Jess + Moss (2011) Movie Script

Jess. Come on. This isn't funny.
Moss, why do you always
listen to those silly tapes?
Cause I wanna try to remember stuff.
But I told you all the time.
You know it by heart.
Tell it to me again.
My mom and dad, and your mom and dad,
were best friends.
And they did everything together.
Hurry up.
After you.
I'll race you upstairs.
Wait there!
I have to do something you can't see.
Go on.
Hey Jess, what are you gonna
do for the End of Summer Bash?
I don't care.
Remember last year when we
went out on Uncle Randy's boat?
We should do that again.
Uncle Randy hasn't taken us out all summer,
so I don't think that's gonna happen.
Hey, grandma and granddad are taking me to
buy school supplies, Sunday, after church.
You wanna come?
- No
- Why not?
Cause I don't need anything.
I'm sure they'll buy you something.
I mean, you've gotta be running low
on pencils, or paper or something.
Gimme that.
Moss is being retarded.
He doesn't understand that I
don't need school supplies.
Well you need art stuff.
Your pencil is almost gone.
You have like no paper
left in that art book.
God. If you need it enough I'm
sure they'll buy you something.
I don't need anything.
Hey Jess, what kind of
job are you gonna have?
I don't know.
I think you should like design T-shirts
and stuff, how good you are at drawing.
I mean look at that. That's like perfect.
Yeah, maybe.
You should get a boat.
Then on days like today
we could go out on it.
Cause it's so hot.
We could like go out into the
middle of the lake and like jump in.
Be so fun.
We can go fishing and all that stuff.
Since your mind thinks in pictures already,
you really do have a photographic memory.
Whatever you see with your
eyes gets photographed
and locks into the mind.
If you vividly see a picture,
the body does not know
the difference between
that it is vividly imagined
and that it is real.
Okay. So back relaxed and
what I'm going to do is
I'm gonna call out words to you.
One at a time.
I want you to just, maybe close your eyes,
or keep them open, it doesn't matter.
The most important part, folks, is
vividly see, in your mind, every
single picture as I call it out.
Okay. And we're going to begin.
The first one will be cigarettes.
- Better not have gotten spit all over it.
- Don't worry. Gosh.
How did uh- How did your
granddaddy lose his finger again?
He was working in the field with Uncle Bill
and Uncle Bill was driving the tractor.
And he was towing a chain behind it.
I can't exactly remember what it was for.
And then he was pulling it and
granddaddy was straightening it out
but there was a loop in the chain.
It caught his finger and
just pinched it plum off.
- Really?
- Yeah.
And then they took it to the doctor.
And then granddaddy always
says the doctor messed it up
cause it could't bend
as good as it used to.
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Probably a farmer. I mean-
I've lived around him my whole life.
I'll know how to drive a tractor.
Granddaddy's teach me to strip tobacco.
Prepare it and everything.
You don't have to do that.
You can do whatever you
want to do, you know?
It's your life.
Not at me Moss.
Ow, my butt!
Hey, stop!
- I like that
- I like that one. That one was cool.
And I really like those too.
It's so cool.
You know how much all this probably costs?
- Whoa!
- Dude!
Oh my God. Look at that. That is so cool.
I love fireworks, they're just like magic.
My mom and dad, and your mom
and dad, were best friends.
And they did everything together.
Every weekend your parents would
come down to see my parents
and they play cards and stuff.
They play Pitch.
And your parents were always partners.
They loved each other so
much, they were inseparable.
And the day they found out
your mom was pregnant,
They were so excited.
They went around telling everybody.
Hey, Jess.
What's the biggest
soda in the world?
I really don't care Moss.
Come on. Just guess.
It's the best joke I've ever heard.
Still don't care.
Come on, you're no fun.
What's the biggest soda in the world?
Okay fine, here.
- Ready?
- Mhm.
- I had it!
- I had it.
What the freak.
- Ready?
- Mhm.
- That's embarrassing.
- You have Cheetos mouth.
- Alright, ready?
- Yep.
- Oh. Did you catch it?
- Mhm.
No you didn't.
You're a liar.
Hey Moss, look.
- Look at my mosquito bites bleeding.
- Look at mine.
That's a lot.
I know.
Things are gay. I hate em'.
There's another one.
Why do they like me so much, man?
'Cause you're sweet.
My God, Jess.
It's really hot out here.
Hey you think we can go
swimming in Haley's pool?
She's not allowed to hang
out with us anymore.
You know why.
I heard about this kid,
just this past year.
He's like a few counties over.
And he was playing in this grain bin.
I think it was like half full or something.
I don't really know all the details but,
he was playing in it and
somehow he drowned.
I don't know if they like dumped
tons of grain on top of him
and he like- They just couldn't
hear him or something.
But he-
He died.
Hey, did you know Apollo 1 never
actually made it into space?
Three of the crew members
died on it though.
That's crazy.
What do you think is wrong with it Jess?
I think it's sick.
I don't. I just think it's tired.
Well look at it. It can barely get up.
He can get up if he wants to.
Maybe he don't wanna get up.
Maybe you're scaring him
too much with your face.
Jesus, Moss.
Jesus loves the little children.
All the little children of the world.
Red, yellow, black and white,
They're all precious in his sight.
Jesus loves the little
children of the world.
We are gathered here on this
glorious day to talk about
Our Father, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Bow with me as we pray.
Our Father who art in heaven,
- Uh...
- Hallowed be thy name.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
- Give us this day-
- Give us this day our daily bread,
- and forgive us our trespasses,
- And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass on us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
- Uh...
- For thine is the kingdom,
- What?
- The power, and the glory,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.
- Amen.
- Ahmen.
- Ahmen. No Amen!
- Ahmen.
Out scripture readings today will
be from the books Amos and Obadiah.
So, I'm sitting here.
I just finished cleaning out the bird cage.
Stuff like that.
So what can I talk about.
Anyway, I haven't paid that much
attention to my little birdie today.
Oh, I did this afternoon.
Paid a little bit of
attention to her, anyway.
Got her out.
Let her flap her wings, and things.
There is so much out here, Jess.
- Hey Jess.
- What?
Would you rather live to be like 120,
but people would like, have to care for you
and like wipe your butt and stuff.
Or would you rather live till'
you're like 70 and like-
Be on your own. Nobody has
to do anything for you.
Just like- die with no pain.
It depends. How long do people
have to wipe my butt for?
Till' you're 80-
Till you're 120.
Probably 75 then.
Me too.
Or maybe- Maybe 85.
Maybe people can wipe my
butt for a few years.
Bye Moss.
- We gotta move this.
- Okay.
Help me pick it up.
Over here.
- You dropped it. Pick it up again.
- Sorry.
Come on.
Here, put this at the kids table.
I know where it goes.
You don't know where It goes Moss.
Yea-huh, I remember.
Why am I showing you if you remember.
- Did I ask for you to show me?
- Yes. Yes you did.
Here, put this plate over there.
Put this at the kids table.
And put the knife on the left
side, the fork on the right.
I know...
Moss, quit saying you know
'cause you don't know.
Yes I do. I remember.
How do you remember when you
were only two years old?
Moss. This is the adult table.
Only the adults sit here.
And it's full. Come on.
- I can fit here- Come on.
- Come sit on the kids table.
Moss, right here.
- Now, the-
- Just let me sit at the adult table.
There's no room at the
adult table. It's already full.
- Go sit at the kids table.
- No.
- Moss, just do it.
- I hate this stupid kids table.
Whatever Moss.
I'm not showing you how to do this again
'cause you don't know how to play right.
Our Father who art in heaven,
We thank thee for this day
and for its many blessings.
We thank thee for the food, for
the nourishment of our body.
We thank thee for this Christian home
and our opportunity to be together.
And Christ's name we pray.
Hey what's up?
Yeah, I'm good.
Yeah, about that shit at work today huh?
Why, what did I tell them?
No, that's a bunch of crap man. I
ain't doing that shit anymore.
No. They can get somebody else to do that.
So are we going out tonight or what?
Yeah, yeah. I'll meet you there.
Yo, big tittie Angela gonna be there huh?
Yeah, you know I got your back.
Yeah, that's good.
Don't be taking my fucken
cigarettes anymore.
You're old enough to get a
damn job, buy your own smokes.
I hear the cottonwoods whispering above
Tammy Tammy Tammy's in love
The ole whootie owl
whootie-hoo's to the dove
Tammy Tammy Tammy's in love
Whipporwill whipporwill you and I know
Tammy Tammy can't let him go
The breeze from the bayou
keeps murmuring low
Tammy Tammy you love him so
When the night is warm soft and
warm I long for his charms
I'd sing like a violin
if I were in his arms
Wish I knew if he knew
what I'm dreaming of
Tammy Tammy Tammy's in love
You look just like her.
No I don't.
I look like my mom.
I don't look like anyone of
my dad's side of the family.
Look at her blue eyes.
Look at your blue eyes.
It's all the same.
This picture was probably hand painted.
I bet she has brown eyes like yours.
No, how can you assume that?
One day I'm gonna get out of here.
Get the hell out of this place.
I don't want you to get the
heck out of this place.
Could travel around.
See the world.
- There's so much out there Moss.
- Jess, listen to me.
I don't want you to, okay?
Well, what should I talk about.
Oh, I guess I already told you that story.
Yeah, I don't wanna repeat myself here.
I don't have nothing to do today,
I did it all yesterday.
I'm just rambling here.
Who is stuck in another
nothing little town.
Well I guess that's about it. So long.
I have so much to tell you, I
don't even know where to start.
You think I'm crazy don't you?
I know the difference
between right and wrong.
Hey, be careful not to shoot the jars okay?
I'm gonna move em'.
Sit down.
I'm not gonna shoot your stupid jars.
They're not stupid.
Okay, I got the guy on the far left.
Okay, I got the far right.
- Right in the eyeball.
- Smoked em'.
I got middle.
That's the one I was going for.
Too bad.
Jess, what are you aiming at?
The one on the far left.
No you're not. You know you're not.
Jess, stop it!
I told you not to shoot my jars.
Jess, I told you not to shoot my jars.
Jess, stop it!
Jess, stop it.
Moss, don't point that gun at me.
Don't shoot my jars.
What'd I tell you about
pointing that gun at me?
What'd I tell you about
shooting my jars, huh?
Come on.
Lick my elbow.
Come on, Moss.
Lick my elbow.
All you gotta do
is lick the elbow.
Come on.
You know this is-
You lick my elbow.
Come on.
Come on!
- You asked for it you little shit.
- Bitch!
And then,
one night,
they were driving down to see
my parents.
And it was storming really, really bad.
But you know what, Moss?
It was storming really, really bad.
It was very sad.
It was sad for everybody.
One night
they were driving down to see
my parents.
And it was storming really, really, bad.
And they got into a car wreck.
And they died.
So you're going to put your hand here.
And you're going to put
your hand on my shoulder.
And were gonna go left
and right
and left.
Aren't we supposed to dance closer?
Are you scared of girls?
What's the furthest
you've gone with a girl?
I've kissed one before.
Who Haley?
Haley's your girlfriend isn't she?
No. She's not.
She so is.
She's kind of cute isn't she?
Do you have her picture under your pillow?
No, I do not.
Yeah right.
Do you wanna go check my pillow?
Hey Jess, what's a dildo?
What's so funny?
It's not a gun. It's just some like-
little plastic crap.
- What is it?
- You're too young.
- No I'm not.
- You're way too young.
No I'm not!
Let it go Moss.
Okay, now seriously. What is it?
Here, whisper it in my ear.
It's- A dildo is a substitute for a penis.
What's so funny?
Jesus Christ, Moss.
Hey, what fireworks do we have left?
Not much.
Like, what do we have?
Like, a couple of Porta Rockets.
I wish we could have a huge fireworks show.
That would be pretty awesome, wouldn't it.
Do you think we could buy some mortars?
My favourite thing.
Yeah, If I save up my allowance.
I think we could be able to buy some.
Fireworks are probably the coolest
thing in the whole world.
Can't stop shivering.
It's cause your shit's all wet.
Promise not to look?
I promise.
We should get closer
together for body warmth.
You looked, you little pervert.
No, I didn't. I swear.
It's okay.
This would be a perfect place
to play 7 minutes in heaven.
What's 7 minutes in heaven?
It's when a boy and a girl
like go in a closet, or like
an enclosed room for 7 minutes.
And they like make out or kiss and
just do whatever else they want to do.
Have you ever played before?
Yeah, lots of times.
Do you think I'm pretty?
My lips are soft.
You can touch them if you want.
You think I'm crazy don't you.
I know the difference
between right and wrong.
Jess, you are so pretty.
And you got mama's big blue eyes.
And legs for Dave's. I don't
know where you got those.
You're mama's little angel.
You are so pretty.
And you got mama's big blue eyes.
And legs for Dave's. I don't
know where you got those.
When information is there.
That information cannot be forgotten.
Now think about that.
If you have information
in your knowledge bank,
you can't forget it.
These are places in the mind
that can store information;
new information, that you
want to recall in the future.
Trust your memories.
You all have perfect memories now.
Did you know that the human being
only uses about 12% of their brain?
Yeah. Imagine what it would be like if there
was like- If we used only like 20, 30, 40...
- 70
- Or even 100.
Like the whole brain.
We could probably remember
from the day we was born
'till the day we died.
Shh. Shh, come on.
Okay, turn the flashlight off.
Tell it to me again.
You know it by heart.
I like it better when you tell it.
Come on, please?
My parents and your parents
were best of friends.
Every week, when they get together,
they play cards and stuff.
What card game did they play?
They played No Limit Hold 'em.
Tell it right.
They played Pitch.
And they were always partners.
'Cause they loved each
other so much, right?
That's right.
'Cause they loved each other very much.
And the day you were born
was the best day of their life.
You were their beautiful baby boy.
Amos Obadiah.
They loved you very much.
How would you like to make more money?
Increase your intelligence,
And impress everyone you meet.
All this is possible, and much more
when you have a MegaMemory.
This probably sounds too good to be true.
But it's not.
In fact, we guarantee that you will
experience a 500% increase in your memory
after taking this course.
And here's the key...
You already have a photographic memory...
With the proven techniques offered
in this MegaMemory program
You can train your memory
to recall everything...
You can train your memory to recall
everything you read and hear.
I just don't want you to get hung up
and get stuck somewhere, with some boy.
And I know you're a little young
to understand this kind of thing.
But men, they're all the same.
They're pathetic.
It was not your fault, Jess.
It was never your fault.
I had no choice.
I just had to go.
You can understand that can't ya?
Jess! Jess!
Jesus Christ, Moss! What's wrong with you?!
Don't you know how to leave anybody alone?!
Get out of here!
What, are you deaf?! Go on!
The information in the long
term memory is suppressed.
This is the reason why you can't recall it.
And there are several reasons why
this information is suppressed.
One is that there could be emotional
pain, blocking that information.
If there is some type of pain
associated with and event
then, you, don't want to re-feel that pain
So it suppresses- It holds
down that information.
But it is there.
Come on.
Go on.
Don't be scared.
Now, wait here.
I'll be right back. I promise.
Let me out.
Jess, come on. This isn't funny.
Jess, let me out!
Jess, this isn't funny!
Let me out!
Please, Jess?
Hey Moss.
There's this awesome meteor
shower tonight at 1.
Let's meet here at midnight okay?
I can't.
What do you mean?
Don't be such a wuss.
I don't want to, alright?
Look, the only reason I asked was 'cause
you looked so pathetic
and lonely over here.
You're pathetic.
You're out of high school
and you're still running
round here like you're 10.
I'm pathetic?
You're the one always listening
to those stupid tapes.
Tryna remember something you're
never going to remember.
See if you remember this.
There was no car wreck.
Shut up.
That was all a big fat lie.
Shut up.
I made it all up.
Your parents never loved you.
They left you.
- Do you remember that?
- Shut up!
Do you?
You were the one who was left. Not me.
How long have you had that
stupid suitcase packed anyway?
No Jess. Stop it, Jess.
Just stop it.
Are we still gonna watch
the meteor shower tonight?
You're right.
Last night I had the weirdest dream.
I was standing in the middle of
an open field, or something.
And all of a sudden, I looked
up and it was a meteor.
I followed it out of sight and then I looked
back to see if there was going to be any more
And the same one came around again.
I was so low now, that I
could see the texture.
Looked like the moon with all the
orators and mountains and stuff.
And then...
it came around again.
This time it was so close, I had to duck.
I mean, it was so loud and so close.
And as soon as it was about to hit
the ground, everything went black.
I was cold and alone.
It was like I-
It was like I was floating in outer space
as if the world had ended.
And then...
One night, they were driving
down to see my parents.
And it was storming really, really, bad.
And they got into a car wreck.
And they died.
It was very sad.
There is so much out here, Jess.
I just had to go on my own first.
Make a path, for us.
I'm working everything out.
And all you have to do
is be ready.
But don't get attached to
anything you can't take.
Your life is your own
and you can do anything you want.
That is one rare old car.
Want one?
Come on, tell me.
Come on, tell me.
You have chalk all over your face.
Hey Jess, did you see that?
- No.
- Well, watch.
You gotta pick a good one.
- Yellow ones are usually-
- I know how to do it, Moss.
I'm the one who taught you how to do it.
- Good?
- Mhm.
Hey, Jess?
See the big dipper?
Right there in front of you.
Oh yeah.
If there was a snake,
it would have bit you.
So weird.
What's weird?
The stars.
It's just that, they look like tiny specs.
And really, we're the tiny specs.
Not even.
We're the tiny specs on tiny specs.
It's so big.
It's scary.
Hey do you think there's aliens out there?
Yeah, let's see if they know Morse code.
They'll probably get that message
in about 100 billion years.
It takes light so long
to travel through space.
I remember when the house didn't
use to look like that, you know?
It's funny how when you
see something every day.
It changes so slowly,
you can't even tell that it's
getting worse, you know.
But it is.
It definitely is.
What's wrong?
There's a beautiful place called heaven.
It is hidden above the bright blue.
Where the good, who from
Earth-ties are riven.
'Tis a land where we never grow old.
Never grow old, never grow old,
In a land where we'll never-
Jess, you'll never believe what I got.
Jess, where's your bike. I
didn't see it out front.
Jess, look what I got.
And the day you were born
was the happiest day of their lives.
They loved you so much.
They really did.
And you know what, Moss?
If they were here today,
seeing you right now,
they'd be very proud of you.
What's the biggest soda in the world?
Hey, Jess. What are we gonna do
for this year's Summer Bash?
I don't know.
Remember last year when we went
out on Uncle Randy's boat?
We should do that again.
+ |T|h|e| |D|e|a|f| |B|o|y|s| |F|o|r| |B|o|y|s| |G|r|o|u|p| +
E N J O Y this SRT SUBTITLE R e l e a s e
Jess + Moss (2011)
AKA: Jess And Moss (2011)
FPS: 23.976
With special thanks to: "superbad"
+ |T|h|e| |D|e|a|f| |B|o|y|s| |F|o|r| |B|o|y|s| |G|r|o|u|p| +

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