Jesse Stone: Benefit of the Doubt (2012) Movie Script

Looks like
it's clearing up.
What was the message when you
answered the page, Skipper?
DeAngelo, why do you
call me Skipper?
You don't like being
called Skipper?
I didn't say that.
I asked you why.
I don't know.
Seems kind of cop-ly.
I'll just call you Chief.
Now that I have
you back,
I want you happy.
Call me Skipper.
The caller said
some kids started a fire
out on the point
and they were worried
about their house.
It was raining.
They leave
their address?
They hung up.
Eh, probably...
A crank.
A police officer
cannot afford to be wrong.
It has
to be checked out.
He hated
me calling him Skipper.
Have you seen him?
I don't like him.
I didn't ask
if you liked him.
I asked if you'd seen him.
Doesn't seem
that anyone has,
not for months.
He didn't...
Like you.
Why do you think?
Beats me.
What's not to like?
Made me do stupid things.
He made me feel...
He's not someone who should
spend a lot of time alone.
He made me order a hat.
Why did he make you
order a hat?
Because it was
a stupid thing.
He didn't like
the color of our hats.
He wanted one in...
Navy blue.
And on the back
he had me embroider...
Can I ask you a
question, Skipper?
How do I always know
what you're going to say?
Yeah, you finish my sentences.
It's a gift.
I sure don't
see any smoke.
It still has to be
checked out, Anthony.
Do you remember
where you ordered that hat?
You want a blue hat?
You know, when I said
it was a stupid thing,
I didn't mean the hat
itself was stupid.
Making me do it
was stupid.
I could have been
writing parking tickets.
I want a blue hat.
But you want "Skipper"
on the back?
How about "Chief"?
If you're lost
you might be talking
to the wrong guy.
Hello, Jesse.
Hello, Hasty.
Your front door was unlocked.
Oh, my God.
Your phone's disconnected.
It is.
Councilman Hansen.
We need to talk.
They said
he couldn't have felt
Uh, we wanted to talk to you
on our way out there...
I'm sorry,
Mr. Hansen.
- How can I help?
- He was such
a fine boy.
I know you didn't like him.
I don't think I ever said that.
You know,
my daughter is...
My grandson...
...doesn't understand.
What do you know?
The State Homicide commander
is on the scene,
and as official representatives
of Paradise,
we need to be kept
up to speed,
but he's not going
to tell us anything.
You have no need to know.
I know that he is
your friend.
Can you help us?
I have no authority.
He is my friend
and he's a good cop,
but he's not going
to tell you anything.
I'm sorry, sir. No one is
allowed beyond this point.
Uh, I don't think
you know who we are.
We represent
the Paradise Town Council.
This is Carter Hansen--
he's our president.
His son-in-law was killed
in the accident.
I'm Jesse Stone,
Paradise Police Chief.
Temp chief.
No temp, just chief.
Is that correct?
That is correct.
Chief Stone, would you
like to come with me?
I'm sorry.
You'll have to stay here.
But we're the
town council.
I'm sorry, Mr. Hansen.
Is William still down there?
Yes, sir, two bodies.
It's a crime scene.
I understand.
You're calling it a crime scene.
this wasn't an accident.
Chief Stone.
Hell of a way to get
back in the game.
Back for good?
I think we just
settled that.
Is this a great country
or what?
You said "bodies."
Yep, two of them.
His deputy was driving him--
an Officer Anthony DeAngelo.
You know him?
I fired him.
Hansen shouldn't
see this.
Nothing left to
identify, really.
Fire took care
of that.
What caused the fire?
Explosion-- big one.
You want to kill a cop,
why be so conspicuous?
Talk to me before you leave.
You're back?
I'm back.
They won't let me
do anything, Jesse.
What'd you tell 'em?
That I'm the part-time
medical examiner.
It's my job, Jesse.
They have no reason.
Did you show 'em
your card?
I only had my
pediatrician card.
That would be a reason.
Did you touch anything?
I didn't pollute the
crime scene, Jesse.
How'd you know?
I always listen to police radio
with my morning coffee.
That's good police work, Doc.
I'm the Paradise police chief.
This is my M.E.
Peter Perkins.
May I?
I know you didn't
like Chief Butler.
I don't think I ever said that.
He had a kid.
What do you think?
I think they're dead.
The explosion came from the
outside, from underneath.
If it was Iraq,
I'd know what to think.
The Feds come in on this,
they'll screw it up.
It isn't terrorism.
No, it's not.
That was where
the spare tire should be.
A lot of cash.
What's in the packages?
What do you think?
I think a cop deserves
the benefit of the doubt.
My guys will keep this in house.
If you say so.
I say so.
Jesse, this is a State
Homicide operation.
Don't invent anything
on your own.
I always knew
I'd get my job back.
Fate wouldn't do that to me.
If you say so.
You have violated a protected area.
The police have been called.
Leave immediately.
You have violated
a protected area.
The police have been called.
Leave immediately.
You have violated
a protected area.
The police have been called.
Leave immediately.
You have violated
a protected area.
The police have been called.
Leave immediately.
You have violated
a protected area.
The police have been called.
I'm looking for one
of your tenants.
What's with the hat?
You're acting like you're
the police chief.
I am the police chief.
Since when?
Since today.
I know, it's April,
and I'm overwatering.
It's not that.
Damn shame about Chief Butler.
It is.
Rose's husband.
Do you have a warrant, Chief?
It's not that kind
of thing, Stan.
He's probably on a monthly.
Well, we have
a lot of those, Jesse.
As you might remember.
You also might remember I have
a policy of confidentiality.
It's given me
many repeat customers.
Perhaps you could think
of me as a former tenant.
Why did you leave anyway?
You know I fixed
the leak in your unit,
got rid
of the moldy carpet.
Jim Gammon.
Cottage 30.
Hello, Jesse.
I'm looking for Rose.
You didn't expect
to find her here.
I did not.
You don't know, do you?
What don't I know?
I thought you were close.
We are close.
But you don't know
where she is.
That's correct.
She took my kids away from me.
Can you think of a reason?
I know a lot about divorce.
I don't have to talk to you.
You got somebody
you can talk to?
I know someone.
She sold the house.
You're such a good friend?
Find her.
Some kids have started a bonfire
out on the point, okay?
I'm worried about my house.
Some kids have started a bonfire
out on the point, okay?
I'm worried about my house.
Where's Molly?
You mean Rose.
Why am I always
calling Rose Molly?
I have no idea, Hasty.
So where is Molly?
She quit to have baby.
Wait a minute.
Didn't she quit to have a baby?
When was that?
Three years ago.
So, where's Rose?
She's not here.
Well, who's manning the phones?
No one.
You think that's wise?
I don't.
This is an emergency;
I think you should call Rose
Tell her to come in.
I don't think I can do that.
My sense is she quit.
No, Luther quit.
He did.
So, where's Rose?
She quit.
How do you know?
Because no one's
manning the phones.
What do you know?
I know she left town.
No, I mean about the murders.
How do you know it's murder?
Well, they sure didn't
blow themselves up.
What do you know?
I can't tell you.
Why can't you tell me?
Because I'm the police chief.
I represent the town council.
Hasty, you just got back on.
Carter Hansen's the president.
He represents the town council.
Jesse, how do you think
you got your job back?
You think
Carter Hansen wanted it?
I wouldn't think so.
I'm very fond of you, Jesse.
I know that, Hasty.
Was that the phone message
that sent them to the point?
You weren't supposed
to hear that.
I think that Butler was mixed up
in something illegal.
You're not a cop, Hasty.
What do you know?
You need someone
manning the phones.
Skeffington, Skeffington,
cast your vote for Skeffington
He's the man
With a plan
that'll work for you and me
He's no fool, he's for you
He's our favorite son
Hurry up, hurry up...
I hope I didn't
keep you waiting.
I came as soon
as I got your message.
My cell phone doesn't
get reception at my house.
I always wanted
a son.
Do you think State Homicide
is holding back information?
Couldn't say.
Do you feel up to answering
a few questions?
I've talked at length
with my daughter,
but she and my
grandson need time.
I understand, sir.
When was the last time
your daughter saw her husband?
He left about 5:30
yesterday morning.
Was that unusual?
Well, not lately.
My son-in-law's been putting in
a great deal of time
at work.
He's been
We should know more by now.
In an investigation like this,
particularly with the death
of police officers, they
will be concerned that details
would alert and inform
whoever did this.
If somebody wanted to kill
two police officers
and they wanted to
get away with it,
why would they
be so blatant?
Why wouldn't they make it
look like an accident?
I would only be speculating.
Well, go ahead. Speculate.
I can't, Mr. Hansen.
I'm aware of the difficulties
we've had in the past, but...
I'd appreciate it
if you'd call me Carter.
When did you first hear
about the explosion?
from State Homicide.
And you called Hasty.
Well, Hasty
already knew,
so we decided to go
out there together.
Do you know of anything specific
that your son-in-law
was working on?
He kept so much inside.
I'm gonna need your help,
I will have to talk
to your daughter.
Will you tell me when
you think she's up to it?
I know you're a good
cop, Chief Stone.
Get the man who killed my son.
There were times
I hated him.
Why did you hate him?
Because he wasn't me.
You mean because
you weren't him.
He had my job.
Did you ever wish
he were dead?
Apparently, I wasn't shy
about telling people
I didn't like him.
I thought I only thought it.
How do you feel
about that?
How do I feel
about that?
I didn't like him.
He didn't make me lost my job.
That was solely
my accomplishment.
Are you gonna
obsess about this?
Because you're
guilty about
how you feel?
'Cause I'm a cop.
That's relatively healthy.
Thank you.
I've lost my people.
What happened?
Suitcase didn't
like Butler,
so he quit.
And that's
your fault?
What about Rose?
She was my friend,
and I lost touch.
Did she like Butler?
So she quit.
And that's your fault, too?
Did I ever
tell you that
you have a hyperactive
sense of responsibility?
Several times.
Hasty told me
the town council felt they both
had been infected by me.
That guy is
a piece of work.
How can you believe anything
that comes out of his mouth?
I sift through his words
for partial truths.
Well, let me get this straight--
he hires you
because you're a drunk
and thinks he can control you.
You prove he can't.
You send him to prison for
laundering money for Gino Fish.
He gets out of prison,
starts up a car dealership with
no visible financial backing.
That would be him.
What's your take on the murders?
You miss being a cop, don't you?
Every day.
But being a cop was toxic
for me-- made me drink.
Being a cop's the only thing
that makes me drink less.
Word in Paradise is
that Butler was dirty.
Small town.
So, you think he was dirty.
I didn't say that.
A cop deserves
the benefit of the doubt.
It's Jesse.
Is it as cold there as it is
in Toledo, Jesse?
I would have no way
of knowing, Mary.
How'd you know?
I didn't.
It's okay, Mom.
Hi, Jesse.
Hello, Rose.
Why didn't you tell me
your chair was
so uncomfortable?
I'm sitting at your desk.
Why are you sitting at my desk?
Because I'm the police chief.
You're the retired police chief.
Just police chief.
You told me
you'd get your job back.
You said, "Fate wouldn't
do this to me."
Not like this.
How are Chief Butler's
wife and family?
You heard.
I heard.
Well, I haven't talked to him.
I'm trying to give him
some time.
Carter Hansen's devastated.
He loved his son-in-law;
he loved him
like a son.
Does April 24
mean anything to you?
What's it mean?
It's my anniversary.
Why would you
bring that up now, Jesse?
I didn't. I mean...
I'm sorry, Rose. I...
was trying to find out if
Butler was working on anything.
Well, he wasn't
given to sharing.
He was even worse than you.
Did he seem...
Preoccupied? Yes.
He even shut
his office door sometimes
before he made a phone call.
Maybe he was calling home.
No, he didn't shut his door
like he was calling home.
Is that helpful?
It is.
Is that why you called?
Don't shrug.
I called to talk to you.
You could've told me
you were leaving.
The phone works
both ways, Jesse.
So why are you calling now?
I called now because...
Why is this so hard?
I called now because I miss you.
I'm sorry that
I lost touch, Jesse.
Well, it's hard to keep
in touch with someone
who doesn't want to be found.
You gonna come home?
I hope I can.
I hope you will.
Bye, Jesse.
Come back to Paradise,
Figured it out yet?
I'm the State Homicide
not God.
I thought they were
the same thing.
Think how disappointed
I am.
"It's an ongoing
All I can say at this point is,
we cannot rule out foul play."
I thought it was
appropriately obtuse.
"I have nothing more
to say at this time."
Now, you, you could have been
a little more eloquent?
Have you ever known me
to be eloquent?
Not hardly.
So we bought a little time.
Very little.
How much was in the duffle bag?
We reckon
about $100,000.
And the powder
was heroin.
High-end smack.
What's that
tell you?
Butler was dirty.
Or somebody set him up.
You never liked him.
I don't think I
ever said that.
Oh, yes, you did.
A cop deserves
the benefit of the doubt.
Well, I can see
the heroin,
but to burn up $100,000
on a setup...
No, he was dirty.
If he was dirty, who killed him?
A rival or the guys
he was working with.
If you blow up a cop,
it makes news.
Why not make it look
like an accident?
Somebody had a grudge.
Or somebody set him up.
If the guys he was working with
wanted to kill him,
they wouldn't burn the money.
Yeah, but if it was a rival,
how would he know
he was blowing up the money?
And if Butler was a good cop
who was onto something,
you'd burn a hundred grand
just to make him look dirty.
I don't deal in ifs.
I deal in certainty.
Well, it's certain
a hundred grand's
a lot of money to burn.
Whose case is this,
yours or mine?
Who defers to who?
It is State Homicide's policy
to defer to local authorities.
It's State Homicide's policy
to defer to local authorities
when it is appropriate
and effective.
So, other than the fact
that you think he's clean,
what do you know so far,
Chief Stone?
The explosion was caused by...
An I.E.D.
I thought you didn't know anything.
Knowing and supposing
are two different things.
We've identified
five veterans,
all with experience
in explosives,
all with criminal records,
all who live in the vicinity.
That's good police work,
Captain Healy.
We were able
to run down four,
but the fifth one-- Thompson--
he's closer to you.
So you're deferring
to local authority.
I am...
in this instance.
What's with the hat?
You got
your job back.
I sensed that you did.
Did you now?
Actually, I read the paper.
What was he doing
on the beach road?
He got a complaint.
It was obviously bogus.
The caller knew exactly
what to say and not to say
to get 'em to show up.
Butler would know that.
Still got to be
checked out.
He would do that?
Got him killed.
You didn't like him.
I don't think I ever said that.
Yes, you did, Jesse.
You going out?
A couple of days.
Got to shake down some new
equipment, come back in,
then the Grand Banks.
Be careful out there.
You come here
to tell me that?
I did not.
He had a kid.
He did.
Rose quit.
She did last week.
Because of Butler?
The divorce.
She had to sell
the house.
She left town.
My sense is, she'd go
to her mom's in Toledo.
She went to her
mom's in Toledo.
We lost touch.
We did.
You're a good cop, Suitcase.
So are you, Jesse.
It's important
that you remember that.
You'll find out
who did this.
Something's going
to happen on the 24th.
Besides that.
My cop-ly intuition
is a little rusty.
It'll happen
at 2:00 in the morning.
My sense is that ten
would designate a sum of money.
You got a feeling.
Donuts are cop-ly.
Cast off, Luther.
Okay, Dad.
I can't go back, Jesse.
I was born into this life.
This is where I belong.
Mr. Thompson?
Mr. Thompson, police.
my medical examiner needs
to be brought up to speed.
Thank you, Jesse.
Chief Stone.
I was on my way
home, so...
What happens
to the dog?
Animal Control
will take care of it.
I hear your... your
medical examiner
is also your
town pediatrician.
His heart and gut
are in the right place.
That's all that
matters to you?
That's about it.
You just put down
your dog.
Maybe you should
take him home.
Sir, found this.
Yeah, good.
So, what do you think?
About the dog?
I think it looks
like he hung himself.
I think he hung himself.
Not the same thing.
("Save Your Love for Me"
Wish I knew
Why I'm so in love with you
No one else
in this world will do
Darling, save your love
For me
Run away
If I were wise
I would run away
But like a fool in love
I stay
And pray you'll save
your love for me.
Guy lives alone
away from other people.
Only companion was a dog.
Now that can be toxic.
Reggie's not my dog.
I was talking
about the deceased.
This is the best drink I've had
since I was shot.
It's the only drink you've had
since you were shot.
It's too easy.
Some cases are hard.
And some are easy;
I know the speech.
Thompson was a junkie.
Small-time seller.
Who was he working for?
Got his knowledge
from the military.
And with the
bomb-making stuff
and the cell phone detonator
in the cellar,
I think we got a slam dunk.
It sounds like you're trying
to convince yourself.
Who'd he work for
last time he was busted?
We think it was Gino Fish.
Does this mean anything to you?
No, is that a clue?
No, it's my laundry list.
That's not funny.
The guy made the bomb;
he killed the chief.
Like I said.
And somebody killed him.
Whoever set him up.
You're an addict;
you get a big payday.
Next morning you're full
of smack and cooling out,
but you manage to fight
through it and conjure up
enough remorse to hang yourself.
You're making my head hurt.
A cop deserves
the benefit of the doubt.
Wife's waitin'.
Think about the dog.
I can't do a thing,
I'm so in love with you.
So darling, help me please
Have mercy on a
Fool like me
I know I'm lost but still I plead
Darling, please save your love
for me.
You can have fun in a crowd
But for crying out loud
Darling, please save your love
for me.
Lonely place.
It is.
No one knows.
I don't want to piss off my ex.
I use to do that.
So you said.
But you're still
in love with her.
I am.
Must make it hard to commit
to another woman.
Not for the short term.
Never met a man who couldn't
commit for the short term.
Most men wouldn't have
told me about the ex-wife.
So they could get you
into bed.
So they could
get me into bed.
That doesn't mean
I don't want to.
Don't get your hopes up.
My hopes are always up.
Do I have to call
you Chief now?
Only when you feel
so moved.
I'm sleeping with a cop.
You've always been sleeping
with a cop.
I just wasn't
getting paid for it.
Does anyone know?
Who would that be?
Your roommate knows.
He won't talk.
Do you have time for sex?
If we hurry.
You never hurry.
I have a job now.
I have to close the place.
I have to open
the station early.
That's sad.
What are you looking at?
I'm breaking the law.
You're driving
and talking on your cell phone.
It's okay. I'm the police chief.
It occurred to me
Butler used a computer.
It was in the cruiser.
Not much left of it.
One of my college guys managed
to retrieve some of his e-mails.
How do they do that?
I have no idea.
So far, none of the e-mails show
anything incriminating
or exculpatory.
Can you keep a lid on this
till the 24th?
Because something's
gonna happen on the 24th.
Is that a guess?
No, it's a hunch.
You see a difference?
A hunch is a guess
that has certainty.
Jesse, you can't suppose
yourself into certainty.
I would disagree.
You said the guy
who hanged himself
might have worked for Gino Fish.
Gino didn't do this.
How do you know?
'Cause he's too smart
to kill a cop,
and it's not his style.
Is that a guess?
No, that's a hunch.
License and
registration, please.
May I go in the glove box?
You may.
Arthur Gallery.
I prefer Art.
Why have you
stopped me, Officer?
I prefer Chief,
and you were speeding, Art.
I was not speeding, Chief.
Sure you were.
I was speeding,
and you were following me.
You were also following me
on the turnpike yesterday.
Would you step
out of the car, please.
Put your hands on
the hood of the car.
Why do I think
you know this routine?
You have no
probable cause, okay?
This is my town.
There's no dash cam
in the cruiser
to protect you so you can
toy with the Constitution.
What, no clever response?
If you're armed,
you best tell me now.
If you don't and I find a piece,
I'll just throw it on the seat,
and say I saw it there.
I'm not armed.
You're not going to search me?
I just did.
What's in the trunk?
You have no
probable cause, Chief.
Arthur, please don't make me
start over.
It's my deer rifle.
What's the light for, Arthur?
You can't hunt at night.
Where's the magazine?
It's in a separate pouch, okay?
Is the magazine loaded?
Yes, it is, Chief.
Congratulations, Arthur.
You just passed the state test.
So, how long do think
it would take you
to grab the loaded magazine,
insert it in your rifle,
chamber a round and be ready
for the next deer...
or whatever?
I haven't timed it.
I think you have.
You're free to go, Arthur.
Drive carefully.
You're not gonna issue
a citation
for speeding, Chief?
I am not.
I'm going to give you
a warning instead.
Don't follow me around.
Have you talked to your ex-wife?
I'm trying not to.
I didn't ask you that.
Have you talked to Jenn?
I haven't talked to Jenn
since before I lost my job.
Is that a good thing?
Too soon to tell.
Are you drinking?
I always drink.
Are you drinking a lot?
Probably less than
if I'd been talking to Jenn.
So, that's a good thing.
I didn't say that.
No, I said that.
Why is this so hard?
You come to me for help,
and then you fight me.
It's my nickel.
I don't want
to make it too easy.
You are a subversive
son of a bitch.
I guess
if I'm drinking less,
that would be a good thing.
Well, there's a breakthrough,
sort of.
Are you seeing anyone?
I'm seeing you.
I have been seeing someone.
Is that a good thing?
It helped me stay together
after I lost my job.
We've become pals who have sex.
Do you like her?
I do.
Women usually want more.
Oh, she's more afraid
of commitment than I am.
I'm paying you 180 bucks
an hour, right?
That's correct.
Our breakthrough
came too early.
Put on your cop hat.
Be careful with that.
I'm hoping it's a clue.
Obviously some kind of code.
Whoever wrote it wanted to keep
this information a secret.
Butler wrote it.
One always reads backwards
on notes of this nature.
How do you know that?
Do you my cop-ly opinion or not?
I do.
I used to do this kind of work
for a living.
H-10 probably means
a location, or a name
and a location.
What's that mean?
"H-10 is probably a location,
or a name and a location?"
Which is it?
I don't know.
What's it say to you?
I think it says
Butler was onto something,
and it got him
and DeAngelo killed.
Well, thinking's
not good enough.
I'm a hunch guy,
not an evidence guy.
If my gut gives me certainty,
that's all I need.
Convictions are based
on evidence.
I don't care about convictions.
I care about justice.
Morning, Thelma.
Morning, Jesse.
You called me.
Did you see what
she is wearing?
I'm obsessed with her.
What about Cissy?
Oh, I'm trying to move on
from my ex-wife.
As am I.
What does that mean?
It means I am trying to move on
from my ex-wife, also.
I was hoping
you could fix me up.
With Thelma? That would assume
she wants to go out with you.
You know the only reason that
she works here selling cars
is so she can sing
in a club at night.
Do you think I
should go down there?
I wouldn't do that, Hasty.
No, you're right.
She'll think
I'm coming on too strong.
Might even consider it
sexual harassment.
No, I think what
I'm gonna do is,
I am gonna sit back,
I am gonna bide my time,
play it cool.
Why do you do that?
It's who I am.
do you think he was mixed up
in something illegal?
That's the second time
you've said that.
And could you turn
that thing off?
Come on, Jesse.
The way he was killed
makes it look
like he was mixed up
in something.
Exactly. It makes it look like
he was mixed up in something.
Clearly, State Homicide
is holding back information.
Carter Hansen
said the same thing.
They always hold back
Well, what do you know?
Okay, what I know is
that Hansen's gonna
get rid of you, Jesse,
as soon as he finds
somebody else.
I do not have a problem
with Hansen, nor he me.
How'd you know?
About the bombing.
He said you already knew.
Why would State
Homicide call you and not
the rest of the town council?
No, they didn't.
Look, Hansen was in shock.
All I knew was that
something was wrong
as soon as I heard his voice.
No, he's just confused.
I'm sorry, Hasty.
It's just the cop in me.
He's pretty beat up by this.
Was Butler working on something?
Nothing I can find.
Does 2A-H-10
mean anything to?
It just sounds like
some kind of code.
He-He was very
In fact, he was
worse than you.
Now, I can help you
with his laptop. I know
you're computer-
I prefer Luddite, and it was
destroyed in the explosion.
That's a serious blow
to the investigation.
I know I owe you, Hasty.
You gave me the job
in the first place.
So, here's what
I can tell you.
I'm the only cop
who thinks he wasn't dirty.
The killer knew
that Butler was going to be
on the Beach Road
and where he was going.
following me around.
And something's gonna happen
on the 24th.
What's going to happen
on the 24th?
That is something I do not know.
I can help you with this.
I'm very fond
of you, Jesse.
Hello, Amanda.
Hello, Jesse.
You remembered my name.
You're on the list.
Your list?
Mr. Fish's list.
Can I ask you something?
Do I have a choice?
You called me by my first name.
That's not a question.
That's not a question, Jesse.
I know
that's not a question, Amanda.
What was your question?
What was your question, Jesse?
I know you're shy and afraid
to break the ice, so I'll start.
Could I see you sometime?
I see.
Actually, that was only part
of my question.
I'm sorry. Was I rude?
You were direct.
I like direct.
Can I see you sometime,
and would you walk over
to that door and punch me in?
Because I like watching you.
I'm too young for you.
I'm hurt.
Just coffee.
Where are you taking me,
You came to
see Mr. Fish?
That's correct.
I'm taking you
to see Mr. Fish.
Is he in an underground bunker?
I hardly think so.
You don't like me,
do you, Steven?
I do not.
Wait here.
Wait here, Jesse.
Jesse Stone to see you, sir.
Jesse Stone.
Hello, Gino.
Oh, I see your PPD hat has found
its way back onto your head.
This is H.
Henry Uppman,
an associate.
Jesse Stone
is from Paradise.
He's the temp police chief.
Just chief.
Oh, congratulations.
Thank you.
I heard about your former chief.
It was a horrible tragedy.
His name was William Butler,
and he was murdered.
I see. Is that why you're here?
Well, we haven't visited
in a while.
And I've missed
our little chats.
I'm sorry. I was busy.
Doing what, Jesse Stone?
Being preoccupied.
And why are you wearing the hat,
Jesse Stone?
Because I missed it.
I'm afraid
I have more sad news, Gino.
Would you remember a former
employee named James Thompson?
I know of no such person.
Perhaps you remember him
as Jimmy.
I know of no such person.
Why do you ask?
Jimmy hanged himself yesterday.
How sad.
So, this is an official visit?
In a let's-get-reacquainted
sort of way.
Mr. Fish will not be answering
any more of your questions.
How sad.
It was nice seeing you
again, Jesse Stone.
Some kids have started a bonfire
out on the point, okay?
I'm worried about my house.
Some kids have started a bonfire
out on the point, okay?
I'm worried about my house.
...okay? I'm worried
about my house.
What were you thinking?
Excuse me?
What were you thinking
when you asked me out?
I didn't ask you out.
I asked
if I could see you sometime.
And the difference would be?
Excuse me?
The rules between a meeting
and a date are different.
And this would be...?
This would be a meeting.
I'm too young for you.
You mean I'm too old for you.
Not necessarily.
That was kind.
I didn't mean
it to be.
It was direct.
I see.
No, you don't.
I'm not ready.
I see.
Don't keep saying that--
because you don't see.
The idea has always
appealed to me.
I see.
I do see.
You're not ready.
Amanda, what's gonna
happen on the 24th?
Nothing, Jesse.
I have no plans.
So, why did you ask me out?
Why do you want to know?
Because I've kissed
a few frogs in my day.
I see.
You make me curious.
About you.
I like curious.
So, do you like working
in the field
of boxing?
Yes. I like men.
Okay. Is that all you do
for Mr. Fish?
I'm his executive assistant.
In the boxing business?
In the boxing business.
Must be nice
working for the boss.
It is.
Although Mr. Fish has a boss.
Mr. Fish has a boss?
I just said that.
And who would the boss be?
I don't know.
I've never seen him.
Clearly, this isn't about me.
What happens
on the 24th?
I don't know.
You don't know
or you won't tell me?
Does Gino Fish
have a boss?
He's the sole owner
of GF Boxing Promotions,
and he runs the show
on his dark side,
and he didn't do it.
Is that a guess or a hunch?
He has an ironclad alibi.
What'd he say?
He didn't.
His lawyer informed us.
H. Henry Uppman.
He's highly skilled
in the art of criminal defense.
Guy's a putz.
Because he used to be
a prosecutor, and now
he's a criminal
defense attorney.
Did you pay Gino a visit?
I did.
My college boys are getting
nowhere with the laptop.
I think it's a total loss.
I know he was on to something.
Is this a hunch?
I got to make something happen.
Whose investigation
is this, Jesse?
I'm not sure that
was ever decided.
We're gonna go public with
some of this in the morning.
Maybe somebody'll
step forward.
I asked you to wait.
I never said I would, or could.
Guy's got a family.
I know that.
I was right:
you never hurry.
You sing like an angel.
Thank you, Jesse.
You're way overqualified
for that joint.
They let me sing.
You ever want to wear
that underwear again
in front of a grown man,
I'm your guy.
You're different now that
you have your job back.
Is that a good thing?
Ever since I've known you,
there was a part of you
that wasn't present.
And now?
There's a smaller part.
You love being a cop.
I do.
Why'd you come to Paradise?
You haven't asked
me that before?
I'm not cruel.
No, you're not.
Could be hurtful to ask
a cop who can't be a cop
why he became the
Paradise police chief.
But you're curious?
You make me curious.
Paradise was
my last stop.
I got fired in L.A.
Being drunk on the job.
Your boss hired me.
Thought you put him in prison.
I did.
He assumed that with my history,
I'd be manageable.
But you're not.
No, I'm not.
His ex-wife's
a real piece of work.
I have found that to be true.
She took him for everything.
How'd he get the money
to start a used car business?
That is a question for which
I do not have the answer,
and he is not forthcoming
when I mention it.
Does he ever tell you
he's very fond of you?
Only when he
needs something.
This wasn't
easy to get
under the conditions
you specified.
That no one knew
you were getting it?
Do you want to know
why I wanted it?
You said don't ask.
I want to say something,
and I don't want to scare you.
Fire away.
You helped me through
the hardest time in my life.
I was thinking of stopping by.
You gonna be around later?
Yes, the car's
in great condition.
It hasn't been
in any accidents.
That's right.
And the mileage
is very low.
Only 23,867.
And the original owner...
Congratulations, Jesse,
you actually made
an appointment.
Thelma's in particularly
fine form today.
We need to talk, Hasty.
Jesse, you
cannot afford
one of my cars.
Oh. Sit down.
what's gonna happen on the 24th?
I thought getting my job back
would straighten me out.
How is the drinking thing?
I got wasted last night.
Are you getting help?
I'm not about to see a shrink.
Well, is there
someone you can talk to
or confide in?
I think you just got elected.
I've been a cop
for a long time, Hasty,
and my gut's always
served me, but...
I have to apologize.
For what?
I'm just not...
thinking right.
You know, you were so persistent
about wanting to know
what I know,
and you've never told me how you
got the money for this place.
You take two small
unrelated things,
find your dinner in a bottle of
scotch, and look what you get.
What do you get?
Well, somewhere
around my third drink,
I had it all figured out.
When I busted you, you weren't
laundering money for Gino Fish.
You just pled to it
to cover up
something bigger.
Did you keep drinking?
I did.
The more I drank,
the more it made sense.
You weren't working for Gino;
he was working for you.
You were the boss.
You ran the
narcotics operation,
even from prison.
And I felt it
with such certainty.
And in the morning?
All I felt was a headache.
That's when I called you.
Why are you
telling me all this?
I owe you, Hasty.
Look, i-it was a crazy idea,
but, I don't know,
it made me feel... disloyal.
So for what it's worth,
I'm sorry.
I'm very fond of you, Jesse.
Thank you.
I think I know
where this came from.
Where would that be?
Well, I couldn't face the fact
that a fellow cop was dirty,
that his drug deal went bad,
he knew too much,
You've had a rough time.
Anyway... thanks for listening.
Oh, good news.
State Homicide thinks they found
a way into Butler's computer.
They should have everything
by this evening.
I guess...
it'll incriminate Butler.
It's gonna be hard
on his family.
Yeah. I'll walk you out.
Wait a minute.
Uh, Thelma-- come here--
you remember Jesse?
I do.
Thelma is in the process
of closing a very big deal,
a Bentley Continental.
Thanks, Hasty.
Nice seeing you, Thelma.
And you, Jesse.
I'm very fond of him.
We got to move it up.
I know I'm not speaking
in a foreign tongue.
The 24th is a no-go.
Um, 6:00 tonight.
No, I know
that daylight is a risk,
but risk is the price you pay
for opportunity, my friend.
No, I don't want you
to tell them that.
Just tell them to be there.
Let me get that
for you, Mr. Hathaway.
No, this stays with me.
Thank you, Hal.
Will you be leaving us
for long, sir?
Just a couple of days.
A lot of luggage.
Yeah, well,
if my business
gets complicated
I may need to
extend my stay.
I would remind you
that it's...
none of your
business, Hal.
Thank you, sir.
I told you it wasn't Gino.
I told you it wasn't Butler.
The deceased shooter,
Arthur Gallery,
had no priors.
But he was
a person of interest in three
separate murders
in three different locations.
Now I could've told you all this
if you'd given me a name.
All I had was a traffic stop.
You could've called me sooner.
I wasn't sure what I had.
Besides, your people got
there in a timely fashion.
So what pushed you to Hasty?
Maintenance records
on the cruiser.
Hasty's shop pulled maintenance
on Butler's cruiser
two days prior.
So you used, uh...
what do you call it?
Carefully applied pressure.
From day one, he always assumed
he was smarter than me.
So you knew
he planted the money.
I had a hunch.
So in Jesse's world
there was certainty.
But when I saw his eyes,
there was.
No word on Hasty.
From day one, I always assumed
I was smarter than him.
He's a resourceful
son of a bitch.
He'll turn up.
If you say so.
Changed my mind.