Jesse James Unchained (2022) Movie Script

It was in color
back then when it all unfolded.
But now we see it
in black and white,
but it was never
in black and white.
Maybe shaded in gray, but
never, ever black and white.
Was Wild Bill Hickok an
entirely good person?
Was Billy the Kid an
entirely evil person?
When the Earps and the
Clantons threw lead
at the OK Corral,
were their are only
good people on one side
and bad people on the other
even though one side was called
the law and the
other side outlaw?
Jesse James grew up a fighter.
But who was to say
he grew up wrong?
When the Civil War broke out,
the James' lived
in the little patch
of Missouri where the Jayhawkers
and the Bushwhackers both
committed atrocities.
The James boys, Frank and
Jesse, became Confederates.
And as they say, the
winners write the history
of who did good
and who did evil.
After the war came the
notorious James-Younger Gang
that found its
downfall in Minnesota.
It was then that the
James boys retreated
to Tennessee and new names.
It was there that
Frank and Jesse
had a chance for a fresh start.
It was a time to learn whether
a bad man could ever be good,
or if there was bad in good men.
That's far enough for me.
Where were we at, Tennessee?
How's the law around here?
The law?
Well, this state was 1/2
Union and 1/2 Confederate.
So who really knows?
But I reckon it
don't bother me none.
Aren't you ready to get
off the Alton Trail?
How many times you
need to be shot, brother?
Been shot twice. Ain't
nothing stopping me then.
Well, as we've seen
it, it only takes once.
Just ask the Younger Brothers.
Maybe I'll take up some farming.
Get some hogs and chickens.
Hogs and chicken.
Maybe I'll take a wife.
Maybe two.
Huh, sounds like y'all made
a little tired from
all that farming.
I ain't never
too tired for that.
If I got a good horse,
I can go between a farm wife
and a town gal all the time.
Sounds like y'all got a plan.
I ain't sure I got mine yet.
Damn it, Jesse.
I don't wanna do
this without you.
Well, I ain't
ready for two wives
and a parcel of chickens.
You just had all the guns
in Minnesota
pointed against you.
What else do y'all need to see?
One more ride. One more gang.
See ya, Thomas Howard.
Bye, B.J. Woods.
Good luck, little brother.
When I am toiling
on the farm,
I always have
you under my arm
I keep you under
a shady tree
'Cause little brown
jug, do I love thee
'Tis you who makes
me friends and foes
'Tis you that makes
me wear old clothes
Oh, but now that you're
so close to my nose,
Bottoms up and down it goes
I think it's about
time we liven up
this night just a little bit.
Don't you think so, baby doll?
If there's anything worse
than your harmonica playing?
It's your tracking.
Seen you on my back
trail since before noon.
We're just
traveling the same way
since the gang broke up is all.
And who's going around
saying it's the James Gang?
I thought you didn't
need that name no more.
Don't you go by Thomas
Howard these days?
Don't matter
what I call myself.
The James Gang last rode in
Minnesota. This is Tennessee.
Well, we done thought
you quit Tennessee.
We didn't think you'd mind.
You didn't think I'd mind what
you did up in Sugar Hollow?
I did not have
nothing to do with that.
Which one of you used my name?
We're still a gang.
We may have followed every end
of the compass hunting you,
but we're still a gang.
Which one of you used my name?
I rightly don't recall.
Honestly, none of
us thought you pay
it no nevermind seeing as
you ain't using it no more.
Now, come on.
Why don't you plop
down next to me,
have yourself a drink?
You was never fit to
run the James Gang.
There's only one Jesse James.
You son of a...
Bloody Bill.
I never thought
them homesteaders
would ever stop hollering.
Say, what'd you have to
do to shut them boys up?
Anyways, I went and
checked out that fire.
It looked like it started
in Bud's camp site.
And Bud?
Bud didn't make it.
It looked like he passed out
right next to his campfire.
Right next to a big
bottle of evil spirit.
Always knew the drink would
end up killing him someday.
Drink never killed no man.
Neither did no damn fire.
Don't say his name
like he's somebody.
He can be killed like any man.
Help, please!
Somebody, help!
Please, sir, cut me down.
And why would I do that?
I thought you were a kind
Tennessee gentleman, sir.
Well, your tough luck.
I was born in Missouri.
I have money back on my farm.
They took what I had on me.
Who was the they?
They slept you tied up here?
I think they're coming back.
You ain't had a
scrap yet today.
What did they look like?
They were ugly,
mean, and horrible.
Those might be the fellows
I've been looking for.
Might just set to skull and see.
Please just cut me free.
Now, see, this is kinda like
fishing and you're the bait.
Why was you out here all
alone without a man anyway?
I don't have a man.
My husband was killed in
the battle of Bull's Gap.
Which side?
He was a rebel, sir.
Not like a scoundrel like you
would know anything about it.
I was a bush-whacker
out in Missouri,
butting Jayhawks with
probably Bill Anderson.
Well, I wouldn't know
anything about that.
My husband was an actual
Confederate soldier.
God rest his soul.
Well, thank you for that, sir.
Nobody calls me sir
except bank tellers
with a gun pointed
in their face.
Then what is your name?
Thomas Howard.
Good to meet you,
Thomas. Josephine Marcus.
Those evil men, they know
exactly where they left me.
I mean, they're the ones
who did tie me up after all.
There's good
outlaws. That's true.
Almost doesn't
make a difference
if I'm here waiting as
long as you're here.
You could let me go.
It's not gonna make a
difference to the outcome.
You're not gonna help a
widow of the Confederacy?
Here we go.
I wouldn't be in this mess
if it wasn't for
those damn Yankees.
Well, me either
as the crow flies.
Brigadier General
Thomas Benton Smith
is the one who
brought me the news.
He was injured in the
battle for Nashville
so I pray for him daily.
Brigadier General
Thomas Benton Smith.
God damn it, I think
that gold watch
you gave back was the best
thing on that stage coach.
Didn't you hear that man say
he was with General
Smith at Cucamonga?
Hell, if everyone
just said it was
a rebel that actually fought,
we would have won the damn war.
Well, I looked into his eyes
and that's good enough for me.
What's that supposed to mean?
You done seen if
a man's been to war
when you look into his eyes.
Can't you see it in mine?
You looking at a man's
hands before you rob him?
I ain't robbing a working man.
If a man has rough hands,
he can keep his money.
Well, I got rough hands
and I could use some.
I stood with the Confederacy,
and that don't go away too easy.
I know.
You know I have to stand
for something, don't you?
Well, like you said, you're
a widow of the Confederacy.
Howdy, Jesse?
My name is Thomas Howard.
And I'm actually
Mary Todd Lincoln.
Care to join old Abe?
You gonna kill me, Jesse,
like you killed those
women up in Sugar Hollow?
Drop the knife, Jesse.
Now the irons.
Now the other
knife in your boot.
Now that little gun you
keep behind your shirt.
Yeah, you better be glad
your gang never saw
that little thing.
The hole looks big enough
when you look straight at it.
What else you got, Jesse?
Look, my name is Thomas Howard
and what I got here is
pure frontier defense.
Does Tennessee really look
like the frontier to you?
I didn't figure you was a
greenhorn, but maybe you is.
Go ahead and open that vest.
All right.
Now drop your pants.
I told you I am a
widow, not a spinster.
Drop your pants.
Well, I suppose it
looks big enough,
you know, if you
look right at it.
I think I like the
other Josephine better.
Well, as your luck would
have it, my name is Belle Hart.
What, you think
that's the first time
a woman's ever lied to you?
You're just not like
Belle I've ever met.
Well, that, sir,
is your misfortune.
Can't have you running into
the brush now, can I, Jesse?
What do you
think you're doing?
I am gonna take you into town
then I'm gonna collect
the bounty on your head
for all those murders
up in Sugar Hollow.
Look, I wanna know what
happened in Sugar Hollow myself.
Being blind drunk does not
excuse you from what you did.
Blind drunk. Look, my
name is Thomas Howard.
I think there's been a
huge misunderstanding.
Can't cover no four points
of the compass no more.
No need.
Bud at there fire done cut
off one direction already.
And if old Jesse would've
backtracked South,
he would have ended up at
the homestead last night.
So we got three
directions today.
I think Jesse went
North to Missouri.
I'll tell you what, Mitt,
I need you to go West
in case he took the
long way around.
And John, you go East.
That there is
towards Nashville.
He already done led outta there.
Yeah. Suits me.
What, your gun ain't
fast enough for ol' Jesse?
I reckon it's fast
enough for anyone.
Then it's fast
enough that you can go
by yourself instead of
having ol' Toothless John
there following you along.
Listen, we can't go back
to that there homestead,
but there's a creek runs
off that sulfur springs.
Yous meet me there by nightfall.
We gonna hunt all day again?
Tell you what, Joe, you shoot
him, you go to that creek,
you rest a spell.
It's all the same
to both of y'all,
I'd like to put a
bolt in him myself.
If you only want
to shoot him once,
then you must not
wanna kill him.
Believe me, I do.
Look, we all want him dead.
We just have to
finish this today.
You're dressed
like a cow puncher.
I should have shot you.
Reckon you should have.
You know, seeing you tied
of that tree back there,
you know, it played
on my gentle nature.
Oh, your gentle nature?
So what exactly are you?
I'm a woman what's got
an itchy trigger finger.
No, I mean, what
exactly are you?
I'm a bounty hunter, Jesse.
You don't come me by surprise.
I don't know no
women bounty hunters.
Yeah, works pretty
well, don't it?
I gotta stop for a minute.
Well, yeah, you
thought I could walk all
the way to Nashville
without one stop.
I thought you said
you wasn't a spinster.
Anyway, I don't intend to
walk all the way to Nashville.
I got a horse and another one
I've been leading with
it somewhere around here.
That's nice of you.
You need to take a break,
I'll stand guard if you like.
No, thank you.
Well, suit yourself.
Now, where are them horses?
They're right around here.
Right around
here or right here?
'Cause right around
here is one thing
and right here is
quite another thing.
Horse thieves.
Come on.
Is that them?
Yeah. I can't tell.
I don't know a lot of
horse thieves though.
Jesse, you
come out from there.
That there sounds
like old Toothless John.
Jesse, I done
seen you back there.
Nah, that one
there's got teeth.
Well, that's him then.
He doesn't has a false set
he puts in when
he is out hooting.
He's thrown off a
lot of law dogs.
Jesse, come out from there.
John, I'm tied to
a woman right now.
I don't care if
you done got married.
You best come out from there.
God damn it, John.
I mean, I'm literally
handcuffed to a woman.
Back in Deadwood,
you had to pay extra
for something like that.
His mind just
goes where it goes.
Jesse, I think
his best we parlay.
That's all I can
do. I ain't got a gun.
What about you, little missy?
What about me is I
ain't called missy.
But yeah, parlay.
Well, if ain't that a sight.
Who used my name, John?
I don't know nothing
about that, Jesse.
You start hunting us so
we start hunting you.
That's practically
the law in Tennessee.
It's what you've
done to my name.
Hey, it weren't
like that, Jesse.
You just trying to backshoot
me but it weren't like that.
You is honorable.
Look, I is honorable, at
least for the outlaw trail.
I reckon that trail ends here.
It ends in hell.
Reckon you didn't know it was
a left-handed gun. Did you?
Reckon I didn't.
Well, I'll be thanking
you for that key back.
Think it done fell out
when we were running.
It can't have got far. Come on.
All the hell with this.
Now that there's a
pretty difficult shot.
Bullet could bounce
off. Kill one of us.
And I'm a lot smaller than you
so how do you wanna
lay them cards?
I'm a pretty good shot.
'Cause all I have seen you shoot
is a man standing out
in a wide open field.
You know, I could just shoot
off your little pinky there
or maybe two of your fingers.
A little hand will just slip
right through in
there and that's that.
I don't think you'll do it.
Yeah, why not?
You done had your
chance to pull me
in front of yourself
with Toothless John.
You didn't do it.
I don't need a
woman to hide behind.
I think you won't
shoot a woman.
Now, where you think Toothless
John picketed them horses?
Well, horses are
probably long gone.
If I know John, he run them off
and then snuck back
to swing bolts.
He's the wrong gun
hand for that job.
Well, Nashville it is then.
We're gonna find a blacksmith
or a trading post or something.
Find some tools.
Well, I don't know
these parts too well.
Well I just hope we
find something soon.
I've been known to have
a rather changeable mind.
Is there a creek near here?
There's always a creek nearby.
Well, we'll just
follow the creek then.
People always build
along a creek.
You know, the snakes ain't
too bad in these parts.
You don't have to be so jumpy.
I ain't afraid of no snakes.
You know, it's these
damn Tennessee folk.
You know, I've never
known a people more likely
to sneak up on a man
for back shooting.
You know that's two
done tried to get me.
Or is that just the men?
The women I've met seem like
they'll come straight at you.
Well, the delicate
ones know not
to make your acquaintance.
Well, my brother intends
to marry one or two of 'em.
So I'd have warn him off then.
Well, for the sake of the
ladies of Tennessee, maybe so.
Come on. Let's get down here.
Right. That's all right.
Why'd you leave
the damn horses?
You been shot.
They might think you
done fell off dead.
We could have run
double on yours.
You ain't never
rode behind no one.
And you ain't taking the
reigns in the position
you are in all
stove up like that.
Listen, little brother, we
gotta throw him off our trail
and we ain't going to
do that on no horse.
So we're gonna have to
forward this stream.
Walk the creek a little while.
I can't get my legs under me.
You're gonna have to, Jesse.
I said I'd reckon I'd follow
the South for a spell.
My but that is a
very tiresome sight.
What's North?
My business runs North.
Well, so does Missouri, but
that's a pretty long walk.
Well, I don't
reckon I'll walk.
I'm gonna find some tools
to use and horses to steal.
All right. Well, that
sounds like a very full day.
So when you're ready for
a break, just let me know.
The horses come here to drink.
Well, those horses
have pretty tiny feet.
I track Jayhawkers
during the war.
And I happen to know
some poor old woman
has to come down here
with a bucket every day.
Come on.
Don't look like there's been
anywhere here for a while.
They done moved on.
Or were wiped out.
I'll face the other
Chickasaws around here.
There aint.
It's the whites like you
we gotta look out for.
See, everyone's moved on.
Chickasaws probably
took all the good stuff.
There ain't no
Chickasaw around here.
Why would you wanna
scrap with them so bad?
Don't you got enough people
that wanna shoot you already?
That looks pretty dull.
How long you plan on
hitting that metal?
That is not gonna work.
How was you raised?
Have you even ever
been in a barn before?
I know barns.
No. I mean, when you're
not hiding from the posse.
I grew up on 100 acres.
Yeah, well, you at least
gonna give me my gun back?
Why hell would I do that?
You're not gonna get loose
and you're not gonna shoot me.
And one of us might need to
fight our way out of a jam.
I done shot Toothless
John square on
and you miss him
clean in two shots.
No, I was just trying
to scare him off.
That there is
difficult shooting.
Ladies first.
I reckon it looks all right.
This ain't gonna be
too far back for you.
Is it?
Well, this is far
back as you wanna go.
I don't know.
That last one looks a
bit stuck to the board.
Well, that first
one was a test shot.
I'm just trying to get a feel
for this here iron, okay?
Oh, so you didn't
get a feel for the iron
when you done shot
Toothless John?
It's different shooting at
something that shoots back.
I reckon it would be easier.
Unless you've
done it both ways,
you wouldn't know, would you?
What makes you think I ain't?
You think you're
my first bounty.
I don't know what you
are or who you have been.
Are you even a widow
of the Confederacy?
I am a widow.
And my husband was a member
of the Confederate Army.
That there is two
answers in one question.
He died more recent.
See, we ain't
said nothing true.
Well, there was
both things true.
So what?
He died and left you
to do this man's work.
Is that about right?
It is why I'm doing it. Yes.
If this is what he left you,
you weren't much of a man.
I would thank you not
to speak of my husband.
My apologies.
Well, thank you for
that hog leg back.
It's mine.
Besides, I got all
the bullets anyway.
You mean these?
I keep a few where it counts.
Should only need one.
But with your block
head, I might need two.
You wouldn't get but one.
Well, you're welcome to throw
as many bullets as you like.
Come on.
Now there ain't
a horse to steal
or a farmer to rob or a
blacksmith to hold at gun point.
Tennessee has been
a real bust for me.
It done killed my husband
so hasn't been a Sunday
in church for me either.
Well, if we don't want to
walk all night to Nashville,
I suggest we build a fire.
We'll keep it small.
You think somebody's
on our back trail?
That's what I would do.
And these ain't the shoot
from the bushes kind of hombres,
which is good 'cause
I always figured that
if I got killed was 'cause
I got shot in the back.
I like to have a
fighting chance.
And these are the types
that just walk right
up and shoot you in the face.
It's gonna take off John
when we find him, his teeth.
We don't know that he dead.
He's dead.
He'd have caught
up to us by now.
Would have met us
down at that creek.
His teeth I reckon.
And Jesse?
You'll get your chance.
There's boot prints here.
A woman's.
But that there,
now that looks like the
cracked heel of Jesse's boot.
Within a day.
Within a day.
I don't know if my
night eyes were better,
I could shootin' at a
couple more rabbits.
Well, I hear the
eating ain't bad
up at the Tennessee
State Penitentiary.
I hear they work those
prisoners in a coal mine.
Well, it's better
than a rope in a tree.
Who said anything
about a rope in a tree?
All the men up
at Sugar Hollow.
I think you know
I didn't do that.
Well, I figured
you done enough bad
on the pride one
way or the other.
I shot a man
named John Sheets.
I mistook for another man.
I regret that but I don't
regret nothing else I've done.
I ain't got no reason to.
They call you a Robin
Hood in all the papers
but I don't see you
throwing no money
to the poor folks of Tennessee.
I never should have
started a gang up here.
You know, I figured two
of 'em were weak,
you know, followers.
But the other two,
I guess I didn't know
'em like I thought I did.
You didn't know 'em?
They were outlaws, weren't they?
They were men, weren't they?
I reckon.
So maybe I know
something about 'em.
We were homesteaders after
the war up near Fork Mountain.
The men came from
the mining camp.
And what they were looking for,
I don't know what they took.
My husband fought
'till they killed him.
I fought.
I fought 'till I
couldn't fight no more.
One day I took my husband's gun
and went up to the mountain.
I was never gonna
forget them faces
so it didn't take me
long to find them.
I shot 'em in the saloon
then I took their bodies out
and put them in a wagon, took
'em to the nearest sheriff,
which was all the
way out in Braden.
Why didn't you just leave
the bodies where they lay?
I did it so everyone
would know it was over.
So I would know it was over.
I didn't do it for the money,
but those men had a
bounty on their head.
So the sheriff done paid me.
He told me about
another Alhoot hold up.
So I went and shot him, but
I didn't know what he'd done.
Ever since then,
I only kill men that I
know have done bad things.
You know, as it
happens, you know,
we're on the same side and
we're fighting the same men.
We ain't never gonna
be on the same side.
I reckon it's a good
thing you held onto that.
You okay?
It's just the war.
I know that.
My husband used to speak of it.
Well, I don't.
It don't hurt.
Do you remember
what I said earlier?
'Cause I haven't forgotten.
I can't.
I was just thinking
about Frank was,
he was kind of wishing that
he was with us on
this ride of ours.
He always knew what to do.
Well, for my part,
I'm glad he's not.
You know, I'm starting to
figure out that, you know,
I was in charge of the
robbing and the shooting
and he was just in charge
of making sure I
didn't get killed.
Frank will always be my brother,
but Bloody Bill will always
be like a father to me.
He was killed by Union soldiers
near the end of the war.
And one of the soldiers cut
off his finger to
get out a ring.
He didn't have to do that.
I mean, it was, we
had already lost.
I mean, it was so
pointless. It was so stupid.
It was.
He was under a Union lieutenant
colonel named Samuel Cox.
So after the war,
I tracked him down.
During a bank robbery, I
shot a man named John Sheets
who I mistook for Cox.
I thought it was him
under a different name,
but I was wrong.
This is the one thing I regret.
And if I'm gonna die soon,
if I'm gonna hang, it's,
I'll go with that in
my mind because it is,
I'm not responsible
for what happened here
in Tennessee, but
I did do the other.
So how do we find those men?
Well, I reckon
they'll find us.
What did you
take his teeth for?
You already got most of yours.
Come on, man. I'm not
always gonna be this pretty.
You should have
buried them with John.
It's not like we
actually buried him.
We just threw some
rocks on him is all.
Truth was John was my part.
I reckon he was.
So you need to show
respect for my part.
Ain't I your part?
Sometimes your best
part is a dead part.
You wanna be my best part?
Man, we can shoot each other
up right now if you want.
Or we could hunt Jesse James.
Sure, he might get the
jump on us and shoot us.
But we could track
him real carefully now
and get the jump on him
and just save our skins.
Well, what's it gon' be?
So what's it gon' be?
Could you at least
bury them teeth?
Y'all need to stop
and come around here.
It don't work that way.
I think I see breakfast.
I wish y'all shot
it in dark meat.
I shot it in the head.
You cannot get a
better shot than that.
Wasn't much of a shot.
Wasn't much bigger than you.
Wanna cut cards for it?
Do what?
- Cut cards.
- Who has cards?
You know, deal
a little Pharaoh
when the main hunt is slow.
You ever play Pharaoh?
I've done shot a
couple of Pharaoh dealers
who cheated me one
time if that counts.
So you don't know
how to play Pharaoh?
Of course I done
played Pharaoh.
It's something to do when
the sporting girls are busy.
If that's the only
time you play Pharaoh,
you don't know Pharaoh.
You got any money?
Well, do you?
I'm talking about taking
money off you the honest way.
I thought you said all
Pharaoh dealers was crooked.
I'm about to chew my arm right
out of these handcuffs
like a wolf out a trap.
I swear to God.
I'll play ya. Play for matches.
All right.
I'll play fair and square
even without my dealing box.
We'll play soda to hawk.
Soda to hawk.
Bring the soda.
Banker's card.
English card.
Damn it.
English card D. Card Anglais.
See, that there.
That looks like
cheating, all right?
You bet the high card.
English card low.
Damn it.
Double it. Goes to the house.
Call the bet.
I'm busted.
Well, I guess I'll make
the fires from here on out.
Let's play cards for the gun.
The gun.
Yeah, low card, you
take the gun and shoot me.
High card, I take the
gun and shoot myself.
All right.
Well, you done lost at a
shooting contest and at cards.
I reckon, we keep wandering
around here long enough,
we'll find something
you're good at.
So is we or ain't we
gonna try two points
of the compass again?
How'd that work out
for the rest of the gang?
We're doing a
bush-whacker style then.
Is there anything left?
I can take him.
A couple of
Alhoots in the ground
that might think differently.
All right.
You got any ideas on this trail?
I think I got an idea.
So who is the
most famous outlaw
who you've stood up against?
Trying to see
where you stack up?
Trying to see
where you stack up.
Well, you
ain't gonna like this,
but I done chased the
Farrington brothers.
Which served under Quantrill?
What happened with them boys?
Well, Hillary, I turned
over to the Pinkertons.
He got loose, but fell into
a paddle wheel after that.
There weren't enough left of
him to pour into a bucket.
And the brother?
I took him back to Tennessee.
Some vigilantes got
ahold of him though.
And yeah, he didn't
even make it to trial.
They just shot him
a couple of times
and then hung him
for good measure.
That's a rough way to go out.
That's Tennessee justice.
So what about you?
What about me?
Well, who's the most famous
gun you ever went up against?
Famous? I don't know.
I've fought some
awfully good Yankees
and a few half-decent
So nobody by name?
Well, like, what
do you mean by name?
Well there's any
number of Earps
or Mastersons you could
have gone up against.
You know how far
away them law men are?
Well, some of them
ain't so famous.
Well, them Earps
sure are famous.
You fight one, you
gotta fight 'em all.
And I didn't even stop
to ask about Doc
Holiday or Wild Bill.
Well, to their great fortune,
I never traveled to meet 'em.
So who did you shoot
to get so famous?
Well, it ain't about
who you done fought.
What is it about then?
It's a way of doing things.
Thought being a famous
gun fighter meant
you fought famous
people with guns.
Any man, woman, dog, or
bear here in Tennessee,
it's all gonna be the same.
Don't start a fuss, there
ain't gonna be a fuss.
Come on.
Funny place to leave a bucket.
Unless somebody else
seen a bear around here.
No, no, that's been
here a real long time.
Look, there's moss grown
up on one side of it.
I reckon not.
You know, you really do
read signs like a greenhorn.
Well, even if I did,
somebody lives around here.
Nothing around here.
Mines played out.
Farming's too hard.
Let's go.
What are you doing?
Trying to think
like my big brother.
I mean, he would say
we can't lead 'em here.
Well, we're not
leading nobody nowhere.
Well, they're following
us so we're leading.
I was told they were following
every points of the compass
and we closed off a
couple of them points.
Well, that's definitely
one way to think about it.
They probably think you're
let out for Missouri,
but you're going to Nashville.
I might just
yet make Missouri.
Well, I figure you're
gonna end up in Nashville.
May just get decided for us.
Howdy, part.
Looks like you got yourself
into a bit of trouble.
That's some trouble I wouldn't
mind getting into myself.
So it was you, Red?
Told you to shoot that
little girl last time.
I told you to slit her
throat if you wanted to.
I don't finish
other people's jobs.
What would be the fun of it
if she didn't live
to tell the tail?
So it was you.
Sure was.
Why'd you have to
break up the gang, Jesse?
It was my gang.
That's your problem.
You think you're
something you ain't.
Like you some sort of like
a wild, famous outlaw hero.
People gonna know sooner or
later that ain't the thing.
I've known you since
Quantrill's Raiders, Red.
That there. That's
another problem.
How is that a problem?
God damn it, Red.
Just shoot that
girl and talk later.
Now why is that?
Damn it.
You'll have me shoot a woman
before the end of this.
Now she's a tad runty
but I think we'll make
her last a day or two.
She's the one with
the shooting iron, Red.
Don't fool with her.
Don't speak for me.
I'm the one you
gotta worry about.
Worry about you?
You look bare handed, old part.
Nah, he's right.
He's the fellow we gotta watch
out for, bare handed or not.
So are we gonna chatter
like old maids or is
something gonna happen?
She's right, Mitt. So
are you gonna shoot her?
Well, I don't wanna
shoot or stab no woman,
but gonna slap one from
here to Kentucky and back.
What the hell, Mitt?
Anybody can do that.
You shoot her then.
Hey. Hey, nobody
gunning no woman.
Shut up, Jesse.
Don't talk like I'm not here.
Go on then.
Go on then, what?
Well, you said you wanted
to slap me from here
to Kentucky and back.
You stay out of this, Jesse.
I can't go too
far from the fracas.
I asked you to
stay out of this.
I ain't gonna stop
you from getting beaten
up if that's what you're asking.
You'll both be sorry.
So you like to
watch? Is that it then?
Something don't
seem right here.
Stop the lay of this land.
You best try to slap me.
Reckon we ought to
kill Jesse first.
So I was right.
Will you stop
confusing things, Red?
Don't keep talking
like I'm not here.
Slap me or draw.
Well, I never-
- Slap me or draw.
You're asking for it.
Why you!
Stand up and face me.
Face me, God damn it!
Come on, come on,
come on. Come on.
Come on.
Show yourself.
You show yourself.
You was right about the talking.
Now it's time for the killing.
I'm coming for you.
Kill you, boy!
Don't stop.
Let's keep running.
You won't neither be spared.
I'm coming for you, Jesse.
I'm so sorry, Belle.
I threw off your shot.
I should have let you take it.
I weren't trying to kill him.
Why the hell not?
I was saving him for you.
I can't stand and fight him.
I can't leave you here.
I can't leave you here, but
I can't stay here neither.
This whole time?
You wanna be mad
or happy about now?
Damn, you got more
strength than 10 men.
That ain't a compliment.
Just promise you're
gonna shoot better
than you did at them cans.
I actually do better
when they're shooting back.
Come on out here
and fight me square.
My idea of square ain't hiding
your yellow back
against some tree.
This all right by you?
See, now this here
looks like square.
I need to ask you one question.
I won't say words over
you, but I will bury you.
That is if throwing rocks on
you is considered a burial.
Well, it's more than
what I'll do for you,
but that ain't my question.
Go ahead.
What was you saying
about Quantrill?
That mind of yours,
it's slow, but it do work.
Well, my pappy always says
slow and steady wins the race.
How long he been dead anyhow?
I asked you about Quantrill.
You never should
have left Quantrill
and moved on with bloody
Bill back to Missouri.
Well, Quantrill
died in Kentucky.
So maybe that worked
out for all of us.
And so did Bloody Bill.
And them Yankee boys dragged
his body through the streets.
What's that got
to do with anything?
William Quantrill, he was a
man, a man you could follow.
But that saddle Bloody
Bill tried to fix me up on.
Never did fit just right.
You could have gone with
George Todd and his men.
Of course, Todd is also
dead as it happens.
I wanted my own men.
Well, maybe you could have
got 'em once Bloody Bill died.
Of course they started
following little Arch Clement
who also is dead last I know.
Or maybe they'd be
alive if they followed me.
I reckon Bud, Mitten,
and old, Toothless John
Taint may say different.
Bloody Bill's men, they
should have been my men,
and that would have
made all this worth it.
I don't caught on what
you're getting at, Red.
Jesse, it was me that told
Sam Cox and them Union boys
where to find Bill Anderson
that day in Missouri.
You did what?
It didn't turn out
the way I wanted, Jesse.
You don't have to shot a gun.
You didn't check to see
which direction the
gun was pointed.
I reckon not, but as the
crow flies, them men are dead.
And you and me, we above ground.
For now.
For now.
Bloody Bill was
like a father to me.
I know that.
You know, at first I
was doing this for myself
and then I was doing it for
that little girl back there.
But I suppose in the end, it
all comes back to Bloody Bill.
You and I, we both
died with those men.
I reckon we should
have stayed dead.
It's all right. I'm here.
Got you a little souvenir.
The gang?
It's dead.
Reckon it has been dead
for a long time now.
And what happened at
Sugar Hollow along with it.
You know, for
some people maybe.
And for others, not so
much. I know how that feels.
I reckon I do too.
It's all right.
Those two men.
What two men?
Those two back there,
you rode half the bounty.
It ain't
my line of work exactly.
All right.
Here. Here, come on.
All right.
You okay?
That's enough for now.
Looks like the bullet
passed cleaned through.
If it don't hurt like
pure hell though.
Well, I haven't
done shot twice.
I reckon you can survive it.
Well, matter of fact,
I reckon you can survive
just about anything.
I don't like the way
you're looking, Jesse.
What you got on
your mind, Jesse?
You know, all this time
I've been treating
you like a woman,
but you done fought like a man
so now I'm gonna
treat you like a man.
Damn it, Jesse.
And a man, I leave
tied up to a tree
and walk away before
we have a gun fight.
Jesse, don't make me chase you!
You got a face like a horse toe.
Howdy, Jesse?
I can never sneak
you up on you, Frank.
Them hawk eyes.
Actually, I done smelled you.
Y'all been living rough?
Maybe a little.
You ain't wearing a gun no more?
If I need to scare a
fox out of the hen house.
Now that is a soulful thing
to hear Frank James today.
It's a good life,
little brother.
Well, I'm glad you can
make it out to the end of it.
My days ain't so full,
and I like it that way.
How about you?
Is the James Gang dead for good?
I don't know.
I might make my way up to
Missouri one more time.
I'm getting itchy feet.
More like the
the itchy finger.
Well, you know me
too well, I reckon.
I do.
You know, think Liddil's
out on the Alhoot trail again.
You know those two brothers,
Charlie and Bob Ford.
Ain't never heard of them.
I reckon they ain't the
Younger brothers though.
They probably ain't.
But even so I'd like to see
what kind of outlaws they is.
The James Gang
rides one more time.
Just a James
rides one more time.