go!
- Got it?
- Come on!
Do you have any idea
what a setback this is?
Stop them!
- Stop!
- Uh!
- Sam!
- Ugh.
Thanks, dude!
Ah! Sam!
Sam, catch!
The assembler!
Get up!
Go after her!
Go, Sam! Go!
And who do we have here?
Answer me!
My name is Brody.
Brody Thompson.
Brody Thompson...
Hey, guys,
are you here?
Cool digs!
Ah, this is the last
thing we need.
Where could they be?
Are you kidding?
In this place?
They could be
coming up with an addendum...
to Einstein's
theory of relativity.
I just wish for once he'd
let us know what he's up to.
Well, we teach
by example, honey.
We kept him
out of the loop.
Now he's just
returning the favor.
Matt? Claire?
I've got Sam calling in.
We got the assembler,
but I... I...
What? How did you...
Dr. James' voice tracker
picked up Edwin's signal, but...
it was during
the lockdown and... and...
Slow down.
Is Brody with you?
That's what I'm telling you!
These... these guards grabbed me...
and Brody jumped in
so I could get away...
- and...
- Sam, where is Brody now?
I don't know.
Everybody's on it, Claire.
We'll find him.
We never should've
come back here.
We never
should have left.
That day when Edwin...
That was the worst
day of my life.
But this is
a million times worse.
What have we done...
We left because
you were so used to winning,
you could not
accept a loss.
Then you became so afraid
it was going to happen again,
you got out of
the game altogether...
and you took
Brody and me with you.
And yet, you're never
willing to talk about it.
After we find Brody,
things are goin' to
change, Claire.
They have to.
Sorry to interrupt...
there's a call coming in.
Carry you
all the way home...
Put it on speaker.
- Mom!
- Brody!
Are you okay?
- Where are you?
- I... I have no idea.
Are you all right?
- Did they hurt you?
- No, I'm cool!
Appreciate you
saving me, dude.
I would ground you if
I weren't so happy to see you!
Mom, I was only
trying to help.
I know. Sam told us.
Next time, though, let's discuss
the risks we intend to take...
before we take them, okay?
- You scared us, man.
- I'm sorry.
I'm glad you're okay.
Are you hungry?
You must be starving.
No, no, I'm good, thanks.
So what happened after
I bounced outta there?
I have no idea.
It's all totally fuzzy.
All I remember is
waking up on the street.
- You made it!
- Brilliant!
Hey, guys.
- He's okay.
- Welcome back, Brody.
Bio-system alert.
Unidentified foreign object.
- Mom?
- Brody Thompson.
Brody, don't move.
- It's Edwin's nanobot.
- Inside me?
- What has Edwin done?
- Taken control of his system.
We need to get it out!
We need extraction scenarios!
Hold on a minute.
Everything we do, Edwin will see!
Incoming transmission
from Edwin Jensen.
Answer call.
Hello, Claire.
What have you done
to my son?
I'm surprised you're back.
Ingrid must've been
very persuasive.
I don't understand
why you'd want to hurt...
- an innocent...
- Ahh!
Okay! Okay!
Now, I'll call
you back, one hour,
with a time
and a place.
And you'll bring
the assembler.
Don't worry.
She will give it back.
It's linked to
his blood vessels.
There's gotta be a way
to un-link it!
Does it feel weird?
I didn't even know
it was in me until now.
Where's the assembler?
- Excuse me?
- What?
I'm sorry, but ethically,
this is a classic case...
of what's good for the many vs.
what's good for one.
I think, we need to discuss...
- the implications...
- Are you kidding me?
This is not theoretical!
This is my son's life
we're talking about!
Let me, please.
Play files.
Play file.
We've just witnessed...
utter failure.
Pause file!
I'm not a genius...
like the rest of you.
My father understood that.
My father meant for me to be
the heart of the Jensen Project.
He depended on me...
to make sure that...
there would be compassion...
in the often-clinical world
that we've created here.
I failed you.
I failed my father.
I failed myself.
I knew that Edwin...
went way beyond
the professional that day.
He wounded you...
personally and deeply.
was wrong about you.
I knew that, and I'm sure
that he knew that.
I'm so sorry...
for then...
and for now...
And I want you
to know, Claire...
anything that we can do
to protect Brody,
we will do.
Neeva... would you do me
a favor...
and run this down
to Claire, please?
- Send a digital file.
- She wants a hard copy.
to tell you the truth,
I really don't trust
anybody else right now.
All right.
- I'll take care of it.
- Thank you.
- Close topic.
- Appreciate it.
The algorithms
don't match.
It won't move out of the heart
without tearing the tissue.
Maybe if we give him a diuretic...
- he can go to the bathroom...
- What?
- you know.
- Won't work. Neither will dialysis.
Or plasmapheresis or any
execratory that might force...
Great genius talk.
I'm sorry.
It was Neeva.
- She triggered the lockdown.
- Why would she do that?
- She's obviously working with Edwin.
- Are you sure?
The code that was used
to trigger the lockdown...
is the same one
she used...
to call up surveillance cams
on her tablet.
Where is she now?
- Outta the way!
- Ahh...
Excuse me! Excuse me!
Neeva, wait!
Right now the Jensen
geniuses are busy...
trying to come up with a way
to remove the nanobot...
without my knowing,
which is impossible.
Kendrick figured it out.
It was only a matter of time.
Are you safe?
For now.
- Are they gonna trade?
- Of course.
You left them no choice.
If it deactivates,
it detaches, right?
I suppose.
But in order to
deactivate it,
you need to know
how he's controlling it.
If it were me...
I think I'd develop
a phone app!
You'd develop the app
on your computer?
And his computers
in his lab!
Publicly, Neeva despised Edwin.
But, it was all charade.
Not only that, from her phone calls
over the last couple of months,
it appears they were more
than just colleagues.
I wish we could pause this day
and rewind it.
And just completely erase it!
What did you just say?
I don't know. It just
comes out. I can't control it.
You said "pause".
Maybe there's a way
to pause the program.
By temporarily block the signal...
that Edwin's using
to control the nanobot!
- Exactly!
- If you meet him for the exchange...
he'll need a remote
to control the nanobot.
We think he's using
a phone app, as a remote.
Well, that makes sense!
So that's the signal we need to block.
The mainframe would
still control the nanobot.
So we shut that down, too.
And download the data
before we do it!
We have no choice.
We have to move,
even if you get
the assembler back.
- I will get the assembler back.
- They know where we are.
It's time.
If we work it from both ends,
we might have a chance.
I can probably re-task
a couple of satellites,
get you some
infrared coverage of that building.
It will only work if Edwin leaves the lab
to make the exchange.
Incoming transmission
from Edwin Jensen.
Answer call.
Behind the Brooklyn
Botanical Society.
Chinese gardens.
Two hours.
I assume you'll be there.
I'll be there.
I never doubted it.
How you holding up,
big guy?
It's okay to be scared.
It'd be weird
if you weren't.
What if our plan
doesn't work, Mom?
- Mom, what if...
- Don't do this to yourself, sweetie.
Don't think about
the "what if".
Just focus on
the "what is".
we have a problem.
A big one.
But we also have
a solution...
Okay? And if we...
keep our heads...
we will get through this.
I promise.
Troops are gathering.
You guys ready?
Yeah, we're ready.
So this works
in 2 phases.
The program used to
control the nanobot
was most likely created
in Edwin's mainframe.
We need to get
into his lab,
download the program
and destroy the CPU.
From what Sam and Brody
told us,
Edwin's computer is located
on the second floor.
If Edwin gets away
and we haven't destroyed it,
he will always have
control over Brody.
Matt, Sam and Brody
will go back to the lab.
We'll take the XT.
- The what?
- You'll see.
According to Kendrick's
sat surveillance,
Edwin is already
clearing out of the lab.
Brody, I mean it this time.
You and Sam are
there to guide only.
This is your dad's show.
I will be meeting
Edwin in Brooklyn.
I will use the assembler
to distract him...
until we can get
the wattage we need...
to jam his cell phone.
- Ginny...
- I'll shut down sectors 7 to 15...
to draw the necessary power.
And once Edwin's
cell phone is neutralized,
I'll move in
with my team,
but not until we reach
You are all geniuses.
Today's the day to prove it.
I am counting
on you and your dad...
to take care
of each other.
And I'm counting on you to
take care of both of them.
You got it, Mrs. Thompson.
All right, let's do it.
So that's the XT?
Huh... I like it!
Claire, I've got Matt
on the com for you.
How's Brody?
Spoiling for a fight!
I know how he feels.
I bet you do.
But don't worry!
We're gonna be fine.
- Keep an eye on our boy.
- Will do.
Ginny, you got infrared
on the building?
Yeah. I'm only counting
Edwin and his crew are definitely,
in get-out-of-dodge mode.
Approach from the north-side.
There's a maintenance room there.
That's where you'll find
the main electrical panel.
Got it.
All right,
the com's all set.
Are you OK?
All right.
Good luck.
Okay, we're in.
Ginny, Claire's almost
in position.
I got her.
Claire, you copy?
- Loud and clear.
- Good.
We started powering up
the wattage.
I will let you know
the second we have the juice...
to jam up his signal
to the nanobot.
- Okay.
- We're in.
I see you.
How do I get into
Edwin's lab?
There's a ladder that leads to what
looks like decontamination centre,
northeast wall of the room that
you're standing in right now.
Got it.
Matt, you've got company.
Who are you?
Maintenance sent us over
to fix the, uh...
Okay. That was impressive.
I told you she was cool.
Okay but, eventually they're gonna
know that this guy's missing.
And when they do,
we're cooked.
- So, let's get this done.
- How long to search the system?
Give us 10.
Dad... do you really
have to go up there?
Unless we download his files
before we blow out the system,
we'll destroy all the work
the Jensen Project's done
to create the nanobots, okay?
In the right hands,
it'll save a lot of lives.
- If it weren't for me...
- If it weren't for you,
we never would have
found this lab.
I'll be okay, Brody.
No one knows me here.
They'll think I'm just
one of their techs.
Ten minutes.
Ha! Time to tango.
Eighty-five percent.
Edwin is on site.
Got him.
Where is it, Claire?
How will I know
if you disabled the nanobot?
Oh, don't waste
my time, Claire.
You're obviously monitoring
your sons' vital functions.
After I've inspected
the assembler,
I'll... I'll send the signal.
Kendrick, Ingrid,
your husband,
they'll all see
the nanobot shut down.
Now, if you don't mind...
Wattage at 90%.
Keep him talking.
What's to keep you
from rebooting the nanobot...
once I give you
the assembler?
I literally hold
your son's life...
in the palm
of my hand.
You have no choice
but to trust me.
Trust you?
The man who's threatening
my child's life?
Ninety-five percent.
The man who told me
my work wasn't good enough...
and then continued
to develop it?
- Trust you, Edwin?
- Be careful, Claire.
Your own father
didn't trust you.
That's why he gave control of
the Jensen Project to Ingrid...
instead of you.
Ninety-six percent.
Spliced into city power,
about a zillion volts.
You good to go?
Easier than hotwiring a 4x4!
What do you think?
I think my dad
better be on his game...
if we're gonna light
this baby up in...
Three minutes.
Your father didn't
doubt your intelligence.
He doubted
your character.
Do you really wanna show
the world that he was right?
Ninety-eight percent.
Stall him, Claire.
What are you
doing in here?
What I want...
is that assembler.
No! No!
Leave it, Edwin!
He's okay.
They got Edwin's files
and shut down his lab.
- I don't believe that.
- Well, Edwin...
maybe we'll let your friend
Cho explain it to you,
just as soon as he's finished
selling you out to the feds.
Edwin, how did it happen?
How did you end up here?
I've been
looking for you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I want to apologize.
For what?
Talking about stuff,
you know,
our feelings, our fears,
it's not always easy,
so we avoid it.
But in a family, we shouldn't
have to do that.
I haven't set a very good
example in that regard.
But I promise, from now on,
I'm gonna open up more.
And I'm gonna
listen better.
And I hope you will, too.
Yeah, I think
I can manage that.
And... I...
I'm sorry, too.
For, like,
you... you know...
putting you through
so much stuff lately.
Well, now that
that's settled...
Ingrid left a message,
said there was something
I needed to see?
Yeah, she wanted me
to show this to you.
You left this file open.
Ingrid was going
to archive it...
when she noticed this.
Play file.
That circuit board controls
the ciliary mechanism.
The nanobot can't
function without it.
He replaced yours
with one that was flawed.
He sabotaged my work.
Pause file.
And then he drove you away...
so he could take over
your project.
Ah... I feel so stupid.
- There's no way you could've...
- No, I mean, to let that one event...
so influence our lives.
Close file.
I love you.
Ah! Ew! Gross!
Hey, you better
pack your stuff.
We gotta take off!
What do you mean
take off?
She means go home.
- You're kidding, right?
- No.
You mean go back
to school tomorrow...
like none of this
ever happened?
That's insane!
May I suggest
an alternative?
Thanks to you guys,
the Jensen Project
can continue...
to do its good work.
And I hope with all my heart
that you'll stay...
and contribute your genius
to our efforts.
What about your practice?
I can cure patients
one at a time...
or find a cure
for thousands. Easy call.
What about you?
This place has
always been about...
being the best you can be.
And I think it's time
our family gave that a try.
Of course, we're going to
talk it over with Brody.
Ah, yes! Brody...
in the last couple of days,
you have shown your own
brand of genius.
Unfortunately, mostly while
disobeying your parents.
- But I...
- Brody...
you risked your life...
to protect Samantha
and the Jensen Project.
So, it is my great pleasure,
to offer you...
a Jensen Project
So, dude...
I mean, Brody...
You gonna
accept or what?