Jerusalema (2008) Movie Script

I had two heroes...
Karl Marx and Al Capone.
Al Capone said,
"If you're going to steal, steal big
and hope like hell
you get away with it."
And Karl Marx said,
"All property's theft."
I think they'd both be
proud of me.
Go go go!
Down down down down!
Cuff him!
Inspector Swart,
we've got the fucking scumbag
You're in deep shit, sonny.
Lucky Kunene,
you're under arrest
for murder.
Take him away.
in a major raid in Hillbrow today.
All the buildings targeted
have been taken over
by criminal gangs.
Police confiscated
and 2,714 rounds
of ammunition.
Large quantities of drugs
were seized,
including eight kilograms
of cocaine,
in addition to ecstasy,
and methamphetamine.
Police made 93 arrests
for serious offenses
including murder, rape
and armed robbery.
Among those detained
was notorious Hillbrow crime boss
and slumlord Lucky Kunene,
also known as
the Hoodlum of Hillbrow.
This time I think you should
tell me the truth.
What do you want?
The real story.
Take me back
to the beginning.
The beginning...
The New South Africa.
A new dawn, a new day.
A fresh start.
A clean page.
A new beginning.
And I had dreams.
Sister, perfume?
The trains were
the circulatory system
of the black urban economy.
My best friend Zakes
and I were sucking the blood,
selling peanuts for peanuts.
However, free enterprise
was never encouraged.
It's "the sweet smell of success"...
The good stuff.
It doesn't smell nice. It's fake.
Hey, boys. What are you doing?
Hey, boys! I'll get you!
I'll get you
Hey, you.
Give me back that hat.
Give me back my hat
That's what I call a car!
You're crazy.
I'm telling you my friend...
I'm going to have a 7 series, a BMW...
I'll park it outside my
nice beach house in Durban.
You wish...
You'd have to win the
lottery to get all that...
Hey, Lucky.
Nomsa, hey.
Did you hear I got
into Jo'burg tech?
To study computer science.
And you?
Have you heard from the university?
No, not yet.
What's taking them so long?
Hey bull.
You, go home.
See you later, okay?
We had a shitty day...
We hardly earned anything.
Why is it that pretty girls
always have big brothers?
Lucky, Lucky!
Hurry, a letter from university arrived.
"It is our sincere pleasure
to offer you a place
at our school
of business studies."
My brother, I made it.
There's no scholarship.
What does that mean?
It means I have to pay my own fees.
Father, we thank you for
the little that we have.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Why does Zakes always eat here?
Why doesn't he go to home?
Shut up, you.
Stop now...
He's going to clean you out.
Just once more.
One more turn.
You lost it, because you're an idiot.
Hey guys, cool it.
Don't move, thug!
Comrade Nazareth, so it's you...
You gave us a fright, man!
No wonder.
Once a chicken, always a chicken.
"the cowards are running..."
What are you two up to?
- Let me go.
- Nothing, man.
What's it to you?
You watch it, bro.
So, tell me...
When did you get out of the bush, gorilla?
It's not gorilla... It's guerilla.
Get it?
And I trained in Moscow,
not in the bush.
You peasant.
Moscow, huh?
So how was Moscow?
It's cold as hell, bro.
- So do you speak Russian?
- No, man.
The only Russian I embraced
is an AK-47.
The only Russian he embraced
is vodka.
You said it...
Gents, let's get a drink.
You eventually decided to join the
terrorists because you say you
couldn't catch them, huh?
No, police work
pays chickenshit.
So I've gone
into private enterprise.
And what sort
of enterprise is that?
We're in the procurement industry.
You see, comrade thug here, he's a carjacker.
Hijack is a dirty word.
It's called affirmative repossession.
But come on, man,
we didn't fight the struggle
so that we could
become criminals.
And I didn't fight apartheid
to be poor either.
I may be a communist,
but I believe that God helps those
who help themselves.
And God help us if He don't.
He was our hero.
He left in the '80s
to join the armed struggle.
When he returned
from exile,
he had the biggest cars,
the most money
and any woman he wanted.
Get out, move!
Get out!
Get out, move!
Here, poor-boy.
Buy yourself some food.
No, I'm fine...
'Cause every man for himself.
The wealth of the nation
for the rest of us.
Lucky, if you're looking for guidance...
...the bible is the book to read.
I'm ok, Mum. I'm going to sleep now.
Is that Al?
We washed the taxi and shined your hubcaps.
Piss off.
Don't worry, great things
have SAM beginnings.
Are you stir trying to
Hastie money for university?
Sure sure.
Sure sure.
Very good. That's good.
Thank you.
Thank you so much. Come back, huh?
Very good, thank you.
Excuse me, boys.
- How can I help you?
- How much are these?
What you can do
for such big bloomers?
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey!
When financial aid
for university proved problematic,
Nazareth organized us
an apprenticeship.
He also put us in touch
with a business associate
to procure
the necessary supplies.
If you want to do a bank... need an AK-47.
From Russia.
The browning automatic...
It Io ads fourteen rounds in the magazine.
Give me another one.
Take it...we can make a DEA.
- Hello.
- Hey.
Hey foo...
I need a white Isuzu pickup...
Short wheelbase.
'95 model. Get it.
Yeah, white Isuzu bakkie.
Remember, I'm taking
a chance on you.
Don't worry, sir...
We stair cars.
I don't care what you do with the guns... Ion as you pay.
contact started us off gently
and we figured,
"How hard could it be?"
If there were risks,
we weren't too concerned.
Besides, on the outskirts of Soweto,
there were more
white pickup trucks on the streets
than there were white people
in Sandton...
short beds and long beds,
Ford Bantams, Toyota Hiluxes,
Nissan Cabs,
Opel Corsas,
quarter tons, half tons
and flatbeds.
Every kind of bakkie known
to man, excepting of course,
a fucking '95 white Isuzu.
As time passed,
we became desperate.
Keep up brother.
What's your problem?
What's your problem?...
I don't have a problem.
My feet are killing me.
These sneakers are King me
We knew this wouldn't be easy.
Stop whining.
Let's go home.
Hey guys...
Do you know the way
to Krugersdorp?
Okay, you need
to turn around here, man.
Maybe about three kilometers from here
you turn left, go straight north.
Fuck off...we're jacking you!
We're taking the car!
Please guys...
...l've got a wife...
...three kids...
...and a girlfriend!
Shut up!
Go over there!...
...and count to one hundred.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven...
Hey man It's go...
Start it! Start, start, start!
Push in the couch, put it in gear...
Damn it!
I can't.
Why not?
I can't. I can't drive.
Useless idiot...
I told you this was a bad idea!
Now we're in the shit
Ah but gents, I counted to 100.
Reese the couch gent.
Gent, gent.
Oh god, god of Israeli,
send your Angie...
Look man, peas Austen
...a car is like your girlfriend... must understand her...'ve got to treat her smoothie.
What's so funny?
You're speaking to the wrong person...
This guy is a virgin.
Fuck you...
How many women have you had?
Screw you!
How much pussy have you seen?
Going're doing WWII.
Now push the couch in...put it into second..
...change gears now...
Yeah, now put it in second...
See? I'm making sweet love.
See for yourself.
My boss is going to iii me...
You were hijacked...remember!
Taxi fare home...
And buy yourself a need it!
Now fuck off!!
What do you think
you're doing, huh?
You are amateurs, man.
Fucking amateurs!
Is this the best
you could do for me?
We could have done better.
We just needed some more time.
I'm taking 2,000
for damages.
PIN is 1081.
What's this?
I don't trust these peppier, we want cash.
Whoa, what's this now?
Every time you deliver,
I deposit money into your account.
Use the card.
Don't throw it out.
I can't use this.
We want cash.
Hey, no one walks around
with cash anymore.
You want to get shot
or held up or hijacked?
Do I look like
a fucking idiot?
Today I got a job.
What job?
A good job... the automotive industry.
It's good...
... Delivering cars.
- Hey.
- Oh, hi Lucky.
Why weren't you at school today?
I quit.
And what about university?
Well, I guess I'll attend
the university of life.
I see you're the kind who
likes taking the easy way out.
You don't understand.
Why don't you
make me understand?
What are you reading?
Just a book.
Oh, audit Literature?
Stop it, stop it!
...ET me see, ET me see...
come chooser.
Okay, Lucky.
Bye bye.
- Go on.
- Okay.
Once we learned to drive, it was easy.
What the fuck?
Come on, man...
Yeah, blue Mercedes.
Consider it done.
And while we were
becoming the hijack kings of Soweto...
Nazareth had turned
to movies for inspiration.
Hey, what's up?
These guys Ray know their shit!
My friend, it's a movie.
It's not Rea.
Whoever made this fuck
is a criming genius.
A Rea mastermind.
I have a job for you.
The scorpions are here
Whoa whoa
whoa whoa.
Oh shit!
Let's move in!
Let's move in!
Get down.
Get down now! Down!
Get the weapon!
Move move!
Get the money!
- Come on!
- Faster faster!
Take the money!
Drive! Go!
What are you staring at?
If Hollywood could teach you how
to knock over armored cars,
bank robberies were a walk
in the park.
After a spate of daring heists,
the banks upgraded their security.
But Nazareth always
found their weak spot.
If Mother Russia
had taught him
Semtex and strategy,
Uncle Sam completed that education
via correspondence school.
Ma'am, have a nice day.
Someone on
the inside was always involved.
And who could blame them?
You see,
in the New South Africa
everyone deserves
their entitlement.
Preferably in this lifetime.
I was having more than
enough problems of my own.
Confirm locale.
The projects
on the Golden Highway.
We were having too many close calls.
Cops frustrated
by rising crime rates
and a legal system
that couldn't keep
those arrested behind bars
took the law
into their own hands.
I decided to quit before I was forced
into an early retirement.
Wherever you been?
Aunt Violet, what's happening?
Your Mum is in hospital.
Diabetes. She'll be home tomorrow.
Hey, scumbag.
Fill it with super
and check the windscreen.
Move it.
You look good in a uniform.
How much do you make in tips?
I hear you're reapplying to university?
What are you gonna eat,
You can't quit from crime.
Crime is the biggest
growth industry in the country.
Correction, Comrade Nazareth.
...private security is.
Last year it surpassed mining
My boy...
It's just a smash and grab...
Quick and easy, man.
No violence.
I helped you, my boy...
I got you nice clothes, food...
I never asked you for anything.
Today, I'm asking you...
...are you in?
And I suppose this will be my last job?
Get the weapons!
Get the fucking weapons!
Go go go go go!
Drop dead, motherfucker!
Come on, come on!
Shit! Shit.
Are you alright?
It's not that bad
Put this on, tight! going!
Why don't we go to Durban?
You've always wanted to see the ocean.
How much cash we got?
Six hundred bucks...
Six hundred...after all that?
You know... Easy come, easy go!
Why don't we get lost in the
Jo'burg jungle, my friend?
Getting lost is the best option.
You are in serious trouble.
Worse than ever.
You will reap what you've sown,
I'm telling you.
I'm leaving.
Where are you going?
I just have to go.
Look after yourself.
AIDS is the work of the devil
- as he walks the earth.
- Hallelujah!
Hallelujah, praise the Lord!
The condom is
the devil's instrument.
You know where AIDS
comes from?
Your mother.
Your talking shit, man,
it's these foreigners.
Nigerians, Congolese.
Yes, preacher man.
They caught it from your mother.
You catch it fucking baboons
and then eating them.
Hey hey what are you
doing on our route?
Fuck off!
Fuck off you pirates!
You fuck off, bitch..
Watch it!
Watch it, you satan!
Hi Lucky.
I got you fish and chips.
Sleep in the car...
...anyone fucks with our taxi, honk...
...stealing from a working woman?...
...fuck you!... think I fuck for free, you bastard!?...
Fuck off, you swine!
Hey, can I sleep at your place tonight?
So you can rob me while I sleep?
Piss off, you've got nothing.
Hey, taxi crew...
...your rent's late!
Relax Gasta, you'll get your money.
Pay or else, I've got kids to feed. End of story!
What about your degree Lucky?
You don't even open them?
Hey man I'm tired.
I don't want to hear about school.
Zakes, Zakes...
...who's there?
Yeah, yeah.
Tell me, is my Mum alright?
She's fine...
She asked me to bring you these.
You and Zakes should
come home more often.
Whenever you come over this late
I think there's a problem.
I'm sorry... Nothing's wrong.
I wish sometimes you'd
come out with me...
I have a taxi business to run.
Lucky, if you need money...
How long do you think
this scam of yours will last?
You talk too much...
Since when are you an angel?
... My angel
Nomsa had dropped out of Jo'burg Tech
and followed me to Hillbrow
to attend the university of life.
She'd found work
as a bank teller
and a way to make it pay.
She learned what we all knew.
If you want to get by,
take a job where
there's something to steal.
And of course, her brother
Bull had graduated
with flying colors.
Lucky, time to go...
Hey, tsotsi.
What time is it?
Early, go back to sleep.
Treat Nomsa well...
A car is like a woman, remember?
Take me home, taxi man
It is my time to go
Take me home, taxi man
It is my time to go
Take me home, taxi man
It is my time to go
Take me home, taxi man...
I'm going to get some beers...
Don't forget smokes.
Take me home, taxi man
It is my time to go...
Two beers
and cigarettes, please.
Taxi man.
Take us to Alexandra.
I don't have time.
I'll give you one-hundred rand.
Leave me alone.
Inside motherfucker!
Don't fucking look at me
like that!
You are a driving a taxi
in our territory, man.
I'll blow your skull open and
scatter your brains like popcorn!
Heads we kill you,
tails we beat you!
- I didn't fuck with you.
- You fucking hear me?
Fuck off, man.
Stop the fucking car.
Let me fix this bitch!
Stop the fucking car!
Fucking dog!
Go on, cut through, man.
All right.
Do you live
in this pigsty?
Hey, if you
wanna talk business, talk.
Otherwise, fuck off.
Some guys jacked me.
Huh? The taxi?
It's gone.
How much money do we have?
Not enough for a taxi.
I need you to organise a gang.
A gang?
What are you planning?
A city fathered by gold,
mothered by money,
then commandeered
by white men with cruelty and greed.
Al Capone said you can go
a long way with a smile.
You can go much further
with a smile and a gun.
But if I was going to graduate
from this shithole
to my beach house,
it would take a gun
in one hand,
a briefcase in the other
and my best
shit-eating grin.
Good morning.
How can I help you?
My name is Lucky Kunene.
Anna Marie Van Rensberg.
Mr. Kunene,
what is it that you want?
I want to open a company
and bank account.
I can do that for you.
What assets do you have?
It's a non-profit organization.
You do have money,
don't you?
I have 1,000 rand.
It cost 2,000 rand
to register companies.
for my time.
Okay, I'll do it for you, but you have
to pay me by Monday next week.
Otherwise my boss will kill me.
Thank you.
I'll see you next week.
- Do you have a name?
- Yes, Lucky Kunene.
No, Mr. Kunene.
For the company, I mean.
The Hillbrow People's
Housing Trust.
Why didn't you visit me in jail?
Nobody goes to jail unless they have to.
Anyway, a man must face his own music.
Now you want my help?
Hey, Lucky,
My little brother here tells me
your life's been good.
Where are my manners?
This is Comrade Vusi,
Comrade Themba.
I gave these boys a free education...
The Hillbrow People's Housing Trust...
Will hold a meeting on Saturday...
Meeting Saturday morning.
Hello sir.
I'm Lucky Kunene...
From the Hillbrow
People's Housing Trust.
We are arranging a meeting.
- What's it all about?
- It's in your best interest.
My name is Lucky Kunene.
And I represent
the Hillbrow People's Housing Trust.
Now I know you're all wondering
why we called this meeting.
You see, I, like you
am a resident
of Dunvista Mansions.
And I'm sure you're all aware
of the appalling
living conditions.
The building has been
allowed to decay
while the rent has gone up.
Not anymore.
Starting tomorrow
things will change.
From now on
your rent will be paid directly
into the trust.
The housing trust will
in turn
negotiate with the landlord
and make any and all repairs
deemed necessary.
With immediate effect,
your rent
will be cut in half...
Until the situation...
...can be reevaluated.
In the meantime,
it is our intention
to get rid of drugs,
and all other
unsavory elements.
Hey, asshole,
go fuck yourself.
We can't have
different forces pulling
in all different directions.
The only way we can win
is if we work together.
Anyone with me
raise your hands.
What are you doing?
The junkies were out.
Out out out!
The drug dealers were out.
The hookers were out.
Anyone who didn't pay rent
was out.
Anyone give any shit...
...was out.
This is the New South Africa.
Everybody pays their way.
Fuck off.
I'm busy.
Just one dance.
One dance.
Come on, Nomsa,
you're drunk.
I don't get it.
Why didn't your lawyer appeal
for clemency? You had grounds.
The state lawyer advised me
to plead guilty.
If it was me,
I was going to sue for wrongful
imprisonment and damages.
After all, you're a hero
of the struggle.
Who's that?
Lucas Sithole.
He's the lawyer I retained
to represent us.
Do you think he's honest?
Not a chance.
Hey, Lucas.
I'm sorry. A second.
This is Zakes Mbolelo,
my partner.
So you grew up with Nazareth, eh?
You must be proud of him
for the sacrifice he made
for this country.
Listen boy...
I don't need any gratitude.
Good, 'cause you're not
going to get any.
I fought for freedom
so they can go to school.
You went into exile when things
were tough.
You were in jail when we
started our business.
That's the price of freedom.
I thought that was the price
you paid for improper...
Who's doing
the fucking dirty jobs around here?
Hey hey hey, gents.
Hey man, let's get some more beers here.
More beers for everyone.
That's the last of it.
We are broke now.
Enjoy, gents.
Yeah, this is how
the other half live.
This other man's grass
is definitely greener.
Yeah, because he's got
more shit on it.
Yes, this is Mr. Kunene
and Mr. Mbolelo.
We are here for Mr. Santos Ribeiro.
Master, there are men
to see you at the gate.
I won't let them in.
I'm Lucky Kunene.
This is my associate Zakes Mbolelo.
What do you want?
We represent the Hillbrow
People's Housing Trust.
I don't give money to hawkers.
We are not hawkers,
Mr. Santos Ribeiro.
And we are certainly not looking
for charity.
How do you know my name?
We are here to discuss
Dunvista Mansions.
Dunvista Mansions?
What do I have to discuss
with you?
If you'd actually bother
to visit the building,
I think you'd be aware
of the appalling condition it's in.
Why don't you mind
your own business?
It is my business.
I'm putting all of you slum landlords...
Don't "slum landlord" me.
That building was in perfect condition
till there were 20 people
- living in a single flat.
- You mean 20 black people.
Don't pull that race shit.
I never said black people.
I want to know
what you're up to.
We, the Hillbrow People's
Housing Trust,
are collecting rent
and holding it in trust
until this matter is resolved
to our satisfaction.
Take my card.
When you've decided
you're willing to talk, call.
What if he goes to the police?
Lucky, this is purely
a civil matter.
There's no such thing
as theft of fixed assets.
The police can't do nothing
about it
unless the owner gets
a court order.
And that will take him
around a year or even more.
And all the time
we are collecting rent.
Hallelujah, my brother.
With his income stream dried up
and no money to pay rates
and utilities,
as expected, Mr. Santos Ribeiro
phoned to negotiate.
My approach was simple.
String him along.
They're not coming.
We leave him
hanging and the rent rolls in.
This is the only country in the world
where you have to take shit
in 11 official languages.
So how does this happen?
These people...
We'll start the bid at 100,000.
They come here.
They tell the residents
to boycott the rent and the services.
When I default on the loan,
the building goes
into liquidation.
- 81.
- 81,000, I've got 81,000.
They step in,
they buy it for a pittance.
- 81,000 sold to...
- Mr. Lucas Sithole,
the representative of the Hillbrow
People's Housing Trust.
So what can you do?
No one will help us.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Now I've lost everything.
We all happy?
Urban renewal was
desperately needed in Hillbrow,
which meant for the Hillbrow People's
Housing Trust
things were looking up.
Once we had identified
a potential building,
Sithole had a contact
at the municipality
who furnished us
with the landlord's information.
The Housing Trust would arrange
a summary inspection
of the premises
and immediately remove pests
and other vermin as necessary.
During community outreach,
tenants were incentivized
to exercise
their democratic rights
to give us their money.
In cases where a landlord
would defy the will of the people,
a chief of conflict resolution
was promptly appointed.
Studies of the nature
of the dispute were made
and terms that would appeal
to the landlord's sensibilities
were proposed.
We were taking back
the streets,
one building after another
after another.
I looked around
and what I saw was an empire
waiting to happen.
Is this Mr. Kunene?
- Yes.
I'm Loretta Dhamini
from the "Sowetan" newspaper.
Is it possible
to speak to you?
It's a smear campaign.
I'm a legitimate businessman
providing shelter for the poor
and disenfranchised.
I was told you controlled
in the Hillbrow
and Joubert Park area.
I'm just in the business
of making a better life for all.
The inhabitants of Hillbrow
call you the African Robin Hood.
They say you're a champion
of the poor;
that you take back land
stolen from them by the whites.
I've done nothing illegal.
Then how did you acquire
your alias, the Hoodlum of Hillbrow?
I don't know what you mean.
Have you ever used force
to take over a building?
I think we've had enough violence
here to last a lifetime.
I operate within the limits
of the law.
Then why the smear campaign?
It suits them to demonize me.
Forget who they are.
People who'd like to see blacks
back in the townships.
We're going to the shops.
Get me some beers and
buy yourself some sweets.
Check this out.
Look, you're the man...
Hide that away, what if mama sees it.
These Nigerian guys are huge!
They are always pushing and shoving
They scored!
Nice, nice!
- You need anything?
- Fuck off, friend!
What the fuck
are you doing?
Watch where you're driving!
I'm looking for the Sands Hotel.
The Sands?
Are you mad?
You shouldn't be here.
Lucky, forget it.
These white chicks are always
shit scared of us darkies.
They're gonna kill him.
Kill who?
My brother Josh.
Who are they?
Tony Ngu.
He's a drug dealer.
Josh owes him money.
Unlock the door.
I'll come with you.
You're going to risk your life
for this white bitch?
Keep going straight.
Give me the money.
Stop right there.
Lock the doors.
Just let me come with you.
Lock the doors.
My number.
Fuck off.
Where's Tony Ngu?
Room 311
- Come in, brother.
- I'm not your brother.
I've come for him.
You, fuck off.
Go make some money.
He'd better be alive.
We just gave him Wellconal
to calm him down.
He's very emotional,
you know?
Hey, stay, smoke pipe.
On the house.
You're full of shit!
What's with you white people?
You have nice houses,
smart cars,
fancy clothes
and you still come here.
I guess when you're rich,
poverty seems glamorous.
It's got a certain charm.
We have a meeting scheduled
with the residents' committee
concerning this unlawful
If you represent the people
responsible for the shit state
of the building, do something.
The lifts aren't working.
Yes, and every time we repair the lifts
you vandalize them.
- We know you're behind this.
- If you have a problem,
go to the police
and lay a charge.
The Hillbrow police station
is just around the corner.
You know full well the cops
will tell us it's a civil case.
Then it'd be wise
to take that advice and fuck off.
Grover Holdings owns this building.
We have a right to speak...
The building was abandoned.
Huh-uh, this building is part
of the urban regeneration scheme.
- Here are the papers.
- I don't care!
The man asked you to leave.
Now take your papers
and fuck off!
Two time!
You haven't heard
the last of this.
Hey, Nazareth...
They just shot them like dogs.
And I suppose no one
saw anything.
Welcome to Hillbrow.
We shouldn't even be here.
I don't need this shit...
What's going with Nazareth?
Relax. Take it easy.
Your money's no good here.
It's on the house.
And there's someone
I would like you to meet.
Your profits are running
in excess of a million rand a month.
I'll check this today.
Mr. Kunene,
there were
two policemen here yesterday.
They were asking me
about you and your business.
What did you tell them?
Just that your accounts
were up to date and in order.
Hello my babies!
...look how big you're getting!
What did you bring us?
... And uniforms.
Hey, boys?
Look what i've brought you.
What's that?
A rugby ball!
A rugby ball? I'm not a whitey!
I play soccer.
You play soccer?
How about a little muticulturalism?
Hey, Ma.
- Lucky!
- Shut the fuck up!
- What do you want?
- Stand up.
All clear, Inspector Swart.
- Lucky Kunene.
- Who are you?
Tell me, what do you do
for a living, Mr. Kunene?
I drive a taxi.
Business must be good, eh?
People need transport.
Tell me, do all your passengers
pay with 100-rand notes?
Buy yourself a cold drink.
Hey, you leave Jesus Christ
out of this.
My name's Blakkie Swart,
and I'll be your reckoning
from now on.
You see, Mr. Kunene,
we know who you are.
We know what you do.
We know where to find you.
So your days are numbered,
Mr. Kunene.
We're just too visible, Lucky.
The cops can't touch us in Hillbrow.
They're not Hillbrow cops.
If they were,
we'd know about it.
Lucky Kunene.
Hi, it's Leah.
I was just phoning to say thank you.
You gave me your number,
so I hope you don't mind.
How's your brother?
He's gonna be fine.
He's in rehab.
I was thinking
about what you said about poverty.
Look, I didn't mean
to offend anyone.
On the contrary.
Why don't you meet me for lunch?
If you don't mind slumming it,
I know a really charming restaurant.
Look at all of them,
coming and going
from church.
Hillbrow is like
the new Jerusalem.
It's more like
Sodom and Gomorrah.
How can you say that?
Hillbrow is the crime capital
of the world.
It's just a place
where poor black people
come to make a living.
Don't play the race card on me.
Old habits die hard.
You'd be surprised
how effective it can be.
I can believe it.
What do you do?
I'm a nutritionist.
I teach people how to eat properly.
What kind of people
don't know how to eat?
All kinds of people.
People who wanna lose weight.
So you teach fat people
to be thin.
I run a clinic in Alex
twice a week.
I deal with
malnourished children.
I'll ask supermarkets
to donate out-of-date food.
And I teach parents
what constitutes
a balanced diet.
What do you do, Lucky?
I buy and develop property.
I run a non-profit housing trust.
Not everyone in Hillbrow
is a criminal.
Lucky, thank you so much.
Thank you.
I warned you not
to do this.
Hello my babies!
Don't talk to her like that...
I'm not paying for his bail.
Lock the bulldog up
and throw away the key.
Hey fuck you, man.
Fuck you.
Fuck you!
Hey hey hey.
What you going to do?
And fuck you too.
It's over between us.
No, Lucky, I'm sorry.
That was over too quickly.
I've got all night.
Look, drugs
is looking for trouble.
I don't want to invite
the cops to our party.
I thought you wanted
to expand the business.
Since when are you scared
of the cops?
Pay them off as usual.
And how exactly
did you meet him?
Mutual acquaintance.
Lucky, he's clever.
Clever is a person
who doesn't use drugs.
Clever is a person
who sells drugs to you.
And drugs make you think
you are the clever one.
If that's clever,
it's too clever for me.
Lucky, please,
will you at least speak to him?
Lucky Kunene, come.
Please sit.
Can I get you anything?
You wanted to speak to me?
It would seem that
you and I, by default,
have become
the Princes of Hillbrow.
And our businesses
co-exist mostly peacefully.
Putting our past
differences aside,
what I'm proposing
is a symbiotic relation.
You want me to allow you
to pimp and deal from my buildings.
Brother, I prefer to see it
as a free enterprise zone.
We can all make serious money.
Just tell me this:
Why did you come here?
I mean, to South Africa?
It's fine to hate us
while you all sit there
on your asses
waiting for your entitlement
from Mandela.
If you think he is going to come
and part the Dead Sea
and lead you to a promised land,
you are wrong, brother.
So you fucked up
your own country.
Now you want to fuck up
this place too.
I don't want to fuck anything.
I sell drugs.
That is business.
They call us pushers,
but I don't push.
It flies off the shelf.
Kunene, brother, wait.
This time next year
may we be in Jerusalem.
- Amen.
Bitter herbs...
To remind us
in good times
of those less fortunate
than ourselves.
So tell me, Lucky,
what do you do for a living?
I'm a gangster.
Lucky, stop it.
I'm a property developer.
Lucky provides subeconomic housing
to working-class people.
Which in Hillbrow these days
is like being a gangster.
Thank you, Betty.
Let me show you the conversion
papers that I drew up.
Lucky, these papers
are totally authentic.
I even borrowed the letterhead
from a rival law firm.
You're late.
Don't happen again.
Vusi, how long to gain entry
and remove the razor wire?
I got the name
and the address of the owner
from my contact
at the Jo'burg Metro.
Are you still serious about
moving to the suburbs?
You know what...
I've had it with living here.
You know what the guys
are saying?
...that it's not ok..
They say it's a betrayal.
Why should we be embarrassed
about being rich?
Those days are over.
Just because I'm a darkie...
...doesn't mean I have to
live in the slums.
I'll live as I choose to live...
... And I fuck who I want
to fuck
Hey, Nazareth.
... Forget about the girls
and just focus.
Relax, man.
I'm focused.
Vusi, get busy over there.
Lets go!
check the streets.
Look at this shit.
The tenants can clean up.
Tell them first month
is for free then.
Hands up!
Get your hands up!
What's the problem?
What do you want, a job?
Lucky Kunene.
Not so lucky today,
huh, Lucky?
Lucky Kunene.
I'm arresting you for theft,
fraud, embezzlement,
racketeering and extortion.
Get him up.
Well, it is convenient
for the government to blame Kunene.
The government
has failed dismally
to provide the housing that
they promised the people.
Look at downtown Jo'burg.
It's full of empty buildings.
And the landlords won't let them out
to the poor people.
The black people.
And those buildings,
they make up a part
of Kunene's housing projects.
Are you telling me
that the government
is not turning a blind eye
on this?
This is what I call the land redistribution,
via back door.
So why then is your client in jail?
Well, it's simple.
Lucky Kunene does not lead.
He just follows.
My Lord, my client
has been victimized
by corrupt and unscrupulous
members of the former regime.
Be that as it may, the trial date
is the 12th of October.
Bail is set at 10,000 rand.
I phoned the bank and told them
you were coming to draw the cash.
Ask for a Mr. Duvall.
He's the manager.
Us lbos,
we call ourselves
the Jews of Nigeria.
Do you know why?
Because we have suffered persecution.
That is why we're here.
But you, you guys,
you had it tougher.
They told us we were
going to punish the whiteys.
We were going to take
from them.
And in reality, nothing.
All I wanted is a house
in Sandton
and a Mercedes convertible.
Congratulations, Mr. Kunene,
on your new vehicle.
Now we are being demonized
by this society.
They are calling us filthy,
stinking, dirty Makorikori.
How do you think
that makes me feel, Naz?
Pissed off.
Yes, just like you, brother.
Only I understand
how underappreciated
you are.
And now Kunene's
in shit with the cops.
And I have you
to help me, my friend.
Do you know how much money
we can make?
Millions every month,
But, Naz,
I need you
to tell me everything.
- What's this?
- It's yours.
- I can't take it.
- Why not?
Because I just can't.
I've done nothing illegal.
What happened to being innocent
until proven guilty?
So are you innocent?
Those charges
will never stand up in court.
Watch where you're going.
What the fuck are you doing here?
Fuck you, farm boy.
Hey, I'm talking to you.
What the fuck are you doing here?
Who let this fucking skollie
in here, huh?
Go fuck your mother
He's assaulting me!
He's assaulting me!
You, you! You saw
this man attack me.
I want to lay charges
for assault.
You want to lay charges?
You must be fucking joking.
Who do you think you are
to lay a finger on me?
Hey, what is this?
Apartheid policing?
You think just because
I'm a black civilian
and you're a white cop,
you have a right to assault me?
Hey, I'm Detective Modisane.
What's going on here?
This man assaulted me.
- Did anyone see an assault?
- Yes.
- He's a fucking skollie, man.
- This is slander.
I have no criminal record.
This man has intimidated me
and threatened me.
I want to lay charges.
Are you sure about this?
It's my democratic right.
He is being made a scapegoat,
and we are here to support him.
- And you feel the same way?
- Yes.
We are the residents of Hillbrow.
If Lucky Kunene won't look after us...
...nobody will!
Your Honor, Mr. Kunene
was identified at our offices.
Obviously this evidence
has been tampered with.
The dates on the docket
do not correspond with the arrest dates.
Your Honor, Inspector Swart
is currently on suspension,
charged with assaulting my client
with no provocation, nothing whatsoever.
- We are talking here about Mr. Kunene.
- Your Honor.
- He has no criminal record.
- I've had enough.
Case dismissed.
You know what the problem
with South Africa is?
The bad guys go free
and the good guys can't touch 'em.
But how did it come
to this?
Look who's running the country.
These are guys we arrested.
We put them in jail.
No wonder they think the criminal's
the victim. It's our fault.
Who do you mean
by "our" fault?
I mean us, the white cops,
from before.
That's a different story.
I'll tell you something
about this fucker Kunene.
I'm gonna take him down.
Okay, the first one
is four bedrooms, three bathrooms,
pool, sauna and a tennis court.
Have you told the estate agent
I'm going to be moving
three families into every room
and four into the garage?
Be nice, Lucky.
Don't embarrass me.
I'm serious.
We are going to turn it into a slum,
then buy the whole neighborhood
at bargain basement prices.
Stop it.
Well, the owners
emigrated to Australia
so they're motivated to sell.
Tony, it's Naz.
He's here.
No, not yet.
Okay, see you soon.
Nazareth's drug bust
and Ngu's covert expansion
into all of the corners of my empire
was exactly the excuse
Swart needed.
Arrests were made.
Occupants evicted.
Buildings were cleared
and those deemed unfit
for habitation were condemned.
The situation is serious.
This is a messy financial loss
to all of us.
Even more serious is that many
of our other buildings
are equally overrun
with drugs.
We start cleaning up
first thing in the morning.
No no, let's clean the lifts.
Repair the doors
and replace the locks.
Go upstairs and get busy.
Lucky Kunene.
Lucky, guess what.
They accepted our offer.
We got the house.
Good news.
I'll call you later. Over here.
Hey, Lucky...
... Come here.
we need to talk, brother.
You want to die?
This is unnecessary.
You're fucking with my livelihood.
And you are fucking with mine.
I know why you're angry.
I pay reparation.
I'm a man of peace, brother.
You wanna taste this, huh?
You wanna taste this?
Fuck off!
They encourage us to smoke.
But we're not even allowed
a cup of coffee or tea
or chocolate.
Why not?
Who ever heard of anyone
dying of chocolate, right?
I don't know.
Sounds like a good idea to me.
Be serious, Leah. How many people die
of lung cancer and emphysema?
How does it feel?
- What?
- Owning your own house.
How's it going, Josh?
I hear you've found Jesus.
That was just
the cold turkey talking.
Something from Mr Ngu.
I got all the guys still out looking.
Where would he go?
Do you want drugs?
Anyone seen a whitey go inside?
- No.
- Nobody, man.
Let's go.
You know, Josh,
I really like you.
You're like my brother
from another mother.
Leah, you should eat
something with this.
No, I'm not hungry, thanks.
When's Lucky gonna phone?
He said he'll call
if he hears anything.
- Is your cell on?
- Yeah.
We've looked everywhere.
The clubs...
The bars...
... All the joints.
The game is obvious.
Kill them.
One by one.
I don't like this shit.
Then we kill Ngu.
A war's no good.
We have a lot to lose.
There's something we need
to talk about.
Ngu bailed Nazareth out of jail.
That's alright.
As long as we stick together.
Hey, Vusi...
Zakes is dead.
I'm outside the base.
I assume you have guns.
Hey gents.
I've got white meat, black meat,
How about dead meat?
You fuck around I'll kill him!
- Lucky!
- Go back, I'm fine.
Kunene, please wait.
Kunene, just wait.
Let's just talk.
Let's work it out, brother.
- What did you have in mind?
- Anything.
Anything, Kunene.
Anything you want.
Can you bring Zakes back?
Get down.
- Cuff him!
- Cuff him!
You're under arrest for murder.
You think this is funny, huh?
Your bank accounts are frozen.
Your money's gone.
Let's see you try
and quash this one, huh?
You'll never win this war.
Take him away.
in a major raid in Hillbrow today.
including 2,714 rounds
of ammunition.
Police made 93 arrests
for serious offenses,
including murder, rape
and armed robbery.
Among those detained
was notorious Hillbrow crime boss
and slumlord Lucky Kunene,
also known
as the Hoodlum of Hillbrow.
Wake up, hoodlum.
You got a visitor.
I'm ashamed of you.
Don't be.
I'm not ashamed.
You promised that you'd live a
Christian life
there's a lady.
Anna Marie Van Rensberg.
She'll be in touch.
There's money to look after you.
I don't want your dirty money.
Then take it for Isaak and Sipho
and Winfred and Thandie.
I brought you a bible.
The priest marked psalm 137.
Read it, I want to hear.
"If I forget you,
O Jerusalem,
May my right hand
forget its skill.
May my tongue cling
to the roof of my mouth
If I do not remember you,
If I do not consider Jerusalem
my highest joy.
'Tear it down,' they cried.
'Tear it down
to its foundations."'
It's me.
Hi, Lucky, how are you?
I'm okay. And you?
Not so good.
We just buried Josh.
I'm sorry I couldn't be there.
Will you come visit me?
No, no I can't.
Okay then.
Please do me one favor.
What is it?
If it's true that man
learns through pain,
I would have known
this couldn't last.
Nothing ever does.
We have to stop now.
I'm not feeling well.
It's too tight.
Hey... it's too tight.
There, better?
He's sick... this is barbaric!
He's faking it.
Fucking crook.
Fucking crook, you don't know these people.
It's not visiting time now.
I'm Mr. Kunene's lawyer.
Listen here...
Even if you are the president...
I don't give a damn!
What the hell is going on here?
My client is fighting for his life
and you have him chained like a dog.
I told him.
Be quiet!
I'm going to file charges.
What is your name, Constable?
I'm sorry.
Have I come at a bad time?
No no, come in.
Come in.
I need a witness.
Hey brother it's ok.
Everybody relax.
We can work it out darkie style.
Lets work it out like darkies, brother.
I'm just going to leave
this here, Officer.
Please see to it
that he gets it.
Yeah yeah, of course.
Sure, ma'am. Yeah sure.
If anything happens
to him, darkie...
Fucked up cops. Shit!
We were supposed to be informed
immediately if he had to be moved.
I'll have to look into what went wrong.
- Who's on guard duty?
- Sibiya.
Well, where is he?
They say behind
every fortune is a crime.
The greater the fortune,
the greater the crime.
But I don't know about that.
It seems the only people
who say that
probably never made one.
What's important in life
is to set goals
and go after them.
Who knows?
I might even talk Leah
into moving to the coast
after I've moved
into a building,
or six.
After every revolution
comes a new order.
But before that
comes opportunity.
After all,
wasn't it PW Botha who said,
"Adapt or die"?