Jericho Ridge (2023) Movie Script

It's bright and clear
out there today.
We're looking at a high
of 45 degrees this afternoon.
Wind's fairly light
at ten miles per hour
before peaking up to 18
as the temperature dips down
to 30
as we head into the evening.
Now tonight, make sure you wrap
up warm as conditions takes
an Arctic turn.
Temperature's plunging down
to 23 with heavy snow pushing
through overnight.
A strong chance of deep drifts
tomorrow morning,
so make sure you keep listening
for updates
and wherever you are,
take care out there.
Now, over to Stephane
with all your travel and...
Elect the change we need.
Vote Bob Peck
for Clay County Sheriff.
I'll protect your second
amendment rights
and defend our community
from liberal elites and...
We're heading to the office.
Okay, then. I'll see you later.
I'm pretty sure I just said
What the hello, mom?
If you want to ride up front
like an adult,
then you take them off.
But it's not like
we were talking.
But it's rude.
Then how come it's okay at home?
Because there's a wall
between us.
Are you coming?
I'm gonna wait here.
Why would you do that?
Because it's embarrassing.
You don't think it's
embarrassing sitting out here
by yourself?
Beats another lecture.
Hey, Tabby.
Uh, what are you doing here?
You should be resting.
Anymore resting,
I'm liable to go batshit.
Eddie said he needs me riding
dispatch for few hours.
I figured you guys had some
kind of emergency.
More like a robbery.
Huh. Doesn't exactly sound like
a red ball.
It was here.
Somebody b-and-e'd
the sheriff's office?
Yeah, talk about brass balls,
How did they get in?
Front door.
No sign of forced entry.
Ah, well, they picked the lock.
Alarm didn't scare them off?
Well, it might have done
if someone had remembered
to set it.
Do I get a prize
if I can guess who?
Only if it's big and heavy,
and I get to beat him
half to death with it.
So, where's Eddie?
Out on a call. Domestic
That's him now.
Yeah, my mom clipped that out
of the paper.
I... I was gonna take it down.
Not on my account.
Come on.
Hey, good to see you, Tab.
How's the ankle?
Bugging the crap out of me.
And how's Monty?
See my previous answer.
Yeah. Here we go. Come on.
Earl Macready.
Yeah, wife locked herself
in the bathroom,
called for help.
Is she gonna press charges
this time?
She started bawling as soon
as I slap the cuffs on him.
I'm gonna send him home
when he sobers up.
Dennis, show the gentleman
to his new lodgings.
Come on.
I wanna make
a goddamn phone call.
Come on.
I ain't going nowhere
until I speak to my lawyer.
Does your lawyer have a name?
You know he doesn't have enough
to pay legal fees.
What he needs
is a public defender.
Hey Dennis,
where's old Bill Sackler?
Deer Lake.
Took his pole and went fishing.
Hmm. Any way of reaching him?
Not while the fisher bite.
Come on.
You won't lay your damn hand
on me
and I'll jalapeno their ass.
Drop it.
I wanna make
my fucking phone call.
Drop it.
I know my god damn rights.
Put a hole in him, Dennis.
Fuck you, Tabby.
Holster that sidearm,
Chief Deputy.
Eyes on me. Earl. Earl.
We're a little busy here today.
So the less of our time
you waste,
the more favorably
you're gonna get dealt with.
I happen to know
you're a gambling man.
An unsuccessful one,
but enthusiastic nevertheless.
I want you to take a second
and consider the odds here.
There are three of us.
And there's one of you.
We're sporting guns.
You're packing two fluid ounces
of pressurized hot sauce.
There's only one way
a confrontation like that
goes down.
And it does not favor
the underdog.
Rumpus time's been and gone.
It's nap time.
With me, Tab.
Nearly home.
Alright, alright, alright.
In we go. There.
Still want my goddamn
phone call.
My lawyer's gonna have
y'all's ass.
Sweet dreams.
I didn't do shit.
What's missing?
Current tally is four pistols.
Three Sigs and a Beretta APX.
Couple of hundred rounds
of hydra-shok
and 20 grand the judge signed
for undercover meth buys.
You don't think that's weird?
They took the pistols
but left the heavy artillery?
Yeah, kind of had me
buffaloed too.
You got anything on camera?
I thought we were supposed
to get these cameras upgraded.
We did.
Picture quality is just
as crappy as the last ones.
I couldn't agree more.
So, what's the difference?
New cameras are covert.
Pretty much invisible to anyone
that doesn't know
that they're there.
I got them off a spy website.
Oh. But isn't that the point of
having them so they act
as a deterrent?
So, how are they deterrent
if people can't see them?
Money well spent.
God, I missed you, Tab.
Have we put out
a state wide APB?
Oh, I'd like to think we could
do our own dirty laundry.
Now, the sheriff's election
is in two weeks.
And we just had a murder
investigation dropped
right in our laps.
That's Jem Denton.
Yeah, picked him up
a couple of nights ago
at a rest stop in Pine Hollow.
Took one to the back of the head
execution style.
No witnesses.
It wouldn't have taken
five minutes
to drag his body into the woods.
Whoever did wanted him found.
Yeah, it's a warning.
Someone out there
sending a message.
It kind of narrows down
the list of suspects.
Where are we with forensics?
Coroner dug a bullet
out of his skull.
She sent it up to the state lab
in Union Creek.
First things first.
We gotta get our guns back.
There's no way
I'm winning an election
if I can't get my house
in order.
And if I lose,
that asshole Bob Peck's in.
And if Bob Peck's in,
you'll all be drawing welfare.
And that's not gonna happen.
Not on my watch.
Sounds like you have a plan.
Anonymous tipster called in.
He said they saw
Arnold Beauchamp
firing off pistols this morning
in the woods behind his cabin.
Arnie Boo?
You know him?
Back in the day,
we were in high school together.
Arnie's a doomsday prepper
and a second amendment freak.
He's not the sort of guy
you wanna be sneaking up on.
If anyone understands
the need for light touch,
it's me, Tab.
Whaddup, whaddup?
Oh hey, Tabby.
It's been a minute.
What you carrying there, Walter?
Oh, these?
These things are sprouting out
like goddang weeds.
You pull one up and two more
take their place.
Do you have any idea
the kind of stink you'll cause
if anyone sees you stealing
those signs
in a sheriff department vehicle?
Nobody saw shit, boss.
I'm a ninja.
A ninja.
No more signs, Walter.
Leave the politics
to the grownups.
I hear you clucking,
big chicken.
So, what are we all waitin' for?
I mean Arnie Boo, here we come.
I need you to head up
to Berryville.
Tip off came from a payphone
in Snakey Jake's liquor lounge.
See if you can find out
who called it in.
But I thought I was going
with you guys.
And I thought I told you
to set the alarm.
Yeah, nice move, dipshit.
Shit, boss, I'm sorry.
Like, seriously, I mean it.
You know for damn sure, that
ain't gonna happen again, right?
You head up to Berryville,
find out who called in that tip.
Come on, boss, let me go...
I've given you a direct order,
See that it's carried out.
Shit don't happen
till I make it happen.
Consider it done.
Oh Tab, locksmith buddy of mine
is gonna roll by in a few.
Fix up the vault.
Install more secure locks,
front and back, okay?
Where's your sidearm, Tabby?
Locked up at my home
in my gun safe.
Well, you should have brought it
with you.
I'm working dispatch tonight
in case you forgot.
I don't like the thought of you
being here alone unarmed.
I can handle myself.
Don't look at me.
You're the ranking officer now.
She shouldn't even be here in
her condition.
You know that.
Don't talk about me like
I'm not here, Dennis.
I'm in charge now, Tabby.
You gotta learn to do
what I say.
Then stop acting like
a little pussy
and give me a goddamn order.
Alright, alright.
How about you hold on
to this for me, Tab?
Grab some shells from the vault
if you feel the need.
Yes, sir.
Let's roll.
Sheriff's office.
This is the State Police crime
lab for Sheriff Reynolds.
Sheriff's out running an errand.
Anything I can help you with?
Is that you, Tabby?
How's life in the big city?
I'll tell you
when I move to one.
How's my favorite chief deputy?
Actually, it's just plain old
deputy now.
Wait, you got busted down?
What happened?
I need a charger.
Let's save that one for dark bar
and a bottle of Jack.
It's a date.
Listen hun,
I got the ballistics report
on Jeremiah Denton.
How about I email it over
and you pass it on up to Eddie?
Will do.
Can you give me the headlines?
I'm on like 5% battery.
So, the bullet that killed him
was 9 mm Luger round
polygonal rifling
with a clockwise twist.
Nothing doing, I'm afraid.
You got eyes on any suspects
down your way?
Oh, my God.
Well, Denton's been dipping
his toe in the meth trade.
Anyone trying to play
in that, sandbox
and sooner or later
they'll butt heads
with Tap Shannon.
It's not a big one for
It wouldn't be like him
to sneak his neck out.
I'm not suggesting
he pulled the trigger
but if Tap Shannon
didn't have a hand in it,
I'll put in for
retirement tomorrow.
Safe bet.
I'll get that email over
lickety split.
Take care now, hun.
You could just ask for help.
I'm not an invalid.
A person made weak or disabled
by illness or injury.
You know, you're literally
the dictionary definition
of an invalid.
Hey, what's this?
Murder investigation.
That's... that's Jem Denton.
You know him?
I've seen him around, I guess.
Hey, when did it happen?
Two nights ago.
Jansens need a baby sitter.
It's their anniversary dinner.
You're on curfew.
Yeah. So, folks aren't exactly
lining up to throw me work.
What? You really want me
to turn down an actual J-O-B?
There's last chances,
and there's last chances.
Mom, I get it.
Make sure you go home
straight after.
And if I call,
you better answer.
Give me a goddamn minute,
You're the locksmith?
You're a friend of Eddie's?
Well, come on in.
I'd offer you a cup of coffee.
But it tastes like shit.
And I'm liable to spill
as much as I pour.
No, I'm good.
Want to start
with the front door first
and then move on to the vault.
Reckon I'll go ahead
in the back?
Wouldn't it make more sense
to secure the exterior first?
I'm just going off
what Eddie said.
Do you know where you're going?
Don't touch anything that
hasn't been damaged.
Dispatch, this is 1-1.
Go ahead.
Coming up on the cabin now.
Looks like he's home.
Light him up.
Don't wanna spook him.
Sheriff's office.
Who am I speaking to?
This is Chief Deputy.
I mean, Deputy Temple.
Well, I need to be speaking
with Sheriff Reynolds.
He is out of the office
at the moment.
Perhaps if you tell me...
Oh, when is he getting back?
I'm afraid I don't have exact
time on that right now.
Well, maybe you should
do your job and find out.
Arnold Beauchamp.
This is the
Sheriff's department.
I need you to exit the building
with your hands on your head.
Please give me your name?
This is Pam DeLuca.
I'm just gonna put you on hold
for a moment, Mrs. DeLuca.
You will do no such...
Who the hell's creeping around
out there in the dark?
This is the sheriff's
I need you to open
the front door,
come out
with your hands on your head.
Yeah, I ain't doing
no such thing.
Yeah, he's refusing to exit
the cabin.
I have a visual on dash cam.
How's everything back there,
Most exciting thing happening
I got some crazy lady on hold.
Pam DeLuca.
Arnie, you listen to me.
Come out here right now.
Do you hear me?
Alright Tabby,
do not piss her off.
She's a big hit
with the church crowd.
There's a lot of potential
You keep her happy
no matter what.
I'll handle it.
Arnie, don't make me
give you the ten count.
You come out here now.
Mrs. DeLuca, I'm sorry
for putting you on hold.
Well, I can tell you right now,
I don't appreciate it.
How may I assist you
this evening?
I have heard a group
of teenagers
are fixing
to have themselves a party
over at Deer Lake.
Hello? Did you hear me?
Is there a number I can call you
back on, Mrs. DeLuca?
I'd like to think you might
appreciate the urgency
of the situation, Deputy Temple.
I'm sure I don't have
to remind you what happens
when teenagers gather
without proper adult
Drinking, drugs,
pre-marital sex.
I'm sorry, Mrs. DeLuca,
I'm gonna have to call you back.
Eddie, Dennis, you guys okay?
No. We're fine, we're fine.
Lucky for us,
he can't shoot for shit.
Put your fucking gun down,
Come in here and make me.
Come out here now!
Dispatch, this is 2-2.
I'm turning around
and en route to assist.
Negative on that.
You're just pouring gasoline
on a bonfire.
Stay where you are, Walter.
I'm calling State Police for
No, if they get on this,
the whole world
will know about the robbery.
You've lost control
of the situation.
It's my call.
You're gonna get someone killed.
Tell Tab, no backup.
That's an order.
Give it up, Arnie.
This is your last chance.
You come out of there now.
Dammit, Dennis.
If I see a shot,
I'm gonna take it.
For God's sake, Dennis,
stand down.
Stand down.
If Sheriff Reynold thinks
he can count on my vote
when I'm being treated
this poorly,
he's got another thing coming.
I'll tell you what,
Mrs. DeLuca.
I'll get a patrol car
out to Deer Lake right away.
How does that sound?
Well, that's all I asked you
for from the start.
I don't think it is...
Goodnight, Mrs. DeLuca.
Thank you for your call.
Toss that gun, Arnie.
I swear to God.
Okay cool it, Dennis.
Do you hear me, Arnie Boo?
Alright, easy, Dennis.
Nice and easy.
Who the fuck is this?
Arnie, this is Tabby Temple.
Speak up, lady.
I'm in the middle of a goddamn
police siege.
I said this is Tabby Temple.
We went to high school together.
Remember me?
Tabby? No shit.
Yeah, I remember you.
Hottest chick
in Valley Creek High.
Didn't you join the sheriff's
or some shit?
Tell me that's not you I got
pinned down behind the prowler.
I'd never forgive myself.
I'm back at the office, Arnie.
Safe and sound.
But I need you to do something
for me, okay?
I need you to put your gun down,
walk outside.
They'll kill me.
Not if you put your gun down.
It's too late for that.
I'm already neck deep.
Not necessarily.
The sheriff has his reasons
for keeping everything
that happens tonight off radar.
What reason?
Put your gun down,
walk outside and ask him.
I'm offering you a way out,
It's the only one
you're gonna get.
Easy now, Dennis.
Those assholes
can damn well wait.
You know I always liked you,
I did not.
You still married
to that Anthony Hombre?
Not for the last 10 years.
Don't like to crow over bad nes
but I'm glad to hear it.
He was all wrong for you, Tabb.
Asshole's a pussy hound
and a mean ass drunk.
Put the gun down, Arnie.
Go outside.
Okay, okay.
Hold your fire. He's coming out.
How the hell do you know that?
I'm surrendering, okay?
I'll come out now.
Back it up, Dennis.
Give him some breathing space.
Don't shoot.
Okay, I'm coming.
Hands where we can see them.
Toss that gun, Arnie.
Come out of there
with your hands up.
Hands high, walk towards me.
Do not make any sudden
movements, Arnie.
Keep walking towards me.
Down on the ground.
Knees on the ground.
Do it.
That's it now, Arnie.
You do what he says.
Nice and slow.
Put your hands behind your hea,
Anyone else in there?
Suspect secure.
Cabin clear.
Dispatch, this is 2-2.
Come in, dispatch.
Go ahead.
I just finished talking
to Snakey Jake himself.
He thinks he might have seen
someone he didn't recognize
come into the bar this morning
when he was opening up.
Did you get a description?
He said he was tall, dark hair,
may have had a beard.
May have?
He was pretty drunk.
Well, maybe he'll give us
a little more detail
when he sobers up.
No, I mean he was pretty drunk
this morning.
And when I spoke to him
just now.
It seems old Snakey Jake's
a full-time juice head.
This is a dead end,
I'm heading back.
You need to roll by Deer Lake.
Some kids are having a party.
Break it up and send them home.
You're such a buzz kill, Tabby.
Eddie's got potential voters
counting on it.
Those kids won't know
what hits them.
Dispatch, this is 1-1.
Go ahead.
Mr. Beauchamp denies all
knowledge of the robbery.
We tossed the cabin, no sign
of anything we're missing.
What about the pistol?
Yeah, it's not one of ours.
We're gonna bring him back,
sweat him down,
see if he cracks.
Well, I got your locksmith buddy
here to keep me company
till you guys get back.
What are you talking about?
Guy's practically a mute.
I can see why you like him.
Locksmith called me
half an hour ago.
He can't make it tonight.
He's back there in the vault.
Out of the building, Tabby.
Right now.
Dispatch for 2-2?
Go ahead, dispatch.
Give me that description again,
Walter, the guy in the bar.
Sure, okay.
Tall, dark hair,
possible facial hair.
Get out of the office.
Take Monty and find somewhere
safe to hold up.
Monty already left.
Do not try and engage,
do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Loud and clear. I'm leaving now.
I thought I told you
not to touch anything
that wasn't damaged.
Just being thorough.
Who the hell are you?
I know damn well
you're not the locksmith.
Do yourself a good turn,
girly girl.
Walk away.
What did you just say?
I just pulled over $20,000
out of one of them lockers.
Money is yours.
All you gotta do
is turn your back.
Don't go opening a door,
you can't close.
Fuck you and fuck your money.
So, you were in Berryville
this morning, huh?
Tip off's
just a wild goose chase.
You just wanted us
out of the office.
Something you need there?
My ID.
Uh-uh, back up.
Back up against the wall.
Do not fucking move.
Back up. I said back up.
Drop the knife. I mean it.
See, I don't think you do.
This is your last chance.
You drop the knife
or I will put you down.
You best listen to her hoss.
Might not looking,
but that's one cold-hearted
female right there.
Now, kick it over here.
Step away from the door,
Mr. Macready.
You know, Tabby,
you can just go ahead
and call me Earl.
Step away from the goddamn
door, Mr. Macready.
What did I tell you?
Fucking ice queen up in here.
Unlock the door,
get in the cell,
leave the key in the lock.
Get to far wall.
You gonna tell me what it is
you were looking for back there?
No. No way you're just gonna
leave me in here
with this fucking psycho.
Come back here, get me hell out
of here, Tabby.
Tabby. Fuck.
Damnit, don't you ignore me.
Dispatch for 1-1.
Go ahead, dispatch.
Suspect is in custody.
I thought I told you
not to engage.
I got him locked up in the cell.
It's the guy
who broke in last night.
Are you okay?
He gave me a bit of a workout.
No doubt about it.
I have a question.
There's might be more
in Dennis's wheelhouse.
Go ahead for Dennis.
The only shells I can find
in the vault are 9 mil.
I've got Eddie's revolver.
Any chance that
could actually work?
Be a tight squeeze,
you'd be risking an obstructio.
You might get off a few rounds
but you'd be playing R
ussian roulette.
Turing the gun into a potential
hand grenade.
Hold tight, Tab.
We won't be long.
Got it.
Stop or I'll shoot.
I'm surprised you're still here.
Because you'd just love to slap
a felony escape beef on my ass.
He said anything to you?
Not a goddamn word.
Are you gonna let me out
of here or what?
You gotta have a reason
to keep me locked up.
And I know damn well, Abigail
ain't pressing charges.
Maybe I'll have to talk with her
in the morning,
see if I can change her mind.
She ain't gonna say shit.
Not if she knows
what's good for her.
Who the hell you think
you are judging me?
You know how many times I bought
crystal off your boy?
What the hell kind of mom
does that make you?
Dispatch to 1-1.
Go ahead, dispatch.
Suspect has escaped custody.
What? How is that even possibl?
He picked the lock and ran off.
But you patted him down, right?
I did not.
You do not put a suspect
in the cell without conducting
a full body search.
You know that.
He had a knife.
I had an unloaded gun
and a broken ankle.
There was no way I was letting
him within striking distance.
Where's Macready?
He's fine. He's in the cell.
Okay, well, just lock the front
door and stand by.
We're back in five.
Copy that.
Sheriff's office.
This is Pam DeLuca.
I have been hearing more repors
about that party at Deer Lake.
I got a patrol car en route,
Mrs. DeLuca.
Do you know where your son
is tonight, Deputy Temple?
He's babysitting.
That's not what I heard.
Well, what did you hear?
That he is at the party
supplying the younger teens
with narcotics.
I seriously doubt that.
What do you expect?
When was the last time
you brought him to church?
When was the last time
you came to church?
Without Christ in your life,
how do you expect to bring up
a boy of his age?
How do you expect to teach him
about the danger of temptation?
The dangers of the flesh?
Thank you for your call,
Mrs. DeLuca.
I'll have that party
straightened out right away.
You already said...
I told you to answer your phone.
This is literally me doing tha.
Where are you, Monty?
I'm just chilling back at home.
What happened to babysitting?
Jansens had a fight at dinner
and then they came home early.
Oh. Pan your camera up.
Pan your camera around.
Show me you're home.
I'm not asking you, Monty.
I'm telling you,
pan your goddamn camera
around right now.
That's Jem Denton's trailer.
What the hell
are you doing there?
I'm taking care
of something, okay?
So, the less you know,
the better.
What did you do?
I might be in a little bit
of trouble, mom.
The last time you said that,
it cost me my job.
Hey, I never asked you for shi.
Those were your choices.
Own them.
You get busted again, they will
send you to youth detention.
I can't protect you.
You have to start making
smarter choices.
What about you, mom?
I know damn well,
those painkillers of yours
were supposed to last
another month.
I checked the label.
What the hell is that supposed
to mean?
You've been eating them
like goddamn skittles.
So, I guess I'm not the only oe
fucking up, huh?
Get your ass back here right now
or I'm putting that truck
you really gonna snitch me out?
Try me.
This is Deputy Temple,
sheriff's office, Jericho Ridge.
Shots fired. I got two officers
down. Requesting backup.
Copy that, Deputy Temple.
This is the State Police.
What are the officer's
I don't know.
I can't get to them.
I've got active shooters
on the scene.
Okay, how many shooters?
Two so far, could be more.
We're dispatching units
will be right behind them.
Wait tight and stay safe,
We're coming to get you.
what the fuck is happening?
Are Dennis and Eddie okay?
You tell me they're okay, Tabb?
They took a lot of fire.
I saw a lot of blood.
Where are you now?
Southside of Hardaway road.
Thirty minutes and closing.
I'm gonna come find
these motherfuckers
and burn holes in their clothes.
I'm counting on it.
Backup's on its way.
State Police are coming to kick
your fucking asses.
Union Creek's 40 minutes
with the pedal pushed flat.
They'll never make it in time.
Tabby, is that you?
You okay? Are you hit?
I don't know,
there's so much blood.
How're the others.
Sheriff's toast. Other guy,
ain't doing so good.
I got his brains sat here
in my fucking lap.
Goddammit Tabby,
they're shooting at me.
Keep your voice down.
You're just drawing fire.
You alive in there?
Fuck you.
Little pig, little pig,
let me come in.
What the hell
is going on out there?
I heard gunshots.
Get under the bed.
Keep your voice down.
Let me the hell out of here.
Please, please.
Sheriff's office,
this is Bob Peck, come in.
What the hell
is going on up there?
We're driving past O'Malley
and we heard gunshots.
We're coming down now.
Negative, Bob.
Sheriff's office
is under attack.
I got at least two active
shooters on the scene.
Not for long, you don't.
We're coming to save your asse.
Right, boys?
I need you and the fellas
to sit tight, Bob.
State Police are on the way.
This is official sheriff's
department business.
I do not want civilians
getting hurt.
Who the hell are you calling
civilians, Tabby?
I'll be running that goddamn
place in a couple of weeks.
You just hang back now, little
girl. Cavalry coming for you.
You stay put, that's an order.
Get some!
Are you okay?
Push with your leg?
Come on.
Fucking foot.
What the hell are you doing?
We're sitting ducks out here.
This is Deputy Temple.
Active shooters
have fled the scene.
That's good to hear, Deputy.
Back up is en route.
ETA, 29 minutes.
Stay armed and watch your back.
I'm starting to think
you like having me around.
Y'all going fucking crazy
up in here.
So am I free to go or what?
You'll need to make
a full statement
when my backup arrives.
I didn't see shit.
I ain't got no clue
what the fuck is going on here.
You can sit quietly in here
or I can lock you back up
in the cell.
Shit! Shit!
Get down on the floor now.
Whoa, mom?
Monty? Get down on the floor.
You're alive.
Down now!
How did you get in?
The door was locked.
The door was wide open.
Mom, Dennis
and Sheriff Eddie are dead.
I know, I know.
There was so much blood,
I thought they got you too.
Holy shit, what the...
Monty, listen to me.
Listen to me.
You need to stay quiet
and do exactly as I say.
There are men outside.
They have guns.
Backup's on the way.
We just have to hold out
till they arrive, okay?
Okay, okay.
What the fuck is he doing here?
nice to see you again too, kid.
Now we done play catch up,
how about we hop in that truck
you just pulled up in
and bounce the fuck out
of dodge?
From what I've seen tonight,
a car might as well be a coffin
in a gun fight.
We're safer inside.
Get behind
the dispatcher's desk.
And you stay low.
Can you see anything
on the monitor?
I see someone.
Just one?
Where are they,
and what are they doing?
He's kind of circling around
the side of the building.
He's grabbing something.
He's coming back round, mom.
Hey, hey. Where are you going?
Back to my cell.
I could really use your help,
Oh, so now it's Earl, huh?
This ain't my fight.
Y'all can handle this
foolishness your damn selves.
I need you to put this on.
But what about you?
Don't worry about me.
I'm not gonna take it off
of you, mom.
I'm not arguing with you, Monty.
Put it on.
Okay. Here.
Get down!
Shit. Shit.
Oh, we just lost
our only advantage.
Front door locked.
Fire exit. Kitchen.
We just gotta listen out.
Sit tight.
Won't be long now.
I need to tell you something,
Just tell me later.
I'm not gonna die without
getting this out of my chest.
Nobody's gonna die, Monty.
Don't even think that.
I'm wearing a bulletproof vest.
There is a dead guy
on the floor over there.
And I just watched my own mom
have a gun fight.
So, can we please stop
bull shitting each other?
This is all my fault.
What are you talking about?
Jem Denton.
Let's hear it.
I was working for him.
But I wasn't dealing, I swear.
I was just running packages.
And I was supposed to hook up
with him the night he got shot,
but you wouldn't let me out
of the house.
So, I think whoever killed him,
they've come back here
to finish me off too.
How long you were working
for him?
Just a couple of months.
So, when you got busted?
I just said the shit was mine.
And he let you take the fall?
Well, he said you'd cover
my ass.
Mom, I never thought
you'd get in trouble.
And I never sold it.
I promise you on my life.
Your friend Earl
tells a different story.
Well, you're gonna believe
that junkie asshole
over your own son?
How am I supposed to believe
in you when every word
out of your mouth
is goddamn lie?
I don't know
what you think you know.
Or what you think you did.
But nothing that happened
tonight is your fault,
you hear me?
One thing's got nothing
to do with the other.
You sure?
I'm sure.
Then what the fuck is happening?
I don't know.
Come with me now!
Get in here.
No way.
It's the safest place
in the building.
Mom, I can help you.
I can't do anything
if I'm worrying about you?
Damn it, Monty!
For once in your life,
do what I tell you.
And stay low.
What the hell are you doing,
You know the money
he offered you?
Well, he offered it to me too.
Fucking bitch.
It was you
who left the doors open.
Monty walked right in here.
I know I locked it.
He said he'd give me 10,000
to get him inside the building.
Triple that if I can drag
your narrow ass out of here.
Earl, Earl,
they've seen your face.
Come on, bitch.
You're a witness.
There's no way they'll let you
walk out of here alive.
Earl! They'll kill me.
They'd be doing the world
a favor.
Stubborn... ass...
Get up. Get up.
Get up.
Enough. Know when to quit.
It's fucking over.
I bet I could name my price
if I opened up a sunroof
in that thick fucking skull
of yours.
You're just another dumb bitch
who's gonna get
what's coming to her.
Don't shoot. I'm coming out.
Bitch got the drop on me.
I said run, motherfucker!
Bitch took my hand.
She took my fucking hand.
But I hurt her real bad.
You get in there now.
She's a...
Goddang Tabby,
why aren't you on the radio?
Coz it's in pieces.
Are you okay?
They're still out there.
I wish you told me about that
Beretta on your desk
a little earlier.
There's a Beretta in my desk?
Oh, shit, yeah. That's not min.
Oh, it's Tap Shannon's.
Why do you have Tap Shannon's
gun in your desk?
I took it off him.
A couple of nights ago.
Tell me exactly what happened.
This is important,
Walter. Focus.
Okay, okay.
I was parked up eating dinner
when this SUV blows past
doing 95.
I light it up and run him down,
and who's behind the wheel
but Tap Shannon?
He starts in with his whole
big shot routine.
You know,
"Who do you think you are?
You know who I am? I'm gonna
have your badge."
Well, I tossed the vehicle.
Found that Beretta
under his seat.
Well, he tells me
he wants it back.
He says he had a license for it.
Calls me just about every name
under the sun.
Well, I tell him,
"I'll be taking that pistol
to the sheriff's office.
"If and when you can produce
the necessary paper work,
you can have it right back,
Mr. Shannon."
You should have seen
how mad he got.
Asshole was foaming
all the goddang mouth.
I was gonna log the gun
into the vault
as soon as I got back.
Must have just forgotten
to do it.
Based on all available ballistic
The murder weapon
is most likely a Beretta
APX 9mm semiautomatic pistol.
Walter, I have you on GPS.
You're 3 miles away
from Beaker's Bluff.
You turn around,
you head there right now.
You're gonna pay
Tap Shannon a house call.
A what?
The gun in your desk, Walter.
That's what they want.
It's the same weapon they used
to kill Jeremiah Denton.
That means... What?
Tap Shannon killed Denton?
So, he sent one of his guys
to break in the office
and steal the gun back before
we figured out what we had.
The only problem is, it wasn't
where it was supposed to be.
Those are Tap Shannon's guys
You go and pay him a visit.
You tell him to call off
his dogs.
Shit don't happen
till I make it happen.
Consider it done.
This is what I came for.
You should have just taken
the money and walk away.
But your kind
just can't help yourselves.
Don't move.
There's still one more
back there.
Just give me the gun
and I'll go.
No, just help me up.
Please just help me.
Be careful.
Did I tell you
how I broke my ankle?
You crashed the truck.
You know why?
You said swerved up
to miss a deer.
I was blackout drunk.
Who's the liar now?
I know I fucked up, mom.
And I know what it's cost you.
And I'm real sorry.
It doesn't matter two shits
what it cost me, Monty.
All that matters
is what it cost you.
How am I supposed to make
college payments
on a deputy salary?
You still think
I'm going to college?
You're goddamn right, I do.
This town's nothing
but a damn trap.
You're getting out.
Hey, what were you doing getting
shit faced anyways?
I've never ever seen you buzzed.
I went to see your father.
What the hell
you're going to do that for?
He's making good money now
at that garage.
I figured it's time he put some
of it towards your college fund.
So, he asked me in for a drink.
I said yes.
Well, now I know
you're bullshitting me.
Whatever else your father is,
he's just about the most
charming man alive.
So, we got to drinking.
We got to talking.
Pretty soon,
we got to disagreeing.
Let me guess.
He said that I was never going
to amount to shit.
And anything spent
on my education
would just be throwing
good money after bad.
I told him exactly
what I thought of his opinion.
He slapped the drink out
of my hand.
Then he slapped my face...
a couple of times.
So, I took my service weapon
and I laid it,
smack across his jaw.
He fell down like
a sack of a laundry.
And he's on the floor crying.
Begging my forgiveness.
I thought about all the years
I'd wasted
and the bullshit
he got away with.
Everything he's taken from us.
I had my gun,
aimed square at him,
finger on the trigger.
And if I'd had a couple of more
hell, maybe even just a one...
I would have pulled it.
There's no doubt in my mind.
I was so disgusted with myself,
I drove straight to O'Malley's
and drank until
I couldn't stand up.
Hey mom, don't feel bad.
If it were me, then I would have
probably shot him.
I'm at Beaker's Bluff.
I'm going in.
You watch your back.
You don't take any shit
from anybody, you hear me?
Come on, now, Walter Judge.
This here's your moment.
It's all on you, big pimp.
No fucking prisoners.
God! Come on!
Okay, you keep a lookout.
You yell if you see anything.
I got you, I got you.
And you stay low. You hear me?
You're making one big unholy
mistake, son.
I ain't your fucking son.
Get on your goddang knees.
You're gonna tell your boys
to back the fuck off
the sheriff's office.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
You call them.
And you tell them it's over.
I'm gonna give you
the motherfucking five count,
Thmn I'm gonna take your head
clean off your shoulders.
Let him go.
I'm calling the sheriff
right now.
You do that.
Sheriff's office.
This is Dakota Shannon.
I got one of yours over
at my house
holding a shotgun
to my husband's head.
Sounds about right.
You put me through
to Deputy Sheriff Reynolds
right away.
Sheriff's dead.
So is the chief deputy.
And it's your scumbag husband
who did it.
Oh, he's been with me all nigh.
Because he doesn't
have the balls to do
his own dirty work.
I don't have to listen to this.
You'd better get used to it.
You're gonna be hearing a whole
lot worse real soon.
I'm literally holding
the evidence
that's gonna put that no account
shit stain on death row.
I don't believe you.
I don't give a two-knuckle fuck
what you do or don't believe.
What matters is
you listen to my colleague
and lower your weapon right now!
Fucking drop it!
Fuck you too!
Put away!
You shut the fuck up,
you motherfucker!
Put a bullet
in his head right now.
No, no, no. No! No! Come on!
Fuck. Don't do this to me.
Oh, what have I done?
Mom! Mom!
They're coming.
Get down!
State Police,
how may I direct your call?
This is Deputy Temple
at Jericho Ridge.
I need an update on my backup.
Units estimate they will be
with you in eight minutes.
Do you have an update
I can pass on to them?
Tell them to step
on the fucking gas.
Give it up.
Your boss is dead!
Deputy Judge just blew
his fucking head off!
It's over!
You call his house
if you don't believe me.
Come on out,
and I won't kill the kid.
I'mma give you
to the count of ten.
Then I'm coming in,
and he gets what you're owed.
I've only got one bullet left.
You're not going out there, mom.
I can't protect you, Monty.
All you've ever done
is protect me.
Okay, give me your cell phone.
Give me your cell phone.
Ten. That's it.
You and the kid are gonna burn.
Get in there.
Monty, there's a knife.
Get the knife.
No. No.
Oh, God!
My boy.
Vault. Go to the vault. Go.
You see the shot, you take it.
Shut the fuck up.
Walter, you okay?
I'm dinged up, but I'll live.
Well, this asshole's wife
ain't looking too hot.
You put the gun down, boy.
Or my man will shoot you dead.
Well, suck a dick, grandpa.
Now, it's time to earn your pay.
You step up
and you take control of this.
Whaddup, whaddup?
Good job, Deputy.
State Police should be here
any minute.
Late as usual.
It's over. It's over.
Come here.
It's over.
Sheriff's office.
You promised me
you'd stop that party.
I know damn well
there are drugs present
and it is your son Monty
who's supplying...
I ever hear my son's name
come out of your mouth again,
I'm gonna drive around
to where you live
and throw your face first
through a plate glass window.
I got you.