Jeruzalem (2015) Movie Script

NARRATOR: This chapter
was the reason
we started looking into
this phenomenon...
and to collect evidence
throughout history...
the scriptures...
and old paintings...
There were signs everywhere,
but no one really
saw it coming.
These days...
people can't see
when they are preaching hatred.
People can't hear when the gods
are fighting each other.
And eventually it all
comes down to this city,
where there is so much hatred,
it runs deep into the ground,
waking up the dead.
In 1972,
two priests from Jerusalem
managed to capture this event.
It was the first
profound evidence.
Three stars. That's when
the Yom Kippur just started.
The church got information
about a local family.
La familiae,
Jewish, Muslim?
- Jewish.
- Jewish.
- Are you filming this?
- It's very important.
They say it's a woman
and that she came back.
Excuse me, sir,
can you tell the camera
exactly what happened?
That thing is not my wife.
She died of typhus
three days before
and was buried near Golgotha.
While they were mourning,
on the third night
of the Shiva,
the child heard
a knock on the door.
At the beginning,
she was quiet and calm,
but then she became violent.
She hurt my father.
Representatives from all three
religions are here.
This concerns all of us.
They all believed
in different gods,
but on that night,
they were all dealing
with the same devil.
For hours, they tried
to help her, cure her.
But evil was too strong
in that woman.
Go closer, quickly.
They had no other choice.
In the name of the Lord,
return to the ground!
They say there are
three gates to hell.
On that night...
we found one of them.
- SARAHL: Dad!
- DAD: Huh?
I can't believe you.
Oh, my God, no way.
- What do you think?
- You got me a smart glass?
- Oh, my God.
- You like it?
Dad, I can't believe you.
Look, I've already signed you in
with your user name.
- Did I put it on right?
- You look great in them.
- Oh, it's so cool!
- It is cool.
Dad, you're unbelievable.
This is the touchpad,
and you navigate with
your finger like a mouse,
and this is the memory card.
I got you
your prescription glasses,
so basically you're all set.
- It makes me look geeky, right?
- What do you expect?
You play those video games
all day long.
Dad, don't.
Thank you, Daddy.
Why don't you try 'em out?
Glass, play music.
DAD: Don't be long, all right?
No tomorrow
will get ready for me
That's cool!
Doesn't even know I'm here
Dad, you're the best!
Sitting staring in silence,
leering fear
Glass, stop music.
Okay. Glass, open menu.
No. Okay, games.
Zombies? Oh, yeah.
Hey, guys.
- Cool it, Dexter.
Here we go.
This is so cool.
- Die!
Come to mama.
Take that, asshole.
Die, motherfucker.
Glass, open link.
an exciting destination?
Well, how about Tel Aviv?
The nightlife is not something
you see every day.
The beach parties
and the nightclubs
offer a pretty wild experience.
- For a minute there...
- DAD: Sarah!
SARAH: I'm here.
Glass, close link.
- You all packed?
- Yes, Daddy.
I just want to say goodbye.
DAD: We've got to go get Rachel,
so we better get going.
SARAH: I'll be right up!
DAD: Don't be long,
sweetheart, okay?
DAD: Sarah? Are you coming?
We've got to get going.
I'm coming!
DAD: I'm happy that Rachel
is taking you on this trip.
You've had a rough year.
- We all did.
- Yeah.
DAD: Oh, here's Rachel.
- Whoo!
- DAD: Hey, Rache.
I can't believe it's happening!
We're really going.
- Hi, Mr. Pullman.
- Are your parents home?
No. They're off squandering
my inheritance somewhere.
- Come on, Drake, the bag.
- SARAH: Come on, come on.
- We're in a hurry.
- I'm on it, baby.
SARAH: I thought it was over
between you two.
DRAKE: Okay, baby.
You're all set.
Oh, my God,
I'm going to miss you.
Rache! Come on, guys,
cut it out.
- Come on. Get into the car.
- I'm gonna miss you so much.
Come on. Rache!
- Bye, baby.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Get in the car already.
- Bye, guys.
- Bye, Sarah.
- Bye, Drake.
Have fun, girls.
Keep it clean.
I can't believe
we're really going!
- Call me when you get there.
- We're going to Tel Aviv!
- Bye!
- Bye, Drake, lousy lay.
- I'm sorry, Mr. Pullman.
- You have fun.
- Thank you, Daddy.
- I love you, kid.
- I love you.
Oh, shit, it's almost 2:00.
We gotta go. Come on.
We're gonna be late.
Bye, Mr. Pullman!
- Bye, Daddy!
- Thanks for the ride!
Sarah, don't forget
to send me some pictures!
- Let's go!
I'm really happy
we're finally doing this.
I think it will be
really good for you.
- What's our seat number again?
- It's here. 15.
- Mm-hm.
- Rache, how's he doing?
- Rache.
- What?
Okay, so, Sarah and Rachel.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
So, Kevin, where are you from?
I'm from all over.
I travel a lot.
So where have you been to?
Well, I've lost count.
You see, I study anthropology,
so I really like traveling,
exploring different cultures,
especially ancient ones.
- Sounds fascinating.
- Wow. That sounds interesting.
I guess that probably
sounds boring to you.
No, no, no, no, really.
It's actually sounds
really cool.
So what are you,
some kind of Indiana Jones?
only much better looking.
KEVIN: That's exactly
what I'm saying.
Every religion calls it
in a different name,
but actually everyone's
talking about the same thing.
SARAH: Cool.
KEVIN: In Islam,
it's the Dark Angel.
For Jews, it's Golem.
And in Christianity, it's the
undead or zombies or whatever.
SARAH: Whoa.
Oh, God.
I hate these fuckers.
What was that?
RACHEL: Israel, here we come.
SARAH: Glass, take a picture.
- Here we go.
- Glass, what time is it?
- Holy shit, it's hot.
- Whoa.
- We got beach weather.
- Totally.
- Ouch!
- Sorry.
Listen, I've got an offer
you can't refuse.
Offering to carry our bags
to Tel Aviv?
That's so sweet of you,
Take mine.
It's a very special time
in the holy city.
- Come with me to Jerusalem.
- Jerusalem?
- It's gonna be fun.
- Yeah, Rache, what do you say?
Will you excuse us for a second?
Just one second.
Sarah, come here a second.
What? What is it?
Oh, my God,
you're such a slut.
- What? Why?
- Why?
Just admit you want
a taste of that ass.
And that stupid hat.
- Just admit it.
- Okay, fine.
But come on, Rache,
we're just changing the order.
First Jerusalem,
then parties in Tel Aviv, okay?
The whole point of the trip
is to have fun, right?
You just chew it?
It's good.
Make you strong in the bed.
- Take, take.
- SARAH: What is that?
- I've gotta try this.
- Voice command. Call Dad.
Kevin, I'm serious.
Don't eat that.
- No, no! Shit.
It's nice.
It's disgusting!
- Nasty!
- It's bitter.
Whatever, fine.
Hi, sweetie.
Oh, shit. Sorry, Dad.
I forgot it was nighttime.
No, it's okay.
I'm glad you called.
Have you landed?
Are you in Tel Aviv?
Actually our plans
are kinda changed.
We're heading
to Jerusalem now.
Is that okay?
Should I be worried?
- No.
- Hi, Mr. Pullman!
- Hi.
- No, no, don't worry.
Everything's fine.
Kevin, does that make
your mouth burn?
- My whole mouth is...
- Oh, my God, it's so gross.
- It's disgusting.
- Close your mouth.
This is so disgusting.
This is a big big graveyard,
very old.
- Got a lot of dead people here.
- A lot.
This is the entrance
of the city. A graveyard.
Very symbolic, ah?
You see, we have a beautiful,
beautiful tradition
of killing each other.
KEVIN: This is Damascus Gate.
- Oh, wow.
Kevin, we're going straight
to the hostel, right?
Yeah, we are.
RACHEL: What are those,
- Oh, what is that?
- Rache, cool it.
Look at all that. Wow.
Hey, kid.
What do you want?
No, no. Sorry, you can't
have my glasses.
Too expensive.
Look at these these colors.
Look at the little guy
leading the way.
Where are we going,
little guy?
Hey, buddy, wait up.
KEVIN: I don't know. It was
supposed to be here somewhere.
Glass, open navigation.
Okay, take a right.
Keep walking.
I love America!
- Just ignore him.
- Keep walking.
I am David.
King David.
If you need guide,
I am your man.
The best in the town.
- No, thanks, we're good.
- We're fine.
Oh, my God.
Is he for real?
- God, the heat is killing me.
- I feel old.
- I think it's here.
- This place?
- Yeah, this is it.
- Watch your head.
Seems like people
used to be smaller.
- Wow.
- Whoa.
- Hey, guys.
- Cheers, mate.
Let's go up.
- Heaven!
- Totally.
Let's go.
Glass, take a picture.
- Cute ass.
- What?
What? Nothing, nothing.
- Hey.
- Hello.
- Salam alaikum.
- Hello.
Welcome, my friends.
Sit, please.
I'll be right with you.
Thank you.
Omar! We have a guest.
- I'm coming!
- Omar!
Glass, take a picture.
Oh, my God.
Told you this place is nice.
Yeah, looks amazing.
Hello, sir.
I'm sorry.
I don't speak...
Grandfather says you bring
the smell of innocence.
Thanks, I think.
Oh, my God. I'm so thirsty.
You don't mind, do you?
Jesus, my feet hurt.
Oh, God, Rache.
No, don't do that.
SARAH: What did he say?
She brings the smell of feet
after two weeks in the desert.
- Thanks.
You two are very, very
beautiful, but this I say.
- Cold lemonade. I squeeze.
- Thanks.
Actually it's
the very high season now
so you'll need to be
in the room upstairs.
Actually they are much better
because of the view.
It's 100 shekels each,
but you get free Wi-Fi.
- SARAH: Bye, Kevin.
- See you later.
- See you later.
- Sure.
- Bye.
And because you two
are so beautiful,
I upgraded you to the ultra
premium turbo deluxe suite.
- Wait and see.
- Sweet!
- Yes! All right.
- Voila!
Are you kidding me?
- You like?
- This is your premium suite?
- Thank you, Omar.
- Yeah, thank you, Omar.
Your hostel is, well, lovely.
- What is this?
- A tip.
Ah. No way, Jose.
But if you insist, I will let
you buy Omar a beer tonight.
Okay, well, only if you take us
to a really, really cool place.
But only if you dance with Omar.
Sure, but only if Omar promises
to get us the best hash in town.
Ah, you will wait and see.
Omar will give you...
party time.
- Party time?
- What?
Enjoy your stay!
Thank you!
Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
This is hysterical.
- Oh, my God, I'm so tired.
- Me too.
Maybe just a quick nap and
then we're off to hit the town
with your new blond boyfriend.
Glass, what time is it?
Where is everybody?
Excuse me, sir.
Oh, God. Hi.
Hi, pretty one.
He plays so beautifully.
He plays to calm down
the demons.
The bad spirits.
Bad spirits? Wow.
We have a lot
of superstitions here.
Do you believe?
Me? No. I'm old school.
I believe in science.
You are stupid...
but beautiful.
Excuse me?
That was weird.
SARAH: Can I help you?
WOMAN: Come.
- What?
- This way.
- Your friend is in trouble.
- What did you say?
- Your friend is in trouble.
- My friend?
What happened to her? Hey!
- Hey, come back here.
- Hurry.
- Where is she?
- This way.
Wait a minute.
- Will you stop for a minute?
- Come!
- What?
- This way. Hurry.
Hurry. Come on.
This way.
What do you want?
To do the funky chicken dance.
What the...
- What the fuck?
- Oh, my God!
- Rache!
You should have
seen your face!
Oh, my God, I'll kill you,
you bitch.
- You scared the hell out of me.
- Come on!
- How long can you sleep?
- Rachel, slow down a second.
You have no idea.
This place is crazy.
We're right next to the market,
and there's a ton of cool shit.
Are you ready?
- Oh, wow.
- Check it out.
- No way.
- I know!
Look where we are!
It's insane.
- Oh, my God.
- KEVIN: Sarah! Come join us.
- Isn't it crazy?
- It's amazing.
Not bad, ah?
You can see everything
from here.
This is temple northern Al-Aqsa.
Next to it is
the Armenian quarter.
This is the Jewish quarter.
And we are in
the Muslim quarter.
A church next to a synagogue,
next to a temple,
all stuck together.
No wonder you all
hate each other.
What do you say,
white boy?
This Lebanon hashish not the
poopoo stuff you smoke America.
Man, I smoked some shit
in my life,
but this is something else.
Hey, but take it slowly.
I don't want you to go in
the flip side, okay, white boy?
Come on!
Shake it, Sarah.
- Just one more puff.
Come on, shake it.
There you go.
- There you go.
- Shake that ass.
KEVIN: Shit, I'm stoned.
RACHEL: So where are we
going now?
OMAR: Well, I think someone
owes me a drink.
KEVIN: Wait. Aren't you Muslims
not allowed to drink alcohol?
OMAR: Everybody has
his own score with Allah.
- But don't tell my father, ah?
- Don't worry.
Get ready! Omar is taking you
party tonight!
Jerusalem style!
RACHEL: Ooh, Jerusalem style.
Hey, guys, wait up.
I'm just taking a picture.
- See. Omar?
- Glass, take picture.
Hey! Hey!
Come back here!
Come back here!
Give me my bag!
Stop! Stop!
Come back here, little shit!
Come back here, you fucker!
Oh, my God.
Fuck you, asshole!
Oh, my God. Shit.
I can't believe that fucker
stole my bag.
Okay, enough with the sour face.
Come on, what's up with you?
You left the passport here,
so everything's cool, okay?
We have a shitload of cash
and the credit card I swiped
from my dad,
so what are you worried about?
I just left my prescription
glasses in there.
Now I'm stuck wearing
these things.
Okay, lady,
you've bitched enough.
- Come on, it's selfie time.
- Okay.
Just a little touch
for Mr. Indiana.
Rache, what are you doing?
Cut it out.
Well, come on. It's bad enough
you're lugging around
those disgusting glasses
everywhere we go.
Let's at least get Kevin
look where we want him to.
Perfect! Okay.
I'll take a picture of us.
Here we go. Okay.
One for us.
All right.
And now one for Instgram,
so Drake Lazy-lay
can get a little jealous.
Now let's hit the city
Jerusalem style.
Jerusalem style.
RACHEL: Hey, guys.
What is that?
OMAR: They say there was
a murder in the old city.
But it's bullshit.
What happened?
It's nothing. It's, uh...
It's nothing, it's a...
Baa baaa!
Lamb, lamb.
- A lamb?
- Yes!
Somebody threw blood on the wall
and everybody goes...
Okay, but it's still safe
to go outside though, isn't it?
Yes, of course.
Let's go.
Nothing. You are tourists.
You are walking wallets.
Everybody loves you.
Let's go.
OMAR: Oh! King David.
Listen, you must leave
before Yom Kippur.
- Why?
- No one believe me,
but now they will see.
They will all see.
See what?
But this time,
I ready for them.
What are you talking about?
It worked with Goliath,
and it will work now.
Okay, King David.
- I have to go now.
- We are going also.
They are looking for me.
They are looking for us, too,
in the club. Thank you.
- It's okay.
- Just be careful.
- What's his story?
- It's sad.
He's loco-loco, this guy.
This is the place. Come.
Watch your step.
- This is perfect.
- Yes!
Oh, wow.
We're here in
Girls Gone Wild in Jerusalem.
- And this place is crazy!
- Whoo-oo!
Listen, your friend's very cute.
Omar like.
SARAH: A lot.
Are you two really Jewish?
Yeah, as Jewish as they come.
But I don't think we should
leave her by herself too long.
SARAH: Uh-oh.
Poor guy.
Someone's in trouble.
- Hey! Everyone, shots.
- Hey, Bartender, hang on.
I need two more shots for
these guys over here, please.
Thanks, but I'll do
with my Coke.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
My friend is not very polite.
We would like very much
to have a drink with you.
You're allowed to have fun
sometimes, aren't you, soldier?
SARAH: We need shots all around
of your best vodka, please.
Hey, do you know these guys?
These clowns? They're patroling
around our hostel every day.
Okay, everybody!
Salud... Where are we?
- Cheers!
- Party!
Hey, funny glasses!
Gimme, gimme!
Hello! Whoo!
I love you.
Hi, Sarah! What's up?
KEVIN: I've gotta try them on.
With these glasses,
you look even hotter!
- Very funny.
- No, no! I'm serious!
Did anyone ever tell you
how amazingly beautiful you are?
- What's going on here?
- Nothing.
- Sarah...
- I don't know.
- Where are you taking me?
- It's a surprise.
Shit, your Facebook's on.
- MAN: Need some help?
- KEVIN: Fuck off.
How does it work?
So I just touch the pad here?
- Excuse me, sorry.
- Sorry, guys.
Nice pictures.
Look at you.
Too much clothes.
Hey, come here.
Don't move.
Hey, what's going on?
What do you think is going on?
I don't know.
So who's the guy
with the stupid hat?
Is he your boyfriend
or something?
- What did you say?
- Looks like a douche.
Sarah, what?
- Leave me alone!
- Sarah, come back!
It's a joke!
- Sarah, come on.
- Fuck.
- I'm going back to the hostel.
- We're just getting started.
I'll go by myself.
- Come on, Sarah. Just hang on.
- No. I'm leaving.
RACHEL: Sarah!
Glass, open navigation.
Glass, open navigation.
Glass. Come on, Glass.
Excuse me, sir,
do you know where...
Excuse me.
Sir, excuse me,
do you know where...
Oh, great timing, Dad.
Not now.
Where the fuck am I?
Come on.
MAN: Hey!
- Wait!
- Hey, it's me.
Let's get out of here.
Come on.
Listen, I'm sorry about
what I said.
It's not your fault.
It's okay.
Guy in the picture
was my brother.
He died in an accident
a year ago and...
What is it?
No. Nothing.
I thought I heard something.
Listen, I'm sorry
about your brother.
- I didn't mean to...
- No, it's cool.
I just need to try
and move on with my life.
That's the reason
Rache dragged me on this trip.
- Take me back to the hostel.
- Yeah, sure.
I'm gonna drink a few gallons
of water and pass out.
You have a nice hangover.
Good night, Indiana.
Thanks for rescuing me.
Pleasure was all mine.
Hey, Kevin.
Let's take that off.
- Do me, Indiana.
- Come here.
Hey, what's up?
What's the matter?
Jet lag?
Some strange noises I heard
woke me up.
What are you talking about?
More like distant screams.
I'm not making any sense,
am I?
Will you please tell me
what's going on?
There's something
I want to show you.
I'm sending you the link.
Kevin, you're freaking me out.
I found it on the Darknet,
doing my research.
Just watch it.
Glass, open link.
They say it's from
the Vatican's archives.
Representatives from all three
religions are here.
It concerns all of us.
In the name of the Lord,
return to the ground!
You know this thing is
total bullshit, right?
Yeah, I guess so.
Okay, so let me see
if I got this straight.
You think that in this city,
people are just coming back
from the dead all the time,
- like coming out of the ground?
- No, not all the time.
According to what I read,
it happened here before.
More than once.
So how come
nobody's talking about it?
Maybe all the religious leaders
know something,
and they keep it a secret.
Kevin, come on. Why?
Maybe they know something
that we don't.
Maybe the resurrection
is gonna happen again.
The undead, the dark angels,
the Nephilim.
Just like it says in the Bible.
- Which Bible?
- All of them.
Okay, Kevin, it's late
and you're freaking me out with
your apocalypse theory, so...
Yeah. It's probably
crazy talk.
It's stupid. Never mind.
It's okay, it's cool.
Just get some sleep, Indiana.
Good night.
Glass, close link.
- Omar!
It's "good morning" in Arabic.
to you too.
Judging by that smile, I see
it was a good night as well.
That's "yes" in Arabic.
I figured.
There you are,
you naughty girl.
- Good morning, princess.
- Good morning.
Where did you
disappear to last night?
Come on, I want to hear
Okay, I go.
Squeeze lemonade.
- Well?
Well, well, um...
Let's just say that
lightning struck last night.
Several times.
What about you,
Mrs. Jones?
No way. Oh, my God!
Somebody's finally starting
to go with the flow!
- No!
- It's gone, it's nothing.
- My dad's gonna kill me.
I didn't scratch it.
Just try it on.
- Rache...
- It's gone.
- I think it's broken.
- Let's go.
It's not working right.
Today Omar takes you
for sightseeing in the old city.
We'll start at the market,
and then we'll go
to the Armenian quarter,
and then we'll go
to the Jewish quarter
and finish with the great...
- Opa.
- Hey.
Hello, good morning, neighbor.
- Glass, take a picture.
- You like what you see?
OMAR: I hate these assholes.
RACHEL: Really? They seem nice.
You Americans are so nave.
But you know how to party.
SARAH: Kevin, what's up?
What is this place?
OMAR: This?
You don't want to come here,
believe me.
This is, eh...
How you say?
- A cuckoo house.
- SARAH: A cuckoo house?
- What, like a mental asylum?
- Yes, for people who go crazy.
There's a lot here in the city
like this.
A lot of tourists come here,
they see their own eyes
what they read in the Bible,
and they go cuckoo-ruckoo.
KEVIN: You mean
Jerusalem Syndrome?
Yes. This city can bring
a lot of madness for the people.
Let's go.
- Sarah, look at me.
Oh, wow.
"Don't Worry, Be Jewish."
SARAH: I'm so getting that one
for my dad.
What's that?
OMAR: This is where we pray.
SARAH: No way. That's amazing.
They're all praying?
They always pray here.
KEVIN: Nice dress.
Yeah, very.
I'm gonna check
how much it is.
No. Kevin, stop.
Don't worry. I got this.
You Jews wear white
on Yom Kippur, right?
Now you have
something to wear.
Thanks, Indiana.
- Rache!
- Is this real leather?
- Wow.
Sarah, you're gonna get lost.
Come on.
Okay, okay.
- Smells like something.
- You smell perfect.
Rache, I don't think you're
allowed to do that here.
Put it in your bag.
Western Wall.
This is the holiest place
in Israel.
- Better give it some respect.
- All right, all right.
Rache, you know I don't believe
in that nonsense.
Just give it a chance.
Just write down your deepest
and strongest wishes, okay?
All right. Here it is.
Nothing special.
Just world peace.
Hope we're good.
- Whoa.
What the hell?
- What the hell?
- What the fuck?
That was creepy.
Let's get out of here.
What is this place?
Come on, let's go.
Come on, come on.
GUIDE: Welcome to
King Solomon's Quarries,
the biggest artificial cave
in the Middle East.
- OMAR: Take helmet.
- GUIDE: Please, everybody,
take a helmet
and turn on the headlights.
You know that these are
the exact same flashlights
that were used by King Solomon's
diggers a thousand years ago.
- GUIDE: Okay.
- SARAH: That wasn't funny.
King Solomon was...
Bla bla bla.
Bla bla bla.
- Boo!
- Rache! Stop doing that!
Yeah, I'm a retard, I know.
WOMAN: Excuse me,
I have a question.
SARAH: Hey, Kevin.
Is everything okay?
Yeah, I'm fine. Sure.
Let's go.
This just keeps going
deeper and deeper.
This is insane.
Kev? Indiana?
KEVIN: I'm here.
Hey. There you are.
What is that?
GUIDE: You can see the peephole,
the eye peek.
There are plenty more like this
all around here.
KEVIN: This guy is really
starting to bug me.
- Can we get out now?
- Yeah, sure. We're almost done.
GUIDE: Researchers
are still arguing
what these holes are for.
Some say it's for...
SARAH: What's wrong?
I'm suffocating in here.
I can't breathe.
Oh, my God. It's okay.
Come on, it's okay.
- Hey, are you good, white boy?
- Yeah, yeah, you guys go on.
- We're fine.
- Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah. We're just gonna
go out for some air, okay?
We'll meet you
back at the hostel.
Come on, Kevin.
Everything's okay.
I'll take you outside.
- It's okay.
- KEVIN: Come on, Sarah.
- Everything's okay.
- No, it's not.
I'm going to the city archives
to check the books.
Kevin, wait for me.
- Hey, Kevin!
- Something's not right.
Hey, wait up!
Hey, Kevin!
Oh, God.
That cave was insane, wasn't it?
Yeah, it was nice.
Too bad you guys weren't there
waiting for us.
Omar took us to the best
hummus place.
Kevin needed some air.
I'm really worried about him.
Listen, Rache, I think we got
Jerusalem covered.
I mean, I was talking to Kevin,
and we're thinking of going
to Tel Aviv tomorrow night.
What do you think?
Why? The vacation's
just beginning.
Are you serious?
Now I want to stay,
and you want to go?
Rache, there's something weird
about this place.
Or maybe you two are developing
Jerusalem Syndrome,
- and you are going crazy.
- Fuck you, Rache, I'm serious.
Oh, God, Sarah, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm kidding,
It's my bad joke.
I'm sorry.
Look, the whole city's
shut down now anyway, okay?
So the second Yom Kippur
is over, we're outta here.
Promise? Hmm?
KEVIN: Sarah, Rachel, open up!
RACHEL: Sarah, what's going on
out there?
You have to pack now!
We have to leave!
SARAH: Why? What happened?
I don't understand.
Kevin, listen to me.
Everything's gonna be fine.
We're gonna go to Tel Aviv
tomorrow night.
There's not gonna be
tomorrow night!
- What are you talking about?
- I know you think I'm crazy.
Something bad is happening
here, Sarah! Pack up!
Kevin! Kevin don't!
- RACHEL: What the fuck?!
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
You have to believe me
'cause they won't.
SARAH: I don't understand
what you're talking about.
Omar, Fauzi, everything's okay.
I got this.
- KEVIN: Sarah, tell them to go.
Listen, Kevin, everything's
gonna be fine, okay?
- Just calm down.
No, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
KEVIN: Sarah, listen to me!
- We have to leave!
- Were there any signs before?
It's important
for you to remember.
SARAH: I don't know.
He just started talking funny,
and then all of a sudden...
I don't know. I don't know.
Everything will be okay.
Don't worry.
KEVIN: Get your hands off me!
- Kevin, my friend, come.
- No, no, no, no!
SARAH: Hey, Fauzi, stop.
Hey, guys, where are you
taking him?
OMAR: Come with us. Don't worry.
Everything will be okay.
Come, come.
Watch the steps. Come.
Are you okay, ladies?
We have a saying here:
"If you're talking to God,
it's good.
But if God is talking to you,
then you have problem."
- Where have they taken him?
- Don't worry.
He will rest a few days,
and he will be as good as new.
That's what usually happens
to people who go [WHISTLES].
It's not the first time
it's happened here, is it?
No. This happens a lot here,
especially to Catholics.
Go figure.
Anyway, I see you later,
ladies? Hmm?
Don't worry.
He will be just fine.
RACHEL: The second Yom Kippur
is over,
we're on the first bus
out of this place.
- We're restarting this trip.
- What about Kevin?
You heard what Omar said.
He's gonna be fine.
Just give him a couple of days.
He's gonna be as good as new.
Don't worry.
Okay. Let's go get some rest.
It's Judgment Day tonight,
and God knows I've got
a lot of sins to redeem.
Yeah, right.
Listen, I'll meet you
back at the room, okay?
What the fuck?
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Rache, Rache, there's
something bad is going on.
- What are you talking about?
- I think we need to leave.
- Yes, Sarah, we said that.
- Right now!
- Sarah!
Let's get out of here.
Yeah, okay, let's go.
I'm gonna find out
what that is.
Omar, what's happening?
What's that noise?
OMAR: Calm down, calm down.
- Omar, what's going on?
SARAH: Omar, what's he saying?
Omar, what's going on?
Something about
a terrorist attack or something.
Many dead.
My God.
Glass, open news channel.
REPORTER: Clearly something
very terrible going on
throughout the old city
of Jerusalem here,
as we see security forces,
police and army
rushing from place to place.
Reports of...
- Daddy!
Hi, sweetheart.
Are you okay?
I heard something happened
in Jerusalem.
- Is everything all right?
- I'm scared.
OMAR: Okay, listen, listen.
The best thing will be to stay
here and wait for instructions.
- What is that?
Sarah, stop.
Omar, what's happening?
SARAH: Yehuda.
RACHEL: What's happening?
What are they saying?
SARAH: Yehuda, Yehuda, Yehuda,
what's happening?
Listen, everybody, everybody!
Hello! Thank you very much!
Go back to your room!
It's all okay, okay?
- Omar, what's he saying?
- Everybody...
they are telling everybody to
leave the old city immediately.
- Move aside.
- Omar!
Where's he going?
Somebody please tell me
what the hell is...
Mr. Fauzi, what's going on?
What are they saying?
They say they close
all the gates in old city.
Then what are we waiting for?
Let's get the fuck out of here!
SARAH: Omar, is that
what I think this is?
Okay, okay, okay!
Listen, listen, everybody!
We're taking you out.
Stay close.
We're gonna go fast, okay?
- What?
- YEHUDA: Come on!
Are we actually running
to the gates?
- Rache, what's happening?
- I don't know.
Listen, everything
will be just fine.
KEVIN: What are they
shooting at?
TOMER: We're taking you
to the closest gate, okay?
- SARAH: Oh, my God.
- Everybody get ready to move.
two... three!
Come on, let's go, go, go!
Rache, wait for me!
- Sarah!
- Chris, where are you?
Come on!
- Rache!
- Move it! Move it!
- Go faster, Sarah!
- Get the fuck out of my way!
Come here!
Let's go this way!
Where are we going?
Rache, this is insane.
Watch the car!
Rache! Wait for me!
- Rache!
- Sarah, come on, keep up.
- I can't see you.
- Come on.
Go in front of me.
Rachel, wait!
Kevin's in there.
YEHUDA: Why did you stop?
Come on! Let's go.
SARAH: A friend is in there.
What are you doing?
Come on, let's go!
Sarah, come on!
We gotta get out of the city!
No, no!
We can't leave him!
Are you crazy?
They're locking the gates.
- We have to go! Keep moving.
- Please, I'm begging you.
- Sarah!
- No, we can't leave him!
Are you stupid?
We gotta get out of here.
No, I'm not leaving him!
Don't worry.
I'll meet you at the gate.
Listen to me. Three minutes,
and I'm out of here.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Come on.
Okay, come on.
- Stay close.
- Okay.
- Hi.
- SARAH: What's she saying?
- YEHUDA: I don't know.
- Shh.
SARAH: Hey, hey,
everything's okay.
Oh, my God.
TOMER: Are you okay?
- Ay yi yi.
- Shh!
SARAH: Oh, fuck! Oh, my God!
- Kevin!
Kevin, where are you?
Kevin, can you hear me?
Glasses, zoom in.
Hey, can you hear me?
Oh, my God.
Glass, zoom out.
I'm looking for someone.
This guy, an American.
Do you understand English?
He's not here.
Shit. He's not here.
- Glass, stop music.
- Glass, stop music!
Glass, stop music!
We got to go.
We got to go.
What? No, wait.
He's here somewhere.
We have to check upstairs.
I'm not leaving him.
Listen, I'm sorry.
We have to go. I'm sorry.
I'm not dying here today!
Let's go!
I'm not leaving him.
I'm not leaving him!
- Yehuda, come on, let's go!
- Yehuda, Yehuda, please.
- Yehuda!
- Yehuda...
I'm sorry.
Fuck you guys!
Kevin, I'm coming.
KEVIN: Sarah?
Kevin, I'm here.
- You came back for me.
- The keys.
Where are the keys?
Try the main office.
And hurry up!
Glass, stop music!
Where is it? Okay, okay.
The keys, the keys.
Where are the fucking keys?
Keys, keys. The keys.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Shh. Shh.
Hey, I know you.
Nice girl.
How'd you know...
What's going on?
I saw this already.
It happened.
It's happened all before.
I was a little, a kid.
My mommy died.
We buried her
and then she come back.
It started so happy.
I love my mommy.
But she wasn't really
my mommy.
- She was dark from the inside.
- Oh, my God.
That kid from the video,
that was you.
- And then boom!
- Oh, my God.
- Shh, shh!
I love my mommy.
I love my mommy.
Be quiet. Be quiet, okay?
They'll hear us.
- I tried to warn everyone.
- Quiet.
And no one listen.
No one listen.
- David, shut up!
- They say David is not okay.
- David, be quiet.
- No one listen.
- Put me in, in this place.
- Shh!
- We have to run now.
We have to run away.
It's all beginning.
They're all coming.
We have to run away now!
- David, come back.
David! Shit, shit!
Oh, my God.
You'll never catch me!
- Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
- Kevin!
- Got it?
- Got it.
- Come on, come on.
- Come on.
I can't do it.
I'm fucking shaking.
Sarah, please, please, please.
Come on, do it.
Sarah, look at me.
Look at me, Sarah.
You can do it.
You can do it.
We're getting out.
Come on.
Okay, okay, okay.
I got it, I got it.
- I got it, I got it.
- Good, good!
Let's go!
Let's go, Sarah!
Come on, Sarah!
Let's go!
- Sarah!
- Kevin!
- Where are we going?
- Kevin, go! Go to the gate.
- Where the fuck is it?
Wait, Kevin.
I think it's left.
- Left?
- Go left.
Wait, wait, wait.
- Let's try the other way.
- No, no, Kevin, Kevin.
That's the fastest way.
- Oh, my God.
- Come, come, come with me.
- David, where are you going?
Look, look! Bikes! Bikes!
David, do you know the way
to Lion's Gate?
What the fuck?
Oh, my God.
The Nephilim,
the mighty giants.
Oh, we are fucked!
- Ohh!
- Follow me!
- Okay, come on.
Faster! Faster!
Come on to the Lion's Gate!
SARAH: Hey, guys, wait up.
- Come on.
We got to go now!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Come on.
- Come on.
Kevin, look for Rachel!
MAN ON MEGAPHONE: The whole city
is now under quarantine.
SARAH: Rachel!
Rachel, where are you?
KEVIN: Omar!
SARAH: Omar! Rachel!
- Rache, Rache!
- Sarah!
Thank God!
Don't ever leave me again.
Listen, they're closing
the gates.
They're not letting anybody
out of the city.
SARAH: It's David.
That's David.
Move out of the way!
Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!
stand back right now!
- David, go!
- Sir, stand back!
- This is your last warning!
- KEVIN: Move back, move back!
Come on! Go!
Kevin, what do we do?
What do we do now?
Let's go and try the Zion Gate.
Maybe there will be
less soldiers there.
- Follow us, follow us.
- Come on, come on!
Come on! Come on!
SARAH: Motherfuckers.
- Fuck you, asshole!
- RACHEL: Sarah, come on!
- How could you leave us there?
- Sarah!
It doesn't matter anyway.
We came here too late,
and we're all fucked.
The city is under siege.
Fuck off!
Come on. Let's go.
TOMER: Wait.
Where are you heading?
KEVIN: We're going to try
the next gate.
Let's go.
TOMER: Wait, wait, wait.
We're coming with you.
Wait. Yehuda!
SARAH: Fuck you, asshole!
Wait. Hey!
There. There.
Oh, my God.
- KEVIN: Holy shit.
SARAH: Those fuckers can fly?
Open the door!
TOMER: Here.
Thanks for not
leaving me back there.
- I owe you one.
- It's cool.
I'll think of something
when we leave this crazy city.
Don't worry.
We will.
RACHEL: Can somebody
explain to me, please,
what the fuck is going
on here?
I mean, seriously,
you guys are soldiers.
Why the fuck were they
shooting at you?
OMAR: Why don't they let us out?
What are you hiding from us?
- YEHUDA: They're afraid.
- TOMER: Not afraid, okay?
We are not afraid.
There's nothing
to be afraid of, okay?
There are 2,000 soldiers
in this town
with orders and procedures.
They're trained
for every scenario.
So don't be afraid, okay?
- Not for this one.
- Yehuda, shut up.
All these things
happening tonight?
They teach us at school
to be good kids
because on Yom Kippur,
Judgment Day...
It's religious bullshit.
The sky is opening up,
and God judges everyone,
our sins and our good deeds.
SARAH: Yehuda, what are you
talking about?
But it's not the sky
that is opening up tonight.
- It's the ground.
- SARAH: Tomer, that's enough!
- KEVIN: Let him talk.
I have no idea
what's happening tonight.
I just know
I'm shitting my pants.
TOMER: Yehuda!
We all had enough of you.
- RACHEL: Cool it, guys.
- SARAH: Stop it, okay?
Omar, please.
Just cut it out, okay?
OMAR: It isn't right
to talk like this.
My family's here
for 20 generations.
- Guys, cool it.
Calm down!
Hey! Come on!
You shut up, you Arab fucker!
- Cool it!
- Shut up!
These glasses are killing me.
I don't think we're gonna
get out of here, Rache.
Look, I got your back, okay?
We're gonna make it
out of this...
the way we always do.
You guys okay?
Remind me to never take
travel advice from you again.
We've got to figure out a way
to get outside these walls.
How? We're surrounded
by soldiers,
and the gates are closed.
FAUZI: I have idea.
There is a way.
- Crazy. It won't work.
- What?
SARAH: What?
When he was a kid,
he used to smuggle food...
He wants to go out
through the caves.
But it's one big maze
down there.
It was 40 years ago,
but he thinks he can
remember the way out.
TOMER: Oh, he thinks!
SARAH: Okay, what are we
waiting for? Let's go.
What? You wanna go down to those
caves with those creatures?
No fucking way.
Rache, if we stay here,
we die.
My dad is right.
The only way out of this city
is down the caves
and under the walls.
- Okay, okay, okay, okay.
- But it's so stupid!
Sounds like a plan.
A stupid one, but a plan.
Get ready.
We're moving. Come on.
- SARAH: Okay, let's go.
- RACHEL: Guys?
- What?
- What is it?
- Guys!
- Rache, what is it?
- OMAR: What is it, Rachel?
- You gotta see this.
SARAH: I don't see anything.
Glass, zoom in.
What is that?
Rache! Rache!
KEVIN: Let's go, guys!
Hurry up!
- Let's go! Omar!
Rache, come on.
We gotta get out of here.
- Come on.
- Let's go! Come on. Go!
- Omar.
SARAH: What's the matter?
Guys? Why have you stopped?
What's going on?
Rache. Rache?
Are you okay?
It's okay.
It's okay.
See the street?
It's the Via Delarosa.
It's about 600 meters
to the cave entrance.
We're almost there.
Don't worry.
Everything will be fine.
SARAH: Rache?
- What have you got there?
- What?
Oh, my God.
I'm fine. It's nothing.
It's nothing.
Well, what? Talk to me.
SARAH: Nothing.
Are you feeling okay?
Yes! I told you I'm fine!
What the fuck's wrong with you?
It's just a scratch.
Use this.
So what do we do now?
I don't know.
I think we have
to tell the others.
Before it's too late.
We have to tell them.
No fucking way.
- Listen.
- No, just listen to me.
I don't trust these guys, okay?
They're soldiers.
They're gonna kill her.
This thing is contagious.
You saw what happened
at the asylum.
She'll become violent soon.
We have to do something
or none of us is getting
out of those caves alive.
That's why we need
to get her to a doctor now.
- She'll be fine.
- It's too dangerous.
So what are you gonna do?
We're just gonna leave her here?
I don't know.
Just like they left you?
You listen to me.
You owe me, okay?
I saved your ass.
So you just shut up
and do this for my friend.
OMAR: Guys, come on!
Okay, guys.
Guys, come on.
We don't have time.
SARAH: Okay, we're coming.
- Go, go, go!
Rache, come on.
We gotta go.
Let's get the fuck
out of this city, okay?
YEHUDA: Come on! Come on!
SARAH: Come on.
TOMAR: Come on. Come on.
Let's go.
Rache. Oh, my God.
- Rache, are you okay?
- What's wrong?
Wait. Just give her
a minute, okay?
Just give her a second.
She'll be okay.
Rache. Oh, shit.
Oh, my God. Rache.
- Rache. You okay?
Oh, fuck. Oh, my God.
- Turn around.
- RACHEL: Fuck you, asshole.
- SARAH: No, Yehuda.
- I said turn around.
- Listen. No, listen, please.
Please. I'm begging you.
Please don't.
Please. I'm begging you.
Hey! Hey, what do you
think you're doing?
- Rachel!
Oh, my God. Kevin!
Kevin, help!
What the fuck is going on here?
- Move aside.
- Put it down!
I said move aside.
- Put it down!
- No.
You have three seconds,
or I'll shoot both of you.
Move aside!
- Move aside.
- Kevin!
Listen to me.
I'm sorry,
but I'm not going down
to the gate with them!
- Rache.
- Rachel.
- Shit.
Take cover!
Glass, zoom in.
Glass, zoom out.
- Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
OMAR: This way! Here!
- Faster, Sarah.
- Come on, guys. Go.
OMAR: Come on.
Go, go, go.
SARAH: Come on.
OMAR: Take the helmets.
Take the helmets.
- Take one. Quick.
- Okay. Okay.
Take the helmets. Quick.
You got it.
- You good?
- Yeah.
OMAR: Here. Put it on.
- Rache.
- Look at me. Are you good?
Okay, you can do this.
You're okay.
SARAH: Rache. Hey, Rache.
You okay? Come on.
You're okay, right?
OMAR: Let's move on. Quick.
Oh, my God.
What the hell?
What? You got a better idea?
Come on. Let's get out of here.
Let's go.
OMAR: I know the way.
Let's go.
From here. Come on.
KEVIN: Come on. Come on.
- Come on, guys.
- Come on, guys.
Go. Omar!
Come on, guys.
SARAH: Rache. Rache.
It'll be okay, okay?
We'll get you
to a doctor soon.
Come on, Rache.
Just keep going.
Don't take your eyes off her.
- OMAR: Everything okay there?
- Everything's fine.
Fauzi, keep going.
TOMAR: Where's the way, Fauzi?
Where we go now?
- FAUZI: I don't remember.
FAUZI: I need a minute.
- Rache?
Hey. Hey.
Rache, you all right?
- Rache?
Hey, it's okay.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Oh, my God.
God, Rachel.
I'm afraid I'm going
to hurt you.
Listen to me.
Listen to me, okay?
We're getting out of here.
- Okay.
- We're getting out of here.
- It's going to be okay.
- FAUZI: Okay.
- Come on. Come on.
- Okay, I remember now.
I think this is the way.
From here. Come on.
- YEHUDA: Your friend is dead.
- What?
She just don't know it yet.
Shut up!
We are close.
Don't worry.
FAUZI: This way. Follow me.
This is the sign they left here
when they were kids.
- FAUZI: I know the way.
- This way. Come.
SARAH: Thank God.
- Did you hear that?
Shit, shit.
- Oh, shit.
- Kevin, they're here.
- Come on. Let's go!
SARAH: What just happened?
Come on.
Let's go, let's go.
Whatever is happening
out there,
I hope the good guys
are winning.
- SARAH: Rachel, you okay?
Hey, hang in there,
Rache, okay?
SARAH: Rache?
Hey, you feeling okay?
KEVIN: Are we getting close?
OMAR: We have to find
the water pools under the walls.
- It's the only way out.
- Rache, come on.
Fuck you!
- KEVIN: Rachel!
- No!
Rache! Rachel!
- Rachel! Rachel!
- [GASPS] Rachel!
- No, no, no, no.
- Rachel, no!
- Go back!
KEVIN: Go back!
- Shit.
- SARAH: What's going on?
- Move back!
KEVIN: Sarah! Sarah!
SARAH: Rache.
Rachel, no.
- No.
- Now!
Oh, my God.
- Rache.
Rachel, please.
Rachel, please don't leave me.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
SARAH: I remember now.
I'm just playing a video game.
This is all just
a fucking video game!
Who's there? Who's there?
Kevin, is that you?
- Omar?
Who's there?
Who's there?
- KEVIN: Sarah!
- Oh, my God!
Kevin, no. Oh, my God!
- Fuck.
- I didn't mean it.
I didn't mean to do that.
Oh, my God.
OMAR: Where is everybody?
Oh, my God. Omar.
Omar, I'm so sorry.
Aba. Aba!
- Omar.
- Oh, my God!
- Aba!
- Omar. Come on!
- I'm so sorry!
- Omar, come with me!
- Omar. Omar.
- I didn't mean to do it!
- Come on, Omar.
- Let's go.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh, my God.
- Come on. Come on.
Come on.
- KEVIN: Watch out.
KEVIN: Are you okay?
- SARAH: Where do we go now?
We don't know the way.
Please protect me
from all evil in the world.
SARAH: Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai
Eloheinu Adonai Echad.
I'm sorry.
Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai
Eloheinu Adonai Echad.
Safe, O Lord.
- Sh'ma Yisrael...
- With your love.
Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad.
- Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai...
Omar, no! Omar, no!
- Fuck!
- Oh, my God!
- Fuck. Shit.
- I'm sorry. Come here.
Fuck. Come here.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Sarah.
I'm sorry. God.
- I'm scared. I'm so scared.
- I'm sorry.
- Kevin.
- They're coming.
What? What?
Turn off the light.
Joel, is that you?
Where is he?
I can't see him.
Kevin, come on.
Let's go.
Okay, let's go.
- Where is he?
- I don't know.
- Where is he?
That's the way.
He's showing us the way.
This way. This way.
Come on.
Where is he?
Where is he? Shit.
We better not lose him.
Come on. This way.
Where is he?
Come on.
- Joel, I miss you.
I miss you so much, Joel.
KEVIN: Sarah, come on. Let's go.
Can you hear that?
I think it's water.
- We're close, Sarah.
- Joel?
- Come on.
We're close.
KEVIN: Here it is!
Come on, Sarah.
Come on.
SARAH: Oh, God, fresh air.
We made it.
We made it.
Come here.
Let's get the fuck
out of here.
Come on. Let's go.
Come on. Take my hand.
Watch your step.
Come on, Sarah!
We made it!
- Come on!
KEVIN: Shit, it's locked.
- [GROANS] Glass...
- Come on! Open up!
Call Dad.
Glass, call Dad.
- Open up!
- Open up!
- [SOBBING] Kevin.
Open up. Come on!
Oh, my God.
What's happening to me?
- Fuck.
- What's happening to me?
Oh, my God!
Come on, Sarah!
It's open!
What's happening to me?
She's gone
And left me here
For dead
And never asked
For more
It's like 50,000 thoughts
And they're screaming
in my head
Though I've never
asked for more
Unless you would give it
It all
It all
It all
It all
For us
You're tired
And crumbled up
She sleeps there
It's not your bed to keep
It's like 50,000 thoughts
And they're racing
through my head