Jernanger (Shooting the Sun AKA The Storm in My Heart) (2009) Movie Script

Damned sun.
-A shot and a beer!
-Play one more and l'll give you a shot.
-You're cruel, Eivind.
-You get a beer.
My throat is totally parched!
Stay on your feet tonight. Last
Thursday l had to carry you ashore.
Hownice! Hi!
Welcome home!
God, it's cold to come home. l don't
knowhowyou don't freeze to death!
l'm freezing!
Howlong will you stay this time?
-What do you mean?
-Before you slide back down?
You'll have to ask his wife.
-What's with the boat?
-ls there something with the boat?
Well, she's listing in the water.
-Oh, so you're an expert on boats?
-l just said that she's lopsided.
-Where have you just come from?
-ls it nice in Spain?
-Oh, yes; really great.
So, nowyour mission is to come from
that fascist colony and dictate to me?
Take that four-legged tumor on
a leash of yours and go home.
And take a look in the mirror. Looks like
Satan's covered your face in varnish.
Thank God the far right's not in power.
They had stopped you at the border.
Worry about that. And don't give a shit
about howthe boat stands in the water.
Welcome home.
-Oh goddamn.
-Don't talk.
l'm heading north tonight.
You know, for that funeral.
lt still isn't too late to come...
-ldar, dear ldar.
-Honestly, Eivind.
-Howlong has it been?
-You have the figures.
lt's been thirty-three years!
Since it is Beatrice's husband being
buried, maybe you could be there.
-People have asked about you.
-Asked about me?
Let them go on asking, stupid idiots.
lt's outrageous the whole region -
-wasn't sold to the Russians long ago.
Damned waste land.
They shouldn't have funerals,
but celebrate, damned Eskimos.
-ls it okay?
-lt's always okay.
-Have you been thinking?
-Can't think about much else.
Me either.
lt seems l'm 7 weeks along.
-l think l just need more time.
-We don't have that.
lt's you that l want.
l want to be with you.
But l just can't... a father now.
-Can't you get your old work back?
-Why do you say that?
-lt's not just about you and me.
-No, but you don't want a welder.
-How do you know?. l do too!
-That's not what l want to be.
- You want me, but not the baby.
- No, that's not what l'm saying.
-l am extremely unsure.
-l'm 22 years old!
-And l'm 25 and l haven't done shit.
Then l knowwhere you stand.
Sleep somewhere else.
-Come. Sit.
-l need to be alone a bit.
Hi. Sorry,
l thought it was empty here.
-lt is empty here.
-Get your drugs somewhere else.
-l'm not going to steal anything from you.
There hasn't been morphine
here for twenty years.
But every year a new genius
tries to break it open.
l wasn't going to steal anything. Are you
going to shoot me for staying the night?
You okay?
-Do you knowwhat's wrong with him?
-lmpossible to say. Contact the hospital.
-You are Eivind Strand?
-Yes, l know.
Your heart is not working as it should.
We've done some tests.
l haven't listened to doctors for 30
years. l'm not about to start now.
No, but you have to listen to this.
lt is rather serious.
Yes, that's well and good.
May l go home now?.
You may have a disease
known as ''growing heart.''
This means that your heart is growing,
and finally it will stop beating.
Go bother someone else.
Here you are.
Do you see me any place else?
lt was a nice trip.
You should have come.
-Oh really? Because?
-l brought back some dried hearts.
l hate that shit!
You'll probably get a lot of visitors,
since you're lying here alone.
-l mean, Rolvsen, Pedersen and...
-Cut the crap.
-Maybe you'll have a visit from up north?
-All of my relatives are dead. Luckily.
But maybe it's not a relative.
-Have you told anyone about me?
And now she is
on her way south. To you.
Calm yourself! Eivind!
You could have a new attack!
You must calm down! Calm down!
Five milligram of stesolid, please.
Son of a bitch!
Are you going to stand there
and look silly?
Or are you coming in for a swim?
Hi! Come here for a minute.
Sit here on the bed.
l'll showyou something.
Pull up your shirt.
lt shows howyour heart is beating.
You have a heart like a colt!
Hell's hell in Hell.
Kiss my ass!
-ls that... breakfast?
-lt's blood thinner.
You are ill, Eivind.
What is this really all about?
Beatrice. Why is she suddenly
coming here, after 30 years?
-Are you asking me?
-You set this up, dammit!
ls that what you think?
Get back to the hospital.
lt was a mistake leaving there;
you knowthat, don't you?
l haven't seen her for 30 years.
l'm not lying here with a tube
in my cock when l see her again.
And Jernanger looks like shit.
l have to fix her up.
Hi. There you are!
-Shit! Let me go!
-Find your medicine somewhere else.
-There's no morphine on board.
-l've got that!
-Then what are you doing here?
-l came to see how everything went.
-Straight to hell.
Nice boat, by the way.
-So you're criticizing my boat now?.
-No. lt's a beautiful rusty brown.
-Off again to sleep off your high?
-l am not a junkie. l told you that.
-You just act like one.
-Yeah, whatever.
We've been making major
repairs on the boat.
-Not my problem.
-''Not my problem''?
You reveal who you are. l've been
surrounded by your type for a long time.
-You don't know a thing about me.
-Don't l?
Don't you need a place to sleep?
-l can help you with that.
You are going to help me
with a place to sleep?
Fine. Give me a place to sleep,
and l'll work for you.
Come on!
You can begin with the mast.
Stop foollng around!
You just make me laugh.
Stop lt!
Now we have to do lt over.
l don't recall asking you
to decorate the decks with white spots.
-Some paint always spills, right?
When has it been normal
to pour paint on the deck?
That's Shipolin you're painting with. This
is maintenance work, not modern art.
Come down and clean off
the paint before it sets. Hell!
Excuse me, Eivind?
lsn't it kind of wrong
to just paint on top of rust?
Why is it wrong?
l thought you cleaned the rust off first.
At least, my uncle always does that.
Howlong have you been
working on board now?.
An hour or two.
And after one hour, you knowhow
a boat should be maintained?
No, no. l didn't say that, it just
seemed so wrong to paint on top of rust.
But to spill paint on the deck
seems completely alright?
l suggest you listen to folks who've
been on board for 30 damned years.
-Right on top of the rust, then?
-Yes, right on top of the rust!
She has to look as good
as possible as quickly as possible.
-ls she going to be inspected?
-You could say that.
Work is underway here, that l must say!
Come, Wolf. Look, they're working.
-Eivind, have a beer?
lt can feel dank and cold coming
home to Norway, but that sea air!
-That they do not have in Spain.
-Oh, do you live in Spain?
Yeah, the missus, she's got rheumatism,
so we move back and forth.
-And nowyou're visiting ''Sunbeam''?
Shall we look at that pump?
You've got a real problem.
That pipe there is standing under water.
Thank God you're here to see it.
-Doesn't look easy to fix.
-What do you mean?
Well, in So Paulo we had leakage
problems on the starboard side.
We moved the ballast over to port side,
so that we could weld it dry on starboard.
-l guess l have to fix it myself.
-Have you ever welded before?
lt's not that difficult.
Eivind, you can't weld underwater
yourself. lt's not that simple.
Hey-hey, Wolf!
Have you been on the lookout here?
He likes you.
-He's usually skeptical around strangers.
-That's important for a watchdog.
He's Daddy's watchdog.
Guards the beer and everything.
Listen. Did you say that you can
get welding equipment?
Underwater equipment, too?
What are you doing?
Well, then, l'm finished here.
We'll see if it holds.
-With luck, it'll be smooth sailing.
-''Smooth sailing''! Listen to him!
lt's fixed!
l'll go and have a beer with Wolf.
What kind of work do you do
when you're not welding?
l travel around the world,
and write about it afterwards.
There are two ways to do it, you know.
The easy way,-
-when you buy plane tickets, and
come home when the money's gone.
And the hard way is?
You walk out the door, without money,
without plans, away from it all.
You haven't come very far.
Why not? my girlfriend.
Negroes, lndians and dancers.
A big fellow comes in
with two steaks, potatoes and gravy!
Charlie started crying
in sheer happiness.
And suddenly,
in true Stavanger dialect he said,
''Did you order chewed crabs?''
-What does that mean?
-Those were the days!
-We were arrested once...
-ln So Paulo?
-You had to sit right where l'm cleaning.
Eivind, have a beer.
We're having a great time!
All you do is sit here
and drink all day. Get a life.
Do you knowthat one?
l'm on my way home to Stavanger
After many long years
l've seen the world as a wanderer
like the adventurer does
-ls it you who's here?
-Yes, maybe it's not a good time?
Of course it's a good time.
That's good.
-That it's a good time.
l mean...
Not a day in my life has passed...
...when it wouldn't have been
a good time to see you again.
That was nicely put.
But do come on board, dear.
Oh Stavanger, in easy ways
Living life, day by day
Good boy!
Oh, you're such a good boy.
-Come on! l have a whole beer left.
- Let's go.
A few of the regulars. They're harmless.
Would you like anything to drink? Soda?
l sawldar at the funeral, and so l
thought maybe, l should take a trip.
ldar said that you're not completely well.
Don't listen to ldar.
He's a lawyer, for Christ's sake.
He shits his pants
when he sees a hospital.
-He said it's something with the heart?
l'm healthy like a seventeen year old.
You'd better watch it.
l brought some dried reindeer hearts.
From my mother.
l haven't tasted any for 30 years.
That's my favorite food.
-We should have a shot to go with it.
-Hell, yes!
Nowthere's no one left at home. Katrine
has grown up. Katrine is my daughter.
Do you want to see her picture?
She studies in Sorbonne,
or at Sorbonne. What ever...
She's pretty like her mother.
Flying makes you thirsty.
Have you noticed that?
l've never flown.
Never flown?
Are you afraid?
l am not.
l wasn't quite prepared for that.
l wasn't either...
but that's howwe've always been.
You... You didn't come to the funeral.
l've never really understood
that with Gunnar Joki.
He was a good man.
What can l say?
He was there.
-l've just never understood that.
Well, it's none of my business.
ldar was at our wedding and
Gunnar's funeral.
Yes. You have my condolences.
-We were married for 25 years!
-Well, ldar and l never talk about that.
Yes, things from up north.
So mentioning me here
on board has not been permitted?
While others marry and have kids, we
live on in a meaningless heap of regrets.
l always meant to come north and
get you when l got everything in order.
But things never got in order,
so l just stayed here waiting.
What were you waiting for?
l lost count of all the times
l looked out at the sea.
They laughed at me for waiting. Finally,
l too understood, that it was just a joke.
Go back to the waste land and marry
a new dim-wit to be successful with.
What the hell
are you doing here, anyway?
l thought l had nothing to lose.
But l was wrong.
l'm leaving now.
God dammit!
So let me sum it up for you,
my little old Eivind-
-and say that you are a ghost
that l never should have met.
One thing l knowfor sure. Bea didn't
come this distance just to curse you out.
This is your own doing.
What's this?
You are not fucking invited here!
-We're closed now. Go!
-Alright, alright. l'm leaving.
-And you're fired.
-Fired? l just started!
The job is finished.
lt's over, it's all over.
Get your things and get off the boat.
You have 5 minutes.
Get the fuck out! lt's closed.
Give me a beer or l'll jump
in the sea one more time.
You're just like foot fungus:
you keep coming back.
lt's just so damn difficult...
l don't know.
We're not communicating
with one another...
l love her, though...
So l don't really see why we...
And l don't understand why you didn't
go up to your girl and just stayed there.
l was free.
She suddenly awakes at dawn.
She awakes at dawn
and lies there listening.
She can't hear anything
and gets out of bed.
She runs down the stairs.
And goes out.
lt's early.
lt's neither dark nor light.
There's a cold wind
but she can't feel it.
She's warm
and the blood knocks in her ears.
She turns towards the sea.
lsn't there something out there?
Then she sees it.
lt's Jernanger. Sailing up the fjord.
And l'm standing at the helm.
But then let's do it now!.
-But then let's do it now!.
Travel north, of course!
-l'll go with you.
-Drink beer and talk less.
l mean it.
l'm your crew, Eivind.
Here we are now.
And there are some rough waters.
lt's all the way up here.
-Here is the Jernangerfjord.
-That's damn far!
When you start with air, you have to
wait until the needle is up to 25 bar.
Turn here. Then jerk it over to start.
You'll see the pistons start pumping.
Then you move it to Work. Do it.
One more time.
Consider it a promotion.
Hi! You'll see this guy on sundeck. We
have to throw a proper fare well party.
Nowit's me eating you.
Who would have thought?
Back in the days in So Paulo,
We were nearly arrested.
Some woman we acquainted
reported us to the police after.
Nice that you came. Really nice.
-l'm considering speaking with a doctor.
- Yeah?
At the hospital. To have an abortion.
You can't just decide that!
You can't just do that.
l didn't think you cared.
You knowl do.
Kris, we don't have a lot of time.
We have to be together in this.
Erika, l'm going up north with this boat.
Up north?
-ln a couple of days.
ln a couple of days?
Hello. Shit, do we have
such refined guests on board?
Eivind Strand is my name.
What are you doing down here?
Come up on the deck, we have fresh
catfish and wine and beer...And soda.
Oh. No, thank you.
This is my boat.
lt was run down for awhile.
But Kris here is alright, he's helped
with repairs and now she is seaworthy...
What's happening?
-What just happened?
We have to weld the hull. Pedersen, can
you get the equipment? l have the plate.
Great, get the apparatus.
We'll weld first thing tomorrow.
Had she sprung a leak at Stad Sea,
you would've been in deep shit.
You don't know anything about this.
l knowthat this ship cannot go anywhere.
-She's not seaworthy.
-Sail this boat? Where?
-To Northern Norway.
-Are you fucking crazy?
-Take it easy, little friend.
-You're going to fucking die.
-Pedersen, you tell him.
-This sounds dangerous, Eivind.
-All alone, on this pile of rust.
-l'm not alone. Kris is going with me.
lf you're going to risk your life,
you shouldn't take Kris with you.
-Exactly how dangerous is this trip?
-lt's not dangerous.
-You don't know a damn thing.
-You won't come back alive, Eivind.
Nowyou need to shut up.
You are a small man, Pedersen.
And you too, Rolvsen.
So be it, but you're not to talk
about shipwreck to my crew!.
Sorry, Eivind.
l'll help you as best l can.
Why are you sorry?
-He's the one who should apologize.
-He always talks that way to everyone.
lf anyone doesn't like the way l talk
on my own boat, then he can go ashore.
Jesus Christ. Erika! He doesn't
mean anything. lt's just the way he is!
Why do you think this boat
means anything to Beatrice?
-Because she said so.
-Dream on. Dream on.
-Christ. lt's just about doing a job!
-Kris is welding, and Pedersen...
-You're full of shit, Eivind!
What? Kris!
We have a deal.
Yeah, but when l say
l have to go, then l have to go!
-Don't screwup now.
-l sawyour girl today.
-l sawher.
She is far too good for you.
You can see it from miles away.
She has her own things going on.
You have your things.
We made an agreement,
don't let a woman ruin it.
lt's getting late.
We can continue tomorrow.
Eivind, are you fit enough to do this?
l told you not to do this yourself!
You never listen! Dammit.
Watch out.
What a heavy beast.
Since he got this heart-condition
he faints easily.
-But is he that ill?
-We have to get him to the hospital.
-No. Then he'll just stay there.
The only thing keeping him alive -
- is the dream about
sailing this pile of junk north.
But it won't happen today.
Listen now, Wolf.
You watch over things up here -
-and Daddy will just go out in
the water and weld a bit, okay?
Wish l was young like you, Wolf.
That would be good.
NowDaddy is going to fix things.
l'll be right back.
And everybody will be happy.
lt's only me, Wolf! Nothing
to worry about. l'll be right back!
-ls that a hymn for Pedersen?
-Well, yeah, of course.
Have you ever seen Pedersen in church?
He was a mazurka-man.
He loved polka and beer.
Don't just lie there. We're getting ready
to go to sea, so put on some clothes.
You look like you're
setting out on a party boat to Denmark.
ls Kris here?
-l haven't seen him.
-l need to speak to him.
-ls he going away on this boat?
-Then he's got to hurry. l'm leaving soon.
ln an hour or so. Hard to say.
Do you knowwhere he is now?.
You know, with Kris
you never really know.
-What do you mean by that?
-One never really knows with him.
So if he doesn't come soon
l'll be leaving without him.
lf l don't see him, can you
give him a message from me?
You can tell him that, l made an
appointment, and l'm going to do it.
He knows what it's about.
l'll give him the message.
Yes, nowwe're on our way.
Look here.
Take the helm.
What do you see?
The fog.
You're so quiet.
ls something wrong?
l just have to get away a bit.
Well, it looks like someone
just pissed in your coffee.
But it's only us two on board,
so l thought maybe l did it.
You can't sit here depressed
before we've even left this fjord.
Come here.
l want to showyou something.
See here, that's a bigger ship. lf that
ship is passing through Goltasundet -
- it will have difficulty
changing course.
So if we meet that boat
you'll have to yield.
Just hold this course until
Karmy and then change to a new.
-You got all that?
-Yes, Karmy, new course...
Not more than 7 knot, otherwise
the engine will go hot and stall.
l've got to go below. Take the helm.
We cannot change our course.
We ask all vessels to yleld.
We are now passlng Goltasundet.
l ask all vessels to yleld.
We ask all other vessels to stay away.
We have no posslblllty
to change our course.
Thls ls Marla Legend ll,
you are headlng stralght towards us.
Move that damn chair!
Turn the radio off!
Why do you think we have VHF?
-No more than 7 knot, l said!
-l had to speed up to get us past... Look!
...dlrectly towards us.
Yleld now or we wlll colllde!
lt's too large to shift course.
We have to try to get more speed.
Call and say we have a blackout.
Please answer the call!
Yes, but we have a blackout!
-We're doing our best here!
-Prepare for lmpact!
lt's okay. lt's okay.
Continue north.
-Jesus Christ. Eivind...
-A drink now?.
-No, l'm making a thermometer.
Hurry up, kid!
Jernanger must go north,
promise me that.
Then she'll knowl always loved her.
l'm so sorry.
ls she afloat, Jernanger?
l have everything ready.
She's just sitting at the dock,
waiting for you.
You should knowthat, -
-the boat
will get up north, no matter what.
Take care of yourself now.
Excuse me, l just wondered
when he'll be released?
-You should probably ask a doctor.
-No. Nowl'm asking you.
l don't knowif l should say this.
But it's not very likely
he'll ever get out of here. l'm sorry.
-Where's my tobacco?
-We're not supposed to smoke in here.
Do they pay you well
to sit here and rattle?
-ls your name Synnve?
-That's right.
-How old are you? l'm guessing 60?
-l'm 35.
Here you are quietly eating yourself
to death with sponge cake-
-while you deny a dying his last smoke.
Don't you have any shots to give?
Don't you hush me!
Get out of here!
Lard ass!
l was on board Jernanger earlier.
l thought l sawyou in the cockpit.
lt was Kris.
He is getting the boat ready.
And l sawhis girl down here,
in the corridor.
Poor thing.
-Everything okay?
-Yes. Everything's okay.
Nowyou'll get a sedative. Once
that starts to work you'll get a pill.
-l'm looking for one named Erika.
-Please ask at the Reception.
She is on this ward. Which room?
Perhaps she cannot be disturbed,
so you should inquire at Reception.
l am sorry, Erika.
Howlong is your girl going to wait?
Aren't you going on a journey?
l'm staying with you now.
Come and swim.